Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 21, 1903, Image 5

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    Fifty Years the Standard
J , . ,1fC . .
, ,
. ,
! , - < BAl N6
, , Hllhllt Honors World's FaIr
Hlahllt tilts UISI Dov't Cheml.ts
, 1'10. .AKINO ! 'OWD. " DO.
. . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ B. . - -a'JItUIa-u.-- ' :
- -
: " 'I.'I'I I..O
- -
Corn plullting i ! > hdn ! { } llIshelto \ the
utmost und willllot In t IIInch longer.
Mr. Johnson of Merlin , is paillting till :
uew church ullll will finish this Wellllcs ,
tiU ) ' .
, Well , the wcuther for the past three
days hilS hcell rather nnplcasant alII I
1 'l'o of ollr nlost cncrgctic farlllers are
alrcady gnthering their COI'Iand will
, finish ill II few 11a's.
J. R. Folge ( will soon cOlllplete the
. ' house on Mr. Catron's plnec , 11I111 il is u
veri nice IIdl1ition to the valley.
, Owing to rIIsh of business wc failell to
\ get our itellls out for the past two weeks ,
ut will tr ) ' to C OU tilllc iu the future.
' \
' )1 J. 1\1. Fo gc , l\luttie anll l\1iss Hthcl
Ashhaugh were Broken Bow \'isitor ! > In
Saturdu ) ' . l\Iattie will visit II few dap
i therc. .
' 1 , Rcv. 1\1 ilIcr preaehcllat this point at
II a. UI. last SUlllla ) ' , on ueCO\1nt of
"ClJIlllnencelllent excrcisl's" at l\1 CI"II II ,
insteuII of e\'cning' afl usual.
'l'he lIIany frienlls of 1\11' . N l'k JIICIJUOt
is rejoiciug- with hilll 1u the wOllllcrful
rccO\'en' of his son , who WIIS so seriou ! > l ) '
f maugl 1 a fcw wccks since , und hope
( , I thut he ilia ) ' not hc II cripple.
, , . . .
. \ - - - - - - - - - - -
NIW ; IIJ I.I N" .
1 , James } \lll11unlls was visitiug at 1\11' .
J.il1ll1y's lust SlIIlIlay.
Roh rt Ros mill .Iaughter . Hlsie were
I i iu Ansdlllo 8atun1ay.
II Miss Bessic Rohinsoll is visiting' with
- her sister 1\11' : ; . Will Domlln.
\ Jlldge Mathcws alll'nlh..1 theTulephol1e
t metting' nt l\lcl'lla last Satunll\ ) ' . '
< 1\11' . Boh Kellcy of l\lerna , WIIS Iloing
: l Ubinesi in this vaUcy last \\'t'ck.
: , \ , f Oak Rohiwmn IInd family spt'nt 511n-
; 1 : tIuy at the hOllle of Gcurgl' Kellar's.
I Will Doman allli fatuilv"It' . \ ! Jitiuu >
llt )
ri at Mr. R. R. Rohin'ioll 's lu t Sunduy.
tf Re ' . William Porsythc is visililly" at
\ . . .
- - - - - -
. .
- - ,
; 1 Farmers :
11 Why rCllluin ill the North mill
: " . } stu ) ' in oors six mOllths ill the
. " ; y ar cOllsllmillg whut ) ' 011 raise
' . ! 11uring Ihe oUwr six : 1II0llths ?
; 00 50uth where ) ' 011 can work
j ollt dOOHJ every 1II0llth in th
) 'ear , ulIII whcw YOII are produc-
illg something the year 1'011I111.
It' ) 'OU arc a stock miser YOII I
kllow ' ' stock uo"cut
) 0111' lire uo\\ -
ing thcir hcal ! ! ; off" ullcl , hc.
fides. hu\'l' : 10 he protecteclfrom ,
the rigors of winter h ) " XJCU-
si\'l : iheller. Cost \IlUlllCtioll ) \
determilles pi liCe of prolluclion ,
1111/1 Aluhullla IIwl Floritlu cun
prollucl' ht'd alld shcep chcapcr
thall nny other stute. ulld III list
become thc center of a greut ill-
.llIstr ) ' alreU/1) ' hl' ! III\ , ! oCOl1- :
OllliCIl1 slock f cdillg' Icquires
: the cOlllhinntioll of hoth II sh-
fUlining allli fllt.forming foods
ill c rtuin plopOltiollS. Ala-
halllll UIIII Flol'illa contaill lIIil-
liolls of IIcreH of UlIUtiliZCl1
cheap rUIIg , alII 1 thcse lanlls
, when lultimte(1 : prollucc iil
all\1I111allcc the \'C1\'l t hcun filII I
1IISl > aVa , the fil st 1ne h pro-
' : ' \lwcr \ , 1111I1 th lallcr 1flit pro-
I , " 11ucer , 111111 thc ) ' lire the chcap-
1,1 est ml/I h st fullenin Ulatcrials
" known 10 the world. If ) ' 011
. ( urc iutereslell alii I desire fmlher
11 , infOllllat on . 011 thc sithject ,
! , : \ alh1r lJs
t a. A. PARI < .
'f. ' Oenol' 1 Imluntrlal ami Im-
. -t mluratloll , Ront.
( ' l.ouliivllJn & NI18hvJlJn It. Il
. 1. ( ) UI VI'.I.I . Ie , . . .
= '
the homc of his pllrclits , 1\11' , Bnc1 1\Irs.
JIlIUC ! ' ! Fors'thc.
Rcv. Miller of Merna , renchec1 nt
Rcota lost Sunday afteruooll. lie will
heM services there e\'ery two weeks for
sOllie timc.
'fhe show givcnat New IItlenu school
house last Monda ) ' night was wcll Ut ,
tended ulllin good time is rellOrted hy
those who Wen there.
- -
1. . S. HllIpfield sold two loads of hogs
at CallLlWay on Saturday and H. P. Emp.
tield sohl oue load yesterda ) ' .
On last Frictuy Mr. Bass pls : d R'lIo
ill 1l1le of three hun l d and forty dght
head of caule hclouging to Mr. FiuJin.
'fhe ) ' well' winlercllne-ar - Am ld arlit ute
ill f"it , cOIIl1ition.
'fhe ftecll was nol us Injurious U1 ! watl
lir\t suppo CiI , olih ; whcll. ' not co 'cretl
with snow will be spotted , wild plullls ull
killed. apples. gtapes and strawberries
11I(1) ' lIIala' palt of u crop.
J. 11. lIIith will start enroute to Goth.
enlJllrg. this 1II0ming with large heanI' '
of cutLle thut he Iltl/l wintert'll for II part ) '
in the south west plllt 'of Colorado.
They will he shippcll to the much frolll
( 'orl'ecHolI.
'I'he 01 < < 1 Senlers I eunion
Mason City i to he held on at'l
17th of June instead of the 7th ,
a was stated in the H1\f'UlH.ICAN'
last week.
Cltnrcll Her.'cC" . . .
( I. n. cmmcn.
Sunday school lit IU II. m. Sennon hy
the pllstor at I I II. III. Juniors lIIect lit
3 p..III. Youn Pcoples mceting at 7 p.
III. l'reachinM h ) ' the pt : ! tllrl H p. III.
CIIUltCII 01 : non.
' 1'herc will he scrces nt \VoOlll11l1n
Hall'next Sunday at elc\'l'n o'clock. All
are corc1iall ) ' in\'itell to attt 1Il1 th se '
seryices. R. UIUr.ISI l'a\tor. !
CIIRI"fIAN ! cmmcII.
The slIhjt'clllcxt SUlllltty IIIoruinM will
he " "myer. " This is II'ital topic atlll
we trust ) ' 011 will hc prescnt. No scrvice
in the venitlg Oil account of the Haccul.
aureallc sermon. All who can un : re-
questcd to hring their oITering for Nt-
IJruska 1\1 issious SlInduy 1\lorning.
A. G. 8\11'1'11 : , Pastor.
St. John's l'piscopal ; sen'ice Snnda ) '
: \Ioy 2,1. Morning prayer and Mcmorial
sermon hefore the Post of the Oland
Arm ) ' of the Republic II a. III. In the
evcning the Baccelaureate SCl'IlJon hefore
the lIigh School Graduating Cln ! ' > s and
their friends at the Opera House S , I' ' . III.
' 1'he Pllhlic is corclinlly in\'itel1.
W. II. XANDlm ! ' , Rector.
May 2.1 , 11)O , { . Bihle school at 10 a.
'III. Divinc Worship at Jla. III. . Sl1bject :
"HternalI.ife. " Junior.H. Y. P. n. 3 p.
111. Scnior n. V. P. U. i p. 111. 'fhe
leadcr"Iiss : Lottie Simllls. Gospel
preudl n service 8 p. 111. Topic , "A
Wondcr thut 1I0tll IS Old 111111 ! 'Iew. "
Wcdneslu ) ' 8 p. III. Prayer time. 'l'hun ; .
11ay till : Ladies Aid Society gath r at 2
p. Ul. Friday 4 p , 111. Hoys Brigade
( .hills , Teachers meeting Thursday 7:30 :
LOW acATFtI : WI(8T.
/ > 25.00 to Portland , 'flu.-ma . , Stattle.
f,27.40 to San F cisco and 1.09
1 > 22.50 10 Spokllue.
f,20uo to Salt 1.uktCity. . Hutlt : and I
Helena. :
Proportiouatdy low ratts to hUI..lnds . . i
of other POillts , inclu ing Bit { lIorn
Hasin. Wyo. , 1\1ontanu. Idaho , Wasbin .
ton. Oregon , UI it ! .h Columbitl , Cah.
fOl'll a , ctc.
E\'er ' day unlil June 15th. .
' 1'OUl'lst cars daH v to California.
Personally Iolld cled excursions Unet'
times u week.
'j'ourisL car ! > duily to 8eatl1 .
Inquirt' of ncarest Burlinglon Rouk
agent. 46-51
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\ \ ' A "J'gU-S'vorlll I lIIIHlllu "UIIOIlII In
o/l'h tl\'e to Inv.1 rur houlo I'ptalJlltihe,1 "le' 11
'NlrlllU'ol'wllh 1& IIlIge capital. to call ulon mcr.
OIIll.lItll lIud UKclltll' t\lr ucco.tlflll 1IT1,1 , Ilrollhbh'
ilL" . I'I'/mallenl t'nacJut \\111 , cash
IIn'ury ot $ ltI ! tlilt 1111 tre.vellnl ( eqellu' : 8nll hotel
h'lI "llmllculln clIBh uDeh wtok. : Jxl'"lltlno. . . .
IIot "HIClltl,1 1\t'nl1UTI r61/'rellctl 111111 t'ncloH"
"lr'IIII < llus.,1 , III\'elol'II. 'I'IU N l'ION I. , : ! 14
1It'lifhcorn t" thlngt' ,
- - - -
! lt.l ( : : t. . : A ! m 11 1
r Silver Salve
Gall Cure.
. . . .
, Ilealg worst cases of r '
i Sore Neck or Harness Galls
ON 1I0HSJoS ; AND MUI.J\S. iii !
I . r..1
tto A"k "UU" U . . .
, If he , Ots : not keep it scud
' 35c to Diehl Chemical C . , , '
LeMars , Iowa , aud g.d a ,
big box by first mail.
I : Ji 1' E p , 1) ) . S-Ntrr11 C MP AN V--
I ,
. . . . . , f . , AlwaYII 11l\Vo the " "tit 111I"lity 01
. . . , , .
) .lIlUher alill ott.r huiltlll : ,11\
, \ tnrinld at the l.owuHl P I UI.I4.
\ . . .
. , ' " 1 "
,14 , 'l hone No. ' 19.
I c. R. J.UDK.J . NS , .Manager.
, ,
, , \
. " . '
, .
_ , I.c _ .n _ . . . . . . _ _ , . - k > - ' , ' _ . '
, ,
. .
" \
A , Uh.tI.IIlny HurlnI : t' .
ffuesduy c\'cning Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Bowen gave a surpdse paTty
in honor of thcir daughter , the
occasion of her sixteenth birth-
day. In order to make' the sur-
pd e complete Misg Aduh was
invited out to the home of .J I\llge \
Gutterson's- where sh Hpt'nt the
day aUtI wa not br01 ght in the
evening until all arrangemcnts
were complete. 'Ph I\"itetl
gUC.1ts ! cOimistcll of Ow IHlpilof !
the Grammer grade and the
High School. 'l'here were Ml
present. MiR Bowcn wag the
recipient uf a large uumber of
ornamental and usedul prest'nts.
' 1'he In wn WIIS most heauti fnlly
ilhuninated and presented a
ht autiful sc nc. Hcfreshmcnts
were servcd after which a pleasant -
ant time was spent in the rcnder-
ing of elect music and games.
An the Papers in Broken Bow
Were Very Naughty
Last Week
in leaving out the price ill our
"Special Sale add" for Saturday
May 2 . ' 1'hat alld should have
read "IS dozcn LalHes Game :
Vesh at ( , cents each , " etc , but
the. > , will prohahl ) ' be all solll' by
the time 'you read this as these
"hot calcs"'don't last loug. For
SattH'da ) ' May 30 , we hav ecur-
cd the hest bargain of the se.lson
and wil1 place on sale aturday
lIIorning : : ! OOO , yartlH 31 inch
Pad lic Ch all ies at t hc rcmark-
'able luw price of ( 'r.t Ctnts per
yard in dress pattern letlgth
'l'hese gooll ! . COIllC in abollt 40
difTcrent tylcs , are particularly
dCRil'ahle 1'01' wrappers , Idmons ,
etc. , and the oldcst i'nhabitant
never heard of their selling for
less than 15 ents , A lucky
purchase always bcnefits our
Remember : 'Earl : ; Saturday
morning' , May 30. All day.
2000 yards. Early customers will
get best sclections.
\Vn.soN & DHAKI .
Attend .lIe " "nuncr ttchool.
On June 15th 1903 , the Stim-
mel' School will open in Broken'
Bow , Nebraska , and continue-six
weeks. Only. expericnced and
live teachers will give instruction
in thiH school.
Heading , spelling , gralllmer
an ; lritbmetic'il1 be emphasiz-
ed. As many teachers need some
preparation for examination in
glements of Agriculture and
Current Evcnts special classes
will he , formed to meet this de-
mand. A thorough drill will be
given on aU elementary branches
included in teacher's examina-
tions. it ii ! expected that the
work in all classes will meet every
requirement in this line and
thord ghly cquip one for such
tests. A speecial department
under a competent teacher will' '
be opencll for pupils who have
failed to pass cxaminations in
the city schools.
Arrangements are being per-
{ ected whereby Prof. E. A. Gar-
Hehs will givc rcgular instruction
il } mu ic. 'l'uition $5 per term ,
SI per week for less than term.
J. M. SCO'l'T , l
C 011 ( I He t ors.
lie. . . OO"er aO'cr Much : .
The R1WUIH.ICAN hus lIucct'edt'd in
gettiuK II specilll clubhiug price fro" , the
puhlislwrs of the Nehraska Farmer. enc
of tht : best thl : ) ' hllve cver mtule , allli
durillg the pust two 1II0llths 11 geol ) mlln ) '
have taken advllllta/c / of th i ; olrer Ullt !
are well pleased with it. We hll\'c had
Ihe tillle t'xttJIllctl for this offer. helievillg
thut nlllll ) ' lIIore wOllltl like tu tuke uIl-
\'untagc of it hefure it is witlulruwn. lrol
$1.35 we l'lIn sewl ) 'OU the Nehrask
Furmer 11I111 RIU'u IIf.1C.\N hoth for Ollt
flll1 ) 'elil' , allil worth $2.00. Thc Nc ,
hruskll Farlllel' i ! ! the leading g lIcrul
funn Itlllllh'c . .tock journal of the west
It prillts from 24 to 40 pa el each w ek ,
is wc1l known aUtI well liked , ha\'in
Ileell establbhetl : il1ce 1 9. Us pub"
liahers are I'Tactical and expcri < : ncel
lDen , who : ue now alii I have hcell 1'01
tllirl } ' ycurs edell"'rly engaged in furm
ing uud jOtock raiJing iu Nehraska Ulll
condit ions applicable to the w ! > l. It i !
a jourtlul rol' the furlUers hy farmcr ) !
No other fallll } .lapel' call l II it\ ; . , 01
he so helpful 10 Ihe farmcl's of t Ie west
U is contribllied 10 L } ' all the leadiul
agrlcultllral wliters a 11I1 cxpcr lucnts 0
th. We ! > t anll ut 0111' slJtclul cluh pi CI
houhl be taken Ly t'\'cryone. 43t
- -
II'Ok SAl.H 01 < 'l'HAlHt-'l'oWI
lots and a few ti\'t acre lott1 il
. Uti city , fur cattle , horses 01' fi\ru
lund.-Allen Heyntr. ,
Uld SettlCl'Ii' lteulllolJ.
' 1'he old scttlers reunion of till
southeast quarter of the count'
will be held at Mason City , Wec
nes uy , June 17 , 11)03.
By Order of Committtc.
_ _ , , , _ , . . . , ) IIII !
_ . ,
An orcllrlllllCI' t.o . nplrl' ( S 111111 to prohibit.
wlthln.lhe l'orPIII'llttJ IImltR of till' l'lt . of
lIrnkon lIow. lllllr" hulls Itlld IJIIIII\rd
MloIII. ( ! 111111 (1001 ( hlllls nllll bowlhll (
tllIl' ) ' , Ilnli III 9nllprOl ( LIlli 10 prohibIt
1111 II n I'll III 1l1 lilt nllli pnolplr\vlllg nlHI to
911\.1111'1'9:1 \ 111111 to pruhthlt bowlllll : IlU10 \
: Itlill 10 IJl'Ohlllll tht ! I < cepill/t / of
bllllll'cI tllbhl ! ! 11111l1I1I1I1.t ! J"UOIIIS IIUlI
111111111'I1111I119 allli1001 l'OOIllR lint ! ) ( )
III hl":1 111111 pool 1m \ 19 Il\III \ bnl\'lIlI III \ OY9
f01'111I ! plirpnSI ! of uslnlt or ullowln 1IIlI
II . . IIf thu SlIlIIe fnr hlw. III' 1II(1)or ) (
lilt I lilt rl'lItilllt th'l KIIIIIU IIrllt'rllllttlrllt
1111I lI tlof I h" Hltllll ! fill' IIUIII" ) ' nr Prllll-
1'I't } ' othnr.llIllI IIf'llIlIn , or MII\1'I'I'1t11 \ (
III' 1"'l'mltthll ( thn snmnII \ ht' sn 1191'11 fOJ'
tHlrh : IllIqUlSt'111111 lei tllIllJlre tI Ulltl In
IHnllllll1 HII II Illtq'lrllt at hlllllllll'I , pool
111111 howlinK. IInd pro\'IIlIn It IlI'lmlty
for tI" , \1011\111111 thl'fl'of , nllll In rljpel\l
1\11 CllllhltUICtlM or 111\1'111 of onlll1allce
hl'l'ol.lIfol'u PIl 8I'lI III cOlllllct lIul'nwlth.
110 It ortll\llIuc\ \ ) ' IIw Muyol' unll COllllcll
of t.ho . City nf Ul'OkulI Bnw , Nohl'llslm- :
SI\CTION l.gvl'r.Ietsoll \ who ! lmll ,
wlthll1 thll corporntn limits nf thll rll ) ' of
IIrolwlI Bow. St11. lip OJ' kllOP ILIIY bllllnr"
tnbll' , ponl labln , lIowlllllC ullllY ur UII ) '
kIn I of tublor llovlco or contrlVl\l1l'O of
nny kind or doscrlpMolI. uuder 1\11) ' IInl110
or description whntRoevur. nlll\ptml , or
dovlsec01' \ " 1'811(111'11 : or ml\llo fill' tIlt ! pilI"
pose of plu 'III ( ( or nKnhl' , : III thll ItlUno
01' Ptlstll111 ! of I > lIlInrdR ( ) J' pnol or howlhllt
or 1111) ' n\l1O or an'c'l ' of lIIen IInturo for
the purpostJ or UIIIII nr 1I110wlnl ( the IIS0
of Lho 51\1110 for IIIOIIOV IIrolll'rty 01'01.1101' .
thing of vRlue , or hlrlrlK or rt'lllhilf the
same to ! lny IHlrson or perllons , for money
01' J.H'operty or uthol' thinK 01"VIIIIO , or. .
shllllnilow t hn fllIIlI to tlo so IIsl'll fOl'slIch
/ " , . sllllil IIpOIl eOllvlctloll tlo 111111'
ShAd by Il hilt ! nl' 1101. . It. s 1.111111 . 5 111111
1101111111'0 IImll UO for 1I1t1h olfollsu. Anll
IIIIIY hll Commltll'lt IIl1tll such tllI 111111
l'OStS 11\0 111I111.
SI'.t' . , -If ' '
- 1I11 } IWI'MOllllr IHrSOIlS ! wlthlll
the ( , lIrpOl'lIto limits or Uw I.lty nl" 111'01 < 011
Bow shl\lI uITOI' 01' plIl'llIlt IIn ' hllllttril
tallio 01' tit St lit' ! ! , pool tl\lIln IIr pool tllbhs.
bowllult 1t1l1V ! ul'lIl1wllllU Itlh/ ! III lIu ot up
01' IWllt In his 01' thl1l1' hOIlSO , Imlld IrIK , UI'
allY Ollt hOIl ! ! ( " IHllltli. ILI'lIol' III' 1II'IItlOII. ! for
till' ' 1lIlI'IUJlollf ! IIsllllt III' nllllwlult tilt ! UO !
or UllIl'nmll fur ' ' hlro '
InOlm ) III' III' ullythln
of vnllllJ. or wilich IIn , shl : ' or tlwy hl\vtI
thn citro OI'IHI SISIIIII ! ! , I' IIf which III' , shn
01' tlllY ! um thll IIwnnr III' IIWllel'M. 1.1111 . per.
Ron or II1rI'IIUH Sll IIITf1IlIlhl shnll , upon
convIction Il 111m or not hlS ! ! thltll
! 'i ILlIII nllt moTU thnn $ ( ) 1111I1 IlIll ) ' 1m COIII-
n ltt llnnLlI Siwh IInll 111111 ( 'u t ILI'n IIIthl.
St : " ' . : I.-AII orclhuUlCIIH IIr "llrts IIf 01' .
dlllltllCnM Cllllllh tlrilt lIort\\'lth ! nl'lI hnroll ) '
Pt\lMIlnnll ! ! ( tHlIplI'd ( luul IIppl'llvI'II thlH
IIIth IIny IIf 1\I1IY. 1U0 : : , IInci orchrlJlI ! PilI > -
IIl1heci. g lIm8t11 : ' II. I'I1IWtt.I. : ,
Alw t : l\lnYlw.
.1011. 1'Io IAN , City Clm'I , .
[ lm.\I. . ]
I' ltrk . Itt.i.ort Iur ' . 'olt. . , . .
1I1I.lNWh."t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , J ( ,
lI.rlo' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
111&111 , . . , . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,25
It yo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) .211
IlIrl1. : . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . : ' :5
[ .1 VII : 8TOOK-
11011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 iO
Htcers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.SH ( l , 4.00
eows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112.51 @ : I.2.
Ihlckln : . I'crllItu1I1 ' \ . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oi
'rurkoY8lcr \ \ lonn".J. ; . . . . . . . .011
' \
lIuUor. . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Kgl. ! lI..r c10 en. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
t'otatoo . Jler lIuhlll. . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . .211
Onlonldlor IInehet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jj !
lIa" IIIIr tau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.oo
Htruw.Ior cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
HUII"r. tJrl\lIUllllell , prr owt. . . . . . $5.40 t 6,50
U. S. IJ > > nd ( ) ffj e.
J.UI1 S WUl'r llliAD : . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . , lIegl ter
11' . U. yOUNG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hecel'or
All lul"lIrlhcmellta uncl..r till. h011l1 will ho
challlIll tor at hll'lIl rlltt . vl& : 1I1.IHlllf'r " 111I1Ife
tor ItrRt IUMlltllou , 1111,1 , llr Ier , .qllurtl ror ellch
luh8oqno tlu orUon.
A "dllnarll" I tOlllllle. IIr rrbcllolllltorl'lI' .
Un\tut \ tltrKlud Olllcl' . l
J.Itorken Bow. 1'ehrs k , 1I111Y 12. I OJ. f
Notll' " I. hereby Ul\'cu that the 10lHHVlllK IIhUl-
rlt ticttlcr hn IIlollIOllclI ot hie Intellllon 10 lII"ke
nuailiroor In ellpport III hili 1"111111I. alill Ihllt ulol
I.rool will tJO 11I11110 lJuCoro IIMgl"or alill ICeeelvur
at tlrok'n lI:1w. r\ehrlllkli ou Juno 1'1. 1')0:1 : , vll. :
r.lJzabelh I\IIIIIC or N"w 111'101111. Nehrebllo , ror
Iho .wJi U"4,8u IIWU. UP ) { IIW .t. Sc tlou IS ,
TownshIp 10 N. , Hllngu 21. W. lIe UlIlDe lito
rOllowiulC wltllreee 10 prue hl8 coutlnnou rell
, Iellco UI'OIl IlUd cultivation or lold IlIlItl VJoI\ \
Oscllr . 8wltlt or New 11811Neb. . , WIIIIIIII U.
Doloy or 'NtH\'lIolona , Nollr. Timothy Hoborla at
New lonu , NIlIt. . John Young.laltl wr MOl/III.
4B.1-.3 JAJIr : W"'TIUI BAli Heglsler
Uultull tltllteR Lan OlUcII. l
Uroten Uow. Nellratika. llrlllf , . 190:1 : f
1'0111'1)18 horelly "hell Itat Walter N. Jonhlll , I
&e hclr and tor h lrll ot MardI A. Jordoll , 11ocea .
ocl , CU811'r Park. II ! bAi Jllell 110lleo ot tnteutlon
to mnke tlnal proof b..foru 1I'gle"'r Mud ncro'ver
at hll olUce In UrOIl"D lIow , Nobralkll , on thtl ' .13nl
" " 1 ot May. I'IJ3. on IImlJlr cliltUIU IIllllIcalloll
No. 71r.7 , ror UW ( nwU olloctlon 1lIn IOlVlIPblp
III 1' , rlllljl > lll1edt tb 1' . 111. He oalllC'1I1 wit.
uoue. . J"lry 'V. 1II1'all. or bomerrortl , " 'eh ,
Amo N. WtlJtltrookor lI.nt.en 1111\\ ' , nth "omy
Wt'Athrook or Houull'all y , N..h. I < 'rllllk 1\ \ ,
I\n"tht ot 801110110.11. 1'1111.
'redUmulI1 or clllllllaul. I. . h tAkoli bcrnrll the
clllrk " ' the COlirL lit Jollot. Will cOllntv. III
4HO-2 JUIIH1111'1111I"1 > , Uu/htor.
\1l1ltoll \ HIue 1.l1nll omc. . . l
Hrltbll How. NOllraskA. AJlr1l27. 1 < )03. r
Nulleu I. herully . :1\ : ' /I tbat the r JI owlUK I1l1m
ell \lot'lor IIIIt III. " . uoUre lit bl. lutellllou to
11111"0 tlnRlllro ClII B"I'I" > rL IIr 'It ' ! CIIIIIII. Nil.
IO J , AUII'hftt lIhlllr.1 wllu , la n 'IOtUr I" .
1.ler 1r" r , crl\'er It lrkoll lIow , NIlr.lkl , , un
June 4 , I O : , vir Wlllln Ihlll' . New 1olouI ,
ehfi.ka. tlr 111 II\ " " , 3eclul 35 ' 'owOlhll )
I' ' } N , lIugo 21 , W. II Llh l. M. Un namua the
tOllWhl1 wltn. ellUi ' 0 IrOVU hluon\nuou reBI.
< enctl l\on II : culU'ltou nr 1.11 lanl. vll. :
Ih\ ot , Nuh. ' .
Ihry WIal" ltu" : I'erry COI'I'AI. '
or New 1tlen" . Noh ; Ilyor Hwlok or New
lelonl. N6h. H'lbel t'lrn.tur ur Nt W 10'01A ,
IlIlIrlIII : , J "JI WII'r"II II.
4 .SI-3 ; II gl tllr\
Unl.II tHuh'd 1.111 om n' . l
IlokCI low. Ntlhlllk"rh I , 11):1. : f
Nlilre I II rl'lIy lvl'u thlL tl'IOI J. ot
AI oIIlO , chrllk. ) 111 11,1 lotlUO or 1IIIItiOl
to " ' ' ' IVBr
L IUlk"lnal Iloot Iwtlr rl'lIKllr' : 11111 rel'
lit 11 ulneu In Uroleulow. Nehmlkl.ul'rhur-
thu 4th " at .III . I'IOJ , "
IIY l"y "I tlnbor culuro
I 1 111 cuI 1 < I ! i I.l ' , ror wI' ur ( , e . "wI , I'
Htclou Nu. 24. IU'I'JWIIIIII No. I' } I , & Ni.
2 W , 1t UIII"e I wltuo' ' I : r&flO . . f.
1.1 ut Alllulmu , Jlhh YOIIII" " Ir MUIIII ,
1 < ,111 Ufthr. . " ur M r" , lulJalll1 JOlllil1
. r. . !
lt ,
Ilo.l &II
4 51-.11 & ! \ IITIIKtU
. . luKlsllr
- - - - - - -
lu Conlty OI'lrt wihin 11 < tor ( 'U.tbt clully ,
NtHI.kll Illhe ' II thll \
IlellHlllol. "CI'II.611 ul'lur HILal. lt J\lll
' 1'llh. Ctfltou "t 1.1 " .lllt :
\ou Irl herl. uOUlel. 'h"t I wil I hI tl
rIIUIy ' lurt rlUI. II Irlkfu , "W. In Blhl
Counh.Q'llho. 111 "a o JUly. IYO : ' thn
r 2 UI < ay or ffl't. 8nll 'II II. .r1 " .y ot 11 Nlv ,
191 ] , nrh II II o'eluok , II. . l . . .ch dav. rt
ctivi aqd "uIIII "I clllm& 1Ii.llllt 1,1 " 11.1" ,
wIth I 'lOW lu UIHI . "Ju II"11 .uol ' "
' 11161111h,1 / tlr 1111 l.r"ol"IIIOI IIIYIII' !
. . . .
&Illu.t .all 68AIIII .11 IUUllh. rrol 1m 22f
01 . '
tlIY I.y 1'UJ , 1111 llu 11111 lIul " 11 tlr I' y
1"1 ut . , I.hl. l UII Itlir rr1 . "hl .Ial
Wil. " . " or ulcl
Iy 1.11111111 thl S"II 0(111)
CUUlt " ut I .
thl.UII ' MIY \ 1. A. AIIIUI ,
Y ' - : \ I ULl t:11I111 : InI , .
- - - - - - - - - - -
7 - - IV" ' ' ; " - , ' ' - , . . ' , T ' , , '
- - - _ I t . -
Mathew T. ! hun aUt no ala 8"111 hnlblnl
Ind wltl. tRke " or
wi thl"l dl1
AIII 190 : , F. M , lubllO. lIotee pl.lnUI Ihl beolu : Jh , IIod
IIR IlelUollu the HUrlct Cnurt of CUeler county
Nolrleka , agll llho n"l IldoUIlnt
with olheu. the olJect ali prayo at IblloadN
tore'loPI a rertlln e dooll eecltcd by
Iho Ihl Malhnw ' . Jorlla alli 10ala wnl 10
In or the '
nnl . . wh rob , thc1 con'lyelllhc ell l1 b.1 ald of ' 'rlet thl
ouh e t 'llrler ofeeton 13 In 'fo\'n 111 II
North or lanle21 wcet. Iml the \'cl half or the
welt or IH III '
louth qurter BecLon ' 'o"lhlll
Norh or ) wcpl , to the
aulo ; 8ccne
ot a ortI'nlorl ' bolil , Ieil on thn 19t I nay
Aar , A. I. 18 111 UD Ir 160J,0. duo .uII
, , ' rrum Iho IIIto " '
Ilaabl 1'0 ycarl tbc"lr 1horo
I 10\ " upon 881,1 bonll nUl the
10Iuo luurtllD
li ! Ilprlnclpnl UI or ! bIO togelhtr "llh ! Ihrec
Ilhr'lt 10iCI " .eh II Ihu .um 01 $ L 00. rlr whlob
ahl 8"vet"llle wih 1IIIIrli "lalnLI Ilray08
tor Ilccreu thaI '
a clotclilllle be rl'lullrt\ \ tl l'fY
tbe pamo or Ihat Mil \t'IIPI 11le Plhl Ie
\ 11\
allr : , Ihe a 1011 I rllllll , hl111. . You IIru hI'
111lrNllo " " p"hl nr hrtolu
"fll"r 11011101 ( I thl
: th 1111) ' p' .Iulo. 1'1 : .
" ' or Allrll.
la"'lllbl8 Jh " 'y llJ
I , M. lUu.n , PlalltD.
4.4'-31 - - . ly , JA'IR . 1.JU\IOI , A orey ,
N01'11 To . .
II Ihl 1etlet Conrt NON.118tltNTS. CllerColnl , " .
A. A , ' ' . )
W'l . r'lelnUI. .
IIHIY Stuck"II. ct nl. h"tel IRnt .
' 1" Iletcnlnt8" I"L rv tlLlckert.1r . HOlry
Hluckott , hIl , Oeoro Mre.
tlcker I. hiM wle . ! . Hllckcrt Mr. Georg.
. her hlPhlll. wit . JI1nl. . 1r. Jwfcb. P"I. her halhlni
, Iohn Iluckolt , , Mrl. .Johll Htlckor hI. Wlru.
1"0111 Sturlort . ( . ,
all11. .ooua,1 tluckort
Wll lel11 thu holr at I.coullrll StuI'kerl , de.
ceapoll , I I. M811RY 11'11 J.hl ' 'erhullo will
IlIke nothI'lbU al Ihl dRY or , \
tlo Illalll tf , A. A Wt'll 2511 , Apri 19\
fetl 111
Iho Dlstlc' COltt Ir Cuelor COlntv , N.hrllka ,
agRlnlt )01 and cach or YOI . liorpndalt. Ihe
OllJCct IIIII'la ) or or wblo ! 8re tu forecloee a
cCltal1 In : cerllralo IpII\l',1 \ hy the trolurer ul
Rlhlln ler rOllty. on ' , II.v or
111' ! Oll Irohrlry
II . ot whldl
" ' IIUW the
ti" IltalnllT'
holtr thoror , ror Ihe 111 If $3.I. : Illt OWIlr oo"erlng al
'ho " " IllcmleoK
r"lo" 101 reecrlhCI : Nurlh hlllr 01
tlo IIOrh lcclol 'en ' (10) ( ) . ' 'own.hll' IS. Nortb.
IrUlu 1v. . "I I 1 AI . 811" Cunny , al I upnl
wh lh " ' , " "
bell III
1 , "lnbltllliellt"
\ til
rollow : Ollho ! nt "ay 01 May. I I. tur Iho
v"ar IHt. 11111 IIr $7 M , 01 Ih" I t IIIY ot M. , .
PIIH. ror ' / . .
of (
116 YI'ul'/OI. ' Ihl Hlm $ .61 oaCI or
wllllllUllU IlrAw 20 Ilor Cllllt Iltorelt trnm
Iholr rO"llccth 0 Ilatel. nr ' I .
l whl'h 111
' tno
Ilahi. l'lalltl prlyt'R 1& IIl'Creu or tleclopurn or
lall cl'" all rccelpll 1111 ' 110 or l"hl ut
' ' " . " .
Hlllllln'I'"OI. YOIIIU n"llrlllln .UHwor Ilhl
un or ' .
Ilcltlul 1'.l. hlrolo JolU'OY 111 111 .IIY II
Ualli lt Ilokolllnw. NrhrlMka , 1111 . Ihy
or . . . . ' '
. Allrl. 1'03. A. \\'KLtH. . 1'lllntUf.
4.4U-2/ lIy Au'u , MOUYAN , HH Atoruoy ,
11 the Dl llct COllrt orIMcr eOllnly , Nohrapkl ,
In the mallt'r of 110 "l'II'lcltlol ot Heny lele , .
Admlnlstratur Ir tbu elllllo nt JUdhnn 1"ICOIII1 ,
dlCIlCI , ror I ICIII" to Hul rell 6stato ,
AIHllow 71h ot 1I1.y , Ihh
ollhis dl ) l' l ralan
I CI'UI 0110 ho henrL At 1IIUllhnr ! "I'UI the , ,
I 1 ltn ot Henry } { olloy , 1'lllnl lmlor apll
I 011' ' e nt .lnlhUll Itrucmon. II"coMe . ror a tl
11 HII the rollowllg lticr'lIct ' real cHlnLo. IconRo
oiliu tlletor COUIly , NOllrkl , Inwl : ' 1'11
1't hfl nr Ihl Mnlth-"Mt In"rer tle (1 Ir
tloctuu'rhroo [ 31 .nll Ihe \ \ OHt hair or the MOlllh
wo t II ul t [ W ' MV lit 800101 ' 'wo [ 21,111
' . ,
' 'owlllhlp nlatoel ! [ lllllallo twnuty two [ 2:1
IUHllhu lortl lal 01 Ihe 8'llh , 'oat IIMrllr ( I\ \ '
, , ,
"od ! nlllhe nnrth hllr at the IIUthwI ! t
( nVr Hw(1 ! ur 8octol hvnly rOlr [ IDWllahll' qllllor
I1"I 111111 IwClly nVI L21 for. . le '
Irromoll II III hi , IIlIoW1',1 Ilcc "ecl. agaInst Iho "stl1 1III'o Ir l o . 111) ia
I IH 11roloru otlerll thnt all'orlll Ilter'lll'd
c tnlo , lIet .
IIBII Jrl 11 II lme.
1IIIcnr lY II
ut , Nebra ,
thl ciy Irokun IllV ko 11 "
. . nt 100'clock the I" .II
IIIV lt JUlO. I'J. II torcnolll ct
lall , , to IhOI oalt why nut
lay 1 I II elllu Ihlllll
II'UI to llllllllulllirlorto Rol H ld f'nl UIII10
al.1 al\ly tw Irorer tn Ih" Mitetlcllll II the
I loll I10wed allln t "fld cll\lo.
HI. rlilther : Ihllt .
Urled thi otler
11 hullMh.
I ell ror rour
(4) ( ) COISCCIU't woekl In the CIIR cr
I Coulty HopuIlc811 wcekly uO\ ' or Ronor'
al . Oount , uO'lnller
circule.ttliu lall
! .5i7 : CUAm"ull. . aUTKUPON ,
Jullge of JshletOultt or Cuetor Coulty , Noh.
lu the Dlsllct Court at Cu t"r Coulty NobraskR.
II tbe.laler . or the cslMo at Wlilm n. ! obllH ,
Thl caU80 comllg on ror hOllrllmuol the
Iloltoo or BMlh n. Iohlts. \ or Ihe
Ilnr chlhlrol at WIIII n. luanll\l . .
, In ror tn ,
! Iconao 8ul au undhlled Ole
utcrlet In 11" to the rolowlng IlucrlhPl1 hal
OltutC. tnd upn 110 rollowlug torml , 10.wlt : rea
) ' 1ho soull hilt or tll' 10rih o .
( . . 1 Ilater.
the norlh eset quarlur..t lie tioulh ellJt qnar/er /
Ild the .outh cast qllfor ot the
quatr o Sccton Mloen ( Ir , ) 10 ' 101"18hlp rOlr wesl
I H ) Norlh (
leln JallelwOlty ole (2WClt
th. ( , li PM. , Uueter cOUlly. Neorekn , ror
( t ) ' 'be 10lth hal or the lorll w08t ( Iuuter
hilt Iho lIorth hair ot Ihe south IC8t I'liurlcr ' or
SlrtCl'l'hlrty twu ( : ) 1lllWlllhl" rourtoel )
NOllh. HUlgo twel 'UC (21Jo ( t ot th. , ( tl (4)
. . . . .
. CU'ler cnulty. rorJIOl.Ol"I.h.
(3) ( A 1IIIcoiln Ih. Nurlh OI t qUllrlur ot ! or-
tou tlUlty UIU ( ! I ' 'uwl-hlp .0veUlolu (17) ( )
/Oth. lalgo twelty fvo L21 Welt ot tla "th ,
1. I. Cuolu COUltV , NehlslkM , , h'SCllb,1 , 1,011 ,
AR : the
Jorlhllaly a tolo COllloncellg I
Houth ' or Ihe '
Olt I'orer lorth t'IMt IJIltler ot
Iahl aortll , rUllllng thelcn WC8t Lwont he
(21 ( I R"I2Y7 lO rJI. th"lc" nurth twonly , ,
aUI a.lo (2.3) ( ) rmls thence Clst Iwellty nyO aDII
: ' ! 10 (2. 2(17) rlls , 1111loulh twenty Ivu
a ( 3) ) to h .
all InK J (2 e.alli ml pala Illco Ir Clllllg. c.ltll'
1110 IHrtcularly
116.orl'd 1111 "ouerll wurlt leml ot couvuy.
al co Ilt'l'uh' < Int devrl't Iy WII"I W.
lr-l.l r alll wlr" Iu WIlsll. 10hlill un the 4th
day Ir AUtel 18i7. and rrelllllllI thl deelt r" .
cd lt Ild CUUI ) on thu 3 th. l"y or AnKHl1
, In lIook 5 .
ItS7 Jl810 :2.
(4) ( ) 'I'hlt II lcolln Iho 1,0rt1cecorlrot the
norhelt Iluartlr ! or 'ho ' Illh I , t ( IUIUlor Ir
oelol'tllu tO ) or 'J'oWI.hll Irt. 01 (151 ( North ,
I alKe twenty Ihreo (2)c ( ) t or ( I I' 11 ( . . Cu tor
. ,
, mOle '
coulY. Nehrakl 1111 tcllllrly Iloscibect 18'
rUIOWA : 0011" Icelnl nt 1110lnt tlldeel hln'
I thcd "lllt ( Hll ) ) tl'tll Wf'8tOt IheuOlh out cor.
lIor ot MId ectlol ton ) anll au Ibl .
(0) luo 10.
tWlOU frtol" ton (1) ( 1111 Im'o ( : ) ot uld
' ' " . HOHlh
'l'Uwletlll alll HIII\ IUnllll1 th81ro
nvu Ilndrellllolty ( f20) ) tooL thNH't weet tnur
1IIIIIci lOl ( 1 , teul. thrucn NOllh 1"0 hnl red
t\lmt , ( ! I ) ) rtlt. thono cast t 'Hr ' hUlllrcd twonly
(4 ( O ) reot lu 1,18co , ur hc/inl / K.
(5) ) I.ot thlrltcn 1111 InurLcen III block Ith'en
In I ho or How , .
orlKlllL fOIn , Im.u ohralla.
. .
For th. Ilull'oo ' or rUlil8hlDI IrllH of coluea
tlol , clothll" tUI mllul\lRI'O II 8ull wanlM nul
. '
mllorl. 'Ibe ( Cr80111 lt Illd uUnto
, . .
IIVllg Iew oxlalKId 1111 In . rlnllM hollg lul.
ulle IldrlY ult Oxpuloe.
I I Ihclotu , udOrlllhat -
n1110tO11 Illoroet-
, " 1111 Bahl r"ta\o " heturu mc , day
UI 110,151h
Ir JIII. at 10 o'clook In the rlrclnoll ut 1,111 , IllY
" , , Ihu tOlllt : roolll Drokel liON , Nellra ku. tu
show 16110 why Ill18u "hOII,1 lot bo grllnteilln
sl < uardllutu eel tlu alio\llo , crllll u81uto
- . ! , < rla
ur.llt Iler""s ' In I IY ror 11111 / rlr Ihu
C'u. kllIlllll 1111 IlluCllol or til IlmVld/ ,
Illel 1110lh , IlY ot Ma } ' . A U. 1'3.
47.51-:5 Ju , ' " " or Ihu ) ullct Court.
letcr 'Cr.IH.
\Vc hunt hcn nhle to lake heler
terms wih the pnhlshers of the Swine
l \1 Wl' can noflnish yon thc Rp.
I'UI.IC\N alld Swillc HCII for $1.20.
This to rcnewals as to
Ipples wel I !
slhscrshcrs , to thc RHIIUIIC.\N.
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
NO'rO ' 16 HO.llStKNT , .
[ u tbe Dplrkt Court , of . .
Cutr Cou111.
1ary le1e1 Keanan nl" t Dieudantl.
The dorendanh , Mal Kel , Keenln a" Ocorn
5tb Koon.n day ot bor hUlbandi & 1 notlcI1bauo . . t.
hi. In tbe . " : W.l
I10d Ileiton L 01
D.trl oOln
COlnt1. obrl.ka , ' 1.111101 ald O."r
a dercnda"I. , tbe obJocL &d rraer ec .
10 torclose n coraln tA erUO t. hil d .
troa nrlr at lahl Olitor eoat1 , 00 Ute : ' ,
ot Fobrta , 191 , of "bleb the Wi
plalntl .
th ownr 1M holder Lbereo. for , . .am of
11 : 6 ald ( oerlng tb , followlnr
, Iho . n .IC eflbd
In\IIIOI o.aLatroUh
rb 8.t qalHe
ot 8ectou 4. 'rowl hlll 15 N. naurln . . P.
M. . Mil County Ind npoD' "blob hia bc Ilb
"Snh.equout" Inl . folowa On tb. al' l ,
M"y lOI".ror the yer I' the' .nm U o
" b
tbe Irl uy or Ma1. 1M. tOt te , . 1 . ,
.Ulit U. I. Isch t wblcb amouhls dra"
! llt Inlorelt 'from tlolr ! 'pocUyf datel , "U .
which . ' ' o
I dUl null uhpahl. 1'lalnt1 'pta , 'a14.
ot roroclolure or laid
cro all lul" at 111 prelile. . certlltal You.r aol IqUlr.t
alllWluad Ilettou on or \aloro JOldD . .
151h day ot Jnltl91. )
Daloll at . " . tbl.5t
lrkel.lo" Nlbrlka daot
! RY 193. A. A. WI' , ! Ialntl ; )
4MO-3 11 ALPU" MOROAK , la , tof81.
'j'o 'he ' bolra IIIIIIoxt of kin of EreaL A ; ! '
J > ( ed. .
leV on 1oa Irl larob , notle t \ \ I. . , nOt.\lr. \
01 11 r b . .
tltber Bld
tRII04i'h&IIOII I pet..A
eaM COUlt , Ie be .PPolnled
' 11111rltor Ilklnt oltat. mar ; ' . .4 ,
110 l
' ' . haa aot 4
tcU'/PI'It. SatlmaUtr bon hotll
tOr Juno Ilh , 19. at 1 u'clock a. m" 'L , ! .
COllnty ClnrHoom.ln Jrkln Dow..Nebr .
he when hoali. al lutorolloll part e may sp e A
lat d the 9th day of Aay. 1m. : .
4.M-:6 ( IEul odnly JuGi" -
- - - -
TO O .
III tnultJ conrt. Wllha mIT01s. : COnll" .
Nebrlska. lu the Il\or or the K'lat , of .
HUldlq ! . Decouol. AI.Uwii
'fo Iho Creiltorl Ir Ild Relat : "
You Ifl her ly uotlod'bM I a
wi li
Cuulty Cuurt rOOl , II Jrkou How , .lnr
Oounty , the I or , '
01 bh a1 Jnlo 193 ; au tb "
Ilay nl AU UI193 : anll 01 Ihl 7th Ila , of
"omher , 1913. lI el at 10 o'cluck J , ql. t
"ay.lo olalm. ' Ca
rceive Ild uluUlno
al araut
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lI.tulo. wih a vlo\v to their
alowalcu. Thl' tul Illed atl8Ulllt Irlllulat. a
Ct el.lm. allit 111".I\to I , II lonlh.lf
7th II.y 01 M , , . ,
, 101 .Dlllhl
tmalmlel fr
I"vmont or dehh I. one YOAr trm .nld date.
! hund the 8eal or laC .
WI/u lY lull la\ ult1
emlrt Ihls : ull "Ry or AIIII. l'Il3.
47.50-34 ( uul J. A. AnlOUI , COUlly J. p
iBUR1 o-n TIME TiOt , , ' ,
BHOlEN now. Nl .
1..I'co.n , lel'er ,
. . . . .
, Ilele.a. . .
ChICRIO . .lc.
Ht. " " _ " . .
IIIU.NIN . I.OIIH. A net , th.nlrralcUc 1.0IUand. Kk . .
" 1 . .o.n. . ItuM. "n" .
" . .t Hon.h. 'VCI. .11.olnC. .
Nn. 4 - ' ' . ' 0.1'
ha. -Vl'Rtlullt ta. .Ioflllh. ell'rol Ilal1' 1ltoll. . , O I
UIIO alllallilolll fRst Ilut lontl. . . . I .
No. .f-Iocul ell'rt8 .I lly , . , a. .
( JhlCljlo altall'olnt e..t ILd 1lIcoln. .0utl,1 5. Om. . .
No. - ! , , '
4-Vlstmloll oSIIr1 dal Uliela .
, , ) '
Ilollte. . lute . . . . . Portand . . . . . . Bld . . . . . . " . . . . . l'Actlo ! . . . ( ( l \
No. 43-I.ocat . . .
Intermelliat volut. oprcee . . . . . daly. . . . . . . . Alalcl. . . . ; .1
tllcopln , . and . t"at.
! dl.lng roclnlng ebalre. "
rroo ) on tbrough tre.lnl. Tlcke. laId e.nd '
Rage ami Canada. chocked to nU1 potnt tn th , Unitd ! t ba' ,
Iltorm.tol mlp. , 'Iro tblo' ad 'L\cVet \
can fn or to U. Ormlb . ' , ur rJ
Frlllch. O. } ' . A. . Omabv. Nebllka. agut .
n. L.'OUIBT. Agen. ,
. to J'
FJ JJJJ , . .
List of Lands 1
: ] , I
in Custer CountyN b.
'rEIMP-One.tblrd : :8h ; Illnnto al
8 toterc < IIIYIOrltl. 7 \or cel.t Interlll.
S \ I , UU-\\ ' ) , ue I" ' , :
l' .1.t. ; _ : UUIIW)4 . . ! . . .II 0. .
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"w. - , ' . : . . . . . . 2
( OTLluln-'o m.13.1
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nILL-W uol.o ! ' nw I
IRoWN-Nel. t'I.I.18. . . . . . \.15 . . . 1'0 I
' \ " - , 25 . ,
! ' . 10\U"ON-ty eW'i . . . . . : . ol . . . .0J4 ' 0
l HI I"I-eJ. IO-14.J . . . . . . . . ' . . t I
o t - In .
lnV uH-IO acrel
o " H.IS , , towndhlp . , actau. ' , I
clllo rlllch II . . . . . . . 1.21 . . . . . to . . .
( 401
, . . . . . .
MT " 8-N" 21.1. . . .
\ NKLHoH-Ne l , . . . . . . . . . 12
2.U.I !
f 01HWJHOH- ( , 4.13.2. . . . . . 5r 1
UUI8-1 no , dW't , . .
( t ; ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . uel" . . . . . . 113. . . ' 61'
; . . . . .
8 HIX1.N-Nw",3 . , 13 ; . 10
H ICI . : . : . \ . . . . . I.e : : .I. : : 8.
: MOU"Iely-He ! , : ' . . 1 2 . . . . . . I' '
WAI.Kln-8' , I : O.I ! . . . . - ,
. I.uUU-8w , lIe l . . } , ' 1 ,
. I , : ' : ; 1.\.21. . , . . . . nwJ .e4'oU . . . . . . . 80 f'
- \ nw . ' " ,
5 : HOIHRM-N\ . 6.1.18 . } . . . Sl' . . . IWli . . . . . . .81 t
UTIIUIOI-Noj ! , . 10.1 . . . : . ) . . . . . . . . . . I 0 b : .
'rhu ahoVO Inudl be aol .ubJect
lea . Now l YOUr t - _
ell tnK el. opporlnlty-
Ihe " . Iror .
prlcs ar al"ancrll. ;
lhororo , cll 01 or atllrclM thll onC\ . ; .
. _ ,
, - - - . . ' '
- - - - - -
! olch ror we L will clolo at H II. m. ,
SlIuday whol It wi clolo at dil I' 1. excJt
I'onuh. ell t lor taIn Nu. 42010d0 at I a
alt aUlllulut" til No. 1 eileo lt lt.3 a.l. . uurled tor al A111 taJI
Uconto "Ia at lyuo IDIt Tuokerle. Italy ex. ,
C"lt ulllllY clofos t 7 a 101 returnlu8J8 d. ,
Calawuy ViII , MC'Jlnley ally uxoept ! uDa. ,
cl08el lt ' I lil retnrlDg 8aml dllY.
, viR reun lIud olole ar.
Ilulll Valu ( Elon .
1.TuOltay. } 'l'IIIIU < 8Y alltlltnrdaJI , r tnrDl
8la ItIY.
HUl16r ,10 ( lr811 , Goorgetwn aud Upta
. . ' ' ' ' . .
at aud
'l'ne.ll 'l'bursdl'
arrlVO I. :0. . , . I.tur.
dlY ruturhlK 1&el a 1.,3 laml lay.
OQOJ hourd r'lm.00" 1110 8.IMI 1 11. HUI-
. . . .
IIIYI tuIIHI II. m. tol:4 ! II. m. Lbby oIlea
w"Ik rrol ' . / . to I 'I. ' I. 8ulI < a\1 811
a.l. tllY IDrlng tlYv luI. . I. . ( h ! r.1 Iiolviry I.Jaw..t. 10t open. J .a. il.
- - -
- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - -
UIIUII Ihulllllle. Anderson , ; = J. Abalrace. C. Mo" .
J'I.III ! lor10 . Ind relt II Ullter rllllty lIul . , IJIIIIII clantu. , quile. ,1,1 morti'ai. ' . -
hlUjht 111 .ohl. AbetfCU l'll\tlr Ild nt'lls la"r
, , , , .
ulcu-Matn Rlrect UolwUl1 tl . allt Mi A VlnUUB Jllklll lIow Cldtorconuty : Nehru"a.
- - . - .
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - -
. _ . !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
, r- e--a - - ! J G , ! ' 7-- ' ' - ' , - . , , . ' "
I Before You Uuil : , Consul. . . ,
i PAPINEAU & DRAIE , j , .1 , ,
: '
Ii Contractors and Builder. .
I m Btlatcs 1 urnishel1 Jircc Wih Plans and Specifcations. . ;
; ; @ ' 1@ ! : u. _ : : : _ _ :
. 'i
. .
- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - I -
- - - - - - - -
- - '
- , - . -
To Cure a Cold in One Day ' .
Tae Laatve Brome Talet. A 01 eV j
'Sve Men Iox8IIt I Jst 12 ! onUts. Qunine siatuC bx..2 . : 1
. " . ' _ . " . . + ' . . . . . " . , " . . . . .o . " t , ' . ' ( . . ' . ' ' ' : " ' : ' ' ' 0 . ; . '