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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1903)
1500\1\1 L \\ttt' \ ' ' . . , , , ' ' . ' " ' USTER OUNTY' E.PUBLICAN. ; . ; / : : I STABLISHED 1882. THE OIi'Ii'ICIAI4 PAP r OIi' CUS'l'ER J COUN'I'Y. T4ARGES'I' CIRCUT4A'I'ION OIi' ANY PAPER IN 1'IIE COUN1'Y. . . - - . : - - - - VOL XXI. BRPKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MARCH 19 , 1903.--EIGHT PAGES. NO. 40. - . - - - - - - - I I y ( II I II I I . . , ' - - - Unusually l1cautiful. Thc Hne of Diamonds , Single 4 Stone an Camhination Stonc " Rings ( lcscrvc thc vcr ) ' highcst praisc , Each ring posscsscs ssmcthing which renders it ! pccu1iarl ) ' attractive , So much eauty may makc a choice dif. f > ficult , ut whatever is choscn d has its own attractivcncss and good quality , 'I'hcse few items . 1 m ; r r.s0' ' ( ' ; ! , l . . , ) \ r It. " . . . ve d 'C . , - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 1\ [ , \ \E' : School Boo : s. < ? ' 1"f ' , V' r : : . - . ' t 'I' a I ) ) ets \ .I'I' kl ( . 'j' 'j'll. . " , " < . "f It -A NIJ.- "I' "I'y . yif } . SchoOl Supplies , . , \ , . ; f- " . ; . f,1 , , ' < . , < * -.AT-- .p,0 . \ hI : , J. G. Haebe..le's. . " . . , a < " " " ' ' ' 'C = ' ' ' " ' < 'Ir' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ( [ \ - - - - - _ . - . . - . . . , - - . . - - - - - , ' M-- X Men of Standin.g takc : tl\'anta { e of the fa'ilitit. for S doing UUSI11'S. , r1.IT"nh' , ] h\ " the 8 Custer National Bank. The transfcr of money , paymen t of S ! : bills , etc" can be quickly made 8 I when deposits arc made herc and S a check drawn on us used instead k of cash , H. LOMAX , Cashier. . "J'.Y'.r..o" O".r..oc - : : : ; 1 : : : : : : . - J. C. l\Ioorc , abstracting. 211 REPUDLICAN am1 Swinc Hcrd S1.50. J. G. Lconard bondcd ab trac- tcr. 39th Florence Burke wcnt. to Ans. Ilcy Friday of last week for a few \'s \ ' si t. , 'l'he new postal , canl arc adorned with the picture of W111. I lcKinley. A. C. 1'cagardcn of Boulder , Colorado , is in the cit . r vi iting his brother J. R . H. H. Hiatt , editor of the Sar- gent Leader was a city \,1sitor . Tuesday. 'rhis office acknowledges - ledges a friendly call. D. J. ' Coulter of west table , made this oft cc a friendly . call Monday and had his subscr.iption ad vanced sc.vcral notchcs. , C. S. Martin returncd Sunday Imorning , from the east whcrc hc bought another car load of buggics for the Brolcn Bow trade. ' Nc. Gcorge of Cnll1ro , made this office a friendly call 'rues- dar. He was in the city attending - ing thc Assessors Annual mccting. II. ' 1' . Coffman and son Harry of Mason City , , vere city visitors Saturday. 'rhcy took hone with them a fine buggy on which they saved 820.00 by buying in Broken I Bow. Bow.Dr. Dr. J. L. Goodrich of Sargent , I dicd Thursday of last weck from cancer. 1'hc Dr. was enc of the I pionccrs of that locality and was financially. We do not know his age but supposc hc was well along toward to. : ! . . 'Wc notc from the priccs quot- I . .d in the Sargcnt Lcadcr last \we k that they got ten ccnts the hettcr of us last wcck on , hogs , l > ut a that is O ll thc sccond timc in sc\'cral w cks that our market has bcetJ scooped , we predict - dict it will be a whilc bcfore i I ha p pen < ; - agai n , I lAlnmm-On : Sunday afternoon - I noon Iarch 15 , at thc homc of Mrs , Lllie King in this city , Mr. Chcslt > r E , Grccn and Miss Nita Miller wcre united in marriage by Hcv. S. P. Morris , pastor of . thc First Baptist Church. Mr : ' Grccn js'ctcran of the Spanish . Amcrican 'Val' , and highly cs- tcmed among a wide acquain- tancc. 1'he bride is a mcmberof the First Baptist church and enters her new estate with the congratulations of her associates in Christian work. Mr. and Mrs. Grecn will li\'c at Green , this county , to which place they re- paired on the afternoon of thc I ceremon ) ' . - . t1't"t1'tt'tt't1'tt'tt't1""t1'tt' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' tt'tt't1"t't"ttt"'t1't""t ' ' " ' " , " " ' ' " " " , . . . .NEVER OUT OF CHAI GE. . , . . : a : 'l E Becausc we give you a nickle back e\'ery time YOlt purchase = = one dollar's worth of goods for cash at our. . . . , . . , . . . . , . . . : : : = \ EMPORIUM OF Ff\SHION \ ! j : : : : Now is the time to save nickles , dimes and dollan' ' ; by : : : \ E using a little aution in cxamining our goods and prices bc- : : : = I _ : : : fore making . your purchascs. We nc\'er before ha\'e madc . = = : : : : - such a Grand Display of Fashionable Goods as you will : : : : : : : : scc by inspccting our stock purchased at cash rates and sold : : E : . at Ling" Prices ! Our Paris nove1ti s in Pattern Hats ar < > : : : : . : , : : : = simply stunning ! All lines of l\1illincry arc more beautiful = = ' = = than cvcr the present season , and show the handiwork of : : : = , E art to perfection. We have addedlargcl ) ' to our dr.r goods = = ) : : : : : and notion department , and now carry the very latcst and : : : : : most fashionable Ladies Furnishing Goods of any store in = = ) , the city. We male the fitting out of Ladics 'Vardrobes a . ( : : : : : . Specialty , and ha\'e deotcd years of study to this uranch = = " , : = of business , allli that experience is dollars to our customers. : = - - , * E Our Ladies Suites , Skirts and Shirt Waists : : : - - : : : : : : show for themselves what we can do for you in the eastern : : : = E markets , for our buycr has just returned from an extend cd ; : : : : : : : : : t1' p to Chicago and other fashion centers , and these goods : : : : : I ; : : : are now ready for your inspection , and to see them simply = = I : : : : : means You Will Buy ! We do not desire to delude you by : : : : : , = = saying we will Cut Prices in Two , but we do say we can : : : ' = = save JOu money bj' selling you first-class goods at lAving : : : : : : : = = Prices for yon at thc Ninety-five Cent Store. = = ! j' : ; : No Shnddy ! No Auction Goods ! No Get Rich : : : : , E Quick concern. but Honest goods at Honest priccs has : = , : : : : hecn our motto for the past twclvc ycars of busincss life in : : : : : = = Brokcn Bow , and our immense patronagc spcals louder than = = = = woreIs. I . . SC heel orders and orders on grocery stores takE - : : : _ E cn in exchange for goods. r ! l. . I irst door north f post oOice. = = I Sa E. PREDMORE. - - 1il111111111111'11111111111111111111 ' 111111111111111111111111111111111111 . < ' : " . . ' . - . - . , M , 1'he minutes of assessors meeting - ing are ct'OwdceI out for want of pacc. Will ptlbtish thcm next week. Wm. Harrcll of Jlo'oier : , ' was at the mecting of the COU1t ! . Ag eS Ors 'l'uesl1a ) ' reprcscn t I ng' Hayes towllship. Hcnry 1'IaxoII , the AtI h ' Assessor - sessor made this oOice a f1'1el1111 , ' call 'l'tlcsday. He was malc chairman of the Asscssors mcet- ing. I' T4cwis Kimberling atlel , SOli Ottt ! ; of Arnold , werc welcome visitors at this ofTtce 'l'tlesda ) ' . ' 1'he formcr was . attetllling" thc I i \ ssessor mccltttg. MAlumm-OIl March 15 , )1)03 ) , at the residcnce of the hridc in Brolell Bow. Freelrick . Ditt- mcr and LyeIia A. I.4ewis , hoth of Brolen Bow. JudgeJ. J. Snyder oOicialing. MAHHIltn-On March ( Ith , 11)03 a t the residcnce of J. J. Snydcr in Brolcn Bow , Alamw J. Cason and Josephine Smith , both of Broken now. Judge .I. J. Snyder ol1 ciating. Hev. J. R. 'Vooels closed aver ) . succcssful series of meeting-s in the Holcomb Settlcment Xues- day night. 'Vc understand that thc mcmbership of he church was doubled by . thc number of conversions , Aftcr holding fourth again Monday the count\ . . board tool an adjournment to. look aftcr th bridges damagcd by the recent freshct. The damage sustained included more bridgcs than cver known before in the history of the county. Most of them can bc repaired without ! -JTeat , ex- pcnse. MAHnnm-l\1al'ch t : ! at the home of the bride's parents Seth Crist of Kingston , Miss Susi . John Bray of Mason City. Rev. J. R Teagarden ofi ciating. 'rhe brid is one of Custer i cbunty's successful teachers , and I thc groom a yonng and suscess- ful farmer. 1"hc cermony was witncssed by - about 70 guests , Rea Grass. the infant son of Mr. and 1\1rs. Frank Grass , died last Saturday night aftcr se\'cral weeks of illness and sufJering. The funcral was hcld Monday afternoon and the little enc was laid to rest in the Broken Bow Cemet r ) ' , gWcr Smith of the Christian church having thc services in chargc. 'l'he bcrca\- ed parents have the sympathy of all. Kearncy has about fift , ) ' good , inhabital large and small rcsi- dences unoccupied , with about ] 0 real estate men "rustling" for occupants.-New-Era Standard. Bcttcr move some of thcm to Brolen Bow whcre stand i ng room is at a premium. Tt'o' ! ! ! 'l'r'I'I ! ! ! ' 1"'f > O-lIl : ! I am de\'otil1g considerablc time to obtain treess , and also small fruit at wholesale prices to encourage tree and fruit culturc in Custer county. There ar < > 10,000 trees in a car load and small ordcrs of tcn or twclvc trees will not go far in filling a car. Send in large orders. WnTI CADWIUL. . . . - - - - - . \ BIg 01'111. R. Rycrson and W. A. George have formed a partnership in the mercantile business. The ncw firm hag secured the double room and the one adjoining in the Realty Block. which they will , occup\ ' . 'l'his combination : makes a strong firm financially and we understand that thc ) ' will put in the larg-est stock of goods ever carried in Custer county , As a starter thc ) ' ordered a cilr load of suga ycst rday. 'rhey expect to bc 111 theIr new 'Iuarter\ ! by April 1. - - - - - - - ( 'It ) ' Irollerl ) ' For Sule. Fincst quartcr of block for residence - idence on north side , S300.00 ; two good lots on south sile , 8150.00 ; half block , south side , 5250.00 ; four room house adjoining business - ness , SSO.OO ; two lob ; , corner , sotltIlwest part of town , $50.00 ; one busincss lot , south sidc , $100.00 ; eight room housc , barn , l block of ground , 81,600.00 , to- : wit : $800.00 cash , halance $200 I I each year , 7 per cent. WII.IIS CADWlU..I. . - - . - - nlHnllatihla 1. Heath was I horn ill Hochest'r , . Y. Marl'll I t Uh , 1822. SIt ( ' wa-\ ! united ill' ' marriag-c with .Tessie R. Heath II at .thc age of 22 "cars. She lCln'es to mourlt l cr loss olle I daun-htcr and 2 sons ; on daugh- tcr ha\'ing prel eeled hcr' to the Spirit Land when quite young. She was a l ( ) nsistent member of thc Congregational Church in Illinois , , vhere she spent the I g-reater part ot her nlilrried l1fc. With her husl > and she camc to . 11Iinois . in the . year 1855. , In her 12 'ycar shc was pernutted to eclebrate her Goldcn Wending with her rclati\'cs and friends. In the year 18C)7 ) hel' huslHlnd dc- ' parted 'thh earth. From that time on she was considcrablc of the time with her daughter who watched O\'cr her and so tendcrl ) ' ministercd to her- wants in these last of het. life ' ' days , 'L'hc dc- ceased was of a most congenial disposition and during thcse years which she spent with hcr dattghter in our city shc made. many. . friends. Her smile of welcome and sympathy will bc remembered by many of us. She died at the agc of 81 ) 'cars and 5 da"s. lIer hope was in the Sa\'iour who said : "In my J Father's House are many } 'lan- sions : if it were not so , i would not bave told you. I g-o to prepare - pare a placc for you , " 'Vc believe - lieve therefore that she has gone to that Ilrest" that "remaineth for the people of God. " 'Vc say with Lowell : " 11110 Ihe clel'lIal ! < Ihalnw Ihatll'lrd 11111' IIfl ! aroulIII , I II In thtlll1t1l1lh IICIICI' wllell wlth ( . 11111'l l shore Is CI'IIWIICII , 'l'IIulI hnRt IrtJItt : fllrth 'lIellln',1'1111 I were hleall to w..P. I 'hat theRe hnst left IIfei ! flIJ\UIIWS , a 11I\ \ < dosl pasReti till ! I1I'CPo" The funeral took place at thc residencc of J. .1. Wilsotl Olt \Vcdnesday afternoun at 3 o'cloc1 { . Hcv. D. Augustus Shetlcr of the Presbytcrian church officiatmg" . 'L'he Prcsuy- terian choir t'cndered some excellent - ' cellent music suitable for thc oc- asion. The remarks of Re\ ' . Shetler were ha cd oeI Phillipiam ; 1:21. : - - - - - - - - - - ( E & E f r BUSINESS POINTERS. ; . - - " 'rhi o1l ce for neat job work. - A car load of sugar just oreIer- cd by the Ryerson & Georgc Co. WAN'rl\D-'L'o hire two mcn that ha\'c famities. Houscs furn- ishcd.-WH 'rUNION MnllNG Co. 38tf 'Vest Union , Neb , Gardcn , field. flower and cane secd-Bulle or pa kag-e--A t.T .C. BOWHN. 'IOte First-class trnner at Squires Bros. 38tf Stamp Photo's at Bangs' Studio. 29-tf Gasoline stoves repaired and cleaned at the Bicycle Shop. 39tf Do no't fail to caIl on us whcn you want une1erware for we have just received our complete line of pring aneI summcr goods. 'l'hey are sure to give you satisfaction. 39tf SNYDHn Bnos. Just receivcd a new stock of picture frames , mouldings , mats , etc. Picturc frames made to or- der. Second hand goods of all IdtHI hought and sold. JUI > KAY , 39tC South Sidc Squarc. Flower , ficleI and garden seeds of all descri ptions and thcy are all fresh. .T. N. PHAL , -totC Star Grocery Store. H'crson & Georg-e Co. . . _ - - - - WAN'l'HD-Stock to pasture- good pasture near city , plcntyof ! good water. Inquin' of C. II. Kennedy , Brolcn Bow. "Ote Good span of marcs for alc. : wtC J. S. SQUlHliS. _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ d _ , _ _ _ , _ Parties wishing trees of thl' following \'ari tics at prices quot- cd bclow , pleas ( male it known. . to the undersig-ned at earliest' ' possiblc date. mm , Ash , Linden - den , Sofcamore , Catalpa , American - can Mulbcrry , Red Bud , Hackberry - berry , Juacldng Aspen , Black Walnut , Iron Wood , Balm of GiI- cad , Sumac , Imp\'O\'el \ American Pl'rsi mlUon , de. : ; to fJ feet high , S10 per 100 ; h to S feet high , 812.50 per 100 ; S to 10 feet high , 81.5 per 100 ; I } ; : to 2 inch calipcr , 35c each ; 2 to 2Y : ! inch caliper , 40c each ; 3 to 4 inch cal- I ip r ) We ea h. _ . WU..I.lSCAl > WltI.I. . , - - - - - , - r ; : ; 1 Catalogue HOUSH ' Ol1l ( , \Wflllic' \ . wl111 tlwy WHllt' to huy unytning" , sl'nd to'YYnrd , & .t o. or some ethel : entnlog'lw h01lHC' .for it" wlH'n , if thry would eaU'on' t.1H' I' homo ctrulpl' thry. w01l1(1. ( tind thp.mrld : huY' it : 1'01' t-IH' snnH' mOI1l'Y , und i muny ( m-srs fO't' lrRs. To thosp who l'rlHI tliis ndd alld Ht't' ill tlH' httbit of HPI\ling' \ away 1'01' their g'OOdH , if in IHWd or llllY- thing' ill my Ii Ill' " , will'ull ( Oil 1lH' I. will rOllvincr tlwm tlwt. \ eall : H'II hel1l 1:01' : ll'sS mOlwy thnll tlwy 'all huy 1'1'011'1 I\ll r C'ubtlog'uP housp , .01' nnr . l.ralC'l' 4 III tlH' ( 'OUl1ty. I huy my gOOdH d u'C'ct : ITem the' fndol'Y , tlH'I'phy" nil tlw middlr man's profit - it- . l \jl' instmi ( ' ( ' , I wi'lI . ; pll you a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' 14-16 Disc HarrOW For. . . . . . $25.00 . Riding Cultivator'Ohio ( ) . . . , . . .q..OO 16 Inch Sulky Plow , high lift. . . 35.00 Lister Lays , allY I1tulw or IiHte1' , . 2.00 'l'lJr.R ( ' lays arp all fit } d and l'endyto p ltOll. Oet. brst 1'i,8 thl'll ' ' nd nd I wi 11 your } > ( ( ( 0111 ( n . spr BW a . flt'li you thl' g-OOdH. CII S. . MARTIN , Mfll Agt. AND DEALER IN AN'I'.I-rr lJ8'r GOOD8. . : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ycrson & George Co. - - " FON S/\II\ \ OH THADH ' 1'wo lncubaton , . A. D. BANC H. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gas lamps fl'pain'l at the Bicycle - cycle Shop. : 311tf A SNAP-A well improved ranch six miles of Brolcn Dow. 39tf t ; . B. 'L'no1\t pso N. . . - - - - - - - \Ve have just reccivl out' com- plc e line of men's a.ud hoy's , spnngancl summer clothing"Ve have the latcst styles amI thc I hc t grade of goods e\'cr brought. I to Broken Bow for the money. 'Ve guarantee. ' thelll to lit and givc satisfaction. Call and ee our stoc1e and cOII\'ince j'ourclf , 31)tf SNVDIW BIWS. FOR SAIH-A g-ood imp\'O\'ed fnrm < : Dnsisting of 320 acres ; 90 acrcs unc1er cultivation , first-etass well. good farm luilding"s } , 200 act'es in pasturc , eight miles nOl'th-east of A nselmo , Nell. 38-4h Ii'HANI ; PI JJ { " . . . . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. G. I..conilnl hOlldcd a hst rac- te 39tf . " - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' - - - - - - - , V N'l'ItIA 4 5 ' A N'l'ItI- - marc or ) 'cars old , hrolCn to saddle atlll to drive single. Postofficc 1 > 0" 44h. 40tf Hyerson & Geoege Co. Sccds , seec1 , secc1s , all kinc1s of- seeds & \t the Star Grocery. . 40tf Money loancd on unproved farms. . J A1\'HS I.4ItDWICII , 7 18 tf Brolen Bow , Neb. I am now preparcd to mend hot water bottles and all rubber goods of that nature.-CJ\As. \ Huclu.n- 11Im J { " . 39 tf - - - Squires Bros. are prcpared to (10 allldnds of harness repairing. A thoroughhred Herford bull for sale chcap. 3Ctf S. U. 'l'ilG\IPSON. : \Ve have just receivcI ollr new tiue of spring wall paper. All 1903 r.atterns. Call and see them at WIlkin's drug store. 35 tf - . Snyder Bros. spring amI sumI I mcr dress gools are the latest in style the hest in qualit ) ' and are ging the lJL'st satisfaction of any line of tlres goods in town. 'I' connce you they art' all rig-ht just notice the numher worn ilnd thc ncatness in tit. 'l'he young1 1 ael ie will td 1 "CHI thcy'arc tlll' hest the ) ' ever sa'\ ' . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It'ON HAIIi UJ ( 'L'RADtt-'l'nwlI lots aud a fcw five acre lots in this city , for cattle , horses or farm land.-Allcn Rcyner. , _ . - - - - - - - - - - - Self th ( ' special llnnOUnCCllwnt in toclay's papers of Dr. C. 1'1. l1eadric1c's visit to Brolwn Bow , MOlula ) ' and 'l'ucsda ) ' , Iarch 30 31. at tIll' Grand Ccntral huh'l. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I h c Uf"'ur lot. . . . " " , . . . , . . I..US'I'Cow rohe lill d with hlankct between Swan' ( ; ro er ) ' , I Storc and the stock yards. II md- tel' will please lcave at this ofiicc' au g'ct rcwar . ' 4 - , , - . . . . , . " ' . . . . . . , .r.r.MXXY.Y"J".rJf.f' : ) ustl'ccc nln Inrge Iinc of Reliable Alarm Clooks Al Right Priccs. I-Day Nickle Alarm Clocks . I.Pay Tatoo Alarm UOCKS I.Day Parker Alarm Clocks .Day Walnut Alarm Clocks . H-Uay Oak Alarm Clocks Wntches Clezmed - $1.00 Main Springs - - .75 All \ "orGuarantecc \ . S ED. McCOMAS , . IIrokclI 1I0w , - - Nehras\a , . . < # .Y.r .ooc I 1\111 1I0W OWllcr , OIl1d opcllltiug the Hotel : Commet'ciQl : , Strictly f rsl.c1as 1 modem tlncl lip-tO. dat < ' , A tllcrieall plnll , atHI I propose IUs1. : . ing it till' , "cry hl"lt of its cla s ill the west. PI'l'l' hack (0 ( allll from depot. C , 1-1. l liN : NED' ) : , PI Ol-'I 1 1 ' 1'OI . . - - - - - Rycrson & George Co. . FOH SAIH.-A small quantitr. of g00l1 ha ) ' , J H SH GANJ ) " . 37 tf . . - - - - - Farms fot' salc and lands for ren t. Now i the time to get a farm cheap , as the cheap farm ! > are all goin , and prices are , ad- ' ' : ilncing mplclly.-J. G. Breniier. - Go' t- ; - - - ; - for ) Sqir h l ' - , ncss. 38lf - Bulk and package secds of all kinds and they are fresh at th Star Groccr ) ' . J. N. .PI A1" 40tf . Manager. Snydcr Bros. ha\'e the 1inest line and thc latest style of skirts for spring and summcr that was evcr brought to Brokcn Bow. Call and sec them and YOU will - say yoursclf that they are just " ' tat arc looking for. 39tf you . . . . . _ _ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - J14eonard : \Jo \ nded abstrac- ter. 39tf - - - - - ' - - : lI.-4UH VAN''I'n , , Trustworthy , eithcr sex , uy Wholcsall' Mcrcandise Company of o1id tinancial standing , to manage local rcprcscntatives who will org'iullZc cluhs among l'OI1Sl1lI1ers. Business no e peri- H1cnt bu t a proven success. Salary - ary $18.00 a week , cxpenses ad- \'anced , Expcrience unneces- sary. Address , D. B. Clarkson , . Mgr. , 334 Dearborn St. , Chicago , Illinois , 7-43 FARFOH ; ! St\I.n-160 acres , level , good soil , II\ \ ) acres in cult - t \'ation , 40 fenced to pasture , good sod house , flame harn tor S horse , framc gran a 1' ) ' , sod . chiclen house , ' "good , , ; cll and . wind mill , SC\'en miles 'west of ' . I Broleen Bow. Price $2,000 if sold by April 15. 'IO--tl " AVM : A. ClAMlU. : .