Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 14, 1903, Image 3

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.Funny ] lollllebllIter rrlclI to 10-01109\1
the Aplrovell 1\letboll. . II
Just ns the burglar W S tiptoeing to.
" 'm'll the dresser In thu room of the
tmburlmn homo the humorist In the
) lied o.woko nnd so.t up.
"Why , hetlo , there , Bm , " snll ) the
hUUlorlst In the bcd , cheerily , to the
bm'sJ\I" , who quickly Onshml his gtlm
in the fnce of the funny Individual.
"lIowaro you , pard , " replied the burg- .
Inr. enslly. "Didn't know you wns
.t\.wake. \ " '
"r i' "lIow'd you got In , 0111 man ? " easily
. . / Inquired the man In bed.
, "Ii'ront cellar door , " reptlcd the bun ; .
10.1' , calmly. "It wns something cns ' : '
"I'm nfrnld you won't 1\11(1 \ much do.
Ing hero to-night. chum , " Raid the flln.
ny householder , who 11/\11 relld of thlC
easy little nocturnnl dlalo ues with
burglars , nnd wns nlther enjo 'lng the
cxperlence. "I'm IH'etty nigh 1111 otIC
on the ough Iluestlon just now. ' 1'00
bad you hadn't Ilostponml you\ \ ' , t
Uti to.mol'I'OW nlght-to-l11orrow's 1111. , '
ny with me , nnd I'll hn0 ROll1ethlll1- I
111e ; : a couple of hunl1red In I11r jl'nl\ \
to.morrow night. I sho\11l1 think 'ou'd '
Iwep 0. kind of dope.bool ; : on thl'SlI
things , eh 7"
"Oh. thnt's nil right , mate , " I1n.
Bwered the burglnr. "No hlll'l11 dU1Il' ,
It Is too had I didn't walt till to'II101'-
row night , but , we've ot to tllle ; : n
chance on 10 ln out thnt Wll ' , "sec ,
I guess I'll mnlw expenses , IInyhow ,
befol'e to-night's over-I've got 81'\'ernl
plants to work yet In anothm' IlI'lghluJI'-
hood. So long. I c1m Hnd m ' wn ' Ol1t
atl right , IInd I'll pull the door to. "
"Good.b ' , " matey , " sll1l1 the hUl11or-
1st In bed. hugely enjoylng his own
ellse of nll1l1l1er under the ch'cull1-
stances. "Sorry I couldn't ha'e cOll1e
to the front with a little of the dulT to
belp you along. but you see how I'm
fixed. S'long-be oed , "
The burglar nodded , and pllssl ! out' '
of the room , down the stairs. anl1 out
of the honse. The humorist In bell
) . I
chuclled ; : softly , amI when he got UII
next 1I10rnh g he t0111 evel'ybod ' In the
Buburban town who would listen to
him of the easy-going llttle talk he hll(1 (
had with a burglar on the night before.
. That nlht : : the burglar clime bark to
the humorist's house with a pill , put
- the funny man under the gun , IInd
eased 111m of $21-1.75 aUlI his gold
atch find chain , without any , super-
fluous. conversation whatsoever.
These Inclden'ts do not always wind
up just ! ; < xactly In the munner pr
6crlbel1 by the screech-evo1cers In thu
\ tomlc : supplements.-Wfishlngton Po t
FarDler HUll to Do Dctecthe Work In
, I IxlnJ : the UIRIJIC.
"Seeln' them fire engines remlnl1s me
of the time my house burned severnl
t years ngo , " suld II. countryman the oth.
it er evening as he stood on Monro ! )
" street wntchlng the fire apparatus clat.
il"J tel' by. "For a long time there was
, . considerable mystery about the blaze ,
\ , nnd I wna about to accuse II. neighbor
! bf mine of settin' the pluce afire , be.
\t \ 'V ause I had kind 0' Blndled him In a
oss tmde. But he was liS Innocent as
. bab ' . I founl1 out later ,
, "I wolo ; : up one.nlght , and the smoke
'vas pOl1rln' tbrough the bouse. It
eemed to be comln' from upstalrs-
we hlld one of them big farm houses ,
tl you Imow-and I tumbled out 0' bed ,
J1 ami In about two jumps Illnl1ed nt the
f top of the stah'S. ' .rhe fial1lps WIIS
a-ragin' all along one side of the house
just undcr the caves and tlarln' u
i under the rafters , We had no way of
i fightln' tbe fire , and nIl we could de
i was to save a few things.
\1 \ "The Insurance company gave me D
: f pile 0' trouble , but tinally pllid me ,
They declarel1 the house was set afil'c
nnd I kind 0' thought so , too , but ]
wasn't n-goln' to say so. Well , sir
. , , , that thing set so on my mind that ]
, resolved to play Sherloclc Holmes an
' ( lnl1 out wlmt started the blaze.
't1 ; "Wmt do you suppose did It ? En
\ gUsh sparrows wns the cause of ml
lj losln' my homc-and nearly everythln
In It. There WfiS II. big shed near thE
house , and on the side that burne {
. . . first. I was stul1ylng how the firE
could bave been started under thl
caves when.I remembered the spur
TOWS had built II. lot of nests there. :
began tenrln' the nests out of the shed
nnd among the sticks and straws
found It lot of mp.tches. I remenibere (
then about droppln' II. box of matche
; n the 'ard , and when I found It mos
of the mntches , , 'n.q one. The ) JIrd
had carried them away and usel1 then
In building the nests. Of course I don'
know jtst , how the matches got fire
p- . but I am certain the , sparrows were t
blame tor burning the house dowr
hen I built 0. DCW house I fixed It s
hc only place a sparrow could I1lht 0
It wns on top or the roof. "
An Amicable AJl'coll1ent :
Ascum-I hear you and Slymlln ha"
reached an amicable agreement OV (
that little squabble you bnd.
Bull-Yes , we had a tulk to.duy.
Ascum.nd everythlng's 0.11 . rlgl
pow ?
Bull-Yes ; we are both a reed the
te Is a IInr.-Phliadelpbla Press.
, GooII Use Jhr HYllllotllit ,
Mesmerist's Wlfc---Ollrlosl
Mesmerist-WeB , dear ?
Mesmerist's WIc-1 wish you woul
, tome ] 101'e and tell bab ' be Is asleep.-
Letters AI'f ! ltovol'sClI.
In north Wales the Welsh word ! I
now" Is IIrwan. " In soutb Wales It
C\ , "rwan" spelt bnelcwartJs-vlz. , IInawr
These equal rights old girls look :
the editorials of pnp1' first when al
pno Is around , but when alone thl
turn to the love stories first ; the SI1D
, us I1ny other ) 'oung thing.
- - - - -
Pleasnnt Incidents OccurrluK the
Wol'ld Over-SayhlKs that Are Cheer-
CnJ to Old or YOlln&-l uuuy Sctec.
tlOUII that nTcrybOll , . WIn ItuJo , . .
III'm really worrll'd about Charllo , " I
said young : \rR. 'l'orllns. ; :
IIWhut's the trouhle ? " aRIell ; : her
IIAII my care seems to' have been In
vain. I w uIdn't let him Illn ' : : : elf for
fear he'd l't the r.olf pillow , n01' ping-
1I0n for feur he'd pt plngpolI ! , ; IIn.
Ide. "
"WI'Il , 110 has escupeel so fnr "
"Yl'H. Hut I II/wen't the henrt to
1If1lt him to Htop plll 'ln clmhl , evun If
It doeH lenll to his het'Omlng deformed. "
" ' \'hllt do 'uu 1I11'0n7"
"nt. IItlmltted to n'i' thot thp polter
hllmts , hi' Is getting arc extr1nel '
} lalnful.-\\"IIHhln/ton / Stnr.
The \ \ 1NowneIR ) ' ! ! ! '
LaW 'l'l'-.rhe 1I1'11I'strlan hils the law
on hl < ; sille.
Injured Illn-Yes : IInd the aut01l10-
blllst on hili bacl ; : .
The SUfCRtVa ) ' .
. .Tub'sonwouldn't slllml fOl' tl1at
If I weru 'ou. Wh ' don't 'ou call
him n liar ?
WlIgson-That's just whut I'll do.
whm'e Is ' ' ?
Where , 'Olll' telephone
The I1CKt He ouhl Uo.
Hotel Clerl-DII1 ; : you wulw up No.
Ii ?
Hell BoNo , I couldl\'t wal.e hlni
up , so I wolw up No. 7 Insteal1.
A 81 hlJcr ) ' Irolloslt' ,
"What were those hOl'rlblo thumps
I heard In the kitchen this 1110l'nlnl ; ? "
"Hush , George , not so loud. ' 1'ho
girls hud a dllnce In the Idtchen Illst
night and : \IlIrr soaped the 0001'-
Cle..elll1ll1 Plain Dealer.
StrclIlth Shown.
"Gl'IICIOUSIt'S. . Squlgglns must be
a strong , hellllhy wOllllln. "
"Nonsense , shu's un Invalhl. "
"I Imow : but she must be stron. . ; to
be IIble to sUl'\'I..e 1111 that nast . melU-
clnu she talws.-Baltlmore Relaid.
Sad Alternati ve.
"Statistics show , " said the amateUl
scientist , "that e..ery time you rL\\\
'our brua th somebody dies. "
"Perhlls , but If I didn't drav m
hreath the somebod ' who dIes In tl1a1
case woulll certainly be mel"-BaltJ. .
more Herall1.
- -
Ills nca on.
Pllrlshloner-Doctor , why don't ' 01
In'each occaslonallr on hea . . .en or hell' '
The Hev. Dr. I.stlI1alf my con
gre atloll feels sure of the one , 1111 (
half doesn't believe In the other.
Too HCBpectable.
, , _ _ . . I' . . , .I" . . . .
"YQu Sthe "I'e from New Yorl ; :
"Yes. "
"Arc they In the ' 400' ? "
"Ohl m ' , no : they're too respectnbJ
I , fOl' that ! "
Ada l'tclI to Flute.
"I. Ree that 'ou bave taken up t1 :
verUcal system of penmanship. WI ]
dlEl 'ou do tha ti"
"Oh , haven't you heard ? Why , '
are living In a tlat now-Kansas 011
Very Bracln" .
' .rhc old colored pllrson , rose In gr ,
tHIUe ! dl nlt . and Raid :
"Dellh hl'mhlahs , for de last t'\\ \
1II0nthti 'o' hllb bin droppln' suspend ,
hnttonR In de COlll'cUon. Now , It yo
ollly drop a pllir ob suspenders
would hI ! YCI' ' thullkful to yo' all , "
- -
I They Are , Indecll.
lll'lel'l'hls ' ' the write
_ H - - lIIlIJOI' sa 's
( If ! ltGIe'a \ : nO\'ols tale ; : IIfo enay.
\ M n . \ IlIt'I'tI don't doubt It. SOD
hl"lol'le,1 III\"els lire enough to k
Ir'I' j' 1.111' .
, . " < . 'lIrrlcd to ) ' ; xtremell.
Jll'OWl.1'hu t rellow J olles Is nlwa
nt nlllg to 1W : II hout something or otllt
11. ltohlm.m-1'hul'H , sn , lIe's even J
y : IIto / 1II1\l'I' ' II ; ; :1'1 : IH1med Sue.-CL
118 , , ' * \ ' $ . .Jourll:1I. . _ a- . . . . " . . . " , "
Physlclnn-I can't dlngl1oso YOUI'
wife's case at nl1. Sbo seems to bnvo
n sprnlnetl neele , lumbago In the back ,
rheumatic l < nees nnd aOllt : In both teet.
Wag les-1 know wbat It Is. She
WIIS relulln/t / In the co/y corner nnd
hllppenell to tall nsleep.-Smart Set.
Couhtn't Ihlnko IIlulo
Grocer-I'll h'o 'ou [ ) eentH a hl'ad
for thnt load of cahbnge , Uncle ,10sh.
Uncle .Joflh-I ain't ot no plctor uv
lIIe 1II111n' ( eun ' slch ltle1Cl' e1. that. I
kin It j Clnts ! lteo"n tew th' secgl\
fnelch'y , h'goRhl
Nl1turl1l I > clluctlon.
l d.thl'H. . , T c1 Is Inclined to 61rt 11
IIHtll' . hut his henrt Is 111 the right
Mn 'lIIl-hllleedl lIow long bas Ie
been In ' 011l' possession 7
WHhont CrcllIt ,
"All. mel" slJlwd the vl11aae : edltot
H he grnslled his trust ' scissors anll ,
heg-nn to edit the fl\nn \ ' colulUn , I
"woull1 thnt I might get my groccrles
ns I do , m ' jJleOhll'lIgo ( ; : News.
, Auxlou. . . Iuqulry.
lIss Ootrox-I wouldn't give much
(01' II IJI'opusal that'wlIsn't strnlght
frolll tile hOUl'to
lt. . Poorml1ll-lIow lUuch would you
bo wl11ln ; to glyo for 0110 thllt Wits ?
Sure Thlnl : '
lIh\s-r.llst ulght I drcame that .
wns wealth ' . Whllt's that a slgll 01'1
GllesIt's a sign thllt 'Oll awol. .
111111 found ) 'Ollt. plllO hud gone out.
An lnqulr ) ' .
Slllfldns-I sa ' , old lUnn , I have q
gl'Cllt Well-a burning thought , ns It
W01'e. ( t
mCkllls-IIa vo 'ou ot It Insur d ?
She lJehlell.
"Dill she help you' 'to ' propose ? "
"WeU , rllthel'l She asked how man )
hexes of clllld"duIa pay for nn e11l
gllgen imt l'lng/- , ' " \ , '
: ' < "
, New Bchel te.
"She mal1e sure of getting a seat OR
the cnr. " ' '
"Inl1eed ! "
"Yes. , She married the conductor.
Ur ) to Date.
l'ol11l1l'Xhe teacher sars you'rE
the 'worst adder he ever saw , Itn
you'd lIeyer get nlon .
BobhSa ' , you teU him he's old
fashioned. When I get big I'll USI
r an nddlng machine.
1\ra , . lJo "NeRr" AhlO.
Jaggies-Are these relatives of yourl
near or distant ?
" 'l1gg1es-.rhe ones that have moneJ
are Yer ' dlstant.eY York Times.
She cl1cvelillim.
Impy Cunlus-Of course I am Ilbern :
with m ' promises. But what I prom
Ise Is nothing Ilke what I wlll per
l\I1ss Gotrox-That's just what'l
making me cautl us. - Ba\tlmorl \
The l mhcm.
"Yes , I encouraged that young mm
to be an artist , " said the corpulent ma
"Did 'OU olTer to buy one of his pic
tures ? " aske l the friend.
"No , but I gaye him an old piece 0
slllt to malte IL big 'Windsor tie. "
Only Chance.
> "I have written dozens of nrtlcle
and neyer had one accepted , " slghel
the dlscomaged author.
"Write something on vaccination ,
ndvIsed the osom frlenel.
"Vaccination ? "
"Yes ; It might talee. "
1\ralple { onereuce.
"Sny , Harker , " began Van Alber
"my wlCe Insists thl1t I attend tlJ
sewing society with her to.nlght. Whv
Is the best thing to wear ? "
" 'Veal' car muffs , " advised the eJ
perlenced friend. .
So Man , . Do.
"Whqt Is all that excitement' up I
/ " the hotel , Rudolph ? "
"Why , 0. man just jUlUped- "
"Out of the window ? "
Ie "No ; they wouldn't mind that. I ]
jumped his board blll , "
Gettlnlt at the Fact. ,
Ie The Comedlan-"I hear the dramat
IY profession Is making rapid Rtrldes 01
west. "
: e The Tragedlan-"Yes , at times ; e
, y peclally when It Is necessary to su
render the right or way to an 11. .
proachlng train. "
Important l"art.
ro "I trust , " said the wnrd boss , "tIll
er wo wlll be able to 1'011 up . a hnndson
'II majority fOI' 'ou. "
"I don't whether '
I care It's handson
or not , " replied the candidate , "ju
so It's a majority. "
ra Got It Cheaply.
"Got a talllns ; : machine at homo ? "
"Yes. "
III "What did you pay for It ? " .
"Nothing. Married 1t.-TIt.Blts.
Not 1"lu 1I10I1e , . .
Y8 ll1ude-So she Ularrled and did we ]
r. Annie-Yes. She gets $25 a. wel
:0. : now. . ' . I
IS , Maude-Pin , money ? ' .
Annll-No ; n.UmonY..Ju i. . _
8ehraska Notes i '
DrunlnK und Geneva played the 61Sb
ban game.ot the senson at BrulIlng
yesterday , tbo scorc lJolnK Bruning 4 ,
Uencyu 2. . .
It , . It
Fifty heud ot line Hereford cattle.
were sold nt Wavno at pUbl1u aucUoll'
by W. N , Rogers , t McCook und'
olhers , nvern llIg $100 per head.
. . . . *
Dlshop Sel1nnel ot Omahn and sey-
eral prlest.s trom western Nebmslm ,
parishes held services In the Cath.
0110 churcb 11 Ogalullu this , week ,
. . . . .
W. L Lyon , copnty treusurer ot
Perkins coullty. . died at his home In
Grunt t.hls afternoon. lIe was HI but
three days. Cause ot deatl1 , menIn-
Itls. I
. . . . , .
ReT. . A. Ioser , ot Nebraska
City , opcued tLO.lw nty.el tJt.h sOIul-
IInnul con von lion of the Sout.h Platte
; : onCerenco 01' the Lutheran chUlch at
Yulan last oven I nlt wt.h 1sermOll ,
. . . . . . .
W. J. 0' Brien. deputy fish and
glmo : comllllssiner , Is at LOllp clt.y
with a car load ot 11sh and spawl1 ,
with which the waters ot Dead 11orso
creek Cobh clock and the Middle
1'1 ' sto'Ied.
Loup VOl' IIro being {
. . . . . . ,
' .rhe new city council were this
morning at Wayne , and grantcd 11- :
cense to thl'OO saloons at $1.000 oach'l
Mayor BrlttoD Instructed the mar. ,
shal to ordm' all slot 111uchl lies talen
out und they were rcmo\'ed at 01lce , '
. . . . . . . . . ,
Louis Bum ardner , an ex.bartend ,
er at Albion , who Is sulIerlng from IJ.
severe attacle of delirium tremcns
was placed In the county jail yester. :
day by sherl1r C1ul : , . II1s mind Is'
seriously airected and he Is In a crlt. ,
leal condition gellerally.
* . . *
Mrs. Dloadwick made a 1.1I11oon as ,
censlon at Geneva y.eslerdny afternoon
ut failed to make a parachute jump
as ad vertlsed , as the connection refused -
fused to acL She came to Lbo
groun wlth t.he \ > aloon near the fnlx
grounds , rccel vin no serIouS , hurt. .
. . . * *
Flro broke out ut 1 o'clocl' In
the ) j'llllor bllildlnl ! at Hartlnit.
ton , and before It was hrought
under control a loss of $15,000 was
sustained. with Insurance of about
two-tbirds ot this sum. ' 1'11e build'
Ing WIIS ono of the Urst ereoted hl
* * . .
Philip Durke ot Nehllwlm , was before -
fore tbe Board : : Jf Insanity at Platts
mouth , and pronounced a fit subjecl
for the asylum tor the inr"ane " In Lln
'coIn ' whel'e heVIIS taken by sherlfr J. .
, : D .McllrId . IIls st p.fathet , Join
I ; , LOberg and John BIOllson and JoIn
'Lawrence were witnesses.
. . . . . . .
The'soolor ' class of , the high schoo
at Wymoro and a few friends wel'1
I 'entertained ' last n1l.tht In the nm orJ
lof Misses Gertrude Wt1cox , Ann :
NoresRuby 'femplo , all of whom nI'l
seniors. Dancing und amos wQrl
'the amusemeuts IInd nlco reCrcsh
( ments were ser\"ecl. ' 1'ho chnperow
were , Misses c'nrrle Philips , Ohrlst1 !
Philbrick and Cart'lo Noyes , '
. . . . f\ , ,
Superintendent and Mrs , W. k
Fmvlel' , of Lincoln , came to Kearn'e :
last n I h t stopplug n t the home 0
Superintendent and 1\Irs , ' 1'holl1as
Superintendent Fowler spent , tllo en
tire d:1Y Inspl clillg the city schools
\Yestorr1ay \ afternoon he was drl vel
, 'to ' the ! 'oposed slto of tbe westel'l
normal. Last I1I ht the seulor cl s
the teachers of the cl ty schools ani
the Doard of Education 1II0t Supel
intendent Ii'owler lit the 'Mldwa
hotel. where II banquet , was hel
Principal Geor e J. N. Dr )
den , Frank lIartzoll , Superlnten
ent Fowler responded to toasts.
to . . .
Tt e body of Wm. McClellan , t\J \
brld e worl\lnall 'who was Idlled I
t IJlattslllouth ahout six weels ng <
was found ill the MissQI rl river nO !
MlnervlIlu yestordJly. . ' 1'he body WI
Identilled by a relative pf 'McClelln
who wont down tUero from this clt
l'l1e funeral will occur at. Rule , t1
former hOllle of t.ho deceased. ? It I
OIo11an's death wu's I'asued by t1
ral1i ng ot the massl ve tra veIN use
In the construct Ion worle on the n
nurlln ton hrlc1le , 'rhe fuet that II
ellorts o 1 the art. of relatives to IIr
the bol1y had IlI'oven I'rlllLiess , le I
the bellot that the cOI'pse was umbel
ded in the sanll ; , t t.11C hottom of tl
river , ne r wherl , Lho uIeldent : 0
I * * II
A t the la t Inletl ) n or tIle boa :
of education Pror. I' : , D. B'm hal
walii electell prlrH'lpal or t.he ! : iYIIICU
shoo1. ; Pror. Ball hart IIIIS sOllt
his uccpptarH'e 1rllJ \ with ull thlJ II
corps or te/lCherH / uxcept' two wi
were not uppllcunts will constltu
the teaohlng force fur the cnruh
) 'e\f. \ ProfessQr HUIljthart has bel
the science te/lcller / In the Hllstin
hl h school , Superintendent W. I
II' Delzell who rcsl ncl1 : lI\st. II1Qnth
f ilecept a much liettcr , paying poslU
frollh : the z.ebraska 'fcI ( liers'wllll .
) ' - ' '
Inpis 'Iiow wor JUo'9 I ,
to " . . , I , ' " . _ . , , , " . '
\ . . . j , . . , , ' " \ r I ; 1 . " . , F
- ,
. ' .1IC8t1 tlte OUtlAW PIUtky SOrt of Lu4a
-Details Stilt oC Uadolar
\VlIshI ugt.on , Muy G.-Unofficial reJ
portacelved nt the war department
Rlvo additional detalts ot tbo oam.
palgn which resulted In the death , . '
"General" , Sun 11111luel aud the \ \ J
rout at bls : band at outlnws by 'hi
1)11111 pplno scouts commnnded by
Llcutenants Nlckersun und Reese.
' 1'he scouts locnted San MI ue1'8
band ubent halt way bel ween Ualcooan
nnd 'MI11'IQ.ulnll , Inu 9lron 1y forti lied
corml und blockhouse built hy the
S ' ' and wClU
panlal'ds ninny 'enrs nRO so
concealed b ' the jungle that it hnd1
escaped dlscovbrv. Lleutenunts Nick ,
CI'Son and Heese , and their men mlldn
II Rallllllt nttack on this stronRho1d'
under a very hea v ' lire trom' lhe
enemy throu h loopholes In the 1111
&urroundln blocldlOlIse. The scouts
chnr ed o\'er the wall and CnltaRed
the enemy In 11 hllnd to 111111 < ] combat ,
' 1 vlnK them Int.o the fort. In I his ,
: , assnult Lleulenanl Heese'IIS shotJ
'throllgh the : thllth just , below the I
Rroln San MOJ.tIlOI , surrounded . .yl
'a ' devoled bl'dy ullrd of about thlrtyl
: lI1ell , ulldert.ook to stlp throuh' ! lhe
Illnc , hilt IJCln cllscovl'red put up a\ \
'plllcly I'unnln n ht. T.Jlelltonllntl
: Nlclterson with IUteen men atlnckedl
an MI uel's parly but withheld'
l1)elr IIro IIntll within short I'nnJ.te,1
Iwhen lhe ' Pllt three bllllets tJhroll hl .1
San MI lIel's body. ! : illn Mllzllol died'
nruely , shooting while Iylllg on the !
1roul1d : wOllndod. '
Six of his bodYltllnrd Were Itllle ( ] . <
! rhe remaInder escapcdln the dense !
Jnllgle.rl'hc tI ht lasted abollt nnl
hour and 1\ half , the A merlcans losIng -
Ing t lace killed an t.on011I1 < 10 < 1 ,
Including I"lelltenant : net se.r.rho
encmy lost forty dead thlJt werc ,
ountec1 nu < J the j lingle conconled
other 1I11el1 ; : nnd wOllnded. No
) rISOnOlS were talen. Muny valuable
apers were 1'0llnd on the bodies of
I ho dead IInd wcre said to co\1t.llln \ ovl.
( lenc ! } a lIlnst seveml promlnont
'Jl1Ictalslu I the provlliFe.
Loralu , 0" MIIY'fo the funerall
t Miss AgaLha Helchl1n , mnrdexe
tH're ll'dday morning lit the parsonll o
tlf St . , Toseph's Cathedral Catholic
rlnirl'h , was largely IJttenc1ed today.
I 1'ho scrvlces were eOlldlicted by
1'athl'l' Helchlln , asslsled II ) ' .
visiting' IH'lcsts. At the concills lonl
of th services the remains '
lace' ! nlolmllll1 eicctl'lo fUlleral car
nd tuken to the Catholic
it Etyrlll COl' IntermCnt ) ,
rhl' tletectlves : were hard at work
on the l'ase today elldcllvorln to
\'erlfy ropol'ts to tbo elIett thllt two
. II1nn I\'ere seen on the nl ht of the
mlllder < : lIrl'ylng a ladder near the
_ tear of the' parsonage. The omcers
. nre also 1 \'estl al1n the report
that : two resl .euces Ileal' the fielchtln
omo \ Vero'Islted on the 1I1ght be.
fOIe the IIlmcpr hy htlr lll's : who
\Vere \ frl htened , awny , Detectlvo
Kllhrlde of 0lcvelllm1. cxpressps the
beller that it will he Impossible to
prove that li'alhrrVnl , > er committed
the crime. It is gen"rally belloved
lhat unless some : uldilionul e"idellce
ngalnsL Irather Walser Is obtaIned he
wIll be released
"If Farhel' Wulsnr was t.Q ha\ '
his preliminary hearlm ! right here
In my 01111 e now and I had to use the
\'ldenco L 1I0W ha0 In my posses.
Sion u\.Iulust \ the m:1n : , In my judgment -
ment I think I should let him o
\Vas \ the remark made by Mayor lJhi
to ay whell asked what he tlltmght
of Father Walser's nllt.
Coroner French , Chl f Braman
: nul ! ) lOsecutor Slroup held IJ. ltk
vlow. ,
IJrosecuting attorney Stronr
IJtated today thl1t In his opinion the
uvldence at han : ! \Vns not sunkient
to warrant holc1ln 1'uther ! WUlSCl' t <
tlppear bctore the rand jury. ITO\ '
ever , said ho ) the ol1lcors I1l'e work ,
, _ Ing upon the case alon the IInc
which they I1re } c'ppillJt fcerel
at this time and developements maJ
'result before the Inquest tornoI1'o\\ \ '
Wood River , Ncb. . Mav -Dennl :
lUoore , formel'ly of Wood m vcr , ane
la son of Anthony MOCIO. of this city
IVas sand-ba loted and robbed a
Poeatello , Idaho .1 hur5dlY. ! llii
skull was crushed by bloW3 he rccelv.
ed and It Is thought that ho has bu
a smatl chance to roco\'er. 11e . .1) a :
been moved to St , Joseph hospital a
Salt Lake. 'wo sllsplclous character
have been arrestd by the Pocatel1
pollco and ha ye been charged wIt
the crt me. although the evldl'nce I
nu : considered stron a all15t them
iDcnnl9 Moore lott Wood , River abou
Ix yeurs a o and hils slnco been rui1
roadln in Idaho ,
rt Mead. Nob. , MnyHolcom
rr A I1derson , a Swedsh ( farlllcr , fiet )
111 lVO years ! lId , JI\'ln thlee mllc
10 orth\Vest of M'adhullir himself n
t ,111 , eurly hOUl' this moruln , In th
1 mrn on his farm , Lito was cxtlnc
an , the hody was discovered bu
he boy was yet warm. D"ath wa
. : aused by stran ulatlon , as tbo 10\ '
II r part ot the body was lyln on t11
JQ ( lour. At this wdUnK no cl1use fc
10. ) : he act has been learned. 'l'bo , . COI ,
bner was notified.
, . t , .In
, l.
: J . , ' 1 .
'TJ AlIls lr 8 tJ1NA\V liMES 0 _
VlltOlNIA ( JOAn I
' . , '
-.c l : : ; : : . . -
. . .
. . ' -
Ufnbofttll Lo"eroll , nnt Ontl Ocoupled n1'l
Ftrt tll1lmlllClthAturr Lolt-Uamtlloa
SUlfa. . Dut Mluor JomA' ; _
. .
\ : = - - : : : - . . " - ' " : "
Nortollc ) Va. , Mny O.-A COlUSIO
nt seu tl1l\t oost the Uvos ot' twenty
I r mal'O people and tlie sinking , 0
Olydo steam .hlp Sa lna\V by tho'
Old Dominion Steamship company' .
liner HamlltoD , occurred between ;
Wlnler Quarter lIghtship nnd .1""ou. " ,
vlolc Islnnd 1Iithtship on the Virgin' ' .
mst , at 4:40 : , o'clook this morn. ,
'U ' .
. 'rho llamllton lert Now York yes' ;
terday atternoon nt 3 O'OIOCK to
! Nortolk Iini'J the Si1ldnaw passed ou"
the Vlr lnla capes at { ) o'oloolc , lnstl
I1I ht bound from Ulchmond am )
\Nortolk \ tor .1hlladolpbla , A donslI
'o ' settled alonl { the coast shortl , .
utter nhlhtCall , and while Raina !
'through thlq fog nt' rerlucod speed
the IIalllllton crnsbo 1 Into the Sa 11
n \v's sldo abont twenty teot ort the
9horo and between 186 and 200 mll
Bouth of Now York Bud between ' 1
nud 1IO'mlles north ot Nortollc.
' 1'ho ro whlstlo ot both VCSSD
wore I heard by enoll other tor several
nlllutcs botore thecolllsion : ooourrcd.
: Accordln to Ouptaln Doaz ot thll !
Hnmlltoll his ship wns mnklnr.t nbnull ,
nine miles un hour , nnd tbo SlIglnllW'
Ilbout ten ,
i r.rbe fog was 80 thielc 'that ' objeots a
! ! hlp's length were tnvlslble , amt.
( when the two cmUs bove io slg\.1t \ oC
Ioaco ether , bow on , there was bat a
'moment's Interim notora they met"
I'rhe Sa lnaw vessel \'cered , ns did
the IInmllt.oll . , but they had not tlm.
'td clear each other and tbo kntro-
! 111\0 steel prow f the southbound
, 'cssel strucle t.he Olydo sl1l p on the
port quarter about twenty fcot : from
) Jer stern , cuttlnl ! ' the entire rear of
the ship away. The In.rusblnR wate.
'causud ' the Saginaw to scWo rapldl ,
, In tile stern and the hqpetus of tbl
Iammon took her out at slJtht at tbe
crippled vessol. Enj.llnes nlrondy reversed -
! versed wore put at tutl steam to tbll
, .roar nnd tUo IIamlltoo olroled to tbe
ceoo ot the wreck , at the sarno time
[ low\r1nK two lite boats. There wai
J fonsternatlon amoog the passengers
, ot the Old Dominion sblp aDd tbe
, 'Orst ; thnuAht was for I their satety ,
bJt : : M soon ns It wns dlsoovered tba'
the ship was unlnj'Hed , save tbat
Borne bow plates wcro steve In. nU
I elTorts were directed to the rcscuo oi
these on the St1 lnnw.
'II ' When the Suitinaw wns agnln
I I hted her ster-n was un or wate'
f.nd bcr bow WaS bl h In the atr.
. I anlc.strlcken people rusbed over ber
decks and scrambled toward the bow.
Ij Ite buuts wore lowered , nnd Into tbe
Urst IIrteen colored women were
placcd , accorcllog to Seoond OI cel
W L , Morris , wbn wns in oommand. '
The bent was swamped a5 It struck
thO' wnter and Its ocoupants wora
thrown Into the sea. All were
drowned save the second onlcer nd
the colored steward < ! ss. 'rbe Ialtoll
died tJetorc tbe smnll boat renchod
the nm lton , more trom Injuries
eoel ved by the Impaot of the colli. .
'Ion than by dlOwnln . She had becQ
held up by First Mate Goslee , who
ank hlmselt as tbsmnll boat trolD
the Hamilton roacbed them.
In the tllenntlmo the rush 01
waters Into the bow ot tho' Sa lnnVII
hnd cnused the dcokn to 'Jurst from
tbelr fastenings with n ronr 111eo thIS
report or big linns nnd tees ot trohlh'
or a11 descrlptloos soon Uttered tb
sea. To rlontln wreckaKe tbo stru"
lIllg peoplu In tbo water clun wlt
desporatlon nnd many at thorn worq
rescued by the boats from the Hnm
13etore the lite boats of tbe
ton bad reacbed the Saginaw tl1e latter .
tor had dlsappenred beDeutb tb
'waves and nothing but her topmas
, were visible. TC'I these several meq
wore cllnRlng , on of whom was tbq
, nged captain , .T. S. Tunnel. When bq
Iwas taken off It was fouod that hq
bad sU l1red severe IntornalloJurleS4
Leper nunnlng at Large ,
St. Louis , May a.-DonI { GOOI { , th ,
ObInes lepef , who bas been In clos
conUnell1ent at quarantlno , nbout twq
b 'ml1 s below Jefferson Unrrncks , fOil
, tllo past yonI' and'a half , has esoaped" ,
IS : Dr , Woodrulr , superintendent ot th
t.j . quarantlno hospital , nt oooe oIdere
01 u search tor tbo danHerous patlontl
: tJ who Is stlIlut largo.
t ) Dooe Gong's condition has DO
aterlallY cbanged since bls 0strt\1 :
lei Ism trom soolety , und be Is too daD4
Ir erous n pntlont tJ ! bo at larue.
[ \I .
, ' " '
f' \ j
, . _ ,
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