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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1903)
. L\\9udlu \ I'uol" " It..t. lilt\ Ii I i I . . . l , . . " \ , I . ; . . , ' ' 'USTER' ' OUNTY . . ; EPUBLICAN : { . , , , , ES'l'ABLISHED 1882. THE OIi'Ii'ICIAL PAPER OIi' CUSTR COUN'ry. T4ARGES'1' CIRCUI4ATION OF ANY PAPER IN 'rUE COUNTY. - tAl : . ' , - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . IW em. . k' t -VOL XXII , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURD Y JUNE 25 1903uEIGHT PAGES , NO ; 2. t : : . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . , , , H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1101' . - , - - > . : & ; .J = - - = = : : ' I I , ' ( . . . . . ' ' - ' " Q A scmc ( J f" > . ( ' , ; tH rwm.0 . ell us hUOII nr. properl ) ' fallClI Q " ' , f Eyeglasses I . . or spcctoc I cs arc WO\'ll. hye , strain reltlo\'cll , hculachcs : will : I . disJlppear allll thills before 1 ( { seen dimlv will slaml out clear I MI 011I1 islili l. An cyc tesl will . ; : i : cost nothing. Made free here : hy 11 gra uate optician who uses i mo crn scicntific instrumcnts. . ' Glosscs will cost very little as onr prlcc'Ire molcrate. ( \ ! t $ J CIiM& " " . . - 10 _ _ _ - = = - - - - School Books. : I " : ; C' . , ? * ( ablets { * . * " " / -ANU- .sI. ' c"\f \ c"ft t Schon1 Supplies , , I , " 1' : . -A T- < -1 . hI , 'VI" . . .J. G. Haeberle s. : ; . , , WAn\ " " " " - : ' : : ; : " " " ' ! , r \ I :1 : :1II II " 1'il 1 J'I ' " , I \ _ _ _ _ _ .1.- ' . , Money to loan on city property. i 1-2 g. p. HOUSH. [ : : : : : i : : : : ] , - - - Petcr Dierks of I.littcoln , spent Su nda ) " in thc ci ty. Major ] W ! ; on or Anslc ) ' , waS a cit ) ' visitor 'l'nesday. ' J. W. Clay of Ansley , was a city visitor last Satur ax. Judge Grimcs of North l.lattc , held court in the cit\'la . ! > - t l1'rida' , / \ 11 .for Judge Gntterson. ,7' - - Jud Kay ma e a busin'ess tnp to Omaha the Jirst of the weelc returninE ! ruesday morning' . .Prof. Hawthorne repottg the summer school progress111g" finely. Hc informs us that 64 stlulents are enroll d th { ! > week. 'rhe indications at thc prcsent timc is therc will be geveral good men 1'1'0111 whom to sclect a candi- date for county a sessor. : Mrs. D. M. Amsberry , who has ' . been visiting in the vicinity of Mason City the past two w eks , lS cxpected hOl11e tomorrow. 1\1rs. Geo. P. 'L'rite , who has been visiting' in thc southeastern part of thc state for se\'cral wceks returned homc yesterday morn- ing. . 'Wc understand thal Algernon has a man that some think would makc . n ideal asscssor for thc county shoulll he consent to be a cand ida te. John Nordstrom of Comstodc , brought hi daughter , Hilda , o\'cr 'l'uesday to attend the Sum- mcr School. ' " [ 'his ofi1ce acknowledges . - ledges a friendly call. Dwight Day of Illinois , arr'ed in thc city last 'l'lmrsday to spcnd a short timc visiting with his brothcr , Dr ; Clinton Day. It is,11 s fint visit to Nebraska. l eJ. . R. 'Woods of Mason Ci t ) ' . held scrvices a t the Bethe- I dOl } Hapli t Church . . .Sunday , I northeast of this city and- hap tized six candi < 1atc that had been awaiting"baptisn. . G 5. n. Mair .f Gr l1awa ) ' , was in thc city thc latter l > art of last week. lIe reports that he i re- . I cc \ 'ingspIel did cncouragement. I in his canva s for the nomination ' cJ rk of the district court. Ed. 1\lcCol11as has encloserl the spac ( ' hack of his store with a high hoard wall that extcnds to the allcy. It will make a finc I receptacle .1'01' his emptv boxes , . etc. , so thcy will not be.cxposcd to view of the street. A capital ideao Mrs. Agatha Barton , who kill- erl her fathcr-in-taw. R W. Barton - ton in Wyoming last fall had hcr trial at Shcrman last wcek. 'l'he jury returncd a verdict of not guilty. Mr. Harton wag for a number of years a resident of Berwyn this connty. Paul TIaUtllollt of Elton , was in the city ycsterday and ordercd posters \'ertising a Fourth of July c'lebra'tion at Mosely's 'Groveo A line program has hecn arranged and a numhcr of prizes olTercd on various ratcs. Hon. J as. Whit. : head is to bc the speaker of the day , - - - - - - - . , \ l1 l : : ! : i- : ti : ! : r. : t : ; mx. m ! : m 1 ! : < < hwmmw ! ' : : m t : ; ; " j jti iM. J r TWINE' 1 ; 'T IN".E ! 'T" ' ( VIN"E ! , I l . .J I ) PPl'lllg'a I ) 1 ( ( 'S , I I' ' , , \ . . . , t ! ' } ) POl'i11' b " BilHI < 'I'S , { I " > jt. ! Deel'ino' lowlrs , I Deel'ingo BindPI' t nd lllowll' R < 'pnirs , 1 ' j Ueering' Manila and Pure f3isal Tw 1w. G ' N ow is the ti IIlP to look lip what lepai : 1'8 you will l ; e 5-Foot Mowers , 835.00. I I' ' d 'j'his , is.n high grude mower and sells " , II O\'CI' I f' ' till' state for $ -15.00 cash.V" Ul'e agents for the Aultman & Taylor Thl'lRhel'-hol'se power 01' steam I . : ' , el1 [ ! , ' nes. \ Yea ho hUY(1 t.he Acnw tweep ) tllld Stackers { j t al1d the Danl' weev awl tacke1's. ! ; PEORIA CORN SHELLERS. j f i Bug'g'ieHVUgOllH , HUl'dWUI'l' , Steel Hunges , Sud-I . " &t dips , und Iltll'ness. LUl'g'(1Ht line in tOWIl. 'l'hnnk- i ng yon 1'11I' [ last rn YO I'S , I a m 'nlll's truly , " , ' Gw. , . , \ L - . . Apple. " I h t ; . .t : : &r lti : > ( ! . 1 : : i : . t , . . l ' . ' . , . ' . , , " 1 Judge Sutl'an made a husi-I ncss trip to Gmml Island Mon- dav. , - ii' . W. IIa ves wen t to Omah a thc first of the wcek to hc g-onc a weck. Uhihlrcn's Day wilt be ohscn'cil at thc Christian church IU'xt Sunday - day c\'cning- . iJrof. G arlichs went to Mnson City Wcdncsday , whcre he has a class in hand music. Just bcfore going to press .we learn of till. ! death of C. D. Pel- ham , who ( lied the I'J. Obituary next weel : . ReS. . P. Morrig w nt to T.lin- coIn 'l'uesda ) ' mornitig" to attcnd the State Sunrht ' School , ' ) ( ot1\'en- tion. TIc will , 'isit Omaha he. forc rcturning- . Volumc 1 , No.1 , of the Mason Cit y tar reachcd our dcslc Satur- day. It is publishcd by A. n. BarkspubJishcr of thc Ncbrm kan. 'l'he Star is well fitled with local 'liews and has a fine line of adver- tising. 'l'hc HHl'UIIIICAN extends a welcomc to the new Star and wish it and its publishcr succc-.s. : E. 11' . Stephens , proprietor of thc Crete Nurseries , was in Bro- tecn Bow this wecle. He has been inspecting their extcnsive branch orcha.1'Il intcrests ovcr the statc , and reporls that they arc doing cxceptionally well. 'l'he comli- lion of climate and soil arc hc- comin much more fm'orable amI he bcl1c\'es c\'eryholly can raise fruit from now on. He cxpre s- cd surpri e ovcr one fraud which he learned was perpetualcd 011 CustClo count ) ' people last sum- mer. Irresponsiblc agents sold gooseherrics at from thrce to fh'e dollars a dmwn guaranteed to gr w in trec form. 'l'herc is no such thingas a tree gooseberry and whcn thcse were delivered last spring they were found to be of the common sort , such as everyhod ) ' has in thcir g rdenH , Hc sug-gests that for satisfactory plantmg it is bcst to stick to thc narrow list of wen tried varitieso Nvcrvonc interested in fru it will be glad to Impw that the Crct Nurseries are planning to make another exhibit at the Custcr Coullty li'air. - - 1111 rSCH Irur Hnh.O , I will of reI' at Public auction Saturday Junc 27 , at 1 o'clock p. Broken Bowscventy head of western horses , ranging- from enc to seven ycars old. In this heard arc 20 head of ycarlings , 30 hcad of two ycar old , the rcst are broke. 1 havu 'two tcams of spottcd matchcd Pinto ponics , two i and fi\'e ycars old , and scvcn or cight matchcd teams that will mal < c good dri viug h rses. 'l'hesc horses must be sold. Your price is minc. Herc is a chancc for bargains. H. L. DANNAT'r. ( BUSINESS P01NTERS. 3 - - - J. C. 1\Ioo , _ abst : ctng.2 _ _ _ j Don't wait until you are hailcd out , hut come in and ilJsure iu thc old rcliable S1. Paul Firc & [ arine. 52tf H00111 fur morc hoardcrs at Mrs. Kiug's , board by day orwcek. 1-3 - - - - - - 'l'he amount of nen'es you save is worth more than tcn timcs the amount of mouey ) 'ou spcnd for glasscs. Dr. Swartz at Gra ld Cen tral Hotcl July 8 and ( J , 1903. - Bu ) ' SOc worth of King- Cole , goods at the Star Grocer ) ? aud ! get a chancc on that zou-O-ph01H' . ! You can havc your watch i cleauscd for 81.00 at Ed. 1\lc- ! Comas' . ltl i - - - o --J.- . r conarrl'bol ded ; } ) ; tra . tcr. 3IJtJ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. Barnes the Optician g\OC Sight Specialist. of Omaha w it : S he at the Grand Central Hote' next Frida ) ' the 2Jth , enc Ilay , Don't fail to sce him thi ! > . Special low prices on solid gel < " spcct. _ clcs this tril . It i not ) 'ou r hc.Hi t hat ac he , but it is the strain froUl the eye : G that causes all your headaches Dr. Shwartz at Urand Cl ntcra Ho ekJlIJ ! ! ( _ IJ103. _ ! _ _ Just rcceived ill the Star Ore ccry a mixed car load of l\Iichi gan salt 28 , 5 ( , and 120 pounl ti cks. ! dai : . . . . ! ! .s..e. 1 t i : I H"o" A" NO"'ICI' ; . ' 'l'alcen up at my ptacc of res ! I' ' , deuce June 9 , a smal1 mare pen spotted hip , brand on lcf shoulder. Owner is requested t pro\'c property and pay charges. 2-h G. E. CADWJU.I , . , Ecs tcstcd frce at Ed. Mc- Conias' b ' Johnt\V'1Iiher , graduate - ate optician. , 1 tf ' ! 'hc celebrat d Geiscr 'L'hresh- ingmachincrj' : . Nc\'cr beaten in a test. 'l'he machinc without sives. Par sale by 2tf - . . , S. M. DOlUUS. \ VAN'lluBoardcrs > - at Mrs. Duncanson lirst door south of Groat's Harctware I storc. l atcs 82.50 lo $3.00 pCI' wcek. Hf - - - - - . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - licit " , .lIed Ihll" . , - - 1i'ive or six i ed Polled Bulls for sail' . J\ddrcgs or. ca11 on JAS. OGGH , Wci scrt , Neb. 52-3 - - - - - - - - - - Moncy loaned on Improved farms. JA\1HS ; T4HDWIClt , 7 18 if Brokcn Bow , Neb. John W. Ilibl'cxpert watch repairer , engravcr and graduate optician at gd. McComas ; . 1 tf Fan SAlH-One full blood Shorthorn bull. ' L.C.MonHIS , ' 2 5 Berwyn , Nebraska. -If you want your eycs properl ' fittcd callat Ed. McComas , John W. IIiber , optician. Hf L'hc hest ice crcam soda in the dty at Wi11ci l'S dmg . store. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j. G. Leon t'11 . homlel } abstrac- ter. " 31)tf If the ma i n spri ng iR hroken i 11 your watch Have one put in for 75 ccnts at gd. McComas' . Corner - ner cast of State Bank. Hf 1i'01 { SAJ.It--A hou e and cigh t lots , big barn , fenced corral , chickcn h > us , hog house and granarics. A J nc impro\'cd rcsi- dence. Call on C. E. Gaud ) ' , rcal estate alid collcctions. 51-2 . . . - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \V AN'l'HD-'l'O. hire two men ' that havc families. HOllSeg Curn- ishcd.- ' ' UNION - HH'l' Mn.T.ING Co. 3 tf _ _ _ lnion , Neb. Ncw wall paper and plenty of it , at J. C. Bowcn's. ' Call and scc l d.McCol11ag' new line of watches , jeweler ) ' , ctc. Corncl' C:1't : ! 'ot' Brolcn Bow Statc , . . . I JI.qlk. _ . I \VAN'l'JW-Potatoes at thc Star Groccry Co : . Dr. A. 1\L l arle , the Byc anrl gar specialist , of Omaha , will again Vlgjt llroken Bow on June 24th , and will he found at the oftice of Dr. C. ] 4. Mullins. ' ' [ 'hc doctor has 'sevcral trips to this city and has g'elr' his patients - ents cxcc.llent satisfaction. Ice crcam soda at Wilkl'S \ drug store for five cents. ' [ 'ry it. . . _ _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - " 'AI'I NO'I"lcn. Notice is hereby givcn that the boanl of thc Itillian Irrigation District will mcct at thc Ash school hosue to equalize the assessment - sessment of 'U1d in said district on Friday , Julr , 3 , PJ03 , at 2 o'clock p. m. Bu. BlsnopSec. , By order Dist. Board. 52-2 FOH SAIH Olt 'l'HAD\t-'l'own lots and a few five acre lots in this city , for cattle , horses or farm Ian d.-Allen l cyner. DR. SHARPE. . . . . . Doctors all diseases o ( the clothes lIIul guarantees satisfactioll. Givc IIIC a lrial. I'll putlJ\\ ' life ill your old duds. CLE'LL S : a. E. - - - ' ; ; ' ' OIC.E' -OP A- . Druo. Store i b mil ) ' cletcrmillu tbe fjUOltlOIl or 1 Ilealth , Sickness I , or Death . . . . . i WHY TAKE ANY RISK ? o r-4ct us fill your prcscrip- , , tion ! > . \Ve arc in con- R stant touch with ! Jc t . sonrces of su ppl ) ' . Grad- 1 uates 111 Pharmacy fill all ! l.rescr'iPl.ions 1- - carefully , with strict 01'- ders ncvcr to substitute f or URe unreliable inKrc- - rliauts , uml'r ! any cir- cumstances. ' l- > Eel. MCC0111aS , o 1) I ( J ( .1 01 ri'1' . ! , , , orlreu ! tllIW Htllltltlllnk , " - - - _ . . - - , ttt"t"t""t"'t"'t"'t' , " " " " " " " " ' " " ' " ' ' + " " " 't""t'tt"t""tt1"ttt" ' " " ' " , " " " " r - I Repairs. ' . 3 - - . - 5) - : : : : : : : u . E = = : : 1101'0 is swn ( ' mol'O nnttl'ust prices- : , . , ' = - = = = Plnllo .Mower Ri < 'ldesI'oot. . . . . . . $2.00 3 1& Pin no Bindol' SieldpsI'oot. . . . . . . 2.25 = = , = = 1 > l'l'l'ing' Mower Sickles , 5-foot. . . . 2.00 = = I - - E } ) PO 'illg' Bindel' Sickles , H-foot. . . . 2.25 = = , r E 1'U01'miek 1\OWP1' ( Hi'kles , 5-root ! ; I.DO = = t E ( rCorm1ek . Bindel' Hicklm ; , 'l-foot ) ! : 9. 25 3 t : - : : : : IIl\etlOllS 1'1. : mowers . I . . . . . . .A C - : : : : : : I - " - - : : : : Ll'dgol'I' Plntl's . for above mowCl'S. . 3e = _ = ; f - - : : : : : : : 1 wjll also fUl'l1iHh yon. with eanvasses for = = E yu ' Bindel's nnd nIl kinels oi mower purts , such = = = = as slckll'-l'nds ] , gomu'ds , weU1'1l1go plntes and most = = : - : : : : kinds or l''l > n l's that wen I' out r01' o'l'oatly . ' _ : : : : : : REDUCED PRICES. , - - E : Look OVOI' YOll ] ' nwchines nnd bring me a list = = ; : : of ! whnt : you noert and see the difference between = = ' : : : : my Vr1,08 , and the pI'iees of dealol's who handle = = : : : : tl'l st HlH'hines. ' = = : : : : : : : : : C. S. . MARTIN , Mff.Agt. I - - : : : - AND DEALlm IN - : : : : I - - - - = = AN'l'I-'l'.R lJB'r GOODS. = = : : : : : : : : : : : : : I 111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111il11 1il CreR11i 1111) ' 1111 : , \Vc arc buying- cream and witt t > a ' you for it oncc a week. Brmg in your cream. if , . - . J. C. 1l0WHN' . J. G. f.lconard bondcd abstrac- ter. 3Hh 11'oH SAl.H-A Kood business house ol1 lOrth idc puhticsquarc , good busi ncss loca t on , for salc chcap. Call on C. B. Gandy , retl : estate a11l1 collections. 51-2 - - - . . . . - . - , Just rcccived a ncw stock , of picture , frames , mouldings , mat , , . etc. Plcture framcs made to 01'- del' . Second huul. ; goods of ail kinds hought and sold. JUD KAY , 31)tf So 1th S le S l Call and Hce Mikc Scanlon across the street from C. S. Mar- tin's Implemcnt House for lunch , cigars , confcctione , r and summcr drinkso 52tf . 'l'his ofticc for ncat job work. . . . - - : 'Cotlce to Ilnr : contractor. , We wish to close contracts' for cutting , curing and stacking l1ay on 0111' ranch lt1 Chcrry countT for thc season of 1903. , No swampy or roug'h ground to cut 011. 'Write for tcrms ctc. to the Standard Cattle Co : at Ames or Hecla , Ncb. . 45-9 , . . . - - - - - - - - ti1 HaH. I-lai1. llail. , . : " . Farmcrs protect yonrseh' s : in the old rcliable St. Paul li'ire & Marine Insurance Co. Wc. have 83OOQOOO , cash capltal and pay .our . . . losscs promptly. Ras Anderson , Agent. , IIroitCIi 110" ' , : , 22 \ - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T. _ _ _ r ; ; 1 The .EagJe Grocery , w. A. dgOI Gm and f.l. Uo GEOHGE , Prop's. NIV FI 1\.1. , , ' ' N'ew Location. . . : ' < > , . . > ' N eVV l resll Goods. . . . . . : . . - ' - Highest marlcet price paid for Cream. Settlcmcnt . , furnished ed 1i'rce 0 . . . once . 0 . . 0 a . 0 wcek. . . . 0 . . 0 0 CUHi . , . . . . 0 0 0 . . - . . . . .Staple and Fancy Croceries'li " , . , .Arriving Daily. . . . . . - . - . . . I . . .Fresh Fruits and Vefetables. . . . . . . . A Specialty , 0" . . . _ . - . . - . "Ve , Lea < .ll\.lI C0.l11 peti tors in Qual ity d Low Prices. . - . . . - North Side Public Squarc , l ast of 1\lcComas' Drug : : ) tQfc. . W . A. CEORGE . . , CO. , . '