Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 21, 1903, Image 3

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'l'hl' fnet thn t a JIlOl.tJ.lIge : Iii gl\'l'lI
o Sl'1I'e Iln3'1l1ent of IIn l'lItlrl' SUIII
\\'hleh Is Iln 'llble III Instnllllll'nts IF !
i helll , III Geol'l11. . Butlel''u8h ( , ) , Iii
L , H , \ , 1 O , IIOt to 1)\'e\'l'lIt \ tl1l' 1'1111'
uhl of tllc stntute of III11Jtlltloll
'lJlIlnst ellcll IlIstnllilll'nt ns It bCl'olllo.'i
dIll' . .
) ' 1'hl' dl'nth of a Rel'\'nnt. cl\I ell b '
: cl'IIIIIII111'loll'ncl' of 11 11I011 of'stl'l1I.'s ;
.1 Is IIl'ld. In l"Ol'CJIlIIIl . 'rnlu' ; ! COlli
\ ( 'OIllIllU ' ( K ' . ) . L , H , A..4i. / . to 111111 } III'
IIUll1hlllt \ . 011 tlw IIHlstm' . 1111111'1' II
I'll1tutl' IIIl1ldug hllll IIl1hll' 1'111' 11L-l1lh
1'-IlIllhl' : ' : 1'1'011I I IIjIII'Il'H IIIIIJctl'lI h '
hlH IIl'Z\ltl'IlCC ; \ ! 01' Wl'OIfgl'ul 1H't.
'I'he 1:111'l' 'hlt of dl'IHlIr \ \ ellllnIlH hc.
lug' 1111 ot1'I'IlRe 1'ull ' 1)\'o\'lIlell \ 1'01' 1I11l !
Ilunlflhcd h ' Stl1t1. Illw. It II ; Iwlli. in
, Jlld'fI. . I.lIshle ) ' ( W.11. . ) . i i I" U. . \ .
. .n10 : \ be be ' 01111 the IIOwel' of 11 11IU-
111l'IIml COI'1101'l1tlon 10 Iunl , , ' It nn of-
fl'lHil' punlHhuhlc IIIHlel' 11 elt ' 01'111.
Illlnce.lIIleRS slIch 11U\\l' Is SP1' 'SS"
l ' cO'.l\'e 'I1I ! h ) ' the 11I11uIl.'IIJUI chnl'h'l' ,
Thl' 10RS to hl' nllllle good unllcl' t
I'oll ' . of lIre hlSlII'lIlICe Is helll , In
t'I'IIII , CO.'S. . PhUa elllhl1l COlltl'llmtloll'
8hlll ( I'll , ) , Iii L. U. A. 10 , ubt to he
Jllllltpd to the cost of l'eplllclnJ. ; thl !
: ) stl'llctlll'e descl'lhcll lu the SIII'\'e ) ' , If ,
whcn thc 1h'e occurs. the stl1tutcs I'C-
, ' ( lutre. ns a conllition of ruImtlng. \ .
: ) . more substllntlal and expensive Htruc.
I tlll'ni worl" ,
\ A slIIn eXllclell b ) ' the holdm' of n
'JIIlrt a/Ze / , 1'1'0111 olle who purehllled the
JnortJ.Zagl'tl IIt'emlses without IIssum.
! II Ihc mOl.tgllge , III ml ltlon to leglll
I interest , for exflmdlng the time of pay.
ment be'oUl1 , mntul'lty , Is held. In
oGllnz's. . Lallcllstel' ( N. Y. ) . riS L , H. A.
Iril. to be uS\l1'lous. where , by Uro
.Imllle 1I1'1'un emellt , the purchaser Is
l'equh'ell to a slllne pm'sOIlIll liability
" fOl' Iuymellt of thc mortgage.
' , " An orl1ll1l1nce Imposlllg n license tax
i. . . I on a bUl'iluess , which hils no elcments
.of regulntloll III1 which shows on Its
. tuce thnt the sole Inn'pose of the city
& \ .autIlOl'ltIes III ndoptln ; ; It was to mise
; revellue , Is helll , 11 ! Stnte cx reI. . \ u.
: Ii bul'll School District vs , ll03' p eb , ) ,
; 118 L. , n. A. lOS , to be a tux ol' IIlUUCC ,
\'ell though the right , to engllge In the
r I bushwsl : ! 01' call1ntllXC / Is ml1de to
-delll'IH1 UIOIl pll3'Ing the tnx and ob.
tllllllng a IIcellse.
j Contrlhutol' ) ' negligence of one In ,
jured b ) " collision with It strclt car
when attelllptln to drlvo aCI'oss the
ft . trICs : ) Is hel , III Keell1an V8 , Union
" "
\ r 'Tractloll Complln } ' ( PII , ) , liS L , It. A ,
1.j. to prcvent l'cco\'er ) ' whel'e , lit a
dlslIuce or thh.ty-llve feQt from tlH !
" , trllcl , . he lees ) IIlollg the truck : l1 ! !
J ! feet , aUll , seeillg' 110 cn I' cOlllh g , willis
t < 111s horsc across the trnc ! , without
.ngllin loodll ) for 11 Inr , his dut ) . he.
! rlt to continue to 1001 , uul II the trl1c1e
11 18 reached.
l . \11 lujunctlon to IIl'C\'ent thu con ,
structlon of . a street rallwllY IIIIlICl' 1111
. JuvIIlh1 " or lnance Is held , lu GClleml
I Blectrlc n. Co..s. . Chlcllgo. I. , ' : :
; IJ. n. Co , ( C. C.pp. . 7th C. ) , ri8 L.
h 1t. A. 231 , to he llt'opel'ly gl'lInted In
1j fl\vol' of a rnllrolld cOlllpall3' wher
1he opemtlon of the street l'lIl1wl1) ' will
lutN'ferc with access to thc mlll'onl1
. /
freight ho se and trncl , } 'lIrd , thcrehy
I . nusln spec1I1 ! Inj\1l' } ' for which the
. 1'11111'01111 ' hils
com 1111 n3' no ndequllto
; 1 rel1lcll } ' 11t. , luw.
i Deauty's Reward.
. In the ( 'ast of n new pIny ahout to
, be prol1uced Is a ) ' 011I11 ; IIclor who Is
extremel ' good lq klng , but who Is
, so weB awre ot thut fuet himself us
to often IIPlwur obnoxiously eonceltecJ
to BOUIe of the IUcmhel's at the cow'
l1I1U3' , IUld eSJeclull ) ' so t9 the stag4 !
mUllllger whl ) hus no Irellt ullmh'utlon
t01' manly beaut } . .
A Cew dllya IIgo , wilen the Inttel' WII
giving finnl dli'ectlolls concel'nlll the
< : ostmlles of Ue ! 11t(1)'Cl'S ( , the hun ,
: Bome IICtOl' sh pppil UI ) to hlll1 lIul1 ,
Iwlth II self.alllll'o\'lng smile. ) Join tin ! :
to his OWII fnee , snld :
: " , Aull what shnll I do with this ? "
. "Chllng ! ! It. " WIIS the shol't I'eply 01
' '
'i' the : Yorl , a IIJJer. ) )
And l\lurrln o Docsu't Pay.
A Ulan , whl1e su1Icl'llIl ; trom In11u
emm In Soutll London , wus surpprlsell
b } ' the sullden uppeurllnco In his l'OOIll
: of his wlCe , who , twenty ) 'enl'S Ilgo ,
i elopell to' ClIlItornla. l al1lng on her
I loweR . , he 11I11110l'ed his forglveuess ,
the mun with whom she took flight ,
: . aftcl' mallug 11 rOl'tune , hllvlng l'C'
{ , j Iently Illed. 'l'he hushllnd forgavc her.
' , . ' Shl' mll'sed him so well thnt ho recov.
A t'l'pd , hut Rho cllught the Inllucmn her.
' splf IInll dll1d , lell\'lng him $300,000-
'l'oronto Inll 1111I1 Empire.
A Premium on IUnrrlml JUen.
i a.'he IIIl1uugenwnt of 11 Vh'glllia rnll.
\'ny Ims Issued a notice thnt an future
1 no unmnrrlcil lUen wllI be employed 011
" i/ / , the Jlues nnll that all men aeeklny
mployment muat bo married and nt
I tenat 30 'ears or age.
, 'UDllergrounll Tramu In Dorlln.
In Berlin the ) Jroject Is being con.
i , sldered of a seven.mllo undergrounl1
I electric roal1 , which will , coat $14"
000,000 to build , IInd tour years w11l
I bu' relulred to bulltl It.
r .
Ji. . , -
- "l r' ' : ' " . - . . . . . . . . ,
. ' . ; ,
. , rr.t.\f. " . . , ,
' ' . '
, , : . " , : f' .
Owner " 'nil Gln(1 to Take , . the 1IloacJ'
1t'ntuall3' "
'I'hey ' hnd beell 8pealtlllg ot the tlU' 1
bnek tinys , the tlnys wben the men
of the oM regime uscd to put n < 'groe8
UPOII tlw block , and sell thelll , the
melloW IIlItehellum III , hefore the
proclllmntlon hllll beeu Issuell gl\'lug
tl10 ucgro his treel10m.
" 'rhn.t rClnll1lffi me of ono ot the
lnOf. Interesting slllve Bllles I oVl'r
mIHle , " Ruh1 nn old lIuctioneer , who
lives down In the old qUllrter , IIccorll-
Ing to the New OI'lcllns 'l'lmeB-Dmuo-
crat , "nnd It mny be hltCl'eRtln to
8tato rIght hero thllt thel snlc waB I
made just before the WCll' between the i .
stntes. I wns conducting IIn uuctlon
business In the lIll ! hbOl'hoo of the
old Cablltlo.
"One duy II frlelll1 of minI' who wus
a very lurge sIll\'o OWnel' CllnH ! to lI1e
and snld he hnd nu olll negro wOll1l1n
that he " 'lIuteli to get rid of. lIe Raid
sHe was not wOl'th much , 11I1(1 he was
wllIlug to tuke ulmostII'thlug for
her. 'Shc la too olll to wol' ! , , ' slIlIl the
owuer , 'but she mnlws ahout ' O ccnts
' ' h ' ' coffee the
CVOI' ) dny 111'ldng up on
l'l\'el' fl'ont , which meUU8 $ l 11 lIIonth.
But hel' ' If ' want
just glvc a WII } 3'OU
to , ' he snld , us he left me , nnd as a
mutter of course I thought he meunt
whitt he saW.
"A few dllYs Inter I Pllt the old WOIl1.
an up and Bol hN' UlllCl' the 111I111'
IUm' , nn she' brought the sum of $10.
l'he owuel' et\me \ around. "Yell , I
gues ! ! 3'oU Bold the ol woman for 11
song , ' he snl , n8 he brushe Into the'
ontcc ; 'u coul11e of hllnlll'C wus uB
shc WIlS worth. ' I began to reel heuvy
, In thc thl'Oat , fOl' I Imow he' would
hllve a fit when I told him I hud he en
nble to get only $10 for her. But I
had to tell him , just .the same , un he
did have a 11t. IIe refuscl1 to talw the I
mone } ' , and told lUe rather clll'tly I
could leeep It. I did keep it.
"Moro thnn six 'ears roBed arouud
before I suw m ' frlenll ugaln. In
the meantime the WIU' broke on the
country un the South wnlwned from
the bloo y orgy pOol' In pUl'se nnd
bl'okcn hi splt'lt. One dny u wom unll
haggard mun walked Into my of1lce. t '
I scarccly Imew him even n.ftel : he hud
1'etlched out to offer mc his hnnd. Hilt' '
In a few moments I recognlze him.
und he hegal1 to tell me about the
hardships of the war. lIe was penniless -
less , and did not hesltnte to sny so.
'By the way , old man , I owe you $10 , '
I said to him In a frlenllly wny , 'anll !
I'll pny it now If } 'OU Oll't mind. ' I
"lIo took the $10 nnll was appnrently I
glnd to get it. All of whIch goes to
show thnt you CIlU't alwnys tell just
how the dice will roll out of the box. "
' -
The eel hus two 'scpnrntc lienrts. One
beatJ slxt } . . the other IUO tll11CI ) n mu- :
' ,
. ute.
A Inrge uumhl' of swnus fl'om Hussln.
and ol'th Germlluy wlntel'el1 on the
Swiss Inle .
The boa Itnd P3thon hn'e { he In'rgcat
number of rl1J8 of aU3' aulmnls , the
. . . . . .
uumber belug 320 puh.s.
Nenr 'I'I\'erton , DcyousJwre. t ler Is
to bo seen a blackbll'll wIth u whlto
hend und II speckled bacl , .
A curious butter ) ' exists In Indln.
The mlllc hils the left wlng- yellow
and the right oue red ; the femnle hns
these colors revel'Sed.
The house fl } ' Is very rapid In flight ,
Its wings mnklng 800 bents a second , In
wblch time It goes twenty.five feet.
When affirmed the rnto Is Increllsetl to
that of 11fty feet n second.
, It hIlS otten been stated tbat sixty
mill's nn hour was the utmost rate at
which a s\yalIow could fly. Uecent ex-
pl'1'lmcuts upon Compelgno and Antwerp -
werp lll'oved that a swulIow In a hlITY !
can coyer 128 % miles In nn hour. '
When teNting' , the stride ot an ostrIch -
trIch If ! tram twenty to tw"11ty-two :
Inches ; when walking , but not feeding ,
twontyslx Inches , and when terrified
cleven and a bnlr'to fourteen feet , or nt
the rate of about\'e mllcs nn
OrIginally the common or domestic
gout was II nntlve ot the hlghlnnds of
Asln. Naturalists geTlt'rnUy regard It
as huvlng descended trom un nnhnul
tound In tlte Cuucasus Mountulns and
the hili country of Persln , cuBed In the
Perslnn l n unle the pesang.
New kln s of livIng buttrflles cnn be
produced from existing forms by grput-
ly hlcrpnsltg or decreasing the temperature -
ature of the plnce where the butterflies
nl'e lwpt. A difference In coloring 'nud '
even In term hns tbus becn obtnlne\l
by Proto Fischer In recent oxperlmen 1.
On the 'Vay nome.
A wind Is a wJnd , from whntevcr
qunrter It may clow. So thought the
hotel.keeper In the Scottlah HlgltlaDlls ,
ot WhOlD a tourIst asked :
"Is this a good plnce , do YO\1 think ,
for n person with wenlt lungs ? "
"Nanc better , sir , nane better , " was
the encouruKlng reply.
"I huvc beeu advised to settle In a ,
place where there Is n. south wind.
Docs It blow much here ? "
"Oh , aye , " was the answer. "It's
aye the south wind that here. "
"But It's blowIng trom the north
"Oh , aye , sir , It's a' one , It's tIlO
south wind a' the snlDe , 811' , on Its road
back again. "
. If yo ll , " n y onlt , hl mistakes
t almost as easy to excuse as your own.
. , . _ , - . -
ti ; , . . . . 'i.'f ' . . . . " " -1'-"r''II'WtI1I - ' ,
. ' ,
blllTIsn DI 1 < 'JT TItlnES\t1Crf ! k
Ol l'thtll SSION
' ' Oulllumlol'clI by the
, N"Uvt.'ho . 'llhL , , 'lIh Fallnt.
tcnl 1'111'7 , nllt Until ,
London , May , 13.-Colonl\1 : SCCIC- ,
tury C'lI1\1lborlnln anuo , uced ht the
house uf commons today that as II
Jesuit o [ the llrltish m11ltary uperll'
tlous In the okoto and Kane dis.
triots , endlug with the oapture 01 ,
, the omlr of KI\no , 100,000 squulI
mllr.s of terrltHY hud been added t. ( ,
'northorn NI erla , and would bo administered -
ministered by the governmcnt of
that torrItory.
IDtoresLlnlJ details have \Ieen \ ; re-
001 ved here at th capture ot Sokoto
March H by the 13rltls11 commllnded
by Cclone ! Morland. The engage-
inent lasted two and 1half hours. .
'rho British numbered about 5001
lOon , with [ our qulck-liring guns lIud :
lour .l\1axLn. 'Ihe enemy's ' hurse uIHII
Coot WIlS esthnatod to number (1,000) )
men , tholr rHlomen being arll10d with ,
m udern rlnes and uslug smolccless
(1owdor. ( 'rhe llrltlsh camped dur-
I ng the night o [ March 13 ono and
) JIe-halt miles from Soloto , after a
hard march ot 100 miles from Kaura ,
with but little water and havlnR
'passed throu h u dll1lcult COl ntry.
'At daybrcal { March 14 tho' Britlshl
imovcd out In square formation'
'towards ' the , valley In wt Icll Sokoto !
Ites Immediately atter the llrltlshl
appeared over a r Id e the } ! 'ulanls
c11ar r.d with fanatical bravery , undeterred -
deterred by a withering Maxim and
rifle fire. Tboy had no proper
'leadership , but the isolated bands
continued to atl'ance over heaps of
dead and dylnrt. often' only Indl-
, vldnals reachlpg within \ yard of
the qquare , where , l'cfuslng Quarter ,
they were shot down while shoutlnR
'Iallah II with their last bren t.h. 'I11u
main body of the nutlves were tinallY
routed , leaving only a remnant f
ah JUt thirty chiefs around t.he emir's
white flag. These chlofs were dc-
tinnt to t110 last , and their corpses
were found hedging the standard
, v'hen the British entered the city ,
, whlcb consisted mostly of thatched
'houses. ' It3 semi-ruined walls ex-
'tended seven miles around the place
11nj were plorced by eight gates.
A few dnys later tho' popl11aco rc-
turned and the Fulanls tendered
their subm Isslon to ( J'"nmlsslonor
Lugnrd , wl10 arrived March 19 and
Installed a new emir. The British
then retired towards the cuast leavIng -
Ing a garrison of two companies of
Infantry ,
P nnma Canal Company \Vorrylnt
Wasl1ington , May 13.-WtllaDl : Nel.
son Orem well , general c unsul at the
new Panama Canal COlllpany , made
pubUc a Eot Itemo'nt reglu'ding current
J'eports aCfeotlnj.t the company , tn.
cludln that emlnatlng from Panama
that the company had olTered thf
Oolomblan Rovelnwent $12,000,000 or
.the ilPOOOOOO the company Is to ro-
lCel ve frolD tl10 U niter ! tates. The
: Statement Is as tullows :
1"1'he newPanllllla : Canal oompan '
has not made 11 proposal to pay $12-
100,000 nor any suw whatever to tht'
CLllomblan government nor to anv
parties whatsoever [ or or In connection -
nection with the ratification or'tiw
peDding treaty , Htati1mcnls to the
contrary are absolutely without thIS
slRhtcst : foundlltlon. .
"Up to this hour I have no can fir-
matiun of the report that Pregldent
Marroquin bas rC8l nerl , but It it
were trn e the ubll atlu\s ot Colum-
bin to the TJulted States under the
pondlng treaty negotiotions would
Inot be aCfecteCl. "
San Domlnso News Not SRtlsfactory
Washington , May , 12-0rders were
Issued today for the Nashvlllo to proceed -
ceed south to relieve the Atlanta ,
which tor some time has been watcl1-
Ing American luterests in San Domin ,
go. 'I'he Olympic already 11M started
to relieve the an Francls o In ( Jubal1
waters. The latter veasel will lImko
a toqr of Inspection througb the Wesl !
Indies berore starting for the European -
pean station.
Strike eglns In Dehver.
Denver , Col" May -El1'urls W
II vert the threa tened general stl'j ke or
different trades have been fruitless ,
pnrl It Is expected that strikes wlli
'begin , that will involve 15,000 men.
A t midnight the joint execl1tlvo com.
mlttee or organized labor rejulJll.'d
the proposition of the citizens' alii.
ance , for a permaoent board ot nrbl.
tratlon , declaring their beltet that Ie
was not wade in good faith but w\ : \ ' ;
glmply to ualn tlmo.
- . . . . . .a. _ . . . _ . _ L. . . . . _ , . . , , _ . , . 'u. ,
" ' ' " . , . . . . . . - m. . . .
" : } , , _ T , ' " ' . , . ' t
OttaWA IIIU1 ROI" hUon of Calamlt7 . , .
1000 Iharnll Oyer Sam. Dlltrlet ,
Ottawa , Onto May 12.A fire SI.K ,
J > eoted or being ot Incendlnry origin ,
Sunday afternoon nnd ovenlng des.
troyed hundreds or bousos und mlp-
ions o [ teet or lumber In thIs 01 ty.
; John White , \vho has jllst been Ie.
leased trlllD the penitentiary artel
servlnl { n term at huprlsonlDont tOI
nrson/\Vus caught neur wboro the
tirc was Orst dt covercd. 110 wa'
taken to the police stallOn ami will
be char ed with t.trtllJg the conlla.
gml1on ,
The fire originated within a stonci
th Clw ot where the rellt Hull fire 01
Apnl 20 , 1000 , was checled.
' 1'wo hours before the prlnclplIl Uro
started two smaller hlazes were discovered -
covered nnd qulcl < 1y extl11jtulshed hi
the lumber yurds nJar the Canlldlnn
Pucillc mllway. It WIIS 3:10 : : when the
tblrd wus dlscovored. Wheo the brl-
gado aIrl vod at th scene It wn'i
found that the wntor main had beell
dalDnJted and no wat r could be nu.
When the hrl ndo did got wnter
tbo tIre wus utterly beyond control.
It swept alonJ.t ovcr the same ground
thl t the former lire hi ) gone , the
only dllTorence being that It was go-
lug In the opposite direction. . There
Is a large cll IT which extends Cram
the Ottawa river into the corner of
1\IarRaret \ and Preston streets. The
lire oroa was on the lIati ! bulow the
cliff , .A t two or three points It onruo
, 'ery nenr gottlnj.t ever the clllT , and
bad it done so uothln would have
saved the city. At 9:30 : last nl ht
the fire was under control IInd was
omfnod : ! to the tullowlng mea :
The Ottawa aud Purry sou'nd mll-
way on the slIuth ; Divlson street on
the cast ; lJ'lrst avenue UII the west
and the Richmond ruad on tbe nurth ,
From the Purry SoUnd rend to tbo
Rlcbmond road Is about ono mile and
trom IfIrst avenue to Division street
Is about one-quarter at a mllo.
While tbo tire was burnlnj.t fieroeJ.y
among the lumber plies the whole
brlgado of tbo city which had been
summoned were forced to remain
Idle. For an hour not u drop at
water was thrown Into tbo lIames.
After leaving the lumber plies the
flamcs swept over Pine , street , which
runs cast and west. down Willow , Pop.
lar , Anderson , Eckles , omerset ,
Spruce , Elm , Maple , Albert and on ttJ
the Richmond road or properly speak.
lng , Wellngton ! street , whcre It was
st ppcd , n. short distance trom the
Oanadlan Pacillc railway depot.
At 9 p. m. It was feared that the
fire wonld get over the cillr , on the top
of which Is : : it Jeanne Uaptlst church.
The tlremclI , however , succeeded In
keeping back the flumcs ,
Fifteen millIOn reet of lumber were
destroycd. 'l'Iw loss on the lumber
will be abuut $ aOOooo. The buildings
burned , were principally dwelling
houses and storcs , They were all built
! jlnco tlle In < ; tgrt'at , lire Rnd wereelth.
cr solld br o. ur r ok , e , eered as the
cl ty I ( I not perml t ( It any other
kind hel ng erected. 'rhe loss on . the
bul1dlllls wns estimated at various
tJgures at night. Mayor Cook said that
there were from five hundred to sIx
hundrr.d tamllles homeless' or about
2,000 rHlIvlduals. All the parties are
8uPpo < ; cd to be well Insured.
' .rhl' mayor said the cl ty would op.
pose lOyald being a.oked rrom uutsldo
Canada and personally he thought that
the city should . : rapple with the situation -
uation without any appeal for outside
Mayor Couk estlmsted the loss on the
bul dings at $ :100,000 : , maklug a total
loss of "UOOOOO ,
J\'rs. Lillie Granted Stay.
Columhus , Neb. , Mn.y 12--Judge
Suillvucsigned an orclerthis afternoon
suspending the sentence of Mrs , I..ena
Lillie until her case can he reviewed
by the supreme cIurL ) which will probably -
bably be In September. In the mean.
tlmo she will be conlilled In the Dutler
county Jail.
Injuries Prove Fatal.
Nebrnsku Olty , Neb. , May ] 2.-
IIerbert Meyer , a 7-year.old Bon 01
II cory Meyer , tried to cHJas tbe
track at the Missouri Pacll1c abead
of the passenjer trum from Omaha
at noon and was cauiht on the pilot
of the en lnoIud / thrown sarno dls.
tance. TIls body was so' hadly bruls.
cd that he died tbrco hours aftor-
wards. He and
a Gompanlon wer < i
coming home trum school , and whllo
they could see the train cOllllnl ! thej
thou ht to cro ; s ahead ( If It. ) rhe
other boy escaped unhurt. '
nemnlns rou ht aek.
Wahoo , Nob' , Mayl1.-Spcclal.- ( )
The remains of Altred ' .r. Davis , wbtJ
died last September while sorvln aE
a. soldier In the PhllipJill6 , Islands , arrived -
rived today tor nurlal. Deceased en.
listed trom this county two years UJO
and was the son ot J mcs N , DavlfJ.
' .rho tuneral will be held trom tl1 < i
' Methodist Episcopal church lu Weston ,
'Wednesday , at 2 o'clook p m. Ohap"
lain Malllcy Is exper.tcd to bo prestnt
and preach tbe funeral sermon ,
. " . . . . _ I- _ _ . , ' .J. . . , L. : : , ' _ . " ' .M.l.
" , ' . ,
. . , . " . . , - - . . . . . . . , . . "
A new IInli rev IRed cdltlon ot Sto-
phell Pagel's " ' .1'tJlI'I'lmcIIIs 01Ani. .
IIIl1ls , " with nil IlItrOlluclioll by rord. . .
[ , Ister , Is Pllhll4hed ! h } ' thl' ICl8I'S Put-
. .11In. . I
, T , A. IInmmertoll , of I.OIHIII ) , Is nbout
10 pul.lU1 \ \'ohllll' ! or Hte\'r.1H1olllnnn ,
to COliS 1st or t'xlt'lIl'ls rrom IIII1u..lnt's [ :
ntHl other l1crl dlclIls 1'11,11\11111 : 10 Stet
It hllR become IOIOWII tllnt Amh.lI. . . . O.
Wheeler ( ) ' 1I1 Orlutdl' } , wlw l'l't.UUy :
111(1 011 hili fm'm In Hocilinud COltllt - , I
wnB the " .1. P. I. " wh sh'II.III' " CS.
n3's nlld hOlls ) hll , " 0 YUill II 1Jjl'le . ) .u'll\lo
Inl.ltr III tlll'8 Illttw'l'1I -
Itnlilit PINchl'l' SI3'III-U' 1'4 tlH' "ub "
IIshcl' o ( "CN'ell IItHl l'el'SCllltoll. , ' Ii
chllllllhl ' hr lIss : \ 111(1leUl1'e : < ' . . fIll :
lC''l' m 'lh Is'tolll ( Ol' chlllh'ell In
81111111' 1 'rlclIl dlnlogu(1 nllll ? Ill' . Lllllg'S
h'nllslutlnll of the "lI 'nlll to DeulC'tcr" i
Is 1I111H1II1fll. .
Of 1111111111' 11l'1Iht , whltl"hllll'cI1 IItH1
r\ll1l1 ' - , ( ( , ] , .Tlllcs Yel'lll ! luol.s IIIe II
fCI clIltn III who Is Sll'lIlllllg I heI / u-
tUllm of a welI.l1l1'd IIfo 011 Ahlll'e. Although -
though 7-1 'NII'H 0111 , SUn'CI'ItI ! ; froll1 cnt-
nl'lIct 1\1111 hune Itl olle Ie ! ; , the 0111 gen.
tlemnll Is IWIII'ly of IIIllllUm' 1\11l1 hrl ht-
13' Interes1cd III ull the wOl'ltl's doings.
Prof. .Tohll " 'nl'd Stimson's 10llg ex-
poetcd WOl'k 011 Ill't IItll1 the phllosollhy
of b IlUt . , " 'I'hl ' ! Gute Bellutltul , " Is lit
h\st nllnollllC'd for 1'.1\1'13' IHlbllcntloll b } '
AlhCl.t lll'nllllf , of 'l'l'entoll , N. .T. It
w1I1 be II Iunrlo of 420 )111/l'S ) / luu1 Is to'
cOlltJlln se'l'I'111 : thouslllul IIlnsb'atiolls
/lnll / two color cha\'ts , olle hellllt 11l'11It(1
III tweut3'.folll' l'olm's.
Puul Ln\ll'euce Dllllbauutho \ ' ot
. "L'l'lcs , of L\\'I ' Ilfe. " "POl'IIIS ot
Cuhlu 111111 Jo'leld , " ctc. , hils j1lst rpnd
the IH'oJfs of II . IICW'olulllo of llOcll1s
\\'hlch will be.n COmlllllllol1 to his
"Lyrics of towl ' LIe" 111111 "L3'l'ICH or
the Ilou'Wsll1e. " 1 01' the most lllu-t It
I Is inude up of dlulect pieces 111111 will
helll' the title "IJ3'1'lc of Jo\'e nnd
I Laughter. "
It Is RullI thut the novel by , Tohn D.
I ; I1Ul'l'Y outltlell "A DnuJ.htel' of rhcs-
Ills , " which IJ , C. Pnge & Co , have lu
ill'l'SS , Is oUe of the few IICC\ll'1I te stories
of Amcl'clln ! slale cOl1l11tionH Ihllt hila
e\'m' bl'Cn'l'ltten. . ? Ill' . Blu'l'"s RtOl'lt's
of thCllt1'lcnl lIfc hll'e uh'cluly heen
hllhl ' ' ' tlw 1'e\'lewel's
; ) )1l'lIlse ) b3' \ ,
limon ! ; othel'S by Will hI 111 Archer , , the
lendul ! ; d1'11 III II tic c1'ltlc of Engluml.
Miss Mar } ' , Tohnston's new l'omlmUo
love 8tOl'y , "Sll' ro1'timel' , " will 1'ollow
[ 1's. IImnphry " 'lIrd's "Ially ! toBe's
Dnughter" In lInrpcl"s rnJlIzlne. The
I SCI'JICS of the story uro 111111 III BIIlnnl1 !
.at the court of Queell unll 011
I the sell. The heroine Is a celebmtcd
I hcnuty wllO Is IIHJ ' .III'wnJtlng to Quee1l
Imzuheth , while the hel'o Is a gallmit
I olllccr In hcr Mlljesty's IIIlnlnhll'e 1111"3' .
"I"ld : Hal'um" hits pnRsrll Into It Ii
pne hunlln'll IInd ih'st ( ' ( lit 1011 , which
"ressl's. D. Appleton & Co. Issued 1m.
) nl'dlutel ' lifter the holldurs. In the
IUlltter of IloIlIllm't ! } ' eXlll'ess t1ln I\lIIn. \
hel's It 110W tIlIHS first runk In Aml'l'I-
CU11 flctlou , "Ben.IIllr" nnll "Uuell !
l'om's Cahln" IHIIIg' Its 0111) ' rlvllls. 'he
book's Ih'st centur } ' of edition ! ! , Will
ecll'brntl III Octob'l' Inst with nr
Issue of 10,000 copies , 1II'IIIted 011 II spc ,
cllll Iloper In a sIleclal billdltll ; . ItVns
elltlrel ' disposed of hy Dec. 1 , complet.
Ing u tol111 sl1le of mmooo copies , 'l'hl !
new NlItlon will nplle3l' III the fllmlly
yellow cover , with full.pnge 1lustra ! ,
: Ions b ' Cllnehurst.
lie Nel'dcd Olothe .
A Western Senator hrollght to the
Onpltol 11 good story I1bollt l\lInlHtet
Bowen , which the II1lnlHtm' hllllaelt r ( }
ceully told at 11 dlnncl' .
"I was I1slw some' days atter I a1' .
rived here \Vushlnlton , " suld [ r.
Bowen , "why I had stuck' 80 cl03el } ' to
my rool11H at the , hotel nnl1 not 8howe
t myselt nround towc.
" 'I'he only reply , vus a rather palntul
one , bllt , nevertheless , tully trnthtul.
It was because I hl1dn't thl ! clotheR. "
'I'hereupon J.\1r. Bowen told hoW ho
hnd been commlooloned to hastell
North suddenly n.nd wltholt { opportunl.
, ty to provide hlrnself wIth the heav.
IeI' wearing nplll1rel lIece.ssllry for resl ,
dence In a col clhnute , As soon a
he readwd town he put IS. local tullol
. to work upon an outfit.
'I'he hardship of the sltuntlon was
thnt Mr. Bowen hnd orl1el'ed 80me 1'111.
ment from Iolldon , and this was com-
Ih across the Atlnntlc 111 a British
, bOttOlU , which was one ot the ver '
first ships to be , held up by tllC bloclt ,
1I ln ! ; fleet 01' the allies. 'I'here WIIS
no hclp for It , and Mr. Bowen's Lon ,
i cJ"ll clothes , snch us are neeessar } ' tor
i ( J toper n.ppel1rallCe In polite soclet } . ,
III'C stili somewhere In South Amerlea.
JIo hlld rellson , theretore , tor beln ! ;
, , .or8011111ly grateful when the bloelmde
I ' ; 'fiS mlsed and his clothes had un op'
portunlty to IO fOl'ward to OaraCt\.8-
, i\'lIshlngton Post.
1.01111011 Huniluy NewlilUperR ,
The } ' ha vo started a Sunl1ay nows.
Impel' In Lonllon , It Is of the strictly
1C1Igl0IIs orl1er , howcver , al1d It ofl'orll
n bottle ot water from the HI\'er Jor-
dnn to every person who 8l1hserlbl' for
Fix copies. 'l'he wlLter Is , gUll11lnte 11
( cnulne , having been dlppod out al1lt
) ottlell under the dIrect supervision ot
ho ! loading citizens of JerIcho and
I 3ethlehem.
'I'he 11 < ' ' 0)110 ) do not II"e : any man the
i rlpht ; to bl1 ' n RCl'Ond horae If he h" ,
" ' ! lO" kin , who 111'e sUI1 wnlklpl : .
, _ , ; . . . -J. . . . ! , . . ' . ' , : . ' . . . . . . , ,
I ; It I t
. ' . .
, .
.s .\w , 1ake' Some Cba" . , . "
In Ule ApartnUl t. 'or Her " IRtlTe. " ,
My cousln.ln.rnw , OIa.ra , hM tlon. ' " I
much torIS In the . .l1"rt time shs
has been with \IS. For ono thing , Rlh1
11M glvcn us a 'hI III
the npartment whIch was formerl1
the pnrlo" The turnlshlngs ot Lilis
room are not cOlltl" 1.0 bo , ulgnrl ,
eOlllldentlal , a reterence to the reo
milltlers 80nt out by the Installment ' : . I' '
111'111 or A\'enuo A-wbose cleverly ,
worlell ] IInnouncemonts you may have , . ' 1
noticed In the clovated cars-show. , i
thnt It WItS n $21. O pl1rlo1' , ] i
ow , howo\'cr , It Is n drawing' room i' (
-which Is a sourCQ or much genU.
jo } ' to111 ofIS. . Oinrn. snltl "tlrawlng-
room" the \01'Y first day she c mo t.
tIS. When 0110 of the family spole of
going Illto the "pnrlor" Oltll'lregn.rd '
t'll that ono with 1\11 nil' of well-bl'oo . 4 : , ' I
, I
rellroneh that WIIH Ip.ore effective UUll , )
at/otullwnt. / Alld so , ono by ouoVO all , ,
fell Illto OWISO of the HlUn1'tor term. . 'f.
I do not think the maid \1lprovcd . ' ; ,
of this ro\'lsl01l of title. Dy the wny , \ '
t\'o hnll been crtUln liur serving A\i \ ;
woman "tho girl , " b\lt 'Clara's tHtve "
t'llfil1gcll all thu t , 1\1111 IIho Is 110W. , ,
IWOWII , IIl1d propel'13' IUlOwn , as , "tlt1 '
IIInld , " As I slthl , I do nab thlnlt ah. . ' .
loowd ) Itlll l ' UOIl the ChlllljO I" '
Ileslgnallon. III tnet. I 1\111 sure slu.
Illd 110t. She mnde belle\'e to mlsun :
destfil1l1 'and ostc.ntntlou l.J. '
( lecrel1 . . ;
nrouIH1 the rooll1 tor cnsl'IH IUIlI pnl ttoi ;
ulIll nUlhlstlcls , nUll when qUCHlIone
anld 8ho wns looldllg tor "them ( ] rn. v ,
Ing' thillga" MIss OInra I\n\l1 \ WitS I (
'l'he IIInl11 listened politely wheq'
Ohtl'll sUJltestel1 the Use t "llrn.wIl1go. ' ,
room" liS It tcrm'Ice "pnrlor , " 1'0. '
tired. She seem l1 to undOl'sland pel'
fectl3' , but she , nevol' nlpl\e \ l IHJr un.
llel'stntHllng , taltlllg IIn obvlousl } ' kectt
though repressed delight In sl1onJdoi :
of the "parlor , "
Of r.ourse this could not go on. The
. upahot of It wus that ono lI temo Q
when nIl the rcst ot the fnllllVerlt
ellj03'ln the mntlnee , OInrn stayc < < 1
hOll1o , IIho nt1l1 the mull ! "ielllg the
ollly occupunts or the npt1rtment.
Wo slmll nOVel' Inlow just whnt hap.
lIell d thn t afternoon , hut when we'
came h01110 'tho maid sahl "llmwlngt
room" six times In five millutes. Cla
IIInlle n weB-bred effort to concenl ho' ,
I could 1I0t 11I111ersl1ll1ll the cnpltula-
tlon untl ! next liar I met the mnld O '
the stairs-It being her Itrtornoon' oU
-gorgeously head-dressed In one 0
Olnrn.'s 1II0St fotclIll ] hilts. 'It WltO It
very eostl3' hilt , liS I happen to Imow ;
but Olnrn doubtless felt that tbo , prlcf
she paid \Vas 1I0nc too 111gh.
. , , ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
t Gets Car Seats i I
t for Many Women. i
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . ,
- - - - - - - -
Ho was a little old mnn with a "lett .
o\'cr trom 1l1st yenr" I1ppen'runce , but
when tbo crowd of shoppers entere4
the Sixth It ' "C 111I e elevated nt Twenty !
thh'd & 11'Oct the female contlngcnt 01
strllll'llIlIlcrs foulld they hUll nil eneI'l
getlc fJ'lend. lIe wore nil 0111 allk hili
und , II brIght IIlnl. rose tnstenell In tIl' '
buttonhole of his ahlllY fmcle cent
: l'here WIIS It look of alllillblllty In hI. .
grllY e 'C6 Which 11111 not 1I1111lts Illsplrlll
tlon solelr with 1111 evlllent ncqualnb
tUlCe with the Hawing yowl.
_ row of nil'1I chnrllcterlaUcalJ ]
oblivious to the 11110 of temlnlne mal'
10llettes dn.ullIng back nnd forth II
front ot them occupied the sellts. The
defender of the fall' Bex promptly nrose
nnd with n courtly bow offered his scnt
to an elderly \\'ol11nn , who , lurchln , 'f
mndly back nnd torthVna vainly en ,
deavorlng to I'eep pos.qesslon of n number
ber of bUIIlUes she carried. 'I'hen the r.
entertnlnment began. , ' , ' !
"Sure , and It'a a pleaoure , ma'am , '
the littleDllln replied to the womnn't
thanks. ,
"It's no moro than any genUcmll
would do , "
, lie o'ed , the apparentlr unconscloU4
row ot men betore him with an exprell
.Ion that raised a laugh In hIs C01'Xl
ot the car , and by good-nntured guyln
he mnde the1l1 , one at 11 tJme , , Ive ul
his scat to 1'Woman. . One man hel4
out n long time , but flnally rel1nqnlsh
his sent. r ; : "
"Oood boy , good boy , " crIed the Uttlf )
mnn joyously , "Now , we're all rlgh' M
rve gone clel1r past my statJon , but 1 . .
'WI\S bound to see you gIve up that sC2 ! ! .
Whim fl mnn smiles , tbough , I kn
he's got a ul , Good'b ) " to ye ill. I ca ,
alwl ys get along w1th the ladles. bul
once In a while I have trouble with .
mnn. You sce , I'm marrIed aDd I have
been well trained. I'm glad yon're a.
comfortable. Now , don't worry. I ,
won't it : oft till the train Btops. "
The little , old man , with his good-nB
tllred emlle. his pink rose , and sIlk ha , JI .
pnsS < . . ( } out Into the dnrknesohlca ' , ; \
\ A lUero M1tb. <
"Welcome , " cried a voice , as Oh
on's boat grounded on the trans
stYJlan bench.
"Who arc YOII ? " Inquired the nowl1
arrived 8hndo. 'I can't see you at aU !
"No wonder , " replied the voice. ' \
never hll even n ghost of a chance t1
oxlst. I'm the man under the be.
that the old rnnlds are BUll looklnl . . I
tor.-Phllndc1phla Press. \ \
. J Cork Pine. '
A. cork pIne tree measurIng scvc ' ;
teet In dIameter was recently tellcl vj
hs Turner , 111ch. Seven 16-toot lg\ 1
were cut below the tlrtlt ! 11mb , the laif
being 27 Inches In tllameter. Two lJI ,
dlan tomahawks were fouud burled I ( . I
tbe second log from the bottom. ,
, When a woman Is tough , shl } , lea.
make a mnn ashamed ot hlDlself.
.I. ' : _ , , l.Jr'.r"i. : : . . 4"if. , . . . . . ,4