. - - - - . . . v.I I : W * t ? ' > N > < ? > ) A > < ? > < t < ? > < W > 01 > tM ! N ) . The Imn..Wm' ar's ' Daughter I , : HOWARD FDRR 'STER. . I . t r , 0 0 I . . - . - - \ , \ . CI1AI'Tgll X\-CIIllilllIl'd. ( ! , A rll'l'k 1'II11'rl'II thl' 1'011111. 111111 :1111'1111,11 : , . to MIIIl' Ilt'llIlIs : 'III' . 1f\1I11 ' ' ' ' ' Oil I hIm III n low 10111''h II I' ho w\ Irl' : ! ' Nit till' mill oWller roll li IIIlC'tl : , " \\'h II I Is It ? \\'hllt hll ! ! Ill' lu''n .Inln } . ; , Or whllt tlo ) 'OU ! ! n lHct hI , ! hos hC11I ! llo. . In i" I j'\ " 011 I'I'0tl II RioI' ) ' flf II 11I111'1101' Ilw olh. e l' llin- ? " "A ill1lrflerl Oh , Y U IIII'AII Iha " ' ( > llIlIn killed on - ! ftreet , 0\\ \ ' thl' rlyer' , " "YI'I. ! " 11' . Iellil loolll'd hlfll1lrillJly lit 01'1\111 \ : I by cll/lnca / the t'INI ( IIIIII'I'tl lit hllll , tllll. ' 11lell till ! Iletecll\'e IIls11 10llkla III Ul11111 as he I't'lIl1l'll to : 'II r. : 'IIt'lIt\ \ . " \Ve lire Oil the lIIurrlel'l'r' ! ! Irock : we tblll1. : It 1M hIlIIOHslhle'-tor hllll , to ILlCIIIH ! ! . " "I hOlll ! 'IIII will clltrh h\1II \ I I hOl\ ( ! mllyl" XClllllllc : 111' . : 'Ilellll , fel'\'ellt. r:11 ; : ] ' ' ' 1'hllt Is wh ) ' I hllllllrl'tI IIhlIt , A thl'I" ' tOil , Uood tillY , Hlr. " 'l'ho Ildl'I'li\'e rellrl'lAI \ ! Ill' olonrll ( Ihe door , ht' Ohsl'l'vetl It WII IIJltr. III' IIIStl obser\'ell II ) 'ollnl : 111(1) ( ' ! ! lallll"ll : lIelll' a wludolIn the IItljolJlIII } . ; 1'0011I , 111'1' fltl , ! was tllrlll'tl from hllll , hill h ! ' ! ' cIIN'I. wn del1ll1r'lHlll' , 'ritelltecth'e , 0 trllllll'd ohttUI'\'I'r ' , iliad\ ! n nlentnlnoto oC the f..IIt. 111111 Hho Iwart ! wl nt IIllssell In tIll' hlllpr room i Anti Ie she did , how or III whllt'IIY 11111 the tIIurlltr ! collcern Ill'r' , "I very lUu h rl'lfl't the IIbsllrllllllltalw ! thnt will comllclllll'to call Oil ) ' 1111 allIln. " sllid ( hIPII , WitI'll thl'Y WernIOIIl ! . Plalnl ' , his fllea IlIdlclll d tllSflPllolllt. ment , chlllrlll , 'rite Huhstltlltion ol UIII. ! lot ot drnwlllli : ( or I lOllter-how I'ouhl he oxplnlll thllt i Ill ! wOllhl ollh' 'fnllkl' IIIl1t- teTS WOrI ! , hI ! 1I1' lIell , so he hehl his plI1CI ! ! , trnsllnl : to liml ! 01111 II fa\'ol'ahle Tecellt\oll \ ot his ver ' IIbel'al IIl'olloltlOII , ' the for 1111 1'C' to Ir. Ml'odto 11O\'e WilY plllUlitioll ot Ule Chllll I' mllllP In tIll' drnwlu : ! , Whl'lI lhl' ) ' 1'01ltI ! 11I1I h over It. 111' howI'l1 hhlHlClr ollt , 1I11t ! hflslt'ncil aWII ) ' 110 I\lIlcldy \ lit ! 11111 IIlJtuollre the iiI : ' nre nt tlw whitlow : \\'hell hlli ! < 1I1111t , ! 11'- W , one of the cll'rkll IIl1drl'I'tl the wlllt- tng fi lIre nt thu willtlow. " ) [ 1' , Ielld Is dlsl'II IIJI',1 , uow , IIIls' ! . " ' ' ' [ . )1\llIl's prl\'Atl' 'J'I1t ! , IIIII t'nterl'tI r. \ ! roolll 'llllcld ' ' , "Y II 111'1' Mr , : 'I1\llIli" "Hu IIl'lItetl. Yes , nlld I nlll sorry I . kellt 'Oll waltillg. " "You , wlllexl'lIse my wnnl of cerelllony , but It Ilf n IIIl1tll'.l' thnt Call1lot wnlt. " " ' " "l'rocl't'd. " : 'II ) ' nul\e : \ Is Atll\rton. ! I \\111 \ n dnllh- ; tel' of Dlllliel A thorlon. " Irlul1l1 : WIIH secl'NI ) ' IIl1ih7.etl , but hu f only howev , lIinl IIhl' cOllllulll'tI : "I llln'e cnlll'lI to lieu 'I\I \ concornlug a mnttor : 'Ilr , ArUmI' ln 'hlrl'y Is , or wns , hltl'l'ClltNl In , " Mr. Il'ad UOWl'tI n lllll. Hili mnunl'r renllIurull Iwl' . SIIII hlistelllll on with her tltor ' , 115 thollllt tillle WIIS precl lIlI , or . .he Cl'nred to OCCIIIIY Mr. Mend'R ti\l1e. "MI' , Mn'herry cnllell IIllOn ) 'OU ( :011' : cl'rnlllJ ; bIlSIIlls ! : ! which hIII ullnhlo tc pursue , hecllulle , IIl1fnrtulllllely , nil 1 hll\'l . " rensoll to helll vl' , lII'y f 1Uler wnll In " 01111 ml111111'I' Itllhlt'ld to chlllle IliAI11111 \ . AI lenst , 11\11 \ tlel'S tlll'llI'll'Ollt 111 a WilY tJlltl Mr.lu 'herr ' l"llllhi uot do whut III thou ht hI ! l.'O II hI , III1 I hllvo 'cnIlIII- 1I0t with his or11) \ ' Cllthr'lI ( Imowlcll ; ; ! ' . _ Ir-bllt to let ) ' 011 Iwow UIO It'lIlh , II ! toll wllldllllhlll ! 11 Imow It trolll rr. III " ! err ) ' hllllselr , : 'Ily rellllon for IlItrlltllll 11 th1I ! ilia lt 1'1' III Imlely hlCalhH ! It II IIIOWII In 1111' thilt : 'II r. lItA 'lll'rry Is 111 III WII ) ' to 1) ( ' hili 1111'11 , Thl ! fUIIll , If IIny , 1Il' ! , , : Ith I1\Y \ fllthl'r , nlld I 11m tr'III to11111,1 aml'mls-the olll ' 11m mills thnt lit'S 111 mJ power , " , "I 1I1111ertitlllld ) ' 011 , Glvc ) 'ollrti\IC III COllcel'lI whlltln'l'r , " 1111111 Mr , 1\11'1111 , 1'11111 11IJly , /IS ho 1001wII nt the III1XlolI-l : f/lCI IlIrlll'll towllrll hi 111. Rho'IIS ! tOIlI ! : , whcl bl' lll'tllillcd her" ' ' 'Thls itloll ot 'ollr flltlll ' 8-hn8 he 11 11 poscd or It o UIIY IlerSOIl , or hils he tnk en steIJ8 thnt will teRt th ! ! cotrectlll'Ss II his ' "Iewsi" "I do not Imow. I Ullllk be' ' hns 1111 lucc oc ed ill Illtorestill ! ; 1II0ra thllll t\\,1 persons-\lr. l\tnybel'r ) ' , who , It IIcelll has glvoll Ule millieI' up , 1I11t1 0110 othel' . ' " 'I'hut is 1111. You dlil lertccUy ! I'I h 111 cnnlng , It hilS , nlrenlly , disabused 111' ' ot aliI ! 1I0tlOIl. " II ! ! ! lI 1I0t Rny vhll . the notioll wall. Irene thollght ho retl.l tl'd to MII 'herry's tnllure to kel'l ) his 1111 tolntmelltllId II tllint blush Rurrus 'll he ! beck , But Mr. l\Icad was 1I0t Ullllklll& & ; 0 .I/1)'berry : hc WI\15 thln"llI ot GriPII , I'm tOllllerlll ! : hnw he mOllc such a 1II1111. . , al brllllllI him II lot at drawings UIII hnd liS IltUo bl'lIrlll IIpOII the new 111'l C S8 liS the shlldow lit Ohl'o\lll. \ Alld h Instlllltl ) ' Rllrllllllt'd that thl1 dl'/lwllIJ1I II GriPI ) hnll 1001\1'11 , lit with IIl1lCr 111111 11 cOllcealed dllllllst were thlll YOllnA' lad"j . . She hU\'l.'t1 IIg lll nlld wlthdrcw. 1\1 Mellil IIIICl'tI the 11001' wlUI 11 strnllKe SUlII honrltlj : ; lIil his iiI's. "So , thlll is Atherton'lf dall"hter. . lo\'e IIrrlllr. Who would hnve thou"llt h a plllhlh'r'j ; tlnlllhter ? As prelly a 1:1 as olle will Bce 111 n weel ( , So , thlll III cnse wl\lrr \ ! G rll)11 hils displayed hili usu bUI'It1l'sS judglllent. " 'ell , It's no arru ot 1II111 hut I'll bl' hnn 'll It I wOllldl1 IIko to lIeet ! n'herry win Inlrtelld I . GriplI , ' 'rhls III U queer world-II qUl' 'world , " OllAP'l' lt XVI , , \'hell DUll Atherton returned hOlllo I , the { ' \'elllll lit the dny 0 rilll' ' cnllml , I 11tllllwr WIIH 11101'1' rhll'rtul thun It hi been tor a wcel" "roil had a culIlr to-l1oyi" You lIIeall Ir , Grippi" I\Yl8 , ' 'L'llcre'li worse ( ellowli. Oil GrINI , I dllre I'll ) ' . You 111\III't \ Ilvo hi thl' II IIl'rs. " " = ' 0 , Not Ulltll you ( lent 111111 with noll' , Yon ICllow I wllllid not he IIIwl ) ' I\'o III1Y plrsoll 1I11)thlng ot'nllle un t Btr\n \ th ot a vl'rblll order , Bllt lr Y TCnll'l11her , ) 'UU OIlCl ! ImprelisC'I\ \ upon I the rtl'Cel'Hlty ot dlillnndlng II. note t1' < ) 011 hl'fofl' 11\1111 : boolt1 or paperll , " " ) 1'11 , 'I'H. \\1'11 , helot / them , UlI'WI tlll\t'H tllI lIIain thlll now , And 1 dI lill ' we'll IW du'lhht lIOon. You'll 1 to lln'Q tl > tUlII ilia II ) ' 1II0rt ! IlressclI , or I1lr ' IIQIIIIlta lIIuI'h 10nKI'r I h011 YOllr (1\1'11 ! , At thl' tahlAlhel.toll J ( 'lit e ( ) , IIl1d " In tetl bUIllICIIIIlli IIlId saylngll that tractetl hlH att ( > lItloll In the 11111De \ 10nI'r ; th:11hlilal \ i hlff 0111 RIIII'ltll returll I ' . , ' I _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ II I Ill' n kl..1 hI" .11I1I/htt'r / : whllt th"re wnll 10 iii' ' 41't'll ill till' ! llor ! ' . . . " 'hl'lI hI' 1'0" " , hI' lIIkl'l lit 0111' III' two hookli 11'1'1I11t1 1II1''hllllll'lIl 1IIIIllut./ ! , III' hl' 11 II 10 hllmIII / nil' or II llllll' , then 1I11- tll'lIl ' tllrlll'lI to hl tlllll hterl'ho \l'a'l \\/I ! < Ihllll : till' III hl'H , "I SII ' , Irl'lI" ' ! Arl' 'Oll Nil 1'1' 'Oll111' / : 'II r. U 1'111(1 ( tilt ! I'hht 1'011 1 'I'hl'"I' ! I'IIIHI' : ! /lrt / ! all 1111\1,11 111' ' IOletlll'r. I elllt't ' tl.l1 ! tllI'lII111111'1. / . " "I dnll'l Iwow , I won'l he SlIrl' . YOII l'/l1I / " : IIIIIf ' ) 'IIlII'sl'1f h ) ' UI > I'"IIII ; thl'III , " Ill' "IH'lIl'll till ! Iir1 ! IIII' , , : ! ' roll 111'111' hllll. . \ II I'xpllllllntloll hroll/ht / 1s'1'1It ! loth" door. lieI' fllthol' 1001\1'11 ut 111'1' 'wllh II } . ; rll1' ( /11' / . " \\'h ' , here IIrt ! thl ! t1rawllll ; nrlllil Cllllle fOI' , " "I ClIlI'l ! wa how It hlllllll'llI'II , " 11/1111 / Ifl'llI. ! , l'OIllIIlJ : , turwll1' < \ . "I W/I / ! ! SII allx- 1011:4 : toI't / rill or hllll , litleI' rl'fll'lill hllll the'lIrt tilh ( ' . Ihllt I JII\ ' ( ' hllll 1111' . 1'011 I IllIJlIIIt } ; hl ! Wllllt.'II. . . . ' ' 'I'lli' III'Xt thhlI / I Wllllt to IOww , whl\t , Iltl . \1111 \ ' ! ' hllll'/ " 11'1'111' IItotHI 011 u I'hnlr , lonkell at till' l'I'lIll1illlll rolls , tllt'll tlesce lIIt'tI , pUl . a lin I'I' 011 her 1Il' ! ! , IInll slIltl : " 1'111111 , IfI'O I / Ir , Gl'itlll 111) ' tlrt\\'ill : ! 1 III IIIIHlllke , " , Dltll ALherloll IIInlle II wr ) ' rllce. ' 1'hl' IIIll1tnke III the d rn wlIl ! ! 1'\'ltll'nt- I ) ' 111 1 lilt ! hllll'er ' IIlIell'lY , SlIcllll'lIl ) ' his l ! 'l ! fl11 011 the nell (1I11Irl's'I'1I ! to him , 110 Rtrlo ( to till' IIInlltel , ! ; arill : "Whell Illd this COlli ! ! ? " 4'1 thuUg'ht ' It whl'lI ' ' rOil sn \ \ 'Oll caliit' Ill ; It Cllllle halt nil hOllr 1)1'(111'1' ' : 'III' , Grltll' coiled Ule secolltl tlllle. " Athtl'lnll oJll'lIet ! lhe 1I0to 1IIIIt > kl ' , I'ltst hi ! ! C' 'e o\'er It , then 111 all nlterl'tI 11I11t' nsl'll : "Who left UIIH hcre ' , " I relle , 111I1cl. tu 1I0ie IIIIJ Cllll 1I t ! in his \'olcn 111111 mnllllel' , replied : "A hny. " "A boDe , ) ' 011 kuow hllll ? \\011 hI ) ' 011 1111)hllll It 'Oll11 w hllll 111:1111' : , Whul Willi he IIkei" "Yes , I th1nk-1 11m slIl'e-1 couill tell him , I lIe\'or SIlW hllll hoforo. \\'hohe wus IIbollt tWl'1\'I' or fOllrteell. " "Irelle ! " IlIII IIIl1l1lWr "III1'lIwII her : his eres shone with II fiercelless thutllllll'lIIJl1 her. " 1'011 IIIl1st IIN'II 011 the lookollt COI' hll11-lhl ! bo ) ' , I lIIeallnnilit ) ' 011 SCI' him , UK 'uu'alue 'ollr IIfl' , do 1101 let hllll ( 'I't Ollt ot ) 'OUr slht } ; ulIlll 'Oll luul'll who he IH , where he 1I\'l ! > I-all thllt Is 11 ece\ ! ) ' to be uble to Illlt 111) ' hUlld 011 hl1l1 , YUII hear , Ir\lIl'i" " 1'1'11 1 1IlIllorHllllltl . . , , fllther. . 'l'hell Atherloll hllstil ) , cruIIIIIlcl ! tlw 1I0te IIJ1 , thrllst It Illto hi : ! IIOCl\lt , Iol'aSJletl his hilt , IInd wltholll ! llIrillg' II wor 1I1ore Ilft the house. When Athertoll'IIS n little dlstanc\ ! Crom hOllle he IHllllled , stoot ! 1II0liollioss , n II relll'ctc . OICIIIIIJ ) ; the lIote hl ! hntl thrul Illto hi ! ! IlUcltct , he I'el'erus ( It slowly , It Wlls vcr ) ' 1II 'l lerious. It I'CU UIIIH : " 'J'here Is no telling what R momellt IIIny brlll II'orth Hrst Cllt 'ollr HUC ! ; , 111111 IIls Chance of 'l'ruhhle. I'd tell ) ' 011 thl I only tor strulIe'I'S ! watchIng to Icl 11 grip 011 HOml' Olle , " . \ I H1gNn IN N l n. " f Atherloll wild this o\'er twlco cnreCIIII ) ' IInd wlliketl 011 , first holding' lhe 1II'sll'l'l OilS 1I0to 1111 curefully 111\11 Illac lI/ / ; It h hl lIoclcct. 'J'wre'us \ 110 Ilate. 1'111 SI lIutllre was 1I0 fl'assllrlll/ / ; , It cOllld olll ' lIIenll IIlIe Ihllll ; . It fl' fl'rred to the denth ot Bob I'l'terH. A lit : ) 'et 110 1I0llle WUII lIIelltllllll'd. It 'I'U \'II lIe , ! Jill nil Ihl' 1II0l'e l'nll'ullitcll It I1larlll u lIIail or WI'ld , IIIII1 : n Ilm lI 111111 wOIlIt ! be dl'l\'I'1I 11110 h ' it \ II I'allic ) , 1111' h'ss ho felt thnt Ill' cOIIIII lHllilly 1I1cet IIl1l dlIIIISI ! ot 1111) ' chllrltrought , lI aln ! > 1 hllll , "It lIIennll lIIore thnn G rhlJl kllOW9 01 } nil thllt PIIHHCd-UIIII IIIn 'ul ! Homo 0111 who do1I0t ! Imow , hut sllspects whnt II not h'ue , " At lCrtoll WIIIII'tI Klowly III0IIg , ponuer . III lhe IIl1anlll" " ; of till. ! wnrlliug notl ! . "Ant ! why mllY Il 1I0t l' Homebo y h' ' IlIg to trighten mc" Somellocly will Willits to Jet ml ! out ot the wa ) ' ? " ' 1'11111 view was us l'eullollnhle as11) : \ uUlCr. lIls slrollcommou / selle toll , I him he ollght not to hl' Iulded 111 nn ' 1m I'ortllllt mntter h ' 1111) ' IInollYlllous note III short , he took UII. ! corl'ect'Iew : h. . t Hnld to hlmselt ho woul stllY where hi e wall. lIe WIIS 1111 .111110COIlt , 1111 Slllh'SII , u : t uny 1111111 who cOllld cOlltrollt him , 111111 hi ' - wOlll 1I0t be II1'h'I'1\ WII ) ' trom the dt ) ' I- And Yl't there wns l'lIou h to IIInle hIli l'teel unclJ1I1rortnhle , Ulr\'OIlR , 1I1111l'lhell slve. A 11I11n who would stoll to writl hIm IIlIch a note was eowllrdly ono1\11 \ to O nn'thlng. So he hud two ell\mlt ! e wh re he thought he hnr but line. 'l'ha aile'IIS Grlllll. o 1'1 I'JI , whom hi' Wu Icllnglll ! ; to : Grlllll , whom he felt 111. , cholIII ; G\'IIII' , who hotled to he rl'llItt" to him 111 II closlr mu IIl1er tlllIlcommel elnl cords could hrllll ; IIl10ut. . Athertoll 1I111.\d himself thell IInd there \\111 I fi ht tor trt'I'tIOIll-tor 1II 'solt , CII my dllughtcr ? Ion ! ; he debnted wit hi1l111 lt'hell hI ! hlltl turned to mo\ ' Oil , he mlldo Ulls r'lIlIlve : "I will light , Iill be nil wise us th l'rl'ellt 1I1It ! ns gl'ntle ns tOe IIO\'l'-lIl1t my UIII ! ! COllies , ' 1'hl'lI , Mr , Gl'illl ) , Ion nut for ) 'ourelt-lool , out , : 'Ill' . < : I'lplt ! lIe thrut II hnnd out III IlIIajluntion II hI' wllikell oil-It was now dUl'k. "Ul'lIo , tllI'rf'1Vhnt do ) 'ou lIIenll , hi 1I11" tl'lIow thnt WilY ? \Yhy , hless 111 It 'tolll't 111111 AtllCrtoll , " "You'rt. Just the IIIl1n 1 wnut to tll ] 10. COllie with ml' , , TnI'I , ,1 o lit'S. I hll' IHI 1I1I1IIthlll'ery Herloll to KllY to 'ou , " lis "Dnll , ) 'ou kllow I'd g'O thrOlIh } ; lirl ! 1\1 : IIlI wlltet Cor you' " "I holll've It , Co 1I1l' ' ' , 'l'hllI tht ! two llUlhlllrll wIIII.ell all " :1 : h ) ' tilt\l' \ . 1111 - 111I CII.l''t'lm XYlI , Oil ! ! ot Oil' lll'si kllUWII 10cnlltieH u Plttshlll'l : , liS 111 nil ulhl'r Illre : dtll to 111111 l'sllol" IIII ) ' III 1''lIt IIInllufn < 'llll'll II\ ! cl'lIters , III tIll' 111111'1' "l't IIpart tQr to : ou , Ictontlon at ! luch 1\IIIItrnl't thl' IlIw , 'l" Ille Plttshurg 'l'omb8 hns hilt Ol\e outlet , III } 111 thnt Is all n IInrrow IItrel't , tl'rllll'lI DI monl1 , tormerly 1111 11111' ) ' , ; v , nelo , > " the elltrlllll'O tll t.he 'l'omhs , tl'O Ilther sltIe ot the street , lire a numher Ilot 1''stllurnllts. 0111' ot thl'se III much ILk I Lk\ ! \'lIred hy WOrkl'rK 111 thl' mlll4 ! IIl1tl 1111 . " tnetorll'lI. Especlllll ' O Olt' Iron wllrl\ ! re. l'OIlrclItl ! ! here , Illto this estnllll : ntIIIl'lIt A tht rton 1111111'1'1'11 Jack J onei : , Llllt . \ coullter 011 the lert extende to ecl. . 'I\'k \ 1'0011A ! : roup ot men weri llitt ! - . . . - lit a tnhl11111' 1111' ,11101' . nobillIII. . . 'lIi. . , IIIK I'IOIlIt ' ! IlrollOsl'll 1'1111111:1'11 III \\.11" " ' . . . . or lIIelholl of 11I111111 fll 1'1 II 1'1' , Allothl'l' ; ; ; rolll' W\'I'I ! , IIRI'II1'1'11I1 ' ( 101'111 politiI'll , At Ule l'xtrllIIl' ! 1'1111 of Ihe 1'0111111'1' ' two 11I1'11 Wl'r,1 ( 'ollvl'rll1UI : III low Inlt' ! . . . 0111' , WIIS1'11 IIrt'81'1I'II , with th. . , 11I1111111'1' IIC n shllr/l / , 1\1'1'11 hllrrilll' , ! ! 1111111 , Hnlllethlll III thlA 1111111' ' ' ' IIInliller 111111 nl'IIl'lIl'ntleu ' nl'I I rl'Mll'l1 Alhl'rloll' ' ' ' IIttl'lItioll , 1I11t 111' ; 11I1'- ' rlltI with hIM fl'll'llIl Illto Ihu huck 1'110111 , I I\'III/ / ( II wulrl'r 11111:11 , 'I'hl ! 1111111 Collow. l't ! hlll1 1tIlIlIl'lIl1tl'l ( ' , "We'nllt t\l be nlolla IIhout five 111111- IIII'R. ' " "I'll hI'I' 'Oll 1IIII't 11IIItll1'hl'II Cor Ihnt Ihlll' , " ! ! 1I1t1 th ! ' IIltttldlllll. . , \lhl'l'toll thrlll'lt ' II hnntlilltll hIs pOl'lwt , broll hl forth tht , wnrnlnl : lIotl' , :11111 : It lIowlI I'flru : his I'olll/lnlllon / , nntl looccll ] lit hilll III HII"IICI' " , , lIl1'k , TOIII' ! ! I'Itllrell ' , " , IIII'll I" , \ thertotl 10\\'cr'll hili voice , "I III'ollht ; : 'Oll O\'er hefl' to tt'll 'ou whnt , 110 IIthl'l' BOllI wl11 e\'er hl'lIr froUt nw. I walllolle lIIall to ICIIOW till ! trllth , ) lay- he It will he hel't-It n1Uy ser\'e mu or IIIhll' , " A thl'rtoll lool.ell nround hllll , then hend. III ; : : fll 1'\\111'1 I , n ! 11'1i hili COlllllnnloll : " "ill YOII e\'I'r 111'111' lnlk oC how Petol's Illell'/ / " " 'I'lIlId 0 , tlll're Willi pleuty IIlIld 'Oll h:1I1 : 1111 ultl ; : : rllllle , nllil II0011 / rl'lIR < 1II to walloll hllll , hilt denth steplled In nnd chl'ulttI 'Oll of ) 'our chnllct ! , ' 1'hdo : : tHY , KIII')1 ) uo III or the tll'nd , hut I 1I'Ir 1'011111 nllilic l'ell'r ! ! , He WtlS too up et- 1111'-1111' IIIl1ch for Ihe ho' ! ! ! , nntl too hos ' fur nn ' uf IHf. Bllt he Is dl'llll , tInll It't , , him 1'1'81. " "AlIll'n 10 Ihllt. YOII n'ver Ial'III'd ( ,11)- IIIill1o : IIlw a hllll ot f01l1 lIn ] ) ' 1" "Wh ) ' , I'd knock a I11nn down i h ( ' hillted It nrorl' le. " "Yoll mlsllmo\ the bl llnln nnd eld. I \ \ ' wllh 111m , 'Oll kllow I \\'I ! 1llllreln ; IIntl loll Clllse. I told him I' let 10 mllll ride rOI h-Mhod o\'er le. Alld he Ioatld I11U to dl'pcrnton. " 'ell , I hlld ' to whlil hi , or Jlst Ilde 111 1) Iln I ' " /w'tI / whip ml' . "I prcdictcd It often , Dan' " "Anti [ wa ! ! jll't OlIS to hIm-with this lrst. Athertoll held out hi cencl1tI hnnd. "Ul' hn lllcled up n wel pOll , whllI hI tl'lI in II hl'lllkl' n mnll struck h ) ' IIKhtnln" . , Jone ! looked nt bls compfllllon , Ipen- 10uthed. " 1'011 lln't tel thllt nt\Uw inquost. "No.1 1' ' , lec\r did not \c to rllll ! ' ' IU ) ' 10re Iulk thl1 wns necessar ) ' . 'I'll 10lellt the Inll'st wns OYlr I Cel un- ellS ) ' , I WI ! UI first thing I e\'er cou- cenled , ,1 nel , " ' . you. ) ' \ ' Imew "I's lke Nobt 1a\'er ) ' 01 to \erll IIn3'thlu back. " " ' ( : to nntI as 'L111I 11'P ' calI me tnl\d It I oWl.l l\'I'r 'thlllg to Wm tor 10t be- In ! : In jll. " . " "And 'UI hi himi" " :0.01 sl'e--I begnn to thlnl. of hUII ! . I here Ilc on her account. \Yhen 01111 fll111 I was nlarmed ahout the WI ) ' Pel'rs dle , nnd tbe whole ( 'ase WIIS not t'Xlllaild , he beglln to buid un , You know ' ! " eontrull le m ) Iltent .Ayl. . . "It hrollht me toolsh letters , nnd OI' -jllst enl ! - hlsiles : cIstomlr-youu lu ' crr ' , Wc ! - 1 II ned In ngrl.'meut wilh hll. Ie wns to hel11 Ict others Intorl'tet nud clrry out m ' pllnl , When we' tlllled the Ilrocess o\.r - 1I0t'er ) ' f/lr trol where we nre "Ittng -Grllll , who WIS 11 a sta1 In 1 restlu' rnt 1ext lS , onrheartl e.ery worll I snid. "Aud It he dltl-he are 1I0t come Ilc YOlr wny. You'd . ) 'Ollr Itea IIntentl" "Xot 1'\'I'r3.thlll . II' heard cnollh tc l'hl'lItll' . : 'Illyhl'rr ) ' 11111 I welt to rl'ltl Bro ! ! . . Co- ln'lerry WIIS uing to .I Ir. ) le.\1 1110 thc schlle with 1 s--n H ] Ihere was Urlli IIlll'ud at liS. " 'c 11urt , him tlll Ihont hi' ! new procl'ss to Ir , ' . : ' - ' anti I ' ' , l'ud. 'Ilu-hlrr ) Sl'lIl1rtl'tI 11t afllrWurd U dlil let I J think he WII5 on the 100kout-ll1d he trIed to Illuce m ( to " Ihrw : 'Ila 'berl'y OYer 111d take hll 11. "l'len did YOI fy lt hIm ? " "I did 10t. I 011/ht / ot the scnnlnJ - Irene. I ought to hll\'e Cuurrelet with him hn't done 1I1t \'t ! wit It. 1'hen whut 1" . Atherton's eye wnH mora resolute , bi tone more l1pressl\'e. " 1'1 jolng to llro\'e to you how ensl ) It II to be Ilstlllu ? Imoln / t Hho\\ YOl how I let lhe tholllht ! ! ot Irelll ! 11' ' : ! cllndnl cow me , I suld I'd think 0\11' I I shollid hll\e strlck the \'laln , tor hi Is Ule , When ln'lerry cllled on 11 to 1 talk , I wus ofsh-he /ot / of'h ! too , anti liS ho hI n l h'mlntled , 8plriel 'OUn ! ; tellow , ho gn0 me back the agree ml'lt I signed' " " \\el , " slIltI Jack J on , slttllg bilcl tronl UIO tnblu , "he wa ! n tool He'd I right to hol on to the IllIper , IInd not Ie his hl h.mhllledlllss cUe betwe\11 WI nnd his plaIn rl ht I 10ver beUe\'ed I ot YOl Dnn-1l'ver. " "I kllow Gripil would lke to Ilrry IJ dau hter , le hfll monnH. Ie Is wo U 11 Joel Ih'al ot 10IWIIS he was hn\11I1 oVer " 'tllllIg his OWI way "ith 1) ' 11'0 cest. " 1'1 sorry tor you , Dun : Im moh sorr ' , nai. "I helt'\'e It. Dut I nm sorrlcr to Uwlt. le hlld le cull to ! ! ee him at Q out'oChl''I ) ' place"-herc DUl shlltl , c dered-"I 1)lace where n lurtler was l'lII , mllu thllt .err nl ht ; so ) 'ou mn ) ' Imo\ the sort ot a gallg I hld to elcol1t\ ! golll there. " ' . " 't11 murder WIIS- "The Ilrtlor ot that womnn In AI IhIU ' , 1 agr\ed to se1 hll lY , Irm III II , so he cOlld show them to 11 . . ' : 'I111t- " 'I'hll he'l Iot YOI tOII , Dan. I he' } . ; ot the tlrwllgs , 'ou lust get th\1 " II ( bacl ( ' e "StOll , le didn't glt thel. WhIm ! ! l'nt him to 1 ' house tor them , Ircn II would lIut gin' thel 01 I'el'hul ollc So I wrote one lt the 11 , nlli he \\\I ullck tor the IIrn wlug's. Whell I t hOI II. ! trol work thll e\'l'llll : , I tllll I Ie II gn0 Wi tl11 tl'l wll)1. " " " "Gootl ! ! ' ' ' ! < ol < 10cl CI' l'I'II "I llnn't klOW , ! ut I thllli. ,11 11 ' 1 11 Ilde I li-ltu : ko. A lhow , < rilil hll lot ot with Irl'nl"s ' , ' \ 'I , lllllrs hl'lhl'I I II" Ind towers 01 tHI. h " = 'ow I'd le tll urst , Dan , I's li good Olll'll ! ootl Oiou U 1'111\ " IHI " 'llll , the 11xt thllll : , I fOIHI th in. nolI ! , A bo ) ' brought It to thl h011 ' li IIlnrlel le , I contls , ltlt , , Tld. , I' ' 01 not 111 1'1 Id uow. 1 'I I ' own mil ot nlln } , SCIllal or no st'lllnl , 1'1 : oh tl- to t ht GrllI I wlnt SOII' Ole tl tll I S ttlIld 1I0W YOII know the wholl. ! n ! 'I'l nels' Ih.s . tll trlentIs ! ! lerI'l } ; trom the tl hlck rom , the mlln Atherton 11\1 0 'a aer\ed lit the cud at Uu cunter a 11 : IllrllChe him and touced him Ughty I . . . n. I ' . , . 11'1 , AIIl'rton lurled on hIm qulck- " "hl nre 'Ol , Rlri Whnt o ou . ! WIII ? " . : "r \\'nul ) " ; 11 " " 1111 thl mnn , with nn 1" nll'lt looi ! , Illlldl II 1 1111' thlt wes . , 111'11'.1 Ihrnll/lolt tht' 1'0011I. " 1 , lolI't Iwol 'Ol , 111' ' ' ' 111.1 Ath" ton 111IRr1Y , " 11111 Ir ) 'IU t11'I' ! tl sluk ( I , } III ' ' nltl , I'll 'II'h ' Il' ' - 'l ! 'ou II ! " " 1 ) 01'1 1'1- 1\'mllI' 11' IIIJ nP 'Oll 1\ , Iu "iIIIIll'tl I 1111If111111111,11 / ot Ilce. 'hl nllr 11/(1111 / tn two 111"1 Iwar , who hntl ' III ' ' wn ! ! hi 1'011 whll' .lhll'tol . lhe Ilcl. 1'001 , " " "SI ' I" > 11' hll " " 'hit tn rOi \ \ 'nlttheltol for' III- 11111h'II , J omf : Iwtl of the Ih 111 1'1'1 i ll lt tlll'll II tU1'1 III n 1fl1ler Ihlt 1I11I11t IlsllIl' R , 'Iwo whllllll'll out rlH'ol\'lls il tnltl ' . 'rie OIlU \ \ ho Ilul ! IIOkl'l Ilsllll 1 htll : " on the 111111 I I''s or Ihl ! ! SI'I'11' , ( ' 0 be cOllthIUI'I\ ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MONEY IN THE FISH .RIES , - - - - Vus l ortllcA ln\c IcelIII""CII 1) 'hl c " 'ho clle thc Oce , " , Flu' more II'olnhl li Inl . II StUICIS 111 tllll I he Hol alil 1'UI. thl. ' ' ' ' . Ilg ! Ill'\'tsts t hll'eJ'om Is the uecl. 11 UII of " 11 l'mIJ" ! lhe OCII I. Iul.\ ' uf tllosc Ilgl111 II the Iuusts Ishel'll'H hl "C become \lllJSOJ ' I'lch. The totul hll'\ell of sel HAh lolt ut UIIII'eHtm' IUI BOtol , which ul'e the 11'1111\11 111I\ls , tu1llg the IHst , yeal' , olclal ' 1'C'\orted , I 10 I I tlll to 1 U : : lS , ! : 1 jOIHls , worlh $ , ta8,10 , of whih the : ewfulullhllnks IJ'ollllced SOle thing 10re tmn UOOOOOO 110nIls , whie the groun s orf the : W I nl - Inlli coast 'lellcd ncall ' ! nOOOOUO IUll13 , There wore a,731 "fnles" ( smack loads ) brought to Bostol , sa ' 8 1 wrlm' II Succefs , Of these 03 came fl'ol the eastel blnlR. At Gloucl8- tel 3,78 "Clres" were la l . c of whIch : IU were fl'om the blnk8. On he Pacic coast the ctch , amounell to :17UU5l U pou1ls , tie mlue of whIch was $ U , is.nm. : 'rho eUlllt.1 hl\'l'sted there amolll.d ! 1 nourly $1,000,000 an 20,000 poollle fount clplo 'mont In the busIness. l or the sake of comparIson , It rny be worth te1ng that the fl'esh watm' lakes , which Unelc Sam also culi. mtes , 'Ielde 13,728,040 pO\11s of lsh , worth $2G1,4S , whie lhels - ' slfslplll nn Is trlbutallef IH'oduced U.1,713.12 poun1ls , "alued nt * 1,77- 81 , ' 0 SUi I up , the } rlncll11 fsh le1s of the United Stntcs producc In ono 'e1 for the mlret the exL'aol' l. l\r ' nmount of 8U25 , lH pounds of Pllhle fsh , for which the Isho1mel rll'e\I ! more than $15,000,000. 'fhls dols not Incl\10 the run of shul [ or ' ' to New York : UY lsh brought dh'cct Ciy and other ports south ; nor toes It Inclmle the quanttes talten In local wnters anll consumed In the yla es amI smaler ciies. Zelther do I Iuehl o the shellsh. RUNS ALL NIGHT , Chlc onn Uefulct to no ImprclcIl b , ' Great Caturact. .lalaru's Among the practcal jokers of Ohl- cage Is one who deserves to be cllssed t with the "doctor" Inllrk ' .wnln's 'In. " ' " . noeents The "doctor's" can. Abroad. , 'ersaton wih the guide about tl luml ' Is hnr lr : more amusing than this mln's conversulon with the ulle : uhout Nlagam Falls , as rcluted b ' the . Brooldyn Eagle. 'l'he man l'ccent I mllle his trt trip to the fnls , In n . I guIde Wh01 Ic hlrod was t' 'lng to 1m. \ress him wIth their Ullgnltude. I "Grnt' ' " suggested the guide. "Orea ! " acquIesced the Chicagoan ' . stoltl : " Ingnlfcent" pel'slstcd the gultf dlsaplJlltpd at the luclt of enthusl Ism. "FIner than the bear-trp dam In the rnlnage canal , " admited the Cllc : . Ol n. ' 10 gultIo looled to see If le were jokln , but there was nerer l smie. The Chicago man secmcd to bo Interest , ! cd , bl not nt nI hnpresse . "Miions of galons n minute , " ex , i \lnlned the gultc. . "low many a day ? " asked the Oh . cuguun. guide "Oh , , biions and bilons I" lald tb ( 'ho Ohlcngoan looked across ant down and up , as If gaging the few and then turned nway. "Uuns ni nIght , too , I suppose , " hi rema1l\d , dlslnterestc ly. ' ! 'he guldc wus so dazed thnt he hal . not reco\eret when the Ohlcagoan ler The Un"eh 'VaH HII'red. A Itlng's counsel was allliearlng In I case of slan er , which wus being hearl hefore n certain judge , wlh whom - outside court ho was on the best a . terms. ' 1'he chief wlness was a woman , whl n\peare to testfy to the alcge sin , "Now , ma a1 " be an the K. 0 ' . "plense repea t the slltlerous st'tc mcnt ! mude by the dcfendant on thl occasion just ns 'ou Ilard them. "Oh , they are unft tor any 1cspcch ble person to hearl" was the emphnt rC8110nse , as she 1001 , < lullnanUy a the hll'rlstcr , "Then , " snll thc K. 0 , coaxlnl "suppose you just whisper tlem to th . " . ' . Ie jUl e.-I.ondon Answel's. IC Prl'Hslolailr ' Ot hl'I'wl ! ! "Yes , " mlt 11' , Kllal , "I spent m Il ! \ 'nealonunnlng In the ) Iaile wOOll ! n uul 1 almost 1le a gullc. " "Thl 'S so 'f , How dil he come to et : ) ou t 1I1CSC1'lho for him ? " - -Phladelllhl\ nOtl I 'l'ho 1nl' nlil the " 'hlle. 1.'l'lentl-You alwa ' ' ' 'I ! - ln"o 's refcl'f'li t ; 'our wlfo as 'our "better halt = ' 0\ ' 1 how to you tl.slguato ! the baby , 11 II :11 = 'owl 'l > ssel-Oh , hahy Is tl whole . ' , Ik thlllg.-Hlold 'n gagle II- JII Vlcn tII. Ie Singloton-l say , \etll'I ' , 1111 'o , ' tulw thIs ? ! 1 vacaton sumUer 11- WeerlWcl I guess so , : 'Ily \1 In stayed In the cuntr six weeks , . \ . , , , . . - I . . - " . , . . - ' , ' . - ' - " " . - t""r" , - - , ' - ' - - " - - - - - - - - { , \ \ - _ - = - .h- _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I - I ' : ; I i I i tl , Y'p . . , ' L- _ - - - " rl I l : - ; . ' ' " ; ; I : ' . ! _ " ' - . . .rr'- i" f1r ) I . _ . ' _ " ' ' 'ip ' " . . ' _ I , . t _ , - r ! > , . _ r. , "x f4 { ' . . l ] \ - - _ . . . . . . { _ t I " " " " 3 . t. . - - - HClllllcal Fcrtllzl , ' ' ' hout 1'le'o Ilemalyfllls thrfu . the l'Olltcr : whose O"III'S 1'lllOl If. ford t1 fl'ltlr1 tlll 11n'I ' or e\'el to Ivl thl1 thl' . (1Inntt ( ' 11lllpd to . ltIll thll ( I fli. 1'llulltun. . \s 1 rc. Imt such fl1'1S nrl rUllhll'doWI Il' ( I lSP t hc Pl'oiIS COnSUI1' 101'1 ' 11- Ing 1Itlrlll than Is . 8UllplllII h ' tll' fl I 1 11 ; In ulhlI' WI.tl , the croIIS are . .1m wIng tou " hl.'a vly IpOI the stolld. ' ' "of the JURt as . ! lp fCl'tllt Rol Il.n ' w too hell \ ' lIl I SUI\tles Il'n hell'lr Oi . thelt" stoled.up hOl1es , or Slllus vlnl of An ' so1 10 do the wOI'I , rl.lulred ! of It sholld 1) fel'11rell so that It wi ' ' ' ' ' Is 1m fOl'me as nel'l Ifel' thl 11'011 tnlwn fl'om It lS It WIS hefm'l helel' fertlrels 1ust Iw fUIIIII'll In eXCl'S ! of the 11clls of the l'owllj 1101) . ' 0 bring 1I l'IUloWI fnl'l Is lot 11 . I ensy tlslt , cSIwlII ' when one Is ham. pCl'ed In the f'le ! Ise of fertlzllg i matcrlal , hil It. mlY be dOlc and In. ' ' thc 'of expelsl\'el hy cOlhlnatoll Jl'eel mll\'eS , 1'01 1 erc I fel'llzcl'S , stnblc IHn1e :11 mlage. nel ' 11111 ' on the legllHs stch ns l'OW IlelR , criusoll CIOVl.l' ! nld the vel. yct ! eun for hUlus alt IlroJcn ; Ise stablc ' ' thinly onr 1anlre SI'I tC'cd the rouHl , nnd ' commerclll Cm' . tirPI's Ise lalnly those I'lchct In I Ilolash 111 Ihol\hol'lc acl1 SU(111Ie- ( lent these fl'tlzlrs h ' fl'l.llllt ! III tl l ! the fnrm wi thorol/1 : Int ' ' ' . ' In ; ralunI IIIH'o\'e. JI'owll any l'l'Op Olt shoull have al thc Imowl- Ide Ilosslbll oC whlt Ilnnt fooll that Cl'Op1 tnl1 CI'OI thc soi . In 1 hI gI'l'nt'st 'qultl : IIs , :11 In fel.t1zllJ nppl ' thlt111'II : 10011 II excess of the needs of the 1'10/1 / at least tu the exltnt thlt Is tllen CI'OU the soi. ' 1lls If a coml11ex stud ' , hut 011 which sU1'cly nceds close atlltol , for upon It tellends Ilrgel ' the fulue re. sul ! fl'om the tarl. , Clevcr for LOIIII . ! A very convenient lo glng 1'llge. 1lcnt ! for use In the wood lot In the wlutor tme Is I tra voy. I Is mnll of t ' 0 crooked tree trunks a hou t G or l II ( hes In dllletel' , G fept 101g. 'rIl t roolll ends nre bole1 ! together , as shown In the cut 'l'he belt or bolstll' is holed nbout two-thlt'ds of the WiY had ; . 'lhls Illl'CI shoult bl ! strong Ild 1'led a Ito II the celter to f01'1 a holow fO' the log tl 1'st II , Thl ! 10 : Is hel ' on hy I clllln , which Js 1'lllwd l'OUl ole el II of thn holstol' ht a , plssed o\l.r ! tI log Itl ulter tl holster It the othe' side of tl II'I\O ' . From there I Is carried o\'er tie fl'ont Cl' SRIle/e , b , thel uueer the ( 'lok at the poilt , c. ' 0 load the tra vo ' , It Is laid hotom " 11 01 top ot thn 101 01' leuIld aJlnst side , ' , 'J'he Its ( lccorl1ng to ( 'OI\IIIlICC dmll Is put Ilto place and the tltm hltche on , drwlug SllloWIYS , ' 1hls 'Ul'US thc t1avoy o\lr ! 111 tw log l'omes up on top. 'rie tl':1 Is then ulhltched , thl I'haln IHsst'd throulh - I lAUL1O LOOS rfAUE EASY. 1 uldor tw point au rehltchl ! to the double tree and the log Is londml reae ' lu haul to the skllwlI. L. Smith , I'J 11:11 1nl lome. Nul PunetnrcR , We nre frequelty Iske tw hest 11'l'atn1ut to pursue tor ntl wounds hI Ihe toot of a horse , says an eXChtflle , When tl ual has bCln relo\'ed , 101. low thc puncture thl'ouJh the Bole 01 a frog to the sot tSSUIS , twn fil 1 I' ca\lty wih n soluton made ot equal Jlrts of 11 clmphor IIn carbolh : arid " Ild pllclt wlb colon. 'l'hls treatmen1 should be repeatld al ' unti l'OCOV I'r ' Is complete , Where this tl'eatmell Is prompty Ind plpcrly carrlud oul " lal woulds In the toot of the hOl'SI 11\e1r r'Sult hi absCcss IHI SUIHI ( \ tlon , Where abscess or the foot 11u oce1'rell remo\'e n1 loose hol lin r , 'Ih'ess with ' with ' colon sntl'lted tu e ollton gl\el. 'l'he cOtOI shoull1 held In pllce b ' a bandllge IroUll tll foot , I Grniu ! Ilt Precltt.1 , II expCrlnlllf It the Ctnndl\ tml statol for the prl\'elton of rlh smut , the best results were ohtalned h SIH'I 'llg the snell wIth a solutol 0 hll pint ot forn\1u to Ih'elloll / ! ! 0 ' . 'l'ho cost of two WI t ( trl tmll : toes 10t excoot ono calt pel' bushI , I " _ WIS fOUHI to bo an allost perfeclIu'u of SItt , \lllvc 10 " 'hlewa"h. Ur lllny wlltewlil : , lS CrlJlut ; , very ! excellt tl lut hll Itto lfcct lsil ' trees. ' 10 ttstroy the In U I'e tw ' the crerlcl. ! 1cctt IUI t'JII lilllol 11 . uf thl' l'Cl S vor ) ' much strlger IPll11 I ( 'IUOIH ha YO to bl Illl,1 Ser soar IC Ul'et to t o L'nalstcncy or 1 thlcl 1 , ' , . 1 - Ja lit , wHh tl ttdltun of a Htroug 1011101 If wllhll HoeU , malwl on of I Il' II1St laslllJ wasll ! , A solu- tel of Inl Iloul1 of comlercial pot- nsh 11 fl'OI two to fou galons of ' WltCI' is Ilso Vl'I' ' gool-Calllau ( lol'tclJu\lst. r Jnw to Jlr\'c"t Clo\cr. ' ' ' ' to harrcst clover 'ihe IU'ollL'r W1 I th , ' 1'1UJl'l' ' wn ' 11t thol'C Is but 010 I > 'OPII' WiY. In the Ii'st 1)llce do rt I ctl It too J1'een , 101' alow It to jet too rille. Whel ahout half tie top blooms I et ' nnll ' of the : 1111' hl'own 1ld sdme I lea I to hl'o\\'n It Is the "es I : I I \ \ twu to ' rln' If the ' Is tll 1'lt I 11 ; . Welthel' II' ' : otwl'wlsl' It It stJul I few days j 101 el'-fol' I \J IJtlr ! to Ict It gl'OW thal to Jl.t ! I wet In the swathe , I " dols not 1'lpll fast In rin ) ' wl.ather ! , i hit tontllllS 10 I'O'\ ' . \ 10 not the dew ; blJln loWIIJ Ult has ' the ' . Nevcr ( J01t 01 II'the lol'nlng. ( ut It whel wct-or the IIay w1 ho \ IllnI t11 I Is ! est to cut for only n ! fl'\\ ' hours nl If the elo\'l.r ! Is not UI- \ ISUI : ' Iwn It ca 1 he 1ltld In t c II I the Ifel'I001 11 wll row nllt shoclt- ! cd , wlwn I 111 slawl sl\elul dl 's be. forc stackll . 'l'hls Is the bet WilY , If thl weatllr Is ru\'olnble , lS the hllY cures bl'lghtm'111 hetl.r ! , Olhe1vlso \ Ilt It ftuml 11 thc Wll1'UW and HllrOHI ! \ ont tl lext da ' to CI'I' , anI slack In : the aftl'noon. By puttng It In the wilh'ow It saves It fl'om gatlJ wet hy thc dew , whIch Is nlmost af had 01 It us I r\u. \ Should It mlu 01 I spread Ollt anll dl' ' thorol hlr-nevel' staclt It green. as It wl mold. lolemhm' to hi ve It eueIa thorou hl ' nf It Is IJ'lclcahlo to hlldie It wihout the leaves fnlng 01. A galol 01' two or sal to the luad sprlnklell over It at the tmo of stackIng - Ing hnpl'oyes It In colol' ald prevent It moldIng. I should be stacked In the harl , 0' If ouhlool's , covered wIth stm\ or sOlIthln thut wi tur wa. tel I thel'nre weclls lu It , 101'0 time wl he rcqulred to CI'O I. Z'er put it In the stlck uut the stems arl Ih' ' enou h thnt YOI can't wring water out or theU ' The ll ' should rlle.- ll'rullmln. ) tfSOUI 111 AI'I\llms : I armer anl The Stocky W'atlots , , In 8e\'eml Eastern States tw 'Vyan. do Is . Itad In Ilolllarly , lS shown h3 tllfl. Il'eat IHtI'I ' In thc cntlles nt I I \Onll'Y s how s , says a writer In. i Farl Home. nnt \ They are goot 11I 'ors , hare 'lght plumagc In the : ! hun und white va- \ ! 11 Il t'S , all arc I Ila \ ' enouJh to make good11rkct ,1 I \l'YA ; rl lOClo : il'L ; 110 III - t l' Y . 'ho " 'blolky ' huld , as shown II the lustra- ' I lon , Ih'es . compactless , uhuldnnce of hl'east. meat , un a weight grenter thlln thl' . 1iliUl'Plt slzc. In the nt- tllllt to IJ'olllco extr 111'1 specl- 1118 for thc show 1'001 , Iwmc hl'l.l'1. ! els hl Vl ! de\'llollll I lol 11JY typo at the xpelse of ole ot the west IJ'uUcal qUllles of thc In'eed ; It : bluckllss , whlll Ilso goes wih curly lat1lr of Ilwth , un a nptlton to ' , tl hrolm' buslless Aull lUKtcut oC Urun , A Texas tah' 'lul has found he can use nlfulsa as a sulsttuto for bmn wlh Jood results In fledllg ! mik cows. As u tst he submitted fOl' three weeks un 11111 IluUlt ' h ' weIght of cut al. falfu llY for the brnn _ Iud bee.1 feedll . 'J ue cows vc ' : ga UI 11cl'eased of hoth and ' rlell mlt hutte1' as a r sult of the Clll/e to Ilfalfa. ' 1'he nl. faln'IS Iu to haU' Ilch lon th . ' 1he n lulY8tS of IJ'un ! Ld alfalf" show a cOlposllon allost IdenUcal. nnd It Is not to hI wOllell ! < that thl fee trial should lng show Lle same fUlS. ' 1hl dnlr 'II1 w. . , . a few re acn's of alalfa l'UI bc ycry Intcpend , Clt of al kllls of I'omhllltons Ihat telt to 1isu thl' . cost of feed un uly , - - - - Flrm = otcs , 'hl' Iowa , \JrlluI111 Co1e ho I ni " 1'xI'urlou Ila ' " ench year. The mlh'oats give specal mtes , IUl flu'm , el'flom ul o\'lr the Sta tt'Isl t tle col(1ge. Last 'I'nr IIu'ly : tel Ulusand came IIHl wore ' ! ' . wel l'lcoh'lt. ASII\agIH tUls shoull be cut on clOto the ' . ' ' burned. clO/ 1'11\1 al 'l'h 101 shonld thll be \ ' ' wih rot. ten IH\DUe. ' 1hls fnl tllHtmcnt wi help to pre\llt tl rush lext 'llr lud to Insue al 1'111'1) ' " ; I'owth of : rltS , A Rllrln Ilr'ssllI ot Iltmte or sola - w1 bo UI nlIltolHI Iwill. Lile , sUllhl' 111 salt Illw f'dcat Iy Ilxture for sl'all ! Ilsllts II clmutes 10 dl'Y thnt the coatlg wIl 10t wnsb off , In the Clliforlll cllnte this wash slowlr ' ' ' dlCOIIU'SIH all 1101801018 valors , , whldl Ih'lloy Jh'18 thE InHl'ts Iwlul I. Halls Allol thhl ef , - tect lea \1' the ' ' Hll 01 l'l 's olly a coal ' , of Orlllnl'Y whitewash ' 1'hose wlo Illehase fl'nlt trll. ! ' Ild viles sholld 1'1'/11 / thpl' l'Oll'Hct wih the lalelllCl'r cl1fnl ' . I 18 WII I\OWI thnt SUII cOlt1cs arf ) so wonll fS tu Ilermi of the suhsttutlo\ - ot other vlrlltes "jlst us good , " I UI kind wllted cnllot .ho sUJI\lll the cOISellllll'O beltl thlt It Is f'are to get thl' Ilraferrell v1llotcs , " , 11 of Ilaclws , the tr\es seldom ol\ecl"I prolllC I' 11 tiit uccordll to t.ln 1110 tl' tn \urletes tlgged on thcl wlwlI rccclv , ; 'd. Of ' , { ( 'OlrSe Rccdsmen S0l0 I I' Yel' ) ' caretul , hut the bu 'er shonld nc\er agree i wrItng to substuton , . - , t , , ' Y I . ,