Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 26, 1903, Image 1
"u Iln " . . L\Utati"U t. " " > > \O' . USTER . NTYPUBLICAN. \ . " . . . . . ' . CIRCUTJA'I'I'ON 014' ANY PAPER IN TI-U . ESTAHr4ISIIED U 82. 'rIlE OFFlcrAT .P.AP.ER OF cusirER cOUN'ry. riA RGEST COUNTY. , . . - - . - - VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA . . , THU RSDA _ . V - , FEBRUARY . _ - 26 - . .1903'EIGHT PAGES , NO,37 , - - - - - - - - - - ' - ' . . . . . , . . . ( " < ] ) KX B. B.N " " , . . \ . . , Make \ "ost t . of your cycs with thcse ] cttcn ; . hcd ] at 11 distance of fiftccn' inch ' 5. If they .lu . not staml out c1ellrly you may know therc is something wrong. Comc here and we will 1I11lke a complete - I plete test of thl' sight free of IJ ! charge. Perhaps the troube ] l can be curcd by thc doctor but ti it is 1I10re prohabc ] that glasses . l1Iust bc worn. 'Vhcll wc as- , ccrtain what strcngth is required - ed we will rnall' the glasscs at J 'A ' AndJ : I ' . , r I . \ . I . @ i t CM&eve ! o' ' 1 ' _ _ _ _ _ . - . . . . . - - _ . . . . . . , " - - - - - - - - - - - - - "j'1 j 1 * School Books , ! ; Tahlets . . .IfI , " 'i > f ; , ( f ' - :1' : . -ANII- " t School SuppJies , , I , ' 1' " f-.I/ . ' < * -AT-- * . ! ! .J , G . ' , -I ae b er I" S. ' " - 1'1' " _ . . . . . . . , - - : : : : : - - - t - S'EC'UB , T"p " S : \Ioncy kept at honH' is neithci' 8 safe 01' COII\'cnicnt. 'fhe IIrofcs. I ii sional thief hus nu difi culty in I II gcttill at it while the rightful S owncr oftcn has. Thc cash is at 8 the wrong elld of the line whcn an account haR to he settled. Bv ( ll'- positing lIIoney with tlH' Custer National Bani , this ( lifi culty with otlicn ; is rCIIIOI/- . cd. A chcck hook earncd in tIlt" pockct cnablcs thl' dl positr to makl' a paymC'nt :111til1ll' : at : In ) ' . - - - - - - [ : : : gt : ; : : : = : ] . - - - Has. Anderson went to Katlsas ' ' , . ity'l'ueslay morning. J. A. Harrig went to Kansas ' ' Imsi- City'1'ucs ay morning on nc' ; . John Collier of Westcrvillc , made this on cc a friendly . call Friday. W. II. Shackleford went to St. Joc , Mo. , 'l'uesday lIlorning' on a few days "isit. Judge Rccse went to Grand Island 'rucsda y m rning' to'is l the old sol irs ( ; home at that placc. Judge Guttersotl wcnt to 14cx- ington Sunda ) ' morning to hocl ) a term of court which is in ! - > es- sion thert' this weck. . Mrs. [ . ! \I. l obinson. left 'ruesday moruing for Sioux Palls. S. D. , to visit with the family of her son , R. [ I. RobiI1 ! > OtI. Anton Smock of Oconto , made this on ce a fricnllly call Satur- day and took \lantage of our cut priccs for several pcriodicals. Frank r ecd of Custer Center , is feeding two car loads of cattle 'of his own raising and about 'seventy head of hogs. He raised his on com. II. G. Hogen ; , formerly of this , city , but now.locatcd at l owley , . Mass. , came In the fore part of , the week to look after his bu i- . IICSS interests here. John Hohinson , Ii'red Arthur , 'Vill Boots , Jas. Humphrcy , Ab Christman , shipped t.heir fat cattle - tle to Omaha Sunday. Mr. Christman had two car loads and each of the others enc car load. 'l'ierney Bros. shipped a car load ( If hogs at the same t.ime , making - ing seven car loads of stock from this point on that llate. 'l'he Sarg.cnt and Broken Bow High Schools will have a match- . cd game of Basket Ball in the .1 Opera House Saturday afternoon , IIi'cbruar.r 2H , at 3 p. m. Admission - . sion , Adults 15 cents , school I dtildr < 'n 10 cents. J 11 the cven- illg in the same building will I I occur a joint debate between the I . tvo High Schools. Admission 10 cents. As these are the first , l'ontcsts of thcir ldulm the city , l'\.CQ' bed ) ' shoulll come out anc1 , , h < 'lp the hays. 'I'h < . ' 'Vashington correspond- l'lIt of the state papers states that John Heese of Broken Bow I has been recommended bV Senators - ' tors Millard and Dietrich' the position of receiver of the laud office at Broken Bow to succeed P. II. Young , resigned. Mr. Young' is serng' his second term : hut having all the lmsiness of his : OWI1 that he cares to attend to , , which is the cause of his resigl1a. : tion. 1\11' . 1eese en'ed in that : positioll with James Whitehead as register under President Hal" ; riSOIl and i well quali fic for the : appointmcnt , which will doubt. ; less be contirmed without delay. : The appointment wili meet thc : general approval of the pat rom 'I ' of the oOice. . : , : : - : ; : : " - - - . . . . . . , . . , . - , , , , , . , - . , . . . . . . . . , . " ' ' ' 'V 'S-'t' . ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' . . ' 9. ' . ' - . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' - " - " . . . . " . . . . . ' . ' ' . \ . J'J' . . . . " ' . . . . - ' ' ' - ' ' ' J IJr' .k..J : : ; ; : : ; ; = ; wI ; ' " I . . .SQUIRES BROS. . . M loall of the bcst. huggies c\'er hrought to . : ar i a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to. : i-l Cu'\t < 'r l'ollnty. . 'Vt' gtand ready . M Duplicate the Price of Any Dealer I in CURter county. or the statc of Nebraslca for that ti matter , on the same grade of buggies. 'Ve have not wasted our energies in seeing how cheap a buggy we could buy. hut rather have made every i effort to ' ccure the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S BEST BUGGY FOR THE MONEY I We h < .1\ ' ( a lull line 01 'rop lugglc , Sprlllg Wag- I ons and Road 'Vagons now 111 stock , and another . l'ar on the road. G'I& U' . a call. t Wl' arl' yours fur hu ! > ine s , fI f I I SOUl RES BROS.J . . . ' ' " ' o ! 'il.11 ! : " f\ ! " . . . . BxoQlsen. : : Bow , Nebraaka. 'I L. . , . , . = . . = . " ' . , . . . . . . . . , " ' , . , : " " . . " . , , . , , , . , . = , . . = " " ' I . Will Frey uf DeQucen , Arlmn- sas , i here at the present tilll with thc \'iew of selling' 01T his . . , tock. Chas. Pcnn , lolIl1ua11llant : uf the l\1iiford soldiers hUUlC , spent StllHlay a11l1 Mond"y in the city. fIe returncII 'l'uesday. 'l'hc ladies of the F'irst Baptist church will er\ ' ( , supper Saturday - day , Fcbruary 2H , in the Realty blocle. Price , 25 ccnts. A 25-ccnt supper will be sen1ed h.y the lat1ic of thc Baptist church Saturday , from 5:30 t : OO p. 111. , in l ealty blocl < . R. D. Sullivan and family lcft 'Saturday for Bloomficl , Iowa , where tiley williocat . Mr. Sullivan - livan has bought a farm therc. I a \ ' Barnard of thc Calla wa > ' Quecil and J. 1\1. Sa via ge , cand 1- date for sheril1' were in t.hc city ' ' . 'L'hc R l'UllI.ICAN office admuwlcdgcs a fricndly call. Mrs. Harry Day and childrcn lcft Sunilaj' morning for Oa\e. \ land , California , 011 a visit wit.h her parcnts amI relativcs. Harr ) ' accompanied thcm aH far .a Grand Island , returning' Monua ) ' night. DI ltD. - - - PRIWMOH H.--Mouu a } afternoon , the tcn da's old chilL ! oflr. . alltlMrs. J. W. PredmorcoJ Custer Center. 'l'he remains were laid to rest in Custer Cen tel' ceme. tery'l'uesday. 'l'he RJ\PUBI.ICAN extcnds thc sympathy of the com. munity to the bereavell relat \ ' s. 'I'he city election at Lincoln appears ( rom the Statu' Jounpl rcport tu ha\'c hecn runl rg l ) ' I J ) ' thc saloon clement and low hccnsc fellows. 'l'bc qucry tlla arrises in our mind is what the Anti. Saloon Ceague of Lincoln tlUlt figured -wnspiciollsly - in the city clection last 6pring , was do. ing prc\'ious and on election tla ) ' 'l'he entertainment given lalJ : : Saturday evening by Prof. Sni , del' iu the K. P. hall , was well ath" > ndcd considering the weath. er. His elocutionary work wa of high order and was highh appreciated by thc audience ; n' ( his ventriloquism , assisted b ) 'l'ommy Bryan and Snow ) ' "Thite was full of funn ) ' dialogucs. lIe may rest assured that should he visit this place again he will be grqetcd b ) ' a full house.-.Litch. ficlcl Monitor. Will be 11 Brol < en Bow , Thursdaj' , Marell 5 , 1903. J. L. King , general agcnt fOI the Security Mutual Life Insur. ancc Co. of Lincoln , .returnel ] Saturday from J yisit to George. town alu ) vicinit ) ' , where II { spcnt two daYR in looking aftel husiness for his compauy. Iie wrotc applicatiom. while he . . . . gone--writing evcry one sa. with ono exception. Hc was ac. companied by his deputy , J. H. Comcr , who returned Monday t < , complete the work commenced , This firm has a good plan am those who want "old linc" in. surance will make no mistake 1 talcing out a policy if they an ablc to continue it. S. H. Burn ham of Lincoln , formcrl ) ' presi deMIt of the First National Bani of this place , is preBident of thi : compan ) ' , whose namc is a guar antee of safet ) ' . Another fea ture in its favor is that it is : Nehraska institution. Duw-BASS , At AnselmoNeb. 'rlmrsday , } i'ehruary , 19 , 1903 . Alexander Bass , age 67 nex March. 'l'hc deceased had hecI in poor health and for scvera weeks he had becn failing rapid ! 1) ' . He was a mall who enjo\'el the good will of all who lctlc\ him and wal > regarded bj' all good citizen. He was prcceedcl to the bctter land by his wife il June , 1')01. Since which tim has hcen making' his hem wit' ' his children at Anselmo. Jl lcaves to mourn his death si sons and two daughters. The arc Dr. 'r. W. Bass of this cit ) ' C. g. , Roe , Adriall , Walter , Ros and T4illie of Anselmo , an Gifford of California. Theywer all present at the funeral cxceI GilTord. The remains were ohi1 pcd to Broken Bow Friday morr ing whcre the funeral service were held at 2 o'elock in tll afternoon in till' Baptist chnrc1 the sen'ices hei ng conducted tJ HeS. . P. Morris , assistcd 11 "fi ReGeo. . P. 'l'ritcs , after whic 5 the remains were laid to rest i the Broken Bow Cemetery. ' 1'1 Rupum.Il'AN extends the SYII , pathy of tht. ! community to tl hereaved. , I J. W. Hart \Veissert , mat tIus office a hnsines call Jcste I ' tlay . alltl had his nallle clI.rolkd I for the 1 J\1'l'lII.IC\N alltl ltltl'r Ocean. I I Wm. [ ranldil1 of 'L'ntlordlllatle I this otlicc a social call > , c terdu } ' I and hatl his subscription atlvauc- I cd. It is Mr. Frunldin's first i visit to the cQunty seat for two ycars , owing to poor healHl. I Arc you going ? You can't afford to miss it. What ? 'l'bc Union Young Peoples Convention to be held in the Prcsbyterian church. March 8 , 1903. Rcad program of it eh.cwhel'e. gvery one i invited to comc and help , to mal < e this thc best meeting we have cver had. Wlll Boots and } 1 d. Lcwis returned - turned yestcrda ) ' morning from Omaha , where they shipped cattle - tle the first of the wcck. 'l'hey struck a gOOlI markct and sold well. Mr. Lewis aj's that somc uf Ah Christman's brought. within - in live ccnts of the top $4.60. Mr. Christman shipped two loads that he was offertd 51,400 that brought nearly $1,800 , ufter cutt. iug five head out of the bUIlCh , which he left at home. 11. D. Daughter ) ' of Somll1cr- , f rd , calle l .yesterday and had 1119 subscnptlon ath'aucctl se\'eral notches. Mr. Dau hert . is one of the men who staHl wIth Cus- ter count ) ' throngh the drouth I and panic and can now boast . that what he has it > hiB own. He. informcd U that he paid 00" his last mortgage yesterday which \Vas contracted in11890. Men with such honesty , courage and pluck are the ones that remained in Custer count ) . through all of our tribulations which accounts for the high state of pl'Ospcrity that exists here today. 'l'hesc mcn have through years of expericnce learned how to farm in Custer county to malec mOllc ) ' ill d how to keep out of deht. l ikc Mr. Dangherty Inuttireds of t.hem ha\'e rcsoh'ed to give no more mortgagcs 011 land or chattcl and tlh1f > saves the interest. . card uf Tlua"U8. - - We , the underai1nad , hCl'cby extcnd our sincere thanks to the citizens of Anselmo for their Jdndness shown during the sick- ncss and death of our dearly be- lovcd father , Alexander Bassand to thc friends in Brokcn ' now for thcir assistance at his 'funeral and hurial. ' 1' . W. BA s , C. E. BASS , GWFORD BASS , ROl\ BASS , ROSA BAss , ADHIUN BASH. W AL'l'JCIt BAss , La.LIlt BASS. Cl1urch "erylC < < 'lt. - - - . U. 11. t'lruncn. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7 :30 : 11jo m. . Sunday School 10 a. tn. Junior Y. P. C. V. 3 p. m. Senior Y. 1' . C. U. 6:30 : p. m. A eordiallnvitaUon is extended to nil , W. II. l'l HRPastor. . Hl'I ! > COI'At. CIIUltCII. 1 St. john's Hpisco\Jal scn'lce Sunday , March I. l'irst Sun ( \ ay in I.ent. Sun. day School 10 a. m. Morning prayer , Iltany. Holy Comlllunion IInl ! sermon - I I II. m. Hvenlnl { pra er and sermon 7:30 : p. m. 'rhe puhlic IS cordially in- VitCIl. W. II. XANmm , Rector. I'HUSI1VTHlUAN CHURCn. Services next Sahhuth mornlnat / II l a. Ill. s'ubject : " ? lh klng Usu of What We Have. " Evcning IIcn'lce lit 7:30 : p. Ill. 'will he the "Annual ' ! 'hallk Offering" I of the I.adit $ Mh.sionury Society. ft.- . vcry Interesting progmlll hus been pre. pare , . for this licrvicc. Y. 1' . S , C. h. at 6:30 : p. III. Annre cOllliully invited. M. It. ClIUltCn. Sunday will be Rcv. Sayles lUlt dll } with III' . He wi1l pnuch morning nl1l ] cvcning of that da } ' . In the afternoon a1 3 o'clock he wll1 mnkc an I\Ildress on tht subject of "Amuscmcnts. " I hope , that regnrdles of church or belief , the entin community will bc prescnt nt this service Comc ont and hear this vt : atious ClIestior ( I' discusset ! in a kim1hclpfnlaml \ carrfn manncr. Uro. Sl1yle : : wil1 sing ut Ihl : service. 'fhe R'tr60n : Quartette also You can't aiIord to m ios tbis. Gno. P. 'l'RlTBS , Pasta I . lJ.\l'TIST CHURCH. unda ) ' , March I , the pastor wi ! : preach in the mOr/llng on "The Reve1a tion to Care , " t II a. m. The Ol'din ance of the Lord's Supper will ue cee urated after this scrvice. The nibIl scho01 meeta at IO a. m. , with with wd equipped an competent teachers anI devoted ollice s. Junior D. Y. P. U. at , o'clock. Senior B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 : p Ill. Tilt : largest attendunce yet was tha of last SUl1day. ' } 'he pastor lecturcs 01 thu GOtpel 01 l\1athcw lit the openil1l hour. It . . .ill be cOliseratiOll lIud ro ] call night. 7 :30 : p. 1I1.-0ue hour ( J Gospel song , } Jreachin and fellowhir SuhJcct : "But. " WCllnesda ) ' , 7:30 : r 1I1.-th euson ofIwycr , raisc ani song. Can ) 'oU aITor < < \ to miss It , 'fhurf day , :2 : p. Ill. , the I.adies Aid Societ mcct In the prayer rooll1 of the churcll SaturdaY.:2 : p. m. , tht ! 1I0)'s' llrigad . 1 dri11s. Satnnlny , 7:30 : p. Ill. , the paste e teaches the Ulhle school lesson to tll rhacbcn ; iu the prll'cr room of the clmrc1 - Spt : : : I : G- is almo t here , and I am pr&pand to get you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , LISTER LAYS \ fo.r almost any Idnd of lister , to- \Vi t. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . to . - - - ' - - ' - - - - - - - . . . - - - - - Star , Case , Deere , Brown , . . St. Joe , Eagle , ' Canton , Bradley Moline , Hopegood , Grand DeTour , Rock Island. . - - - - . - - . . - - - . ' .rhese la's ' arc all finished wtth holes and bolts ready to 'go 011 thc li tel' they arc intended for , aud 1 will takejorders for these lays from now until April 1st , at $2.00 each. Quality of goods aud fit g\1al'alltcetl. I C. S.IVIARTIN . . , Mfg. Alrt. AND DEALER IN . .A.n. : . - -lIJIr"1.1s"t : : Groode : I r 2rrrr r I OUR W A1 ; ; 011 . .ANn- CLOCK REPAIRING Make Money for You 1 - , - - - " . . - . - \VO Olllerll CbRrKo Charx' , , Walehell cunut\'I. ! . . . . . . . . . . .11.OU $1. 511 I Walch Mal1l8prlnp. . . . . . . 75 I m WAtCh JIallillCo III1U. ! . . . . . I 7 [ . .l.W I W.lell ( 'II\IR(9j' II ace ) . . . \S \ . II . . WatchOllu ( unllnICUe ) .15 .2. , K.Day Clock donned. . . . . . . . . .75 1.00 I.Uay Cloak clolncl1 . . . . . . . .1 > 1I .75 NlekIOarmClock. \ . . . . . . . . .40 .StJ .Jewelry Clolnod FrEe or Charc. ! . - - - : . . . . : : . - - . . - ED. McCOMAS , IItl.OKnN IIO\V , Nltn ? rc c ? rrr 2 Gd lUnrlut nelOrt for 'rOf' ; Y. OJiAiNWh Rt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .If. Uuley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S ( ) a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Jt1C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : n Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \S \ LIV8 8T0Ol1- 1I01l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ,30 ! : Iicera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 . fJ 4.00 Cow. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.5. ) " 2.75 I'OULT\\- lhlok"n . pur pOOI1 < 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oll Turkey , Ior , lulun' ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,011 l'/IODUCB- Uutter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 K ! : ' , perc107.dll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .If > M' ( : ELI.J.tJOU.- : } 'olato08. pcr lJu8hol. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .2S Onlon . pcr l > u8I1ul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7r , lIav.p"rton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , .nn Hlraw. per owt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS HUII..r . , Orauollloll. per owl . . . . . S.5U f1 1I.7f > - - - - - - - TO CtJIU . . . . COl. " IN ONJt nA.Y 'rA" " l.nlllllIroulo Qulnlue ' ! 'aIJIItt . All , lrUR IH18 rrrullti Iho , uolley IC It rnll" to euu. It. " . < ' W"A' . 41\lIl1turu \ : II ! 00 ( 'lIch lJox. 2Sc. Ncwl ) ' refitted umfurnished. \ . The hcst of accOUlInodatiolls. Modern in all respccts. No durk rooms. Good ! lllIn. pIc rooms , Ifree hack to 111111 from dcpot. The Commercial Hotel , C. II. KENNgDY , Prop. Hrokcn How , NehmJku. : . - . . . - - : - - - - - - - - - - [ " BUSINESS m POINTERS. I . - J. C. Moore , abstracting. . 2U _ - - - Moncy loaned on Improved farm . J A : ' > IJtH LJtDWIClI , 7 18 tf Brokcn Bow , Nch. FOR SA1.U-two and 57-lOG acres land , south part of city , good cight room house , well and pump. Exccllent place for rais. ing pigs and chic1cens. 37-3 Dr. C. PICl.1J'l"l' : . . Call atVard's barn and se somc fl. jacks. \N'l'UD--A : good coole at . I _ ospital. 'V AN'l'ItU--A couplc of room ! for light house lceping. Ad , drcss L40ck Box 1)32. - - - - I. LosT-A ladies moncy bag 0 ' leather with stcel c1a } I. contain. ing ldd gloves , gold spectacles sih'er thimblc and money , bc I. t.wecn Wcissert and Broken Buw .1 : li'inder will please leavc at thi : I office and receiec reward. I. \ 'Nn'l''l'IJ\ . HOWI.ANO. - , , . . . UCI1rCHcl1t.uh'c"nlltcd. . A 11 cnergetic honest person , either sex , whose timc is not all occupied can get into a perman- en t , prolitahle wholesale busi- ness. No canvassing or solict- ing , and practically no capital required. Plcase mcntion thig paper and write at oncc cnclos- 1I1g stamp for full particulars. Address : . M. P. H. Co. , Santa" Cruz , California. 36-37 - .1'OR ! SAL1t OR TRADn-Town lots a.nd a few fivc acre lots in this city , for cattle , horses or farm land.-Allen Hcyn r. \\TC have just rcceive our new Iinc of spring wall papcr. AU 1903 r.attcrns. Call and sce them at Wtlkin's drug st.brc. 35 t.f Dierks Lumbcr & Coal Co. handles the Cannon City Pea' coal for slack burners. 25tf If you intend to build call at Dierks Lumber Co. and get pric 'J. - Steam laundry for sale 'On account - count of poor health. A - good paying business. CLAUD W AIIL. li'oH SAu-A : small quantity of good hay. JHSSJt GANDV. 37 tf For Cannon Cit ) . Pca coal for slack burners go to Dierks Lmn- bcr & Cual Co. 2Stf Stamp Photo's at - Baug" Studio. 29-tf A. Il'nrlll .for tU'lc Six miles south-east. of Brokcn , . Bow. Will givc possession this spring. For pricc and terms call on J ud K l ) ' , south side of squarc , Brokcn Bow , Neh. , 36-37 Subscribe for the Custcr CQunty l epu blican. li'oR UI { 'l'u D1t-l : or young cattle , a fresh milch cow. Enquire at this ofiicc. 29 tf li'arms for salc and lan s for rcnt. Now is thc time to get it farm cheap , as thc cheap farwi ! arc all goin , aud priccs are ad. vanciug . rapttll-J. . G. Brenizer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tt'OR : farm near < . . corg'etown , consisting- 160 acrcs. A good location. Inquire of Mrs. Fannie L. tuckey , Ans. ley , Nebraska. 24 tf FOH SALu-One male Poland China hog , weight about. 200 lb5. Price S15.00. G. T. ROBINSON. - - ' i RnpuBLIcAN and Inter Ocean , S1.50. u " b.VA. . ( 'A..U. 'l'rnstworthy , either sex , by Wholesale : -'Icrcandise Company of solid financial standing , to manage local represcntativcs who will orgam7.e clubs a1l10nw consumcrs. Business 110 expcn- , 111ent but a proven st1 cess. Sal- . ar ) ' $18.00 it weelt ) cxpenses ad- . vanced. Experience unncces. . s sar ) ' . Address , D. . Clartson } , Mgr. , 334 De rborn St. , Chicago' , Illinois. 37-43