Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 18, 1903, Image 8
- . Local M 1' 't' " - - - - - - - I. A. ColcrnNltttA. ; . . "o\ ' ! ! \ city visitor . , , - = t" , . Knu l k. I , . . , , ' : : " . , . . : : . .11. . . . , was 1U m ' : 'H 1N. S. L. C'.t. ' :1.1:1 .s. > : t re up from W't' Jt ( \ ' r. dl. " . . . . F. n. , "If \ ' en..iltc , was s.Oi . "ur . . n o:1d3J' " .IF. . a'd UQm of 'Vest- " ' 1J 'l'IfJ : 0s.\i J" visitor S tur- 'dJ1. . . ) h . 1''f " , Anselmo , $ " : .sa''r : " " . l''t1'rSHrJa \ \ . 1'h < J . : g'-Co bucinc1 c-ill. . i E. J. Eddington of East Custer " 3.9 in the cit'Frid y with a load of hog'3 f 1" which he received - . . ed $5.60. I , E. E. Hoogaboom . is building a fine residence .on his farm west of the city. P. R. Stand ford of Merna , has the contract. Mrs. A. Moore' and daughter , Lena , of Callaway , were in , . attendance - tendance at the band concert at the opera houseFriday night. C. S. Lawrence , who returned from Washington. last fall , called Saturday and nad his name : reinstated - instated on the RBpUBLICAN list. \ J as. Lindley 'of Anselmo , spent Monday in the city , returning home Tuesday morning. This office was favored with his -pres- ence. ence.H. H. B. Schneringer of Callaway , an old time friend of the REPUBLICAN - LICAN , was in the city before the county board , Monday on a road case in his vicinity. He kindly remembered this office before , re- tur ing home Tuesday. P. F. Camflbell of Georgetown , came' up Friday , to meet his daughter , Miss Gene , who came in from Hastings , where she has been attending college the past year. They improved the opportunity - portunity to attend the hand concert - cert Friday evenIng. \ : : Mr , and Mrs. Art Dean and Miss G rtr.ude' ' Dean of West Union , came over .S turday and spent Sunday in , the city the guests of Mr. , and Mrs. N. L. Relnolds. Mrs' . Reynolds and chlldren , wh 'had been yisiting . on the Middle : Loup for several days came home with them. H. J. Shinn return d Sunday morning from a visit of several weeks on the Pacific coast. He . informs us that he did not. find any place that ; he prefered' to Broken B w and he expects to . spen the rest .of his days h re. . Iurs. Shinn will return by the middle of July. He 'informs us I that his son C. M. ha a good position in an electricity factory. . ' . . . . . . . - ' sm mstm COMING ! n f QAC.A..J , : . . j Ij , f. ' . Dr. S. Shwartz , the noted eye specialist f Denver" is coming July 8 , and will. be here for two ddYs. . . . . . ' . ' . . July 8th and 9th. : . ' , . He will be prepared' to correct various visual defects . . , of the eye sight. I Dr. Shwartz has corrected over OOO patients in NeI I 'f $ braska the past year nd j secured over 1000 testinion- , ials. Do not " . feel disco'ur- . f aged because you have failed - ed to obtamcd . , relief from " the ignoraut spectacle venders - ders , or fr m ignorant ' nd unscrupu10u's so.called : op- . ticians. I guarantee " SATISFACTIO ; . . . lU every ca e , but no uncur- . . . , i" ; ; ; Senator Currie Sargent , I n city \'lsitor Monday. , S. D , Butcher of Kearney , \Va ; , in the dty the first of the week. PIoL Gee , Boggs attended the band concert in this city Friday night ; , A. Lar30n of Round Valley , was among the welcome callers Friday. Josef. Zurck of Comstocl : , was a business caller at this office Saturday. . This office acknowledges a welcome call from John Welsh of WCMerville , Monday. Miss Britanica Nicholas , of Pilot , : : ame up Sunday night to attend the summer school. Miss Enn Welsh of Westerville , carne up Sunday with her father to attend the summer scbool. Attorney A. Moore of Call- away , was in the city the first of the week attending district court. W. P. 'rrue of Georgetown , was a city visitor Friday night and Saturday. The I punLIcAN was fa\'ored with : t social call. 'l'welvc cars of steele were ship. ped from Broken Bow Sunday. There were ten cars of fat cattle for the Omaha market and two , cars of hogs. Papineau & Drake ha\'e recently - ly completed a frame housc , for Florin Jacob and are now building - ing a house for Geo. Schmidt north of town. Judge 'Vall of Loup City , came up Sunday night to. look after matters in which he is interested as attorney in the district coLtrt that convened in this city Mon- day. day.The The concert given br the Bro" ken Bow B nd last Friday night was'a drawmg card. The large audiance that attended attests the popularity of the band , wh'ich un.der the instruction of Prof. Garlich is now one of the best in the state. The music Friday night was of a high order and was greatly appreciated by the music loving people present. Dr. Mullins of Broken Bow , and Dr. Morrow of Merna , were over a vew days last week , , to assist Dr. Robinson in performing surgical - cal operation on Mrs. 'v ill Jud- kins. The operation w s a success - cess , and great credit is .due the M. D's. Mrs. Judkins is doing I nicely under Dr. Robinson's care , and Mrs. Iate Smith as nurse. -Arnold Correspondent in Call- away Courier. I Frank H. Young came over from B'rokcn Bow Tuesday via the automobile route , accompanied - ed by his father , M. F. Young. While here be looked over the accounts - counts of t > he Callaway State Bank , of which he is president. Mr . Young recen Uy retu flied from one of his flying trips , I which included ew York , Washington - ington , Cleveland , Chicago , Omaha and Denver. When it conics to traveling he is a close second to Teddy himself.-Call- away Courier. Edwin F. Myers left this morning - ing for Lake Geneva , Wis. , where the college Y. M. C. A. holds its Annual Conference. Mr. Myers goes as a delegate from the University - versity of Nebraska. 'rhe young men spend the forenoon of the ten days , through which the conferencs lasts , in conference work and the afternoon in row- ! . ! J.g. , swimming or fishing in the 1 Ke or in baseball and other athletic sports on shore. There are us tally five or six hundred young men present. Attorney J. B. 3mith has decided - cided to remove from Broken Bow to some town in the south easteru , part of the state in the near future , hoping the change of climate will improve his wife's health. Mr. Smith has not fully 1 . < determined where he will locate . but expects to stop at Wahoo. During their residence here Mr. Smith has built up a good practice - tice in his profession and be and family have made host of friends , , who regret very much that they have ( \etermined \ to remo\'c from 1 f our midst , - - - . . . - - _ - - - - - - - _ . . _ . . _ - QCf'.r .oOQY" & OBS. : i . . . . . i ' 'I have shoes to sell and must sell them , . nd until further notice I will ell t . . , ' I i' 8 I Per Oent Discount . for cash. These shoes arc new stock , ri ht : rr , / ' . from the factory. I have just ut in a hne " of Trunks , Telescopes . , , Grips , Etc. I . . . . " J. "S. : F.A.N'"OXS : , Merrla , , . - . . - - Nebraska. . " ' , . , . . . - - . . . . . . . ' ' ' .4-- _ . . - - r - Bob Farl'ey ' of Milburn , was a city visitor Tuesday. S. C. Mullens of Lexington was a cty visitor the first of the. woek. J. J. Wilson and Ras Anderson \V nt to Milford Tuesday. They took along their fishing tackel. , A. H. Barks will start a news paper in Mason City this week. It will be called th Mason City . Star. John Hiber , Jeweler. has accepted - cepted a position with Ed. Mc. Comas. He comes highly re- commended. Dr. W. E. Talbot reports the arrival of another girl in fhe home of Mr. and Mrs. France Moore on the 16 inst. Jas. Fairfield of Mason City , was a witness in the saloon case from his town that was tried by Judge Gutterson Monday. The communications from Merna and Oconto arc unavoidable - able ommitted for lack of space. They will be published 'nex week. Scnator Currie unloaded fifty hores here Monday he shipped in from 'Wyoming. They are fine young horses , weighing from 1000 1400 pounds. , I Miss Page aud Mrs. Irons National - ional organizers of the 'V. c.'r. U wil speak at the M. E. church Monday evening , at , 8 o'clock. E\'erybody invited. ' W. A. George & Co. , are now comfortabll located in their new store buildmg jttS east of Mc- Comas' drug store , north side of the public square. J as. Cosner left yesterd y morning for Minnesota on a prospecting - pecting tour with the view of locating. He expects to be back in a week or ten days. Mrs. Geo. Kiser of Grand Islaud arrived in the city .Monclav night After visiting a few da s she will go to Deadwood S. D : to visit - it her nephew Geo. Kiser Jr. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will have a cake sale at Mr. Hartlev's Ice Cream Parlor ; Saturday june 20 from 2 to 6 o'clock p. m. Come and buy a cake. The 'Old Settlers picnic at Mas n yesterd'ay was largely attended - tended and a pleasant time enjoy- ed. For lack of space we are compelled to omit report of it nn- til next wcek. Thos. Darnell of Lincoln , delivered - livered a temperance lecture in the 1\1. E. church Sunday night to a large audieance. Mr. Dar- nell is an able speaker and never fails to draw good houses at Broken - ken Bow. The ball game yesterday in this city between Broken Bow and Ansley resulted 4 to 2 in favor of the visitors. Bob Waters sustained a fracture of the sholder blade by coming in contact with Leslie Clay. Mrs. Snyder , daughter of Mr ar.d Mrs. Joe Skelton , who has been visiting here for some time left Wednesday for her home in 'Wisconsin. She was accompanied - ied as far as Aurora , by Mrs. Slelton where she will visit with friends. Mrs. Marcus Reyner has been enjoying for several days a visit from a sister from Marquett Neb. and a sister , Mrs. N. A. Hamlet and husband from Iowa. The latter - ter parties left this morning for Washington , with the view of locating. Ee } . McComas got into his new quarters on the corner east of the Broken Bow State Bank with his drug store the latter part of last week and was 'open for business Saturday. He now has large.and comU1odious uarters and one of the best locations in the city. . ' 'l'he W rlt ur lnl1dl1mu D cllied. . A case in which was involv .d the legal right of the Mason City saloon was tried before Judge Gutterson Monday' afternoon and concluded Tuesday. It was a case invhich was sought a writ of mandamuR to compel tbe vill-I age board to revoke the saloon license granted Henry Miller. The case was ably argued by Attorney - torney Darnell for plaintiffJ udges 'Vall and Sullivan for defendant. 'l'he court held that the Jetition ? did not state' facts sufficient to entitle the plaintiff to a man- damus. ' . . _ _ _ _ _ : . . . - . - _ A. Hu.lnl'S Chang" . L. D. George , son of Nc George of Cumro , bas boug)1t ) balf inter- \ eit ! in the W. A. George stock of groceries of this city , and the business will now be run under ' the firm name of W. A. George & Co. The new member of" the 1\ firm is a young man of culture aud refinement , strict integrity and enjoys the respect and esteem f . , . . of all who know him. He will ha\ ' the active business manage- m nt of the firm. He is now in charge and will be pleased to make the acquaintance of all the old custlmers of the house' as well as any new ones. luJlJIlC'tlun Dl1I8olfelt. The blliard hall case against tht > city authorities wae dissolve Wednesday by Judge Gutterson. It will be the city's play next. . _ . - - - - - - - . "fH'CIi " . , r'lr I& : . . U. B. CHURCH. SUfday ! school .10 a. m. Prea hing mormng an evemng. Young People's Society at 7 p. m. . Everyone invited to all services. W. F. PERRY , Pastor EPISCOPAl , CHURCH. St. John's Episcopal service Sunday June : II. Second Sunday after Trinity. Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning praycr and sermOn I I a. m. Evening prayer and sermon 8 p. m. The public is cordi. ally invited. W. H. XANDERS , Re.ctor. CHURCH OF GOD. There will be services at the Woodman Hall next Sunday at eleven o'clock "The Poor People. " Those who have to labor with their han s for their daily bread are cspeciull > ' requestrd to be present as the pastor Wilt endeavor to present to you Christ's swpathy and words of en. couragement for the poor. R. llHf.I.IS , PIi1tor. ! CHRISTIAN CHURCH. State SeCrelllr ) ' W. A. Baldwin of Lillcoln , will sgeak at the Christian church next Sunl.ay , morning and c\'en- in : . If you want to hear a man of rare ability and experience , Come. Spccial music at both services by the male quar- tette. Don't miss thiS treat. Dible school at 10 a. ril. C. It at 7 p. m. Maurice Ryerson leader. A. G. SMITH. . M. .E. CHURCH. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning tHem "Nobody , Somebody , EveIJ'body. " Text l.uke 8:47. : .class meeting 12:15. : E. D. Glaze , leader. Special Program in Junior League. Subiect "Faces. " Text Rev. . 22:4. : Epworth League at 7. Avelo Vannice. Evening preaching on a theme of great interest to young people and teachers "Some as of Strength and Weakness - ness in Charity. " A hearty welcome to all : G o. P. TRIT S , Pastor. , - BAPTIST CHURCH. Dible school at 10 a. m. Divine wo ; . ship at I I . m. Subject , "God's Or- dinary.Remedies for Ordinary Difficul. ties. " . B. Y. P. U. 7 p. m. .8 p. m. ' , G9spel preaching service. TOpiC , "AVotn n's Hate. " Wednesday 8 p. m. Prtt'er. - time. Friday 7 p. m. Boys Brigade -drilis. Dr. Andreus W1l1 Come. F. M. Rublee received word from Chancelor Andrews this morning that he accepts the invitation - vitation to speak in Broken Bow July 4. Detter T rmll. We have been able to make better tenDS "ith the publishers of the Swine Hcrd. We can now furnish you the R.E- 'PUBI.ICAN and Swine Herd for $1.20. This applies to renew ls as well as to new subscrsbers to the R PUBI.ICAN. . C.\I.I.A..W " 'V. A move is on foot for the construction - struction of a band-stand , which if built will be highly appreciat- ad by the band boys. John Moran and wife departed for Omaha on Monday of this we.ek. When they return they will be accompanied by Miss Cora , their only daughter , who has been attending school at Council Bluffs. Dr. and Mrs. Mc ulty returned home Monday frorh an extended visit through the west. . : While gone they visited Denver , Salt J-Iak , SanFrancisco and many other points of interest , and are more than pleased with their vacatiOn. 1 Anothcr tiKh twas puJ1td otr at thiG place last Friday after- 11oon , the prinGipals being Roy Nansel amI Bernard Frazier. Only a few passes were made , . when tht. participants wcre ar- ! Tested aud taxed up $5 cadi which. . 'they paid. . A number of our citizens t ok in the Mid-Sum ler Music li'esti- val at Brokcil Bow last Friday evening , among whom we. noticed - ed Clark Moore , Lena Moore , Ralph "Mahan , Wm. Shupp , 'Vm. Wm. T 'son , Wes Buckley and Harry Evans. The wedding of Michael Mc. Dermott of Ryno , + and Emma l'ord ; of this place was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents - ts at 11 o'clock a. m on Sunday last. Yonr correspondent hastens - ens to extent congratulations to the. young couPle. G.v. . . Steele , the Callaway stra wberry man , placed his first picking of berries on the'tnar et at this place last Saturday. ' 1 he berries are the finest we have. seen raised in the state , and it is very evident that Custer cou ty soil is as good for. this class oC fruit as it is for corn or wheat. U..S. Marshal Homan qaJ11 np from Omaha hist Frida ) ' and arrested - rested Mrs , C. W. Gray on the , . " , . , I , , . . . . , ff f f I I , - . . _ . . . . - I , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO TO THE. . . . . . . . . . ' f e1 ; S"tore -FOR- Summer dres5 goods , black and wbite 1I1di linen , black and white mulls , white silk mulls , mer- ceried : silk chambray , lochiel ? ephyr , favorite zephyr , pigue , du k , almeria batiste , halcyon batiste and ginghams for waists , laces \ and em- i broideries. \ Ribbons , Velvets , V'elvetcens , SHks , Crepe , . "T' Nuns Veiling , and Sateens. Also a fine line of , ' , ' Ladies Low Dress Shoes , Kid Colonial , Kid , Four Strap , Sandals and Doug la Souvenir . : Sunbonnets , Ginghams , V d vet RibbonJ. ! ' E. Reyner & CO. , , ' Brokel1 B . _ _ : : . .z. . . . . Z . : ; : - - " " " - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : oo. . < I--.rJ - " ---11' : _ _ _ charge of writing a dun on a postal card. She was taken .to Omaha to appear before the federal court , and returned home ' . As the lad ' iu on Supda ) ) Cue - tion can neither read nor writt" it was evideut that sIlt. ! 'wa ! ; lIot guilty of tbe charge , and was turned 1.00s-e as a consequence , ' 'I'hc fact that Callaway will cclebrate is no longer'a dream. Already more mane ) ' has been raised than was asked for , and great preparations are bdng made : for one of the best times in the history ofthe town. Good I music , good speaking , foot races , horses , ball games and everything that goes to make up a first-class celebration. is booked for the oc- casion. The business IDen are preparing floats , and a comic parade will be a drawing feature on the morning of the 4th. An invitation is extended to the citizens - zens of Broken Bow to participate - pate the fun , as well as to all others : 'Come and share in th good ime. Nnw I J I.EN. . . Bfyon.V moth left' her . las t week for Cheyenne , Neb. , to visit his sister. Mr. Kettlebourge and wife w re business visitors at Broken Bow last Thursday. Mr. Chandler returned last Tuesday from a vis'it to th eastern - ern part of the state. Dave Chnstian and Bert Gates left Saturday with a car load of fat cattle for Omaha. 'l'hey , accompanied by 'Vill Kellar. . Re- . Gift and family , 'isited at Mr. Oscar Bowleys , Sunday. I Rev. Gift preaches at Pleasant : Valley school house ev ry two . . - - - - - - - ORTlU.I.O. I _ J. F. Baker was doing business Monday in Merna. . G. E. Lewis bf Broken Bow , came up last week to work for A. D. Hunt. C. H. Cass was on the Rick list last./week , anve have not heard that he is an ) ' better. , I Henry Michele of Dale valley , was shelling corn in these parts 1ast week with 'his new sheller aml gteamer. Weather too chilly for com to make much growth the past wee1c. Cultivating' is Itl'ingPIlRh - ed gmwrally. ' W. B. l .Hthallt of llw Bow , was doin'g hminess ill t1ii "hnrg- " last li'rid.tY , a nd we u l1c1crstand _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ u _ . that he sold a farm while here , - Mrs. P. H. Munk of Broken I Bow , has been \ ' iting th past week with her giRtt"r 1\Jrs. H. C. } t'odge . , h ( > r turrJeII hOtllt , to day. t :1 : , I Your correspolld llt made a Hying' trip to f-4otli last Monday , r tLtrninf { the same da.f. Ate . " eIt tll1cr Wi th A. B. Cort1lsh and ! family. I 1\JcHdamcs Hunt and Day were at the Bow last Monday , to pur- ( cbase carpet fat' the new church , ' which wi11 ilL' dedicat d ne : < tt Sunday. W. P. Wilsoll aud wif of An- selmo , buried their oldet daughter - ter in the Ortello cemeterv lagt Friday. The remains were fol- lo e by a large coucours of friends. , \Vaddington and F. L. B als 41. shipped three cars of cattle to Omaha last Tuesday.Vadding . - ton reports a fair market. F. L : has not yet returec1 , he is visiting with his sister Mrs. . NeUie " , ' Hewett. . - : : . . _ - - = - - - - - DR. 'f , 14. FAHNRWHTH . , : . - - - - - - - - - - , ' : . ' . . DENTIST , . ' CW-Olllce : In nl1y Ulock. Dr. iJIU'J 01 : -1tan . . . - \ BANGS STUDIO. . . . . , . . ,4. . . " Up-to-date Photographs. , " First , prize winu r at state 's- sociati n 1903. : ' . - - - s. 1\1. \ U01UUR , lUB.ilffil ( IJ & ! iI m31llw" ! AI. ktndd of work Iu onr line done promptly . . . . , and in Jlfl dlorl1er. . erRed ! iboll 0/1 Ib f orner Wclst 01 t lie bOle lion8t ! . OIVa ; ; " " A TIUAI. . Urollull Bow , ' . . . . N brll l. C1lNTON DA Y , Physician & Surgeon. , Olnce In reltf of Ibll Hlnk 01 Commare. . , ' Helli. dtlnre tllh hl/nde W dl ul the JllpUI'bllrrlt. . "r..ken Dow. Nehflllk" , o II. ( JON RJ\n , . . . . . .n..I"r . III. . . . ( " 1'11111111. WlnMllld , 'l'.h" . 1"llthl d , II tlwllue , \ RII llIall , . .III. . . .Cr. . lIrokon nolV , N"hruka. . 'J III' II I' " II B & M. R } Wl'AUHAN'I' . . Nortll HIli. . . . ( 'I'r"r . N ll > . .h . .t all lIoun ' ! , Up " lIay aD" nlelll. ' I tl'11I0 ClluUrR 'lIl'I'I ' ltfli. 'i ( . ROLLA TOWS LEY i Pro ) ! . _ ' { L - " " ! . - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - , _ ' - - - . - - - ; I d ; Two-Row lister Cultivators ; j i : HUllS on wheels with rOUl' d iSl'S n Ild i { i foul' shovels. Cun bl' adjusted us dl' " r ; : ' sired.'l'his is. the 'l\vo-Row Culti\'u" L. " tor we had last year , and oud ] not . r I $ UPPr ! tJ : tO ! i ts ! II . ing qualities. Call and see for your- , selves. Then , we have several other. . . . .f S tyl es 0 f . . . . . . . . . . . . i $ : I . III.Ridin ! ! and Walkinf ! Cullivatorsilil I : ' t > ee me before yon buy. "l'hanki ng you i : t' ' . for past favors , 1 remain yours truly , r" ; , . . , jI K eE irl. . t ( . ' " , . ' t. ' J