Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 02, 1903, Image 3

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' 'I'I''IIf " ' . , , . 'Y'\ ,
. :
: 'ConIDJent. and Crltlcl.m. Based. Upon i I
: the JInppenlnJl : . or the Vn-llidori.
cal and New. Note. . I I
Ne\"er enter n guessing contest In ,
.competltlon with Il doctor.
To pro\"e Its right to atn tChood ! Okln.
! bolUn ralsed'two cI'ol1S of potatoes Il1st
; : rear. I
V The ' , 'trunlul1nlters hl1.\"e ( ormCd ! n
, , , : trust. 'thus tlghtCnlng ! the grIp of the
People who think the world Is going
to the hud gene1'UlIy Ieep husy helping
Jt ulong In - Utat direction. . .
Major Glenn has bCell ! acquitted.
"I'J.'hls will : nuke It hmwcessary for hlru
'to , hlle 01' lecture ahout It.
It Is not sUl'JI'lslng thnt molasses
should pro\"c to hc good food ( or
. .horses. Chlhlren hlH'e thrh'cd on It
for many 'curs.
Do not put 'our light undcr a bush-
'cl , but kcep It In a can whCre ! It may
.glvc light to all that arc In the house-
, nt so much per.
. -
A mlll { dealcr has given up his busl-
'fless because he has beeome COllverted.
JiJvldently he didn't put wnter enough
In the milk to wash nwuy his sins.
It now nllpenrs that WlIllam K. Van-
derhllt's house , It1le Hour , Is built on
sand. Why should a man with so
'many "rocks" make such a blunder ?
' .rhere Is this to be said In favor of
Cardinal Gibbons' plea for stricter dl-
"orce la ws-a good many people would
not get marrlod if they figured they
were In' for life.
4 A woman , talking to women , lately
Ij enuncIated tIle Interesting proposition :
"If you can't get your vote , you can
nlways get your voter , and 'ou can In-
JIu nce him In his vote. "
1\11' , RocltCfeller's dally man now
consists prlnclpully of letters advising
him how to get a new stomach. If
ho undertook to read thom ho would
soon have moro heudache than stomach -
ach ache.
Sousa gu ye buclt $3,000 to the pur-
chusers of concert tlclCts ! In order that
he might play before King Edward
\ and the royal family of England ,
Sousa hns eYllenUy ! dlscoyered that
adyertlslllg pays.
To establish a limit of $10,00,000 as
IJ the maximum a1110unt any person may
acquire or lawfully hold we .fcar
) would rcsult In Uncle Russell Sage
pacldng his grlpsack and emigrating
to some other country.
, , .
, A Chlcllgo bo ' c0111mltted suicide be-
causC ! his fntwr ! wouldn't Ive him
lIYe cents , 'l'hat ho ' shou1l1 have
t r taken to heart thc noble lesson glyen
J , out b ' "oun , Tohn D. Hoclwfeller , who
SIl 'S thn t monl ' Is not all.
; 'l'hc powers 111111ntaln that Chlnl1 will
( he Ilble to tJu ' that Indemnlt ' In gold
I br the exercise of duc econom ' . It
t wIll ve observed that the justice of
c1 the clulm 1I0lS not entcr. ' 1'he sole
question Is what the 'utl1c will benr.
i Col. Pope's declaration thut cessa-
J tlOI1 of \"ertlsln ! : was responsible for
the wreck of the bicycle trust oITers 11
suggestion to the associated trust lIust-
I ers ut Washington. Let the111 pass a
, law forhlddlng the octopuses to ndyer-
: Use.
What a pltr It Is that our learned
llnthropologlsts neyer dlscoyer tbn t a
man bus cl'lmlnul e 'es , mouth. cars
and nose unt1l unCI' he has committed
'I . fl murder ! 0 Science ! how many
frauds arc perpetl'Uted In th ' helpless
name !
: \ark 'l'wuln said , of the Legion of
Honor thut It was a decoration which
i few people now eSCHIIC , 'l'lw saUle thing
must he true of the Gel'man order
"I " "pour Ie merlte , " ' .rhe Kaiser has tal , .
-t ! en to decoratln { runhonts with It , thus
r In lcatln that it has uh'elIl ' hln
\ cOllfCrrcll ! upon eYer 'hod ' whom there
'i Is the slightest excuse fOl' Ilecoratlng ,
: ; .A man with a taste fOl' stlltlStlCS be.
r-all ; , early In Novemher , to Ieep n rec.
ord of the corlora tlons , cmplo 'ers of
I lahor , which because of the coal short-
I J ; . . nge had undertllken to fm'nlsh fuel to
t their emplo'es at cost. In three weels ,
r. by the bell ) of the newspapCrs ! , 11 ( '
ti found , more tha n t\\'o hundred such
'j cOI'poratlons , InchHlIn ! ; se\'eral trustH ,
J find this was only the beginning ot n
, . moyemCnt ! which , whln colder wl'l\ther
. came , assumed wldcspn'all 11ropoI'Uon8 ,
to ' 1'110 willingness of these corIIOl'a thms
II I , to extend such help , at the cost of ( 'on.
ilderablo bother lIud expense , ou ht
, not to be forgotten ,
i't t Compulsor ) ' CllUllliJwss mny , of
, course , be liS dltllcull to attain us COIll-
I 11\11 SOl' ) ' morlllltr , but Hhould oue he
A : mulle posslhle tlw other mloht ! follo\\ ' ,
' Alreallr , In the mllllis of some Ilhllo o'
( lhers , ph'slcul nud 1I10ml clellullness
grow on the sl\mo stem , al1l1 to thcm a
ticI'ubhlug' brush Is not a mere sCI'ub.
Ling bl'ush j It hrlstlcs ! with moral pos ,
: slbllltlcs ! anll wipes out spiritual I\S
well 118 ph'slcal stains. EYor ' houlie.
teepel' Imo'Ws the splrltuul exaltation
J Iha t to1\ows \ the slH'lng cleanhu ; , nnll
" ' \ It Is said that a woman Iff ne\'er 60
: apahlo of heroism aR when shu Is con.
i , elous that hm' puntry sheln's lire
n , pecIless und her curtulns tresh trom
! , lhc wash. ' 1'0 such houseleellera the
I Ikeletll In the closCt ! Is not ' 0 mach
' . / ' " " . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . , " " . .
to hI. ! Ilre'alll'lI liS thllt moro shamotul
\'llIltllut , Ihlst , nnlt they would , , "elcomo
flU ' I1l11uhl'1' of. ghORtI ) . 11re8(1nccs pro-
yllI11 thl' ( ' ) o ( lts oITt'I''d nothlll In the
Wllr of dl'orl1er to cutch n ( I 111\11 to 111
' 'e.
I SOll1e one wnnts to Imow more ubout
the life of Aln'um S. Hewitt , who tlIeli
the othel' dllY , In ulmost CYtJI' ) ' city
'ou can find at lellst enC ! rich 1111111
who has looked ulon his wealth ml'O
as 11. h'ust than liS n pel'sollal Ilosses.
slon. Hewitt CIUllO UII fl'om the Boll ,
the 811me liS nellrl ) ' cr ) ' fumous man
this couutr ' hns Imown. We have
poets 1\111 pln 'erR , Presidents nntI war.
rlors , fl'om the farms. 'l'he 0111 men
of now who ! tny ! ; rl8 < : .n nbo\'e thell , ' lei-
rows el'o cnrl ) ' nil count.ry bo 's
'e rs ngo. n the peuceful ntmos-
phere of n tJOusaUlI'Ulnre ! : clo \ ' to
nature , the ' lenrnetI how to Ih'c , ' .rhey
hllblbCd ! clenn mornls with the ult. the '
brenthed : they Inhel'ltetl honest } ' und
ruggell IH'lncllles ( , UUlI wel'l. ! tuught h ) '
fathel's nlld mothers who hdlo\'ed
that , nftt ! ! ' God. th h' lIr8t tlul ' wus
relll'ln theh' chlhh'l'n ' right. Hewitt
went through u1tllut. \ . lIt. ! W/HI / born
In u log cabin , wOl'kel1 on II fllrm , ot
nn educlltlon , because he fclt that 1m
must hn'e It to succeed In lift. ! . In
college he ] 1II1d his wn ' hy tutoring ,
find worl'ed so hllrtl that he Injmed
his health and slghl fOl' life. Did It' '
PIlY ? Depends on how 'ou 1001 , at It.
In buslnCss ! he mul1e a Im'ge amount
of money , und he used u fortune In
making It casler for other boys , who
were as poor as he hatl heen , to gain
an education , NeW' Yorlt never Imow
a man fairer to his employes. lie trletl
to put himself In the other fCllow's !
place , and jutlged uccortllngly. When
he died no one thought about his
money. There was no person to blllck-
en his Jllemoryj no scandal was at-
tractcd to llis nume. ' .rhe world
tlropped a few tearsj the poor placed
Hewers on his tomb , und humanity
knew tbat a really good Cll1n hud done
his work and quIetly passed on. That
is about all tbl\t Abram S , lIewltt ac-
compllshed. Has any man done more ?
It Is a commonl . exprCssCtl ! ! opinion
that the rnllroad business of tlle coun-
ky Is being overtlone-that too many
lines are being built and too much
money being put into hnproyements.
Exactly the reyerse is true. RailroadIng -
Ing In America is yet In its Infuncy.
Vast as Is its present extent , and seemIngly -
Ingly complcte as Is its equIpment , the
systems of to-day w111 only proyoko
smile from the nen generntlon. Our
grnndchlldren w111 wondCr ! bow wo ovcr
manuged to get around and do business - I
ness undCr ! our present crude trnnspor- i
taUon facilities. Not only wllI the
trunk lines of the future be douhle-
tracked separately for freight ancll1as. i
senger traffic , but they wlll be fed by
electric lines running In all dlrectlon
In every well-settled communlt . . 'Irty
years from now electric car tracks will
be almoRt as numerous us Ure wll on
roads today , The furmer of the future
wllI load up his car , instea of his wagon -
on , upon a spur running to his g1'l\11-
' ' will his ' and be
a 1' ) , adjust tl'olley
whh'led awa . to marlet or to the
fl'elght depot In the twlnldlng of nn
e 'e. 1i'arm produce , coal und groccry
supplies will be dellyered In 'our alley
fl'om street whllo '
railway spurs 'et
enl . seryants I\re awulw , ElcctrlcIty
will tl'llnsport fr m producer to consumer -
sumer dll'ect , PI'lIctlcnlly "without
I'hClnge of cars. " A nlclwl In the slot
and 1l1achlner ' will do the rest , ' 1'ime ,
too , will he IInnlhllated. Already nn
electric specd of one humh'ecl 1\1111 forty
miles I\n hour has bcen attnlne In
IH'actical ollel'l1t1on. A Chicago suh-
urhan s 'stem Is eyen now reguh\rly
olleratln under 11. nlncty-mlle Hchedule ,
With double tracls , airlines und rock-
hallnsted tracks , there Is practlcully no
limit to what ma ' bo attained through
the Inyentor's genius and the mechan-
ic's skill , acld'b ' unlimited capltnl
and Yunlwe cnterprIse , 1i'I'om coast to
coast In three da 's ? It wllI be done ,
A railroad at your ver ) ' door ? Aye ,
all that , and more , Where there is 11.
mile of tracl { toda ' there will be tIfty
us mUl : ' 'cllrs from now. ' .rhe rnll.
road Industry oycrdon ? Forget u-
the Infant has hut just bCgun ! to shC !
Its swaddling clothes.
Good Servlco.
: \unr good stories huye from time to
thiw been told of the Hey. ' 1'homas
lIunt , the temll'l'Ilnct. ! O1'a t 01' , who WIIS
a well-I\I1own tIgme In the ear ] ' hlstol'y
of the "T "omlng Valley.
During the Clyll 'VIII' he enlisted ,
and served ns chapluln In one of the
reglme.nta of Infantry raised In the
Ylllle ' . Ono dnr In the midst of a llCI'ce !
hattle a mlljl1r rode up In front of the
regiment , 111111 to his nmazeIUent found
Fnther lIunt ut the head of the rUllis.
"Chaplllln , what are 'ou doing here ? "
he I1slel1.
"Doing ? " echoed the old minister ,
hrlsJd ' . "I'm trying to cheer the hearts
of the I.n'a'e alld loolt out for the heels
of the cowards. "
And It was so eyldent tbnt be was
Iwrformlng both parts of this self.ap.
pointed tasl. that the major asked 110
11101'0 lJuc , > tlons , hut left him to his
worl , .
A ] ) onhtflll COUlllImcnt ,
lIe brought her a present.
It was a dream of a little teapot-thl
china with plnl. roses und gold hClId- !
IJnll / oyer It.
"Oh , 'ou dear I" she cried , holding It
up from Its wrappings. "Isu't It Just
the IH'etUest thing ? "
" 1' . ' " be sll.\d \ " '
< 3 , absentlyj "It's n pret-
t ' tl'IIPOt. ' It reminded me of you wben
1 bought It , "
And she didn't know wheUler to
throw It at hlnl or not.-Phlladelphla
Bulletlu. '
ThostJ persons you would really 111'0
to talk witll are always golnll' the otll ,
01' vn.r : ,
. - . .
I , . . . ,
lIouse Allows $35,000 For St. Louis exposi-
tion-Elevator Dill at Last.
Lincoln , Neb. , Mnrch :11.-Measures :
of reat InlClcst w ro disposed of In
the l ( ' lslature Momny. ) 'l'ho hOllso
reduced lhl' I1pproprlatlou tor the St.
Louis exposition from $7iiOOO to $ : IfJ. . .
000 , refused to concur In the senate
amendmrnts to lho enernl re"enue
hill and nppIJJ'III'd [ ( : ssrs. .1Joultlas ,
'l'hompson an Iorsman as u confor.
enco commlltel' . Goyernor Mickey
sent a speclat hill to the house for
the purpose of enablln countlos to
collect dellnqllcnt taxcs by the sale
of pwperty for taxes. I
'l'he scnate hns not 'ot nppolnt.ecl
confercnce cOllllnltteo to conshlor
the re'elUlcJill ) , It Is pro able tlltlt
I ho joint ccnel'ence w1l1 recmunond
that the maxlmllm sl ate le\V remain
at 7 ml1ls as determined by the house ,
Instcad of i mills as called for U } ' tIll\
senate amemhn nt , .
'rho senate did a bl day's work In
0110'ShOI I. aftel'l1oon. 1 t approved the
Hamsu } ' lle\'ator ! hl1l III cQmmlttee
of the whole , passed a hill apPl'Oprl.
atlng $100,000 for the rebulldltl-f ! of
the Norfolk asyllllU and In commltteo
of the whole apllro\'ed an appropriation -
ation of $100,000 for Itllpro\'emellts at
the a rlcllltllrat college. Milch to ,
the surprise of e\'cry ono the university -
sity authorities aslwd that the
amollnt be talen flom thQ one mill
lo\'y tLmtfoes ! to the unl\'erslty. 'l'ho
bill was amended accordingly. 'l'he
talclng 01' this money from the fund
raised by taxation Instead of Crom
the general fund of the state w\ll \
probably consume the entllo fund
and the 0\'c1'l10r will not recomme1Hl
a decrease In tbo lev ' . It will delay
the construclon of bulldhl-fs ! at the
colleJte farm ono year. A t the end
of the two years If the one millle\ ' } '
under the now revenue law p1'o\'es excessive -
cessive it can bu roduced.
'rho house spen t a large portion of
its scsslon } 't.sterday ! In the consideration -
ation of the St , Louis exposition ap- I
propriation. 'l'he bill for this ap- !
IJIOprlation as Introduced by 1\11' .
House carried a $ j , OOO rant from the
state. 'l'ho house aner decllnlnJt too
imletlnltely postpone thc measure .
first yott.d ! dowll a proposition to ap-
llroprlate $ 5,000 and then yotcd
down a proposition to appropriate
$50,000. 'l'he sum of $ :15,000 : was then
agreed to. On roll call on a propJsi- ;
tlon not to agre to this sum but to
postpone UlU IJ\II \ , 25'oted aye and 41)
voted no. .A lIumher of members de.
clined to'otc wllO wlll l' 0 placed OJ. )
record on the linal passagc of the
'l'he house declined to alllend no bill
proYlding 1'0r strict cxamlnatlons o !
applicants for doclOl'S ceri flcates. A
proposition to exempt fl'Om examination -
tion those g- cad IMtes from sta tt. ! col.
leges who ha0 matllcula ted under
the present law. was kllled. ' 1'he
amendment was championed hy
Douglas of Hot' " cOllnty and was I I
quite ylgo1'ously opposed by the 11hy-
slclans on the 11001' ot' the lIollsc. ,
' 1'he house appolntcd a conference
committCe ! on t.l1O . senate amcndments
to the 1'cvenue hilI. SpeakCl' 1\Ioclwtt
namln-f ! Doug-Ias 01' HOlIk , ' 1'hompson ,
Jf Merrick allll Iorslllan , of Douglas
on his committee , 'I'IH' senate wlll
appoint three ml'lIIhers of the revenull
committee fOl' this IHI1 10SO when the
rcquest Is made for a t'onft.1'encc ! to-
'Jay ,
Husband 15 Shot Dend.
New York , 'llar\l ( \ :11.-F\IIed : \ wll,11
Jealous angel' at IIncllnganot.1wr man
Iwlng C'ntCl'talned hy his wife this
afternoon , \\'llllalll \ , J. Peppler , of
gust One-Hunlh'pd and Nineteenth
street threw the \'Isltor Olll Into the
hal1 , fought him from the t.hlrdlloor
to the front dool' of the apartment
house in wllit'h he IIYl'd , with the
wife screaming and weepingat their
heels , and WIIS there shot dead by the
man who he thou ht hacl wronLed
hlm1'hls - - ,
' 1'hls mi\11 was \\'lIlIaml \ arl Dohson ,
a cashier In a stol"-hrolwr's olllcl' ,
TIc lied and t.he pollco hllvl' ' sent 01lt
a g-eneral alarm for 111m , PC'ppler
was a1 > out twenly-slx ) 'pars old and a
l'lrrk. He had 1Iot heen nHu'l'led
long' .
After hcln W\'h'l'd Mrs , Peppier ,
who had falntrd , said that she IInd
Dohson were tO l'lher when her 1I11s.
hand returned , llIH1xpl'etellly from
work and a fI ht followed , 1'csultllll : !
In Dobson bllll UIl'Own out of the
room alllI PI\1SIII'I1 \ down st.ull's uy hel'
hllsband. III the lownr hall the 1IIen
c'lInehed aJtaln 11I111 Iohson fired one
shot" A fter . .
" that woman remem.
herl'd nothln , for she fainted ,
Dohson Is salcl to he a mUl'rled man
with a wlft ! ancl two children lI\'ln
omewhere InOlUI Carollna-
Kent IIcl < y n I ncrtl nllY Strll < e ,
LoulsYlIle , Ky" March : I1-'l'he 1'0
presentat h'es of operators ami minors
of western ( { cntlIclQ' , who spent
rll'arly nil of last w'c.'k Inlln III tempt
to settle the wagc qucstlon f'or tllo
comlnj. ; year , resll med tlll ! 1 01l forenco
t.oclay , 'rhe miners' wil'e ! : scale ex ,
pires It ! midnight tOll1orlOw. If the
joillt committees fnll to reaeh : r set-
tlelllent the miners say they will
strll\ ( ! for an Illcrouse of 1,1 per cent ,
but the operators lire IIOt willing to
concedl' thIs much.
! - ' ; _ . _ . . .
" - ' '
iiiiil1- ' = ' ' : : " " ' - - ' ' ' : : '
IWSvus P. SWIFT DII ! : ' AT 11:5 : CUlC" .
LEFT ABOUT $10.000,000 ,
_ ' . .w .
Inlrlatcd AD Interprjse WhIch Mnde tortuau
for 'ouy-Dcmlse Follows Simple Sur-
IIlcol Operntloa.
Chicago , Ill" March : JO-Gllstm'm
1'l'a ; I1k 11 II Swift , pres\clent \ , of the
Swift } 'acl\lllg compIIIY : , died lit his
lIome , ,1848 ] llIs a VellUl' , carl } ' todaJ
of Internal hCll1onhages , resultln
from a sllrglcal ollerntlon performed
6en:11 ! : days u o. lr , Swift wu- .
slxty-threo } 'eurs old.
' .I'he Itell10nhllge which cansi'll Mr.
Swift's death IcslIIled from all opera.
tlon fOl' IIn InfecLion of the all hlad.
del' , pNformed Mal'ch 2 . Ills death
was entlrol } ' unexpected both hy Mr.
Swift's ' family and his ph'slcians.
lIe had gl\'en over } ' hldlcntlon of 1'0.
covery , and all danger \Vl1S considered
passed. Mr. wlft had been sulTerlnlJ
for some lime with bl\llder : \ troublu
nnd a week ago un operation was de
termlned IJpon to gl\'o him relief. It
was not expected that the operation
would prove especially dangerolJs , and
nothing happCued ! to cause a change
In this hopeCulncss until this morn.
Ing. Ills hnprO\'clHt.ut ! was stopped
suddenly by a hOl1lol'1'halO which the
doctors \\'ele unable to checl { and
which caused his death In a short
Gustavus I.'ranllIn Swift. began his
business career us lI' utcIlCl' and died
leaving 11. tortuno eslll1lated at trom
$7,000,000 to $1OOO , OOO. He was born
lit Sandwich , Mass. , In J UIIC. 18m. :
TIe opened a. sl11all butcher shop In
his natlvo town , lie removed to Boston -
ton when he was ] C5S than thirty
years old. He I'omalned In Boston
untl11875'uen ho came to Chicago.
In this city lIe enaa ed In the sILmc
buslnes : , .vhlch he had left , In Massachusetts -
chusetts and de"elopod the department -
ment of shipping live catlIe to easL-
ern mnrlets. 1 n 18jj ho e\'ol ved
plans 1'01' the tlrst rcfrlgeratlug- ,
and dressed nll' : . . lustead of I1vo animals -
imals , wcre shil I to eastel'n cl tics.
110 was the ph er in'thls kind ot
business and It wus not. long before
others saw the ad yan tae ! of his 11I0th-
od and they Imltatcd him. 1\11' .
Swift was not ollly the oldcst "pacl-
t.r" ! at the time of his death , llt he
was the origluato1' of the method that
has made l1Iany large fOl'tuues.
.lJ'rom the s11lall plauL stalted in
1877 has de\'elol1td ! a gll'at corporation -
tion with luau"hes 11.1 St. Louis , Kansas -
sas CitySt..Joseilh , Omallllt. : . 1'aul ,
and ForL Worth , Texas , with Ills-
Ulmllng oll1el's In o\'ery Impol'tallt
city and towu In tile United States ,
and with ff'tll'eSl'ntallyes 11) ) the
leading cl tle lIl' Europe , Asia aud
Africa. Its 0' . , ployes nlll1l1 > l'I' 2G07.
Upon Its eapltal stock of $2iOOOOOO :
the sales of lnG2 excceIJed $200,000,000 ,
Narrow Escnpc For I'cgro.
l\Iuscatlue , la. , March aO-j'lIlnk
Brown , a negro , ual'l'owly cscaped
death at Ole hands of lliOO el1luged
men tonlA"ht , and was rescued by
ol1lcers al'tel' he ltad
twelity only re-
cel yed a seyere 1)/1 ling' , ' 1'ho 11I0b
souJtht his life Jccauso ho had slJOL
and pl'Obahly fatally wouuded 1I11rt'Y
Holtzhaul' ( , a but.lou . cutter. 1I0ltz-
hauer strucl. HI u\\'n In the face dur-
lug a quarrel anl Blown drawing a
1'\'olver ) , shot Hultzhauol' In the
breast. Hundreds of men gathered
arlJund the fallen lIIau and Hrowu ran
followed by se\'eral Ilollcelllell. ' 1'he
t'rlencIs of HoltzhauCl' joined in the
) ) \\\'sul \ \ t. ' 1'l1e i10lIcelllcn wern 0111- ,
distanced hy the drllllns , Wl10 cau ht
Browu. A scorc or l1Iell l'ell to beat-
In him with their lists , ' 1'he pollee'
men , reinforced to twenty men ,
churged the assailants wi th clulls and
le\'Oly01'S aud. al'ter Imocklng se\'t.'Ul !
\lICU \ down , rescued the negro.
Bid the Prc5Hlcnl Uood-hyc.
Washington , March : IOft's ,
Housorelt and the chllch'cn w1l1 take
t he projected erulse 011 the presl-
den L's 'acht , . .1110IayJlower ; , dllrlng
the comln wee ! < . ' 1'lwy hade good
h'o ton Igh t 10 the Ill'eshlen I. , w 110
leares on his western trip Wednes.
day morning , an ( ] lIwv then oardecl
the iIlIyJlowCwhich \ hils been lying
lit the nl'Y yard here for sOllie days.
- - - -
( Jovernment Sends Police ,
V1etorlu , B. C. , laI'ph : lO.-n rlow
of the fact that trouble Is expected
aL Fornlo , In the event of non.unlon
men helng imported hy the OI'OWS
Nest Coal comllany , the HI'IUsh
Columbia goyornment has rCIUested (
the domlulon government to sl'llIIa
detachment of mounted police to 1'cr- !
nle , the center of the strll < c , and a
sqIacl of tI fty men hus heen o\'dered \
to proceed from Calgary.
L ' - . . . . - , . " _ . . : . . . . . . . .
Worse Pee le ThoMS4)'S ; ; C. t.ln Peub'
lOll-Writes of ,
WlIshlnltton. March 28.-Captatn
John J , l'orshlng , } I'trteenth lufan-
lry , who has been In command 111 tbe
Moro cOUl1tr ) ' , hns written [ \ letter
litHicI' clate of Cump Vlcl\Crs , Jt\I1U-
nl' } ' 28 , to personal trlend III the
war dcpartmelltJ , In which ho ga\'o In
11l'tall many Intercstlng lacts In con- .
lIection with the d . Istu.rIlce . ! tn
II\1l11\I1no \ \ ,
Captain ) ) ershlng SI1)'S that ntler M'
\\'IIS \ 1111lccd III charge oC lore by Gon-
1'1111 Dtwil uect\\lso he ( Pershing ) I P"
1lIlI'antl } ' cOllld et alonl { with them ,
'e worlwd on tlte theory that It Is
necessary to establish lIIutual conti.
ellco bctween the Morog and the
United States\f \ we arc to HOlorn
hem wlthoul. , a lot , of trollble.II
lIe endeavored to del1lonstrato . .to
hem that the United State Is their
friend , IH\\'ln no dc1 re to carry
them elY Into sta\'er } ' , or to talw an ' .
hln lJeton ln to them without pay-
In for It. 'l'hls , ho writes Is all can.
rary to what tile } ' ha0 1Ieon accus.
Lomed to In the past. 'fho Spaniards
111111 the Mores could not gel , alolll { tn.
l1ether wt.tI. ! ' 1'ho Mores Were , "cry
Jealous of their rcllglon alld the
Slmnlmls : tried to civilize them by
seizing and baptizing some ot them.
l'hero were atrocities committed on
both sides as u result ot these dllTel'-
Captain Pershing says t.hat the
Mores do not reatlzo any other Idncl of
o\'ernmenL than a one-man pow or. ,
lIe says ho has been able to teep all
the promises ho 1m made , which has
cnabled him to be moro sucessfulln
command of that district , ' 1'huy Ie-
gard him I\S \ rOl1resentlnlt the president -
dent of A mel'lca , and uro somowhut
uneasy as to what his successor will
do.'rho question of slavery Is Intimately -
ly connected with their religion 111111
Is something of a vassaln o or serf-
lom , IInd noL slavery , as Imown In
this country. Ho thinks It II subJe' t
that should rmualn untouched until
it Is understood better ,
' 1'ho Mores , ho writes , should have
a go\'ernment which they can understand -
stand , IInd It should bo the 110tlCV of
the United Stlltes to let It IIlono , butte
to make cach sultan and datto 1'0-
sponslblo for the actiJ of his people. I .
"We cannot alTord , " ho says , "to
tear down their established form of
( otol'crnment without giving thom
I spU1cthln better , and I fear It will
be a long tlmo botore this can be
done. "
'rho Machi cumpal n has hnd u
convincln clTect as to the possibility
of natl\'es'eseaplng punishment when
they commit dellredatlons.
Captllin PlJI'sltlng says the Mores
ha\'e some admlmlJle Im Its of char-
actor. "Onco a friend they all go to
Ute limit for you. " ' 1'hey are Indlls.
trlous and ha ye splendid rice Ileds ]
and other agl'lcultural crops. 'l'ho :
country Is capable 01' great things
from an agrlcllltul'al standpoint. ' 1'he
country Issolllewhat 1lIw the 1\Iollllwk
\'Ulley and the whole 11Istl'lcL can he .
compared to tlillt about Lalw Georgo. '
Captain Pershing says that he be-
lIey03 the troops could march around
the lalw now and bo received in 1\ \
friendly spirit everywhere except lit.
Bacolod. Ilo has a numbCr ! of relIable -
lIable secret servlco Mores and the "
inform him of the conditions and
feelings amon-f ! their countrymcn.
lIe says there arc about 75,000 peo. I ,
pIc that , IIvo In that re lon and they .
are In a fall' way to hecomo reat friends.
lIe says thIs is an achlovomont he ,
would ho proud of , Ilnd Is almosl ,
readv to premise I t , adding :
" 'l'hough wo may encounter some
I old har headed savaHo to whom wo
I shall have to administer a severe ,
lesson , In order to teach him andl
others what wo can do. "
I Captain IJershl1lJt , In concluslon'l
says It Is the most Intercstlng wmll
ho has yet had In the army and he.
hopes to romaln and be pCl'Inlttcd ! to
work out the prohlem. He thlnl , ! ;
that military government Cor u
long tlmo to eomo Is the only one for
the Moros.
In reply to the Inquh'y of the sec.
rotar' : of Will' stating that the uress
had alleged that go\'ornor 'raft had
dysentery , a cahlegram was received
trom Governor 'raft today containing
the Information that he has lwen un.
del' treatment for weels recovering
from an attacl { of dysenetry. Bxam-
Inatlon last Satmday ludlcated that
tllC t.\'C'atment \ had heen succesfu1.
J.Jat.el' eXllmlnatlon Indicated tllilt he
needed rest and hy the advlco of his
physician wo1l1l1 lel11aln In bed lor II
couple of weeks to secure It. Ills
strenJtth and allpetl to were reported
oed ,
On' on Murdcrer 111l11 ed ,
POltland , 01'0 , March : ! ! t-A. f.J.
lP1lI1ng ! was han ecl III t.he , 'ounty
Jail } 'arcl this mornillg , 110 died In
seyonteon minutes ufter t.ho drop
tel1 , Belding murdered his wife , his
mother. In-law , Mrs. McCroslcy and
Franl , WoolwardJuly ( I , the 1\lllIng
bClng ! clue to jealousy of BoldlnJt ,
who resented Woodward's attentions
pI' Mrs. Belclln-f ! , 10Idln atso shot
ls I'athor In-law , Lemuol McCroslwy
: Hlt tailed to 11Il him ,
. . . .1 < . . ; . . . . . . . . " . : " .A. , . ' . . . . . . . . . . . : . ' IIO.j.
. .
8ehraska Notes . .
The postonlceo nt Birch , Pierct
county , Nob. . has been dlsconUnued.
CIlludo O. Campbell ot Clay Oonter ,
hns been appointed rnUwt\y mall .
clerk ,
J dwln H , Pellse has been nppolnt.
cd substltuto clerk ilL the 1I're\11on' . , \
\ . .
postonIcc ,
Mil ) ' i9t I\n nddltlonnl tree dellvc'l ;
route will o established nt GrcLl1u ,
In Sharp ) ' couut.y , I
'l'ho Omaha JJull crs' Exchnnl : '
with n cnpl till slocl { ot $ GOOO was 111
corporntcl1lost w cl { ,
Henry IJ. Lowery hns been appolntJ
cd postmaster at HlchfHd , Shnro1
county , \'Ice A. Heclor resigned ,
.Articles of Incorporation hn\'o eon
Ilted by the Samll ! On and QUillin Mln-
InJ.'t Co" of O\11ahn \ , 'l'ho allltnl
stock Is Jlxell aL $10,000.
.T , W , .Tones , the BurJn ) ton yard
master had his hnnd bad ! ) ' crllshed
while maklnJt cOllplln , lIe will
lese the third and fO\lrt.h Hngors.
o 1\01'1101' l\Ihkey \ : signed II. n , No , \
1 2 which redllces the mcmbers or ,
the hoard of education from nIne to . '
JI\e : members , I\nd the bill Is now a
law ,
Joseph 1I'ehringer of Humphroy will
probably 10so his I\rm I\S the result ot
tallhlH from the wagon IInd brealdng
It whllo on his way homo trom town.
the othcr night.
'l'ho PO ! tol1lco at Rescue , Sa\llldeC8
county , and Olson , } I'romont count,1
have been rc-octahllsheLl with Mary
} ) alensl < y and 1rred n. Morris post- f
musters , respectively , ' ,
'l'ho Hev , I'ather ! Carno1 , priest or
St , J'ohnls chll1'ch at llntt.'lluouth Is
very Ill , A n a ttncl { ot the grip \V 9
followbed by er.'sl1elns ] and return
of heart trollhle , and It Is ! eared tlmb
ho cannot recover ,
Artor llIarrled lIfo of ono weole
, Tohn Johnson 78 years of age , a resl-
dun of Mcnd , left his bride who JU\d
been Chrlst lnl\ Petersen , slxt-two
yearS oldanLl passed to CHl'hat bourne
trom whence no traveler o'er returns , '
'rom 1IlmbU\'lor \ anel John Kellc.r
the two l11en who held np and robbed
I \'e'ott Carmlchaol of $180 in Wy-
moro 'recentty were each sentenced
to three yCars ! In the penitentiary b1.
Judge StuH , Oharles MIlIcI' n hey ot
sixteen yenls of u e , who was ImpU-
catCd ! In the robbery , was sentenced
to the rel'orm school.
Annollt1cemCnt ! has IJcen mnde 01
the secret marrlu o In TIocldordMd , . / ,
on March 10 ot Bmest IJ.Coolh ) o of ' :
Waihln ton and : MIss , Tean M. Thurs- j
tOIldaujthter 01' former United States
St'lmtor 'l'hurston of Nobruslm. In a ,
satCll10llt made hy MI' , 'J hurston , the :
brIde's father , It wus said the young
couple hall heen engajted tor some
tlmo Wl1,11 the entIre approval at their
respective families. Miss ThuNlton
is 17 yea I'S old.
'nlo ltl7.ens' State Dank at
Wisner have Iwen authorIzed to con-
vel't Into the Citlzells National Dnnk
of Wisner , with $ iiOOOO capItal ,
Norman 'I. Bliss , a promInent
farm01' was shot 'and Instantly k1l1nd
hy WllIla.l11 ' 1' . 'l'urley , ' 1'110 kUling
occured on Bliss' farm , three miles
uorth of Sherton , and was the culm 1-
IHlllon ot a quarrel o\'er Do number of
, hoJts , which wore trespassing in DUss'
corn field. Bliss and 'l'urloy occupy
adjoining farms. When the body'of '
! J' . p , Bloom , the steel , farmer of
Stewart , who was tound dead at hIli
homo , was oxamlaned by tbo coroner ,
n bullet 11010 was discovered In the
right templo. 'l'ho Jury returned I
verdict qf slllcl o.
} ! 'Ire entailing a loss ot about 110.000
destroyed the plant ot the Norfolk
Press and ballly dnmn"ed tbo sur. .
rOllndln-f ! property. 1'he nowspapcl
ol1lce and equipment WIlS totally des.-
troyed. ' 1'he hulldlng was owned b1
G , A , Lul1llI1rt and 1' . Jr. 8preachor.
'l'ho luttel' was also proprlotor ot tbe
paper. 'l'he loss on bulldln 1nd con. .
tents Is cstlmated at about WOOQ
with $ .1,000 Insurance ,
' 7.CiOO.OO Donnted , to B. Di'l'lc204
Amen ! : J'IIIIII1 , . Cook. .
'Tho R\lIII of $ i , OO.OO will be dl.trlb- ,
utell hutweel1 110W ! Inti midsummer nmon.
fUllllly cool , , ! , III jl : : prize. ranglnr fro.
: ! Of to : j : , OO ,
'I'll ill If ! dUl10 to sllmulato better cook. .
In ! ; 111 the fl1l11l1y kitchen. The contell ;
18 01)11 to pl1ftl cooks. ( drop the nnmll
"hlt'cll 111'1. ; " cull them cooks If th8" d. . .
BI\"e It ) ot' to the 1II1strcilB of the honlo-
hold If Hho Iloes the cooking. The rule.
for coull'st are plall1 nn simple. Ettcl&
oc tlw im : wll1l1ers of mouey prlzell will
nlso rced'oIn en raved certlficnte ot
1I10rit or dilliom/l nR .n cook. The dlploo
111ml onr the hi ! ; gilt senl nnd Bllnatura
of the mot flimOll ! ! footl compau , . In the
worltl , ' 1'h" Potum ! Cere1 : Co. , Ltd. , of
Untllc CI'clkllch. : . , the wpl.lmowQ
ml\kel's of l'o tllm Colfeo and Gmp. .
utf ! . WI'lte them /lnd nddroll CooklllJ' '
DO't. ! No. 18i , for full purtlculnrs.
'l'hls remarlnhle coutest among cook.
to win the money prizes alld dlplomu
will gl\'o thollsltn s of families bettor
Itnd 1110re delicious meal. as well . .
clenner kitchens IInd a ienoral hnprov. .
mcnt in the cullnnry department , for the
cools must IIhow marked , kill aud bottlE' "
mont In Hl'1'\'Icc to win. Great 8um. o. .
mOlley dCTotcll to .uch enterllriJlu .1. .
WIt1 ! res lilt In puttlna : human It , . furth. .
nlollon \ the rand to civilization , heal
cowfort aod happloe. . .
, . . . .
; " : ' - ;
I _ "