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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1903)
. . It ' , , tJ I " . . . . = " - - - " Uuter ooautJ RepibUoan I , . . M. .Aftl'BIIJUL'f : , EDITOR , " rtJJUtSIlEJ ( , - , - , " . . . .nOKEN DOW , , . , . NJCDRASIU _ _ _ _ . . . . . . ' . . v J . I ' . The darkest day must end nt , Jr , ot cnr1ler. , The wife ot England's chief pawn. "rolter hns Just bl'enJ received at CO\lrt. \ ou cnn't Ieep n10ney down. - This Is II. hard , hnrd world One Is laretl1"'d ' 'ne shoveling 8now betore It is tlmo t sharpen up the Inwn mower. I . , .1" \ " " _ Spain would like to raise the Maine In order to nsccrlnlll the caURO oC the xploslon. DettQr let leQplng dogs' Ill' . , , ' Dr.1 Smith my GQlllrreo hn8 opened khe qucstlon ot Czolgos1.'s snnlty. It 18 dtmcult to see what dlfferQllco It mnl'Q8 DOW. nctonn reporta progrQSS In Afghnn. 8tn'n. Any husbnnd down there have lng more thnn tour wh'QS Is now guilt. } ' of a double lIre I The St. Loul8 got.rlch'qulck nllin 'Who carelQs81y l ft $2.JQOOO where the courts could gQt 1I08l1esslon ot It must hnvo 1wen 11. new hnnd nt the bU8lness. Tll0 design on the new Philippine coln'ls the tlgure of nn nthletlc young womnn with n raised hlllJllJlQr In her ! land and nn n11\11 by her sldQ , It I ought to mnl.e 11. hit. The PQr cnpltn clrculntlon of mOlley , In this countr. } ' 011 Murch 1 WIHI 2f1'l1 , the , highest on record. I.Ot8 or us bo perfectly willing , howe\'Qr , o knock . err the torty-one CQlltS. , And then on turtller reflectloll , OCSI1't thut Buffalo ulfulr cause 0110 to teel somewhnt grnteful to Dr. Shrady tor "Ivlng us such encouraging vItnl Eta.t Stlcs regarding tlw "smnrt set ? " If the dodl wrote a book whnt \Vould be the chnrnctcr ot It ? Wh ' , 1t VOUhl bo 1n praise of'Irtue , because he good would purchase It for use nud he wIcked for ostentation. Smart evil. , L TIle good t.hnt lIelll' . } ' Wnrd Beecher Id llvelll1fter him. It w1ll go on Ih'- ng when the very J11\1UQS of lilH de- trllct ra are forgotten. Let men take Jhls t 8S01 to heart , for It Is the come- ileat 11esaou learned In mnny n dny. The Cubans have < 11scovercd whnt i\.mericaus hnve long ) euown , thut rail- tvays 'make business. The hend of the 'ostoffice Department nnnounced re- hntI that the postnl receipts hnd oubled slnep the op mlng of the mil. vay through the center of the Island. Not long ago a phyalclan who applied , for ilia positIon of nsslstnnt sUl'geon \ n the nav ' was rejected because he ns so big thnt ho could not squeeze hrough , the hl1tchwn ' of a torpedo oat. 'No"r one sees wh. } ' the .Nav. } ' J jepnrtment Is building bigger and bigger - ger vessels. Mary' E , WllklnB.Il'l'ee1UlllI's latest oolt Is entItled "Six ' .rrees. ' 'rhls BUg- ests a plan whereby It may become 'ery enry , to find nnmes for new nov- Is. ! I.'here cnn bo "Ii'our Postholes , " 'Flvo Halnspout8. " " 1'cn Cowtracks , " btc. , nd lib. Authors who need nnmes tor new novels should not overloolt Wis &ilmplo & process. \ ' ! ComlnemorntIon , of the , 'Ictorles of ar Is now to be supplemented hy elebrntlons of arbltrntlol1 triumphs , If South American exn111plo be 1'ollow- , . Rio do Jnnelro has just CQlcb1'llt. d the anniversary of the settlement hy rbltrntlon of tile bou1Hlllry dlsputo ctween Brazil nnd the Argcntlne ne. ubl1e" . ! rhe cntrovers ( ' wus decided In favor of Brazil. The lines of de- arcatIon , thus paclficnlly estnbllsh. d , wrlto II. story ot selt.restrnlnt , con. plUatlon and 4onor. No boundal'lcs Jlxed by an unjust wnr could bo mUlle to ree rd any such tale of rIghteous. ness and forbcnmnce. ' It Is customar. } ' to reter to college tudcnts as "men. " Columbia Unl- \varsity \ hns offered recent proof thnt hey "aro but children of a larger rowth. " The which hns been n the zoologlcnl depnrtment died lnte. y of pneumonia. . 'l'he fisli wns the . only ono ot Its kind In the country. orcfore an Important personnge. When news cnme of the death of the sh , a committee of tile students at neo applied to the authorities for. 11. ) lollday to nttend the tunernl , As the wits not a trustee , the request had to : bo denied. . , , \ Twenty-three New York policemen ! ately took an examination before the ! lvIJ Service Board 1'o , promotion to ftbe rank ot ln8pccot : : I'pur only were lJIuccessful , although , ll' passed the hysical testa and all hnd good records. crsons who do not believe In civil service retorm orten cite aSes of this ldnd as nn illustration .If the tut11lty ot the la.w. They nrgue thnt men who are sound physically and have mnde d records In subordll1llte position I uo just the ones 'Who deserve promo- on. To answer this argument the 1 Ziew York Evening Post printed all P1e Questlol1.ll In the cxnmlnntlon. e1'1' one related InUn1lltel. } ' to the ode an IWlpoctor has to do. It wns general Inte1l1g nce and an underi i tan UnK : of the duties they wished to um. - , , that the nineteen policemen jtalled. . , ' , . When Oeorge Gould missed his paerth-bound connection In Il'lorfda he II" Bet .t leeraph to the limited tore - , . 1 : ' C , - , I ] r. - turn anel pick up hlft PRl't-PllrtlYt lerhnpfl , bccn l1e 110 , did not own th rOlld. On t.he contrnry , he pnld $ lli ( ) ( } for a f1) ! ( clnl truln nllel started In pur. suit. ThufJ wo 1I1n. } ' note the dla'er'nco hetween O\or e 11I(1 Mrs. Vnnllerltllt , between 11. huslness mlln and Il HOl'I't3' womnn. And yet Gcor e's ItnRlncI'1 ! I wnM most prcRshlK ; he hnd n dlnn'r ( ' 11jag01t1Q1tt In New York IIncI fUllrl'el the fish would Slloll Iterore hl' ' ' ' ' ' ( ' . Here agnlh we 1IIny lenrl1 11 ! I 'Ilon III the pUllctillous obser\'fince oC nllPolllt mQntIJ. Whnt Is n Inure mntter flC $1. liOO whell oPPoRed to a prom I ! ! ! ! to dillo at 11. stlpull1ted hOllr ? Some oC Uti thC'ro may be who would cut out 11111111'11 Co ; , olx months In conslemtloll ( oC Hurh I Slim , hut the Irhtclille rJ1 ,0Ino1. LOll U8 give crc.'tllt to Gcorll' , who hl1H tnught us to regnrd our nrlpollltn1C'IIIH ntHl not to wOlllld the Cel'lIn H of II trusting nnd sQnsltl\'o hostellll. Sir Hiram 1\nxlm , the 11 \'lIt01' 1 , 11m b'oll at ronte Cnrlo sltlll 'lng thl ! gnll1Q. lIow lI1uch It rest hlll1 to St" cure a proller nptrQclll tloll or It cn- ) llIclty Cor lootln ! ; SllclWI'S ! locsn't " 11' peur. But he ! lees sn ' thn t I hQ odd ! ! 111 this lI1an11uoth nll1bllll Iwll lire 1Jf ) ' cellt - the " ' . Is It ' pel' ag-nln8t Jllu."m' UII wOllder thnt n prl\'ute ra\'e."IIl'11 Is necessnry to cnre for the hollt' ! ! oC the poor tools who 11In'0 111l1'sued fOI'tune/ lost nud died by their own haud ! ! , 111 this nrdcn spot , where IIl1turo fcel H to hldo traged. } ' wltil flowers. son birds' find II1m08t perpetual sunshine' ! The mnll who gambles Is enel'llll. } ' u tool. He mn. } ' mnlte a luclcy win. 110 mny evell pull mOlley out oC Il glllll' bllng hI'li nnd be strong enough to stop , but where oue can do thnt , tlm thousnnd go bnck and 11.1'0 shorll. The amo Is Cor the hOllse. Pl'OCesslonnl gamhlers are not phllllnthropists. ' 1'he ' nre not In bushlQS8 for their lwn1th. Why shou(1n't ) ! L gambler be as 111uch ot 11. vamplrc as posslblo ? lIe cau't enter society. In tbe estlll1l1t1on ot the clelln pnrt ot the pu llc he stunds 011 the sn111e footlll ; ; with the cI'ook. ' Mothers of SOU8 pra. } ' that their chll dren may not Cali Illto his clutches. : Even the men who patronize him would reCuse to allow their wives and dnughters to Imow , Then why not be a vampire ? There Is nothing decent In the business except mone ' , nml It 11\ no wonder thnt the game Is ahva 's tor tl1 ( ) propl'letor. As a l'esult of his : Investlgntlons , Hiram Maxim sa.'s the only way to bellt the bnnk Is not to ramble at nll. And there lliram spolw the truUl. ! I.'hls edltorlnl Is bulld d about n baby , It wns not a laughing , crow. ' Ing baby. It cried. A Wun womnn' "mothered it" ahd It still cried. All night , I s the trl1ln rolled on. that ple'rd Ing. nerve-racking " , nil filled the cllr , ' alld people who had paid good money' ' for II. chnnce to slcep were very angryj nnd wondered "why thnt eel woman' didn't , leave her bllby nt h0111e. " In' the morning two men. who had slept' ' IIttlQ , assembled In the smoltlng npnrt- ' ment nud snld hnrsh things , that theYI didn't l'enll. } ' menn. about baby amI : bilby's 111other. All but one , a fine old 111l1n who snlt1 his name WIlS HeffelJ 1In or. who told this story : "When the OIyll " 'm' WIIS on a great 111nny veter. ' ans were mnrchlng nlong Grnnt's mlll- , tary.road nenr Pet rsburg. An 011I. cer's wife snt In n window with n baby In her nr111S. An old soldier wentl to the window nnd said , 'l\ndam , ma.1 I hold thnt bnb. } ' a minute ? ' Shej hnnded the child to him and the soldlQr beg\111 to cry , lIe hlldn't seen a rnzor In six monnls. and he clU'etullr Iclssed ! the bnck of the child's neck. Another , soldier nnd l111othel' , Wllnted to hold , the bnb. } ' for an Instant. Then , a shou went up , 'bab.1 a bllb.'I' nnd men running by hundrQds , and they wer cry'lng. God bless 'ou , how tho. } ' 'Wero' ' crying I AmI un officer wns compelled' ' to order the men bnck , and to tnko' ' bab ' to Its motlll'r. I was there , II cded. nnd to this dny I'm proud thatj the hardships of war do not , can not ! take trom the humnn heart thnt love' ' for ehlldrQn tl1 .t Is the divinest pns- slon mnn Imows. The cryIng of the : baby lnst night dldn't worry 111e. I didn't let It. I never do. I was thel ; only sorry ' tor the mother , and be- CLilSe 'the child was ailing. " The : gro\tchlest man In the lot snid not a word. but he reached over ImpuIslvel. } ' nnd grllspoel the hnnd of the mnn who cried on Grant's mllltnry rondo 'heI mnn who keeps love frQsh In his henrt" I who puts a bit of philosophy Into his dallr lite , doesn't suffer annoyance when he Is traveling. lie doesn't let things worry him. And the other kind' of men , who tret nnd growl and , grumble , might rend the baby storyll and be sorry for the things that cnn. not be h lped when we travel. No Dlvlltoml , No BatRry. The directors In German compnnles get 110 sulnrlC' ! ! unless the annunl dlvl , dend excQeds four per cent. , I\nd tho. limit the ' may receive Is $13.000 n yenr The .Iaw forbids the mannger ot a com1 pnny beht a niember of Its boardi Detailed statement must bo llrlnted tor. stocl.holders prior to ( l stockholdQl's,1 meeting. I o8H Oil Tolcl : l'uph System. Great Brltnln's government t'Jegrnph system Is being conducted ut a oss. Inl the lust six 'enrs the exp ndlture8 hnvl { bccn Increasing more rapIlIl. } ' In proportion - tion tIlalt the recelp . The figures to 1000.01 were : necelpts , ! 8,380,5S8 ; ex- } ) endlt1l1'cB , ! 3,65-t,705. ' .rhe expenditure. howoyer , Includes the outh1y for 110\V Iln . OUqHlt " "UI Good. Firty mJ11lon gallons of petroleum "feTe llroduced In Burmn nnd ASIIU1I1' last year. ! ' ! If a man b < < 8 a kl k c inlng , nnd dOl'S not eet It Inside of n week , he saJ'sl nothlnar. , . - , - - - . . - . - . . . - - . . . - . . . DOCTOR ENS'OR SUPT. SOUT" CAftOLINA SlATE INSTITUTION. . - Endorses the , Catarrhal Tonic"na. . A ( Jngressman's Letter. . Dr. J. F , En or , Pos.tmnlltf'r or Colum- Mn , S. 0. , IRto Supprilltl'ndent nnd Pby- lclAn In hnrJe or Stnte lll nne As'luUl at ColumbiA , S. C. , wrltl' ! ! : i "Aller using your Perunn mysclf { or" slJort period , and my family hav- 'Ing USM and arc now using tllo same , with good results , nl1d UpOll tlJe II- formatloD of olherM wlJo bl:1'.o been bcncfJIcd byI as a cure ro1" ' ClltSrr , and an Invigorating tonlft , ; ( .an crlcer- fully recommelld to a" ; , crsolls re- , qulrlngso effective rlJlnedy. " . . .Dr. J. F. Bnllor. I lIon. C. W. Butts. ex.\Jemhcr : of Con. re9s Crom North Dnkotn , . III a leller , from 'Vsshlnltton D. C. , IIn's : , "That Perunn Is not enl ' vJ.rous ! : , Ins well .a nn < 'fCectlvl ! tonic , but , ,1so n cure of catnrrh Is heyonll contro"ersy. lIt Is nlrendy < 'stnbllsherl hy Its \HIe hv Itho' thoullnlldll who hllve been 1Jt'llcfitril , IJ , It. I cllnnot too hllllIy ccprc : < s my , nppreclntlon of Its c'xcellence.C , W. IButts , , Dr. R. Robbins , Muskogee , I. T. , I writes : "Perunn Is the hest medicine I know oC tor cOllghslnd to strengthen n wenk IItomn'JI nnd to "Ive Rlllletite. Beside prescrIbing It Cor cntnrrh. 1 hnvo ordered It for wenk nnd delJlIitllted pc > o\le \ , nnd haTe not hnd a pntlent but said It helped him. It Is nn excellent medlclnc nnd It 110 many cnses. "I have Il Inrjt ( ' prnctlce , nnd have a chance to prt'Rcrlbe your Perun" . I , bope YOI1 mny live long to do Iood to the sick 1\1Id aurrerln . " , Only the weak need 1tonic. . Peoplc nro nOTr.r weak except CrolD 110me good caulle. One of the ob cnrlJ en uses of \Veakne ll nnd the one oftenest overlooked - looked Is cntarrh. Oatarrh Inflnmes the mucons 1I1'm- brnne nnd cnulles the blood plnsma to ( 'scapo throug" the mUCOIIII membrl\nc , In the form of 1I1UCUII. 1'hls , dbl ! hargc lof mucus Is the snme os the loss of blood. lIt producea wellkllellil. . . . P'runo stops the cntarrh and prevents the dischnr e ot mnCU1 ! . This 19 why Perunn Is , coiled n tonic. Perunll docs not Slv ( ' strength by stlmulotlng the nervoull system 0 lit tIe. It glvcs strength by preserving the mucous membrnne ngnlnst leokoge. It gives strength by converting the blooll flnld'fJ end preventing their drain. In IIway In mllCOll8 dlschnrltes , 00n9tnnt IIIIHtlng , end blowing the nell ( ' will finnlly produce extreme wcnk- nesll Crom the losll of TUuens. If you do not derive prompt nnd sotls. fnctor ) ' results Cram the use oC Peruno" write nt once to Dr. llortmnn. giving a full ! otatement of your cae ! , 111111 he will be plen8cl1 to give ) 'ou his vnluable nd- , 'Ice Itratls. Addr'ss Dr. Hartmnn , President or : Tlw llarlmnn Sonltnrlum , ColulJ1bus , 0 , W. L. Dou llUl mILkes nod seU" moro men' . Goodyear welt Ihnnd.sewl'd processl shoe. th"n any o'her nu\nurlLctnreZ' In the world. " ' 1111",1.1 < : lonnyonn "bo $26 I 000 Reward " " " dl.p'c. . . . . . . hlutalpment Ma.d o ! It. .llmJ'Orll"1 , . "I 4 ' ' 1erl. ' ' ' ' 'e..1'e' ' " Two hundred thousand dollars lJas heen appropriated by the Louisiana Purchue ExpositIon to pov r the expenses of tbe International Oon- ureSSCR that will nS'1emblo In St. Louis. September 10.25 , 11)04. ) 'rhe Oon ress ot Arts and Sciences w111 have one definite task : T , ) demon- htrnte the unity or Icnowled e , nnd tllU:1 : bring harmony and Interrelation - tion Into the scattered sclentlf1c work of the present duy. Leading s holars from nIl ever the world will rlell vcr leotures before the Oongresi ! Robins are hero drink Hires Rootbcer The srs81eat aprln" " , tonlr- . A pnck.eo mnku live gal. Ion. , Holtl overy'bere. or by lIIali tor 2.1 CHIlli. rUlIlI.JllII. : lIlRES to. , > > . , . . . . . J' . . WESTIRN CAN'ADA . , HAS FREE HOMES FOR MILLIONS I Upwardl or 1OO Am.rI _ .0.1 1Ia,0 settled Inh.t.m ( ) a"d. . 1'- durlnlr the lut lUre. Tbe , &N Iii : IiII " ! oontoutedJh.pPl and prOpera. , . , J ! and tbereuroonutllUormllllo" , , " . W.nd.rtlll Jt ld. or Wh. al\.t UJ ! oth.r IIral" . . Ueet Oradoll Laodt ( - the OonUn..t. : .tal..IUce. . . . ellin.te. ple..t , or w"ter an4 tu I , Oood " "hoo1. & 1..lIe..t . oharch. . and Ipl..dlo ! rallwa , tactIlUee. Free Homestead f 160 AcresJ FreB . Olllt chllflle belns $11) for OIItrr. Ballo ! to the 0110..10 tor an All. . IUld other llIlfatnr. . eo "en _ or canl'oale.aldnJ ' 011 reduo' " rail. . . , rat. . . etol , ' aperlllt.lld. " , or lmml.aUo" , Otta. . . . Can. . or tr WJV. n.II" t , 311 New York Life Dlda. . Omaha N.b the aut40rlud 06l1adtaG OonrllIDutlI I THfRE IS NO WEll ; SLICKER LlU = ' I r"orly or 90 Md fter w.ny Ytar t of U on the 1Z tem CO t. Tower' . WoW f Oilltd CooU were Intro .Jced I in the W t end mre aJled Ider _ by : t1vz plOMer nd COf1boy Th1 o.J > hlc , rwne hM come Into 3Uclrcl \ we' toot it i fr h " 'r f oWUqd to many ) Ututf You wont th . Look or the i2fof \ tlvl fih , t\d thtl Tcwer 011M buttoru. . , I 11H IILACI : yw'oW.AII ) "OLD 'Oy RrJ1Re fNTATrve. TRADf : ' 11ie WORLD OVtR. III i ; : , owu ( o..IOSTON.HA : : LA. . .TOItR UlUtwt CGlWtt4TMII'IfIIJ : ' , CAN , , A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forevel DR. T , Y'F.I.1X 001ll1l.tlO'8 OIIlF.NTA ( ) ) u.U.I , OK J&AQlUAI , UrAU1'U'UU. : : nomon.T.n.l'lmpl""ecllh .5 0 " ' : J Wotb I'ald. . . . lI..b alld fill .cn . dIM. . . . . and n.r ) blo"llh. 04 CI uIY. and don . . 0 1I.I.dlon , U II . . ' ' .too\ the tr.t or ; j . . f'f..too . . . . . ro : .551' -a - . ; : : J. : uano ' . . a. . . . . < 1 . . . . I. . . : g , I " ' O tONo.ur.ltlop" : : ) : : , -err almll.r " .m.\I1r. A , 1101 r. . . .10. to \Id ) or th. baltt' " " ' \ . ' " , U l' ' lal"\I.o' \ \ _ , 11't' < ' 01IJ _ nd . ' 0. . and' . en. . . . . & & t . . 10' " I..rmrul .r I I _ . ' . . . . . . \t. UO. . . . tJk1A . " hrll&le propaJ , .1 ' " . . .I1DI"II & 1' qQ.o4I J > MonlA 'lal U. a. . C&aaU.e . . . . * "I _ _ .I.aD. ' 1' . Wlr . h9p..l1eraa J _ " o1 ! : . T , " , I' ' I : 'l'bl. rand stand ereoted for tbose wbo vlewod the display or fireworksl ut the dedication Oeremnnles at thel LouisIana Purcbase Exposl tlon at St. 1 Louis , is tbe ] argest , wltb one exception - ception ever built. 'rho cxceptlon Is , the grand stand buJlt In London tOf ! the uronatlon ceremonies or En -I land's ruler , Edward VlII. ' : t'he Stt LOllis stand hus a seatlDg capacity otl 31,000. It Is 800 teet long and 185 teet broud. The lun'ber In tbe structure - ture alone cost $20OOLI. 'rhe aoblevements , hfstory and possibilities In the science and industries - tries uf ngrioulture are to recol ve ex- teDsl ve trelltmen t and display at tbe. Universal Exposition at St. Lluls In , , 1004. .rho Exposition authorities hl1ve given tbo vnrious materials , In- , dustrles aod I pursuits whiob are to ; be Included , or implled , undur the bcadlug Agriculture , such as Lheory , or Agrlculture { applian es and metb- ods used I n agricultural ndustries ; agrIcultural iU1plements and farm machlnory ; fann equlpments ; methods - , ods ut Improving lands ; agrloultural' I procnctsl vegetables cereals , etc. . al lendln plaou In the classillciltion.j 'The space duvoted to agrlculturo , covers 65 acreS on a commf.ndlng site. , A quarter ur a million dollnrs bas been set nSlde by libe Louisiana Pur- ohase Exposition tor the use of the Live StocK Department. Ohlef F.D. Ooburn nnd his asilstnnts ! have ac- compJlshed mucb , aod are already u' sured thut tbo live stock display at St. Louis will exceed that made ab any previous exposition. Thirty. seven aores at boautUully wooded land Is devo' ed to the 11 vo stock ox. exhibIt , and fine pavllllon6 , stablesl etc" ure boln erected. A LAST RESORT. Pnrc F00l1 8honlr1 ne the Fll'd , "rhen the humnn machine goes wrona It's ten to olle thnt th tro\1ble began with the ston1nch n11l1 can therefore b rt'\I1ovcd b ) ' the use or proper food. .A lad ) ' well blOwn In Bristol , Oatarh CO\1nty , N , Y. , tells or the experience sh4 hnll cllrln hl'r on I ) ' child by the use 01 scientific Coed : " r ) ' little dnughter , tb4 ollly ch lid RlIII Cor thnt reason doublJ del\r , Inht'rltcd nen'OIlB Ilys11cpsln. 'V4 trhxl nil klnlls oC remedies nnd seCt foods At Inst , when Iatlence wns nbout ex housted nnd the child's condition hal irown so bad Ole whole fomlly wn : . nrollsell , we tried Grnle.Nllt . " "A Crlend roconnnendrd ihe food Il' L enc which her own delicate children hOI jrovu stronj ; upon. BO I purchased i I box-lis n Inst ref > ort. In a very shor : time a mnrked cllnnge In both henlt : : Itnd disposition was aeen , What mad ' 0 onr coso eltflY wnR that ehe liked It II , once nUll Ita crlsl ) , nutty ( Javor hll8 mad J It an Imml'dlate fnvorlte with the mOl 1. raPltldlo\1s In our family , ' ' . be thoroughly etal r : 'It. nse seems to . ! 1I"lled In western New York , , . , here man 11' friends Ult It rerularly. I ban notice Itl fine effecta upon the Intellectl 8a we I : ; \ as the bodies of the.e who U8e It. W .we It much. " Nume clven by Poatul Qo" - - DatU , Oreek - , MIcl1 , - - - - . . . . , , ' , . , , + + + + 'H + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ' G00D 5bot3totie ! $ + * + + -1. + + + + + + + + + + + + # + + -1 , + + -1 + 10 . . . . . - - - - - - A certain parson of the old school , I\'ho hnd preached Il sel'mon of the IIn. est , oldCllshloned tin VOl' , nCtm' deplor- ; big the new'1'1ngled doctrines of l ome Df his you1\ger IJrethm'ou-eJecllllly ; tbo Ideas C"l the hell ven alll\ other bl8torlc pln ( 's wblch they Inculcated lu their discourses-wound UII llls OW11 dl8eourso by sll 'lng : "As Co l' me , brethren , the hell of our fnthel'S is good enough for 111e. " Senntor Fornlwr docs not cnre much rOl' soclet. } . , hut ot course , ho Is : Jbllged to attcml mnny functions durIng - Ing the season lit Wushlngton , D. 1'ho other evening he WIIS helll'd to glvc the following order to hl8 coach- 011111 : "Drive us to Senator --13 ' to dinner , then cnll IInd tnlce1S to Urs.'s recQptlon. At twclve cull for us to go to the - embll8Sr , I1nd nfter thnt tnlt ( ! us to the 1111111- IJOuse. " When a colol'ed wnlter , dubbed "Snowbnll , " .nccldcntlllly spilled some soup on II Southern represontatln ! whom ho wns scrvlng , thO wrath of I the Congl'essmnn lmew no bou11(18. After - . ter a long scolding , the InC\11'lnted Southerner roared : "Snowball. J'ou hnve scalded a man who mllY bo Pl'es- Ident of the Unltl'd Stlltes. " now- ball's face relaxed , and two glQllmln ; ; l'OWS of IvorIes came Into promlncnce. "Lawd. mlstnh , " 8I1.Id he. "when 'ou gets to be President I reclwn I'll be Gawd. " A story Is told of a pastor or n smnll New En laltl town who WQnt to New York nnd returned to his hOl1le wIth the \dea \ thnt he hnd SQen about nll there was to see. When he wus asked b ' one of his trusted frlelHls If he bud studied tho. gambling dens Ilnd gnmbled himself. he hesltnt1ngl ' confessed that he hnd. "Whel'ct' queried his nstonlshed friend. "Well. ' 0\1 see It was this way. I went down to the BowQr ' and found ono of them gamblin' mil chines. And , woulll 'ou , bellevo It , I just stood tl1ere and 1'lsI ed ponnles In thnt mnchlno till the gU1\1 'wouldn't come an. } ' morQ. " , An amusing story Is told of Lally Barlwr's first dinner-party nt Imla. Desirous of hl vlng a prett ' tablQ , Lady nrker had hersQlf expended much cnre. In decorating It. She had just cceI'\'ed from Emope certllin dnlllt ) . 'chlna figures nnd ornnmental dishes. nnd had nrranged a tempting show of SWQetmQnts. 'flowers nnd fl'ult. When dressing tl111e came , Lady llal'ker chnrged her servants to be on the . watch nnd take care of ever .thlng : but something of Interest occurred outside - side ' servnnt left the ' , an eve 1'Oom , p\1lte forgetting to close an open win- 1I0w. Before this wIndow wns ' 1Illg tree on which sat several. monJe 's. which hnll wntched the prepal'l\tlonll tor dinner with much Interest. A hnlf hour later the hostess al1peared r.cady to recel\'e her ucsts. .Tust to be sure thnt ever .thlnJ ; was rIght , she n ve a glance Into the There she beheld a bus ' company of monlw.'s hard nt worl { , grinning and jnbbQrlng. their che l s nnd arms crammed - med with expenslve'sweetmcuts , while the table presented scene of ( l'h ht- ful devastntlon-brolen glass and chinn , fall' linen soiled. everything tossed. about In hopeless confu810n. Ii'rom this wreck she h\d : to turn nsldo end welcome her gUQsts with as 1I1nch case ot mnnner us possible. Dlmtcr , or course , had to be deferred until or. 'lor could b res orQd. THE S : COND TROMBONE. A lUuslclnu's Trick thllt Unit Vcry Lu. dlcrous Couscqucuccfl. dl'ummel' who There Is a Pblladelphla Is known as a lc1nd-heurted al1d obllg , Ing 111an , alwurs ready to do a favor If h can. Lutel. } ' , howe\'e1' , he hud au experience wblch mny make him cautious - tious , or at lenst may Influence him to consider more carefully whether or not his kindness Is wisely bestowed. lIe tells the story hlmsQlf to a reporter tot the PhlladelJhla } Telegraph. While I WIIS In 0 small clt . not long I nso a concert company which cnrrlel ] Its own orchestra put up at the hotQ ] where I wes stu.'lug. Among tbe musicians " , ns 11 trombone-pla.'er whe 'Was Il trlend and neighbor of mine II : PhlladQlphln. I saw him soon utter hlf I arrl\'cl , IInd he hnd such a very wobe , gone loolt that I asked him what the mntter was. , "To tell the truth. Jim , " he snld , "I'm In a lot of trouble , I'm engnged to II youn lady In this town , and I 1'I1thel foollsbly promised to spend th even , Ing with her , thinking I could get D substitute to pIny for me , but ther ( Isn't It trombonist In town. " "Too bndl" snld I , Ills tnce IIghtet up suddenly. "Why , Jim , " he snld , "you can hell mo out ! You're muslcal- " "But I don't Imow the first thlnf , I1bout a trombone , " I Interrupted. "Oh , thnt won't mntter , " ho said ' lightly. ' ' 1 pln ' second trombone , nnl nll you will hnve to do Is o fo11o" the movements of the first trombone purr out your cheeks und IteepOUI eyes on the music. I'd do liS much tot fOu. " "All right , " I said , "Go nlong. 1'1 do my best. " I Imow n little about music : thnt Is CRn bat out a few things 6\1 \ the 'plnno but as soon as I took my plnce In tlu orchestra I telt awkwnrd with n trom bone. ! I.'he first number on the pro gram was It selection from " 1'he Bo hemlan Girl , " and I was sCllred blu when I SRW that "Tho Henrt Bowel bowu" was ed f tw. trem I. \ . . . - " , - . hones. I wanted to run , but thCl" wns no ( 'hl111ce. Then the leader mad. n pnss nt me with bls bnton , and ! ot rel1d ' . So did the first trombone. ! Ill' lntfCell out his clleeks , So did I ; The HI1dcr mllcIe I\nother \ pnss with the hnton , nnllill obNIIence I worked n\\'n on the trombone. Tlw first trombo11e- I did the SCl111e. But neither 0 f us PlO- cIuced 1so 111 111. I could see thnt the leuder wn8 boll1l1 , with rn e. SO WIIS I-n alnst the tll.t I trombone. Cor I fQIt sure thnt It he hllll I 11011e his cIut . I could hl\\'e plnyed the second IInrt. But tlw lendel' qulcl ly plIssed the word , nml " 1'he Il ll1't . " . : . Dewed Down" was cut out. , At the close of the concert the m 's'r j/I tery wns explnlned ; we were both "dummies. " 'ho fI1'st tromhone IIlso . hnd IIn ongnge111ent , utilI hnd fucceelle hI getting ns a' substitute bnrber , who WIIS Inslruct d to follow HI ( ) other tl'om. bone. Stru1Ige to 81\ ) ' , the 1\11I11encc ! llel not Il'culve this , but the lender did , I\tHl although he sllill nothing to u . he nllule It vel'y Ut1l1lensnnt the next du. } ' for both the reguln1' pln 'e1's. . - - LOVE FOUND A WAY. 1'ouoI : 'Vomnn Flnnl- Got lIeI' Flowers - ers to B\ncluunr. There Is a sn 'lng thnt "Lo\'e will find a way , " but whethel' the wny Is nlwn 's a good one seems a lIttl , doubtful. On one ot the tmlns 1'\11Inln11 between Innsas CU. } ' nnd St. Louis h , u 'oung 1l1'elllUl1 llllmed lllncl mnr. Sometimes , sn 's tIle Kansas CIt , . Journal , he Is compelled to stop eye ! In Kansas Ct ) ' , and when se\'eral da ' 1 pts8etl : 1111(1 he failed to put In nn np. . lIl'al'nnCe the mistress of the bonrdln8 house IIsltcd nbout him. "lte's In the hospital , " said the mn who runs the Q1llne und rides In th. cnh with lllacimtar. "Down In the , \ railroad hospltul , 'ou know. " Of COU1'se every ono sighed and wnlb , cd an cxplnnatlon , I " 'Veil " the ' "he's , englneel' begnn , gel a swccthenrt , and she prQSentcd hill with a bouquet , and tilO bouquet l1ll . the rest. ( J "IInlf way across the state , just oult. side of { oberly , the girl used to stu1Il b. } ' her tence nnd wn0 bel' sunbonuc ! ut him. 'rhat wns In the spring. 11 the summer , when the gardQn bllcl { 01 the fence began to bloom , the girl uset to 111nke bouquets , und when the t1'l1 h'I . ! ' f'PClJ . she used to throw tbem nt tb , engine cab , Of course she IIIWa)1 mls ed. but she ltept on tr 'lng. "It seems , to hurt 'o\mg laclnnar tJ ha YC the posies crushed uuder th , wheels , amI one Sunday , when he weIX culling on her , they fIxed up a pIau. " 1'he l1ext da. } ' , when the train weI. by. the girl had her bouquet fastencl to a long fIshing-pole. She thrust It the 1110\'lng train , but she wus a lItUl too slow. ' "Tho ne. t dny she was there agul.1 with bQr fishing-pole bouque .hoie ) nnd this time she guve a vigorous pus\J \ : Youug luckmar wns In the cab win. clew , with his mouth on a brond grh\ WeB , he caught the bouquet , fish-polt , nml nIl. and she waved him a trluml phnl1t That's all thQre Is tQ , that. " . . - . "Caught the bouquQt how ? " nsked th , boarders. "Squnre In the mouth. We tool { hl111 bacl down to : ' , { oberly to the hospltn1 on the lwxt traw , with half his chQ'I , IJttncbed out. " "I suppose tIte wedding bells wlq soon be chiming ? " said a romantic llttl widow. "Wel1 , If they nln't , they ought to be , He's 110 beauty , I doubt If there' another glt'l In l\IoberJ ' would have hlw 110W. " Glont-Grn1l11ma' l > rcscl'lptloIlB. ' .rhe "grnndmotlwr remedy" Is not aI , I WI1.'S a thing to laugh at , Cor somCf . . . times It cures ; but sometimes , too , th matter or the mnnnor of It see111S tq wnl'rant 11. s111lle. ns In the case o thes ! ' " health hints , Which , says th . . ' I Phllndelphla Record , were written Iq a Camlly DIble eighty years ago by I the great-grandmother of the prQsenj owncr ot the DIble : A stick. of brimstone worn In th , poclect Is oed tor them as hns cramps ; , A loadstoan put In the plnce war1 the pnln Is , Is beautfful for the Rheul mntlz. A bnsln of water gruel , with half 1'\ \ qunrt of old rum In It. with lots o 1'1 1 brown sugar Is good for Cold In lIend1 If you hnve hiccups. pinch one o . your wrIsts while you count sixty 01 ; get somebody to scare ; ) 'OU and mak . I you jumpe. The eara hc-Put onion In yo r Qat after It Is well roasted. I ! I.'he consumption-Eat as mnny peR. nuts as possible betore going to bed , "GolllJ : Downl" , , ' The late Colonel Parker ot Ohlcngo , 011e of the most Important figures Iq A1l1Qrlcnn edueatfon. used to tell the I story of an experience ho once hR when be was vlslUng n pUblic schoot In Ohlcago. A little Scotch boy Insisted upor ) \ Sn.'in'g "d on' Instead ot "down. ' ! Flnnlly Colonel Parker Interrupte and shouted "Downl" In n good,8trong , voice. 'J'be , little Scot stooll undisturbed , bu 11. youngster In the roar of the rool'l jumped to his feet , renched out hl hand mechanically , nnd then snt down , J with 11. confusQd look and a red fnce. "Well. my boy , " said Colonel Parker , " 'ou must be a football enthuslnst. " "No , sir , I ain't. I run do elevnt I down to Morrison's. " 111:1 : Tics Or.\Vuts. .An el1tm'llrlslnc dral1er In New Yorlt emplo.'s an assistant who is par. tlcularl. } ' expert In 111'I..tngluC cruvats ) . I' . ht the most tashlonnble shapes , Thr - asslstl\nt a ttQnds weddings aud holp" ) the bridegroom and best man to proll. l ( crly adjust tht\lr tlcs for 10 &u pl ; - clous an occaalon. ,