Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 11, 1903, Image 1
IIHI. . . jt . . . . . , , , , . . . .t Hid 1nl" " ! " " nnillty , \ . . . J. . " . , USTER OUNTY . EPUBLICAN. ' . ' : - ESTABLISHI D 1882. 'l'IlE Oli'li'ICIAL PAPEH Ol ' CUS'l'EI COUN'l'Y. T4A HOgS'I' CIRCUIJ 'I'ION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. ' " i . : ; - _ - : : . - : - = - - - - - . . - - - , - . . . . . .1 . : . VOL'XXL , I BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JUNE 11 , 1903.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.52. : = : : : = = = = - . = - : - . : : : - . : . . . , - < , j \ \ , I , - - - ' - ! F'or flEADH\JG \ : I writing',11lt \ ' ; cwin ) ; ; .1.1. , . " , , , an' : "hsolulel ) ' twcef > snry ill ! > 111m' l'a..cs . , WlthoulIll'SC. . aills to till' sight th , ' work musl he : IIcghcll.1 III' the l y S millct } , Pertllit w ; lu mcerttllll : whlllts \ ICIJuilCtllll lestllll : thc sight tll , 1I0nlllll COllllitio1l. Hyc tesls . l'usl1llhi1l , : \ 11 l'xpcrieliccI I wi1llllllkl' eXllmillll- I IIpticiali all - \ lioll 1111I1 prcscrihl' , WI\l'1I \ Ias I : M'I ; al'l' 01'11\1'1.1 . hCll' Ihl'l'l' to ; 110 \ 'h : : : ; ' ' d I'.s0 . : r . . . , I ' \1 \ " 'Ir J I \ . . . . 'lfP " i _ _ r.fA- : ; . : t d : S C } 100 1 I ) ) no I , : s , I L : ' i. ? t ' ' \ h.v. 'I' 1 1\ ) \ ets . i " 'i'I' ' < . < i. _ -ANI' " ' \1 , - ' - \ ' 1' - h1' ! ' ' \1' , , Schonl SII pplies , ! , , - < f " ' ' "l'I' t ,1 ' I 'VI' 'VI't -A'I'- < * . . J. G. Haeberle s. ' " _ . \ 1'.n _ ' : ! ' _ : : - " . . . . . - - - . , I I ' Th ( ' : lori. i. , II gllllrallc l fur lhe fill II 1'1' , IllIrillL1Il' / : lillll' S y lhal t 1\ \ ( ' . , , , , , , , , , . , . i\ g Custer National Eank , N hils hcclI ill hllSillcss il has sl'n'c(1 ( Si . , , . ! a1'Ias \ l's of ( Icposilors wcB allll , . k failhflllly , Thc 1IIallagclllcnl has S " , c lIsilcn..llhcir , lltl'rl'lich.'lIl : c,1 : 8 ; : with Ils 0\\11 al111 panlllllllllll 111 1IInn ) ' cases , hl\'cl1lll'nls arc 8 , N malIc ollly whcn dOSl' ill'csligaS i lillll has PW\'C ( ! ihallhe ) ' arc IIhslI. lIill'l ) ' safl' :11111 prof tahlt' , Thc 8 ; S ClIslcr Natiollal Bllllk solicits ) ' 0111' S \ 8 I\'COIIIII. 8 , H. LOMAX , Cashier. S . " " ' ' . " . . . . . ; : . . . / / . " . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DR. SHARPE" , . . , , Dol'lul's 11iseascs \ of tI\l' dotlll $ 111111 i' gllaruntccs tal sfllclioll , Gi\'c IIIl' a trial. , 1'1pill \ 111'\\ ' life in ) ' 0111' 0111 1IIIIIs , I. C'LELL SUAs. : : E' . c "Ilh allll in Ihc l\tc " , rk. I. . . _ _ .lust rCl'ci\'cd a ncw stock of pictmc framl's. motllding' . mats , ' " etc. Picturc framcs madc to 01'- . i' Ilcr. Sccond h:1I111 : goods of a1\ \ l\ \ t Id nll holtg'h t allll sollt . t' J un l\.A \ ' . . , : VHf South Sidc Snuarc. 'h' 1 _ . - - - - ' ' - i 'i'k S C ; I 1I110n ; acrOSR the strcet frolll C. S. 1\lar- I tin's ItIlpleuwnt 110use for lunch , cigar . cOllfcetiolll'ry all\l RUllltIlCr f drilll < " 52tf - - - - - . \ ( H.tnlll : ( ' " IIf OIlI'S I , ' 1'0 he thl' Iir to show thl' new . thillg's. \'l'r'thill ill' our , sptcial : sa1e of 11I1I1I1e1' nrl ! : ; Goln ( an' " lIew , e\'ell ill price. Hend :1 : < ld in bluc lIIark , I Ih'I\H \ ON.G HOIH : H Co. . . _ _ _ . _ u _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . . ' . ' , . . . . , \.CH NO "JI . Notice i IIC h'y g'ell that th ( , hoard of thc 11illiall Trritatiot ! . ( nbtrict will tiled at the As1 ! I school hosuc to cqltali e thc as. , SeRStllent of 1:1I\(1 : \ in said di tricl , on li'r l1 aj' , J 111 Y 3 , 1'J03 , at : o'c1ock . p. m. hn. BISIIOI'.Scc. .By order DisL Board. 52- : , I : : : : : i : : : : ] , - - - W. 11. I ceder of Merna , was a ci.l.r'is lor last 'I'hurslay. , , fU1l'S lIantl10llt of gltoll , favor- l'd thi' ; OI1iCl with a call Sa1ur- day. .I , g. Cavell ' of Gl'orgetowII , ' ' bus in t hl' was looldttg' altcl' lwss , . , cIty I. I t'\1 \ I ay. A. A. Willett of An l'1mo. \'l'III'tsl'lItl \ : d Dht1' ; ct I . ill thl' ! ; e1lOol IlOa'Ilg \ COli'l'lI t i UII. , fames Ash : I1Hl .I , S , 1\lcGraw of n a tl > S. a hCllllcd \ the Hdtool ot cI'rs' COII\'l'ntiJ)1I .lUllc h. O. Slon' of Son1l rfo\'lI , was in a ttCII ! ! all c at the sl'llOol nOires' IIIcetin Saturday. JUlie ( . , J. A. lmsberry wasu the city atltJ'la" 1ooking' aftcl' a road petitioll hcforc thc coullty hoard. Clyde 'Vihw t rcturnb,1 1ast 'I'hursllay from T-iinclln. wherc he has hecII attelu1i ltr the' uni- \'crsit . \ ' . . J. 1) . LOIlg" of A l'1I0Id. was i If Brokcn Bow Satut'llay , primarily to attelld the SCh(101 ( onicers' lIIeeti ng. Joltll Mc1nich. asseSRor of A1- gernon township. was a dt.\ ' \ ' i- tor Saturday. 'J'hc I Hl'UBTlCAN acknow1cdges a call. Arthur Cool < s1ey \Veissert. . kindly relllcmhcr ll thc HHI'Uml- CAN lTlce whilc ill the city 'l'hursllay of last week. l aY Armour rcturt1ell Sunday monling' from T4inco1tl. whcrc he has heen attcllding" the state un'ersity , thgJa ! t year. "Tm. ( ) ecTcif ; 1 f T-titchf eld , was in our citSafimlay - wit h t he as cssor's hook and to attend - tend thc scho01 omcer ' , mceting. .T. C. Pred \ ore , asscssor of West Union township , made his returnR 1ast 'l'hllrsday. 'l'hi onice ac1\1\O \ \19dg"cs a fl'iendly ea I I. ' . - - - . . . v. . , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : I , I win F. lycrs. Arthur I\1j'cr a 1\11 I r ( 'rlw rt 1\1 yenof ( . eorgctown. who ha\'o hl'l'U at l illco1n attcnd- i 11 g' t h ( ' t a tc II n'l'rsi tj' , rdI \ rued lollll' : Tllesday mortling. .101111 MIIIaucmcmhcr of the cOlin t \ ' R lllier's relid com m i tiel' . was ii. . thc cit ; , 8atmlaattelu1 - ing' a mectiug of the cOllltnittec. Ire kind1y rememhl'rell this ollice with a socia1 call. ' .r. \\T. Bruce & 80n com p1etct ! a line dwelling' for ( icorgc Laugh- . lin cast of town 1ast week. Mr. ! 14augh1itl is enc of Custer coun- . ty's substantia1 aut ! prosperous farmcrs that wel1 desen'es snc- cess. J. C. Bowen. one of Brol < en Bow's popular mcrchants , 1eft the Jirst of the week for thcl east on a vacation. lIc will \'isit his 0111 homc at Ogdensbu rg" . New York. H expccts to he g'onc about threc wccls. I 'ehc C. 'V. B. 1\1. amd1iarwilli meet at thc home of Mrs. 'i . D. gubank. Saturday. Junc20. . at o'clock p , tIl. A1mcmhcrs \ arc rC'lucsted to hc prescnt. Ilonor- an' memhers are in \ ' tcd. 'L'he prJgl"atll ( . . will hc "a splelll1 ,1 g'ooll ti me. .Iohn Comstock of Ansley. wus a city visitors Frillay. Hc reports - ports his husi ness in a nou rsh i ng condition. even bcttcr than 1ast year. 'l'his is the ru1e e\'cry- wherc as far as wc arc ahlc to ohsel'\'c with thosc who attcnd 'strictly to husiucss. 140 Kimherling of Arn01d , who was in thc city last weck rcport- ell that he saw two 1I1Ctl and enc womatl husking' corn on thc west tahle. alld in the sallll' comlil'ld anothcr tIlan was Hstillg' . 'I'hey had about twcntv-Ji\'C acres to husk and the coni was good. Capt. Crowiu of thc 2.\11 \ I l't\- \ u1ars. was in the citWdllcslla' " of last week illspecting" Co. 1\1. of the Neoraska Natiollal Guards. i of which IT. I . Kl'IIIH'dy is Cap- tain. 'l'hl' ( OInpatly has Iwen orgalli cl1 O\'l'r thrce.Yl'm : \ amI tlte term of a 1arge I1\ltllher \ of thl' oltler mcmhers It , III expired. Nothwithstancl , tlte comlliln ) ' i1 ! now l'om posell pri nci pall ) ' of new I rccrll its , Capt. Crowi n report ! I thc c011lpan ) ' in good shape and . , well up in militarj' tactics. Capt. L ; Kenncdj' is to he compl i mentcd I upon the high standing' of hi . compan ) ' with so mall ) ' ne\ tUcmoers. . - John Pcmie of 1\lcma , was a cit ) . ViSitOI' Hatnrda ) . . I 11'ritx Olham of l onlld Vallc ) ' , I cit . visitor Motula ' . was a ) ) 1 'c. J' , Clark was down from Halsc ) ' thl' laltcr part of last wl'ck. I I".A. Wa1ton bf Lec Park. was amongoltr wckome'isitors Sa t ttt'll a\ , ' . _ J. 1\1. Chritcnscn of Bl'I'WYU. wm ; II Wl' kOllll' .ea l1er at t his ( ) f- tiel' 8atu\'lla\ , ' . .Ias. Dare of Uatcs. was a city ' \'isitor Satunla'l'his ol1k'c was fI\'OI'l'cI : wit t a call. Wm. Bishop of New Helcna , wa in the cit'l'hursda . \ ' of 1ast wcek making .proof on h"is lalu . Bon. .A. n , Copsey of Westcr- \'il1e. was a \'isitorSaturday. . 'l'hiR ol1icc admowlellgcs a .wcl- come cal1. A nl1rcw Sn'der wcn t cast 'I'l\- \ da ) ' morning to huy goolls to oml'lctl' their largc stock whkh the ) ' arc alrcady carrj'ing' . Nc Gcorgc nf Cl1m1'O , aSRCSgOr I of Loup township. hrought in his hool.s Li'riday. ' [ 'his ol1icc ac- knowledgcs a fricn(1) ' call. C. 'I' . T4caclt , asscssor ofV cst- ' ' iI1c. hrc h tin his ho01s l \ \ . > l\l \ { 'l'ltm da ) ' of last week. 'l'hiR onicc ac1mow1cdgcs a business l al1. .1 as. 'I' . Bycrlcy of Etna , was a socia1 ca1\cr \ at this ofi ce Satm- d a ) ' . ' 1\11' . Bycr1ey says Itc saw enc lIIan 1nisking' COrti on thc rontc. N. n. Prcdmorc onVcst Union. was in tltc city Saturday att nd- ing a mccting : of the Soldier's Helief Committec of which hc is a member. ' ( 'his oftice ickno\v- ICllges a socia1 call. T-I' A. Parmentcr is cnjoying a \'isH frol11 a sister-i n-1a w , l\11's. Parmcntcr and chi1drcn of Ohio. The \ ' are on their wa v to thc loasl and stopped 011' to visit Mr. -nul 111'Parmcnter' for a short tilllc. Wm. Harrcl1 , asscssor of Haves township was in the city Mon- Ilaj' with ! tis hooks. Mr. HarrcJl i ! enc of the suhstalltia1 friclu1s of thc I HPUtlI.ICAN and his oc- l'asional visits art' apprcciatcd at this ol1ice. L. D. Georg'e of Cuml'O. was in tlte city Monday with the \ ' cw of entering' into husincss in this city. Hc camc up from Grand .Is1atJI1 , where he graduatcd this wcck from thc Baptist College. TIc rcturned to Grand Is1and l'I'I esday t ? tte\1l , \ the C0I11111el J l11ent exerclscs. ! { l < ' , . 1\11' ) ; . l , 1 . VanAntwc1j. ? of T4otH. is stopping in tlt it'5' tcmporari1) ' with her hu ti nJl , tl1l'\'cyor ; VanAntwcrp. Jtf Hcr you nger son , l\lyrh 1 is wi tf ? ! . hdt" . A Mr. VanAntwcrp i ! Wgofc most of UC ! time on omci 1 , J wj. ( ; IICSS. the Joh of hou c-kcenhg { i < } \ light compare l with what I " ranAntwerp IS uscd to onf 11. ' . . . Inrm. ' : ! ' , Cast weck the Coup VaiJ' / Qucen completel1 the Jirst ) ' ref of itR cxistance. 'l'hc Oueen . 1ta ' cnjo\'ed a good Ii nc 0'.0 ad vert is- tillg sillce it startcd and 1mB hecn always a1'c to thc 10cal intcrests of Callaway. 'I'he Qucen is to hc l'ollgratu1at'd on the Ruccess it has a ttaincI ] . We kllow of no othel' town of no greater popu1atioll than Callawa ) ' thal threc ncw papcr can cxist and prosper as they do in Ca1\a- \ way. 'l'he Commcrcia1 Hotcl is g'ain- ing' qnitc a relutation for Sunday dinncrs. Sincc t''molltllii1g the hotcl , Mr. Kl'nllcd \ ' is maldllg' asp " sp cial elTort to "meet tht' dl'- muuls : of thc public iUl'\'l'I' ) ' war anll his elTorts are heing' apl'rl- : datcd. 1I ( has had to :11111 an- othCI" tahh > to his dinning roollt to aCl'ommollat" 1m ; l'ustouwr : uIII it is sl'ldom that all his WOIltS arc lIot Ii1h'd at nigoht. A spl'c al feature that is attractiug' the towns-pl'opll' is his Sunlla , ' din 11l'\S. \ WIn \ OUCl > thcy ha\ " ( ' heen tried he is a surcll a per- mancnt custol11er. l ast Sunday I \"as a big da\ ' for the Coml11cr- cial and we tire informed hMr. . Kcnncdy t h.1 t whcn t hc w ea t her is at an fa\'orahlc , Sunday a1- ways brings in a 1argc numher of , th.e citi ens ? f thc cit ) ' . It , goe1 ! ' wlthont saytt1g' the ) ' go away 'we11 satislied that thc ) ' havc gotten their money's worth. . A. li'ot1l1a of Oconto , was a city . I \'isitor 1ast Priday. i Prof , GarIichs wcnt to Mason City \Vcdnesllay morl1lng. I J. W. Bruce & Son are build- iug a store building at NcI \ \ ' He1cna this week for Miss Jacobs. I Miss Zada Amsherry of Mason I City , was in the city \'isiting' \ the first of the weck , rcturnin 'V ed- nesla ) " , I4ambcrt "Talkcr \Va1worth , called ycsterday while in the city and had his suhscript.ion ad- \'anced. \V. J."T 0011s went to Grand 181:11111Vedncstdj' : ! mornin rte at- tcnt ! thc mccting of thc State BOll'Il : of U tHtertakers. - l eJ. . C. Derris of'Montercy , Mich. , iR in the city visiting with his mothcr. 'l obitha Derris , and other rc1a t'cs and fricnds. 'l'hc Summer Scho01 win con- vel1e in this city Monday undcr the supersion of Profs. J. M. Scott and.B. B. Hawthorne. D. 1\L Amshcrry wcnt to Grand Is1and 'l'tlcslllY morning' to at- " tcnd the mecti"ng of thc hoard of trustcec of thc Grand Island Baptist - tist Co1\ege. \ . Don't fail to hear thc MidSummer - Summer Music 1i'cstiva1 at the opera house Prida > , cvening , given under , thc ausplces of thc Brokcn now Band. I n. Lomax and daughter , Edith. Icft Wedncsday morning' on an extcnded visit through thc east. 'l he ) ' expectto : visit in Eng1attll and Scotland bcfore rcturning. J. G. nrcni er shippcd in this I I week two car 10ads of Pure [ Sco.tch cows hc purchased. re- I c\IlUy in Iowa. Mr. Brelli cr now ha enc of the lincst hcrds of Shorthorns in Ncbraska. Dr. R. n. Mu1iins and wifc re- tUl't1cd Saturday night from thcir p1casure trip to Ca1ifornia and othcr states on the Pacific s10pc. Dr. rcpor.ts having cnjoycd a p1casant tune and that thcy saw c\'crything that was t he sccn on thcir rOl1t ' incud ! J g' China to" , 11. T4esIic McWi1liams surpriscd his fricnds 0) ' arrh'ing in the : titv rom Lead City , South Da- 1ma. l"riday morning. Mr. Mc- WiIliams is forcman of. a bridgc gang'stationcd at Lcad. It is his first \'isit homc for two years. IIc informs us that he has undcr his sllPcn'ision sixt ) , mi1cs of road in Bouth Dalwta. and that it I as on .tif htthridgcs ! on I t. ' v " ' " ' ' , t' 3' Another Proposal. t . ( /f . 11'ads arc stranger thl.n fiction ; , 'l'ltesc priccs read likc liction. But they are undoubt d1y l"Ac'rs : Cosmos Batistc , Pl' . 8 13 at. , . . .5c Bo01cfold Pcrca1espr. 12f < It. . . 7c Ditmar Batistc , Pl' . 15 at. . . .7fc Antrim I-Iawns , Pl' . 7c at. . . . . .4c Scotch Laws , Pl' . 7c at. . . . . . . .4c Broadway ' at..l0c RtripcI1 Duck , Pl' . 121c at. " , . ( , c Any amount you want. \V. . KNHW vou wour.D ACCIWl' . Ryerson-George Co. \ T District court wi1convcne \ in l1 i , cit ) ' ncxt week , with Jud < ! ( ' G if r. . q 1 and Grimcs jftg. ' ' ' ) o ' . ( t- . . Pf.c ' . . . . . , : .t. . . . . , . nV'T-It { tt . " 'rt frl ; n ( 'J.o t " v \ .t\n''j : : , : \ ' cht- , . 11rcn 1cft UtlS [ orn1t'fg 011 a VISI t to IIIinol ; . 'l'ltc ) ' expcct to he , gonc severa1 wecks. 'J'he Misses 14indley of A nse1- mo , who 1tl\'c : becn attct1lling thc Baptist Collegc at Grand Island thc past ) 'ear camc homc this morning , the scho01 hang c1os- cd yestcnhlj' . l cJamcs DcMcrritt of A1ex- andria. was a cit ) ' visitor ycster- day. Whcn ahoy Hev. DcMer- ritt resided 1H're with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John DcM rritt , who will he rcmcmhercd hy the pionc' rs of thc COtttlIHtllity. II'orest B. Ioo\lw\ \ ' . son of O. II. 1\loolllcy of IaJ\1 ! ( \ City. was inter\'iew tw h Jlullrl' h A rtttoilr 1\Ion- day. He took home with hittt thl' neccssary IHIJl'rs [ to chang ( ' the namc of 1\1 iss l' lt'a ' V. I ewis of Anslcj' , to that ofIootttcy. : . 'I'ltc RHI'UIlIICAN cxtends COli- g-ratlliations to Ir. and 1\lrs. Moom y. 'Iflslt , ) " " O"I" ' ; ! Will CI'h'J"Jh' : : . Till' people in tllc'icinit" ( If UI' ) ' VaIlcy , he1d a mccting the Jirst of thc week , and dccidcl1 to i' cdchrate the J"ourth of Ju1y at 'I ' Moslcy's Urovc. 'l'hcy invitc cryholly to comc and celehratc I wIth them. .Mowers and Rakes. . . . . . . I have just secured the agcncy for the Minnie Mow. ers , Rakcs and Binders. Thcsc arc anti-trust machines anti 'ou farmers , who beticve in thc trust as being a goO ( ! thintl , I Just comparc thcsc prices with thc trust machines : . ' ; 5-Foot Mower. . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 35.00 10- Foot Self Dump Hay Rake. . . . . . , . 22.00 6- Foot Binder that will use either Grass , Twine or Sisal. , . . . . . . . . , . . . ' . 100.00 Agents handling trust machincs cannot mect thcse prices aud will arguc to you that thc machincs arc no good. Now let mc say to you to comc in and cxaminc thcsc machincs and if you 1i1ee it , bu ) ' one and takc it out and givc it the most scvcre test you can givc it and if it. fai1 to do as good work as an ) ' machine madc bring it hack. Mj' guarantce is good for al1 parts of thc machinc. Ask your trust agent if his contract - tract a1\ows \ him to gi ve ) 'ou thc same guarantec. C. S. MARTIN , Mfll. Agt. . BUSINESS POINTERS. ; } , w w J. C. Moorc , abstracting. 2tf Read thc add in thc bluc mark. J. O. T-Iconard bondcd aostrac- tcr. 3IJtf I } 10I ; RHN'l'-A douh1c room in thc Custcr mock. nquirc at this otlice. 47tf FOR SAT.lOl1e : rcd Pol1 , one Pol1 Durham and cight Shorthorn - horn hulls. .A11 havc pcdigrees. 'l'he ) ' cait be seen at thc G10bc barn.-JAs. H. P.m'l"l'vJ\tAN. . 43tf It Cil I-ollcel lIull . Fivc or six l cd Pol1cd Bulls I'or sa1c. Add ress or cal1 on J AS. BOGGS , 'Veissert , Ncb. 52-3 'l hc newest efforts in Summer Dre s Goods. 'l hcj"rc worth living for at specia1 priccs. Add in h1uc mark.-Rycrson-Georgc Compan ) ' . 'Vc havc just rcceivct oUt' new linc of spring wa1l paper. All 1J03 patterns. Call and sec thcm : , Wi1kin's . drug storc. 35 tf "h " vect potatocs , caboagc and t 1 oc plants at the Star 01'0- cc x.t. 5Uf D' h t wait until ) 'OU arc hailcd ol1t pnt comc in and insure in thcfqfd rc1iab1c St. Pau1 Fire & M : t.we. 52tf { flfad the add in thc hlue mark. . . . . .t/ - . fJ3oardcrs wantcd atMrs. T4. M. , ; I'Cl : < ctt's. 'Phone 57. r W'AN'It ; Potatocs at thc Star , Grocer ) ' Co. A linc Hnc of window shades and portiers at A. 'V. Dra1 < c's. l"i'oH SAI.n OH 'l'l AJH-'l'own lots and a fcw fivc acre 10ts in this city , for cattlc , horscs or farm land.-Al1cn HeyneI' . New wall paper and p1cnty of it. at J. C. Bowcn's. ' FOR S\1.H-A good business hOl1SC on north sidc pub1ic squarc , goo 11 busincss location. for salc' cheap. Cal1 on C. g. Gand ) ' , rcal cstatc and col1ections. 51-2 . . - - - - - - - - - - - - W AN'l'HD'f4uly : hoardcrs , good accommodations. Prices reason- ah1elr . ] Ij.mhcth : . ' , Scl1s. 052 - - - - - - - - - li'oR t\rn--A housc and cight lots , big" harn , fenced corral. chiekl'lI honsc , hog house lIld /ranat' / cs. A linc imprm'ed rcsi- dcncc. Call on C. J . Ualtll ) ' , rcal csta te and col1cctions. 51-2 - - - . . . - - - - - . . . - 1\1oney loaned on tmpro\'cd farms. J AI\IHS I4JWWIcn. 7 18 tf Br01cn Bow , Ncb. I cad the add in the h1uc mark. . . - - - - J , G. T4eonanl h011l1ell ahstrac- tc 3IJtf I , A housc and harn with two 10ts for sale at a oargain , A J. ti. Smith. ' 51 tf - ' -0--- - , l : An Opportt nity ! i Come and take your . choice of all Su mer t \ W \ Silks , Dress Goods , ! 1\\ \ . . . : : : Shirt Waists , Skirts ; 'f' S and Hats AT COST. . 11\ _ 11If' Sale to continue un- If' , . . - tII all Closed Out. * If' . B. E. PREDMORE _ i. * ' . . . . . . . . . . , = _ _ _ _ _ . I. , , WE KNOW SOMETHINO You Don't Know It , hut wc wi1t ten you if you will : call atut it won't. cost you anything - thing for thc information cither. Wc havc some suits that wc will 'scll $2.00 below actual costand if ' you don't 'bclieve it call around < and we will prove it. If we don't do as we say it won't cost you a " red CCHt. 3 doors north of P. O. 'u- CLELL SHARPE. ; , f. " Rcad the add in thc blue mark. 'f creall .II& , Wc arc buying crcam and win , pa ' you f r it oncc a wcek. ; : Bring in your cream. ' 48 tf J. C. BOWHN. t ii < : .lust rcceived , a finc linc of ' . . porticrs , 10ungc covcrs , etc. , at A. 'N. Dr ke's. - , : Notice to 1111 ; ) contractona. We wish to c10se contracts for I cutting , curing and stacking hay on our ranch 111 Cherry county for thc season of 1 ( )03. No swan1t > j" or rol1g'h ground to cJt on. 'Vritc for terms etc. to the Standard Catt1c Co. at Ames or IIcc1a , Ncb. ' 45-9 . . J. O. f4conarc1 honded abstrac- tcr. 39tlt Getman , Whitc and Rcd Siberia . , MiI1ct seed for sa1e at the Star Grocer ) ' . 48tf Rcad the add in the olue mark. ' ' W A J n-'l'o hire two mCD that have fami1ies. Houses furn- ished.WIS1' UNION MILI.1NC Co. 3Rtf 'Vest . Union. Neb. - - - r ; : Ila I. llail. Hail. R1 li'armcrs protect yonrsel ves Itl in the old rc1iab1e St. Paul t li'ire & Marine. Insurancc iii Co. We havc $3,000,000 I . t'i cash capital and pay our , iii losses promptly. Ras Anderson , Agent. urukcnUow , , : Nehr , . , , . . , HI