Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 21, 1903, Image 7

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1 4 - U - - - - -
: ! '
( . ; A Beautiful YOl/ng / Society
, ' Woman's Letter.
- - -
I j
. Sr. l' A UI. , MI-Nl
Cil : Wabashn : : it. 5
\ I Dr. Hnrtmnll , Columbus , 0. ,
I , Dear : ; 11' :
" ( j "I look Perl/ua last S1l1ll-
I w/ . mer 'when .I 'Was all "lm
, doum , aud had a headache
: o and adacht' , and no a1llM-
Hon fo , ' anJ'lhlng. I1/01l )
I fed as 'well as I ever dlt ! in
I' a1Jl , ) ' life , and all thanks
\ IS dtle to Y01lr eccllent Pe-
I 1'1111a.Bess F. rIca ! . ) ' .
, 1'he symptoms of FlImmcr
' \ entllrrh nro quite ullll1w III
dirr'rmt cnscs , but the 1II0st
1'\ eOlllmon Olles nre el1e1'll1 Inssl-
tl1d ( ' , plnyed.out , th'\d.out.
used.up. rlln.I\owlI \ fcelltlI ! ,
cOlllblnl'd with more or Il'sil
\ hen"t' " stupid , IIstlNs , mentnl
cOlld tlon. Hcollsh for food IIl1d
; th ( ' IIblllty to digest fooll Beems
I 1 , to he lost.
Skill ( 'rU(1t1olls ( , snllow com-
i plelon : : , 1I11i0llBlless , cooted
\1 \ tOIljlle , fitful , Irregulor sl'cl' ,
. help to complete thc IIlctlll'c
r which Is so common ut this
q senson.
\ Perunu so exnctly meets 1111
the'e ! condltlolls thnt the de-
i mend Is so rl'lIt for this renl-
ed ' nt this BenSOIl or th ( ' 'eor
t , thot It Is nearly Impossible to
. sU(1(1I ( ( ' It.
o If you do 110t rl'celTe prompt
nnd IIntlsfnctory results from
the UBe of Perulln , write lit
once to Dr. I1l1rtmnn , Jlvlng n
full ! ltntl'ment of 'our CIISl' , end
he will be plel1sl'd to j:1\'c you
his Yl1lunble I1dylcc jrntl ,
Addr's5 Dr. IInrtlllon , Presl-
ent of 'l'he IInrtUllll1 Sanl-
tarluw , Columbus , 0\110 \ ,
) ,
Sale 10,000,000 Boxes a Year.
WiYe are olJjeuts of Imrgaln an Stury so oltl t.hat it may be new to
sale in parts of nussla. In the ls. many : A stlltterlng IlIan wenlinto
tricL of Kmyschln , on the Yolga , a doctor's omce to be cured ot stut-
, for ex.lmple , the price of a pretty terln . 'l'ho doctor was engaged inl
Irl from a well-to-II'I ' ramih' rau es his prl\'ute 011lce , but there was a :
trom $ iiO to $100 , and III special cases mall ill the waltln rooms , and the :
n'mucll higher SUII1 Is ohtalned. Tn .aw climer tal1\Cd to him , lIe ( the' '
the , ' ) ( I ho lowest price is avouL neT ; ' cOllier ) said he was YNY anxious
$ :25. : It Is cuslomary for the fathers to be clII'ed of stlitterillg , amI won-
of the inti 1J(1I11 bride and bride- dared whl'thnr the -c1-doctor could
d-d-d-do hllll goud ' 1'u which
'groom ' to hagde for . ' 1 10111 ! time oyer "
, , the otller IlIan replied : "l-I-l-thlnlc
he price to be paid 101' the young h-h-h h-he . 11-h-h-l1-
- - - can. - - - - hcc -
lady. cured IlIe. "
'oJ I P
Medicine Never Healed a Wound
Na.ture performs the healing prooess a.nd medicine can only a.s.
RIKt her in doing her work In heallnl { WOl1ndH and thrm11n , err
diseases. Nine.tenths of the diseases of man and beast
ori lu In ! ; ome form of jerms : and if allowed to run imdbl111IP1Y 4'
form complications. The reason that Liquid Koal preycaW.U =
germs dle\.Ses and cnre.\ ' them , unlf' cB ; ferment.ation and
tion have , too tar d."veloped , Is that it contains every nn'\1Jept1o
arid Jremlcldn. known tr.I clence. : All Jerm dlsea. e8 111Ioh M mcg
oholera , swine plague , corn etalk dlsease8tubercolosls , blu " 'tg . "ad
numerous others can be prevented by giving LiquId Koaln - drinkIng -
Ing water , beclI.uie they are germ diseases and no crm : un Ihe
where Liquid Real reaches It. Liquid Koalls unarrected DY the
gastric juices ot the II t. < , pa&es ! through the Inte t.-tnel aDd
trom there into the circulation , p rmeatlng the whole s1Jbem a.d
ttll retains all 'its germlclal properties. Diluted with- wat.rt tn
the proportion ot one tc , ) one hundred , it makes the beat lice In lor
tn'own. - -
Price ot Liquid Roa.l de1lvered at your station Is M fo11os :
ONE QUART OAN . $1.00 TIN GAL. KEG , $2.50 P. . . GlAL.
ONE GALLON - . 3.00 I 215 GAL.-1-2 BBL. . $2.2 GAL.
PIVE GALLONS. $2.715 PI ! " GAL 150 GAL.-ONE BBL. , $2.00 QAt , .
. . .
t I
, : "
" ; 'We. ' tIlt ! undAThn : i st0 < :1I : rahors o ! Ml\dlson County , Nebrll. It& , ra Iln fro.
" 100 to 200 hOllll ot hnrs each n.r hllVP. IIft"r ! a blr anlllml'arUul trlalo ! LlqulH Koa.l
' tnallufllcturelt by Ihe Nation , , ' MedloAI COD1I'Rn ) ' , or Bheldon , Iowa , and YQrk , N&o
t'f ' brulta. foumllt to he the HIIt Ohlnectllnt. ! liorm I1estroyor nnd Appetizer tluH h"
. \ been our pleuure to use , an'tn JnloUy think Ihnt. . . man Is Itnndlnlt In hb 0" .
light who does 1I0t try It. Whlln their ugeut culls we advho I\ny ltook ralser
bur and u'e 1lqlllll KOIl1.
I Cbu. l.o0e , Nortolk. ebr , Th"mn P. Wade , UatUe Creek , 1h"1' .
7J. J. X. ) Iclntosh , I'II1t"rloll : : . Nebr , Wm , U..wkhu , te ow Oro'M , e.Dr.
N. T. lIoman , EmeriCk , Nullr , F. t' . UOIUItIl , Newman GrO.II , Nellr.
' ' ' 1
'J ; DFOl'mmR : , lW1.
' 1' We the Ululenlgned Itook ralsfH and tarmol1 ! Killdl ) ' te Ufy tn UIU m.r. . " of
\ ' LIquid KOIlI mauufaotured h ) ' lbe Natloul\l 'I..llenl roo. , o ! 'rtoll. ' 1.\V , UId
York , NebT.ka , We hu. uno < ! thll product with rll.tlf'lng lIuccesa and ad'l'IM an
, \ , ' to , ; 1"11 It a trial. It shoutd lIe on eTer ) ' furm In NebrMkR ,
I Uutnl l'oarr , 8ee. Nebr Chris. ! 'chnl ! , Ataplahurat , .br.
t ,1" " J. n. Fearrl.nee. . Nebr. 1c. . Mllycr , Htuplehunlt , Nellr ,
, \J 080. ! II III I , nee. Nebr. Geo. ItlllgelJerrur. Sf1\1I.rd ! , Ne r.
. . ' " Wm. 1'lugll&upt , IItaplehurst , Nebr. J. Itlujebergcr,8r"UerrnlirtowuNe1u
/ \ '
: If your dealer does not lceep It write us dIrect.
I A 32'p e book on the DI eases of Animals mailed tree upon np.
p1lcatlon to the National Medical Company , York , Nebr. , a.nd
, Sheldon , Iowa ,
t = ! NatlrlDal Gnttlc and Sheep Dip Is the best and oheapest Dip tor
ot ! 'l'icl.cs . and Lice nd ' '
p killing the treatment or Mange , 'l'exas Itoh
, Bud Scab In Sheep , It COnAS a. perfect emulsion witll water and is
, barmlORS to the mcmbraDM"DC tbe eye.
, . . If your dealer does not keep it write us direct. Intorma.tion
; . . ; \ . ' ' " lent tree.
' , , I , , ! . . . \ f ,
. ' . .
UI"Icnvcrcll. I
Llltll' ) < 'OUI" Year.Olti WII , 'll'ltlll hl .
nUllt , who Ih'l'tI III a liphOHw. . with.
nil mOllel'lI l'OIl\'ell\t'IH'I'S. \ It waH hl
Ill'st ll1l'al lit thu hO\ljoc. 1111I1 hl ! " ' 118
f1'lIntI ' f\tnrlll : \ lit ( ) \'er .t hltl ' 111111 l'Y-
I'r 'hotlr , IIICIl\llll ! ; IIII' "l.tlII111t1n ' to
tlh\1l'l. \ . . . Ills aUllt , < 1eHh'llIIoru \ his-
cult , toul'hell tIll' electl' ! ! ! hllltoll tilt"
tiel' hl'I' 1'001. which ran n 111'11 out In
' ' ' ' ' nt
Ihc Idtelwn. 'I'hn lI1alti nIIJll'nt'l'tI
Illlee. nllll , wlthollt n wOl'11 11l'11I f'laltl ,
tool , thl' ,1'1I1111 ' Illnte rlI1I1 litm'll.tI fill'
thu kttellt'\1 1'01' thu hlsculs , ' 1'hls
1I1 'sh'I' ' WaH too IUllch 1'01' thu HllIall
hn ' , nl1l1 Ill' Jlllietl 0111 : .
" 11tl. " ' lIccldu ? " -
"Hnr , wns 'Oll
ew 1'01'1 , ' 1'lnll'f'I ,
Tn"1 : nclt ,
I'ncle JOHh-Gosh ! this Wl'lhllll' 1111.
tatloll tUI' ,111l'1. ' wedtlln' Is clwcl.y ,
Aunt al1le-IIpw liO' !
Uudc , T tJhn- ell , It sJYs 'O\ll' lll'es-
ellts Is 1'I'JUt'tl'l\ \ . I Intellli tN' liellli n
IH'esent , but I thlnl. this Is 100 much.
Clcvcr chclllc.
Doetol'-Dl ! 'Oll talw the I'huhu'b I
IH'escl'lbed 1'01''Oll' ; !
Pntlent-Fnlth nn' 01 dltl so.
Doctor-How tlld 'ou talw It ?
Plltlent-Iu a 1)01. ) b'gorr ' !
Unclc Hcnhcn 'nY9.
Yo' kin l'on80le a lIIan o ' te11ln' him
' ' ' Idn hurt his ( eel-
he's n mnrt 'I' . or roe -
lu's ' cHllln' hllll a fool , au' 'et nine
times out of ten one. tel'lII w111 ul1l1l '
fiS well liS'de ollller.
Jerry-Gooll jewclr ' Is awrul ' ex-
Joe-Yes , It is ; when eYer I 1)\l ) ' m ' -
self 11. scurf-pin I hayc to u ' enc for
m ' wib.
1\1nttcr of TORtc.
Sl1e-Are 'ou fond of oh'ds ?
lIe-Sure thin ! ; ! I sllllply a ore
ShC-Whleh Is 'our fayol'lte ?
lIe-Quail on toust.
"Took Cnrc of Hcr A"c. "
Con uctOl'-IIow old are 'ou. little
glt'l ?
EllnuYou111 have to I1sk ilia.
She nlwa 's talws cnre o ( lilY uge In a
stt'eet car-Town Hn(1 ( Countr \ .
: -olvill ; n ; \l 'lItcr ' ,
Little TonHIIl'apn , whnt Is a 01-
ped ?
\ anllllal witb le .
Papa-\n two s.
FOl' In ! > tance , a nHlli Is a lped , my
o ' .
Little TOIIIIII'C1 \ , whut's Uncle
,1l1mes ? He's enl ' got one leg-Co-
lum us DIHllltch. : .
1"ot " ill Her ClaM ! ' ! .
, Tncl.-'l'he 1I1J0togt'1111h 'ou sellt me
Is jnst III\\ \ : ! 'on , dear. I Idssed It eyer
so 1II U1 ' tlnwH.
Nina-Did It I'oturn your Idsses ?
Jael.-No , of course not.
Nlnl1.-Then how can 'ou sn ' t Is
like me ? ,
- -
" 'ontcd to Jnow.
. . _
I ' = o.- - ' "
. . . . . = f
Ii " "
.4. ( ' , . . , . . . . . - .
- -I.
. \ngl'Y LJ ' ( on ver ' cold tlaYJ-Con-
U1.10r , where cnn I get nn empty scat !
Conductor-In the park , la ' .
Jh'cll with Him.
Il' . Flirt ' ( tauntlngly-I ) saw : \h's.
Berrymnn on the street to-l1a ' . She
1001.l'll cl1armlng In bel' mourning
. : \1 rs. Flil.t . ( snrcllsttcal1y-Indeed ) !
It's a plt . we 11.11 cau't be wIdows.
Another Hvl1.
: .rl' ' ; . Klllpcr-At last spring rs he1'c
Hwl tile coal mnu I1.nll plumber arc
tllings of the past.
: 'h. . Kiliper-Don't teel too 1llerr ' .
BPI'l' cOllies the icemnn around the
cu I' I Il' 1' . "
An In"hl1\1atloll.
: ' 11"8 Cuttlng-'l'hat dog .t ; ronrs
/e'IIIS ro hu remnrka ly Intel1lgeut.
ft\'hh-Ylt''s \ ' hHlecdl l-n\V'-
( ) ( ; - ' , - \ -
I'unhlll't 1I1'ln ; : to teU rou 11.11 he knows.
: 'Ii s I'ultlng-No. or COUl'se not.
Ullllonhted 1True. .
Rlngll'ln.-Wh ' does a womnn al.
"IIY' " c'I't' : ' her P1I'SIn \ \ hur hlln 1
" ' 1' , ' --Beeallse If she lllIced ) it lu
" , 'lIdlIt It's tun to ono she'd uevor
"I. . ' tlllll It ncaln ,
The 1"ew " " 'omRn.
I 'l'hl' 01 hl'l' 1111 , . n ml\ll n nd a womot
( , lIlIetl Oil till' hJ\I1l' ! nl-cnt IIUOllt tnldn
II hCllloe ! : , Thl' WClIII\Il : did 1\11 the tillie-
Inlnllli llIl'lIe(1 ( to the mlln lor cun.
Ill'll\atlull \ l'orl'oboratl01l. . lIe alwn 's
al-rPl'll with hel' , : U1l1dld , It "er ' meel.-
I ' ,
" " 'ell , " snhl the WOlllan , IIwc're will-
Ing' to tn Ithe hOIl ! > \ ! at I30 n 'enr.
. \11I't Wt' . .IOhll' ! "
.Tohll ' ' I "
1'1'lllIetl , CIi.
" . \1111 wl11 1)H ) ' tIll ! rent promltl . .
100. ' WlIU't we , ,101'n ? "
"l"c ! > : '
" . \1111 w\11 \ tnlw ; :0011 cnre of the
hOIlHI''Oll't WI' , ,101m ? " -
"Yes , "
" . \1111 We don't mind tnldng It for
thn'e 'CHl's. Do we , , Tolin ? "
" : \0. "
"H ' the h 'l' , . . thu al-ent Inqnlred , 1101
( 'om'e : : 'CJ\l a rl' 11\11 \ n n tHl wi fe ? "
" : 'Illn ni\l \ wife ! " c'xelnlllled thu wom
an 8hU'III ' . "l1hleed we're not. An
wc. ,101m ? "
"Ko , IIIr II em' . "
"Whnn" lIld the a ent. "Not mnn
: \1111 will' , "
"Not pxnct1 . , , , she retorlcll. "I'll
haye rOil Imow In Ihl Inslance we nre
wife and mnn. 'L'hnl's so , Isn't it
, Toh1l' ! "
. \1111 ,101m lIIeeldr '
1I I'eed-Slmre M ( ) >
IIIcnts ,
nllt UeCI : ! ! . ?
"IH he a 111\11 : of his \forI } ? "
"Dcchlelll ' . I lIe"'t' henrd nnothCl
n13n Imt ! ; so. "
"ntA 1"cccll'II " ,
" , Tnck lia 's It's golllg to lJe n ren } tlD
we/hllng. "
"A tIn welll1in ! "
"Yes. He sn 's It'a . going to tnl.e 11.11
he's got , " ,
J n n fnr III m.
"I Il01l't SlllIIO I' 'on'll he SOI'I' ' whell
thc school ensoll's OYCl' , " t'onlt : rlwll
the old entll'lIIl1n.
"Yes. I wl1t'l'JllIpd \ the street ur.
chin " 'cnll I don't ' , ' . ' \
, c nl''et. o to s\\Ool
at all. n1l' It' lols 0' flln watchlll' de
miller Idds w'nt has to.-1'hl1ndel1)lIla
Pres ,
lie Kncw.
_ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
: \1t'H - ' ' '
, 1-'lIrlct'-Yon alwa 's were II
fa ult1111111'1' .
: \h' . FII . .tl'I'oU , I fonnd 'ou , al\ \
Hc 'Y..ulel Thlnl , It.
: 'IlI ' s 0111:11'1- ; What woull1 'ou snJ
If I WCI'l' to tell 'ou I WIIS olll ' : ! , I ?
: \1' . Call1el' IJown-1 don't k1l0w. I
would1l't Illw to call II' lady a 11:11' : ,
hut- "
1I1'1'uctlcul" Arithmctlc.
A Il'aehm' who wus tr 'ln to lustrucl
hel' clllss auout Ihe 1II 'Htcrles of addl.
tlon lIud suhtmctl01l explal1led thnt one
( 'oulll 1Iot suhll'lll't 01' add unless the
IlIll11hcm ; wel'O of thu same denomlul1. '
tl < ) \I \ , when a little h'l snid :
" ' 1'I':1chl'r. can't , you tnlw sIx pench.
es 1'1'011I fOUl' trees ' ! " -I.lttle Ohl'onlelo
I.hht ou the HnhJcct.
II.l SUlllwse 'Oll arc nware ot tbl
Ipnller feellng I hn ye for 'ou ?
Slteo ; I'm quite In the dark.
IIe-'l'hat helng tl1e cllSa permit mete
to suggest thnt we strIke a match.
A Good Stnrt.
" , T:1cl.'s going Into the jewelry busi.
ness. "
" " 'here'c1 hc get his start ? "
"I1c's going to usc his college tra.
tct'lllt . anll soclet ' emblcms ns .
ha sl . " \
Weary-What wuz Haggles 8a1
ahont bulldogs ?
Wlllle-llc Bald he I1n r. strange nb
trnctlon for them , an' tbcy took such.
hold 011 ' 1m.
Uncle llcnhen Rn , . . I
It wns Deacon White , of our church ,
who was wl1le to sell his mewl ad
sellll de IIl'lcc to do benlghte henthel\ \
of Afl'lea. but he was saved o tmb
ble b ' some henlghted heathen of
AmerIca steallu' de I1nlmall1.n' a whee ] ,
barrel' to hoot.
Jletrolt Uric ) , Alltrn- .
" 1 no'cI' Raw Blleombc noli inlt.abl\
liS he Is this mOI'nlng' . Wbat's th
mnttel' with him ? "
"COUlllo of follows tried to sell hin
n olll bl'lek yestcrllll ' . "
"Wcll. he dll1n't bu } ' It , did he 1"
"No ; but Iw's just found out it wa ,
a real golli. rJcl-Chicngo Tribune
hDoes he smoke eXJensivo cigars l'
" 1otlOW \ , rve I : toPPCli bul1n2
them. "
The It.
Pnlelte-DcAubo : Is tbe most co
tI tlcnl chnp 1 c\'or met.
HrushC&-lIow's hnt ? ' .
Pulette-Wh ) ' , ev'l' } ' time he painu
a Illutlsenpc ho ImaJ'lncs ho Oattcra nt
till' ' '
, 'I-'T , ' \ ; . . . < ; )11' ' , . ' 'f'1' , . . , , ' . / .
' ,
I' ,
, . , , . ' . 'c , , .
. . J- : ]
hat Everybody.Says. . \ : .
J.oUUVILLB , KT- Every bno who uacs Doan , II Kldnoy 'CntOA.OO , ILt. . _
For a : Ttt.l' or moro PlIIs free trial IJns n good word When I r ehM. the
1111\1'0 beM sufJerlng to for them-that' . Mmplo of l > ot.n' .
with 8O.ore 11alns 111 5ay Kldno ] ' Pills I 11M
thnlmall of tn ) ' why they nro most lufJornlgtorrlbly willa
and kldncj : hatl prominent In the my bac , " 'u Ilckand ,
trIed number of unfit to do anythIng.
romedlee but wJthou public eye. 'lfhc severnl 'femedlci
rellof. I declc\ml \ to . 1 IIndtIed , though
' k
. II b I' ' cl1el 1 . ITI b ne nn d
Doan'e Klelno ' \.c I ngc.s : nrl' ! ! p , , hl hly recommended
try }
1'1I1 Dnd I1I1rclJla ed loin pnlu ! ! O\'crl'ome. Swelling of the d III no Jood , bui
twp boxclI 1\11\1 om 1Imhs untllrop'JY ! Rlgna ynnlsh , rather Irritated the
Jhl\l \ to tate thnt They corrert urine with brlc1lust ! sedl. trouble atlll made me
after tDklnlr the two ment. )11Jh ) colo1'I ( , cxr.c\slye ! , puln In pnRs , 'yorsc , IlefoEe had
bOIee of pl\1s \ I wns lng' , lrlhblln ! , fr\luencr } , tlell wetting , \1 a 1111 the tI.mplo 1
relll1\'cl of 1111 pllhlt\ . ' \\1\8 teellng 10 muck
\ ( pllhltDOII'A : Klllncr P1I18 < 118so1\'e nnl ! remove18
1\1111 ll vo 1I0t hel'n ' . better Ulan got more
cnlcttllllntllTtIl\'I'1 . Rellcvo henrt IJn1tltn.
troubled slnco. Prior' " from the drug lltort ! .
to tnldn tllI' O pillA tiOIl , sleeplessncss , hCfulnche , nervousness. I could not Ileep at
It wnll hnpos llJlo for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . - nf ht. Had to ge up
mo to ( : 'ot 1\ fl\lI I FREE-HOPE FOR THE HOPELeSS. elx orelgbttltncs. and
III ht'tI "leep , hilt IllIn the \tlno wns BO rell ,
not t'xllerlcnclng- ) ' " , ouill olmoAt think
11IIIIculty lu t hl8 rc- It wae pl\rt blood-
tlpt'ct 1I0W. - Yours theTcwna athlck 4nd ,
truly , .TUUN J. . RltA- I IIko brlck-lllIst sedl-
1I:1t. : Ia ! ! W , 1lln 111 011 t. I cannot tell
S . ' . , ' one-halt that I luf-
l' 0J - (1'orclIIRu ( - -
. \merlcnu 'folJ1ICCO fcrod. nor how good
Co. ) I teol now thnt I am
- - - cnrel1 by Donn' . Kid.
A1\r.nrIIN , W _ It.- Itoy I'l11e : but bero I
I lu\ll n 11\\1 : pnln In . \"TF.II. 'UJ1tII" ' Co. , 1J1I1T lo. S , \ ' , nUl , sixty-sIx : yenrs
m ' hnl'l , . I coultl 1'1t'II n I'III 1111II ) ' 11\/111 , wlthont cbarl\ , old , nble , to 110 my
hardly walk or Fit trlnl lIox 1)01111'8 ) . .IJuey l'lI1 ! ! , owu work , feeling
110wn , I conhl not wcll nil I Illtl twenty
wrllo for tlllmplc , hnt Nnmo . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . _ . . _ . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . / , for whIch I
got n I1rt"l'cnl. 1I0x \ thnnk Donn'e Kidney
of 11r11tlst ! , ntHl thc ) ' } 'ollt.onleo. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ _ . . . . . . 1'1\111 \ ten thOlllDUII
hl1\'o IIIndc 1110 nil tlml'lI. - Mrs , E. T.
rl ht , r\o othrr mCII- Slntfl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ OOUL1 > , IH4 W , LakG
Iclllo 11ltl 1110 nuy I lCut . . ! ft m : : . , : ' , , t \ ro ' ; J ' . lto \ . f' Strcet , Doan'e 1'1111
, . , - - - - - - - - - - - .
0011.AtlO CAItI.- . cllro when othor.
roN.8.'i ' 1st St. , Elist. MelUcnl Advlc : foree-StrIctly ConlidenUal. fnll.
_ . _ 1
- - - - - - - - - - - -
SOI11C ll'lq arc 111,0 su ar-swcet
: md full of'it. .
AliI , Yo"r nClllcr fnr.111'11' " Fnnt 1'I1He ,
A Ilowl1er to shnl\ ( ! lute 'our shoeR. It
rl'lItll the fcpt. elll'cs Corlls , 1\\Il1lonll ,
Hwollcu , Sorc , Hot , Cnllollll , AchluK ,
' wcntiuJ : fect lilliI' In rowlll Nnllll.
'AI\I.'II'8 \ Poot.FJns ( ) 1Illlcs uew or t"ht " '
Nhoe ! ! elN ' . 801t1 h ' nl\ \ 111'11g'jIRI11111
bhoe NtoreR , : : ! 1ic. l1tnllln 1I1UIII'11 Ii'IlIC .
Adllrl'RH Al\ell \ S. Ollllsted. Lc HOj' . : < , Y.
'l'ho man who \I1al'\'ies COI' money
: cel'tninly enl'ns It. .
Ir . \\'I"81n\\8 OCJ'l'IIIN ( } H\'It\J1' Inr Ihll.
' .1r , . " t et"I , , , wltellH the . ' 111119 , fI'lInrl'K 111111\ '
II\l\tlnu , 111I1\'sl'llln ' ClltCh CllltC , l'lIeo 2j\J boUlt1
Wise is the imlh'icilltli who cnn IC-
mail ! silent 011 any suulect.
" 'l'hp Klenll , Keel I"itl'hl'1I KII111'-
IIto\'e kN'I ) rOil c1ellll nlld cool. gl'lIl1olll-
ICIII 111111 IIlwu 'H rcnd ' , Hold at > ; 111111
ItO\'l1 ; I'ItU')8.
1 A rl.hur ,1 enn lugs : td \ ! tWl'nlr-seyell
years , of Florence , ClIo. , hus a hlg
'head. It mcasures Lhll'ly-slx inches
in c1I'Ulllh"ll'rlce. ! He hus a I'ICd ! Lit
'sell It , 10 an I aslern utecHI'at instllut.l'
1'01' Ql2OOO-half to be paid aL ( ) I\'U \
and I He olher half wht'll \ rthur dies
and the head is lIell'ured. .
An 0\(1 \ [ mil ) " ! ' ! IhRUOVOr ) ' . I
Gal'1lett , Arl , . , III } ' lS.-1-01' lH 'cl\r
Mrs. : 'Ilal' ' ' 1 > lIlIlull of this IIIIll'l' hn-l :
tmlTereli with Khllll' ' trollhle , which
" , aM SI > hnll Ilt tllllcH Ihllt It mnllc hpr. .
IIfo nlt'dln. . She tl'ICIIIIuch \ \IIctll- \
cine IIIllIlllIny \ trolltllleuts , bllt got uo
At Inst , howcycrh'R. : . DUI110p
, clllllns t 1In\'e ( olll \ II pet'feet relllII ( ' ,
1111111 she. IR so 11cl1I'U'1l ] lit the wOllllf'l'fll1
cllt'e01110 / hlI'/wlr hns rece1\'ell. that HjIU
Is tclllng- 1\ \ her fl'JcIHls n nd [ l1'lIlsl' lg
the lIlelllchw to e"er 'onf' she nH'l'ts.
'l'he namc of this 11llIelllU \ Is DOIhl'H
l"hlue ' 1'1111'1 , :1 IHI it haR dOlw'ollllcl"
fill WOl'k for : \Irs. D1l1l1uI. [
, 'crrboll.r is IlIlIdn ahout It , 111111
IWIIIO lH.'oph ! nre ciallnllll- hn YO hl 11II
clIl'l'll of H1WUllllltlslII h ' It.
A : 'Ill's. ' Garl'ltt ! , who 11"(11'1 ' In Hrl1xllH ,
' stilt" . WIIS nt thl' point tlf death
with sonll' C'rt'hrIlulll trouble. and
IWIIS Sit yed b ' Dodd's Kltlne ' l'lIIs ,
It Is l'CI.tulu tha t no other 1II1'11Icino
' ' ' \11' ( Il1trodlll'll here hnR IlolIl' so l11urh
1-:0011 In such n short tlllle.
' 1'110 pcople arc lel'rlhly 1I1co In h I h
and luw staLlons , President Hoose-
"elt was away , and couldll't rurnhle ,
1',0 his wlfo g I\'e a tHlny till Satllld 1) '
last to 200 gucsts. 'l'hls Is dOllo ever
tlllle II IH1sualld tlt'IIS his hacl\ . from
Uabba e Patch social ulre1cs up.
'l'hls Is a seasoll when the daurh-
tel' who'crlf's when she hums the
fudge , gets up ill a white dress at
CUIIIlUencemcnt und sol yes the IIroh-
lew of Jifo In such a sllllple , easy
way tbat her own parents don't
know her.
VJ , .11f'1. , .
III nllrncllnlf morl ! nUontlon thee
. .
I RUT Clhor dl.trlct in the . . .url4c
"Till : UIt.I : \ ' tit' TIIl WOULD. "
" 'J'ltl I.\ 1I O 1'1\,111 ' ; , : ' > 1 : . "
Till' ! X'\'J''UAI.l"IIIIIW : : ( : ntl ( . ' 119 fur 8TtlCIC
Aren III..I I' ( .op In lllnIIlTIII1U ! ! ACree.
' 1'lel.111I 1110- 1 T.II : : , - : : > l1h"II. . .
Ah1ll'nll ' o of , , "II'/ln ' 1'11111. 1'1."l\tlll \ , ( 'h" I' 1InUd.
In 11111\1.11. . II ( jood II 1' . . " { on 1111 U 1' ' ' ' nl..l tortU.
: r1 ' : \ lcI , t' tlll ' u ! : : , 'o : : ' ' r : I : t n ' : ; 1r:1
LUII.I..r J 1111'\1 } ' . . . . . .Ih. . nnlr ; dJ rl1 ! ! 1I..lnor ' 1(1 (
IlItlr , . (110.n 10 ( 'hllrch. . . . Hehool _ . etO.1 JlnU.t.P
nil . " tl.t dl"rl t. .
! innt , for A tI. . . IIn.1 other IIt.roture to ! luredn-
tll..lollt I.t ImIDIRlntloll. 01l01T1i. C.n. . . . . . or ( ,0
W. y , IOll\ftU. : 001 O\1' Ynrk Llln JIIIIII. , Omoh. .
- . . . . . , ' . . . . . . . .
: -.h. , the IInlll"'I.\ . \ , " - ' . . A".nt1
I 7i1 ! ! ' . . ' . : . JI" ' . . t'C : " 10" " "
E\'en a ret'c1y man c1mws the IIno
at talin both shIes of an argument ,
, . _
- - - -
V ! ult Itchls wll1 not stain Leeds !
nyed wi t.h lU'.rN AM l A DELBSS
) ) 'l' S.
For Infants and Ohildron.
ihe Kind You lIave Always Bought
Donrs tho71 ? -
Slglll\.turu QC /Z /
I : : ; : : : ; I TholllDSOn'sEye Water
N.N.U. 772-21. YORK , NEB.
While wal 1I1 for a l'lrcus parade
SOI\(1 \ ) peouln al'I ( 11I1'1'0 ' patient than
olhers , SOIllt' people appear on the
stl'ul , , in a hustlln WilY. and It t.he
pa'lIdc doC's not. COIllt : ! aloog in tcn
IIII11ul.e8. lltey ( J 110111e. llut othel'S
will wa It" " and ya WII Ilnd let c\'ery.
till n else HO.
'rhe modrn'n is to
he a Iure : flJl' newspaper poverty.
If'OU , spread it oyer Y01l at night.
It is buLtel' than a warrnln panan
almosL sa cOllllortahlo as an elder-
dowrt- ( \ . H , yuu roll It up into
wet ha fs and pllr ; it on the l1re , it
answers Instead or coal ,
- _ . . . .
.Iust the same lIS ever .
continues to be the sure cure of
i and Neuralgia
, , . .
Prlca 2Sc. and SOc.
, . .
eur a
, : " Headache-s
EMttnon'3 f : ; nUICKL URED BY
. .
- =
.SIDZEn - ;
10 cans. , . ' tOlMtO. 10 ' 1
CU ESALL 'I . : - -.T E : !
) : 'JI
, . . . .