Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 23, 1903, Image 1
, . 0. ' < II \ USTER OUNTY EPUBLIC1f. I . ES'l'ABT-4ISHED 1882. 'I'lIE 01i'FICIA T-4 PAPER OIi' CUS'l'El COUN'I'Y. 1-4A RGI S' { ' CIHCUT-4A'I'ION 01i' ANY PAPEI IN 1'HE COUNTY. : ! j f , ' , -t _ " _ . . _ _ . _ . , VOL XXI. . ' \ BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , APRIL 23 , 1903.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.45. ' \ - I " ( ! - . - - . . - - - - - - . - . - ' . j , TWO WAYS , I. I ( II getlillg II\I : : " , 0-1. is to 3 I gu to thl' lIl'al'l' 1 I'1'rlllUllcllt ' ' : locutl'l Ol'lil' ' all Hlill 'I.t'hllt ' r I yutl IICI"I , alld II gllarall'tel' lhat thl' ' will hi' 1atisfact01' ' if I ) ! ) ; lIot , I : thc ) ' will he exchallged free. I 'l'u H 01'lII\1t is to let ( ) llIe trn\'clillg petlll1cr ! : cll yotl a piliI' ; : rtlll thl' risk of rtlillitlg \'otlr : cycsight clItitcl ) ' . ulltl whcli hc ( hils'Otll' mOIlt'YOIl IIC\'l'l' sce ' : him'agllill. v l'Aln : illstln's , } Jcllcr tlse of thl' C'cs011 ha\'c. I 1\1) ' p1'Clp 1' Hlll'li glitsscs will ; "oncet dcfcl'ls. ! 'trctlgthl'lI thc J CYI'S. allfl. ill thlll' I'CIII CI\ ' " the I dcfcl'ls. 1',1 like to I l ) ' 0111' I : eyes. I ha\'c l'\'ct'\ ' latc : tlltl : \ sl' elltiJic applilillce f ) r : teelll1ltc ; l'yc.h stillg- . : tilt I sell spccllll'lcs 'r , al 1111 Jll'iccs , L'lIsh paid for 01. I J . I I ! lit I hrola'lI goltl spel'luc1c ! ! ! pd 130 : \ : , . .vCr" ' - - - - . - - , School Books. Tahlets . ! I . , --ANH- \ I School Supplies , ? ' , ! . , t- , ' -AT- , ; ir . , . ' , J. G. Haeberle s. , - ' . . . . . - - - . - . - r - - - - - . . . . : . . . . , . " . : . . : r..f.r./r..f.r.rJfW- : : : : S Jllsi Il'I'C'I'.1 I N ' ' \tOl'k of 1\ IlIl'gl'tOl'k I..WAll PAPER. . I j ) . . . of th ( ' latest designs. No fincr line can hc hilll in thc , I ci ty. ee lilY goolls a nd get l\ly L = > dces i 8 . . s I 8 hcforc pllrchaslng If ) ' 011 g want to sa\'e IIIpney. ED. McCOMAS , s 8 Broken Bo" " - NchraHka. S . : : r.l"O' " : ; , Q : . : : r./r./ ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wl' ha\'e jllst retl'in' . ! 0111' Ill'W I line of spring' wall paper. All 1 ( ) O. , pa Herns. Call an < l St't' thl'lII at'ilkin' ! { dmg' stOf'l' . J5 tf t . . . - - - - - - " - - . . . - . . 1\1111'\,11111" > . I. I 1 \ t. P " t.P Cill"O 1"01' \ 1Cl1l1El bJn hlliu 11ft ) ' 1't'1I1 ( Ir111,1 , ' \ I'I III 'l'IIt " I ) 'UIIII rU'\I > " rur Ircllth K ICllolIlII' " IIIIIf1,1 trlllll'/Iclilllot' ( of 1110 11O \tIU\lCIIY 1 , , . ' ' lIndl h"vlI Irht ! It IInli rOUtu ! rollur , SUICIII" : ' : . 'I'll11' , ; 110M lC&l'ol U\r' co. , 8JII tlll1l1raU ld" . , 5C. PAul , 1'o1luu t f I ( m : : : : : : : : : : m _ _ o. _ _ _ _ Don't fail to hcar Prof. SuHon. Peter Bcck of Ucorgetown , was a city \ ' sitor last ( i'rillay. Ii' . II. Young atlll Alpha Morgan - gan 'yen t to a ilia h a ycstcrday mortling. Mrs. Charlcy Kellcy and son I obie of Omaha , arri\'ed in the l'it.r 1\londay morning to \ ' sit with the fainily of Yc Scnbe. , Commissioner of Public 14atHIs and Builllings li'olmcr was in the city Monday on oOidal busincss. 'l'his ofli c acknowledges a friendly call. \Y. G. McWilliams of 'I'abor , Iowa , brother of J.tmcs McWil- Iiuns of this city , arrived last night ald.c.xpccts } . . to spctHI two " 'cc1 { \'tsltlng' . 'I'he Brokcn Bow 'I'elcphone : Co. has added \'cry much mat ri-I ally to thc gcneral appearance of their line hr painting thc 'I'ele- phone polcs in the city. Judge r ecsc , A. R Humphrc ) ' and D. 1\1. A msbcrry wcnt to 1-4incoln ycstcrday 'on special business. 'I'hey wilt in all prou- ahility return tomorrow. , I eg-ist r of Deels , C. O. f4inll ! hus appointed Juhn Woods of this vicinity deputy to.f . f 11 hc \ 'acancmade h\ ' the resignatIOn of 1\11' . Chittick : Mr. Wood com- ml'nred work in thc oOice last week. Mcl Steinman of Westcn'ilte. made this oOice a fricndly call 'l'uesday and rcnewcd his suh- scri ption and ordcred another copy sent to Heel Bluff , California , where he expects to spend thc sumnter. ' } 'hc B. & 1\I. ha\'c finisher ! grael ng the ground for their park and ha\'e sowcd it to bluc g-t'ass anll set out trecs which rs a great impro\'cment and wilt add much to : the appelt' ! lttce of thc dcpot grounds and Clt ) ' . 'I'he sperial clubbing olfer of 51.35 for the I HI'U1IJ.tCAN and Nehraska I.'arnwr for a year has heen l'xtcncll'd , 'I'his will g'e ( \'ry farllll'r in Custer county tliat clops not g-ct thc W papers a chanl't' to get hoth for little morc than the priCl' of onc. 'I'he Judg'e that tried } 'Irs. 14illie for tht. murclcr of her hus- hand at Da\'irl City has refuscd to grant a new trhl. IIc sen- tent11 her to the penitentiary for life at hard lauor. She protested - ed hcr tnnoncense to the last. ' 1'he case will hi' appeall'el to the Ruprcme Court. 'I'hc Calla way Quecn brings out the namc of Simon Cameron as a prospect candidate for coun ty judgc. 'I'he Westcn'iIle corrcspondent for thc Hm'UJII.I- CAN last week proposcel the namc of 1. ' . D. Mills a a candidatc in casc the cot1\'ention clocs 1tot re- uominatc Jnclg-c Armour. .101111 Rohinson of Ii'leming Valley telephoned us Monday that he had commenccd planting corn. Mr. Robinson for se\'eral years has plantcd corn in April and his experiencc has becn so favoraule that he continucs to plant t'ar ly. ' } 'his is onl' of the seasons that has e\'ery inllication of being favorahle to planting corn carl ) ' . Jamcs Chittick , dcputy register of deeds , has rcsigned his position - tion ancl mo\'cll back to his farm in Waync township. Mr. Chit- tick hils < Iuite a bunch of cattle , a fine farm and he felt that his business ree\l red his personal supcn'ision. lIe moveel uack to his farm 1\londay. Mr. and Mrs. ChiHidc arc most excellcnt citi- ens aud thdr many fricllCls 0 I' the city were sorry to see thelll It > 1n' . 'rheir lwst wishes will follow them. .A 1II0\'e is on foot to se'curc a statl' 110rmal school for Broken Bow. We helie\ ' ( ' this thl' pl'O- per location for : , school of this Idnd , as it is centcrally located , andl'an he reacl1 < 'd I\ train or stag ' from evcry cli red ion. Bro- 1C'n How also has man ) ' othcr in- clUCl'ments which much larger places cannot olTcr , anel if sh ( ' dOl'S not grasp this opportunity ' by raising' the ncccssary expens' to secure thc school she will ccr. Ii tainl ' \ ' miss the chancc of her Ii fe. We would be plcased t ( : Sl'l' it go to llrolcen Bow. LOUI Valley Queen. Prof. Sutton , elecutionist , Saturday - urday night. Phillip Broch and wifc of Merna , wcre city \'is tors 'rues- clay. 1\11' . Brocle was in to transact - act busi ncss wi th land oflice. ( i' . II. Young , president of the Ansclmo bani" spent the latter part of last wcek in Ansclmo in helping' to get thc bank started. 'I'he Alliance Grip says : g\- crett 1\loore recch'cd thc good news from Seward last 'l'hursc1a ) ' t ha t a son hac1 been uorn to him at the home of his wile's parcnts in Seward. \Vm. Cosncr of Merna , was a a wclcome visitor at this oflicc Saturda ) ' . Mr. Cosner rc- ports that much of . thc garc1ening IS done at Mcrna. and that the l ai1roac1 Co. is putting down a wcll ncar thc c1epot. Thc storics of thc hig corn crop last season apparcntly arc not all in yet. John WheUng of thc \Vcst 'l'ahlc tells of a tH tgh- her who has so much corn that he has lccpt the road hared up with it for the past six months. Harry Da ) ' has disposed of his stock of goods to a Mr. Stc\'cns of Burwell , who will continue the hlistness in this city. Mr. Day has , for a ttllmhcr of ycars , becn ' iclcntil eel with the'mercantilc intcrests of Brolccn Bow anc1 in that time has madc a host of friends , who rcgret to have him IUit [ the business. } 'lr. Day ex- peds to goo to the coast , whcrc his wife is now \ ' siting anc1 may concltllic to locate thcre. 'l'he hest wishes of his many . friends will go wi t h him. ' ( 'he Junior Normal at Alliance will open June S anel continue in s ssion tcn wceles with Prof.V. . n. Bart , principal. 'I'he applicants - plicants for mcml > cl'ship'must not be younger than fourtcen ycars of good physical health and gooc1 moral character. 'I'he studcnt must have a fair knowledge - ledge of the common school branchcs such : u ; ma ) ' be obtain- Bd in the cduntr ) ' schools , or in the lower eight grades of well organizcd city schools. NOl'I h PlaHe anc1IcCook : will ha\'c Junior Normals cOtllmcncing' June ] ( , . UlLrlte' , ' ShCll ( 'hlLlII'f1 ! IIIUttl. ; . Claude Wahl has purchascd the harher shop on the wc t side of the square , which he formcrly owncd. 1\11' . Wahl is ha\'ing' tile shop repaperccl ami put in l'xcel- lent condition. lIe solicits the patl'Onagl' of all his old customers as well as all new oncs that want first-class work. . . - - - - - - - - ! r rr & r r BUSINESS POINTERS. ; ; ! ! J1 J. C. Moore , austracting. 2t1 Wall Paper at J. C. Bowen's J , G. T4conarcl hondcd abstrac- tc 39tf Roch candy s'rup in fi\ ' ( , gallon cans at the Star Grocery. I am prcparcd to put on rubuer tires on baby cabs , kcep ruhber on h ancl and malcc thcm to ordcr so you will not bc c1elaycd. 44 tf ClIAS. lIucKIHmWHY. . - - Sec Pealc for seed corn. Just rcccived a ncw stock of picturc framcs , mouldings , mats , etc. Picture framcs made to or- der. Sccoml hand goods of all IdndR bought and solel. JUD KAY , 31Hf South Side SIuarc. ! Garden , ficld , t10wer and cane secd-Bulk or packag-c-At J .C. BOWHN. -tOlf . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Go to , , Sn\'c1 . < ! r Bros. for cloth- IIIg. I hey ha\'e a large ane ! completc stock of . .spriugane ! SUl11mer goods. Hlf I.'OI ( SAIU-Herefore ! Bull No. 1052RJ , neh'iclllaity. ! ! 1 'elligTC ' good. - ( , . I . C\JWIi.I. ! . .flU . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Jl'lJlII.ICAN and Swine Herd $1.5U. - Cuwul Cun'1 ( ' ( ) " " ' ' ' 1 On Satunlayl\lay 2 , 11)03 ) , at 2 o'clock p. Ill. at Broken Bow , Nt'b. , } will sell at Pllblic Aut- tion to the highest hieller ! , twellt ) . t'C t milch cows ane ! springcrs. Cows that arc fresh with cah'cs , b ) ' their sidc. All will bc fresh . this spring. 'J'hesc cows arc , nearl ) ' all brokc to milch and entlc. 45tf J. ! { . l nu'I.u. - An elegant linc of toilet soaps at t he Star G roccrj' . \V NTm-A : bott-r.rttca-- ; ; ; ; } ; r hon cs to pasture Iluring the summcr. Uood pastcr , plent ) . of wilter and salt. 45h G. 1 . Rus o\l. : Look to us for best \'alues in roastcd coffcc. You can sa\'c from 1 to 4 cents pel' pound at J. C. Bowen's. I ha\'e mo\'cd my meat market to thc room bctwecn Haebcrle's and Wilson & Drakcs store , and solicit thc patronage of old and ncw customers. 43-4 ( , P. J. SIMONSON. FOH S..I.H-li'our rcgistered shorthorn bulls. 43-45 J. G. BIu\NIZI\H. . . . . J. O. T-4eonard bonded abstrac- ter. 39th , - - - - UlutHIt IU"rc.ING , ! I ha'c opcned up a drc s making - ing shop 1\1 \ the Healty Block ovcr Miss T-4iggetts Millincr ) ' S orc ilnd am pIcpared : t do all l\1nds of fanc ) ' dressmalnng , also a sp ! cialty on cuttingancll tting. Please g'c me a call. Yours rcspcctfulh' , I 43-47 T-4IT.T.IAN Im.I. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A shipmcnt just rccch'cd of the only and origiual trade mark , "Purc I alII Cillcr Vincgar. " J. C. ROWHN. - \\T ha\'e just receh' 1 a large ordcr of new shocs.Ve ha'C the larg-est assortmcnt and best g-rade of shoes for the mon 'y that has e\'cr been handlccl 1\1 \ Broken Bow. YOII will clo well by calling to sec thel11 uefore uuying. SNYDHH BHOS. I havc boug'h the l recl Hlnne resturant and am preparcII to do a tirst class business , and solicit th patronage of thc puultc and my 0111 customcrs. 43-4 ( ) WJ\I. DAVI : Monc ) ' loancd on unproved farms. J A1\tItS T-4JWWICII , 7 18 tf Broken Dow , Neb. \Ve arc closing Ollt our housc plants. Call ane ! scc thcm heforc thc ' are all . PHAIJt & Co. . ) _ _ _ _ _ _ gone. _ _ h _ _ _ _ _ Stamp Photo's at Rangs' Stueio. ! 21J-tf l oH SAT.H-A gooll imprO\'ccl farm consistillg' of 320 acres ; 1)0 ) acrc unecr ! cu1t'ation , tirst-class well , g-ood farm builclings , 2UO anes in pasturc , eight miles north-east of A usel mo , Neb. 3R-4h FHANK Pmwy. - - - - - - - - - - l'oH ! ' ' ' ' SAI.H . OR 'l'HADH-'I'own lots and a few five acre lots in this city , for cattle , horses or farm lancl.-Allcn l e'ner. 'I'his oflice has a limitecl num- bcr of Hic1cs Almac's for salc at 25 cen ts. 44tf 'I'll 'l'hl' l.nd'I'j ' ; . Wc wish to say to the TAlClie the ) ' havc not purchasecl their springami summer Ilress g-oocls that you will do . wcll by calling on us bcfore bUYing. We guar- antcc atisfaction in evcry way. 44tf SNYlJtBROS. \ . : < CoHee tu IIn , . Con tractorlt. r We wish to close contracts for cutting , curiug allli stacking hay on our ranch tt1 Cherry county for tlc season of 11)03. No swampy or t'Oug-h ground to cut on.Vrite for tcrms ctc. to the Stanclard Cattlc Co. at Ames or Hecla , Neb. 45.C ) - - - A pplc bu Hcr in tcn pou nd ' 'pails , at se\'cnty t'C t at thc Star c ; t'Occry. Dollars to ccnts that we can sa\'e ) 'ou on C\'crr purchase of tea at J. C. Bowcn's. It'oJ < SAJ.H-One : reel Poll , o Ill' Poll Ourha III ancl cig-h t Hhort- horn hulls. All ha\'c peclig-rces. 'I'he ) ' can he set'n at tlw Ulohe bam.-J AH. II. PI < It'"I'\\IAN. ! : 4H ; f - - - - - . . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u 1:0 : to the ta1' Uroce1'J fOl' garden seccls , bulk and packagt' . W ' ' ' ' AN'I'IW-'O } hirc two m 'n that ha\'l' families. Houses furn- bhl'I. - W US'I' UNION MIII.INn CO. 3Stf West Union , Neb. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'I'his . ollice for neat job work. We are prcparcel to malcc an" Idnd of ulends of colIees thc sallie as has bccn furnishcd b ) ' supply houscs , aUtI at less price. Comt' ami scc ancl be convinced. ' 1'1Il S'I'AH GHOCHRV Co , ) + Itf .llrokcn Uow , Neb. J ' tt"t"t"t"t"ttt"ttt"t"'t""t"'t1tt1tt't" " " " " " , " , " " " ' " " " " " " ' ' " ' , I ; . WATCH . , - - - - , k- -r'his ' E Space - - I..Next Week. . , ' 1 - - - - . . . . . . - - - E c. S.1.I.I.A.rI : , 3 - - - - - - - - - , - : : : : : 18 a"VV' a"'r = = I Buying 'I I More : I : - : : : ' , - : : : : I . Q' 00 d s. I C.S.MARTINMflr. Agt. . j . : : : : : AND DEALER IN = = : - . : : : % g ANTI-T ] UST GOODS. ; i1 111il1il111il11il1111il1111il111lil1111111111111111il11111 111 ! Berrics , Berrics , Bcrries , Straw- berrics alwa YS fresh ami on hanel at thc Star ( ; rocer ) ' . FOH SAI.H---li'arm ancl clring horscs-will trade for cattle. Want horses ancl cattle to pas- turc near town. 45-4 ( ) 1 . A. IIUN'I'HH. J. G. T4cona1'd bonclccl abstrac- tcr. 39tf . , - - - - - - Farms for sale and lands for , rent. Now is the time to get.iI. i farm cheap , as the cheap far111i ! ' are all goin , and prices are advancing - vancing rapully.-J. G. Brcni i I-4ilwn mowers sha.rpencd in a scientific manncr. Guarantcc(1. I , ; 44 tf CnA . HUCKEIBERRY. . ' - - See - that tinc line of ookies at , d I the Star Grocery. 41H 1 ; - - - . 4 0NE DAY ONLY . ; SATURDAY , APRIL 25 , 1903 , From 10 to 12 A. M. From I to 6 P. M. From 7 to 9 P. M. H bars Sih'ct' f..caf soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25 S hal's Diamoncl C soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1 can l ex fJ'c , 1 Oc si c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Schillings Best Baking Powclcr , 15c si e. . . . . . . . . 10 Rabbitt li'oot Baking Powcler , 10c size. . . . . . . . . . . 5 j l abbitt li'oot Balcing Powcler , 15c sixe. . . . . . . . . . 10 Halstons Hcalth Oats , 15c si e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Farina \Yheat Foocl , 10c sizc , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 On 'l'ime COrti Flour , 15c si e , 3 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Maplc Syrup , per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Granulatecl sugar , 20 pouncls for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 00 , Coffee cssence , 5c size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ; ( loss starch , IOe si c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . ( . l lastic starch , IOc sizc , 3 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dcfiance starch , 5c si . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 3 Mince meat , 10c sizc , 4 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 : : Seeclccl currants , lOc si c , 3 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 -CANNJtI > nOOI > H- 1Iatn I40af , 25c size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Corned beef , 15e si e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 10 Briskct beef , 25c si e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Fanc ) ' Sliced Lcmon Cling Pcach. 15c size. . . . . . 5 Anclersonsoup , 10c size , 4 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Gleanwood pumpkin , 15c si e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 -'rHA - Keklm Bist , 30c package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Imperial ( Sun curred ) 30c packag-e. . . .20c or 2 for 35 -III.OU 1- Dest Hig-h Patent , per sack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Seconcl Patent , pCI' sack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IJO Diamond Axle Greese 10 Boxes for 25 Cents. 'l'hid sale unly on above datc aUII timc. A Gold Rin for all Babies under one year of age . .AbHOll1tely Free. . . . . } . 'or yom friend's hab ) ' . li'or your wife' baby. l 'or your sistl'r's habli'or your aunt's imuy. Ii'or your daughter's bilby. li'or'your unclc's baby.i'or } your brothcr's bauJ' 1.01' y ur hirecl man's baby , or for any old uaby. li'or rich habies , for poor babies , for lcan babies , for fat babies , for g-ooll habies , for ball babics. for sick hauics , for well bauies , for large babies , for Mmall habies , for young bahics , for old babies , for smooth habies , for roug-h babicH , for sweet ba- hies. for tough bil hies , for colli babies , for warm babies , for any hab ) ' but l rag' bahy. n" } . . . If you havcn't got a uaby bol'\'ow one ancl ha\ ' ' its mcaslII'c tal n or urilt1 : ' its picture for a broach. M USIO ALL DAY. . Ryerson-George Co. . ; , > 1' . - - " ' . 'f .