Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 30, 1903, Image 5
, ' " ' . - t . _ _ . . THE OLD RELIABLE . Q4 . . . ; II ' ' . G pO 'f < b4K rtG POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBST'TUTE _ , . . , _ _ _ _ Jr.ur.a" . . . . . . . . . , .NUI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " " 'H. Ulal1 HUlpI l'ltI will 1\11 , ill II llippillg \'at lhis week for Sul\lll'l : \\IIllillgtoll : ! ill Ortcllo. After hcarill ixt ) ' two hcad of hl'ep for Ah Prcss ) ' , FlcllPillllcl1 ha OI1t. to . shear fill" till' rallehlll 1I ill \\'olll llg. ' Plastcrers ahollt dOllc with I. , II. Me. l'alls hOlslVhcli. : . fillishcll it will hc IHIC atlloug thc hcst hOllses iu thc \'idllit ) ' . Chall Hl11pficlcl has fillhhcll his llipp. illg'at al1l1 ) 'cstcnlay , a sistccl hy 1. D. Shulllau allil R. I. . Griflith he Iippcll ! U Inlllc1 ! of cattle a\lll hogs. . A hea\'Y Hliu 11I111 SOIllC hailallll a liuc dcctric displa ) ' last uight , with prospccts for 1II000e this ( 'I'ueslla ) ' ) 1II0rniug , soil iu fiue l'OIl1litioll for crop growth. U. G. 1I01lllcl feariug the clII"lIstalk .Ihwase lliel 1I0t fl'cll his stalk . lIas harrowccllhl'lII dowlI , raked alld hurnt ) . , thcl11 , puttillg his gromlll ill fille eOIl. .litiou for allother crop of COI'II. . _ - - - - < - - - - - - unTI I.I.O. H. II. IIcals alill wife were at llrokell lIow , Frilla ) ' . lIave Cass , lill Ihe tiu work ou the eh\lrdl last \\'Iek. : Hthel J\shha\lgh alII IIattie I ; Fotlge wcre' atIerna ; Frida ) ' . Ill'rt WllIlllillgtoll has a IIChlggy allil is hll'aldllg' a h'.illl toIl'e with it. J\ . I I. 1I\111t , H. D. Day aII I familics Ulltl C. D. Day were IlrolclI 1101\ ' \ ' ! > itors ; \Iollcla ) ' , G. U. JO'lIcr : \1111 wife attl'llIlcll the lectun' h ) ' ' 1'0111 I la I'll ell at usellllo Sim. Ila ) ' cvcllillg. Hl'ltValMillg , A Ihcrt II ill alld Alf GrIIwlII attelllled ( 'hurch Oil tht' tllhlc laud \Il1llay. Johll FOIIgI' , Jr. Arri\'l'd frolll J\Irora , 'l'hlllfllny. wht'I" Iw hao ; hCCII tloillg eaq.t'IIII'\ \ \\Oll : , I It. willa".i.t : hi fl l1\i'1' \ htH' ' or thl' slock. Y' \t'lcpholle \ IIIcl"lilig hulders was hcld lusl Saturday. Irolll all WI' hl'ar , 'it ' rcslIllrd IIIl1l'h as thl' ' others did-ill 1I0lhillg' dl'linitl' ! ) ( 'illg dOlI\ ' . Jl' ) ' . l\lillt:1' a 11I1 \lift. . Wt.l' < : ' ill 0111 " " . . . > _ . . . _ . . " . . . . . . ' " . . . . . Opportunities in the South No portion of tilt' I 'nilI'll Statt' . ; has lIIacle grcater progl eSG illtl\ ' lal't year or two thnn thcSouth. Norlhern 1111I1 foreigll capilal is rapill1y ill\'alillg , lhat sectioll , f lldin profitablc ill\'cstmcnt ill tht''arious illdustrics aud rue- tories that are beillg rapidl.Ie - \'I'lopcrl ami huilt. 'fhe glcat influx of st'ltlers is I'rt'atillg all illerca cd del1lntlll for IlIlIls : of all killcls and ] ) I' eeos ale ratll1- ally : ul\'aIll'illg' , ae ; they will for \'caI'S to 1'011I1' . \\'nrk is pll'lIti- fill and ' ' " ' . pO\'t'I"ty pradirall ) UII. ! : nnWII. , Alahallla is supplying cnaluntlll'On to all the wOI"lIl. 1\lorr lIIulley can he maclc alill wilh 1cs lahor ill the raisillg of slllallll'llils 111111 herries alii \ in Imck patdlil1g Oil the null' Coa.ttlHln ! ill any other state in lhe tJniulI , Strawherrics frolll A lallallla lI'adl uorlhcrn lIIark- tts heforl.- those from lhe Htates ill the southl'Cuttle : \ can he raisccl wilh grellt profit , then' heing lIIi1lions tlf anI's of cheap rallge laruls. If ) 'oul'lIre illter- ested ill the sOllth a 1\1 I its re- SOUITes al\ll dcsire illf.rlllatiou 011 UII ) ' IHlhjel'l , 1IIIIhess G , A. PARK , Gtln tlral Induslrlal and Im- ml rullon A ont. 1IIIIti\'IIII\ ! \ , \ : : ' \ash\'lI\n \ It. It. 1.HJI " 1I.1.1 ; : , It 10' . . . - . - - ' " f'lII"fl'Jl"P > .f" " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 7 : ! 'iI''Y I , . . . , . Wille > ' lnst.Iri uy. ' lIe goes to'Ollio tl1l1\ week to nltcllIl n IIIcetin ' 01' the Honrd of 110mI' Missions of which he is II ulelllhel' , so'ill unt fill his IIppoilltlllCllt hCIC lIext SIIIHlu ) ' e\'cllillg , nell nfter the el l'ti)1I III' thc church , all hlllltst 111,1 111'11 tllok lip ht'r nllllllc ill the church 1111I1 loel'lIl llgly ill t'IlClcti III : : tt ) ' . lIutll\ Fr lltlIight shl. 1II ) ' ! > ll'ci. nll ly l1isnppellrcll atllnlay it It'akccl 0111 lIlIit tWII of the carpt'lltels , willi hOllnlccl ill lhe SOllthwcst pnrt of tht. \'II11c ) ' , cclelllly tho\lght thc ) ' tlill \It \ ha\'e cllollgh to cat II lit I h\l1 : \\' the titllt. blnck hell 11I111 eatell her for tHlluer that duy. She l11ight hn\'l' bCCII sold nlllu ! ell to flllllish thc church IIl1t IIOW she has gone dowJI to till IIUtillldy gl'll\'l' . rHt : : POWER OF MUSIC. - Great Composer Explains Necessity of Finishing Improvlaatlon. 'l'he cllll. " or Saxf.\\'eLmar ! once III' vltel ! Johu Helln1 hlh Bach to attenll eo 1l111l1Cl' lit the IluluC'e. Before the ! ) UbstlJ SII t dowlI to I hl' feast llnell walt IsktH.I to give IUI 1r1l11l'o\'lsntlon. 'fhe : OI11POSIJI' HPllted hlrmaoJl' the harrsl. chord nlllt ! Itm'lghtwllY forgot nil almllt Unnel' a1ll1 ' ' ' hlu , , . C\'Ct'1 lhe. 110 plIlY. ud so lou that nt last thu Illlku IOllch. ell hIs shoulllCI' ! IlIIlI Hulc ! : " \\0 aI'e ver ' milch ohllged , lIuultOl' , but we must 1I0t j..t the " SOIiP got collI. Bach 'IIIrIUlg ' to hIs feet 111111 follnwell the 11I\(0 \ to the dlnlug 1'0011I wIthout 'Jtter. lug a word. Bllt he wns ! ! carceJy 80at. 111 when he sllrang up , rushed back to t.he Instrulllent I\ \ ] < e ono Ilemented , itrucl , I few ChOI'ds : tnll relurned to llc dlulng room , e\'ltenl1) ! ' foeUII ! ; :1111Ch : better. "I heg IlIIrdon , your r.lghness , " he saId , "bllt YOII hller. rupted mo In a series or chords nnd arpeggl ' " on lho dominant seventh ; 1IIC' I could not feel at ease untll they I\'ure rcsolTell Into the tonic. It Is a'"s IC 'ou bu.,1 6uatchelt n glass or water rroIll the lips of mall Ilylllg or lhlrst. Now I have ruIIk the glll.s9 out and I\W content" CITY OF BIG NUMBERS. New . Yor'l a Place Whe-c 1\11 Things Are On n Large Scale. A Now Yorler of a ! ! latlstlcnl turn oC mint ! has beeu I1gllrlug on what the ' pcople or that city 1mi' for lllxurles nnd other lhlngs. For Intltance , 110 says : "For our dally IIcwslluper reall. ( ug 0111' papel's mw from 4C O to 1,000 taus or white paller n du ) ' , which 10 the average elght-pago paper amonnt to from 8,009,000 to : ! O.OOOOOO copIes. 'rbe val'lous pres n s'Jcallons } cuble. 1:9 : betwt'en 80,000 and 100,000 wOI'de 1day. . Our enterlalnments In nur rorty odd theaters CORt liS f1'Om $ 'j6 ' , ' ' )00 ) to $100,000 t. . nlgh. Wo sultl on 0111' stock exchllIlge floor over : ! : l , . : > 00.000 shares ot stoclt dllrhlg the la3t year , and while 1,000,000 shnreH II. till } ' ! s a large average , on May tl , HIOl. the tramc IlUllIunted to 3,33G./j9fi / IIhuI'8. And 80 It gocs. Wo sUI ) Y UI' justl , fied In declarIng that Nu\y York II : ! lhe city or bIg uuu.bel's , 1.0:1 \\11 a : > bIll 'hlngll. " nc..t CUrer ' " 'cr Maulc. Thc' RI I'IJII1.IC.\N hl1s sllccccllell ill ctling a spccial cluhhing price from the pulllislwrs of the Nehralkn ! Farmcr , one of the hest lhcy hl1\'e e\'cr made , atlCl cluring the past two lIIonths : \ good I/Ilmy I hfl\'e takell : tt1\'l1ulagt' of thi. , ; offer flllIl are well pleascd with it. Wc h\\'l' had thc lime t'xlclldcd for this offcr , helic\'illg lhall11l1l1Y more woul like 10 lake :111. vantl1gc of it before it is witiulrawlI. For . sewl ' . till' Nebraska $1.35 we CIIII ) )11 Farlllcr allil Ri\l'UHIICAN hoth for onl' full ycar , aud worth f.2.00. The c. hraelm Fonncr is Ihl leadillg' gelleral fnnu ! lnd Ii\'t. slock jOlllllal of till' \ \ cst. It prints 1'1'011I .2,1 to ,10 pages cnch week , is wt'll kllowlI ami wcll liked , havillg heell estnhlishecl sillce IS69. Its puh. lishcrs arc practic l 11I\11 expcricncel1 IIICII , who an IIOWIud / ha\'e hcen fOI thirty vcars cxtells'cY ! engagcll ill fa rill' in anil stock raising ill Ncllmska atll' ' cOllditions applicahlc to the wcst. It h a journal for thc flt : IIIcrs hy farlllers No other farm paper I'all fill its placl' 01 he so hclpfulto Ihe fl1l I/wrs / or tht' wc t It is cOJllrihlltcl1 to hy all tht. Icadill agriculillral writers at III cxpl'rilllCIIL'I 0 tlw'est allll at our special duh pdt'l lIulrllll' takell 11) ' CVCI''OIIl' , .ut c : . _ I . " lIlttnll. The Burlillgtoll will sell rOlllul tril lic1ets to Frelllontl\la ) ' 1.2 , 13 , atlll 1.\ \ a 011I' fun : for lhl' rol\lIll \ trip fnl\n \ Nehrusk points. ,16..t f/l Thill elgnaturo 19 Oil every hux of tit. . , gUllul1i Laxative BromocQuinin.e TaiJlets t.b rt > lIIody oeurctS II 4Y..Ild 40 oue dllJ - - - - - - - - - - \ ltA AND SUPPIAII . CAl\1J lJ'roll In lrucllolu "ow In l.IIII 1\IIIIIIcyolopII II l'il ' lure wllh ofory cl\mnra ohl. VIIII hlll tOIlU rur al I\Lllrlll , I.atest Styles in Ph tographs. BANGS STUDIO. K.t hlllhc'llu 18H. ! Brokl'lI Bo. . . . , N hmt4kl\ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u - - TIP. . , ' s Tl1'ifCOMPAN Y , AlwRV8 hlV1Iho 11 I'll t Iuality' ( ' I.umher111 nthl'r hllililin , n tormlll t tlill I.n""t ! t P. im.tI , . ' 1)1101lfl No. ' 10 , C. ll. , JUD1INS , Manuger. . , " " ' ' ' ' " , ' : - ' ' - . . - " , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : \ . ; C ' ' ' ' 'i' ' ' " . , , . , . . . - - - Anuther Suicide. If August Rocs11cr. ! of Berwj'u , committccl ! guicidc lagt ] 'riday lIIorning hy shooting himslwf ! through t he head with II ht g-UII. 'I'hl' ullforttllwtl' man had hl' ' 11 i II poor hl'aU h for ! { OII1l' tilllei'hich : atrcctell his m ! ! which is as ilpll'l ! a thl' cause of his selr Ilcstmctioll , But a fl'\\ ' minuteuefore ! \ hl' committed the Ileed hi fatlwr called him tn get up to hrealdast. lIe respondcd prl1mptly ami got np alld partly IlrcsscI ] lunU\clf whell he toolc a shot gnn alld placed the muzcl I alfainst his forehead allll with I Ius foot tonched UIl ! trig-gcI' that sent him instantly . into etcrlHty. , TII was wel1 to. do t llanc al1j' , was ging-Il' a 1111 Jived with his pan ntg. His funcml was held SUlllla . \ . afternoon and his remains laid .to re t in the Bcr"'j'n Cemetery. l.O' ' ' ' AtAT'U" ' ' 'I\H'I' . 125.010 1'001IUIII : , ' 1'acolIIlI , catt1c. 2i .40 tll Hau Fl'lllIci wo lIIul 1,0 : ; A lI clc . $2'J.SO 10 Hpokllllc. i-20tli' to Hult Iakt Cil ) ' , lIullc 111111 IIclelln. Prol > Oltiollatcly low rIIte : ; to h ulllh cds of otICI' poillt : : , inclu illg Big 110m Busill , Wyo.IOlllullh ; , IlIlIhu , Wllshill ! { . tOil , Olcgoll , British COIUlllhill , CRh. fornin , etc. H\'cr ' 1111ulllil JUlIe 15th. Tourist c rs tlaily to CII1ifomia. Per ollal1y cOluluctcll . cXCII ions three timcs II week. ' \'ourisl \ cars Ilaily to Scuttle. IU'luirc of IIcurcst Burliugtoll Route IIgcllt. 46.51 - - - - - - - The Calf vs. Older Steer. ' 1'lIel'o ILre cattle I hat Il fvelle ! ' mill' .10t 111I ) ' too 1J1Ih for , Jr he I. f.UpS wlthlll the 110Ull1l8 of realWlI , ; 1IIt1 lhel'e I\l'e other rattle HlIlt 1'llJIIIOt be lJOught low ellough lo malnOlley , 'l'he tll'st arc wo.urcd ] ) , well.developl'lI ] 1el'ool'd calvcs , and scarce ; the otl1. CI'S are scrubs , or stuuted low 1I'llllcs of othel' breeda , nnd plcntlCul. 'fhe mn. jorlty of American feellers 1II111w 110 lIIol1ey ( eotUn ! cattle , nud they COt1l uuthead nly when they rellr IlIch' 0\\11 hogs to fallen em the ot'C'l ' or lhe call In , or when the corn lhey feell III of thdr own rallllng. It the average feedel' who haa hIs OW11 orn were to U ' { el'tnln accuratelr . . . . .ltat III nolle ! ! hili. pel' bushel wh\.j marketed thrt.u/h / cattl , llot countlo the hogs that : ollow. he wOll11 tlnd thllt In most cases It do\ ! not exceed rortecn cents By feeding we.bred ] ) Hereford cal'es , catllc.feedlng alone w111 yield a llrotlt on , the gmln consumed , and the hogs will Let ; as rat anal' the Herefords , ' whl1 their galus w111 be clear profit. It hilS he n deD1onlltrat d tbat a bush. elllL"gl'aln w111 Ulake greater gain on Iclllr tlum on YClI.rl1ng ; u greater alll on a yearl1ng thun on a two. . ' ' mustl'ulo It hush. YOIll'.Old , etc. 'l'u : a t'l tlr coru make ! ! five pouuds gaIn all IUI agell steer , 11 culc . uf the , sl\me qual. I ty will gulu teu pounds ou the 81\.le l\ullntlty \ , or double , Rnd OrtOIl mere .all tll11le. . 'l'bero Hes the profit In cult feec1lnl'-T. F' . B , Sothum. Hessian Fly In Indiana. Prof , Troop. of the Indllum E\p : tl' ment Stallon , In a IHllletln to the press , BILYH : Hesp.1nBes IIn\'o beer. I'e' i eel v Ull from 185 correslolllllmllJ ) to I date l'UIIl'osullth.g elghty.slx cOllutles. . ' Of t1w u slwuuty.three counties report I the rt ' nil doing moro 01' less damage. 'I'III1'lcen counties l'epOl't no fly , whlt'1 ! I mllYII' \.1ay nut II tl'IIO. nn It hils fl'l'llIclltly ! huppuued thnl ! IIII' 1111111 hu : relJOl'tell no Ity lint ! ullolLol' mUll Iy- : i Ing In IUlothel' 1I'tlon 01 the cOllnty . has reported I t III ! doilleonslcJo'UlIlo / eamllge. ! 'I'\IOSIJ \ cuuntles rOll rtlng uo I'11y ' Ill'll J.alC , Allell , WhItley , Jasper , ; Newtoll , Dlackford. Warrell. 'vcrmll. , . ! 1011 , Owen , Sn1l'annox \ : , Starko nne ! Scott. ' 1'ose ) which hnvo not l'eportel at all 1\I'e ElliTmrt , Wells , AdamH. 1 Barthl..OUlew , J elterHon uull Pllte. ' . J 'ortyslx couutles report the damllgo r to wheat as ranging CI'OI1l firt6en to S\'Cllt . flve leI' , cellt of the crop. Twellty.follr COlllllies report only I slight damnge ; t1 c greatest amount II of damage Is rcpol'te\1 \ frolll the een. t lral ntlll SOli them cOlllltles. ( In DI- 1cntlll' cOllnty fil'ty.t\\'o lal'\'ae were _ foulld III one plaat. ) In slxty.five I COlllltlClS In whIch the lIy Is found , the wheut was 80WU lJel' ro Selltemher 25 , I whllo In eight coulltles Ie. is fouud. ' 'n ' wheat grown nrter Scptemucr 2C tJt , I' ullt In ( 'nly1no artOl' Ocl her 1st II ' 1' v.-otles ( of wheat are mentioned as bd"I ) , ' grown III the In. feslell dlstl'lcls , I\nt ! no one \'l\l'lelY Is mentioned as L.ln ! ; llIort } free fl'Clm ntll\ll ( than other& . . D neer In Inkst mdL In GCl'InIlIlY a JII'W mhwCllIp. flnl . been d'scovered and 11 VtH.y tlal\l , er ous ono It Iii sllld lo be. Onl ' In .nk slanes ! anll Inlt llOttK"6 Is It ( o nd. and for thh reas(1II It 18 Itno"JI " Il tbo Inle mlerobl' , Vessels which cCln laIn Inl , ulld wl1hh : nro lIeldon _ CICUIllW,1 01' ( 'orl.ed flll'lllHh a mos - - cong''lIlul hOUle (01' It. luk 111fectel with thlH IIIlcrolw was recelllly In joelI'll lulo ratll UIlII guinea pig ! ! , nUl as IL l'e lIIlt tLe anllllals 111I'todllIJJ \ I < 'ol'tuuately tbt'I'u III all eaRY'IlY tl or get rid of tbls IleRI. lI.ud that Is b : keeplu OIlU'Ii lul.Hlnl11 cleu11 aD' ' Imrel'cll. 3- " 'I'hl' . ! 'IIl'dal duhhing nlTl'r I $1. . 5 for the 1 H1'T1I1ICAN { all Nehraska li'arnll'r 1'01' a ycar h : h en extended. 'I'his will g \ e\'cn' farUl'I' in Custcr count that Ilnl's nut god these pap'rs chancp tu get both for littlelUlol than the price of one. ! \Y" \ JV' . ' . , . . - . . . , \ < OC. . An 0111 < < :0 HoldeJ : II d\'cs tClllplll"llry htllel ts ollly frll\I his ollke. The holeler of.-o--5 RE'AL EST-ATE' 011 the cOlltrary , is pellUnllclltly curiched hy his hnlllillg . Dirt'ct y01l1' errorls to. wllrd securing tmll'stutl' mther thull to. wllnl s lurillg ( imCl' . We CUll hclp 'ou , We hn\'c 1IIIIIIIIhcr of choice tmct ! : cft whith : Wi11I'1' solei nt harguills. , ) arn ( . H l..l.h.vicl , . Brokcn 1I0w , . . 8 NchrnsllI. , . . - : D : Nr-rIS-r H. B MULLINS. . M , 0 , \tlllo , ' a ! : Iln'chlllY nf nr"IVII 1111,1 , Ihht ) : , . W\IIk. I''II' ' ' rClisollllloln , All \ \ ork ! : lIartllll"I',1 " , ( ' 1\11 alll 'hllUt III.rOn ! ! : Itl' ' : 1I1YhctJ. . OlllclJ-ln Ilrnklln lIow HllIl. . IIl1l1k UIIIIIIIIII : , IItnkellllow , Nebf/l I.II , - - - FHA NS'B 1\IOORg , Kl ) Ji ! D' ID .tIDpiJJaHe 'rwn hlocll lIorlh of 11181111 OClllrnl Hotel. I'al. ronnjC o\lcl'cd. \ ' I'rh'eH rO&8ollolllo. MIKI CANI.ON , -I'wprlt'tor or- . Itulaurllnt , " , Lllndl COUlllcr. : I.Rrj(1I a orll\lclIl of CunffOllUolllulcs , CII\r " , , , I ' 1'UbIlOOUI. Norllt hlo of I'nhllc Qllilro. IIrollllll Bow , Nc\Jra kl\ , H II4T4 SID ] IT1 Hli'OHDS nlll Huron .TlIrPoy IlogIIft'llnll,1 , Clhl. UNt hIOOI\ nflltelr Clt' ' R. Alhlr. . , , n. IC. IJ.\ IIICI.I" Jlrnkell III1W , NtJhrll kl\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W A. THO\IPSON : , _ ( 'O 'I'lt " 1'OIIUILIIiW. \ ' " . Wi'II111,1 CIUIIII\h' on tlhorlllOlll'n. 1"lIkl\1I IInw. N.'hrll lIa . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I BAltBltH SIlOP , CITY I II. O. II U'I"l'ON , I'rnprlelur. 1'lrAt-I'III's work. lieu Hoom of IIrnkl'lI Blw Hlale 11111111 , IIrllkclI Bnw. NebrMka. B. & 1\1. Rl S'rAUI AN'l" Nurth HilI. . ul Trllck , 1\Ioal > > Ifl 611 bllllr OI' 11 da ) ' olllllllghl. Fine cnDllleR l\utI clgorri , ROLLA TOWSLEY ; Pr p. . - - D. r A7.I , I.D. : . . . . . .OAalllrlli . . . . . UranUo , l orelgn nnt ! I' Ulllrlcftn JIInrllll" . Ornament ? ! Work a Specialty. . Brokoll How , . . - N l'1 rash. Bargains in Real Estate Jl'nrm lanl , 18J11. . . lalty , " 'lraf" . corn and /IUII / g lan,11I , for balll III CU Itr , Sborman , 1I11f. tnlnln,1 UawPoli connllcp. Prleell frolll 54.00 Ilor lIer" III' . Rebhlpnce mllll. eouth IIlId J IIIl1e east 0 : Mawli. 1'081 olllee addloel. Ll VllnNn , Mn ell Oily , Nobraekl. - CA1\lI RON & ; HlCI 91 1 rr r 'ys ' 0 1JCfl,1l0r5 A'i' J.A W . lIoomA II all'II. . ! tcalty lIIock , Brokell Uo" , Neb. CLINTON ) ) Y , Physich n & Surgeon. on cillo rear ur 111u 1I0llk or Commerco. 11611. dor'l'c6th ' homo " " . , nr the .1811U L chllrch. IIrnlltll ! lIow , NI'hrll lIn . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O " . CON IA H , . ' . . . . . .11""lcr In. . . . 1'111111' . . Wlull MIII , 'I'allll , 1.'ItIlIlJ : : , (11\81111111 1.lIlll1fPl : , 010" ell' . IIIOiOIl 1I'w. , . ltl\ , nit 'I' . r . It'AHNSWOltTII , D ENTIS'l' , t > er 011I , ' " In IIcI\lty 111111'11 , IIr , 11118" III 'lilli'\ ' \ . - - - - - - . . , . . 'lilli'U - - - - - - U e S. IJunf ( ) ffi e. JA m Wm'J'lmICAU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hflorll'1l 1",11. YOUNU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H\lc\'IYI . - - - - - - - - - - - - - IIWAI , ' ' ' ' ' AIIV It'I'IB MK'I'1'5. All ud.rll elrlellh 1IIIIIer thle hC1I,1 , wl\l \ I chllrKctl ror lit 1,1'111 rl\1 ( , vlt : : 11.00 JlPr Hllnl\ , ror nr t lu.rlloll. ) IIIHr bill' I'nr . 'llIlIro for "III .ut"l"lu'nllll.I'rUol ! . . . . . . . . I 1111I1111\\- ' . " .llullr. \ \ - nr rrllcllUlIlhtul'u' Ullltc , ! RIMH" I oH,1 , I rtI J . , tlrol.11 lIow , Nllhlllt" " , AI/rlt I. 1'It.lI : I N1lt11'61 " "rehy tlv.llihut UIIIOIi J HUlllh . \ 11.011110.Ichrlll \ " , h.1i JIIrllllOIlCIJ ur hllcnlll to lIIako 1111" . ' I'rour ' hcfurlt rCll : lIr 1\1111 rec h uL hIs tllllt.o In IIrolwu JII.w. NehrRs\a. on ' 1'IIt ! ! dn1 Iliu ! h " "Y nr J 11111' . 1'/11.1 . .n Ilmll'r ! CUIlII "llpllcull"1I . < 111 13 l.l. for" It .wl , ( , c' . IIW' . t\.cllltli Nit. 2 , lu I..n.h. . . , No , I" n , raUj/O N ; : w , 110 11ft 1111' . " . wllno'.c ellllrioo : 'e'UI . .I'U ur A IIl\ehllll. Juhll ynllllltlalu or Merl tllwttnl : ( Jlllhri/t or Mi'fIUl. lIeuJlml1i'hltclI \ ' "f Iomlt'r. ! , IUIII ! ! \ \ IIITBIlII II , II 31-3 I IIcglblur . . -'t. _ " , J . , r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " . . : . . . United 1"I"sl.null omc , ' , L IlIolwlIlIo" , . Nobruh. April 'Z7 1903. r NoUco herolty Ilvpn th\t the tOI'ln/t ' / nllm. ( 'II rt'ler hili II I It < ! noli co of hi. Intolltlon to IIll1ko Onll"rooflll " s'\J'Iorl ! of till cllllm , Nit , IOJJ : , allct 'hilt uhl proot wHl It. . madtt heror" lie. III-tl'r MI ) r. cph'lIr lit IIrokonlow \ , NllbrOAk\ .1111104,1'1\1 \ , Viz \\'IIIIAI\I III h"I" New Helena , " 't1hrn-ka. for Ih" nlJo 11ft'Sl'cll , , " JS Towuellill I' ) N. IIl1rle 21 , \ \ " nt 6111 I' , M. 110 nanlnS the fnllttYll1Ylln. . , ' - III 11rOI' . . hh conllllnollfl rt' I. Ilcllre (1111)11 IIII. ! eIl111"lon lito . I J 111\111 , vl : III' , ry WIt.IIIIIIS of M..rllll , Neh , , " . .rry CtltT.llln IIIIeI \ ' IInlelllNllh Ollvllr ! lwlok of New 1I01clIINeh" IInbrrt 1IIIrroirr III Ntw IIlt'ena , X\'hruka , JAttK : WIIITIUIIAII. 4" 51 'J . IIq . : ' II'r , - - - - - - - Ullltt.1 I-Itllh' " 1,1\111' ' ornc. . , 1 \lro \ ell Uow. N.hrlllkll , Allrlllr. , I"MI , r NllllclIlhMllb , ' 1.1'011 II'ltVIIIII'r N. Jor.l"u , I" Itl'lr I1l1tl for 1"lrll of MMcla A. .lorell\lI , "e < ru nd , 1'1I ll'r I'nrl" 1I hns nlM nullco of IlIlllntlnu 1011I111011 nnal prllM I II' fore IIrRI8Irr aut 1I01'II'\'or III hlflunlcn III IIrok'1 IIIIN'ltrlAIIII. ! . nlllhl1 2Jfll dl\1 IIf Mllv. I 'l\IJ , " , i lImher clillurn 1I1'IlIollllo11 Nn. 11.7 , ror II\\ ' ! ( " " ( of AlIl'llllll 11. In lo"nAbll' 1:1 N , rll11111' III" oHIII \ " . J\\ \ . IItJ namOlll1l wit. IIU..OII. J'rry W Meal , \ -lInluforll , 'Jell" AlUo N. Wo I"ro"k of IIr"I.ell lIow , Nth loOmy Wl'othrook of lIound \ ' lloy , NI'h , 1"rI\IIk 11. It I1ll1ht or HOlllmronl , 1\1111. ' 1'ftlmnIlY or 0111111111111. 'n h" IlIlotJlI iJI'rnro Ih" rlllror \ Iho 1'111Irtlll Joh'I ! , Will C1OIIIIIY. 11\ \ U-t 2 JA tllti WIII'rEIIIUII. I I'K UIIIII'II Htl\tl' 1,111I11 OnJr. . l 1.ll1culllIh , llrli 6 , 1110:1 : , r Nndco I hrre'h ) ' 1lyrll : I . .t Ihll rollo\OllIl ( lIalll' cd l\IlIer hu IlIellllllllco fir hla IlIlentioli tu IIl11kR 1'lIl\lllroof III 8I1I'I''t nr hl claim , I\utl lhftt tlaltl IIIUIII\\11I ' hI. ! 11I11110 h"foru t1ounl ) ' Jlleho at IIn1' ken 11.1" , N\'brllok" , nn IRY : U , 1903 , , III : ( 'AtU.TON A , IIUIIWIfur \ lho B IIWi ! IIlItI nli .wo ! ( . .I \ ( > rlloll II ' 1'III\'IIShlli III. Ihngo 20 " , 117.l'1:1. \ ! : . 110 IIIIIIICB Iho fo1\owlul \ [ wllne At III I'IOVO ' Itle ronthlll\llluoltIcuctJ lI\nu \ AUtt culU. \'nUIIII or l\lIIllItlll. vl1.1 .lllI1cIO. AIII.b"ffY , of IIrnktm no\\ ' . \\11118111 .1. WlllllulI IR uf IIruken lIow 'rlllllO II Morrl 1'1 llrukcli 1I0w , } o'rnll" Nurloll ut IIrllkt'II 11 nit" , W. A. < lI\KIIN. U15 ItD lelcr. NO'I'IOIt 10 NON.ItKbIllIUo'I' IIKFICNU NT . , I\thew 'I' . SW'In ' nll,1 IIlIulISwnll \ , tnl."ln,1 IIlItI wltl1. will Ink"IIIII'lIlhlll nlilho Jth Iiny "f prll I'IOM , F. 1\1. IIl1bll'u , 1III\InlliT Itcreln , dil'll hl Jltliliou Inlh" Hlalrlcl ( "nllrt uf Clio lor CIIUIII ) ' Nchr' kR , ag8ln t thtJ ol\hl "erol\ll lIl Imllellll'd , wllh nlhcro , tht ! o"JI'rl alllll'u'lIr of wltlch la to foUl' In tI a rcrtRl1iIlIurlll" 1' tined f'leeulell hy Ih" Hllhl Malt III'j' . ; " ' " 1\1111 1I0tllI1Hwnll III IIIHIIII fa\'or of lhc Nobrus" " JIIurIICI\/iU / IInd ' 1'rliAl Cu. , wtJl'rohy Iltoy eOllYO ) ell the hdr nf " ' 0 OUlh Oll t rluRrh'f oflerlloll13 III 'l'OWlllhlll 2\ ) Nurlhof 1I1111eZ\ ! : l , lIullho , wesL hAlf ur the lIOulh WOlt 'Iu"rl.'r ' of a"clIon1 ! ! III 'I'uwnlltlp ; ! I1 Norlh or lIauKo 21'l' t. 10 "eellrO Iho IIIIynl\1IIl uf oUrlR11i mnrl&llo & bolld 1llIlet un the ! ! Ilh oay Ma ) ' , . I ) , 18\10 , for Iho lIrn or ! WII.OO. tluo nlill Iln'n"lo Ilfu ycarB rrom the tlnln ther""r ' 1'llIIro Ip nnw tlno Upnll IIIII hnnll nlHI lUurtjAgo Iho " : .I prillcllnil Pllm ur ! WOI1 ( ) loclh.r : with tltreo lult\fl' \ t 110101 clleh III 11t8um ur $ JI 11 ( ) , f"r which alll R.\'cul 8UIl1 wllh IlIllIreet 1lalllllll prllyell rnr Ih'croo thnlllofentl"lIlH 110 rl'f\ulu'el \ to IllY the t UIO IIr Ihlll elllllllfl'nll. " . m\V , ho oohl Ie 1I1\'loy IhnftmOlltlt r01ll1l1 tn ht' chi" . You IIro ro. 1IIIIrl1llln IIIIHI'r puJol rnlhloll nil nr boforu the ! -Ith tIll ) ' of JUlltJ. I 'It ) : ! , lIalelt thl 2'llh doy of Ilfll , 1903 1' , 1 > 1. ItUIII.I.IC. 1'llllIlIlI. 46 , 931 lIy \Btll.KtII\'ICIJ. . Allorl1ty , NOrHH 'I't ) NON.Hretlllll'N'J'H. : Il1lhe nt lrlol ( nllrt of CII81rrCounl : ) ' , Nebrn kl\ . A. A. W-IIA , , I'lftllllur , VR. 1I'ury IIICk"I , d ul. Dl'lcli lill1l. . ' /'ho Ilof'ndl\nlH , II" . rv Slliolcerl. Mr , HOl1ry Hillcliorl , hl wlfc , UenrtJ Hlllckcrl , Mr . UCllrKo Hluckerl , hl wltl , Mmnl. , Ilteach. Mr. IIrnnch , h'r hn lIlInl ! . hiM ) ' , l'eel , Mr , 1',1 , , hl'f IlIlIbRllI1 , Johll blllClcrtIrd. ! . , ll1hll Hlnckorl hi _ Wlfll , 1.\'n1/\fI1 ! : ! lllrirerl 01111 Mrs , ' , ollluml tllollUrt hi" wife , h lnlt thu helr nr 1.I' Htnckl'rl , clo. t''a ell , l' 11. MllrlRY nl'd J. hll ' 1'crltulo will IlIk. uollcohll 01' thc 25lh . .11nf llrll , 11)113 , IhoJlllIllIlIIT A. A WOlle. lIIe.t hlA poUtion III Iho Dl trlc COllrt or Ollstor conlllv , Nehnlkl\ , gRlnRl ) on alllI'neh of YII'I 1111 l er"llIlnnt , Iho nuJoctllllllllrlly'r ! of whloh lire to rorf'clopu II celll\ln htX cl'rUllcatn Ip811ell Ity lho trcll uret III 8111CnRler \ COlll1ty , on.lho 20lh , dav or lJ'obrullry 1Iltll , otVhkh thul'lnlnlllT Is IOW the owncr nl1t ! hllller thereof , for Ihllllum of tl33 :15 : IIntI ' ' ' oll'orln'i' the followlli/ crl"olllfcmlsue : Norlh lIIIa 0 the 1I0rlb srollnll lonllll ) . ' 1'owl1hlp 15 , Norlh , Hlln ! : " 17 W.61h 1' , M. . H81,1 County , I\nl 111'011 wbich bll8 boon "lInb ' " paid I'qllolit" tllX : R8 follows : on the 211d , Iny of May , 11101 , f If Ib" VfJllr IHMI , lho .lIm of $1 61 , on Iho I.t dMY at III bY , l'iO' . ! . tor lLu fl'fIr l'JlI1 tbo Rum or b 63 each of willch IImounts draW 2jler cmlt luterc t frnm lholr rORpecll\'o doteB. 1111 of wbleh 18no antI uu- 1'11111 , PI.IIIUIT pra'ell a docteu oC foreclr'RurA of Hahl certincalllft end rtcl'lplli0,1 / , ale ot lIld of sllhl premlaefl , YOllllro re'tUircII to IIlIewor IIBld peUUoli ou or IJ"foro MoudllY Ihe : jb IIIIY 01 Jllno 1903. UdetI . .t lIrollen 1I0w , Ne\JraAko , thlll 15th. tIsy uf A'rll ! , I'IOJ ' , A. A. WULItI , 1'l/llntllI b'4\1-2" \ JJ } ' ALI'IU MfJJOAN , HIM AUorlll'Y , s. 1\1. D01UUS , mIlan. OJkllumll11i1n. ! AI. kinds or work III our IIn" tIoliB promptly lIud Irl nrat.cln B orelor , lIed 8bop nn lhe orncr W ( } t 01 tbo halO hOU8C. ( I".t (11'4 ' A'rUIAI. . lIroKon Dow , . _ - . Nebralka. WILLIS OAnWEIAIA III11l"lee'4lm : tmt m : okelro T am doi ng busillcss at the , OLD STAR BARN ! - Bro1cclI Bow , Nehraska , as mmal with' a full line of gooe : horses and jades. COIl1 ( ' anll SC ( me anll I will try allll do YOt geol ) , Your , II \\1. J.tV j-\NrrZ. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = : - - - - - .fL" , , _ . u DHS H. U. & W , E. TALBOT. . " . " , PHYSIGIANS . . SURGEONS. i ; " urnOIl oVcr lIatJb"rl ; " . . ) rulr IIt rll. 1 IlrnktJlIlIow , . - N.hrau. . 'j " , , ' - ' " - " " " .J. SN YI > ! lK : , :1 J..J. : : .um " , . . . NOTARY tiJ 11' " PUBLIC , " \ 11JII ( lIce 0 tbo PellCo. llpoclaJ Alt8utOD ! at _ to colloclton IOl'o lllona 1tcn. ponllon , oaeb. " 11 uClltir executed and aU kind. of 1 a1 apen , wrlUen , omooln the rear ot Uank of ( JOBmllftllt , " ' , ; lIrukon Jlnw , Nobmah. ; . " . , ' , ; , - ' DU' U. IA. MULI ENS. . , , \ < 1 , ) ' . . Physician , SUg on , . . : : : ; .1 CIII , H .lrw"y ! rom \CA't lIud Iu IteallJ' Dloot . ( ; . 1' ( , hI'mCrll : ! Wllit M. B. chUrdl. Otl SIIme.etd. nr alre't , rtr'lJrokpn 1I0w , Nobrllk ; _ _ - - - < F . . . . . ' S T4ist of I. ands F-or Sa1e in Custct' CountyNeb , . S TIII\M-Ollo. : hlrit caBh. . balance 011 8 Ililferrecll'l1ynll"ntA , i ) ler CN.t lntef\flt. . S WII.r.J4MIWeYo(1 ! uoo ( IW , ; o : H.13,2:1. : . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , t 000 'i \1 TBrIlBNeoN-el ! ( 8W , " lot 7 , BOC ' o b Iuta I lIti , Aen 7\4 \ < 21. . . . , . . . . . 110O o I1nlJlIIIN- ! ( lIe , I " " ! i IIlIIi , o IIW ! ( I\w-4' ! , 24 13.11 . . . . . . . . , . . . .1000 I I eJAIITLKIIIIIUI- ,2.II.17 : , . . . . 000 HULL-WI" 1I11O ( , nw , ( , t2.14.\l5 \ 1 000 . \ \ } IhtoWN-NIIi.19.\J.18. ! . . . . . . . . . . 110O " ' o 'l'IIOMl' ONtjlIIW . 2. 1 c .e\ ( , o ! Jb.JI\ , . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . iOO o HIIJ.I\l'K-KoJ..c. 10.14.18. . . . . . . , . . . . 1 000 ' . o CIlKWOtl - O\1 \ "cra8 In lecUoliB , 8 7. .IH , 1\1 \ , to"uAhlp 14. I.toad / tor t S "IIUlc . rallch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 000 . \1 h.IIIINoi ! , 21.14.18. . . . . . . . . . . 12\.10 \ ' - o NICLAIN-No' ( , 15.\4.IH \ . , . . . . I SOO 1 o OJlK\VII nll-1"Iwi ! , 4-13.23. . . . . . . IOO i ; 8 II.Y's-I IIO , H'II'-4' ' ! M ! ( , IN3. S 21/ / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 ' \IIXTON-Nw-,3:1 ! : , 13.211. . . . " 800 8 WI : TM-N BOR ! JIII ) . ( , U.15. S 1'1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOO , \1 Mml1lllI'Y-Ho , : " 1 , III , 2 . . . . . . . HOt ) o WAt 1(111\-8" " , 1I\O.t8 : , . . . . . - q 8 I.AIMA-Ihv 14 1I1' ! ( , lIwi ! Ie' ! " lol. , ' \1 1.2.1I.14.U. : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110O \ ) HOIIINHUN-N ! IIW)4 ) , eoi ! IIW . I II 5 ; noJ. ( IIO4 ! , It. H.IH. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . 800 i 8 UTTBllnJ.CII-NoIO'I7,30 ! . . . . . . . 1600 . S NOJ,2J.I4.UI. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 8 ' 1'lte nho'o IIIIId8 will bo 80ltl ubJoct to . , oxlHlnj ; ICI8e . Nnw Ifl YOUf ol'portnolty , bororc lhl ! IlrlceR afalJyIJlC 'lt. For iar. , . . tlculllrl\ . , call 011 or ruldrcu this onlM. ' ' . , - ; I BUnn Route [ fonj ! TIME TAUbE 'j B-l' ] OlJ N UOW. NEB. - ' 1.I"coln , nenver , : ' "lural..I. Ilele R , . ; Cl1lCIIKo , Dutte , . , t. JONel.ll , I-ortlaud , .1 .IUIUUIH ; City , ltaltLakll : CIb'1 ' . HI. LoulH. A lid Huu Il"ranclllco AU . .0Iut14 It."t " ' 11.1 AIII.olnt. &out ) I'4outl1. ' West. , t No. 4\1-Vo UbuI0 < \ OXIlTeU daUy. ! Lincoln , Oll1a. ha , fit , Joseph lilnla8 City , ! : ! t. LentiL Ok ! - : C Jo : : antI alt polnt.ultnnd Bouth. . . . 80. a.m. No , H-Looill exprce , .I..lly. Lincoln , Omaha , Chlcalo ! alld 11IJolulI \ ell8t and ROUthtO SO am. 11 No. 4l-Ve t\iJuIC \ < l oxprees dally , DelenA , Heat. lIe Jlutte , l'orthlnd nnd all l'ac ! c Cout 110IntH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( IH ( a. ' } , NQ. .a-Loul expreu dally , All { auc\ ! and , . ; IlitormodlaUllolnte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U Mp. . "I 8100plnl { . tllI.lnK and rocllnlDK ch&lrcau ( Iut. :1 : free ) 011 Ibrouh : tralnB , Tick\8 told and bat" . \ gllgo ehoclcl"d to IIUY point tn th Uliltod gtat. . j 111\1 Cana.da , r Inform"tlon. mlP ! ' . Umu tftbloa and tlckot l' call on or wrtte to II. L. Onnaby' . agent , or J i Franc" . O. P. A. , Omnh' Nobruka. ' _ ' . L. OIUlI T. ARent. . " ! 60HEDULE OF BROKEN DOW MAILR. Pouch for west will clolo at 8 p. m" cxcept ; Bundll ) " whcliit will Cloee at ( llI m. l'onolt , ollstror lraln No. U OIOBOI at II It. m " . IIlId tor Nu. 44 cloeos lit , 11.110III , Mllil for Allets , and pollt onllt vf Orand IIlund curled on train . No. 44. Oconto , In uf HYDO and Tncltonille , dally ox ' ccpt unday c10Re8 , at 7 Ii m : returDIDr'8I1mo' ! daJ' "j CIIIlII" Y ViII , Mc'Klllley dally exoept Bunda1 i cloeol at 7 a 01 , retnmlng lame dlloY. ; Hound VIIUoy ViA Oroon IInd Rlton 01010 n T a 11 m.Tnllldaf. TbuudllY And tlaturdaysl roturnlng . 1111110 dftY. 8nlllnor , In OlirnallY , Ooorgelown and UVtoll arrrlyollllt 1t.30 , TucedllT.'i'bnrllilay aud Batur. day rclurlilng leMcI Gt t 30 lame dUy , O JM houri ham 11,000. m to 8.00p m , Bun- dAYS from 1i:45 p. m. t 6:411 p. m. Lobby opeu wCl1k days from' a. m. to 8 p. m. Bundlh II 8:80 I 11.1\1. to 1D. . 111. Oenoral dOllvery not open Bun. . dRY lIIornlng as heretoforo. L. llJII . PM' _ r . , , , , TRADE MARK. ' DESIGNS - COPVRlQHTS.&c. ; urOlln i..tIt.lncr II hkltcb and deecrtPllon may Qulcklr 11.JUI alli our opinion free wbotbor &II IIIV.IIIIIIII hvb" \ ll 1.'l nU t'lii , . , . onl'&teI1tA . lIo"l\lrlcllrconl1t1entllll.IIAIID It & "OIiL trou. thlo t ftlleocy tur .oou na ateDU. 1'/1I11nll'lllll"11 ' tbroUllh MUlin & ; Co. reoeln . I , pulld nollet. "llllnuL cblll'Ro , In tlJo I Stl IUifie Jlnl rl an. ' . . I 1tl\lIAOmo1yllluolr lfld weokly. T.l\faeat . elr. . . . CUI UIIII lit IIIIY . loIiUno Journal. .1'ennl , . . a I MI INNlr rC :3 : 1 : : : ; 'IN wd 'rk . . Urn , , " ' , om'o. 1125 II 8t. . WlllhlultOn.l1 ! , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HIII"'US Ander80n , J. C. Moore , " , . , . " . . , b" d ' . ANDERSON & MOORE.b" Ct'rI.llIIlh fur .nlu IInd rentm ClIller cuullly 811I1 aljolllll1l ( COtlIlIAA. ! Itqultlull "lid morlKal1i lIoullht IIUtl l..lcl. Ah lr rtM IlIUm ( Illy I\l1d neath mad. . . ( Jmcoltll'l ' 81m"I , IIlJlwe..n lh 1lIIIIlilh AVlJlllltJAlIrokclIlIoW.l1I8torCOlluty ! : , Nebraakll. . - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - ' - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - . . : ' r'r . : 1----5-- ; : r---- ! = J - r ' "rnfffi ff1'ffiffirnfffi Hflffij , .r'Gffi'mr I 1111 , . , . 1. , - , \ Before You Huil : ! . Cons lilt. . . . . \ : : P APINEA U & DRAKE , " ; \ : : I I Conha.ctOJ8 : an.d Buildere. \ ' : i lNill1at. . 1'lIrlli.hool I'r. . With Plall. anot SI'CCificati . \ d ' : _ . . . , , . . . . " .JlU.uwuUJ mullJ1lwJJ\uul 1/ IWJIIUUI " ! HI.WI1J.W.t J 1 'W _ - " _ _ _ . - _ _ ; , ' ' ; ; 11. _ = - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . . . _ . . . _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . - . _ 8 f II To Cure a Cold in One Day ' Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. A I'll ' " on eveiY ! . r < . ' Seven MUllen bOlos sold In past 12 months. This signature. (9.C. . . " box.25 . . . , ; I , . . . _ " " ' " , , _ . c . . . . . . . . . . . . .J _ : L' i .