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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1903)
I- ; ' . , . . " . " ' ; r. . > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' * . . . . - . " . "QIIt..l'l .w'n ! Mf' " ' ' .Wll1. < . P. . . _ t. ' . . . . , _ . . . " , . + ' . ; . , : . , . - c ' . ' " _ , . , , _ . _ . 'J I Iii : i i J I I u UmmmmmMm nnmUilli I . , ! Sunny Bank Farm , i , ; I nr FLOYD LIVINGSTON - . ( OII.\l"l' ] ll ] , . -Contltl ( IIl'd.1 "Nov r 11I11111 , i\ ! , " Hnltl olle of the IIhlP , ' \Ol\ know III ( II ; t I'ver'thlll ! ; els , 111111 , hll\'e dOllu hrnvelr. " I I wns ns HIli' " of III ) ' certlficnte tWII ! III < I 1 wns I1ftl'l'lI mllllltes IIfterwllrt ! . WIIl'II n IIttlo slip oC PIlJlI'r wnH h'ell lIIe. III" c1n'rlur. 11I0 cm lll1'tl'llt to tel1ch n 1.011111I011 I IIchool. I tlwllth t It WI1S nil 0\1'1' . IIl1d ' WIIS ndjllHUII lIIothf'I1I Hhnwl 11I111 t 'III ; ' : I I 011 . .fllllet.'s'I'i1 , whrll thl' ' nHln'l1 11I0 to , wrlto 80111l't h IIII : ' , Ihat thl' ' wight1'1' II s(1rclmell ( of m ; . . JlCl1l11l1thll ! ) , 'l'I1II II ; ' : , tbo ) len , I IlaHhrll' with II flolll'llIll , ! "Ho 1I\ 1.1. " athlch I tholllht Ihl' ' llcrrell 111'11' , . ( 'III'IOIlBlr tllnll 1If'1'11 III' ; 11I111 Oil ! ' of Ihl'lII-I' ] . C'llIrtoll , II 'Ollll ; ' : 'lInll. , RlIII R hl\llll \ OIllI' 0111' , too-tlllhl Ollll'thill i ahollt Itll hl'lli"Ol'r / pOl'Uca ! . " , ' ' ' l''l'llillhnll 10111 Shll'l' 1'ho hnllo\\'s flf l'\'l'llill/ / : : fnllen whell WI' Hlolllll'll lit UIII' .Iolw , ' 1II0thel' 1111-.1(11111) " 1I\\'II1t , " "huro wo l'uIIIIII : ( ) , . ' ' wlHt fllll ' shp luulte.1 . hI lu { : : 1111 , 1'1' ) 111) ' [ II co el'U she IIskell thl' hllllOl'tl1l1t qllcstloll. ' ' 'Yes , ' ] ' \0 Jot olle , " snItl I , hOUIlIIiIl fr01l1 the hlljurlIHI ; I'll 11I,0 to UO ( x. _ alliInI'd e\'l'r ) ' 1111) ' , It's such filII , " "DIdn't , . ruu mlRR n wIII'II'n / Il'll , Ill' III t ; \ "Oh. I'm RO plnl1 : ! " crIt'll LizzII. ' . "J" el hip : , II0II't 'nll' : ' : 1111"tlt11 ; : ! ChilI" IJI I , while . . \111111 1IIII11reil "If I'll 10llt Iwr \Jockot hnlllll rchlufI" , of' _ I ' ' .il c 'AP'rl 'lt Y. : Erp. 101ljt : , x/lJPl'rlltoll : rl1l1l1)rH tl/ldH'd 81 m ; l' II II n I'or thu'cr ) ' erN1\tl \ hle lilnn- mrr/n / whIch I hnd IICCl1lttecl II1)'HCI ( lit . " 'tho - oxlllnlllltlon'herellpon Allut Hull ) ' , WrIght wnR 1IIIlte tnlwn nhnek. Suun . . rntl 'lng , howe\'er , flhl' ; hllil n'COllrrir to ther'lIceollll Ilrelllctlon , which' ' wns lhllt "I &bqltld not tench more thlln hlllf tIll' HI1I11- 1 ' . .jncr ou't. " Pr.rhllps ] WI'OIlI ; the 0111 Intlr , ' but J cannot help thlnkllll : tllllt , the \II. \ llnturod stories coneerlllll : : 1I1 'Rei r , , , 'hich Iho set nl10nt lit PIli ! ! nlll , wore In II great mensllro the cnURe of Iwr III'o\hcc \ ! ' belllJ : fllll1l1ed , XevOr hofore , tn m ) ' knowledge , hnd she \'Islted lit Cnlltlll1l ThompsolI's , hilt now she spenl all elltito da ) ' there , brlnglllp : baelt to 11P1 till ! Illtd. lI enco thnt John 'l'hompson , n bOj' jl1st ono yonI' 111Y sonlor , WIIR oln to Itll ' at homo thnt Rnmmer , as1I&S CIIII'n Thn lIpHoll . hudn't no Idce I COllld tUllch . . him. Addc. ] to thIs wns the comrortln liS' , , .urallce thllt "Cop'n ThompRon Willi hop. In' mnd becall o11' : . HnlUlnll h/1I1 / hlr.d mn In pruCerencl ! to hIs sister Dell , who lid hl'rsclf n\lpll"ll \ for the Rchool , " 'l'hlH III I nfterwnrd lellrned , wes the 8'crct of the dIslike which , frol11 the first , the , ' 1'hoU1lIon8 \ entCl'tnlned for 1110. 'I'ho ' Ihad no dnllghter , bllt the cnptnln's hilIC. slstr Dell hlld lI\'Cd wIth hIm e\'er ' "Ince hIs Ulllrrlnle , nlld between her nTHI tholr hOflef1l1 lion John the nffectlonll pf blm- s lt n lI wlCe were nellrl ) ' oqll1\lI ) ' I1lvld- ed. , , : ' D ll ' [ , hompsol1 wnR n proud , o\'erbenr- Ins ; 1:11'1 , ahout ehhtel'll years oC age , who cstel'nll'd hl'f'lf , fnr bettOr thnn her ' 1UIj ! ; bors , .with. whom she'Bcldom 1\S80' clnted ' , "her . I\cllllnll1tnnel'R Ih'hlK nwsUr at''hut .Wlltl cnlled "the cl'nter" oC the town , It seel1ls thllt Hhe hnd nllplle,1 , for the " "l11l11l'r IIchool. hilt relllemberln ; ; thnt 6ho ! Jl\Iluncl' coiled him 11 "colllltr ' clOWII RlIII hlR wife hnorllllt ; IInd vlllgar , . " Ir. Rnlldull' luul rl'CII"l'll her al1l1 nCCIllted ! meotwlthstnndlnl : thnt the Ileollh ) of llno IlIIi gl'l1I'nlly ) dIsliked the ' 1'h\I1III' \ son , thel'e was IIIIIOII ! ; thelll 11 fl'ellll ) . ; of dhsotslIction ! when It bel'lIlIIe knowll thnt , I wns prcCerred to Dell , for "It walln t ever ) ' 'bljt : 1m ! ; ' who would IItoop to tench. " rr _ .f tblll stnto of affall's I WIIS fortll' nRtel ) ' Ipn : rlnl , IInd neur do I rellll'lI1' lIer 11 hllllpler mornhll : thllll that on ' , \'h\ch \ I Qrst took U\lon \ IIIj'lwlf the 1'0' ' .II1)On"lhllltll's of n tencher. Dr sUlirlso 1ho IItU ! ! h1\lr \ trllllk , which grnlldl1l1\ lent rile , ' WIIS Ilnded anll stood waIling on 'the duor"tl'p , Grllllllmn hnd sllggp.4tlted the pro\lrl't \ ! ) or lettIng down my drl'lIlIetl a 1110\'l'lI1l'\1t ' which I w1\rlll1) ' lIocolldl'd bllt 1110thor lIahl "No , " .Bhl' dIdn't IIlw to see IItUe glrlll dressed like groWII'UII WOll1 n i" so , In my IIew lllnld glnhlllll I , wnlted III1\1ullontl \ ) ' unlll the ( 'lock It ruck se\'en , at whIch tilllo fatllor I1U. nOllnced himself reed ) ' . " , , 'hon will you come home ? " ftBll'd mothrr , nil he f01l0\\'ed 1I1e to the Iate. o "In three wcells , " WUII my reply , al 1 buunrll'd Into the buggy , whIch 1I0on nlO\'ClI nwn ) ' . Plno Hili Is not nt n1l remnrkablo fllr Jtli bell II tI fill Hcenery , 1\nd \ n old 801"1'0 ] tr tted Icllluro1) ' :1long , down one Ptooll hili nnd Ul1 nuother , through U II/Hlllte,1 / , IIwnmll , IInd oer a ploco of road whor ( tl c little jtrn : sy rldl'ts : said , all Illal11 at rl'ss ) ' rldgell cOllhl sny , thnt the tu\'cl , f'f there were few 'nnd far between. 111 1111rlts lowered n Jllto/c. / Dllt , nnon , tlH l'rOl'pect brhh toned , nnd In the dl tllnc. . wi : 81\W the whlto wnlla of CIIPtlll\ \ ' 1'\lompson's \ rcsldence gleamhlg thr011l1 tlit , l11al'S of cOrgreens whIch Sl1rrollndel It : Suddenly turning a coruer , WI' el\m' ' : to' ' n halt before one of thollo IIll\utln1 ; roofed housoll so C0Il11110n In New Ell ! ! Il\nd. It wal the homo of Mr. Hnndnll aud It wns there thnt I was to boorll th firRt week. In the doorwn ) ' , oatlubro' / ) , ! Iud molnsbes , weNl hIs three chi hI l'l'1 "ho , the moment they IInw UII , set UII shout of "s01l1ebody's como. " 1 guess It' the schoolma'nm ! " and strahhtwa ) ' the took to theIr heels. . After n 1110meut the Inrgost , of thel venturell to returu , and hIs example wn 100U. followed by the ether two , th rounger of wh01l1 , nfter eying me UJ knnce , lisped out , "Don TI\ompRon lh ! ' ) ' be nln't nfrnld oC ) ' 0\1 : ho < : I\n lick ) 'ou. li'nther InquIred Cor Mrs. Hnudnll , whl we lenrned. wns sweeplug the IIchol hOll1e.Ye set forward , IInd soon rencl ed our plnco of dc t1nnUon , whIch , wlU out hada tree or ornament of II11Y 1..lnl stood half wny up a long , sunn ) ' hili. W found : \rs , Hnndall envelOlltd In II clo\l oC dust , her sleecs ro1\ed \ up , and II ( hl'Rd co\'erell b ) ' a bl1\ck \ IlIk hlndkn . . , chIef. . oJr . " 'l'ho room wnsn't fit for tbe ,1'1 , " It , . , ' 'Inld , "nnd OUlht ; to have been clunci _ \Jut \ lIonlphQW lIohnd1 took aIl1 Int'ro' ' I ' : n 8chool thl" S11l111'110r , and I'd bave I " uloke It anllwt'r , " " , . , . ' ' : ; I dldn'.t carl. ' partlcularl1 for the roOI " whlel. ! In truth , was dIrty and dlsagre : fj- . I ble'nough ; bul the worda "nobody tOI , Dr IDterest this lIulllmer , " affected 11 ullplollHlllltly , Cor In them I AIlW 1dIm fllrp811111lowll1 ! ; IIC 1111 thllt eliHuel1. 1.'l1th- . or , who wns In II hurr ) ' , Hoon left me , IJltllIllIlIIe / "ht1 need / Irl , nllil uot ; tll rOlllllhl ! ; with the Hcholnl's , " 1"l'ul1\ the whitlow I wlltchell hllll ulltll he dIll' 1111111'111'1'11 ( } \Ol' th ! ! KIIUlh' hili , hlliC wish- III ! ! thnt I 111I11 tlH > lit tlu tl'UUI : wcre with hllll , 1 WIIH l'IIIIHl'll frolll III ) ' rl'\'erle uy " 'H" HOIlIII1I1 , whn 1lIllIlHltI\'ely ) IIllld , " . \III't ) ' 011 hilt thlrtl"'II ? " "Xo , 11I11'1111I , " I IIl1l1WCrl'l1. " 'rlllll , " Hhl' l'I'tllrll"II , "It IIl'ntM nil how IIIl1ch oltlm' 'Oll 1001 : , 1 Hhol1lll tj'I HI ! r.11I . WI1H full Hixll'l'lI. nllt It'll 1111 ill YOl11' fll\"Or , 111111 IlIl''H I / ' 'nl1'l1 Ill' mOl'\ ! likely tn Hili\ \ . t hI' Ch'l'lItl'll't , tlwlIJh theY'I' ! ! IIfl'lIl ) ' 011 hll\'OIl't 1111)0'erIlIl1l1nt / , IIl1d thl'j"rl' tl'l'l'ihl ' IU\1'(1 ( In RIIH , So , If I Wl : ynl1 , " Hhl' cOIIIIIIIIl'II , ' , 'l'eI hnlll n prott ) ' . tipht : rl'ill lit IIrHt. I 11\1) 'oll filII libl'rt ) ' tu whIp ' ' IC thl' ' dOll't be- m ) ) 'OllllOlleH / - hnn' , 'l'hl' ' l\IIow bettor th1\11 to CUIII- plnln nl hOIle ; , " Aftl'r "lttllIlnwhllo , IIIIl' IIrORO to go , t'lIill/ / . : III ! ' "lIhe IIholllel l'xII'ct 1110 lit , " nllll thl'lI I wnH alolll' , ] , 10ol11 01. III ) ' wnll'h ; It wns hlilf 1IIIIIt uhht , IJnd 1101 II , , ( ' \10101' \ 'I.t. 'I'hlri WOR widely dlC. fl'rl'lll frnm IIIIIIY Hnllk , whel'l' . hy 51\ " en , the hOlllle Will , ! enernl1) ' tilled with ch 1111 I'l'lI , hnlloolllP : , qllllrrellng oer ! ! rats , nlld wntchin ! ; cnpcrlj' : for the firllt : tJlht ! of "thl' nuw Rehoolmll'lIm. " lIere the tllbleH wl're tl1rned , IIl1d the "sch'lOl- ' mn'nm" WIIH wlltchillfol' / hl'r Heholllt'll. 'ren mlnlltoll of lillie , nlld I hO lIn to jrllw ; fidJl't ) . . 1 should II/n'u / heell 1110re 1111 hod I l\IIo\\'n how much 11'1 ' RIJl11etimeH Hulll nuonl tl'nchl'rR 1I0t Ill'ullintheir / hOllrs. Flvu mlllllteH of Uhll' , 1111I1.1'0111111 the corner lit thl' fout of the hili 1111111'1\1" eel n IrOUII : of chlllh'l'lI , whllu from I\noth- el' direction clime otheril , Hhoutin ; ; for those In ad\'lInce to "wnlt , " which I he ) ' did , ulIIl the whole elltored the hou" , ! to- Itther. A few of the 1':11'111 : mllle n IIIIpllt : ohdsllllce , while till ) bo's Illugheel , end thro\\'llI 1I0wII their bookR lu 1\ very con- selluolltlnl mnnller , 100kcl1 dlstrulltfully nt me. 1\1) ' nlo hnd Ill'ecelled me , nud III mllll ) ' oC these childish 1II'/I1'tH thol'o wnK nlrendy II 1I\11rlt \ oT rehelllon , On OlulIln ; ( mj' dl'sk 1 fn111111 IIIHcrlbcll U\lOIl \ the lI , III II buM schoolho ) ' st'lo , "nOBU Lee , IIJed 13 , " to which WOII Itll\len \ ed , III n 11I0re dellcoto hnnd , "Allclollt-\'ery ! " ' 1'nl < ln ) . ; II1j' hulla ruhbr , I erllscd It while Ulj' seholurs Wl'1'1J settllll' ' ; the lIIat , tel' of'sents , ' 1'hell thl'ro ensue1 ! n 111'1'- fect sUellce , nlld the c'es oC nil IH'oHent turlled IllqulrJugl ) ' U\lon \ mu , while , with sundr ' flom'lshes wIth ' 611\'er ) m ) \ Iumell , \lroceeded \ t tllko down U\lOIl \ a bl Mheet of foolscnp the names , n ell nnd "whllt studIes do you IntenU to purllue ? " of mj' IJ\l1111es , After much talkluIInd / orrallglng. the school wes orgaulzoJ : uut the first morning dragged heavlllnd when twelve o'clock cnn1l' , 1111I1 I drew Cram m ) ' IIntchel thlt nIce ginler Snl1pli whIch UI ) ' mother hud mudo , the ) ' cholt. cd me 110 much thnt I wns oblll01 to " 'Inlt hnrd , IIl1d COUllt the rows of trem ! lu the ol'ehnrd opposlto twlc ! ! , ere 1 ollid nll9wer the Illlestloll addressed to mo by aile of the little girls. Iu the renr of the honse wns a 101l strip of Ilonso woods , nlld'llIhll1' ' ; to hI. ' nlIllH' , I tel my uOlillet 111111 Will III I' red thither , Selltlng mj'IHlf UI'OI1 a mostlY lo/ / ; , I trIed tn ( nllcy thllt I WUiI nt home bCllenth the denr oltl grnpevinu. But It could uot be. I WIIS a Hchool mliltl'eis. : : : \lIs11 Ll'e thl' ) ' cnllpd 111e. ulld 011 111) ' Itrow the RhIl U"S of liCe were tll1I' ! unrl ) ' I1Il1ldllg tlll'lr ImpI'osH. SllIwl ) ' to 111U I1rl1llCl1 : ; the hOllr which /lIWII1I huf.Jl'e I hnll IICen so tlhort , nnd when lit 10J'lt ' I took 111) ' wn ) " back to IIchool , It 8CI1111ed thut III thnt , short ( Ipnce 1 hlld lived un I a/e. / As I approached the IIchool houM' ! I Knw thnt 80ll1ethl111 : WOK the II1ntter , rn the scholnrH werc reatl ) ' excllt'd. ] hnstened forwnrd : hut It Wll8 with dIm , : Clllt ) ' Ulnt I COllld lenrn the cnURe 01 , the commotloll. Goer e UlIlldali Willi cry , I Jlljt : , while n little nl1art from hIm 8toOt ] 'lwo ' bo's , olle of thelll oppllrently four , tee nud the other twelve. ' ' i 11 . 1'hoy wert strnn erll to me , and IlIlItlnctlol ) ' 1 Celt 'thnt I ' they werc In some wn ) ' conlwctel' wIth the disturbllnce , nllll thnt the Inr CI I Rnd more Il1Iportunt looldnwnil / .Iolu I Thompllon-n surmIse whIch provcll tI be corr et. It lIeemed that IannI' Uoss , one of th. . new.comers , hnd some weeka boCor , se lected for hlmlelC n comer lIent , which ns ho W II not present In the morlliui hod been taken by George Unndall , wll ( knew notblng of Isuno'li Intentions. LUI ( who now rfused to . :1\0 It lip. A tigh wall the reault , the 1110st of the scholnr , tnklug IIldes wIth George , while IlIau , I wns urged on Rnd encournged by Johl 'l'h0111pKon , who , tholllh ? llot 1PUIIII , hnl r come up "to see how hc IIkod the ne\ ' Hchoolmo'I1I11. " All n 111ntter of courj nn IIllpeal wall mnde to 1110 , to kllow "I George hadll't the hcst right to the SOl\t. Perhllps I WIIS wronK ; but l del : lll" thnt he hud , at the 8n1110 time 1l ldn Ibllnc "If be were comln. : to school. " "I nln't goln' to do Rllj.tblng cl e , " linl he , glnnclug toward Johu , wliv , with wIcked leer nt 111e , Imocked off on6 of th little boy II' hilts nud threw It UII In tb nh' , What would hn ve ensiled lIeJtt I d not know , for at that 1110n1l'IIt CnptAI 'rhomllsol1 rode round the corllor all cnlled to hili "Ion , who , with 1110el ; defl ) enCl' , bowed olltely to 111e nnd wlIlI , , n I\Wa ) ' . Dl8ureeahle liS Isnne UOSII nl Ilel1red In the preSl'nce of ,10hn 'l holl1l 80n , I found thnt wilen left to hl1molf I wnt ! 11ulte It dlfferellt hnn ulld thou h 1 lit firllt ulanlCelited flOII\Q \ relllctallee I tnleln ! : onothor Rent , he at last ) 'Iehll'd tl Ilolllt , and Cor the romnhlller of the lit cunduct ! ' . } hImself with IH'rfeet Ilrollo'lot On the whole , the aftl'rllllon 111\1"1 nWI1 ' ratber pIOft811I1U ) ' , IIml nt I\I II when IIchool Willi ollt , 1 stlll'ted for II boardlllg pilice Ilulte conlt'nted , III IIIIS IlIg the different hOllses whIch IItoo.1 11111 the roadsIde , I dOll1enl1l'd 111YIIl'LC wI tlllutmo&t dl llty , swln lng 111) ' IIho drou trol1Iide to sIde In ImltntlIJII a Boston ladr , . , ho 111\\1 onOtanht ! our dIstrict , and , . , holle 111ftnner of wal In Ilfreat11 admIred. 11'1'0111 the whlllu of Captain TI& mlSllll'l dwellhl ! ; I call : a : lhuplf' ' of two fRcNI , wblch were h\I n , lIy wlthdrawu , but I ( ( 'It auro thllt fr ebt hlnd the curtalus till' ) ' wlJru sCl\llnl ) k DIY nppellrance , 111111 I rCll1emher'lawl 3e Ing UI ) ' parallel 11Itt1l ' ! , Just to tantall , ' ' ' ; " ' " " .j " . . . . - . . . .s. . " , . " . . . tholll , But when nt IRllt I wns over thl' bill und oUt of sl/ht / , oh , bow /llId / I \ \ II ! ! to bo HaM Lco nltnlll , frec to Illuclc the Nweet wild /Jowerll / , to wntch the little flNheli 111 Ule rUlllllllg hrook , or even to chllie n hUlllblobee If IlJlke" : Auollt fifty rod II frolll l\lr. Hnnllltll'lI Itallclll due of these olI. , IIshlollo < 1 Kllble- rooted bOUICII 80 Colll1l10n III aOIllp. IllIrtll ( Jr Ne , . , rnll"hll1dj RIIII herp. , nt the tll11l ! IIC whIch [ ftlll speAklll ! : , IIVl cl l\lrH , HIIA , tbl ! IlloUler of IHllllc-or I ke , III hc Willi fRrnlllllrl ' called , I had neer lIlot the Indy : Il11t'ns I n\l\lronclll'd \ \ the hOllsl ! nlld laW 1tall , sqllllrcshollldcrlod an lellnlll UII the Jult" 1 III1l\1rllll ' lhollflht that It IIllltht hu HII ( ) ; IIl1d un th ( ' tlolnt I was 1I0t lOll/ / ; left III cllmht , fOl' the mo. mont I CIUllO wlthlll HIICllldlig dllltnllc'J she culled Ollt : " ) f IW dr' do , [ lHs Lec-I II'POSO 'tis ? You Ill'elty wcll ? I'm MIRs Hess , Islcle's mothur. IJ e telled lIIe thllt he hnd 1101110 CIl"1I IIbollt II lIent that he plcl < cd out 11I01'1.11 n 1II0lith nJo , nlld thlllkR ho orto 11I1\'e. I dOll't 11l'\'I'r Clllkcrlnte to tulle HId I'll with 111) ' chlltlrl'lI , 'callse I'\'e Jeept se/wol / 1II'Relf , 11I111 I know how ulIl , 'Us : hilt I do hllto to hll\'e 181cl < ltllllllff I1gll1 tlte licolwhllll'nlll 1111 the lirllt Htllrt , I1nd If I'R YOIl I't ! Il't hll11 hn\'u till' Hcnt In- Htulld oC Gl'urpu ' : Hnlldl1l1 , fa I' lIluhhy Colks'lIl1ar 'OU'I'O pllrUlllto Gellrl' ! , hcln' thnt his fllther'li coml11ltleelllllll. " AI ! wI'll nil I cOlll , I explllillcd the mllltcr tu 111'1' , tl'lIill ! ! her I willhed to do I'ilht , 111111 lIIel1l1t to liS fur III ! I itllow how. how."I "I Ilrellllllll' ) ' 011 do , " s.1I1t1 flhe , "or I IIhollhln't ' 11 tllken the IIhert ) ' 10 1'I11Ink ! , ' , I 101 ' ' ' , nllli I felt h ) 011 ( ) ' " j'Oll'iI j'Olllll : ufelll'l'd ) ' 011 dhlll't Imow whnt IIn IIn. dertllldn' It WIIH to teneh the roullgcleu \ how to 'shIIte , ' 'rhe IIl'hoohnl\'nlllH hnve nlwa 's thollht : : 11 8 ! : ht 0' mc , nnt ! gen- < :1'1111) ' leU lIIe nil theh' trollhles. so I know jpst how to tllke tlJ ( > lr Iwrl whell the rl'8t of the Colks lire n/'III / 'UIII,1'1 . Susnn Brown to HcllOol ? Bllt 1111 ( ) waim.t , thouh ! , I kllow tlhe wllsn't. " I l'eplled thnt there wns II 1i1ll1J irl presellt of thllt nlll11C , IInd lilY cOl11p:1l1ion : l'olltllllled : "Now I'll gi\'c liP , IfUss : BI'own haB come rOlllld ollough to selld , whell "he wnt ! 90 drellc1full ' OllllOHcd to ) 'our tench. In' . You've Iwerd IIhout It , I s'poRe 1" I nllswered thnt "I IIhlll't kllow thnt anr olle hnd o\lposed \ 1110 cJtcept Ir. ' ' " 'l'hol11\1son. \ "Oh , ye , " snlel she. nSlllllllinnn / In" jllred look nnd tOIlO.'er'hod ) ' tmows nbout thnt , nlld there'll sOllie sense in their belli' mnd , Cor 'twns pillguoy morti- fl'ln' ; to Dell to offer to tench nud be reo jected by I 1' , Jlnlldnll , n IIInn thnt nlJllC 0' the 'rholl1psolIS would wipe their old E lees on , alld then , 'tisn't eer ) ' bIg bug thllt will IItoOP to tench-Cor YOI1 know 'tulll't cOllshlerel1 Cllst cut. " "Xo , I IIltlll't know It , " nnd so [ Hnld : but sbe nSlIl1red lIIe or the foct , 'lllutinJ ; as 1\uthorit ) ' hoth Mrs. 'rholllpson and Dell , who , I fOlllld , were her oracles In IerythlrlAfter / a tlllle I hroupht : her back toIrs. . Drown , whose hUllhnnd , she flnld , Willi gone to Hon , and who hnd herself - self npllI ( d for' the school. " "llut betweell rou and me , " she allded , Ipeakllll : ; In n whlil\lel' \ , "It's n IIIlghty Iood thinthot / she dldll't get It , for aho aIn't the lIIelle t person thnt o\'er wns , and uobod ) ' under the 8\1n would have 8ent to hel' . IRIck shouldn't 1\ gone 0 I\ln/ll / ! dn ) ' . D\lt , Innd sukcsl how I'm tulkln't You 111\1st not breathe a wOI'd I SillY , Cor I mnle It a p'lnt not to &Innder I11Y nolghbors , alld iC everybody mlndod their uusinoss liS we1l as I do , thcre wouldn't bo HO mu h bnck.biUn' nil thl're Is. . And thnt makes me think I'\'c ha 0 ullnd to cuutlon YOII : but no , I JUCIIII : ] won't-mehby j'ou'li tell on't. " Of course my curlosltr wes roused , IInd or cOllrse 1 sahl I wOllldn't tull i whcI"e , l1\1on \ Hhu 1II'0ceodcd to Inforlll lIIe Ihot : \Irli. Hl1ndllll wus u vel' ) ' tulkln' wOl1lun , will I I11UMt be prell ) ' cllreful In hl'I' pres- UJICO. "You clln tcll lIIe IInj'thilll { yon wish to , " II II leI shp , "COI' 1'111 a 111 11M tel' hunll to lel'11 II , wcret ; hut : \lIl1s Hnndall Is fore\'l'r in hut woter. She un'lIss : Brown uru 11111111 In " , Io\'c , nnd both on 'cm turn up their uoscs atlIss : 'rhOlll\lROn \ anll Dell , who ne\'cr Ilrotollll to 1II111 < e nllythhl ! ; oC 'cm. ] 'Ill coullltierahle Inti- ulatu lit thl" ! cuptaln's , und I knuw nil ahout It. Dell 18 sll1nrt ns n stcel trap. anll It'R II pltj' Rhe's took such n 11I'.IlIke to ) 'ou. " "I dOll't thInk IIhe ought to blamu 1I1e , " snld ] , "for I didn't kno\v 1111 she wantel1 the lIehool- " , " "l'nln't thnt allolether , " resftmed Mrs , Hess , n nln speaking In n whlll\ler. \ " "rllin't thut IIltogcther : nnd if j'ou'll ueTer 1111\1 \ a word on't , I'll tell you the " hull IItor ) ' . " I guve the requIred l\ro \ ulse , nnd lhen Mrs. RoslI proceuded to Inform 1110 thllt Dell wnll jeolou8 oC lIIe. "Jl"UIOIlIl ! " 1 eXc\lIlmod. \ "How I'nn : , thllt be ? " , "You rell10mber Doctor Cl01toll , dou't you 7" aald IIhe. "Doll's kInder suttln' her cap for hll , Rnd I guess he's a snIck- orin' noton after her. Anywa1 , hI : omcI there prelly ofon. Well , he Wa there the week ater the eJtlmlnnton , and told o 'e111 I1O\lt you. Ho saId you wla bljht u a new Illlnen , nnd hnd better Ilrnln' Ulan hllf thc teachers , nn1 then YOl hnd 111h n IIweet nnlc-Hosn-ho Ikcd i. You orto have Ml'n how Ild Del Wili at rou afer ho wns gon\ Here Ike culled llt thnt "the Johnuy- cake waa hurlled blacker than his hnt , " nnd forhwith Irll , HOlls Itl1rtc Cor the houle , frlt bh\lllA 1C "kl'ep dnrk , " and she hoped "I wouldn't be te1n , 10 par- thll to Mr. , Hundal'l ehlhlron , for they nuede IIckln' If e\'er YOllng ones dld- they war't bronght up IIko ] slek , who was 10ven1ed 90 wl'l nt hOle that he dIdn't nce1 ! It ut I was learnlnA IIchool. rCld the world's roa book fnst'er ' fost ; nnd wIth 1 aliht1 hOlvy henrt I turned awny , II\S' I ! oUce whllo Mrll , HOil , frol1l the doO" stell , calltd to 10 , SU'hl thot "sho IUI'sa- l'd I'd better Iie Islck the HI'at to'10r- row , 811n' hil heart wnl lot on't. " I found : \Irs. Hnudoll waltlnto / re- cd\'e nO In n clenn ! ; Inghll drl"sl ! oUI 1III'on , wih 111' roulld , /oodhlllor / 'd fnce If It hml heen ' IhlnlnA 18 thl'I\Ih Ull SIIO IlrOelIIH wih the long IIno or - ! IIlIen which lnuw-whll wnl IWhl.iug . In the \ 'l'h ' hnlr c\olll YIII IUu tllk had bL'n remoTel1 to " ' ' tll "hl'lt 1001 whIch \18 to he Ihl. 'l'he hi ! ; rockhl/ / : chair \I hrOlllht Ollt for me : the 10111 tIf table , nIcely lprl'd , 8toll In the ceJ- tlr tC tb ! Ol' , and Mra. Hlndll hop d 1 wLul make m.olf at hOle. 'Vl ont Iny Illtenton of rnealu ! . had to I \lt ! ! os Impllred me. IW , felt to know , IItl I ! ret clrl0lt1 Mt ht ltndll'l o\llnlon \ of her : 10 , It' I it. I to ILleak tme , ventuell of m1 bulul 11 SNl htr , anI ! to usl , . , hen and where DI sb tauht lool. WIth a IH\rrr lau'h , ir. [ . l : : r. ! anlI relll < ize "lr k9pl schol alount t tl : , . ' , t , " . , _ . . " " ' . , . i- . . . . . _ . , \hell Hhe WUI n 111'1 , R frend of her. who wnl teDchllg wOltel1 to go nWRY fo. ' dlj'l , nlll Aot 188 HoP , then NUIc1 ' fllllu ' , to lllke her plllce , nud tha'l tIl ' IOI /111 "hort bC her e perlclce. Sho's , nnd Jnnked 1 melllOlolnc Wfnnl moro trouhle In tl dhlrlct thln llY- holy elrl' . She tried tl rnle I1 UrnwlI thllk Hhe Wil IIRused beCIIUHI ) Hho wlulln't hlro her IIItelll oC Y"U , who I1rst , alld for 11 , 1 ' ! applpl 1\1,1 Ill' : Miss llrowl Wil 1ltu Hltlnw/'R : l'ut she's n ! ! ! nslble wOlllnn and hlH "ot 1111 oer It. . ' ' , , ( 1'0 be continued ) ORIENTAL BULLS. - - - Btulhlt , , of the 1lrd" 1 . Wel Inown In tlt Orient. ' 'he Kllls In I nste1 AlIn Inr nl'o regnl'lel h ) ' the AlhH Il ltupld Iwople , wonl to Illw the HOI'tf , hul lhnt In the WeHl Is ] 0111nlly IIscl'lled to h'lshmen , 'lhel'c II 1 colll'cton of Htorles whIch lhe Alls tell IllUt them of whIch these 11'e fiI' eXlm- Ies : ] OICC -dctlchlHll of ! ( mlhl wus 1'l'oHslng 11 stlclm , whldl WiS Sl lU - dy thn 1 tW ) ' could not Heu twl' rl et IIHlel' thc wnllr. " \'e hlye losl olr Il'gs , " t1' ) : snhl , 111(1 ( Htood helllelB ) , bcen use without Icgs tll ' cOlld not wlll ( . Arel I whlu tw lshn clle b ) ' , "Whut fle 'Ol Rtlllng In lhll WI' tel for'he demnnded. ' "We lost ' cannot , hlYC om' llg : ni11 Wi I. . 'l'hc paRhn got sOle of hIs ntelnnts ] to uIII ) ' thongs to tl hllls of the legl ss Im < s , al1 of coms\ they . jUII'C ' < , thcl'eby dhcoycl'lng tlh' legs ngaln. . Wlwreupol they 11 fc1 01 thel. lo1cS Inl thllled thc pIIsII fOI' hu'llg Icstor d thel' legs , OICC somc KUlls were stnl1ng uu- ' ( ler a I'l I. , . o OIC Imows 11W hIgh tlat clt IB , " : mld one , "N , " repled :10ther , "and n stranger - er might.comc . b ) ' Ild Isk us. ' I would bc dlsgllrell not to klow. 1'hen let Wi nwaS\'C I. " "But wc huyu no lle long enough. " \e1 we CII mcasme It wih our bodIes. Let ouc hung by hIs hands to the ege nnd nlothel' lalg to his feet , und so on Int we know : how mnny men it tultes to hnng the wholc < ls- t uce. So lhey started te form a lving plumblne , Just as the last man was clmbing < own , the top man tried to chnnge the posIton of his hands , nud they ul feU amI bl'oke their legs. "Oh , w < I , " RII oue , wl1n he cnmo to , "we dIdn't ueed to kuow the hclght of the clf. "ro , " said unothel "so It < oesu't matter. Thh'SL3' for n Chord. 'l'he Duke of Saxe.'Velmar olce Im'lt ed Jolm Sebnstau Bnch , the estol ot Gelmnn music , to atend dluner ut the palnce. Uefore the guests sat down to the feast Bach was requested. to glYO an ImprovIsaton. 'l'he Iomposer sente hImself ut the harpsIchord , and staightway forgot al about dInner nud ccl'lhlng elsc. Ho plared so long that at last the duke tuuched hIm OIl the shoulder , nnd saId : " 'Ve m'e Ycr ) ' much ohlged , master , but wc must not let the SOllp get cold : ' Bach starte to hIs fcct IU folowcll the dul : to the diu lng-room wIthout ' wOl'd. But ' ' utel'lng a Il' WIS sClrcel seate when he SprU'lg up , l'ushed bucl to the Ilistrument lke 1 ululmau , struck a few chords , aml retm'led to the dlnlngroom , eYldcnty feelng much betm' . "I hegour hlghnCs' pnrdon , " be e' plalned , "but rou Interupled we in a serIes of chords aud arpeggios on th\ domluant seventh , aml I could not fel at ease unt the ) ' Were resol'ed Into the tonic. I Is as I you snatched 1 glass of water from the lps of a mnll drlng ot thIrst. Xow I haye drunk th gluss and I am content. " The Ohnplln'Y DORI. An arm ) ' ofcer telB this story : "Oue of my chaplain frends wns Ot 1\n army transport going south wlI 'ome oUcers and men from various rcg Iments , ' 1'he omcers were pluyln cards In the cahln from mornlnl t < nllht When Suudy came , tIC chap Inln took a good supply of reading mat ter from hIs cabIn , und was on hant wih I as the breakfast tnble wa cleared ot Rnd the otccrs were get Ung ready to pIny curs us usua ! "Stopping to the head of the tuble he said good.nntuely : 'Genteme tracts arc trumpt today and I's m dea ! ' " ' ' the omcers re ' 'Al rIght , clllllall , Bponded , 'give us a haud. "Tho boolts and pru'ers wore gh'el out. No cnrds were pluyed thut da ) ' The chnplnln hld hil ollllrtunlty un hindere beause he showell tact II his wny of his presentng cuse. ClnnelA ' 'rllnCI tn HIOC. ' 1'10 ordl\r ) ' camel , whIch \i neYe hurr- under any elrculstlnCes , hl been h'anRforme(1 In soulhern Algm'l Into an lulmal so dllerul t 11 slz ! temlwr Ind appeaIlce thft It m ( ) ' a' lost be looked upon lS u dlTeret t'ace. 'rhls Is the mclnclmel , prIze . ' 1'ho l'csult of for UR fpeed. luny gel ertons of careClI1 breedlnl which ha becn enconru cd by vuluable IH'lzcs , J Cil bc ( ] CIllled upon fOI' nlnl 01' te ml < 1 1\1 hour , whIch It cln IWIII u for IJtteen or le\'enteen hours , ' without n stoll. Not luoh 0 ( ' an lll1OV6nont. "Ihe noted Inosecutor generl f Russia , Pobl done tzel bn lost b Job , " "Whew ! Im glad of that. " \nd he Is lucceeded by CaU Schcrmotet " , "Now Im not a , lad ns [ thoue } ; I ' PlaIn Dealer. . - t Wnsblgton and Lincoln were & 0 go I tnt we ar ted of ho of tem . , . , . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ - _ . , ' LESlS OF SENATORS , InchIenta of the Lhtht.r Bide of , Li In the Sen.te , , John O. Calholn , wllcn Vlcc PI'csl d < lt , dIll not Iwleve thnt , fg the 11'0 Bilng olccr of the Scnlte , ho hndln ] right to cll Sennlors to order fOI wOlds Hloklm In dehate. John HUl 110111h , of Uounolw , ahuHcd thlH 1cen t h ) ' ollenlng n Hlleech wih the ' " Ir , Spculwr-I mean , : \11. Pt'esldel or the Selatc , and would-he lrcslden ! of the Unlel Stlteswhich . God , I HIR Infnie mere ) 1\.t ! " and thee lal1chlns Into enc or his chnmctel'lst ( tltuleR , Cllhoun'H nnle recllR nu1flcutot Whell thlR hll'I'R ) ' WIIS at Is mORl rm ] 1 I t sll ( ' the XOl'twl'n ' do 1 ' ' . , 01 111\lld : ll Ipon .10hl IolleR llhl lS Illmlllon of theIr she ] or thl elu1ubm' , on 1'l'ounl of 111 Iead ) ' wIt , Tohl ' 1' 'll'l' tl'll'll to hnll II' hIm enl ( In ) I ) ' Idll whlt 11(1 ( lHcolc oj : thnt pol tlU I 1I'IU IIlce mcntonod u3 , Hllncolpil ns " .fumcR lnI1son , Fel1 UI'\Ulr , ,1011 HollWR , lull thc ( lc\\ ' "rhl' 11l'tlwl'shlp , " IInswclcd : \Ir . . . ' . " lcn le 111111I. II'olptl "his ! 113 . dlsHolpl111 , ; ' 10lhl'l' Is dCII , lho H < COlc hHI : gen ! Into Iuth'clcntl thl ! thl'll IOIllh'CHRHi 'ou ; IUll thl , II8t hlH gole O\ ' ( to the nlllm'R , an4 . . Ii ( .lletlol"I'IIg nmong the hOnOl'lb:1 : tor's ' 11111 t'onslllelts. i CII ' 1111 Wchstet' Wlt'c lot hlhlCll1 , 1110l'stS ! , hut both hld the Alf 01 : Iltl'l'tllnlng IA wcl as of cntllalll' ' . , \lh' 11Jcnlls , Cu ) ' Iln mORt t ( I1"II'uth'l' 111'I'dote. " 'hlo hc WUI In Ihl' 101se , 1 1110mh1nt 10Itllll ( lsll'le(1 thc Whig lalt ' II the hOIH ot RlaltnA 1 lnpl'll I'e\'olt. ' 10 hi dlsll ' he [ \ ul hllsclf 11110 11101\ 111 lhl'n hClt 11 hlR ( wI'glcs to A t tllA hael Into gooll RtundlnA. 'l'he In ehlcnt remlndc(1 Ola ) ' of a slo' ) ' . Hnld hI : "A stnge (011 tool. Iboall u 11f sell who Insisted UpOIl ' 11 1'11Ing wl the 11'1'11' , I wI who digenty tre" contenlR ] elu'l'INl I U\on tl of II hote his Jt'l : tl'oUt ] oeket When hIs IIOtl' tOII ! lt last O\'CII < hi 1 , he fel off ' 1'11 cOleh stoppell lonJ enough fOI fOIC ehll'Unhle ! 'un'lcl's to alght an4 ] ul the 11001' Cellow oul of the n1l1 " 'la ! ' he Ixllnllcd , IS he looke down ft hIs tltered alllnt , 'wc 11 quc a ( hIe ) t\no\'m' , dhln't we' " ' , 'Oh , uo Ilswel'ed one of hIs res cum's , 'thelc , was no tm'uo\'er. You only fel off. " 'I RU ) ' , ' hc persIsted , 'tlere was ( hip ) tl'nO\'et' , and lIen \-C It to the CO 1 IH ) ' . "g\'cl' ) ' one joined In ass\lng hlu that thl' cOleh hld uot upset. " ' \ \ \ ' he ' ' , ' ' , \\\1 , II'nl\'Ied l'ueful ) nl . Ill trIed to clmh back to hIs fm'met. pe'eh , 'If Id known that ( hie ) ) wouldn't ha0 " \0 sot olr On a cN'taln are100n the ScuatE cocl. gel 1 tt of strIking lu the mlls1 of one ofeustC"S most \eustC"S elect\E speeches , _ \fm' I hld struck fom'tee 01 treenebstel' Iwld up one tn er , " [ I. PI'ellllent , RIII he , "the clock h out of ol'dm' . I la ye th' - . . . t\Y. Choosll Wlfo hy 111lc. A Gel'mal 11ofessor : Il'oposes tr sol\o thl' dltcul ' some Jeollle seel to hu\'e In choosIng 1 wife b ' "trIl ] b ) ' musle. g\l .thlng dCIllIds UI the tlste of the HUhjll't undCl' stu ' , 1 shu ll'ptm's wllz music , 111 aho\c 11 , 8tm uss' Intoxlcutng stmln ! ' ' ' ' , 'she Is cCI'talul fl'l\ololS I she lo\'es Bcetho'en. she Is 1\ tlstc , hut not II'actlcll. Does shc Ilrefm' Llszt ? 'l'h < she h amhltous ; whie a dc\'otee ofozll'l : would be mthel' ' . I 11'u118h. Why nu IHhnh'uI' of OIcnhuel slluh hc cun , I nlnA Is not cear : but , t'clembm'lng the OllCI'n of "Flust , " I IA ClS ) ' tollcr. . stlll thlt unr girl II'efel'lng Gounod mut bc ' ' . , ! I'omuutc lud tendel'.helrtcd I Is hl11 upon Flotow thnt beclusQ hl8 mURlc Is out of flshlon n taste fOI It ltnoles \ulgal' soul i whie Gots' dllk fUles lte belcr , p'aslug , al' cordluA to thc Gcrmln IH'ofcsSOI' , oul3 . th ( superlclnlIassenet : IB supposc to atl'11't thc tml , whie dc\oton t "VnguC"s music Is n dIstnct proof 01 ' . l'gotsm. - I ' Sllnt-Slens , however , Is'n compose lhe Idmlrton for whom denotes u gIrl of Intl'lgcnce and wcl.ballnced charlu'tcr.-Londol l' xpless. I or Color 01 the Sick. tcct Somc ' ' experleuces arc report , , erl from Unl ) ' lS to the elect of colors on thc nCI'VCI of the slcl. aud Inslue , . lu the hoslllll for the Insane nt Ales , sanllrlt Apeclnl l'OIH lre Irl'lu cd /w1l / red 01' blw gISS In the windows , DII 11so red or blue plllnt on the wils , A "Iolent pntent Is suddenly hl'oughl I' lute a hlue rom n'd lef to the cIec of that eolol' on his nC'\es. One mn , ulne was ' In In houri'unothC wus at Ileucc 11 his mind after PISSII In dl ) ' In a 1001 of \Iolet. ' 1hu 1'1'1' ' 1001 Is used fOl' the comlonest f011 of dementl-mellucholy-usnll ) ' Il colplnlel hy I l'efusll to tukc fool Afcr t1 C hours In the red room I nlfccted In this pntlent way bgau t bo clwerful und ask fOI' fool. IJIO'nl OlOlelco or Scrlptm'o. A countr ) ' yIeul' dlscoYcl'ed not lon ago that one of hIs mll RCI'\'ants WIU In the hl hI t of stcalng hIs pOtl toes le n\ntlol d the flct to his eumte uud askcIl ml\lce. " \'el , " replled til ' , "of course 'ou must I'llm bel what thc Bble SlrR : 'I uny mi .t . tulw IlWa ) ' th ) ' coat , lct him hl\o thJ I 'cloak 1150. ' "I see , " nlsl'd the . . " In thIs , thc ylcnr. "Wel Cle ns nll tkes I ) ' " potntoes , Id llter . gl'e hil the sncltl"-London King. } > . 11 , Idl-Yes , Kato Is u great admIrer 0 nnUques : \fuy-Ildeedl Is that why shl tlulcCS In to Cl18S 80 often 1 . , \ , , , II I I , ! . r ' , Miss Gannon , Sec'y Detroit I Amateur Art Assocaton , tels young women what to do to I avoid pain and'sufering ' caused ! by female troubles. , . I , can recommend cOJiceltolsly JJ ' ( ln , E. Pinkham's Vcctablo I Compound t those of { slHtert Ii sufering with fcmale weulecss ull the troubles which 50 of cl beal I women , I : uterc for mouths with gcncul wekn05snd Celt so wlJary that I ho hard work to lulep up. I lu d shOOtD pains and was utterly miserable .1 my ditress I wa ad- II ' 'isel to nf L'tlil J . Plllhnl's I' o , , and it was Vcgctl COfIOuul II n rou letter day to mo when I tool the do , ! or t - frst that tmo my restora- f . In I \ W1\S ton bclan. abr weels 1 . ( ehlngct 'ornan , perecty weU In \ \ . 1 so elated o\'ery rttpet. : el nUl h3PPY that I want a1 womcn who j wen as I did , " - suler t g.t did1hsf , GUlLA GASNf : : D Jones St. , Detroit , Crrespondlug Suc'y Mich. Amateur Art As . - oclton'-$5000forfeltforlglnalo' aboe let" pr" ' gen 'n'nel Clnnot be produced. ; I is clearly shown in thIs , ' h'll " E. ' leter that : 'OU1J TJyfa - } ' Vcotahlo -ilkmm's ; CompoUul wi sur ( ly l.ur the sufferings of wor on ; uHI when one cunshlerl that 1Iss fhmuon's lettcr Is only ono of hundreds \Tbleh we have , the grent 'Irtue otrs. : . Pinkham's med- cine mut be ndtted by al. , A Skin of Beauty Is n day DU. ' , EI.IX < wun"UIB Forcvor OUE , Ult MAGlOAI. nCAU'U"UI : . Tkn.I'ln"I. . , Frfktp , n 7 de' bb ' : , . k 1 t"uty. and "ol"\on " ' , t..t a t I " . . . " And f ( hArmrs. ! wo deni to be .u r tt I prol' uly mAde . Acelt .hnlA no name , Dr. < A. Old t t la" " or the , . ' "As ye , ! au.ntl' . . : : I ' C d..g aurlsCram' 1 tbj . lenat tRrmul o ! , . " . Ihe ! kln ' ofpr. - , I \ona" &e . . ' , 6 , . al DJJIII at . Cana ! M..y. 1.01 t . & P . . . ' . . Y. _ ' 7. .OIKNS. Jrop'r. 3 Oret JODf UL : Trust These " 'ho In ve Tried. I SUI I.'I HED from cltnrrh of the worHt kind 111 never hoped for cure. but EI"s Cream Bnlm seems to do even thnt. -Oscnr Ostrom , 45 'Vrren a\'oul Chi- cngo , 1. I TIUED Ely's Cream Bolm nnd to al appearances am cured of cntorrh. 'rie ' terrble hendnchef from which I long Bufored /one.-\V. / . J. Iilehcock. latl Major U. S. Vol. nnd A. A. GOI. , Bufllo , N.Y. N.Y.lY SON was afictcd with catarrh , le used EI"s Crenm 11111 nnd the dls- . II n reeaule ewtnrrh ni left him.-.1. C. , : 01lRtendrcolll , 1. f : r ' ' Bnlm doeH not ' , 1'he Il'itote or cnu o J sneezIng. Sold b ) ' druggists at no cts. or < " . 1 Illed by Ely Bltherll , fG Wurren St" ! ' tw York. , t A t an evening party in a Stoclhohn i\,1 \ , residence tbe beat became almos - Intolerble. 'he wIndow sashe : V were found frozen and a pane of glass was shattered. A current of , cold rushed In and at the same in. ; 4 stant Hakes of snow were seen to faU , ' . to ' ' the /aoI In al prts , of tbe room. ' \1 \ ! 'l'bo atmosphere was so satuated } with moisture that the sudden faliD temperturc produced a snowfal in ' . .Iii i I And that young felow Tongue bas ! \ become a famous man , has he'l" By " : no means. " I" understood you to " ' say lIe had become quite Ioted. : " i j II Ob no , I merley remarked that his , ' , name was in everybodys mouth , " . \ -Kansas City Journal. , " ; ' , ; 1 When I waz 20 I lmew twice a , ; ) much az I do nowl and the way I am \ goIng on , t I should 1 ve to be 75 , I : ) I don't expect to know nothing. . i \ Ingrattude iz the commonest and ' "I meanest instlnkt ov the heurt. BE INDEPENDENT , " , j It' . I I Y to 5hlke of the Cofee HabIt , ! , ' There lire lany people wao make the t humiatng acknowledgment thnt they are upon to " / deJmdent Cofee "brnc them up" ever ) ' lte while. These hnv Dever learned the truth nbont POltum' ' Cerell Cofee whIch Dlakes lelvlnJ : ai . colee n sImple mater and brings henlh' ' and strength In pluce of . colee Is. Indy of Davenport , IOWIl , who has A Postum Food Cofee for fve yeat Is C0l11etent to tnlk upou the subject. Sb , IlY8 : "I nm 1\ school teacher ad durIng extra work , whcu I thouht I needed to ! be braced up , I used to Indulge In rlcb , strong coffee , of whIch I wns very fond , nlld upon whIch I tbought I wns depen- ' dent. "I begnn to have serIous heart - pnlpltl- tlon and at bnd shnr\l tmes \ pal19 around I the heart nnd moro or less stomach troublo. I read about 1ostum nnd got , some to try , I drpped coffee took up the Postum nnd It worlct sucl : wand en for me that many of my ( nends took It lp. I "In a short I was well : tme ngnln , even , " , Rble to ntend evcnln socIals. And I ' dhlnot ulls my coQ\e It al. Now I can [ h'utbCull ) IY tRlt I hae been repaid , I fulr for tbe cbaugl I Inde. I hae no 1 Indlcatlonl of haat d\eue and uot once In the put Caul I had , ' yea. kae a sIck l btadlche or r : ' bious "My bthor , 78 Ytl spel , Is n PotUt,1 ' \ , 2nthullut and thnt . feel hIl good healt j 11 a IUie meuure : Is due to the 6 CUPI of \ \ood PeltUD which be enjoys da1. " Name fnrnllhd ly POltu enc . , DatU. Crelk , Mlcb. .Tber i a rason , i I t