" ' " - - - - - . . . . . - . , - . . ' - - " , ' - . - - . - - - , , - , , _ . . - n" . . . " -1F c' - J""T' . . . . . r"1rl".1tIJI - , - - ' ' ' ' ' - . " 'I ' " \ , ' . : " " ' : , ' , . ' 1'1" , " . V' " " " - " , , , - J - HE GOES TO HIS DEATH : GOTTLEB NEIGENFIND DONS THE BLACK CAP AND MAINTAINS STOICISM TO THE LAST G LLOWS H S NO TERROR y Jokes About The Hereafter. Says He Did Not Know What Being Born Again Ment HAS IBEEN GOOD PRISONER Was Always Cheerful , Tetting Stories of Att Kinds And Cracking JoIes Till His Last Day Lincoln , Neb. , March ] 3-GottJleb Nlegenhnd chopped through Ull' jaws of the scatfold "esterda ' Into I he IIIaw of jusllce t lCre to be cllgl'sted .at the murbld pleasure of the pulllle , lIc died lIIw a man or a brute , whlcll IIIt\y \ be much I he same , and expl'cssed no mOl'e than haIr hearted repentance for thc double murder which he committed - mitted on the little farm In Pierce county. Five 01' ten minutes before 1 o'clock ho stood alive , l'im and stolid On the ( ( Ibbet. casting furtl ve glances at the horror-stricken spectators - tors grouped around him. A few IlJOmenl s latm' he was cut down a grewsome corpse with the smell of the tomb upon him. Gllmpso or ) ) enlh A t the signal a black maslccd figure - uro shot nolslessly through the trap , br ught up with a jerkand remained motionless. Not a muscle of the sutferer moved after Ihe , drop except those of the bloodless fingers which closed as feebly as clutching the air. ' 1'ho body turned half round and was stl11. ' 1'ho long pointed black cap covcrl'd the mangled neck and head which a moment before was set squarelyon two broad shouldors. The point of the cap rested .1auntl1y on one side , the head was twisted y the fatallmot until iL turned upward at an unnatlllal an lo like that of a deformed dwarf makln a sickly gl'im- . ace for the pll'asuro of a company. 'he cap added to the clownish pos. ture and covered what one might Im- a lne to bo the grin of a murderel' who thougllt ho had cheated death. Mucus from the nose slowly seeped through the blacl , maslc and formed Ii spot on the cloth. Some thou ht It was looc1 , ut the spectators were spared the look which the man last assumed when the gloomy light from the sky was shut out and he stood on the terrible abyss. In this way justice - tico was appeased. the Y01dict of the court and jur.r was carried out and a criminal was removed from the cllth. " With brute force ho destroyed two ( Bves and with brute force his OWII \'I1S taken. A Stormy 1.lfo An Ignorant young farmer , Nil'gen- and sprnt most of the twenty-nlne rears of his life at hard lahol' . ] )0 ) marrll'dIrs. : . Peters , a young widow with four children , the daughtel' of Albl'l't BI'r\'er. 'rhe father-in-law was harsh , the young man had much of thf' animal about him and he re- Gentel the manner in wl1it'h the old awn ordered him aLout. He UlOurht De was treated as asIa ve. The last Quanel in I he family resulted In the old man coming to the farm and takIng - Ing his dau hter home with him , to cther with all her elonglngs. Fo\ \ ' fourteen months Nieg'enllnd went from place to place lilm a wandelCr who felt that the rand was upon him. IIe rooded ovel' the matter Ilnd tInally returned to the st'l'ne. made ell'orts to see his seven-months- old child , which he had never seell , was repulsed harshly by the old man , and returned IInally with murder in his heart. Ho dl'clared he was at- taclwd by his father-In-law. a pitchfork - fork bein the weapon used. When driven into a cornel' 110 shot to kill. ' 1'hen in a frenzy ho shot his wife. With tlencllshness in ' his heart he emptied e\'el'y shot 'in his re\'olver Into her body. A stwy IHillet stnwk his mother-in-law , inllictlng a slight wound. ' 1'he murderer slept quietly tlmt night at the house of a nelghhol' . It oecurred to him to lIeo hut he was soon close pressed y a posse of armed men. lie exchangl'd shots wltll his pursuers ut was captllrcd after having - ing been wounded a dozen times. He had thought to put II bullet through Ills own hmln but found that he had used all his cart/'Idgt's. / This in bl'lel' Is the story of his crime. III T.n l Hny Nil'gcnfind's day without a morrow was not without Incidellt. IIe'e / - celved some tlowers , the death wal" rant was read to him , ho had a shol t conferellce with Ills minister , He\ " GeorgeABenbach.who was Invited hr Chaplain G. W. Iar'tln to admInister to the SIJlrltual wants of Ihe ( ' 011- dl'mned man , 'l'h is was dl'ellll'd Ii t- ! tlng el'allse the prisoner and the 111111- : istpl' both sppak nerman alld the former was at olle thne a comml\l1l- \ cant of the German l..uthemn . church. The mlnlstm' al'l'l\'ed \ at the prlsoll , 'l'herc Is no us tryln to hrlng ppace of mind to the man with an Ima l- nary rlevanee. Greenland , which wo orten think of as beln covered with Ice and snow wIB , if we stop to thlnl { of the name , "Greenland" perhaps I ve us another . lidea of the place. In the northern : parts of Greenland tlowers are very iabundunt , and tho\'o Is considerable ! ve etaUon. but chh ! 'y ' of low cowth. , . . . \i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .1Lg at 11 o'clock. ITo went direct to the lIttle (1I1'k ( : cell under the hospita1 whtJI'C NiegenJind has heen In solitary conlinelllent fOl' several months. Usher George Van Aukon unlocked the iron door and the : minister stepped In and shook hands with the . IH'IsonCl' , They both sat on the bunk. there being hardly roOIlI for two in the cell. A tallow candle on a Uny tahle , a small pile of baal's , including - ing a , IIlble ano some pamphlets and other books , nestled In a cOl'llor as If they had been somewhat neglected by theil' owner and yet were loath to part with him. ' 1'he IH'isoner smllecl In an uneasy manner. 110 loolwd pale and acted unnatural , said things awkwu'dly : and sometimes forced a laugh. A fter a ShOl't conversation the Ill'Isoner reached to a table and hamled the mlllister a lIew whisk broom of elegant worlnnanship. ' 1'hls . pOOl' IIttio g'lft ho forced upon the minister who fumbled about his coat to Uno a pocket largo enough to hold it. .AIl the whllo death was the su - r ject of their thoughts and wor s. ' 1'he minister withdrew through the slie of a dOOl' and introduced a group 01' neWSJalwl' ) men and friends to the prisoner. 110 SlIOOI , hands with each and had nothing to say untl1 1111 ac- qllaintanco came. ' 1'0 him 110 caBed out cheerily and laughed. J.lllne" tHrur J'Jln"1r" Next , came two Salvation IIrmy WOlllen , Bnslg'n Swanson and Lieutenant - tenant Long. ' 1'hey handed him a small bunch of whi to chrisantho- mums and carnations. "Good bye , God bless you , " cried the ensign. "Good bye , " he replied as he took the ilowers. ' " \\'e'llmeet in l1eaven , " said the ensign. , , Yes , " came the answor. , The other lady shranl , back when : : rslwd if she had anything' to say and passed on with her companion. "lIo has been a good prisonor. " said Guard Burlw , "and Is always chcerful , te1ling' stol'les of all ( { imls and l'l'Icldn : jolws. Sometimes we gh'o him an hOllr or' two to talwex- erclso in the yard. Sometimes he Ol'S to the deputy warden's ol1lco and talks to wlO ever is present. "lie usually tells his dreams to his uards. hilt last night he slept mal'O sOllnd than uSlial. 110 went to bed at 10 , :111 : hour later than IIsua ) , and was not aWall'IJCd by the whlstlo which hlows at 5:10. : : We had to wake him this ruol'lling. " The othm' day Wo prisoner and Burke talk < : ! d of religious matters. The mllrderel' sal ho did not 1000w what heillg' lorn again meant. lIe did not Imow how that could e. ' 1'he g'uan1 told him he did not 1000w much ahout it , bllt explained that it mean t a new splri tual birth. I " .fohn , YOIl como to the tolephono' Satmday , " said the pl'isonor , "and I I will tell you about the othel' wOl'ld. " 'I'his was gl ven as a sllmple or his I jollng reIiJarls. I A I , ! I,15 : the death warmnt signed y , Judge Boyd of the district court I was read to the prisoner. 110 took it I to mean that they had come to put I him to death. Ilo was told that he I would not he called for yet a while. I ' ' somethln said 'l'here was about lack of time to give him his dlnnor I heforo he was hung. Later he was ( gl\'en a meal and at his reqllest he I was lJrought hol1ed heof and horseradish - I radish with side dishes. Ho had been in 1I1C hahit of drlnldng' beer , but W.1S ne\'er Intemperate and on this . his last day refused intoxicating lI- quor. As his ham1s were hOllnd tightly behind 'his hacl , he cast fllrtivo glant'es down npon those about him. Till' COIOI' or his face was not per1 { 'eptibly chang'rd ami his coulness was fearl'ul to hehold , lie dl'plhimself up strili ht as the straps were lwlnJt adjnsted , waleH'd ! till' guard place a stml ( abuut his I'cet and looked 10 see how It was doul' . Tile bli'I ) , t'ap was Plilletl over his fact' , This shllt out all express- iou , lea\n ! nothlug in sight but a ulusculal' lI uro clad In lad : . Tile \'olce of the minister ran out , ( tlw words in German helllg " 0 , , Jesus , tllou the La/uu / of God 1'01' sinners - ners slain. " "Christ , thou Lamh of God that , talwtll away the sins of the world , ha\'o mercy IIpon liS. " - "nl\'e u" tlly ppace , 0 .fesus , " and at his sl 1H11 the drop fell. I , \ tlantk City possesses a pollee motor t'ar whldl Is used solely fertile tile ( 'Oll\'eyance of Intoxicated prison- el'S. ' ( 'here Is qllite a controversy among the frullmen of the eount ' oyer the t'olHlItion of the frllit crop , hut the IH'eVllIlnl-t sentiment locally is that t he last Sf\'ere ! cold snap destroyed the ( peach crop , almost entirely , and.injur- cd other fr'llt to conslderablo extent , - - - , . . - I < ! < _ _ . . . . - . . . . . , . . . . . . ' * . . ' " , . . . . . : Jloifw _ . " 'i DEAD BY SCORES IIURRICANe OF 'AWIUL FURY IN TilE SOUTII SEAS. - ISLANDS ARE DEV AST A TED LOSS OF LIFE nELlEVED TO ne FULL' SIX. IIUNDRED. NATIVES l\\AIN \ VICTIMS Storm at Its lIellllt January 14. IS and 16and Details Just necelved-Urltent Need Of Prompt Relief. ] lapeete , March ( via San Fran , cisco ) Iarch HJ.-1'he latest inte1ll- genco relath'o to the hurrlcano in ' 1'uamotn. aI' Lower .A rchlpelago , indicates - dicates that the fatalities will nllm- bel'SOO. 'L'ht' loss or IH'ollerty wI1l be aile-half million doHars , Hellef meas IIres'I1\VO : been Instituted. ' 1'he hUl'l'lcano ancl hlJ.h : water lasted - ed uring .Jallllary H , 15 and 1U. At , llikuCla. an deaths UCCIll red , in most Instances alllon visitors 1'1'Om other islands who were there durlhg the di'lng seasun. One hundred and forty-two deaths , are reported from six other small islands. On the awful night of .January ] 5 , when in the darlwess and a dri vinJt [ lJWnllollr of rain that stung their rii' S ' ( I mlwd hodles , the parents tied their little children to their baeks and sought safety. \'ll' theil' beads 1'Oed ] ) the mighty wave , and when the slll'J.es : retreated the infants ilnd half dwwned boys and gil'ls mccllmbed. 'l'he father and mother , vould vulnly endeavor to retain the corllses of their dead , and at length had to abandon them. ' 1'hey tied themselves to cocoanut trees , IInd iome at last fell with them. Others scaped , clinging to trees temporarily md at other times ahle to cutch hold r something else , and so he tween the reakOls reached safety after ( ! mny hours or hardship. Messrs. Chellleid and AlIen , elders )1' the : \Iormon church , and MI' . and lrS' . Gllbol't , of the Latter Day Saints' mission , In a report to the nlted States cOllslI1 give growsomo II ietalls of the disaster. ' 1'ho Gll erts est one sheltel' when a cocoanut tree :011 : , but secured : 'lnother in a I1lgh Itump uf a ooomn tree. 'l'he water , which had all ut sub- nerg'ed them completely , now only eached theil' feet. ' 1'ho wind throat- med to tear them from their posiLion 19a1n and again , and so these Amer- : ans passed that awful night. In the norning .the scene of horror that met ; helr ores on every side was harder to (11 hlfe than the tl'l'fors of the nigh' ' . Corpo.cs ; , frlghLfu ] ) ' mutilated , . . . .ero strewn about. and there were i vlng helngs with unsightly WOUllls , [ n some Instances only olle of a , famIly - Ily sU1'\'i ved. ' 1'he story of fatality In l\Ioralmu , Jinety-live out of a hlllHh'cd Inllahi. : ants perished , is liIwwlse extremely ; ad , aud so also wi I.h regard to the ) ther Islands where dealh oecul'I'cd. [ t is likely that one-lIft1l' of the en. lire 1I0pulalion of the 'l'uamotu grout' mccul11oed. ' 1'0 aid the Injured a : emporary hoslplal was constructed md D. Bnmatl , acllll administrator - tor of the grollp rendered medical ald. 1"1'001 I he dl'brls were secllled tins wntalnlng foods ulTs , ut natural1y h ' 1'0 wag a sCaI'ci Ly of such as was not spoiled , Of the sixty-six sail boats all but one or two had been totaBy Ies\royed ! \ and these could not he sent to 'l'ahiLi. a distance of near- lylOO mll's , Ahollt ] ,000 survivors .vero . in dangl'1' slanatlon ' 01' lIer- I lshing from thirst 01' disease. Shel- ICI'les , nllde , wl'al { and discouraged , I" hn It e to wOLdl'ed at that a few I J ( the nuLi ves hecame looters of their I lelghbOl"s oods. However , on the I vholo , the order was commelHlable. ' It is to the lasLing credit or the ; t\mericalls that the 1II'st relief . .from . uhlr8t came 1'1'011I them in the sug- I estlon to dlst.lll wlltel' . ' 1'he French I Idmlnlstmtor was at IIrst skeptlcal : , 'I IUt IInal1y allowed them to proeeed I .vl . th theil' ex perlllH'n t. \ After a long sear'ch ) Ir. Gilhert's I , mrty securel ! two tanls and some , , J rrames uf an iron he tor tUhes , and : rl'eteel a plant. With this primitive nachlnel'y 200 gallons of fresh wuter . \'ore distilled dall ' for some tirUl' . : SUI'plles amounting to twenty cons sent from San Francisco and afl'ied free hy the steamship : \1:11'i- : Josa , have been transferred to the ' . pnch g'unbaot Zl'ee ) to be trans- orted to the destl t u te na tI'es. . The uel'chanl shere ha'e lost heavily JII'lHIgh the Insolvency of numerous reell tors who perished in the ale. rhe mel'phants av 1 h ll' loss Is mol'O \hiln \ half iI million dolars. ! Long Ride on Horseback , Cheyennc , Wyo , . ) Iarch ] 7.-1 ; President Hoose\'plt carries out hi > ; I [ Jlan to ride hOl''sbilcl , ( rom Lal'amie to Che 'enno during the western tl'lp. J'roop A. W , N , G. of this place , will lJe detaill'd to escurt him , A cowb ( y ) scort will also probabl ' be provldeCl. rhe tlfty-se\'en mile run from Lura. mle to this pluut ) Is filled with points Jf interest , Includlnlt some very rug. Ied scenery. . . - - - " " " " " " ' ' ' ' , . .k . . . . . . . . . " ' + . . . . . -.0.- . ; . . . . . . . " . . : . . , . . . . . . COtl\lNG TO LINCOLN I'rulJent 4nd Party Will De lIere rAprll 27- . Arrives II the Afternoon. Washington , Murch 10.-1'ho prest dent and party will "Islt , I..lncollJ . April 27 , nbollt 2 o'clock in the nrte\ , noon , nrrlvlnH via the Hurllngtor fr\Jm Hnsllngs and departililt , 'Ia thl II'horn In tlmo to reach I.'rl'molll . the salllo afternoon. COliltressuU\ Hltrkl'tt will be I'equeste to tal\ ! chlU'J.o : of the local lll' ( , mlll 1\l Lln colli and t submit a provisional oul IIl1e thereof to Seclet1\ry Loeb wlthlr. . the next few ' ' ' wl11 I da 's , 1'here he IIC PUblic reception , but carriage ( lI'lve ! , a 1'0 POl'lll18S1 ble. ' 1'ho prcsldellt's Nebmslm ltillerary is almost illellth'al with th1\t which was armn ed 1'01' his IlrollOsed visit 11\st yeal' , which had to be abandonecl 011 account of the president's IIiJured limo. ' 1'he IIrst stop will lJl' 1\1 , Grand 1slalll1 , where the party will spend the elltlre day , SUlll1ay , April : : ! Oleav- Ing for Hastings Monday morninH at UIO. : : ' .I'he llIayor of G ralld 1slalll1 Im : beell requested to revive his recelJ- tlon cOllllllml ttee and arrange a program - gram IIpOIi IInus laid clown last Yl'al' . Senator Dietrich Is requested to talw char o of armngmenls fOl' his homo tOWII aliI will COli for with local Icad- ers as he did las\ \ , year , asldng thclIl to al'l'angl' details , 'I'he IH'esldenlial Pal'ty wl11 go thence to Linculn alld from there to l.'remont where a stop of thirty 11I111- . IItos will be made , ' .I'ho parly will , then IJlocel'd via "ho the Ullloll Pacific - cific to Olnaha , al'l'lvln there at 0 p. m. andremalllallnlght.delJart.lng . for the sonth via the Wabash roael carly III the lIIornl g of Apl'il 8 , the objl'l'Llve being St. Louis , where the president will attend the dedication of the exposition , Senator lIl1llrd Is : U'ranglng for an elaborate rccep- ion to the party at Omaha. . eIleve It on Elopement. Hnmboldt , Neb"Ial'ch : 1O.-1'hc people or the 50utllel'l1 part of the : ouuty are wrestling with seusa- - lion this weel { and according to the ; tory which leaches this place Sam 'l'ieburuhouse , a fIl'mCl' : Ii viug eight hilles southwest of Salem , lias left tor parts IInlOiown , accompanied , it Is Hleged , y his pretty sister-in-law. l'he fonner left 11 wel'l , ago for St rose ph , ostenslhly to consult a phy- Ilclau In regard to his health , but I ater tllJOn his ani'Ill III that cl ty , It IS chargc , ho at ollce telepholled to is wlfo's slstcr , 1I1Iss Clara 11oover , ) f Hosedale , Io , who is also his : ollsln. 'fhe young lady. it is assert- ! d , left home at once for St. Joseph , 1I1d it Is asserted eloped wi th Ifrle- nothhlg' has since een urghouse , as I eard of ei thor. ' 1'he lIIan in the I : aso leaves a _ wife and ono little girl. . 'If four years. Parts With Lost of Lend _ . Wa ash , Ind. , Ia ) ' ( h -Gabrlel GOdfrey , the last ehlcf of the : \lIami Indians , has just lJarted with the inalremlHlllts of his once 'oxtensive 'statecomprlslllg sonO' of the richest Imcts in the valley of \lIsslsslppl : Ind the Wabash. Godfrey , now almost eighty years ) ld and very feeble , Iwenty , years ago ) wned nearly one thousand acres uf rich land uhtalnl ( from Iho , govern- ! l1l'nt , hut this was sacrifice ] , lIe and Ills wife have new deedeel to their : hlldl'en the II ttle ten acre tmct twelve miles southw'st of this city , II which Is a IJlaln story and a half rmme house. 'I'll Is Is the last uf the pWllerty o\\'ned lJy the last chief of the : \liamls \ , Wnrnll1g From Colonel Cody Washington , larchlO-1'he presl- lent has just received the following letter frum Col. W. 1" Cudy , now lu London : "FOl' the Lenellt of future gonem- Lions the timbel' , and ospeclally the nderbrush , lIIuStJIO protected now , Defm'e I t is tuo la te froll1 the shee ! ) ] evastatlng the mountain water sheds is they have alreaely do no the valleys mc1ta lolalld. If sheep are aBowed ; 0 bruwse off the IInderbrush of our nmmtalns In luss than live years :1'Om : now the homeseelwr , the lIIali IJPhlncl the plow , the actual taxpayer , ' 1\ \II \ have to lea\'o the Big Hem asln 1'01' want uf wate ! to irrigate his land. o ono knows this etter than your- il'lf , for you are familiar with aB of ' , he "cst , " Meyer Must Use Kerosene E\'IInsvllle Iarch . \ \ , 1O.--l\rayor Jharles G. Covert and a numher of ; he memhers of his cahlnet IInd ; IH'msel\'cs comjlC\llcd \ to dlscontlnuo ; Jlw lI ! > e of J.as : In 1IH'lr homes , This t ' ollles as a rcsult of their' helnr. : mem-I ) l'rs of lahor unluns. l..ast . night at nldnlghtIayor : \ Covert alld other city ) t1h ers had the gas turned elf In tlwl I' 100nes aud will use only IWl'Oselle for I htlng or 11101 jlurposes. Dewey tfas 0 New Title , Washington , l\Iareh IO-resldent I 1100sevelt has transmitted to the il'nate the nomiliution of GeOl'go' ' . . [ ) ewoy , U. S. N. . to he "admiral ot , , he navy. " Attention was : a1led to a slight dllTerenco hetween . JJO wording or Admiral Dewey's Iom-I : IIlsslon anci thu law or ] 8UH under vhlch It wasprovlded : ror. 'l'ho coal- 11lsslon of the admiral reads "the Idll1iral of the lIa vy" where the law laS It "udmlrul or the navy. " l - - - , v. , -.I.-i . :11& : : ' , , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . MI".0. ' . . ' ' ' 1olloi , . DIE IN OIL FIRE rANK EXPLODes AND ENveLopes 1\1AN1 \ SIGHTSEeRs. SCORE OR MORE KILLED DUliNG STUFF 15 THROWN oveR TIIU ! VICTI1\1S \ PRESENTS AWFUL SIGHT Try to Esca e , nut fall Dead In TheIr Tracks -Twenty-two Dead and Probably FortY-five Injured. Olean , N. Y. , March 11.-A reporl from the scone of dlsastm' at 2 o'clock ' 1'uesda ) ' mom hilt sa 's twenttwo , bodies ha0 beell lalwn 11'Om the wreclmge. Some of the III am hlll'llcd be'olHl recognition-only t1'l\1I1s \ and skulls I'elllalnhilt. I'he last estlmato of the cnsuultlcs places t.lw . IIIlIIlber of dead at twcnttwo , and the Injured - jured at fort ' -ilvo. Some of the In _ jured will die. OIean , N. Y. , March 11.-A score or mow pcople wore JilJeci and a largo lIumbm' were injurel ! by all eXllloslon , of all near here Iollllay night. A I freight tl'llin on the Hl'le , 1111\(10 ( UII : prlncllmlly of 011 tank cars , ill I tJll with oil , broke in two neal' this dty at o'clock. ' 1'wo sections of the train came togethel' with a cl'IIsh alul' one of the 011 tanks was demolished. Fire brolw out almost Instantly and , the sky was lighted up for miles. .A largo crowd of people left this , city for the scene of the lire. Whllo' they were lined up along the.tracles ; IL terrlHc eXllloslon occ\ll'red. 'nle Hames cOlllmnnlcated qniclcl . wlthl the othel' tank t'ars and a second and third eXllloslon followed each olllel'i in rapid sllccesslon. Sheets of Halllel shot out in all dlrceLlons. Scores of persons were caught within the ' . ' of the 111'0 and enveloped in i'.one/ / ! \len aud bo 's rail scrcalllhlg downl the tracls with their clothing 1\ maRS of Hames. Othel's fell where the ) ' stood , o\'ercome by the Hwful heat. Just how many wew killed is not known , as many of the bodies were . S 'dney Fish , a )1roml ) nen t business man , retume1 from the scene of the flro at midnight. ] Ie said : "I WIIS aLtl'llcted to the scene or the i1re be.tween UO : : ! and 10 o'c1oclc. When I was within H quarter or 1\ milo of the wreckc1 ! twin there was n terrli1c oxploslon , Flames shot outwards - wards and upwul' < 1s for a gl'eat dis- tance. I saw several persons who started to run away drllp on the railway - way tracls and thl'Y no\'er moved ngaln. Others who had been stand- . in close to the wree\\II \ e were h rled through the ah' 1'01' hundre s of feet. l'he scene wa. . awflii. lIalf a dozen youllg boys I'an down Ihe tracls with their olothlnlon II/'e. / ' 1'hey resembled - bled human tOl'l'lws , I could hear their agonlzl'd screallls distinctly from where I slllod , 'I'lley ran some distance own the track and then threw themsel vo to tile 1'OlInd , grov- elling In tlw ditches in theil' frantlo efforts to ( 'xtingulsh the Hames. Then they lay stili , SOIllO of them UII- conscious , others dead. I do not lenow how many were killed , but I counted twenty bodies before I came a way. " Word was sent at once to OIean police - lice hnadquarters hy telephorw. Every doctor and ambulance In the cl ty was slim maned Grocery wagons and carriages - riages of alll < inds were pressed Into' service IInd e\'erythln ) Iosslblo was dOLlo to bring the Injured without delay - lay to the hospitals fot. treatment. At midnight the ilrst of the injured - jured arrl ved aL the hospital. 'l'hey were four yuun boys. 'rhl'lr Injuries wero.frlghtfu1. Great pat'hes of Hesh wore hurned olr IInd hung In shreds from their bodies , It will bo dll1lcult to nsc'rtaln the names of a great many 01' the dead tonll-tht , as theil' hodles were hurned to asl1Ps In the intense ! heat , A canvass - vass Is helng- made of the city as rapIdly - Idly as posslhle to lInd out the names of those missing , There is grl'at ex citement in the city and the streets ure thronJted wi tll pl'ople. Large el'owds athcred at the ho - pita ) and the faees of lhe Injured were anxiously scanned as tlley were borne Into the building on stretchers. Heart rending' scenes wew witnessed wilen one of tlw pOOl'hlIstered hodies WIIS reco nlzed by a father ai' a mother - er 01' brother and it was with dllll- cnlty tllat I'rsons ) were restrained from Invacllng the opemtlng' room. ' 1'he I1Ilmher of dl'ad Is Iwuwn to bo at least elghtl'on. and some estlmutes place it as high as twenty-live. Over two score were more 01' less seriously injnred. Some of thcm will die. It is out of tile questlcn to Identify any of tile bodies rccovered. Dank Cashier 'S ' nlSSlni : . Eurelw , I\as. . Inrch It.-W..P. Dickerson , ( 'ashier of the defunct ' 01'onto state Lank , which was taleen char e of by the state lmnk ox- amineI' on January 2twith lIahllitles ag reguling $10,000 Is mis' in , Dick- , cr .on , who was uI'I'estcd a month ago , , charged with falslf'lng his statements - ments us to the bank's condition , I was to have had u ' hear- tnH her' today. 1 0 Is out on $2,000 , bond , \ \ I1lch )11raised. ) . I . . . . . , . . .Jt. . . & . . , .1.- . , . . . ' " .u : " ' - - - ' . . . II. JJt . , . . .J1f - - - . . , . . . . . 1 , THE LAW MAKERS J I - Governor Mickey InlerpOses Ills Veto alt1 PropOses - pOses a Substitute DIll-Read First Tlmo STUEFFER TO BE INVESTIGA TED Work on the Reveaue Dill Prol'resslnr With " Dellberatloa-Procecdlau la Dotlllousell \ _ ! Governor [ iclcoy vetoed S. Y" . 29 , providing for the pll'ment or tees to . the commls910ner of pubJic Illuds aml < . i bulldln s. Governor Mickey staled his objectlolls to the bill to be tllat the measure \\'as unconstltutlonnlln thut , It IH'O\'lded for the payment or tees to the commissioner , while the COIISt ! Lu t Ion provides for paymon t or all fees to the state t.reasurer. no , . expressed his IIIJprovll1 of the Intent ' of the hill and submitted the draft I of a hill le1 ntlcal eXCeIJt the ) ) rovl'I shill for ) laymcn t of feos. 'I WllrIler of ] Jakota 1IIo\'ed that S. 11' . ' :101 : , recommellllccl h ' the o\'ernor. bc read a ilrst time. l'hls was done. ' II's , Loulso 1Iowse1' will not got. the $ , OOO asked of the state for the erect.on ! of a sod house at , the I oui91- alia lurchaso OXllositlon. ' 1'he senate indellnltely postponed the hill this nfll'rnooll. SICNA'l'IC HOU'l'INJC. IT. n. lInlro'ldlng \ for the rOe Ilort , < ; of teachers nnd county Ruerln- ) tendents , was passed. II. H. ] 07 , a jolnL resolution mem- orlallzlngcongl'es9 tolass \ 11 bill tor the election of Ullited States senll- tors hy l\lulal' ) ( ) \ vOtl' , was passed. Committees rellOl'ted as follows : , S. Fa 1011-101 , pre\'ldln for n grnnd jllry s 'slem , was recollilnended tor InleIlnlto ! pORt Ilonemcll1. 'l'he report was concm'r'ed In and the bill wus placed on onCl'n I lIIe. S. I" . ] .lU , IH'o\'ldlllg for the ercctlon of gl'llin oleva tOI s II 11(1 warehouses , was Illced : on genel'lll lIIe. S. lJ" 210 , dellnlng cllltl vnted lands . , placel ! on J.ellel'al : lIIe. , ' J' S 1' . 2a2. 1r1lleflnllely postponcd. < ' 1'he senate wenL Into commltteo ot , the whole with . IIrowll of Keyn Pnha : i In the chnlr. l'he conllnlttee mndo . the 1'011owing 1'ellOl't : S JJ' . 1\)1 \ ) , alilH'ollrlaling $2,000 to ' Mrs. LOlllse lIowsel' with which to ' . ' pay pnlt. of thu eXlnso ! or the orco- ; tlon of 1\ Rod hOl1so at the Louisiana. j rl1rh11S0 exposltlon , Indefinitely post. . J poned. $ ' S. P. fiS , an net defining' the bound- , IIdes of the state 111 certain cases , ordered - - ' ! , dered engrossed. , . y . I ! ' . llU , an act o provide Cor the. , esla llshll1'nt , of a public road to and from lands surrounded 01' shut out Crom n road , ordel'eel engrosscd. S. J ! ' . J.l7 , an nct Cor opening' and t. malntnlnlt roads to hl'id es ncrosa ; . streams sepamtlng two countlcs , amended IInd ordered en rossed. , .J . , IN ' 1'1IJ JlOUSIC. Nelson of' HoughlS renewed his mOo : tlon to have a cOlllriJltteo appointed t to act on the Scars statement lookina to an/nvcstlgatlon / of ex-State 1're1\8- urnr Steuf'er's method oC handling " school honds , and Speal\Cr : Mookett. named these mern hors : Warner of r ancastel' , l\Iemdlth of York , : Man. . gold of Douglas , Davis of ButTalo , JI'lshback of Clay. A t the r Clllest of Kennedy of DouJt. las the hOllso wen t into cOlllmlttee ot . the whole to consider , IIrst , II. H.271 ' by HI gs of Douglas , providing a re- : . dlletlon In the number of Soutb Omaha Scho1 hoard mom ers tram ' nine to live. 'l'he committee recom- . meneted the bill for passage. ' .I'ho house met in afternoon session .1 at 10 : : ! Instead of 2 o'clock. It took " up H. H. 3401 , the revenue hill , In : r comllli ttee of the whole. The IIrst ! 'I . provision of the bill considered wus that IIxln the tlmo of assossment. ' 1'he original hill named 1.'obrunr1 1 and the standing house revenue com- " II mltteo IHoposed to clHlnf.o thin to : April 1. ' 1'hom pson of Merrick ordered - ' dered an alllendment to fix : March 1 as the 1,1 , me. .A fter : L spirited debate t the committee amendment tor April ; , 1 canled hy an o\'erwbellnlnll vote. ' An Ulllclidment bV Uelson or Doug. . ' 'II Ins was adopted making taxes on reat prollCl'lya first lien trom and Includ J I illg the IIl'st day of October or th J' year III which they are ] ovled unlil 1 , the sallie am paid. A co 111 IIIIl tpo amendment was adoptcel maklnJt sectIon 20 reud : ' "Personal propPI'Ly , except such as Is i' reJulred in Ihls chapter to be levied : auel assessed otllerwlsshull bo listed and assessel ! In the county , percinct . 1 ; township , city , villa o and Echool 'j dlstrlc-t w hero the owner resides , ex- , crpt tha t property ha ving n local Sl tea like lumber yards , grain elevators , otc" shall he assesso' : at the piaces , of sl tes , " etc. A eOllllnllllicatlon waR read Crom the gO\'el'l101' sllhmlttln ; { II hili Rlv- illg the sceretary ot state perpetu:11 : rlg'ht to sign 1m ving petitions , th 1 ( 'lIel'al purpose 01 the bill being to valld'ile the pavill oC a.treets sur- rouIICJng' ] the capitol building , Cor hlch the aPIJropratlon ! hili sots out $10.000 to defray the stato's portion . of this expellse. The prlmc objcet of this bill Is to ' provide fOl' the rel'in ( or the streels 011 the eust und south sides oC the ; eap I tal grounds , Sixteenth street bo- j tween JI. and K streotB ( 'nd II street between Fourteenth and Sixteenth streels. 'l'he afternoon session adjourned , Ilt 5 o'clcolc , the order being nigh session to begin 'Lt , 7 :30. : I " , ' ' ' ' 'j.II ' ! . " 1 Ji.1" : . , . . . \ ' . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . ' 'Ji..F. ' . , _ JU . , . "