Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 21, 1903, Image 1

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.c ; - ,
. ImlJrove the Sight .
and th appl al'3l1l't' . Clusst' $
mnd ! Ul 1tl t1 h 't : ar ornu-
mental Ufl well M useful.
' \ : OUllgIople \ who think glassl' ! !
'I Ihsfigurlllg should wenr oUn ! . I
' '
'l'lwy : ln pdrticull1rly Ileal lIlIt !
quite jaunt > ' . Bllt the sight is
I the first tlullg to hc c nsidercd. I
If thal ' is Ut all im , , ireI1 Jel liS
IIIl1ke' tesl of the c > 'cs awl Iil
the ) > lOper maNSI'S. To hu\'e
it one ill time will ! luw much J
i ' ; ; Md . i
. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . " . . .
, ' Schoo ] Bok ( ,
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< * 'l'ahlets"
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: t S'h ( ( ) ( 1 S lpp1iCS ,
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! ! A Lena List of Fivures II
- eallh plOt1\1cedhy thl : gd'Jidl-
quick COIICCfllJ ! ill tlwit' I\ttl'lIIpl to R
8 pro\'t : thaI 1II01lt'r II\'t' : ; ! < ' .1 . wilh N
8 them is sufCl thall if depusited with
R a bank. This is false , howe\'cr.
' ' figurcs lie. tstrolll ballk
is tht : sat'est ulldlest / pll1ct' for
. '
money. 'fhc
"I' I O a
, , 7 , , : , , ,
8 Jmsiucss of its patrolls reech'cs
cureful uUelltioll , We solicit YOllr
/ ! t d posits.
' S H. LOMAX , Cashier. J
j'1 { ' - Laughlin .oooocr
. .
' , Fountain
\i \
h 18 TIU : PltR OF' ALL
PlH6 AND HAil NO .
\ ( lOLD PENt
' '
' .00 I ,
Till ! I.aughlill l'ouotalu .
Pell Hold r 18 roade of fiu.
. .
e..t quality hanl rubbr. . . . fi
tlltrd with hfghe.t ir..dr ,
. . .
lallIr . u r. 11g..IJ T rn ,
ot . dnllrd ttelbilfty. : :
an.l hilll the ollif plJfeCl
fee lllf d \ t 1 : known
I < ; ithn alr , ) riebl , , } ' gold
luouurd fur , ll1C'eutiltlon
J1l1rpose , 11 ( U tztra
: ; urrly you will not be
abho ireurr lIuylblng at
. .
.br" limn . lb. Pllu thllt win
g1.uth . " 01l1111110U.
plrilurr IInd .rrvkc :
r o
H. A. . WATTS ,
The Fancv Stationer.
. .
IIIUMIc Utlalt.'r.
and School Supply Mun.
P 0 , Stofl. Droken Bow , Neb.
. . . . .
I , . " " " , , , , , , , ! . . > _ n"\ & . > > . , . . . .
t : ' : : : = E : : : J
. . . . .
- - - ' - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.J. W. . , Sgell of Anselmo. was a ,
city. \ ' \ : . ' ' . ) ' . .
J. S. Harrell of } { ell'r. l1Iali .
llli ! : Oft CI' a' " business . . all Ion-
.Iay' . , . "
UI 'n John ! ' > . ) ! 1 of Am le ' , was u'
cit \ ' \iBitOl" Monda. , . . and l'nestlu ) '
. Dan Kl'elin will opt'ned. up a
l'l.t ! lira II t 'i n h ! 1 bu ild i ng . ll the
lIoith , : sitl of the puhlic square.
C. S. Martin ha been appoint-
ell Councilman in 'l'hirtl ward ,
successor to J. S. I lh'neanx . ,
Harry Bangs returned from the.
State Photograpl1tm con\'cntion
at Lincol with a SilVCl' Medal as
a first prizc.
J. l . Adamson and Tlenn'
Ct'aUl r went to Ansle.v 'l'uesda ) '
morlllng to work on the telephone -
phone line at that place.
Mike Scanlon had hi restnrant
lmiltling mo\'ed to its n w location -
tion on Fourth Avenue 'Pucsdar ,
where he will soon be read , ) ' to
accommodate 'his customers.
\V. E. ' 1'a'lor , bank cashier. of
Madi on. Nebraska , was in the
city ' li'riday , th guest. of Hc\ ' .
S. 'po Morris. ( l'he l HI'U I.ICAN
ackllowledge a friendly call.
n'h National Societies of the
Baptist dcnomination are in session -
sion at Buffalo , N. Y. 'l he COli-
ventionwas COI1\'ened ' Monday.
A large attcndance 'is n portcd.
Ira li'oster of Anselmo , was a
city visitor Monday. He informs
m , that the G. A. R. members
are arranging to observe Decoration -
tion Da ) ' with ppropriate exercises -
cises for the first time in that
\illage. ' 1'hey havc 110 post.
Geo. William of Anselmo , was
a ci t ) ' vigitor 'l'uesday. Mr.
WilIi ms informs us that they
havc no licensed saloon in Ansd-
mo. 'l'his is thc first experience
of t le. teind iil the history of the
toW'u inl' its incorporation.
H. M. Malloy , who retllrn d a
year agu .to North Carolina.
writ.s that he JI S man ) ' ( lnes
recrrdt',1 / ) that lic" , Idt ' . her and
t hat h , c 0 m i 11 g II a c k
to live. He drd rs his paper
chang'ed from Reids\'ilIt' to
Grcenshoro , N. C :
1.1. g. Plain , formerly engaged
in the hardware businestl north
of tIle railroad spent Sunday ill
the city renewing old acquaintance -
tance J Mr. Plain is now located
at DesMoin , Iowa. lIe is
traveling salesman for a hard.
ware firm of that city. I
Robt. McCart ) ' of Dalc. was a i
city visitor the first of the week. '
TIe says that he will onty put in
300 acres 01'- corn , this seoson.
Last year he had ' 100 acres and
he found it dift cult to get hands
to husk it. He gays there are
some people not thr ugh husking
P. A. Walton has purc.has.ed
the Crable building on the corner
of 'rhird Avenue and Cedar
Strcet. He has a number of men
employec1 in rcmoc1eling it for
occupancy. TIc will extend the
building eight feet outh Iln.l . Uw
ell ten feet east and put 011 a
square roof with dermal windows -
dews and matf > rially improve the
J. L. Oxford. formerly well and
favorably Icno v in Custer county ,
who has been 111 Oregon for the
past eight or tcn years writes
that where he Ih'cs , rown\'illc.
"it is a beautiful country in
which to live. finc climate , but
old Nebrastca is the place to
make money. A man can makt :
$3,00 in Nebraslca to one in
Oregon. " Mr. . Oxford is a RUC-
ce sful farmer amI busincs1 ! Irian
and hi judgement can be banked
C. 1-1. KennedJ , : nised the flool'5
changed and widened the stalr'-
way and in man ) ? other respects
remoddled , lJewly papered and
painted the Commercial Hotel.
rl'be , changen h t\'e been no complete -
plete l'ol1\'enient anll pleasant
th.1t hif ! guestfl will not I'eeog
ni7.c it as th otd Commercia I
Hotel. lI { ! ha well eartled fm
It the' lith' of the IJew COlUtlH'rci.
al Hotel. Whil it occupies the
same 01 < 1 site the arrangemelltf
and convenience of the hOUSl art
new and modern compared wiU
the old arrangements and is :
credit to the city.
. . .j' j . , . . . . . , , '
, , " . "Ir. . . . . . . . . . . . . " , ' . , " . . . . . .b. . .
} i'rcll lIe'witt of M\llIe , was a I
dty visitol' oltda } ' ,
MrR. Ulma Williams , of jrak ( '
\'ille Iowa , aunt of Mrg. A. no
fh.lluphrey \'Isiting iu tilt" ' dt ) ,
t 'II's wt > e-k. '
C. A. W.IHun of West n'illc , '
Was a ci t ) ' visitqr yesterIJI.\ ' .
'l'he' RHl'lflll.ICAN acknowledges a ,
friend I ) ' ( 'a 11.
J. 0. L l1Iming rdlll'ncrt .to' the
Black 1J ilts on .H toda ) ' , to look
"fter h milling il1terit ! ; n. f..o. .
max aecollllllqpanicd him.
) tn. . YOUIlIr is visiting iu the
ast th f week. TIe will'i it
New York and other cities of
cOlUmercial intl'rcRt while goue.
Mrs. D. M : Amsberry' went to
Allslt' ) ' yesterdaJ to visit her
daughter. Mr ! ] . J , W. Clay. Sl.Jc
expects to b gone s veral flays.
T ev. S. P. Mo.ri went to Arnold -
nold this morning. He will hold
relig-iOlls scn'iccH thcre tlll aftc
noon and night and baptize fonr
Mrs. A. R. lIumphre } ; l'eturr l ll
'l'uesda ) ' night from Iowa. wllt re
she was call d recentl ) . hy the
eriou sickncss of Mr. Humph-
rey' mother.
'rite lla'raca f..iterary and Oym-
naZf'nlll cluh have their roOIl
ahout really to occupy. 'l'he gym.
na7.enm room is well l quippcd
with modern apparahtR.
Carland Lewis , who has heen
aUell/lillg / the aptist Collegl' at
Grand Islnd arrived ill the cit , ) .
Wednesday mOrtling. He expects
to r main 11l 1'l. during" the sum-
The RIWnnT.ICAN aclmowledgcs
the rcceipt of a commencement
card of the North Bend High
Schools.Ve notice in the list
of graduatcs the name of Miss
Bertha L. Allen , daughter of
Mrs. Jennie AlIcn of Mason City.
Chas. and Augm t Norrhgon
of Oconto. were hefore Judge
G'Schwind , Monday ou complaint
of William ami Rusi Hellllut on
till' cllal' . . ,0 < r of Itsinll' 0 , abus'i\'t' tlml
men1cmg ; I.mguage. 'l'wo
'chargeR wen filed agaiust Chas.
and one : tgainst August. Chas.
Norrhgon plead guilty to olle
-count and the other complaints
were dismi sel1. He pahl the
fine of $1.00 allll ro t amountinfl'
to $6.00. '
'rho Cfil'l'ie Stfiuley New
York Comedy Co. will show
in the Opel'fi house li'1'idfiY
and 8nturdny nights nnd
g' ve a IUattinee Saturday nft-
O1'l1oon. .u'l'iday evening' the T
willgive the new seusfition-
ni play enlled the HIClon-
dike Ch m. " Saturday af- i .
tlH'UOOll .the eompany will
put on the noted play " ' 1.'en
Nights in the Bar Hoom. "
' 1'ho , play for Satul'day night
will be annonnced latter.
'l'he citJ schools closc this week I
but owing to previous arrangements -
ments the cOl1lm ucement excrci-
ses will not be held until 'rues-
day night. next week. to accommodate -
modate GO\ ' . Mickey , who will
tlci\'er. ! the addr ss. Among the
gue ts im' ted ar rrs. Mielte ) '
ex-Seuator F. M. Curri , aud wife.
of Sargent , alltl Senat r 1. 1. . .
Fries and wife or Arcadia. 'l'he
m eting of the Alumni Association -
tion will be held at.Grand Central
Hotel Wdenesda.r evening. 'rhe
association now has 113 members
'i'he fin ; ! class to g-raduattt was
itl 1890 , Dr. W. R ' ( 'alhot has
the honor of being' the' first graduate -
uate of the Bmlet'n Bow schools.
and tht' OlltIIcmhel' ! of lhe clagg-
'L'he class oi" t903 ullmLel'thirtecn
'rhey.are Clare C. Jeffonh. . . Will.
f4. lcCalldleH ! : , 1.'lnrenct' X. uv-
der , Don Clan ncl Wilson. ClIas.
11. Wend nagle , Katherine I.
'l'aylor. Nell I..ouise Gllttersou ,
Edtth x , S. MiUccnlc On' ,
Paul N. Humphrey , Fredrick A.
SIi1Iman. Edgar n. Osborne and
I Ol1ive G. Pickett.
I . _ _ _ - _ _ . "
- -
( " . . " " . " " f" ' "
. ' t - - - J t' . . tj t . . 3 tttt . . - - }
_ : _ _ ' . Moore _ _ _ . _ _ . , . h \bstradin _ . _ _ _ _ r. _ _ _ _ _ 2tf _ _
' { 'his o ce for neat job wOl'k.
- - . - - - - - . - ---04 _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _
taUlp Photo'g at Bangs'
Sudio. ! 21)-tf
J. G. r. . onard bonded ab trac-
tel' . 39tf
You can save' one half Jonr ,
labor in cleaninghous by using
14iquid Veneer. talcCR 011' tains
removes grccse and lea vcs 1
hmtrious and lasting finish. A.
W. Dralcc sells it. 47tf.
- -
- - - - - - - -
- - -
Wail Paper at J. C. Dowen's
li'arlU " "for Hale : l1 d lands for
r nt. Now is the time to get a
farm cheap. tiS thc cheap farms
al'e all goinltt ; and prices arc advancing -
vancing raplIlly.--J. G. Breni2cr.
. .
- - - - - - - -
AB the mutual hail companies
ha\'e fagged out , but the St.
Paul Immrancc Co , continucs to
pay its losses. 4tf
Jm t received a fuB linc of
pictur moullling- , sash rods ,
curtain pdll s. w l1 pochets , J asel
pi ture Il k and nails and hat
raks. AB alll1
new up-to-date
patlerns. A.V. . DltAKH.
Just receh'cd a new stocle of
picture frames. moulding's , mats ,
etc. Picture -framcs made to or-
dtr. Sccond hand goods of 'all
, Idr ' d . hought :11111 sold.
31)tt South S c '
W. 'rItn-A goo.l . girl , one
wl\o \ can cook at rcstUl'ant. I
" \ VIDAVIS. .
Mike Scanlon will be out of
businc3s for one weele on account
of moving the bl1i1ding he uccu-
pies. He had to move all his
goods out . and store them in
( iffercnt places. Hc will mo\'c
them back as ) 'oon as build i ng is
papered and ( rc'paired in gooll
shap .
- - -
1 ( ) H RAJ.H OJ ( 'J'H UH--'I'own
lot "uld L-feiv Ii\ . < : aCIlots ; \ , : _ in
this city. for cattlc , her cs or farm
land.-Allen Heyner.
' 1'his o ce has a limited number -
ber of Hicles Allllac's for sale at
25 ccnt.s. .14tf
Buff Cochiu and arrcd Ply-
moth Hock eggs. 75 cents per 15
Grand View Poultry Farm ,
' 11)-5 ] : lason City. Neh.
\V ANTltD-'l'o hire two mcn
that have fami1ie . HouseH furn-
ished.WIs'r UNION Mn.T.ING Co.
38tr West Union , Neb.
- - - - - - -
1400k to liS for best values in
roasted coffee. You can save
from 1 to 4 cents per ponnd at J.
C. Bowen's.
Cren. . . lIu ) ' . . . " ,
- - . .
We are Luyiug cream and will
pay yon for it once a week.
Bring' in , ) 'our cream.
48 tf J. C. BOWItN.
- - - - . . . - . . . . - . . - - -
FOJ ( AI.H.-Onc of the best
\rllc\ ' farms in the county. , \
mihs : froUl Bow. one Cfuartl r milc
from school house , 5 fect to
wa terPlwuc 01' wri tel
48-4 ( ) A. ' 1' . HHvnorr.
. .
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A.V. . Dralct' wiU stol'e yonr
hl..ttel' for thl ! season , call for
them amI set them up in fall.
hlaclwncd rcad \ . for usc. will call
for them .June ht. Call an.l Hl'C
- _ . - - . . . . . . - - - - - - - - -
hipment just reeci\'ed of
the ollly and orig-inal tradc marlc.
uPure Old Chll'I' Viueg-ar.
- - . - . - _ _ _ _ _ . H' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NII.h' 'n IIttr un.'hu' . .
We wish to dos , ' contl'ilctB for
cntting. , curinfr and staclcing hay
011 our I'allch III Cherry couutr
for t"l feason IIf I i)03. No
nwam { > y l' rough groun to I'llt
on. . Writ for ternlfl etc. to the
Standarrl Cattle Co , at Amef 01
I Hecla. Neh. ' 15-
- - - - - - . - - - - -
- . . . - . - - - - - - -
- - . - - - . . .
, , nntUn , , ft' ' u , " "nnt' " ' " , nu , + n"'nn'n'n'n.'nn'n'n' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
: = = : : E3 y- - - you.r
I E IIf ( ' 1.1':1.1. : SlrUtI'l : . With '
' SlIit for ,
' l'yC'ry 116,110 ollel 0\1'1' we give YOIIII : : : : : I
: = = eo l JIulIt1' ! 111111 a pair ul Jlallt ! ! Shrtdlt'HI f'COl' of l'Iu.1I'gt' . Alld wILh : : : :
. ' : : : : : \'II' ) ' fI8.O < J ml l We" g \ ' tll ( ' strelcll1 1IIIIIIIIIIIgcr 111111 kCt' ! ' it III gOOflor- : : : : :
; .1'r fur sI1I lIIulltllll , I call put 'UU II slIlt tor lC'sl thull
> lip ! UIIYUIII : elsu. : : : : : : :
' - ; ; ; . : : Suitt ! cleumtl all/I pn'ss 11 for ' 11.00 tu J , ( ) ( ) ; coat ulIll \ ' stt 75c 10 ! -1.SUi : : : :
= = slllg1t coal , Sac to 11.00 ; pautll , 3Sc tu 7Sc J.i/lit / repalrlllg , lone t rutill. : : : :
! All work guarauteel satisfactory. 'flirt. , . Ilourlluolllr of tile puSl UfiICI . : : : : : :
I 01e11 Sharpe. ,
: f11iil 1 1111'il'11'11il'il ' ' ' ' il'i1iil11 ' + 1iill1111111 lil il1il111 il1il il'1 '
- . ' : . . n.-t , : ' . . " .L.J.-'J' . " . . . . . . " . . . . . .j ' , . , " " . > > I. , " " , 1LiIIk " ' ' . . . .1&- " . . . , . . . , \aI" \ , . ' ,
- ' !
. . ' I. . .
: -Buggi sl :
I huy < ' . just r'ec ( ved , from th H.ex B gg'y ; '
, I art.ory of Oonnersv1l1e , Indlana , a Cill" of
8ulI ies , Surreys $ ) DrivinlI WaIIODS , ' ; ;
and wlwil l sn T thnt ; it ; is the finest lot ; of Bug' !
g'ies thnt liver .ennw to Ouster eonnty r mean I
tn'CI'Y hit of it , und 1 pttrticularly invite every ; t' :1'1 :
01H' who l'lltHts this add to como and see. It' . ,
makes no diifonHlce whether yon intend to uuy .
01' not , ( \on1l \ in n ntl let me show you Bugg s
fresh 'from tlw rnetol' ; T , and then you enn make
your own C\omr \ > H.l'ison of them and of BuggieR
bought from jobbing' houses tlmt I11tve stdbd
in the dust until the vHrnish has been ruinod. \ . ;
As to I > l'icns 1 win g'lUlranteo to soli you It , >
Buggy for lm ; money than rOl . 'Gn.n buy any , , "J. :
) in the lJ nited ;' ' Get the very . -
wst prices yon CUll und eome in Hnd see if <
what 1 say is tl'lle. " , \
' .
C.S..MARTIN , MflI. Agl.
AN'I'I-TIUST' ' GOODS. . ' .
I - . . t .
} i'01 { I lNTdouble room in
the Custer Block. Inquirett :
this oO ce. . 47tf
Dollars to cent t.hat we can
savc you on ever ) purchasc of
tca at J. C. Bowen'R.
Fen SAI.It--Onc : red Poll. one
Poll Durham and cight Shorthorn -
horn bulls. All have pedigrecs.
'rhc ) ' can he secn at thc Globe
harn.-JAs.H.Plut'l"l'VMAN. 43tf
- - - - -
Fen SAT.E--A ncarly nc\v \ Whitc
! 'cwing' machinc at a bargain. :
4Htf . A.r. . DIAJ..1t. .
. .
- - - - - - - -
Moncy loaned on unproved
farins , JAMltS LUDWIClI ,
7 ] 8 tf Brokcn Bow ; Ncb.
\Ve have just reccived our new .
line of spring wall paper. . All ,
1903 patterns. Call and see them , I
at WIlkin's drug store ; 35 tf
- . . , . . . .
WANTItD-Girl fol' lig-ht work
in countr ) ' . 'Phone. IH . A. ' 1' .
Snv or.'I' . .18-49
' 'J '
" , "
' I'
IlaH. tlail. ' I.Jaii. ' :
I , , i. , I ,
l arl1lersprotectyoursclvcs ; , . .
in the old reliablc St. Paul I
Fire & Marine Insurance j
Co. We have $3,000,000 t
cash capital and pay our t
losses promptly. I
I Ras Anderson , Agent.
1I.'OIU. " now ,
v ' ,
li'armcrs do not. buy . , 2 row'
cnltivator till you have seen' tb "
, Dcmster ! lnd Canton 2 row culH-
vators at SQuIrms BHOS. 48tf. .
A varictv of Gasoline stOTts
all in g'oot"running order. Cheap
'at A. W. DHAKIts. ; fatf
'j. G. r..cot1 tr 1 honded abstrac-
ter. ' 39tk
Gct man. White and Red Siberia
1 iIIet. secd for sale at the Star
GroCCl'Y. 48U
. , . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, . . .Our Spe ial Sale. . ,
is discontinued this wcek in order tei give
our over-worked clerks a little time to
recuperate , Im.t , remember. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
all the time , and everythln marked , . . . ,
In plain flf.ures. . . . . . " . . . . I' . . , . . . . : '
. , FREE . " ? . , . ' , 'j
, 1
. ,
" .
' '
. .
"WEBS . . 1l . . . s"OOL S"OI " :
FROM .5iz t I , ) UP. }
If the boy i ! ) hard onhm's , put a pair of
Weh ter's on hi fl'Ct anl1 : t Dictionary in
his head antI hc will he happ ) ' . , . . . . . . . .
'l'hey are Gl1arant ecl t11e Best. .
: l yerson-George CO.
. .
. . . . .
. . .
IIrok II'W. - - NehruII" .
. . . . . , . . . . . . , . , ' , . -j' < . . ,
, - . < " " .I..iIa : , " _ < . .aL1A/11'IIiA. / ' ftd .tt. , ' .u ' / : " - . . . -