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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1903)
, . , . . , . " . . r GUBler G8Hlty nep. IIClk 'f t. M. AJISDR1UW1 F.DnoR & PUIJL18nRJ - - - - I I I InOKEN BOW , NEDRAHKJ _ _ . w _ HUMOR OF' ' TIlE WEEK ' STORIES TOLD BY FUNNY MEN OF tHE PRESS. Odd , CurlollR nlld I.nllshnbc ; PhRan of IIUII1I111 Noture OruIhlcol1 , . Por- traycd b , . 1 lIIllIcllt Worl ! Artlata o' Our OW-II Da A udact of Fun. A lI ' nllli II0:11'1 / : Iot two pleceR oS cnltl' , 11 Inrle IIntl "lIInlllllece. 'fho boy. . who WIlH to 11l\111 ! ! It , took the Illrge Illecl' lIull 1111' the 111'1 the smnll pIcco , 'J'11l' little girl Halll : "It 1 w'ro sorvlng the l'lIlw , I wonltl gIve you the Inrge } ) Iece 1l1ll11 < cc'l ) the smnll pIcco mYRelt. " "AIIII kcep whnt 'ourReIO" replied tlle ! .Jor. . " , \ JUI Iwcp the little pleco mysclt , " Ellltl the Irl , "Well. whnt lire ) 'OU Itlcklng about. " rCllllcti the ho ' , "nln't 'You got it 1"- l'hlladelphlu Ledg-er. IIchcd Out , Wife , . . I . . . . 1 ' " ' " ( The MOnk-rIello. ol mnn. whcre'L 'O Il' tn II ? l.'he Ostrleh-Wellyon see i : couldn'l nffor to IJ1Ir : my wife nn EMter bon. 11et , nllll-cr-Ol'-well , she retrlmmed er old ollel . . . Twq 81.le8 . to It. Wtfc-It' ! ! hntetul ot you not to give m ' the hOllllet 1 wunt. Ahl mol If you ollly Imow how much I have to put up' with. t1IuRbaJI-THuhl , It you , only knew hQw lIttio 1 hn ve to put up with 'OU wo.uhln't Ollk 1110 to IHlt up , for n bon. uot.-Phlllldelphia lr IIf. Inelnllotlllir. IInrry-I 11001' ) ' 0\1 \ do not speale .1 < . 1I11s8 Hose. "IlogglC-No , abe'ls 100 offending. ] tel her 1 , , "ont to 0 phronologlst om1 lIu.l my hend exnmlned nn she salt tb ro was nothing In It. ,1.Inrry-DJd sbe menn there was nqtlllnl ; In' phrenology ? neJ , ; Ic-She snhl 1 could draw mJ 'ow\1 cOllcluslous.-Chlcago News , IIle Crelcntlna , plo 'er-Ye8. I ndvertlsed tor strong boy. 'I'hlnle you can fill the b111 ppllcnnt-Well. I just finished lIcle In' nineteen other npplleunts out In dl ban.-St. Louis star. So They nh1. "A number ot pcoplu refuse to con cede that n mun Is grent simply be caullo he Is rich. " "I know thnt , " nnRwered Senate ] Sorgbum , "but you cau't tell I\nythlnJ n\J \ ut populnr opInion. Didn't u lot 0 people anoer nt Gnllloo an Shnkspcnrl nnll Naloleon nnd 1111 the rest ot till \rcat men ? " -Wnahlngton Stur. DCRlre of the Sex. I : . / - - . : : . , T . , , S\out \ Lnd-Uon't 'ou think It Is lleautltul thlug to Sln young Cl Cl'Owlug lulo womnnhood'/ . Old LalI-Yl's , 11\ \ ) ' dear ; so wony j thelll seem to wuut to grow Into ma hood. What It Ucqnlrcl ! . "Ii'uther. I'd like to' borrow $1.090 put up 11 house , " "lIu " 0 ) 'OU the pluus. my son ? " "Yes ; 1 hnvo been rl'1111lul ; In a mesUc magazine how. toJuillt \ n C ( tulQ for $1,000. " ( . One Srnnll Ccrtnlnt , . . . 'fhe weatber's so uncertain that "l'ls sweet nt Icnst to know Thnt when wo rencb July tbe 4th , It surely wlll not suow. . -Washington star. ; I , The nellROn. . . Aln't been n lrncbln' In this Mil horhooll III six weeks. " sold the B vlllQ cltIzeu. "nopc's higher thun t tree limbs. np' thollast two tellers 01 run sl"-AUuutn CDnstltution. , ' TOPICS OI THE PI lES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER. ESTING ITEMS. C'olUnlenta "nl ! Crltlclama n.aed UPOIII the Hoppenilip at the D.-Hlatorl' cnt Rnd Ne" , . Not. . . Unll COllnt ltl\'entlow lIecII Ieepln 'Illb on the Jtunllory record of the ! Jilt- , tie shill Jlls"lnch\lImUM ? ' [ 'he Amorlcnll womall who wnnte to bn ' 11 real , 11\0 dllku fpr $121.\,000 mllst bo 11 cont1rmed bn r"nln hunter. The high llrlce ot ment dwIndles Into hlRlgnlllcnnce nt the news UlIlt llla. mOlltls nre to advance ( j lieI' cent In llrlce. It 18 nbout time for the hl8torlcill no'ellst8 to Klve11:1 : n tow stirring " 01\1lne8 with the plot centering on the late bicycle cr zo. Young VIl1Hlorbllt glvos his occupation - tion nR thut 01' "gent1emnn. " 'VIIS ho working at It when ho horsewhipped' that snnp.ahot 1)hotogrnphor7 'I'ho ruler ot lIerernl countrIes are m'\\ch lllRple sod with the Unlte Btat < ' 8 , but their lJubjects continue to como over nt the rote ot 7IJOOO a month. Just to show the crnss InjuRtice ot It nJl , wo call attention to the custom which does not permit II womlln to pro. bose nnd 1Itl11 expects her to keel ) the conversntlon going. Ghost ot Henr ) ' Ward n ehor hna ) ocatel valunble coin III the Knfo ot the nu , ' . Dr. I'Ullk , ow 11' the kindly plrlt w111 locnte n 1'ew vnlunble coins or the rest 01' us. It111 11100t n long fettvnnt , In "Bettllng" the Dre1'u9 case as 1t IUd , Frnnce wns le1't In the position or n mnn with n skunle under hIs bnl'll. Evcr ' time n hnd 1I0.r with a long 11010 comes nlong. theru is dllrl. blue trou\Jlo \ In the air. A rcldent of Gothnm hns petitioned the Bonrd \lllerlllen to IlnsS 1reso. . lutlon 1'orbldlllng a mall from kllslnJ ; his wlfo on Sundnr , DoeR thlM man rl'nllzo that 110 hnsJeen \ sltletrnclw tor nbout a cenhlr ) ' ? Notwltllstnlldln the tnct thnt a glls 1)\H'ner was fOlllld open nnllll note WIlS ) eft c1earl ' hllllrn tlnJ : : a deRlro to Iult this world eoroller's ' ' rctul'llcd , n j\H' a verdict \ccldentlll dellth In the cnse of Il ma II who WIlS Ilsphplu : tetl. , ' 1.0 , the pOOl' lmllan , ha "Ing bee II Ueprh'ed of lalld ! ! IInd huntlllg rolln s , nn mndo to cut his hnh' , must 1I0W gl"e up hIs lIatlve cOJnOl11en , AR rulell by thl ! 11H1I1In Bureau , 1'oung.lIorse. ' : Atrnlt\-of.lII/j.Onts \ / will bccome plnlll John Smith. Th assertion of the ostceme ! } WIlRh. Ington star thnt "Wl\shlngton cl\n clnlm to be n clt ' wltho\lt grllft , " III not hllPp ) ' when we refled thnt It Is the enl ) ' m\lnlclpnllt ' In the countr ) ' I In the go\'ernmont of which Its people hn"o uo'olce. . A Tennessee contemporary records the \Jlrth \ ot u gIrl huh ) ' with three hnUlls nud arms. I ortunllte lufllut. When she nUalns the uge of long dreABes she wll1 be ll\Jle \ to cnrr ) ' uu \\1D\Jrollll \ In one hnlld , hold up her 81 < 11'tS with the BlX'ond , aUlI keep tbe wlud from blowlug her hilt olr with the thIrd. . We coufess a fondness tor the nor. mnl 'oun , mlln with rod bloo In hIs \'elus who'lIla's to dance with n alrl. to cO\lrt her. to kiss her 1l1Hl to marrr her. 110 Is the sort wo wunt III thlll cOMnh' ) ' , tor he Is prett ' sure to 11e maul ) ' . Wo dou't wnnt II lot of ) 'ounJ ; prudes 'with wllrIH d Intellects nnd kiln. drle bodloR , Ehenezer Hutterlck. who ! tl\'enh'd , lIssuo pnper dress pnUerns , WIIS moro of n hClll'fnctol' thlln /oellemllr / : RUP' IWSCI ] , ' .rill' lll'nl'tllction Ilt his bIer wll1 he Inartlculntelr 111'0 no u uCl'tl hy mil. 1\0118 \ or women \.In \ chliliren whom he ena\Jled \ tQ drcRs with tnste without pn 'ln ! : toll to the hl h.prlced mOlllste. The URSUO pllp01' pattern 1I11l1 the sew , III mlwhlno IIro next ot kill III 11'ust henollecnce , Lnst ) 'enr then ! 1"ero In thlll counh' ) ' more thnn 0,000 homlchleH. Ot the numher thl ! prollortloll commlttell b ) ' \\'onll'u was hlll'lll ' worth mentlollln . l'ho conclusion Is thnt there IH not the 811mo lH'ed of IIrotlctlon Il/Illust / wom. en thnt there Iii lInlnst ; : men. It Is the man who IlII 11 hur lnr enh'rH the hOlHwholll Ilntl sln ' 11 thl' InUlllord. It [ s tIw IIInll who wll 'III 'S the lIedl'strlnn allli ICl\vos him dend on thl ! hIHhwl\ ' . It Is the mau who In sudden Iunrrel ) 1:1rnwH \ : 1fatll wcnlon , Wlwro 1wom , il'l an Is concel'ncd In murdur Rho IR Ill. Illost In\'nrll\\Jlr \ the lhlllC of n IIInll of )1' silo has hl'll1 ! gonded h ' Homo Wl'onH n. bl'OI11l the llolnt of endurance. Wo 1\1'0 jUNtJl' \ h\lling \ to rel\lIzo thni te : Ihe ceuntr ) ' Is sUlrurlnJ ; from the Sllml rongestlon thnt hnH o\'I'rtl\lwn till ttreet ( 'ar Imslllc8s In l'W Yorl. Olt ) ' 10We hayo ralirOllll s 'Rtem thnt woull' ' ) t , be tl\lrly ndol\late ) for 40.000,000 IH O plo nud 1ve nre tr'III to mllke It co\'el lbo nceds ot 80.000,000. We build 11 few thousl\ud mllcs ot new rnllronl eyory ycur. but thIs IR most1 ' for 011011 Ing now terr1tor ' aUll docs nothln townrd reUavlug the congolltlon on th4 1110ln Ilnes ot trnmc. Our rnlh'olld IIYS tems are mostly slnglo-tracketl. 'l'h , tIme haa como now when : the gre1 ! taBt and west trunk IhH 1I nel't ! six ane b ll : etsht tracks each to Ill\rllUO th lr bus ! bes8 , Tbey need two trncks tor UI : .he lIt.reaa and twu for w.ay pU8senge . trnhlR. two for fnst nllli tWQ , tor Alo\- frchhl ! ! . = " : . _ . . I Those I IIJtllllhlllC'1I who Imngllle nnd Itssort thnt Itl till' { 'II ! tell HtnteR thr dollllr III nlllllght . o\'el'loo ! < the pr < Jo I foulld respect. HllloUlIlIlIg lit thllpli ' 1II0Ht to rUVl'l'l'lH'l' , with wlllt'h A ' 111'1 cnnll rognrd nll'lI. VI < e Hnlllh111 < 10 NmerHolI , whll IIplI.\ ( ' III pia III lIvllq nlld hl h thllll < llIg. gllll'I'HOII hll IInll Ulnll ' dll < 'lpll'H In Jlubllc IIH w1 \ 1111 In prh'nte IIfl' , fUlll tlw llOsltol1 ! which thcy occupy III till' pstl'1'1I1 I1IHI cOllfl. dence of t1wlr fcllow.cltlzOIIH III eJllI ! \Ulnpprollchetl h ) ' nll ' 01' 011I' lIIulIl. m11110nlllreH. A few YCllI'1I IIgo thn I1nllulIl Illcomc of olle mUlllllor of tllc Ii'edl'rnl Spnn h ! wus l'cputld ! to cxccl.'tl $14,000,000 from one 1J0urce Ul0lW , So tnI' us wo know , SIIYS Hnrper's Weflc. ly. t1Ult lfontlcmnll'tI'olco htHI lIeyor bl't.l1 ! hctel'll hut twice III the Beullle. Ohumhor , nllll were he to spenk oftolll' ! he woulel e IIstolled to with IIIOI'U surllrille than rCllect. On thu otl/lJr hll11 < l , there IR uo Senutor who , dOSe1'\'Ii ! nml comm llIls 110 lIIuch ultuUtlOII when bo rIseR to lllscmls u Il\lhllc qUl/ltlolI ! ns doe8 the HOIl. Georgn I. " fIonr. of MUHsl\chu ettH ; Illlle'oj. wo'du not heHltuto to 1111) ' thut , since the denth of Dnnlol Webstor. there hUll never been 11 Senntor whose ultel'llnl'eH honr 80 well the sOl\rchl1l" test of t'PO , Yet thlfl mnn , who tor n I\lfu'tel' ot n century hils worthily relJrcRelltcd the comlllonwenlth or [ lIssllchusettll : In the l1PIor 1I0ulle of the l odornl Lej\IRIII turo , hllll never kllown whut It Is to pORSOSR 110 modest nil Illcomo o\'en ns two tho\lRaml dollnrlJ II ) 'ellr. out. Ahll ot his Kalnry. IIp to 11 twulve. month Ilgo. he hlldJeen \ unllhle to rOllt e\'on n h\llllble dwelling , but hud lI\'od In honrdln houseR , some tolomlle , durln the whole of hlR u"oful nlHl honorable career III Wllshln ton. Hns the fnct Impaired his soclnl dlnlt ; ) ' or his polltlcnl weight ? We reply , not un lotn. 'l'hnt Is n truth well ImowlI to mell who hare lI\'Cd In the li'etiOl al cnpltul , nUll It u truth .us crodlhle to the Amerlclln leople ns It Is to Scnator HOllr hImself. 'I'hero nro tush lOlls III suIcide ns Ir. mOlt other' thlllgs , Alld pl'01,10 whn 110 dcslllse the world liS to WUllt to put thomsch'es out of It JI\'el.thpll'1'S UII- conscloulL.v IWY It dl'fm''lIce h ' ob- sel'\'hl the customn r ' lIIethod of Rul. cllie. 'fhe thrnll nnd hl1blt of fllShloll ' t1xell t ha t the ' sun'h'e , n 1'0 so UIIIIII us , } ' eVln thl'Clu h the dls/laln thut Icads to I' RelCllI\Icted ! \ llcn th , Perhaps oVCl' 'hod ' I hns obsen'cd that sulcilio Is 11I01'0 In I vouo : 'Ill ' summer thall III un ' olh r ! seLH40II. 'I'he thuught or IICIII IlItCl'l't11 ! In cuol , moist enrth , whell elsewhere there Is 110 eRcape from the heat , Iii 1I0t l'epllnnnt. ! [ n 'be this has sOllie. what to do III creatln the faRhlon. It Is JURt us trlle. thou h hnrdlr HO Jen. erllll ' obsen'cll , thnt fashlolls In sul- cltle run 1l101l the lilies of OCl'UIIl1 lIolls nUll professlolls. In this COlllllt'r It Is moro common nmoll farmer'sJut \ nhrol\llumollg sohUer's. Next cOllie sa- loolllceepers nllli then ph'slclalls : Cler. 'men ulld miners mOHt rarel ) ' tnl < e their lI\'es , It woulllJe \ lllllicult to II ' ' for these dlstinctiolls I n u 11) l'enson , hut most taRhlons nre without definll-I hlo rensoni , ' 1'he \'orltc time of llu ) ' ror sulcldo Is between G In the morn. hlK ulld noon , 'j'ho fu yorlto dnys 01' 11 the weele ure TUlsdll'H Iln 'l'hurs. I daYK. Saturday , tor some ullimown I 'rl'aMOn , sees fewer sulclder ; than nn ) ' I Ither day. Theorists who ure so llulck II I1nd renRon for the commonn'ss of suIcide In summer mlJht try to ex. : these other cIuall ) ' well-ostllllllsh'i ell ICcullllrltlcs , It the effects of hot I weuther cnuse moro suicides In Jul ' . thnn lu Decom\Jer \ , whl\t cnuses more' on 'l'uI'81Iu ) ' t1l1ln on Suturday , Ilnlll more hetore noon tlmn Iltter ? [ ornl. ' l'ItM : ' I1re fond of necountlng for lIul. cllloR In enernl In recl.less livIng' IlIlll II cnrelcssnl'Rs 1\8 to yllnl o\JlIJ.atlons. \ But , suicides are lIIost nUlllorOU8 In soborl tl'uJul G rmulI ' . where the ' rl'lIch the Jrellt totul of 2W In Hory million , 'rhlH fnct tlllls to fit the theOl' ) ' . ) [ 01'0 men 1 < 111 themRelyes thlln wOlllen h ) ' uhout tour to ono , It. Is suld In Spain thnt the { ) OI'centllg'o of wOlllen liulchlcs I ; ; HI'l'ltlestI ; \ WOlIIl'n thCl'o lelll thcm- selves to eYlr ' 100 lIIen , 1'he l1l'xt larelt ; : lIrolllll"tlon of women sulchle/ ! Is here In the Ullitell States , wlwre the tll\II'eR nl'l' 2R to 100 , The wins with l'hlhh'cn tIII'O In the sulcilio rec- orll at .H In l'\'er ' million , whlll ! thl' l'hUllIoss WOIIIl'n Rull'hlt's reach HiS , \\'lIlu\\'I'rs wllh chlhlren sull'lIle at till' l'lltl' of r. lIn \ n Inlllloll. I\nll whlowlrs \\'lthout chlhll'l'n at tllat ot lOtH , In ( ll1'OIH ' ! , 11I1Ilg'hlJ ; Is thl' fll"tn' It 0 method ot sulchle , 111111 lulhull'H statistics show thnt In lh'lIlIIal'le 7a IICI' Cl'nt tnl'O this IIll'ans , But hallglng' Is no 10ng'C'r the fMlhlon In the Unltl'll Htntcs , ullll ' ' 1lI\J1 ' the Is ' ' hronll \'l'rr \ ( rOllC prcfel'l'ella olll ' In the I\hslnco of l'nsler menns , I \\'Ilh us thm'o IH Il docldl'tl llrcterenco for the revolyer nlllOll1 ; mono ns there Is for cllrbollc achl IlmonA' womell , Hulchle h ) ' hang'11I1 ; hus hecome COIll. \larntl\'ol \ ' 1'111'0 III this coul\tr \ , } ' . OXClpt ! I In rural lllstrlcts , 'I'he l'Ilto or sulclll.a ; I\mOll1 ; ItullelltH Iii hllh. allli stl'l\dll ' rowhlJ : : hlghl'r , ot 10111 ; 1lg'0. IIlne CI\RCS or ull'lllt ! Wl're reported nt 11 t sln lo gn lIfth ulllwrslt ) ' within olle ! ) 'enl' . 'I'hat lIulcl o can occur eXl'el't ! nH the rl'lIult of lIumtnl nbC'l'rntloll elln . hnl'lU ) ' 110 hollo\'ed , hut It Is somowhnt eurloui\ \ how the Ilherratlons run alon ; . : . l'stllhllshelt lineR of custom thllt uro not e\'eu recog'nhe until tlltlStiCR show the t thc ) ' lun'o existed. Ps'chlclsts 1m YO a joh on tholr hands. , Army ot' r.onJhl ; ] ( hl\u. The arm ' of GellJhlR IChnn first lLqc , . gUU1)wder In ClllUlon In Chinn In 1234 , IlUet the Chlnl"SO tbon lenrul d Its mll- Itury vllue. " There Is a Uine In eyery Rlrl's me : . whori obo regrets thftt ahe wn.m't uaDle ( r "Iucllle. ; " , - - . r ' IDD ! ? illl . - - - - = = . : = 0 = - - . . : ; : : , - - - Tar , : CIL'OU . /j / 11 . lJy tl/O net' , II. If. Lowry , Hlr , WI011111 ! Joe .Jcsus-.Tohn , xII , . 1. Till ! ( 'IIHt l'umc to the crudle of Cilrtll , , tlto wClil CtUlIO to his crnSR , The ] .f/lglnlld / the Oreekt ! relll'NIl'ut thnt rn , lI hll'lIcd I'ellglous Instinct whleh. dls. jIUflnml with thnt which cannot feed till' HllIIl. IHlhl / ! ! o I'IHO nho\'e prevIous l'lllll'IIUon mill 11l'l Jlldlco nm ] seele the JI' < ltllll'ntloll of Il ! ; docpest lIeodR ami Ill' ! hlthest nsplrlltlunl'l wherever that rllllf1cll t10n 11111) ' ho fountl , Thse who thUH C/UUO to Chl'lst stooll fOl' thnt Inr o ullmhcr of Grel'ks , 110 freIUclltl ( ' : llllldcli to , who , percelYln till ! \'unlt , } ' ot 11011Ulnr religion. l\II'ned to somothlng more Rathlf 'ItIK. nml fOlllld In the ! I'lInoJ.ue : s01'\'lce of the .JI'W ! ! sOlllothln ! ; which nppeulcll to the cr/wlllgs / of that Instlllct for Hod which /III / men Ilostless , Attllchln themselyes 1Il0ro or less to .Tudulsm wIthout sub- Ullltlll to the rellglouR rites lIoce8slU' ' to g'I\'e thom 1'1111 Stlllldlllg the ' came 10 .JOl'l1snlelll to worshIp the Gotl In whom the ' haul come to holle\'e. Here the ' IlIIt thol1lselyel' ! III cOlllm1mlcntion with olle of the disciples of .Tosus aUlI rcqllest nil Inter\'lew with the man who hns cl'eated so great 1\ stir In the 11O\llIlar \ milld , 'Pholr action muy well be regnrded b ) ' II /IS / slIgg' ! ltllI the cr ' of nn unll htelled l'llIglolls ! InstInct for the IlenwlI/ll / CllI'lst , h'ro c\ll'loslt ' mn ' 1)1'ol11pt such a cr ' , ow , liS then. , Tesus Christ Is the Jll"Ohlem of thl' IlleS , lIe Is u perdon- a1\t \ ' that ml1Ht be eXlllalned ; 11 force I that mlltlt /lceol1nted / 1'01' . ' 1'hls mall , ! WhOUl millIons lo\'e alld 110 olle hntes , thrllsts hltlHWlf before us III sl1eh a wn ' t1I1 ! 1 : . life Is elltlrol ) ' challJed for us nfter we meet hltn , "B ' Whllt au- ; t hOl'It . doost thol1 these things ? " is a I qI1I'StOIl ! we ml1st hll\'o Ilnswered for the slll < o of our own 1)Cl\ce ot mlUlI. "What shnll I o with .Teslls ? " Is the Inl1ulr ' of Il ROlli who Is confrollte\l \ b ' thlH pCl'plexlll IJersollallt ' . thlll mas- terflll lIl/ui / , 1.'ho nge of Inll1lr ' In which we lI\'e t1l1thi lis curloslt ' haf. tled by this teul'her , whose character defies hmunn Ilnnl 'sls. whose truth tranJceml8 ! human phllo phles. lIud whoso In1h1l'nce Is more ll\'lng. more personal. more lwwerful In I'ach succeeding - ceeding Ilgo. I nger to wet what God , would ha'e us to do 111111 be , we turn I from 1111 else to .T esus. In the hope that nt Inst we can ! lnd an nuthorlt ' UpOIi whch ! wo cnn rest. . \ppreclatlon mny lead us to him , ne. yond mere curiosity n soul hus come to kllow enol1 h of .Te8u'I to mnko hIm' ' feel thnt lIfo offers uothln hettor than the Rtud ' or' this chnrncter nnd life , Mornl beautlcs disclose themsel\'es In such 11 wn ) ' as to. charm us , "Te nre fusclnllted b ' his grllclousnesll , Rub. duedJy \ hiM tenderness , moved b ' ) lls love , 'Wo cense to wonder wh , } ' It Is thnt those who reject him \'Ie with those who nccept him In Inrlng their tribute of ndmlrutlon at his feet. aud cnn \1lHlerstllnd how It Is thnt e\'en un InShlel clln I1l1d the IIfo of ,1 esull his hllhest theme and greatest Ratlst'ac. tlon. 'I'ho motives which lira W UII to .Tes\lf ; DIll ) ' ho o\'on deeper than those. ' 1'hol'o may \Je \ a strong personnl deslt'o on our lmrt ror .Tesus hecauso he hns wooed nml won us. 'Ve hold him not n t l\I'Ill'H length ; we look not ut him In the spira of Inlulrln ) criticism ; wo treat him not ns Homuthlng outsIde of olll'sel\'es , but IlS denl'ol' to us than all the worlll ; wc C'slro to take him Into onr lI\"es. to rolgn there Icing of lo\'e unll'lIfe , In an ' nUll ever ' case that which this rolllouR , Instinct cries fOl' Is II per. sonnllt ) ' , When the chlll'ch , h ' these rulle methods whIch It once u ell , tried to convCl.t the " 'orill to Chrlstlanlt ' . It broug'ht Into It ! ! fold 11 mns of hnl" blirouH IUIlI unsplrltull"otnrl'R. ! . which lort Its hllJrt'sH ) UllOn ch\ll'C'h life for n thoUSlUlll , , } 'ellrll , It the church Chris- tlnnlzl'tl III/anlsm. / pagunlslIl In tUrtI I Iln nnlzol ( Ohrlstlllnlt ) ' . .As 1l'l'RUIt , I the porsonnllt ' 01' Christ WUR Inr el ' I lost , It. Is thl ! Ior ' of till' Ilre l'nl time that the l'hlll'ch Is swhlllnthlll'I ; I moro 1\11(1 more to the pcri'onlll Christ , Ali the din of rell lous strlfo su\JsIlII' \ I there Is In'cHentcd In new heaut . IInll . lOwer lhls one perfect plri'ollnllty ! , lIe and ho ulone. meets the wants : till : nswers the cr ) ' of the III'eRt'lIt du mnn. It Is nn n e of hlllh'hluallsm 'I'ho neetls of ml\n nro pnr mount. .A ! the monnrch hils g'one down , mnn hn ! onlp. . lI\lmanltr wnnts 11 Chris : I who dealR with hllll\'ltlunl n1l'n , lUll who Illltlre1'sl's hhn"elf to hllllvlelua I w\I1tl'l. ' In the ml'-I\lont of sorl'ow W4 1'eel for the hnnd 0 : ' the comfortN' h the hO\lr of 10nellnlRS we Hoek OU' cOllllll1nlon ; In the dn ) ' of trouble WI 'Wl\nt the cO\lusel ot our fl'lend. Thl'rl IN uo ono In 1111 history who Rf1t1sl1e us so tull ' as .1l's\ls ot Nnzaroth , who nl ! " Inn of Rorrows" nml "Ii'l'lellll 0 Sinners. " touches h\lmn11 henrts tj cm'l" to comfort. to C'leanse. S ' 5tell1a tic thl'Olo y III ns necessll 1' ; , ns the 1I0nes ot a mlln , but thos' bone Illust be cO\'l'red with wnrm l1esh I we I\ro to II/l\'o 1friend. . DellKht II HIt ! st\lll ' ot ChrlHtlnn nnatom ' II1U I IICt r.h u of Olll' Ih'lng frlond. th , matchless Son ot [ lUl. 1"110 wearJ the 81111. the fM l\lwn lire crying to- 111l ' . I\R ne"cr before , "Sir. we would ! lee .J esulI , " OI\tll'I OIl < ) IS OANNY IHU\'EIt. ny nOI' . John Merritt , I nlll IIIe Rell whttn workingmen re' fUHe to patronle the Cnrneglo 11. IlI'arles , The Kn'llt Rteel mngnnto has olll ' Ill'lped thosc who hl\d no need ot hili hell ) , lIe hns beel\ quite S shrewd nnd cnnny In poslllg Ul ! : phI1l\11th1'Ol ) ' 1st 1111 he was In colnnK [ the swent ot ether men's hrows Into the colossal fortune ho now cllllmR ns bls very own , o Ilhlo-hodled man. not O\'on n Irrl\cher , can Ilccept n charIty without' Illln l1eblluclll'd In doIng 80 , Cnpltnl. IHtll ' ' cannlbnllsm Illa In'nctlce nmong ! t1wlllsoh'eR without Jreatl : ) ' hUIOrlllng I the repuhllc. but the \'ery moment the maSl'eH lose theIr healthy pride and Helf'l"l'llllct e\'er 'thlng will e lost. The ! Jeer mnn's cholc1nK ut the otICI' of chnrlt.Ind . requcst for honest em. plo 'mont Instel\d Is the strongest proot thnt h IR stili a man. Do not Iw del\lded Into the Idea thnt the fushonll\Jle ! \ nvemllS ! Ilml boule- \'nl'ls [ where brown stone 1'ronts nnd marhle pnll\c s predomlnnte Ilre the enl ' or the most hopotul fields tor ovant-:01l8l11 , Down on the Inslg'nltlcnnt strel'ls whcre the mll1lIIe clnBses live. down In the 50-c1lIlell sl\lms 't'hore hn gllrll fl\ces peer out of the window ntlll nnl < ednt'ss runs nnd hides. there the ' Wilit wIth lonjlug' hOlll'tS for the swpct g'ollol ! : of him who. like them. solves , hnd not where to lay his hoad. 'fho tolllng. stl'\lg'gl1n , often sorrow- IntmaSSOd nre not Inostlc or nthcls- tic 01' anl\l'chlstlc. 'rhe mllliolls m\lst not ho cOllllelllned for tht ! shol'tcomlngs of the few In the muls of lahor. The IllmoRt numherless 1Il1\8S0S hnve too much hcnd a nil hellrt uml Immortnllty nml Inherent nDhll1t ' of soul for such nrl'llnt nonsense nnd foil , } ' us that. 'J'he blJot who sahl In his heart , " 'l'llC're Is no Goll , " was a rich 1001 , Ilnll he sl\lel It In his hcart been \lse , In the nbsence of braIns , thnt was his enl ' ' . l'OSOl.t. : Uy 'OJ1I1 friends , cal'r ' the ospel to the pOOl' . Do not ( 'glect or hoIn - charltablo to or-b\lrnlng shame-for- et the poor , 'i'ho poor 'e hll0 with , } 'ou nlwllYs , Win them to ClIl'lst. 'I'hey slnnd on the ool'step. In the 'Ilrd. nt the g'ate. looldnglp anll down the lon IIUll c1rcnr ' stl'eets nnd'alle 'wll 's , looldn for 'ou anll wOllllel'lnJ ; wh ' 'ou do not come with the me sage of sah'ntlon. Aln ! ' ; , sOlUe of them ur. comhlJ ; to think It Is hecause 'ou arc to'o selfish und haught ' I llll heartless atHl lIecause 'ou so much prefcr the rich. Fen A QUII 'l' St\Il ATII. Dy RCI' , Chllrlcs' W. Tinsley. o nation Is more 10 ' 1\1 to the Sab- hath 1hnn our own. Our foundl\tlons were Il\ltI In dccp re\'el'ence for the holy dl\r , ' 1'he PII rlms , In 1GlO : , hnlf ttlr\'od. Hhl\'orcd In the cold , mther thnn bClln their worle on the Snhbath , } i'I'Olll that dn ' to this there hils heen "Americiln Subbnth. " 'fhe necessity for the < 1a ' Is written deep In lUnn's ph-slcnl constitution , LIke a clock , we ruu down , The Rleep of the night Is not enough. The seventh dllY Is 1'0- /Iulred to "Imlt UI' the \'oled sleeye 01' care , " The man un I teller nl'eds It. 'fhe holr tin ) ' Is the north stnr of his dellverallce from Sunda ) ' sIn very. 'rhe hOlllo neecls It. 'fhe hl hest t110 of home life demnllllR Snhhath oll&erv. unco , It Is no acellient that the wOl'ld mill ) of Ilfe lOll11la1' freedolll Is lunde up on the Sa\Jhath \ Iweln ) lIallons , ' 1'ho Sabha th Is the GI\Jraltar \ of law and order , It Is shnpl , } ' patriotism to kcell It , It Is heln ultnelwli h ' Insidious foes. RllIllla ' malls al'l' wholl ' unnecessar ' . , 'l'he ' cOIlll ) 1 the In\Jor \ of thousalllis of men who Ilro entltletl to their Sahlll\th , ' 1'he SUllllllIewsl1a I'Cl' ' u ttacles It , 11 dl places whu t Is'aRtl ' more of mhllJ thall tha t wh\h \ It Il\'e I > , It projccts the ccula1' slI1'lt ) Into the Sahllath , So with Slllllla ' IllU1ISelll1'l1ts of 1111 1'01't8 , It 18 not hest ohRI'1'\-Cll ns a dn ' 01 umllsonwnt , S\lJllln , } ' I'xcllrslons nUll Sllllllll ' II1H ehnll w11l demorollze IIn town. It ought to he pormanontl ' en' jOhWll nil 11 violation of Iln eXIros statute. . . . , SER""ONETTES , ' \'o \ \\111 [ en to Chl'lsl.-It scelUet . to he llltllC'ult In thl' lime of Chrillt t < , real'h nll'lI. Ullel 'it Is liS true todnr 'l'he chureh stnllds as thl' 1Il1'nnS to th. . l'lIll. nllli he wotihl will mon to her thn t11l ! ' mll ' Imow her llIster. [ en spe ( 'lllll ' necd the help of the church , 111 thl' ' nre Ruhjl'ct to thl' stJ"erest temll tallolls , A C'hlll'l'h thllt wins men Ii Sll'IlIr ll111l mnnl ' hel'sl'lf. OIIl'lst wnl ! I1'st Il man , atHl WOIl IIlcn-Hev. A. D lInl. . ) [ ethodIHt , 1'lItlihur , Pn. All li'orcl'S-AII fOrl'l'S 111'0 workln ! for JoOll or for e"l1. ' } 'he centrul fnc s of life Is work. 1I0t llllSOIUO ot th RtrollJtest forces thl\t work for good Ilr' ' 1II1'OnSCIollR ones. ' 1'he ' UI'C organlzel for Helt1sh or IHlrl'lr comml'relul IHIt PIIS'II , I\tHl nre clIll ht up Illto the set vlco 01' Ohrlst without their own will Iut the church I1rst I\lwll's , Il1nong Or gnnlzed forces-Hm' . Dr. l\IcAfC ( l'rcsh 'terll\lI. Chl'n o , m. I1oIH' ! Is so sWl'et , with Its gollIel c wlllg's thllt , nt his lost sigh. . man sUI Implores It.-Dc In Penn. , , . 1 . . Uneven I'aln. A gentleman was donnin" hIs outfit. ) rcparntory to taking a horselJllck ride ntd the cl\Intry. Attertl wbllR It ; ) ccurred to him thnt h11l rllt.1RII boots. 11U ! been le1't In nnother XI\rt oi th I louse nnd he ner.ordln I ' Intormed IJ > len'nnt. a 'oung Irlshmnn , of theIr ICe . mUou. remarking Ilt the tlmo thnt ther < ; were two pairs together In tbO' 10get nnd he should be fluro to get ntcs , In 1Cew minutes the sen'nnt eturncd with two boots. but odd oneil , "Why. don't 'ou sce thoBO nro not' IlIkl' ? " Raid the other. out ot plltlenC& with the fellow. "One has n longer lop than the other. " . . . . "You , u're rIght Ilbout that , " replied' , the I1'IRhml\n , npolo etlcally ; "lmt then. r I Iho other pall' wus just so , too.-Phll , . \lelphlll Ledger. \ The A lucnt A/rlcnlturlat. "Why do they always IOrtray tht < farmer ns purchasing gold bricks ? " "That's ens ' explained , " nnswered' [ r. Corntosol ; "the fllrwer's the tel. ler thnt's got the cash tbese days ; th4t I ther people Is hustlln' to get some 01' \ It by an ' trIck tbey caD fix up.- " Wnsbln/ton / Stnr. Not Btrlklnsl , . Nobo. "So your duughter Is going to watt I ry n nobleDlun. " "Yes. " answered Mr. Cumrox ; "buts ho's only n nobleman by profession , Personally 1 must sny be strikes me as- II. pretty common sort.-WnshlnglloD I3tnr. The Idea ! . "lIow many chlldron 1m vo YO\l , Mrs Scnddslelgh ? " he nskod. "One , " she replled , "I must telP fOU what n cunnIng thing one ot my deAr little < lo gleR did ye8terdn ' . , : bed her out for an airing In the car- rlae : , nnd- " "Tho bl\hy ? " "Tho hnb ' ? Mercy. no ! My doggie : [ hope 'ou don't suppose I am m ' own nurse-Ohlcngo ! Hecord.Herald. Plnln l'nAugh. : Brlg s-Whnt possesses you to wear lha t grellt ulster ? I'm ne\'er cold , and see how thin m ' oyercon t lB. t Goward-'I'hnt doesn'tlIgnIfy ! , YOU' Just lIuy 'ourself n bl ulster , nnd J warrant 'ou'll he cold enough nftlr Cew wenrln s 'to enjo ' It all rlght.- Boston 'I'rnnscrlpt. I Not I.llccl" to Hemnln. . . . . , I' Mlsn'eBs-You arc n nice little gIrl. Annn , 1111 < 1 1 like you "ory much. I hope 3'OU will remain with us always. Anna ( Innocentl-'fl1nt's ) just what mllster snld to me this morning. Appreclntive. "I don't bellevo you bol the publ1 , n ver ' high esteem. " " { y denr , sir. " rejoined tbe bllllon- Illro , "reiu wrong me. If It weren't fOl' tbe public where would we look ror OUJt tll'OfitS ? " - Wllshlngton Stnr. U\I ! Vnrlet , . . 'Let me sell 'ou 11 letter.opener. . . . said the clerIc In the noe1t ' store , "lIaye one hOl11e , " responded the IIt tlo man , "IndeC'l1 ! Whnt Idnd Is It ? " " [ ' wlfe.'j . A pprolrlntc. Inrry-They hn'ea "flatironJull \ in : : ; " In oYorl. . . Dennr-Phwat lwlllli av brick Is u1. built a'\ ? LnrrPressed , 01 guess. THAT'S THE TIME When Proper Food Ie Ncce8ear , . . Proper Coed Is lIerer more necessary : than when reco\"erlng from a wa8tin . , slclmess , when orer-eatlng would be fatnl and ) 'ct the body nee s nourlshmcnt nud pleuty of It. At this time the condensed food. Gral1e-Nuts Is shown to be oue's most powcrful friend. Four teaspoonfuls of. Grape.Nuts alltl cream will sustain n henlthr mau for half n ny aud niess , . . . , qualltlt ' In warm milk will build UII the. convalescent wotlllerful1 ' . No stomllch , Is too wenk to elllest and rl'lIsh Grupe' Nuts. "I was tal\lll slele with tnlhoi l fever nud et'er 'ouo who hns hnd this ) lsenae lenowR how weak nnd lifeless a . Pl1r80n feels wheu Ill'glunlllg to reCUIJe ute. ' "I hnd to he t'err carl'ful about Ill" diet and coulll eat ouly"or ' lIht ! foods. 'I'hese did uot ! 'oom to nouriRh me IlIlIl lu. l tead of gfttlu better cver ' da ' 1 was just lit a atlludlltll1 a 'fd e\"l'ryono begnn , to fenr a rclnpo , Ono dn ' while 1 'lng In hl'd , "cr ' much discouraged m ' : .Ister' who wnli rJndlll to mo from the papcrl read nn artlelo nhout GrnII.Nuts nnd woo dechlcd 10 send for n Iluelmge. " 1"1'011the ror ' first 1Ill'111 of Grnpo- Nuts I bOgll1l to Improve , Rtrougth cllmo. InJound \ nnd leaps with the result thnt : I WIlS sonn out oC hed : Ill ) ' chnnge for thft. Letter seel1\ed sImply marvelous. My " mind Is clear and /ltrou / and m ) ' body " sturdy. I 11m no\T' enUrel ) ' recovered. ' " Name glTen , by Postum Co , . Battle ' . Creek , } oUch. 'l'lere Is n reason. . . I. . . A dtssl'rt ; , that he-Ips the \10 < 11. that's , the thlngl Any number of them In the little recipe boek In ench pnckn e o.t , GrllPo-Nnta. \ , I i I I ' . , I J : " ) I , . . .