Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 26, 1903, Image 4

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    . , . .
. . . . -r - - . . : :
(1Iu ( tCt QIo. 1cpubUc t1
Publlehod 0'1'1 'I'hureda , at the CODnty Boat.
D. M. AMSUEIUlY. - - } dltor
l.'fllcon ! Ou ter lIIock , Fourth " ' ' ' ' . " ' 1i'
- - - - - -
Rotared nt the Ollwmco at Uroken Uow , Nob"
II llooood-olull matter ror tranBmlt lon througb
the U. Ii. nalle.
8U IIHOIUI'TION PIUOK : . Inad"inc : . . . . . . . . . . .r. . . . . . $1.00
" 1111 tolomn , 'II r IIInlllh , tl7 00 IIn/ ' half rol.
onnIff IIIII.tO , $ \ " - ) Inancr ( ' "ll1mn , (11'1
moull' , 111 W ( " 'P I n..n 'IMwr COIUfUllo ( , (1 (
co't. . . ' 11 1111:1. . IInr IlNt/lh' /
c&id5 on aId pli/le / ( ; I ) cenl" I'M Inch. ( , or
mpnlh 1
lcall1dv6rtl ; 1111 < : f , c"n'I(1lr 111110 lJDc.h It "for'
tlou ,
Nottee IIf rhnrch ral/'l"ocable" ! Bnd "n'orfalll'
m uta whuro mon"S' I , . cbarlcd , one.hnlf ralell ,
! locloh . , otlcel anl , ros"lutions , ono-half mle. .
Wethllug' "Uces troe. hr.1f prlCl. ' for publhblng
li t of prell uUI
Death DollcOl' free , hl\lf prlc- for ubllehlng
obltuarnollcI'II , -nd curls of Ihauk ! ! .
Ual : notice. at rlltu prvlded b7 . ' ! llnlt ! ! of
; : . rbrj\tt.II.
. . . - , 1903-- :
( Thursday' , March 26 ,
' . , . . . ,
Som time ago 1 e announcc my.
> > elf n candidate' for ahcriff of Custer
t. . county to the centrol COIIIIIlittce , find I
will cOUle before thc repulJUcolI coullty
: , . convcntion for the nomillotioIl 9uhjcct to
" ' the will of thc republicaIls of Custer
county. 1 have worked for thc success. .
of the republican party 23 ) 'carS ill Cus. :
} ter countr aud ho\'c olwo's takclI pleas. 1
ure in dOI1l so , knowing I have becn in
the right. I hRve bcen a central com. I
IlIltlccUlan some 16 ) 'ears , and ne\'cr be. i
fore hrwc I come before a coullty con. :
ventionllSking for an'thinf : " fln I hope
you can give mc thc nOlUlI1otion , and I
. hope you can give lIIe the 1I0mination
and I will be clected your next ahcriff of
. Custer county. Vcr ) ' respectfullyYours : ,
39tf ] .0 , T\\'I.oR ,
E itor Republican-Sevcral : of my
friends have bcen insisting on wy com.
ing out for sheriff , and after looking
over the field I have conclu e to an.
noullce UI'self a candidatc for the 110m. .
inn\ion for sheriff of Custer county , on
the republican ticket , subject to the will
of the people. While I feel III ) ' illcolu , .
petency. I will try to makc a good sheriff !
and do m } ' wholc duty as m } ' conscicncc .
dictates. Rcspectfully ,
37tf ] .1\1. SAVIDGE.
I desirc to announcc that I cxpect to
come bcfore the next rcpublican county
convention as a candhote for nomination
for the office of clerk of the district court
subject to the " , ill of the republicans of
Custer county. For fiftecn ycars I have
to the best of my abilit ) . , upheld the
gtrmrlard of the republican part ) ' in this
counlv , through times when it would
have. { wcn to my , financial advantagc to
otll\rwisc , giving lilY senices , such as
they wen , without money and " , iUlOUt
price slIpportiug its candidates through
\'ktory und through defeat. Durinf ;
th ( ' : ; years I have nevcr been 11 camh-
date for any office , and trusting I am not
now > resumptious in asking favorable
con.i : J eration of my claim.
Vcry respectfully ,
37tf GltO. B. MAIR.
North Platte and Gandy are
perfecting plans to bu'nd an elec
tric meter railway between the
t o points. Fifty thousand dollars
lars of the seventy-five thousand
required has been raised and the
project is looked upon by its 'pro
meters as a certainty. This is a
good move. Here is a chance for
Broken Bow. Let our citizcns ,
join and have the road cxtended
by way of Arnold to Broltcn Bow.
Then continue to branch out un.
til every town and issolated com.
munity in the county is provided
with direct communication witb
the county seat by railroad. .
'fhe revenue law on which the
legislature has been hard at worlJ
most of the present term is no\ . .
in the hands of the Senate an
will in all probability pass that
house this week. 'l'he bill pro.
vides for assessing all property
at one fifth of its cash value and
cuts the state levy from 7 to
mills. The state board is givel1
full authority in determining UH
value of railroad property whicl
means that corporation will be
assessed upon the same basis 01
all other property of the state. .
. . The legislatnre has endeavore <
to frame the law so that all pro
' , mM MMM M " '
MMMf M"nt' MV.
: m . .
- E .
= . .
: ;
3 .
a3i : The V/rong Glasses
l W'I1 ruin nil' tron c t e'cs.
: : : ' Too r'at ore can not he exer.
S I C' < ; erl in tht' fittinl { of glasses.
That headache you havc may
:1 he cntirely cured by the proper
: l1j : use of lenses. It costs ) 'Qu
. . g
for my services in determining
# whAt Jtla'lses you necd.
: hen its up to you.
Jewelernnd Optician
W\'J1I'UU1&i'WI \ i'M '
, " , . .
f' : Ih "jl"h- . . c..A , \ " . , w : : . . . .
' -4\11"1 - . . . - ! 11 . . . . " _ IH . .
_ _ . , . . . . . . .
n " - - '
_ _
pertj' will be assessed equal. If
they have succeeded in doing
this their lauors will mcct the
general appruval of the tax
payers of the state.
'fhe April Cosmopclitan is a
carefully balanced magazine. It
appeals to the inlividual tastes
of the many , and the man } ' tastes
of the i n < 1 i vid ual. 'rhere are 17
stode , ; and nrtic1l's-101 picurc'1. :
Chief place is given to a striking
article on " 'l'he Americanization
of the Canadian Northwest , "
written uy William H. Stewart.
A personal sketch of Bjornsterne
Bjornson , the prophet-poet of I
Norway , is most entertainingly
written , and is illustrated , vlth a
number of beautiful photographs
of the poet's home. "To Love
or To De Love , " is a philosophical -
cal essaj' , uy Lavinia Hart , in
the course of which she shows
that to love means increase of !
physical heautj'-an end which
may also' be gained br physical is shown in the JaUle .
number by Bernarr Macli'adden ,
in an : irticle entitlcd "Health
Made and Preserved uy Daily
Exercise. " Dr. Geo. F. Shears
writes on "Medicine. " as part of
the series , "Making a Choice of
a Profession. " "Famous Cures
and Humuugs of Europe , " is by i
the late Julian Ralph. "Roman
ces of the "Torld's Great Mines"
( Calumet and Hecla ( , by S. E.
Moffett. There are also two
sketches-one on the gr at finan
ciert Jacob H. Schiff ; and the
other on the sugar king , H. O.
Havemeyer. Field-mar ha Vis I
count Wolseley , K. P. ; H. G.
Wells , Henry Seton Merriman.
Seumas MacManus , and sc\'eral
other wel1 known writers con
tnbute to this number of 'fhe
Cosmopolitan , which is particularly -
larly remarkable for the variety
of its fiction.
The Tribune never could see
any more reason why the school
board should be non partisan
than why the city council and
the city ofl cials should be. Ji'or
any officc sJlOrt of members of
congress an president , or mem
bers 9.f tbe legislature when their
duty is to choose a United States
SenatortUe main purpose of parties -
ties IS to afford the people an op-
portuni ty to chDose bet ween candidates -
didates presented. When there
is fusion , that is to sav nonpartisan -
partisan nominations , the' people
surren er their right to choice to
thc delegates to a convention ,
who may in turn delegtte
authority to a conference com.
mittee to agree on candidates.
'l' 1e better wa ) ' to carryon the
business is for the parties to each
I nominate good men and give the
I people an opportunitj. to choose
the best from these nominees.-
Fremont 'fribune.
The above voices our senti.
ments. You may pretend to be
r non partisan , but partisansliir
has more or less to do with yom
vote. In Brol n Bow it has al.
ways been the policy to nominate
members of the school board at a
mass convention when part
preferences are supposed not tc
I be a ruling factor , 'Vhile ii
! 1hould not be so , it is true thai
I many voters are governed b )
their political preferences ratheJ
than by qualification or persona
. friendship. W'e know of one
person at our recent school cau
_ cus who was approached in UII
. interest of the candidacy of ;
personal ( riend. He declined tl
g \'e his support , giving as a rea
! ) on that the party "was a re
publican" The party solicitin !
was favoring the "republican' '
and a populist wInch shows tha
aU are not so narrowl ) ' con'3truct
ed , But there are always thosl
who are intluenced from politica
preferences even in a nonpolitical
cal contest for school offic'rs
Ig and not un frequently SUC I per
sons hold thc baUance of .
North 1'11,11 ' [ ' olloy Uno. -
= The project to build a trolle.
line from North Platte to Gand ) '
referred to in another column , i
= one which may be possible an ,
1 I e\'en prohabl ) ' carried out. Elcc
j tric railroads are connectin .
i Uousands ! of towns in the easter' '
states , aud they will be built i
1m the west just as s'oon as busine
I . enough is in sight to warral'
. . .a..i. . . . . " . N. . . . . " , , : Ii . . . . . -J1Ut . . .1 ; . . " . . ; ,
- . . . . ' " . . . . . .
. . . . . - . . , . - . - - . - . . . . . . . . . . - - .
thelr construction , There is u
good deal of business procurable
for sOllIe town in the region
about Gandy , and if an electric
line from there to North Platt
can be installed for S75,000 , there
is but little doubt that the thing
could be done.-Callaway
l' 'I c" l'ul'lles 'II III' l'rutectell
The hill controlling primary
elcctiull'I just pa"lsed by the Ne
braslm legislature is a wise pro-
visIOn. It has too frequently
b en the case that s' fii'Cd STg
ing person seeks to defeat the
will of the majority of his party
by securing the assistance of a
lot of voters who do not affiliate
with the party. We claim that
every part ) ' should be allowed to
makc its own nominations. If it
makes a mistake it alone must
endure the shame. We bdieve
that political principle ( arc'clear
.ly enough defined that e\'er.\p r.
son of ordinary intelligence should
be able to line up with some one
of the parties. If he can not he
certainly has no right to be admitted -
mitted to the councils of any
party. 'Vc admire a person wllo
hag the courage of his convic
tions and can always bc depend
ed upon. The individual who
tries to carry water on uoth
shoulders is not the character
that should be allowed to shape
the destiny of any part } ' . This
bill just passed is intended to
protect political parties from such
rengegrades. 'Ve hope the governor -
ernor may see his way clear to
sign the bill.
/1'11 . Brllkt'u How HlIsille s ( 'ullogl' .
The Broken Bow Business
College is rapidly taking on new
life since its incorporation. The
new management proposes to
place it upon a substantial basis
in every particular and make it
one of the best schools of its kind
in the state. Under the reor-
ganbmtion , the faculty is com
posed of Prof."H. D. Davis , com-
merctal instructor ; Prof. Blue is
again installed as instructor in
pennmanship ; Prof. Barnes , in
structor in telegraphy ; Miss
Brownrigg , short hand and type
writing ; Miss Pinkley , assistant
commercial department and Prof.
l oush , Superintendent.
'l'he rooms are equipped with
I the best white maple desks made
to order and seated with the
latest improved furniture. 'l'he
black board is ample and most
conveniently arranged.Jrhe
I seating capacity is sufi cient to
accommodate 300 pupils. 'Whilc
the "attendance not only numbers
about 140 the enrollment exceeds
200. At this season of the ycar
a number arc detained at 110me
) with thClr spring work. As the :
. schollrship ! provides for the CoUl
plction of the' course for which
they enroll it enaules pupils and
I parents to suit their own con
r venience in attending when they
) can best be spared from homc.
In connection with the college a
night school is conducted for the
r benefit of those who can not at
tend through the day that desire
to take lessons in pennmanship
telegraphy , type writing or in
. an ) ' other department of the
course. The school lIas a number -
ber of the \Jest business men of
the city , country and ranches
_ back of it as well as the moral
support of tbe entirc community
which assures for it a successful
'fhe board has decided to
_ prosecute the worl < of solidting
e mel11b'r.hips through the
summcr season and Prof. Ruusll
- will give this department of the
i , worlt his indi\ ' dual attention.
' _ As an eclence of the suL.
stantia\ \ backing of the institu.
tion the board has furnished m
with a 1i t IIf the stock holden
who are as follows : Prof. C. W ,
Roush , Alpha Morgan , J. g ,
Adamslln , H. I oll1axt F. H ,
Young' , Willi , Ca Iwell , J. Co
Bowcn , G. W. Apple , Sn'dl.'l
Bros. Ii' , M. Ruhlee , II. B. Ar.
drews , Purccll Bros. Dr. C , r
Mullins , L , H. Jcwett , O. II
Conrad , J , II. McCall , Andre\ '
It Shcrback.W. B. Easthnm , II. G
. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 : . . _ . . -
. . . . . .
. . - - . . . . - . ) r.
. . . . , , , . - . . . ' . . ' ' ' . . . , . ,
- - - - - - ' . # 'l.
, , ;
. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . . . . w , .
- - , - - - - - - - - -
! ,
The Spilltit of Americt\ .
. is exemplified in America's greatest food produet-
. UI1eeda Biscuit
'e , . . . A food for body and brain workers-
. I ' . almost all nutr 1nent. A food for busy pcople- , Y
quickly bought and convenient. . r
The most skillful baking in the world-
money . cannot buy better , yet sold at a popular price-sc.
. . .
A necessity . for their food . value and economy.
A luxury in their goodness and cleanliness.
. Always acked iI ] . the In-er-seal Package ,
which preserves the gbodness of
Unee' ! AL ! T M yuit 5 ( ' .
- _ --r _ . . . - . . . . . . _ . _ _ _ . . . . " " " ' " " " _
- _ . - -
Donald , Pof. H. D. Davis , D. M.
Amsberry , Zack 'fhostesen and
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
The officers chosen from thi. ,
list which constitute the board
of trustees and have the entire
manage men t of the school. arc
among our best citizens and re
cognized where known for their
intelligence and business ability.
They are : J. C. Bowen , presi ,
dent ; J. E. Adamson , vice-presi I
dent ; C. 'V. Roush , secretary and
H. Lomax , treasueer. The othe
members of the boarl are Willis
Ca well , H. B. Anerews and
Alpha Morgan. The merchant ,
banker , former lawyer and ranch
men are represented. on the board
which is a guarant e that al
interests will be protected and
that all will receive fair and
equitable treatment.
I.ctu'r 1.1 1.
'fhe fOllowing- is le dead
lettcr list for .the week ending
March 17 , 1903 :
A. H. Baker , Hey Bernard , F.
B. Berthas , A. C. Bingham , Lou
Byars , Alfred Cooper.
Parties calling for the above
will please say advertised.
L. H. JEWETT , P. M.
. '
1.0' " Ie. . . I I. . . . , v. : ,0.
I _ _
$25,00 to Portlan , Tacoma and Seattle.
$ 7,40 to San Francisco and I.os
$22.50 to Spokane.
$20.00 to Butte nnd Helena. '
Proportionately low rates to hundreds
of other points , incltH1in Big Horn
Basin , 'Vyo. , 1\Iontal1a , Idaho , Washing.
ton , Oregon , Britjsh Columbia , California ,
etc.Eycr ' tIn ) " Fehruary 15 to April 30.
1'OU115t cur tIaily to Califoruia , per.
sonul1y conducted excursion three time
u wcck.
Tourist cars duil ) ' to Seattle.
Inquire of neuIc t Burlington Ronte
agent. 34"P
1'0 Ct1H" A 'toO ' ! . . . . IN ONH 111.- , .
Tnkt > LnuU\'c Brome < ulllillo ' 1'IIb1cls. AI' '
ru" " , l l r..ruutllbl' mOIIY IrI \ t"l1 to ' lIrc.
E W. ( Jrovo'd fllIiilurl" ! on t'liob box. : :5c.
. .
- - - - - -
. : -
Mrs. Fred
l'realilent co..t. . , . Clnb , Denton
IInrbor , ! lIcll.
"After my first baby was born I did not
Ie em to fCI aln my strength although the
doctor g3V mc a tonic which he consld.
ered very superior , but Instead 01 getting
: better I ! tftW wcoker every day.y \ hus-
I band Ins1st d that I take Wine of Cardul
I. for a week and see what It would do for
: me. I did take the medicine and Will very
gr3tdul to find my strength and hullh
slowly returning. In two weeks I was out
. 01 bed and In a month I Will able to take
. up my usual duties. I am very cnthusl.
IStiC In Its praise. "
; Wine of Cardui reinforccs the organs
; of generation for the or eal of preil"
naney nnd childbirth. It provcnts 1U11I-
, carriago. No woront } wbo tnkes 'Vine
of Cnrdui need fca.r the coming of her
child. If Mrs. 'tTnrath halt ta.ken
, Wine of Car ui btll're hcr babycaUlCl
. she would not have Lceu wcakened 9
.he wns , lIer rapirl fl'Covery should
r commend this great remedy to ever ) '
. eXIH'ctant mother. Wine of Car ui
regulates the u1enstrual floW' .
I ! ! ofCARQ
" - . . . ' . . .
- -
- - - - - . - - - -
( SIJcclal COrrCAfuuttnce ! )
- - '
Lincoln , Neb.l\Iarch 23,1902.
'l'he feature of the . session last
week was the passage of the new
revenue bill in the House. 'fhc
, tina discussion of the measure
I waR warm and protracted , brough t
on mostly by those who desired
to inject important amendments.
I. The efforts to scriously amend
the bill failed , however , and it
went on its fiual passage Friday.
'l'he result was 70 to 21 in favor
'of the bill All but two of those
voting against the measure were
fusionists , driven into line
again8t it uy the party whip : In
this they were simply following
the programme announced at the
commencement of the session I
that they "must oppose all im
portant legislahon advanced . by
the republican party. "
* *
Those who have studied the
new bill , s it now appears and
as it undoubted ! . > , will be accepted -
ed by the senate , declare that 1t
will put the financeg of the state
on a proper basis , without ad
ditional burden on those who are
already properly listing their
property with thc' , assessors. It
is believed that enough hidden
property will be brought to light
and better methods of collection
will'be enforce , to make up the
deficit now ye rly experienced by
the state. It is I"11own at this
timc that GO\'ernor Mickey han
carefully read and thoroughly
approves of the measure and that
had not the legislature taken
hold , he . would have called an
, I
extra session to have the work
, . . .
* *
Ncxt in public interest to the
revenue bill has been the passage
of thc Ramsey elevator bill in the
House. It went on its final pass-
- - - . . . . - . . . - - . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . .
- -
- - - _ . . - - - - - - - - '
uge on li'riday and received the
unanimous vote of the bud ) ' . On
the same afternoon , in 'company
with the re\'CI1UC bill , it was
gi\'en the l rst reading in the
Senate , ud the second .
on Saturd'.lY ' , o that without
doubt before the end of this
week it will be sent to the I
. . . '
governor. I. noticed t 1 lat '
fusion papers arc attacking' this
bill , because it was introduced by
a republican , showing that their
clamor against thc "elc\'ator
trust" was again a scher 1e to
1t1annfact tre political thunder.
. *
.f : *
The bill to more c1e1ry ; ] definc
political lines in primary election -
tion ! ) passed both houses by prac
ticall.r unanimous vote , and has
been sent to the governor. It
has aroused the ire of .that class
of politicians in Omaha and
Lincoln who make it it practicc
to run in'oters of all parties to
contro ] primaries , an the Iover-
- - - - - - -
' 1
Good Doors and $ ash
110n't grow in the forest. They
have to be manufactured and that's
where our claim comes in-wc cal1 ,
supply them , We carry u full line of
of evcry dcscription , and we ar'cs.
pecially 5tron in doors , sash , windows -
dews , gable ornaments , porch trimmings -
mings , etc. On these. as on all
rades of lumber , we call quote
pleasing prices.
Lumber & Coal Co ,
LDierkS : ; BOW , - NEBHASKA
I E:2aa : 2.22.'a a
- - - . - . . . _ .
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- - - . _ - - . _ = - : : : - - - = = : - = - - - = = - = : = - - = : = ' -
1 <
. .
More than a thousand mon In moro tlum n thousand places give their un. 1-
qualified endorsemcnt of "Protecto" aftoa seasou's thorough :1 :
trial. We have room Cor only a few of them Jlere : "
I Uled "I'rotecto" OD cU < : l1mber aod pumpkin I bought une 1\100 \ ot "I'rtecto" arul 118ell It . ' .
Tin. . . The bl1i' left Immedlatelr and nnn on melon and " ' 1ua. " jnt. . . Thn IHlI"l "cre .
: ver
came b&cll : . JOJiATIiAN O.\ItEY. thick. Tbe bu , lelt GIUI " ' b"t . . , ,
W lt eld Iud. . , anll ot ' 1'10" . . that V"rrlroo,1 . . "IIIlme < 1 . .
I bOllII'M three caOI of"Protaclo" to II ' 00 our tt > r It. A. HClIlLL1XtI. Ft. Wa11l1'ln < .l.
Ifardon lalt .prlnll' . Oar lint plaotlng betoro I used "l'rotoclo" nnlS It . . . . 1\ . . j
. 1great bell' to
. . .lnlr.'I'roI to" . . . . & 1ldestroJod brcl1t worm. . drlvo the Itrtped melon bUIU a W" ) ' . It will do
We ued "l'1'oterlo" on anl8e.1o alter It ar.lvOO . .haC claIm 'u drt lnl ; Ih. . Ij"es .
and It "al a perffctsuec.n. 1. . . \ . l'A YSF. . would iOQ Ibe l\eDOy ror m"oJuly. away 1
Ilutlup , Ntb. J. W. C' LEA , Conwar. Arlo : .
I ulld "ProtlotO" aD uo ut I used "I'roteclo"
acres corn , UCfPt on " 'J Pllrn "lid 1 \ > rorur'll a
.lItr ro" . . . .hlch I left untreated , to ult Its betterehnd IhGn 1 have 1111'1 ' tor "nd "I.u
u.erlh , and WhOfP I uIICd It lam luulle.l that It b.tter " , tban I ever ral.ed OD the lIeld. 1 .
. .III make ten or twelve bUlbels mora to Ih" aCN pect 10 lI.e It " ! fallJ nest . . " "on , . .n.11.uuld . es. "
tbaD the othor. II. . ' , LANt'\STlm. an1 t"nerto'olta t.lal. { 1"y
OroeDcalllo , lod. V. D. tlKELTON , LODaIDd.
"PROTECTO" Is the celebrated Conll1ud Vlno Protlctor Rn,1 VllaUzur. It III
liquid In whlcb ft'l,1s "ro ImmersNl betoro pIIlUIlIl ; ; : . It klllll
nit par'lllllo ODII rUII us Kenns. kl"eps oft Insl'ct pl"Stll , rlpt'ls orofI'1"lrrels , pophpu : ,
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An " "roonlho IIled It lalt year will u.o It a.ln . , Ihts . . . .On. ThQulan . or ol . ' . "ho have oot
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Ihll countr will . . . .uppUej IIr tile UDO Da"uod I > .Ilow . . ' 110 1.t oW' l'e1o'UI"r .1I I1'lIlIlr.ut \ " tor . . r t ,
lbl. t6.rltor1. ,
"i'IIE P OTECTO CO.,9 W. First Avenue , Monm'Juth , IUs.
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I f'rC \\"l.TON ' , AgcD ! , Wea 1",11I e , ehralh , . . .
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