Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 26, 1903, Image 6

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GUSlcr County Republican
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' 1.'he mOllthat heat Ihl' rl1 Rlnll corlt
tnlilt Willi 11 corla-r.
= = - - =
At InRt nrcoul1ts 11. . UoclaCIlIm' WIIA
'Worr 'lng nlollg with the flnll1l' )1001' ) old
- -
When n IIIl1n 111 comllJnwnlNl ! he
thlllks otherH al'c IWjlnllll1f.t to Hee him
us ho sees hltusl.If. !
1'110 suggestion thllt the clgor truRt
'Will be belltl'lI b ' refusnl of thc puhllc
to bny cgnl's' ! Bounds BURl'lelousl ' IIIw
Q pl110 drenm.
IIerr Behel n 'H thot the Unltcd
Btates Is destined to outsl1'lp 1111 Bu.
I'OPO In the ! llzo of Its armanwnts.
lien yen forbid !
I loutcl1ant Penl'Y nlso hellcn's .thnl
lite beglln lit lhe north ) loll' . nl1Il If IIn '
ono wl1l pul UII the 1I10nl' ' he will tr.y
to IInd the IIl'oofs.
A Southern rnlll'onil hnR deelded lhat
110renfter Il wl1l employ mllrrlcd men
only. . Anxious 111111 'I'nt'nltl YllIIkelJ
aplnslers lire consultll1 tlme.tllhles.
Adml1'n1 Dewey helle\'c ! ! thllt the
Amerlclln 11Il'IIS norel' HO Hhly ) ll'C'
pared for Will' liS nt the In'esont. 1'hIR
beIng t11e case. there 111 no rl'lISOII'h '
we Hhould lIot huye IlCace.
'l'ho beef cater Is the worlll con.
queror. Do we discern In' this horse
ment fnctory Iu'ojeet fl'llm Gel'mUII ) ' 11
plot of the KlIlser's to 1II111erlllille the
fOllllllntloulI of our nlltlonnl gl'eatness ?
'l'he In 'or of San Junn , Porto Hlco ,
haB lIeen arreslel1 for I11nlfensnllce. " 'as
this something curried over from the
Sl'anlsh re llIIe , or IH It the result of
1111 Indiscreet ollllentioll { { of Amerlcall
wnnlellal { "llOlItlcs ? "
'l'ho army of the Sultall of Iorocco
Is armed with Illntloclts 011I1 1IH17.zle
looders , and his lleol11e hl'lIere thnt the
tlc1l IIIV < ' 11tod the call1lllll. 110w CUll
olvlllzntlot1 he eXlectcll { tb tloll1'Jsh In
1uch ; a Illtlflll CO 11 11 t1' ) ' ns that'j
A Yall' professor claims to ha\'e dls.
covered that all life originated at lhe
110rUI 110le and lhnt mnll cn1l1e frolll
the 11rlmntes through fire. 'fhls of
course halpened { long hefore the coal
. omblnntlons got to dolnl ; Imslnes9.
Kipling Is reportcd as sl'llIg that the
renson he docs not visIt t.ho United
Stntes Is that some of his wife's rein.
tlves arc stlllllvhu ; here. ' 1'hls remarl. .
1t true , \\'oulll stnmp him not 0111 ' as
the 1100t of force , but us the possessor
of nn Immense and most unpleasant
Proof Is ngAln nlTorded of the helletl.
( 'ent wlsdolll of nnt\II'e. A IlrofesRor In
, tJIC Unlyerslty of llohlgan hus dlscor.
t'red thnt the heOl'IJI/-t / of girls III more
I l1euto than thnt of hO8. 'l'hls grenter
fensltlyeJlcss doubtless exists thnt .the
faintest whlsler { of the fatefulilucstioll
mny not escalle the listening en1' .
One llUlHlred 1111I1 flft ) . busls of
Wnshlngton were Il\It In the public
6C)1001s of Now York Olt ) . last ' ( 'lIr
b ' n. citizen who helleyed thnt lhe 1111'
trlotlslll of the ehliliren would be fos.
tel'ed by a dall ' reminder of the ex.
nmple of the first Presllent. A shnl.
lar number of busts of Lincoln are 10
bo put In the Bflme schools tltls ) 'enr ,
to ahow the youth thM pntrlotlsm did
not die wlth'Wnshlngton. There ma '
he soma schools In other pnrts of the
country which could not accommodate
11 Be lpturcd bust , but there Is none so
IImall thnt It Ulay not 1IU11 11 place for
plcturos ot Lincoln anl1 Washington.
1 ll.rmlng Is much lllo nny other
business. Success In It depends chief.
Iy on the mIlD. 'I'here nre a great
man : ) ' farms , vithln 11. hUlldred miles
of Now York OIty owners of which
would bo glnd to turn their l.lOcls on
them alld 11\0 In the town ; hut the
, IIwner of one tn.rllt of elght - acres at
Ihe enstern end of Long Islnnd Iii ton.
t cnt. lIe raises moro thnn tWent .
IhouRand dollars' worlh of vegetablcs
[ 'vel' ) ' 'eal' , at n cost of about tell
thousuml dollnrs for I 1bor aUlI fel.tll.
lcl'S. lellYlng a good bnlanco to 11n
for bls own 6uvel'\'lslon. 'l'hls Is fill
. l'xcellUonal cnsc. but It Js Interesting
lllcnuso ! wbnt one mnn CIlD do u hun.
Ilred mllea away trom his chief mar.
ket cnn be donc 1)1 others.
JullWn.rd Howe admits. In 1'0
fll'onse to n quesUon. that gaming tOI
money hns Increns In high Boclet .
. ( 'SIJecllllly among Amerlcnn women
Were n QlIestion uoout , drlnldng to ex
( 'ess lidded to thnt ubout plnylng cnrdl
for gain Mrs. lIowo would have to ac
Imowledge thnt Intemperance Is In
! 'reuslng In the plnne where there Ii
Il'nst concelvnble excuse for It. I
\Vere delllorable for the future 0
wOlllllnkllld If with rnpldly enlarglnl
vIstas.or . educntlon and posslbl
aehle'ement the women of the Unltel
Stntes should tnll to resist vulgnr an
debasing temptntlons. ' 1'0 poor eITe < :
lire women's lIehools all OTer the Inn
doing their IIbeml and progressh'
work If women aid In Introducing Int
this country the bnltal pnstlmes whlc
11I11110 English courts of former tJnu
"l1tctllelcs ot igllorance , I cnndnlo\
l'U\'ols nnd unblushing Indecorum C
/'vel' ) ' species. 'I'he WOlnllD who b
/'olllesa drUl\lmrcl \ and a gnmesterrnr
. 1.\ ' ' ( lIlls to tnll at Inllt to the butte :
/.r'the 111t whence men easily hCOT
thcll1sI'I\t B but 'W lere a woman , enl
- ' ' ' ' . - oIC ' " . . - ' . . ,
f'Xf < ; ' . r .r- . . " " , . "
I 1'/'I'fJ lIlzc'IIhpr / < , . 1In : t relllllin. 'I'hf
IIIW III ! IInl'lulIl. ) hilI It. Is lho Inw.
- - - - - - - -
Pror. .TUI/lioll / , the dlJII.II of the Ohl.
cngo Unl\'erHlt . , Hn 'B "u 11I1 I rerllll I 11111'
gllllge , U8 wpll us commoll 1II0lwtnl'J'
S 'litIJIIS II lid ullitell slllllrJrml 01
I wofghtK null IIIC'IISIIrCR , Is olle of the
( Iresl'llI ' IIl'pllH of the wOI'11I to.dll ' . "
Ho It Is. If 1111 ml'lI hnll the IlUIIO 11111'
I uag'e , the flIIIII ( ) flllIIlIllIl'ds of right
111111 . ' ' 111111 till' Illtultlolls
\ \ 1'0 II g' . Hllllle
! IInllrt'lIg'lolI , I hi' \\0\111 WOIIIII ; niOIlJ ;
more 111'IIel'1'1I11 ' 1111111 It dOP:4. : 'I'he UHes
or 11 UIII\'I'I' III Inll ullg'e ulIg'ht to ho
IIlipllrl'1tl 10 , \ 11H'1'1 I'll II IIHlllufllclurers
who /II'P C'IIIII'II\'OI.ltIJ. ; to sell 11111t. ! goods
III r.I'l'f 1I 11I111'1.'ls. If thel'e were such
11 11I1Ig'III1 O \\'oulll he lIIueh ells IeI' for
UIt'III tll g'f't ( 'ol1lllelelll IIgl'nts to rep.
resl'lIl tllPI1l Ilhrollll thlln It Is 1l0W.
If olle 1111111 wlslleH 10 l'elll'IHCllt hiM em. I
} llo 'el's to the ! Jest tld\'lIlIttlge 111 mllny
counlrles 11(1 lIIulil leurn lieverlll 11111'
uugl'lI. lI1erll'allS , Hn 'H Prof. .1ud.
SOli , nre lIot "lloI'glots hy IInture , " us
glll'olll'IlIlS tlrt' , tlUtl hCllce ure tit 11 ls.
' ' ' ' Iho
IIl1rnntnge wlwn thl' tI'Hvel'fC !
cm'lh Oil husllless ( WI'nllllR. Ltlt In wus
the tllIl\'I'I. tlllllllgtll1ge oC scholnrs once
nnll still Is of the Cllthollc 11I'IeHlhood ,
hut It will 1101 do COl' business tlSeR.
1..11 nruu es hu Vt' hel'lI I11l1ntlfaclllred
fOl' ( ' 011111I011 use. Vollllllll , hall Iluite II
\'os'ue tit olle time. olln of the tlrll.
1It'l1l1 11I1I ullgeli hns Rtruclt root. 'I'ho
world's IIl't'd of Il ( 'OIllIllOn tOIl tle Is
IIIIStlUStll'lI us ) 'et , tllIll ( l1'oIllIHell 10llg
lo remtlln0. . It Is the UIIHl1oIH'1I feci.
III of Alllerlcllns. 11 Cct'lIl1g whIch Eng.
IIshlllell flhnrc , thll t 1111'11' comlllon 11111'
gUlIge ou ht to he Illld 11I.1'lIuIlS ! \\111 ho
the 1II11\'I'I'HIII IlIngllllge. 'rlw lIH'n who
URe It IIrl ! fully con\'lnced of Its supe.
rlorlt ) . . rl'he ' IIdmlt llml BII lIsh Is
110t so 1II11lllltlolls tlH Itallnn , uJIl thnt
In some rellllC'ts Oct'mlln surlllsses It ,
hut they fcel nss\tl't'd thllt. IIll things
conslc1'rt'd , It IH Ihe hcsllnllgtlllge mtll1
hils devlsCiI. 1 t Is the IIlll'ech of 1II0si
of the 11eollf' ( of this contlncnt und of
the AtlstrnIltlns. It Is to he the dom.
IlIlInt IllngulIge I ) ( South Afrlcn. Un.
questlollahl ' the I'est of lhe worll1
should leal'n l ngllsh Ilnd sn\'e Amerl.
ctlns the trouhle of lcurnlll tin h1l1u ,
IIIcrllhle numher of slrnnge tO lgues.
It cnnllot he denied that dcmocracy
Is gnlnlng gt'OIll111 throughout the
enrth , when while tile son and the
daughter of the oldl'Rt 1'0 ' 111 house In
g\tl'ope lire dlHgl.tlcl'd1I1111erl'rs , wllh I
IlIInn 10 do thl'lII rC\'el'CIICt' . 11 womun
or rlllI1 ! llcan birth , the dntl hter of Il
Chlellgo lilT goods merehllnt. forms
the cenler In 11 gl'etlt pllgeant In the
fllmous clt . of DeIhl that heggnrs
eVen OI'lentnl Rl1lendol'R of the past.
Importllllt tI. pm'solltlge In the gl'eat
durblll' aR lhe'Iceroy Is , he Is sUll out.
Hhone h ) ' Ills Indy , who not so vcr ) '
IOllg IIVO ; wall plain [ an' Leiter. ex.
traorc1hlnIJ' rlt'h , but 1I0t purtleularly
l'emarlmhlc for accompllRhmeuts ,
grucel-l or Ilelluty. 'fhe l1coplo of this
countr.r need 1101 jUdge the rOYlI1 per.
sOllullty through I'I'IIICO Hellry of
Pru Rla , Ihe crown princess of Sliun
mill other 1'0)111 11Ignltnrll's , who ylslt
this coulltl'Y on l\t'ess 11/lrtldes. / but wo
11I11) ' jud e tit clOlH'r rllllgo through
the woml'lI who htlYIJ gone fl'om
alllong Us Inlo the 1'0)111 plrcles. 1\1lss
IJClter'ns II worlh ' girl. hut thct'o
WtlS lIe\I' ! nll .thlng ohsel'\'nhle ahout
hm' thllt I > houlll CHURL' the peol11e of
111(1111 ( to how down I'fore ) her.ln rer.
( JI'ellec and I1we. This ( 'ountry 110S'
HeRSt'S , l'yen In the hUll1bler grades of
llfe , hlllulllel.tlhle'onll'lI of hellel'
.lJulllltllR thllll she hils e\'cr Rhown her.
self to posscss. 'l'housnlllls of Amerl.
ctln hOIllt's tire presided oyer hy 110'
hler wOlllen than this one whom the
peol11e of 11111111 loolt up to wllh Ruper.
stltlous IIwe. 'l'he close exelush'enefls
with which reigning rOjalty hedges
Itself IIhout Is not wllhout prllctlcl11
purpose. A eioRO ylew might Ilene.
trate the thin veneer of pretense and
6hllll\ \ that ro.ralt . so a we-In.
IJplrlng. It the sUhjeets hlld opportun.
It ) . to Bee how commonplace nnd often
degene1'llte nre the little deml'godH I
tlte . set upon pedestals of BUl1ersti.
tlous re\"erence , such IIlTnlrs liS thc
grellt durhur would Immelllately
cense. 'l'he people of this cOlllltr ' havc
hetlHI' ol'lIot'lllIlllIes ' to correetl ' jUdgc
these ro 'ul 111'1.t'OllllgI'S. who b ' their
shnllow IU'etcnRc of sreatnt'ss thllt
ther al'e fnr froll11os8esslng , hold
s\\'a " 0\01' millions. AIIII the morc
AIUCI'lcans 1m 0of rorlllt . . the morc
resllecl ther feel fOI' Ulemso1\'os.
JlI\r. : ' AbUIiI 1111111I1'11.
AcCOrIHIlj ; to a dlHtlngnlHhed Ilftor
, dhll1CI' slll'nl.l'r who wns telling stOI.It ! !
I at II IHllllel' In Sherl'"S , a certain \\'est
, ernel' who tlgurlS very largcl ' In Wal
street relIl In the newspl1pers abou
lhe nl1Polntmellt ot Justice Holmes I
a "aeaney on the bench of the Unltel
Slates Supreme Court.
"Who Is this JUdge llolmea ? " In
r Clulred the Westerner of nn nequalnt
. unce. "Is he II son of Sherlocl
110lme8 ? "
"No , " salll the acquaintance. "Don'
B you Imow thnt Sherlock Holmes Is no
. 11 1'1'111 chnl'lIcter ? "
The Weslel'ner'ns surprised , ani
his compl1nlon ndded :
"Judge Holmes Is a son of Olive
Wen doll Holmes. "
"Who In thundcr Is he ? I ne\'c
heard of him before. " sold the \\'es
orner.-New York ' 1'llIIes.
1'110 " 'IIY Clt'tl' " " 'Clrili.
"What would 'Oll do If 'ou wel
rich ? "
"I'd buy whnt I \ \ ' nted , first thing. .
"No ; that's where you'ro wronl
You'd buy no end of things ) 'ou IIldn
wunt Il.nd pretend 'ou lilted them. " .
Washington 1lmes. ;
1'1111110 Ovcns In JIIIUUt.
In nenrly eVel' ' street In Japnncl
clUes Is a Imblle o"on , where for
small tee hOllBowh'es Inay hun the
dinners apt ! supl10rs cooked tor thcl
- -
- . . . . - ' , - - . , , . - "
, , .
- ,
- . . .
lIlt.IlIHIIII : IH'cn" .
Pul II IlIlIftl'lIloIPOllllflll of ! oinlt Illto It
1IIIIt of hul1111' / ' hi II t\\'IJoIIUIII'1 ) llIch.
. el' . \\'hl'lI II IlItln 11101'(1 1111I11 lultC' .
\\'nl'lII IIrlll 011I1 null II Ihlrll IIllItH of
whl'lI t 11011I' . llx \\11 111111 lpt till !
Illh'III'r III II'I'IISI'I oC wlllt'r IIf the
1'1111I1' 1I'IIIpl'l'lItlll'l' liS Ihnt u1'11 ! In mix.
Illg' . I.l'llt Htllllll III n (1lncc'lIero ( lhe
11'1II11"I'lItur" of tilt' hllttl'r will lIut de.
l'I'C'IIMl' ulltl1 II hllH rlHIHI to lwlce ItK
Cll'lglllnl hulle. ' 1'111' IlroclSs will 1' ( ' .
clull'e frolll fI"e to night hOIll'S , tltld
lhe haltl'1' 1I > n > ' { If' BIJt'I'l'll once or twlt'e
durlug the l'lslng' . . \ ( tile elld of ilJn
time 111111 a HIIOllgC' 1111111 , . of two 111111 n
lIulf CInurt ! ! of lIunr11111 / olle Ilnnl't of
JlOt . wnler. 1f II IIttln 1n0l'f' lIour IB
uecessul' > ' III orlll'r to 1IIIIItc n soft
dOllgh It 1II11 ' Ill' 1111111'11. llx w'lIl1l1lI
Il'n\ ' " III It111'111 pllll'l' 10 I'IMI' . " ' 111'11
light. 1I1111tl' Illto IOIl\'l's. tlll.ltlg' care 10
1l'pp thl' Ilo\lh ; : liS ofl as It ( ' 1111 he
hll1l111'II ; Intill' Ion \ ' ( ' . ' ; 111 IJllttel'ell
IIl1s n 11I1 n 1'11'1' I hl' ' 1111'IJ 1'lst'1I once
lIIore pl'lck Ihell1 nllli nnlw.
- -
OYMtcr 1' " t tic > ! .
Inlw II rlt'll 11I1sh' . nllcI put In n cool
plare. I'lIt Ihe oysll'l'H 111 II SlIlIccIIlI1I
III Ihclr own IIqllor ; HIIII1. 1IIIIIIIcIII hut.
tel' 11I111 Crl'nlll with slIlt IInd peIIPl'I' ;
1'011 out thl' ( ! ! ( Ilull'l" ' , 111111 litH !
HOllie SIIIIIII 1111 with II ; put threIJ or
fOIll' of the O 'stl'l'S 111 l'neh with liS
lIIul'h VI'IIns ; II will hell ! . thcn eO\'I'I'
with II tOil crllst. Hulw tWl'nt ) . II1ln.
lites hI II 111111'1 , O\'IJII. Gillce over the
tOil with n IIltle RWl'tt II1l1k or 11 light.
I ' bellle'll egg. IInd " 1'1 bncl' In the
o\'en fot' live mhmlps.
ClnllnlluHBIIII .
Sift ono (11nl ( of lhllll' , 111111 one Clip of
11111" , one Clip of hllttC'I' . foUl' I'g s
henlen 81'IIIII'nll'l ' . o lit ! eU(1 ( of SII/-tnr / ,
hllif tI teat'llp or 'cnst , one teaspoollful
oC Chll1111110n IInd Ollt' g1'lltell IIUtllll'g.
1lIellll wc'lI. 1'011 oul , I'llt In Illrge hiR.
eults. let rise IInd hlllte ; when tllkon
from the O\'l'n sprlnltle with white
sugll l' II nil grollnd I'llIna 1I10n.
- - - -
HI rn whcrry I cc.
'rhe jlllce of two q III1\'tS of strn w.
benJes , IIInshed 111111 presHel1 hnrcI ; thc
fJllllle Ilunnlll ' of wlltcr thut you hllye
juice : three heaping cups of granu.
IntecI ! ! II gll 1' .
'l'o ( It'n \ \ . 0111 the juice mnsh the bel"
I'les 111111 CO\'t'l' wllh the sugnr , len , ' .
Ing for 1111 hour. then strnln. add the
water nnd fl'eee.
1"llInHn& : 1810nl1.
: 'Ilnl'e fi'custllrl1 of n 111111rt of milk ,
the 'ol1ts oC 11'e eggs IIl1d n Clip or
' 8l1gllr 1111I1 110 VOl' with \'anll1n. Set
aside ulltl1 Ice collI. Stir III eight
crllshel1 111111'111'00118 nnd till'll Into fi
gll1sS bowl. Inlw II merlng'ue oC the
whltc' ! ! of lhl' eg'R. ; sweeten nlld 1111\01'
to laste anll IIPIIII 1I110n the custal'll.
- - -
Chncnlntu CnrlllllclH.
Cool. 10/-tl'thl'l' lWII of ' '
/ - pOlllllls hl'o\\'n
RUg'ur. II hnlr'llIlIlIlIl of chocoillte nncI
n slI1ull eup of wlltcl' . Boll until a
little IlrOIIIIld ! In collI wl1tt'r hllrllellR ,
llilel two Inhllspoollfllis ! of huttl'r 111111
I WO tI'IISIOOllfuIH ( of'anlllu , 110111' Into
u IIl1tle\'ed 1111. allil. III ! II c'ools. 1II11I'k
ull' 11110 HqUll'PI : ! .
Brief SUllCHt io II 110
So 111 I' 1oI00.t of 1shm'll relhh IR al.
' \\'n 's nc"plahll' with ( 'old 1I11'ats.
1.1'111011 Illes I1UlI lellloJllI1t' : CIIl1 e
IIIIIIII ! wllhout IlIuons ! h ) ' tlw IIS1' of
achl 11hospha ten nIl 1"lI1on eSSlllre.
A RllIOOth , thl1 : ( 'hocolate Icing IR
Olll' of the lIeRl to (1\It ( \ 1I110n n fruit
culw. Cu\'louI ' enollgb , the \"l1rlolls
lluyors comhille Ilellclollsb' .
A celllent t hn t will unite l'ard to
tin Is 1I11111e h ' hailing 0111' OllneH IIf
hornx 111111 two ounrcs of powl1erel1
lihellllc In IIfteml OUllceR of11t01' till
the sMllnc Is elltll'Cl ' 1118801\'ell.
It whl'n frying ilsh of nll ' Ithll ] a
llttlc snit Is HIII'IIIIlcII on the hottom
, of the IIl1n whl'n It Is hot 111111 the fat
holllng the lIsh ( ' 1111 ho eIlRIl ' tllrlled
wHhout hrealdng In the leaRt.
'ro 1I1111.e IIqllld glue I1lssolYH the
glue In Htl"Ong , hot Ylnl'gnl' . then 1\(111
' onl'-fo\ll'th IIH II1l1ch ait'oholllnd n llttle
'nllllll. 'I'hls Is n'lr ! ' II-C : fll I ClJluellt
fo\ ' 111IJ1lllltlj'II'IOU8 \ thlllgs , III1I ! wtll
1\01'11 u lOll ; " : t IlIIe III It closcl ' sloPllel'ed
bott Ie.
1\IiXl'11 1\1Itlllllllll' .
A good ItIR 1l11Ce of mixing the lIIeta.
phor Is rellOl.tclI of Sir 'rhomas M'les.
who rel'elltl ) ' Ilellt'rered fin adl1ress on
. 'Cecll Hhocll's. "
Sir 'l'homali Ilfihl a high trlhllte to the
forcl of ehnrnch'r , Ihe spirit of per.
Renal h1l1el)1'11I11'1ICI1 ) nnl1 the ludomlt-
uhle comago of 1' ngl1l1hmclI. He Illc.
t IIred thl' Brlthh BlllpJt'I' as hll'Ing
heen In dallgl'r at the tllIIO of the Into
wnr. nlld uRlwl1 with ( 'mllmsls :
"Wns Bnslaml to stand with her
IIrllIS toillell allll her IIIIIUIR 111 her
poclets "
When the s)1calwl' ) renlled fl'olll the
nppearancc of his \\II111ence whitt ho
had clone. he rel11arlced thnt his enl '
l1ology WIIS' thut he WIIS an Irish.
lIer 1'lIrl of the nome.
" larr ' me. " l11cql1ell tIll' ) 'oung mnll ,
"anll I'll mnlw rou II " ; 0011 hUtlhalhl. "
"Shoull1 I IIlllrry ) 'OU , " rl'1'l1ed the 1\\1.
burn.hnlred hellul ' . "l'll IIttCllll 14. ]
mal.lng II goo. hushnllli of ' 0\1. all
right enough. "
.An Oblllhll : : YOllth.
lIe-"WIll 'ou marr ' me' , "
She-"No. "
lIe-"l'hen will you marry my eoufh
'l'om ? l1e requested me to aflk ; Ol
while 1 wns about 11. "
_ . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ' " ' ---.L _ . - . . .00& . . . . . . . . - - . " . . . . , . . . . . . . .
. J
. .
- " ' . .
C'ulc nt \ \ 111'1 ( .
The conr.ll'rgp of II'l'I' ) ' IIncH'kl'pl
house III 1'/11'18 hung u)1 ) llt thc' font of
stairs cnrd 11111l'lhl'lI follo\\'I-I
the a ( ns \ \ - :
.PI'alle " ,1111 ! ) 'our f'pl 011 the III at. "
A wag wroll' IIIl1lcrlll\th : "As 'ou
, ' ' ' .
e lI1e out-'l'lt.Hlta.
- - - ' - -
I.almt III Alnrtlllont JlOIIIH ! " .
Hhrewd New Yorl , hu llIes ! IIH'1l who
.n "e " to ( 'rect n rt'at IIpnrtmcnt house
'llpon a cOllsplcuOUH lith 11venue corller
pmpose to " "ol\'e I ho s'rvllllt Ilroh.
If'III" bv III'O\'lcllllJ ; 1I0t anll colli "lifts"
1/1 / which fooll allli ( It'lnk may he
\ \ IIlsl.1'11 froll1 a eentrul kUehl'll to the
pr\'lIte ! IIlnlng I'oom ! ! 111111 Hepnrato elL' "
vlllon tor&It'J'S to 101'0llId "clenr
4wny' " . menlA. Chamhel'lnnlds IlncJ
J1'I1II6J'1' ' ! will Ipell t'ver.1tl1lllg In ol'der ,
Dcl eYCIl yalets II nd ladlcR' lIIaldll will
: tllpearIpon cull for those w110 require
. . . . . . .
For Infants and Ohildren.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho7J ? / /
Signature of ti/
. . .
- - .
- - - - - - - -
'rhe late Dr. Parl < er , of London ,
was arguing will ] a man on the prob.
1 ( > 111 of conlfnued existence , and as
: \11' . Parker was at the door the friend
Ilnay ] ) decared ] : " 'l'he fact is , I am
an annihilation 1st. I believe that
when I die thai will be the end of
me. " " 'l'hanle God lor that I" ex.
claimed the doctor , and banged lhe
IN I'I'S ADV.A\Cl D nnd ohrol1lc
f01'1II n colli III the Iwall III known us
r\nslIl Cnlul'I'h mill Is till ! reco nb I'1I
lOurcc of otlll'l' clisl'n eB. n"'III u100ll
till' tl'sl of COllt illlll'tl successful IISC.
EI "s Crl':1111 : 1.nllll : is rl'co lIjzcII liS 1\
HIclfic for IIIl'lIIhralln I 11i elHH'S In the
lIasul IIUSSU l'S. I t Is 1101 Ilr 'ill , docs
lIot III'olluce ' : IIII'l'zill . Prlcl' GO cen1s nt
ru gjll1s 01' hJ' nUIII. EI ) ' rotherll , U
" 'nrren IItrect. cw YOI'k.
GI\'c 1111 III'C'judlcl' und trIt. . I
[ eIl81's. NJ..Y nnos.1 hnve been
ntlllcled with cntnrrh for h"pntr yenrs.
It 1II1\11e \ JIIC NO wcnk 1 tlllllljht I hud con.
sumption. I ot one bottle of 1 lr's Crellin
Bllim nnd in thrcc dU 'R th ( . dischart )
1110Plled. It Is the est mediciue I hnve
use lor entnrrh. -
Pro ertu , Unl.
A curious suit wlB soon be tried in
Anderson , Ind. To cure her brother
of a constant desire for intoxicants ,
Irs. r aura G. Hosier sccrct1y administered -
ministered a drug , with the result
that liquor is now dlsagreeabe ] to
him. He has brought SuiL fat' $5.000 ,
asserting that his sister 'has robbed
him of 1J great amount of pleasure by
destroying his thirst.
PersOJmy ] ) fitted dog blankets of i
seaslcln ] can now be had for $50 eacb
in New York if made without hand.
kerchief pockets.
No , Cordelia , kev rings are not
marle by hammering on a piano.
TTea\'en hasn't time t < ; > help the
man who is a yictlm or that tlrcd
Sentences of some orators are so
ca I'dully rou1Hled olT tlla t they ] iICl
poi II t.
'rhe Grand Rapid , > and ] ndiana.
railway recently sent a yacclnatlon
tmln along its line and no emploY
I'sl'a ped it.
- - - - -
, ' . ' '
. - , . . . . .
. "
. .
: r
St. Jacobs Oil ,
Is the greatest remcdy In the world lor all bodily
Aches and Pains
for which an extern1 remedy may be used. ,
Price , 2Se. and SOC.
. . . . . ,
. . . n w y.
Inlt troods tram us at wholesale
prlccs-sllvlnlt 15 to 40 percent on OTCrr'
thlntr tho1 use. You can do It too.
\Vby not ask us to Bcnd rou our 1 , ( ) ( ) ( ) .
JllIgo cntJ.lo o P-it tells thoatory. Send
15 cenL. . . tor It todn , . .
i 1M ' ' &t !
The bOURn thnt tells thl ! truth.
A certain Philadephia ] c1ergymlln ,
who is very highly esteemed lor his
mnny good qualities , is noted for
l1rl'aehing soporific sermons. Ilis
congregation lately gave him a new
pulpit , a very ornate piece of furni-
lure. an it bears this motto : "lIe
gi veth his beloved.slcep. . . "
'rho Kansas City Journal states
Ihat " 'rhin s seem to bo sadly out of
proport.lon . in Kansas. At the i iot
asylum one employee talecs care of
nine idiots. At the penitent.iary . one
on1cers safely guards sixteen mae-
factors. But with the Kansas Slate
Senate It takes four aurds or at-
tendants to each inmate. "
A Cure for Rhoumlltlsm.
Alhumbra , Ill. , [ nrl'h 23.-Ph.\-sl.
clans are much puzzled oyer the CtlSO
or Ir. I . J. Oswalcl of this plnce. Mr.
Oswald sufferel1 much wIth HIHJt1ll1u-
tlsm IInd was treated b ' doctor ufter
doctor with the 1'eRult that he got no
beltel''hate'or. . ' 1'hey seemed unable
10 do nn .thlng for him 111111 he contln.
tied to suITer till be heard of Dodl1's
Killnev . P11Is.
Mr. Os\\'ald begnn a treatment of
this relUed ) ' which very soon did fo\ '
him what the doctors had failed to do
IInd the ' cannot understnnll It.
'l'hls Is the same remedy UIO t cured
lIon. Frcd A. BusRe , our Sta te ' 1'1'eI18-
Ul'er , of 11 Vel'r BC\'el'C casc of Itheuna.
lIsm sOllie 'ears ago and whlrh 1mB
since hnd un lInbrolwn record of suc.
cess in emlng' nll forms of nhemnu tm
nnd Klllner 'l'rouble.
'l'hm'e seems to be no' cl1se of tbese
painful disease ! ! lhat Dodd's KlIll1cy
1'11Is wlllnot cure pl'omptl ) amI permo.
n ( ' 11 tl ) . .
Nearly 30 pCI' cent of all flo\Vers arc
New Zealand has an ivy tree which
has a thick. short trunk and heavy
branches. It is not a cllmbln plant.
The ti ht fittin British uniform
is aegc ] ( to be the cause for much
heart disease among soldiers.
I t Is surmested that the serum of
a C'W ' ] sull'ering from "accl na be -
I jected smal1pox. into a patient af1licted in-I
Capsicum Vaselil1 '
Put Up In Collapsible Tubes. ' I
A Suhltltute tor IInd Superior to MustArd or any
ether phuldsnd will not ! Jlliter the I/Iost dellcllt < ' !
.klu. 'l'he pllin lI11sylnl : and curallv ! ' quslltle. ot
'his IIrtlcle lire " , 'ondcrtul. It will 5tOp the tootb.
ache at alice , and relieve hClldacho Rn Iclallc.a.
We recommcnd It liS the best an.1 surest eJlter/ll\l
eoun ! r.lrritunt kn"wn , allo III an externul rcme
dy tor ) fIlnl In the chest Iln < J ItOIll.ICh ! Iud aU
rheuma [ Ic , neuralllo and gouty 00lllplulllt8.
A trial will prove what we clulm ror It , snd It. .
"Ill 116 tuulld to be luvuluable lu the IlOu'IJbold.
Iany people . . IB ) ' "It Is tbo Los ot all your pNP.t.-
raUon. .
Price II ! conti. al 1111 dru "hta , or other Mroi. . 01
or by sending this amount to us In POlta. . " ' ' 'Imp.
w. WIll lend you" tube by 1I1ul1.
No artlclo should bo ncceplcd by tbe publlo un.
I. . . tb" sume carries our lullel , 118 otberwlse It II .
t gellulne.
11 " . ,1. : > Ircel. . t'tl' Yerk C117.
To prove the heallnl
\I\ \ . & clcnnalnlt power ol' "
we wi1I mall large trial treatmcnt witb
book of instructions absolutely free.
This is not a tiny samplc , but a large-
packagc , enough to convince anyonc'
that it is the most succcssful prcpara.
tion known to mcdicine as a cleansin/t. /
aginal douche and for the local treat. . .
ment of woman's speclnl 11I5 , curing
discharges and all Infiamation , alae
to cleanse the tceth , mouth , and cure
catarrh. Scnd t4day ; a postal will do.
lotd b7 druKcl.t. or . .ntlo.tpald b7 . . . . 60 _ t1
" ' 1:8 bOL foiIlU.r..etloD au"'AnteecL ;
" 'XTON O. . 216 Columbus ve. Boston. Yur.
- -
Wearing pure wbite chilTon or tuBC' .
blouscs' under fur wraps and coats is
one of the recent ideas. ' 1'he chilTon
is mounted on wbite silk and much
tucked , but untrimmed.
A Berlin woman bequeathed her ,
property to a cat.
Mrs. r . Goodman , the o ] est lvin
woman artist , is no. She has painted
upward of ] ,200 portraits. 1
'l'ht' earth passed throll h the tan
of the great cornet of 18G1. It tool ,
four lwl1rs to cross it.
By appyln ] glucose or 'glycerine to
their roots a French scientist declares
that hc has been able to stimuat ]
[ the grow th 01 plan ts.
- - - - -
, ' . ' - ' . ' . . . . _ . " . . ' - . . , . . " . . , , . . . . , . . . . , " . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . ' . . . . , , . . " . . . . . . , . . ' . , w. . ' . . . . . - . ' . . . : : : . . . : ; ; ; . - : : . : : : : . : . : . . , , : : . , , . - .
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' I ' . . . - . ' . . " ' - , " " 'm ' , l:1. : , .n- . ' . . - . , . . . " ' , / , . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ! : , . . . . . l i
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' . . . . . .
( . Y' r.'Y ' . . . . . ' ' " . . . . - - ' . . \
I. " . ' ) " 1\ . ) ' , ' ' q- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ff . . . . . : lllz.-f. ; / .f'f" .
. . . . .
'i1 " ' . . t. ; . . : 'l. .
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. . . .w . . _ . , . . . . , . ,
h. ' . " - , I . . . . . . , s . " i. ; . . . . . r , .
/j ' ; ? ( Delicately formed and gently reared. women will find. i r" " ; " , . , . ( . ; . : : : : - . . : : - )
" ' . ' ! in all the of their lives maidens wivesor moth- ' ! \ } - . . . . " : .
' 'iiI.\ } . . . seasons , as , , - i . . . . ; ; . . -J
. t ers , that the one simple. wholesome remedy..hich . acts J. . I ' . l\ ! 1 . I _ . : ( > : : I !
. . : : : } " . gently and pleasantly and naturally. and which may b < ! . \ : f1.i ! H W \ ( : : i : ? t.i . \
. : .d"l ; used with truly beneficial effects. under any conditions. f ( & . ' .s , } ( ; \ 7 i ! : ' l
.1 1 } when the system needs a laxative. -Syrup of Figs. It ' : 'r'\I ' \ , 'i ' } ' " if : \ ' 't . , , - ; . . 1lrd1i
fk : . , tp Is well' known to be a simple combination of the laxative : fi.-J . . . , \I \ f ! ' . . . . . : V !
ft" and carminative principles of plants with pleasant , 'aro- ' . ; " . \
( : i : r . : ; \ . . : t > i\ ( \ \
l/W matlc liquids , which me agreeable and refreshing to the . * \ ig , . , ! . . . . . . . . , ' > i " , . I 1t.I.i ! " "
. l. . \ n \ taste and acceptable to the system when its gentle M"Y - \ \ . - . : . : . : . , . : . - . . : , ! . . . " , . " 'Jf. ; : . , ' : . " . .JI
. . ' : _ . cleansing Is desired. : ; : ) \ . ' . ' . 'Vl-\J ' : : ; ; " 1 l ) \ \ 'i .fj . .i\ : : )
' " : : : : . . . : : Many of the Ills from \Vhlch women suffer are of a tran- .t " " ; , J:1 \ , : . ,
1. . . . ) ' . .J slent nature and do not come from any organic trouble A ' \ \ 1\ . . i. . \ ! ; :
q.j. . . . : . nd it is pleasant to know that they yield so promptly to V \ ' ' . ; ; " " ' $ > ) 'l \1 / .q ; :
\ ' . , , , > the beneficial effects of of . but when ' \ ' ' l "
\f..t- : Syrup Figs. anything t \ ! : ' ,1 \ " - . JJ ' 1 ,
\\l.J.j \ : more than a laxative Is needed It Is best to consult the i ' . . , \\j ; . " . \.1J' , " .f { f ; " \r \ f I
\i , 1 famliy physician and to avoid the old-time cathartics and r \\1 : , ' . ) ! . ; r/fl. } . . . , ' c ! " .
C\ " , ) . . . . ' loudly advertised nostrums of the Present day. Whcn : - : . ' , . \1 , ; . . \ , . \ , , \ , . . . ' 10. . ' . J . ' . / . 4"hZ . . . ' : : : . ; . . . . . . . 1. . ; ? -
' : / ' t"- . ' one needs only. to remove the strain. the torpor. the con- r. { . y.J\o : { > > : { \ , : f "f f J . , . . ; / . ; . : 'j . . . . . , . . . . " (
\ . r- J..1' . \ . , . . . . ; . 1 . gestlon. or similar ills , which attend upon a constipated \ t : . . . . ' \ .r\ \ ; 'i : . : . , i \ . , ; ' : \ . , . , " . . . . : : i : J & . . . . . . . ! . .11' /I.r , ; rly.f. . , . . " , jf.if' . . . . { ! . , ' . . : . . : . . 1'.t' . . . . . . " . . . . , .1
L..r -"Ii ; ) condition of the syst m. use the true and gentle remedy- : I. i\.t\ " \ . . . . . "t , : " , . . . . . " . " : . .L . . 'I" . " . . . . . . : , . : . . " ' I.- . : . : . ; ' . . i . .
! i 1J I Syrup of Figs-and enjoy freedom from the dCfJresslon , \ : ; ; : ; T" . . . I ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : .1\ : . : : t"f S
h . the aches and pains. colds and headaches , which are d1,1c \ \ ; t : rJ t ! i\ } ' : ; . , . ! 1. . . f ' . { MiL
.f\ : ' " ' ? to Inactivity of th bowels. . \Jj\\ \ > { * H t ] ' , i . . : ! : . .1 " ' ; ; ' "JiJ : .
\i i Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of Figs can hope : : ijlJ l. , \ Y ; " : \ . . . : . l : . . .i ! ( 1 '
. , } , . : ; ; 7. to Its beneficIal effects and of the . - . - 'i'.o1h \ . ! ; ' ; ; . ; . , .p' ' ' ' fJ
' , . . . . get as guarantee ex. . -il.if. , . . , : " " " I\1 . ; . ; . -t't..1. . - . . . . ; . . . , " : " . ' f
{ , ( i' ) cellence of the remedy the full name of the compmy- : ' , . ' . \ \ Ij ; " ,11"1" ' -f. : : \ .r.- , , ; ' : ' - iJ"Ii : ; i\ ; : ' j' " . , . . : ;
.I \ ' : : - California Fig Syrup Co.-is printed on the front of every . ! \ \ , , ; ' ' : \ \ . \ ' : ; ' : - \ \ ! . - < < i\ \ t 'f'F ! ' < ri
( ; . : : i f ! ; . package and without It any preparation . offered as Syrup "drx . . . : ; . : . ; > : \\kn'f : ; . C\\ ' " . "j . . \ . 'lrt"'ift.1 \ : : . , hlT."i : . ) o ' . . .
H of Figs Is fraudulent and should be declined. To those. . ' ; \1 'I' , , - '
. j M
( ( those.A : . b" , : " : ' Q ! . . ' ; 1 : . : } \
, ,
N\ \ ' who know the quality of this excellent I.1xatlve : , the" ' : l.1 ' : : : , : \ - : : , ; . ' ; ' " < , . . " , ' : \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' > "t. . : ;
{ I " offer of any substttute. when Syrup of Figs is called ! , ' ; ( : : / J t. . \ t1'v"v , . ; ) : '
i/\ " , J for. Is always resented by a. transfer of patronage to. . : ' . V' . . ' : t " / l' \tl' \ ! \ ' : : . : . ; . .
Jj0 some first-class drug establishment. where they do \I \ . . . ' : . # $ : : ? . . ' "
\ ? . ; .p. j' ; . ; . .JJ.j:1. \ . 'L.l' : .
\ 1r not recommend , nor sell false brands , nor Imitation : ; . : . " ' : \ ( , ' . : : " .jli f ! . > J , . ' ,
. remedies. The genuine article may be bmght : of all . . . . . : . Itti \ ; . $ jf\ 11 tflIi ? ' r. !
I . O : ) reliable druggists everywhere at 50 cents p r bottle. . : : ' ; 1 ? I . : ) . . .I . - . \ : . ' ; ' t , : ' 1'111 ! : : , \ \ " " ,
, "
y . " , t. . , . 'h' " " ' " I'
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( Pot . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . .W.O. . , ' .i.\.I. ; . : , ; . . . . , . . . ' ' r..l " . : , . . . . ! " : : ' : , .I.V " .
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