Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 05, 1903, Image 3

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( " ; ' , " " ' " ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' " ' - , " . _ , -
TOPICS OF 1'liE r111 IE .
- - - ' ' - ,
ES't Ij/G ) ITEMS.
- -
I Conlluellt alld Crltlcl.wII nailed UIIOD
the Jlaplelllo5CM of the Va-lIldorl'
eal lIud New. Note. .
IInwlIlI IIIn ' IIOW I'lnllll 10 lie lit 1l\st
'a dlstnllt ( 'IIIIIIel'tlolI oC ourR.
- - -
- - - - - - - - -
Whlll II Jrllllll 0111 worlll It would he
, If We were 1111 wOl'lting for .1. 1' . Morgall
& Co.
- - -
HURsell Sage uow huti 11 valet. "Un.
Y le USR" IIIl1st hllvo hnd chance 10
& ; et ) IW at u hnl'/ulu / ,
- ,
: Oew .T't'ser clallllll to hn\'e u Imchelur
who 111 1:10 : 'l'lIrs of n ( ! . ' 1'hl're I lIUlu
bop ! ' uothnt hu will evur olltgrow It.
A judge hllR dechled that women
nJn ' sllloku IC the ' waut to. 'l'he ducl.
81011 Is 1111 I'I/ht / , Ullt'l1y should they
Wllllt to ? '
ROlJ1 people regal'd liCe UII It trngelly ,
, a few Ih1l1 It to b n comedy , alld most
oCHI go I hrollgh It longlug for It lIet. .
tel' show.
There lire Il great mil ny , people who
don't Imow llctl . whnt the l\lollroe
doell'llIe Is , hilt who Itre I' COl' Its
( > 11 fOl"'elJ1en t.
A Chlcngo mun thlnls It will soon be
possl"lu to slt'llIg a cnlJle fl'om the earth
10 JUIIIt'I' . ' 1'hel'e will ue trouble when
tb ( ' people \\'IInl \ that cuule put undcI"
groulld ,
' 1'he KI'uPP h'l who owus a $100-
000,000 CIUJJJ n fnctory will prol..lI\bly
lnUl'r1 some UlllICl'Slzed chill > who
would Calnt awuy If he heard n toy
plslol explode ,
It a Jlwars that one of the liCe Insuri i
nnce companIes has been pn 'lng taxes : .
on some of Hetty GI'cen's property by
mlstnke. Let us hnsten to explaIn Ihnt
, Hetty mndo no complaInt on account
of the error.
'i'he new laziness dlseasu , Irevalent
among the "poor whites" of the South
and oUlCrs , has been olllclally christened -
ed and named "anlylostolUn , " Ve believe -
lieve that unlylost0111a genns love to
j perch on the lawn mower.
A boy f was lert In charge of a
baby of a In theIr home. They plnyed
"fire enJlnu" and the baby wus burned
to death. 'l'hls Is but one of u long list
of svch fatalltlcs ; still mothers will
leave theIr children alone wh re dun-
gel' constantly Imks ,
- SIr James CrIchton H , Brown , one
f I.OI1l'on's noted physicians , pronounces -
nounces the erstwhile InoffensIve o 's-
tet' to be Ii prolific source of typhoid
tever. Every oyster should be boiled
tor at lenst twenty minutes or else
eaten with a raw lemon.
'l'he census shows thnt there are In
the United States 2,000,000 more IItl'h-
elors limn spinsters , , Tudlclously used.
this InfoJ'l1latlon sllould enable the
V"splnslm's to dIrect the thou hts of the
bachelol's to mOl'e serIous mnllers thlln
plng-pon ; ; : IInd theater parties ,
lol'e money Is being tmned Into the
"consl.'lence fund" lit " 'ashlnJton OY-
ery fl'ar. Either the American conscience -
science Is becomIng better or more
people with troublesome { 'onsclences
are steullng each : yenr. At In'esent the
morals oC the case seem 11 llale dubious -
ous ,
Gentlemen fl'om hoth shIes of the
line /I1ay talle at blllllluets about the
: prospects of annexing Cannda , but
when sober the ' know that no such
IJI'oICct ) : ( 'x IRis. Other consIderations
fishle , annexation would delH'lye our
Canadilln fl'Jends of the comfortable
revenue whIch Ihey now enjo ' Crom
AlUCI'lcan emllezzlCl's , ulJsconllers nnd
Illl.roUllll scoUlllrels ( who seel , shelter
In the domInion and } IllY IIl1erally fOI'
It. 'l'hat conslderutlon ulone renders
all tall , of IInnexatIon Idle.
Probably there /ll'e Cew men who
have not sOllwllmes wonlered ( what
thl'y would do If the ' should sluldenly
be confl'onled on u dark nl ht In a
ciarl , stl'eet or lit the 1J\0uth of Il darl ,
/ille ) ' by a real , lIve 1'0111)1' , who shoulll
shove a plslol at thelll IInd ( 'OlllmlllHl
the 111 to throw up thl'h' hllnds. Whatever -
ever decisIons ( lIITJI'l'nt men mllY h/l / ve
come to as a 1''SUlt of tlIPse RII'eula-
tlons It Is < Iulte eel'luln whut the uy-
erage mn n wou1l1 110 under slll'h eh'-
, cumRtnnces , Ill' would throw UII hIs
J hnn < ls aR qlllclI ' al111 nR hl h as ho
I , coul < l and with Yl'ry little pl'Ote8t
: ' would allow hl IWW ncqllalnlance to
I divest hIm of all his chnn e aull any
other urtleles thnt the Jcntlemlln of
l' the roa < l mIght 111\11 on him nlHI wllnt.
p. - -
Inny alr ' eURtll's hn ve "gone 1111 In
SlIIql.l' , " bllt ut Ipust one lII\b8111nllui :
, uullcllll on tena Ih'lIIlI mnr lie snhl
to be fO\l1llc < l 011 HnlUl'I'll ( ! resollrce-
I fill hea < l of Ren'l'al large In < lllstl'les at
/ the "Hoo" Iwtlcrll gl'eat elollds of Bill.
i. phm' 1I0ntln Q'\'n ' fl'OIll Ihl' Rlncl.s at
, till' I1lclwl sr.elh'I's , Ire walliell Sill-
phur , uud IIII CIWllllstR at wOJ'k to dill'
t l'UYCl' It wny of avlll ; : It fl'um the
. ! lmelter SlIlUlw , 'I'hls wa : ; IWOI1 1IIIIIIu
) Josslhle. unl1 Imllle < llatl'ly ho IH'/lIn /
, smelting nlC'lwl ore. 'l'he IHllphm' hlth-
erto wasted , eomllhwll wIth IIlI\Istone !
J Bnd water. flll'JJshed ! hIm with ull the
Clllcillm slllphlte III'Cl'Ssllr ' fOI' his
monlltncturl ! of woo < l pilip , \\'hl'l1
I some render , t1erehllnl'e , discovers how
to make dlnmonds of the Ill'st wfiter
trom carbon , the hla'l , smolw uow
belch In , ; trom thollRI\JHls of sta'kR
11ny be s't In ollr fillg'lr.rln s , IIIHI Ilt
Illst be ot "In 11111111 , " .
- - - - - -
- - -
'l'be statlstlc8 of slllehie for the pl1st
yell.T contain some luterestlnG rnrtlcu.
- ' , - ' . - . -
. -
, "
1111'11 , It Is slJ.lIllIel\ut thllt the n\llll'
II ( ' oC WOlUl'n who ha\'e < lone nWl11
wIth theU1 l'h'cs 1In8 Incl'l'l\sc < 1 threefold -
fold , whIch wOllld IndIcate , possIbly ,
that IIlnce women have I\ssumed the
r'siloulllblllties ot men they lu\\'e lost
milch of the jo 'ousne8s of living. 'l'he
cutin' IIl1mbel' of suIcIdes Is put lit
over 8,000 , IInd ot these less thnn 400
re81111 ( ' ( } from "dlsnlllOlntment In
love , " though nellrly 1.UOO wlre cUllsed
by "domestIc InfelicIty. " It will uo
ohsen'ed thnt there Is n I1ne < 1lsUnc.
tlon between "dhmllPolntment In lo"e"
ullll "dome8t1c Infelicity , " aud that fig.
\I1'es would suem to pro\'e that en1'Iy
dlsnPllolntment Is lI1uch more whole-
sonw nnd hygienIc thnn 1IIlitrlll1ony.
Now thut the tall crop ot brides has
beun har\'usted , and the sprl"g supply
Is In only tentative state , It JlQn be
advillablu to take these figl t'rs Into
conslcluru tlon ,
'J he sclentllle journnls are discussIng
( he qucstlon , "DId wo orl lnnto on thIs
ellrth 01' on n stm' ? ! ' It hlH ! been es.
tablhlhed b ' scIentific experiment that
certnln IIYlng gel'ms cnn retaIn life
for a long period \IIlllur dlsad\'llUlage-
OUII ch'cllmstnnces , It ma ' hnve heen ,
say the sclentlllts , that thu first germs
of IInhnul lICe Iloatod down to this
enrth from n stnr , SIIPIOSO It did. Al'O
we IIUY nem'cr an uuderstundhlJ. ; of
the 1II 'stm'll's of Ufe ? It Is uccollnllng
fOI' the O1'I ln of life much us the un-
clents IIccountcd for the stublllt . of
the clu'th , According to theIr science
the clII'tb reposed on the bocl , oC IIn
enorlllous ( llephunt. ' ' 'hun aslccd
whel'u the elelJhunt stood , the wise
men of that dll ' shoole theIr hellds ,
When It comcs to findIng the orIgin of
llfe thu hllmun mInd cunnot dIspense
wlth the Idea of crelltlon. 'here must
have bu n a lJeglnnlng. IInd a lblng
IInllllato or Inllulmuto cunnot begin
Itself. So thllt It does not chllnge the
problem to sny thllt our 111'st uncestors
In the anhllul Idngdom tlouted down
to the elll'th In the Corm of a ger1ll of
1tadpole. . 'l'he wIsest men of our dllr
have fulled to solve the mystery of Ufe ,
'I'hey cun sCllrcely ugree on u dellnl-
tlon of It. 'l'ho humnn wind. like II
lost hunter , u'u\'cls In a cIrcle , When
It leaves the circle , It'Uns IIglllnst the
stone wull of menial Umltntlons ,
It IIIpeUrS that Bl'et IIarto left an .
estnte whIch Is milled at only $1,800 ,
but he nlso 10ft nn eslate whIch Is In ,
vuluable , sInce It Is be 'ond all pl'lce ,
lIe was rlchor lJoth In hIli IICo nnd In
his death thun a convention of multi.
millionaires , 'We can think of no one
who wOllld lJo entitled to a seut In tbat
convention who could match him In
the pOWCI' to get or to gh'e. 'here
havc buen some ot the class who had
their sturt In mining caml1S , IUld who
enjoyed the expCl'lence , bllt lIarte snw
mllny thln s lJeyond the range of theIr
vIsion , HIs Relllllth'o tempel'llment ,
hIs fllnc ' , hIs Imagination , not only
multiplied the Qbjects but reveled In
them , responded to every touch of 1m ,
mol' and pnthoH. to oVer ' Inllplrlng sug.
gestlon of mall and nahu'e. Hence
the quullly of hIs elljo 'ment was IIll.
npprollehllble , nnll when the Ileriod of
ollser\'atlon wus pllSt there WIIS It new
enjo 'ment In the exercIse of that HI't
whIch mule hIm llot enl ' the first bill
probabl ' tlw grelltest of the wrltet's of
short stol'les In the modern st 'le ,
" 'hlle thc memor - of the camp WitS
growln Ic'ss distinct with others , he
lI'cented nll the old 111'lIslll'es b ' I'e ,
cI'en tlng plctme a ftlr plctme unll 80
snvl'd them for ull tIme , It was tlms
thut he built the gl'ent estate whIch
COJllparell with the eslatl's of the multi.
mllllonn Irl'lI us hIs best hllIlplness docs
wIth theh's , 'l'hlll
Is salel Wlt Ollt unv
hltl'lIUon 10 dlHpal'll e Inll\lstl'lIr
genIus. Its mlltm'lal contrlblltlons to .
hllman lu'ogl'ess or lis pllbllc belll'fllc'
IIOIIS , " ' 0 are consldel'lnJ. ; now lIIere'
Iy the \'aillo of the possessIon to the
hllIvldlllll hlmAl'lf und to hIs flltmu
fame , IIlld It III safe to say thut from
thIs Ilolnt oC view nhl ( ' IJeople Ollt of
tell wOIIIII rllthel' lie a Bl'l't Harte thu1)
u ItoelwCellel' 01' a Cnl'lll'gle.
II J'I'CSCllts Jiu' Him.
Up on Coillmblll lIolghts there's l1
cunnln' little 1J0ehe.lI with man '
tlllxcn cul'ls IIml IIltl'llmarlne e 'es 111,0
! moss-ugutl'II , who wus totul1l ' eut out
of hIs mllldenllllnt's "
glft-g1\"lng scheme
ut Chl'lslmlls ,
I Ahollt ten IllIrS hefm'e Uhrlslmlls the
JIIaldell I1Ullt"IIS , lsIUug hm' sIster ,
thu bo "s mOlher , whl'n , In II vIolent
expluslon of 11I1Ihtl'l' : , her stOl' ( teeth
hecnme lomwllcil 111111 Cell on Ow 11001' ,
'l'he bo ' hllllpcncd to he In Ihe room ut
Ihe time , IUlll till' droJlIJlng of hili spIn.
I ster ullnt'll teeth cllllsed him sIeeehless
umllzemulIl ,
'l'1I1ce ; Inter tlwl'e .
evenIngs WIIS a din.
ner ll1rt . ut tile Columblll HeIghts
house , lit whleh the I1Il1ldl'n IIlInt WIIS
I Olle of the guests , ' 1'he aunt Is just nt
IIge when HIll ! doclln't want to look
It , IInll shc "tollehcs 1111" her hiliI' IInd
Joell after the I1Inlw-lIp box II-lllent . .
I Hho was tlxcdllp In'eUr RIlenlllfl'rOIlSI ) '
at the dlnucI' l'III't ' . nUll WIIS tllll\lu.l ;
IInlmlltedl ' lit the IlIhlo with 11 wIdower
who Is jllst commenl'lng to 't'ul110. ! .
tlce , " when Ihe lIugcl bor , Crom hl
' 1I1t1e chuh' dUWll lit the elld of the
I tll hIe , 1llIl'd } :
I " . \lIull < ' , 1II111t1I' ! "
I " \ \ ' 1'11.1'hllt Is It , lu'eclous ? " Ill'lllh'cd
I ' I hc 81,111111' , : IIlIIlt ,
I' "HII ' , 1I1111t1e , " IIl1hl the Idll , IImlel the
I soll'mll hllsh whleh IIslllIll ' ClIlIs UIIOII
111 III IIle comll n ' whell one of the
: 'Ollllslcrli : of tlll ! fllmll ' Is I1bollt to
Sll ' sOlJ\elhlll cuI < " "show 'PI1I ho\\
'Oll 1lll slJlt ollt 'ollr teeth IIn' then
' sWllller 'elll II IIIII. 111 > 0 'Oll dIll the other -
, 'I er < ln ' ! "
AH ollser\'l l nbo\ ' ( ' , the Ilresents thlll
, bll ' lhlll't ' 'fl'OIll
thnt < gl't hIli IIIlIhlec
, llIlIlIt 011 Chl'lstmnH wo1l111 1111 II lorge
folio clltlllo lIe-Wnl hlll ton 1'ost.
We'd hl\tl' to be liS tOllsh ns over ,
womnn thln s f1 maD Is.
State Contest to Rest In Lit Ie MJrder Tr141-
Stron ( ChaIn or Lvldtnce.
David Clt ' , eb. . Fob. 25.fl ( I
moro tlmn two weeks occl1pl d 1\ , , '
wholty In the Introduction ot tcsU-
mon ' , the state'l'uesda ) ' rested In the
llrosc ( t t m of L 'nil M. Lillie , cillng.
cd wi tl1 lh m ml r at her l1usband.
Prom the stundpolnt ot the
tlon I t hils been well handled IInd lL
relllllrkably strong chllin of clrcl1m'
stantial e\'ldcnce established. It Is
hardl ) ' thol1 ht the efl'nse wl1l re-
qulro the time occuple by the pros-
At this time the state rested Its
case , IInd the detense began calling
witnesses ,
Irs .Georgle Leper WIIS the ! lrst
witness tOl' the defense. She suld In
part : "On the mornln , at October
24 , 1U0 , I was at the LllUe home and
saw Mrs , LllUe. 1 went from there
to the hospital. Mrs , Lillie was
there , and she told m that In the
1II0l'1llng she was wokl' liP by a shot ,
B d saw a man standln at thO' head
uf the ed pointing a royolyer at her.
She was crying all the tillie , saying
she wished It cOllld haye been hcr Instead -
stead of 1101' husband j that ] dna
thought so much of him. She was
continually askIng how Harvey was ,
amI wantcd to HO upstairs where Mr.
LIl1le wus. She was wcal { and faint.
We took her out of doors and one of
the ladles got sOllie camphor. After
this they took her upstairs. Ed Hall
Ilnd 1 wcnt up wlthllnd assisted her.
When she arrlvcd In the room sIlo
dropped down Into a chair , laid her
head on the ed and kept s ylng , 'Oh ,
ear , oh dear , why couldn't it have
\een \ me Instead of Harvey. ' Mr.
Ha l and I helped her down stairs ,
Mrs. Llllie was not dressed warm
enough. Mrs. Woodwurd got some
Dther clothIng and I assIsted in putting -
ting them on her. Mrs. Llllie WIIS
crying and asking how Harvey was
ll this time. In assisting in dressIng -
Ing Mrs. Lillie I noticed there were
no pookets In her clothing. Mrs.
Llllie went home about I ) o'clock. I' '
" 'ent over there soon .after she got I
bome and tool { her acJ : to the hos. I with my horse and nggy. On I
Lhe way to the hospital [ rs. Lillie
was crying and feeling very adly.1
t\fter we arrived at the hospital she
lsked Ed Hall how Harvey was , and
lie said he was about the same. Mrs. :
LIllie wcnt homo u little after 12
) 'clocle , ate her dinner with the rest. .
t could not say whether she ate
beartily or not. She was feeling
badly and her actions were not natur-
11. She went bnck to the hospital
lfter dinner. Hewitt and Ed Hall I
ldvised her not to o to the room
where Harvey was , as she could do
Dim no good. She relllained there
mtll [ r , LilIlo died. ,
"I lla ye I..lCen In the home ot rr. I
lI1d : 'ILl's. Lillie and the ) ' got along
very nicely. I neyer saw a cross look , .
It'om either one of thcm. I have seen' '
Ihcm at lodge. , 'l'hey were VCI Y
llfeetlonatl' . " ,
Cross-examInatIon : "I do not In 0 , ! I
t\'hat their conduct was when 1 \ \ us !
Dot thel'o. 1 t has een ahollt two
tears since 1 saw them at lodge. 1 I
ha ve passed th house fl'ellllell tly and
have seen them sitting on the porch. I
[ do not remember any particular I I
\1I1Ie \ that I saw them together on
the street. " I I ,
When court con yened thIs afternoon
Lhe cross-examination or Mrs. Leper
continued. She said :
" ' 1'he second time [ rs. LilBe went
Lo the hospl tal she did not go Int : >
the room where [ r. LIllie was. "
Mrs. Bell Banton said : " 1 am a
COllsln of Haryey LillIe. SInce they , ,
tnoyed to David CIty L hllve een at . . .
LIwlr hOllse two 01' three times. Mr. :
uHl : 'III's , Llllin wore always kind , and :
atl'l'ctlonate toward one anothel' . ,
TheIr conversatIon was nlways pleas-
ant. . " . ,
all cross.examlnatlon witness said :
" 1 cannot recall that 1 have seen
Mr. and Mrs , Lillie together utJ
Dnce. " I
lrs. Clara King said : "I saw : Mr.
aud 1\lrs , Lillie IlIlte ) freqllently ; I .
lived bn the lot adjoining the LIllie.
resldl'nce , h' , and Mrs , Lll110
5c'ml'd to bo on'I'Y frll'IHlly t < 'l'InS , ' ,
It was 1\11' . and ? II s , Lillie's CIISO ( 1\
to stay at hUlIIl' l'\l'UlllgS. " 011 Clu"-I I
exam Illation witness said , "I saw
Lr. and II'S , Llllle eYer ) ' eyenlng' out
In the acl { yard feeding the chlcle-
Ctls. ' , ,
: 'III's , CarrIe Wilson said : "I was at
Ih LillIe hOllse on the morning of
tlw 111111'1101' , 1\lrs \ , LIllie was getting
ready to gu to the hospital. She waH
erj'lng and wrln llI lIel' } Jallds. I
Raw lieI' at tlIe , , when she
was walking arOIll ) ( \ tile room and
Oil t on t.he porch , Slip wan ted to go
to the 1'0011I where 11 an'ey was.
SOllie of tIll'lII ' told lIel' that the wOllnd
was 1101 drl's ) ( 'd yet. HIll' ' WIIS con '
t.hIl101lslJlJlUllIlJl . wI'ln illl { h r
hands an I crylllg part of the tlllle.
Mrs , 1.11I1e W < 'lIt home hefore 1I00n
alld relupstl'd ) me to stay , saying If
11 an'l'Y nt worSe to tell'pllOlle hi r.
I told lieI' I wOllld. I left the hw.
} allollt . II , , ' ( 'lor I , . " Cross-exam. ,
nation : . I IS .1.1111 ( ' \\'lIt lip stall's '
0111'1' In till' f 1I''noon wllel'e : 'III' .
LilliI' was , Ient I with hCI' , No
1111 ( ' i'S' ' ! ' ; ! < 'II h < ' 1 that 1 J''lIIem1Jor , I
heal'11' ) : , ; ; . Lillie spl'ak auollt going
hUllw 1111I1 tlllllI ( 'arl' or ltCI' sewlnw
'ocklll It 11(1. ( " !
City Safe From the Waves
Gah'eslofl F < 'h , 2f'J'he cornu
stone of thl' U25OOU spa wall WIIS lalt
tIdilY with IlJIposllll { ( eremGnles and
II 8'a : Il' of clt.lZl'ns IIJ1tllJlilrhws and
ollh'I'I'S from till' Unltfld Statl's a tip-
shIps lit anchor In t I 0 hal'hor ' ! lOIe.
Th , ' worl , on the walt hils ( ll'o l'esscd '
satlsfiwtol'lly sInce Its hl'gllllllll last
Octoher , 'I'lle wall will he tlne ( ! miles
III lellgth aJltI JIYe absolute proteo'
tlon to the el ty , e\'ell from a staHe ot
water equal to the reat and dlsa9'
trous tidal wave ot Hloo.
Makes a Full ConfessIon to Ortlcers at lIaml. . .
ton Ohio-Whole Career One or Crlmc
Known In m4n ) Cltle.
Indianapolis , Ind. , Feb , 28.-Al ert
Knapp , arrested In thIs city ' ster.
day , who lies In the Butler county Jail
at Hamilton , self confessed us one ot
the , most depra Yld ! crlmlimls run to
earth In recent ytars , has the toltow
Ing crimes laid at his dOOl' :
] Llttlemanldlled In a Clncl.
nllatl IUll1 eryard January 21 , 18\H. \
Mary Eckert , strangled to Ileath In
CIncinnati , August 1 , 18\ \ } . ! .
J nnlo Connors Knapp , his second
wife , murdered In CincInnati , and
thrown Into the call1l1 there August
' 1 , 1894.
Ida Ge ard , a child , assaulted and
murdered In Indianapolis , July 19 ,
Hannah Goddllrd Knapp , his third
wife , murdered at IIamllton , 0. , and
her ody thrown Into the lIIlumu
river , Decem er 22 , 1J02. {
Knapp had served tlve prison sen
tences , three for larceny and two for
assault. IIe had served two terms
ut Jeffersonvllle , Ind. , one at Colum.
us , 0. , one at Joliet , 111. . and Otie
at Michigan City , Ind. . , to which
prison he was sen from Indianapolis
In 18J ) ( } for assault on Bessie Drapler ,
11 chlld.
SinCe his return to this city In December -
cember he has , the pollce feel sure ,
een gl111ty of two arn burnlngs.
When he was con vlcted for the Dra
pier assault he threatened to get
even with eyery one concerned In his
Ex-Sheriff Womacr ! , then sherIff ,
gained his onmlty. His arn was recently -
cently ll1'ned and seyeral thousand
dollars' worth of tIne horses and 1m-
110l'tcd cattle were rOilHted to death.
Al Boardman was one of the jurors
who conylcted him. lIls arn was
l1rned a out six or seven weels ago.
Almost every hour adds to the long
list ot crimes laid to the man's door.
I Anna Gam le , the fourth wlfo of
Knapp , received a letter from her
husband today , evIdently written uf-
tel' his confession to the Hamilton
'I' ' ' authoritIes last night , Prom Its tone
Knapp expects to bo sent to the pen
Itentlary for life. IIe writes In a most
ull'ectlonate manner to the wife. Mrs.
Knapp said she did not know anything -
thing a ol1t the Hannah mentioned
In the letter as her hushand had
never spoken to her of the woman.
I "He spolw 01' having a wife at ono'
time. " she said , " ut I dId not ask
him any questions. It didn't other
me. "
Mrs , Knapp a used her hus and's
family and said they had o jccted to
the marrla e.
"They wrote to him , " she saId ,
"and told him If he did IlOt glye mo
up they ne\'cr wanted to see hIm
aJ.talu. ' 1'lIat was after we were mat"
rled , Allie told them he had mar-
rled mc ant ! Intended , to stlcl { y me
through thIel , and thin. IIe lo\'es
me and I lo\'e hlll1. All I am afraid
of Is that they will klll hIm In the
electl'lc chaIr. If they send him to
the penitentiary It won't bo so had ,
ecauso I can go and see hIm once In i
I " I
a while , .
I Whcn aslwd If she thought Knapp. .
was Insane , the woman said he had.
never acted as though anything was
the matter with his mind ,
I Hamilton , 0. , It'e , -.Alfred
KnalJp , the I udlanapolls man arrested -
ed yesterday , wllo confessed to the
mmder of IllS third wife , today male
a full confession of t1 ye murders.
AmonJt them Is that of Ida Gebhard ,
thc West [ ndlallapolls glr I , who was
found murdered In a sta le. , July 3 ,
18\)5 \ ) ,
Knapp's confession , which was
SW01'l1 to hefo1'c [ ayer Hosch Is as
follows :
I "On January 2 , 18\H \ , I I < llled Emma -
ma Lltttleman In a lumber yard In
Gest street , Cincinnati.
"On A ugllst 1 , 18U4 , I Idlled Iay
Eclwtt In Walnut street , opposlto the
y , 1. C. A" In Clndunatl ,
I "On AII ust 7 , 18HI , I l\tlled my
wife , .reunle Connol's Kllapp , IlIlIler
the canal brlll o In Llbel'lY street ,
CIIICIIJlJatl , and threw her Into the
KIlls 'Vlft : on the Street.
Kasnas CIty , Mo" Feb , -.Tamef >
Orton , a cuok , thlrt ' .lIve years old ,
last nIght shot and klllcd hIs wll'e ,
Mollie Ol'ton , twenty-uno years old ,
In front of the home of the woman's
mother , : \lIs , : \Iar ) ' Qrollltl , of thIs
CllY , and IInll1edlatcly thereafter shot
an(1 ( killed hllnselt.
I Hoyeral members of the Cronin famIly -
Ily witnessed the shooting , which WIIS
the result ot a series of quarrels In
which Ortont his wlte and her famlly
were Inyolveu .
ChlclIo f'ostofrlce lIottery a Mystery DQ
Loncer-Wornall Makes ConfusIon.
Chicago , March 2.-Stl\te's Attor.
ney Deneen unnounce thl 1\rtornoon
that he ha come Into possession at
proo's showing wbo ro bed the Chi.
ca o post011lco on October 20 , 1001 , 01
post l e stlUI1pS ralue at $74,601 ,
nm1 that he nnd l'ostOtllce Inspector
Stuart were at work preparing the
e\'ldence tor presentation to a federal
grand jllry. 'l'bo state's ' ullomo ,
throu h a tull contesslon mude by
Mrs. Lulu Moll , who tnrnel1 state's
eyhlcnce IIgalnst A ttoItley Itlclllml
Wade , 'l'holllus McNelly nd others
charged with recel Ylng stolen prop.
Cl ty , leal ncd how the proceeds ot the
postontce ; ro ber ) ' wel'O dl YhIed , who
dllg the tunnels undlr ! the uildlulJ ,
who bored the holes In the Iloor of
the steel Ytwlt , and where the . ) Iun-
del' wus slored.
1rs. Moll rolw down tills after.
noon In Slate's Attol'tley Deneen's
ol\lce and admitted the truth of the
e\'hlencn IIglllllst the post011lco rob.
hers , Charles Ioll , husIJaud of Lulu
Moll , aud one at the most. daring IUIII
dangerous cl'oolu ; 1lHlwn to the pollco
of the UnIted Btates , Is now servltlH
term In the MichIgan pcnitellth11'Y
for lmrglal'Y In I lIslllj.t. Hlchard A.
Wade Spt'llllg Into IH'onmence when
he dotended Prender ust , the asasslu
of Muyor Cartor. Harrison.
Attorno ' Wudo wns found ullty
tonIght of rlcel ! vlng stolen property
and disposing ot It. 'rhl ! value ot
the property Is Jlxod by the jurors at
$185 , entailing a penItentiary sen.
tence. Wade was on trial wI th Mar.
amt Winters and 'l'homas McNelly.
Mrs. Moll chan ed her plell ot gullt.y .
and was 1\ state witness , Frldayaf.
ternoon , hy direction of Jud o Mc.
l wen the jll1'Y found McNelly and
Mrs.'Intors uQt guilty and dls.
missed them , leaving only Wade to bo
trIed ,
'l'he property In qllestlon was ! \
shl pment of furs stolen In Cli nton , I a.
by Charles Mollhushalld of Mrs.MolI.
Fll1's mlllcd at $8,000 were shlppe < 1
from CHlltun In one night , Mrs , Molt
ohtalned the storage receipt from her
hlls and and told Wade of It. 110
said he could dlslJOSe of anythln
"frOlp a postage stam p to 1\ frame
hOllse for no cents on the doll.r : , ' I and
he and the woman securcd the furs
and shipped them to ChIcago. Wade
then sold them to a State street fur.
riel' ,
Dolt stood Ouard Over Body.
Kansas City , Mo. March 2-A
Star special from Bentonvllle , Ark"
says :
: Ifor twenty days a talthful dOB
stood ul\rd over t.he ody of A. ] ,
Perldns , tormerly of Kansas CI tYI
who had eYldently been Illll1'dere
at his home , nIne miles north 01
here. 'l'he crime was only dlscovere
today. Mrs , l'erldns , a young a d
attractive WOn Hili , and l'erklns'
adopted son , \\.11 \ J. P well , bave
left the country. 'l'hey' ' were secn
here l < 'ebrlHu'y I ) , and left Hogors over
the 'Frisco railroad , goln sOllth ,
lea ylng their wllgon and team at that
l'el'ldns was Iout sixty years od. !
He was a man of consldetable Intelligence -
gence and was well thought of by his ,
nelgh ol's , 'rhe house was etter
furnIshed than most of those In the
comUlunlty. , For days the few pass-
el's noticed tl1Ut the house Heemed
deserted and no lIylng thlnl { was In
sight around the premises except. a
large dog , that slunk a out In the
hushes near the house aud growled
lIercely whcn anyone appl'oached.
'l'he IHololll-tcd ahscnce of the fam.
llyat last awalwned suspicion and
today sOllie of the nel hhors niade a
search. ' 1'ho dog , el1laclated by his
loug vlJll. pel'lnl tted thom to up-
preach close enoll h to sce the body ,
of l'erld us II Idden lindeI' the bushes ,
An examlnatlou showed that his skull
was I'ral'tllred. lu the acl { amI there
was a wound In the rIght temple.
' 1'110 recent cold weathm' had helped
preset'yo the body , so tllll t there was
no trou le about Identilicatlon or In
'lIscoverlng the cause of death.
Will Tear Down BarrIers.
-London , March 2-Captaln Shawe.
] " : 'aylor , secretary of tile Jublln land.
lOl'l ( and tenants' cunforellce , wllo has
just rl'tlll'nell from a ylsl t to the
United States. descI'lhlng hIs visit to
the Assocl led press correspondent
tonl h\ \ ' , said :
"Presldellt ltooso\'elt , , who Is him.
self lIalf an Irishman , and l'xtremel
proud of It , l'ecel yed me 1Il0st cor.
dlally. I hellevu ther e Is nohody Itl
tlw United Htatcs more anxIous than
he 1'01' II'eland's welfare. Uofenlng
to the Dublin conference Ir. Hoose.
v'lt sail ! : 'I am not speakIng now
liS a polltklull when 1 say Ihat III
compallY wIth the wllOle clYllized
WOJ III I heartily \\'plcoJlle t.he /
of a final settlement of the Irish illJl ]
question , '
Cnthollc Church at McCook Burned.
McCook , Neh. . March , -St , Pat'
Icl's Cuthollc chlll''h ( of this city wm
entlrelv consumed by 111'0 this morn.
Ing ahollt 11 o'clock. ' 1'he lire was
eausrd hy a defective lIue IInd hrol < e
ont whlle hlJh mass \\'us In progress.
No one \\IIS Injured , ' 1'he loss on tb (
ulldl nJ , : Is $ : ! .f > OO , Insured 1'01' $1,800 ;
loss ou furniture aut ! fixtures , $1.0001
Insurance $1,2OU , ' 1'h re was slight
dllllluge to the fUJ'Illture ot tll (
priest's hOusl' , udjolnlrlif.
Nebraska Notes.
Joseph ' 1'owl'r Sml th ot 1'r01l1on'
lett un etsato worth $1rQOOO ,
'l'ho Mot.llOdlsts of Adatu } jays
dedlcnt.ed I' new church , cost.lng
$7,7 , O. .
'rho ItlW , H , 1\1. Stclllwnsou I ali0\1t .
to res It III 0 actIve WOt'Jc as preshte.ut of
Bello\'ue col1rge.
HnI' : < lwln mutter has closed his
lJIl'ctltl S at , 'ohnson ' , and Is nocon -
dltctltll : one Itl 1.Jlberty Hrldge. .
were COlJlllllelt trom observ:1U011l1
lJIlIle : of till ! Pia tte an the Loup at
( 'olltlll lls , the to:1khorn : at Arlington
autI the N lohrarn uti Vnlpn tine.
Scotts lllttlf Is to have an : tutIltorl : '
IItI1 with a sl.'atln capacity at near1 -
1.000. AJ'I'II'IJI'I1t.s ; \ Imve been , Irac- '
tll'ally ( 'olJlplctrd und Itroltnd wl1l bo
brokl'n for I t soon. .
Charlrs'l'horson cOlJlmltte sltlclc,1a '
h ' han ltl hllJlsolt to a bldIJOSt. !
The deceas < l was a hl hly respec
ed S\\'I' < lO , who fOl'lJh urly II yell In
Platte COUllty , allt , ! \ \ ho ullt ; , r sl : '
d nCl' alld mO\I' ( } to lIl'noa about n. . ,
'ear ago. Mr. ' 1'horsol1 had not be 'n
1\lIown to tOllch 11(1101' ( tor about
years , but he I'etllrnml trom a tl'lp W'
Colllnblls ! Intoxlcall'd , Ills wlto ,
flarln ! 10 stay with him , went to
Ill'lgh ' or's house mil ! spelll the nlght
and ou retmnlllg hOlllo 'III the mom
IlIg found him Imnglng to the ed1
po t , ' .
lresent Indications nrc that Jesse
Boate , a single man a oiJt 40 years ot
n e , who has been' for many yeat'S
malln his home with his slstor,1\1'8.
St.e\'e 1 Ial'tman , a short distance cast
of Da WSOII , hils fallen a vIctim to the ,
Nemaha. A few days aRO Mr. Hoat.6
catlle In from the Held , whore he had ,
been herdlllg cattle , and stmted tor'
t.ho Nemaha rlyer , close at hand , tot'
II mll of water. He did not return' '
Immedlatoly alld , has not een Reen , ,
sillce. 'l'racks III the snow Indicate' '
that he followed Iho , IIsllal path to a
low foot l'h ! o whIch Is about twelve' ' ,
Illches a o\'o the water , and as thel
tracls ceased at U10 middle of the ,
ll'ltlge it Is SUPllosed UlaL the IIntor-
tUllato man slipped when he attempt , . ,
cd to draw \II } the water. After bo
had been one about twenty minutes
search was IlIstltuted IInd hIs cap
was fOlllld ! tlldet' the edge of the Ice a ,
few feet clew the rl'dgo , but thol
tin pall was missing and has not ccnl '
lorated yet. In the oenter ot thol
; tream , both a eve amI below tllot ,
I > rldge , the current Is 80 strong Lh t
00 Ice formed , and the pro abllltlca
1\1'0 that It the man teUln his body
did not como up ulltll It had washed
under the tce , Ilnd In this event It .
will lII ely not O located untn tha
, ; prlng th : w. A large crowd ot men
worked steadily for some time cuttlnf (
it challnel In the Ice and usfng poles
to search for the ody without avail ,
and yesterday the hunt- was aban-
110lled , 'l'ho accIdent occurrcd but
! \ short distance trom where Mrs.
I Harrison tell In and lost her Ute SOlDO
fOllr years ago.
As a rille of lite. one finds that the
truth lies somewhere between ftrst
ImpressIons and IInal decisions.
.T. O. Steyells , a draughtsman In
the ol1lce ot the state board ot IrrlRIl-
tlon , has complIed 11 table showing
the amol1nt of water that Is availa.-
ble for Irrigation and not used. 'l'he
statistics 1'1111 hack to t805 , and give
a mean annual ayerngo ot 6,8&1,000
acre feet whIch Is sunIclent to irrl-
! tate 3,457,000 acres , These figures
' 29 V6lAS
Po Q,50"
- ' . L. Doual. . ma" . . and . .n.
, , , ur " ' ' 'n' . OoorJI..r Welt ( II.nd-
1uw d Pl'oc..J .1'0. . th. " 81U' ' ath. .
rmmul.actur r In tl , . world.
$25)00 ' ) REWARD
< Till be d to anyon. who
: an dll 10velhIt&t.ement. .
l\eCI1I1S0'V. \ L. Douglas
! I the h.r eflt manufacturer
'w cau Luy cheaper and
prol1tue : hIli shoc3 nt 1\
H\'IH r.ost thl1Jl other con.
' ' ennbles hIm
to fol \ IIho08 for $3t O and
fJ.OOUnl ; : In every
way to t \ 1080Old 111116-
where for H and $ l , OO ,
c. : 'c.ffau : ; : t : om 101. . prodUCN abeG-
' .itely pllfellather ; more flexlbl. and will WeAR
IOna1f than any otber t.Annftll1' In the world.
'rho..I8& have more than doubled \h. 1"U\ .
y"n.- . whIch provee Ita .upenoritr. Wh , .
I Vb tv. L. Dou/fla. Ihoe. a trial and. . " . mon. , .
N..Ur. . In..o llnl&IMI " . , .OU"U , _ "
1. . U'.I" . . . . ' { 1m Salul 81\,0.,8"0,0.
A 1&ln , of ! 112"IO,4. O.1'O In PourYun.
Worth S6.00 Compared with Other Milke. .
The b $1 Imporl.d and American Itathlrl , HIlIr.
flal."t Calf , Enam , ' , 80x Cal' , Calf , Vlel Kid , COI1I"-
( " ' , nnd National Kangaroo , Fait ColOl' Elltl.fa
' The genuine ba" . W. L. DOUGLail
C \I utlon' nalna and price .tamped on bottom ,
8Wfl'V mlll2,5c , ulraluI , Calalrt. . .
\V. I. . UUIJUI. , H , nnoOIL'rON , HAfI > > .
Capsicum Vaseline
Put Up In Collapslblo Tubes.
A Suhilllllll ! ror 111111 SUl'lJrlor to MUKtard or an ,
olher phut 'r , 11I1\1 wHllIOL LliHler till ! IIiOiL .IIIUca&it
.1.111 , 'rho pnlllllllllyllIlC IIlItI CIIM\lIve 'IUUUUI ! ' 01
till" IIrlllo \l'UIIIJlJfful , willstojl Ihe tootb-
. " , ho III ullee , ulI.I flJlteve helulllchu uull ItClulI
WI ! rocuIIIIell.J ! ! It U8 thft OOitUU j 6I\Cei tIt"rlla1
( 'oulllef-lrrlluuL 1m wn , 111113 II. 1111 ext"fllut 1\l1I-
dy fur " ,1118 III thu chelL UIII , It. . UIIICIt IIUtI aU
rheuJlIII [ Ie , J\l lrulllu anti IOUIY 0011I1'10\11111 ,
A tfla\t will l'foVII whllt WI ! clo\hn Cor it. . Ur."W
wllll ) fouiltl to be IlIvuluIIl1le 111 the 110USIJoId. .
I ) JUIIY 1'0 < 11'10 uy " 111 the Lust oC 1111 your prepa-
rll 1IU1I1 , "
"rice IS cellls , nt 1111 dfllg lsls , or otheLd Nra.
or by 10lldllll ; this I1mount tu us In POlllagIJ , tawp ,
we will 8Ulill ) 'UIIItuLu by 1111111.
No uflllle 1jultllJo I\ccejllO < 1by the plIbllo.S ! -
Ie. . the UII1" Cliffle. our luLuI , III otherwIsII It t.a
1I0t genllillu'
17 Sllle 81m ! , New hrk Q ,
, . , . - . - - '