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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1903)
. ' " Ii U- ' I. 'f ; i" ' - . ; . . . . " , ( 1J .1 , r V , . . _ ' " ' " . 'WI" " " ' ' ' I 1 , THE . . OLD RELIABLE i" ' L , X4 . . . . ; O I ' I ' ; GP , ) I "bAKI , . , I r l I POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NOSUBSTfTUTE . - A. O. u. w. Oraud LOllge. - . The tenth biennial session o { . Ancient Order of the United .Workman was held at Grand Island Tuesduy ahd Wednesday . . I of this weeK. ' . \ The -attendance was unusuall ) ' large and hotels were unable to t accommodate all , but as about t two hundred of the citizens Open- III ed their houses to them all were . I cared for handsomely. It was estimated there were present , in- I ciuding the delegates anf ; ! visiting - ing members of the lodge over 800. The first day of the session was principally taken proposing - posing amendlhents to the constitution - stitution and by-laws and nomin- ating' candidates. The amendments - ments proposed caustd considerable - able discussion , but t'bey were generally refered to the proper committees and reported on the following day. A. , R. Humph- reyof this ity was nominated for:1 : merpber of the law com- P1 ttee and had he been present the chances. . . . . . . .y would have been quite lavQrab1e for his election. As it was he rece v.ed 190 votes o'f 282 necessary for a choiceonly five delegates' from Custer county ere . . . there. . It was a fine com- \ phmentary , vote. he officers elected are : Gr nd master workman - man , Jacob J askalek , \ South Omaha ' . ; grand foreman , 'George M. Mordoc1 Nebraska City ; " gr d overseer , J. D. Brayton , Bassett ; recorder . , Silas R. Barton - . ton , Aurora ; receiver , Frank J. M.organ , Plattsmouth ; guide , J. C , McElhinney , . Lyons ; watch- m n , C. R. Gray , Herman ; ' medic - c examiner , . F. E. 'Vay , Wahoo ; trustee , 1. 'w. Alter , Wayne ; sUFeme lodge representatives , George H. Barber , Edgar ; . Jacob Jas'ka1 k , South Omaha , and O. J. . V .ndyke .Grand Island ; committee - mittee on law , C. H. Denny , Fairbnry ; J. C. Dort , Pawnee City , H. M. Waring Lincoln. Grand Foreman , Miller of the L.-- " . . 1 ' > . . . . - - I supreme lodge was present I throughout the session aud ou J Wednesday deh\'er d tltl able a - i dress 011 the good of the , ) r cr. I An effort to change thc baiB ! : I of represcntation from is to 200 \'otes and district the state was defeated. The head physHian fee was changed froUl 50 to 25 c nts and the per capita tax was raised from $1.00 to S1.50 S500Vas appropriated out of the general fund for the frat rn- it ) ' building at tbt : St. LOU\9 \ Ex- position. The citizens of Grand Island provided a literary and m ! 3ical entertainment for the members of the lodge 'Vednesay night which was given in the opera house. The entertaimnent was first class and was bighly appreciated - preciated by all pr sent. Nearly all the participants were cncored. Miss Cora Neff , daughter' Frank B"'eff of tht : Independent was recallec.t the second time for a recitation. . A LESSON FOU OIltLS. Cwo IIctreeaf.&a. Poor In purbo but rlob In the character - ter of 11 spotless 11ft ! . Clara Morrie passed ber advancing YOl\fB In tbe liODor and esteem of her coutompornrlrJ9. Miseu , Ie , de erfod , poverty. strIcker , Mabel Bellsou liallow , a brlllhmt Amer- ICRn actrees , commtted suloldo In Lon- don. ) , ot the 13Uer tad tbe advantoRo of the former. Ma el Bellew held 00& ot womnn'o obolcest DssatD-glont be&uty. She wns eodow.d oeded : { with grace , wit , vivacIty - Ity , greut talcnts. But sbe did not tl\ke 1116 Berloualy , Her world was a world of . fun and funoy. She toyed with tl\te , She choae the broal1 rather Uun tbA rur- row way. When this woman pluycd before tbe kln and queen at Wlndeor , ber Rnd fiRUl"O were tbe r" e In London. On the otber l1and- Olara Morrla w o born without 011 ber beauty or IZraclfulnoos. Her carly hlo wag 0. Ilfe or bard conditione. Hut she strove. She walked In tbe PUtII'J or tlgh'eousneso. She worked Olll her OWl ! sll.lvaUon liS II woman nnd us I1n uctre B Mark t he sequel : When mlafortuno oarne to Clara Morris - ris an admlrlnR world offered lftA oDd tribute. RememherllllC the Krnmou'J letter written by thIs woman Bcd read at her testimonial benefit , turn to I tbe sad lotte. . of Mahel lioJlew rltlen a bour before she killed herselt. "Yeara ago 11lved like a dower kloed by tbe sunj I now dlo like a tlower frost. killed Rnd bJlghtecl. The world Is bu f1l/raveYllr".aud / : we HVfl in tbe dust , Ilnd j I bope God w1l1 be with me In thIs Iry. lnll ; bour or despair lIed temptation , For myselt , I do prBY I bo Maker or tb lonely bede of peacu to open one of UII deep : hollow cella to lot IDe In when mlserv IIOe8 : to Bleep.I' , . liTo Bleep. Perchanoe to drf'am . . Ayo. t bere' B the ru b. " Poor Mobol elew. : Wbat II oontrnst of two lIvu ! ODE wltb " berltngo or Ilts and Kr8Cel 8lnkln tote tbe cells whuro misery eel to sleep : the othedu the hco of trlB\ \ ! strlvlLR ate5dhy upwl\ld. There's lesson for every Irlln tlu hIstory of tbese two women's IIves- Omaha New8. . - - - - - . - - - - . - - - ,1 ; t &pecials " 1" J -FOR- .1. , . .Saturd , ay 23 : ' . . . , j 15 DOZEN LADlE'S GAUZE VESTS. j " . . . ! ' Taped neck and sleeves , splendid 10 cent I value. On sale Saturday morning , May 23 , continuing all day or as long as they last. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . _ , . u . No More than 3 to One Custolner. I Wilson' & ' Drake. . r . .ocoo"'J" J" "oc ; ' . ' .S : : : OElS. . j I I have shoes to sell nnd must sell them , : \ . . a.J.d until further notice I will sell at. . . : ' ' . 8 Per Cent Discount : I if' ' \ . . . , for cash. These shoes are new stock , right : 1'\ from the factory. I have jU&tput in a lin I \ " of Trunks , , , . I" " . Talescopes Grips Etc. . : \ \ J. S. . : F-FI..A. : CJS : : , : . U \ \ MerIla , - - - N ebrasl a. : . cocr I r ; U , fJ . ' : ) f , " . . " " . . . + .I.t : & , . " " . , .i.k. . . . . ' f' ' Jk , 1 - 0 . . , , . ,1I . , IIIl" . . . . . . . , " " " ' . , \ ! IlIII. .J . . . . . . . I' . . . - - - - , . . - , - ' . . . . . . . . . ' . " - - . . . . . . . 1- 'oiIIo oI l'utrlutlotlJotlug. : . ' 1'he Brollen iow , Pollllcal l qll1\lIlY Olub will ruett at fbn bOUlI ! of Mbo Julll\ Willis , Ii'rll1ny ovenlujl , Mllv the 22J. lell1buriofUleO : ' \ . H. , W. H. 0. . 1ntllel ! of tile O. A. R Vlrl'le , f\llli Iollller ! of the Into war lira curlllnll\ ! - vlrt'd. The 'ollowln ' prog"11 will 110 runll reo : S ) n . . . . . . . . . . . . n'\lIy ' ( { 'Jlllltl tbo filing. Holi ( ) ulJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EtfJeponlo ! wltl.l l'l\trlutlo Ht.'ot IIl1elltll Current l vclltp. . . . . . . . . . . . .Dlsousllon ! PlirlhlJJ Dlnrr [ .aW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' UlnlA In Be\JoU \ 01 Public IIIJeoltuo 'L'lJu Hend ! ) ul\rtcrs i\I e@IIR e. . . . . . . . . . . 8oug. . 'l'IIHlo ou thlJ 0111 CI\U1p Ground ROldln . . . . . . . . . f 'Iu'l1utrrlllo I.Cllilet Clurf ! Ul\rton lor01U1I0 HuUc/l o p"por-1'lIlJ rench n 01 P"trlollslU In the tlcl100l ! Iud at 110Ille. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. H. 1'llIlarden AddrePB. . . . . . . . Hon. JIHnEH Whlto'leud Oillnp Flru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Caito , colfue , pnlrlotlu "nlle , allil pre. I ) IItation 10 l/loll gltelt ! of lnrll Burton - ton LoalllJtn. . . . . . . . . . : . . : . . . . . . . . A full "ttblH.lalJeO Is d 8IrOlJ. JULtA'ILt.1S , S cretllry. 'fllo ollleara 01 tilt , ' { 'l1lrd Wnrd 1m- provcment Ollldealtn \ tbnt IIn next MOl'dIlY nlgut the 1UJlUbcr:4 ! U1l\ku 1\ IJperil\1 : effort to lJe prtJlfJnt ! nt thl ! IOI\f't. : ' Inl ( no I l\ttefB or Importllllctl tuRY lome ! p for dl8ouoslon. 'fhe oofnmlttee Oil trt'otB hnvl1 radcd that part or Urol1d. WAY oontalned lu t\J \ ward , null Induced most of the . e-Idents Blon thn t thor. ou hfllro fo 'Imrie aud olerm up tbelr lot. , aDlt they now present II line appenrllnco. Rev. J. R. 'Vood of Mason City was a friendly caller at this office toda ) ' . He was on his way to hold Services in the Holcomb Settlement north east of the city. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - John Reese who was some time ago appointed receiver for the Broken Bow land office assumed the duties of his office the first of the month. Mr : F. H. Young who resigned the position will. . now devote his time to his private - vate and banking business ex- clusively. Being president of five banks besides a large amount of private business to look after he no doubt will still find himself - self a pretty busy man. Uc"t Offer n"er ! tlt\dc. The REPUDIICAN has succeeded in getting a special clubbing price from the publishers or" the Nebraska Farmer , one of the best they have e\'er made , and during the past two months a good many have taken advantage of this offer and are well pleased with it. We have had the time t'xtended for Ulis olIer , believing that many more would like to take ad. vantage of it before it is with rawn. For $1.35 we can send you the Nebrask Famler aud RnpUUl.1CAN both for one full year , and worth $2.00. . The Ne. braska Farmer is the leading general { ann and live stock journal of the west. It prints from 24 to 40 pages each week , is well known aud well liked , ha\'ing een established since 1869. Its pub. lishers are practical and experienced men , who are now and have been for thirty years extensivcly eng gcd in farming - ing and stock raising in Nebraska and conditions applicable to the west. It is I a journal for the farmcrs by farmers. No other farm papcr can fill its place or I be so helpful to the fanners of the wet. It is contributed to by all tht : leading agricultural writers and experimeuts of thll west and at our special club price should be takeu by everyone. 43tf 'fhc special clubbing offer of $1.35 for the RRPUDLICAN and Nebraska Farmer for a year has : been extended. This wiI.l give every farmer in Custer county that does not get these papers a chance to get both for little moe than the price of one. ( 'hurch IJCIUCIltOIl. ! The Custer Center U. B. church will be dcdicated Sunday , May 17. Rev. Wm. E. Scull , D. D. , president of the York College , will preach toe dedicatory sermon - mon at 10:30 : a. m. Rev. L. I4. Epley , presiding elder , and other former pastors arc expected to be present and assist in the sen' ices. The Custer Center 'l > cople are planing an expecting a big da.r nd a good , time. Many good dinners in the good homes of the community will be served , after the feast of good things at the ' church. You are i vited. Come ! Bring with you the Holy Spirit , yom apetite and your purse. W. F. PRRRY. . This office has a limited number - ber of Hicks Almac's for sale at 25 cents. 44tJ . ) . ( nv U.'ltH "W.I < : KT. $25.00 to Portland , Tallma , Seattle. $27.40 to San 11M cisco and Lo ! Angeles. , . $22.50 to Spokane. 1'20.00 ' to Suit Lake City , Butte anl Helena. Proportionatel ) ' low rates to hundred : of other points , including Big Hon : Basin , Wyo. , Montana , Idaho , WashinJ { ton , Oregon , British olumbia , Call fornia , etc. Every day until June 15th. TOllnst cars daily to California. Personally conducted excursions tlncl times a week. Tourist cars daily to Seattle. Inquire of nearest Durlington Routl agent. 46-5 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . JI.WnJO \ . H. " . .r. . , I , . - - - - . . . - " , . . , , . Th plOperty turncd over byIj ! cvery ) 'car h cllorlnOUH. We handle allltinds of B.EiAL E 51J'E : an sell 011 such cas ) " terms that make purchasels seek \IS again when they want another valuable piece of money making pr perty , .Jarnes Led'\.vich. Broken 'Bow , - . Ne raska. - ; 84740' " ' ' Call1nrnt. . "nd nacl ! : . , .to. lIurlt"Jt..1I Route. . - For the General Assembly of the Pres. byterian Church in the U. S. A. at Los AI1Kcles May 21st to June : md. Tickets on sale May 3rd and 1\1a1 12th to t8th ; limited for return' to July IS. 1 1903. Stopovers allowed at many points of interest Ask the ticket agent for particulars. _ . - - - - - - Her. 1I01'udlI1t Wt'sh.rvllle. Sunday , May 17 , will be Missionary - sionary Day . on the 'yesterville Circut. RdYo H. D. Horna- day will be present. He will preach in Wcstervil1e in the morning , at Myrtle in the afternoon - noon and'Veissert in the evening. Rev. Hornaday needs no introduction - duction to the people of Custer county. Go carly and secure a seat. . - - CHICHtSTER'S : [ r GliSH PE"NYRDYAL PILLS 0\ ' ? etC : ' fCl ' e . . c\v S" It// JfJ..e St/tCit co ) Oct. . . . . .rc. Ahvllvs rellnble. La.lie. . . , , , k Druggist for CIIIC..I-'ojTI , > lt't USGLISII In Ued and Ciotll metalllr ! ! loxe ! ! . senled wltlt blue rtbboll. Tn I' " no othl" ' . U..Id'I'f'rou. . . . .ub"U- . . . . . . . , . tuth..n,1 inIURUom. . l u" 01 } 'our lJrug at , or senti .Ic. III lnlUPl for I'urll'ulnn , TeaU- . . . , . . , ' ' . . . . . . . IDonlnl. nnU"U ' ( ( 'or I.lull. . . 1"I'Un' , by return MntI. lU.tltlU'reslimulllIls. 80ld by all Druggists. OUJOUE6TER OHEMICAL CO. i 21UO IIIndlr..rn 'luAre , , 'UJ..A. . P. & . . 'Jo.ulaD thl. . FRANSE MOORR , iIDv 3 : pn 1 I1tIDpe ; [ } . Two blockd norlll of Gr nd Ollltrnl 1I0toll. Pat. Irena I rona e eollcltctl. Prlccs reasouablo , ' MIKE SOANLON , -Pruprletor 0- ' Re.tauraut & : Lllucll Couuter. 1.ortlu IIssorlmOlll or Conr..ot\orllulus. \ CJJlIre IInd 'l'obaouos. Norlh "hle of Pllbllc Sflu"rt ! , Hroken 1I0w. Nebraek" . 1-1 ILL SIDE HERFORDS lIu < 1 DUro , Jor cy Hogs bre < 1 "ud oltl. 1I1J8t bllJod oHbelrclllss. A'hress. ! G. K. O.\UWELL , Urokell11111 \ , Nthnukn W A. THOMPSON , " COSTRAlTon : & nUII.Dlm. PlaD8 aliI osthuates on Bhortnollce. JlfOkuu Howl NobraBka. , : : : : AND :3UPPI.IES. CAM1JRAi Frel ) Inplrnclon ! 110w to take anrl dfvelope the picture wltll every camera sold. FInIshing one for amlltures. Latest Styles in Photographs. BANGS STUDIO. Edtllb\lh \ d III 189t. Ure I" , , , Bow. , N"\tn \ ka. _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n. . . . _ _ . . . . ' . . , . . . . . . . 1 . . . , , : , - ; , , ' .J" . " . ' . , - , , , . . . . < , " . ' " . " " ' _ " < U. u . . . , , ' , Y ; , . , . . . . . . , , , - - " ' ' ' ' . . - - - . - . - - - . - . - . - - - - , I . , . - . . . . , , I Dry Goods , CI othinir And Shoes , 14adics aud Gentcl ! High In'itep Huhhl'rq. nlo\'l' < ; , Glassware , Chinaware , and Notion , ; . Call an,1 , see our fine linc of Imported 14aces and 1 1I11' broider ) ' . 'Ve a1so have a fiue tine of. . . . . . , Ribbons , Velve s , Velveteens. Silks , Crepe. . . . . , Nuns Veiling , and Satc ns. Al a fine linc of ' Ladies Low Dress Shoes , Kid Colonial , Kid 'r Four Strap , Sandals and Doug-ola Souvcnirs. E. ReYller & 00. , Brok.eIl BO\M , - - N ( - braHli n. . . . . . . . - -------.MUJ " ' ---.wMI'Ii I _ - - _ - - . _ . . . . _ _ . " - - - - - . . - ' . DRS. R U. & W. E. TALRO r , PHYSICIANS SURGEONS. I 011100 nv..r naoberl"8 Dru ! : 8toro. 8r kliu How , . . - Nohra. a. I . H. OONRAD , o.H. . . . . . .1 > t'"lor . , n . . . l'ump ! ! . Wlud 1\\1 \ II s , 'l'allk" . 'IItllJ 8 , " ( I "bol'lIlI ' EnglneB , elll. , et . Ihokeu UOWI Nobr ka. WII.LI.S OAnWEI.IA Jll.y _ ( ) . lm1U'tI & M' . B. & M. RES'l'AURAN I\ North 81d , ' uf ' 1'rarIr. . Moab III all lIours alien day and night. Fine ClllllllCS lIud clgurs. ROLLA TOWSLEY ; Prop. I I.'D. . HI.AZE , I . . . . . . Dealer lu . . . . . Oranllll , Foreign and .AUI"rlcan Marbles. Ornamentl Work a Specialty , roko now. . . - N lIt ra ka , It YOIl Want yoor lIoo o IldllJle < 1 leu J. : Fl. . ad.d. All work KlluauteOll and I'tOllll'lly don" PrlcoR roaeonabl. . . - - - - - - - - - - Bargains in Real Estate } farm land "Sllecllllty. r\\talt" \ . corn autl grMZ'J1g ' lands for ale lu Cu < ter. 8borman , Unto fulo and Dawson conntl 8. 1'rlood from $4.00 per "cre up. RCbldenco 4 ml1tH 80lllh . .nd I ml10east ( or Maeoll , poir. officII 1IldICS8 , LEVI IUNn , Mosou OIty , Neblaika. J. J. SNYDEH , . . . ANI > & 1 MlfJIMIJ'tlia Ili , N01'AUY . . punLIC \ldO JU811ce ot tbl ! l'ellco. tllcrlnt : ! IIlltmt ell sclYon to collection. Uopoellions tak n , l"melon voacb. srll neatly executed anrl hl1 kilids of Iogal papere wrilloll. Olflce In the r ar or Dallk of f.OIomerco. : Drokcn Row. Nebt aka , . . . L. l\IULI.ENb DK..O. ! Physician SurgeOI1. 211 < 1 HtalrwlI ) ' rrom KIJ.t elll110 Really Hloek ; rOlildollCO , Srd Wtst M K. church. on lIme IIlde . of IItrtct. thokell How , Nebraska. s. 1\1. DOH.RI , , . : JluntahsmSl1n1l } : ! ! AI. timId ot work In our line d01i1i I'fUUll'tI ) ' aud lu IInt-clasB orrler. ( : ' rHtd 8bul' UII the orn r west u. the bOlio bou8e. GIVIUH A TRIAl. Hroklill now , . _ - . NlIhraska. 1)1 : . T. I. . ! i"AHNHWOlt'I'II , DENTIST , I SY"'omce In Realty 1J1ock , Ur. Uau'd 01 I'tand. u _ _ _ _ - - - - - - . - . . . . . . . . . , . , , " - - ' " " " " " " " " " " " ' " = ' ' ' ' ' ' ' = 'm.1 " ' < > 1' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' d . . , , " , , . , : t' CI. I m ax 1 . . . ifts IIigh , . Hllns Leyel , ' Plants uniformly , lfundll\H Ji asily. : ( 'fhis is the Listm' vhich PVPl'yone 1iked HO well last year. 1 f ; will rn ise more C01'I1 because - Ir cause it presses tlw ground ilnd holds the . . I moisture. It is udupted to Double Listing" . : without change at fiUY time. In'CllltiYlltors we have the Universal And Madison Ridinf ! vhich u boy can handle. In ) walkmg cu tlYators 'we have the. . . . . . . . I TIP TOP AND ! HE WINNER. G W A I b ; jI . . . . " . . , . . . " . . ' " . v. . . . . " " ' " . : JErISr R. B MULl.INS , M. 0 , A\nks \ R t31.cc1n1ty . of ( Jrawn and UrldW"rk. \ . l'.tc 1I rCD onahlo. All \Vork gnar/lntplld. / . _ Call aUfl S8" me brr'Jrc g , ltJ ol . .whrr ' . OtlJce-11I Uum , , " How I.llIlu ! Bonk UnlllllUg. , Broell ! Hall'I Neblll k'l ' - . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CAl\II H\N ( & . H IClt > W , Glff 0 U-9ce.lI rs r-9 , ys - , Nt' IA \ \ ' . Ioorne ! H an,1 II. HeatlY 1II'ck. BrokclIlow \ , Neh. - - - - cr INTN ) I > AY , Physieinn & Surgcon. OI1'co In rcur or lho ! llInor \ : COll1rn t.o. lIe l. donCe tll1l 1I0UI0 wc l IIr the .Iaptlat rhnrch. IIrnllen 1I0w , Nchrll"kt\ . , 'CITY ' BAH.BtCJt HfIOP , II. o. UU'r1'l. I''lnr. I " 'Iral-cla ! ! work. lIuu ! lnu' " "C Jlrok.'n lIow Mtlltll IIl1l1k , Hrokcli lIow. Nchll " " . - - . : . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ . . . -.o . . . " ' . . - _ _ Soft Harness Yon elln make ) 'our liar. II' ' ' 11I1 lIolt ItS . . Ilovu UIIlI U9 tOUlh 1191 I to ) by , uollll ; ElIH gl\A : 111.- IIUIl" ClII. You l'II" lellglhl'n II Hro-llIuke It h. t II > Ire liS Iou : : U9 It oHllul < rlly would. EUREKA Harness Oil wilkes IlOor looking bur. n 9 IIku IICW. Mull ! or l'Ute. hell\'y 100l1l0:1I 011. t'S- . 1'CllIlIl' l > telllnl..1 10 with. lhUJ III ! w ulh r. t1uld < 'nr'J\ hero III cuu9-ullllll"d. ' " " 1 1oI- " THEDfORD"S BIAIDRAI1j ( f THE GREAT fAMILYHEDIfINE : . ' ' ' ' ! 'bedford's Black-Draught has saved doctors' bills for moro than sixty years. 'or the common fam- J ily ailments , BUch as constipation , 1 indigestion. hard colds , bowel complaints - plaints , chills und f ver , bilious- .1 ness , headaches und other like complainto no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates Rnd regulates - ulates t11e liver , Ilssiots digestion , stimulates action of the Kidneys , , purifies the bloo , und purges the bowels of foul accunlUlatious. : It I cures liver complaint , indigestiont sour .JItomach , dizzincss , chills , rheumatic pains , sideache , backache - ache , kidney troubles , constipationl diarrh a , biliousuess , Riles , harn colds IlDd headache. EvC'y druggist - . I ' ' gist has 'l'bedford's Black-Draught m 25 cent packag'ls amI in mam- . molh size for 1.OO. Never accept 0. subsUtute. Insist on llaving the . original made by the Chattanoolll. ( . Medicine Company. A : i I believe Thedford's Black.DrAught Is the best medicine on earlh. It Is good lor any And evuythlng. I have . family of twelve children , and for four years I have kcpt thcm on foot and healthy with 110 doctor but Black. Draught. A. J. GREEN , lIIewllra , U. t . I . " , TRADt MARK1 DeSIGNS COPYRIGHTD & .c. AnJ'oDeeeDdID ! ( B .kl'lch nlld ! " qulc lr a.aCJl'talIi our Olllnlllll rn' " W lelhf'r 1111 luvuntlou I. probably )111111111111 > 1. . , ( 'unulllllllrll' tlouulrlctirCOntldentllll , IIAIIDIOOK ! ' . cull'lIlomt. .lIn fn'u. ( jldOfl 1I11'nCf lor ' " , cllrllllCIenl. . . . ' , 1'lIlenl. tlll"n ; thruullh MUlln " " ( ' 0 , ruCulvo 'pter'I' tlflctet , "lthou CIIlIf OI In tlm Sci ntifi Jlmel.ltan . ' A lIalHliorllel , IIhlltraletl W , , , . . . , < klf. T.Arll/.Ot / elr , , . . , cUhtI " .f 11111 ycl"tlllu Juurnlli. 'l'eru'I , U a ' ' : .IU'I rOllr 111011111. . fl. 1iu1t1 b ) ' IIIIIICW.l1clllvu. mUNr & CO D1U,03dwar. NeW York 1JU.uch UI11CII , " ' Ir' a. . . . Wubl\ljjlOllo JIJ. .