QIu tCt Qto. 11epubUc " Pablllhl'd . "or , Thuuea , nt the Count ) ' Iiont. D. M. AlIISnmmy. . . Editor * -L-\'f'IIco ' In OI18U1r Dloclc , 1"onr&11 'CI , " ' " BnUlred at \ottomco at Orokon ! IDlY , Nob. , u ! 'OOOnd.-4llMe ' maUer torransml. . lon thronllh \h U. 8. MaUs. . . . BUimOJU1 > TION PIUOK : QnOYIIILt.tDadnnco" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . 11,00 , * DVBRTISING UAT 8. One colnmn , ptr mODUl , s7 .00. Ono.halt col- 1UIIn , per montbJ 8',00 Qnarter column , I'er BIOluh. , IICI , , tb&ll qnarter column , W cea&t . ' r lach J'or' mot1th. .0at41'on 'tlret pag . 60 cent. per IIICb , per IIIfBth _ 'j , IlIbal.l1verUlllag 1cenll per 1100 each IDler. don. 1otloo ot church nn&1 & entertaIn. menta where talrlbl9clabloA . rutee. iIO leDOUcel and re8l1lntlont. one-bnlt rnlP. . . , Weddlngrotlce8 tzle. halt prIce tor pub1\rnlng \ lSIrbt pte80nta. 'Deat.h ' noUces tree , hAlt price ror publl.blng o1tUuary notlcea , end cardl of thanke. ' a1 no\ce at ratee prC"ldd bytatos ot ltebilllu. . - - , ' " - ' .l'hursday , , April 23 , 1903. - . . . POLITICAL ANNOUNC'UI1ENTS. - S metime ago 1 hnve announced my. Qe1C' candidate for sheriff of Cu ter c unty to the centr(11 ( committee , alid I Will come b < < : fore 111. republlcun county co ivention for the nomination subject to th will of the relJublican9 of Custer c unty. I have worked for the success on1ie't1publican : partY:23 years in , Cus. t r'countr aud have always taken pleas. u' In domE { so , knowing 1 have betn in tberight. . 1 hnTe been central com. mittccmnn some 16 years , and ne.'er be. fQ have I come before a county con. ven on asking for an'thing , and I 'hope yon can give me the nomination aDd I will be elected your next sheriff of Custer county. Very respectfullYours : , 39tf ] . O. TA\'I.OR , .Editor RcpublicanSeverul of'fn ) ' friends have been Insisting on my com. ing'out for sheriff , and after looking ovcrthe field I have concluded to announce - nounce myself a candidate for the nom. ination for sheriff of Custer county , on the republican ticket , subject to the will of the people. While I feel my incom. petency , 1 will try to make II. good sheriff and do my whole duty as my conscience dictates. Respectfully. ' 37tf J. M. SAVIDGE. I desire to unnounce thut I expect to 'come b fore the next republican county convention as a candidate for nomination for the office of clerk of the district court subj r.t to the will of the republicans of Custer county. For fifteen years I have to the best of my ability , upheld the standard of the republican party in this county , through times when it would have been to my financial advantage to otherwise , giving my services , such as they were , \vithout money and without price , supporting its candidates through Victory and through defeat. Durin these years I have never been a candIdate - date for any office , an trusting I am not now presumptious in asking favorable consideration of my claim. . Very respectfully , 37tf GRO. . MAIlt. - The bill that was in the legis. lature providi g for electiug members of the'county board by county does not effect supervison and they will be elected by dis , tricts as formerly. We wcre misinformed on the matter las1 week when we. stated to the con. tr y. . - The Statc Journal publishe the following regarding the Ramsey elevator bill : Thcre has been a great deal oj talk to the effect tha.t the Ramscj elevator bill , -which has passet both branches of the legislatun ha been manipulated so that the farmers will eventually get the worst of it. A membcr said las1 . night , in discussiQg this bill : "The critics of the Ramsej measure forgot that it wasdrawI1 by the attorney of the farmers co-operative 'grain association , an l is upposed to be exactlj what they want with the possiblt ex eption of the amendment im- poing a. min um of $3,000 a the cost of elevators tovhic1 : sidetrackes m st be built. Thh amendment , th only one adopt , ed , was entirely satisfactory tc Mr. Ramsey. Nobody think ! that this will change the con. constitutionality of the bill. Tht legislature has pass d th bill because it was known that 'it ' Wa ! drawn by tlie attorney oJ the farmers' . Whether the Ramsey bill h constitutional or not it seems t < us that a safe plan would b ( , - - - - - - - Seeing Is Believing ; But > 'ou cannot believe your own C sight If you cannot see correctly. Uyou do not see as you should see , done in and I will see what can be owe for your seeing. See ! F. W. HAYES , JEWELER & OP'rlCIAN. , West Si e of Square. . . where possible for the farmcrs club or organization whcre they contemplate embarking ill the grain shipping busincss to lease an elevator for a year or two in each town where they expect to do business. 'rhis will save the expense of a building 011 the start , Aftcr two years experi- enc they would thcn bc in a position o determine whether it I would pay to buy or build an lcvator. In our opinion therc would be chanccs to lease a building in nearl ) ' every town where there are two or more elevators for a resonable rcntal. Most of the citizcns are manifesting - festing an unusual amount of enterprise and personal pride in beautifying and improving their property thit spring. This is a move that is certainly commcnd- able and we h pe to see it ever thus. But while this is a fact thcre is a matter of public in- tercnt which is being sadly ncg- lected , that should ha ve fir t at- tention. 'Ve ha\'c in mind the Public Square. Every Olle t ha l comes to thc city sccs this park. Strangers as well as others form their opinion of the city from what they see. The park IS thc pride of every citizen in Broken Bow. It has cost time and mone. ) ' to pro Qce what we have and it has.been time well spent. But the good work should be con- tinued. 'rhere is much that can be done yet to enhance the at- tractivcness of this popular re- sort. The trees will bear some trimming. A neat fence is in great need. A fountain should adorn the ccnter. The flag pole that has yeilded to thc tempest should be replaced , flowers plant ed and many other improvements doubtless can be suggested by other ! ! . As the locating board of the Normal School , will in all probability visit us in the ncar future to inspect our city this matter should receive prompt at- tention. As the city has no funds for this purpose we would suggcst that some enterprising , citizen or the Business Men's Association - sociation take holel of the matter and sce that the work is done. Onc hundred or two hundrcd dollars can not be spent to bettel ' .dvantage just now than in beautifying this park as it is Possible to do. I ' The place the Normal School should be located is where it is most needed to accommodate those that can not bc accommo. dated at the at the Peru Normal. The western part of the state is HO l'cmovcd from Pern that bu1 fcw in the central west have beel1 able to take advantage of the Peru Normal. The object of the framers of the Jaw providing f I I the second Normal School was tc r accommodate ( be people of the central aud western part of the state. Only about one teachel in eighty in the western half of the state has been able to avail . themselvcs of a normal , schooJ education because of the grea1 CXp llie ! and distance in reaching Peru. Should the sccond school be located at Broken Bow eighty ) per cent of the teachers of the central west would take advant. age of the opportunity and equir themselves for better work bJ taking the Normal course. II1 Custcr county alone 250 teachen are required every ) 'ear. Ii would be but a very short time until all these schools would be filled with Normal chool teach. ers instead of one in forty as h the case now. 'rhe entire north. we't is tributuar ) ' and easy of access to Broken Dow. Thh would be an incentive to hun , dreds 01 teachers to a.ttend th < Normal e\'erj' year froni othe1 counties were the school locatel at Broken Bow that do not thin ! of going to Peru. 'l'he town o. Broken Bow is an ideal locatiO ! . for.a state Normal because of Ull li moral and religious atmospher that prevailes , There has no been a license saloon in the citj for five consecutive years. The majority against saloons havi grown each year , Houses of vici I of all kinds are not permitted , - 'rhe temptations Gommon in the large cities to which young mcn arc tcmptcd arc not permitte in rol < cn Bow. 'l'he evil associations calculatcd to lead astra ) ' the young girl , away from homc docs nol exisl here.Ve have sewn act \'c u p- to-datc churches , reprcsenting as denominations man ) ' different which will offord pcrgons of any denomination to finll a church homc and a cordial wclcome by those of their own faith. Our people arc enterprising , prog-res- ! 'Ii ' vc and united and will tal < e pride. in supporting the school and furthering its interests in every way possible. In c\'ery respect the city of Broken Bow is most admirably adapted for the home of a Normal Schoo1. 'l'he board of education can make no mistake , bul wilt accomplish a great work for the educational interests of the state by locating thc Norma ] at Broken Bow. ( 'uflt. H. I , ' . Kt'lIll1'li.s CUIIIJhIIUI ) " . We lIote that somc of thc county exchanges ha\'e made local plention of Cap1. II. F. Kennedy's candidacy for the ofiice of clerk of the district court. Some of his friendf are inclined to criticise the l PUDI < I- CAN because it has not rushed to the fore front and proclaimed what we have known for some time instead , of allowing others to be first to mention it. 'rhe RHPUHLICAN desires of all things to be a representativc of the republican - publican party but in no sense a dictator of the part } ' . We are opposed to machine politics and want the people to name _ its standard bearers without undue influence upon our part. ' 1'0 qc a candidatc for an honorable position is the right of every Amcrican Citi\fen \ that is eligible. We further beleivc that it is the - correct thing for candidates to annonnce themselves prior to holding the con\'cntion that the public may be fully appriscd. This gives thc caucus an op- portunit } ' to choose from thc number of aspirants by electing dclcgates that will repre ent their wishcs. It had not been Mr. Kennedy plan for the RH- PUOLICAN to announce his candidacy - didacy prior to this limc and in that we have regardcd his wishes. There are others who have in- i formed the editor personally that they expected to be candidatcs for ofiice but as they did not authorize us to announce that they were actively in the race we have not donc so. As. to Mr. I Kcnnedy's candidacy , it is not necessary for I\S to say more than that he IS a candidate for the clerk of the court. Mr. Kcnnedy was the republican nomincc four years ago and hc is well knO\vn by the voters of the conn t ) ' . It was not a mallei" of his sceking at that time. He was at Salt Francisco on his return frolh Manila , where he had scn'ed with Co. M. and won the ranls of Lieutenant. lIe gracefully accepted the nomination 011 his . arrival home and madc an active campaign for the place. With odds against him he failcd of . election. He now feels tha t , since he made the racc at the I solicitation of the party with the odds against him that he has a right to aspire to the nomination whcn the chances for election arc more fa\'orable. Mr. Kennedy has a large number of wann sup- I porters and especially among the soldiers of Spanish-AmcriclI1 war with whom he s rvec1 in thl Philippine Islands. Should he . be the. choice of the cOll\'entiOlJ thc RItPUHI.ICAN can give Capt. Kennedy its hearty 5upport , m we regard him worthy and cap' e able. TIc is a young' man of in , tegnty , Ims practically grown Ul 1 in Custer county and stand well with all with wholl1 hl' i I\I1OWI personally. With n. 1IC'n ; - nedy , Geo. il. Mair an tlll others who will doubtless be it the race for the nomination , thl' ' party will have good mcn t < select from as either will b4 . worthy and capable. - . , _ ' _ _ N _ ' _ _ O- _ ' . . _ ' . - , - " - - . - - - . . - , , ' " - - - ' - Fres h . biscuit are those which are packed fresh from the oven in In-er-seal Packages-- U need a Biscuit 1 Clean . . 'f biscuit are those which are baked in absolute , ' cleanliness , never exposed t9 dust , never handled ) by anyone between you and the baker- Uneeda Biscuit Wholesome biscuit are those which combine freshness , cleanliness - liness and right materials , rightly baked-rightly packed-rightly kept- Uneeda Biscuit , NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY .1 - . - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - . HX1'E UI U 'I'III SHUR'I' r.I " . . rt'l\l 1)\'lheJ'lI SIII'\'t''ort > Luuklllg U\'I'I' Pipit ! Suutll\\'I'sl ' uf II'Nt'lII. O'Neill , Neb. , April 20.- ( Special ) --'l'he appearance in O'Neill on Saturday of last week of the right-of-way man for the ! Great Northern railroad and the I 'i fact that he made a trip over thc'i proposed link between here and Dunning on the Burlington , has created new interest in the proposed - posed extension. A prominent Sioux City business man camc here with him antI rcmained 111 O'Neill whilc he drove over the preliminary.survcy that had been made years ago by the Ogden Short f.4inc people. 'I'hc business - ness man , for olnrious reasons , did not wi h his name made public. hut he stated positively that the road wou1 < 1 he cxtcndcd southwest from O'Neill to conncct with the Burlington at Dunlling this year. lIe statclI" that the amoU\lt of S15OOOOOO had been already uhscribed for the purpose - pose of building two links in Nebraska bclween the Great Northern and Burlington sys- tems. TIe stated that Sioux City people were \'ery much interestell in the proposctl extcntion from O'Neill , as 1lVoull add a ncw Held to their industries. Hc was told that the mcrger litigation I , would not in thc lcast interferc with the proposed extensions in Nebsaska. 'l'he right-of-way man stated that within the next thirty days a corps of sun'cyors would be on the ground and make l the nccessary survcy and before snow-nr through trains would be running from St. Paul , Sioux City and Miuncapolh ; to Dcm'er. I -Ble. U ( 'I SAWS IJltA WI C : l'O\HIt. 'J'hllllsUIlII'i 1.1'1IlIg HIII'UIII'1t1l IIUUlt'S ICII' Ullltt'tl StutI' ! ' . 'l'he qua rterIy report of the state department of labor shows that immigration continues to i increase in amount and deerease in quality. 'l'he year whkh endell Junc 30 last broke all previous records , but thi year will go far hCYOlul it. 'I'hl' farch just past has een ahout ten thousand more immigrant , , : than the correspolllling month of : I last year. 'I'he lal' ! cst ts among' the southem Italians , and of all the immigrants whu can nl'ithl'r read 1101 wri lc , in tlw t i ml' cm'pr- Cil hy tht' 1"I' } > ort , just half an' from soutlH'rIt Italy , which illdi-I : . cates thc amount of l'dltl'atillllal i , work we an' laying-up for our- I seh'cs throug'h the ! IIO"l'lh' " of I our in11uig'rationlaws , Pt > rhaps we a rl lay ill g' up d a tI l'r as wcl1 as lahor :11111 : l'xpensl . 'l'he 1'1'0- hlems ahead of "us will nut lIe ' ' justly ol\'l'tl ) more easily or mot'l' hy t he part ici pa t iotl of hord" 0 I' 1 il1iteriate fnrpig"lIprs. 'l'he mll > ; t _ noticeahh' thillg on thl' horiwn : is the orgatlizatiotl of lahor III to I a power. Wl'l1 composed , mulc : , up of ratiotlal itulustrious alII ! ) educated metl , the labor part ) ' . when it bccome a political part ) ' as it may at : ttt ' momcnt , may be ' _ a. . . . . . . - - . . _ - _ . _ - - : ; ; - ; : ; ; ; ' : : ; . : - : 'l.\r 11 . , ; JI'I _ - ; ; : ; - . ; , - , a force' , maldng powerfully for distributed human good. But there arc dangcrs , and there is no advantage in blinking them. A labor party which became politically dominant , which electcd its own presiden t : ulII its own congress , migh t be the source of unspeakable injuries. of the loss of much that ur con- stitu tion and our i mlependence , were intended to g'i vc us , amI ha\'e given liS. 'I'hisgo\'ernment is for the people of c\'crj' land , and it is hj' the peoplc , but e\'en those who havc most faith in the instinct and thc \ ' rtue of the masses dread to sce the quality of the average too reddessJ ) ' tle- grad cd. 'L'he Italian govern- mcnt is making an organi\fed \ ' . , e ff ort to encourage cmlgratlOn , wisely perceiving that man } ' of its citizel1 ! ; rcturn richer and morc enlightencd. Secrctary I , Hay has pointcd out lhat another govemment is u-ing : a les ad- mirablc methOil of inducing some of its inhabitants to seck ollr hospitable hores. Onr Jand is one of refuge , but we must keep our moral and intellectual heallh. As imlligration ; , constantly becoming - coming more dangerous in kind , there is every reasoll for a stricter - er standard of admission.-Col- lier's 'Weeklj' . IIl'11lit'lIIlUI IlIjllrrll. Brakeman g , G. Sights was run over and badly injured at Scneca 'l'hursday morning. 'While assisting in witching at that place hc attcmpt d to get on the pilot of a mO\'ing cngine an slipped and fell in such a manncr that enc arm was run o\'er and hadly mangled alld one leg badly bruised. lIe was takcn to Broken Bow 011 4 and placed in a hospital in charge of Dr. Mullen the compan ) ' doctor. i l eports from thc doctor are that ; Sights will livc , hut it will be neccssary to : ullputatl' the injured - jured arm. 'I'he injurell mln : has heen braking out of Alliance for the past six or se\'t'n montlls and prc\'ious to that tiltH' WlS : emploj'l'd as lireman. 1\1 r. NUlln - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ill The Use of Good Plnster 011 till' walls will "II"Hll" ' > II\IIIIlh \ II" " ' , , > Iut.ilil\ 1111.1 . 01111 al ,1111\ , 11 I "ill III illg 111111' ' ' ' IIII' IIIIIU' \ \ 11\ \ ; "jusl Itkl' Ihul. " \ \ ' . , " , \ ,11"1"11' , blllls ul Wall PJaster .11111 I' , Il'I I lillI' hils . " " " 'l.ll'I'I..II , . . , 'UII" ' " il is 1IIl' 11t',1 IIII' l" " laillIIII" \ \I"'S. \ . \11 1I1.1t. , , ,1'111 h.'ll' 1'111' IlIl'g. ' III' "lIIall Hit , , , \ \ ill It' . "till ill IllIil'\ \ ; oil ! in'n' 1111,1ll'rft' \ \ ' sat bfut' ! iOll , Dierks l.umher & Coal Cn" BtOKEN ! DOW N-lm ; IlA a dCL - " - . . . . - . . . . - - - - . . . , . . - , _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - father-in-law o'f l\lr. Sig'hts , went down , to Broken Bow on 42 this morning to assist in taking care of him.-Alliance Grip. A rUllllg ; U II'8 I.Ft'lIl1I 'l'he urgent nced in this city for a place of recreation frcl' from I demoralizing influencc is ahout to he mcl in a mo\'ement inau pl- ( J. . rated h ) ' the Young 1\lcn's Barca ( Class or thc Baptist church. 'I'he Baraca work is National in scope and has for its aim de/inite / help for men. 'rhc young men plan to open a reading- room , library and gymnasium , al1l1 have placed the mcmbership fee for all prihges at the lixcll rate of S4.00 for the year , and arran e- ments have been perfected by wh ich st uden ts alHl ot hers ma ) ' adjust the pa'ment of membership - ship fees to their ability. 'I'he plan cmbraces the h st magazinc ! ' and papers for the realing room tablcs , a lihrary of hooks to be prcsent monthly and a good equipment of gYll1nasum apparatus - paratus , the latter to he enJarged as circumstances warrant. 'I'he work will he under the supcr- ' 1 vision of a Board of Regents compo - po ed of Judge Armour , U. 1\1. Amsberry , Willis C:1I1well , J. M. Kimberling , Dr. Day , J. B. Smith and Jos. Pigman. MI' . J. 1\1. Kimberling is treasurer for the T.4yceum alHl all membership fees l11a ) ' be paid to him. While this mo\'ement has been inaugurated - rated under the llaraca au piccs , yet thc yonllg men desire it to bc understood that memhership in the I.4)'ceum does not in any TO CTI n. A COI.U IN ONI' : UA" Take lnnllvl ! Brome I ulllinu 'l'I1111N . .1\\1 \ , t rUjglsl.s r"CulHlthu UlOlicy IC It C"II In flirt ! } W , < trove'8 jp IIstllru Is.oII cllch 110. " . ( " , - - - - - - MRS. L. S. ADAMS. or ( "h"II'OIl , 'J'tlJl.ItIl. . . .4 "Wine of Cardul is Indeed II blessing to tired women. Itavlng sulCered Cor seven years with weakness 111111 bear. Ingdown pains , and havlllg tried sev. eral doctors And dillcrelil remedies with no success. your Wille of Coirdul was the unly thing which hdped lIIe , and eventually cured lIIe It seellled to build up the weak Iwh. stren thl\ the system IIlId correct Irregularl iu , " Dy "tired w . . 1\Ir \ , Adam ! ! mealls lleI"VOU women who Imv" disordered 1Uell c , fallill of tll" womb , ovarian troublc ! ! ur uuy of thes" ailllltmt thut WOIIICII have. You can cur" yuur elfuthollluwith this grcat.WOUl . II'tI relllcdr , Whw of Cardlll. WItI" of Cmlui : hl\ cured thousalld of casl' which doctors I.lave failed to bellt-fit. Why not begm to get well tuday ? AU druggists ht\V" $1.00 bottles. l or any stoUluch , liver or bowel disorder - der rrhodford'l ! Black.Draught J should btJ u ed. , ForadYlcealllIlt rallir" & < I < Ir KlvlnlC IJWptOIllI. 'I II" 1.,11. . ' A 'h"ry h I''n. ' IDc . . . .tI&DOOill. tL Tbe OhattAlIU TeDII. < lWIO 1.dll'lIe ! Co" , r" L. 'I WINEOFCARDUI . , \ .Y