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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1903)
Hoo\e\ \ ' ' \ , \ . , . . \ 016 \ L\6tat\an . . , " - ' . . , ; ' 1JSTER OUNTY. ' EPUBLICAI. - , , 0 . ' , , , , ; JDS''ABJ-4ISUED ( 1882. 'l'UE 01 'FICIAT-i PAPEH Oli' CUS'l'J H COUN'J'Y. , T-iA ROEs'r CTRCUJ A'I'TON aIi' ANY PAPER IN THI COUNTY. . . . = = : = - : : . ' - - - VOL - - - _ _ - XXI. _ . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on BROKEN BOW , - CUSTER - - - - - - - - COUNTY , NEBRASKA - _ . - , - THURSDAY , JUNE 4,1903.--EIGHT , PAGES. NO.51. - - - - . - - - y' J { , ) , I , Ij j I \ I I , II" , . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , " . " . " .1. , i' : ft 11\\ . III hi , 1i0 lI t JOI 111,111\ ' . lip 01 tlH' IlIl .llit 1\.1.1 \ waldll. . . . . > > ( 'j , Nl'ithl'r h.1\I' I. I hLH' ' .n lillll' \I l' for tht'1l1 that tht.v 11 en' I' gl'l ill 01' Ollt or III ) ' stln ; ! . I sell relilhlc , tches--watch ; " - - . with Cjlllllit , . . or I fl'U lIotte. Watch ) lriCt. 'I dU < 'H lIot ulwa's gallgc clillalil ) ' ur rcliability. With IIIC rclillhility 01111 IllIalitv . tin 1I0tllcrcRRurily IIIcall hig l : priccs. 'rhc ht'st gocels : ror thc I'a t 1II01lCY. lit alllillle111111 ill 1111 tleparllllcllls or III ) ' slock , ' . hllH t"'t'r bee 11 Illul Hhall c"cr J t'llIli 1)111. ) to hl' III v hllsi lIess : i ' : APd r 0 i . \ . . ' . . . .e.Ae48 S. 'i8 7 f @ . . . . - - - - - - . - - I' 1\k. 'J. ' , VI' Srhool Book ' " , { < Tahlets . . ' ' , , ( , , , -A NH-- . * J. . ' ' . . . . ' 1' { > } , Srhonl Supplies , -1Sk . . - . . ' 1' . . I , ) _ . . ( 'I' , , , 'I'A T - ' \71' ' . . ' ' 1' - , . . ' . . J. G. n LJ ae b ere I s. . ' , ' " - - W ! , 1 ' . ; : r N. [ 1 , , I ---11 : : i : . ) i. ; a 1I lI C f..or thl" 1'111111'1' . ] 1ul' lIg the t llll' thal Ihl' . . . ' ' . . . . . . , 1 Custer NatlOl1al Bank I has hl't'U ill hIlSil\'i \ ; l has sen'ell 8 ' .1 ; 111 dasst''i of 11l'l'ooitors \ \ ell alltl 8 I faithfully. Thc IIJ:1l1a : t'lIIelll has N ' . " t" lIsie.lel'l'tllhcir illtcrl' ; ts icelll ! t':11 : S . \ ; ; , . wIth IlH OWII 111111 paralllolInt III , IIltll ) ' cascs. In\'cslllll'lIls arc 8 ' lIIade ollly whell dO.l' invcsli lI8 )1 ) tioll ha' > ! , ' , thalthc ) ' are IIho- ; ' \1 ! : Inh'lIall' ! all.1 prol tahh' . ' 1 he 8 CII lt'r Natiollal Balik solicits YOIII' S Ii IICl'lJUIIl. II . . . . . H. LOMAX , C3shler. 8 . ; : : : / / . ' " . ' " . : r./.r.l"Jf'r I \ , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All thc tl1l1tual hail companicR of. havc fagg-td out , hut thc St. . . Paul 1nsurancc Co. conlit1ucs to r. : , pay itR lomcs. ( - - . - - - " Justrcccived a ncw stock of (1 ( picture framl's , moulcling.s , mats , { H ctc. Picturc framcs madc to 01'- dcr. Second hand goods of a11 J . ' IdlulR hought ancl soll1. . JUI1 KAY , ' \ 31)tf South Sidc Square. - " ' ; g ofliclII ; - : ' ' ' ; ; ; - - ; \ - . . . I her of 11 kl.s AI1llac' . for salc at . 25 cellts. 44lf L , I.U'W c' 2.ti : : " 'I ( . ' . ' " I [ .25.00 10 I'nrllmlll , ' 1'aeollla. Scalllc. $ : .17..10 tn I Sail Frallcisco nllel ro , 1 Augclt.s. . 22.5 ( ) Ih S\l01I1I1C. \ j ; ! ( ) . \Jo to sill : I.akt. City. I"ll' ! ! auel . IItlclII. : \ low ralt.s tn II1Ullht'el : ; , of ol WI' p illis. 1l1'llIc1illl lIil 1101"1I 1 jllasiuV'o. . . J\1.mlaIlU , Idllho.'ushilll - I tOil , . O. . egoll , III ithh ) C 11I1II1Iill. L uli . l' fOlllla. ett' . I H\'tQ' : (111) ' Ill1til JIIIII' 15th. \ \J \ 'I'ollll"l cars .llIily 10 Cnlirorllill. . l'crliolll\ : \ . cllud IIctet I I'XCII minus I h H't. , , . lillles u'I ck. _ ' 1'olll lil cars 11nily 10 caLlIt' . lllluiw } or IIt'alCNl 1III1liligloll HOlllt. 1 IIgClIl. < lC , 51 I' . - ' .J'IN. n , u'IN' " } " 'fhe IIl\1"liu \ toll o tTe nl r IIIIII trip tic- f " " 1cls as rol1ow8 : 111111 10 t 11I"11 , $25.3" , Jlllle I I 7 lo 9. aUI JIII t : 13 lo 1.\ \ . 1 Sl. Iouis allll Ictlll'l1 , 120,10 JUIIC 15 , . aud 16. 1 Ask the tic cl agcllt for llarticul rs. 51-52 I . . ' " . . L : Jf . . . _ . . _ , I - - - . - - - - - - - I .1.11. Ullom of ljjbllt'/1 , WHS 11 'i\ ! , ' vi'litol'atul'lla. : ; . \ ' . , \ \ ' ill l\101I tg-onll'li ) ' of } 'l ilhul'II , \\1. . ill the l'ity It'l'ida , ' maldng' ; 1'1'001'Oil hilailll. . . . , liI1111an Gall' 1 anl1 wif ! ' rep- I ' rl' ' > t \llt'cJ \ the Gate ! > Sthool ill th County SIIIIca.r \ . SdlOOl Ctn " n- t iou. . Ii' . H , YOllng wcnt. to Omaha ' 1'l1cscla ) ' 11I0\11 \ i ng to tlentl the n eetillg ot' Uraml l\lason c T-4ollge. Dr. 'I' . A. Ceach of Callaway , was a tlel gatc to Ult 'Sunday school convcntion the tirst of the wcck. l\liss Gena Hyan of T4olti , was in the cit \ ' thc tirst of the w ck attendillg thc count ) ' Suucla ) ' school COI1\'cutioll. . Gtacc : Longmore. al1l1 si h',1' l'cprcscntctl thc SUllllay school , near Callaway at thc SUlllla\ ' ' school con \'cn lion in this ci ty. Wcgt rlIc alld Sargcnt play- cll a closely cOlltcstcd game of ball at Sargent Dccoration Day. 't'hc scor wag 10 to I ) in fa\'ol' of Sargent. 'W. ' D. naIl an daug'htcr l\Iahlc of Sargcnt , werc in aU ndancc at the' County Sunday School' Con- \'cntion hcld in this city 8ulIIla ) ' mill 1\londa ) ' . W. H. Kitllbcrlcy , Sunday School1\Iissionan' , wilO was i I attcndancc at th SUIlIlay school convcntion , returncd to I-iincoln 'l'ucsday murlling. 'J'hc Custcr National ank has put in a lIew fire and burglar proof safe of the latcst paUc1'll. It is moldcd of Manccllsc gt cl. 1t has two time locks. . ChaR. H. Dll\ ' } allIlV. . B. Dic1mJaIl of Oconto , represented 'the Hnioll Sunday school of Oconto , at thl' COUlltcon'cntion in this city tIll' lirRt f the wcel , . l\lis-I ! 'Ilant l' Cooper has hecn , elccll'd teacher of the primary room at Anslcy. Shc WIS alsu l'll'dl'c1 . . 't Sal'l.rcnt hilt will act - t t'pt t ht' A l1sh'y Bellool , so Wt' are in fn1'llIl'c1. PI'Of. % ahn , who has held the position of principal of the A 11 ll'y school has Ilec1incd thc pOBi- ti n. 14. W. Wimberly of Uni- \'crsity Place has been elected to iii I the vacancy. l e\ ' . S. C. Cadwcll , A. B. Cornish and wife and 1\lrs. Couise Johnston of T40di , wen' delcgates to thc Sunday School Con\'clltion . hcld in thiR city the first. of the week from the Baptist Sunday School of that placc. Notwith ! > tanding tI\C 1IIIfa\'or- ablc weathcl' thc County Sunday School COII\'ention hdd in this city clullday and londay was well attcnded. Sunday a fte 1'lI 0011 allcl c"enillg larg'c eOligreg-ations assembh'd. ' ( 'hcre werc .10 or 50 delegateR prescnt. Sllllclay aftcrnoon amI Sunday night , Prof. IJ. .1\1. Steidch \ : , tate field sccrct\ry : \ , and .Miss l\lamic 1 r a..ris , ti ld secrl'tary ofthc , primary dcpartment of tIll' Sunday school work , cach dc- Ihercli two exccllcnt addn ss's at the SII1111ay sl'llOol convention. \V. D. Hall atlll A , n. lIartll'y of S.a gnt : , havc formcd a. part- ncrshtp In thc real cstatc Itlsur- ancc alld loan busincss of that place. . 'L'he I Hl'UIITICAN can 1lCartly recommend thig new tirm to thORC who have bllsiness in thcir linc ill the vicinity of Sar- gcnt. See thcir canl hi this issuc of thc HHI'UIIT.ICAN. Frcd Hinnc left Saturday murn- ing May 30 , I'm' l lIg1and , wlJere he g-oes with the intelltioll of re- nmillg permanently. We prcdict that if he li 'es :11111 is ahle to make the trip that he will be back to Brokcn Bow inside of t wel vc mon ths. 'I'h mcm hem of the A. O. 11. W. accompanied him to th ( ' train to bill him good hy" alld wisl1 hUll a pleasant anti safl' journey. Just beforc hoarding - ing the tra n Willis CulwcB pre- scnt d . him with'un A. O. U. W. gold w.atch Chartl } in behalf of the order of whi h hc hus for a nllmber of ) 'c : rs been an fficient and lo'al mcmber. Ir. l inne will sail from BQston. 'He will \ ' sit n. G. Rogers and family at i Boston be fort : sailing for Liver- pool. John Jal"kson W:1S up from Mason City , \'cstenl IY , . Altorllt.Janlt"s l.cdwitlh millh' a hll , ! incss' trip to malta last Wt'l'k. .Ian. White'ht'acl Ih'li\'rell thl' tile tllnri a I 1lIMes ! ! > at 1\1 it 1'01'11 Ra t- l1l'1lay. 1\11's. Alvin BlIl'Itc and Hon , , i \ ' sitillg fril'llIls :11111 relati"e t A ngh' . " ted aj' . S. 14. SIt"w of Callawu\ ' , was a - dclega tc to the COli fit ) ' SUllda ) ' School COli'sn t iOfl , O. J. Smith of Ncw Hclena , was in the citj. toda ) ' making proof 011 his claim. Davc Coultcr of the west tahl \ was a htlBilless caBcr at this of- tice ycsterda. ) ' . 'l'he sOlin ty board COli'ellcd hi adjoll rnell session 'l'uesda ) ' . It . wil1 mect as a uoard of eClualhm. .tioll lIext weck. Hcnl'Y I axon allIl 'L'om 'Hlow- crs of J\ lisle ) ' , w're ci t } ' , 'is t rI : I yestcrday. 1\1 r. Maxon mul : , . port as asscsgor. & - ' Mrs. N. J-4. l eYlloldg allct-'fllhil- drclI arc spellding a weck ? ! " two 011 the l\Iiddle Loup \'igiti.p * I'cla- th'cs allil fricnds. fN \ HcS. . P. l\IolTig ig cti'Wying' ' a \'isit 1'1'0111 his fathcr Wh 'y'lrriVCl th R lI1 m ing' ! r m Ph ! l' ' lc1phia. It IS Il1s tir5t'I Ht west.w Attorncy .T. B. Smith7 ; eturn\d , , ) 'cstct'll a ) # 'mol'lli ng roni tr-ii ncolll' whcre hc hall becn SItlCC t\turllJ : > ' on profcssional hu incs : ' Mrs. J. A. Armour :1t 1 . son , Hess , rcturlled yc tct'llay ' "prn- ilw b from Anslcy , ' . whercj . . ) ' " spcnt sc'cral days VIg1tIng rc . - ti\les . ; . Dave Hilton of Wcisgcrt , is th prollcl owncr of. a pail' of matchel1 bay mare twin colts , Rired by 0111 White filer ) ' , owncd bj'T. . J.i : \Vuuts of Brokell Bow. . . I' 1 > 1'Of. Gco. Boggs of the Hagt- ing Busincss Collcg ( , wag a friellllly callcr at this om cc yes- tt'rcla\ ' . TIl' hall } ) ( 'I'II nut to WClssert \ ' siting his parcnts. Arthur PittawJ\ : ' , who ig ill the ' employ Of the B. & M. railroall Com pan ) ' at Billings , 1\lontana , camc home ycsterday mom i ng to , 'is l his parcnts for a hort 1 illll. ' . 1\lis : ; Ollie .lessup , enc of ro- kcn Bow Busi ncss Culleg-e graduates - ates , who haR becn working in Omaha for thc last nine 01' ten months , is here visiting with friends. Lewis Kimberling an wife cam O\'cr from A rnold yester- . l\Tt' . - ' day. Kimberlingbi'qught cwer his returus as assessor. 'l'hcy gucstR of ! thc family of ) 'e scnhc. Judgc Sull'an gcnt $100.00 this morning to thc sutTcrs of Kansas city and 'l'opeka , $50.00 to cach. It was part of the drouth seell fund lcft ovcr , for which the COIII- mittee found no clai nants. 'I'hig ot1ice acknowlenges a social - cial call from Mrs. Warrcn Cang , of the west tahlc who urou 'llt ill Mr. r4ang' yestenla ) ' to talce the train for Lcnox Iowa , , to SI'C his brother Ucorge who is seriously ill. Hcv. J. R 'I'eaganlen wcnt to A mold lagt I"rida } ' through the min anll dcli\'l'rlllthc mcm. orial :1I1llrcsR therc Saturday. l\1 r. 'l'cag-anlcn reports a larg-c a ttendancc : ulIl a most conI i a 1 welcomc by the Arnold pcople. lIc com pH mcnts Arnolll'Ct' \ ' highly .for thc royal' way he wi cntertalncd. . Dick l\Tc Juistcn , who wcnt tc Seattlc , Wagldngton , in the early spring rcturncl1 Sunday , 1 rc ' 1'01' lahor - says wagl's arc g-ooll on thc coagt but expenses an high. He Rays hc would 1I0t li\'l thcn ! if they would'e him tilt Btatt" . 011 his return hc stopp11 ! at Hhcrillan'yoming , a fe\\ days to visit n. A. Sargl'lIt , : f01'l1)'r Cust'r countmall. . HI rl'ports that he iR doing well. Dr. ' 1' . J. Kelll'y of BOOII ( ' , Iowa , stop ( ) ( d 01T Ill.'rc this morn. . ing 011 his reliti'll from a trip h Big \J ro\'ll \ ( : ountryVyomillg' He is'cry mllch pleased with tit ( coulltry :11111 will cstablish a tOWI anl1 colon ) ' 011 OIlC of the lar ditches tllt rc lIext spring. III took a half scction of land Ulldc ! the water wright while thcre lIe wcnt to Mason City 011 UII o'clock train , wherc hc wiI / stop to visit his urother for : day before returning to Iowa. \ - - . I ' ( 'hI' wet wea ther doe not seem I 'to ' Ilampon the arder of those con- ' telllplatillg marriage. 'ruesda\ I J\lIlgc Ar11l0ur unitell in marri-I agl' .1 as. A. CriRS and Sadie I' ' I ( arris of Ansle ) ' , and Lero ) ' D. l'errin of 1\la on Cit > . , allll Louise 1\1. Clinc of DlIIll1lng' . Ye Her- da ) ' he gaid thc words that madc B. B. Horrows allll Stella R IIar- ri of A lisle ) ' , lIIall alld wife. . - UI-J ; 1J1 i 1- Pl llil' , . . - - 'J'hc old settlcrs of the southeast - east quarter of Custer COUllt ) ' , will meet ill Johll Hall's grove , JUlie 17 , 1903 , at 10 a. III. "IU'ClIIUUIIC. MUlilo . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ma nlll ltv Ualhl I'ray . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IIIIUtI I' \.ofllllUuelc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ma Olll:111 : 11110lr llu cll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jill ! : : . . ulIl\'I , " 1..8lf11UlcuIIII . \'urallllilelc , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .y' . . . . . . .Uny Ualy alllltilolllr I".tt'll . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . lIr. ( ] Pickett ulu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AllaHullyall DINNIW. 211.III-Muslo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lIalIl1 Old seHlcrg camp-fire IIIceting. l vcrybody is im' tcd to comc ' ll . . : sl c.S w lI tillcd and ; : ' ! ! R\ .r 5r l' k.ti lIc. Plcllty I 'of alllusClllents fori1i Pl bc 011 the ground. Ii' . J. Woo . J. R. WooJ > s , . . Ull'lIH Ol'OS.\lj. , Can't you make up your mind , to acccpt ? We arc all right in 0111' grocer ) ' departJilcllt , but we arc still bcttcr on Dr ) ' Goods. ComlllencingSaturda ) ' , June ( " . 11')03 , and continuing until gOOlls arc all gone. 19 mf , Pat. Co' UIOR IUIIMto I Pr.IIHc at. . . . . . .50 41' ' mf I'at. Bookfoltl I'"rcal. . . , Ir. ! 1U.12 at jl N mf. Pat. Blt'llar Butlele , I'r. Ir > < : lit . . . . . . . jl c 4 Dlf. I'ut. A II tr 111I I.lIwII8. I' , . 7c at. . . . . . . . . . . 4c II 1I1f. J'at.8rutrh LIIWII8 l'r. 71. ' lit. . , . . . 41. ' 4mr.l'al. II oalwav Wal lIlIllI.l'r. IS' al .IOC : : lilt. I'at. blrJ\cd \ Ullrl ( , PI' 12 cllt. . . . . . beAn An ) ' amount you wanl. \VF I-NHW YOU WOUlI ) ACCHl"l' . , Ryerson-George Co. Jii . ' . . Church "ervlc . . . ! ' ' "J ! ' - . 'ifrj' t II IIlCII OJ" I O } ) . . ; ' " ' 'fher ' * Ill f I lllIlY \\'oolllllnn 111111 al clevcn o'clock. All lire cordially ill\'iteelto IIthlIll. ; ' , ' . ; . R. .nm.JH ; ' , l'mtor. IJ. 11. CIIURCH. SnnclllY Sehool III 10 o'cloak.orn ! - ill s rtllon al , i J ( } 'c1oc . Jnniors lIIecl lit 3 p. III. Young I'coples I\lccliug lit 7 p. III. I'reaehil1g III H o'clock. \ \ ' . P. l'mw\ ' , I'RHSnV'l'I\IU\N CHURCH. SII'\'iccs nexl Sahhlllh in the mortliug lit II II. III , Suhjeet"lellllil1g' : or thc I > jsllppoinhlll'uts iu Iifc. " Scrces III H p. 111. Snhjecl" D'ers ly of the lIunllln Race. " V. P. S. C. H. : .Il 7 p. III. 'rhe puhlic is conlially inv led lo thcs ! : er..ic s. CIIIHSTJAN elllmCIl. Ser'vices hoth 1II0rnil1g allll c\'cllillg nlxl : .ronl's On ) ' . l\Iortling thellle. " 'fhc Roe { of 1111 H'il. " E\'cning "This CIlIr. " nihlc school al 10 II. III. C. It lit 7 p. m. Vuu arc invitel ! . 110111'11 meeting at 3 p. m. Importanl bu incss 111:11I1111115 till ! lllCSClII'C or all oflicers. A. C. S\II'rH. : l l'IICOl'Af ! , ClllmCII. St. jOhu'tJ Hpiscopal scrvice 1II1(111) ' June 7. Tri 11 it ) ' SUI1t1I1) ' . 6111111ay School 10' II. III. J\orniul ( prayer 11I11 : sermoll II II. III. H\'cnin pra'cr : .111I1 slrmon : S p. 111. ' 1'he pl1hiic is conlially invitctl. W , II. XANl > l kS. I eelor. 1H. . CIIl/llCH. / ScrviccfJ liS folloIYtJ in thc \ ! . H. clltlrch 611I11111) ' ; SII III I a ) ' I\chool III II. III. l'relll'liing at J I slIhjccl "ewl's Gift- . . I.ire. . Tcxt , ROlllllns 6:23. : Jllllior IClIgIIl' III 2:30. : I.pworlh : Icague III 7. . H\'clliug servit'c lit H. Suhject. "I'eler's 61111110w. " ' 1'cxt Acl5:15. : VOII IIrc in. , : lell to wOl'sh'ip wilh liS. Gno. 1' . ' ' ' 'fRl'rlis. I'llstor. i 11.l"r I S'J' CIiUllCH. lIihlc School UlllclH III 10 II. 111. lj\'illc wnrsllip III II II. 111. 'fopic. "H'cn ! Thongh it hc II Cross. " Specilll lIIusic . . h ) ' Icwis IIrulbcrs Sjl1nrlcUe. Jllllior II. I V.I' . U. 3 p. III. Sel1ior II. Y. 1' . ( ' .7 p. , III , Gospel hOllr H p. III. The Ql1l1rtclh ! , . will sing III this " ' ' . , StI"t'c too. pedlll . ScrlllOIl.'t'ChICSIIII ) ' H p. III. prayci . t tilue. 'I'hlll'sela ) ' J p. III. rluHt's Aill I , Sociely. Priela ) ' 4 p. In. 1I0ys Briglltle. - - - - - - - I , 0111 SI.tlI'I'1IC'lIl1luII ! ( , 'I'he olc1 ! > cUler ' reunion of the sOlltheast quartcl' of the count ) ' will he held at Mason Cit > " Wecl , ncsilay , JUIIC 17 , 11)03. BY , Orc1er of Committee. U" " " ulh'I' . 'I'he mcmhers of the Brokcll How Dairy Association are hcrc' hy notified that a meeting" of the a : ; oci tion is callcc1 for Saturc1ay J llllC rth at 1 o'clock p. m. All I mcmbers arc urged to bc presen t 1 as hU lness of importancc will I come cfore the mceting. . Cllltivators ! J want to call your . the Badger Two.ftow Cultlv3tor , and sa ) ' to you that I will guarantee that there is not an implement madc that you can do as good work o with as yon can with the Badgcr Cultiv.ltor , and it is. the only LisHng ultivator made that you can plow your corn froin tart to nni n with a you can with the Badger. lost of the corn this ycar has bcen HatCHI ill fields tb l.t growcd corn last year and on acconnt of the cornstalk poison thc stalks wcre not pastured down , thereby you will havc thc stal1 { to contend with when ) 'OU go to cultivate your corn , bu t by using the Badger you obviate all of the trouble you will cxpericnce with a shovcl cultivator but in I case should want cultivator I also ' I yon a , can suppl ) you for less money than you can buy anrwhcre in the county , to-\vit . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tongue Cultlv3tor , walking , . , . . . . . . . . . $ 14.00 I . Tongueless Cultivator , walking. . . ' . , . ' . . 13.00 Boss Riding Cultivator , o4-shovel. . . . . . . . 25.00 Scorcher RIding Cultivator , 4 & ( , shovel 25.00 Brown's Favorite , 4 and ( , shovel. . , . . . . . 25.00 H3mmock , Ohio Pattern , 4 and ( , shovel. , 25.00 . 'l'hese cultivators arc ll warranted to do m good work and handle as casy ag an ) ' cultivator made. . . . . . 'l'here is . . none bcttcr. I p. S.MARTINMf ! Agt. . . , . . . I. AND DEALER IN ' ANTI-T UST GOODS. .4 , /.v' . " 01 t. ( t f 1lIBUSINESS POINTERS. t ' -3 -3 " I , . C. .Moorc , abstracting' . 2tC \ . , 'rhis ofiicc for ncat job work. Stamp Photo's at Bangs' Studio. 29-lf 1. G. 1-4eonard bonded abstrac-I tel' . 39tf bring your shoc repa1ring to Bob Brindle at Munk's Bargain Storc. J n terll a tiollal 1'ailoring beats aU others. . } i'ound at Cle11 Sharps. 50tf 1 , Wall Paper at J. C. Bowen's - Mcn'g guils $1.75 at MUl1k's Bargain Store. , l'ol ; HHN'l'-A double room in the Custer Block. Inquire at this ofiicc. o47tf . ' Dollarg to ccnts thatwe cau , save you on evcry purchase of tca at J. C. Bowcn's. Ii'ol { SATH-One : rcd Poll , one Poll Durham and cight Shorthorn - horn bulls. All ha\'c pedig-rees. 'l'hc ) ' can bc seen at the Globe barn.-J AS. n. P RJt'I"l'\J\t AN. 43tf : ( cmclllber , all suitg sohl this' summer at Sharpcs 'l'ailor Shop' Ig lcept in shape for six months frec of chargc. , SOH - - \Ve have just rcceivcl our ucw lille of spring- wall papcr. All 11)03 pa Hcrns. Can and see thcm at Wilkill's drugstord. . 35 tf 1\1. Scanlon has moved his lUllch cOllntcr across thc strcet from C. S. Martin's implement buic1ingaud \ Johnsons blacksmith - smith shop. He is now read ) ' to wait on all his old cllstomcrs aud fricnds , giving one ; 11111 all a kiud i l1\'ita tion to call. 'l'obacco , cig-ar ' amI all lcinlls of ! 1Ulllmer d ri nIcs. M. SCANI.ON , - Broken Bow , Ncbraslm. Sweet potatoes , cabbage and tOlllatoc plants at the Star Gro- ccry. 5ltf A fillc line of window shadcs :11111 : porlicrs at A. W. Drake's. li'ol { SAI , ) OR 'l'lAI > H-'l'own lotR and a few five acre lots in this city , for cattlc , horRcR or farm Ian d.-Allen l eyncr. l"oH S.\J.H-A good bnsi lIess honsc 011 north side public gquarc , good bURincss location , for Ralc cheap. Call on C. E. GlIl1ly , . real cstate and collections. 51-2 - - - - - - - - - l"uH SAJH-'Phrec milch cows. A. D. BANGS. ' ' boardcrs good WAN'I'HD-J-iady , accoll1modatiolls. Priccs reagon- al > le.--l\Irs. I lbaheth Sells. 052 14'ar111s for sale ar.d lands for rC lt. Now is thc time to get u farm cbeap , as thc cheap farms are all going , : uul pricc are ael- vanciu rap dl-J. G.llrenizer. - . . I-Jail. l-lail. I-Iail. Farmcrs protect yourse,1ves in the old reliable St. Paitl Fire & Marinel Insurance Co. We have $3,000,000 cash capital and pay our losses promptly. . Ras Anderson , Agent. DrekeRDoTt , Nebri..ka. ' I . Farmers do not buy a 2 roW' cultivator till you have seen the' Dct11ster and Canton 2 row cultivators - vators at SQUIRUS BROS. 048tf J. G. Leonard bonded abstra - ter. 39tk . GClman , Whitc an Red Siberi l. Millet seed for sale at the St l.r Grocery. 48tf . FOR SAI.1t-A hott'sc and eight lohh big barn , fenced corral , , hicken house , hog house .and granaries. A tine improved resi- dence. Call on C. . E. Gandy , rcal estate and cQUectiOllSr 51-2 . Mone } ' loaned 011 unproved. , farms. J AI\IItS LItDWICH , 7 18 tf Broken , Dow , Neb. J. G. Leonard'bdnc1cd ' abstrac- . , te 39tf. Drop in and look at Work : Brothers Co. , Sample book at , . Clell Sharpes. SOtf . - A housc and barn with two lots for sale pt a barg-ain. Apply to J. B. Smith. SHf Buff Cochin and Barred Ply- 1110th l ock cggg , 75 cents per 15. at g. I-i. DHARDORlt , Grand View Poultry 1i'arm , 41)-51 Ma ol1 City , Neb. ' . li'oH SAu-A : good fresh milch \ cow , weight about 1,300pounds. J. R. HUMI'IIlmv. 'V AN'rHD-1'0 hire two melt that havc familics. Houscs furn- ished.- HW1' UNION Mn.I.ING Co. 38tf 'Vcst Union , Neb , Look to us for best valuoo in roastcd colTce. You can save from 1 to 4 ccnt per pound at J. C. Bowen's. C.'e.ulI . . , . . > 'a. . . - - " - Wc arc buying' crcam amI will pa ) ' you for it ouce . a week. , Bri I1g i 11 your cream. 1 oIH tf J. C. BOWHN. . - - A shiplllcnt jus rece'ed of the only and original trade mark , "Pure Old Cidar Vinegar. " J. C. llOWUN. NoUce to l.uJ' ; ContrlliCtur. , \Ve wish to c1o e contracts for ' cutting , curing and stacking ha ) ' . J . on our ranch lU Cherry count r for thc seaGon of 1903. No swampy or rough ground to cut I , Oil , 'Vrite for terms dc. to tl1 Standard Cattle Co. at AUll S or Ilecla , Ne . 45-9.