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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1903)
. I ' - - - ; . . , . . " . , , . . ' - ' - . - ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , . ' " , " , , - , - _ . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , p' . " . . ; " " ' ' ' ' ' 'r''r.'r > , f , I "n , . _ ! , , . ! II I I . . , I D SC2U SED CA l ( ARRH . . . I - - ' - i A Slcalthy , Insidious , Wcakening fnciny to Womcn-Many Thous nd Womcn Suffcr Nced : ' ; lessly from This C usc , There nre n multitude oC WOl11on , cs- oclally houowl\'es , nnll nil other Womcn obll l'd to l > c on tholr CI'ct con- Itunlly , who nre wrrtclll'd bc 'ol1l1 dc- I Icrlptlon , IIlmlll ' hecanse thrlr Iln'lI th Ind.ltallt . III SHJlI1011 nwa ' b ' catnrrhnl lseh3rges front thc Ilelvlc or nml. . ! l'hese : wonwn J.l't . UII In thl' IIIU1'1I11I1- : UrNI , drill { thrlllRclw's through thl'lr dnll ' d III IN ! tlrl'll. Ollly to 1:0 to bed at ollht nil t1rt'll 01hoforr. \ . Y' " . . . . . . ' ' ' " ' , . " , , " ' . / 'rs. Ih'a n , rtl'o. tU III tlZth Street , New 4 . York City , "rlte l- . . I 8\1lrprt'll or Ihrt'l' YI'IIU " , . , 'Ub w/Jut / Is Jenernll ; > known liS le\l'or. r/Jcu / , lu ronnl'l'liun wllh 1I1l'I'rnllun of lhe wOlllb , 'J'he clorlors IIdvoellled IIn ol1erntlou , . , 'bleh I drelllll'll Vl'r ) ' lilliCh , nll,1 slronly , ubJecled to go Ullller It , Henlllu , ; oC the ' \'l\lnl' oC POrlllll1 , I tbotU.hl It he.t to gl\'e thlll wl'll.known reUletl ) . n trlnlso ! , I 1jllIlht I .thrce hoWl's oC It lit Ollee , .sow I nmI chulI e,1 WOl1lnll. Perllna l'ured lIIe ; It tool ( ; nine bottle , Il\It I relt so IIIl1ch IlI1prO\'l'II I kepI tnlJn ! : It , nf ! I clrclldell nn opl'tl\tlun I 1i0 Uluch. I nm tocla ) ' III IlcrCel't heulth , and hn\1' not fclt 80"CII for IICleclI YCllrs. " -Mrs. l'vn 1Iortho. . . - - - - MISS LOUISE MAllON. II I , ) I \ , , J ( I I ! II I I l. I ! , . I . , , , I , 1\\198 Loube Mahon. 3 OIen Bailie street , , , Toronto , Ont. . Can" Secretary of the Klnlt's aulChters nnt ! Secntary of 1.IIty ! fI1accnbecs , wrlls- 1111 \ \ ' , " ' " " Iwc'w nr lh" Lcncf1U to lie elerlvl'.1 . from tlllllI I'l'rU1I1I we wOllld 11tlvl' IUIIIIY 1IIIIIIIIpr unci 1II0rc hClllthrul WOUlell , h' hl'ulth hllH ul'vcr Ileen too rOe I bllst , IIl1d I nlllI'II'IIY ClIlI uc.1 . nn.1 . cnnnot L'f stund lilliCh , , ( houl n ) 'car 1110 I wns so I rUII dowlI thnt I hacl to tllke to lilY bed. : uncI 111'1':11111' wcnker 111111 wenker. A frlelld nd\'lsl'cI Ille to tr ) ' 1'1'1'111111. lIucI I hllve , . ; reat , rea on to be J'rntl'rlll , for III two wceks " , 'ns Ollt or 111'11 null In II 1II0uth I was per. feetly well , /lnll I now 1111I1 thut 111) ' henllh Is mlll'h 1U0l'e rohust thall formerly , so thllt I tokc I'Nulln onre or twIce n month nntl keep well , " -LollisI' Mnhon , If _ - rerunll is ! meh 'a perCect specific for , elleh CHle tltnt when plltlellts hnve once , ; \lEwd It they can never he Inllu'ccci to quit it until thl' ' ' ' . ' are Jll'rmUl'lItI Curl'l. It b ( ' lI ! to rclieve thl' llisarf'en hIe s'lI1ploms at 0111'1' . 'l'he hllckache cenHPS , tll ( ' trl'mblinj : knl'l's IIrl' Rtrellgth- I'n Pel , till' nplIetite rf'Hlon'II , thl' di estlon mnlle' 1'I'Cect the elull henllaclw Is " , ! ! top- pI.II 111111 the \\'l'lIla'nillg IIrllill ! ; art' grnd. Ilall ' clIl'I'e ! . ' 1'll'se results eertnlnly follow a eonrse of treatment witb Perllll : ! . J , Barhara Alberty , corner Seventh nnd 'Vl\lnllt streets , AI11IIeton , " 'is" writes ns follows in rl' nrd to Perllna : " 1"01' ' ( 'ars I hav ! ) sulTl'red with bnek- ; IIche nncl fcv're pains In the side. I 1 doctOl'ed so 111uch thnt I beenme dis- conrll ed , A school Crlc'lId told me how " Ycr ) ' much l't'rullu hlld henefitl'Cl her I , and I I > ellt out for R bottle. whlcb did \ m rc t.o. relieve rue thnll. nil the other I I'rO ! lIlent Iollilet 11 : : IllIalolall . President Loubert of the French II w y republic has been a ] , een musician al1 his lif { ' . When he was'l : boy he was I n member of the \'ma e band. , , J 1'111 r S t'rllfcllIJ : ' l'nthLr. ' \ ' 1'he father of a YJlIl1 ( PHtsburg \ miln has married the linacee of I11S \ 6011. Ft'W par'nts arc so thou lltful for their l'lJdren's ] happiness as to I uake sacrificps of that kllnd. , I . S.uv : ; ; ; TIIO. I ' , : , MRS. ANNA , ARTIN , " 'omenln New Orhmll" An abstract of the recent New 01'- Jeans census develops the facL that there arc 15,000 more wumen in the cl ty than men. . Not n Pnrnclux Emte-'l'here Is a man whum I envy : and , curious as it may seem , , he envies me. " ' J'rieud-"lIow ; can that be'f" Hrute-"We were buth after the same woman-and 1 married her. " , . - - 'I \ t : ' 'j Medicine Never Healed a Wound ' \ I Nature performs the healing prooess and medlolne can only as. I slst her In doIng bel' work In healing wounds and throwlnl { 011' diseases. : NIne-tentbs of the diseases of man , and beast bave their origin In some form or erms and it allowed to run , md mutlplY ] . \1 form compllcatlons. The reason that LIquid Koal prevent.6 al1 . . . I germs dleases and cnres them , unlesa fermentation and Inftamma- , ' tlon have too Jar developed , Is that It cont.1.lns every antlseptlo L' and Jrermlcl a known t , science. AHlerm diseases such a. , > ho L'I cholera. , swine plAgue , corn stalk dlsea.cstubercolosls , blackleg and I numerous others can be prevented by giving LiquId Koalin drink- Inf. { water , because they are Rerm diseases a.nd no r.cerm can live whore Llluld Koal reaches It. Liquid Koalls unatfectcd by the Iastrlc juices of tl1e stomach , passes through the IntestInes and from there Into the circulation , permeating the whole 8Ylitem and 1 i stlH retains al1 118 germlclal prupertles. Diluted with In I , the proportion ot one to one hundred , It makes the beB& lice kl IeI' , /J known. , I Price ot LiquId Kea ] deli veretl at your station Is M toHows : iI ONE QUART OAN - $ t.OO TEN GAL. KEG , $ .50 PIIR IeI'I I ONE GALLON - - 3.00 I 26 GAL.-1-2 BBl. . . $2.25 GAL f g FIVE GALLONS , $ .T5 PER GAL. 50 GAL.-ONE BBl. " $2,00 GAL I i 4 I t- " g DECEMBER 24 , 1900 , We. the undenlgne stock rallors oC Macthon county , Nebr".ka. ra Iin from , tl ' IC'O to 200 head of hors each ye'lr have. after 1\ fair an,1 tmpllrtlal trial of 1ICJl1h Koal t'J . m'\IIuflicturud by lhea1l01111 MCt11CI\I Company , of Rheldon , 10\1'110,111111 York , Nu- : ( .1,1 hrl\ kl10un,1 H to be the Deat Olllllreotl\ot , liorm Destroyer anlt AI'I101lzor tha bal , r b"\'n nur plelUure to use , anr ! " 8 jolcltly thtnk Ul"t. man Is atandlrut In hll o\l'n l a I1dlt who , doolnot try .t. Wben their " ! tent olllls we advise any stock ralsur to bur nndI ILlq lId Ko&l. re Glial ) .OIIje , Norfolk , Nebr. ThomlP. . Wade , lIaltle Creek , Nobr. ' , J , h : . MPlnlosb , l merlok , Nebr. Wm. Hawkins , Mo ow Grove , Nebr. . ' 1' , Homan , Emerlok , Nebr. F. P. I1onll u , Newman Grove , Nebr. & I DEC : [ ER , 1m ' Welthe nnclerelllH',1 stock rallert anll Carmona ; \ < 111 testify to the merlll of 1.lqnld KOI\I rcanllra"lllred hy the Nallonal Motlll'al Co" 01 Ihol ! < lolI , Iowa , and 't Y"rk. Nl'bra klL , We. 118011 tills prOtluct 111hratlfylni / luceoss anti at1\'lae all 10 ! : h'u It n trial. Ilsllol1ld tie all tvery farm In Nubra.kll. 1\1 Hllfns 1"011.1'1 , lieu , Nebr CII rls , toehall , SlapJohllrsl , Nebr , J , II. Yeary. 1I\"e. Nehr , } o' . C , Iey r , Staplthurat , Seur , " I " ' 0 , lIlh Bee , Nt'br , Oeo , RlIIg-IJerger , dewartl , Nebr , \ \ \11 , l'Ingl16uI't , rotllplehurst , Nebr. J , IUngt'usrtr , ! : Ir" U rmantowlI , Nebr " ) If your dcaler does not Iceep It write us dlreot. ' 1 r ; A 3-pa : e buok on the DIsease , > or A nlmalB mailed tree upon np- t plical ion to the National Medical Company , York , Nebr. , and & Sht'lllou , Iowa , , ; S atlnnal Cattle anrl Sheep Dip Is the best anr1 oheapest Dip for " , kl\lllI \ otf 'ricks and Lice and tile treatment of , Mange , 'l'exas Itch : ' . . ! led Scab In Sheep. It. furms II. perfect emulsion wltll water and Is f : - : ) ha.rmlcss to the memhrancs of the eye. i i II your dl' Ller docs not keep It write us direct. Into-matlon , .0 ( , sent tree. . NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY , , VOR .NE8RASKA , SHLDON. IOWA . . I , tI I t . \ ' I 11Iel1ll'lllc I hnve ever tnlwn. lUlled 1\ : \ fnlthfull ' for two w'cl.1I nlll1 It COlli IJll'lt'lr cured nil' , I hll\'e 1I0t hnel nll ' linin ! ! ! ! ince , nll'hcr ( ' , hut fN'1 like 11 IIW wnman , I lun Iruh' thnnkflll for whnt 1'l'rllnt : hus d01l1 ! for' bnrn Allwrtr. . , " ' - " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " " ' - " " - - _ . . . _ . . . . - 'n , Knte Mnlln , IItI ( ) Bothunt Street , To- rllntu , Ont. , Cun. , Vlce-Prc hlcnt of tlte 1.11I1Iu' , \hl lIclety. 'Hllcs : - ' I 11111 I'h'IIM..1 1. . Ifh'l' ) lrnl o to 1'I'rUIIII fnr the 1I11'8sl'\1 relll'C I fnlllltl thrnllJ'h I1s me. I IIlllTcrl'tI for 'olrl with hllc'klll'hl' 111111 drRIlIoIII IloWII ) lRIIIII Ulld oCIl'1I hlltl 10 o to 111'11 IInl\ sin ) ' therl' whell I WIIS NO llUsr thllt I 1'0 II Itl Illy hI' "I'Drec ! . It WIIS tlwr'tore n sllllille " ; OII CIIiI to lIIe when Perlllln wns hrollthl to III ) ' 110' tiCI' . I-vcr : ) ' drQI1 8l'ellle,1 to tI\'e lIIe new lire. RIIlI ( ' 'er ) ' tillSI' Illutle IIII' fl'l'l II1l1ch IIl'ttl'r. nnd I promlHe,1 1n\lJJC thnt IC I flHlIIII thut It eure,1 lIIe I w ultl 1I11\'o'nte It so thut other slllTerlllt : WOIIIl'n Hhollhl kilo\\ ' oC It. I hll 'c heell In ) lcrCeet henlth Cor one ) 'cnr , I ellJoy work nlltl pleDsllre hI" r clluse III snch line henl1h , nnel 110 trollbll' NeeUlS too henv ) ' to hrnr wl1l'lI "ou I1re III J00c1 health , Peronn hus Hln1llh hl'ion n hOll5ehnld I.JIl'ssllI , nml I ne\'l'r will II ! ' wlthollt It RJnln , ' - lrA. Kltclnlln : , - - - - - - - - - . . . . MRS. "ATI3 MANN. . " - - : Mrs. Anon Martin , . . . , lIoyt St. , Brookl'n , , N. Y. , " , rltcsl - "I'I'TUIIII tlilllI" IIIlIch tor 1110 tllill I ( el'l It III ' I1l1ly to recomlllclld It to olhers who 11111) ' hl ! sllllllarly nmll'lccl , A\Jollt \ 11 'cnr IIO 111) ' health \\'IIS ' cOIIIIlell'ly hrokell I\own. \ hotl hnck/lche , 1117.7.111I'811 IIIIlI Irrc'JII' I larltles. nncl IICseelllell dllr ] ( Illcleccl , Wo hnd IIsed l'erllnll lu our hOllle as II tOil II' . nlld for collIs nnd clltlirrh , nlld I lIechle,1 to tr ) ' It Cor my trollhl , In I'S9 limn thl'ce months I became rl'lIlar , 111) ' pnlns h:1el eu. tlrel ) ' tllsnppellretl , IIntl I 11111 oow llerCeetir well , " - Irs. Annn Murtlu. . . . , . . " . . - - - - - Mrs. Wm , Detrick , Kennllrd , Wllsh. Ington Count . , Neb" writes : " ,1 11m 1ift ' .Blx 't'llrll old IItHl hn\'e not felt well IIlnce the Chau1 ! ! of I.lfe. hc. ! ; nn tcn 'el\rs n/o. / I was in miscr ' somewhere most of the tin1l' , My hne ! . I wns Ycr ' wcak , nnd mr IIl'sh ! HI teuder It hurt 111e to lelln IIgllln8t the bllck of n chnir. 1 hlld pnln IInder 111) ' holllIl'r ! blndes , In the 8111al1 of 111 ' back aucl hillS , I s0l11ctinw ! ! wishl'cl 111 ' l'lf ont of thIs world , lIac1 hot nnll cold spell ! ! , dizziness and trelllhlhl of till' limhs. IInl1 WIIS losln lIe h all the timc , Aftcr followln ; : 'onr c1i1'I'I'tionN 1Il1l1 : : Pernnn { now feel like a dllTcrcnt Iler. son-\Irs. : \\111 , IIctrlck. If 'on do not cll'rlve Ilrolllpt I\nd IIlltis. fnetor ' reRults Crolll thl ! use of l'erlll1ll , write nt once to Dr. Hartmnn , gl\1I ! II full stntemcnt of 'onr en lie , 3ne1 hI ! will b ( ' Illel\sell to gi\'e ; you his \"l\lullblo lid. vice Irn tis. rerunl\ con he purchnsed for $1 per bottle nt all first.'lus ! ! IIru storcs. Adllress Dr. Hllrtll1l\n , PreHhlcnt of 'L'he Illlrtmlln SnnitllrlulD , Columbus , 0 , J'n hlnn Nllte . ' .rhe Monte Carlo coats and the fuli length empire and scamless prlncessf cloa 's sccm thus fa I' to prove tlH prevailing favorItes 1'01' outside lIa r. IUl'nts for evenln wear. and they are made of satin and cloth , as well It ! . veveL ] and the choicest laces. Elach. satin coats and tbose or Muscovite 'silk are especlal1y oed style , with a. . stl tched yoke , and embl'olderd an I . fur ( ] < . > d conar ' . eg _ an re\'ers. HORTH.SOU H'EA T.WEST ' . . . Y1 . .OW WII. . . rlMII , " { 'v V.Ell.r : ' 1 : 5 1 a " . : . . .lSli BRA\\ ' ) WATt : . Fl IlCCr 611. & ; C60THIN t. 'R WWRr. . Th be,1t motuia/3 / , llc.J IWtkJnn CI" " )1 ty'Je n JeUJ t pcnet\CC hcr.oe U TOWER',5 Iikcl'l Co..b . end Ibb - fM\OJ ) the world over M : deirl bkd or ) cllowfcr fl klrili of wet wor' TOWfRS t.M H'orm be ingl1leJIGNOf ' TN F I "H I ) ced to qivc 'AnOn bfoctlC < 1AII relidblc declm clf then nr A.JTom : CQB03TOIItwS.taA. I . . AU. OIHfM TO'flIR ' CJ..WWfCO./JnUlfd.TO / OIOCA1 ! { ( N WESTERN ' 51 CANADA VIIN. . . To oltrllcllnf ! more Iltentlon Ib. . " K.\i IIny other dletrlct In tb. " "rlei. "TUI : GltAAItOF : Tim wour.D. " , Tim 1.\XlI 01' S'XSUIXI : . " The XA Tl'n\I , nCUIXG fJOLXU8 rur STOCK Art'u u"I. . . Orop 1..1 OOIl-tOST.1I1I1I Aor _ YIeld , . . tOOIl-11 T.tl1l2 , T/a Uuebel. . Abn"lnhcl' of Wet rl Fuel. Plentlfu ) , C'he.p Doll4- tnll : blaturlullrood Or"o. tor I . . .tur. . Bhd 1IB7 . terUi. 8011 , u .ull elent uluroll , ( and" climate . . .nr..1 aod ndeQoMe .ea. . . . . . . of IIrowlh. nur".ol. Ie Ylhll RoC . , Land. ur t60 Ar. . . . J're. . . . Ih8 ohl , chllr" " , . belnll ' 11 ahtry. 010' " to Cburclu. . , 8cbool. , e1o.11Iall"B7a ta , . : ; .ettlell dlstrlcte. R..hrt tor All. . aDI ) other 1I1eratu. . . . to Bo'rlDo &eodeht of ll"mlll"tlon. Oua..o. Canada. or Ie W.IV , Dennett. 001 N. " York LHe Dldll" Omaha "l , " , tJ : ' , . , \ ( 'onllI" , , , ' ) " " a'1\horl\ \ " oy&rnr > l"Jt 1) " " ' " , ' :1..1' : : " " . . .I "t : , , . . ) ' - . . - , - 210 Kinds for ISc. JUs a tncUhnt lIulrer'UOOt'a : are touDd In more sarocDa anll on moretarml tba 1101 otbl'r In Aluerlca , Tbere IJI rcsaon for tbla. Wo own and op.- erate o\'er 60 O acres rortllo prOduo. Uoa otour cllolce.l'eda. In order to , In < 1ul'O ' 01110 tr , thtrn " 0 mete ' the ! t lIowlng Dnptwooenwd oUer , > For 16 Cents Postpaid n , o.h " . .d.r.1 . .1. . . . . . , . . II t. r.'ubbl" , " I I I. ' " . . . . .tn..t urn' " II p. . , " " I.U. . . uri.tI u. . . . 111.1. . . . .dl.k. f 111I , pl..dIJ . . . , I.t , " . 16 alori..ll b..ul.1 a. . . . . . . . . . . 6 : la aU no IJndl r > OlOIUv.l , fnrntlhlnJr , . bUIIII.ot charUlIlIllllowen alld IDle an.llo ot ehoh'e V'Itablt. tOlletlo- n \l'ltll our Jrf'atral.logue , It ! { II1i'aU 1..0. about Macaroni . . . . '" \\hIIIlIl1l1u" , Jtromu. , Itltz 11010 , tlo..1) lor enl ) ' lU. . UUtAuDIf.I1c1 tblj Anll. . UDlun 'McJ at . . .t 600 , " . .4. JOliN A. SAUER SEED Co. , La Crone , WII. : : : : ; : ( b t Tbo rn DSO n sEye W aler I N. N. U. NO. S84 13 YlRV NPn I . . . , - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ n _ _ . , , - - - - - - nn ' I thl' most IH'olltnlllt , ( ' 1'0)1 ) It. . 8ugllllli1. N w Yorlt bu 's IIIIUSUO ; ( ' : \ luJ. : In Arn\'lIllI. MIIlIleu)1olls ) Is till > IWl'OI\(1 \ 1III' I''t cnlldltlll\'IIiU cll ' . , Alumlnluill Is IHlIII'I'Ior 10 IIII ' ! ltollO for shll1'lenlul } ; entll'r . . 'l'ho Aillet'lcan ! lewll1 mllehllw II ! Ol11llnr In Mesopolnllllll , 'ho English } JeolJlc IIrl' t hI' gl'l'U h'\t consuillers of I.II\oon In the world , 'l'he United Slntes now U\'s ( 11un' raw slllt for IlIllnufnclurlll ! : Ihllil rou : 'l'ho uumlJCr of tenl'1wrs III tIll' t'lIl. loges of the Unlte ( ) Hlnlos line I 'llIr \\'ns 11 , SOl. Of the , Ja7OOO mlllt'I' ! ! of 01'111 Bt'lt. nlu , :1-1iOOO : lire memlel' or Ihl' IIlliUII lu good stlUlIlIlIlj. Hhodo Ishu1I1 fnctol'lt's l'II\\llo \ ' ! l1- [ ; 20 , fi"lii of wllum lire ' hlth'I'II ! , ' 1'01111 IIwl't'aJe ! of , JUiO : , ' 1'11t' Swltchlllf'n's Union of NIIt'1 h AI1ll'lca hllH callell IIIUlIlual COI1\'II' tlon rOt. l\ln ' ntll\1l1l1l1l11'oliH. Interuntlonul UnIon of II'l'l'l hl IIl1u , 'l1let's IUIlI Interior " 'ul'lhoIlHlwn ! ! lIus beN ) chartered h ' the A. lJ' , of I. . ' 1'he Mexlelln govel'nllHlIIA \ CHtlih. IIHhln Inby wh'elcss lell ! rllllh ' he- twncn 801l0rn IInl Lowel' Uallfol'lllli. ' 1'ho tohncco trust Is ( , Olill'slhllj the conslltutlonlillty of tht' chili ) Illhor IIIW of Ioulslnnl\ ' n tcstl'l\Se lit Ncw 01" lonns. Scattle hl'nnch ot tht' Inl'l'lIntiollal Uulon oC Steam BnglneNs hils del'l1c ! ( I to tr ' Itnd ' ' ' seem'e It Stnte l1llg1ICcl'S' ! license law III Washington , 'he telellhone gIrls of ,10lJlln have hccu on atrll > 'c , With the result thnt 1\ ow compnny , IJled el to CmlJloy union help , hils been orgnnlzed to ol\l'I1le n system. 'l'he blnst worl < ers hn ve dcclll'd ! 10 mo\'c their heU1qunrlel's to 1'IttHhl1l' . ! l'hls 'l'ar's CnmlJuln ; will ! .Je to redul'o lhe worldll hours fl'llm twelve to eight IIC" dn ' . Statl' LllhUl' Commissioner VIII'11I' ' , ( ) f Norlh Cnl'Ollun , Is Rtrongly rccom. mentIlllg the ellnt'llllllIt , of slt'lngent la- ! .Jor III ws In relll t101l to t he emlllo 'l1Iellt of cIlllcl III hOl' . Bl'lcldll 'ors' nnnunl convention nt l\1Oltlphls \ hlliorsed the elTorls of thl' lellot. cl1rrlers to seeurc Incrcnsed wages 11I111 hetter conditions. 'l'he ex. ccutlve honrd was Instrucle to I1S818t the offort. 'he 80,000 emjJlo 'es of the Pullmnn Car Compl1ny at Pllllmnn , 111. , who 1\1'0 thoroughly O1'gnnlzed , Itre lu'elJl11'illg lo request 6horter ho\1l'S I1nd no Sun. dny worl , . 'l'he COI'IHH'II tlon Is a ware of the COUlIlete orgllnlzntlon , : \lIchael Goldsmith , II memher of the bonrd of control IInl1 commlltle on 01'- lInlzlltion or the Unltcd 'l'1':1deH 11I111 Lahot' COlllll'l1 of Clm'elam1 , haH ISH1II'd IIn Itppenl to lhe "PcojJle of Cleyclllul : , " In whleh Iw sets f01'lh I he necessity or It Inhor tClUllle fOl' CleYlJllIllll. ' { 'III ) In- ! Jor unIons of the elty pny $ IOOO : ! nn- nunll ' for , rent a11l1 fll1'nlshlngs (01' IIl1'lt. vlII'lous IwllR , 'l'hls monp0111(1 ( uccrue to the Inbor 1 'ceuUl In ( 'IIRI' till' lmlltIlng wns e.rected , while thl ! 11'1111111'1 ' \'oultl secure helter servIce 111101 hllllH 11 lower rates. An J lcotrlo Bye Ol1mlcr. Thcre Is InIohlle : a genllemlln wht III till' pllst has 111'1'11 lu thp habit ot O\'I'I'slmllllIg' ; In till' mOl'nln : ; hOIIl'S nncl , liS his II\Hlnl' s 1'1IIUlros lhu t lie COIlIO do\\'n stn'pl f'lIt'l ' It h ; ji'ntlfll ! thnt Ill' should n wnl.'n at a Cll'nln hour. 'l'hne ufter time ho CIUlHJ hite to bls buslne s In 1 > } llto of alll.l'l11 clocks nnl1 other aplllances. One morning lalt wpe ) ; : he came Into the olllce on time to tile mlnule , ' 1'110 otherlll In the oll1ee expresscd great sUl'prlse at thIs un. uSllnl event Imd nsleed the wh 'fOl'e of It. lIe thus explnlncd : "I detOl'mlncd that this busIness of sleepIng when I should 1 > 0 \\'alw had to slop , so I called In an electrlcl m amI he I1xell me1)1 ) n few things , I havc It so tIl'l'anged thnt at lhe hom' liI't 11 light IIl1shes In III ' ( ! 'es. If this Is not succesl > ful and I do not get ul nnd thmw the switch a mosullo ) hill' 111111 the fmme falls on me. It 1 BII11 Blumbel' nnd sleep a gong llIee the one used on the IJl.trol wngon gOl'8 oIl' . Shoul I fnl1 to noUee nll of these thlllg8 there la 0"01' m ' he(1 n hnclwl HUed with water hnvln a sllInll noz. zlo aUnehcl1 , amI n mchet releases a stop so that a stl'ealll of walol' Is .Iqulrted Into m ' fnce. When I fllen ! > thl'Ough all these It will he time to ) rder m ' col11n.-\lohlle : Holsler. ; : 'l'wl ) ) { IIUIt ) ' QlIcHt ! cHlI ! . Une of the BC1'lIn eOl1l'ts wus orcn. piN ) the olher n ' with the fllWtlou I\'lwlhel' It fltnl'\n ) n1l1ll WIIS cl\Jlhle } f consuming a largo loaf of ! ) rllIl , \/1IUI. ' 8 lJence , at olle meal. It n JUllll proved to bo starvlll { : steals brcn < 1 It 18 lIot cons1 < 101'ed It theft , necol'l1illg to the Germnn law , hut Is plllllshl'llII-ht- I ' . In tIlls Illsulllce the loa f waR COli- 61Iercll too Inrge tor 0110 Ilerson to ( 'Oil' sume , hut 011 the wOI'lmmll who slole It fl'om II. baker's sholllroving ) thnt 110 shared It with II. alllrvlllg f1'lellll 110 Wilt ; 1cIultted ) of th rt. EU&JI' & BllolIh. ! Mr. Ohlrox-'rhc ! den ot ll'ecUlIg a monument OTer your pct dogl I'll \\111' . rant you , vouldl1't do as mueh fOl' IIII' Irs. Oldrox-Oh , yes , In eell. I'll 111\ In to.--Phl1adelllbln Press. . , . , -J - - _ . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . ' , . , I " ' . . , , - - - - - ; ; : " t I" . . , , : . I Psou'iasis , Scalletl Head , MiII { Crust , Tetter , Ringvl rm , etc. : SIJsedily , Permanently and Economically Cured" " when All Else Fails , by I ' , j :1 : U . ic'ura , , The agonizing , itching , and burning of the skin , 'as in eczema ; the fri htful scaling , as in psoriasis ; the loss of hair , and crustmg of the scalp , as in 5callcd , hcad ; the ' facial disfigurements , as in pimplcs and ringworm ; the awful'suffering of infants , and anxiety of wornout parents , as in milk crust , tetter and salt rheum , - all demand a. remedy of almost superhuma\1 virtues to suc essfully cope with them. That Cuticura Soap , Ointment , and Resolvent are such stands provcn beyond all doubt. No statement is ' n ade regarding them that is not justificd by the strongest evidence. The purity and sweetncss , the power to afford immediate relief , the certainty of speedy and pennanent cure , the absolute safety and great economy have made thcm the standard skin cures , blood purifiers and humour remedies of the civiliz d world. GOIlluloto Extofila ] and Internal Troannont ' Bathe the affecled paris with hot waler and CUI cma Soap , to cleanse the surface of crusls , and scales , and seen Ihe thickencd cuticle. IY , without hard rubbillg , and apply Cutieul'\ : Ointment frcely , to allay itching , irrilation , and inflammation , and soothe and heal , and , lastly , talee Cutt- cura Resolvent 10 cool and cleanse the 'hlood. ' This complete treatment " affords inslant relief , pcrmits rCfit and sleep in the Sl'\'Clesl forms of eczema and olhcr itching , hlll'ning , alld scaly humours of I hc skin , scnlp an blood , and points to a spcedy , pennnnent amI ccono lical.cure when all olhcr rl'medies ' and the bl'st physicians fail. As l'\'idence of the' ' : ' : j wonderful clll'ative plOperties of Cuticura Remedies and of qlcir' world- ' 1 wide sale , we quotc from " The Hon. Mr. Jnstico Finnmllora's LottOf. "J desire to give my voluntary testimony to the hcnefidlll effects of " your Cuticura Remedies. I have suffered for somc time from an excess : of uric acid in the 1 > 100(1 ( ; and since the middle of lasl year , ftom a severe ' attack of Eczema , chiefiy on the scalp , face , cars and fI'cl. , and on one J' limb. I was for several months under professional trcatnl < 'nt ' , hul the remedies prescribed were df no avail , an J was gradually becollling wors , . . : my face was dreadfully disfigured , md ! I lost ncarly all my hair. Atlast , my wife prevailed upon me to try the CUlicura Remedies , and I gave them . n thorough trial with the most salisfnclory rcsults. Thc disease soon began to issappear , and my hair commenced to grow again. A fresh growth of hair is covering my head , and my limb ( although not yel C'juile cured ) is gradually it proving. My wife thinks so highly of your n'mcdics that she ' has bcen purchahing them in order to makc pr < 'sents , to other persons , > uffering from similar complaints , and , as President of the Bihle WomCli's ' . Society , has told the Biblc wOlllen to ICport ifI1Y case shoul1l comc under : her nolice when a poor person is so amirted , so that your ) cmcdics may be resorted to. " ROHlmT ISAAC F ] NN El\1RE , ( jude' off ; ' , /1' , ; , , , , SII/"M CVllr/ , ) . 1'ltlerrnultzlJurg , Natal , Ocl. 2 ? IOI. . I CUTICtJltA HII ; mil J-S : IIrn 01.1 IlIrol1lh(1Ilt tI , " clvlllzcl , worlll. f'tICI H : 011111'.1111IIcLoIT _ ellt , ml ! , per holtle ( III the rllrm or Chll'olnt" Conll',1 l'III . I' , pOl' vlnl ( If ( ) ) ; Clilloma 0111111I,1 , m" , 1'1' hnx , 111,1 ClltlCllrll Ho . . , ; , : , . .or tllhl"l. ; " for the r\"t worl , , " IIIIUIOI1U nr III1110011 , Stein , RIIIIIclIll' , RIIII III11Y III CllrllTllornt fA pUR"UKI fJl < "u.n" , wllh 11I1I"trllllell1a , . ' ' , . tllJlolIlll IIII011 > IrcctlIIII . , . ' , . . ' , . . 'J' : IUI1I1II1/1llltnIC8.ll1chllll/lIlJIIJ1alll'.0 UIIOt ( 'hllI'1. " IIrlll.h l't'l'ot on ' . ! Chllrl..rhon o H'I. , 1.01111011 , I : , c , l'r/"lI'h Drr.nt./i . 1\11" \ , It , 114 1'111 k , 1'lIrlA. A lI trrtllnll nrlot , " 11. 'l'owm & 1'0. . Sylm'y , POl"rmt IIIC1JO "Nil GIII\IIO\ : ; I. COH\'OtNI'JON \ , Role Pro. : , rlo.ltor . Uo lon , U , H. A \ } Sodlrs ] ! arc mlllo 'l'ri In , J el'usalem I os tax col1eclors. - - - - - Yon Cun Oct Allcn'tl Fllnt-Hlltle 1-1 ( glt. Write to.tluy to Allell H. OllnKlctl. l.e Hny , N. Y. , for n 1"IlI I Iilllllpill of AIIIIII'I ! Ifout. l nHe , IlOwtler to Bhllke Into YUllr IIhoell , It cllres tired , "wl'ntln ! ; , tlllIllP. Hwnlll'lI , , < , hlol& fl'ol. It makl' ! IIl'W or tlltht Hhol'A rllllY. A ccrtnlo cllre Cor Corns untl 11111110118.1 .111 drl11IIal8 UI1II Hhoe storell lIell It. 1c Drown , one of the most fashionable colors of the wInter , Is expel'terl to continue In fa VOl' the coming spring , partlculary ] In fawn and suft hniel tints. A dancing slipper or goll1 'Iclll strlpcd wIth white satin ribbon Is the dainty accessory of an o\'nlnl { tloet ] , and may he worn with any color coslmne. A day In the Ilia net Bros Is IIvo and n half hOllrs. hOllrs.DOAN'S DOAN'S DEAL GENTLY. ' : Its the g-entle llnd effective action of [ Joan's Kidney Pills In Kldne , . Bladder , and Urinary troubles that malie them famous with , Men , \Vomen , and Children. I I 1t1T. PlEASANT , 01110.- rccelvr.II the ! Ample oC DOlin's 1ldne ' 11111 , IInet ncv'r hod ony mCllieirw ( Io flW O milch gO1I1 In 60 little tlmo , I hacI Congestion of I hI' Kldnoy and Blnclelcr so ! iJvero it CIlIlii11I prcssurc on the lungs lIt\O Aslhrnn , hul through HIe Ilse of 1 > olln'lI Pillll I 1111I fn' ( ' and easy uoOIW , W , 8m'w. Velc'r , Innry Surgeon , P. O. Box 41 , )11. Pleusant , OhIo , Aged ) Jeoplc fiud DOfm'1Khllc ) ) ' Pills II great comfort for decllulng ) 'earH , 'I'hoy cure lucolltlrwrwc IIncI urillary wealmess peculiar to clJllcIrclI , DAx'rlm BI'mNos , KANHAR.- received the free 1 > [ (1l1plo of Dnall's Klcllwy Pills. Per I1vo yenrs I hah:1I1 \ : nluth palllin my bacte , which ] Jhyslctulls alcl nrObO from the 1 > lll110Y8 , Four boxes of Donn's PlI1s Imvo entirely cured the trouhle. 1 think I 0\\0 my lifo t.o . thefo pills , 1If1l ) I waut others to kllow It , 9\11t1t DA"K , Bllxter Springs , Knll-olls. , - . . . _ L , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .oI. , - . It talws a Hlrong IIIInc1el1 wOllmn to I , { cOfl\'lnce lJer elf tmt ] she Is I orncly. - ! lU'l'NAM I'A I > NIJI SS ] ) Yl S col. or Silk , Wool antI Cotton at one bon. Ing. ) lr. , Wln.low' , ROOTIII1W 1i\'UUl' tur .hlldr 1\ . 'MthlhlC ' , .orl. , , , ( h. . Ie II III' , r''IoII. ' . . . . hln m tlo. . J1a ) ' . " 0111 , ' "rt. . wllllt l'o1lJ26" hulU. . . Worcester has 70:1 : women who mak , ncedles , and ] ,0-1-1 female nalhllalccrs. . 'J'he sl n 1 II II mO\lse \ Is a small an. Imal with very lar e ( 'aI'S , which au movcd ullOln a lC'al deal while It 11 singing , as If tllat wore necessary tQ Iho Sliccess of U\I ) vor.l , . performance. . The song Is a sl/c' / ( ' ( sslon of clear , wal'lIl1ng nolI's , wll It trills , not un. III\ ! ' I III ! SOIl of it ( 'HlHlrv. and quite . a ; lH'allllful. tllllugh some oC the notl'i an' 1I1I1l'1l lu\\/'I' ' , Ae'lling bndl ! ; IIro cllsed : Hip , lIock , and Inln paiu' ! ov'nomo. : B\\'lIInlf of the lirnh'lllncdropsy \ signs Yl1nlsh , 'I'lwv ( 'om'ct urluo with hrlck dust sedl. IIIl'UI , jll h colored. ( ! J.cctj lve , ) Jilin In puss- . III , dribhling , frt'lJl1ell ( ' ' , hed w'ttlng. ! > lIall's IOdp'y l'illa l1i fO\vO ; \ nnd rrrnove ( 'alc-uli lint ! grant HclJl'vO henrt palpltA. tion , ! .lel'pll'ssneas : ' , hCIlc\nl'lIO \ , nervotlsnes ! . , . . , ' " . . . . . - FREE-COOD FOR OLD AUD YOUNC. ! I . - . . . " < - " " ' ' 'o.J '