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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1903)
l' ' . . L\bfl\daU \ oc\et1 \ . : 6tt.\C \1\8t 1I 1 I , USTER OUNTY EPUBLIC N. , . . , ES'I' Br.4ISHI D . ' ' ' ' ' . ' . 1882. 'rHE PAPEH OF ' ; OFli'ICIAL CUS'1'EH COUN'ry. rIAI GES'J' CIHCUT.4A'l'ION 011' ANY PAP ] R IN 'l'HE COUN'ry. . . - - - - - - VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , APRIL 2 , 1903.EIGHT PAGES , NO. 42. . - , Y { I I . I , Ij I - . . . - . - . , , - - j O Charlllinl ! little th1l1g' , for , t1 ! swcet htll , lnger' , I I Juvenile Jewelry . I : t chaste design , supcrior quality 111111 fine workmanship. Hirth. I ! Ii ay rin s , eithcr p1ain or et with birth 1II0nth stoncs. Con. I ! sidcred 1uc to , , "carone. Priccs , range froUi 75C upwards , an : there is : ; oll1ethin pretty I1nd I good at each. Of course thcrc I . # lire other things such as eck. i ' : . ; ; d .s1J I t- ' . . . . I ' -II'.t ' ; o' ! , " ' 1. Ii , i . . . , , . , , < . . . . . . . t - - . . . _ . _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - ! t'.Jt. : ) ? I' School Books , : 4 \ ? , * " 'I' ! k Tablets . ' " ! -ANn- , , , t , . : School Supplies , .f..I , " \ ; --AT-- , * ' lI- J. G , Haeberle's , - v. ' \ - flIQ"-- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t II I \ I " II I . \ I r , ' - \ Mo ey is Se 1 S wiu\ mt into our kccping. Our S S VI1U115 me of modem con < ; trnction S -firc proof , , ( Inri conn : < l hy Imrg } . l' : 0 ar } ' inuran ( ' , Cnrl'ful : Iltl'utio\ ! i g is g'cn t. , tk ! ,1\ ' , .1\lIl \ of 1111 It-- S S positors. . Hu.illcs > > , is conduclcc1J1l ! S o a safe basl and al1 tnvcstmcnts ( Ire 0 \ ' horoughl ) ' ln'cstigated before be. S lUg recommcnded bv the mmapc. 0 : ment. Al1 financial 111 litters whIch S S concem the wcHarc of our cHcnts S are promptly our ! skillfu11y handl. I cd. The 8 8 8 Custer National Bank invites dCfsil f om individuals , 8 " S firms , am 11Istttutlons. S . H. LOMAX , Cashier. Ss I " .rJ' j'.r..rJ".rJ".r . . . . . . " . I m : : : : : : : : : : J. E. Cavcnee of Georgcto vt1 , was'a friendly , callcr at this of- fke yestcrday. John Campti ll of Weissert , made this office a friendl.y business - ness call Monday. J. S. McGraw of Gates , made this officc a friendl ) ' call \Vednes- day. He went to Ansley to at- tend a mceting of the Woodman. Peter Simonson has mo\'cd his meat market from the room next to the. post office to Fourth Ave. , ' in the'room south ofVilson & Dra1c 's. J as.V oa s of Merna , was in the city 'ruesday closing up a deal for a"half section of land in the \'icinity of Dale , consisting of the Rile , : and Bill Cowig quarter - ter sections of lan . Allie VanAntwerp' 1-4odi , went to Grand Island \Vednesday morning on 42 to attend the meeting of the Central Nebraslm 'l'cachers Association. From there he will go to 'Fremont to attend the Business amI Normal School. You attention is called to the add of Ryerson-George Co. on the first - of this ' ' pag-e paper. 'l'hcy have a Special gaster Opening Saturday , April 11. E\'crybody is invited to call on them and re- cci\'c a present ; also to stavan enjoy the musical which , vill be rendcred at different . hours dur- in the day. Jas. Lindley of Anselmo , was among our ci.iy visitors Monday. \Ve learn from him that T. B. Bryan of Anselmo , was quite' ' severely injurcd the latter part of last week by a locomotive striking hi& wagon as he was crossing the railroad tracl { . The wagon was thrown over on Mr. Bryon. lIe sustained a fracture of one leg and it is thought he was hurt internally. Mrs. C. D. Pelham of Anselmo , made this office a welcome call Tuesday and had Mr. Pelham's suhscription advanced to 1904. Mr. and Mrs. Pelham will leave in a few days for Chesterton , indiana for 1\11' . Pel hams health. 'l'his estimable couple were among the pioneers of this local- it } , and it is with regret their many friends see diem leave. Their best wishes follow them. 'We are compelled for lack of space to omit' a letter received this morning from R. N. Shaw , General Secretarv of the Y. M. C. A. , Galesburg , Ill. 1lad\'ocacy of making billiards , pool and bowling a part of the Y. M. C. A. equipment , in order to induce young men to frequent the Y. M. C. A. rooms to engage in these games for recreation rather than saloons. ' 1'he Rlu > unr.lcAN be- .leives in fair play and would have given the letter space had it reached us in time' , - - - . - - - . - - . . - . . . - - , " " " " " " " " " " , " " " " " " " ' " " " ' " , , " " " , " ' , RYERSON-CEORGE COa'S ; IBIG OPENING , I - - E - .A..pri1 11. , 1903 ! - I . The Greatest Event of the Season I : , ' : : : : : : : : : : : E \V 0 will entertain Country . 3 I g Friends ancl Strangers dur- I E ing' the clay , ancl City : E Friends in the evening. 3 - - . . . . . - - i : : : : A f ternoon Musical , 2:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m. : : : : I = _ = Evening Musical , 8:00 p. m. to 10:00 : p. m. : _ : : - - E 500 Poun4s of Sugar , Gl'oceries , Dry 3 , g GoodsQueensware..Furnishing . Goods , j g Hats and Shoes " given uvay 3 : ABSOLUTELY FREE ! - - - - E Everybody Will Receive a Present. : : : ' - - . I Co. I Ryerson-George . , : U ; ; I I i ; ; ; ' ; ; ; ; iIllUiiUil" " ; I ; : il : ; ; ; U I I i , , \ . - . , . _ . _ . . ; , . " - - - - - - - - - , " - - - - - - " - , - - - - - - - - - - - . - , . . . - ' , . , ' " , : , : . " , 1 ' . ' . - . . Mrs. 1 . C. Bouse and / went to Boise Cit ) " Idaho , Wed- ncs ayon a two monthM visit. I I Mr. House accompanicd them as far a T4incon. ) I I .1udg-e Gu Hcrson hus 9ccurell' the services of Judge Grimes to' ' hear a number of cases this week in which he was interested M counsel. ' 1'11l' district court is now in session. Supt. J. G. W. 1-4ewis and [ , eland went to Grand" Island yesterday to attend the meeting of the Central Nebraslm Teachers 'Association , in which he has a part on the prog-ram. Miss Mabel lIiatt. who ha been cmplo 'ed in the Broken Bow land office ( or the past four year , I has becn transferred by the gO\ ' . ernment to the land o ce at Duluth , Minnesota ; She Icft yesterday morning for her new field. Miss Hiatt has many friends here who regrct to see her leave. Mr. Geo. D : Mahaffv of Huron , S. D. was a pleasatit caller at this ofiice Monday in company with J. R Dean. 1\11' . Mahaffy is a brother of Miss Mahaft'that at one time was a teacher in the Broken Bow Schools and a cousin of Mrs. J as. Wh itehead of thig city. Mr. l\'IahatT ) ' ha just COUl- pleted a four years term as count } ' treasurer in his home count } ' and is out now visiting his relative for a needed recreation. . -\IIUtlIl'J' State UIlIII , for Custer Coullty. It is not e\'ery man that goes to the statc legislature that when he gets home can branch otT into thc hanking busincss. But we are reliably informed that J. J. " 1'ooley , who has the distinction of bein - the only pop member of the leg1slaturc from Custer coun. , ty , has completed arrangements by which he will start a state bank at Anselmo soon after he returns from Lincoln. Mr. ' 1'00- ley will be the principal stocl- holder and its casll1er. The other stockholders will beVar - ren , Andr \ vsVilson , am ! othcrs of Anselmo , the stockholdcrs in the Custer National Bank of this city will be intercstcd. It had been rumored that Mr. Tooley would move to Idaho 011 the expiration - piration of his term in the legislature - lature , but this latter de l has changed his plans. and his many friends will be g-lad to know tl1at he has concluded to remain a citizen of Custcr county. 1'110 CI'cte NurlierleH. Crcte , Neb. , 3-28 , 1903. BDl'roR Rm'ulHlcAN , Broken Bow , Neb. GHN'l'LltMAN-l1'rank G. : - Stephens - ens will make his delivery at Broken Bow , April 3rd and 4th. He will have the largest delivcry hc has ever made at any point. Having purchased a farm 111 the vicinity of Brolen Bow , he has taken \'ery much interest in Cus- ter Co. , and feels more at home there than an } ' othcr point in which he has been acquainted in the last six years. Mr. Stephens believes that orcharding is practical - tical , will be successful and hopes to see the busincss of growmg fruit in the count } ' of his adoption - tion , take rank equal to that of any count ) ' in the state. Our r'aders mabc interested in learning that in the T. C. Jackson orchard on the North Loup table , a mile from the corner - ner of Cherry Co" the peach trees at this momcnt promise a full crop of fruit. and that cherries , plums and apples , and small fruits all promise a crop. This orchard of 35 acres is conducted with the 3ssistance of the Crete Nurseries and is showing in a very encour- ging wa\ ' what can bc done in the proper cu1t'ation and hamll- ing of an orchard o 35 acrcs. 'rhe success of the Jackson pC'ach orchard on the North Loup tablc in Blaine county , and the success of thc M vcrs orchard at Sargent , where nly H , trees were lo < ; t out of 1200 planted , leads the nurscry up to the plan of distributing - tributing 500 hardy peach trees among their customers thisspring- in the hope that heing planted and successfully fruited , the demand - mand for peach trees nmy be greatly stimulated. Not having had time to call on all of his friends anll customers , Mr. Stcphen : > will bring along a few additional trees for those who have not yet placed their orders. Very respectfull ) ' , E. F. STIU'HItNS , Mgr , . - - Jlllllul' H , , . . 1' . 0. . :1111'1'1111111111111I. : I Ilast SlHlIln. } ' afternoon , the I Junior B. Y. P. U. of which Mrs. I D. M. Am bcrry is superinten- dcnt , rendered a special program ' in connection with the graduat- 'ing excrcises of a class of twenty- two that had completed the Home Mission course of study. The Junior department has an cn- rollment of upwardH of sixty , ranging in age from fivc to four-I teen years. 'rhe clasH that HUC- cess fully passed the examination is composed of the oldermember9 of the Junior departmcnt. 'l'he I exercises on this occasion consisted - sisted in songs , recitations , drills and the presenation of the di- plomas. One of the mo t in- teresting features of the program was a drill by the smaller members - bers of the deparlment in which each bore a banner , on which was printed in large letters the 1ame of one of the forcign co ntries in which the Baptist d nolt1ination is engaged in thc missionary work , the opposite side of thc banner was the American thtg. Rach pupil gave a recitation relating to the country her banner represented , conculding with a song in which a\ \ } joined , waving' their hlt1ncrs I with grand cffect. A Hong by the boys and one also by the girls werc especially line : nul d serving of special mention. 'l'hc excrcises werc concluded With an address b } ' thc pastor , Rev. Morris , who prcsented the diplomas. Ch- ; : . . . : < < ; ; ; ; . I 1\ ( . It. CHURCH. There , . .ill be services in the 1\1. H. , church Sunday morning' IUllt II nnion temperaucc mccting in the evcning. CliO. P. 'fRITJtS , Pas lor. I\PISCOI'AI. CHURCH. S1. John's Hpiscopal scrvice SundllY April sth } 'ahn Sunday , Sunday school 10 a. m. l\Ioming 'prnyrr , I. tany and sermon II a. 111. Jwening prnycr IInd schuon 7:30 : p. 111. 'rhe puhlic is cordi. ul1y invitc < < l. W. 11. XANIl\iltH , Cl11t1 'rl.\N CHURCII. llih1e scho01 lit 10 II. 111. Prcuchin scrvice at I' o'c1ock. Subject : "Spiritu. it1'Cl'Owlh. " Evcryone invitc < < ) . Hven. ' ing serviccs dislII ! ied for Union scrviccs 1111. . E church. 1'he execuliye COIII- lIIittee of thc C. H. wiII meet lit 2 o'clock. Official board of chnrch lit 3. Every member of thcse boarrls arc reqnestell to be pr scnt. A. G. SMl'm. - - U. D. CHURCJI. Snnday morning 10 o'clock Sunday school , I I n. m. sermon by the paslor. Subject , "Elcments of Pow r 111 St. Pauls Life an Work. " Junior senices at 3. D. m. Th rc wiII be no services in this hurch Sundll ) ' evening owing to the Union Vounl { Peoples service aul1 the Union TcmpcI'/Jncc scrvice to be hcM in the 1\1. E. church. I will preach the first scnnoll ill the ncw church at Cwter Ccnter Sunday afternoon III 3 o'clock. Ladics Aid me ts at the Parsonage Wed , tI sday ufternoon. W. P. PI\RIW. JlAl'TlST CIIURCII. Jlib1c schoo1 studics al 10 a. 111. II a. m. Dh.iJle worship , "The Echoes of Hnthusinsm" wi11 be thc subject of the sermon to be pr ached by the pastor. 3 p. 111. The Junior B. V.I' . U. mects , undcr the direction of Mrs. Amsberry. 7 p. m. Scnior Socicty has its devotional hour. 8 p. 111. the ( ospe1 pr lIchillg service , opencc1 wilh brighl soug anl1 pmisc scrvic , prcaching h } ' thc pastor , subject" lIell. " WCllnesday 8 p. 111. mict weck seasou of praycr. praisc : uul song. 'l'tursduy ! : ! 1' . 111. Iadies Ail } Society. Friduy 4 1' . 111. BOYI ! Hrigad , ! drills. Saturtla } ' 7:30 : p. 111. Pastor teuches thc llih1e scho01 lesson to till' tenrhcrs a1111 IIn cers , nt the church. - - - ( . . . . . . . . . . . & . . . .f ' BUSINESS POINTERS. . ; J. C. Moorc , abstracting. 2lf - - - - J , G. Lconard honded abstrac- ter. 3'tf Dr. A. M. Earl , the eye specialist - ist , will be at Dr. C. L. Mullins' onice April 18 , for one day enl ) ' . - - - - - I"QI ( SAT.H-Uooc1 alfalfa ha\ ' . 41-42 JOliN WII.T.IH. ' . - - - - - - - - - - - 1"OlJNn-An ov'r coat. Call at this omce. Garden , Held , flower and canc secd-llul1 { or packagc-At J .C. BOWHN. - - , . . 40tf Moved to the Chrystal DrugStore - Store room in Union block , east side of square.-A. W. DRAJ1 { . - - - - - - - - - - FOH SAl.u-IIereford Bull No. 105283 , Inc1i\'illuality. Pedigree good.-G. E. CAnwHT.l. . 41 tf . - - - - - - - - Mone ) ' loaned on improved farms. 1-4ItDWICII , 7 18 tf nrolen Bow , Neb. Stamp Pholo's at Bangs' Rtudio. 21J-t f Kindl } ' g'c Messrs. Brewer I an Parker at thc City T-4aundr } ' your liheral supporl. I WILLIS Cl'ULL. . " ' : t""t"'tt"t"'t""t"t"'t't" " " " " " " " " " ' " " " , , " " ' " " " " " " " ' ' " ! ! I.udlong I DISC HARROW ! - - - - 'l'hat is the namc of thc Disc Harrow lItade famous by = = = = the J : n wil1 Manufact tring Co. , who on account of its : : : : superiority have alwavs been able lo g-et from $2.00 to $4.00 _ = = more for their Disc n rrow than an } ' othcr manufaetory has :3 : : : : : : been ablc to get for their Disc Harrows. Less than two : : : : : : : years ago their l'all'nt ran out and other factories arc now : : : : : : : making thi Disc Harrow. By al'1'angemenl I have made : : : : = = with enc of these factories , buviug'direct from the factory = = ; : : : in car lots anll shipping direct' from the factory , I ani in a : : : : ; , : " position to sell thel for less monl'j' than an , ) ' deah I' in thc : : ! ; = = county can sc11 yon a Disc Harrow. I will have a car load = = E of these Disc Harrows here on A. : : : : = = April \ , and as iong us they last I :3 : : : : : : . you can bu ) ' a 14-1h Disc Harrow $ } 5 0 0 : : : : E on COIU plelo wi lI"l- horse ovellc m , ' = = : : : Ilouhle trce , neck VIJll' , etc. , for. . - I : : : : - - - ' - : : : : : - If'ou arc nearcr Ansley than Broken Bow , you wi11 : : : : = = find -these Disc Harrows for ! jale al. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . = = - - - - - - : = THOMSON & MARTIN'S _ , = - - = = the New Implemcnt [ I'irm at Anslcj' , Nehraska. : : : - - - - C. S.MARTI'N Mfl . . , ! . Agt. ' = = AND DEALER IN :3 : 1 : ll ; 11I1I I I ; I I II I I I illlll - - - - It. 10 ' 1J ! Jllli > : lliii : ; lill1.l1N ! . . If A full liuc of \ ' 11Il'lltlkers ! Goolls for sa1e hy. . . . . . .S. P. GROAT & CO. . . Lincoln Land Co's. lots and blocks for sale by S. P. Groat. - - - - - - Gas lamps rcpaired at the Bicycle - . 3'Jt. cycle Shop. _ .1. G. 1-4eonard honded abstrac- ter. . 31Hh . . - - - - - - - - - See that line line of cooldl'S . . . - at the Stat' Grocery. 41tf . - - Cattle pastured for the season. Seperate pasture for steers or cows. 'WILT.IS CADWJtT.T. . Thoroughbred Langshangeggs seventy-five cents for setting. 42-43 MHS. C. PICKH'l"I' . House plants , bulbs of various flowering plants for house and gardens for sale. Pricm , rcason- able. Iesidencc on street west of Globe hote1.MH ! ; . ACK 'l'nOSTItSHN. . - - - - - - - - - - I am now prepared to mend hot water bottles and a11 rubber goods of that naturc.-CHAS. TIucKIH- DltRRV. 3'Jtf Fresh oysters , celery an vegc- tables at 'rhe Star Grocery. A. W. Drale has moved his second-ha1ll1 store to the roonl formerly occupied hy theChry tal Drug Storc in Union hlock , east side of public square , Just received a new stock of picture frames , mouldings , mats , etc. Picturc framcs made to or- der. Second haml goolls of al1 kinlh ; bought and ROIe1. .IUD KAY , Jtf _ _ _ _ } c _ a ' 1'he ladies of the Baptist MIssionary - sionary Socicty will givc an gas- ter Carnival at the Opera Ual1 at l\Iacon CitAprtl 11 , which will consist of t free cnterlainmcnt , a 25c supper , and a sale of calico apparel , fancy work , ctc. Al1 arc cordially invited attcnd. 44 By OHDlW COM. - - 100 hushels of spell : ' . for sale at 75c per hushc1. On salc at Uco. Apples hal'll ware storc. J. B. l'AJ.'IHH. 41-13 , . . : ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We have just reccive l our new line of spring wall paper. All I1J03 patterns , Call and see them at Wilkin's drug store. 5 tf . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WAN'l'JW.--'l'o hire two Im'n that havc families. Houses furn- ished. - W W'I' U NJON I tr.T.INIi Co. 38tf Wcst Union , Neh. . - - - - - - - - - 'l'he Presbytcrian Choi 1' , as- sistcd by Miss El m Boyce , I04elah Holcomh and Peter ! { yersonlIncler the llirection of Prof. Garlich , wll1 givc an gaster Cailtata , " 'J'he I esurrcl'tion. " nncler the auspices of the Christian gn- dca \ ' 0Hociet j' , at the Presbyterian - ian churcu , Monllay cvening'j April 13. Admission , adults , 25cj childrcn , 15c. - , . : " .IO'.r..r.r.ACr..r F.rJiQO" Just received a I.arge Iinc of Reliable Alarm Clocks At Right PriCCR. I.Day Nickle Alarm Clocks I-nay Tatoo Alarm Uocks I. Day Parker Alarm Clocks S.Da ) ' Walnut Alarm Clocks 8.Day Oak Alarm Clocks 8 Watches Cleaned. $1.00 Main Springs . . .75 1\11 Work Guaranlee < < l. S ED. McCOMAS , Brokcn 1I0w , - - Nebraska. fbc-J".r..rJ"J'r.rJ'.r I am tlOW owncr , 111111 operating the : tlote'll CommerciaJlt , StricUr first.clas , modcrn and date , American p1an , and I propose U13k. ing it the very best of itR elMS in the w st. Fret. hack to amI from dcpot. C. 1"1 l-cENNEDY , Pl OPI rETOR. J. G. T.eonard bonded alu trac- tel' . 39tf Gasoline stovcs repaired and c1caned at the Bicycle Shop. 39tf W AN'1'HD-Stoek to - pasturc- good paliture near city , plenty of g-00c1 water. Inquire of C. H. Kenncdy , Brolen Bow. 40tf A .thoroughbrcd Herford bull for sale cheap. 3'Jtf S. H. 'l'uoMl'soN. Call at the Star Grocer ) ' and see their fine line of candies , ' } astel'rahitsandeggs. 41H It'uH SAT.1t--A g'oQII improvcd farm consisting' of 20 acres ; 90 acres Ululer cull \'ation , first-class well , gooll farm huildings , 200 acres in pasture , cight mile : : ; north-caHt of Anselmo , Neh. 38-4 ( , FI < ANK PJoJWY. : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l1'arms for sale and lands for rent. Now is thc time to get : l farm chcap , as the chell } ' farl11 arc all goin ! ? , and prices are ad- vancing' . fal'lIl1)-J. ' G. Brenizer. - - - - - - - - - - - " - :11.\4\1 : ; : " " 'AN'J'J ; ; ' " 'I'rustworthy , eithcr sex , bJ Wholesale ! > 'Icrcandise Company of solid financial standing , to manage local rcpresentatives who will orgal11Ze clubs among l'onsumcrs. usiness no cxperi- l11cnt hut II prO\'CI1 success. Salary - ary $ lH.IIO II weck , expen es a . vanccII. gxpcriencc unncces- sary. AIldrcss , D. B. Clarkson , Mg-r. , 334 Dcarborn St. , Chicago , Illinois. 37-43 - - I Mllr'vlO"1I ) . Cu o1'ur 1)1 1CUIna t. 15111 yuu 1ria III" rur IreaUug HhuUIII"II llI null II trIIiIIJaCUIIU..r III. . 1I0)IK IUC IKUY. ' 1'lInllHlIlIlII lIavlI ult.llIlIn.1 tounll rellur. HUII l'II'III : . 'l'IIY IT , I nonn : JLCI'U 'DY co. , SJS JullluuU 11 . Ji111. , St. 11& " ' , l\'Uuu. ' II : > - -