Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 18, 1903, Image 2
, ! , " I , ' - - - . . " . ; . Gllter CHlQ } ! , " llU ' . ' . . K. .oU < < IMBRI'Y. A nrauanu . . , ; I , ! , noUN 9OW , ) tE1JBABlrJ 1 - - - . . . . - . ' . l. ( I , f . . . , . I' , ' , , : I " , . , . . I , , . 'VV' " " " " " " not Btrnwbcrrr Bhortoako. Ohop a quart of berrIes and stir lnlo item fl , l.1eulllnJ ; cup"or grnnulnll'll 8U. tar. I.ct this mlxtur , , 8tund while tou mrike tllQ Hhortcake. Into n Ilullrt If prelmred flour rub two henpln/t / tn. tlespo9nfuls of hutler and cnough milk k > rllalce n tender dough. Hell lhls bto i1 th\bk \ , rotlnd shct. t , Baku In n lulcle oven nnd as soon liS It Is done ulekly 8p11t lhe cuke. sprelld the two ialves mth hl1tter. cover the lower ialt wIth the sweelened berrIes , put the upp r pal't on lhls and pour the lemainlng berrIes . Ellt while \ot , servIng it with rIch erellm.-Chl. mgo News , ltewoll Endlvo wlth Cream Bnuce. Cut the outer Ion Veil from the de. tIred 'number or hrods of endIve and M\sh lhe endIve thoroughly. Drnln 'nd then boll In salted water for /tbout rteen mInute ! ! , Remove. put Inlo .will IHI er and let cold water run Ihrough them , Chop a11l1 put Inlo a tnuccpnn wIth A consIderable amount I ) t butter. Co\.er I1nd let cook ror twenty mInutes. Uncover , moIsten n bit with crcum. sprInkle pnprlka over tnd 'turn n to rrlell slices of brend , lhos'o 'who have fa\'ored endlvo as a lalnd wIll be agreeably surprIsed at IIndlng how' subtly thIs way ot cook. Ing it IIppools to them-Tho EpIcure. " Potato Croquettcs. MIx epough errom wltb cold mnsbed otnto to mllke it easy to hnndle : add , lIttbutter. / . a bCliten e g ( to two tupfuls or 1I0tnto ) , n 'tnblespoonful or Dour nlld a sprInkle of snIt : form Inlo hent lIttle C3'lInders or cone S11l1peR , rells closely in shape , and sct them n Ice cool : 'yhen firm , roll In bell en white , f egg amI flour or brendcrumbs. Ihell fry in bolllnJ ; lard till brown , 'uke out with a sltlmmer and drain , t'hcse mnlto a nIce gllrnlsh for bnked fish , OJ' are a favorIte luncheon or sup. r dish , nnspburry Shrub. Allow eIght qunrts t berrIes to one lnt of acetic acId and four quarls of , \-nter. Put all the IngredIents lute a Btone. jar and nllow tbo mIxture to Uand. , tor 'fort ' , c1ght hours , stirrIng' DCCl1sJpllally. Ii'or ench pilit or Juice dd IOund of sligar. boll for IIfteen mInutes. and bottle whllo hot. Wben cool , rellll the bottles , Pound the corks In tlg ltI - . cut closc to the boltlc. and alp 'tri' 'hot' wax t sell I. I ! . ' , , It" , Potato Soup. Peel" ' . cut up and boll four large pota. i toes. .Wben nenrly done pour ol ! 111O watennd add enc qunr of hot wat r , Imd MIl till the potatoes are thorough. ly < lIss lved , ndlUlig morc hot wnler If ne ssary. Then put through the coluuder' nnd add three-quarlers of a cupful ot , hot , , crenm. n. . tablespoonful , of .finely cut pursley , and salt and pepper - per , Serve hot , .Dollod Corn tnrch l uddlng. ilent n quart of mnk to boiling In 11 doub1 1 > ol1er 'n < l stir In-to If 'five henp- lug tablcepoonfuls or cornstarch dls. solved In a IIttlo eold milk. Stir unUl thIs thIckens. then stir In a lump of b\tter. ! add , gradually IlJ bQaten egg , and blt In , a telUlpoonfut , ot'lulUa } nnd "fdU : l of grl\tcd nutmeg. Serve hot. wl1h butter nnd sugnr or sugar Ilnd cream. " I Bhort BUJle tlonll. Dottles should never be cll lmed wllh Ihot ; , as'thC'G 18 D. risk or lelld polson. lng , Do not scrape n tryIng Illn. as It III liable a'tterwatd to bum , Instead , rub wen wIth 11 hard crunt of brelld nnd wnsh In hot water. A new lampwlck IIhould be BOaked In vInegar. If thIs Is done there will be neither smen nor smoke , and n Uluch brlghler light wll1 be ltiven , Defore clellnlng out a fireplace. IIIrlll : kle a good handrul ot tea leaves a1l10n the ashes. ' .rhls makcs the ashes 1\rI \ casler an" pre"ents the dust from fiy Ing about the room. One ot the best Blluees tor fish II mndo br choppIng a tablespoonful 0 rapers VC'ry fine and then rubblni them through a sIeve with a woOOe ] spoon. Mix thIs with an ounce ot coli butter And season with salt and pel1 . per. . To keep palms gr < 'CJ1 and fresh look lng and remo1'e the dusty and fadel bppcamnce ot the leaves , wIpe eacl 'cat ' separately with a cloth IUpped II r tk. ThIs will at once give bacl their natuml gloss and fresh green ar carnnce. Very otten cakes sUck to the Un , an la dIfficult to get them out wltho\1 . reaking the cake. Wring out a clol , n cold water and' ' wrap It round lh . des nnd bottom of the tin , Len ve j or five mlnut08 , thenl tll ) ' It up , and III ake w1ll slip' ' trom th till wltho\ breaking. , . ' , . , ' . . , . : , I . , . . . . . / . , . " > . . . ' . " . . . , : . 4 . . . . . , . . . " , , \1- \ , ' . " ' : " . . LI. " - SUPPOSE ' \NE BMlhffi. HUMOROUS PARAGRAPHS FROM I THE COMIC . PAPERS. \ I'J n"nni Jn lel nta 'OccnrrlrlK' tJu ! Worlel ( h' r-Sn'ln.1:1I thQtAr Ch er. fnl to Old _ or YotlnI.'nnIlY Sel c. HOlla thut J v r'hodY111 J uJo , . . - "Yon Rny. " tltterNI the /lnllcee / of the "e elnrlnll , "thnt ) 'on could fnlrl ' ent IIll' , Now , Isn't that COlltrnry to the lellels of your bl'I1et ? " "Not lit all , " IIRHerted the ve/etnrlall / , "Bllt If yon ntl' me- . " "I Hhonlel 111111111) ' he entln It , roch. " No tlE ; ( ! tlllklng , the ment dIet Is the on y thln that mllkCft lhe mind active. -.Tllclll' , Not Yet a LOllt Art. " [ nllam. I cauIht your hnsbllnd milk. lu love to my wife. " "Oh. lovely I Then he hnsn't fonoJten ' IIOW.-Llfe. Obedient 1)0 , . . r. " " " - - - II' TIll" L I Mr. C , U , Slormor-Here , boy , what lire ) 'OU dohl ! : there ? . New oA' wlln , I guess I knows me hlz ; de bo ! ! " tole me to f11e dese let. .lm's 111ley ( CI\II't 110 bo ) . do It no bett 'lien I'se Clln , I > evlce for SavinI : Time. Mistress-Oh , Norllh , when you set the tnhle you plllcell lhc kulYe6 on the lert sIde , where ) 'ou should have placed the forks , ' Norah-llHlarle , 111n'lIm , an' thot's aiR- II ' IIxM. 01'11 t\11'1'\111 the table around , -New Yorl < lIernlll. J entlnlnc Charlt ) ' . IIe-I wonder why MIss 0'e110n Is so Rellsltlye IIhOl1t her age. Shc-I cnu't 111IIIglllc , She's certnlnly old ellouJth to hllve got onr u little thing like thllt 101l , n o , Unhhh.l $ : It In. IhtRllI1l1d-.lIst night I drenmed I WIiS In h'nven , I wonder whllt tl1I1t's n sign of , WICe-It mnst be n sIgn thnt the old lI11nge aboul lhe contrarIness or dreams [ s true. A8 Indlchted. [ rs , Caller-I1ave you sized \1p ) 'our new neighbors 'el ? ) [ tS , Il011lel'-Yl'S : lhey are eYldellll ' III YC1' ' poor clrcumstnnces. [ ' , cnnel'-Wh ' do I's - you thlnlc so ? lrR. IIomer-Because the ' try so hl\1'll not to show It. 1\IIHtoolc JlI8 Cnllln $ : . There WIIS nn nh > iellt-mlmled llrofes- ROI' who stlll'led out liS n book ngent. "I'I like to Rhow you n new lIctlon- 11I' ' of lhe BIIJ.IIRh lallgunge , " he saId to the first 1111\11 UIIOII whom he cnlled. "But I don't spenk the English Inn. gunge , " Im'pl\tlently r spolHlllol the mnn , who hnppened he hus ' ' ' tQ n hm'3'er. "I heg' 'O\11' lI1rdon. " hnst\1y \ opolo- ! : the nbsellt-mlnded lrofcHSOI' , hllel.hlt ; out. One of Thom. LnlTnn-Who Is that Ilretly girl OVCI' thm'e h ' the bn ' wIndow ? Isn't she n 111) [ > 111 ? Grorat-She Is. She's a poem you ouht. ! to know. Come IIl0ng , 1\nd I'll Inlrolucc you , \ ' I Her I"refer . , u e. .1 , . , ' " . IlI Whal would you sny , my dear It I "honld win 1hlg stake to-day ? Slll Wh ' , I'll SIlY to liave It cookel 1'111" ' , to be sure. . JUlltiOmble Exeuae. "I 1I1ust IlI1ve been born under III unhll'l < r star. " saId the angry wlro WhoRe rellueRt for ( ) . new bonnet hal jUHt heen vetoed , "I could have mar l'lml either Jones or Drown berore 11Iet you nnd lo-dll ) ' they are both mil lIonllll'cs , while 'ou have nothIng. " "Y's. my dear. " rt > plled the patten 'Ilhel' hila of the slcelch , "but Y01 ' ; llIIulll rememlr ) that Jones ani I. Ikuwn are Rtl\l \ In the bachelor clas ! \'hll , ' I hnve hl1d you to support a1 111'/11' 'l'n rs , " A. Tip. ' ; \IlInngpr-I : don t know what t ' . Xuw. In thIs lnst play wo ha ; II wnll'r. I'l'nl fnrm nnlml11s and' " : hl1 'slllck mill 'et It lIIIln't go , rhIHlhl'ltnWh ' don't you tr 1.:1' : 1'\111 nclorM ? I ' On'y Uen nn. , u'1c..Whllt IIl'u you here for ? r. . : . "I'IIJ'If. l.1l1tehs ' ' ' It's 'CIlU . . . jl1l1gei ! , , . . " ' . . . . , " j ) . . ' ( I \ ' . ' r } , ; ; \\I ! \ it , , _ ' 4 > . , ' , " , - - Ver , . ConllollnR' . I'rlend-l noticed 'Mr. BlufCwood rId , IlIg with J'OIn lhe hnck. Whlow-Ym , Rnd ho wnll Tl'ry conEmI. InK , l rlend-Dld he RlClik } olloul the good deeds oC J'our ( leer hUHhnnd ? Whlow-Xo/ he'Rnlel I'll lool { 'Well In hlncl ( . An I xtr" I.ctter. Clerl-I ; ntlel11l1n fl'01ll 1'1 ttllh : II rg just III'rh'e , Hotl 1 I'I'olwll.tor-Ilow ltlll he l'l'gllJ' tI' thl' wOl'd I'lllRII1I1' ' 1 CII'rlt- J t tshu 1'Jh , lintel I'rollrl tOl-fJ'lell , I"i 1H'lollgH to the u\tI'II.'IIISS \ , ( , hllr l ! hllll n few dol. Inrs m.ll'II. HeylMecl Veralon. " C"CI' Il1lt olT till to'lIwrl'OW the thln/14 / . " 011 CIIIl clo to-dll ) " , " re1l1nrlced the mlln with the l'hronlc CI\wtlltJon huhlt. "Thnt nxlolll's 1l1olh.elllcn , " rejoh\'d thl ! , ullto'lintc Rliel'll1ll'n of h\lstllnJ ; humllnlt ' . "What's the mntter with ' dolnJ : them 'eHlerlln ' IInl1 IleRtlng to. 1II1Y ? " , Another Veteran. I " 1\OR9 , " Hald the wanderm' . "I went , thrpuJh lhree httles , " . "Shlllwl" excll1.lmeli the 1111111 In the colt n Jte , "I went through three n . . Relf , " "You diet ? ' , "Yes , 1 was mnrrled throe limes. " Accounted For. Hodrll'le-It Reems rnthCl' IH'cul1nt that the nctors In "Acros ! ! th Desert" shoulel 'wear tur-tlpped . , . Ynn Albert-Perhnps they expect n frosl. An OJlthnlat. "lIe's nn optlmlsl , " . "It"lced ? "Yes : he thlnlt" " , he gets hl11111H011ler nR he KrOWR older.-Dctrolt li'rCft Press. Au In.lnllotlon. ( , fisl'oUnltI1l11clns ; Is drilTy on tbo RUhjeet or m.trhl1on ' . lIe asles every girl he 111cets to mnrry hIm , Nell-Well. why don' ) 'OU get some one to IlItl'Oduce 'ou ? HIli nnr17 Tralnlnl : . "A 2cont slamp , 1)leaRe , " ! 1ald the Ilidy at the stnmp wlnr10w of the post. umce , "Yes , madnm , " replied the now clerk. who had JUHt ra uatecl from a de- pnrtllHnt store. "WI1I 'ou take it with 'ou or hll Ye It sent 7" "IIenvenR , < leur. the ' thInk we've just , heen mllrrlrd , " , Ver" Llkel , . . . Wlt.c ( Inokllup from pnlwr-Whnt ) wnR "lIohson'l'choIce. ' . " nn 'wn ' ? lIushIl11l1-\II'S , Hohson. . I suppose , 1' ot So Unci nit That. "It \\'IIS too hllcl to Iteep you waltln lon 1'01' ' " Ralll the so YIHU' chllnJ ; ( . Rl11l11nJ ; IIholl h'I , liS ) he countCl1 it out , "I 11111 IICmhl 1 havu IYen 'ou a hall Iullrll'r- ( " , "Whllt ! " , I'xclnlmed . Mr. , Trle Phlllt. In nllll'ln. " -of IIn hour. " "Oh ! " he IIlllel. conslclernhl ' relieved. Once l 0 Grent Plenty. ; \rR , ' , , ' ' Cl'ltnRonheal-PCOIle lire ne\H' Ralh\t1e 1 In this wo , 1'1 II. lt' . Crln son- , henlc , ( MI' . CrImRon1leak-Oh , l' ilon't know : , J'ou 1 m'er hen rd 'of II mlln eloping more than ou e , dIll you ! -Ytl11kers Stll teRmlHl , ' nail to Show nero .ToneH-I trlCll to convInce my wlte thllt 1 couldu't riffol'd to hut her a new , bonn'ct 1'01' EnRler. rown-DI < I 'ou 8ueceed ? , T01\1'H-No ; she Inslstell on havlnl ; ' the llt'ument ! brought home to her. Dlatallce I.enda Encbnntllleut. IIe-Coulll you learn to love me If I were a ml1llonalre1 She-I I'ertlllnly woultl like you were ) 'OU belter olT-sn ' . a tho1salmlleli or more.IIIuRtratcll BIts. StrODI : Hellcmhlauee Not Needed. PeY- [ \1I8 \ SwCt1 . . do you thInk 'ou couht be hllPPY wIth ( ( " 'man like me ? 1\\ss \ SweetlY-Well , perhnps. It he't too murh IIko you-Comlc ! , Cuts , , A Se"ere 811Inul"rT. "lIe 18 a hlhly Accompll.hed IlncuIBt. ' "Yl'tl. " antfweroo MIs8 Caycnno : "h Is one or tbu o } ) t'Ople who know a p-eai wany anlrllagcll and nothIng 'WorU ' . tla'Lng in IIU ' or lhem.-Washlnlrtot Stor. Kuew the Cook. Ounner--I hear lhnt you recommend ed ; rour cook to WlldC'1'mnn. ' DId YOt do It 1\11 a favor'f Gu 'er-No : I\S a grudge. A Candill Oplnton. "What do you thInk the greatest J1l' ( ! ( of the modern drama Is ? " And atter sel'louK tilOught Mr. Storm In&:1.on lU'nOB rOllllM : "I.ower raUwa : fares and lIcttm- " hotels.-Washlns10J Slar. Table WUtI AU Jlhht. Judge-Docs lbe landlad- you Y boarding housc ! teel ) a good table ? FUdgOpendllt. : ; \ . It.s qunrtered oa ; with cxleuslye mnhoglln ) ' trimmIng ! The tAble Is slIJldhl. } It's only th iq ol\ls that I\re Oil Il that I object to.-- Unllmol'c ! UernhL < < . - . . . . . . . . . BABY'S ' FUTURE - Something for Mothers to Think About - Lives of Suffering and , Sorrow Averted - And Happlnm and Prosperity Assur by , Cmicura SOlp , Ointmnntln Pills Whflft All Eisl Fails. Every child born Into the worId wU1i an InherIted or early dnelopod ten. d"cy to distullllnl , dl.l1gurlDIl hUe mours of tbe .kla , lcalp ud blood , brcomes an object ot the mo. tender lIollcltudo , not only blcause ot Ih sutrer- lng , bnt becau e of thl dreadtnl tear that the dl.nlurfttlon II to bo IIt.lonK anll mAr Ita tuture happlnellll and pros. perlty. I1ence , I b comll the dntr of mothl , . otluch A1i1lcled children o ac. 'lualnt thlmseln. with t.he beet , the purl" &rid moat 11I'eCUTI kea'mlnt avalll1ble , "II" 'I'be Cnllcn" , Treatm..t. , Warm bathe "Ith Cutlcnr& 80ap , to clulI'o the .kln " , ad IIcalp ot cram anel scale. , Ilntll applieatloll' or CuMcura OIntment , to allay Itchln" Irrltatloa and IlIftammaUon. and tootO IUId wI , and mild deus of Cnt1cnra RHOlTC. to cool t blood In 'hI 'OTlJI'er UII" , art nil tbst Uli be dOilrod 'lfJr the J > > ed1 rallef amI JXrmaneD ! curl of akin kl'- tured Inranta and cl1l1dnu , ud Uti eOIll- lort ot worn-out pare1lfAl. MillIon. ot women nM Cntfonra 501l } ' ) , t. sll4tod by Cutlcura Olatment. tor pre- lIervlnr : . urlr"lnl and beanUI'rI.r ; tbo skin. .calp. haIr anlt bud. . tor anno- : . lng Irrltatlnns and " 't > akuu. . . U,1 for many nnaUye. antl.e Ue pbrpona whIch readily .ugaeat tbemlelTllI , loW r" , , ' III..14 , . ' " . " u. . ( III " . . . . . PlUo , . . " rf , . . . ' " " .r l oOeIl\e " ' ' 'f ' > 00. , , f o . " , . Ho. , Ln CMtW . _ "n < 1",1' .5 ! i:1.,1'1. . . 1\ . . . . Ia s.n.,1 .I _ . . An , l'ol..l _ > rq. 1II'jII . . , . c.rl" . , . . . . _ e. . . . . M . . Ie Caw 11"111 11..n. Be thnnldul for the darkness into' ' whclJ ! you have been led. If the way to the IIR11t thut ne"er shall o out must lie through darlmess , be thankful tor the dar Dcss.-PbllJps ! Bruoks. k A rcat deal of kno\vledge. wblch is not capable of mal lnR q lDan wlso , h3s Ii natural tendency to mak bim vain aDd arro aDt-A < 1dison. . GlIsollne Soft "oap. Into eIght gnllonl ! or boiling watel sha TO a haIr pound at 'white soap , sth until thin Is dlloh'ed. ! tllen remo" from th < , , tIre nnd add a pInt of gM. olln . Vlie hot. but do DOt take th. gasoline nenr the nre. "h l1e..t ort. " 'IIIIe-Pn. whn t Is a "prefcrre\ \ : redltor. " anyway ? Pa-A preterrcd creditor. m ) ' ! ! on , 1J pDe who docsn't bother UR much w1t1 t.l1I blll-I'hllildelphlll. PreSII , CASTOR IA For Infants anrl Children. The Kind You Haye Always Bought Dears the / # / / Slgnaturo Df , Don't worry others : above all thnjls. ! b1 r rcin them to share your troubles , In spite of nil the talk allOut. race suicide , Cupid ne\'er strikes for shorter - ter hours. Pntlent waiting is'otten ' the bi h- est WAY of cioln God's will. . ' WESTERN AN ADA to attnett. . . . _ aU..tI" 'haw . " 1 et1 > . , 41"'ri. . I.J& U , . yorld. "TltE OJUJUBT ItrT.1I : " "eJtLJi . " "Till' ' : LAND or IIDI.JlINL" ' 1' ' ' ' HA TURAL J'CltDI1'Q GBGtin tor IITeCX ArN . . .n C , . . 1.I.eD-t.'I" .A.- . . TI.lc1l. IIOa-11 . . . . . . . . & JI..I. . .Ah..nrl" " . . . fI ' " "a'OI'I Ful , PI.'I , Ch. . . . Jolld , bllt Ma'.rl11 t > Od Or. . . for I'kJftrwo a..d Jlal'a t.rtllt lOll , a , "lIohn' " , lnfall. a.4 . .U. . , . II , . . . . . u a..o-.1 a. " ad.qoa' . . .MIn > .t " , n..U. J..4a.r lOll 'f ! ' " ) 'r. . . & .1ioUJ" bel. . 5IC ontt'1 , 010" te rn.OrchM. 9.1I..1a , " " ,1 Ua1I..ara tall .11 . . 'Utotl cllnricu. 8IDot to , AU. . . . . . " " .r Iiten..r. . . 1101'.1. . tend. " , . .t 1".lc.&I. . . . On. . . . . o..fl. . or I ' ' / , , . . . . . , . . . . , /tV { II.nn-"o em T k IJf. Bltl. . O..a. N.h. , Ih. aat"i..1 , n..4h. . . A.- . . " . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . ; : ! , ' , " " ; " - - " Hires R.ootbeer should be around. .A , .clu. . malt. . . an 1"11. . . . ctlARlEII E. mlfs : eo. lIal'trII. a. , IillI/inlnM. d - - - , . ' Y I . . . .4 , _ frE ! ftlE'S . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . North Amerlcu hns tWlnly ! , 'olcanoes. enlrnl Amerlcll twenty-fh'c 1I11d South l1\erlcn\.en , 'rho f : > oclllled flWOI'd or the narwhal 8 In reullty nothing but a hue ! toolh. It sometimes grows to a length of ten ! eet. eet.A A henl1lg lives the shol'lesl limo of 11\Y fish when tnkell ol1l oC wlltel' : arp nnd eels the gl'ealest length of : ltu e. 'rhe wIves of knIghts nnd bnronets ! laye no lognl right to the title of "Iudy , " The ) ' should bo Iwo"n as 'dnmes. " In the colony ot Queenslnnd there nre sIxty thousand more mrn than WOlnen , and In New South Walcs nInety thous. I1nd moro men than women. A well-known EnjlllBh- women pnJ's H.OOO a year , to be mnde beautiful. Her trentment lasts from sIx to seYen bous every dny. She Is I < cpt In a bntl' [ or one hour , and R dnrk room tor four , , nd for the remnlnder If ! hnudnJed trom hend to foot In chemical prerlllrn' non ! ! . ' About sIxty thousnnd wnter.whceh are used for mnnuCncturln In the United States , yIelding 1,300.000-horse power. or one-qunrter lo one-thIrd of the wbole power used. Ot thIs totul , 2 O"horse ( ( power Is used by the two thousnnd ml1ls In New England. It was not until 18m that the amount or stenm-power u'led ! ' pnssed the water. power used In New Englnnd. There lire one tbousand miles or rlvel' a vnll. Ilble for power In New Englund. find two thousand damll , A naturalist. while , 'Istlng [ Grcllt Sanglr. one ot those Islnnds oC tlte In , dlan ocean known ItS the Celebcs 01' Spice Islands , found a curious time recorder lOdged at the house of a rnjllb , 1'wo bottles were firllll ' Inshed to. gether nnd fixed In n wooden Crnme , A quantity of black Rnt1 l run fro111 one bottle Inlo the other In just hnlf nn hour. and when the upper bottle was empty the frame wns rm'ersed , Tweh'o short sticks. marlced wIth : notches from one tQ twelve , were hUng upon 11 strIng , A hook wns plnced between - tween the stlrl. bearIng the number or notches correspondIng to the hour Inst struck nnd tlte one to be slruck ncxt. Till' sentry announced the tlmc by strlkln the hours on a Inrge gong , CONFESSION OF A VEGETARIAN , oCten JIunJer d for Ment , but Felt 'Vor o After Entin $ : It. In a downtown store where vegetar. Inns are supplied , \/th / nut llli.nta ! the proprletor's son Is hImself 'a de\'olee ot the cult. Hc hus been lIvIng on n e- tables. rrult and nuts for nine montbs nnd .Is nn cnthuslllst. "Before I adopted my present morlc of livIng. " he salll to n 1\Iall nnd Ex- ) ress reporler , "I WIlS bothered with heulnches and felt bncl-sluggls11 and stupId. I worled dully In a g 'mnlls- 1um , but couldn't sbul.e that feeling pl ! . 'ben I chn11ged \'eetubles : and 1mt ment and I felt ! II < c u dllTel'cnt being , 1\IJ' headuches left 111e ; I fell bright nnd hecllme more ncllvc. I found I l'Ould bl'nr grenter ph 'slcal straIn In the' g ' 1l1nuslum. " 'hr , I cun unce an nl ht without fatigue , A\\I ] some of the men who Ih'e as I do cou Rlnncl the greatest nlllount of cold wIthout discomfort. 'hl' ' come In 11l're for nut ment on the col est dnrs ; , " 'ellr' [ n 110 o\'ercoa t , vest or uudershlrt , . It.s just tine. " He drew hlmseIr UI ) as he spolw. his eyes spal'ldlng. lIe wns 'entlmslnsllc. 'rhe reporter to whom he waR speak. Ing was ,1'I1ther ntl unclent person ot portly hallit. much given to the fieRh pots tlu'ough defective carly traIning , IIOfSlbl ' . nnll withal Inclined to aeol ! , So wIth diobollclil Inlent the reportet Imld to the glowIng youth : "Don't 'ou ever experIence " menl 1l\I11 er ? For Instance , ' a nIce , I thIck stenle. deep brown on the" utBlde , th InsIde. n robust red : tlJerErtel\mlng JUICE . runnlnJr , out 'ot , It. fried 'p ta.t e ! nnd-- " . nndAlas Alas , tor frail humanltyl It was toe much. lle youlh bent forward , th corners of hIs mouth quIvering. HE pe1'll1ltled hIli questIoner to get no tur- tlum tlum till' potntoe ! ! . "Oh , yes , " hl' Interrupted. "I eat 11 Stl'llk occllslonll1ly , but I always tecJ the wor/je / to I' It ext a ' , " ) T. LOUIS OOY WIIO IS TilE tlAMPION OIULE READER , _ St. IAUls claIms to haTe the c1l1lm pion bIble r lIder In the person or ) 'oun [ lardWlnn. . a member ot the Lntay. . . . ette Park Baptlol church ot this clt . Hardy Is but 11 years old , yet hI , bas a record oj rending 270 chap ters ot both testa ments In one week This remnrknbll t t wus aceomp IIslted a8 the resul . ot a blble-readlnJ 1I.\nnY WINN. : ontcst tnrtl' ( } h Hnrdy's Sunda ' Bchool cIa& ! . Tbe fnc . that young Wlnn works during the da\ makes his efforts all the lllore 110tP. worth . . lIlirdy Ilrond an ensy victor 111 th4 tall lest , rendIng the entire new testn ment Ilnd ten chapters or the old , AI the rlost ot the class combIned I'pnl but rlS1 chapters , and the 'outh will III presentl > d n prIze by hIs teacherI' ' ! rOl' h [ , rood showIng. 'erm ! Jll facilitIes at was liS are nol very lal'ge , but they are ample COI Ulelr purposo. " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . ' 1' _ " ' w. - - - Ntllre 1s 8 , , oo . o b Infdtlbt J yet it glvC8 the rooster a comb but } ' 1')0 hair. "Mossy" Is the term used tor can. . . . tused or In < tlstnct ! mnrklnlt ! n the IPlumuRc. Happy Is the womnn who caD tnnkc. . 'bome so cllIbllkc that her husband. docsn't ' cllre t'J lea \'C It. r.rhe man who paddles bls OWD oa DOO often docs It booauso he cnn't . "ct. anyr-ody else to do It tor hIm. A 1\lftrylanll 'VonI1er. Upler Cr lII'I ' Rondll. ) Ill , . .Tun lI'i- Never In thl ! history ot mt'dlclno In . thl. "tate halt'tn1tbln , ; ' crootNI RlIch ( ) . y . , It. marnlon. CtlreR of tlto. \ . . . mo.t extreme CAilte as Dodd's r pm. . . Tal. w\ndt \ > rq,1 medlelne .e mti to know 1M I1l'1\lt in It. wnnd r worlelll ; power. LonK'riAndlD ! : , rUI' thAt have ft..s tlte meat exl"rt' ' MedIcAl h'eH t. .I.t m to , , .leUI 8..lIy to this nu\ ' , ' eonqunet' .of tlt.CIout. Hundred. hue tNtffI..t to tbe "lduO' or D d4'i ldn.7 Pill. . They tell or 'OTere ca t RheumIl.U.m , Lumbno. ! Backachf , Fmal ! ! Tronblf ! . Nervous Dh't > alle. And Tt'n Drop. , . . Dlllbele and Bnrht'a DlIIMse eurt'd b ' thIs medIcine. AmonJr tholl who hll. ve been helle- ftted may be mentioned Mrs. .Tohn Coon\y or thIs place. . M11J , Coonc ) " Myll : "I MIIOTe Dodd' ! , ! Kidney Pili" thl' " befit remMtr enr known for Kldncy" Trouble nnd wflAk bliCk , , "They IU ! ! without exception thQ- bNt mMtlctnft I ha T/I eVllr ulletl. "I will alwaYIi prallll ! th"m hIghly , . tor I lenow thAt tbe11UI iOOI1. " Mr . CoOIlf'r III only Ollt' or mnny" who /Jar of Dodd' " Kldn. , . Pills : "The mOlt wonderlul remedy we- t'Ter heard ot. " ( UHI . ( t ( H ) Ql1f : . " I Mind Thiso It mak-u M dlfferance whtther It It chronic , n acuts Inflalllmatory R or m ' ' g , 'I' St.JacobsOil i I . . ' " M , , , t . g , ' . c , 25c. and 5Oc. 0- I Lrl % I II I QUQU nQUU no QUUo- I TO ACCO [ MODA'I'E theRe who tire- pnrllnl to the use of atoml1.erR In IIp- plylDIt IIquldl Into tlte nasol passages. lor cntarrhal troubleR. we prepare- Cream Bnlm In liquId fOl'm , known ns. EI ) " " LIquId Cream Balm , PI'Ice , In. \ cludlnJ ; tbe ! lprayln tuhe. Is ij ; cents DruJ : llJts or by mall. The lIqult.1 em- bodCR [ the mE'dcllllll [ properties of the- ' 1 IIOlld prepnrallon , Ely Bros , . 5G Warren - ren St. . New Yorl < . Albert Lea.nn \ , . [ nrrh 21 , mOl , Messrs , FI.Y : : nllOS-1 : sulfel'ell : from a scyere cold In the head , I could not breathe throl1 h 111 ' 1I0f'u'lIs ' ; and was about dcnd Crom wllnt of Bleep , I uRed your Crenm Dllhn and wolcc np with II clenr henlI \ woul < 1 npt take five dollal's Cor my hottle ot Cream Bnlm IC I coulll not ( lt Hnother. S. K , LANSDA.LE , Most men would ralhf'r he Imown 'bl everybody than b felt hi a few. When tb , hed aDd harte both ! ZPti , " , ronlt. the bnrt is e\sler : set t'1 ht tbl\D the bed Iz , Do Yft1l1" Jl' et Ache a.d Burn ? . bak. 1rlo 10111'to. . . AI1p.n's Iroot. Ene. a powder for the feet. It lnkt- tlrM or New ShoM 'Iet'l E""y. CurcIO COl'1la , Bani" . . , Swol1 n. Hot lind , w.atlllr Fo.t. At all Drng' II\t" and' ' 1 SltM Ster. . . 2l' ' e. SUItt'le 8"ut li'Rlil'J. : ct a. Al\m \ 8 , Olml\tt'd. I..eUOY , y _ You kan't mix luv and wlzdom to. I "ether ; like 011 , luv " ,111 nlwasq bo on top. Money is belna ralscd all ever the country tor the Rulferer8 In Kischln- etr-KlsbnelT-Kilhlncf. ! A letter ad- drcssed eltner way will go to tbo same place. I I Tbe brgbt ! dr al1J5 lu the heads of' col1elle raduates bll va now 11 vcn , pnce ) to tlIe rl'\l : thlnft. . . . . , - . , . , , . - - " - - - - - - - - THE REAL CRANK Ie 1"1.laly Marked. J. . . trank : I. one "fMO Ita , . . tn beaten path. wbelt eomMon IOnae tell. blm to- ' " lun. Thl "al crank II ene who per llrts In . t la , UffN beeause a customed to and yat k1tcmlIt hurt. hIm. It i. thIs one "ho alw'1 , a , . . the penalty , while the Mnalble penon who sl""l up coffee anll . tak. . on Posotum FO d Coflee In it. plaee IlIjOYI all the beD.fitl of returning health. A well-known manufa turer' . n.ent of' Nlw York City yllllled the grocery dopartm.nt of one of the blr New York. - ItoU' IMtt lonr . ' 0 and there he tBlt d III umple eup of POltum mllde the right . . .a , . . He said afterward ! ' . : "Just through t1l1 eneri'Y of that yaung woman who- WII lenlnl ; ' Postum there I became a eonnrt to the food drink and gnTe u I the drnr drink eoffee and lot well , I "I had used coffee to excp. 11 nnd was .1Tdually becoming " eomplete wreck. , otting weaker and more .n rvous ever , . day. I paid the penalty for nslnr colfee ud "lIen I tasted the delicIous Postum I "u rl"d Indeel to make tbe change. "So I goan up the c ffce altogether and J1ne Ulled Postum Inalend ever sInef' . M , . family at first clllled me n crnl\k. but welng how POlltum Denefited me tbo . first manth they all got In line and 88 r a result af Posture's rl''JUrknblo ! beneftts [ to ml "e nIl drink It 1l0'V entirely In plllle of coffee and we arC ! well. " Nunfl , I\ven \ by Postum OQ , . Battle Creek. Mlch . " - .