Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 30, 1903, Image 3

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'Ii . . . . _ _ , . .
Prelates at Rome Engaged
in Game of Po1itics !
" ' ' ecretar of state Has EIle-
. 'f' .
: mics 111 College
Horne .1111 y 25-1'ho nearer the con- ,
-cIa \ ' ( ! upprolehcs : the mOle two dls.
llnct telldel1lJ1es alc shown In the
1:1 ; [ : cd cnl1c e epcclal1y a mOIJt ( : the
arcllnals of tire f lIrln , that Is to sal
those lIvlllg In HOllie , but which the
rardillals frolll the pru\'lnces as well
: hs the f"rel n cardinals cannot help
I imrLlclpatlllg.
I . 'l'ho5.u twu tendencies sprtn" from.
he persol1allty of Rampolla
ns the Hlcat stru gle continues to be
1n his fawr or ugalnst hilll. Ir Ham-
\ 1101la finds that in l1Je 1Irst lmllot he
has a cllllsldcralJle. nUllIlJer of votes
he will tr.v again. It he hns a few
! votes and olle of hi3 opponnets has
tnal1Y he \ \ III renounce his ohance
. { \IH ] he and all his friends will sup.
Qrt , first. Cardlual , with
'whom he now h.18 : come to s me such
J h reewclJt and to attempt to raise
\ Gottl to supreme ul1lce with Ram.
i 1011n as an ally. 1'hls would mean'
! , \ Ule maintenance of PQJe } Leo's policy !
\ , r
{ ) tJ ex ctly the same lIncs entlusted :
to the same men.
But Gottl ensplres great distrhst
because heJolongs \ to the reli ious
ord'rs. lIe would render the situat-
'on ' o [ I he papacy extreuloy ] dll1lcult
ilt the prescnt momellt , considering
the conditions prevailing in 1franco
Spain nnd Itay. ] H seems therefore
that on the 11 rst ballot. if Gutt I can.
hut bo sucessful. 1 his srctlon of the
fac'cd college will decl e un Cardinal
i } Jietro , one of Itampolla's most
faithful follower5.
Hampo la , beIn a Slc11Uan , canl
count on the two SlellJian cardinals
, JI1e of them howe\'CI' , Cal eli nal Ce-
i esia arcllbishop of JrlemDo , is so old
alm(1st ; I'lnety ) ) that his relat/lons /
strolJ ly , oppo e his oln to ROlllo.
'or political reasons all Spanish
; car lnalR nre favorable to Rnmpolla
.besldes . a dozeD Italians , thu& mule- ;
IJ a total of twenty-live. But to be
\Jlected pope , it necemry tc get aUto-
cther over forty , as of tbe present
r { > lrcty : four cardinals 'not more than
io or three w11l be absent from thu
Voung Lady Is Missing.
Grw.rd Island Nebr. , .July 25-The
11nlon Pacific uuthorltles and tl e.
70eal polka are Iln , , I ted I n an effort to ,
race Miss Metltle Peterson , a youn
'Dunlsh girl , not \\ell acquainted 'wlth.i
\nban travel or ralroad ] travel. and !
'who has been missing sillce .Jllly 1-1.
lis' ' ) Peterson left Elba on the date
p1Cntloned for Oheyenlll' , ha\'ing a. .
) icket throul-h. : She arri\'ed in this
city , as one policeman Is quite cer.
tain , on Ule U1urning of that day at
ko o'oloele and was at the Union ] \IC-
dllo depot the rl'ater part of the day
Sam Nelson , a pollcelU'lII of Danish
nationallty Is eontldcnt th t she ad-
ressed him In the AmC'rlcan tongue
nqull'in as to the dnparture of the
'train for Cheyenne In the evenIng. lie
nrormer1 her that the train wuuld ar.
In ve at 8 :50 : p. m. as to what track it
vould come in on and in what direct.
I 'IOn it would go out and saw or hcarcJ
I poUling 1II0re of hcr. Mr. 1\elson 15
\ ! the 011lcer upon whose beat the Union -
\ ion Pacific Is , thou h he Is IIOt Ujcrc
I 'all ' the time. Since that , day nothing
ihas been heard of her either at Elba
! ) T Cheyenne and the relatl yes and
! friends at both points are very mucll
worrled. She Is descl'ibed us 17 ycarE
of age , a blonde and wearing glasses ,
Boy In way of Sickle Bar.
f-- West Point Nebr ,
, , July 25-A ser
10u'J IIccident toole place at the farn
pf Cnnrad Guenther , lIvlllg ten mile !
'Southwest of tbls city , Wedn sd I
\Jy which his lIttlb sun , IIel11'Y , aJe (
; ulne years , was crlppleel fr life. Mr ,
.oum ther was engagl'd in mlJ\Yln
, grass and till ! toy \ \ as tollowlllg 'e. '
: l1lnd him , Whell he came tn tIll' cnr
" .of the flold the lJoy slipped ahenr
.01' the mower unl > e11 aild . . . . .as caulli !
he cons , fuBnce ) IWIIL. ! tlmt his rhhl
'lel ! was lI'arly sevelNI Ur. DUml1leli
of this city sunJlllooed alHl , unOI
, \II\stlgIlUon \ it .vas found neeessar ;
to alllputale It , aU'lve the ancle whld
I' ( , was < lune hnl'.wrlltlely.
\ Woman Accused of Murder.
Salt Lale CIty , Utah , July : : : ! 5-i
I ; wal'l'ant for the lIl'Iest of lIss Ell
: IIodge , also lwown as A lice Flshe
Imrglllg her with tbe murdcr of WII
Jlam Uyan , a spectacle \'under , whos
. _ body tied hand and foot nDd gnt ( : e' '
I' i . was round uncJer I lis waqon1nenr MUI
I ray ahQut ten days ago , has bee
issuee1. Miss Ilodl-\e \ has bcen locatc
, at Denison , la" . aud the nuthorltlc
( ) f that 11lace have l1een telegraphed ,
. . . . . - . , ' . , - . ' . . .
. .itt- ' " - " " " ' . . . . " . u. "i " .i.-l-'I'u \
. .
. , .
ExtrAct" Rhowhur WRy JIII1 Itle. . . . au4
11"I're"'IlolIITere Pet Hown.
I : ttracts ( rom the diary of the 8hnh
of PerRin , who hus qulto reccntly been
vlsltlns ] nSIalll1 , are a musing.
'ho Shuh Wnll ml htll . impressed
\Jy \ the greatness and IncoITupUhllity
of the London pollee , f1lld W rote con.
cel'11ln them as follows : 1I'1'he Bng. !
IIsh pollee enUclllcn are mon of the I
II I greatest culture and honor. Unllko
those of I11l1ny countries , I hare \J \ n
I Informed thnt tile lollce of F.uglulll ]
I1Il the United States are almost In.
corruptible. and thl1 t it Is 1111110881blo
to hribe them except b ' the tOllch of
gold , These ofllcers carr ' themselves
with great dl nltr , but there huro
heen occasions 011 which the ' hnro
1'hown commendable ulacl'lly , ul1l11111VO
been Imown to 110 lresent when
the pUblic penct ! hns heen thl'entelled
hy certain unseemly nUll rlotolls ciU.
zens. " ' .
' 1'ho Shah hus n rery poor opinion of
the EnglJsh cllmnte , if one I11ny judge
from the ( ollowlng ext.met : "It Is
\'er - necessal' . for the pCQI1Il' of Ell ! ; '
land to wnsh thorollghly nnd frequent.
1 ' In order to clear t.hel11sel\'e8 fl'om
the constant fo s and rnlns th\t fnllr
upon thel11. So 'much do the 11eoplo of
11rltl11n 10'l'e water that the ' sometimes -
times wash twlco dnllr. ; B\'en the
members of the J'o 'ul famll - und the
I'eat nobles flnd pleasure In this
somewhat chlldlRh occupntlon. "
' 1'hls despotic mOl1l1roh'8 opinion of
, EllJlIsh womcn's charillsllHl accom.
JlIshmonts Is hnr l . ultogether flaller.
ng : "All En lIsh lad ' Is VClJ' rail' to
look upo'n. Her sldn is soft and clean.
but her flguro is unnatural amI IIngu'
Inr. She has certainly not the pleas.
1ng viYacl ' of II Pr : nch Illd . , neither
has she the CllptlVJtlng boldness of nn
American Indy. of whom mnny are In
l..ondou. An English womnn is pas.
sloJUltely fond of nil animals , and Is
often dcroted to her hus\JalHl \ and chll-
drell. "
' .rhe Shuh wns mIghtily impressed nt
the grent weuJUI of some of the Bug-
lIsh people. " Ia1JY prl\lto hllllvlilu.
nls , " he wrItes. "l\l'e almost I1B rich HI !
tile KIng hlmsclf. It spenls ve y
Illghl\ : \ ' for King Edward's Idnd.henr
edness to my tiJllt he lJ.evcr resents
this grent wealth cxlstlng nmon his
subjects. neither docs he punIsh them
ilu nnr : way for thIs npparent presump. .
Uon.-Chlcago Hecol'll-Herald.
Scientist. . Tcll the Rcsults of Iu'\'c tl.
J ntonH In " .cst hnlic. . .
In the description whl'h ; Dr , Flett
and Dr. Andm'son guve of the destruction -
tion wrought by the West Indlnn crup-
tlons thcy ; ( 'Ollull'llted on the l'l'llulrlc-
able wuIn : \ which St. VIncent and
! \1'nrtlnlque recovered theIr vcgetn tlon
: lftor such volcnnic outbrenkB. Papers
written by Dr. Treu l nnd Prof. Pen-
jzl on the florn of Krakatoa. Rays the
'London Post. atIord nn Interesting
corollary to these litter observations
by ntIordlng nn insight Into the stage
ot growth In this proc of
The c. pl08lon nt Krakatoa. whIch
blew. the islnnd In hnl ! and left it an
solated mountain risIng out of th ( ' sen
and eoyered with pumice ana redhot
jflshes to n depth of from three to 180
( ( 'ct. occurred In ] 883. Three yenl's
, Inter Dr. 'l'reub vlsltt.-d it , and found
lit n arly inficccfJslble , But on Its nnr.
row hcacb he found the fruIts 01' seeds
I of RCyen spcelt'f ! of phllnel'ogam3 and
i nIne specIes of the usualllltomi plunts
of tropical Isll1nds. In the Intcl'Ior
ferns predominated. and Dr. ' ] 'reub's
( onclu810n was thnt ferns In such 1\
tIora. preceded nnd prepared the soil
for n phanerogmnlc vogetntlon. A
closc examination of the asbes and
pumice stonc revealed the prescncc 01
nlgac coating the ari 0011 verywhertJ
WIUI ! \ thin elatlnous lnycr , In whlclJ
tlle fCI'11 spores would find a sult.'l1Jlu
place for germInl1tlon. Eleyen 'C1lrs
I Inter Prof. Penzlg's visIt to tile Islund
I dlscovcred slxt\-t : \ wo species of plants
I . ( tifty phanero ams and twelve yacu ; ,
nr CI'.ptogUllS ) . 'he fems stili 111'1 >
domlnuted In the interior. find there
were several tall grnsscs. Seeds 01
fruIts of thirty species were found 01 ]
the beach , and here nnd there seedling
{ Ilants. . Of the fifty-threo phanel'o ,
'III11S , Prof. renziA' estimlltc < l thll t sev.
ntecn were intrOlluced b . tbe ngen < ' ; j
lor tile wJnd , thIrty-two by wI.ter and
four by hlr s.
CnrrillJo JxCl'cIHO ! ) lit ! 1\ItJUI'l\cr.
A t a 'funel'lll In Glasgow n gentlol11 T
found himself 01l110811e u 1I/1le-fncel
man n"l' " warml ' clad. Ireclln/o / ; a curl
ous Interest In his cOl11pl1nlon , he von
tm'ct.1 to nsk him if he WII 1' { lntl\ ' (
of the deceased. ' 1'he pule-Cuced ml\1
ropllL' < l In tllC lI'glltye. ! Pl'Cih'Sing tlu
qnestlon Il little fm'ther , he inquIred il
he wns connected WJUI the deeenscd
"No , " said the oUter , " ] Jim in no Win
lCol1l1ect ( < l with him. " "Ony ] u f1'iPllll' ( ;
In , > lnlllltoo thQ gentleman. "NoVa :
- n :1ln the reply. "I1m not aware thu
1 eyel' saw the deceased , but , " he ad
dc < I , "I h.'l ve bCl.,11 In poor health fo ;
some Hmo ; In ) ' nu' < llcai udvlser ha :
orrh'roo tnI. ' to tlllw cnrrlll c l'xerclsJ
ulld this Is t he thIrd tIme 1 ha va boeJ
to the cellleter ) ' this wcek. "
The jPhcrt JUO"HomH.
The RpN\lwmn fmlt fnrm , noor N ( ' ( )
1-0110 , Is ono of the Inost InterMtlnl
placcs of the Idnl1 In MissourI. It ( 'on
tlists f 300 Ilcrl'S in fruit and or
clwl' s. ' 1'ho I'rounIs covered \Viti
roct. and It was nceessarr to 100S01
o It with d "l1aUl1te heforo' trees coulc
ei . be pllmted , And ) 'et on this sterJl ,
, ' > 011 rich. luscious fnllt ia mlaed c\'el" \ '
, -
'I'm' ' : \ , Mr. Rpcnkmlln has ] 00 acres 0
s trn wberrles ,
Pollticnl whltewllsh brusbes 'conI' I
Inultlhllh' of rotten ' ' 'ucea ,
, . . . " . . . . . . . . , . . . . _ w , _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . - - " ' " " - - - _
The Troops Bring Tcmpor. .
ry Quiet to Situation
at Danvi11e , 111.
No Further Attempt to Get
the Negro Wilson.
lJanvllie. 'Ill. , .J uly : n-'l'wo killed
anI t wl'ntr.two wouuded , the 110l1ce
HaLlon wleckrll : , the county jlll ! willi
few of lis wlrlClows le1't unshatterc } , .
the city ill the hallcls u ( the state
truups and .a feeling of I1I1Cllslness
hlld c1ro ; ] IJre\'l\l1lu e\'crywhere , '
i , ; the sltuatluu left by the rilce riot ! }
( If atulday night and early this
I11l11ni IIg. A Clcr dayll ht appeared
this morniug , there were restles9
crowds In tile Sl rrets. Hundreds ( III
arl1lers poured into the city nnel
ial'll surrollndin t WI1 contiuued Lo .
swell the croJwcJ. .
'nll'rO were many miners sn ! on
the streets , Great unrest and a
threalenln attitude was reported
flllm Wlstville ! , lIve miles away. ;
Early' the 1110rnlu Wilson , the
nfl ro ass Illaut or Irs. nur ess , was ,
secretly t alwn fro111 the court jail , .
but \\'U5 returned shortly afterwards. '
. l'ollr companies of tile Se\'ll1th :
II.iuois InfalJtry arrh'ed at 0:30 : tlli
morning from Sprlnglleld wh re tlJd
.re . imont is holdlllJ , ! its annual en.J
\'aUlIJlneut. StreeLs wele soon dCf..r
ed anct the threatening nttltUlIc of tbo
crowds disappeared.
Sherll ! ' \ \ hitlock said to:1ny , iq
giving his verslo l of the sl1ootllJg'
into the 1II0b :
IIAftor r saw from the Jail that
the mob was determined to attacl ]
went to the veranrJa unrl attempted
to tall , to the I11IH1den'm1 l11en. As I
stepped hto , view uf the crowd two
shots wore IIred , one I.mllet strll\ingl ,
the wall bacl , of me. I fired two' '
lihots ! ute the illr. Someone shouted' '
that I was only bulTin ] and wa
. IlOoll n blank cartridAcs. I warned'
the mob I wOllld 1' , 51st all attack OIL
the jail \vlth puwder and lead. '
'l'here was unot ler shot from the
lUob and it sur ed forward. I then
Jlred a load from my shotglln int
'their legs. ' 1'l1is drove tlJtm bacle ,
but tbey returned a moment later
to the nttace ] of the trent of the
. III wns alarmed for t110 s1tety or.
my wife and children. 1\Iy1wiro took
a gun and said she wonld stand bvl
me _ I ot her and the ohlldren out ,
of tbe wa.v , nnd then us the leaders !
cnme with t.he rail 10 batteI down ,
the door. I shot rJown the rail to ;
make theIU drop It ' 1'11 Is accounts
fur so many beln shot In the hancJs
and arms , I fired eight or ten shotS
I In all.
Sherllf WhHlocle had tom deputies
I imrl amI three l'onstables with him
In the jail u.nellll tl1e prisoners.
lIe says none tired Into the moh but
l1imse If ,
. 'fhere nro all sorts of rumors ufloat
I tonl\ht and a strained Ituatlon is
I n tlcible. 13ut the 200 solcllerfi
I herelt Is bellevld ! , will pre\'ellt tllr-I
I t.her . out1lreals for the pre3ent aU
I l'ast. Half ot thcse wlllbe en duty
I an the time.
Leading cHlz(1ns say the outbreal :
has beell feared for a ] eng time , 11
I hitter feelling has exlsterl f.r 90\'eral
ears between the nc res ) nnd a cel
I taln class of white 11er.ons. Anum.
bl'r of miller outlJreales has occurred
durin\ ! the 11ast year.
' 1'he feellllg against the soldiers is
notldule. 'j'llI ! l'ommlssary depr.rt-
ment. tolay ( had l1111ch troutJe ) getllll
IcstllufIlnts to < ; e1'\'e meals. Mllny
refused to feed tne soldiers ' 1'l1erc
I waS one cush ] betw'en the guard und
I . a miner named Erlward r.Jlg ett.lVh ! :
. he an abusing a guard. 'rhe s'ldiel ,
le\'eled his bayonet and Liggett , WllS
arreltlrl and lined $100. Four ethel
companies of the rl'glment are un el
I1rll1S at prlnglteld awaltiug orders.
. Crowds gatlrcrl'c\ \ during the da.\
, near the lines ullcI cursed the sol.
, cJler' ' ) . 'rhey were scatteled lJy bayo ,
net' ' ) in se\'clallnstances. Olllcers 01
the gUlwl do not aullclp1te any at.
tack however. 'l'lIe general holler h
that the presence 01 the troops haE
suppressed the lawless element. 'j'he
bherll ! aud military olllcers , hun
l1q ed all citizens to remain ofI the
Trnjtedy : In New York Irotel
New Yurk .July 27.-A well drrss(1 ( ]
man , accompanied uy a line 10ol\llI , !
' . nnd handsomely gowned WOnll1l1 ahOltl
twentthree yeals or age rcglsllret
at the Morton hl.use . this morniu II !
110. Weiss and wife , Syracuse , N , Y. "
Late in the afternoon the womar :
was heard shrlellng , three shots rol
lul\'od instany ! ; il\ll \ wheu the mOil
was enterrHl roe , IIlId the man weu
roulld dead. . L' Hl'ln had , it is be.
I lIe\'cd , llUlIl' t " ' ) 'Itl n .
" - . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
. ' .
TeculUseh , Neb. , , July 2.1.-Mr. aml
Irs. W. L. Dunlap , of 'l'coumseh ,
ha vo rccoi vcd the news of the del\th
of tl1t'lr da\l hter. Grnce E. which ,
occurred in Washln ton , I'll. , 'l'uos-
day , .1uly 7. ' 1'ho death o ( the YOllng' '
womau is surrounded with tragic ; .
circumstances IInd most o ( the par- .
tlclllars uf the IIlfnl.s are not under- '
sto JdJy \ tile fumily helo.
It st.t'lus ! that : \lIss lJuulnp tau ht
scholJI in Bd\tcmont \ 8. D. . last 'eur , '
und whl1e su r1l1I1hl 'ed fOrlllod the
aCfllallltanco ) of Hev. A. B. YOlln , I
pastol' of the l'reJytcrinn \ cI1\I\ ' 1I iu
that city. JIe was a very prominent
young IlIan , hacltho COl1l\dullce \ t'f his
telloIelli7.eng and allpcaree ] to be
. loading strulJ.tht.fulwllrd \ christian
life , lIut later \'el1pmcnts are vory'
tCJ the coutmry. 'l'ho friend. I
ship etweell Ihe 'lIunJ.t minister and ,
1I11ss Dunlap ripened inlo love , lind ,
they became el guLted to marry. 'l'hlsl
was Imo\\'l1 to lwr parents.
. Miss Dunlap left 'l'ecul11seh July 1 ,
o tenslhly for the PlllllPSO of glllnl ;
to I.Jlneoin to have her c 'eb treated ,
but IL seems she did IIOt larry In the
'capltul city. She went on tc Pitts-
'burg ' , Pa . and was there mm'rled to
'Rcv , Mr. Young. } ' 101I1 Plttsunrg
'they went Immediately to Wnshing-
tou , , and oin to the imHlIn hoLel
'or Lho place , Hov. 1\11' . YOUIIJt In.
, forlllerl the nIght clerk , tor it was
.Iate when they arrivcd there. tl.1nt
' 110 hacJ nis.ife with him and' do.
'sired a room. 'l'hey wera ushered to
one , and that \\US the last time
.either was seen all ve. A disturbance
was heard frol1l their room durln
'the night hut the hotel people paid
no attelltion to it , Upon t hell' fall.
'ure tJ ; arIse the next mornln , how.
ever , their room was foreed open and
'a Right was beheld w11icl1 was hor.
rtble In the , extreme. 'l'he woman
' ] ay on the bed with two lJlg holes in
: her heart while the mlln was
st.retched out 011 the H\1or with a shn-
ilar wOlllld. IIis han s were throwll
over Ills hea , uud in oue of thclI1
110 chltchcrl aJ2-caUber : rc\'ol\'or-tho
weapon which had done the fatal
. vork. .
'l'ho TIev. 1\11' . Young's JlIrents , re.
: spected and . proplo \ \ ho
11 vo in a little. town in Pellns'l-
\1111la were Inrol'lnl'd or We tragcdv , '
nnd tool { the remulns uf bot.h the
'vlot ims to their home town and thm e
buried thelll. PmH1malJly. tlley did
not Imow who the reluti'es of tile
woman were. for they sent 110 word
to this city. ,
Frolll what cnn be learned it would
seem that the H.ev. Mr. Young was
a rascal in the fullpst se se ot the
term. It appears that he had 1I0t
only played crooked 10 a 1Inanclnl
'WilY in places where he was employed
before going lo Edgemont , ut that
'he was previously mnrried , .lInd se.
cured no dl'orce fruUl his former
wHe aud that he deserted her uud
Ills little son
It Is a'ery unfortunate alTair , and
the rolltl\'es of the WOllian in ' 1'e. ,
cumseh have the srmpathy of all ill
Iholr af1llctlon.
1\lct Ocnth In Louisiana.
Grand Island , Neb" July 2I.-In-
formation has heep finaJly recci yed
from Shre\'eport , La. , as to the de.
tails or the Ul Ui del' of G lorge Pld.
I docl. 111 tha t city un . .1J 1 \ ' i. On July
, ! J the pllrflnts tlf I'iddock , \ \ ho Ie-
cently mo\'ed to this tllty from : Nurth
llatte , reeci veci a tel\l'Um briefly
annlUncing that Lheir son had been
lellled and the remains W/He beln :
held. Older was SlJnt to have tllell1
shipped tu tIlls city IInd an efort ! WIlS
made to ascertain the calise of death
bllll1ntil note no avail , Pallels
received from ShleVel ) 1ft Indleate
that the lIIan was cruelly lIlulcleled
while entel'talnln SlIlIll' uf his friends
in a salolJn. just before leaving ferN
N llml ! lca. l'lddocl , was a bolll'r
mal\Cr who wenl to LOllslana from
I NOl'tI1 Platte during tl1C Kl nsas City
I Southern railway strike and It I
, , jl1'lger ' ] froll1 the Impels recC'ccthat . \ \
lawlessness was qultc lumpant tl1l'rel
, ] eadlll to such clilldlllollS t.hat Pill.
. dock , all1on ( lthms was ahout t (
leave. HOlllcone sneakcdl1p from he ,
hind in tllo saooll ] und struck hili
over the head with a picco of gm
plpo uud te ] friends with Whllll1 111
wus would IIOt give any inforlnutlOL
UlIW tlley were HuuJly JUl'sted.
' : Oue II. W. Ilulf is In jail aecu ! r (
of tJ1e murder. TIll ! dl tflct allorneJ
; at hreveplll t seems to be dlJlgl'lI' '
now in looelng ] up the case an prl's
eel1t1n tlluse charged wi th till
City of Saints Is Shalcn.
alt Lalec , Utah. , .1ur ] 21.-Sevl'r
I : al sll ht stlocJes were felt III this cit
; lit 1:40 : this Juorulut ( : , Tile dlsulu
" ullce seemed to puss from tllo south
I east 10 northwest. '
" In Ogden thirty-seven mlle nort !
the shocle was tile SQveJOlt ! evel rd
I , there. ' 1'h disturbance las ed te
I , seconds and appcared t.oJo \ In th
: \ .rorm of short , quick vibrutlons. N
: damage , howc\'er , Is reported in thl
city or O en ,
.d.h : ' [ . , J. . > . . . . . . .
_ _ .
The Battle at Ciudad Bolivar
Rages Desperately for
\any \ Hours
'Fig.\ with , Desperation but
Falling llacl {
Snlrelul : , Vrne7.uela , .Iuh' :210 : a
m.-Slnco the last 1I1sl1 1 l\lJ' \ I\as sent
to the 11 ! ; Ociateli press at a , , 'eillcle
'lStlHdIlY altelllo"n " , the 1I\1tlo be- '
t.wecn the l'e\'ol u till 1111 ry fmcl's 11 t
Ulutlac1 HoHvur Ilmi tht ! Velll'welan'
' l'omlutlndcd by
\to\'ernl11l1llt \ Ilrmy
Oencral Gomez , has III etl mildly.
Block after blocl , wns dl pullJd , the
jO\'ol'ulllt.nt : ! LroojJ3 cutol'llIlUw ( cllS
lnwl ' . All the housc had hl ml bal.
ricaded allli the l'O\Oll1lolIlsts ( hac !
heen lorced from n't reHlrs clllleel
hzotnas. When the ru\'oulonlsls ] 11.
IHllly almnrlonerJ the hOIlSCR , aner
hnvluLt talaHI ull that cmlld be used
for barf Icades , or oUlol'wlso 10.tll : } )
the ad'all'e ' ( Jf t.ho 1-0\01'1 ; men L trlloJg ) :
Lhey were 11IIII1r'dlnlcl ' lIccllpl c1 uy'
Ihe O\'el'lllllellt soldiers , who uore
blot holcs in them Sl ) us to : l.'omll1uui-
ca to WI Lh the next huuso.
I he clLy nppears to hl\\'O been ,
H rllel , hy a c\'ololle. At ,7 , 0' clnele in
\Ill \ ! o\'ellln the cvClnlllent fplces
81'rlved near the center Qf Cilldud
11011'a I. FCJl' t NO .11IIIIl'S , Ilre .IouRly
IIrln narl elmlulshcel ! , IJut it was 1'0'
newerl wlLh more villOl' at 10 o'clocl (
t ni ht und 1llllllJlllatcll the sky.
At a o'clocle In he morning whc1 !
the Inhullltllllts of Ihe lOmlllC'lClal !
in'l rorcl n par Ls lIf the city , near
Alameda , saw Lhe ad\'allln : of the
0\'C1'llnH\llt troops , they a1Jandoned
lhclr IlOlOes anrl sought rcru o in
other parts o ( the l'It } " CIOSSIII the
strclJts amidst II hail ( ) f lJullots Itud
ht'lls , the wOlllen cal'l'ylng ' their
hlldren , the strou 11lJ1plll the
, , 'eak. 1\1en , In trying to protect. the
women , ( ell strne k by hullets.
In the IIIldJle of Lhe streets whut
\\'Itll \ the llrlng , the yell or the
\\'oullded \ nnd the crylnlo ( of the worn-
kn and child1'On , a terrlble scene wns
IVltnes5ec1 : had enolll-h to dislllst :
, .n "lJody forever with civil war.
'l'hu go\'crnment truops , howeV'CL ,
lIawd with humanity , especially the
forces of General Hl'as'ho , lighting -
ing bravely , was the lIrst to order
the IltlnclclIg ! part ! to to merciful.
At eight o'clock lhis mornln the
governor general , hn vlllg etrcoted 11
lunctill' : ' IIf Lhelr forceR. north and
south , nnel. havin receh'ed further
GUPIJlIes clf I1lI1mullitlon , decided to
pu.h the allaclc on the Cl'uter of the
I ity. At 10 o'clOele the govern.
olCnt troops ha:1 captured the lIorth
lido of the Alameda , the public park ,
[ If ClurJa Bull \'er , wbich had bee III
defenderl by u douhle row'o ( Imrri.
ea es , Behiud one lIf these were
10ulllI more than thirty dcad soldiers
lylnJ. ( 011 top of l'aell other , while
wounded lIIell wcre seen ou nil sides ,
At 10 o'cluck the glJvernment cum-
maIHleS , seelrl that only the artll.
lelY could m:1lcc : a breach in the bar.
rlcades of the A IIl1'eda , ordered
twd\'e gun : ; to open .11ro on th m ,
nnd at the sallie time tl10 Venezuelan
neeL. which had cl1l1n\.ted \ Its l\I1eho \ , .
a e so as to hl'ln ittuns \ to bear
ce tually 011 the city. opened lIre.
'l'he s Idiers1n both sJ.les III1\'e
hlld 110 food for two days , no amhu-
Iulces arc being used and yet tht' :
tlgl1l,1 , ng continues.
Monday 4 p. m. , the nd vance 01
the ovr.rnmcn t r roops reaeherJ the
, [ Haricot place , ' 1'he old customs house
I and the water wurl.s havc IJcen tak.
i cn. 'l'hl' Jllton hlock , the propert
I of the Unltud tate3 consul , where
. ull the leadln\t \ GerllliJn and } j'renoh
I I1rll1s reside , Is now LJCln attacked.
. 'l1c jallIs ill Lhe conttr of a terrlblr
re'1lst nce. All the defeatecl revolu ,
tlonlsts have cOllceutcated Ihl're. II
Is estllllated that more 1I11ln : : : ! OJ mer
I hahcen klllr.cJ In tl1at'Iclnlty. .
The artillery of the re\'olutlonlst
Is lIercely reJ1I 'lrlg to the atlllcl ; 0
the II. et.
' 1'he capitol is still In pooscsslon 0
. the rHollltoolsIS ! , hut the cOlllplet
suecrSi of lIle go\'crnment . - forces i
IISSlIre .
Gorn13n From \Vom ! River
. Woo'l Hh'er , Neh" .July ? 2-,1111
' . GorllJau.110 \\as Iynl hed by a II 0
1- , near liasln , Wo. , Sunday lUortllng
for two yeals made his horne III alii
alol/nd / I\'ood HI\'ex : . lIe l'IlIue her
1 I n a meyer : ; wagon in the rail 0
t. lSU7 anel'ollwd arol1nd.hero fill se\ '
" : eral clllrClent farmers ulltl1 the fal
e or 18UB 110 was a ( who in lul e
a , III IntJxlcantl ! and when under Ulel
s Innuenc was exceedillgly quarre :
. . . . .
8'ebras' a Notes
, fJUlu McCoy 'hns been appolntee1
slIbstltuto postofilce clerk at Ne
orusku City.
. - . , . r. :
. . .
Chris Loylo ono or the old settler.
of Jmulley county , died yesterday
Minden or dropsy.
. . . : la '
* * .
. I
Un ! . Henry Walt lecl Saturday a
Guido HlJckaftor a long illness I1n
was buried yes , s "f.
\ ) : . . " " ' ! : '
* * * .
: 'Jhe : ropu\Jllan \ ! ol1unt.y onventlo
, has been called to meeL at MindeD .
atul'li1Y , ] , A uj.lnst iG. , .
* * *
At a special election yesterday' '
Ainsworth. $10,000 bonds were vote
.for the nuw State Normal scl1ool.
* * *
Fred Shank hael l1is . f\rJU bnc111\ \
ISllIashed 'estcrdl\Y : lIt BCl1trico bJi
luttllll { an Irul1 wIler fatI on it.
* * . . .
. . , , "
Fro In the railway cl\tin house at !
Chadrull today did dall1l1go to the ox
Itent of sevei'll I hUI Gled dollals.
* . . . *
Sunday lit lIul11tOldt the Hev. 'ur.
ISlihllh of Oll1l1hll tJreuehed to a con-i
igrcgllLlon of Woodhleu of the WuIlI.1
\ . .
. * *
Jesse Ol1mole of WeophlH Watet
hils been released rrom the llatts- ;
mouth Jail on bonds : , to appear rorl
* * , .
Winter wheat ; Is being harvcsted nt !
tilldcn , 'rhe 'Icl is 1I0t liS rellq
ns IlllJt year , but the quality is ;
\JoLter. \
* * * '
'Ihe YOI1I1I ; People's Soalety or ,
Uhrlsthlll Bndellvor tor the Sixth ,
district. has just dosed its el'ovolltbl
allllllal sestion ! ut Harvard.
. .
* *
Mrs. MatL IItubcrer of North Ben )
mlldu 'an ulIsll.cossful ! attempt , n
silicide yesterday by cutting be
tin Ull t.
.It * it . . . . ' .
Yesterday at' Cozad , ! lpss" " MaJ ,
'J'uhhc ; and Arth r Jrorrls were'mari
rled by the He..1. . A , Badcou. ' 1'h01l I
\ \ ' ill v isl till Mle east. , I
* jI * :
' . i
'rho farn er's elevator at l\lInuetl \ I
Is neilrlll competlon. ] Thl's ' wil '
mllke lI\'e elevators In Minden , thai
furmor's being thQ largest.
4 * . *
C. L. Auderson. VntIey Garllngeq
land B. O. Gentle were yesterday druH
members ot t e Clvllservlce , !
board for the 'Norfolk' ' post filce.
* * ; It. . I
: Miss Mabel } , 'lroved , taentcdt .
plnnlst of Beatrloe , has sivnod'a con1 ,
tract to trl\'el with' : ? tits. llesIc ! ! I
Gearharti Morrison , the elocutionist. ! , :
. .
. * *
Lhhtnln strildng the barn 0 I
'J homas ' llrvant . at D h\lYle
Imed one horse , three head 0
cattle und destroyed tbo ontlr
structuro. .
. . * * ,
, Grain dealers of south wester
' .Nebrnslm met at Tnheroc ] ! < 'ruesdn
I III ht to consider rates and otllc
ulIslnesc ; mattCIS. A banquet . , close . .
the meeting.
* * *
' 1'he sherler closfl [ ] the store O
f.Jnrson & Fraley , paInters and deco
caters of Wahoo ycsterday , to satlef
I l1elalrn of $ l,700 prererled by'F. , Eo :
Bruce & Co of Omaba.
* * *
'l'hc supervisors of Valley countY !
hnve let a contract to the Cantooj
Bridge company tor 11 new $1(1,000
hrldge to be constructed ucros : ; the
'Ncnh Loup river at Ord.
* * *
: A hail storm vIsited the vicinity
of ' 1'elmmah nnd stones an' Inch and
I 11 ha\t \ ill dlamotor ell. Windows were , "
I hrok9u and the crops of nenrly LI
1 dozen farmers totally destroyed.
4 . . 4
I' 'Miss Gertrude Kunzman of Pllltts- ,
. mouth , who tried to end her life bY )
I shotln ) herself Monday , will l1ve.i
The hullet passed throl1gh ller bed ; ;
and lodged in the wall.
* * *
1 Miss Fflnnie Atwater and Supcrln-
'tendcrJt Htaller of Crete ,
0 ; dent of the Ongo county sohools
r wme married vcstetday at the hum }
of the parents of the bride at Oreta.
4 * *
o Winter wneat io ; nearl\ ' all hnr-
s \'e' torl in Yurlc county. The yield
will he goofl. 'l'he oat crop will bft
harvested at once IInd will be good _ 1
I } Corn is mallng ( lipid plorcss. ; d
l ) ' . . . . . . I ,
, 'rh9 Ove yeu old son or ReubeDj J , ;
( I Poul of Glbbun 'ye tlm1ay bad hiS !
o teeth knonked Ol1t , his jaw b'1ne\ \ N
If brnen ! Intu splinters lIud hI ; upperl ( ;
' . lip almost severed from his face byJ I i j
11 lJcll1 kicked In the mOlltb by
c1 horse. . .
r it it
t'rh'C l'I I r. Sllcrm n of thel
Oaptlst 1'11\11' h lit 011 tie llock. h:1 :
teslglll'll " I a ' ( 'pn' II I'all to tbe Hap- . !
list. clI1. ' 11 , t 1111I11 oilit.
. J . _ "h