Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 14, 1903, Image 1
' ' - - < " " " _ . " " . . . ' . ' " . . . . ' . . . . . . , . . " . " ; . . . . . , 'l'"V , ' ' ' ' -qIIIIIII' ; ' " " ' " ' . ' . . . . ' " ' " ' " " < " ' ' . " " ? . ' " r' . " , , \ ' , ; ( . , ' .1'/ . ' . \ . " 'It. , , , H" " , . , . " " 1. 'y.'f1"y.T' . : ' ' ' ' ' " "I"l"i'I , .ff f. . , ' ' " ' . , \ ' : ' " , " , ' . . i , . . . ' l' , , ' . . " \ " , " 'J.r , : ; . , , ' /J ( L\btM\t\\\ \ society . 8\1\\0 1Ull\ , , . . ' ' l . ' ' " ' . U8TER' " OUNTY : EPUBLICAJ. ' . ' . : ' . , , , . : . ' " . r . . , " . . ] SfJ'ABI4ISHED 1882. 'L'IIE OFFICIA L PAPE1 01i' CUS'l'EH COtlN'I'Y. T-4A l Gl S'l' CI1 CUJ-4A'l'ION OF ANY PAPER IN 'l'HE COUNTY. . ' - , . ) = = . . . , . _ , , ' - - - - - - . ' : r " ' - VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MAY 14 , 1903.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.48. . . . - . \ t . . . . , . . ' I r ' ( ' ! I , Always rleady ! . " T.'I ' ' . : .t oun t' P ens. . . : . i 8 ; ) ll'lI tl'ollhlcs llislI\lpCnl' \ . . \ \ hl-II yult cl fIJlllllnill : \ 1 \ \ll'lI \ Ihal fiuils'OItI'llIntl , ' II ! . . ' ' ' . . II' ' 1' ' f 'j'l Il'll' I. . 1101 I II ; gl\\ ' HI mudl " 'nli fncllllll 119 IIUt' , I to of IIlIr ] 11'11" Ihlll 111'\1'1' . . o fuil \ tJH. hiltI rilc with- ' . ' , 0111 'Illy "halill } 01' elJa . ' " , III ! , ' 1'1' } 1I : S : u C , I : , ' . t" $2.50 to $3.50 'j ( 'arh , nlll1 WI' glluralliec : i tilt. } WII by re I III' 11 it g tI c I \lJOIIC \ ) ' or l'xchnllg1llg II if 1101 pll'USI'll. , } tAd $ \ ) & : ! I 'I _ V ' . r . : . . . ' . eve . ' . \ hid' ' ] J l J , S C00 I \ 1 I ) )00S , I - ' ; . .t 'I' ! " i < . r- " I ahlets , . . . . ; : \t. \ ! r _ \ ' . .Ift : } \ . ! \ , -ANn- : < -h , , . . . . . . ' . .1\.e. . t'\ . 1 < ) School , Supp1ies , ; . . . . . " . : F . / , . , I i , -t'Y' : I < / . . . L - ' " " 1' - . t , fj J J. G. Haeberle's. r " 1 _ .wIllQ _ ' . ( ; I t . . I ; . . j ) , i ij Plt - . . - . - - . . - . . \t \ : \ . . f .rl 1C M est I ntcrcstmg :1 : j g.hOllk thai a 1111111 call penle ! is his 4\ \ \ 8 0\\11 hallk hook , ) ) l'CIHls ! ) UpOIl S R himIf wht'llIl'l' I hi' ligllll" ; alcl 1 l , > uliMudol'\ . 11.11. Ii Ihe 1111I111'0 : 8 is dl'posih-d with. Ihc 8 Custer .N ational Bank , t'\l'rylhillJ4 j.oss.ihle is dOllc hy thc N lIIullngemclll 10 make thclII so , S R Id IIH lakl' carl' of YOllr mOllCY , 8 t ! H. LOMAX , Cashier. J .r.r.h : it _ j lw ; ot cc f } ( at j l ! r ! \ ' , \ Laughlin ' ; ; ; fountain . 1 Pent ' 1 t I. . I.I I . .00 \ I . f\ SUPEnJon TO OTIIIR : MAKES AT $ : : J 1'1It' I.nuehtin 110llnta\11 \ * \ I'en Iluliler Iii lIIule of 1m. . J".i. , . et ' 11114111) ' hilhl luhlJr , i ' 'fi't" tittt'll wllh gradt , . : ' " htl\hesl \ JarvI. ' Sift. IU. . . KII < I 1n. 1 . " . . 01 , jll ) ' , lelre(1 ' " (111.1 hu IIIe ollly t1clfect \ , lecllllll : d'iQ Kllowa , l'IIII-r KI'I , richly Kold 1II0ullle < l. f < > r \lle.elllntlon \ I'IIt'PO-eq , $1 Wexlra , ull'ly ) 'CJII w l1 1101 be able In ' , eCllle an'thln/ / , Ihrtetlmu lloe price thnt will I\'e slIch conllnuou. lllclUuretad _ elvice , for Side by , i H. A. WATTS , The Fancy Stationer , ! Illude UeRlcr. 111\11 \ MIOll SUllpl ) ' Inll. l' 0 , Slor , lJfllkeu Uow , Neb , , . ' , , , . . , . - . . ' . . . . ' " [ = : i : : : : : . . " " , . - Cha . B. O\'edon of nerw .tI , i , made thi onicc a friendly . \'ISit Saturday. ' .II W. Ri ce of 1 CSi kindly \'orclt this ot1 ce wi t h a friendly call Satul'Ilay. , Dad f Walworth , W iB aUlong- ' the welcome calter at thiB on cr Saturday. Prof. Uarlich went to Ma on , City Welincsdaj' . Uloming tp loole aftcr thc Mason Cit I " \ ' hand , , I , , Mm. li'rank ! tn Hast- i ing's thh m01'l1ing :11111 : expects to i he gone a' wcek 01' ten l1ay . l . W. WilkinF. i ha\'ing his . drug' store papcrcIl , which 1ivcs it a mnch bettcr appcU'ancc. : PI'csidentVm. . 1 . Scull , D. D. . will occupth putpit at the U. H , chui'chncxt Sunt ay e\'cning. ' Samuel \Veaver , ' Sr. , an old rcsidcn t 0 f..thc vicinity of , Mason City , ltied yestcnlay c\'cning at 1\Iason. IT. A. Shcnuan of Sarg'cnt , called Saturday and had his namc I cnrollcd on our subscription list I Saturday. , 13. 11' . Wigglc , rcpresented thc A. O. U. W. lodge of Callaway at the scssion of the GrandLodgc at Grand .Island this wcelt. Dr. l . B. Mullins and wife lcft 'rllc'daj' moruing' for a pleasure trip o the Pacilic coast. 'L'hcy cxpect to retur1 ! in about thirty da ) ' , . , ' " J"Ii' . Brechbuhl of nselmo , was a delcgate to thc A. O. U. W. Grand T4ol1gc heM .at Grand Island this week. He wcnt down l omlay. . _ Mikc Scanlon is arranging to ha\'c , his rcstaurant building moved to the corner lot onli'ollrth aycnue , Opl ) site I artin's . i m- hj" iit I cnt store. \ J. G. Brcnixer wcnt to Omaha 'I'ltl'sday. Hc will \'Isit WOOlI- bine Iowa beforc he rctu1'l1S to see thc sirt' and dam of enc of . his Ii IH' short horn hit I1s. 'I'he IICW U. B , church at Cus- lpj' Cl'ntcr will he dedicatcd Sunday - day , 1\la \ ' 17 , Rl'Dr. . W. g. Scull , president of the York College - lege , will preach at , to:30 : a. m. N. H. IIouse of Oconto , had the distinction of representing the youngest lodge in the Grand T.OIlge of the A. O. 11. W. thi ! " week. 'j'hc Oc nto lodge was orga.llized on' the 7th .of May , with 53 memhcrs. ' Cor.TINS-J OlINsoN-On F'riday , May S , by He\ ' . . P. Morris , ill this city : Ir. Henning Co11ins was unitcd in marriage With Miss I' mma Co Jollnson , both of the contracting partic's are from Cohurg. 'l'hey wi\1 \ makc their homc at that place. 'I'hc Federal COlt rts hI\'c en- joinl hoth th ( ' cmployers and striken of Omaha from' intcrfer- ing with each ther ! ? rightg and prohihiting one from iutimilat- ugor in any way molesting thL' oth'r from peacefully looldng' : tricr tlwir own aITtirs. 'l'he apparatuR for the Baraca J ite1' lrj' and g"ymuaxium cluh has arri\'el1. 'I'he \ building re- ccntly vacated hy l yerson's Grocery - cery ston ; . has bcen securcd for tcmpol'an' Iluartcrs and work will non-he commcnccll to pnt it in shape for occupancy. Secretary Hoyse of the State Banking Board and family were passengers of a . & 1\1. train that collided with a frcight three miles southwest of J4incotn yestcrday aftern on. 'l'te ! engi- nN'r on the passcnger traltl was killpd and the condnctor hadl ) ' injurcd. li'ortunately no pas- f'ngcrs were hurt. Mr. Horse \vas returning with his family from .A 11 1m rn where the latte'r had heen visitin . Anoth r CURtl'r conl1t/ citizen htq gotl ( . into tilt. ' h : llong'bnsi - 11l'RH. 'l'h is ti me it is Di ahfOOt - rufr of Gcorgl'town. 'l'hc hank is lueatl'd at It dtly\'ille under the IlIn1 : ( ' of ttw 1 ltdy\'ille State Bank. Artklt , ' ! ; ( If incorporution werc liil'tl with the state banking hoard at r-4incotn'1'hursdav May7. 'l'he namC ! ; of the inc rporators are DiahVooflrufT , L. l . Bronson amI Maggie Bronsou. 'l'he capi" tal stock hr$5OOO.00. . . , , ' ) . . . \ . . , . . , , ' . " , . . ' " ; , . . , ' \ , ' " , ' , \ - ; ' " . . . ' " - ' i , " : _ ; iilf ; i' " : A. ! .t.I. ' , - C.V. . Beat went to 1-41l1Coln 'ruesday morning. Andrew went to I..incotn , 'l'ucsltaj' m01'nil1 ' to talw l1w State gxuninatton : of Phara- mac ) ' . ti' . 1 , Vanantwcrp went to Fre- mout 'l'uc\llav ! to'isil hi son who i _ at 1l'l lli ng t hc ti'rc1l10nt Normal , 'l'he A. O. U. W hetd its stat cOI1\'cntioU at Graul I land tltiR wcck. 'l'hc cot1\'cutiou convened ' 'l'ucstlay. It' . g. 'I'aylor aud U. 1 . Bangs 'wcnt to I.iitcoln 'l'uestlaY morning - ing to attend the Photographers ! , Statc Colt\'cntion. U. r . 'Ward has lcasclt his lh'- erj' hl : rn toV. . A. ' 1'oole ) ' and on. lIc has bought the Savage .li\'rey harn at Sargent. Mi li'anni Dralcc dulg'hter of n. B. Drakc , rctnrll d , to l-4incolu 'l'uesllay mornin1 { when she is attending - tending thc tatc Univcr : it.Y' A meeting- the stock growers - ers a sociation was held at Alliance - liance this weck fdr , thrce days. 'l'hc session con\'encd Monday. R W.BucknerH.\V.George and Judge HeeRe , went to li'reemont Ncb. 'I'uesday morning to attend the G. A. H. . tate eucuupment. D. M. Amgherry wcnt to Crand Ialld 'l'ucsday morning as a , delcgate to thc A. O. U.V. . Gra d 'Lodge , returning this morning. A hea.r down pOUl' of rain is relortcd'in the vicinit.of . Sar- gent thc lirst of the week from. . . which considcrable damage to. reps and cella was sustaincd. , A. H. Humphrcv rcturncd from Iowa SUlUlay niglit. He reports jtis mother's hcalth considcrably unproved whcn ha left. Mrs. Humphrcy rcmained to help care for 11er mother. 'rhc opcn air concert given last Saturday e\'en tlg in the Park by t hc hand was patroltged. , by a large crowd. All the young pcople were there and not a few of ttH' oli1 , r OIH' . 'I'h ( ' hO\'H . pia ) ' \\tclf and the , cllt rtainllle lt WlR : greatly enjoyed. G.V. . Smith of Marshaltbwn , Iowa , spcnt sc\'cral days in the citj' last weck in connection with the deal fr his property here. We l1t1l1'r t:1IIIl that atisfactory arrangcmcllts werc madc which cnablcd him to consumatc the eal that was announccd somc weeks ag-o with r. l\IcComas. He l'ft for Iowa Monday. 'rhe llaltist l ecord , that has hccn publish cd at. IIumestol' Iowa for sc\'eral ycars by Saddler Brothers has been moved to Pclla lowa , where the publicatIOn wi\1 \ he continucd ululer the same man- agcment. 'l'hc Saddle Brothers ha\'e purchased the Chronicle , the only cnglish local papcr published - ed lt1 Pclla , which they will run in connection with the BaptiRt l ecoft. 'S : n. OSh l'I1e , 1I1C senior me m- her of the linn of Osborn & : John- ' ; on , puhlishers of the West T-4iberty Enterprisc of 'Vest 14ihcrty , Iowa , arr'ed iil thc city last Saturday morning to spcnd a fl'w ( la ) ' \'iRiting his parents : llld . man ) " fricl\t of thiH community - munity where he grew into man- hood. Bent 1001es the peach of health wh ich would indicate that the new H paper work :11111 : 1 the atmosph ere of tnc Hawk eyc L climatc agrees with him. ' ! 'hosc who hought trees this spring of the Crete Nurscr ) ' will I no doubt be intercsted to know that their representati\'e li'rank G. Stevens witt come to Bl'Olcen Bow about June 1st to call on e\'er ) ' customer in theCOUl1tj' { hat has hought trees of the Crete Nurser ) ' to ec how thc ) ' arc suc- cl'clling and to render all possihle : t ! , ; i tance in the wa \ ' of ad vicc anll helpful sugges'tions. Mr. . te\'cns has dClllonstmted hi faith in Custercounty hyopening' up a farm of ,180 aerl'S and lh expects - pects to talce a pcrmancnt in- tl'fe in the horticultul'aldcvclop. .nlt'nt of the conntl"J' . His fn' " q tll'lt t \ ' si ts will he a grea t hel p to the ; e growing fruit anll thosl' who cont\'Hnptate ptulting" : frttit trt l' will Ii lilt it to thcit. intercHt to heM their onle\ \ ' ! ; for hilll ' that they ilia ) ' ha\'e hitlnahlc , assistance - sistance in gettingan orchard : t started. 'L'he day has come when fruit can be 1rown in Custer county and a fcw years of care- : . fut planting an culture will prove it. , , , I . . . .Iir ! lf.J' , , . . : t. . .w : di , : " Samuel Samuelson of Arnotd at- tendcd the A. O. U. W. Grand 140dge thi week as a delegate. i 'l'h llrolcen , Bow Band gavc their lint concert Saturday \'en. ing iu the city park. 'L'hose who failed to hea it misselt SOIllC vcry linc music. Sce progl'aml' in this is ! > u ( ' for Sahmtay cvcning' May . lth. Supt. li'owler and wifc'isitcd the schools at Kearncy last weck and were banqueted in thc evcn- ing by the citizens of Kearne ) ' . ' 1'0111 Majors has he en iuvitclt to deliver the oration ou decoration dny at Ord. 'l'hc ) ' are hoth on th locating normal school hoard. J. L. Wi11il1ns : , who for the past eight years has resided a few milcs w st of town has sold his farm and in a few days will start bark to Inditnna : in a wagon , He will tal < e with him several head of horses as u matter of speculation. Mr. Williams in- f rms us that hc will return to the old homc with S2000 morc money than he brougl t with him , but he thinks he can do still better with his money in the oil dis- tricts. " " " - . . BUSINESS POINTERS. 3 3 J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf Stamp Photo's at Bangs' Studio. , 29-tf UealJtlltecl 'Vltll tile , , 'ork. . Not enl ) ' he au ti ful whcn finished - ed , but profitable to one \vho will devotc a litUe tunc to burning for those who do not carc to do thc work thctm elves. Call and select the d'sign you wish and I will ijnish it for ) 'ou. , A. W. DHAKIt. First door north of'Me\ , . J. G. Leonard bonded ahst.rac- tel' . 1 39tf . , , . . , - FOH SAI.1t Oif 'l'HADTt-Town lots and a few Jive acre lots in tltiH city , for cattle , horseR or farm Jand.-Allen - l cyner. . YOli can sa\'e enc half ) "our labor in housc b ' cleaning > using r4iquid Veneer , takes 011' stain rcmoves grce e and leaves a lustrious and lasting linish. A. W. Drake Rclls it. 47tf. Wall Papcr at J.C. owen's J , G. T.eonant bonded ab trac- tcr. 31)tf Farms for salc atd lands for ren t. the time to get a farm chcap , as t.he cheap farms are all going , amI prices are advancing - vancing rapidly.-J. G. Breni All thc mutual hail companies havc fagged out , but the St. Paul Insurancc Co , continucs to pay its losses. 4ltf Just received a ncw stock of picture frames , mouldings , mat , etc. Picture frames made to 01'- dcr. SecolHl hand good of all lei IHts houg-h t : lt1l1 sold. Jun KAY , 31Hf South Side Squarc. W A 'l'IW-'O hire two mcn that have fami1ie . Houses furn- ished.Wm'I : UNION MUUNG Co. 3Rtr West Union , Neb. . - - - - - - - Look to us for hest valucs in roa t'd . colTec. You can save from 1 to 4 cents pcr pound at J. C. Bowen's. . - FOH SATH-A nearly ncwSing er sewing machine at a bargain. 4Stf A. W. IhAKu. . . , . . erc. " 1I'ln We arc buying crcam and will pay you for it once a WCL' k. Br n1 { in your . cream. 48 tf J. C. BOWHN. - 1. ' --SAJ ; : : ' : "One'or - thc -l ; ; t \'allcy farms in the countj' . , I milcs from Bow , one quart ( r mile frum school housc , 5 fl''t to , wat < , r'Phonc or write , ,18-1'J A. ' 1' . SH\'IIOJ'J' . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , .A shipmcnt just rccch'ed oj thl' only and orig-inal trtth' : n ark. ( 'Pure Oltt Cider Vincgar. " J. C. BOWHN. , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nullce tn IIn" eontr clur. . . We wish to clo e contracts fOt cntting ; curing amt tacking haJ 011 our ranch tt1 Chcrry county for the season of 1 'J03. Nc . swampy or rou1h ground to cut on. Wril for terms etc. to t1 c Stamlmt : Cattle Co. at Ames or IIccla , Neb. 45-'J . . : . : : . : t. . . . . . . , , . . . tLii.fJl .1. . . . I..A .Itt1" . : . . . . , U < ) " . r ; " .Buggies. . . . . , I Imv ( ' just l''oivcd lrolU ! the Rex Buggy. . ' . l n'toI'Y ( If OonnN'syillo , lndiana , , { cO:1' : of' . . . . BUlHies. Surreys 'Or vin.1 ! Wafions , and when T Hay thnt it is the finest lpt of. B g- I : g'ies that < . 'v < 'r name to Utlstel' e01l'nty I mean every bH or it , and I particularly invite oymy , . one who rcnds this -add to eomo and seo. It makes no diffol'mwe whethel' rou intend to buy QI' not , ( \OlUe \ in and let mo 5how you Bug'g.jcs fresh from the fnctOI' Tl and then you can n nke . your own compurison of ! them and of Bugg'ies hought Irom jobbing' ] lOuses that have stood in the dust until the vurnish hus been ruined. As to I > l'iecs r will g'uHrantoe to sell you n. Buggy for less money than you CHn buy any Inco ] ill the United Stutes. Get the very best prices you 'cml . nnd , come in and see if ' what I sny is true. I C.S.MARTINMfl.Agt. , AND D ALE IN , - AN'1-'I-T , ? 8T GOOo8. - rt . : L : - . . . I I \V ANTHD-Stock to pasture. good pasturc near city , plenty of I good water. Inquire of C. H. . Kcnncdy , Brokeu Bo\v. 47tf Ii'Olf REN'r-A.doublc room , in the Custer Block. Inquire at this office. 47tf Dollirs : to ccnt that we can save you on every purchase of tea at J. C. Bowen's. - FOHSAI.m-One red 'Poll , on Poll Durham and cight Shorthorn - horn bulls. All have p digrc'cs. 'rhc ) ' can be seen athe Globe ba1'l1.-JAs. II. PRIt'l"l'YJIIAN. 43tf - Monc ) ' loaned 011 unprove farnis. JAJ\IItS T-4JtDW1CH , 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Nch , \Ve havc just rcceive:1 : our new tinc 'of spring wall paper. All l'J03 patterns. Call amI see them at Wilkin's drug store. 5 tf \V AN'l'HD-Girl for tight work iu country. 'Phonc , MHs. A. ' 1' . SHVBor.'l' . , 48-49 . , . . . \ . . . . , I-laiL I-Iail. IfaiL ! , : 'Farmer protcct yoursel\ ' . J in t1 c old reliable St. P.t 1 . . + li'ir & Marine Insurance i Co. We have S3,000,000. cash capital amI P 1Y our ' t 10sscR promptly. \ ; Ras Anderson , Agent. : ' 7'h. IIrGlunllu. . . . ; } II".IJ .Hk. . ' " t , , i" " ! . ! _ . v 1 . , ! ' \ Farmcrs do not buy a 2 row " ' ; ! cultivator till you have seen tb " : , DClUstcr and Canton 2 row cult- 1 vators at SQumJS BROS 48tf ; A varicty of Gasolinc stoves , all in g-ood'running ordcr. Chf.ap f ' \ at A. W. ptfAKES. , 8tf ' t " J. G. Leonarcl bonded abstraf- , , tel' . 39th \ German , White and Rca Siberia Millet seed for sale at the Star . Groccry. 48tf ' ' ! . - - . . . - . . . . - . - . . . . - . , , - ' - ' . . . > . . ' , . . .Our Special Sale. . . ' , is discontinucd this weck in order to givc . . . our o\'er-worlkd clcrks a littlc timc tb , ; . recuperatc , hut remcmber. . . , . . . . . . , . . . ' i WE HAVE . SPECIAL BARGAINS ' . : : , , ) . all the time , and everything , marked 'jJ . in plain flgu s , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ; j , , ] 'j ' 1 , , 'a - , Id " ; , " , . , . > ' : ) : ; , f' \ . wlrn EVERY PAIR Of " " "WEBSTER SUOOL SIlOE & . . . . . . .c..w " ' , , FROM SIZE II' UP. , 4 I If the boy is hard 011 shoes , put a pair of \Vcbstcr's 011 hi fect and a Dictionury iti his head and he will he , happy. . . . . . . . . . They are Guaranteed the Best. . . ; Ryerson-George Co. . . ! IIrolclI IIcnv.- - - - Nebr lllkl& . " " " " " . . . . . :1- " - , , , , " , , ' ,