Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 25, 1903, Image 2

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    _ , . , L
' -
Custer County RopnbUcai
" ' '
1 ,
. . . J ( . . .u18 1tnny , RDITOH & 1'UDLlemu
" , I
, . . . .
- - -
' 1 ,
'ROK.E now r NEnItM1 J
_ . _ . , . .
The IIIl11ty sell , liS It Is 1I0W ImowlI to I
mllrlnerH , Is 1I0t 'et CtllI ' 111111 CI'S 10011 ,
It HeellllJ to lie 1II0st CollllllOIl lu the
trollel11 ) wuterR of the 11111111/1 OCCIIU ,
ntHl Is tlescrlbcll 111:1Velnl : , Jhllstly lIulI
Ilwe.IU'llplrlllg , allli ns Jh'lu thc ,
' - server 011 shlpbourd tlw RCIIRlltlol1 of I
F Iln slug through n sort of lumlllOtlR fOK
, I In wUell ( seu 111111 sky tHelDell to jolll I
\ . ' , , nnll 'nil aL'IISe of distil lice Is IOHt. 'J'he
IIhellOlJle1l01l 18 llrobuhly duo to ROIIIO
\ form of IlhoSllhoreitccuce.
The volatile 01111 thnt glv ! ! Illuuta their
ollors ure USIIIIII ) ' rC1lnlcd ! nil wusto
; productR which pili ) ' UII purt lu the V Il'
et11ble CCOIIOIIIY , Dr. Ueorgc Ilellllm'-
6011 suggests thllt the } ' mil ) ' Herve the
: useful p\l1'IO1I ( ! of Ilrevellllllg dUlllllgC
I by IIlght frost durillg' the 1I0werlll ! { llCr.
lod. It Is well knowlI thllt , 1II0isture lu
t1w 1111' prl\'elltH radlatloll alill 10RR of
I hellt , nllil 'l''llIlull , I\howed : thllt tr tlw
, he t.nlJsorllhll : Ilo\\'er of dry 1111' he rep.
l'eseutl'd by I , thut of 1111' suturated
\ , vlth moisture would lie 72 , which
would be luerea'it'd to 74 lIy trncL'S or
the essential 011 of roselllury , to 100
by that of cassin , alld to 372 by thnt of
Count Zellpelln , whoRe experiments
with n gl IUltlc nlr.shlp over the I'Rlte
of COllltllnce : nttractt'l worlll.wlde nt-
tentlon n few yearll IIg0 , has devised
II no\'el form or propellers Int < : ndell tll
< 11'lvo IIghtdrnft IJOlltH lIud IttuucheH ,
Iuslellil of op rntlng In the water , 'Zep. ,
pelln's 1l1'ollCllors , 11I(0 thol1o usell to I
< 11'1\0 blilloons , rotute In the II tmos.
pll're. 'I'he } ' nre 8peellllly Intended for I
III'er ' Ihnllow WI\tL'1'S alld In
use \'er } ! : \ ,
tropical rivers which cont.nln so lUlln ) '
nquutle plnllts thllt the prolJCller of nu I
ordInary bent becomes cloJl ! d with
them. noats ha vln 'very sllJht drnft
CIID be sldmmcd nlolljt with Huch prollel.
lers ut the rate of severnimllt fllln houl' .
P1'ofessor Curle , of I'urls , who , nlded
b } ' hIs wife , dlsco\'crcd IInd exlrllcted
trom Ilitchblende the strllUlt' subslllllce
cnlled rlldlum , 1'ecelltl } ' l'emllrlcd thut
he woulll not \'elltmo Into II room COli.
talnlng oue Idlo1'IIm ! of radium heenuse
It wouhl prqbllbl ) ' tlestroy hIs c'shtht ,
, burn off his al"u , uud even kill blm.
'Undlum ' gln's off more nbuntlllntly tbnn
, lIny other known suhstallce tbe m'sle-
'rlous emunatlous nnmed Becquerel
rays , which nl'e supposed to cOllslst of
, most Infinitely minute pnrtlcles. 'I'hey I
Il\re drlvclI olr wltb a "eloctt , Ilff high r
, liS 100,000 miles \ ) ( r second , dnd cause I
I erlous In0011I111I1t1ons upon tbo I1l1nlls (
of persons'worklng wllh the substllnce.
'hey also gl\'o rise to luminous effects , 3
Tbo Futn Morgnna , 11 benutlful lit. t
mospbcrlc phenolI enou , which tnkes I s
Dnme from one of the fnlrll.6 of medle.
val legend , and Is speclnlly prt'valeJlt (
at the Strait of Messlnn , between Ualy
nnd SIcily , bnll ntely bC h critIcally I
studied by Dr. Boccnrn , of tbe tL'Cbnlcnl
collele at" Reggio. He has seen the nI"
parlt10ns under tbree dllrl'rent forms--
nerlal , marino nnd multlple. In the th'"t
cnse , bulldlngR on the Italian coast
were seen projected Oil the 81clllllu
const beyond , In the IIccond cuse , arches
011 a railway above Messlnu were vlsl.
ble , mnJnltled , and more brllllRut tllUU
the real nrch06 , IItnndlng below' the S'II.
line , with no nPPlrent ! sUllport. III the
multlplo Morgnna , nerlal I\.nd mnrlne
npPl1rltlons are vlslblo slmultnneously. I
, All these nppeuranceH nre IIscrlbl' to
, 'nrlatlons In ahnOSlheric ( density , PI'O'
duclng ubnor111nl r fraetlon.
.Innkecpcr'lI JmUilnlltlol1 \ \ . . . . I.lval , . .
Unit lie Thoulht IIc Wa" 11I1ccl.
The serious etr ctB thnt hlllluclu ltlou
mny "llroduco on II tltultl Ilel'tou IIl'e
nmuslugly Illustrated by UII lucilleut
fl'oll1 , , "Across Coveled I.lluds , " b ) ' A.
II. S" l.l1ndor. Mr. Lundor Willi tl'll vel.
lug through Persln , lIud slOllped nt 1111
lun r r a gluss of telau \ euterlng ho
toolc with him his revolver lu Its 1
leath r case , nnd his cnmeru , a1ll1 plncell
them besIde him.
t I ordered ten , III' SI1)'S , IIl1d the Itt -
t 1ln'lIt , with mnny sllhll1nHj , eXlllllhll'l
that his fire had gone out , bllt thut If
I would wnlt for II few minutes he
would , malto me sOlne fresh tea. I con.
sented. lIe Inquired whether the revolver -
volver wall , loaded , , I\ud 1 saId It WI\S. '
He proceeded to the fnrther Clld of the
room , where , turning his back to lIIe ,
he began to blow upon the 11re , and
I , being very thirsty , sent IInother mnn
to my luggage to brhlS me II bottle of
The ImprIsoned ClIses of the solin ,
which had been lying for the whole dll )
In tbe hot Slln , had so , eXpHlIl'll thut
when 1 removed the wire the cork weut
oft with a loud report , J d unforhmntl'-
. , I ) ' hit tl10 lIIan In the shoulder.blllllo ,
By llSSoclntlon of Idens e malic so
certnln In hlB mind thnt It WIIS the reo
volver that had coue olr tbat he I\bso.
lutely collapsed In n semltalut , uuder
tl1e belief that he hnd been bailly shot.
lIe moancd and . ; roanel1. tr'III to
reacl1 with his hand whnt he thought
was the wounded spot , I\nd called l'or
his son , as , ho felt h wus nbout to
, die.
'Ve supported him , nnd nYe him
some water nnd renssurcd him , hut he
bnd turnccl liS l'nle as death. '
"What hnve I dona to 'ou thut ) 'ou
klll"me " he moaned , plt1rull ' .
"But , my good man , there Is no hlood
flowl ! } ! , ; . Look I"
A languid , hopeless glance nt the
b"found , where be had fullen , al1l1 IIlII'e
'enough ' , ho o ld find no lood , Ul'
: trled to lee tl10 wound , but his hcud
would not turn In a sufficiently wldo
arc'ot , a circle to Ice bls shoulder.blnde ,
so In duo haste wo removed his cent
and' waistcoat aIJd shirt , and atter
1ow ut caretul. keen exuwluatlon. he
. .
, , . . . . . , r
. J
, _
c1IAcoverl'd thnt not only were there no
of JI'wlllJ ! : . hlqllll , but 110 trnc , .
whnte\'er of a bullet.hole III auy ot h19' '
IllurmClIIH. vcn thcn heVIIS not cer.
, tnlu , allli two fill1l111 II1lrrorH were sl'nt
for , which , hy tile nhl tit a R 'lIIllIllhlT. '
I IIIIl frll'llll , he ot nt prolllr IInlll's 111111.
, IItel ) ' to sllrvey his whole hack ,
I He e\'l'lItulIlIy l'eclI\'l'red. nllli wnA
nhl ! ! to IlI'ocecd with thl' hrewlug of
the lell , which he SI'I'I'l11 with n tel'-
l'lhl } ' tJ'l'lIIhlllll ; hllllll nil thl ! rnttllng
! lIIIIl'l'r IIIlIlel' the tIJJ ' little jtlnsR.
"I t \\'IIS II'l'r ) ' 11111'1'0escnpe frolll
l1elllh , Hllhlll , " he Hliiti. lu II wnvf.'rlll
volcl' . "for It InlJht 11/1\'e / heeu the reo
vol\'er. "
'J'llI're IR noth Ing lIIe IIn kshlsh In
Pel'slll to hC'nl 1111 WOIIIUls , whether relll
of Irllll IIIlIr } ' , 111111 nil exll'lI hlllll1S01ll0
"till" left the IIInu IIIlIch 1IIIIII'oved III
- -
Wor Prcilldent' " J Jcrcl"c : of ] )1"Jom.
DCJ'"lth 31clllhcrH of' 11111 Cnhlnct.
Inny stol'les of Allrahum Lincolll'
turll IIpOll hIs Illct. Olle was told re.
centlv lIefore the lIl1ll1esex Club IInll
relle IL'll III I he Bostoll l1el'llld. Dur.
In ! ; ' the Olvll111' U Jll'll1gellol't boy ,
l'ltUl'IIII1 from school tlllwlI b '
! , Willi ) 1\
bounl ' 111111 hUI'I'IL'(1 to the
} uellt ! ( front
without his Jlllreuts' Iwowledgo. Uis
fIlUU' ! ' , the Inte .111l1ge Bent'lIsl ! > . ) ' , 111111
sought In vllin fOl' hIs I'elellso , IInd II
tlelegutlon of citizens , who nlpcnlell (
to the Secretary of Wnr. met with II
I'uff l'eCutlnl.
In the hope ot helng allle to nc-
compllsh somelhlnK. Congressman
BI'undeee ! nlld Senator Dixon.
of Oonnectlcllt , dolermlned 10 use
theh' Infhwnce In hehlllf of thl ! IltIllct.
L' motlll'r. 1'hey VISltl'll the Iccrctllry ?
of War IInll IIslwd for the boy's I'Co
lellse , ( r. StUlltou InstuII1Iy rpurcd out
1\11 1I11110luto I'Cfllsul. 11e hllil l1l'cltled ,
thut cuse before. 'rhe bo ) ' hlld tnlteu
hili mOlley 111111 enllstl' . It he should
lllscharge nil the millol's whose mothers
wllllted them lit home there \You1d soon
Iw 110 80ltllers lit the frollt.
Lell vlllg the Will' OUlce , the Con ress. (
:111111 : nud Senutor wellt to the White (
[ louse ntHl uppellied to , the PI'eshlent. I
\11' . 1IIIcolll hellrd the ense with sym.
.lIIthetlc Inlcrest , nul1 nt ollce wl'olo
III 1111 em'elope :
"Let 3'oun Bellrtlsl ( > . ) ' , of Counectlcnt ,
I miller ellllsted b ) ' fmlltl In the 7 th
: -Jew Yorlt rcglll1ellt , he dlschnrgel1 and
IeIlt Immcdlutel ) ' to WushlugtoJl.
The two men returned to the War
) lIIce and showed this ortler to tlle (
ccretnr ) ' . Ill' glnllcell lit It , crumpled
t In his fingCl's , threw It on the 11001'
Iud snlll , "I WOII't 110 It ! "
"Shllll I rCllol't thllt to the Presld lt "
JOII rCSS11lnu BrnlJlle ee nsked.
"Yesl" l'onred Ille SeCl'etur } ' . "And
IOU IIIny IIc1l1 ttlnt I'll I'eslgn m } ' port-
' 0110 beCore l'U ndolt ( such a precetlent
IS thu t I"
1'hc mell relorted ( to the President
! ver'thlng thnt hllll occurred.
"Old 8tlluton Sll ' Ihnt ufter rcndlng
ny order ? " nslell It' . Lillcoin.
"Yes , " ( r. BrI1l1l1l'g'ec rcplled , cx-
Hctlng ! IIn eXllloslon ,
"WclI , " Ir. Lillcolu Raid , with his
ilow smile , "I lIellS he wOllld llo It.
lYe must UIIlI sOUle other wa ) ' to get
hnt hey bnclt to hIs mothcl. . . .
lIe toolt II piece of 1111ler ( nnd wrote
o the cOllllUnndlu ofilccr of the regl.
11ent : "Dlschnl'ge } 'ollng lleardsle ) ' nUll
lenl1 hllll to Wllshllllton ,
A. IlNCOr.N. "
Iu a weck the boy was III his moth.
r's m'lIIs nt lll'ldgepol't.
N.utvo . .JuHtlcc.
A cOllllcnl VllllllclltlOIl of the right ! >
) f IH'UICI't ) ' 1\1U01I the sn vnges of New
} ulnea wns witnessed hy a mllsloll-
II' ) ' . the Hev. .Tllllles ChlllluHl's , Sen"
.ce WIIS just belnlllll : III the Ilttlo
hurch whell II uatlve ho ) ' Cllllle lu.
lI'cssell , with whnt hC' conslderell great
Illn lIlt1cC'uce , III n 8hll't. All thl' Sll \ ' -
l es wel'e IIccustolllcd 10 o noal'l ) '
: Inlwd , thlR gnl'lIIent 111 II de the huy'cr ) '
'l'ho Rhlrl had ouco helougl'd to some
white mllll , uud the 1II111Orlnilce It II'd
lhe ( lresellt weal'l.I' ! WIIS tremcullous.
But when hlg glol' ) ' WIIS nt Its height II
hlggel' 110) ' IIPllen red , hot with I'I1go
( IUd cnrl''III , II jaclwt. Ho fell 1I110n
lhe Ih'st hili und hegnn stl'llplug ( otl
the IIhh't. 'I'ho ' ' .
I'est 01' the congl'egn.
Uon , IIIHlorstnm\lll nt once Ihat the
righiful 'ownm' hlld ul'I'lvell. gn ve him
110t only R'lIIlmtll } ' hilt ( H'nctlcnl nld. '
i'hey rose to their feet , IIl1d those who
were nOIlI' b ) ' tool. ( Hlrt III Ihe stl'llll11I1 ( ;
lrOcess. PI'csentl ) . the trlle OWller WIIS
Illvesied 111 shirt IInd jllcket , the con.
gregatlon cooled nnll the seI'vlce wellt
Nut 'j'on I.U llko.
uYou just let mo hnye that IIhoto
rnllh for two weel.s nnd I'll send 'ou
a 1ICe-sh 0 1I0rtrnit of l\ll's , lIerUhy
that'll ho a l'eaU } ' sllenklng IIIeness , "
salll the IIgeut for u nlJw "crn'oll l\'oc-
ess" In his most pcrsuaslve tOIlO.
Au eXlressloll ( stl'ongly 1I1tln to lip _
lweheuslon nppeared In lr. IIerllhy'a
dim hlue eyes , I\nd ho pnssel1 hiD halld
twice across his mouth with a nel''OUS
"Wcll , now , 01 dou't Imow liS thnt
'd hc 111111)'Wn1nlressllry : , " ho whls.
pered. "She WIIS wid mo In tbls lotro
thlrl-Col\'e ) 'cnrs , anll thllt gives tollne
fOI' a good dnle of talklu' . 01'11 H8t
have a Illetlll'e tbat Rhows her loolts ,
without 1\\111) ' lIIeelu\1Ilcal contl'l"lmce
to relH'ojuce hel' voice. "
Not the A " "WHr Hho I XllUct ell. \
"But ) 'OU IIl'e not really IIshmned ot
lIIe , 1\1'0 'uu , delll"j"
"Cm'tnllll } ' 1I0t. 'fhat would he too
So\'ore Il reUection on my seed tusto lu
Relectlng you. " - Olevolllllli ) lnlu
Why do ; } 'oullg men IUfcet n sweut.
ness of tone when IIsklng glrls"oyol
tllo telcphone to go to partlea ? Don' ,
the ' know the Ilrls lU'e dylnl : to 1:01
, .
. . .
"BlII It d hI Its work ' ' '
, ; } 'ou ma 1'\lIIIe
dowli 1111\\ ' . "
Nl'arlto 'enl's 111-:0 011 tlll ! lIIorlllll
of thl' IInlt elll ' IIf
.flll ' , 181:1 ; : , tlll'sl'
wOI'II wen' spol , .
l'lI h ' II COllfl'lpl"
a tl ! ; JlIlcel" 111111 : I ,
, \ , ' ' ' '
\'Ollt h cIa mhl'I'l'el
" "WII f I'I III h I : oJ
Icrl'h , III t hI' tOil
h I' a II t. h e S ot II
dli.ll1. ' ' It'ee 'wlth II
I'lfle fit 111 Hili Idll '
III hlH hIlI1I:01 : : , j ,
III'N. mywrlIfI. ' ,
IIIl1ltllll'OIlHlr. a II
olll ' ! ) O ( } ' I''H' ' aWII ' , n gallaut Uuloll
11IWI'I1I , 1111 I\I'III ' C0l11 ! > 1l'lItllI' , 011 ,
wllOs ( ! Hhouh I'I'H gleauwd t he Sllll' : ,
IJ'tolwulll ! his l'II1II , fell 1'1011I hoJ ! : I
hOl'sl ! with a hllllet h'le III 111-1 : 111':111 : ,
null he dlell hefOl'e his aills could r.-neh
hili sille.
'hll Is the IItory or the death of ,
II1J. ( ll'lI. ll 'llIldR. 1'I'III1S 'I\'alllll'lI I
brlo\'l'll EtOlillel' ROil , at tIll' 01))11111 O ( II .
Uw fh'Rt day's hnlU of Getl 'shuri : ,
101d b ) ' the Hhlll'llHhootcr who hllll In III I '
him low. ' 1'he Incldeut hllol : heeu hith.
erto ullllost ulI\'olct'l , fol' the lIIall who I
whell 0111 ' II bo ' of 11) ) } 'oars Ih'ell the I
futnl shot hils hlti'frlV rellellted of It. I
Ills lIallle Is Bl'lijlllllin ' 1'h 0 I'll 1' , /11111
lie Is now , lit the alW of r li , , "hnt he I
was III lStia , the cmcl , shot of North 1
Ollrollnn , alld hb sllll lives Oil his au-
estl'l11 ncres Just oulsl e the vl1lllg ( > I
Jf Satterwhite. !
Bell ' 1'h0l1Ie Ifl 1I0t 111'0\111 of h Is I
IChle\'ellleut nlldlllll ' to hIs lIIore IlItI- I
lunto frlelllL'I will he tull , of the shot ]
I1rcd from the tree that . '
top .1uly mOl'nI
iug 'ears n 1 , Whell he does sllea" of
t there 13 polgllnnt I'e l'et III his tOile.
lIe l' jtl'etted It the dllY he lourlled who f
.hc dl311nlII18hed tllrget which his bill. I
ot strtlcl , wns , lIud he has I e"er celis-
! II to regret It. (
Lonely he lI\'os nlOn his bl Illantn- I
lOll , hs ! olily comllnllions. l'xcept fOl'
OI'thl'I'I1'lsltot'fI , belllg II hllif score of
l'gl'O : hrllllls 1\1111 2Q guunt : nlll fero-
: lou8 looklug deel'llOumls , Ill' hns 1Ier
nlll'1'led ,
All elny 011 Iho aOlh of , lune , ] 811:1 : , the
egllJlH ! of Lee , LOllgstr\et II/Iel Hili
11111 been swCelllllj ; UII from the outh.
n'n Illullls In the dlrectlou of Gett 'II'
IIIl'g , lutent upon destro'bl the Uu.
011 nl'my of Hooker nl1l1 lcade IInd !
Ipenlng up the flllreRt IIl1d l'lchest'nl. .
'R IIml most populous cities of th
: -OI'th 10 pllln.le ,
lu the vau Wl't'e the COlltciernte 1
JI'I lIlles of Pettl rew nlld Archer , of
IIl'1\th's division. HIII'fI corpa , und
! wlllgln UII the Chnmhershurg rOlld
: hls force , on the morning of July 1 ,
- - I
1I I 1I 1 I
"Im : > . 11' DID IT'S WOUK. "
, (
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Il 11I1'L'li Ull n comllllllllllll llOlilt1ol1 c
IlIsl twlow Semhlnr ) ' HI ! e. III Ie. t
Phel'soH'H wOUlL" ! l1ud. about nil olll
fII'lIIhumil' : which stood just hC' 'ollll
thpm lu } ' the 'l'Wl ! ltyslxtllor'th Cl1r-
ulhlll 1II1'IIU1I'ench , UII1I1 II shnl'pshoot.
l'I' . tl'llhwll lJ ' lou IlI'actice 10 plett n
SIIIIII'I'l'1 fl'OlII the to ) ! of u tnll tree ,
AIIII II hUllllrl'll or mure IIf thetc
hIlI'IIHho ltel'll lur sllu I ) " hlddell Iu the
Ie 1'101 ot Ihl' t\'CCt' undcr OI'lers to lilll'
Il' Ollt UIII/lII Otncers liS tholr qUlldy. I
l at'lIlg thelll 111111 hollling II I'onllllallli.
III llOSltioli Oil the crest of SL'IIII1IUr ) ' I'
Hltlgl ! were the Ullion urtllllI' ) ' nllli
cu villi' } ' Il1Illel' Bllford.
'l'hus mntters stood at 0 o'elocl ' , Oil
tlll' IIl1il'lIll1 : : of .1uly I , wlw.1I Gl'n.
HI'ruoI ! : ' ! , thl'u eOlllml1lldlll Ihe Plrsl
. \I'III ' Cor'lls IIl1d holdlul ; the left of the
tll1lol1 11 II e , l'nme ulloplug' nloug the (
1' lIIl1wtshuronll freD ! henllqllnl'lerR I
III nd\'nllCl' 0" " 'Vadswol'th's dl\'lslou , I
III whll'h Wl're Illclulled the I lrtRlx th {
I'l'I\IIH 'lvnllla Hegllllent IIml the Sl'CI I
111111 Whll'OIlIlU ! , the fnmed "Iron nrl - 1
nlll' ; " Ilulc"l ' he formed bls 111\1\ : of I
hattll' , 111\11 ns : , ; oou ns tbo Se\011l1 ! Wls-
cOIIHIII 1Il'l'lnd UIIQII the fIc.ld west ot c
Ihl'I'iI'lIIhll1l' ' ' he orllered tbem to chul'go 1
1111' 11111'1 hl'l'l cnd of r c PherHou'/i / I
w/lolls. whore Al'chor'Q COJlfedemll' I
hrl/IHI\1 / In ' h\\l1eu \ ( , aud cLIPturo tlw f
posltloll , c
' 1'11C'r ohC'rel1 nlll1 carried out the or- _
111'1' iln'II , hilt 8011I ( ' . hh'n of tllC cost
mar Ill' gultll'l : frolll the fuct thllt the
Hl'I'II\\l1 \ Whwouslll lcft 233 clend III
; III' wOfllls. 'l'lw denth roll of the I
' 1'\\'I'l1ty-stxlh = "ol'th Cl1rOIlUII In thnt
SI IIi , hlll"II ' a O'I'II ' Willi riBS ,
. \11 tlull't \ : " ' chnrge wus mude I
n.'II. Ih' 'lInllls at UIIOU his horse Oil
:1 : lilll'll1 l'lIIltH'IICe 1IC'II1' th1I0rt.enl /
l'lal of oil ! woods 1ImIIlK ordel to his
nlllc ror tn rrlO\'flmtmtJI or other
troOS ) , He hnd just turned bill hl'a4
to loolt for hla Iupportlng ! columJW
nllil huslell them OJI WhCD 11 rlflo ball
Htrllclt him III the hack of the bead.
l'recd frolll the I1rm hand upon the
relu , hlA horse Jlllln ed n few rodll
forwllrd herOI'I ! IIfI slrlcl\ rlcler tell
to I he Jrollnll dead. And { ) ( ) Q 'nrds
nWllr , thl' COllfcdl'rute ol1lc'T seeing
thl' filII , 10wl'rl'II the JIII H he 111111
hl.ltl 10 his I' ' ' ' . alld grlllll ' : , ; nlll : 'IBen"
It dill itA'orlc. . "
I\C'II \ 'l'hlll'IIl' hnl ! 111'1'11 olle or the hUll-
Ih'l'll Hhlll'll llOfltI'I'I ! ! " , leet(1l from the
'j''put"Hlxthorl : h Curollllll dCRlllte
the fa 1 Ihnt hI'IIS hili 1n ' ( 'lIrs old ,
allcl Ihl' POSItIIlIl 1If1 Iwed : to him WIIR
III 1 h ( ' tnof \ a ( 'hl'IT ' tr'pc whIch l IIIII'
111:11111 : : d Ihl' low round or "wille o"cr
whll'h tll ( ' tillion Iroops must mllke
Ihl'lr \\11\ ' to rC'uch [ cl'h\90n't !
\\011111- . ' ' 'hnt followt'l1 Is bcst told
hi hlA OWII worllK :
"I hall heC'1I III Ihl' trletop lerhnplI
hllif 1111 hllllr wh 'n Ihl ! Wisconsin regl.
III 'ul 1'llIlIl' ehllr llI IIcro s the low
/1'0111111 / ; twllrel ( tlll. ! wooIl ! ' , ulld hlld
IIlIule a eouJlle of shots. whell the party
01' OIllI'I'1"1'Hle : 111' on thc little knoll
IIIII hll 1t1'11.
"I was tl' 'III 10 mllle IIJI my mind
whleh IIUl' I sholl"l Ir ' for wheu m '
JlI'lIlclIlIlIl " 1111l'nred uilller the tree mld
h gllu ohf1l'rYlu the purty thl'Ough Is
1 t'1l1 glnsfll's. A moment Inter he
glnllC'.tI 1111 111\11 ! 'RId : '
" 'Uell , 1111 'ou see the tnll , strnlght
11\:111 \ : III tIll' cellter of thllt grollp ? He
11\ 1.\.ltll'IItlr nn oficer ! of 80me high
l'all ! ' 111111 Is directing operntlons
wllk'h t\1I't \ atl'n 0111' line , Slght 'our
, ; UII lit iOO 'nrds 111111 eo If you cnn
n'l1l'h him. '
"I 11111 IIhe ' \ told ml' , hut : mw tllnt
Iho hllll't stllck ; . ! far short of the mark.
" "I'hn t was II little sbort , Ben , ' ! 'nld
1I1 ' lI1'u 11111 II t , IInll nfter IInother 10llg
ulll cllrl'ful lnnce through his' 11ell1
I'llISAeH he Mid :
" 'Slght her nt 000 'ards this time
11\11 holel stendy , for we UlUst ha"e
111m. '
" ( 'nl'efllll ' I sighted my long-bnr.
: 'eled rille at the rouge glyen , und ,
; tclld'IIIg It on n bIg 11mb , took good
11m nllli IIred , I Imew hefore the re-
101't died uwn ' , hefore I saw Gen ,
Itc'nolds fnll , that the shot had been
I gooll 0111' IInd would rench Its mark.
"I SIIW the horse lllllne ; forwnrd ,
IIIW the rider swny und fall from hIs
; addle alld then heard the yolce of
IIY lIeutcnnnt slIylng :
" 'Bell , It did Its work. You mil ) '
! ome dowlI now , It's time for liS to
.Ie moving. '
" ot ulltll 10111 ; nrterwnrd did 1 leam
, \'ho It WIIS m ' bullet hatl brought
10WII , I1ml when I did lennl , when I
le1I"I1 nml relld of whnt II rcrcnt nllll
; 0011 mun Ilnd S11endld s01l11er I lmll
) I'ou ht to denth , I was genuinely SOl"
T , I hll , 'e been ! 'lorry ' enr since an.l
, vhell Ihc Will' WIIS ovcr 1 took OCCII.
lion to write to his relntlns InformIng
: hem of the fllcts IInd expressing my
orrow nllli regret.
"I hll vo letters from Ihem , Hplendld
etters , In whlcll they tell me. not to
I\'orr ' o\'C'r It , thnt WI1S the forhme of
, \111' nl111 tha t the ' coull1 hold JlO anI.
nOflt . or ha IrNI n nhlst n sol(1I'r hey
, \'ho had fou ht 118 he bell end Illld
IIUlJlI ' ohl'yed his 8uperlor officer's or-
1l"r8 , 'I'hcse letters are 111I10n my
uost h'cnsurcd posseS1lons nnd no
noue ' coul < 1 bu ) " them.
"It Wllfl , ot COllrse , th ( ' fOMune of
, \1\1' , hut I cnnnot help feC'lIn'CJI lit
his IlItC' day thnt It wnR n cruel for.
IIIit' which sC'lt'ctcd mI' . n mere oo ) ' ,
.0 hrlll to his dcnth thIs Jullant gen.
I'III who hnd won fnme 111\(1 cscnped
lit' C'nemles' hullet ! ' 011 80 mnny fields ,
"I hllye } 'cnl1 his hlstolJ' since. He
, \'nA n jtI'alHl man on his record and
' 1'0111 all I hn YO otherwIse heard , nnd
: 011 I } ' wish I could undo m ) ' ' , "ark
' , "
The Uenth of Gen. ] lfcl'herl'lon.
I WIIS II\l'mhcr \ of the sIgnal corps ,
\1'\11) of the 'renllessee , Rervlng uul1cr
.Ieutl'nnnt Wier , On the e"enlng be-
'ore ' neneral : 'IlcPII ( > r80U was Idlled I
\'I\S ut his Iluarters when he and ma ) ) "
.t his olllccrs were admlrln lr vIew-
u a cill'stllut sorrel stnllloIl , n pres-
mt to tlH' G ell era I from the memherH
, f his 0111 reglmeut. COlllpl 'ln wltll
h Gelwl'Itl's relucst , I IIIQunted Ut { !
mlmnl nnd rode hIm nro\11111 to ex.
Ilblt hili mo\'e\JlClIls lIud st 'le. As
he horse hnd Just urrlvell from' 1111-
IlIls , I 110 not think the Gelleml Wl\6
! \'l'I' ltl'ldl' of hIm , ,
On Ihe next mOl'i1I , while I WIIS
l'mlral'II ' Oil llut ' lit the Rlgnnl stn-
lou , the Gl'lwrnl t..lmc uI' , lookel1
hrouh : his glass ntHl nsked mo n few
luefltlons. Behl then rel1eved , the
JUllernl nlld I descended the lal1ler !
Iud Jollied the small cavnlcnl1e , con-
Ilstllll { of memhel's o ! the stnet , Lieu.
nl\lIt Wier IIl1d Serjteullt 'rholUpson.
iVe rode nrross nn open spnce IInd en.
.CI'cd u woodlund In which the under-
; rowth WIIR'er } ' tIllcl , . Suddenly the
'ohels , whose presence , \as : not sus.
) ecll..l , tired n yolley. which WIIS 1m-
uedln tel ) ' followel1 b } ' II notller. My
IOrso hecame unmnnn euble IInll bolt-
'd , ( Insslllg the Gellel'lIl nud his order-
) ' , carr'ln : me throu/oh / the , Johnnlos ,
, \'ho 111'11 I1110ther'ollc ' . I wCllt Into
\ 1nJlen ! ! pace. where .1 WIIS joIned by
) C'rt'nnt : Thompson , Arter II brIef
ell ultntlon we wheeled alld l' < lIlo back
IS fast liS the ullclcrgrowth woull1 Ier.
lilt. Wo fo III III the GenOl'ft1 1'ln , on
he rouud , hili hC'ad restlllg ou hIs
:11 : It htll I o\II'I'I "s IIrm , I thlllit the
: ; euvrol WIIS Idlh'l h ' 1'110 11rst0 II C ) ' .
-It. II. '
Shre 1 > 1101ll.h.
" 1'he Idea of l'alllnl. him n "real es.
In 10 COI1\'e 'I1I1Cel' . "
"Whllt'll the mllttor with thnt ? "
"Wh ) ' , the mlln Is merely the drlyer
tf n dump cllrt. "
"Well Cllrt Is con\'c'al\co
, n dumll a \ ) \
for t rnnsPPl'tlllg rV1I1 estn te , ,18n't'IU"-
Phllllllelllhin Press ,
, I . .
' . ' . ' . ' .
I !
- i . I' '
I In I n ,
1 , '
< t'
, \
lPWbPllLl [ , [ ; ,
- - O . . -
lJy Ror. W. Y. I'ullerton.
Look unto me , nnd be ye sR\'cdnll the
ends of the etlrth ; tor I nm 00\1 , and
there II ! none ol15o.-h. xh' . , 22.
8al\'ntlon 11\ not n luxury hut n ne-
cC/llty. It III the ! { rentellt blesslnlt be-
CRUle It 11I3tA the longel't. ' ! Tell1llornl
things fire trnnslent , but tills Is eterual.
Rometlluel'l ' you 111\1 , whclI a ma n has
drme foolllh ! thln . "lIe will oul ) '
rue It once. " You Illean he w1\1 \ rue
It nlwn 'R. So 00\1 enl ) ' IInHI once ,
but hili ono I'nlvl\.tlon Instil forevr.r.
Hilt 'ou sny , "Perhnps It 11 not tor
me. I mn. ' not he one of thogo whom
God Intendto ! hl I'I ' , " IJOok again.
To meet your c\lmculty there fs nn-
other thought. Thill blesRlng Is for the
Inrgest posslhlo number.
This \'et'llo hnl ! n good , rouml "weep ,
ItR scope surelr : embrnces you. See ,
the e rth 18 exhorted to look , and 'O\l ,
Iurely ! , are Inclullt-tl In thnt. God so
lon d tlle world. Yen , hI" lo\'e Is'ast
M c1'Catlon , It Is not nil Illnnd , nor
n. country , nor nl\tlon , that Is to look.
Not enl ' .Jews but GentlleA , For It
III written , "In thee shnll all famllle:1
of the earth be ble Bl. "
None hn0 wnnder(1 too fnr , or ha'e
sinned too fonlly for the glorlouB In. i
yltatlon of tlw text.
This blesslnK como to Ufl with the
best 1'I01 > slble security. "For I am God ,
and there Is none olse. " GodVhy ! ,
I ! he be God , " you ! "oay " , "I d re not
draw nigh to him , for It III God agailist
whom I 1111'e sinned. Let me tr ! elsewhere -
where for refuge. El8where for refuge -
uge ! "
And whither will 'ou flee ? There
Is none other who cnn snyeou , Let
us rnther be 1II.e Auglistlne , who R1lld ,
"I fly to Ood. and. hide In God from
Gotl. " We mUllt hide In God's merc ) '
trom hi ! ' ; jud ment ,
Look enl ' to .Jesus , not to Satlln alld
hIs temptntlon , You need not know
all about the ndvorlnr ) ' nnd his wicked -
ed ways In order to be sa\'Cd Crom
them , IInd Indeed , the less } 'OU know
the better.
Look onlr : , to .Tesus , not to sin and
Its consequence ! ! . nut you say , "I
must l''pent of my sin. " Tnrc ; but
repenting of IIln Is not looking at It ,
but turn InK avny from It , IInd 1001 < 1ng
ollly to ,108UII , .
I.JOoJc enl } ' to' Jesus , not to the obstacles -
stacles and hlndranccs In your path.
It 'ou look at thom they will be
stumbllnjt ! lton . hut If ) 'OU look from
them to .1 csus they , , " 1lI bl'Come S1ep-
ping tonrs. A IItO'ne wlll 110 tor either ,
IJOok only to Jellns. not to YOllrselr ,
not to your Intentlona , your pra.'Or8 ,
yonr rf'pentnncefI , your fnlth , Your
fnlth II ! your lookln ! : , Do not look at
) ' 0111' looking , but look only to Jesus.
You know how It 18 walkIng with
a friend In the el.rly nlsbt. when he
SefI the fit'llt IItar of the e\'enlng and
110lnts It Ollt to YOII , You (10 not see
It. lIe points IIJjf1lnVh ) ' . " he sa's , ,
"It Is just there , rlKht 01)poslte 'ou.
You arp' lookIng at It. " Stili 'ou do
not ( ' It , Presently you cntch n
Jllml'\l' ! of It. ntHl now ) 'OU are sur-
I1rl ( > { 1 YOII did not see It before , and
arc 80 taken I1p wIth It thnt YOI1 cnn
sCl\.rcely rpe ; Rnythlll l'l"e. 80 It If ,
when we point mon to .Jeslls , 'Ve are
slIrprlsed thllt th y do not see hIm , nlld
; vllen the ' do sC'e hIm the ) ' will he
urprI6C11 , too , nnd the ) ' will scarcel ) '
-l'l' anyone else besides ,
, leOlIl1 : Do YOll thlnl we coull1 Inllkp
Ihllt nunr. better ? You think not. I
thllll."e cOllld. lIow ? ny ndlling
four more letterA to It-Jesus enl ' .
Only look to , Tesllfl. ' .rhut Is 1111.
. \ lml1le thIng , It Is not to strlye ,
to philosophize , to argue-only to look.
Bllt 'ou My , "I nm charltnble ; wlll
Ill ) ' chnr1tr : E'nll me nothing ? " Noth-
In . "Rut I belon to a good fllmll } ' ;
will Ulllt 11\1\11 me nothing ? " Notll-
in , 'I'IIC' I1Illn who Is not charltuble.
who dol's 1I0t lIplilng to 11 guod famll- ,
who hns nllt been piously traIned , CHII
1001 : jllst ns well ns 'y u. You nUll
he stnncl on the' Bllme 10'1'1 , The en-
trllncc Is low down. Only loolt to
,1 esus.
Onl ' look to Jesus. ' .rhat Is an In.
stantlllllOIlS thing , and therefore the
' 1I1\'l1l1ou Is Imllledlllte. FInd how long
: t tnles tloolt , nnd you dlseoyer how
101l It tRk t ! to bo saved. You IDny per-
hnJls not IUto\\ ' the moment ; hut one
[ hlu 'ou wllllwow' , thnt whereas ) ' 011
were hllnd , now YOII Bee. Even If you
fenl IIOWl'rlcS6 , yet look to him for ) ) Ow.
l : : to loolt , "Hehold , the Lamb of ( 'n > 11 ,
Ihat talcst IIwa ) " the sIn ot the world. "
III' taitt's the 5ln-yoa enl ' loolc to
, leRUII ,
You nrc not to look for Jesus , lIe
Is not lost , A friend of mine lit n
l'hlhlren'l'I ' mC'elln1. told the lIttll ! ones
II thlll rl ht nml proper-thut If they
( ouull Jeslls Iho ) ' would be sl1\'ed. . \
little : ; 11'1 went nnd began to upset all
Ihv curt\lns In the bouse-bod cur.
tullis , wlllilow curtslns , ner mother ,
in lI toulshmol1t , InquJred the cnuse ,
when the IIttlo Innocent heart sa Id ,
" IJthcr. teacher told us that It we
fUIIIII .1I'RUS we should be sayed , and ,
lIothOl' . I was 1001lul ; for hIm. " "Fool-
: : h child , " you say , Hut marc toollsh
, Iuls who tr ) ' to discover a Ohrist in
( ) ! lI.e ! let notloll , or Ilream , or feeling ,
l' .Imagluntlon. Do not look or Ohrlst ,
_ ul ) ' look to him.
: .J
I.oolt to him In I. . . . . . . scripture , lit hilt.
lICe , lit his 11'tth , In hr. . n'su1'rectlou , In ,
hili gIOl' } ' . Lit 1k to ill' J IIA Oed , as I 1
! [ Iln , nR 1. fItI" ' " OJ' UedC'clI1el' , 1111 j
811\101' , nA All In . ' .n. Look to hIm , ,
whr.n wC'III , ( or Fli"fn ! lh ; whell Iek. , 'r :
for hCI\IJII ; \ .Gr. I ' , for fool "
whC'n dal'lt , t : > r 1I : ht ; when cltmll , ftfi
life. Lonl , to him " .lwn 'R.
Wh ( > ) ) l'I'o ! lhIlX tl rllshlng tOl'rent ODe
a narrohrl.i.n ; , the ! 'lIfest wn ) ' Ifl ta
11X ; ' 'o r eyl' on 11 11Iln on the OJ1lloliltO'
hnnk , 11\111 k'C'p luolclnto , : ! , In CI'O:1RllIg
life' ! ! fltrenlll. the only IIlIre'IIY Is t ( )
ketp looklll off IInto .TlIIR :
When Hllul'on WPltt Into the t.cll'1ll& '
nnll flIlW tlll1 Infnut Chl'lst ho Huld ,
" 1.01'11. now I'ttcst thou tl , r'IIl'I''Hnt
dellIrt In 11 ( > n'I' . " Whnt was hlA ren-
son ? "l or mlnl' { \ 'OA 1m'e seell thy
AIII\'l1l1on , " . \ 'C' . thnt Is It. 'J'o flCe-
.T IIR Is to see OOII'R 5n1\'ntlOll. 11IId
to AI'e God'A I'Inl\'atlon ' Is to ho rcndy
to die , nnd to he rellll ' to die Is to hI }
II t to 1'e. \ .
ny Rev. Jamco " 'acLaga/r.
\\'hereror . sl'elllj ; we nlflo I1\'C \ COlli-
pnRSl l I1hout with so Ir'l\t n clolld or
wltnCflC ! ! ! . Hehrews .12 , ] , 1I1'st cluufe !
The uliseen world
was very real to.
the IIliolitle 1'111I1.
lie had 110 hesl-
lancr : In rnll hlg
the grent hel'oes or
fnlth In u VIIHt
nmllhltheatcr , us In- \
tel'cslCl.I IIpen ( tors
of the contlsls for
the Iml1lol'tlll Cl'own
to he a wl1l'tlcll all
- " , ; : who are "faithful .t.
' T \ . . I
uutll death. " II ) '
' \"Irtnc of the fi:111'o : whIch he uses , j'ol1
can hnnglne you sel' , O\'C'I' there In the
lower row. rljthlcous Abel , .II\HI guorh.
"who " , ulkell with God. " Higher liP.
, rou recognize : - ; . IIh , founder of line' "
world. allli Ahrnhnm , father of th
flilthful. Isnac , .Tnrob , Joseph. : 'IIose8
nnll Du , ' 111 nre , olle uftcr lIuother , sln-
Ied out b ' the mlnll's eye. But with
all the IIIrt CI\lImerat < 'll i ) ) " Pnul lu Ih
ele\'enlh chll\lt \ r of Hebrews , there UI'l } .
nn hnml'nse cOlllpnn ' bcsldes , who.
thouJ.h not so well Imown , stu1ll1 fern
n clu8'1 In whIch ) 'OU aull I arc most
closelj cOllcel'no . These 111'0 lIIen nud
women who ha'o helped mold our \ ,
chllracter hJ" tholr wltuesaln ( lower.
Some wonderfull ' clofe' ties hind us
to the unscen worlll nlld we glvc hem
n 111nce In Paul's cloud of wltuess"s.
and kuow tbnt the ) ' are helplllg us h&
strong , beca us tlle ' the1l1sel Vl'S hn1 }
o\'l'rcome. It ts not lIecessnlJ' 10 gln '
Instanc { ' ! ! ; you Imow , hroth r ; ) 'OU
knoW' , Rister , "where your trensure Is
th'TO will 'our h art he also. "
The ml hty hORt' of witnesses COI11-
plIsslu ! ; us II ! composed of these who -
' \"rootlcd with the tempta tlous of tllUO' .
nud Rense , just liS ) "OU and I nre doing.
The Rllme menltt ! hy whIch the } ' overcame -
came are open to us , " 'e hll1' m1l\lon8- \
mor wlh ) ( > ssl > fl than Dnyld or , loReph
hnd. , yet they were the stron er be-
cnURO of those that wltnC'SSed hefor
them , Our opportunities lire VIIStl } .
Imperlor , h < 'llrC our rCSp011f1lblllt ) . Is
much rC'ntcr , hecnusC' of the ndded
wltne.sslllF 01' the Chrlstlnn centurIes. .
As II nntlon we 110 well to remelllher
our hclm'ed IIcnd , lind , hetter sllll , with
I'nul , to lliace them amen 'Rt that I'eat
cloud of wltne seA , ellgerl ) ' wntchln
us who l'e left hehll\ll to gllllril the
IIncr 1 IIherl ) ' a 1111 In ! 1ltutlolls' the ) '
Rq fe It' II 111'I1 ed for us. Th ullmes ot
WlIshlngton. Llucoln IIIHI : 'IeKlnley ,
to eth ( > r with n host of other : ; Oil th
Amerlcall Roll of Houor , w1l\ \ Incite to
cOllse'craled 1"'lng Ihe l'llt'ratlons ' ( 't
to come , 'I'hl'se II 11 ( lI'd In I'll It h , not
hnYhljt rt'Cel\'l'tI the III'omlfll' : hul IUI\-
1m : a ylslon of the cOlllln rm\lle\\r or
their h loYl'd counlry IIlId Its IlIacI' In
blesslug the famlllcs of the earth ,
'I'he ) ' hn vo leCt Uf ! the InhC'l'ltallcl' thnt
we , wl,11 our ruce shall hll\'e been
run , mu ' wltuC'ss In hll'll to our suc-
cC-sors. : 'Irar "Onnll I 111'0"0 faithful -
ful , ullltlnj : ; 0\\1' cltlzellshlll InselHu'ably
with 0\\1' religion.
ny Rev. Dr. LC C'h
I am the son of u worldngllllln ' -
bed ) ' who Il'S any rlnlm 10 jtr atncs"
Js , The jtl'eatcst arlslocrncy In . \uler-
Ica Is the IIrlstocrnc ' of labol' . GOil
has 110 use for the Idler.
It a mlln Is not dIII the useful. .A
which Is nil God's work. he Is doing
the useless , which Is the devll's work.
Docs Goll lo\'e the the unions ? I say
'es , If the unIons will follow the "gol. ,
dOli rulo" to do ns they would he dona t
hy. If h'ustfl or unions dellUl't Crom.
thut rnle they will go to pieces and 'G
thnt SIeelllJ ' . God 10\'e8 the Amerl. '
cnn : n lluon , 'I'ho Amerlcnn Is to give 1
cvery mlln nn elulII chance. Amerl. ,
cnnlsm gl\'cs mnn a Hhert } . of cou. ,
science , rr he wallts to beloug to a , , '
union hI' Clln , but he Is not ohllell ; to :
In order to cnru his breall nu chll. f
dren's , , ' :
God puts his stamp on the teller and J .
expects freedom , not coerciou , Woo II' '
hn\'o swullg too far lu our methods. A "
rIghteous cause doe'l uot nefld coe1'cloll.
It grows. It plends tor Itself ,
NurrowrJndt'l1uesS'l'hc : IIUIII who I
thinks ho 113 too III telleetllt1l to hellevo W
In the fundameutlll doctrlu ( > s of ChrIs.
thmlty nnd 1001s with
n Itlnd of S'm- L I
! ) athetlc aud plltronlzlng gnZe upon r r
th060 who do bello\'o In them , Is not "
thereby glvlllg evldl"1lce of InteUectunl. '
Ity , but rather of nnn'o , , " mlndcdness. '
- HeJ , B.lnrkwnre : , l.uthcran . ,
PIUaburg , Pa. I \ j'
\j \