Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 23, 1903, Image 6

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Th 1r : W r ? S g rt i :
: : FORRESTER. . .
. . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . .
c. .Q Q4a ; ) < t..t. $ > $ .G ( ! ) f > W @ W < i > @ 4.4 > oS > < i > $ < t4 > 1 >
- . - _ . . - - - . _ -
. , -
aliA l'1'gn XXI -WoIIIIIIIII'II. . )
Ill' l'l'l'IIIII'11 thl' ll11rl ( , lil'rn' 1'tII'1I ' ; . : II' ,
. } How IIIIl' ( 'llIll'hl'll hiM Ihrllll : whlll' h , '
rl1sll',1 ( , IlI'r . 1I0w hi' 11\1'11"1 " , hl'r III thl'
fll ( ' ' Itrlllllll ' IW l'I' . I.hl'l , ' , ' : [ < till 1(1'1(111111" ( ;
, , 111 { ' II'I\(1t'l' \ ( I h I' < JIt lil'rI'l'h' , 1101\ ' . with
111'1' II Ii ! ! I sUllt'l1 1'1'\ . ' , Mhl' f.ra l1l'cl his 111111' ,
till II lori' oat II halldflll. '
'l'llC'lI III' 11111' " ] 11'1' h'lI' ] ' IIl1rc' I. IIII IY ,
1,1It.1t 1111011 hl'l' , 111111 I'rllHhl'll , th , ' " ; Ife
IIlo\\'h' hilt M1Ir1'Ir ' Oil ! of her. ( ' 1'11'11 ' IIhlv-
cred. ' 'I'hl' 1111'11'1'\ ' IIC Ihlll IIwl'lIl ke 11l'
0\1'1'1'111111' 1l III , I I" \\,11'1'11 ' Ilw 1II0lstllrl'
frlllll hiM 1I'ow , ,
, 1IC'.t'I'I\lII \ ' ' ' ' 1'1"1111 ,
All 1111' ' \ ' ' ' ( ; ' : \\1'1'1'
cil. ! IfIIhI' II/III / ' tn IIII II'III till'
1101ll'I' , Fir' < fl , III' ! In t 1111\\11 : I tit I "OII ld.
cret ! wl.II , ' 1'111'11 hi' 1'01' : . f.ol till' hl'lI )111 ,
'nllll 111\(11 ( Ihl' 1H'lIl'lh , Afl'r ! Ihllt hi'
( I 1'\ ' iI ( ' tl II II'II ' 10 1111' " Ih" 11011I''hl'lI hu
'Wl'lIl 11111 III II 11I1111111'1' thllt lell )11'/)110 ) ) to
, thllll , Mhl' hllli 1)1'11 , , ' ] th ( ' tlollr. ' ) 'hl'lI he
. h't,1I' t hi' ) ,11(1.1' 1111. 11111 tlw eOI'll 111'11111111
It , IIIIlI hllll ; ' : it III lIl'h ' n1":1) ' II ! ! I , ) I\'e
tile hl\pl'I' MIOII HilI' IInll 1111I l'll 1.'r . l'lf.
l'llIlI 1Jl' 1\1'111 0111 , tllrll11 tI. . . , 1 ; ( ' ) ' willi
thc'11'1' hi' 111111 tnkl'll frolll till' l'I'lIOIII. '
. \IIti \ slllll' lIol l' ] ) ' tI\I'1I , the ! lIlliI'll. ( 'lIt
'Ollt IlItll thl' frl'I' n l' Oll'e 11I111'1' , 111011
, 111\1'11) ' . Ill'l'IIS Crl' ( ' . Frel' :
Alltl IIU II' , ollt tllI'r ( ! II'II tll ! ! 1111) ' alld n
n 11II 11I11 II ] 11' 111\11 lIel'lI SIIIIII'II'I\I'I'O. \
BOlIIlwlll'l'I' ! 'Vh110 h/1I1 / oltsl'l'\'l'll this
, otIlnll lit till' 011) ' 111111. III' I\'US n IItUC' !
! tlre-lIml Oil GrillJl'1I truck. ol 'I'hnt
, 'Willi 1I0t where Ill' hntl lIIut tIll ! IIIUII.
, , 'l'he IIInll'/I hnntl cnme 1111 with the hunll.
f h'hU 11111111 mllde a SlJII , The sl 1I wn'l
[ for 1I0llle OIlU G 1'11111 l'oll11 ! lIut IIl'e. A
coIl ! chill 1'1111 d01l'1I Gr llp'1I IIlIek.
IIe pllt 11111 books UWII ) ' . pllt I'\'ertlllll
f i1n L orler. stulliled olltll'lllc' , lil'st Iallcllll ;
'at ' his 11I0 II e ) ' , 111111 1111'1\1'11 the Iluor care'
Iflllly uChr hi III. lie \\'Iilletl rlIlcld ( ' , CII'
, erel ! II Cllr , 1I1111rodu to II I'lIl1rolld dl'lot. (
L At thc dellot III ! 10o11 ] Il'elll ) ' uhollt
flJlm , apprllachel ! the tlckut olllee , } I 11I'-
II lIclwt for uw 1'01'1" 1111I1 walk-
, : \ fl1 to the /nt ( ' , 1001:1111 ; nhollt hllll cnre-
18sl ; .
All tlw while his hlllliis trelllhlul ! , There
" ' -118 a SlIccl'ssloll of cllllls COIII'slll ) : 1111
' nd dowlI Ills hI\'II. : lie hill ! IHIS'II'II
roll/h / l11C lIte. I Iud lIelltel ! IIhmwlf III
conch , nul ! l\1l1ed his lint dOWII or
8 tnce.
Tile Iccolllolle Willi nerl'r 110 ! Jlow. Cer-
'tnlllly they were behind tlllle. 'l'hclI tile
Itruln stllrted. It II'US hlllI'll ) ' Ollt of
the depot ; the enh ) ! ! ! Willi Il'/ / : ! II III II I ; to
ore tnst , wheu II hllllli Willi 111111 U1l0n
Grlpp'lI shoulder.
I At tllc SlIllIe In8111nt the trllill IItOPlI'll ,
Ia 1111 II'olce slIId :
"COlliI' , lr. GrhlJl , ) 'ou're wanll'll. "
I 'l'hcn Grltl(1 ( kncw Ihllt hIs sin hlld fOlllld
\1lm out.
When Gr ( I(1 ( IIlepllell Ollt of the rallw\ ) '
, coach In n dnzel11) ! ' , sbtverlng with .
terror , two men came 11)1 ) to hIs COmpl\lI-
on. One llut 11 hnlll ! ont ns It to clutch
GrIpp , bllt the man who walked nt his
Ide Buddenly whlrlcl1 GrII(1 ( ( nl'OlIlIl1 , nnd
confronted the UeWCOlIIl'rll.
"He Is In my char e. Ir. BIlc1 , . " .
"Show YOllr lluHlOrlty ! " suld the see-
\O \ d mun.
A laler-not ) "cry Inr/e-wlIR / Ihrll t
out IInlcr Mr. Berr"s 1I0se. Ir. Herr ) '
"That's strong elloll/h / for lite , " said
D.crr ) ' ,
"I glless we'ro throll h , " Rnld Blick.
"No , " snlll DIIIIII. "I will he ohllel1 )
no yell b'Jth , .nllil wllllltnl\ ! worth 'Olll'
Itlme to tollow liS to till ! sllltiOIl. "
At the stlltlon Grl)111 ) WIIS sentell , trellt-
'b1lng l\Ie \ 11111111 tll'lzcll with n lIe , In II
chair , DlrecU ) ' : 'Ill' . lell'riSon cnllle 111
trom the corrllor. ! ' 1'he lIt1orlle ) ' loolel !
at Gripp 111 sllellcl' . ( hll(1 ( ( strm'e to lIre-
'Vellt his voice frolll shnldll liS he ul-
drcssed the lIf1iccr 111 char/e. /
"Oall I semi II lItetsnge to-to nn attor.
"Certainly. "
GrillP wrote hurrll'dly 011 n Bernp or
, tmpcr the IIddrl'SIl ot II welllwown crllu.
inallnwyer. All he WIIS ha1\l1l1l ! ; the Iln-
iter to nn o\lcer ! \ , with n dolinI' tor his
troublc , Pllrler enlered.
, On seeing Gr\I ) ) Pnrlcr stnrtell. III'
' < Ud not SIealt to Grlpl ) ; } Ie n\'eril'll hili
nze 1lItlllt'dlutel ) ' , II thing thnt I-/trucl ,
! Gripp ns 1hnd olltell.
"Is this Mr. 01'1111I ? " II eltlu1111l'tl the
officer , ns he llroceelled to eliteI' lhu IIl1l1te
1n his book.
Dunn ! lI1swerl'll 111'01111111) ' : " ' } 'hIR Is
' ! rncltson GripP. 11 ( ' Is III ) 'OUr rhllrll' . "
A mlln cntered ! ( lIll'tI ) ' , 1I011llt'II 10 th'J '
Tl'gular policemllll , tll Dillin , atlll the CUI'
' 1nln , lie Ill\ncel ! at GriPII. Theil Ilt
11'iirker. 'rhen II ! ! took Dunn n"hll' .
1 Gripp reeognizell III the lItaUller , III till'
,1J1et.holl ot the lIeWCOllter , n relOrtel' ) . III
imnglllntlon he hehehl thu IICCOUllt ot hliS
cr1mc lIud arrert 1iI11tu ) COIIlIltIl III the
1I10rnlug pupers. Shollll ! he gl\'e 11(1 ( with.
out n strn/gle ? Why 1I0t 1Itlll'I ! 1111 en'ort ?
The reporter upprouched him. ,
"They have n llrelt ) ' IItrong case IJgalllst
70U , Mr. GrlIII. ( "
" 'Vhat do UlI'y sa ) ' ? "
"Well , they aRSlllltl'-I don't Iwo\\ ' the
ollnds-thnt YOII Idlled Mrs. Knox , 11I1It
: her to the hook , 1111'11 locked the dOM nt ,
: tcr you , len vlng the kl' ) ' 011 the Illshle. "
"How cOllld II mUll lo thnt ? "
" 1"hnt'8 tor 1111 commonwealth tll show
' 'I - don't Imow. 'I'II\Y SIlY ) ' 01111ted \ nl1111
: ber - - str et. "
"I darl' lIay doze liS ot othl'rf callel
there. Mllkmi'II , neighbors , rellltiolls , nc
quall1tancC8 ot the tennllts. ' 'vhl'Y IInJ
there are a number ot tennnts lu tJlI
'bnUd.1 " , , "
The door opelled lIonlll , nnd Ir. Menl
entcrcd. Ile 1001 > 1'11 1 lIrlo\lsl \ ) ' nt Gripp
adyancl'd Iull'kl ( ) ' , nnl ! tllIll ! : "III It ) ' 01
, 'Who lIent tor nte'I"
"I ? No : I dlllllot druam of sendlll fo
3"ou , 1\11' . Mellt ! . I 11m1' ) ' lItueh ublll" )
-greatly Indebted to ) 'ol\-for cllmill ! :
l'l'hla is n ridiculous mllttl'r. 1 am III'r'l1
ed-actulllly chllrJcd with III lII'd 1'1' , h
.Mead. "
GrIpp sIDIIL d a ghllrtly Sill II e. h
Mt'nd recoiled.
"Murder ! You' ' "
"It sonnds absurd. "
"It ! ! Ounda awful to IDe. "
An attendant enwrlng , looked nt 1\11
Mend ,
"Mr. Athertoa wants to see you m
once. "
"Atherton , " said Gripp. "Is he hel'l
. . .
" , \ rrl'sll'd Cor IIIlIrtlrr , " galtl Dllnll.
rollI , ' ,
" , \ Ihl'rloll--l'hal'l.I'11 with III II 1',11'1'1 , ; r.
: \11'1111 lookl'll frolll Otll' to tI\I' \ 01 hl'I' .
"I 1111I 1I0t IIlIrprlsl'lllIt II , " II/lltl / ( hIPP.
" ' 1'111'I'llth \ nllollt Hoh 1'1'11'1'11' ' 1II'IItil hntl
1101111' ollt. "
" . \Ihl'l'lolI II ! ! 'hn 1':1'11 ) \1'1111 till' IlIlIrll'r
ofIri'r ; , Colt' , " SII Itl 1I'kl'I'IIOII , 1IIIIIllt'III ' .
01'111)1 ) loolu'd III ! ! /lIIIIIZ'IIIl'II\ / \ . ; \11' . , \11'1\11 \
hllII'III'(1 : 11110 Ihl' 1'01'1'11101' , 111111 SOOIl111 /
Inlkill/ / : \ l'lthtllI'l'lon , Irllill's : I'nrs
1'II1/hl : / Ibl' SOIlIIlI ul'II 1'111'1'111/:1' / IIl'xt , ' 1'lIln
I Ill' 11001' opl'llI',1 , 1I lIhl , 111111 ; \11I'hl'l'ry
IIlIsllltl'll In'llI' , \tll < 'rll\lI 11110 Ihl' ollil'l' .
Hhl' slnrll'(1 ( 11111111 1 > 1'1'111 ; . ( ; \11' , ( hlll(1 (
tllI'rl' . 'J'hl'l'l'1'1111 \l'11I1Ill'I'l'tI ( I'JII ( Cl'r-
I'III'U bl'tl\'l'l'lI thl' \'l'l's-lo \1' I'll Ihl' '
pllllnl1'1'1' ( ' 11011' to 1'\'I'I' ' ( ) - thl'lI
It'I'II\ ' 111111 ; \ln 'lll'l'I'I' , 11'1'1' IIShl'l'l1 ! 11110
th ( ' I'\lnltlor , Irl'III' 1t'lIlIllIg hl'/I\'II / ' ull h'I'
JU\'I'r'lI ' .
\ II 1'11I.
AJ1I111 thu ! 'hlllr rnll 1111 nllli c ! 0II
( 'h-hll' ) 111\1'1 \ , . 1'1t1l'1' ] 111\11 \ IIOtl'l'11 ! him.
He CIIIII'I"J , In'IIl" ! ! l'\'I' 1001 , Oil 11\1 I'X-
111'1'1 < 111011 lIC h'II'rllr Ul ! 'shl ! /:111111'(1 / III hllll.
. \ 1 1/1I\l / I \1'1111 Oil his 111'11I. He 11\11l111l'I'CI \ !
liS hl' tllrlll'll.
Itl'IIS thl' 111\\1'1' he ! H'lIt Cllr. 'I'he lit-
101'11 ( ' ) ' shuok hn 1111 I ! with hllll. ' 1'111'11 hI'
IHIS'III'II Oil to thl' cnltnlll ) , nll,1 tnlll'lI with
him. ' 1'I1l'1I tlw In \\\1'1' tlllla'il to Dillin.
'I'llI'll hl' IIlIt dll\l'n ; ' ! ; , ' 1:1'1(1(1. : ( (
"Whnt Is till ! outlool , ' ! , ' UI'IIII ) 1\II ! , . . .
"Cnll ) ' 011 IItnlln I' tll/I't / lIIe out to'III lIt' !
: 'Ill' . II'IIIl'ho ! Is hl'I'C , will o 1111 m ) '
bonl ! . 1 hlln' c\'llll'ucl ! Iwn'-III III ) ' ) Ioel , .
etllool-thnt I 1111 \ ' \ , IIU Ihollsllllll III fllI ( '
IJllull , thn'e In 1I1101hl'r , 111111 III ' sto11 II
\\'orth liS IIIll1'h morl' . I 1'1111III1I'lIlItce /
Ir. 1l'1I1111I $ : ! UOOO lit Il'IIHt. "
"III that ! 'lIse-of ( 'OIlI'Sl' It II'orth
tr'III ! : . 11111 It IIIl1st hI ! tlullI' In n 1'1'1111.11'
11'11) ' , or the 111llIrS ) \ 1'11I:0 / fut' us. "
AtllI'rtoll , IICCOIIIUIIIll'll ) h.\ ' his 11I1nh , ,
tel' , : \11' . : 'Ilelltl , I'lIrlllr , , lllrk .IolIl' : ' ! 1I111
: 'Ilayhlrr ' , lutl'l''ll the olllce fl'om thu
corrillor. LIIrt of 1111 lcllIl'SOIl 1'lItl I'eJ.
lIt ( Jlle IIf thl'lII 1110111'11 lit OI'lP ) ) .
A IIIII the chills l'allsed OI'I)1I'S ) ( hloo(1 ( to
I'lln coI. ] , ' 1'he ( I001' OII'JI'il ) 11/:1\111 / \ , uuel
: \11'11 , Cole nllel Bobh ) ' Wnlll'r : ; cnnw III ,
Bllhh ) ' kl'lIt WI'II III lhe 1'111' . It's. CIIII'
lookl'eI stelll1l1) ' at GriIIJl. Hhl ! dill I'ot
IlIlw hl'r e'es froll1 his face 1111 Illstallt.
'l'here1111 sOllie hllSlll1'811 lit the ell'iI , . A
(11Iler ( ( wns sl/ll\d / ; lekerS'oll tnila-d to
the c.\ltnlll.
" ' 1'his Is thl' ' , TIIIIe Cn-
' I'elulnr fllrll1. ! ; -
POI1' instrlll'tIn ) , ohlnilleel hllif UII huur
n/o / , nre 111) ' IIlIlyuldl' . "
Ill' hllucJcl ! II sllJl ot' pUler ( to thl' all'
tlllll ,
"HuJlIIIC ) 'OU lua'I ! thl : ; wHh lI1e , too , "
F:111t1 : the CalllIln ( ,
"I ! : II\'I' It to ) 'OU wllh thnt IlItl'lItlOII , "
sahl Ica'rsoll. ]
"Coml' , " he IIdeled. "You nre free now ,
Athurtoll : let liS:0. / . "
"Ile Is 1I0t tree. " snll ! Gripp , 'lulcld ) ' .
"I 811I'eteri' ! Ille. I will tell the truth.
Ir. h'lId , ) ' 011 nrc not /:011l/:1 / Yon ! : altl
) ' 011 wlIlIIII:0 011 111) ' bOIll ! . 1 1\111 uot ns
gllllty liS Atll'rtoll. " .
: 'III' , Icnl ! drew nWII ) ' fr0111 hllll.
"Atherton here oll/ht / to be nrrested--
helel for Idl1luJ ; Peters. "
"Will you swear he 1IIIed hllll 1" said
"Yes. "
" ' 1'hllI I will swear ) 'OU III' , " IIl\ld \ Par-
" 'Vhl1t elo 'ou Imow n ollt It ? " d ( ' ,
IIInnded G 1'111) ) ; , nll rll ) ' .
"I wlllll'ssed-hel\l'li nil that Ilassetl : '
"YolI ! "
" 1'1'Bllt : ; Ir. lee1WI' Iholl hl It wns
IIlIt IIcc'ssnr ) ' to:11 Illtn II'IIIII ( . "
OI'I)1)1's ) ) fllce / :1'1'Ileathl ) ' ( Hlle 111'1 Par.
1,1'1' 10001ICd hllll stl'atlll ' III the eye , III II !
ndlll'll :
" . \ 11Inll all lIenr the scarrohl as ) ' 011 III'I'
for the IIIl1rder of I rs. Knuxh's. . Cole
for II tllIll'-lIlIht tn hi' 11111,1111. ] : his 1II'acc
with hen\'ell , IlIstullII ot hearlll ! ; false
wIlJl's : ' ! , 01'111(1. ( "
'I'heu the ) ' nil tllrtlell n wn-aU-IIl1d
left the otllce to11' : . 01'1(1(1 ( ( nllil hi : ! Iuw-
) 'er.
" 'l'he caRl' n l1ll1st 3'OU Is 'H'I'lons , GI'III)1 ) ,
othlllenll / Ill' dotll ! to'III/ht. / I will call
III I'nrl ) ' to'UIIII'I'O\l' 111 ornl II/ / : . I 1\'ed \ 1I0t
ealltloll ) ' 011 IIOt to slllIk ) to a soul. "
" o IWi'd , " snltl Gri)1J1. ) " \\'hllt Is tIll'
stol'J'-wlll1t tlo thl ! ) ' 8n ) ' : "
" 'Veil , tllell , tlII'Y Clllllll to III ! nhle to
bring wltm'sHes whll I\l't ) you In thc
house-who IIll't ) 'OU In It Ihl1 t e\'unlll .
111)'berry tl'lI1 thu cnllIiu ( ) a stllry of n
shndow on the willelow curtnill-It mali's
hnmls fH'izlll or t\'trlldnJ : NOII\'hIII-n \
\'I'I' ' u I ) ' slllry. Ill' WIIS In AIII' hI'U '
thnt c'ellill'I'heu the 11I111I who 1Il'l'l'st.
( 'il 'ou-for It hi ) : rl'\\'n ril-Is nlhltlulI )
tn shiue 1I1 n Ilutl'cll\'c. 11l' cIIII11S ) hl'
cnll llrluluru th'I'r ' hnlr the WOIIIIIII
( Ilucla'il IIUt of 'our hl'lIti. lcllCl'IOII ,
who Is . \ tll\rtoll'tI III \\'Cl' , n nIl : \Ia 'hul'l' ' .
nmilltlll'ri : hn\'I' eXlIlIIllIl'd the halt. DIIIIII
f01l1l11 1I11101IJ : till' IIl1hl'S. "
" " 'hilt tritll'N. " SlIlll 01'1(11) ( , with ( lalin ) :
tnl'l' .
"YI'f. ! 'l'hl' ' NI'I'1I1 trUIl's-hut 1111'11 halest \ \ !
lost thl'lr l'nsu thl'ouJh lI'sI. : "
lie shook hnllllH with his Clll'lIt , 11\1\1
luft till' IItIICl' .
. "CUIl1I' . " snlll till' l'1I1Itlllll. An IIsslHt.
; nllt slllol ! JI'ar 01'1\1(1. \ ( III' wnll\l'll Illtu
: till' l'ol'l' tlor , IIml I'ntl'rlll ) : the I'ell 1Ill'lI'
( 'II for hlll'ns IlIcllCeI III ; thull the cal'
tllin 1111I1 nsslstllllt wltllllrl'w.
. ' 1'\\0 hOllrtl latl'r thl ! Cnltlllll ) lool.ed hi
. at 1:1'1(1(1 : ( ( liS III ! sat nil hll ! uellch111
heael Ill't\\'ul'n hili hlllHls. lie \\'IIS III till
! Ja\lle ( losltloll II t ( our in the mornlll ; ' :
I Halt all huur la\'r \ the IIl1slstllllt l'uiShl' (
IlItll thl ! IItIIl'l' , cr'III/ / : :
"QulclGrllll'lI ! ( hlmselt. "
' 1'hl' ) ' IIInde hnstl' to cut hl\ll 110WII. III :
hOlIJ''ns l'ulel. 111' hnll tlell hili crn\ ' : !
III 11 111011 aI'OlllHI hii' ! IlI'cl"1111111' till' othl' ]
, I'nl ! fllst to n hl\I' \ III hl cl'lI. 111'1'11' hi :
Iml'us 1I1':1I'Y ] 1111 to hhl ( hlll , 111111 hnll/ / : [ ' (
-stt'all IL'eI hilllll'lC.
His flll't' WlM : so 1I0rrlhir 1I0hod ) ' : :01111
1001 , nt It , 111' \\\11 \ cO\'l'I'l'd , as ' > 01111'
thill/ / : tOil hOl'l'lhll' Cor hUl\lIn ) I'J'I' , IIlIti
the hlluest ) Wltol ! hlltl : thl'lI 1111 lhat:1
Idt of .1 II e1,11 II II 01'1\111 \ was Iulekl ) ) ' co iii II l'l
III1lI 111I 1'11'11.
' 1'111'Uurlll'rl'r 1I1Ir\'I\'eli his \'Iclllll I
\'er ) ' tt'tla 'II. 'I'h ( ' 1II'\\'tlIIIIIl ( > r iH1I1 l'ol
IImll 011 the arrl'st , the IHllcl l' , ! lull th
trul.l'lI ) ' that elusell hoth.
. . . . . . .
Six \UQllths IlItl'r Ir. lelll1 , DUll Athel
tOUt Arthur 11l'brrr , Unlph Parker nil' '
Irelle Wl're IItllluJlng upon n vacant tiel. .
neilI' the ulluk ot Ule Monouglltcla ! , a fe\
miles abo\'e the grl'nt bustUng city ,
"Well , what do ) 'ou think ? " said MI
- . - - - - - - - . . . . .
. - - . " : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
: \I < 'all , tllrllltilt to Irt'lIl ! , "WI' I nvl ! 81
hac ! our ! 'tll ' ' , III II I' ! I l'ollllllon uhrnillt
' ' 'hnt 110 'IIII Ihllll , IIC the site tM tb (
UOIIlI1\IIIII 1111117"
"Y\'fl'-IIIIII 1'III'Iu'r-whllt If ! 'OUl
Opllliotl ! ' 1'11(1 IHlr/IlItI's / cJo ell-c lItrncl i
slglwd ( or It II 1 1111 II ; " : . Thl' 11\111 wn _ he lip
) n tll ( ' ( ' ( ' 1II01lth ! ! frolll to.II(1) ( ' . "
' 1'111'1 \\1114 In 'hl'rr "s (1\If \ tlolI.
"I It'll1' thllt ( or 'Oll hushll''l1 ' IIII'll to
111'111 ( ' . I 11m lIRcu ! sln ) : II 1II0rl ! hllor- ( )
tllllt . ! 4IIhjel't with Ir. Parker , who , nl-
thll1h a nhnrlholcl'r ! In till' 11111I that Is
to I. . . " II/IS / HIIIII ( ' time to II\'e to Irs.
Pllrkl'r IInll 11I1' . "
"AIIII prll ) ' \\'hlll II ! it thllt Ir . 1'111"
Iwr 111111 'OIl 111' ( ' Sll 11\'pl ) ' hllprl'stell 11I't"
nllkl'll I r. M ellll , 1111'II11UII tI ) ' . I
" \\'l'lI , thl'lI. It 'Oll lII1\st " "OW , ' fllllt1 .
II'II. 11I'IIl'rr'Ith a hrlJht 1111111 ( ' . "we
lire IIl'ttllll tIll' tlptnlls of our h01\se-
\\'lIrllliIlJ : . SllIce 0111' lIew hOIlres nl'e
hllth allle , with ' 110 IIh1\rll fl'lIcs or
\\'lIlIs hl'twl'l'lI th\'lII. WI' hn\1' cOllcltllll't1
- Ir . Pllrll'r nlill I-thllt WI'I'll ! liRe
till' Rllllle list ot 11I\'ltatlolli : 1I11t ! holll the
\\'lIrlllln 1I III eOll1l11oll. "
" . \ tlo1\he ] hon l'-warllllll , " slIlll 11- .
11'1It1. " 'l'lIlIt 111 II 1I0Vl'1-a call1tal4ldeu.
1 11111 IlIeltllll'll'i"
" ( If ( ' 01\1'111' . " lIulel Ir'I\ \ ( ' . "Y01\ \ will be
RI'I'VI'II hI III ) ' hOllsl'-thl ! 111111c111 1I1111111U'
sit. will I. . . , In Irs , 1'1Irlwl"I. "
"ClI ( III 111 , thllt , " RIII.I . llI.\'hl'l'rj' . "I
II" , thl' WII ' slw IlIItll It , HIIph-trt ] . hOIl1 < o3
11 1111 I I' , I'll rkpl"-thll t Ie't 'O1II 1111 1110
Ollt : Wl"11 hlln' 110 tl'lIlIh1' ] at 1\11. "
'I'lll'n 1'\1'1'1..1) . ' 11I1I hel. ,
( ' 011111I11111 1I11 Is ' ' ' Ih'l'l ' ' ' '
II'I'r ) 1')111)
to'lllI ) ' , 'I'hl' 111'11' proc's" ! hills filII' to
1II111'I ! lit 1I'1I11t hlllf liS lIIuch mOlle ) ' liS Ir.
U ripl ( n III'1'11 011.
Bohlt ) ' WlIltl'l I ! ' ! IIlIe ot thl' ! otl'ut1y
\\'lII'lll'rs III the 11I111. lie
\ \ cnrn ! ; more tlllln
1I1111 1'll'lIt 10 11I111111nln hlmelC 11 fill 1:111
1II0thur , 111111 hills Call' to IIIl1ke a ; ; O'lIhl'llIl
h'I'rsoll.'ho ] \'lIlh.1 ; . himlll'lf of the
1'IIIIIICl' to hll ) ' n shnrl' III the 111\11 \ , ! > II 'II
h ! ! hili' ! lost thc Illcentl\'e nl'I'i' ! l\rj' to
\Ullkl' Il 111111I chieC justice of the Unltl'll
Stllh' . A mUll \l'ho hn ! ' ! 1110re 1II01ll'Y
thllll hI' clln UiSl" i'llerS'oll 1I1' lIeS , III 1I0t
liS nlllhltiollS liS II 1101)1' 'Ollll IlIw'er.
, TII'I , .Tolle : ' ! Is 111111111/:1'1' of Ihe ne11I11I ,
111111 Il motlel he has lIro\'ct1 him.
( 'rite encl. )
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
A I"I ' In till ! Ointment.
In OIlC of hlH "Ho\lnl1ahout Paers' )
'l'hllcwmr ] lellH the stOl'3' of the Ahbe
Kllimtoes , who told the cOIIIany ) al
H\lPllel' olle ul ht how the Ill'st confes'
slon he en.r recl'h'ed was from n
\II 111'11 m'e r. PI'es'ntl . entel's to SUI)1'r ) I
the 111I' < < luls de Croflue\llitaine. "Pat. .
hleu , IIbhel" sn 's the IJI'lIIlant mar ,
flU Is , tnldn n pinch of snuft' . "Arc 'OI1
here ? Gentle\llen und Indies , I wa
the nbhe's tlrst penitent , uud I madq
him II ( 'on1"eRslon which I promise yo' ! '
IIstonlshed him. "
A colncltlence I'omewhat less sturt ,
ling , hut still not Incl.lng : : In dramatic !
Ilosslhllltles , WIIS I'ecently noted In thq
HOHton Hemle1. A Boston law 'et. WIt. !
I'eturnln to his home one e\'enlng uf ,
tm' IlII Ul'duous day's wOl'k at the 01c1
lhllllesmc SeRRlonH. lIe hud been t1c-
fending a ) ) : : charged wltb
steuliug a valuable gold watch. By
I.een Cl'oss'exlllllination and an elo.
quellt upeal ) to the jU\'y he hat1 mlscd
a douht , the henellt of which was glv.
en to the pl'lsoner. and the lawyer wa.
going home tired hnt well pleased with
PreRently hIs client came up wltb
hllll. 'l'he mll1l WIIS IH'ofuse In his
thaul'R. and aR he said ood.h ' , ho
Iuletl ( ' slllled ) the " \'lIluuhle golIJ
watch" Into his counRel's hllnd.
' 1'he feelingi' ! or the Itl w .et. mllY bo
IlIIn ln'II , fot. he hlld conscientiously
helleved the \IIllII to he Innocent.
1.'lIut IIn3'tinn Cnlltnill.
Itehel and sellllplmto thou h ht
wnR , the 1I1I3't1I\11 Admlml Kllllcl ,
seollls to have been somewhat of II
hlack hero , actet. nil. The' details of
the destl'\lction of the CI'ete.a-PJe\'l'ot
/h'es / : to Kllllcl. : : whnt little honor therll
wus In the alTlllt. . lIe dellhel'lltely gavil
up his life for his cuuse , and that III
the highest Hacl'llice IlIlinn cun lIIuk.
for ' ' . oed 0hnd. .
un3' ( 'nusc , ! : 0\
" 'hen thl ! Gm'\IInn cOll1l11undet. de ,
IlIl\ndml the sl\I'I'elHlet' of his \'essel , it
IIppel\l's tlmt 1\lIIlcl. : : : put his cl'ew on
the shill , dl'o\'e It ns neal'ly II10ngsido
the Get'lIIlII ! unhol\t as he could and
thell tIt'ell the IIIlIgnzlne , hopln thnt
its destl'llctlon would o'erwl1elm hI.
CI\CIII ' 1I1so. ' 1'he plan failed. ' 1'ho
1:1'1'11\:11I : \ : dl'ea wn ' far enou/h / to es.
CllpO Injl\l'.r , and then turned Its gun9
on the hl'nlng hul. of the Haytlnn
\'eHHel-u lIolewhnt InglorIous } Iroceed ,
lng ,
But tHI'e IH a Iood deul to he Raltl In
hellif of a caplaln who wi hlow up
his shll ) and hllself rather thnn buy
slfet h ' sUl'rCIICl'llg her , no IIInter
how Iletty the tng he sern's unlC'
Buffllio } ' Xllrels.
A CIIH'/l1 "Inn.
_ \ Scotehmnn hnd reached the
IIIlt of hl8 Imbltons , HI3'S Evm''hod " 9
Iaglzlne , In ataining to the 1 a Ils ,
I ' Illch. 'l'he honol' see1pd to him
1Irent . 0IInd ho h'led to lve UI
With hIs heal high In the IIII , he
. s\\'aggerl'd 11011 ti he went bolt 11
cow which hnd the '
11II1nst 1 lot 111'
lel'S to get O\t of the w03' , b\t con ,
tilued to hrowso b3' the loldsilo It
1111 U\Oncel'l.
" Ion. " CI'Ill the
! ! ludlgnant owner .
" 1111 ' coo ! "
" " ' 0111 . , " he l'elcd ) , wih fne dig
11 ' , " . 1'1 no 101 cl n 10n. 11 [
"lulla'l AI ( 'I.
"Now. W\ll' , " RII } the '
el' , "I don't wlnt 'ou to IRHoelllto wit
those 11h bor8-the ' are so rougl
Ind lude. "
"Not t le , taln'l , Why , I plcl.1
II ' '
I lght In' lel.ud 'U\ us loon al
s 'ucl. de nelghborhood.-Batlnoli
Al Awfnl Jol.
" ' 'he fool ! ure not nil dead 'et , " saIl
the Inh" ' husbund.
"I'm .h\1 of I. deur , " cnlmly rOllel
the other hai or the Cmblnaton. .
r , never did look wel In black"
. . , . , - - - , . _ . . , - -
- - - - - - - -
'Vil " 'ni 111.tlcllnt to JnveThclt
; llt- , Her ' . \I Pnler. ,
'TWIH ' 1 : I fl' " j , , S bcforo hb
. ;
:1.thdl ' . h _ wIII Inlo the 8mok.
I'S' ' ' ' Iwl\'OUH .
l'llll'lul , 11 \ dlltleuce.
"I would Iw to get a slwlll of cl.
' .
"You ICln II box , [ sUppose ? "
" ' (1 , If that Is how . 'ou sel them. "
"Do ' wish "
'ou 113.tllng speclnl ?
" o , nolhlng spechll ; but t"re for
, ' . "
gloklng 'ou 100\
'lhe sllpSllIll1 sllh l1.
I'Do 3'oU desll'e u strong or u mid
clglt ? "
"VC' ' stl'ong. I wlut Ihel to last
'lle hex I hO\ght U 'OIH' n o com-
1llled 10 fiI I I UI' urer my hushl ud
had thl'1 ahout Ilne lonths. I thlnl ,
I hI' ' ' ' , . "
hI''C'e too weil
' ' I
111 3'oung Iln tool. n fl'W boxcl
11'01 tlw ' 1'lSe 111& ollled twl for the
\\'Olllln's .
" these the ' ' ' '
"Atc 011 sll11's 'oulll'e
I would , to
Ilw RIIIIhllg Ightet
' ' . .
1IIIh 01' wil IUlll'l.
'h ( ' HIIlSIIIl plela'll OUI hex ICer
\ oxltl the coulltel' loold ] Iw nn
Jg'ptnn II 'I'IIII At IIHt she select-
ell I hex , sIQ'ln :
"TIHsl' won't fld. . wi thc ' ? "
A/lln / : the 'IUI111 / : slled.
" '
o , la'll ; tH Il'e IIIIHle of the
IJltst 11\111 tohleeo. "
"Do 'ou thlnl. I coull hl\'e m ' hus-
\nlils 1t . 1010 I'11I Ingl'l'ed on elch cl.
" o. lul\ ' ; the elglt'ollin't 11mw. "
" ' '
\'oullll'l dl'a w whn t ' ! "
"I mnn It wouln't p\l well"
"But I ( Oll't Wlllt thel to p\l l\r.
. 1 them for '
Wllt m hushand
to slola' , "
'the lal hehlll the cOln tel' gl'ew
"la\\'t 'Ol 1 hex w1h 1 pteter
plctl'c 01 It ? Let le see thnt Ole
ei'e wih fu Ihe I. " Im'gct-le'I.Is on 1 .T I 11 1'
"But , , ' ' ' ,
IIHlll 'tll' hushtll : Isn't go
11g to Hloke the box. "
" 1 11 Iware of that , si. ; hut It looks
horrlhle 10 ha ve Spanish "
SOle lnll"
' )
nl's lllcm'L' 01' . sOle hllet 1I\'PI"S
\h 'siognolll ' I .llon / the . ' ' tahle.
I lw this Jlture. "
"But that Is a ' of
' , " diferent bl'nl\l
" '
"Coulll't 'ou Jut tlse c I's In
that hex , the ' In
111 cgl\l's thlt box
; you could put- "
"No , no ; we lre not pel'mitell tu 110
nn ' sueh 'IH'esto'chnn o' wOl'k In this
shOI ) , ' Is ' '
Im'e I IH'etj' larlwt
' ' ' " '
'lel' 0113'
"But thllt Is suCh a commolll\eo )
nlle. ll\'en't 'ou an3' calcd'VI'lan
do I \ln' 'Ueglnnhl Ycre de Yel'e , '
or some of ' . "
nlme a hlghel' rlnl. ?
"No , madnm , we do not sol lauk ,
; I'S II this pluce. 'l'hcl'e arc 10 sucb
hl'llls. Do 3'OU wish the 10x 3'01
ha'C In 3'our ha ld ? " ,
"I hurdl ' know which cl al's to tnke.
'hesn hl0 such a slllg scent.
I1\'el't 'ou an ' thlt emi u sweeter
uroml 1"
"No ; cnn I ' . "
sel 3'OU an .thll ?
"Wel , I'l tel 'ou whlt Il do ; I
you wi just glvo me I sample ot
each , Il let 'ou know-I
Hit just then the man sllllell the
hoxcl hapk Inlo 111. 1lllce , toll the
womln Ihnt sh ! ! WIH In I ( I I' shop ,
nnd not a ' ' '
lt 1I'lllel' lstlhlshment ,
ull Ilh'lsell her 10 go to : ; le porI ,
\utelel"s 11.1 et a few hlms ' her
husblld to smoe. ]
1'he 10111 went out 10 get a ) ) olce ,
GII , but e\ilent ' got 10st-'lt.lts.
: lc'cr Ycnt1re of Two Strect'Gnm u
" 'hiel PU'b , Goml Hct1rIH.
"BI ! Bang ! 'I'IUt'S '
It Jlt 'In
ugaln ! Bet Oi the 'onng one ! "
Such wme the el'les heal'(1 ' Ihose
who to " . . ' '
pllHS of
hallJCtt "BOIII.t 'II'ate
COlt" about : O one ' a
a1II'100n fC
weeks ago. In the mllHt of a clwd
of IIhoul ' ( 01
fOI't. Jcoille comlJse(1
members , cerks , messpngll ho 's : I IJ
' , ' ' ,
wel'e two (
. l'aggellehlls tght
11g fo. 11 the3' wel'e wOI'lh.
' 1'he hl'gel' of the two waH auout 1
'ell's ell 11 } about - feet - Illl
tlll , whll the otlel. Ihouh Il'ohlhlJ
IH 011 , WIIS consllet'l bl ' Slalel' .
1"01 the tl'st l\n 01' six mlnuts theJ
fought quie e\enl. Ult Ihe S I 11 m'
' '
ullllll'elllj' Illng the oitnllg he WI
1001.lng 101 1111(1 a hlrl right swln
on his OIIIII'll's jn w. 'l'hls WIIS foJ
lowed h ' I few IIH'l ! , 111 whie thE
11'/1' ho ' 1111e hIs \\'lr out ot' th (
cl'owl th ( ' ! IlUlllel' WIS gl'eet11 wIth
show ( of Ilplnll's , nle'ls ] Inl Illpi
which he lulc.I ' ' ' UI ) lnt WI !
SlCI II mOI'e.
In an all ' t0 \loes ! Iast two bo ' !
I met. ole 1'lh\hl/ / . : his chil.
"low mlth'I he l'l/Ulr / Ilfluiret
' .
of a slllnler ho
' 1'1'0 1011l's all' twelnts ; lem
clch. II seedllt's " ole dolnl' all sIx cent
"Dat'H al l'lght ; ( ' \ ' hal next ; loh
of RIII'ts 1II'eoll ' ton't como In R (
sll'olA lt I he Inlsh.-Chlcao Hocord
Hem 11.
No Quio " 'lInt nt' "Iclnt.
' 1'he IIIln who thought he hnd UI
, tnlck of SU3'llg Illeaslnt things calcu
to the ' Ides or the
latel Wlrl ollcsl
henl.t WIIS 1'1'\'lsltlllg tw tOWI II . whlct
he 1111 Sllplt I sll I CI' twent 'ear !
" 1'1 IHH I'ars. I dlln't Imow
) ' 01 I'eell le , " said I COfllwtlsh nM
el'I ' Sllilstel" apII'olehlng him In th (
the dn ' hIs ' .
post otce . utcr nrl'l\al.
1 '
'l'he rel(13' hl'nl.t-wnrml'r turcd wit
II , lis lost beamllg smie aud wrung hI
s : mnd.
I "lcenl ) 'ou ! " he cchoml , reprollehful.
I ) ' . "As If 010 could hell ) It , lls !
J I \ Illrsh ! ' , 'ou nre " oln of the lund
of thc
llrks townl"
: I Aft\r ni , peace Is about the enl
: hlng worth /Jhtng tor.
. .
- -
Mrs. F. Wright , of Oclwein ,
Iowa , is : mother one of the
miion womcn who have been
restored to healh by Lydia E.
Pinldmr.'s Vegetable Compound.
New York Ild ' .els
' , .
or \Yollerfll : -
"lJy trouhl was with the ovares ;
I 111 tal , 1111 the doctor snld I g1'e\
too fat [ 01' my stl't\gth. I sutlcl'cd
dl'cadCul\ ' fl'om InHammnton and
' ( 'ollllunl ) ' , but got uo help.
I sulfered [ I'om tel'rlble drlrmlng sen-
ations with the most awCul pains io\
Ilown in the sltle amitins \ in the back ,
Ill the most agon ing headaches.
Xo one Itnow8 what I elllrel1. Ofcn
I was sll'k to the stomach , and every
nle whie [ would be too sick to go
to work , for thl'ce 01' Com' 11nys ; I worl
In a lal'ge store , ali I suppose stand-
iug on I ' Ceel al (11 ' made me worse.
. At tle cstlon oC I fricml ot
my mothl'r's I bC ln to talc J. ' ( lb
B. PIII.lII I Vegetable < 01-
11)lul , and it Is simply wonderCul
1 fel hetcl' aCter the Ih'st two or lhree
doses ; it secmed liS lhou h I weght
was tnltn 01 I1 shouiliers ; I con.
tinued its use un in now I can truth-
fuly say I am enlrely c1cd. Young
girls who arc n\wn 's ' doetor's
bi : without get lng any hclp a ! ' ! I did ,
ought to lake 'our mcdlcne. I
costs so much less , and It is s\'e to
cure them. - YoUI'S truly , AlmTAIE
lHAt. , 174 St. Ann's A\'e. , Ncw Yorl
City. " - $5000 forf l If orlqlnal of aboue letter
rravlna O.'llnene. cannt b. foduced _
, - - , , - -
To prove the healng and
ceanslng ) power of PIX
tne Tolct Antscptc
we wi mal I large
wih book of in.
structons I b 8 0 } ute 1 y 1
frce. This Is not a tny
sample , but ala gc package ,
enough to convlcc anyone
, . . , " of Its value , \Vomen al
ovpr thu country arc pris.
In lor what It has In lnCll
! laxtne of , rene .
trcntlcnt fClltC Ils ! alinfam.
and discharges , wonderful as a ceans
Ing vaginal douche , for sore throat , nasal ca-
tarh , as a mouth wash , and to remove . tartar
and whien the teeth. Scnd ; a posta
card ! old wi do. , lolll.h or aont 10.lpald by , 0. , 10
. . .
< enh. lnl box. ! .t.r eton IIRr.nleNI
Cp ; ! i ; mv ; ; i
ut Up in Colapsible Tubes.
A for and Superior to 1lultsrdor an ,
Substute , and wUnot bUster the lostdelcatl
. . and of
.kln. The pain alaylng curatvl qualtes .
. the toolh.
Ibis wondrfli. I wlalop
artole 010 .
he , and headache
at enc releve ant sciatca.
WO rcommend tt as tbe bst and aarest externM
, known , also M an external reme
dy for Irriant Ibe chest and .tomuch and a
rheumatc , neuralllo what and 10uty complatnt. , and
A trial provo we calm I 1
round to bo Invaluable II the hou ehold
" \ b " It the of ) 'our
: Iany people , " say" i Lst al prepa
ratons Prce t5 cent , at al drll lls , or otb r dcaer !
or by sendlnl this amount to us In . postl ! ! slalp"
we a tul. by maU.
wsenl yet .
No artcle should 1cceplpd by the publo un.
less the Bame cnrrle our lnbel , as ollerwie It 1
not genuine.
I' 6tlto St. , New VorCity. .
Oroln Orowllt. MIxed farmIng
more wheat "rawn In
1 \eotel
Oanodl In a fa" .hort . .
mont. I
becal.e " In
. Yielaton lr"a pro
to the aunl ht. The
I.crton , per hUlh.111 al
landard . .6 pnnd. In theE
Ara under crop In " ' .o.rn COD"da , 1002-
, ,
IOIiU30 pcr'
, , , , .
Tlel4 1002-1i,0:2,76 bu.
hFre Uomed.adl or tOO . J'lcnllt. the
arge belnl .1 for enlrT. Abund.nce of . .Ipr ODI
. . .
mntprlnl for
fuolhche. buldln. pRlnrt
i . . . , _ led Jm. .
and , aT. oforle.ol umclent r.lnf.1 Rnd 0 clhnat.
I\\n. an a..ure,1 nnd ndeuale .on.on of
Hend t the followlnl for an AlB end growth ller.
' 01.0 for calo illnK TOre.luce4
rell dt .nd " . cerl ( . . .tc , . elo , : ' 1he IOI8r
ten ent rpa".cFer , Otl. . , Ooc.dR. or .
W.V. \ . Dennlt , 8t New York Lie Ddl . Owoba
Neb. tbo .uthorlzed Oanadtan Oonrment AlenL
I winte let
down "
you "al run ,
wind up wih
When a man rllS < hort il his accounts -
counts ho Is apt to Tn long In his
trcls. .
5nrifam , In Dltch Guiana , his the
smalest rlge of telilcrture of an }
In the ' . '
placc 11 SUllel' tl
vorglo Is 78 degrecs and In wintct
77U degrces.
'l'hc Intorlor of a Iold healn ! rocl ,
was inspeoted in an Orlgon tOWI hy
means or the Hocnt gel rys , and
veins or gold wcto as lillly'Islble
as I they were on the suface.
, ,
, , '
" -
- - - - - - - -
The CllltC J HClltl\-Tlc Wlnteu
Are } 'Icusllt-In tcrl CUIUIII.
WI'ltng 1101 StrlllJ ' , to
olle of the Igents l'I'II''sl'ntl the Ca-
' ' , ' '
Ildlln Go\'el'nlent 101eslell
LltulH1' : , I. Pleln'I , fOl'lerly of
Beell\\'ood , Ky. , 81rS of Western
" 111 the II'st pilce0 \1 saj that .
the HUlllel' 8lson Is just lovely In.
Ilel. As 10 Iholnt'I' , WII , wo uever
eXllllllllI(1 JI'I'11 thC' tlne at't
now l'nj ( 'lng. We hl'e just rptul'nod
11'01 otthl'l Alhl'ta Ile w1 SIY .
I hl t we fOlle the \ \ ' ( II thCl' to be vC'y. '
, ' th' ' , fl'esh ' '
I ld tle Ih' , . 1111 In\'lgor
. Conshlel'ln ' ,
tlg. I\'el .thlllg we CII
H13' thn t the \lllel's hel'e are most
Illel\slInt. hlllh ' 111 eljo 'lhe ] to
whlt thl ' Il'e In tle Stltes. Here It
gets cell 1\11 cOltlllH so tl sl1'lng-
' ' wi .
thele lte lD dhmgl'l'lhle 118. II
South AlhI'tl It Is sOle wltmer-two
to fOI' Inells of SIOW 113' full 111
In I few hOI' n Chlnool. wind come
, ' ' the ' ,
ulonl e\'IIII'IItn l'ltlte snow
I el11 le'm tll'l\u \ 1II'fel't ' dl' , In
fnct , we did not blll'\'c' thlH Ilrt untl
We cnme Ilt su w fOl' Ol'twl'ps und wo
Iwow t we ' ' to uo
10W whl hl'll'ln'ie
just lS we wlle It , ' ' hns not
h'cn 11this ' that I could
( u 11/ WIIII' lot
WO' ] . 011100' , FI'lel'H he'e uro cll-
culn Oil Hlllrtl the plough the
tlA !
' ' ' .
11'St of : 'III'ph.
"AH 10 flll wa Ii we woull not
Ill\'IHO I 111 10 come hl'I'C with thl
oXllel'lltlol of 11':111 : h ' his da's'
worl. , hut ni who do W/I I hOlllo I
ad vIse to hl YO nl'\'e ( lolh to gct up
111 COle , for there IW\'l'l' his been ,
IInll lar I\\'el' be 11111 , sllh 1 raT }
' 101 1 III/n to get I homo
' .
ullo t fl'el.
" _ \s to the Cl'os. I hie hlel In the
IlllH h fole hal'\'l'st , 811 w thl' I'ass put
1) II ni the grll hll'\'estl , nllll I ne\ ' .
el' sa w stch lu l e 'Illls. I I'a wonts
' ' ' six feet that
Iwal' Jlllou101 o\'el' tal
' SO ' ' ' , I ,
'leldC1 hlslwli li I' 1'I'e a ld
tlll.le to I fll'lll I el I' St .lbcl't who .
hlll I Ipll 3'(11' 1Hlol'e Inst that a '
n e(110 ( hlslwls ei'cl'e. . Ild
) /cl'e. welghed
. : IIOlld8 to the hlwhll. Al other
' ' In ' ' to
C'I'OIII woull 111 IU'olol'tlol-aa
) otalols anl \ ltahles , the tUl'nout
was cnOIIOu . I ha \ such Ielwrts IUJ
the II bovc flOI a I seltlons thl t I 11\0 _
. f-
, has hl'en ' ' ' '
Ylsled . 111 thllt e\'l'I' com. -
1IIIt hltwlel the Eclnonton district
IIHI Itl 'mlnd In the Lethbl'llgo ls
"As to stock rllsln . I would ad\'lso
u man to locu te In this ) ) Iace , or auy ,
plac ( ' , In South _ \lbll'tl. hut fOl' mlxc(1. .
flu'mlnI sn ' o fll.thcr
flu'mln/ woulc \ )
nOl'tl , sa ' neal' Llcomhe , 'Vetasl,1 wIn o
glmonton , where It Is 10t flulte so dl'Y
alI } whel'e thel'c Is some thnlr to bo
had. I wi sa , ' that . 1owhl're ha\'e t
e\'er seen a h t ( ) ) ' for n
mnn , whether he hns mOI ' 01' not ,
to ohtull a hOlle , Nowhele can bo
foull a mOl'e lu'olllt\'o sol , bottoI
wltpr 111 a hl'ter gO\'C'1ed country
tmn WstC'n Cllalu alTolls. ITluco-
mellts to the homeselkel' ure unex
cele(1. I let two m(1 1'ar Ponoku' '
on the C. & E. n. H. , who horrowed
the Uone3' to pa ' fOl' their homestead
nnd In ' 'ears thosc two len sold
their - for $2 , OO , the other
$ : ,00. I met a 11\1 neat 'Vetas-
] , wll who landed hero with 2 : ecnts
six 'enrs a o. le Is now worth
000. 'rho advlntages for lnchlug are
cxcelent , In fact , I do not bele\o UII
secton cun ue beat. : \Iul'lets are
! : oed : as to lvIng , a famiy cln lve
lS cheap hero as they cln 11 the
StltCS. The a\el'lge ) 'Ield of outs In' ( .
this nelghbol'hood , last year , was iO
hlshels PC' IICI'e ; whlat uyragel 3 ;
hurleyo. . und the ) ) cet CIOp W SQt
tn C lS l ( l l of the succssCul ult-
\'n ton of the bect , u In I'ge hcet sugar
fuctol' Is hlllg erected a t Hn 'mol } ,
se\'en 11ei flom hel'C. .
"In cOlIllslon I wi Sl ' that N. W.
'r. . fl'ol ranloha to a long 11stanco
1orth of I dmolto1 , IU'ohICH most
WOIlfll ctOs. 1nles Inl \ '
abOUII } wih Ish , and glme Is plU.
ful And that this \1fI\stl01Iuly
the countr3' fOl' a man to come to It
ho deill'ls to bettlr his conditon In
life. 1 would ac1'lse the pl'oHpectlVQ
setteI to 1001. o\'el' the 1(1 : ' 1Id e , La-
combe.ltasldwln 11I Edmonton
' ' .
( Ush'lts locltlng.
"I wi loratc In the Edmonton dis
trict next and ' '
fiI se\'el'll flmlos
fl'om the Stn tos wi 10cI te wih me.
the mea t . I ' '
TI I 111. wil Iec'el\'o my
ma 1 hl'l'o a 111 wi 11 peasel ] to glvo
I the ' 11tlIested . ni the Infonnlton de-
: l'cd.
I Fol' Infol'muton as to 11113' rates ,
otc. apI ) ' to an3' I ent of the Canu-
dlan \ ' , ' , whose
Go\'eru'nt nUlcs nppea
elsewhere In this paper.
- -
In SOlC of the hotels of Switlr-
] and Ulle aI t\o - - fOI
Germans , anll the other fet A merl-
I cans and BI lslmen. , The Gorman -
I man lst Is thirty-thtee PCI cent
) tnan the higher prlco .
I llealer _ 1st.
I Cllmlstry students In the Hoidol-
I '
beg l'nl\lrslty arc compeled , I the
I rulls of t ha t I ostl tn tlon , to Insu
thel' l\cs. I'cn I thosc11 mlroly
I IttCnd the leotutes , an do not ex-
} Cllnwnt , must IISUl .
'al\nl a tumble Ind taldnt a drop
are not } ' , one
S'noIYIOuS blt oren
leuds to t hu .
\urldng fOl' relatvcs is about as
fOII satsflctol , . } lS catn soup with I
By mcans of an
inlcnlolS Instr-
ment , the hyc1 oscopo , thc human
eesl ht can the
} Ilcnlelte ocean
depths and ch'arly clstln llsh oljccl
O\'Cr a mie helol tle surface. '
Ilwntol' Is Signor Ilno , no Ialan ,
a SlIOO matl of laonl.
_ Q-- - - " --r . _ . . .
Just what i was 25 years ago ,
St. Jacobs Oil
! now. )
The prompt , sure cure for
Prce , 2Sc. and SOc.