Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 21, 1903, Image 8

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    - , - ' . . . . . . ,
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1 , . . . . .
I Local Mention.
. . I' . , n
, , '
Walter Glaze' was tin Atls1ey
: visitor Monday
Four inches of rain is report l1
at Plattsmont last night.
Joe. S. of Dry Valley mnde this
. office a social call Monday.
L. S. I Empfield , of McIillej"
I was among our visitors 'M9 1day.
I County clerk Dewey's faWPJ is
; having a siege , with the weasels. .
J. M. Fodge of Ortello , was a
friendly yisitor at this office Sat-
urday. .
'i ' ! C. . E. Gandy and wife went to
'I ' Hastings this morning j 10 yisit
his , wife's people , ,
, II Mrs. Diah Woodruff of Georr ; e.
town , was \isiting : in the Clt-
r the 'first of the week.
" J. T. Henne , sf Springfield I1lE > -
" , spent scvera days in the city thi
week , on his , return trip from the
west. '
Mrs. J. B. Osbourn left , Mon-
da , . on a visit to her old home in
Wisconsin. She expects to be
gone two months.
D. C. Reynolds of Lomax , made
this office'a welcome call Sntur-
i day and had his subscription
I I account advanced.
.1 At the G. A. R. Encampment
'I. ' held at Fremont last week , H.
W. George was elected one of the
, delegates to . the National En-
campment. '
Sheriff Ari . trong captured 60
jug' $ of whiskey at the depot
Tuesday that had been shipped
C. O. D. from Kentuckey to parties -
ties in this vJcinity.
Dr. C. Pickett went to Lincoln
Mondav to attend a meeting of
the Eclectic .state Medical Association -
ciation of whi h he is pr.esident.
The meeting. was held Tuesday
I1I1d Wednesday of this w.eek.
The directors of the county agricultural -
ricultural society met yes.terday
and fixed the datc of the lr for
Scpt. 1 , 2 , and 3. They made
several changes in the pr iniums ,
increasing the premium on lOrses
cattle , and hogs 50 per cent
The special clubbing offer of
$1.35 for the REPUBLICAN and
Nebraska armer for a year has
been extended. This will give
p.very farmer in Custer county
that. does not get these papers a
: hance to get both for little more
than the price of one.
Miss Deming , a teacher' from
Filmore count ) ' arrived here last
Tuesday vening to spend the
summer with Mr. J : L. Kom er
anq family who reside five mile9
north east of Broken Bow. Miss
Deming's parents and Mr. Koo-
zer's were neighbors in IFill more
county for the ten years previous
to the latter's departure for this
Eastern Siar Intnllatlon. ! !
- -
At regular meeting of th Eastern -
ern Star of this city Tuesday , the
. following ofi cers were installed
for the ensuing year'by the Mrs.
J. S. Molyneaux , installing officer -
ficer : Worthy Matro , . Mrs.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . H _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It'"U . , . 'JP . . - . . , . - . . -.t. . . . - " " "I . d J. . . . . . , .
_ . . -
Harriett Rublee ; Worthy Patron ,
A. R. Humphrey ; A sodut
Matron , MrsCathrint. ! Orr ; Cou.
ductress , Mrs.Bell Brenizer ; As-
socia te Conductre99 , Mrs. Frances
Morgan ; Secretnr. , lr\ ! . Sarah
Jewettj Treasurer , Irs. Mary
Skelton ; Chaplain , Mrs. Julia D.
Wilsoni Marshall , Mrs. Zee I
Bruce ; Adah , Miss Arna AUlS- :
berrj"i l uth , Mrs. L. g. Wilson ;
Ester , Mrs. Vienn'c Judkins ;
Martha. Ih Lincoln Great ;
Electa , MrJ. ! Mary Kay : Warden ,
Mrs. Nettie Haeberle ; Sentinel ,
F. M. Rublee. A special mt : ting -
ing was ordered for Monday
nig-ht to initiatfl new members.
Tb J1l1atll Hulls Still Hun ,
The que5tion of the Billiard
Hallg and Bowling Alley arc
topics of general conversation
and some express a surprise that
they have not been closed The
facts are that tbe old ordinance
gave the city authority 110 option
in the matter. It provided that
on depositing their money , provided -
vided in the ordinance that th :
clerk should issue the license.
Anticipating trouble the proprietors -
tors made a tender of the license
to the old city clerkand on advice
of the city attorney. Sullivan he
accepted the money and receipted
for it to hold subject to the
action of the new city council.
Realizing that to comply with
the vote expressed at the city
election the new council proceeded -
ed at once to make an ordinance
prohibitive and repealing the old
one. That ordinance was put on
its third reading Saturday night
and was , passed. Monday the
ordinan e was published in .a
folder in order that an injunction
against the publication might
not be forestalled. We understand -
stand that the city clerk h s tendered -
dered Ithe parties that paid , their
money and the city marshall has
notified the proprietors that they
will have to close their halls OJ
subject themselves to a fine. A1
this writing nothing further ha !
developed. J. R. Dean is thl
city attorney and has th . city' !
interest in charge and C. H
Holcomb and Judge Sullivan , w
understand have been ret .ined b'
I the proprietors of the billiar ;
J halls. The fine provided is froll [
$5 to $20. Whether their polie ;
will be to occassionally submit t
a fine or ttack the constituron
ality of the ordinance we hav4
not been apprised. As a finl
ma } " be imposed daily it is hardl :
probable that policy will be pur
sued. It is evident that the pro
prietors lf pose to continue i 1
their business and we anticipatl
a legal battle will ensue.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
f1Jf'J"J't ' " ' 'II"ttlttltTJttttttt ' " ttttttt1tttttttttt1tTttt'Tt'tt'ttttt ' ' ' , ,
E' : :
I Saturday 1
: - = S " " I " I : - : : :
: PCivICl. . .
-Kt. = - - . . , A. Qca ; ; ; : - - - : t
= =
15. Dozen ladies Gauze Vests ,
I At 6 , Coots Each.1
3 to a Customer. They are Hummers.
E' WilSON ' " DRAKE.
. 1111111 11111111111111111111 ! } 11111 + 111111111111111111111111111111111111
: or , _ , _ _ _ - . - . . _ " _
. .
.Y. : :
. .SaOES. : : : . i
I have shoes to sell and must sell them , :
and until further notice I will sell at. . . :
8 Per Cent Discount i
for cash. These shoes are new stock , ri h t 1 :
from the factory. I have justyut in a hne . . I
of Trunks , Telescopes , Grips . , Etc. :
J. S. : J3i1IFI..A.NrCIS : : , I :
Merl1a , - - - Nebraska. :
. 1
. .
- . . . . " - , . . . . . . . "i-.Y':1.I.i.J.ll
I" . : f " :
. " : :
. . . . . . ; : ; . . . . . . . . .
Commencement l'ruj(1' J.
- I
COImn nCel cnt exercises ( If the
Broken Dow High School wi11
be held in the North Side Opera
Ho se , Tuesday evening , May
26 , 1903. Gov. J. H. Micke ) '
will deliver au addresg to the
class upon the suhjcct of "Char-
acter B ildiIlg. " Admission ,
School Childrtn 15 c nts. A ults
25 ccnts.
Muelo . . . . . . . . . . l.'t btdlrli.
Jtaoculotl . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . fief u.ur'N l' ' 1'rHI : ' ! .
PlaJfJ 0010 . . . . . . . . . . lh 1''U LtlCllett
841utlltory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ro.Iltld.uuu.1
Ylolln olu. . " . . . . . . . . Pof 1. : A OltrllcLI !
" 'I'cal oh.l . . . . . . . . . . \Ir .J e.Ao.IKlllwn
Ao.Idrou . . . . . . . . . .Obauctcr lIulll1lng
Huo. JIIO 11. ) ! lciccy
\ ' I olu . . . . . . . . . . . 1'etel Hyeteou
V all1lotol ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FrllJ ! iklllwllIl
P'c el1tauono ( . . . , ' . J. J. Wllfon
Ael. ! L.DII Jne CIa , ! . ! 'red. Htillt. ! of E"ucltlon
ReW. . H , Xanders will
preach th Baccalaureat sermon
to the Senior Class in the Opera
House , Broken Bow , Nebraska ,
May 24 , 1903 , at 8 p. m. All are
cordially invited.
C , - 1.,1.W A. . . .
The Gallaway ball team will
go to Arnold next Saturday
where they will play a return
game with the Arnold team.
H. Lomax , cashier of the
Custer Ndtional Bank of Broken
Bow was seen upon our streets
yesterday , having driven down '
from Arnold on Tuesday evening.
The Young building , which
was recently moved to the corner :
of Grand Avenue and Kimball
street , is being lowered upon its
foundation , and will soon be occupied -
cupied by the firm of Van green
& Campsey.
A trio , composed of Rev.
Abern , the blind evangelist , and
Profs. Woodford Oli ver and
Floyd Miles , have started out on
the road for the purpose of making -
ing their fortunes givingmusieal.
concerts over the country.
'rhe flume at the wheel pit of
the mill is undergoing repairs
this week. The water has been
turned from the race into the'
main channel of the river , and as
a consequence many large
channel cat fish and other species
have been taken from the shallow
water in the race.
The new mail route between
this point and Over begun operation -
tion on Tuesday of this we k.
The mail is carried on Tuesdays ,
Thursdays and Saturdays of eac1J
s weelc , g-oing by the way of StOt
Table. It is thought that befon
long it will make daily trips , in.
stead of.three times per week.
e Farmers in this locality aT <
now losing no time getting theil
: . corn crops into the ground. I Th (
d acreage will be enormous , an
1 should they succeed in getting :
y good crop , it will be the laq"es1
o ever harvested in this part of th (
'county. Alfalfa and small gran
l- are looking their very best , ant
e the crops promises to be some.
e thing good.
Dr. and Mrs. McNulty depart.
ed Monday for an extended trip
to the Pacific coast. They wi ! :
- stop off at Denver and Salt Lak
II City , after which they will go t (
SanFrancisco. where the doc to ]
e will spend two weeks visiting
the different hospitals in thai
_ _ cit ) ' . From there the ) ' will takE
boat orPortland , Oregon , thencE :
home by the way of the Nationa1
ark. They expect to be ab ,1 ,
about a month.
The new dwelling house t
Merchant Shelby's is enclos c1 ,
and will be one of the best in the
city when completed. Mr. Shelby -
: - by has been a resident of Call-
: away for several years , but has
: always rented until now , when
: he made up his mind that he
: would hereafter pay the rent
: into his own pocket. It would
)0 be a wise move on the part of
several other business men of the
town should they do likewise.
Merna G. . It ! Jrograw.
The following is the : G. A. R.
program to be rendered on May
30 , at Merna. 10:30 : a. m. G.
A. R. Post. and school childreI1
assembly at Hall and march to
M. P. church at 11 o'clock.
Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OrchPIII'
Payer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HeT , Mathewl
Noug , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . me lcl
ltcmarkll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. M. b'odgl
MUlh' .
ddr d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .llon.J , R. Dt'al
NOOK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hlar Iaaalo lIau , " "
Ilcllutlletloll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IIBV. ( ' W. MUll'
p , w. Ullaeao.ulJle at cburch.
Mu.te. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ONho.trl
Hew..r"e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All1erlc&l1 Pslrolhu
Hev. Mathew ,
SOIl& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ouuletl ,
RedUilloD. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . Mia. Bell ti'oate
R Il1IDe"nee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0. A. R. YotifsDI
ReollaUoD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IIs \ \ Lelue Low ,
necltatlou. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MIII atlle Fodi' '
Mealo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Orche.trl
Heoltatlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mra.Menar'
Hemark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amerlc.n ! ' .
UIIT. O. W Miller.
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MarchtaIl.ThroeahOeorllli
lIeeedlctlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RlV. F. M. Orabll ]
Detter Term. .
We have been able to make bette
terms with the publishers of the Swiw
Herd. We can now furnish you the RI\ \
PUDI.ICAN and Swinc Herd for fl.20
This applies to renewals as well as tl
new subscrsbers to tbe RfPUDI.ICAN.
, . . . .
. . . .v . . " . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . " - . . . .
Broken Bow , - - -
OIl ! S tI1er4' Reunlo.l1.
The old settlers reunion of the
southeast q arter of the county
will be held at Mason City , Wednesday -
nesday , June 17 , 1903.
By Order of Committee.
Correction. !
'I'he Old Settlers Reunion at
'Mason City .is lo be held on the
17th of June instead of the 7th
as was staled in the RnpuBLICAN
last week.
LOW f.AT tI WI " 'T.
$2S.oo to Portland ; Ta < ; Q.Wa , Seattle.
27 .40 to San Francisco and Los
22.S0 to Sookane. I
$20.00 to S lt Lake City , Butte and . ,
Helena. I
low rates to hUUlIre s
of ot ler points , including Big Horn
Basin , Wyo. , Montana , Idaho , Washin -
ton , Ongon , British Columbia , Call-
fornia , etc.
Every day until June 15th.
Tourist cars daily to California.
Personally conducted e'Ccursiom : : : three
times a week.
Tourist cars dnily to Seattle.
Inquire of nearest Burlington Route
agent. 46-S1
nest Offer I"er " " , de.
The Ri\PUDI.ICAN has succeeded in
getting 11 special clubbing price from the
publishers of the Neljraska Parmer , one
of the best the ) ' have ever made , ancI
during the past two months a good many
have taken advantage of thill offer and
arc wen pleased with it. We have had
the time t'xtended for this offer , believing
that man ) ' more would like to take ad.
vantage of it before it iswith rawn. For
$1.35 we can seud you the Nebraska
, Farmer anrl RnPUBI.1CAN both for one
full year , and worth $2.00. : rhe Nebraska -
braska Farmer is the leading general
fann and live stock journal of the west.
It prints from 24 to 40 pages each week ,
. is well known and well liked , having
been establisher ! since 1869. Its pub.
li9hers are practical and experianced
men , who are now and have been for
thirty years extensively engaged in farm.
ing and slock raising in Nebraska and
conditions applicable to the west. It is
a journal for the farmers by farmers.
No other farm paper can fill its place ot
be so belpfl to the farmers of the west.
It i9 contributed to by nIl the leading
agricultural writers und experiments oj
thll west and at our special elub price
should be taken by everyone. 43tj
. m : mcam : &IaI mr.
Real Estate
and Collections
Farms for Sale and Rent.
. Office over N. Gleim's tailor
shop. . . . . . . . .
: Nm Broken Bow. ." ' .
m n llEWl
; : W-Plans se esllmatu on abortnollod.
I'follen Dow , Nebrs8l1u ,
.II II . ' ' .
. \
, . . , . . . . . . . . - . . . . . r"H.t- ' -t"l" . . . . . ' ' ' ' 1' . II ' ' 'L . , . . . . . . . ' . . . . . - . . , " " . - . . "
. - - - - - - - - -
Ii .
Dry Goods , Clothinf ! And Shoes , , . !
I4adics aud Gents High Iustep Rubbers , Glovcs , I
Glassware , Chinaware , aud Notions. Call and
see our fine line of Imported' Laces and Em-
broidery.Ve also have a fine line of. . . . . , .
Ribbons , Velvets , Velveteens , Silks , Crepe ,
. ) '
Nuus Vdling , and Sateens , Also a fine line of 'r
r adies Low Dress Shoe , Kid Colonial , Kid
Four Strap , Sandals and Iongola Souvenirs.
E. Reyner & CO. ,
Brokell Bo'\iV , ' - - Nebrasli:8. : : '
- - ' t
- -
D R . R tJ. & W. E , 'ALBO 1' ,
Olloe over naooolp'a ! Drug Siore.
DrokfiD Dow , . . - Nehrad.a.
( ) . .
. . . . . .Deslerln. . . . 7
Pumpa. Wind M\1\s \ \ , Tank . FIUlerl , 01180111.11
Enilne , eto. , etc.
noken Dow , Nebrlllka.
I. . . . . . . . . .
B. & M. RES'l'AURANT ,
North Slo.Ie 01 'l'rack.
Mllall at aU hoerl.
Open day and DI l1t.
Floe cBodln aud clgard.
- - - -
. . . . . .Dealer 10 . . . . .
Oranlle , Foreign aDd A wllrlun Marbles ,
Ornament.l Work a Specialty.
Hrokeu Bow. . . - NtltUdka.
It you want yoer hOUl6 paln d .e"
J = Fl. . Cad..d. .
All work gUlrllutewd t ! ( Irowplly doue f'
reaaonabl. .
Bargains in Real Estate
Fanu IIUlIlA a Ipeelalty. & .It,1f. . COIU IUld
IraZ\(1g \ landa for ule ID Cu < tllr. Shermac , Huf.
tale and Da"loD conntlu. Price. from S..OO
per lIor" up. UIIldence. mUll' lou h "nd 1
mile IISlt or Maaon. PeaL OlCII ! addle.ii.
Mason OIty. Neblalka.
J. , J. SNVDEI ,
. .
I - - _ . . . , . lII1 , ANI > NOTARY PUBLIC
, lea JOIUce 0. Ihll Pllace. HpecIAJ att6ntOD I(1Y60
to colleclions C"poehloD' tak D , pUDJllon vouch.
) fe nlall ) ' executed aud . .II klude of I gal papere
written. Oltloe In th" rur of n.nk.uf CommercII.
11101'111I ( low. Nebraska.
D It. O. L. I\t U I.L Nb ,
Physician Surgeol1.
2ed Stairway fiom Wll4t ond'ln Realty Block ;
'realdeuce"Srd W"II I. . , . K. churoh. on same aIde
! of Itreet. ' " 'Droklln How , Nebra.lta
S.M. .
. . . . . . . . . . .
I At. kind. of work ID our IIno doull promptli
IInd ID bat-cia. . ardor. CW-Red ; : Jbop : on the
i orner weet 01 the bo.e bonill.
! Droktln Bow , . - - . Nehrllllla. :
D ' ' 1' . L. FARNAWOIt1'lI ,
O lce ID Rllally Hlock , Dr. DUI' . 01
- - -
.1 . Two-Row lister Cultivators
IhlIlH 011 wheels with rOll I' discs aud
l foul' shovels. Call bH adjust.ed . as de-
I sired. This is t.lll' . 'rwo-How CultiYH-
tor we hud last year , Hnd could not
; SUPPr ! t ! e to I ! i ! ts ! I
iug qualities. Call and see for your-
I i selves. Then , we have several other
1 styles of. . . . . . . . . . . .
Br r IIIRidinl ! and Walkinl ! Cuilivatorsilul
See me before you buy. 'fhauking you
for past fayors , J remain yours truly , B
. G. W. Apple. ,
. .
" - . ,
: i : : : : k I. : :31 : i'
. ,
I .
i . '
- r _ . . . 1 - J
: JEIXf-JIIS-J:1I : : : : : . !
Makes a Mpeclaity of Urown 11011 II rill Il' WHk.
Pllces reasonabl" .
All \fork guuantelld. I
( 'all aud . e Ille before Ipleg olu wLur' . \
Otl1co-In HloKen How Iulu Hank Uulldlu .
Hroken How , Nebrn8h ,
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\ flON & UKI SJL ,
CA1\1I f
ff 1'9 Ys 8 U9Cell l' ! "
A'l' LAW.
Iloom B anl19 , Uc.Jty lIlock , llroktln Bnw , Nllb. ,
, I
DA V ) '
CLfNTON , , 'r
, . '
Physician & S ul'geon. "
Office In rear uf tbll Hank or Cowmercli. Heal.
dence 6lh bOUll wo t IIf tl10 JsptlMl church. '
Broken Dow. N ehra kn. . ;
11. U.llU'i"I'Otol.O . lidor.
Flrdt-clilu work. HllJlr Uoom of UI. . o Mow
tJtalll ! lank. Droken How , Nebr , , kn.
J.a ' 'it ta-ifii . '
'l'wo Lluck uorth of Orand Uelllral Holrl. Pllt.
roulljo MlIcl'oJ. l'rlcell relisollllblu.
and DUfOQ .feraey Hog Lred lIud , wId. OMI blood
ofll1clrclul. Addr&ed , a. E. OAUWI1II. : .
Broken Uow , Nehrllska
- - -
Fre" Instrnrtlnnd , 'UW tll t koIUIl111"VIII"Jc ( 111" ,
picture with eTury camllra 111)101.
Flnlblng done tor amaturCi.
Latest Styles in Phto rdphs.
BANGS STUDIO. ' 1' , \
Sabb1tl1ed In Ib91. . ; } .
Broken Bow , NlJbraska.
" '
- I
. \ "
. ,0 0'I ' . 11
' / .
tl \
> .Ae\\1i'
. .
o SI/b"
/ , . ,
. . " . " ' 1 I
( \ \ .tt , .
\ ) . . f > t
co\ .t. '
, , . , " t )
! ! Iare. Always . rellllble. Jlrunlat ( llf 'Ii
( ) HICUJ.I'aI\/Ij ENULIHII III 1ted " , oil . ,
Gold wetalllo boxes , sealed ' " IlL Llui ! ribbou.
'I'ak. DO otber. Ueru. . , . thUllo\'erou. .ub.l.
CDIlora and lrulhtUona. liu '
) of your lJruggut ,
or sew''c. III slawp , rur 1AlIrUcuhu' . . 're.rI.
DloDlal. . .ud . . HeI" ' , ( or 1.lIdl. . . . . . . / " ' -Iter ,
by 1'.turD ftall. lo.ouo'restlwoDII.I . d ld 141
all OrUICII ! IM.
IIIUo JlMdloltu.l , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
" " 'nU. . . . l. . . . . . . . .
- - - - -
' , " I
Mrs. Laura. S. Webb.
VlceoPftMlld4nt WOlUan' . Dewo.
cnaUo Club. . . .r N "I'Uu'I'U ( ) l11u.
" ' 1 dreaded the chlnge of life which
wu fait approaching. I fllltlccd Willa
, ( If Cudul , and dtcldltd to try a bot. )
&le. I upultnced lomc relli' the
Urat month..o I kcpt on taklnllt ! fur
thrci montJu and now I menstruate
with no pain And I.hall take It off ami
1m now unUl1 have puud the climax. "
Fem&l" Wealmetii : , .disordEl d
meI1sea , talling of the womb and
ovarian bouble do not W IU' otto
, They'foUow b woman to the cbang
of Iffe. Do not wait but taka Wine
of Cardui now and void the trou.
ble. Wine of Crudui never faUs
to benefit a lIufferil.lll woman of
Wine of Cl 'dui relieyl ) ( }
Kia. W b when , be was in dan.
pr. come to the cha.ntN
t m. Kri. Webb' , letttr ! will
mean JIlO'le. : ' to you than it doe.
I BOW. But you may now Inoid the f
I lu1rering ali , endured. Druggists ,
I seU t1 bottles of Wine of Carilui.
. '