Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 21, 1903, Image 2

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    ilj : : J" ; ; .tJ' ! : '
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\ .
I I Onster C01ll1ty RcpabUcaR
I -
. . . ,
-1 <
I . ; M. VaD JU\Y ; XD2l'eJ\ ; : rUJlLI8JD1
" . ' r
I . , " , ' - , ,
, 1
.noUN DOWr j ) { : mll : ABXA
. . . . . .
, Tha VIIII'a nlnckllllllth.
Under a Rprendlnl ; chestnut treD
Thl'lIIoRe lmlth ' IItnllllll ;
n.'he BlUlth , a tIIl hty IIIlIn II ! he ,
WIUI : Il\rJel II tI Hhlew ' haHIIIA ;
, And. the muscles of hlK brnwny ormB
ro strong n8 lron , IJIlllIls. 1
. \ . , ,
, .i ,19hnlr IB crisp nn ! ! hlnck 111111 10111 ; I
Ills fuca 19 like the tnn ;
Ili' brow Is wet with hnnc8t Bwcat-
IJIIo eaMIII wh lo'er he cnn ,
, ! And looks till ! wllOlI''orlll In tllIl face , I
f , I1'or ho owes not un ' mnn.
" 'I. ' ,
' , Weel. In , week out , from morn till
' , ' night ,
"You CIIII henr 111M h JlO\\'B hlow ; ,
: r U cun Ill'nr hlm'lwlnj ' ; his hea" ' sledge ,
! . 'With IIICIlHUrl'd' bUIlt nil ! ! 811.1w ,
' 1..Ike a scxton , 'ln llIg the ; llIn o lIell ,
" , When the evcnhlJ ; Sllll Is low.
, . ud children coming home from school ,
.Loolc In at tht ! ellen llllOr ;
a.'hey 10"0 to see the IInllllng Corge ,
\nd henr. the hello\\'s ronr ,
.Anl1 cnteh the burnlug IIllurlcs thnt1y /
, . ' Like chaIT from the th reshlng 1I00r.
. pe goes on Sundny to the church ,
I' And' 8ltS nmong his hoys ;
lIe . henrs the pnrson Ilrny nnd prench ;
lI hears his dllughter's VOICD
Slh'glng In the vlllogo choir ,
Anl1 It make8 hl8 henrt rejoice.
I lIt foUlld8 to hll11 IIlco her molher's'olco ,
Slngln In Parncllscl
, . Ine needs lI1ust thlnl. o ( her once more ,
lIow In UIl ! grnvo she lies ;
1 'And ' with his hard , rOllgh hnnd he Whh 1'I
I \ A teur out of his e 'es.
I .
I ; ITollln ! : , rejoicing , sorrowlnl ; ,
: , I . Ollwnrl1 through IIfo ho goes ;
Each mornln ! : lIee80lllC tnsl , begin ,
"Each ovenlng se08 It eloso ;
; attoU1pted , somo1hlng done ,
Uns f earned n night's reposo.
' _ J " , , ,
! I.'bnnlc8 , thnnl.s to lIlee , my , worthy
. ' friend ,
Eor the 10180n thou hnst taught !
trhu8 at the flaming ( orge of lIfo
.qur fortunes 1I1ust he' wrought ;
Thus on 118 sounding nnvll shaped
) ] ash , bnrnlnl ; deed and Ulought.
-lIenry W. , Longollow.
Tlte OOllpel Train.
The 'gospel train Is coming ,
- , I hear It jll8t at hand ,
1 . boor the cllr wheels moving ,
, , , .And rumbling thl'ough the Innd.
' .t
.tG . t on bonrd ' , children , get on board ,
/ children' , get on board , children ,
! lror there's rooll1 for tnnn ' n moro.
G t on bonrd , children , get on board ,
' children , got on board , chlldron ,
I'or there'8 room Cor mnny n more.
: . . .
I hClir the bell nn'l whlst\c \ , ,
coming rO\l1uf { he curv'o ;
Sbo's plnylng nil her stcam nnd Ilower . ,
And strnlnlng every nervo.
! ' , , ' . _ ' , ; . . . " , I "
No slgna1 from nnother train , :
To Collow on the line ,
. Oh , sinner : ; rou'r ( , ferlH'or lost ,
, If ' oneyou'rQ left b hll1l1. \
I" This Is'n Chrl8t1nn banller
Tbe mottoes now IInd old ,
Snl\'l\tlol1 \ IIm1 repcntnnce ,
= , 'Arc burnillhell there , In goll1 , ,
,0\ ' '
. She's , nenrlng now the stntlon ,
Old sinner , don't bo'nln ,
Dut OI11 nl1l1 get 'onr tlclwt ,
, Anll be renl1y for the trnln.
Tbo fnro 18 chenp , nnl1 , nil CI\l1 go
1'he rl h nlld IJOor nro there ;
No .second clnss nro on tbo tralll ,
No 1l\lTorcllce \ In the Care.
, , '
hcro 8 Moses , Nonh nnd Alvah . , ' . . , .
Ai 1 nil the prophets , too ;
Ou ( rlenl18 In Christ nre nil on board ,
Oli"whnt . ; n henvenly crowl "
( " I
i'Vo' 800n reach the 8tatlon ,
Ohl how wo thon'shall sing , '
i'Vltb , nil the heavenly nrmy ,
'Ve'll n1ake the welldn rIng.
, l'Ve'it shout o'er nil our sorrows
. And sing ( orevermore ,
Wltll Ohrlst'nnd all his army
On thnt celcsUnl shore.
' "
Thousands. 0' "BulI/uUQI1. Arc nc.
i , calve ! ! by tha IIIlrlr lS.
0' : thQ thpusnnds who gaze Idly ov-
, cry. dny , at the g1nrlng ad\'ertlseJ1cnts
In the tops ot tIlC street cnrs , there
nre"probably v ry t w who realize tbe
grcat amount of time and money spent
on the designing , mnn\1l\c ure , mul
dlstrtbutlon ot these man"colored
"Any tool can write a'crse as good
as funt , " Drown or Joncs Is npt to lIa '
10'blmselt on bls way homo to dinner.
And yet It tbls sarno crltlcnl perllon
wU1' only send ri. verse ot his ( ) wn com-
llosltlon to ho poop1e who uro ndvcr-
islnl ; some now brellktnst tOQr or
'cl wlug COWPQ Ilon 'tho chl\lI\Cij \ : llt
t \ to 01\\ \ , Itwo days latel' ho , viu
, .gct a. . ) acl\ \ Il ! u d sce 'rrltten . OU
'the ' back of the sheet : "DccUnc ' . . .ltb
'tli kS. "
! "I would be wUllog to wagcr , " said
mnn at th : bend ot a la1'1 ! : ad\'crtlj-
: lng agency , "UlIlt I send bacle , nro
mnnuscrlpts O"ery month than any
lnagnzlne In Uttt United StnteB. . . . .to
21u nber ot pecu c Wl10 think they' cnn
jWrite ndvcrtlstlrnonts seema to he with.
'ouf ' end ; tboli4l' wbo really cnn write
: go id ones are mlbty hard to nnd. "
When advnrt1ors ; on co discover nny.
body who can do clever worlc either
ae'maklng ' verses or drawing plctl1l'es ,
'tht person can command 113) ' far out
ottproPlrUon' , to tbe nctual01'1. . that
bit , docs. But tor every ono who I
able to seU his Idens at taney prlce
tht-o , are bundreds ot tallures who de
\Oot , make eno glr money to ' 1II1Y tOI
h ; pens and , Ink with , vhlcli tbcJ
\"l1to. Ono man wbo docs ull the nd
. J '
I I t
. , I'/A' / ' ' " f " , , ' '
I" ' '
,1' ' , I. . . . I
, ,
, _ . " " ' , _ l
"erUsln" tor several largo firms sail
to fill lJlulrlllJ ; visitor :
' 'It' , , not always the senRe wo " 'an
rr fornothlllJ ; silly will nttrrtct peOlllo' ,
attelltlon , It , . , \lts UII exactly. 'l'h ,
moro Idiotic a , 'etso Is the better WI .
IIltl ! It'l "el1Cl'n1ly. " :
Otten n cou)1let ) , In which the lacle ( )
'me el' III excecdell 0111) ' hy the lucl , 0 ,
seJISC , hrltl"B to the writer $ ,10 or $ O
A rh1lculol\II tll'fect , the \'ertlsel"
tell ) ' 01\ \ , will ortell he )1l1ld ) Cor 11111111
sumol ) ' , whllo otlll'r'OI'IIl'8 with pel'
feet metel' uro 'returnell hy the score
" 'hell pUfRon"erS on a 111II'fuce or , . ,
, 'utoI1 car 1I0tico n 1IIIIIcl'01l8 Inel , 0 :
rh .thm In u'orso the ' nllc1goo eacl
ether , Ilolnt It out , and rememhor t ,
nnmo of the nrtlelo mentioned 10UI
artN' ull corrceUr . meuRlIl'ed lines an
I ror otten. ' } 'Ie ; hll'f rl'nHOn for till
reCtUml oC slIch u gl'l'ut numher 0)
"N'sel. Is that theJ' 11I1\0 too muc _
Sl'lISO III thelll , unl ! tnoroforo do 1101
allpeal to the passengers' sellso 01
rnn\lCnct\lren ot the \'arlolls break ,
fust Coeds , clennln compositions , med ,
Icllle8 und n\lmberles8 other nrtIc1el
advertised III the cnrs receive e'erJ
dUJ' dozells ot tll'll wings alld rhyme , '
I1roclnlmln" the 11el'Cectioll oC this 01' '
that commollltJ' . Out oC these the ,
u lIally cheese those that theJ' coni
sider hest and retllrn all the rest. 0 < > I
caslol1al1) ' , ' however , n pal'UcularlJ I ,
cle\'er artist or l'hymester Is emploJ'e4 I
solelJ' b ) ' ono f1'rm , and docs no work
for an ) ' other. An ) ' one who has dls
)1laJ'od ) sllch notlceahle tnlent can aI ,
most name hili own price , alld ! .I ,
pretty sure oC getting it. ' .rhe Camoul
,11m' Dumps posters nro the work 01 .
two young women , one drawing th ,
rhlle\tlous pictures of Sunny Jim and
the other writing' the catchy \'orses
They , ns well as the author at thl
well-known Spotless Town plucardEl
nre In snlarled po ltlons , nnd de\'oll
their entll'e time and cncrgy to thel
speclaItJ'-New Yorl. 'fhne"
A l\Jorkell Contrnct lIetwecn the Grenl
COIIIJIO'lCr's 'Vldow nl1l1 Ills 8011.
A \'Isltol' to lla'rollth , who alio\\1
thnt , teohnlcnlly , tho'Wngner opm'lll
m'o n8 well glvon In New York as tbeJ
are In t111lt little Gel'man city wher (
you go to the show ns ) 'ou wOIII(1 g (
to mllSS , wIth downcast eyes an
bated breath , finds olTsets in the r ' 0
tureslIeness oC the plnce , and In tIll
fun you Imvo In tr 'lng to get any.
thing to eat 'I1ml drlnl" amI n plllCI
to cra1 Into at night. Hilt he SIl 'J
It Is eSllccllllly worth w\tlle \ to sco I1'rat
' ' ' about the
'Vngnm' sh'ldlng operA
house. She Is 11 queen , he saJ's ; shl
hils decision In ever } ' ( entme. lIel
futher , old Llszt. was n man ot r uo
chled countennnce , C\'en his warts glv ,
Ing 11 Bert oC distinction to him that
wns not shared h ) ' his neighbors , and
Prau Cosima hus Inherited this dig.
nlty aUlI force of moln. She Is n. kee
IhuJlness Amel'lcl1ns wou1d '
womnn ; 1'0
sm'd her as grnSIlnl ; , but there Is S (
1ItUo monc ) ' In the Old Worlet that th (
people who hustle tor It cl1nnot tal. (
the lIame , 'low oC ettlnHI I.eeplu !
thl1t Is tnlwn In ollr 1l'Ospel'ous land.
She Is rich , Ilnd she has the ussur.
IUlCO of n contlnunnco of Cortune It
the I'o'altles , from h01' husband' .
OIIOl' S nud the sale oC his wOl'l.s. II
Is understood thllt she Is oPllosed tc
the reprodllctlon of "Parsifal" III
Amel'lcn , at lenst In ItH colnillete nnd
dramatic COl'ln , a\1l1 thnt Is the l'eaSO\l
why , when It WIIS given In BrooldYI\
It WIIS enl ) ' as a concel't , with a Hconlc
hnckJro\1ud \ , aUlI the sombct' Imlsht
ot the grail In 811\1.0 \ tallL' < 1 coats and I
tin shh'ts. 'l'hore Is n remarlmble con ,
tl'nst , an3'R ; the visitor , hetween Wag ,
ller'H widow IInd his 80n. 1'I'nu Coslmq
Is hlg ntul bonJ' l1Iul stronuolls UlUJ
comma\Hllng , while SelgCrlod Is a pop
Inja ) " 'I01't ot bor. : who trIos to 100L
bigger tl1nn he Is b ' stl'lIlt1ng , nn
who has I\n unlmllrlRIiI\ ! ' ( face 1\1111 t
weal , chin. Stili , ho has n certnh
1II11slcn1 ; ; Ift. It would be remarknblE
It he hmhl't , with Wl\gnor for a tllthel
! \Id I.lszt Cor a sl'ntllltu ther , nUll III
has coudllcted 1\11 Ol'chestrn with I
measure or success.-Brool.lyn Eaglc
} ; 'Ish lectClI by Volcanoes.
The stories of llend fish thrown 0111
by volcl\uoes hn ve beeu revIved bJ
the recent West IUl11a catnstropheB
In ll rtlclllllr , grellt quantities ot then
l'O repIl'tell to hl\\\1 \ eon cast Into th. .
sea trom the Islu11l1 oC St. Vincent. II
11'1 ' pointed out hy u Prench expert , I ,
Girardin , thnt these 1Ish nre Ahupl ) ' till
denlzcns of the Inkel ! tonned In the
emtcl'S dlll'lutlwl1' / lou 1101'lod ot In
actl\'lt . . A crater IIrt : ! hecom ! ' :
c10 gocd , theu fills with wuter. nud th ,
wllter Is In tlmo peoplCll with IIsh tlm
nnd nccess to It throu h Imhtorl'anetll
ehunnels , WIll'u'oleunle , netlYll ' I
resumed , tllo III'Nt thluS thllt oct'urs I :
un exp10slon tllltt blows the lalw-
wuter , fiHh , nnd II11-lnto the 1111' , lUll
dlatrllmtcs II O\'Ol' the nolghllorln ;
Juml allll watel' smface.
' ' ' In VOJctna'l"illslU.
H'poUl'ls ) : "
Now that SOlUo of the Insuruuc' '
compfll1h ' 1i 111'1 } IURlIl'lng vefetm'lan
Jor less tllIlII ' chm'
theJ' o meut eaten
thcre will he ellrul\'ol'ouS pOl'lions wh
wilt p080 \'l'jotllrluns : In'o l'd Cl' to gc
low rutes , 'rhe COIUIIUIIICfI mUJ' b
llt'I\U to thl' el11l1lo'ment of detecl
I\'cs to slll1/10w / their customers wh
lunch llowntown nnll mix eOl11ed bee
with calibnge-Oltlnho\1)1\ CliP
, " 'hllt. 11(1 P'ollOlioll ,
lIo-U'SR , Workm"n , I'm solllg t
propose to 'O\l-
She-Hcnlly , ] ,11' , Phox ) ' , I'm sOl'r
I but- "
r' lI 'l'hnt w hayo some Ie
> > creatn- ,
fih-Oh ! J Ihall bl ! doll hted to-
r ' JI-SoJ\1e e\"mlin when tbo weuthl
cets wurmer."Phllnllelphla Presl .
, , , " .
. . .
" . - - . . - - - - . , . - . - - '
' .
Wblta Street nlJs Not lUueh a t'n
Now , but WIU ne l"lelltiCul J lIeu h
I ' ] ) , . .01111.11 , . - Teller OO''IIS Not t50
Much Trlrnmcll.
New York corrcflpu\Illcllce : i
_ _ _ t , " , ' ' ' ' . . , _ M , . . .1 _ . . _ i
. ' ' ' ' 'If " ' /11'111 U"3"
J. hnvo , dlOWIt tllllt
. w ( j 111 0 n nduIII ! ) '
! hnve bOllght. nnd
hnd lundeIIi Into
, 8tl"'C.1 rlJs the ex.
tremely light col.
ored fnhrlcs with
which the counterl !
hllvo heen cO\'oretl
COI' 1110nths , 1'l'nl' ,
1I0t HO I11l1ch white
1M IIl'ell 118 'et , but
ther ! ! II ! sOl11e oC It ,
111\11 \ 80 IIIl1ch ofth\ )
"l'r ' light shndcs
of grn ' thnt It II !
: > l'nH ' to bt-IIevI'
thnt the white wl\l \
. - . . . . . . . - -
I - II\ ) worn IJlell1llllll '
In n few weeks. 'l'ho nil while ownB
IIre8cnt nrc seen moro often In CI\I'-
rlngos thnn on these wlllkln , hut dn'Kr
mukcrs doclnro thut before lonJ ; slIch
drClIlell ! w\11 \ need tu he mnde In \'er\ '
61rlkllll ; fOllhlon to nttrnct more thlln ; 1
pnsfllnJ ; slnnco. Hellde ! ! ! the , 'err 'lI ht
8hnl1es o ( ro ' , tnn olld dove 8hndl's
- - - ,
. . .
. ,
, " - - - , - , , . . - _ - . . . . . . - " - . ' - ' ' - - '
Is dnrl , . 1t1ther grny or white II uled !
nlmost c c1urJvel.r , clse , n8 ono tnllor
! lnld , It would IIIRke the suit too henv ' .
It Is hllrd t lIl'e jllst l"'hy , n light weight
ofInck silk will IIIl1ke the Jnckot IIn ) '
heavier thnn the IInlllO wehht of 1I ; } lt
ellie , hilt the tnllor Imows , tl'1I8t him.
'l'ho Il'"flcnlllg of trimmlll18 III tnllor
gowns II ! dnc to deslro to Il1l\rk more
) l11I11I1 ' the dlJl'renco ! : hetwcoll street
gOWIIII nllli the 1II0re dressy IIttlro thnt
l1Ia ' fll'r"o ( or cnlllng. While the ono
hils bl'col11e lells OMUltc , th c.tJ.'t' pUIIIII-
l'11 nn 1"'I'n J.n'nh'r .d'lrco of eHf'r.cJ'
'hllll IIIUrlcl'1 It IlIl , winter. Its SlIgJl'\- !
lion IIf III'rlllhllhlllt ' , wh Il'h In II'Jln'o Cll8e8
114 "PI'lronJ. : , m'r ; ' Ill' In It Ii colur or tex'
turf' . 'Wnll'tlmcH III hoth. Hllreb' I1no
Ih'l'SlIlllnllnJ ; IH Jwln ! : Into the80 get-upf ,
'J'hr'c o ( thelll nrl' Ilut hen' b ' the artist ,
two of them In the I1rst InrJe picture.
'I'hl' left 11111111 olle wnIhht tnn'olle ,
with tlln nntlluo ) Inco IIh'o\'o IJIIITs on
hl'own 11111. ornomentll. Itll comlallion ) In
tIll' plC'turc wnM white In o Ill't trlmm d
with 1111'lnlllolls , of el11hroh1crcd white
IInl'n , H hllrdlr IIl'\1 ho polntcd thnt the
.l11nterlal hCl'e I-a'o : I1l11ple , mgge8t101\
dellclle ' . 'l'ho third eXlllllllle Is nt the
right 111 thl ! conchllllng 1.lcture , 111111 waH
whlto ert'pe , Il' chino lIIade o\"l'r whlll !
1\1111 \ trllllll\l'd with hillek l'1ll1utll\3' \ . De-
IIJllte thl' t1reHSIIIl'11I of thlR grnllc of nt-
tirl' , there'R a cOllllil1l'rllhlo rnngc In the
dcsrl'l's IIf Its comJlll'dt : . . 'l'hlls the flr8t
of Ihl' , I' tlll'el' , hut for ItH glorlouR IIlcc\'es ,
mhht count ns n tllllllr ,111111 , while the
othl'r two nl'lJ nml.I ' I1ne ( oa' 1II0st worn-
I'n'heHt drCR-IIII ! ! ,
Shirt wlIlHt 8ullH art' such n temptl1-
tlon to IIholJperS thnt 11'8 hllrl1 to 8tOp
'OIlCO \\'omllll hns heJ.lln orderlnl ; . ' 1'0
lIegln , with . , there are so.mnny . different
, . . J ,
' ,
" , \
" " -
" , : ' ' .
. ' ' ' . ) ' ' / ' , ' , . / :
. , .
. '
' "
: 'i
, , , .
: .
, , , ,
. , / . '
: . '
- - - - - -
- - ; ; ; ;
Inbound. 1'hese , too , lire \'or ' light , 10
thnt ' hllrlll ' thl1n
theJ' lire more lusting
the whltcH , bnt ther are "CI'Y Ilrctt . . The
I 1I0wet' jOWU8 in cloth 110 not sho\\ ' quite
al I11Ullr colors 111 theil' trimmillgR nlld
'cordlllgll , SOI-Htl'11111Iillg Is n 8t 'lIl1h I1n-
I IlIh , IIntl , III : ! go cui a. wa ' to fillish n tailor ,
I : O\\'II liS CIIII he l1elin'd ! ! , because there
II ! tlrmnotl ! ' to HIICh lrimmlll IInd the
, : O\y1I CUll { Ie l11ul1e to lit t1nel ' . lIxel1
I 111111 IlIglI : ill lIo\"ell ' goodl ! wlll'rc gray alld
white 11\0 l'omhilled III'\ ) 111 fllvur mill iu' ( !
IiOl""ll'l'ahlo tltnlTs , 'rhell 1I11merOUS 1I1uck
! 111111 whlll' he.llI'rI1 . checkll uro seell , hoth
, 111 cloth IInl1 Iilk. ' .rhl'w nre'r ' strH. .
'llig ' whull Jllllel1 with blllck. 'l'rimmlllg
on tallol' Hllltl ! III 1I0t 80 IIl'OU80 , tholl h
tllf sllltl ! lire Cur from sevcre. See to-
11:1 : " 8 Inltlnl Cor 1111 IlIl1stratioit of tile
"t 'lIsh I1mollnt of garnltllre. Light grl\r
[ Ilk lIIu1 wool nl'ollel1l\l' was trlmmel1
with hlnck hraid for thl8 sullo -
.Tn kl'tl ! for th ! ' street show ! IO muc1
I 'lll\'Crslty In Cllt thnt n womlln ma ' bo
exc\1IH'd \ for hdng gront1 . IHlzr.led over
I , mllldng n selection. 'fhoy'at'y fl'om the
I tlght-littlng IItralllllJd hOllr , lhsH moclel ,
to tllo 100111' ort rC81'mbllng 11 mnn's sack
II t cont. SOllie SIIItS of thc shepherd'lI clll'cks
I IIrlJ I11I1c1e so"erely plnln with three-ql1nr-
II ters longtll cont. Those have a horsy ,
" ,
" , . ,
" .
, (
, , , j'
, , : I'L '
, '
. .
' . ! ; ; i ; : " - -
' . . _ . . . ,
, ' 1'fI'tr ' look. 011 tJH othl'r honl1 , not n
1 'f\ ! : \ ' t't 'lIf1l"grlfulls lire 80 light as to
' \\-1s \ ehul'lu\lor \ , IInll thllt II ! II thing to
1 ' . . 1'\1 " 11.ulllllt , ' hH"OIi ! , ' ( J ( ' IlI1l11n Jr 'snlt
J , tl141 t tlro "Cl' ' IlIno : nllll 1011110 nt tllll
" 1 . . \ . . . tb , ) ! ' IUut ; ; ; t1nJ ; cllohll'liS , J.luhlt ; '
) , I , r r f. Q j ; , rUIl'nturo' 1(1 ( : light shnl1l' ! '
il , : "I''I'n ' whl'ro hl' qutcr l11 terlal
. ,
, ' ,
weights OC'lUlltc1' lIllI , thllt rOIlIl } ' line III ,
lUost coull1 Iho 111 Ihlrt'lIlst ! suits 1111
HIIUn1lr.hito on os lire to b ver "
IIt 'lIsh , nud if II WOl1llln'lI lI110wllnce for
the laulI 11'ss Is U 1limllecl , it 18. feaslhll'
tll ,10 , , 111'1 ono ) 'oun ; : WOI1lIlI1 , Ieeltlt'cd she
, IIhoulll this IHlmU\l'r , 111111 wellt' notblllJ :
hilt white thl'llllglwut thl' t'lIson. Bill
the I1I1\OUIlt of the wl1old ' wlIshlng will
he startling if thllt olH'se is foliowell , In
the whites then' are thlc1 , . th lI : i ld nl.
most trIUlIIIHU'Olt : ! mlltl'rial to ChOOSE
frol11. 1'1'1111'1'1 ' nnll 11I1'n8 wll1 mnko sel : '
, 'lcl'lIhle slllt : so wll11111lrnses \ \ nm1
che'ilJt . For l'xtr'ml'I ' thin OI1l' , thE
fillpst of hlllllllwI'chlef linenR nrc bl'tlutl.
fill. 'l'hese white gOWIIK hnyc ono de.
cidcd 11I1\"lIntll/-o / : over colorel1 ones Ir
that thl'y l'l\n hI' 1I0llel1 111111 mnde to looii
1111 gool1 liS new chch ti1l1e they IIro w/lsh.
E'd. f401llP of tlllJ 11l'licntl' _ colors that IIrl
Ilretl3' ; when freshl ' IIIlIdl' wlll not stllnc
hnrl1 wn hhlJ. : , 'l'herl' I. . . 110 mnch dungel
of ( ndillOllt / : thllt hnlf the tlmo theJ
C0l110 hnc1. fl'01l1 the laundress lookln
rllthet' gril11 ' , so ere not as serviccnbIl
In the IOIl run nil Is white.
White \\th 1\ little hlack In 'It elthe ]
ns 110tll. IIl1eR or f Jure8 Is ndmirnblc , ane
hlncl. IInl1 white nlwn 's Jooks cool nne
fresh In luml11er. ! A dainty 8ult of blnc1
nnd whltc linen Inwn nppcnrs at the loJ
III to'dn "s l'oucludlllg picture , Som
8UltH thnt C0l110 1\11 \ rendr to be mnde u
arl' of " , hill' , with n numhrr of ruffiE
rU\lllil thl' bottom of. the ldrtll , each rufil
cdRell with 11 (1111 e ) ' l'mhroh1cr ' or cole :
1 _ _ _ _ - -
: '
, . Old ,111'11ers for aalo nt tl1ls 011
. '
. " , ' -
. . - -
. . ' : ' ; : : : ; . " _ : r : : : : : . : ' : : - ,
_ . . . . . . . .
. '
, : j '
l "
@IfflJI1&lli ' .
[ ? TID Illll
- - O- : : : : : : - - -
DIT1'EH.SWli : 'l' IN JJlpg.
DY Iet' . D. G. WYlie.
Exodus XY. , 231 , j.
'he Iamh aud I1l1m Incident of
srrlpture Is l'lch In Its H\lggl.'sth'eness ,
Arter the pussage of the Hed scu the
IlCople plunged , with their 1I0cls 11l1d
hm'ds , Into the wl1l1crness with Its llCW
nnd strange experiences. ' 1'he ' Ilrcsscd
( orward , hut , ut the end of thret ; ! dn 's ,
( ound their suppl ' of wutel' exhausted.
Anlmnls aud people Wl're Ilrlyen ul.
most mnd. ' 1'he ) ' burncl1 wllh thll'st ,
t helt' e'C'S bccn me hlool1shot. the '
IH\1Ited with fcyer IIIlIlel' the S\1n , nnll
longed ( or wllter. 'I'helr cOl1l1ltlon wus
llot slm)1I ) ' uncomfortn hie , uut 110sl-
tlvely llangcro\1l : ! ,
While In this sad plight good lW
cnme to them. The Cl' . WI\S hear'l ,
" ' ' 'ells of wuter ahend : fouut111115
where they' might quench their
thirst and cool their Ce'er , " 1"lIsl-
el' and Caster the ' presscd forwnrd ,
oul ) ' to nUll dlsnppolntlllent. I or "when
the ' Inr11h ' co'nld uot
} came to , theJ'
drluk ot the waters ot Iul'l\h , for theJ'
were ultter. "
Whnt docs all this mcan ? Thnt their
journeJ' wns n t ' )1e ) of ours ; that Wl'
ha'e exp'rleuccs shnllnl' to theirs. Is
It 11.t n fuet that to most ofS \ liCe Is
a wI1l1\'nl's8. 11 desert , oftl'n a dlsnp-
Iloll1tmont , MI11'lh : , bitterness ? All hnvl !
[ ul'l1h l'XIIl'rlellces , tho\\-h \ ! : tnere Is
more of jo ' then sorrOw 111 1I1'e , 1110re
of sunshine thun shadow.
" rest of liCe Is to most mcn made UII
of m\\clr \ dlsnllllOlntmellt. [ en Cl'aYO
hn)1lllncss ) , amI expect It hOl'e fillll teel. ;
It through some CI 't hl ' , some temporal
means , wel\lth , 01' pow 1' , or fume , or n
peaceCul domestic life , 01' social SUC-
Cl'8S , or llternr } ' emhlcucc--nlld no
sooner 110' tlleJ' obtllin their desh'e nlld
h01d It In their graSI ) than ther flud Its
sa "or gone , Its taste bitter , thnt theJ' do
not care to drlnl. . "
Under such ch'cumstnueC'S we feel
thut Gol1 Is unkind IInd we complain
IIgulnst him. Hus he no plnn In nil
this for us ? Yes. The hurd experl.
el1ces of IIfl' are God's discipline hJ'
which be tests us I1nd purges out the
dross that the pul'e sold 111n3' ; a1lpeUL' .
' ' 'I : ! do not know whnt hnpatlence , rc. "
beUlon. sin IUI'I.s In our heu1"tHltI1 we
11 SS through God's 11el' ) ' tests.
The Incldent we IIL'C consIdering ex-
'hlblts to us the Cnct that In times of
'lnl amI dlsnppolntment God's people
lIct In dUferent W3)'S.
'Ve Sl'C how the people murmured ,
" " 'hat shl\lI wc drlnl. ? " The ' com-
plllined IIgalnst theh' hest friend ,
Moses , 'l'heJ' acted ati If they tllOu lIt
him God. Had he ndt acted unsdllsh-
Ir'Did he 1\Ot , for their , stl'll
dOW11' fl'0111 a place of mlnence nUll
\lower \ ? It WIIS for them , that theJ'
I might hecome free men I\Ull ( ree wom-
ell , thut he hecame un outcnst lIml 80-
I ' ' In the solitudes
jO\lrned \ fort3' ; 'eors
or the desel.t , Iweillug sheep Instead 01' i
I I'ullns men ,
At Iurah the peoille mndes IoSes
their scapegout ; ther thl'ow ul1 the
ulame of tl1l'lr misfortunes Ullon , him.
1 n so doluS tl1C3' ; revenl a bllse tl'l1lt In
humnn charncter-nwn's wlI11ngness
to blume others Cor their misfortunes
Illstead of calml } ' nnd pntlent1r IISS\1ln-
In tile responslhl1ltJ' themselves. ' 1'hl'
111'01110 111Ul'm11l'ed against Iosc.'S ' In-
I stend of counth g thell' experIenCes liS
n "nllmule port of their wlldemess dls-
clll1nl' ) .
With Ioses It wns different. Though
IInder n tem'fnl strain nml In dunger ,
ho Wll8 patient and prn3'ed ; to Gol1 ,
lIe did not rebuke the people , but sJ'm-
IJUthlzed with them In their distress ,
lIe sought God's guidance aUll tound it ,
for In nnswer to his tCll'\'ent IH'n 'er
God healed the bitter waters , The
prft'er lot Moscs brougbt sweetness out
ot bitterness , joy out ot sorr w , aUll
,1IJht : out ot darkness. The Gethsemanes
of ,1It1' nlways , turn out to the Chris-
tlun's ud'nntnge. Agonizing prn'C' ) '
Ihut In'lngs drops of blood Is generally
auswCl'ell. When 1111 else fnlls God ac-
c\lIlllIshe8 many things by the prnrers ;
of hlR people. Lenn ! to pm ) ' . Walk
In the footsteps ot the great nnd good
of the ages.
We have nn Instance ot Goll's gm-
Cl0\1I1 1.ll1IlenS8 to his people. He 1ed
t helll out ot their trials. 'l'he ) ' did not
hlOl1 aud peL'lsh at Marnh , but went on
to 1 lIm , with Its palm gl'OYCS lIud wells
of wnter.
[ n IIfo Ellm otten tollowsIarnh. .
Goll OIIC'IIR up tor us a hroad wny out
of OUl' dllllcultles , There nre , In the
\lrC\vlllencc \ of G0I1 , manJ' sWl'et rest-
11pluel's \ lifter our times ot hltterness ,
\\1' I\l'e wise when we learn III life to
Inkl' the hitter with the sweet.
< ; 011 Il'd his people out ot bondage
nnd ga VI' tllem IIbel1) ' . In their darl.-
, . t ulld most dlscoura lng hours Gml
111'\1' forwol , them. 'heJ' hnd the
IJI'I'SI'IICO oC Ioses ns trlcnd and guide.
' 1'1Il'J' went through many hard nnd "try-
Ir. NCIl'rhJ11ces ) , but at last they 'ar-
l'l\'l'd nt the end of their destination
1I1It ! l'nterel1 Cannon ,
So It Is with \IS. ow wo are 011 our
1111\(1 111111 dnngeroul ! journe > ' . There
' 1\1' enemies 0\1 every side. Otten wo
' 11' ( ' discouraged. We tulnt under our
' .II'fn' ) ' 10m's , We murmur usalnst the
: lrp'hll\1ees ot God.
This I not whllt God des.lres us to do.
\\'u ure . to . lel1\11 , . vutlence , to tt'ust ' , God ,
to go Convllrd1Iu1er the JuldnJlce : of the
gl'ent lender , , JI'SIIS Chrlsl , until at last
the end o th ( ' 10Ill'II ( , ' w1l1 C01110 alld
we. shnll I'lItet" 0\11' h lI\'elll - Callunn
IIl1d he fOI'e\lr with oUl' Goll.
TAL1.tS 01 ; ' lu\1 OJ'i 1" IJI.IES. 'f
I ! J ' . ' ' I' 'ny Rei' . M. , at. Mnlluttsilrlnn , '
III hllelcl t Athcns the l roilug tloll of 'r
the mce WI\S 110t lel't Cllth'el ' to lIecl-
dellt , but nil Ilossiule 11rlCllutlo11s !
Wel'e tlll.en to prc"ellt the birth or th
u1ll1t. lIow to l'I1ucate their fml'l'I't'iS- '
OI'S so ns to render thel11 1I0t olllJ' cnplt.
ble to continue , hut IIlso to Improye'
whnt hlld nh'clldJ' IJeen attllilled , wus.
the Gl'eek Idenl. lIClIl'e the qunUtJ' 'of
one's chlldrl'lI mther than their IIn111"
hl'I' determilled the "lIlue " o ( II cltlzell's
cOIIII'Ihnll01l8 to the IlreSC1'\'IIt1ol1 f the-
stiliI' . Bnt stntlstlcs show thllt the
gl'l'ntcRt lIIen hll'l' cOllie fl'om 111\'JI'
'l'he "onIJ' " child hns 1'I\rel ' e\'er risen
to reIl0\\1I. POI'hllllS this Is heclluse Il
houseful of chlldl'en 1Iot 01llJ' Qffel's to ,
till' little olleS the oIJor1\mltles ) ot defense -
fense 111111 IIttllck-nnmeIJ' , of develop-
1I11'lIt-but it IIlso ell a hIes eneh to tlnd
its afllnlt3' ; , without which there Clll1
ollIJ' he the 1801utl01l which Ilroduces
lI1entlll ItlrllltJ' . : \Ioreo'cr , pUl'Cnts.
who hll\'e hall only one or two children ,
do 1I0t hnfe the expcrlcllce and knowl.
edge which those with n Im'ge famlYj !
of chlldrell hl\\'e IlHl therefore canllot'
shous good results ,
This does 1I0t filIIIJ' to the Inferior
rnc ( > lI. Aside froll1 the ( 'co nomic canses
which reyder 51\11111 fnm\1les \ deslmulo
thel'o Is the IlIcrclIslng unwillingness
of 1110clern women to become mothers.
'l'here Is 0 great deal of lIenCorced
1II0therhood" amen ! ; the poor , whllo
umon" the wl'lI-to-do there Is II declded '
{ lrend of mnterna1 respollslbllitles , 'l'ho
Ilollc } ' of exclmllng woml'lI ( rom the
ImbUc lICe of the world , oC exacting
dntlcs from them while de1 'lng them
the rights Is IlIdlrectl ) . the cnnse or her ,
r lllctance to contrlbnte gelleronsl3' ; to ,
1\11 IlIstltntion that dlscrlmlnutes
against her. Not belns nhle to tal.e UI }
a1' ns. she \'enJes : hCI' wren s u ) ' cut-
tlng off the snpplJ' of the world's forces. , j
Dy Dr. Georgc P _ Hall ,
" 'hls Is pre-emlueutly the lI e of the ' \ .
J'0\1I1S ml\n. Grcat corpomtlons , banl.s ,
rall\'Onds ' the hill"
\ , newspapel's , pulpits ,
and nearly e'erJ' llUslness lIlld , )1roCes- )
slon Is cl'J'lng for ) 'oullg blood , It may
be sad , hnt It's'true , that In most places I
to-dn ' nge Is at a dlsconnt. . lIow grent , I
, therefore , the responslhllltles , as iteH .
nl ! the opportullltles , of J'outhl
l'\alw up ; 3'our mind to do something
aUl ] do It ' 1ulckl ' . , perslstent13' ; and hon-
ornhly. E\'cry rOlld to true success runs
through a righteous" pllrpose. DOl1't
walt 1'01' "something' to turn UI ) , " hut go .1
out 1\1111 tUl'11 It up ! ' 1'he wOl'II1 ndlllires . .
- ; ;
n hustler. 'l'here Is 110 promise In thIJ , ,
Blhle to elthel' a 11I'7. } ' lIIan or II cowa1'l1.
Ilulllllnlt . desll18es hoth. . ' ,
' - -
: \BBUS OF TilE 01,1 > FOl ltS.
Dy Rer. I'rnllk C. Druner.
l\1an ' nre the needs , of the old folks.
Ho\\ ' the children are crowded with
business , 1'lIe3' ; IOllg to hear Cl'om their
oITsprhlgs , or whom theJ' hll\'c such
tendcr ( , l1rd , lIow In the Ioun / o
theJ' cllred for them. WhJ' does not the
10n/-lool.ed-Cor / letter C-,1II0 ? Often pu-
rents ha\'e no grelltel' ncel 1hlln to ,
hear fr0111 those thnt uscd to be their
constllnt care. How orten the } ' hUll
rocl.ed them to slcell when tired out ,
fr0111 IIIIIJ' , tucl.ed qICm In when the
night was cold and till' ground wus
, , 'hlte , In retrospection bow otten the
old fol1s see the chl1l1rcn , little nUlI'
helplcss , cllllghl to tbelr skirts when
the ) ' could put their hands upon them
unci curess the darling of their 1\fe. \
. .
L. : ? : -
Corrupt Polltlcs-1'here' are rotten
spits In politics. One hns jnst been'
shown up In St. Lonls , one In I1nue-
apolls , another In Delaware nnd , ther.
crop out trom time to time In New
Yorl. . itt Is hecause these things smell
to heann-anl1 to the othplace
! ! \ place , too
-that 'we thtnk politics lIl'e'otten. . 'I
pl'rter to think that these a\'e welllc
tpots.-Roy. I. . . C. Barnes , Bn)1t1st )
Wo'ccsteras8. .
The Ideal Mlln-The Il1l'al man 11118 ' . '
not ret bl'Cn dlsco-el'cl1 nmong thoRO
who are mere men. No 0110 of our
Iwhlst men \\'as It sllotlesa sun ; no On\ }
reached sinless Ilerfeotioll. 11'1'0111111 .
our loftiest specimens of manhood r
1\u'n l1lslilltlsl1ed to .Tesus Christ , anl '
In him I find that the 111 ell I becomes nc ;
tunl , the dl'l'nm'ealnnd the hope fm-
Itlon.-Hey , R. S. IcArthur , Baptist ,
Now Yorl. Cltr.
I"l'lendshlp-Any man wbo Is malc )
Ing IIlentJ' ot mO\1e ) ' ca\1 Inn'c al1 thl !
fl'le\1ls ( or 11 certnln kltHl thnt he w3n
us long UB the mO\1ey IlIstS , Hut whm\
stoel.s " 0 down IInl1 enc l'O\'el'SC IIfte
another o\'ertakes him whcl'e
\ , lire the '
'l'lIe\'o left blm hl h Imil dr3' ; on tbq
beach I1ml hll\'e gone to 1Ish In ether
nud deeller wateL's-Rev. B. E , Dlcl. .
hnnt , Lutheran , Brooklyn , N. Y.
Idleness-Tbc Idle ot womoq
has Increased with the Incrense of lux ,
ur ' aUII the easier , cO\1dltions ot thq
economIc wo\,1I1. In the prlmltlvo t :
epochs of civilization women ot nl\ \ '
cll1sles th9UJht It n sin nndI shnm\ } ,
to spuII11 Ii dnJ' In Idleness.-Rev. J. I
Rl1\lth , PI'esbytel'llln , Loulsvlllo , Ky. q