j , I , j TO CRUSH THE JEWJ I , "OLICY OP RUSSIA MAKES LlPE UrtDEAR- . ADLE "ltIERICA HIS ONL YREFUGE IlADE FOOTDALL OP OLD WORLD FANATICISM - ICISM I , . r 'y' HA VE RIGHT TO PROTEST \ fl(1 ' lport'of the Rabble and the Durrer AItAIDst r Which Strikes the Wrath or Savoicr . ) ' IInd Intolerance I At1anta Olty N. .1. , July l3.-John B. Weher of HUlfaio , N. Y. , Inte' ' commlssoller of lrullIlj.tratlon at tlle port uf New Yorl { , nnd chairman ot the special COlllll1lsslon authorlsed by , congress In 18SB to Im'estlJlate In Europe the callses Inciting 'IlltDl ' ra- tlon to this countr ' , WIIS a spealer today before the , J owlsh Uhautauqua Dn the sU'ljeet of 1.rJw Status or the lews In Hussla. " In his address 1'1r. Weber charged the Russian restrictive laws as being resp .nslble . for the mlsrry and perse- . cutlon of which people read and hear. He stated that there wonld ne no peace , no substantial reller for the Bufferers until the tota lsappearance trom Bussln of either the Jawor the special laws direct against him. , Taking lip the laws regarding.the right or residence which the speaker characterized liS espedally hard and oppressl ve , he brlerly sketcherl the blstory or the lJl\lclal \ decrees regulating - ting the area \ ithln which the .Tews were permitted to live during the ) . . past for ty years. Summing up the status of tbe Jew In Russia , rr. Weber said : "Today he Is an aHen In the laud' ' Df his bIrth. a slIhject who beurs an undue shure Jf the bill deus of oed Ito\'ernlllent without the prl vlleges of Its meanest citizens t'ettercd In his movements , handicapped In his vocation , restricted In his educational - al oppurtunl ties , he Is unable to protect - tect him seH and powcrless to successfully - cessfully Invol e .the protectloQ or the Duthorlpe , a slave without. the selr- interest of a master to shield him tram abuse - he stands helpless Igainsli hrute force eg ( 'cl on not ouly religions Intolemoce , but hy contendIng - Ing forces that strl'e to strengthen' the go\'ertlment on the one hand and to destroy It 011 the other , the Irre- ' presslble conf1lct between govern ment by autocrncy aud government' by the people.r1'he .Tew is thereroro' I the sport of the [ IIh1 > le the spoil of tiJC om cia 1. the foottall of fan at 1- ' clslU , the buffer a alnst w.hlc1l strikes . . the wrath or bJ utry , Intolerance , Dnd savagery. " Mr. Weier asserted stroflgly tbo : moral obligation IInd the legal rl ht ; of the Ueiled States to protcst to 'the Russian go\'err ruent against Its tl'eatment' Jews and said : "We cannot look with unconcern upon the arrival of the thousands of bunted , terror strIcken human be- Jn s who corne to us crushed In spirit and ImpovCllshtd In substance , to enter Inlo competition with our re- spectrod , and sult-respectlnl ! labor. . : : Neither Is It an answcr to say that : " ' \Ve have tlle renlCdy in olir own , . hands bv closIng our ports against I , these people , rl'hls woulrl violate nur I very Instinct Of humanity , and would , ! war against the pOllcv which has C 1 made this eountly reat and prosper- II ; . ous , anll whleh wl1l continuo to IIdd , , to 01lI progress ancl prosperity , If Im- . 11 mlgrutlun is conflued to normal } causes ' 1Ipne. " Hl'1crln to a hOlle that a consider. I nblc part oC this stream fWIII Hussla ; , may be directed to otllel' lauds. Mr. Weher qnoled the statement of an . cmlgrant at KO\'IIO : "I am going to An1eril'a. for In c that ellr'ctloll lies iJOl ! Here I have t onlv felrs : to eomfort IIlC. l'he hope J nMY pro\'e delusive , but the fears are , a certainty. My great ambition Is i to breathe nt ; , , 'ast once thc free air it wi th whlcl ! Gdd has blessed the' ; : Amerlran people. " "f " " ' ' ' 1'heslJ , ' ' saId the speaker , "are , the wurds of an ur.cllltnred .Tow , and these arc the sentiments in the lIeart of every .lew In Hussla. , . Mr.'eb r cancd at entlon to those of the .Jcwish fllith of the ra\'o rc- sp' nslbilltles talllnl ! upon Ihum due to UI" pelsecutloos of their coreligIonists - Ionists , 111 rece\'lnJ ! the thonsulJds a who lIel' from their oppressors In s : nidi IItu / { esl"lhli..rl . t hemin WOI k IInd i 1 I business so that ' \ \ , LIleY \\111 becl'me ' 8elf-sust'lllIln ' : In distributing them I I so they will nut by cl.ngestlon be. I I . cOllie a mcnacu. I Swept by Furious Storm Beaver Olty , Neb , .July 13.-'A tlrrltlc electrical and wind storm prl'- Tailed here Rur.day afternoon , lustln" tor ijbuut forty.tlve mlnutcs , In which time two an one.fourth fnches or rain fell. ' 1'hc wind blow I I with great , 'Iolence , doing much I. . . . . . , amage to small buildings , wind. ; , mills , and to the whea t crop jU8 CI I rtuly tor har\'e8t. ' 1'110 unlnn Salva. . .A tlon army of Kansas and Nebraska , now holdlnll a cnmpulretlng here , p 6uUered lUuch lose. _ YI " . I , I . . ' . . , , - - - - - - - - - I ON TilE GI\LLOW5 RHEA HANGS FOR THE MURDER OF HERMAN ZAHN. : Llncoln JUly 11.-W1Ilam Rhea 'Bullered ' death Ylsterday ut the bnnds ' ' 010nIcers ot tbo law. ' 1'he ICRal 'stru rle : for his IIfo was kept up until - til se "ernl hours past the tune fixed In t c death warrant for the execu- tion. Wben every hope was Jest the murderer ot IIerlUan Zahn was conducted - ducted from his lonely cell to the 6culfold whore the mamJate of the law WIlS skllfully carried out. With. out tIInchlnJt : and without a word to tlle spectators he stood us the preparations - arations were made. Without a word I ndlcal In for his deed or hope as to his future state , he suffered the death sentellce. A Cew movements of the musclcs of the throat berore the nOOie was adjusted Jndlcilted mental a ltatlon and ulone made It plain that the alfalr wus to him any- thlnJ { but un ordinary occurrence. l'ho last hours Of the cOll/lemned / II1nn's life were spent \'ery much as : > thers that had preceded. ne slept \V 011 his last sleep on earth , ute heflrtl1r or the delicacies Plovlded und tall\Cd very much as usual with those around him. lil. : ; adieux to the entle11len of the pulpit and rep- resentativeq of the clJurch who had ' spent so many hours In his behalf' : \vere made IJofore his mareh to the scatTohJ. lIe passed tbem with a mere glance as bo approached the 1 rcenc ; of his deu th , A this rcC ) uest I no spiritual ad vlser attended him 1n ills last mOlllen ts. On the alJom - > I only those \\'ho assisted tlle warden I In the eIeeution were neaT him. Uhea dlsp ed of his few bolQ.lg- , ] II1JZs pfleviOIlS to tlle dawuing of hle , I . last day , lie appeared very rrJUob US I In the mornln . ITe l-/JSC / enr.t : ( and : l.fLer eatln ( ( a hl'urty br'Oltlt $ t , ! he was vlsl ted I n his cel } by t.1ha.p- lain Walt'er K. WJJJlams of the prls- 1 on. For fully tbree-quarters or all bour they were In conversation. Rhea Is said to have expressed In pllvate ponltence of his crimes. But It was his wlsll to meet death alone and It wa , > at bls request that the ohaplln did not attend 111m. Sc.mo ot the guards who attended the mun at In- terval8 say he did not at all times maintain his reselVe : II tlnst thosn who held hJq tate In tLJelr hands b t there was no pUblic indication that he bore animosity towards anyone. At ] 1.30 Warden Beemer visIted Ullea and the executl\'e clerk , E. B. li'alrUeld. accompanied him t.o read the death warrant This proceeding occupied ehthteen mInutes. Hhea made a private request of the warden aud a little later Mrs. Beem. \ ' er was sent for. She entered thc r ] hospital building where tbe death , c watch has been preserved and con- t \'ersed wi th the prisoner. She appeared - t peared a little Inter weeplu convulh H \'ely uno carryln small book. t All tllls time the greatest SUSl enso t. . 11ad been endured by these who were 0 o huve a rart In the execution either g is spetators : or as usslstants. In the g , varden's ol1lce where cunstant telep Jhonle communication was mnln1j , alned wltb the offiue of the I clerk of a .ho suoreme court there was con- tl itant liope that the battle for at leust tl L few moro days of life that had It wen carried on at the state house e4 nigh t be successful. 1.'ho sUlcessl : ve W noves made by the attorney of the : ondeooned man were unnounccd unci . "hen finally the Information came .hllt . there was nothing more to do n : JUt to carry out tlJP. decree of .lihe w : ourt , there was relief for a second UI lIId then r'newed tension hecause of f ( .he . s'ene : that was to come. The sallie scaffold on which GottIz ieh Nclguullnd had died In March II vas erected In the west cell house a md in the srlme place It had occupied tr In that occasion. tr r1'be witnesses of the execution to UI he numher of abont a duzen IncludhI ng physicians and ol1lclals from the be Ity were atherod about the bllt 0. . Ilack framework when Ii door open cd Itl adlng from the prlSlJi. . 'ard and cl thea entered between two uards. tl ctln Depuly Warden Delehanty fr nd Mr. Stewart , whll l1ad formed t1 ne of the death watch , wued ) ( on pc IUlCr sII ] " . It was a lon solemn a :1alch : over the two hundreel feet hetl \'Ie'n the door und the scatTold.r1'ho or ped 'I torsVa tched tl1e prisoner's In vcry mO\'CIIIBnt a nd he oC n 11 seemed last ! concerned. II Is c1emeanor was W ather that or cheerfulness. At the co , out of till' scaffold , he paused a millof te , hunded Ills hat to un attendant \'e lid 1U00IIJted the steDS wthout asIt ( stanf e though there wore hands 011 d ( ach side to cateh him had he K 'eulwn'd. 111' ' lthe.nPlleal'ec ! to g\'e ! C'\'ClY asslsaf ] HlCO posst blo tn the oOlcers. lIe ascr ertalnod the exact location of the ar Amell Off to Ptnitcntlnry St. Paul , Mlnn" July 11.-1'he su- remo conrt W UV fl'rmallv entere I. " rrrer susralnlnJ ? the v'rellct dc- luuug forml'r SlIpl'rlllterll1ent or Pot t ce 1)'rel1 ) A mes of MI nneapolls guilty I I rceel vlng mOlley for" protection. " Upon the nnouncement that thl' [ mrt had reached suoh an argeement , mes wus token to ttJe SWhnt-cr rlson to bCL111 ; his &entcnC"C ! ot six ars. . _ _ ' - - - . . _ " . . , ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I tl'ilp nud stood upon It and waited Ilvln 11 rnther curlcus look at thl beurn ahove him on which the rap. that WIIS to end his Itre was fustened. It. fUay hare been 11 smile thut passed over his fellturcs as ho stood await. Ing his death. Hnd ft not be on f(1l tLe spasmodic motions of the throat I1S It 11e were s\TuHo"'ln with dint- cUlty , It would not have bcen apparent - parent that he enrod. No speech or word except ono 0)- two of Inquiry as the guards fastened him for the drop \Tere heard , If he had Intended to make n statement tram the sClltTold he had changed his mind. 11e stood awaltln the end wJth the eyes or Emil Zahn , the brotl1er of the man ho murdered , In- teut upon him and those or William Kurt , another relatlre of Zahn , watchln with awe the exccutloner's preparations. DUl'ln the tew moments 'that mIca's f see wao uncovered , he gllve. 110 sign of recognition or those beluw. 111m. lie u.oulItcd the scaffold lit 1 : O p. III. nnel In I wo mlnutcs the hands and limbs \Vere strapped , the hlack eap adjnstellunc ] the noose WII In PH'l' ! : , the Imot belug under the lert enr. When the d rap was sprlln I&Iti 1 :22 : . the mau's IlOwerlnl vitality was e\'l- i elonced. He WliS' not prnnounced rlcad fnr thirteen minutes. "l1'or a tlmo It'as Ceared UlIlt' the fnll had not been sulllclerit to break his neck , but It "US IIft rwards shown thnt b19 bad oceurled at the JJrst shocl , . HIli Icmalns were Dot remo\'e nntll wflnty-of1e mlnuws Mtor the exccu- tJoo. . , The Tribune of the town of Fre- tnonto , where the trial took placc t + 1\tMI \ the followln : hlstory ot the : r1 ! tH ! . 1.b. ! kflli11 of Zhan took place dm- In < < ; \ rnid of a JZmg at robbers ren- c1VouslnJ. : near Crowelllmd followo < l , WO days 'of debauchery. Three ; tran ers I\'ho proved to be William Rbea , Edward Gardner and William Darrell went to Snyder on the eren- ng of .Tar.uarv 4. They were first ; een In Kurmum ! Bros. ' sllloon and Ittraetoc1 considerable attention by ; helr dlslloslll'1 ( ] to quarrel with the 'requenters or the place. ' .rhey kept IP1 ! constant jan lIn for half un } Our , when all adjourned to TIm'mar ! ah1's s rloon. l'he loun\ers of the her pJJC : were Corced to acompany llCa and his companions wllo drew evolvers IInd made tbem enter the aloon al1ead. There was a halt aozen men In the Ilace playing cards' nenr the stove , nd thtv were ordered by the thrl'e lesperadaes to throw up their Imnds , vhlch they did with alacrity. ner- l1an Zaho was slttln on a table and om plied wit.h the order. TIe a rose o hIs feet and t.aklng a step towatds hc reboers said I ! ' " , Dont'shoot. As did so Rhea shot him and Zahn II hea rily to the floor. Gal nA' up 10 LJe wounded man Rhea strucl { , him n the head with his re'olver and , ave him a l'lck sayln"You / { wil et over this" . After rInlng 7.ahri's\ \ ockets and relleYlng him ot his 'utch , RI1P.a went behind tbe bar nd se"lIl'ed a.75 In money from the Ill.r1'he thugs then backed out of l1e building and after rln a volle ' 1 front or the place made tbelr ( : s- ape two ftolnR cast and the other 'est. Attention was at once given to MI' . ahn. He was shot In the abdomen rI the left side , sll ht1y helow the aval lie was tnken to llls homo , here a Jlhyslclrm probed the wound IIsuccessflll1.v for I h1 hullet. Dca th , ) IJowed in about an hour and II half. Mean while a posse had been on anI I , ael and chase was given the Ileelng IIIJ. : . ' 1'he nllthtVas very IIJhli fllJm full moon and the men were easily 'acked to the creek where the'I I ' ! 111 was lost. Scolltln , parties l < Cfltj p the hunt all nl ht hut the II Ie II Id made their escape Cor the time Ing. Sherllr Kreudei' and o 11 1I.'e l' rawford Ilnh'ed . ' from I.'remont clnr- I the night anel the former toni , IIlrge. ' 1'he sheriff. . had an Iclea that . Ie men be'onged to a ganl ! that .equent'd CrowI'1l and set out In lilt direction. IIccoll1panled by the ) sse. On the way they stopped at place bearing an unsavory repula- , ( 'n but found nothlnrr suspIcious Id they l'ontlnued on to thc well 10wn reudezvous. ' 1'hey tnnucJ a WOlllan , Mrs , M. D. iIIlllms In posseRslon , As nothln uld be learned from her a seurch thr place \'Vas commenced. Vo- 'Iopements were Roon reached at a raw stllck near the barn amJ e\'I- nces that I twas occllpled fherlJl' ; reull'I Rtu 'CcJ to await develop- ents , anc1l1fter a match had hO/1 / Iplled to the plio a second mUll awlud out and meekly submltt cI to rest. This man WIIS Gardney. Frehhts Crash Together De Moines. In. . Julv lO-Flreman , Tose Dusek of Cedar Rapids , Hrake.- man Nichols or this city , and an un. known tramp \Vas killed In a l1 ad.on collision on the ChlcagoMllwRukee : & St Pnul railroad laat nl ht. The 'Vlock oceured near South Amnna , Two heavily loaded trcl ht trains crashed together. 'l'wo en lncs , ten. . dars and rr any C rs were derailed' and shattered. Trame on tbo Une ! wns deluyed for roan , haul'S. ' ,11 _ . . , . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HHEA EXPLAINS 11 . .I I 1"lnS1' ANI ) ONt.l'UllrIO UTl'rm , ANOI' : 01" TIIIC . : I1UIUJru n. HIS LAS1\- HOPE IS GONE OC\'EJtson mwmm. . TO I\TI m' mm 'M\KES A FRUITLESS PLEA Hhl'nI.u " 'rnle . . r'lIer 10 Ir. " 'hnr- tllll-III , ' , , ' ) ' , \1:11111 . \ tu..t for Clt 1111'11(1) ' but the OUvtlfllllr UtlnCII tn YI"III. ' 'rhe I.lncnln SIIIr. "I t allUost seems as thol1 h ther werl' Iw , . Gods to worship , two Gods tll luol _ to In the hereufter. Since I ha\'u hl'en here In the penitentiary I 1111\(1 el'n tanght of the God of mer- l'Y allIl I'flrg\'eness ! , one to.hom nil ef1uld IlCl ! for refuge I hllvo stmllecl all" read or Him dlll'lng lilY conIIne- 111111\ \ aliI ! lUany rrlCtHIs ha\'e visited , IIle lune told lUe of Him. I only hope t hat I I1lll prepared to meet , 111m. I'The othcr God Is not so forg"'lng. 11 e hlllds h Is children to 11 strict , ac- ( 'oulltln ! : . apparently , but perhaps It Is thu same God f1O'I1di1IerclIt \ stand- , polnto. " llIce the visit of ovelt1or Mlck- c ' to the pellitentlar ' : , un IIJ' I have' gl'en tip all hopE's of II commntatlon ; \If sentence andulII ' ' ' tl' 'IL'g to prepare. rl1\"self " C"r I rlday. 1 thlnl , I uul rr'II'1 ' } ' to go before lilY God /lnd / havJ. ! vttlecl lilY dItferel1ces with IBm. I ! . .hIe \ that the salUe Is the case wlthl till' others who Ua ve had 11 part In illY case. "Governor Mickey Ims told me that he cannot and wilt nut interfere hr the carr 'llJg out of my sentence /lnd / I 11II\'e therefore Jt1\'el1 , up all hope , for the governor Is , I believe , a man uf his word and It Is very hard to change his lllind. Whe'n the o\'ern- or was lit the penltelfIJry Sunday I asked him to call anr ! see me In my cell and he consentcd. It was theu that I made my Jast plea for him to give me my life. I ! lie told me tllat he could not In- terlere , as he did not consider Interference - ference jostillablelnd / said thut 110 would be afraid to go before his God , if he cUlIlmuted lIlY sentence. lIe Is evldc'l tly slnceJC I n his hellet and I do not blame him , al tl.JOlI hit docs' secm I haL If the Lord will fr ) lvo me , us they teach lIIe , the governor' of the state ot : t-iebraslm could nnt be dlJlng wrong t , ) runt tlJe my IIfO. But ho lias his belief and I have mlno. Perhaps we are both light. I prefer to think of God In my light though , than In the elher. I " 1 Jm vo had se veral 10nJZ talks wi tl the governor since my conllnument In. . this small cell , and each time he has listened to my words and studle III V arguments. II looks nt the Jaw l/ferent / than I do , bclle\'lng In the letter or the ll ! w III ther than the sDlrlt. You know thcre are ' rcaIlV'/ / two coustructlOns to be placed , a literal - eral construotlon and a Jlberal con- 5tructlon. , ' ' ' 1'he real Intention or the Jaw Is to lIIake better men of the bad , not Lo punish them as a retaliation fed their crimes. ' 1'ho la.v should neVCl1 be 100Jccd upon as a means of rC\'enR' " III a crime , hut rather liS u means ort Leaching the criminal to be a bette IIHln. l talked to the o\'ernor In thIs" way , ,1wut It out he coulc ! not see th law thut way , so my arJlumeu\s were llsel < ! ss. "We discussed the partlculJrs ot III ) ' crime , for understand DIe , 1 do : lOt elalm that there was no crime I wmmltted , and the govrrnor pl'om- llied to welj.th every circumstance. [ I e told me tha t he cOIIslcJcred tlJe tact 01' my being drunk that clay as 1n exteJJuatlnu circumstance , but that was the nnly 1IllU ho could1lnd. \\'Iwre \ we .CJIII.md : was ou this very prow'si ton. "Whell I went Into that salocn In I 3nyclOl' that day , with 11l ' companion - ion , I was nnder the Int1uence'or IIq , I r. Nut exac.II ) ' drlllll. , fur I Iwew , \'hat I was dlJln/ / ! . \\0 wellt ther6 to 1011 the place , bill \ hat , was all. r had no moro Intl'n : lI.n of kIlling .ahll than I woullllJ.Hu of slaying- I IIV own father. When the shot wall Ired Itvus d1 rlnl ! Intl'lIse excite- nent arid the gUll \\'ellt of ( almust I , vithouL lilY kllllwlecJ o. J need not r'late rIll the delalls nf .he aUah' , for Lhey 1110 I'ulllllur to all , JIlt I wall t011 to belll'\'c 100 whclI I mv tlwt I JIC\'er Intend" " d to Im , [ Jerman Zahn. I say it knowlnlJ : hat I 1111I tu lIallg for the drec1 anll hilt fUrthl'l''orCJs'fJIC IIseless , but Jelleve It. " Killed By a Tram Geneva , Neb" .Tuly 100. . W. lJuekner , a printer , who had heen , vorklng at the SI lJal 11lce for the mst two wreks was killed in the [ 1I,11Orn yards while attcmplnR' to Jourt1 the suuth III/nll frelLht as the iraln was Iulfng ) out from the st I. .JOn. He missed his tootIng nnd waf , hro\Vn under the wheels. Butb I Imbs ned body were hOl'flbly m Jng. ' cd. lie lived about thirty min. I Hes. DuclUler quit work shortly at. : er dinner. , ' ' " ' " " . , - . , , " , , ' " . . ' ' gj\ebraska Noles I r'hc cOlls rucLion of the flovern- , 'ment ' hutJclIn nt Norfolk is belnnl dola1'cd lIy the non nrrlvalot tho' ' structural Iron. . . _ ' . rr..a ' " . . . " I , . . . . It . _ A census Is beln taken ot Norfolk In cOllncctlon with the question or , ' that Is now Ul ) berore the city : 'ollt1cll there. . . * . . . . . 'J ' . 'rhe funeral ot Ambrose Allen , a ( 'Ivll war \'otell1n ot l , > lattsllIouth" I was held yesterday under tbe nus. plces of the o. A. n , 'J.\f , . . . 4 R TJ. Noff of rlattsmouth , ancI lls Wlllllio Dutler , or Glcnwood \\'CrL' 1lI1lllied Ilt the fOtJner place by Judge rcher. * . . . . . _ I ; , o. . . . I ' 1'IIe sure na tch J I1cuhator company 'If Clay Cellter , lias tiled articles of l1.t'OfJlorltloll . : at Lincoln , with 11 cap- lI.ill stocl ; : or $100,000. I . . . . 4 _ . ' Dr. l . S. West , for many ycars a well Iwown prnct.1lloner of : Nelson , has heell decillred Insane and wus' talcn ; : to the -Jillcolh asylu'lu. * . . Willie Wlnlde , ( If Norfolk , fl11e [ Ill 0111 Homlln . cahdle tube , 'with pow- \ iler : I.ud touched It oIT with 11 lUatch. 11 e has 11 badly burncu fl'CO. ' . . * After IIn Illness or severn I months , olh'lu 811a1'ls. of Beatrice. aged 77 'earsl died at his hOllle. A widow and IIvo chIl ren survive him. . . . . 'j'lIe Collins Oarnlval company I ! lIolding forth at Falls Olty with a g'lOcl lIuo of attractions , but the farmers Ilre too busy In the 1lelds nw ! to attend. ! / - . * ' 1'ho Durlll1gton has extenc1ed UH , ratl' or ] 7'.1 1 cents a mile for Imrvesb I hands t ) apply tram Lincoln. Many mcn arc helng sent to 110Idre e\ where the wagc ! ? arc $2 and $2.50 per day. * * . . I I ; ' . A. McCrystal , a justice nr thb . pl'llCe of Cozad , commandcd ' 1 alhot I Da\'ies to dance. When he r'lused. . trIO justlcc fired point blanl , al him with his gnn. Da\'los escapctl In- jury. No arrests. _ _ @ . . . . . . City Clerk Sexton , or Aslltl\nc1 , \ IfJ lair ! up for a few dny tram the llcl { or rlclous horse , which struck hill } lI"er the hwrt. Had he been closer .10 the animal he IlIlght bave lost hi : ! , life. . I , . . . . S3 great Is the demand for cople or the book on illjular govornmcnt 'prelarcd by the Charles E. Morga" of Lillcoln , Nob. , that Secretllry : Hoot has been obliged to rder un. edl tlon. lothcr , . . . . . . . . . - . . : 4 * , Work has begun on the Younrc I M eli's Christian Association build. Ing at' ' York. A number of ethel 'business blocls are nearln comple , 'tlon and sixty dwellings are In th. 'conrse ' of constructlon. , i I , . . 4 . . I Fate Davis , of Memphis , who , Rhort time ago ahsconded. leavlnq 'rll'1ts ' ' to the amount of $3,000 , will be allowcI ( to return wl1Cno\'cr he dc. slrcs. IIls relatives have made up the shortage. . , tt . . . . " : ' ? , ' . 1 The body of WI11Ii111l H ! " . . , . ' \se ! ; , 0 , ; rrooller , drowned In the } ; lIdJOrn two weeJs ; : ago , was fount ! ! , \ , I farm band near Nleler on. SlcuHu.se I02t hl life 111 trying to save a IIttio child IfroUl , drowning. . . . . . . . : B. F , I letcher. has dlscO\'ered cou : 'in paylnl ! qualltitles on his ranch at Felix , Wvo. 'J.'he Fletchers hal'e or. 'gl1I17.ed : a slock cfJmpallY to c1evclopa Ithe mines , 1'1r. Fletcher has gone to , \\'olllllJ tc look over the ground , . . . * ; ? \oah lcyer \ , a'well known fnrmel Of 1I1IlIlbolcIt , died at his hOIllI ! IIJno /lJin / ! northwest of rhat cHy after a , . ! ' I1Inesc ; frolll which he has 111 ell , 'ndt'a\'orlllg te o taln rellof for ' t \1'U1 years. 'j'he flll1'ral was held iI t lbe Presbyterian church conducted ' . IJj' thc pastor , Hev. 1\lr. \ Smltll. . . . . 't ' The J'rellmh1llry hC\I'lng : of fIcnry Call filld Franl { Davis , .l\lIargec1 with IJ'lr/llarlzlng / Mrs , ShenlOu's obl.I- : ( n hOflsa , was held at the cOllnty COUl't at Beatrice ancI rCBulted In their oeing boul/d / over to tile rlls- trlct court. . Tn default of $ OO ball they were sent to the county jail. . . * J.oslle Huston , the l.t-yearole ! SII/ / ! or frs. Franl 'Huston , WIJS c1lUwned while bathll1JZ In Lulw I\car/lcy. / lie and another boy were In bathing , nel thr r of them kllowln how to wlm , when IIlIston i'tepped III 0 a ge\'en foot hole and ! Jufare assistance Catf.e was drowued. 011 account of Iln apprcachlng storm h Is body W3S not tound until next mornLnlZ. " , \ . . . . . . , 'io ' ' " ' . , _ . . : . . BLACK Ar D w lT , ' I COLORtD PEOPLE 'ARE ' LEAVIN EVANSVILLE FOR SAFETY , J PLANS FOR PROTECTION , , , THE MAYOR ISSUES A PROCLAM TION , SITUATION IS 1't\ENACING - tllU I\IIHtt. \ . RII1I11 Gunrd Arn" " , ' t Jnll-IIR ) ' l'nll ( 'llln NrrVClII Dr"alt -'cnr Whnt nllJht IIn'o IInPllcIIClt. . . \'Uns\'lI1e , Ind. " iTuly 7-Tw doters were Idllcc1 nnd four SOldll ! hurt hero l.1stnllht. ( : Evansville , Iu . , July 7.-Fol1ow" : Ing the IIIoe riots or lust night , : tbw sltulltlon here Is s 1II menaclnIC1 \nd outbreals are IIl1ble to occu ! it any ml utc. The dny IIIi' " tleen : one . ' of : riervous drend. 1 l\rly this afternoon the Evansvllll colUlHlnyof t.le . ! tnllitia qul t1y ns omhlecll\round the Jail anel Is wal Itlu : there under nrm'3. ' IlIacls an whites have Imssecl each otllor toda with c1arl lools ; : , thor'e has been IIrlnll hoard In'nrlol1s parts of the elt during the nft.ernoon but noaorlou , results have tollowed and the flrln. III\ , It Is tho\l \ ht. heon lhe work 0 i few unruly characters who wance ' ,0 fomcut excitement. Thcre WIIS a circus In town rester- ttay whIch hils lJt'ollght lI dltlonal rowds of sYnJpllthlsers with th Ililferant races. 'j ho lJlIl\e ! \ harCl hean at worl { IlrO\'eNting crowds from atlaerlng. ' 1'here hn\'o beeu dozens ) f personal encollllters CHI the strerts , out nn ducls with weapons. In UII IhootlllJt of last nl ht , I t was report. . d to omeera , Henry Arms , a YO\1nl \ white man , WIIS shol. In the thl b. ' 1'hc raud jurv set today nn I Qlcted Lee Brown ; the ne ro wb kllll d Patrolman Massey , of murde In the first degree. 1.'ho genorlll feel In ot unrest .1I1d unellslness caused mectlng or Mayvr < : overli , Sheri I\rntz , and the cOllnty ol1icers n' which the grave situation wns dls : lIssed and plaus ma e to proteot n1 Itlzens It ether outbreals arc pro Ipltnteel. All saloons In the 'clty were orclored closed this ovenlng a 6 o'clock. Mayor Corert 1I1so Issue 11 proclamation , hi whIch Ue says : J " 'rhe cundltlon of anarchy an lawlessness that prerlllled In thllj : ommunlty lastl night wa3 n c1ls rno 1 o cl vllIzed pcople IInll a repotltioD' ) f Its scandalous procecdl1gS will nebo bo tolerated. " 1.'hat ull congre atlons , of people : Ithor on street corners or ether pu , He plar.es , are hereby prohibited. "r1'hat ul1 per' > OllS carrying arms. Dr any ldnel of weal10ns or any kin DI wo.lpon for attack or defense a any hlng with which an attack 0 'Iefense could be conducte shall . b urcstcd. " ' 1'hat any loud , bolstorouCl or In- ecndlary tall { will constitute su1\1o. lent gro'und for arrests. Dnptlsttown Is bel n depopulated : onhht. : Ne ro families by the dozenS - enS lire leaving , some of them talcln , tctuge In the opel' country. 1'IowburlI , tOad leading to the Wst ! Is IIne with negroes In wngcns and camped ! by the roa slde , Nearly all ar armed. . . 'rhe fire arms an ammunition ttlc : cn 'from the stores brolen lute laB nl ht are stili In the hands of thos . 1":1.0 composed the mob.rrhere worOl /10 / urrangCl(1cnts In pollcc court to' : day. , Under tbe advice of the mayor , . Jucge.C\lrry ] \ adjourned court during the excitement. I 1'here are alarming rumors and re. . , p rts started every few minutes. , There Is n encral fl'elJn that t.l1ero . wili be an outbreal { tonIght Ncgroes are said to be mobllzlnl ; near Uaptlst , town to advance on the whites and a. cI'owd of 200 whites Is said to bl ) arming to repulse this attack ancl \Vlpe out the negroes. 'rhere Is noth 111g tonight to confirm thes'c rumors bo\\'ever' . ' 1'hls morning t)1cre ) was no 51 n of t.he 1I10bfqlelll'e that aJtltatod : the. . cltI1'l1' ) a:1 : IIf last night. Business' ' Is nlo\'lng In the eycn teuor of It I \Va } ' . A trip Into the business flea I tlon rc\'palR tlla t mllcl ; damuJo : was , ' (0'11' to uume rous : storl's. C'sperially' ' t : > - the hureJware hOuses , many o whkh were entered and robhed ot guns l\rHI all111ultlun. 'J'ho\sm \ : s ot shots , , efC fired du ln thr night , ' but so far as leurnell no one was hIlled althouh : l1umtcrs or : prople IlrQ said to ha'e bocn'outHlml. . Sever'l lIegroes W ( I'e cau ht. hy mobs and almost - most beaten tc death before the po- licr. could save thClI1. Fatnl Fight on Steamer MCiU/lt / Vornon. Iud. , July 7.-An e e'\lrslon on the steJIII : ( > [ , n. A. Nls- , ht > lhrole : up In a hi ! . : light earl ' thIs 'moruln and six purons wei'e Shllt. 'KlnneGI'ens of this city and Frank 'KI rl we1' ( ' shot In the ICH ! ' and alms. .Glvcns shot aud fatally woullcd ) a 'man lIamod Drown Irom TIendes\Jn , iKy. Oue man from HcndersollllImed / White , was ShfJt In the breast and ; fell IntI ! the rl vcr. His body has no' , been recovered. ' 1'\0 of the nUlllbcl ' 6bot were women , . . JJ. _ , . . . . , .