. . . . . . . . . _ . < _ _ . - - - - , - , . - \ , . . , . _ , , - - - - " . - ' " " " ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' 'fj''f' ' ' ' ' 'f . , : : . . = - - - - DAN GROSVENOR SAYS : "Pe.ru.na is an Excellent Sprin.9 Catarrh Remedy..1 am as Well as Ever , ' , , U II I I I I I , . I ; I - I I - : : : : - - = - . . . In a recent Il'ttl'r he says : , , [ consider Peruna really more meritorious tban [ did wben [ wrote you last. [ receive numerous letters from acquaintances all over tbe country asking me If my certificate Is genuine. J Invariably answer , ycs.-.Dan. A. Orosvenor. I , A County Commissioner's Letter. : lIon. , John WilllnnH' , COllnt . Commis. " Iloner. ! of G17Y Ist SecOl\l street. Du. luth. Minn. , sa's the following In re ar I to Perllnn : ! "As n remedy for cntnrrh I cnn ehCer- ! fully re < 'Ol1ImeiHl Perulln. I IUluw what It Is to 8uffer from thnt terrible I1hwaRe and I fE'el thnt it II' 111) ' Iinty to spenk n . - - - - - . : " 'usllcl1 Once Each Yenr. ' ! Asked wheIhe bad 1ast washed , a ; smaH boy t01d the Crediton , ' Eng1and magist.rates . that he had a bath last summer. 1.'he father was ordered to prison for his neglect. I t ! tICIulrccllIouhl" j'oe. I Socrates , when a chatterbox applied I to him to be taugnt rhetoric , said "that he must pay double the usual ! , r feebecause it would first he necessary to teach hIm to h01d his tongue. " - . 1 . ] 'erm4npnll.Cur d. 1'Ionuorn . . . . " " "ou.nr"ht..t . fITS tiNt day' . U.O ot IIr. "ltn ' . u..c Nerve 1tt. . I otorer. Br.nd ror F Ie JI : ( l2.0e' 'fIRbotU..nnd \ tfP..tI. . . . . . Vlt. It. u. KUN : . LtLl. . V31 Ai"C'I St..I'blJaLl IDbl. . J. . . . I { N. N. U _ 765YORK. . HFDR. good word for the tonic thnt brou ht IIIC imme lnte relief. l'erulla cllre ! ! 1IIe of 11 hilt ! cnsl' of catarrh and I Illow it will Cl\1'l' nllY othl'I' sufferer froll1 that dis. easl'JohnYiIlilllll ! ! . A Con ressm8n'lI Letter. Jion. : II. W. Ollen ; : , Congressmnn from LOllllnlln. III n Il'ttl'r writtell at11'111. . inton ; : , IJ. 0. , SII'S the followill ; : or Pc. runa , the IIntiolllll cntnrrh rellledy : The NUlK" ot 'I'hlllllior. When a period of five seconds e1apses beLween a tlash of lIghtlliulJ and thunder , the flash is a mHe ells. tant from the observer. 'l'huudeJ bas never been heard over 14 mHe from the flash , thOl1 h arti1lery ha teeil heard at 120 ml1es. Untlpr T..rrlble Onth rren young men in Couclersport. "t Pa , . 1m'e tnlen an oath to marry be. fore January I , 1004. PU'l'NA ) { : FA DE LESS DYES colOJ more goods , pel' pnclmge , than otheIS. Mr. . WllIslow' . ROOTlIINO SYItUI' tor chll < lrer teethln , .ortcn. the gllm. . redllces InllamaUor "lIa.I'aln. ellrcs wlntl , 'ollle. 2 c 1J0tlle. - - - - - - - - - - - ! I . , f g. " I ; Medicine Never Healed a Wound i Nature performs the healing process and medicine can only as. t sist her in doing her work in hcalin wound ! ! and throwinR oft , diseases. Nine-tenth ! ! ot the dlseasesot man and beast have their , origin In some form of erlDs and it sHowed to run dnd multiplY . . " form complications. The reason that Liquid Koal prevents all all : ' germs dieases and cures them , unless fermentation and InOamma- I tion have too far developed , Is that It contains every antlseptlo . and germiclda known to science. AH erm diseases such as hO cholera , swine plngue , corn stalk dlseascHtulJercOloslR. blacldeg and numerous others can b prevent.ed by Hiving Llqnld Koal In drinkIng - Ing water , hecause they are Herm dlseaseR and no g'erm cn live where Liquid Koal reaches It. Liquid Koalls unalrectcd I > y the from there Into the cIrculation , perll1eatlll the whole RystCl11 , : lm\ \ still retains aH lis germlclal properties , Diluted with 'water , in 1 the proportion ot one to ono hundred , It makes the best lice kJlIer known. { ) . 1\ \ \ lrlce at Liquid KO:1.1 : deli vered at your station IR a.q follows : , - t .J ONE QUART CAN - $1.00 TEr G't. . , ICEG , $2,50 PIR GAL . " ONE GALLON - - 3.00 I 25 GAL.-1-2 BBL. . . $2.25 GAL i. FIVE GALLONS , $2.75 PER GAl. 50 GAL-ONE DDL" $2.00 GAL : i : 1 : ' ( / , i. . . " ' . : ; - ij DECP ; ( lm 21 , 1000. : We. the "ndl'rsl nl ! ( ; slock rnlsen of Ialli.oll Coun y. Nehru < lta. , rlL sln from I 100 to 200 he'\d of h'lIsellt'h , 'er hlw" . aIter t10 flLlr anllmp.Atll.11 , trial ot 1Iquiti Koal " manufit'tllretl by IhelLlion'll : Me.III'al Comp\uy ! , of Hhel on. Iowa. II lit I Yor , " , Na. , . " . . . . 10' ' ' ' h " " " Ib , , , , Dlo" " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , . " " ' " . " " " , , , " . . . A " , .11 , , , , < I , , , hu , been ollr plel\slIre 10 UMO. nn I WI ! Jolltl ) ' Ihm , " thl\t II 111\11 : h Sll\I1I1I1I1 : In hh olvn I 111111& who dOtJs not try , to Wilen their IIgllllt c , ls 110 ltvl o tiny aloolo : rll180r to bur a1l1111 > 0 1.11)11\11 \ KOI11. I Chu , Lodgl' , Norfolk , Nobr. ThollHI' P. Wade , Battle Cr.'ek , Nfbr. J. K. } IcIII 08b , JoUlcrlctc : , Nebr. Wm. lIawkhl'l , lcl\l1olV Grove , Nobr. e ! , H. 'I' . lIoluan , Emerick , ebr. 1' . I' . II 0 111 all , Newman rove , Nobr. DEC IIIF.R , 1002. We the unrter I JlI.'II stot'k raltlrs alld flLrmers glany , testify to ho merltll of I ! I.1Iuld Koal IIIRIIUfI\Clllrl'd hy the NIIUonl\1 Me.III'al Co. , of I : > hol < 1oll. lowit. and : ' York. Sebrlktl , 1\1' hlLIIMOI this I'roolul'L \ \ Ith gmtilylllg tiIlCCO& " IIlId I\1vl86 aU 10 glvo tt II trial. It ho1l1d oe 011 . , ver ) ' IlIrm 111 Nlbr"Mkll. ! tufus Fear ) ' , llee , Sebr Chrh. ehtlll , AtOlplelJlIJ'3t , Nebr. J. 11. Fl'ary BI'I' . ebr. 10' . C. Io'l'r , tHaplehtHllt. Netr , : Oeo. lIIh flOO , : \Ibr. GUll. Hln . .berger , Hewarll. Nebr. Wm. l'lnChaUll , btaplehurst , Nebr , J. HllIgtJlJerger , Sr" Germantown , Nebr 1 I It your dealer docs not keep it wri te 11S direct. . I A 3 'pa e book on t.he Diseases of A nlmals mailed free upon application - plication to the Na.tlonal Medlca.l Company , York , : Nebr. , and I Sl1cldon , Iowa. . , . ! National Cattle and Sheep Dip IB the best and cheapest Dip for' klllll1 ( . : ot ! Ticks and f..lce and the treatment or Mango , 'l'exa5 Itoh and ca.b in Sheep. It form ! ) a perfect emulsion witl ) water and Is harmless to the membranes ut the oyo. I 11 your dealer docs not keep It write us dlreot. Information I sent tree , " ' : NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY , YORK. NEBRASt < A. SHLDON. IOWA . . IJ- : . . , . . , ' . . i . . . . ' 7.'A'PI A"Io.- . . _ - . - . . . : ' : - - - I "I enn consclcllllolJRIy recommend J'Our PerunJi lJS a fine tonic IIl1d an around good mecl/clne to t110SC who nrc III nc'Cl of If entarrll rcmcel.J' . It litIS becII comnlcnclcd to mc b.J' pt.'oplc who II J'c mc.dI , as a rcmcd.J' pnr- IIcu/nrly effectlJ'o III tfc cure of & :11. tllrrh. For those wh" nced n Jluoll catarrh mcelle/tlc I ! wOn' of lIotJln. better.11. . W. Ogden. " ' , B. ( ; rlnlth , Conl'nn , 'Cexnl ! , wrlh'I. "I ftllrrl'reel with ! 'hrullie cntllrrh for tnnllY ) 'l'nr ! ! . 'took l'c > rllnlt nntl It COUl' plct I ' ( ' \II'l'll me. 1 thlllk l'l'rlllln II th ! ' b t n\ftlll' ne III till ! worlel for entlll'rh. : -y Kenernl henllh II ! IUlleh 1I11111'U\11 I , ' Its ut\r , n& I lUll IUllch ! ltNnI'I' ! Ihltll I hn\'o been for , orlr : . " --W , Jo : . Gl'llllth. A ConJreum"n'lI trtter. COII rl'S ltInll 11. BU\\'l'lI , lttllll.ill , 'l'ozr wcll COlin t ) ' , \ ' It" " ' 1'it l'lI : "I can cIICcrful/J' recommclld J'our " , J/unblc rCnled ) ' , Perwl.'I , to nil ) ' ( ) l1L' who Is suffcrlng Wltll Clltllrrh , llnd who Is In need of n permancnt Dnd cffectb'c cure.II. . Dowen. 1\11' . Frl'tl D. Scott , Lnrul. ' . Ohio , UIhl : Gunrd of Hlrnm l > oot Hnll ' 1'rnlll'rltl' : "A5 n specific for ItIt ) trouhll' 1 Illnc ! ' l'erllnn at the henel. I hn VI. ' IIrrd It m ' self for eolels nnd cltllrrh : of tlw bo\\'el and It 18 n spll'ndlcl rl'nH'lh' . It retnl'l' Tltn1ity , inerellses boIIltrenth ! line ! mAkes n ftlck perloll wdl III n ! 'JlOrt tillll' 1 Ivc Pl'rl\l1ll 111) ' henrt ) ' hulcrlIII1'III. ' -I.'rell D , Scott. Gen. Irn U. Abbott ) . 000 [ ! 'treet , : \ . W. . Wn"hillftoll , U. C. . wrllch : "I alii ful ) ' eonvllle'd lhnt 'Olll' I'CIII cd ) ' 111 1111 l'xcellellt tOllil' . llIn ' of III , frlelldll hn\'e useel it with tilt. IIIOit hen elid,1 , result ! ! for l'CHlgh ! ' , olcl' ! 1111I1 en I tarl'hnl trouhle.-Irn C. Abhott. . Ir ! ! , I hn'r I"ll'lIIllI . orlltor of llell'r. voir Council No. liiS. North\\'l'sterll 1.1' glen of 1I0nol' . of l1l11ll'nllolif ( . 111111. . writes fro\11 : ; 3i Polk IItrel't , NI. ) . : "I hn\'l' beell lrou hlt'd a II m ) ' life with cntnl'rlt III III ' heml. I tool , Pm' 11I11\ for nhout thrco III 0 II t h ! ! , alld now thilll' 1 nm II e I' III a n entl ) . ctlrrel. 1 belic\'e that for cntllrl'h III 1111 Its forllls Pel' u II a Is thc I1Il'llidlle of the nge. It c II l' e s whell nll othnr rellleilies fnll , I I Mrt < , Ehll r Jo"lrll1lnlf. Mhllll'al tltI . Minn. I Cllll hellrtlh' rel'ommentl 1'orulIll liS n r cntnrrh reniclly.- ll's. llnel' 11 , elll III ; : . Treat Catarh In Sprlnll' . 'I.'he ! ! prlnJ ; is thl' time to trellt entnrrh. Cold , wet winter wr.l\thel' often retll'l : ) , ' 'I lIrc of cntnrrh. If II cOIll'se of Pm'lIl1l1 ! ! taken dl1l'ing the enrly : .ilrilll ; mOllth tile ellre will bc lrompt nnd ( l l'lIlntwnt. ' 1'herc cnll he 110 fnlhn'es if l'erulln I taken Intelllgentl ) ' urinl ; till ! fn\'orahll' , . , , "eatllel' or s\lrlll \ ; ; . Ai ! n s'stemle cntnrl'h rell1'ely Perulln l'rnlHentell ell tnrl'h from I I. e 1I ' "ll'llI where'l'It mn ' he loentl'd. It Clll' , ' th ' 8tomlleh hOWl'l1i with ( 'ntl1\'rh of ( or the sallie certainty n ! ! cntnrrh of the hl'lltl. l If ) 'OU do 1I0t lie rive ( lron1llt 11I111 IIIIt l ' I fnctor ) ' resnlts from till' nse of Pel'tllIll. wl'ile lit ollee to DI' . lInrllllnn. Ivlll ; : II full stntelllt'ut of " 0111' ellse. nnd he will he Illen'e ! ! ! to gl\'e 'ou his vnltlnble all. I vice j1'U : tis. Address Dr. lIlIrtlllQn , Prrlellt ! ( 01 'j'he 11nrtl1lll11 Snnltnrlulll. COIlIlJlhu. . , Ohio. lll1l'urtmrnt. Stor' , l\I..t 1..1" . . Customer-Why didn't. . you send lI [ the drum I bought for my boy when you sent up the socks I purchascC : for my husband ? Clerl-Impossible , madam ; the drum went in the band wa on un 1 the socks in the hose cart.-N. y , Herald. Girl Hum , nrlAt :11111 A 10-year-old girl runs a grist m111 at LiLltz. Pa. I ' "Wllat Luck ! " I.InnY LU CUgONS madl' r..ad ) ' In a folV moments. 'rho Wafer 8l1Ct'd 1I101.l.tl Beef. l'ork amt Beans. YeaII.oaf. l'uttNI Cl1lcIcn. allil lotn of 100 < 1 thllllrS to c 'E. Arc U. S. Government IIIpected K ep In the I1OIl ( \ lor rnlerlf ncl""I-for l1pl'e" . . for andIVlches- any tlmo when ) ' 011 want \nll'thhur Irc.,1 and want It 'Iulclc. YOII 611111'1) ' tunl a I" , ) , an,1 the can Is ol > l'n. An al'l > ! : : tlzlna lunch Is reall ) ' In an III tant. Libby , McNeill & . Libby ChlcDto , III. , U. S. 1\ . Write for < : Jur fr boollet "How to Make ( , . . .u ' 1'hlnIf5 to I at. " . . . . , . . . . W IY A o l r TIlE ItEASON WilY mar. . wllCtut h I/ro , , " fn Wooten ! O"ua < l" III" felf .hOl t month. , II h..c"u. " T"II"talioll I/rOl\l In pro. . , crUon to Ih" aunUI/Ilt. 'l'hor. for. . I' lln < l'llftrhu.I..llo ao tab . . otuudard . .oro I'onnd. In thoI\ Ar. " under " , . , p In " 'e.l rll Cllnnda , 100:1- : 1,1111,630 . .ereo. T'I I' " I 00 - 11.I22 \ , : t hu. t'r. . . 11011..1. . . , , " ( If 1 no Apt. . 1".IIUrlll. Ihe onh 9h"rl/e " 0.011 10 tor ftnlr1. AlJun < lnu..o o ! . .hI.r ana ruol ell.llp lJu ' Idln a" rlol , ' . . . . . . 01 6'00 ; < 1 r. for I > MIUtl .n,1 ha1. . . rertl .001' , a oulllcl.nt ralnf..U..nl" , climall Khlnll . . . . anuro' ) a'HI uII"'Iualo . .UOnn 0' I/ro..lh. 110011 . to the ( ollo..lnl : fnr au Atlna . .nd other lit. . " , tur. , nu,1 nloo tor oerl1fJclltt , 6'lolnl1 ; 10Cl r..loo.d hell/ht / and 1'"lIlIor rill. . . . . .to. , etc. ' Till' Iop , , , I lllnlelit of Imnlhlrallon. Ottnwn , Can 11110 , or t < I WJV. Dennett , 1mew York Lite Dldll. , Omoh. . . . NolJ. , the uutborizfd Can..dlln Ouyoruwent Allen\ . ur ob.ka I.to : W ! L I sale prices and save money. Our IOOO-page catalogue tells the story.Ve will send it upon , . receipt or 15 cents. Y"ur neighbors I , trade with us- why not you ? ' tm "P/IMff A , , & C1IICA ( iO r Tbo hOuse thut toll ! ! tbe truth. 'oJl'i. . . & " . : : , . . . , ' ; . ' ( " , id. . _ 1 > . ' . .4.-- . , .IL < < LONG SKIRrl'S lU Mk IN NOT SUPPLANTED OV SHORTER ONES , AS EXPECTED , - - : ' \ t'W'u'lh t1lt. . t4fh"I1" 11111 ( ' 4111I. II1\c/ltotl \ thut The ) ' Wlil : ' \ut HIIIIHI " 'n'\hlns : , 111111 " 111 1111"0 tu Jle'Ct. . . \ , l'urcftllb' ClclIlICtl , : -l" ; "ort'lIrr \ ( ' IIIHIlII'IIM' : r 11 I' P . , It : ; It ro I \'Iewill' ' : \\'Ith :111' : :1Z1' : l la the lIe\ , ' IHltl'kllIf \ " , : u h fllltll , fur , I lelol'1'11 ! 80 IIh"l'l' atlll 80 COlli plll'l ! l'll I thnt It III al'plll'l'lIt ' lit a jlnnee thl' " 11 1I0t wliRh. 111 flll'l It IR toIe 11011 hiI'll evl'U If IIUIIIO uf thl'will 11 ; Il I III 1 the e Ie II II e 1"1\ , , "urk , the ' III't' HI f l' 1111. Cl'rllllnl ) ' the c1l'IIII I'r who l'1I1I Irl'lIt tbl'lII wlthollt IlIjur ' Ill" P 1'1'I' ! ! tu 1'1' ' well IHlhl , J.llce 14 ! I'V' ' 'whl'l'l' ' l'r , COIll' \ ! IIntl Ii II l' , 01'rll1I , . cutlUII nllel wo.I : IIIntll'l' whnt . 110 . . . , . \ ( or It fH ) loti ! : nl ! tIIel'c 114 jllt'lIlr III It. [ ueh of Ihl' lieIllee II ! III 111rhnliei4 thnt just nlltch Ihl' lil'rl ; ; o 11l1 I _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not IIInterlnJl1. ! ' ! ! , nlill lIot 0111) ' nrl ) till street JOWIIII 1I0t Hhorl , hut they nre 10111 : t'r , If " " 'lhil1J : . thllil 1I'Cor'l'h" enl rl'allOIl thnl l'III(1 , HeOIl wh ' the rhurl RultK hn1I0t ' ( ' ( ' 11:0 ill thnt thl' fntl Is 10 h ! ' for white nllel 'Ol'r ' lIJht : 11111\11 111':11 ' , which ( 'l'rlnillb' 110 lIol hU1l1 tlll'lII ! ll'ln' III thl' ICIIlt eh'I'rl'l1 to IIhort 11111111. 'I'ho 11111111' II 1I10tlil I of Ilccorlition" thnl were IlrOIllIIll'tl fllr Ihe "hurt 11111111 nrl1. r < > . tllhll'tI 111 the tnlll'rlulo ( IIf Ihl' 1'0\\118 thOI 1Il't 1111 II , . 1\1'1' to hI' till' " ' 1 'lt" 'l'hulCe IIrl' liCIt on'r.t rhullwtt-whllt ( 'IH\1II ho In thto , Clllr.-hilt 111'1 ) I'lIIhrllhlhl'll frl'l'h' l'I10Ulh 10 IHllllit oC nHld. . cli\'l'rllily 111 /:1'11(11',1 njllll'lIt'/ltlel' / ' , 'I'hl' nr t t 1\ ' ' ' 0/ / Ihl'IIo IlhIMh'lIt1oll1'1 : " ' ' II ) { olll ltlel'l of tltl'lr l'hl\l'11elt'r. 'I'lli' IItllt Ir , tlw HllIall I\leturl' WnM 111111 hhll' hrtllHlclolh , with hltll' IIlIk 111111 I rl4h ! crochet for 11'11111111115. ; hi the l'eollli 1.ll'IlIr ( ' . lit Ihl' top. nfl' 0 "lsclIlt hrQlIlh'lolh ICl'lf.ll'ltnl1ll'll with l\tlllllrl'l. IIIHI hlll\ollll. \ nllel II whltl' ( 'to. 1IIIIIe hrllh1l..1 . 111 hllll' ] ' IIl1tl trlll1l11l'll with IIlItlltlll' 1111lido \ \ ' I hl'lIl ) 111'1' white eall\'I111 hrllllll'll III hlnt'k , ntlel n light 111'11\\11 hlll1t'lt. l'hl'\'lot lill\'ill/ / : n nUl' thrl'nll lIf rl'cl , allli with ItK sl'lf.t'ltntnlllj1I ( , lhcl1 with 1'\11 11111 ; . ldl.tH of lIll' Il'IlJths of IlInlll' Illl'IlII'I'11 al'e to rllil' , Willo h.tlll' hl'lIs IIl1ye 1'1'11\1'11 < ' 11 to I I 1I1 'II..hll'I' . 'I'h. . ' nrl' II IH'I'It . fllShloll for the IOIl -l\'III4III ! , hilt Iholll''hll re' l'nll tltl' III'penrllll'I' ' of IIOIlIl'f'r ' ' IIhol'l' Wllhll'li " 1111I1111 III nlrllh. / . will hll\'I' II h01'1'1I1' of Ihl' fllllhioll. 1'1111I11''l'ln't Is 111'1'11 III tht'III' Ilrlllt'lI , nllelmlltl ' whle filII' I' ' HII"h rlhlHllIl nl'I' tll he lIl'I ( , Ino. 'l'hoHe 1I11llh' or tIll' rihhollll nre ! lhnlll ' ( lll'lItt'el III frllilt 11I111 IIlIrk , 11111'1'11\\1111 : lit tlw llllle' ! ' 111111 111'1' 11111'hl'li with IIIII ! : I'IHI tll'll hl'hhlll III II hillIltlll frltl l'll. Hoc ! slllt ' ' al"l1 , HlIlIIl'lIulI'l1 IIhlt'l'elI Ill' ' " " wll. ' , 11:11111 ; : 1INIII'II. , Hllll It II' IlrIJtt ' 10 hl\'e . . . . _ . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - ' . I - - - - . . NEW IDEAS IN rAILOHl\G. . - - - - - - - - - \'l'r ) ' l'ffl'l'I" : " . It is n fuss ' jdb to l1u\'e these .nlllsl1l'el wl1h lIolllteli ellllll nlltl 10 Inc ! ! lI 'I'11 10 jll t the ri ht shuele , hut I fnHtl'l1 Oil the Kltle. Allotl1l'r nth'nctlvo Ihl'ro lire thosl ! who Iwow how , nnll It Bt'lo of girdle IR "l'lI'l't rihhon 111'0 IlIchl's clln enHII ' he hlln itll'(1 ( that thl ) ' will I wide , thrle ! rowlI holll IIs1'1I. III thl' fl'Ollt l'111lJ'ge Vl'rr hh.h fOl' doln It. Olle thlll ; : I these llJ'e HClllllt'el IlJIlI 1II1111l' with n wiele III tll ho Hal ! ! in fa VOl' of d'llIg lace : : ! flllll ! lIolllt. the whno ] wllllh IIf the "l'h'l't that 114 thllt It l'lIl1hll'l\ wOlllnu tll hnve IJIlIl\rrll . 0111ll' \ blell'lI Ihe rilJIJUu 19 n gO\\11 of l'IUII ' . Irish or nlltlllIe Illec 0"1'1'1111111'11 [ 1\0 thllt the : . : ll'IlIu Iii IIm'row , slhils w'l'11 thlH wlllier ellt UI' II II el 11IIei III till' had , It whll'nH lI nlll and II ! ! ! rl'll. 'l'heu It 11I11) ' he 1I4l'd 118 trllllllllll ; : lillhdll'd with 10llg loolll ! of the "cIvet. flr , ' ' ' 0101'1'11 fHrllll'i4 ' ' ' IIresHefl'OI'U II 111'11' ( gowu without pOIlIlIfHrllll'i4 un' 1I111111'I'OUH Oil \\'OI'U hilit . of Itlhelll : ' : 1'l'cug'lIlzec1. t 'lult . Is fill' Ihl' lel'lllrt'H , renllirl 8 HlIII nfll'1'IIooII IIlIpelirillg III n shlille thnl ' ' : ' I 11I11811'111 Ilh'I'rlll01l8 of Lellt , 11I111 these 1II111 < ' 11l'1I : Ihe IIntllrnl IIOIt l'e colllr , mill It ClrI'H I'H nru uot n hit 011 the 1I1I1'1 < < 'loth 11I111 III Iwell III patterll robes of tht' POII/I'l' / IIHIII'II orller. .1111\j.o \ 'oU of the trio the \\'hero It III IIhulI ( ) ' sttllllllll . lIenIIrtlHt hnH sN hl'rl' . III their Imler they laces lire to be usell more thlill I the thl ; . ' Wl'ro hllll'k I'hnlltlll ) ' , whltl' sntlu rihbon silk olles for Hummer gowns. You ! 'ce , IInll chlffoll 1)1I1IlleH ) : white \'oile , blnc1 , the tlellcllte lIet ! ! nllel ehnntlll ) ' wert ! for chnullll ) ' QIII.llljlle . nlld hlnc1 : silk cord " " , , . . , T . . N'l' N U 1lI : 'UI'H . h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " , Inter wcnr , 110 It Is proper now to look II for hCIl"Y sorli ; for illl III tnl'r. Whnt In. I conslslonc1 DllnPllollltmellt Is III . .tore for wOlllcn I who aboTc nil otlll'r ' thhl t ; dl'slrc com- tort , and thllt 1M that tl1l' 8hOI.t 811rtl : f.O I fAithfully promlscoll lit the bolltllllllllJ > of the senson are 1I0t to he In ns much fllvor / ns was cxpel'tell. 'I'hert''l'1'0 lH'IJII. . lj'H that they wouhl be the gelll'rni g'HIII ( II the trcet , nllll the new 111l1ll..ls . werl ! 1.0 'treslY that It look11 II If the 1II08t fns' ? ' Ioul would he lIultell1111'1 h" , bn\"l ! ! I' .J.I. . . . . . . . . ( , . . . . . .L. , " 1ft P ? I./ . ( + . . \ . . . , . , . . , , , - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - orllllmcolltH , allel IlItlt' hltw erl'HJ do chine tritllmed wilh ! 4el'll Pl.nrl ! > l Oil whltc silk , All ) 'et glre\JeH \ 111'1' Ilut'l'ry Illontlful IIt1tOIl ; : SII1'I1 ) ; : luuel1 ; ' : U\\'IIII , and fnllhlom of thl' IlIlIt l WfJ IIOII IIIIII hll'I' ehnnccd IIC rnllidly thllt 11fI"lIlhl ' 1111' j.it'.lll' won't Insl till Rtltltlllt'r. ' , t It H''III. ; nil If it woul do so. - - - - - - - - - - - - POIlloI'l1 trlmtltl'll wilh fl'el Purls ring ! Hlllo'I'o.1 hUltOlH. with or withoul ( lOlltIUllltI. 111111.0 ! IonIC uf the most cbllrm , III SIrill ; : ! lud HlltulOerlnlta. . - . / U"J' " . : . ' - - , ff f f . t . " 1 1.I .I Unny women amI tlor.tors do not I'CCOHuizo the rcnlsymltolll8 J of tlOI'Il11gomout of the fcmnlo ; 01'11119 ul1til too Into. . j "I hllll terrlhlo pl\lns I\lonr. my spinl\1 cord fOI' t.wo yel\rs nUll IItl1TcrCli , rcl\tlItllIy. I 'T II gi\'cu different. ,1 medlclnolToro plnstcrl ; 1I0ne of , j theho thillrs Iwlped tnI' . Hendlng ot UIO CIIrtlllt J. .tlln. ] . . Plnlc1mm's ' 1 Y { ) cnlJlo ( Compoullli hM brollght. ahout , I hllll1cho\V 1011. thl\t it , vns whnt I ul'I tlcd nmI hourht. l' hottle to " tl\lo. lIow lnl1 I nm thl\t. I IUd to ; two \oltIes hrought me Immense re- 1Iot , IUllll\Ctcr tlblng t111ce bottles more I felt uowlre \ nn b100l1 fiurging th\'OIlI h my "ciUII. It. tcelllcd as . lhotl h there hnd bel'n n r'rtllnt. house " , , eltmnlng throurh my 6 'steJ11 , thl\t n11 , the Hldml' ! . ! ! : Jlltl.poluOII hac1 been wlcn ti Oltt nnt ! new lIC given mc Insten . 1 I ' hn , " " oc1\'lu'cl c1O.I'I1ROCmV Irlt'llllg to1110 I. ' ( Un B. linlthl1l11's Vcgot.ahlo C01l1)t1l\cl. ) liood henlth Is iull\ : . ; , Jlell'hle to l'ompll'to Ilnpplnes , nud , I 1.\'dln. : B. 1)ln1dll\m' Vc cl\lJlo ( CmullOlIlul hns f > ecllret ! thin to mc. " - 1J\t ! , f.A UIIA fJ. nllt mn , Crmvn " 1'0lnt , Illellnnn , Sl'l'retlry I.adlc HeUct . Cors. - $5000orrm If origInal 1.abou. . I.U" \ prou/11 / l1.nultl.n u CUI/not / b. product . l \ ' { \ rHlele : womau who doC's not , UIulcrstulltl.hor nllmcnt htlllltl " writ 0 l\r , 1"ln1cllluu , L ' : t\InsR , II'r nh'leo is free n.n n.\VI\J's . bcl1)Cul. j III" ( lrl\r , jl'l1nernl DiI'ectm' ( to ltenL1l'mlln , en- tOl'in uoor-Aro ) 'ou enc of th. . , lIIot1l'ners. ' s\l''l' \ ' ( olltclllan-Yes. ! lIe owcd roe ' . $ :100.-N. : Y. Jlernl1. ! ( Irlm 1101111'11I1111\111111 , A Somcr\'i1Je girl fell 1111lsairs on8 c111 ' tIlls weck , hut she lllotcsls tlmb ' : Ijhc Is golll to J.'t : mil rriccl in Octo- ' bl'I' , just , the sallieS II1'rsvlll& : : JouI'I1al. " - . j Capsicum Vaseline 1 Put : Up in CoIIOl1sibio Tubcs. , sul , tltllt" for utilI SUI 'rl"r to Mu hmlor nnt ; ' IUII'r , ' ' , I' IIIl10t IInalUr till' tIIoMttlollc 4 Ikln , 'I'lso 1'"lh IIl1l1yll1lo ( 1111 < 1 curntl" ! ! qllallties ct ' , ' Ihls IIrI , ! ! , , , lire \\onlll'rlIl. ( It will I'OP ' the t.oolb.o " Cllllllt 1)1\0" , ulIl ! rl'lloro Iwllnclto , 1111I1 6cla.tlCL \\0 recIIHI\rI"'i1i Ill" Ihe IIct nn.1 r\f".tClterll . . . cOIIIItr.lrrllnllt ! Iwuwn , IItMO M 'I mlerunl rem. dy for pllln III tI\O \ che t awt IltJ\rIliCh aDd rJ1 ' riJelll1l tlc , II.mrnhlo IIn.lloOllly l\Cllopll1lnll A trlall will , rove wllllt'e ' 1'111\\11 \ lor It , Imd Ib 1 \VIII I. . . fmlllli [ 0 1 > 0 IlIvllluahlo III tllO lIouIhold- ! ) . ; \lnllY prople IllY "It II the lest of KII ) 'our I'tell&o < " , rnllolls. " l'rlce 15 cents , ilL 011 crlllo ( IMtl , or other dC lo" * ) or by ! tll" amollut to IIslD l > ostao ( Ilawff.- ' MencII1F ! ! Ve will 8 1I1 YUIIII uhl } hy 1111111. No nrllcln allolll < l l.a , > Y thl' publlo 111. le s Ihe UHlO carrlcs our In \ Jel. a olherwlse It " . not ( . : cnllinc. : CIIES [ ROUGII M. NUr ACTURING Co. 17 Siote St. , New \'ork City. J I i3290rJT6l " iJ ; ; O wW SIIOE5 tJ 1 . UNION M ' DC . "i. L Doug/an mn'tos nnd .en. 17101'0 nrnll' Goorlyon , . ' loll ( H"ncJ.- flowed PI'OOOGrs ) .hoots Ilurn : tJ1UI olhtUl fI' nulotctul' ' ' ' ' In 11'0 world. $25,000 REWARD 1 ! riU be , dd to anronn : who laD dllll10ve till. Itawment. ' DocmsoV. : . J. . Douglas j I the lI.rle8t IIlnuufacturIJr D8 cnu buy chellpor 1\11I1 rOllur.e h1ll sbocs I&t 1\ [ ewer 1 > 05t thnn other cou- which ena log him 10 sol IIhoo for S3. O and 153.00 eqnnl In every wny to theMe 50111 "hlo- whure for 54 nd SriOO. . 'l'hl DOlUfl. . . lecret prCoo . ' : ; r. " " 's at tannlnff the bottom 001. . 1'rodu < < s II. . [ utili , . pure loath. . : mors n.1I11J10 an < .l will " , . . . onlf1lr thl1n nny olher tll.nn "II" In th" worlcL Tuo .1110. . hav. . moro thun douhled thl.1'altlDu , eu.whlrh / . provell Its IUI"r10rlty. Why " " : r1VItV. . L. Doughls ehoes n trll\llI.n < l el1"l ) moca , . ) lntl. . . . 1 " " " " " 0" un fo1 lt" 1I < :1,1:1I1I,1'I"IItl1. : IU U" ' " . . . . . ' { 1IttJ ! 'u. ' . ; . , OJ4.0Oq , A IIlIln or ' ! iW'O , " . .n.711 In I'tJllr Yt'&rI. W. L. DOUOLAS $4,00 CILT CODE Llfll ! ' . Worth $0.00 Compnrod with Olher Mnk&a. Th , but I"or/ / , " ani Alller/rfln II'alller , . H'Il' ' " "at.nt Calf. En.urel , Jl x ( : allI ! < IIr. VIe' KId. COfGIIC Colt , and Natlollal Kangaroo. FfI.t Color Cycl.ta. ' l'he lfen".1" III1VO VI. r. . DOUa Caution' name . .n'J J\r1 C otlunpAd on bottcG" :11. " 6v "Iall , 2" t.r1rJ" 1'alalogru. . " , . I. . UUI'UI.A' " HIOC'UI'ON. &Lf.1UL. &Lf.1UL.Ii LAlY l VER " 1 hrn'o IIf'I'1J trouhlcel n urcat deal , , 'lIhI torpl < l IIVI'r , whkh pr < 1Jces constllX'- tlon. I rOlln < l CAS'AIU'I'S : 1.0 1e 11\1 \ ) 'ou claim. for hem. mJ " 'cured lIch 1'1' .lef the firfl trtA1 hut 1 purt'hu&C.Illnothrr UI'I'I ) ' 1111.1 WIIS com , . plctr ! > ' r\lft'd. 1 hllll be 011 : ) ' too . : lp1 to fit. COllltnl'ncl "II carctfl whenfJver he opportUIJltt ls l'rl' "o'rl. ( " J , A , MI'l'I1 , : : 'J 'f ) " " 1 ' 'luehlltmn A"c , PIiUlldet'bla , 1'- 1'1 1 . ! PI. . . . . . . ' , r.lalab' ' . I , hnt. T. ) . Ootid , Dt 000 < 1. nor Sirko.Vuken < 'r CiVlpe , 10c C , cum , : CONSTIPATIOU Ihrllor 11"1 ( . . . .ruf , C It'r' , 11..1..1 , 'I. . . T. . . . . : : a tI0.10..B- . -C- ' ; ; ; ; ; ; a.to.d ; l " 1:1111Q l'l. : Ul ; ' ! 'ob.'Q n.bla. AI' V'oA. 01f A TOES :2 : ; tarlf ' ! :1'own.fSuill'ot..t".h. " . . " . . . . . . , Uural \'rL..r''lth o"alur'll.a , . I ) h..y to..ao'n. ' . ,1.1 < 1 or TI" bu. p.r a. I'rl..a . . . . . . . . . . . , . : ! ! rt..p. .II an."th o..oIlo""k , IIn < l .1I"plo.r " . "c..at. . , ' " ' ' .11".1 \\,11 . .t.S ; b. . . p. . a. , I\ ! , Hr. "Hr . , . . . . , . . . . . r..IN , of tOo . . . . ' " . . . .JOU A. 8"I.ZIn : fllU CO. I. . , . , . . . .e. , ' 1. . . . . "t , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' , _ . . . = ; j.I.tlf.J : ; l