. ( , , II I I L. . ' .S cond-.Cou.nty : clerk. 'l'hird-County treasurer. , I1'ourth-Coun ty superin tende'1.t ' I1'ifth-SherifT. I Sixth-Clerk Dist. Court. Seventh-Connty Assessor. Eighth-Surveyor. , Ninth-Coroner. 'l'enth-Election of delegates to judicial conv ntion. Eleventh-Election of dele- y gates to state conventi m. . ( 'fhe report of committee on resolutions was -1nale ! by A. R. Humphrey. Report adopted by unanimous vote. HUSOI , UTIONS. Representing the republicans of Cus. ter cOHnty , by townsll1p ddegations , in c01lvention assembled , we hereby ex. press our confidence in the national pol. tcy of our party. which in seven years of operul'e republican allministration ex. pres < : ed i.n laws pas ed by a renublcan ! cOI1&re1 > s and appro\'ed bya republican prell1dent has hfted the blight of poverty , stagnation and business depression from our common country anu plliced us as a nation , and particlliarly as a county , up. on a high and prosperoul business , agri. cultural , stock raising and commercial I basis , furnishing work for an who desire it am money to pay the laborer his hire. \ ' ' 'We expnssly and completely endorse . the policy of our law-makers , whose wis. dom amI statesmansnip huw brought to I us prosperity at home , prestige abroad , , md furnished us with a staple and sound currency to carryon the every day trans. actions of bUJiness , without thought as to the kind , because , under our policy , every donur of our money is as good as any other donar and every donar equiva. lent to the best. ' . 1 We cmphaticany endorse the princi. pal of protection , woven and interwoven 1I1tO the fabrics of our national policy , and hereby dec1air that we believe the principal of prottction to be one of the cardinal bulworks of our present splen. , Jo. . , did an magnificent em of prosperity and business de\'elopement. We believe that the large corporations commonly culled trusts should be re ula. ted or controlled by state or nahonal laws and we endorse the principlts eJ : - pressed in thenatiol1al"Al1h.'l'rust I.aw , " the product of the genius and ftatesman. ; shir of John Sherman , atlll the energy am force with which its ) have been carried Ollt by Presi ent Roosevelt , and wc rely upon ollr congresslllen and senatols to g'e to this law anll to such laws as may be amendatory to it such support as will make the spirit of that law complete and operat'e to the end that every business , whether that of labor - bor or capital , shall meet with e\'en- handed justice. \Ve endorse the acts of our senator and representative in the laflt legislature , and believe that the of a new revenue , . passage . . . . . . . . . law by that bOlly will correct a common abuse in the matt'r of assesslllents and taxation , alH11'cquire each part of ollr . i cOllnty and state to bear its equal alld just ) of taxesand while it is ex. pected t \ lat under the new law the rcvenu- t es of the county andsiatewillbe increased we emand of our public officers who ' collecl and distribute'our taxes , the 1I10St t' . rigid economy in the expenditure of pub. . tic monies. ' . . . . . . We endorse the a 1ministration of our , . . f. , count' officers , belie\'ing that they have been faithful to the trust reposed in them 1 and that the methoi1s of conducting the l business of the office to which each one ( of them was electe' } has been honorable , , I fair , economical an just , and while our' ' " county officers have turned over to the , " " - - ' - - - " - - < 1 J ' . 'I ' > ' ' , ' > I ' - \ . Soilthern Fruit I I and Vegetable Growing , b : . . . " ; ' ' The fertile lands along the t' Louisville & NUihviJIe ! R. R. in : . Alabama , West Vlori a alHl r , ' l\lississippi are veritable bonan. " ; ; ' , zas for the fruit grower and "j . truck gard ner. One man sold . from one sm le acre , 100 bar- 1. . rels of radishes for i900.00 , , gross ; auother patch of.1 acres rarHshes yielded $1,463,00 , net. , 111 the spring of 1902 , another truck gurdner sold 300 barrels III potatoes in l'ittsburg from 3 r acrcs of ! ? round for $1,548 , and l' aftel' pa'lIIg all expenses. clear. cd t892oo , or $297.33 per acre. t Withlll two \\et'kf after sellin his potaloes , corn was up and . . . . J " watermelon villl's were rIIuning on the SUIllf' land. He harvest. t' ell hi ! ! corn , sold his melons , 'i and ufterwards cut two crops of \ hay 011 of the tiallle lalH1 und on { Januar > ' 20 , 1903 , was planting ! it a al1l in potatoes. Stra\\ ' , L hernes yiel11 fl'olll $300.00 to . . , fi' 1550.00 pcr acre ; as high as 12,480 quarts of luscious berries ha\'c been grown on a , single acre. Address , O. A. PARI < , " I Qeneral Industrial and Immigration - migration Agentj L01l16\1110 & N r.hvUle It. It. r.i' . . ' . ( ) \UIt't'\'n \ I.E , KV. " 't ' , J . . . ' , . , . . " . county some k.4SS.oo . In . .fees h\'eJceS9 : of their 9 larYt-\\oe-tJetua l l ithentUle same labor Ilnd economy in the future 8S In the past , to the end. that the bllrlen , of taxation mav be lessened. We bercb express a desire for goo public roaesln our county leading to and froul our buslnes'i and shipping points , and we hereby , ad : that the prcEenl policy of our sup rvisors In chur iug real dumnge claims to the roall d stnct In which the roa ! tI ) ' be locat. ed and thc alliages liccrue , be modified : and ehanged and when in the discretloit of the oard of supervisors the roa peti. tioue for is a public necessitytheclahus for damages when , allowed. . be a charged against the county and not against the road district tn which the same occurs. ' During an the ) 'cars of busiuess 'de. pressiun , Custer county. maintainerl a high standard of public schools. In the present prosperous ern , the stanllur < \ of education 'and the emc ency of our schools must be'ad\'ance ' . 'fa this end we recommend that our superintendent advise the schoot istrict officers to strict. Iy enforce the compulsory IIchool &tteI d anct ! law. ' The republicans of Custer coune . ) desire to greet in fnlternal f l. ' owship those democrats and 'populists , who in 1899 , answering the echoes of the dastardly blowing up df the 1\iaine in Havana Harbor , lined up with the ad. ministration of President Wm. l\I Ki . ley and are now in line with us for lres. ident Roosevelt , doing ) 'oeman service. in the republican party by voting for and upholding its principles , sound money , protection Ilnd expansion. A. R. HUMPHREY , GJO. ; ; n. l\bIR , t Com . F. D. l\IU.I.S , E. N. BISHOP. J The name of J. A. Armour. was placed in nomination for county judge. There being no other nomination , the rules were s s- pended and Judge Armour was renominated by acclamation. On motion of T. J. 'Vood , the rules were suspended and Geo. . W. Dewey was renoniinated for county clerk by acclamation. On motion the rules were suspended - pended and W. A. George was renominated by accla ation fo ( county treasurer. Messers Armour , Dewey , and George were each called out on receiving their nomination and , thanked the convention or the expression of confidence and , pledged , if elected to use their utmost ability to serve the public - lic faithfully in their resp ctive offices. Moved by A. R. Hu phrey. . that the rules be suspended and that J. G. 'V. Lewis be renomin- ted by acclamation. At this junction Prof. J. M. Scott appeared on the oorof the convention and interpos6d objections - jections to Lewh. ' renomination stating that he wished to presnt charges against Supt. Lewis. 'fhe . point of order was raised tha.t Scott was not a delegate and had no right to the floor. 'l'he chair held th.e point well taken in case of objecti9ns. J. M. FQdge insisted that any charges the gentl tpan might have should be refered to a com. mittee of the. convention and if found worthy , presented to the convention. lr. Jewett insisted that if Mr. Scott had any charges , he thought the conventi9t wallted to hear them. That the Broken Bow delegation had , . ' . ' . . . . " : : . ; : ' . : : ; " . : . ; . . . ; ; : i' ' ; : , : : ; : ! ir : ; : . . . . . . . : . . \ . . . . ' ' . . 'i'I . . . . . ! . . . . . . , / , ! . . . , . ; . / . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . 1'.1 . . . . . . : . ; . . 1' " 1 , , . ( < . ' . ; . . , ; ' 1 : . ; ' . . . . . . . " : ' : : : ' . : : . ' . ' : ' , : : : ' ' " . - " , ' ' . . . . - - I" .0-- The Belt of Country 011 which we have lallel for sale is fllll1 ous for its fertilit ) ' allli the xcellcllce 11 its crops. There is 110 better farluin ; section in the countr ) ' . 'fhe number c places for sale i ! ! , limited , b\lt we : W theoptio11 : 011 a few choice : F . .A. S and invite offers from the e who lue al desirous' of inv siing a few th us nd.do . lars to g od'advantage. . JaTneS } . : wicll , Broken Bow , . - - Nebr kl - - - - . ' - - - . . _ . _ - . . . _ - . . . - - - . - - , - - - " . _ _ . . - . . . . . . . . . . . THE P. D. SlITH / CO'MPANy , " . , " AlwaY8 bave tbe belt quality c Lumber and otber building I t teriah at the 140wellt Ptioell. . - \ . . 'Phone No. 79 , C. R. JUDINSt : .M .p\ger .r2 . . . - . - - . ' . - . - - , . . " . . . . - . , . . . - . . . . , I . . \ . . . , , - 1cnown'Supt. ? Lewi'S from ,1Joy hood and knew him to be honorable - able , honest atHI a YOUl g Ulan of high education aUll progressive ic1eas und that the delegation stood ready to meet any accusa" tier , again9t Mr. 14ewis' charac- ter. Peof. Scott presented the following charges : If the following. statements be true. should J. G , W. L wis e l'enomlnted county superintendent - ent of schools. 1. During a part of last year he drew his , salary' as superin- tendentand , for the same period he conducted the Summer School , receiving a part of the prqceeds and settling the bills therefor. II. , He is selling books which are furnished under "state contract - tract , ' " freight paid' , ' at 90c , for $1.00. to the t cheri. ! III. He claimed no chnnge 'of ' sentiment. on , i p rt , when , told "that , he h da\w.ays \ b en a pop. : ' : IV. Last year th.e , .only reS1- dent teacher employed in institute work was J. J. Tooley. Tl1is year all the institute iQstructors are from abroad. V. This year he says' there 'is' ' no legal relation between the Summer. Schooland' : the county superintendent and that. , there never has.been. VI. .He promised , members of' ' the board of education of tbis city to appoint teachers in .the ! Summer. chool and subsequent- ly'refused to do so. V II. He has published .the following rule : "Applicants who find itnecce sary to'take repeated - peated examinations 111 the , same : branch will not receive the highest - est nor the lowest grad thus obtained - ' , tained , but 'Will receive as a , gra"e an aver ge of an - ' : tions so taken. . " examina-'I ' VIII. 'Teachers- are leaving : : Custer county 'bec nse they will' ' , not work under hIm as 'county. . . , su erintendel t. Supt. Lewis was c lled on to reply to the accusati ns made which he promptly dHl. , The followjng is substantially' Mr. Lewis' answer to each of tb accusations : ' 1. Charge number one , as intended - tended , is absolutely without foundation. A contract was , made wi h the . " token : , pow sc eel board for th use of their school building "for Summer School and Institute. Enough money was received fr.om the , Summer S heel to .pay its proportionate - , portionate : , part of 'th ' cost. Every cent of'thi.s money f9 nd its way to t1 e' Broken 'Bo treai- ! ury and not any part of the Sum. m r School proceec1s . . w.as Jlppro. pr a.ted byt4e uperinte.ndent. 2. We seU.a , book which : costs 90 , 'cents , to. the . teachers for $1.00. By dose 'figuring of inci. dental expenses.- , might pos. , sibly .selLth 1 book' , for 95c' anc1 come o t even."let we ell th.t , book for $1..00 , o.wlng t.q . h a. 1 I th t past. gei'must 'often e frp'ad ! on them in sending to the t'each' ers or to the fact i.1 at o.nce , n , OJ . , while a o < ? k is l.o.st or not ; p if for. W ere a. . acher .see.ms to ( pOQr. to buy a .book , 'one is'.givcI free , of which instances We"arf prepared to shoW .p'J.'oof. 3. As to'the ' indefinite char8'j re ative to pqpulist senti ! e"nt I do not rem q1ber nytJ1jpg 0 thetkind aHeged. At the .e1ec tion of 1900 , thed rst one. . ' wher. . T ever had' the privilege of vcitinl on a political issue , I' voted til , repub\ican \ tiGket. I have votef othing .else. since. Nor can see , bow .any young , man can real Ii .his history and live under , the ad mil1lstrations of McKinley an , .r. . Roose\'elt and be anything but e republican. I am one. 5. Institute instructors fo CJtster county both last year an , this year were selected with , dn exception upon the advice of .th i. State Departmeet of .Public Ir struction. The re.ason for goi.n abroad for instructors this ye. wa.s t 'e elief t at t e sc eel i , terests of the county would 1 be.t . sub.served by so doing. ) f 5. , There is o teg-.al r a iJ between the county' .5uperintel 11" dent and the S.4mJUer shoo ( which is the reason for not ha ing anything to do with tl schooJ.this , . ' . . year. 'J.r.\tac r COt ipg to. a private , n tituUo.n u.nd. the patronage of the .5uperint . d.ent co e ; p'ei .almost a tilc J contract of obtaining a certifica. ' - , . . . - . . . . - . - , . , undue .fovor inretUk'u. or -retUk'u. This is not so .with the , lcgally : .estab- lished institute whi h. is attend d as a dut ) . . , 'l'he matter of 'an alleged breach of contract with the Broken - ken now School Board is respectfully - fully left , to that bqdy. 7. 'l'he rule relati.ng tq grades from. examinations properly interpreted - terpreted and intended to be followed , refcr to the , teachers who fail in one , examination , and who without any.substai1tion intermediate - termediate preparation , .takc . another - other : mmination within 11 few days or. weeks. In such cases it would seem that an average grade of such examinations is a fairer test of' the pplicat1t's ali1ity han is. . t1y "p rti ularly high or loW .gr "e obtained pos- ! ? ibly y.ch ; ce. 8. Teachers 1. ! "ve " Custer 9unty qecause .they get. better wages or better. positions else- where. They ar , gl d to return when like induce.Ulen s are offer- e here. " At thi juu tJon , Mr , Humph- rey renewed his motion to pro- eed to J10.H1jJ1 te .Mr. . Lewis , by acclamation , which was secouded by a number. Mr. J. F. Fox- worthy , of Custer . township , thought.that under the circum- .stances it would be bett r to have a toll call by townships on th nomination of Mr. Lewis and , move a roll all. . Thereup n , Mr. Humphrey withdrew h s , motion and a rollcall was Qrder- ' . d. Thp. result of the roll can : was a animous vote , for ewis , ItJiet'e ; not beipg , a desenting vote' , in the entire delegations. The 'r sultVas .annonnced" " amid tumultuous - multuous applause. . On motion an jnforu : al b.allot \ v.s taken fer sheriff w4ich re- Isu ted , n bringing out the ames : 'of J. O. T2.ylor , J. S. McGraw with scattering votes for "John , Scott , J. M. , S.a.\'age..and ; A. .Fon- : da. The first 'formal ' ballot resulted - . sulted in J. O. rraylor's. nomina.i tion.by a vote of 149 to 72 for. . McGraw. Mr. 'faylor was called , and thanked' 'the convention as- Ruring the 'p.ublic if .elected that. be wpuld , endtavor : ; to fill .the office.efficienty } .and economically. On motion an informal ballott , w.st . < ( l en , < > n he , 'office of cler.k of he di trict court , , Which Qrought the 'names' of .H. F. Kenuedy , Geo. ' B..Mair , J. Ii' . . Foxworthy. It required five I' ballotts for a choice , the final ballot resulted.inMair's , nomina- tiQn. The vote st.Qod air 114 1-42 , .KennCT.dy 97 , ,41T'42 , Fox- WQrthy 9. .oth Mair , and Kennedy - edy eachhad led.on.previ , us .bal- tots , an4 . a.d not .1delegations change Itheir. ' votes , before the . voti.ng had 'been co npleted , l eithe'r would : have _ , ] 1.d . the nQmlj nation. The changes ordtreu ; before-the vpte could be.announc"- ed etayed jthe ork of t4e secre ; taries la d : gaye rise .for dissatis faction .t at ' : was , unavoidable under 'the conditions , no tally sheets havi g been provided. o.n motion n infQrmal ballo r - was t ken on assessor. Th e naJU s' of Jules.H amnont , C. 'r. Leach , R. M. goster , C. M. Fore - e scyth and If. J. Ed , ington . were brought out. On t4e' thtrd ballot Mr. Ha1.t. ; I11Qnt : was I1.ominated , , recei\ini ! { 121 out of ,221 , .votes , cast. Mr , Haumont , thanked , , the conventiox a proJUi ing' ' that if elected l1.f would impartially and faithfullJ perform the' duties of the office of cQunty asses.sor. anI motiQn lthe .rules . were sUs , pended 'and F. .E. VanAnhverJ was. 'ren "tinated for surveyor g I e 't\1 \ n1f d t e convention 'flqj ' tr ] - W At.TIW-lIaTlrlll IlIdo.'rIOUi plnOll1 I .acti .Iati 111 trn'd ( Ot.:1IOIl" : 8 UblI6"ed' ' frne Ie \WL\l.ltb.allll : . . eallltallo c.a\lupou \ tn" hail' . &lIa"illl' " to& ' .u'C1I1I11"III1 , pr611' ' ' I 1I . . , tcIIJ.g ! nt ' ' : II'rfw..b _ , \o . I , .u , aaar-ot ' 18 ' linll tr.w I1I J i\.Zp.u..aud' \ hot , In billa & 4tal1Cad \IIL'8atb : .wul. . vBx _ r1lIc no , . " ' RU.I _ , j , , 11.OJ& rulerlllCl au4 , n . lOl lelf.adilluia tD\'I , ' ' ' ' j ' ' , 11lelf.adilluia \ / I 'l'1I1 . 'H'41'J01I'U . . Vu.bO1l . b.j"lIlcU" , 11 , : . _ _ . . - - pledged continued f ithfulness. For cororner the names of Dr. Ames 'of Sargcnt . , Dr. Morrow f Merna , Dr. Young of Anslcy , were pla.ceet in nomination. 'rho vote rcsulte.d in favor of Dr. Morrow - row of Merna , on the second ballot , who was declared the nominee. Dr. Morrow' thanl < el convcntion. On motion a committee consisting - sisting of one from each township - ship was electecl to select delc- gates to the state convention. The following are the names of the parties elected , viz : T. ' 1' . Varney , Jas. Fairfich1 , 11' . M. Marsh , A. E. Young , C. I . Jud- kins , Jud Kay , Jas. McGraw , J. J. Doug-las , John IIit ldcy , John Morrow , F. C.Vilson , A. ' 1\ Seybolt , Ii' . E. VanAntwerp . H. ComstClck , E. F. Myers' , F. M. C \rrie , A. II. Copsey , P. II. Marley and J. C. Predmore. On mCltion of Jewett , the chair was thorized t appoint a committee - mittee of three to select delegates - gates to the judicial convention. 'rhe chair appointed 'V. A. ' George , A. H. Copsey anl1 L. II. Jewett as said committee. Moved by Humphre ) ' that delegates - gates elected to the judicial convention - vention use all honorable means to secure the nOl liuaHon of the present incumbent , Judge Chas. L. Gutterson , for Judge of the 12th Judicial district. 'l'he following are the delegates - gates elected to the judicial c n- ' vention : F. II. Young , F. M Curric , , Alpha Morgan , Ii' . E. VanAnt- , werp , W. A. Gerge , C. O. Lind , John Reese , D.M. Amsberry , F. M. Rublce , E. G'Schwind , FreII , Delano , F. D. Mills , Jules IIau- mont , L. H. Jewett , J. D. lIas- kellV. . P. True , Jas. Fairfield , II. J. Eddington and A. H. HumpHrey. On roll , call the townships an- noun ecl the following members of the county ccntral committce for the ensuing year : Algernon , Jas. Fairfield ; Ans- ley , T. T. Varney ; Arnold , Ira Mills ; Broken Bow , Alpha Morgan - gan ; Berwyn , H. S. Waterbury ; Cliff , W. J. Rice ; Custer , ' 1C. . II. BayerhotIer ; Delight , A. Moore ; Douglas Grove , II. B. Glover ; l tim , S. C.Valdron , Elk Creek , C. H. Louts ; Garfield , . Jules Haumont ; Grant , John Gilmore ; Hayes , T. ' 1' . WincheR- ter ; Kilfoil , A. Somers ; Lillian , E. N. Bishop ; Loup , Von Davis ; Myrtle , \V. B. Bryan ; Sargent , F. M. Currie ; ' 17riuJJ1.ph , WI11. 'Varren ; Vict9ria , F. CVilsQnj 'Vester"ville , D. M. SavilleVest ; Union , Lambert : W'al er ; : Wood River , Dr. 'Vade ; 'W Y 1 , Jas. Chittick. On motion .the central com- lli , . C. . E. GANDY ; ' . Real Estat and Collections . .I arms for S le and Rent. Office over'N. Gleil11 s tailor shop. . . . . . . . Notary'Public. m Droktn Bow , . . N.brukt , , mm SOHEDULE OF nnOKEN DOW MAILR. Pouch for west will clole at 8 p.m. , II'Xcepl 8unda , when It will cl08e at 0116 P m. Poncb. ea.t lor tr.lu o. .2 0108e. at 8 a n : and fOI No. it elo.es at , 11.30 a.m. & tall for Anlle1 . .tid point. east lit Or.nd IIhl d narrled on tr.1I No. . . . Oconto Tla of Uypo .and TuckenlUe , dally III { esp' tlnnd.y cia III' . at 7 . tn t r luruln" IIII O da ) . Call1wa Tla , ble'Klllle , , dAU , OXOi'pt ' tlund J cloeo' a17 a 10 , rliturlJlDj ( sam" d.y. 1 Jlouod VaUoy via Urelln and IUton 01010 at 7 I m.Tueaday. 'fl1uuda ) and tlaturda , . , rotnrnlnj 1.11I11 d.y. . , tlUtnllar , Ia Gurneo , , Uoorgetqwu and Ul'tol arrrlYoll at 11.80 , 'l'II"lday 'I'burlday 111111 liatm day returning 101ue. at 12,30 latnQ day. Otl1Q hour > > frotn 11.00 a 10 to 8.00 l' tn. auu d.y. frOm 1I:41 : p. m. to 6:411 p. m. l.obby opel 'ukday. from 'I a.Pl.to 8 11. m. BnnJA ' 8S : a. m. to" a. m. Ueullral del\nry Dot open Bu - q. , momlna'u hUftltnfore. 1. . 1l.JIIWaTT. ! l'M' . " - . . . . - Ulittcc'was attth rizcd to fill J lY vacancies that U ll o ur on t 1e ticket. . . A yote of thanks was cx : t cIl to Congressman . oj. ' Bttrln t"t'-for his able anc1l'atriotic 'ac1c1r Sk ! , . On motion the convention' - . . jounlcd. . . . . . . . . J o" . Il.ntcH 'Vc. . , . " 'lIu 1Iur1lngtol1 oITch ! ro itii trlp'trck' t9 as follows : ' Deliver , Col. , UIII1 retUrtI , f.14.70 , ' . 'Jtlnc I . - - Colomdo SprillgS , Col. , IIm1 returl. $ IB.75. Jllnu t tu.Sept. 30. . Pueblo , Cot. , nml retllrll , $19.60 , JIIUC [ to Sept. 30. GlenwoOll Springs , Col. , 11I111 rchrt" ! $28.25 , Junc [ to HC/lt. 30. . . Ogden , lltah , lUll / return , 132.9 < > , Juue I to Sellt. 30. ' SnIt Lnke City , Ut\h' ( , IInll rctunt , $32.- 90 , JUIIC t to Se\lt \ 30. ' , . . De\l1\\00d , S. D. , uillt retllntl i4.oS , Junc I to Scpt. 30. . ' . I ead , S. D. , nml retllrllU".OS.JJIIlC'1 : . to Sept. 30. . . , . ' lIot 'Slrillg" ) , D. , nllil"rclurn , ' $10'.95 , Jllne , 1 to Sept. 30. ' Custer , S. D. 1\1111 rclut'n : ' $ fI.Go'JlIdc ' 1 to Sept. 030. Auk. 'the tI k t n el . "for . plrtlculars. ' 52-IJ : . . - . 1.0' " Unlet. to CnlHorntn. 'l'he Ihlr1illt tou round 'trlp tict&cts a1 ! follows : -SIlII l rancisco 11I11returJI. . . 1-7.0 ' , AlI ! ust t to q. . ' . " Ios J liel.cH ! uu'il nturiL : tt7."o , 'A .lgusl' 1 to 1.Auk \ the tick . . t el\t f r . p'ar- - - ticularn. . " . : : . . . fS v - - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . _ I . . . . . . . . . .llertt Ilendcd 'It , . ; ' . ; . . : . : , . . : Orlmmll Hcnl , Nil. r47Ii. : . . , . . . . . , . - . . , , . . . \ [ , . . : . ; . .Iv i. , : . \ . . , ' ; 'M ' 4" . . . ; . : ; J. G. BRENIZEIllreederof' : I'liro Hcotch AIIII Scolch ' 1'01'1"11 ! ! hnrt 1I0rn C/lt- Uo. . 1111 herlt numhors 40 COWH. Will CIIIIIIH'ro III hrc"clln.r . 1\1II1'1""l1t ' ) ' with 111\Y wcst of OhlcAIO. My oXIlOrloncQ hIlA "ntht ! mo tll/I' to L'lvo Stood I\IIHrl'ctilln. IIr"Nlhu : CllttlO 1111I8L 110 rnlnodln this nltlludo. I cXlloct tll rnlao thorn here tliO oqunlll [ nll'tllllll : ral8011 In thoU. II. IIiOW 111\\0 li : h"l1 " 11I1111110 lur I I" , a1\lI. not : yenr's _ on'lco. Illy COWII weigh from liDO II ) 200J 1101indB. Como 111\11 ee thom. , - - . . - - . . - . . - . ' - - - . Bu f on ! TIME TABLE . . BROKEN now , NEB. 1 I"colll. nellvcrt Ol , ullh. Ilelclin. ClltCJlICO. nuttc , Ht. JONellhortlnlld , ll.nIlHAH cu. " , HnU I. ltc City. Ht. l.oulH. : AII.I nlllrrnllcIHC ( All . .0tlltH ItUNt And AII..ulnt. . Atltl HoUtll.'WoVcHt. . No. 49-Voellhulml eXIrl'811 dl\Hr , Lincoln , Ollla- ba , ! lit. JOBOl.II , Kan AA . It. Imla , Ohl. oligo ami all Jlolntlilt nil' 1I0Illh. . . . II 07 a.m. No. 44-,00nl OXI'rOA ' ' 11111y , Lln\ulli. Omaba. UhlclI/o / Illlel nllllolllt8 O Rt nrul8u1IthIlI SO n.m. No. 41-Vestlhulocl nXllrn 1I ,1"lIy. 1100111 ] > , H"I\I' tlo. UuUu , 1'0r\lIl\l1 IIml 1111 l'l\clllr. COlIst IlolrltR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .lIo-lam No. 43-Inclll oxprolltl dailY. o'\lIIl\lIc" alld IlItorml'lIl1lo IIOIIILII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .It 1i1l111n tllonplll . 'lh.hllt ' uml rocllnllll ; chlllrcllu (11011111 'rco ' ) IIn1hr"IIV'II " ' 1'111111. ' 1'lclll' Bolel ! lnd hag. /(1I//1 / / rhocl.I'lt L " . . . . pnlut In th Uliltoll tllato. all,11 ll a < lll. InformaURIl. map8 , Limo tnhlclI ) Uld tlckot tnllun or wrUn to II. L. Urllllllly. IIfCllt , .or J I rllllnli\ \ . I' . A.lI. "Ihv. Nobmeka. II. I. . OIlKHIlY. Alont. : . . - : . . < . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . : : - . " . . . . . . . . . . I F ; ; f:1 ; l in Custer COllntyNeh. S Tr.UMH-Ono.thlrll : CIIRh : lJalnllco on S clort'froIIIHIYIIICnLH , 7 I'cr ' cel.t InLer"HI. 8 S 8 WII.I.t.uIl'IfJ IIWli , nuRW' ! ! , Kg o 31.13.2:1. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 1100J ( 1.1 o HTKI'IIIIN80N-cf ! ! swt.,1ol 'i. IIC' : 0 o 6lnlJtl"rIl12.8M7.1 ' 21. . " " 800 o 1.loIIClIIN-loJwl- . , II ! ! , IIw'e 111,1 8 . o IIw iIlW . { ,24.13'2\ \ . . . . . . . . . . . 1JOO o (1AIITI.IUIUIIII-"I.m.IH7. ! : : . . 2 1100 0 o } ) nLf-WVt IInH.n4 ! IIW"10 1.1 : U.5 : ! 1 [ lK ) o IlnoWNNo1'3.UI ! \ . . . . . . . . SOO g . o ' ( 'WUII'jON-tHo , BW ! j : . ! 5i oy , BoH , 0. . . ' ' : ! 6.1 .2 : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . 7 ( ) ( \ o " HIIAIII'I-8" ! : , In.IH . , . . . . I , mo ( JIIIIIVII""N-IoOIl : UIr"H : III R'CUUIIS . B . 7. R. It ! . lU , towillillll' H. : :1:011.1 : / : rur l1 cliUlu tllllch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 OIM ) S o toyua-/II' ! / . 21.14 , IH . . . . . . . . . t 2JO ( II NKLHON-NuH. 2,5I-It ! ! . . . . . . I 5/N ) S I UnHWIIHIIN-l' < IV't. 1.13..1. . . . . . ' . MOO 0 o nAVI8- " IIcJoI.IIW1 lIoJf. 17.13. 0 211. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 / 8 HKXTON-NIV-IlJ ! : 13. ; : . ) . . . . . HOO ft I WI MT"N-N 6I1"III-1110 ! , 12.15. . 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! -O < ) S S MnUlKKY-Hrl , : ' I.W. . . . . . . . 800 * S WAI.Ir.n-HIV\I. H.1IJ.tt : ! . . . . . - 't' ' IAMMA-Hw'l unH , IIW f MeJ'f , Inla fi S I , : ! : 11.11.21. , . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 U ' 0 ItnIllNH"N-N IIw'l. IIl\le IIIVli , , Sj nIlICIlOl..IHH. . . . . . . . . . . " . . , . f..Ocl S 8 U1'TKIlIlACIINe'l. . JO 17. . . ) . . . . . . . I ( All ) 0 Q ' . Ne f.2J.l4.18 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \JC \ ) ) 8 8 N 'rhe IIhnvull\lIllR will ho Holclliuhjnct 10 8 - N exillUIIK l < 'IIIil'II. NIlW Iii YOllr opportullily 8 u N hororu IIrll mlVAKCl'lL I'or pllr. 8 Ii , tleulaw , CII / 11111 or "oIllrcHR thl. otUeo. . < : r.r.r..r..r.r.r..r.r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r.r..r..r.r..o [ . - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 0' " - - - ' . ff , fm { - : 1 . ' .Before You Bull : ! . Consult. . . . . I PAPINEAU . & DRAKE , ' 1 ! I Contractorll and BuildcJs. . : : I Estimates Furnished Free With Plans and Specftications. :1 ; I :1 " , . . I I JI' , ' { ! ' \I\II.I' \ UlhJlIIU1 " IUlIIUl J _ _ J1 ( JUUJ' ! ' r-9.Ir- ; ; : r = = _ _ _ - ' : : : : _ - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . v- , - - - - - - - . - , ' . . . vIe . , . . . . . . . . , . , . . - ' n- : 1.J ' . , Cftld.in One urcs Crlp ; j8' Day . er. - . 0 'M' ' ' , , " . ' , ' . U\ Two Days. . . . - . " ' < , LlXItiY " 1Bj mo , uin.ne . , ' ahlats. P1I ' on every ; . : : ; 1e.v'f ieN 'J'I8OIItb. . T aipatpre.JQ.'c. : . . . . . . . box. 250. , .