. . . , , _ ' . ' . j " ' , . , . . _ . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . r,1) ' . , _ , " ' r J 'I ' I - 'I ' . ] 1 - 11 ' I' ' - - mm mmmm m m mm It I Ir r Sunny Bank Farm Dr i : ' FLOYD LIVINGSTON : I : ! mt2U ! m 1 _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I . x _ _ _ _ _ . . I ! U1L1"1' I , : It \1.- ( . ' 0111111111'11.1 ' ' 1IIII1UI"'I , I' 'l'hl'I'U WIIH 11 HIlClIl'e for tHlle " 11111 when III ! 1'111.111' u ; ' : 11n It WUII of fncc ! ! , I I > > which , \ltllllut " " ; ' :111,11'11) : ' uf fentul'lI : ! or HUll IlUd 1111 , 'X , lIrllllnlt , ! ) ' \lIlIIllIcxlulI ! , " ] lr'HHI..u ' ! excl'l.dilllr : : I'lelllllll ' ) ( nlltl ilttrl\ ' tive. "I ,10 , lItl 14/I ' rOllr : . I ! ! lIu'h n ' , , , slhl he , "for I 11l\'er tlnller' ; hilI I Incl' AllY , 111I,1 , I l11enn It , luo , thal 1 IIIe lour ] lnO : ; fill' Iwttlr ! tlltIn 1 tlo llls . . ' ' . 'htJUlIIHIII' , 1 fnll1\,1 \ ) ) octOI' Clu'ton n mORt 1IJl'ce- IIbll' CUlllp.UI iOIl. nut. ! cre the clole uf Ihllt " worltl" to me , ] n rldlJ , hu'IIH 1111 the hort , I : l1I1'IUIlI' I Wlttl 1111 l11uch III lo\'e till II child IIf thh'teen cun well ve : nnd wlitm'e III ] 11t11 reachl'd hmlll ! nllli 1 , IlIlroducl't ) hi 111 lu lilY mother und IIlillrll ! , 1 vlullhel , IiIw 1\ \ lIl1ly thillslelllhu / : out of the 1'00111 1111 HOOII 1111 lIuslble ! , 1\11\1 stn ) ' . lug oUI for II 101\1 : tillie , IIlthoUJh 1 wllnt- h cl1 so IUllch to lit ! bltck theru with him. "Clltchetl n hllIu. hnln't ) 'Oll ? IIlId n houdsollll ! ulll' . too ! " snlll Hnll ) ' , 1I1'lllyln ' ! ; hcr e'l ! to the IW3'hole 01111 thus obtllin. luu / vluw of hll ! fncl ! . , ' 1'onllllY ' 1'l'imlllcr , n little hey , f"e ; i ) 'eurll of ne , , whll Ih'ed IIlnr ! b ) ' , IInd who } chll cctl to be tllIrl' , ovcrhcurtl hcr , IInti j " , hln ! Doctur Uln'ton , who WIIS Vlr ) ' fond 01 chlltlrpn , coaxed him Into hili Ill ) ! , he i IIske . IJolllllnto / 1I11 ! , "BI ! ) 'OU 110m's : beuu ? SlIlIy snlll YOII WIIR I" 'l'he doctor Inu hetl nloud , refll'\ : ; : 'l'olUmy to me for nn nnRwer , nud telling him "It WIIS just us 1 hllltl. " , "Hosa Is nltogethcr too ) 'OIIl1 ! : to he riding round with heallx , It will h'l ! , : i f her a bud IIIUlle , " ! : I II hi IrolHltnn , when lit T lost the doctor WIIRone. / . jl No oUe mlltle nil ) ' nnswer until T.Iizle. f who , wUB 1I10re of my wny of thlnldlll : , Rnld , "You mUflt hnvu had hellux carl ) ' , , " ranllmn. for ) ' 011 weren't qultl ! IICtuen whon. you were IIInrrled : 1 saw It so In the llIblo. " , ; , Of courlle , Krnndmo hod 1I0thlnl ; to , ( offer In' ' her OWII defcnse , 111\0 the "cry correct rlmllrk ! thnt "girls 1I0WOIl:1ys : were not what they were when she Willi Tounnnd / here the conversoUon Ctulled. ! - - - - OllAPTlm VIl. Ono duy , about three weeks aCter the commencement of my school , I WAS snr. vrlaed by a coli from Dell 'rhoml'son , j who , after convlrslng awhile very fa mil. , tarlr , aatonhlhell mo with 1m Invitation to , vlalt. her the next afternoon. "She wns lolng to have n few of her friends from the village , " she sold , "Doctor Clay on . , . ; lth the rout. " She departed , leaving me In a perfect atate of bewlldel'ment. I Invited to Oap. taln Thompson's , with Dell's fashlonablo friends I What could It mean , nnll , , hat Ihould I wear ? This lut wna by far the more Imllortunt Iluelltlon , fori I knew that the Ileoille of the village were noted fet theIr fine Ilros8. I mentally enume\'llteJ the IIrtlcle8 of my lIeanty , , ut'drobe , find , Ini therelu nothing which I deemed fit for the oeellslott , save n white dotll..J muslin , whIch wns now lying Hailed IIn wrlnlded at the bottom of my kunk. 4ud so , whln 1\1'8. Ross , with wholl1 ] wus 1hllt wlek bORrdlnlt , orrered to wnlIl nnd Irou It , 1 nceopted the prorrerell kind. tleSlI" , , " ' Lnext morning , when 1 pnssed Cnp . tniu rrh iil\lso\'S \ , 1 obser\'ed grlat com , moUotl lu lIull nround the henIHl ! . 'l'h , ! blinds were thrown hacl" und through till : IJiI'rIor WhlllowlI I cnught sight of I n'llIl 111 1 , ' lIud tUitlrsl ! whlle'ntiutervllls durin till , 1 dll ) " the scholnrs brought lIIe tIlIulori , : 0 " cal.e , jellies IIntl Ie : crcnm , Anld to he h \Iroress. At IIrcelllel ) ' four o'clock , dhltulsRed Bchool , null tnllu II short eu " Iwr ss the nlhls , SOO\\ , reached my bonrd , hIIllu / e , whe1'o I fouudIrs. : . HOBS beu I Inl : over the Ironing tnhle with n fllc tluMhe 1 IHIlI 1lllltnUn ! of ser nnxll'tr. , ' I , uO"lr sce nothln' bonl It , " shl ! bE 'nn , holding Iln vn her hot Irlln " ' 111 th' } 1 bY lil kI , 1'g a" slightly yollo'spot , In ' , th tll'USB.01 ne\'cr s\o' \ n thln' bltU it , ho' this sown pestcrs l1\C , It 'must he poc stuff , or somethh\ i nteltbr 1t'lIlook , ! JeW on 'ou , " IIhu contlnuell , ns she Innl It finishing touch . , null then bl1l1 It UII 1 vlow. . ' I An ; ' I' Indeed , It ' \'ns lIorry.lookltl eti lg i' soma. Illnceslelng wholly dest tuto lof : stnrch , whllo otherd wCI'e roua 111111 stlrt. us a plecl ! of hnckrum. I 1\11 \ heurd Do' t r Cln'ton IIUthnt nothh hecnmu 'a ) 'o\1ng \ Ilrl 80 well nl ! whit' } , 1\1 \ so 1 determined to wenr It , It would lee better on mo , I thoulht , aud with [ I the llIgerne1I1 of n child 1 commenclll u tollut , tlI6co\'lrlng to my great 1111111I1 thut I hud neither shoes uor lIiocl"n : I to wear with lIIuslin drulls. ' . .rileI'll Ilro'lou8 I hud tlllwu m ) ' h lIt OUlS hUIII where I IU1I1 IlurllOsel ) ' left thelll , u thinking It lIos81blu for me to ncetl th\1 \ ll re tbln wus n dllcullnu , out uf whl < : \frr ! . HOliK fit Inst' helped 11I\1 it ) ' nrr,1rll 10,1'ud 11I\1 the nrUcles which I Inck\II \ tll1 'offer which 1 slntll ) ' ncceJlt ' 11. 11 st cklr\1:1I Wlm ruther courl ! , havhl , { bc Imlt by her61lf , but the ) ' Ilollllellscll t virtue of bclu whlto und cleulI , a would huvo nnliwured m ) ' IH1rIlOSO v wl'll hal , It not blelJ fur thc tlilIIH which wlrl ! ! far too lon flr me , n howeduhllollt the whole of III ) ' foot. I t hies thnt , 1 fountl It ralhl'I' IlIl1Ieult I ; " 'II thcm 011 , IIntllIrs. : . HAilS GUJJ61 lilt' IIrollrlt'l ) ' of stutllnJ ; the tocs w lt\OIl. ) \ l'hlK tlone , 1 donned the 111U Ih'I' II. which'lIecmed to 11I0 IIIl1ch shor thall .whell 1 hntl Inst worn It , IlIasml dli I hllli the lIulllflll cOllticloUSUCSIi 11l'lnlo : all feet , whelle\'er I glallced In I ] tJr : ltlolI ! , Bllt1 : rll , Hess sold "I looked 11I111 ( 'rlllll. , " at thl ! Humc time fastlnlnl ; 1110wI1I'clu.tl wllist her glllllll bror pili , which till ! ! IlronoullcE't1 "jUHt , 'IIt'l'Iwr. " "You orto hll\'o some Klo I" wuar Whl'lI ) 'OU get there , " Hnld IIhe , tlltc 1 < 111 W IIII ! 11I'a wing on lilY hrown 01 "ttltI : ] h'lIo\'u I've Iot the vcr ) ' thin tohf' t'ulltlnued , brhllllIlC from the Il ll . Ilf thc urenu Ilrawer a piliI' of wi ( 'ut ll1I mitts fnnclfull1 embroidered IIIhacl , with ) 'ellow and blue. 'rh Fh . hitl lilt ! "tllck In UJ1 bosol11 until I th"rl' , alHI on no account to lese ' if ; ' lilH' hnd 'elli hl'foro she " ' 01 marrh , i ' 1'111111 ( lluIPIII'I1 ( , 1 IItnrted for Cal'1 ' .g'hOlllltIiOI1'II : , renchln there jl1st 118 lIyludc Willi strlcng : ! live , and fiudlns : , pur lIurllrllll ! , tlull 1 was not oi\ly the I nrri\'nl. bllt thnt lIelther Mrs. 'rhomr .IIur 111'11 hlld commence dressing. F 'JII : : I hud mlk'tnlcen the dar , I questlc tbu 61:1'yallt Girl " "hu Bnlwered my t - - - - - - - . IIUtl willi IIsHllretl nll that I , \'tlS right , , whllu fit thl ! Itll.llle tlmo shl' conducted IIII ! to thl ! chnmher nbove , wh'rl ! In the 10llg IIIlrrur I ohtnilletl a fllll-ll'Ilgth , 'low uf IIIYllelf , feet IIntl nil. ; \Iy I1rllt In\llIlse WOII to Inu& : , lilY IIfJcolld to cry I\nllto tbe Intler 1 tinnily yleltled , o 0110 CUIIIO lIenr mej I hOllrd II/ ) one , IInw 110 OliO , nntll III light 1I0\\'lnl ; III 1111 II n , whltu silk hUfie , nntl the tllllet ! of 1111 tiny 1'rtJllch tllIlJ\llJrs \ , Dell 'rillimllson sllll , tl Into the rllom , IItarting with well-feigned surpL'ltJo whell she suw mc , n8kln how long 1 hl\d heeu there , and whitt'IIS the matter , Without cOlllllllerln whnt 1 wal ! do. In& : , 1 told her unreHen'edly about the IIhoe ! IInd stockings , llolntlng to lilY IlI'a. cock feet IUI proof of whllt 1 II II hI. With nil hlr hulls , thlre WIIS Inough uf the womnn uhout Dell to hlsllire her with a feellns : of (11l ' for 1111' , IIntlIfh'r / fm'lIg ! hllckI / laugh she could 1I0t wl1I help , ! lhe , sold , Id11l1ly , wYour shols IIrl ! rather IlIrguj hut I think.lerhal's \ ' , 1 Clln rlrn- edy the tllntcult ) ' . " , At thl ! SUIIIl ! tlllle shl ! stnrtld to le:1\'e till ! 1'00111. " 'hnt uew IlIIpulllu CIIIII01'1' \ Ill'r , 1 1I1\'el' klllw : hut Kurt : ! nlll 1 that sOlllethlng chUljl11 ( her 11I11111. for , ' \'Illm nlnrly ! nt the door , she sudllJnly 11I\llIel : , , ! ! nrlnl ; , III know , thollgh , ) 'OU clln't wen l' 111) ' slippers , so It's of no URe tr'ln ; ; the I'xl\erlllll'nt : " nlhlln , ns Rhe sdw how lilY cOllntlnunee ! fell , " 1 wouldu't 111 hili It If 1 ' Noholl11 notlcl It were ) 'ou. ) ! , unless It Is Doclor Cln3'ton , who , I be. lIeve , nlIrnlres 1111I1111 nllkles nnl , IIttlp. feet : but ) 'OU dOIl't cnre for hllllj IW'II I oltl Inough to he 'our fllther , ntlll , he. sides thl\t , he thinks you llerflct ! IlIIY- w/IY. / " lIer word ! ! nnd mllnner nnnoyed lIle , nncI for n mOlllent I dehnted III III ) ' OWII IIIIRd till ! Ilro\lrletr \ of len\'lng Ilt OIlCO : but 1 hnt ! not lie en Doctor Cillytoll since ho carried me hOllie , nnd so r finlllly : concluded to relllalll , thinking that 1 woulll keep my se t , nnd on no necount stir whell he was looldng nt me. After coming to tt:11I : conclllslon , I venturlq to IlRk Dell where the rest of the COlli linn ) ' .were , nnd was told that they Wlre not Invited until. evonlng. "Until evenlnK , " I repeatedj "then 1 Juel8 I'll & 0 before they come , for I .bnll be af1'llid to walk home alone. " "Thl'ro' a oed moon , " sllld she ; add. Inr , "You must not lellve on Any nc- count , ( or that will spoil 1111 the-Illenll- ure , " libe lIald-lun I now think 11110 meana ; bnt I could not fathom her tben , and I neTeI' dreamed that she bnd Invited me there merely to show me UII beoforo her fublonable friends , and make lIht of mo In the cstlmn'tion of Doctor Clarton. "Come down to the pnrlor , " Rhe st1ld at lut , after nrranglng for the Ulirtl tlm. the henvy brnlds of her bl ek , beuu. tlful hair : nnd fol1owll1) : her , I soon stood In the prei1enco of [ rs. ThomllHolI , n tllll , dnrk , haughty looklnl ; ' WOllolnn , who , holf arising from the sofn , bOWItl ! stlfil ) ' , muttering 11 few wortls of wel. come os Doll Introduced me. Dropplnl : Into the first sent-n Inl'/e / willow chnlr near the door-I tried to nct nnturnl. but , I could not : fur turn which wnS' I would , I { elt thnt n lInlr of lllrse blnck e 'es were upon lIIe , scnnnin me from lilY hend to 103' fl'lt : nlld 'hen her linen cambric halldkerchlef wellt up to her mOllth , nllpnrently to stilll ! n coul'h ; , 1 wns certnlu thltt It nlso ' .I\uoth. \ el'ell n Inugh. Hight gll\l1 wnR I WIIl'1I hoth the Inclles f0l11111 nil eXCI1Re 101' \ lI'I\\'lng the Ilnrlor , though 1 dill ' llll It I , rnther tiresome R11tlllg thcre nlone ulltil t t11C shnde ! ! of eyenln benn to fnl ! . : - At IIIst , when It WIlS Ilnrlr tlnrl. , I I. vClltured out upon the long ( lln7.7.Iwh"I'o o' I Ilnll not b\en Ion ; ; , when n ! ; llItl'Jlllnn on hOl'sebnck gallo\led \ Into the ) 'Il rtl , lint ! In n moment 1 recoJnl7.ed Doctor CIIl ) " ton's voice. Ilnstll ) ' retrllIting ! to th parlor , I had just time to sent m'lIeU lu a corner where 1 thought 1 should nt , trllct the leallt nttentlon , when hl } Nl' tered the room with Doll , whol'le ' 1.1 n 111 : 1 aln sure he held nntll hI : ! snw me : ther llUJckly dropping It , he ntlvnnced to mJ side , ireetln : ; mcldndl , ) ' . Jnst then we hellrd the sound of fnst comlllg wheelll , nnll In a mOll1ent ' ther. . CAme round the corller n long 'u\len \ ' 111 nl1l11 II , drnwn by four horst : ! ! ! , nnd dellllel : cl'owded'Ith ) 'oung Ileople of hoth Hexe I Willi not much uHed to the \\'n's of Ih , worlll then , untl IlIwlng been tnught thn It wns not Ind'lIkl' 'to he eltlll'r I'utle lJ hoiliteron ! ! , 1 wOlldercd GI'lnll ) ' thnt wlll brld people IIhonltl couduct thl'lI1l1eh' , ! 80 , hndl ) ' . ROllllllln ! : ollt , Ilnd ncljUHll1I their light , 110wlng rohcs , the 'OUII II' ' dies WllIt trlp\lllIg \ UII the ll\h'lI \ , tl tulklng , IIIUghlI ! ! ; IIlId scrlumlll ! ; HO 10111 I ' thnt OIlCl ! 1 stnrtctl U\l \ , exeJlllmltl , " \\'h ) ' , whllt IH thu mnlter ? " With n pecullnr IImlle , Doctor Cln'to luld his hand on my heul In It'Ir ' fUll crl ) ' wn ) ' , sn'lnJ ; , " : ' 1) ' little Irl hlll > lI ) 'et leurnl'll thut In ol'dl'r to llC relinc IIho mu"t be'ough ntHI holstl'rons , IUIiI 110(10 she never will , for It IH I'lfl'lt\hh t. ) IInll occnslonnll ) ' 80l11ethln ( lmlnlr nul natural. " Br this time the guests were ntlSCI hiI'll In the \1111'101' \ , ntlll wlwn I su w 110 tnstl'ful\3' \ till ! ) ' werl } tlrl'tlscl , I h ' ! ; nn wish n 'solf anpvhero hut tlWl'C , 01 by one they WI'rlll'eSl'lItl'd \ to 11I0 , nt firtlt 1.lI'lllns m ) ' HllIt : hut whl'lI 1) , : tor Clnrton whl ! lwrc,1 , to IIIU to tltUI UI' ' , I tlill oliO , bendlnJ ; m ) ' Imecs It IItt' so ns tn lIIule 111 ' dr\8S 10nUI'r , III tints Ilnrtlnll ) ' hldl ! UI ) ' fcet. But tI could 1I0t hl ! done , nndII.e \ two hnc lit ) . anl11\1\on \ hOlmls th ' ) ' set out nt rl ht II ( .n glesl'1th the wuds of cotlnu I 'III ; ; l' Ltlt. 1'01\1\11 \ \ nnd hnrll. 'rhe ) 'OUIII : IlItHcII II the ulldvuhtedly received ! \ tll'tlcrl\ltIon \ uf tt \'CII for the ) ' Inlllwctcll 11I0 clnHIglnllcl \ ns the whlJo mlschle\'ousl ) ' nt Dell. w ICS , IIl'el11ltl to , h ' In hcr elcl11l'utj nbkltlg 1 g , " If 1 werl ! 1I0t tlrcd : h'l\Iu \ : : mc 1 1001 ; ths 80 , 11I\11 \ uddlng , nliltle , hut I IIII IIIUII ! lite for Doctor Cla 'ton nllli m'III'lf tll h"1 on " 1 should think sh , woultl hI' , for tlh , use been here o\'er sillee fi'o o'clock. " , Iot "III It poslllble1" suld ono : whllo 1 0111 , other exclnlmt"d , "Uow grl'en ! nllt III , " lIuppose It'a her firHt IntrOtluctioll II ttlln soclet , . , and 5ho knows 110 botter. " the 'l'hll COIlveuotion Wft lirolll\hly 1 , tu Intended for mo , but 1 heurl It nil , l'JitTlth much bltterl1eBII nt III ) ' Ilt'nrt 1 t\i Ijon ed 1111'IIY to bide my tOllrll , Inyoluntar enr. drnwlng nearer tt ) Doctor Clunou , med If for Ilr.tectlClIl. lll1t ror 8011I0 reu , 'lng , or other , he did not Bllllenr now as he I . " . ; , "hcn we wCl'e nlone : then ho WIIS all Idlldn' III ! atHl nWmtlon , while ho uow , ! \'Idently Avoldell IIII ! : II lIIIlrlK ! slIghtly nllllo'ld whell nil ) ' of hili nC'luolntallcol tCftliOO him nbout IIII ! , nil I more thnn OIlCO hcard thllII dollll : . At Inllt , QII If hlB' /ood gcnhlll I III II COlIIlIlrell ) , he IIlIdlleuly hroke aWRr frolll n J.rOllli ( o { girls , uud er08SIIl" over to where 1 WRII ytnndlu. : , oITlretl me hlH IIrm , Icllln 11I0 , " 1 mUlit stir roulld nllli he 11101'0 Hoclnhle. " 1 looked dowlI nt 111) ' flet : 110 dill be , nlill for nn Ilistalit thel'c wes a Hush uu his fllee : hut It IlnsHed err , Rlld with n word { ellcouragel11cnt , he Il'd mo towurd the music 1'0011I , where Doll ' 1'hOIll\l80n \ WIIS ulllUerclfully poundill/f a f1 Vt..hunllred-dollar Illauo , which grlau , ed ulld shrlclwtl ullder the III IIloUolI , w1111e the hystallders , who had huiJt tl upou her pinyill/ / : , were nil tRlklnr todeth. er , seelUll1aly Intent upon seeing which coulll lIIake thl ! mOllt lIoJse , ther or th" Initrulllcllt. "Do you play , MI1I8 I.ee ? " WIlS _ ked mo by half a do clI or 1II0re. 1 had tRkeli leRllonH two qU rtNs , nnd I cl'uld play n few dAneln ! : tunes , marcherl , etc. , aud so 1 Haiti , whereupon they IlIslstcd upon my fAVoring thtJIU with "Molle ) ' Iusl. : , " ns they wanted to dltllce , und 1I0ne of them could pcrfurlll an'thlllj ; nil oltl-fnRhlolied ns UIAt. I looked nt Doctor Cln'ton , who , In n low tOile , nsketl , "Arc rou sure ) 'OU cnn J.et ( throulh with It 7" SOlUethhlK , I nlll Bure , must h YO In- splrld ml ! , for lIeVlr heforo tlld I 11111) so Wcll ; kel'lllnj ; 11l'rfect lime , null trlk- III every note IlIlItinctly. Iy nulllllIce ! e\'l.ientl . ' hoth tlurl1l'lsetl IInd Wlre \ ) Illen ' cl , fill' they cnllcd for Illece after llllct ! , Ulltll 111) ' IIl1t wns cxhnuRteil , whclI IIno of thl ! jentlll11en ( , morl ! thoughtful tlmll thl ! Indlls ! , lIu/gclltetl / thlloll1t1lhlllty \ of my b01111 : tirctl. "Perhaps she dnnees , too. Allk her , Boh , " snltl a youug Inll ) ' , while Dcll lItgerl ) ' l'cjolued , "Oh , ) "es , do : " hut Bob wus forestlllled hy Doctm' Olnyton , who fOI' lIo"eral lIlinuteK hnd stootl br my slle , , cOlllplltnenling m ) ' playluK , ltId : who now nHked 1IIl ! to he hill partncr in the lIext cotlllOIl , hili couslll hll vln ! ; volunteered - unteered to tnke my plnct ! nt the 111111\0. In my excltelllell t 1 forgot my dhacs , for&ot & everythln , save thllt Doel.r Ola'tou wus 1001dnJ ; down UpOIl me , that my .hftnd wns resting In hili , mul ( : rl ! I wns Ilwnro of It 1 found ulYllelf upon the fioor. 1'ns perfL'ClIy famlllnr with the changes of the cotlllon : but nt my right WIIS John 'rlIOI11PSOn , who , when It 1'111110 his turn to s\\'lng with me , relusc to take my hand , troatlng me lth luch OIarked Insolence thllt I became con fUlled and m"de several ml.8tlikell , at which he laulhed contemptuously. Besilles this , mr big sh . Incommoded mei I\lId at Inlt , In the midst of the promenl1de. one of them dropped ol'l , the cotton blill ra1l- ed out , I tripped , lost my balance , ! lnd after t\TO or thl'l'O he3.dlong plunca. , teU tIat at the feet of Doctor Clartou , who atood achut with iurprl.8olnd mortlll. cation. I rAtheced m.lelf up , and fled from the room ; but not until I heArd Dell Thomplloo laY , U Ihe plclm4 up the thee and pu.ed It to DoctOl' dlay- ton , "It In Ml'1I. Roea'j aho hadn't 11.0' ut her own which me thoucht suitable , and so Bhe borrowed. " Rushln up the sWl'1I , I found 1117 Bhawl and bonnet : Ilnd thee , without II word to anyone , dllrted for home , minus my sh , which I entlroly forlot 111 wy excitement. I hnd scarcely got out lde the gnte when the sound of a fuotlltlp cnused me to look arountl , nnd I snw Doctor Clurton , his hat In ono hand und ; \frs. Hoss' slipper 111 the other. This Illst he pUlled to mo , and thell without a word druw my nrm within his , nnd for II Ume we wnlked on In silence , while 1 CI'lld us If my heart would brenk. ComIng - Ing nt Inst to IIn old oak trel ! , 'under Which a rude bench had huen eOl1str lt- ld , he hid 11I0 lilt down , 111111 plnclII' ' ; himllelf h ) ' m3' side , askcll me , "Wltat Wltll the mattlr ? " "You know well enough " , hnt'lJ the mntter , " 1 snld , IIn/rllr / , IItruG'glln ta rlbe : hut hill nrlll WBS stron ! ; , nnd bo held me fltHt , " , llle he tried to quiet 11I0 , nud In thlll hl ! soon succelllelJ , for ho pos' lIesscd o\"er me .a power which 1 ' . : ouJd not reRlst. Grlldunlly , os I grew cnlm , I tolel hln : nll : how 1 believed thnt Dell ThomlUot hlld Invited me only to rlcliculo lIIe , ho\\ flhe hud I1skf'd me to cOllie In the f\II'r noon , I\lId thln made ( uu of me for do In ! : SOj while her compl\nlontl calletl tnl ; ; I'cen : nnll thut In the I1hSellCe ot tnJ own IIlIppers 1 hnd worn those of Mrs Hess , thereb ) ' mlcUng with the wors - cntl\strophe of 1\11 , to wit , the { alllug fia In the dunce. 1.01' II tlmo the doctor snlll nothing but the arm , which all thu time had ( On clrclNI my waist , drew lIIe' stili clodr tl his side , while he ut Inst replied , "Sh , III jealoull of you-jonlous bcc:1Use sh thlukll 1 lII.e the little Hosn bettor thnl I tlo her. " "And It's very foolish In her to thin : RO ! " I elclulmell. : : 'rhen folluwed n long conversntion I whleh much wns snlll , which had fill' bl'l tel' hcen left ullsnld : for 1 Willi n Will'll hcnrtetl , hnll\1hil\"o \ child , bellevlnJ ; thu 1 to him Willi whut hl ! WIIS to me. An Htlll he tlltl not ouee cOlllmlt hlmllelf , IIC In whut he Hnhi WIIS therc I1U ltt whle could pOHlllbl3' ha"e hecn conHtrnell lilt I1n \-uwal of IUl3'thlnsn / \0 frlendsl11l I" which WIlS th ( ' theme Ullon whleh he I11n I many 11 ch\II c , AlliS , for such fl'lelu shills ! 'l'hl' ) ' lIt'e IIIUI/I'rous / for " 'Ie n- Pl'l1CC of mlnll. partlculnrl ) ' If told 11 w nealh an nltl oak U'CI ! , with till ! . .lh'l'l 111 nwonllght shining Ilown UI'OU ' ) "Il1 , 11I1 Ill' the soft ummer nil' gl'ntly movlnl : tl I JI'een leu'es I1bo\'o ) 'our helHI. Bow 1\11 WI ! sut there I 110 not Imow : hut 1 WI IC' III the first to Ilroposo olng , tl11Ing hi Ii" thc ) " woultl mills him nt the party , 111 1111 wOllller at his nhsenee. 1111 "I.'t them wonder theil , " sR1t1 he. ' :1hn'e : no Intcntlon of returning to 11 111houso. . It woultl he Intolernblo nftl'r tl1 1\1 \ , Illensnnt ehn\ with ) 'OU , so 1 shllll ju 1111 Ict my horse 1\1111 o quletl ' home , " w , Wo found Irll , Hess slttln 1Ip f n : ; nil' , l leeplns In her chnlr , while thu tl ho low cnnille nt hcr IIltle hod hurlll'tl III 11\0 sphlttlrl'd nWRY , until tlte blnck. crlsl' ' : ei ! wick Wll8 10nll'r thim the cnndll\ Its /h / "Why ! doclor , Is thnt ) 'OU ? " she l Ill' : cl III 1IIl'1l , rubbing opl'n her I'yell. 0'11 the light , mebh ) ' , you'd 001111 Hosll hon Come In nnll IItny n spell ? I'll ns I \11. you',1 I ( IRrk It awhile In t'oth'r room I not. " ItO llut th doctor had no ItCIof doing III thing so mnrkea u tl&at : and \Ith ot whlsllered Iood-uhtht to me , aud 1\.0 I :1111 : dlble one to Mr . Hou , he departed : j1 'I1' a. . . the ! lood latly Rskeod 111ft , loud to.1I 'lly for him to hear , "If I'd dirtied heor It. . as Il1ls : , lost her mitts or broken her bre. . 1111\ 111n ? " dM ( To be contlnaed. ) - - ' . . . - " " " - " " - , " , - . , ' . . . " . . ; . - - LET UF ; ALL LAUGH. JOKES FROM THE PENS OF VA. RIOUS HUMORISTS , I'lenllnnt IlIcldcnht OCClIrrlllJ : the , , 'orld O\'el'-SIl 'hH:8 thllt Arc Cheer- fill to Old 01' \'ollnJ-I III1I1Y Sclec- tloliN thllt"ou " 'III EIIJO , . , "YI' ! ' : It's'I'I' ' lId. " "How Is thnt " "Wh ' , Ill ! IIlwlI 'S Iwlll thnt , to train Ii wlfl' PI'Olll'l'l ' , rou Hhollid clltch hcr " , hill' sh "R 'oullg. So he dill. " . . \ \ ' l' II ' ! " " \\'ell , It ! ' el'IIH : ! Ihnt she hlld the SIIIIIO Idea IIhout II hllRhllllll , IInd now tll'I'e's ! It 01'11'1101'088 oC tralnlllg Idens 'hilt ' Is Hltllpl ' hOllle-wrecltlllg , " lieI' HClltI'I'1 for Gol" , : . "f,1I ) .ou lire golll ) ; to Europe ? " "Yes. I don't 'III'e lIIuch about see- tn It , 'oU know , hut I'\'e found It dl'l'lIl1full ' Illud not to be able to tnllt nhout 11. " " hnt n IHlfcl'cllce , t f7i' } . . . . . . - - . . . II--- : ; - D01'hI'III 1111 bl'olw up , old mnn. I Dott ' Dllllple refUfJed lIIe last night. ' ' bet ' H'el' . don't 1'lu/-l'l1 / 'ou n .ou ( oIl hnlf so blue as 1. She accepted me. Ae to Cocl1ncaHon. "Do 'ou bolle\'e In cocducation ? " "That depends upon the ullture of the I education sou ht. In science , ( or In- stnnce , I thlnlt coeducation a draw- bliCk , but In lo\"e it Is a real nece&I I slty. " Qnecr IJrlton. ' ' " the Towne-'l'alldng nhout "putting curt before the horse , " that fellow Per- Idns talks In the most peculiar way for an Englishman. Browne-Why , does he put the cnrt betore the horse ? Towne-No : he always puts the "bit before It.-l hllndelphla Press. As He Grabbed His II t. "I wish you wouldn't say 'denr mel' < ; ( ) much , " protested : ' 11' . Upjohn. "Why not ? " demanded : \lrs. Upjohn. "It sounds so egotlstical. " IIIH Time. lrR. .TolI 'man-John , ) 'ou don't seem to be in a hurr ' to get to the olice this m01'nlu ) ; . Ir. JolI'mnn-No , and I'm not obliged to he , either. Iy tiUle is my own , mndam. lrs , 'Jollyman-I guess that'D so , Johnj I Imow It's ) 'our own time you give me wht'n 'ou come home from the'duh , for It never nrees with the l'IOl'I , h ' f'e'eral hours-13oston Cou- riel' . In South Amcrlca. 'l'ourlst-You certalnl ) ' do hn\"e n , great IIInnr hls\11'rectlons. ; Xnth'e-Y ) s : our Insurrections nl'e as 1 { requent as 'O\11' : : .trlkes. ' but , fortu- I nntel ' , not I\S serlous-Puck. I Outtlonc. "Ill' doted 011 Alice , nnd would hnvc . . I nllll'l'lell het' hut for her mothel. . I , " . \It ! Her mother-If "Yes , hel' mother was stili more at. : tractive , " " } IJctwecII Scylln nud Ch rybdle , , . . ) Y - - lt' , Clull1llf'oll'-1 " 11 ' , ' , ou Imothl : Is 111 ; " Iialke , 'Oll Imllshnll : we-er- . . tal.t , a llIl'U , 01' shall I er-.tall. " tl ' " r H1'1' : . nC'Icr\'ct HOlloI' . III'o\\'n-lIas mlth nallled hIs \ \ - ne" 'OU,1tI'r f'Clit' ! . ,11I11L'YcSj ht ! cnlls IV'Slllzzled Sih "I l'I's"at'tethllt brenkfnst food h : lIe IWhlt' his fm'tllue on. ' III ! It I " 1'118 HI. . Salar , . , " 'I'h'I'I"s one teneher that draws ' Ill' \1. ro " 0'111 alllr" . . " " \\'hu's that ? ' lId I'll "Expcl'leuce.-The " 'rlnklc. ' - - , If. x. Ath'nlltn e of } ) onltlon. "I "llolt1 on ! " exclnlmed the boy wh Ie. Willi lIul1er. "Let's arbitrate thl lef 'II 1111 : : " as " ' 1'hCl'l ! ain't nothln' to arbltrnteJ illll1tlt ! the bo ) on top , pommeling hll 17' \orouslr. ! ; Bu. u. Not a Good Adapter , . .t "Yon bl\YO chl\lled ! your taUor , ha , ) 'OU , Hlvel's ? Oouldn't he make YOt ! Iothcs tit j'ou 1" ! LIt " ' 1'llI\t WUSI1't the trouble. 1 ] , 'oul a't ar.tUtO me tit my clothes.u , , . _ . _ - - - - - - - ' - - - . , . . . , SOME STORIES OF RUSKIN , UC Atll1l cnr.et 1118 J > nrcllt'I'\\'hcn ! ' Ha \ \ n Fnrty'rnr > t hId , One /I'ts / the IIIIJll'CHSlon fl'OIll real11t1 ; ; : > f Itusltill's ellrl ' 'eurs thllt he mlsset ! IIIltn ' of Ihl' IIrlvlll'ges of heltlthr ho ) ' . ! lout ! . " 'hell he WIIS It mnll , he uud u comlllwloll Wcrl ! out olle tn ' uJlon the OIoullla IlIslde. 1'l1e ' Jlnssed It gl OUlJ of Ulell , sa 's 11 writer In the Stralld 111 ' I1zllll' , who were ellgl1gl'tl In l'ongh I\'ork with 1)lclwxei. "lIow I wIsh , " suit ! Huslcln , "I eoud : do wltut those lUell are doing I I WitS uevel' I1110wed to do nll ) ' worle which ( \'oull1 1m ve st1'cngthencd my nek , [ wl1sn't nUowed to ride , { or fellr ot LJelng thrown olr : uor to row , { Ol' fear of belllg drowned : nor to UOX , ueenUBo It wus vulgur. 1 wus allowed to ( Ollce , because thnt was genteel. " Sometimes , when he was 1I\'lng with bls pnrel1ts nt Denmark lIllI , he would wjo ' a surreptitious row on the riveI' . " 1 UIcd to be told , " SI1)'S the snme com. panlon , "not to let his father nudPloth. or know whel'c he had gone. " Ruskin WIIS thcn In the forties. It Is eas ' to rend here a woman's ! rears and prejudice nnd domlnutlou. Ruskin was always , quite properl ) , under his mother's con 1'OI : but It Is posslule that If he hlld hud the outlet of l'enso 1llble nthletles his destrucll'e woods would hn'e been less mllrked. was dm'llIg his residence lit Den. tlll1rle Hill thnt he was nnl1themntlzlng 30methlng or soml'body most unrM- sonably. "John , " saId his mother , " ) 'ou tnll , , too much and you talk nonsense. " i "Yes , mother , " HlIsldn replied , IlS I humble IlS 11 lIlile boy , Ilud chnnged the subject. Uusltln was not arald to ndmlt to otherfl bosldes his mother Utat he was wrong. In a lecture nt O fo1'd whln he WI1S a SllIdl. ' professor , Sir Wllllnm Hlchmond defended the fame which ille world had nccorded to lIchelnn. gelo nnd Hafnel. I\olmel : ) ' Rugl.ln had denounced lIchl'allgelo aud wns not \'er ' well pleased with Sir WillIam tor prcscntlu ) ; the 'other side.hen Husklll recovered from the Illness which had cnllse him to gl\'e up the Slllde profcs" ' > Ol'Iihlp , SIr William re- tired. that he might fill It aaln ! , Touched by this , Ruskin scut , aSldng It he might com dOW11 I1nd dine with his former pupil , who wns delighted to have him. At the close of a , ploos- ant eVlIllng , Ruskin said : "WUl- , why did you mnke that vIolent - lent nt ck upon me about Michelangelo - gelo ? " "Mr. Ruskin , been use you talked nonsense , " replied Sir WllIlam. MeanwhUe Mr. Uuskln rose to go. "You are quite right , Willy , " he said , \n \ hlo candid wny. lilt W11S nOI1Bense.1t Ice-I .klnt to Order. A stout framework Is built , upon which loose poles are laid aud u three- : tUl1rter inch or inch pipe is erected In the center of the f1'l1mework. This jJlpe should project about a foot abo\'o the top of the frume , and should be oupled with 11' la Wll sprinkler which revolyes when the wl1ter is turned on. The water Is thus distributed 1111 over the area of the fm me. I1nd d1'ippln ; ; fl'om the Iioies soou forms loug icicles. \\'hen these I1re Il1rge euough , the wn- tel' is turlled off , the icicles Imoeked down and the Ice shoveled lute the ice- ! louse. This fmme work l1la ' be built ll\l'ect- \ Iy oyer the ice house , or sltunted on an clcm tlon nenr It , so that the Ice ma ' LJe shoveled on to all Inclined trough placed between the bottom of the fl'ame uUlI the ice house. ' 1'hls Is a common pilln In Switzer. Innd when pure Icn Is Dot to ue hnd lIel\r \ U ) ' . One of the Inrge Ot1l1ndll1n creameries hns tried the method and IIlllls It satlsfllctol' ' nnd that not much 'ubor Is required. Ono 01' Xntul'o's Jokes. A species of AlIstmllnn fetn whIch grows In the shnpe of the horn lIud intlers of deer and stag \1n8 \ beeu nptl descrlbcd as "oue of unture's joles. " The cnuse of this extraordlnal'Y repro , ductloll of a fentlll'e of unlmal life lmf Dot been accounted for. lt Is altogeth , er batlllnJ ; to behold the thin gl'ee ! h01'l1s cm'vlng' out of the tree trunt ) nf renllstlcall ' IIF if the ' \Ylrt ! growln fl'om the head of n stn , 01' to see tIll ul'l1nehlng' 111111 1IIa lIlIlcellt nlltl 'rs of I lIIoose Imlln ted ) \'I'II to the I1nust ile tl1l1. ThIs 8trll.llI1 ; eccentl'll'lt . Is no' ' . \ ) ) ' nn IIIl'IUlS he olll ' rl'lI\1H'lm ble fen lure of fern gl'owth , 'rhe wllndel'fu 1IIt1l1l1er 111 whleh these plUlts : al'p prop l/"lItod / hus ehallengell the admlmllot 11111 11 we of st mlellts , Ulldl'l' Il l11t1g nlf 'llIg j.lass ltulll1t'I'lls of till ! mhlUtl "I101'es which pll'forlll the ( unction 0 3eClls 1001. 111'0 olll ' the smnllest n tom lHI so IlIIiC1'eepl1bl ) ' HI'C Iht' ) ' seat tl1'IJlI ! f"olll " fl'm to fOl'n tltn t Shnl\C : lIenre could think of 110 better S"llOnrl,1 for lovc thlln "the sect'et of the Cel'l 'el'tI , " which "wnll.s Invisible. " 1'ho 1\111111 nllll the BOIl ; ) ' . SI1ealllI ) ; 011 the IIIIIuellcl. ! of th , 11I11111 011 till ! hod : . ' , n noted medical wl'l 1m' tlllll.s ) thl'I'O Is nothlnl : ; hl1l1l'obul ) ) In lIHI'OIlotus' story of the dumb SOl of Ct'ON'lls , who suddenl ' foulld hi 10lileech Whl'l1 he SI1 w Il soldier 1'I1181n , his swol'd , Hnd exclaimed , "Do not 1.11 Cl'oesus , " Iedlral t'ecords , he Sll ' : cOlltnlll well nttested cases of dumt neBS cured b ' sudden fright. H'sterl : alld el1I1t'IIS ) ' I1lso hn ve been thus betH tltClI. _ \ phrsldnn In Il IUllatle as-hu : Dot 10llg 1110 clll'l'd a h 'pochondrlllC b : 5endlng him n number ot violent ! , abuslvo post cards. ' 1'hc nnger at ther lnll the eagerness to find out wb wrote them dh'erted the patient' OJh1l1 , nnd he Imllrovl'd 1'I1pldly. o A. WOIllIUl who crochets on Sunda 11' has the Ideal cowar 's c'U1 Clenee. , an Is atrald to let a pnl1nlst eXl\tDlne hE [ 0 hund tor fear he wlU set ! her sin In tll lines. - - - , . - . - . , . " i . - r ; . , , J , e " . . . , . ' , . . . . . - . - - - - . . Convef1I f1ce Cnr the Cook , While the little Implement shown In . he drawing will be of speclul use In " : herry-cannlng time , Itvlll hn ve work j : :0 : IJertorm ncarly e\'et'Y weel In some y. lou.seholdB In removing seeds from ml- : . tltuI , lor whIch It I.s adapted also. 'rho r me special f ture whIch rccommenda ! hla de1'lce I.s Ita sL&np1Iclty , thll'e helng f' Inly the frame anti I lUlger , with no Iprlnga 01' otba : mcokud601 to rCQulro ) xtra care 10 " " . .l1ln6 : . 'TIle frame Itsclt 1 noadT tnalJclCU' It ! s1.laIC , with a .mall . conca1'e pocket termed just above : ' ! he opoomg throu h , vhlch Iho secd or I' ' , 'J. Itooe rails Tl'hM driven trom the ( I'ult. rhe plunger Is 1smtall rod , sliding Ulro h nn OK'lllng ' In the fl'rlme , nnd Ie lower eml Is n'c1H d Il11d doubll"- olnte < l to give It a 1Irm grip on the .tone. To put thlil stoner In olJerntion the Hngol'S nnll thumb nre Illserted In the proper openings and cherry 18 l1'Opped lute Ihe pocltct b ' the other hand , when the llepresslon of the lunger will push the stone through the < : . . . . . . . . . . . . I . I ! , , t Q I SIMPLE CllE Y STONE . ' bottom. Then hold the Implement at an lUlgle 0\ " & another receptncle , with. dra.w the plunger and the stoned cheIT7 , , . wUl fall from It Into the dish. , ; ' Aaeel CAke. . ' BUt 11. half cup ot flour half a dozen ' " tlmeQ mtb a teupoontul ot crenm of tartar. Beat the wblte6 of alx eggs . : until tlaor IltAnd alooe and beat into them ual1y a. half cup ot sltted ' wdered IUCUi add the Rour in the , lU11 war , beat 1teadU..T , then n tea.- IPMO1 el nnUla. IU1d tam the mixture - ture IIII.to a" d IUI , un < < reued pQ.u with ' L tuDod In the mJddle. < < ke care- ) . tully In a atMdy oven. At the end ot . tTl'cct7 minutes test the loat with a b1"OQWltra W. When baked. remove the cake trom the oven and let It stand In the tiu for ten mlnutca before loosening - ening It gently from the sIdes and turning 1t out upon a clean cloth. Cover with a white icIng. Tomatoe" Conncll In Colt1 'Vater. Wipe each tomato carefully anllllack In perfectly cleall jars. Whell the jura , .y are full stand each under the cold . wnter fuucet and run tlw water in un- , tl1 the jar is full and ove1'lIo\\'s. Let r. the water run until ever ' Jlartlcle of \ [ Ill' bus bcell forced out , then , wbllo ,1 : lhe jars ure ! tlll 0\"erl1o\\1n , sCI'e\V' . : , Dn the eOVer and stand up lde dowll. i See thl1t the covers are as tight as . they can be mllde. Pllek the jill'S away. . . head down , In a box of sl\nd \ In a cool , dark place. 1 do 1I0t vouch for this recipe , but It \ , has'beell sent to me seyeral times by , I persons who huvc tried It und Cound it I tatlsfuctory. Ucntcn BIKcnlt. , Two quarts of slfte 1IouI' , a teaspoon I ful of salt , n tnblospoollful of sweet Iu'd : , due e g = \ I1x with 111llf a pint of milk , or If wl k Is not to bo hnd with , cold wAter. Beat well until the dough hllsters nnd c1'l\clts. Pull off n twolneh 1 _ quare of the dough , roll It Into u ball w It 11 the band , 1Iatten , 111'Icle with a fOl'le an bnlte In a quick o\-en. It Is not UIO lIur(1 ( beating that mukl'S the bls. cult good , but the re lIlu1'lt ' of the mo- tion. ' Brief 1I ne..tlon : : . . At least foUl' 1'01111' : towels nre neces- snrr fUI' till ! kllt'lwn , 111111 hulf n dozen 01' more hand towels fOl' bnthln pur- IIOSCS shoultl be III'ovltld ! 1'01' the sr- ) \'allt. It mar he well to re II Ie 111 Iter tlte ns- , serllOlI that gmss stnllli ! Ian he rl"- moved h ' ruhhl l the plal'l' wllh mo- Insses , nnd ufterwal'll thol'ollghl : wnsh- . . Inl It. Whl'n USII1 sardines 1'01' ' 8n yorles the . . , I1rst thlllg olle has to flo gellel'all ' Is to il.ltl thl'II1 , 'l'ltls Is 'asll ' dUlle with a Imlfl' If thl ! t1sh Is til'st dllIICd fOl' II mo- , l1Iellt III bolllll wuler. ' 1'he l1Iost dura hie 11001' eovcrltl ) ; Is 1I110lel1111 IInd the best willi docol'l\ lion for kitchen , 1a11lI'les a11l1 Imlhl'\.IIIIIIS Is tHe. WIlIfl' tll ! ) ! ! cannot be had painted willis 01' YI1l'l1lshcd Ialwl' call ue temple - plo 'ell. Til" cal'e of gold doeoratlons on china hus hl'en sOltrce of debate with housekeepers - keepers , llIn : . ' IIl'lIeye thnt It should uot he put Inlo hot wnter. . \ denim' says tl1l1t It wl1Slll1d \ unllmltel1 washings In hot wa er It sonl ) fs o III Itt e , A. dcllclous lIrffierYe mar ue mude by y tltls recIpe , tU1'nlshed hy nn old sailor n , to many forein ! ports. 'l'ake one cup of o large , Illumll ralsll1s , B ( ) ( ! ( } and put Into lQuC6an conlalnlng a quart of cold \ . I "ater. I.et tltls boll slowly until the r mixture Is reducro to n pint , then add I four CUPB of cMm\elTles and two and ' , ane-hll.\t \ cupa of IiURr. ! Let this mix. 'r I lure boll until It becomes as thick IUI Ie lam. Put Into twublcra and aen1. - ' . . ' - . ' . . , _ " _ . . .L.