Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 30, 1903, Image 6
l . 1 .n ! niOO ! ! h' rnnr ; 1a OOWrnmU ! . i Sunny Bank Farln 1 , ; , tit ' : r i FLOYD LIVINGSTON . ' . ' . . Q ; t..1\ : \ " , t..1m rn mm mm r mm " UI1AI"l'l1H I. Pill' I\WIIY 1111I11111 ; tIll' ew Hlltcll\lJl ( /tI1I8 / H IIIHI" II ' In\pl' : 0111-fllllhlllll11 fllrll , If lliiO. nrOlllll1110111' hl'arl h Hllmu 1101 l ll\lI ) ' ' ! . ! lIrll II/Olll / ! II haud of lIIerr ' , lIolH ' 1tlhh'CII ! 1,11I'I'II-llIy , , , ( > \f \ Ihl' IIIl'ITerlt ! , untllll'HI of thl'lII 1111. It Hlo011 1111011 UII 1.uhINll'l' . : o\'urlooldll II "I'oml 1'111'111 of . . , IIIII111l'lIIlow / Inl1ll. lit the extrlHIlIt.v IIf \I hl'h WIIItilt' old II'U : ' rocl" whI' ! ! . ! Ihe Hohlt'll roll IIIHI slIlISufrll ! ! rl'W , , , 'hel' " thu 1-:1'1'1'11 : h' ) ' cn'pt'I'r IIII' l'I'lIlIIlJIllIg' willi. 111111 whl'I'I' , 1111111'1' Ihe IIhutlow of Ihl' tlllll'lI IIpple 11'1' , wu " " 1It 0111' 1'111) ' } IOllllf'II , drllll\lll ) . ; 0111' tell front I hI' nt'OI'Jl J\lIIIII'd \ : : , 111111 11I111IUI10111' IloUII' ' fuel' . \i'ith till' 1'1'11 jllku of thl' IIIJtH' hl'l'l.jel , \l'lrtell , . ; ruthcro III Itrullt n""I1III1IC" " . " .III t OIJllllliltu 0111' hOIlHC , IIIHI IICro1I ! thl' ' 11'1'1'11 ; IIICUllo\\ ' , wall a Hllllllr Iro\'u , Whl'rl ) , 'III ' the HII1'III UIIIU , till' tlllIg' lI"I / I'll Ii 1IIIIIIe their lIelltll , nil II whl'rl' , whell Iho . . . htcRth of wlllll'r WIIK 1111 Iii" lillOIpJuJ hlllll , T.hmlc , ' 0:11'1'11' : nnll I , 111111 0111' tlllll'r , , ' ! ; "rotheI'll IIrlll-mell 0111' Hledll , III1Hh , 11Ig' swlnly 1111WII thl ! HII'I' ) ! hm , 111111 II\\'II " 0\1'1' tlll1 Iceco'en'tl'lIl1er hllow. 'l'l'lIly , ( l11I' W/IK a jonllifl I'hlltlhond. 111111 I'III'H ' } I hUJY ! ) hOllle : fur 1I0ver ellie\\'hl'l'e ' fl'lI Jtho 1IIIIIIIIIer's 1(1)111'11 ) Imnlhht 1111 11Ifl1 ' , lI1d lIev r wnli 1I111 ll' H\\'eelcr thnll'IIS the mllrlllUt. of till ! dllllcin w/lter hl'oo ) ; , ' ' 11001' , 11I111 IIIIWII the ll\'hlch r/ln ( lnst 0111' jOIl greclI.llllle , loslu Itlelf ; nllllst In tlw dim old wootls , which Hlretchcll IIW/lY to ho westwnrd , seellllll to III ' chihlilh 1m- 'IIIII/ltloll ; the hOlllldllr ) ' IIl1e betw"clI thlK ( world 111111 the Jexl. , t III the el'I' Khullolof thee wooll 1 ihave snl Illone for IIII1I1Y 1111 hOllr , wlltch , 111Is : the white , fellthery elullflli nil lIll'Y Ihlllllerell thronjh the I1cllso follno , 11I111 IIIIIRIII ! ; , I sCllrcl'ly Imow of'hat. . 'Strnlljo ' fllIlCI1I t1l1ed lilY hraill , IIl1d 10ftenUllleH , liS I snt there III thl ! hll7. ) ' IIIht ; of 1111 IIl1tUlIIlIIII IIftel'nooli. Ihere ; llmo IIl1d tnllleel with lIIe 11I1'11\1111 of lit , lilo ! J < , ol1l < " UIIRl'ell , It ill Irlle , bllt Itlll , rtnl' ' to lIIe. 'rhore , 011 II IIIOSHY bnlll" I /felt / the firRt 101ljillgll for fllllle , thou1h ( il ld not thlls lIesl llI\le It Ihell. IHlb' I J\IIOW thnt I Willi led II IIl1l11e which I > hollhl , lI\'e when I of which \ WIIS ! ; one-a IInllle (111) ( ' mother sholllil ho ( lroud. It IlIu.1 lJeell . o'mo II dny f ( leculInr trlnl. At sch')01 , ! , "cr .thlllg hlul 01lJ'I'OIlS ; . I IJreCl'l'red fill1nt ' uillto with'C'IHS iUlJteal1 of : III ) \'C'IHS , pl'ovilll ; on It thnt fllllr tlml's twellt ) ' were IcI ht ) . , 11I111 thllt clrhty , dl\'llIed Ly tW'II- 'lr ; ( lIJt/tlled 1'0111' , ! llId III ) ' tellchl'I' I1IIIt ! lI lJdH filld fallll with 11I0 , cnlllllh 100 "llIz ) ' , " ullil cOlllpe\llllt \ : lIIe (0 ( sit hetweell Il\\11 haleflll hO'H , with wllrt ) ' 11I\l1I1 ! ' ! , who IlIlIlIsed Ihelllsol\'cs Ly lellllll : IIIU hohi ! ; ; IIIY C 'I'II 111111 fCl't wre. ( I hnrdly thill" I llliould now IIIII1 thnt lIIodo of 1I11111sh- mellI , pro\'Jc1ell I cOllld ehoo e tlw h 0)1'1 , Ibllt 1 did then ; 11I111 In the \VOI'Ht of hll- JUOI'S , I' IItllrtcd for hOllie , wlwro uther IlIIih yill1 es nWlllted 11I0 , Snlly , the hall' ! ! . ! 'mllhl. ' fJcoMed lIIe for upsettllllt II 11I1n Qf IIIl1k on her dellil pnlltry shelf , lIll1l1S IlIC "tho cllrell'sliest ' 't1ho ' ' ) 'ouIIg OIlU ( 'vel' HIIW , " nlld Ilrcdlctllll : thnt "I'd 0110lny c'ome to till ! snllus If I didn't melld my wn9. " 'Juliet , 111) ' oldest sister , scolded mo ( or wcnring , without her COIISCllt , her IIhell : Hide cOlllh , whIch , III ellUlhlll throu h n hole lu the pillsterlll\ \ { tbc lIehool hUlIlIC : , II 1I1cldelltully hrol\C. Grnlll11110ther cohlcll IIIC for mOlllltlllg to the tOIl of hur 4 hlh ! Chl.t ! : ! of drawerH to see whllt : : III 'thl'lI1 ; and to cro\\'n 1111 , whell townrll IIIIIIBet , I callie ill from n 1'011111 III the I Lllm , with my ) 'cllllw hnlr 11)'llIg nil II\'CI' 1lI ' fuce , III ) ' dress hllrHt opell , III ' nllrOIl I ! l1I1it frolll the tOil dO\\'lIwnrd , ; lI1d my HUll Lonllot h\IIglu \ ! ; dowlI lilY bnck , my' mother rellro\'Cd Ute ueverl'l ) ' , telllll 11I1\ I \\'ns "a 81 ht to bl'holll. " 1\1) ' hCllrt camt' 1111 III lilY tbrQl\t \ , nnl ) with the qll- ! ; r ' relOllso \ lhnl "I cOllldnllIcll \ \ lilY looks-I dldll't I1Inke myself , " ! IItH'tec1 : throuh : the 11001' , und mnlllll ! ; 110wl\ the 10llg Inlle 10 the grape vine , lilY fn'odlo . rt'tlOI.t , 1 threw m'self upon the /roulld / nllll bllrylng my fnco III the tnll II'aSl : : , \\'ellt blllel'ly , wlshlllg 1 hud nevCl' he ell orn , or , being born , that the bnn o { 1Ij1I- IleSIl were not upon mo. , [ other doesn't love me , I the IIght- nol1od ) ' loves me ; nnd then I wlsllt'd thnt 1 could diu , for I hud IlCllrd thut the trllt ; t1elltl of 11 fnllllly , no mntter how ulIllI'e- I'llstlessing thl'Y hnd heen In IIfl' , Wl'ro iurc : to be the Lest helo\'ed In thc l\Ielll- tJrp of the IIvillg , fJ'o 1111' , theil , t lut I 1IIIIJhl be lovcll , WI\S qlI \ I usled for , us I IllY ther" Weelllll ! : nlolle , 111I11 thllll-lll : : r. . III ) ' Hlndls1 grief thnt lIe\'er Icfol'c ' \11ti : II girl , nlnc"'sununers ohl , tlO wl'otch- I'll s myself , And then I fell IllileII ! , IIIIC911t1clo\ls that the dnylhht Willi fllst IlecHIIIII ! : , nlld thnt the henvy dcWII8 fullinglpon my unco\'eretl hend. lelI1thne : , nt homo mnn ) IlIlIulrles , , ( > rQ ! Jelll ! ; mndu cOlicernlllg 111) ' wh"re- " IIboul8 , ulld wbcn , lit lust , IIIht ! IUUW : Oil IIl1d 1 wus " , UlI IIWIIY , lilY olllclltbrolh- I'"ns lIent In CIllost or lIIe. I WII8 jUtit lh'Clllnlll ! ; that the trllll1llet of fnlll ! . ! wnll 60Ulllllllg forth lilY nnme1 Il' II , IIlai\ \ 1 II"otto to filld It was anI ) ' lJrothel' Chnr- Jil' , mllldng the wooda rl'S01ll1l1 with "Holill J el Where nre ) 'ouVh ) ' llon't 'Oll answer ? " lIe 8tumblcII over 11I0 ns i luy , Selzlllg mo by the shouhlcl' , Ill ! e clnlmctl , "You urc a Irelty bird , I'eUI" InbIII out of II yenr's growth , Mothel"11 Icold you \\'el1 for this , " Bnt he wnll IIIllItakcn , for 11I0ther'lI Illanner toward lIIe was greatly Chllllgl'll , . ' 'he torn nlron nnd 'the chuwetl bOlllletl titrlllgs were 011 forgotten , 11I111 III 1ho Idlldest tOIlO Hho nsked , " ) ( I1'1'0 1I0t coM , Ulld'h ) ' [ WCllt to ! lIce II on Ihu rnllll , " 'rhoru wcre tCllrs III 111) ' U'e8 , I.nt I \\'inkcd hnrd nnd forced them hllcl" until Jlzzl lrollht ; ! 1U0 n piece of CUH' tnI'd Ille-my sll < 'clnl fnvoritc--whlch , ' , hI' 111\111 , "lIho hlld ImvelI for ml' , LeelluSoI he Imew ho\ ) ' much I 10vld ? It , " 'J'hlll'OS too much , IIl1d IIlttiliOWI / \ I (1111'1'10'6 1I1111' chnlr , I ( 'rlell 111011I1 , Br ' - ' 1In / rell ! ) ' to the oftrepelltell CIllestiontl , : :1 : to whnt alledllle , thnt "I didn't Imu\\ ' , only I WIlS 60 Slud , " "IIY8terlcly I\S wItch , " was 81111)1\ : hnract < , rlsllc comment on my strange Le- uvlor ; nt the SIIIUO time she suSg\'lItd : hn t I La 111t to hed , U'IInl' nljht 1 was tired nnd r 8tJeslI. Inrnlll : : ! UleII sll ) ' 1IIOn my p1l1ow , [ llIlIh- Inl ! J.Izlo'tI : nrm fl'OIll my neck , Lecnutlll 't ijt llt mo from brollthlo : , and lying WPI.o nntll 1 heard the long clock In l'I' dmn'lI room tltrlke the hour o { " : h'I" , 'I'hen I tllept , but dreamed there " . . " . .h. In wy hnd , . .hlh 1n .h.1 : . . - , , , \ , . . . . , " . ' : A.-'t..u. : . . . , _ 'r- , , " ' . _ J _ - , - : : " , , ' . 1IIIIIIe 100 mOlln III lilY slt'l'l' ' , IIIHI thl\t 11I01\11'1' \ , nttrnctell h ) ' the AOIIIIII , CIIIIIU to III ) ' sille , feellll lilY IIIIIRe , 111111 snylll , " \\'hnt IIl1s ) ' 011 , HOHa1" " ' .1'hol'o was lIothlll 1I111d ! lIIe , " I IInl ; hilL III the 1II00'11111 wholl I II wolle , the pII11II'IIS I'Itlll there , tholl h I wOllld 1I0t 1IclIlwl. ! d e It , for fHlIrcdy 1I11 'tlllllJ ; COllld Lelllpt nto \ RtllY III\'II ' frolll Hchool j ! loII Illc IIRllnl hOllr I slurtcd , hilt the ronll Willi 101i1t 111111 wl'lIrlsOllle , IIlId t wlcu IlIlIt tOI\'II tll reRt.rrh'ctl lit liehool , e\'el'.rlhllll : IIIH'IIWII III r/lll I' , 111111 whell llIrlll , the ) : irl who Hhlll'et ! m ' 111'1111 , prollllced II love lullor frolll ' 1'0111 .11'11\111111 \ , which Hhl ) hllll f01l1\l1 \ 011 lilY Hide of the III's" , 111111 ill 1\1111'11 he 1I11111u fOl'1I III I oITor IIf hllllHclf , fl'l'ckll'lI 111111 1111 , I II leI 1I0t o\'ell HIIIIII . ' ' ) 'uldl ) ) ; lilY hook , /llIempted to Htll'h' ' , hilt the wordR 1'1111 tuethur ) , IIw OhjlCtH III the 1'0011I I'IlI\lIell \ ellch other III elrell'lI ' , the tenched ReCIIII'll to "e n Itrelt'II ; ' off , whll ! ! Illt\\'I'1'1i ! her 111111 lI1e WIIS /IIIII1H'- / - III dnrlwel'H which loon ; 1Ihllt Ollt I'"e I' ) ' ouject fl'OIll lilY vl\\ ' . For II few IIlOIIIUlltA 1111 wnll cOllfllllJolI , IIIHI Whl'lI lit IIIt ! III.V fllCliltie ! ! reLm'lIe I Willi 1)'JrI ) : Oil thl ) rl'eltntloll hl'IICh , III ) ' flelld restltlIII the tencher'lI Inp , while III ) ' hiliI' 111111 dreH ! ! were so wet thllt I fllllclcd I'll beell 0111 III II drellchlll shower , JoJ'cl'yhndy.'IIS fiO Idlld IIIHl Hlloke uo sofll ' to lIle thllt , with II'I \ II ! ! ItnllrellIlon that HOlllethlll 111111 hOPPl'lI- cd , 1 he nll to 1'1' ) ' . , ll1st thell fnther , who hlld heull Rent fur , 1Illlleared , 111111 tllllllll : lIIe III his 111'11I11 , Htllrted for hOIllO , while Iizlo followell , At tlw 11001' fUUII.'I' IIRked of lIIother , who lIIet IIR'hm'l' , IIhnll I IIIIL her' ! ' hilt el'e Hhl' cOlllt ! l' ply , I slllll , " 011 rl\llllllllllhcr'H hcd. " Alld thcre , IIIIHlII the IWCt plllowI IIlId IIIIO\'Y 1111011 , 011 which 111I11 \ oftI'll 1001- cd with IIllIIost 011\101111 1''eA , IIl1d whldl 1I0W 6eelllell 110 IIHwh 10 I'est Ille. I wile IlIht. Of the well''l'ekH \thlch followed - ed , I hn\'e 0111) ' n cOllfliHed recollucllon , I kllow thut 1111' room \\'ns dllrlelled nR { III' nil p01slhlu , 111111 Ihllt hufore the will- dow nt the fOllt of the hed , gl'lIndllu I hillek Hhawl hnll ' ' helllJ was , one CUl'llel' ; occuslolllllly IllIlIlCd'lJllck Whl'll , lItoru light \\'IIS needed. 'l'hI'Y fiCllt to Spt'llcei' for nr , I.nmb , who , tosether with Dr , Gdr- 1111 , { teld n cOllllcll ovcr lIIe , IIl1d Haid thllt I IIIl1stllie. I saw lIIothct. whell the ) ' tohl her. She ltll'lll'd pnle all 11enth , 111111 with /I cr ) ' of all/IIIKh 1"'l'flHl'd her 11111I11 111011 her Htle ! ; hilt 6he 111.1 . 1I0t weep , I wOlldered nt It Iholl , nlld tholl ht ! lhe ( 'nred lesR thnll , who Rllt III thl' foot of llllJ ) Jed , Ruhhlll 110 10uIll ' thnt llw fe\'er hurned lIIore t1ercel ) ' III lit ) ' \'Chlll , 11I111 the IlhYHll'Iln : said It I11lI1t 1I0t be ; IIho IIII1Ht ( ell\'e the 1'0011I , or Iwcp IIl1let , , It WIIS l\IoIIJII ' , IIl1d II few hourd nf- torl\'lIrll , 1111 Sall ) ' WIIS II/IIISIII / ! ; the door , rlllltllllil hlllltlell her m ) ' dll'l ) ' , crl1l111111'Il sun Lonllet , LIdding her WIIHh it IInd IllIt IL \ \ ' ( ' . 8nll"R'oleu 11\\(1) ) \ tromhled Ul : : r.llU relillcll , "No , 110 ; lellv ! ) It liS It I ! ! ; for when sho's gOlle , IIl1thhl ! ; wm look BO much lIIe her ne thnt jllll\Uletl \ lJonllet with Its chewed-uII Htrlngs , " A gush of tenrs'IIS ' \\'IIS grlludma's ollly nnswer ; IIl1d lifter [ got well , I foulld the hOllllet cIIl'eflllly rollell 1111 III II shcct of clellll white 1IIIIIer 11I111 111111 II WilY III nllY'1I drawer , 'hlrc wel'e dll ' 11 nlld IIlghtli of ell tire UIICOIiRcloufilieHII , III III Ihell with the \'II ue flwlIII ! : 'of 0110 IIwak- IIIIIIIfrolll / II lilliIJisturliCl1 / SI\JII. I n\\'olc 111:11111 10 life nlld 1'1'1111011 , 'rhe wllllln\\'s IIf III ) ' 1'0011I wl'r ! ' closed ; ! J lt "lthoUI , I he/1I't1 the [ llIltl'r of tlw Sell' t'IIIher 1'11111 , IIl1d the ROIIIIII of the IIU- tlllllllal'h ) ( ! nt ! It s\\'ellt P:1lt : thohouse , GlIllll'rell lit my Hltle w r 1Ii'j' fl\ther , lIIother , hrothl'I'S , Hltlterll , JI' lIllmother ; II/Ill / 1111 , 118 III ) ' C'I'1 ! rl'sll'l ! UI'OII ' their fll cell , 1 thOIlg-ht , were \llIler \ 1I111 [ IIl1)1'e cllre" oi'li TIlllfi'hl'lI [ Inllt lonletl UIIOII \he1I. \ } oUlethlllg , too , III their dress dls- turh iI lIIe ; hilt , Iwforc r coulll SII II" , n \'olce whIch I knew to he Dr , Gdlllll'S , sold , "She Is hetlcr ; she will live. . " 'I'he fourth tln ' lifter the crlals 1 was nlollo'Ith [ I1.7.le , whom , for II lOllthllO / , I Importulled to gh-e me II mlnol' that I could see 1II'sulf olleo morc , 11el.lIn . lit IClIglh to III ) ' ellh'llItiell ! , she hnlllllt ! me n 1111I1111 101l1dllIIIHSll / / \1'dIJlII ( j.ft ! to lilY rIlIlIIIlHlthcr-lIul with till' 1'011- 1101111 ; ; rl'mllrk thnt "I wouldll't 111\\1)11 Ik ) 1111 , " II wlIHetl the rcsult , I 1111I ohler thllll I Willi IhclI. hilt evell 1I0W I , : Ulllot represtl II Hlllllc liS I "l'ill Lefure m . 1II111l1 the IlIwm hl'lIIl , the wlilitcd fllcc with high chee" iHlllell , fillil the hi ; ; hhl''eH ( , III which thcro WII8 It look of "crl7. : ' Snl. " which lIIet'w. . With the 1111 _ ! ; I' ) ' cxc1nUlntloll , "l'he"JI hllte lIIe WOI'S Ihllll e\'cr , } 'III o uI ; ) ' , . ' I dllKhet ! lhe 11I11'1'.11' UIIUII Ihe tlour , hrcllllIIt / III II thousalld pleeell , kllew whllt I lIIenul , IIIUt t \\'llIllIg hel' nrllla IIbout 11\\ lIeck , IIhe suld , "DolI'l IlIlk 110 , HOlln ; \ \ ' Il'VU ) ' 11I1 dellrly , IIlId It uhl10Ht klll&'ll & Uti \\heu we thought ) 'OU cllul&llI't & live , l'oll kllow hi ; ; IIII'll IIU\'l'I' er ) ' , III III 1111 the Il'lI t of 1111. Wh ' ho ' t ) , dldll't sllt'tI II It'al' \\'helllIt- " lIere "ho litOJllletl liUlldelll ) ' , CIS I { 011 a forhhlllNl slIhject ; hut HIIIIII rCIUUlIII ; ; tho' ! ! QII\"O rtlll tI all , she CIIIIIlIIIWt ! : "Hut the Ilny ! Jr , I.lIlIIb wn6 IIl're IIlId told us 'ou would tile , he111'1 ' out \IIuler the I'her : ) ' tree L ) ' our IIln ) ' houIII" 1I11t1 whell Cnnlu nliltcd hhll I { ) 'ou'd lIe\"er 11111) ' there 1:11) : ' lIIore , he didn't 1111 II'C 1' , hut turned hili fnco lowI1I'I1 the Larll uUll cried so 11111'd IIlId fJO loud thnt jralldmll Cllllleollt , 1111t ! Illtlcd hllll , HUloothiug his hnlr jllllt 1\1,0 \ he Willi II IIlt10 bo ) ' , Brother Chnrlle , t'lO , IllY rihl ! dowli 011 the jrUSI'I ' , allll nnlll he'd /1\0 / e\"er'thlll he'd got If ho'd lIe\r enlle ) ' 'hUII'I''I'd ! , ' IIpr mnde fUll uC ) ' 01\ , for he 10\'ed ) ' 01h'st of 1111. 'l'lmn there wlla 11001' J nmll ! k'lIt cllllln ; ; for ' ' " 'Yolla , Hero Uzzle hroku 110\\11 el1tll'cl ) ' , tlUY- lng , "I clln't tell ) 'OU IIU ) ' IIIOI'l' ; t.ou't ! IIsI. lI1e. " :4udtlolll : ) ' It occllrr\11 to Il1l' thnt I hllil lIl'ither tiCI'n 1IU1' Ilt'nrll IItI1I' .1I\m t' , till' ) 'OUII Cllt of liS ul1 , the Ilet'lIlIll dul'll , , ! : of uur hOIlSl'hold. ltllllhll ) ' III ) ' tho\lthh 1I'lIverllcll the lIast , " , I nlllie Willi dl'l\d \ \ " [ dill not necd thllt I.I7.zh ! IIhlluhl tdl 11Il ! so. I know It wns trlle ; uIIII wholl the firlit : : rellt shock WllS o\'er , I IIl1l'atlllncll her of hl8 llenth , how IIIltl " , hl'lI It lie- currctl , It BeemB thnt I wn ! ! ut I rllt tnl\l1n with scnrlet lever , which HIIIIII IIIIHIIllIl'tl IlIlOther form , Iut 110t UIIll1 It hlhl ( ' 01\1' \ IJ\lInlcntcd \ Itself to Jnml. . . , Whll , nftl'l' n few llnylS' Buffering , hnllllll'tl. I hlll , I ! \ ' 1'1' becn his ( Rvorlte" nlll ! to thQ InKt ho hllll called for mo to conte ; III ) ' trlllldlllothlI' ! \ , . " . . , , . . - . , , , , , \ . . - . . . - . , _ - . . . . . . . , . , ; . . . . . . . . . .t. . . _ " - - - - . 'with the 8UllerlUlJ'01i nntural to Ill'r ( ' ! ; t' , cOllstrullls ; It Illto nil olllcn thllt 1 " 'ilK 80011 to follow him , I ne801ilto nud drenry lIeellled the hOIIl' ! ! ; , nnd whell I WIIS n hIe to go f'OIll foom I to 1'0011I , ohl how III ) ' IWllrt nched 1111 I rulsselltholrntllo \ of our LnLy hay , Awny to the gnrret , where 110 aile cOllld ace It , ' they hlld cnrrletl his ellllity crnllle ; hltt 1 'SIJII ht It ollt ; IIlId ns 1 thollght of Iho I Heft , lJrown curlll I hnd so often acun . n'RIIIIJ : there , \\'ouhlno\'er see ngltln , I 1 tint dowlI L ) ' Itll Rtle ! lIII wept most IJItIl'r ) ) ' , 'he withered , ) 'ellow lellvofJ of , IIl1tlllllnel'e f/lllltt ! ; 11)1011 ) his grnve ( 'fe 1 WIIH IIble to'Islt It , nlill at itB head IItOoel II lIillllllc IItolle , all \\'hlch wnli In- scrlbell , "UUI' , lnlllll' , " AR I leaned /I IIIIIRt the cold marhlo , lIII In ( lIncy tillh ) ' ilK Hldo-whnt hlill'ellnllh been -lIl1other 1110111111llid IInother ftone , benrll ! ; IIHI I the 11/10 of "UOSI , " I hl\'ulllnqlrl ) ' thuJtlered ; whie from my hl'urt thm'e went ' . 11\ I sient thnllkRsI\ luthnt ( oII , In fls wllc : : providence , hlltl l'tlN'eel It otwrwlse. ' thnt HII'kne8s I dnto ] 1'11 n more henlhful Htnto of IIIlnd nntl feelltlJ ; , 111t thollgh ] froml1I ' Htl IIhrlnk /l1I nlll'iol to I ) pcrRolnl 11'IH'nrllnce ' , I lIever ngnlll 110lhle the 111'0 of thos ! who hnll 1111111- feHlcl1 liO IlIch solltllilo for lIIe \\'lwl I , 111 who wlltdled over le HO teliller- b' dll'llIg the lIerlod of III ) ' eOllvnlefctce , which \\'nR 101 1I11t1 . welriRome , 1'01 the HnOWH ! f nn Inl'I \\1111'1' II ) ' 1\,11 the ( toI'nrolllltl / I'rc I WIH wel 1HI , h II ' ' III the rIll Illm II ) IICI'IHloled 1IIIco Irown Iwhvol hOllte It the foot of the lOllhi. CIAl''lt 1 " "l'hllllti\'ln I relinl'- ; ; low IUIY ' CelieIl of th ! oldcli tle ducl thllt word . cnll up , Whl'lI RIIIIS Ind llnllhter < Iht who hlll wHIIlrcd ] fur und wille , \\'h'Io 10cl'H , olce IJrowli 11I111 shlnll ; with the Hlnlht ; of 'olth , IIUWh'e / tulWlf tlnl Ihe II Itl 11101 fr08tR uf lfl' lre fllil/ / . : IIlowl ) ' U\OII t 111 , retl'lI once IIII'e tll the 0111 henrth stoll ! ! , Ild , fm' n hrie HplCC , Jrow ) olng nglill 11I111 the ' fet- ' ' th'o ' . of ! celeR 'I'hIIJHh'llIS ( IlY. I Ihull lIut IIllenk of our fl'elII 1 n8 we /lIh'led / 01' bn I ) ' In'other , fi' they who hllve 10lt fl'OI thel' lrclide 111 nch'e , Ilu 'fll chlhl , Illel'Htnl1 fill hell'r than 1 CII describe , thu 10ICIII.8I , the 10lJ' . Ing for HOlet hlll gOW , which hoeol"K. 1110KI II Illrt of theh' heil , IIlhllh lt lllles the ) ' In ) ' 6ecm to fOI'et. ! Chl , drell'Rric II sehlom IHI InRtl lS Ihlt of IIIltllre ) 'I'III'S ; nlld helle ! it Is 10t Rtrll I If I toletllcs forget I ) ' ! l'row III ll jf 'll11 Il1ticpltoll of 'l'hllks h'- IIJ ; ( III ) ' , which' wnM Ihel 10 lIIe Lit UI- other IIlle for 11111 plcelllll , chlckell Illcs , ' , shoe , ' ml'lil dretscR morocco < el ) cOllsillS , n Irc In the prrlor , nnd In8t , thollh 10t lelt , the prviege of altnt : lit thc tnLle , ' frst /nt uilnl gr/ndllln's six tll ) ' tl\er HIIOOIIR , wih , the Initals of hl'r hem. In\lell IIlle Ilrl\d U\OI On HICh occnRlolis lY thouht ! ! ! Invn- l'lnbl ) ' took / lelli hlekwnrtlnd 1001111 ' /1'1111111' : wrillkled fnce nlld wht" : shllllllg hiiI' , I wOllltl wonder If lihu c\'er , werl' ) 'Ollg 1m IC ; ant If , bellg ) 'olm . shc / onltes or clmbed trees , I.ud wnlkel1 the gre/t hellmsS I did , ' 'hen , . with nnother honnd , my tholgh tR wonll Ilclletrnte the flltur whtn I , II dl nlfi' d grnlllmother , fhOlld reclne II my nrm- chair , stntuy IInd Htf In my hel"y oatl /Ul II"er grny , whie my okest ! on , n man jnst lilY fllther's fJlzc , should' render me nil the humnje Ild respect tllle to rle or my nge. B ) ' myself , too , 1 hnd le\ral ! tlmcs tl'letl on ! ; rmHlml's clothea , Bpectn- ceB , CIIII nHI ni ; nltl then , seated In her chair , wlh the LI ! ; Dble In my Inp , I hlll expollldetl Scrlptlre to the 111I - 1i- Innr me , frelChly ' - ) chlllrel nrolld ! I'P- rlmlldlll HoslI for her InutelitulI , nsk- III/ / . : her whllt "lhe thought would bee lIl of hl'r If Ihe ( ldll't Ktol wrl/Iug 110 JII her ehllir " , allll lelrll 'the chilf enll oC lan. ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I'he 'I'hIJklh'llg : : luccl'edlllg Jnmie'H delth nld m ) ' OWI reco\'er ) ' ( rom Rick- lIeSHrcat / Ilrl'pnrltolls were mndl It bchlcOllftlelt / ) eXIldId tlt m ) ' fith- er's hl'other , who Ih'ed III Hoston , would LI with I ! ! , tOg'l'lher with his wife , I lady whosc reliltntioll for Roclabit ) ' Ind Rla\- It ' of mlllllerH wns , with US , rthel' he- low [ il She WIlS my nlce's slclllI wlfc , nld rUler I 11 Itl thnt nllthel' hImself nor hil homo wns na comfortn- LIt liS they ollce hld Leen. 1"1'01 " the sllme relnhle SOlrce , too , we leurlet that she brenlfllsted il her 0\\1 r om at tl'n , dilell lt three , mallo or recel\ed call \II- U IIlx , wellt to IHtrtes , Boiree ! , or the thenter II the cvonin/ nnl1 B < 'ldom ot to lJed ulltl two o'cloelt In the lIIornln ; ; n 10de of Ih'll ) ; which waR IlronolllCId ! Iltln hoter tum hl'nthellsh by grandml , : Iother , who \\'US 101'0 discreet.'err wisely Id"l ed her 1I0t'to Intell'rn with the nrrlllfmelltH of her dll/hlcrll- / II\\ , "It wOIIII do 110 good , " HIl Rnll , " 1111 li/ht / [ IOIHlhly mnlo _ Ulttcrl worle , " Unlke most olel peolle. I'td- : . 11 waH not vcr ) ' Ilch Ilt In her I.wn wnr , Ind to mother's tl gl'stlon IIhe re IIltthnt , " rl'hhy she shouldll't Any (1)- thilg ; 'tWOIIIII depend " on how mnlY nils Chnrlote put 01. ' 0 me the t'Xllected vllt wnR I sore trlnl ; for , notwlhlltllllnl m ) ' chl'el,1 nlld lIeck were rOUller nlld fulel thll the hnd ' hcell , ' , with ) e\'er U henl Il ) 'Ollg crol of Hhort. Htf hnir'ns I tel' . rlhle 11110 'nlce. IIII more thnll O1U : I Jll (1'11'11 ; 11 I Rnw In flle ' the Ilcriol\ . Alio wih which m ' drl'lHl l1 Olllt Chnr. loUe Will IlIre to reet mc. At I Rt tlltCl' Anlln , who 10lleslcll ; n ! reot dcul of tlste II Hllh IIIlItlr , nnd wlo OIht to hn\'e heell II 1IIIIer , contri\11 fO' the "llldlld ehlclmll , " lS aho 1)ll1ed ) Ile , I lJllcl Inco cnl which filld le HO wel , nnd'IS 60 "nstly heCOnlll thnt I lost 11 I ) ' fel I'l 1111 , ehlhl-lIke , bl'lll to COUllt the (111)1 which mllt ehlllHo heror ! ! I eOlld weil I. 1elllltlle , III the l\tehclI tllre'IS n 1011 ratllll of dlheK ! , n hl'ntll ; : of IJ II , IIHI clllIg for wooll , with which to Illt the grellt brl:1 : 0\1 , grlldmn IUlhlJ ; IJronolllccd the Htm'e Illt for hnll II ; ; rhallltgl\'lng dhlll' , I rom the ( 'orllehl behind the hii n ; oltlell IIIUllldl. fOI' llls htrHer thlu my heut 1111 Ihout the Rlle ciloI' , WIK ! : lIlhl'l'el1 , 111111 Ift'l' 1'1" II ! bllIht to tIl hnlI'll ! 1111'111 , cut oJeu , "craiId 1\11 (11'1'11 1110 I lt- , ' /I hullllll. wh , ' , ' to tll 1,1'111 wih cOJIlr ' It ' ' ' I , for hU1'1 "t"Wl'd IlIt sll I l'l'l lill ; the IItlllOl\hl'l'l' wllh II fnilt , HI'I : ' ollnl' , whIch I thlll , Wili thl Ilnlll CIIISI' of thu ( I'vl'ro 1I11nelw I took to hl'tl with 11' , iothcr , 011 the cOIII'nr ) ' , tITI'ret frol le , IdI IIstoclnh't It III "ole WI ) ' wih the ' ' of the ' , rlJhl 1181\111'111':1110 l'IIItII dl II I 111 , bl 'lr 111 to forlh , whl'h , II hlllllr tllhlo , hl'I\1I 1"11111. hl ) ' 01'1'11 ' 11"11 1,1' 'l'hl' IIt , ' 11I01'111 : . jllHt nil thl' 'I'st ' ' ' 'of ' wl'ro ' ! : ; : HI'Ilki Iln'Iht : : j1' IJJt'III In tiOlllllt , I nwole , llfllnl to III ) ' 'II'nt JO ) ' , that III ) 1II1nl'II' Wili 1:11I1 Hlhhu : 1101 I ) ' l'lbo1111 ICIIIIlI flr olt , of , d. 1 Jlhlhl't m : : . thl ttrluc " : it , , " . - - . . - - . " ' . , . . . . . # I which shllllell the wlllo111 looltn the rolllld , to . , I olt UpOI ; beilw HI" : I. I lter tlIln ) ' , thnt I WAR l'o'rl'I ( ' ' , HIOW , 'J'o me th < ro Is 10thlllj 11111'nlt hi I II / 10Itorl , n HIIOW hnlle or n 1110\ cloud ; nlld whel II dll l I nsd to thlll ! ' thlltlth the { the fil'Rt ' \lth fiI o Inl : thC' cnmo over m ' , which ) RJlrlH n chi wn not relo\'ell Ult the slrll ! ; tle , whm , wih Il cnlSl It IIlltell l\n ) ' ; IIld ' ! \cn now , whel , with l ) rlhhel' hOOI ! , I 'laro hrae nil ) ' rlft not 10re thnll I VI feet fOllr IIICIIR hllth . , 1 cnnnot sn ) ' thut [ hllvo IIny JII.tellllr 10\'e for 11011111 ; from I ) ' whllow \ltch the telicclt of the fenther ' fllleH , I alwl 'R feul:1 Irrcslstlhle desire to IIInlo nt thel wry fllcell-my \ ' of sho\'III fa\'orle lethod } \ ! my tllslike. 011 the 10111 o { whlh : I hllve Rpokcl , \'elll't lilY dlsJIi18lrv In the usnlll'a ) ' , IInt thell I ful IUUA deep 81eell , frol which I wna 111 J ! C Iwnkeled hy thu lout Hhollts I my Lrothers , who , III the meatow ICrtIH the ronll , were Jeltlll elch other with 111 < o'cnHlolllly ( rolllg O\'er III thc 1111' , white 1110\ which they bnle,1 ns nn old nltl wel-loved frlelld. ( 'o ho contlued. ) LGHT AND OUA EYES , IrnlllJ Eycsluht Ilzntol Not 1 , ICHII o { CI- In our Isslles of [ nt'ch 8 nld Apll , 1002 , WI notced thc newHIJnIIC'lsh : delusloll lItt flln e 'eRlght Is Ile.i Hul of c'lzltut , nnl thnt the Il'oot or tIIH 11 the InC'lnsel use of HIHclnl- les , SI 'R Al rlltn : Il lelne , Wo ! mil thnt the snlrroll-colol'11 ledllll jo\'lils wOll1 Boon e ccholllg thl IOllsellse , 'l'hls . hlR cOle t'ue , 1111 we II'IHI Iu Ot. eOltcmllol'al'lcs Ihlt "fnllg c 'cslght II the Il'lllolble Hil utl\'ohiahle coteomltnlt featllre ot nd\lccd ch'lzatot thnt the hahlt \eallng glasses Is the II'oof of this. 1 ha lt gro\ln not olll ' in GC'mallr , hut ni O\ ' ( the \ol'ld , nlld that gIS and elect'lc lght ha'e luch to do with this c 'lsl ht faiure , pos8lhlr , also , dlst nnl ro , ItlI tr\'elilg tull" gl'otul. 'I'he cllre alh'ocatell Is that "un IlIdl\IIIII f110nhl I\'ol pOI'III ! O\'I' smul prillt lJy artlcial lJht , IX' cept when nhsollteh' Iecess : ' . " POOl' newspupel'dot. ' 1'0 write wih- out thlnldn , ' lowledG wihout fU' ; ; of the , ' fnes anl wlhout secllng all Imo\lCl c , Is so ens ' thnt , In the stlcII Innguage quoted , I seets " / dcploruhle ut uimoldnlJle concoml- tunt fCatmc of ad\anced cl\lzatoll. A Ilu tme ago thIs Fame wrlCr ex- plnlned that the Ihenlh of Curl 'le was due to "the insanluy : , nud sl'den- tary cxlstcnce he led. " le did not care to lenru that Cnrl 'le's "exist- cn e" was not Itsnnltutr anl n so- lutel ) ' not scdentut - , ecause he CX- erelsell In the ' ' the ' ' Opt'l ni' gl'eIC' : pnrt of t he walking 11orlon of e\'er ' dn ' , In the same way our contetliorr ' nth'lses thc use of the rushllghts unll tnlow dips of our uncestors 118te\1 : of our snperlor gns and electlc lhts , 8pectneles. we la ' ultl , m'e 10t u proof of faing eyeRlght , ns there Is no scientfc In'oof whltsoe\'C' that the e 'eslght of civized people Is fulng , and there 18 very reason to ' ell've thlt It Is Improving , I there were proot of faing e 'eslght the ct'e for It Is not to "a\'old the pOI'ln to ; , lut . get proper spectnces for the "porel. . . I " 'orJe , x\elltiCnH "Xow Cl\st ) 'om' ej'C 1I110n this tuhI' cloth , " contllued the experlelced trl\- eler. "I'he cloth wus Im'ge enough fO' twent-fo\ : co\'ers. I hnd u hel of , jlwn01'1. . a thll'll uf n ' 111 wilI and the Icst of th ! smfncc , eXCCll111 the , Slilces left for cnmlelahr wus covered \lh elll II'ollery , which stooll up hnlf un Inch 01' mO'C , 'rhere wCI'e twent ' - ' nltllldllS , I 'nl'i sfuur < " wIh hems of sold emhroldcl' ' , 'I'IIut cloth was ol'lleretl ' some od ) ' anl lIe\'C' tnlen , " Ralll sIl "l'IIe original prIce was two hundred amI fr ' dolnls , and I got I for secntf'e. . 'he nnp- klns I ollcretl , and hud to puy twenty- fve lolhtls uplece for them. 'he set Is worth two thousllnd In this country , .Tupnnese mcrchullts are entel1)rslllg , unl arc 1I0t nshumcl to Hcek pu tronage. When 'ou Inlld nt Yoiwhull 'ou wi 111 the corridors of the hotel Incd wlh Chinamen , rllnners from the drcssUulng house ! ' 1hey gh'u 'Ol their CIII S , come to ) 'our rooms to gct 'our ordel's nll gl\'e ' 0t Ittngs , Ind the next ln ) ' they w1 send the dress home , Jrcl ordered I h1olldcloth RUlt , wih a CrocI. cent , and I fted hIm betI I tel than IIn ) ' he e\er hnd In his le. I cost hIm ffteen 1011rs nll It waH ns oed ns IIn ' suit he C'r pnld elht ' dollllrs tor on Fifh I"enue. I > ' ' , { llut 'l'hcrnJcuticH 1ho lllltt cure ' COIS\lptloll I : wldl'lj Imown I nd bele\'ed In. Xow n Hoxhorouh 111 corml ( olwil'd wih I penlut cue for Insolnia. le laji o It : "I hld een n 11001 sleelel' ni' l\e years. Flll . at the suggeltol If \egetnl'lll. 1 trlCll the peanut , 01 . m ' trst atack of Ilsomnin I ate ttt , laRlclltn them "ery thoro\ h- I - , Whle tnllnA this InrAe dose , I felt I g1l1llll IlrowshwsR stenlng O\C' le , ' ' ' hae ' ' of . " I 'l'he \e ne\ ( fnled thClr etect. Hecord , -Phlndellhla Clever Street SI nH , . Some of the nl.tslc Ht'eet signs now on ehl lton III ParIs 1'0 clln'C' One of them Is h ' Gerome , who exhllJlts I Rign for an optclal's shop. I reprl' , ' ' YorlAhh'e sents/t terriei' AtllnelllA 011 Is Ilhll leAs 1111 we:1In : ert ln sus , ' the Inlwl , " 0 I hl'lll pl cen , which Is 1"I'eneh fOl' "Oh , Ilo I 01)1 IHI Itto , " , ul' , } o\lintion 1Inla : IIII Ii the mORt thlelI ) ' Ilopnluted Islnnd III the world. I hns 1,3GO nlld Hnlhndocl IOn ! IHOPI to the ! IIIUro 111' , SCllllal ! m'C' Des--We rccenl ) ' helrd I womnn recn1hlA a stor ' that WiS fort "ehht 'enl's ohl. ( ' 11' old OIIS j w1 wonder It this Is "on" t1.m , ) jI hllunll ) snfu to l\old 1 WiD' . . ul. w. .vl. 1 11 I . \ q . - - , - - . , , ' , ' ' ' ' . ' , ' " \ , . c " - , . .r . - - - , - , ' - , - - , W J D6w'q r1. - - - _ . . lt - . ' " n . _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ _ .L _ _ " _ - , - - - - . Hllt ! to GlrlH , ' of net ure ' nellHII'elts tsl'elnly dainty utd nh' ' for SUtler lH lh'ooms , Upholsterers show n hen \ \lrlety of , the net ( or this Imfllse wlich Is rth ' , ' should er cOlu'se-meBhetl 'lhe Hprelul be Ilrge enough to fal over the eden on three sides 111 just clelll the 1001 when tnlshed ; It should hnve un cdge of heavy HUBS Inn lnce - or Inches wide , ' , 'nlance of I 1ed , a l'uUe or lhe net In ' he Ilut IIroulld the ed , the Iuceeded sprell to fiI orer It , ! 'heRe spl'ends lre of tel usel over /l uldl' Ilece 01 ' ; 811 teel grecn , ' . rose or 'elow. 1'0 supplelent the Hen'lceR of a smnl wrltll desk 0 dllp shirred aJ of hen vy sik or of vel vlteet 11 ' be HUed Ind atnehed heothl' table of Lhe desk. 'l'hls Is useful to hell letters - ters , ell A ten cnlthat ' - delcious cnl\ la Insl " ' " gl\'e your o'clock ! / e wI'\'ed ICp- utaton Is thus II1e : Hl'e tie white of olle of six e gs , llll the yol.s to a stI fl'oth ; Ild Ih'e ounce of suar nnd the sallc Ilulnt ' of almonds - I mends that h'e hcCn hlllthel ant I pounded fne In / I 01'1 I' . wih three ounces or fou1 the llct rInd of hnlf n lemon , one ounce of ul'anL u peel cut I . \cry fne , a dust or 1'ot\1 clo\'es , nnd hnlf n tenspoollful f clnllalon , I llInl- ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t ween the two the hl'hleJtald should the ' ' , the entcl 1'001 Ii'st ColowCI by mnlt of hanoI' nnd Uwn the bl'lde with her fnther , or whoe\el' Is to gl\'e her /wa ' , As In a church wedlllg , th ushers head the II'llal roce8sslon. , nli Bcnnt Jlnh , lcnlh , A hot' straIned Infuslou or cun- omle 1owels Is useful as n loton ) when the c 'clds nle InHamed. Cold creum ru lJet around the nl18 the temlellcy to crnck \1 counteret nnd w1 leeel ) the skin aroulld the nais . sof IInd flesh-Iooldng. ' 10 cure eoms tll.e whle-Ilne tur. pentlc , Illre:11 : IlltRter , opply to the COI all ulow 1 tu Stl ' on unti the COI cOles of Iself , Hepent this se\'C'nl lmes , - ' chllppc ' a IIneu 1-01 lps wl'lng ser cloth out of hot water In which n ltle horx has heln dlsfol\ed nnl i'ess to the louth. I'cpentng the OII'nton se\'erl tmes dul ' , A good l'elCtly for Bleellessness 18 to wet I towel nnd npply It to the hack of , the neclt , presslllg I up to- ' the of the , and - nse rlu flten- Ing O\'CI' this a dr ' cloth to pre'ent lee tphl e\'UIOlton , 'rhe eIect w1 . lJe ( ound prollt and pleasant , cool. hl'aln and InducIng Ing the n swet MRS. I . I . \ , I I Y Mr. Ph111Is _ 'as cellt ) ' ele Plesldent of the Chicago Culue Cub I - - - - - - - - Iy the single bc l l- \ ll e Is qnledy cUrred In amI thc l'alImled In slll round llns-lIII"S Hazar , - - - ncnnt , 'J net nlll Ornce. , ' ' ' , of Irs : Inm'enee 'l'owlIscnt wle the Uuled States Ilnlsll'l' to Bellll 18 one of the most I 111 h\ ' r - \\0111 II gllroJI _ . n _ nn _ _ _ _ . . . . Hccellt ' whie on I \'Isl to l nglnn she WIS a bynest of the Kln and Qlleuu'hoSI ! 111- 1111011 : ld hll l'stcCI she posses- t Res. I ld Inter In I.onloll she scot- Ill Imcce , s ni a 1 usleln I. She b -TO"BINJ ; I cOlpoer of no mcan alJll ' 111t ! pll 's the plnno well :118 , Townsenl Is a native of Phla- llelphla , She IwsssseH Illnt ' , tnct amI gmce IInd Is poplllar II the diplo- matc set at ti Bug111 Cllplll. She tnl\s n deep Illst In st'uglng American musl'lans ah1o:11 : IIml has ofen helpell the 1 III the lne ot their Htudles aml In othm'n 's. lel hOlt In Brussels Is famOUR fO' IR IIoSIII- I . the bl'llnnc ' nmlIt ot the host. css atrctng to It notell plrsont es , Among het pnl'tculal' fl'lmlls In high places are the Prince IIml Princess of Pless , " ' - : . 'celHII 1-tlluctc. I you cunnot ie II'lsent lit the wel- dln rceptoll of 'our . fllcnll 'ou should send ' ( Jlr < 1.tS to tw brld. anll brIdegroom und also to tl hl'lde's pnrents. or to whom'C' \ ' ! { 'Oll to the wedding reCelol. I f 'ou n tcll the ' should lea ' receptol 'ou \ , ou cnnls at the house , Shollll thl h 'ldo' Jrool e an lutliltc rrlmd It would e hath ) \lll ' a ulI OIS to Hl'lll a present to tw hl'I1'-nol lel'jfarl ' . cXlwnsl\'e - II or ' an ; Ift-wlh nell l'UU gltulaton 1\11 oed wl"I's , I II 10t nfCl'sHI' ' fUI' tl hl'hl ! to IU'o\'lde l'nrl'hlIS fur the ; Ul'stS I t thl' wedltng uIIIlsS the ue8ts 1010 ! IIII 1 10lg 11sllle , nll ( 'n'laI's mUII IIlt tlllI. BII111els Ihoullul\/\1 be011 uIIIs 1 hl'hll1':1' : \ n tmI. I. In COShlll' . 'ule1tulsolutel ' pil in 0' lulslld wih lace , II'I ! the 10St he' cotlll ot' ul 'J'he'el should he Ion ; : l'nough to I'eachIthln n shol't dls , tlnco of the hem of the sl.lrt , I Is aI , wlYs I lte dlleu1 to Irl'nnJo fOl' II hl'hlnl lrOelsslon when ther ( L n lald ot honor all oul ' ono hrlel = .1 but In ortler to mark the dl tn t b L and peaceful slum er , Warm wnter Is etel' than cold for the IHI-ose , ThIs , reledy w1 1)'ove useful to people suterlng frol overwork , excitement or anxIety , , Ohltlren In schools should e care ful ' wntehed In order to guard ngnlnst troubles wih the e 'eB , as Rhortslght- eduess Is ecomlng yenrly 1 more common - mon lefect , They should not ve al. lowed to hold the ooks nearer the eyes thnn totrtcen Inhes , and must not stoop over their work , 'I'he "no-sonp.on-the'lIce" fad woull win moru udherellts If so many of Is did not cU ' ' their alvocates 'I'y on faces more or less IJlllckhe/ds-the very thing that cold ' " " watC' IInll "no Boal ) are supposed banish. ' I .here are without dou t some skins so ten er that a smart scrlh wih a brush , warm watcr nnl sonll roughells anll ll'elks I them. 'lhere are also many 'oung WOUen 1\'ln ; III the country who hnvu chlrling compex : : ons notwlhstanling that col wnter--and hurd water at that-Is their only cosletc. I Is Illaln , howc\C' that for most women who l\'e In I Inrge town , where ust and gl'lme ure rampant , soap In some fOI'I Is n nccessly If they would keep t .el' fuces clenn , Plcnttul bathing wlh cold wlter afer the fnce bath with complexion rush ant Bonp Is a necesslj ut tnlen ' ItBelf It - eral ' wOI'ks mischief. Jen- . HasY " 'ny to Clcnn HOII , A R 'stemate wly of ceaning I\'oltla 'nCuslon und at the same tlle laltC the work much lghter , l or Instnnce , one or t\o dn's cal he de\'oted to the cleaning of eds ; nnothor to cnr the cleaning ot windows and rklng down the soied draperls which cnn e wlshed and I'oned on the folowlnK dnr , Acel' this Is done , a duj Ihouhl be sct 11)1' ( or the rushlng do\u of wals nnd fl'eehi plcturcs . ; Ind 111. rolS fl'UI tURt IHI lllrt , This work l'll ho folowcd hy what Is necessary III the wn ' of , whiewashing Imperll 11l ll11lng , ' 'IIen COICS the toors. ! I t 'ou , a I\ fortunate enoulh to hln. I hOI IH 'lshed or Iminot , I d& ) ' (1 hI mllzel1n [ having them cene nud ' , ' fl'esheno " 'bere cnlota an uscd It Is an eclet Ide to hvo UleU tAke up and purIfe frm the , ; 10. tlre diM. Te oxpna la not lar , alill It gtvl ' . ) to 8ttaton tt one' r , house II mor .W I ht &t An electic tevr. crt bt . t a. " , , ,