Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 19, 1903, Image 8

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    " . . . . . . . . . ' .
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A Nickel
Will Tickle
The Appetite
. I That's fickle-
Uneeda '
Biscui t
. .
. .11
In In-er-scall'ackage : (
e - - 1 :
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. . . _
- - -
' 1'I11 nll hlt'H" tuh f' Will IlIcurJlllr lt. I
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At the invitation of Prof. C.
W. Housh , proprietor of the
Broken Uow Business College , a
number of the citizens who had
subs ribed for stock and a few I
iu\'iter ! guests'met at the Globe
Hoh 1 Monda ) ' night to consider
the proposi tion of incorporatIon.
One of the pleasant features of
evening was the participation in
enc of those fine and elaborate
suppcr for which Mine Host
Izzard has become so noted. The
bill of fare consisted of oysters
raw , y ung onions , raddi hes ,
cdery , mixed pickels , fish , baked
trout , prime sirloin of beef ,
turkey with cranberry sauce , '
young pig with apple sauce ,
c.hJcken , cold slaw , mashed
potatoes , escalloped corn , browned -
ed swe t po.tatoes , raisin pie ,
ream pie , oranges , apples , tea
ntl cuffee. After partaking of
the thus elaborate and dainty
xepast : , a tempurary organization
was effected by electi _ g F. M.
ubJee , chairman , and Prof.
-Davis : , secretary. The r port of
the committee on the property
and financial condition of the
school was made byVillis Cad-
well chairman of the committee.
This report drew out a general
discussion of the possibilities
of the school and the ah'isabili-
ties of incorporating the school.
'T.he report showed the financial
condition of the school Jirst class
and the proper in the \'cry best
condition. 'rhe general consensus -
sensus of opinion was that the
school could be strengthened and
I its usefulness greatly unproved
I by the business men of Broken Bow
lending their assistance in a
l business and moral way. It was
decided to incorporate the school
and on motion a comUlittb. was
appointed , consisting of Alpha i
Morgan , , V ill is Cad well and L. I
H. Jewett to prepare articles of
incorporation and to report at the
- - - - - - - - -
- -
: all of the chairman. A committee -
mittee of three was appointed to
elicit stocl { consisting of Dr. C.
L. Mullins , F. II. Young and
L. II. Jewett. Over $2,000 of
stock had been taken and it was
decided to capitalize the school
for $10,00" for which there was
ample showing made. 'rhme
present were Prof. Roush , F. H.
Young , G. W. Apple , Alpha
Morgan , F. M. Rublee , Wlllis
Cadwell , L. H. Jewett. , H , D.
Andrews , Dr. C. L. Mullins. Joe
Molyneaux , A. R. Humphrey , E , , '
R. Purcell , John Robinson , J. C.
Bowen , S. P. Great O. H. Conrad , I
Prof. Davis , W. B. Eastham and
D. M. Amsb rry.
Edward Engles ha. , quit c rrJ-
ing mail and Christ Peterson has
contracted to carry it.
Mercury twenty below zero in
Nebraska and stra wberries ri pen-
ing 111 Southern Texas ; quite a
contrast : wbh I had squatcd
Mrs. B. F. Empfield presented I
hcr husband with a valentine , a I
son , born February 14th. To
ay B. F. is elated over his second -
end son don't express it.
The Prophet predicted , Amos
9:13 , "Behold the days come
whcn the plowman shall overI I
tal < e the reaper. " If this weather
continues Nebraska will answer
the prophecy.
Miss Minnie Birge failing to
receive any benefit from home
Doctors for consumption will go
to Hay , Colorado , for treatment
from a Sweedish female doctor.
She cured her father of lung
trouble several years since.
- - -
Mercury ran down to twenty
this Monday morning.
Owing to the severe cold on
Sunday there were only a few
present at Sunday school.
Misses 'rhorpc and Achsah
Hunt spent Sunday at the home
of Ed. Day in Eurelm Valley.
F. L. Beals lost two head last
week , after having pastured
: . . . . . . . . . .
' . / ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . ; . : ' ' ' " 0 .l.i . : . : : ' : 'l.t . ' . . { ; - J . . : . ' PJ"1t " * ' , . ' , . , , . : . , . : ' . : . ' . I . . . L " " ' . ' . . : . t. . . .Jo - . : . . ' . P/"f . , , . . . . . : . . . , ' . : . ' ' . " ' ' . : ' ' I' J- . ' ' ' ' . . . , : . . : . : .1 : ' . . / ' : i'f'f r ' : . . . . . . . . . . / . . . " - . . .1. : 'J"'ftJ''f ' : . . "j"1 : .tf. . " ; .rd : ' ' ' - t.I..d . . . . : . , ' ' r : ! ! . . : . . : . " : . " . . .
: i . . 11" ; I i' . , . < F.I..I. D 1 -t ! ; : . , . . ' I' . . 2 . . : _ ' . . . . I
: ' t-1t & .141 i. . . : p or 1. eJ:1-t. : : M h . . J ,
: L. , -
l . . . . 'Ve are he dquarters for. . . r ; .i f ;
lto ' : .1 , ; :
.U Yarmouth Bloaters , r
t f Dried Herring , l
t ! White Cod , ( ,
i. \ Pickled Cod , :
! 1 , ' Brick Cod , rj
- Shredded Cod , r i
q Salmon ,
r. . . . . . ! { . Mackrel , f..t N1 , : .
White Fish , U
. i . Trout , : , ! ! : p.
: Sardines , t
Shrimp ,
. Lobsters , Etc. , Etc. r : :
' i
ri Al o Yours For Business , .
.1I'.U . . '
- . . . ; . :
! : . l l.ur. . 01 . . , : . , , J C B . ' ,
Cldt'r : VI ar .
! : : ! f Itl . . AI. IC . . . i.i " ! ! ' :
Ili { : . . Broken Bow , N e br . .skaI : : \ \
L\r , i\ . . - . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . : .uE : 1
, .
. .
! , . . . " ' ' ' ' ! a ; .t ' o ' ' i : ; , : . - . . . " . " " : - " ; " ' ' " ' - ' j. ' . 'J.-r''i.J ! " . . ; ; . ; , ; . : I-/r. : : ! : ! l ' : . .t : : "it" / . ' " . . . " ' -l. I'r ; . , . u'I ' : f . jl . o , ; : . . . . . , ; W : . / ; . . ; ; : ; . ' , .JI . , i. ! ' . . . .J'I"UII : . . . . . . .
_ ' . . f- : ' " . 'f-i. , . " . . . , ; : " , ; : ; : . : , t :
stal1 < s for more than two wee1 < s.
We11 if Mr. Groundhog is re.
sponsible for this weather , I move
that Jesse Gandy go gunning for
him before we are a11 frozen stiff.
J. B. Smith our gencral nlail
carries has not missed a trip since
he came on the route. Although
the weather and roads ha'C been
\'ery bad all winter.
J ames Moore and wife started
for their home in Aurora , after
visiting three weeks in these
parts. Mr. Moore notices man ) '
changes since his visit fifteen
years ago and i1 ! better pleased
with our county.
'rhe Literary at tlJC 5cbool
house in District 54 , wa ! ! largely
attended last 11'riday night , and
judging from the hour of adjournment -
journment must have been a
hummer. 'rhe woman suffera-
gist cause , I ecei ved a backset ,
according to the decission of the
LlftJ IIJlmruuce.
Now is the time to sccurt. : a
policr : in the Security Mutua ) '
Life ofNebraslm. 'rhe fell wing
following will show what J. V.
Ainsworth , retired banker , did
when he wanted life insurance : I
'rhree reasons why J. V. Ains-
worth decided to tal life insurance -
ance in the Security Mutual Life
of Nehrasak : .
First.--Al1 the company's' '
securities must be deposited with
the audltor of public accounts to
guarantee payment of its policies.
Secund.-'rhat all such investments -
ments are free from taxation.
'l'hird.-The company is owned
and control1ed by the policy
holders and the management is
in the hands of reliable and competent -
petent men who keep Nebraska
money in Nebraska.
Every insurance man in the
state should place his insurance
with the Security : "lutual Life of
Lincoln , Neb , Feb. 4 , 1900.
'I'o whom presented :
It gives me pleasure to stat
that I am personally acquainted
with the officers of the Security
Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of
Lincoln , Nebr. , and know them
to be men of unquestioned integrity -
tegrity and ability , and I know
from investigation that the company -
pany is doing a splendid business
and upon correct principles , as
the premium charged is acknowledged -
ledged by the best actuaries to
oe adequate to carrry out the
policy as written. I placed my
application with and hold a
policy issued by the Security
Mutual life of Nebraska. I
consider the company absolutely
safe , and cheerfully recommend
this company to anyone wishing
a life policy. I will add , I believe -
lieve every man ought to carry
some life insurance. Truly ,
1\1. WElL.
1'reas.Lincoln Paint & Color Co.
l1'remont. Neb. , Feb. 28 , 1902.
Security I utual Life Int. Co. ,
Lincoln , Nebr.
Gentlemen-For several years
past my late husband. Mr.Osl < e [
Glidden , carried a life policy of
two thousand dollars in the Secur.
it.r Mutual LIfe of Nehraska , and
I hereby acknowledge , receipt 01
your check in full. payment 01
same. Mr. Glidden had two 01
three other policies. and as yo\.1
are the Hrst to pay , I feel that i1
is right that I should testify tc
the tact that you have fully dis ,
charged your part of the contracl
in a prompt and very satisfactor )
manner , which is sufiicient evi ,
dencs to me that any family pro'
tected by 11 policy in the Securit )
Mutual will not have long t (
wait for a settlemen : shouh :
death occur.
\Vishing you continued success
I am'ery . respectfully ,
- - - - -
John 'rhostesen has recentlJ
been promoted to the 8th grade.
Valentine day was celebratec
in the usual manner by all grades "
J.ames Carland was recently en
rolled in the 7th grade , . nortJ
In the. Historv test of las
weel { Ray Cad \yell stood th
A brother of Supt. Scott ha
. ,
' . ' , . , ' . . '
. : ] ) . . . ' , - .1. _ + - . . . " . ' " . , . . _
been visiting in tbe city for tbe
past week.
itnou Lonerg-an is in school
again after being out a week on
account of Chicken Pox.
The Debating Society of Iiss
Kay's room , will hold its next
debate in a fcw weeks. The
patron are invited to attend.
nViIN.UU. C ( ) . . . . . t.H . ! . NI 'VH.
Hev. Perry made us a call
Wedncsday afternoon.
Misses. Delia and Libbic Scott
of Ansley , visited at the colleg-e
last Frida ) ' .
Mr. Glen Ream , and Mr. Lynn
Butcher were victorious in our
spelling match.
Mr. 'rom Noble , who expected
to enter sch ol somel time ago ,
now begins work with us in the
telegraphy department.
St. Yalentinc's Day was observed -
ed at the College last Friday and
nearly everyone of the students
and ( acuIty rcceived valentines.
.rvlr. Shaw , Miss Ba er , Mr.
'IReam and Mr. Anderson were
successful , as they were the most
rapid students in the class in
Rapid calculation.
I Miss Orcelia Lamphear was
absent from school the past weel {
on account of sickness. She will
be able to be in school again in a
few days.
Miss Madge Butcher who was
reported as being seriously ill
last week is improving a little
but we understand it will be some
time before she has fully re-
Mr. P. E. Burnett , who lives
10 miles south of Broken Bow ,
begins school , March the first.
He secured a scholarship last
fall , but as yet has not been able
to begin with us.
Miss Downey , and Miss Orr ,
have , in the past week completed
some very creditable mimeo-
, graphic work , demonstrating
their knowledge and ability to
operate the machine in a very
able manner.
After being at the Globe Hotel
Monday evening , Mr. Roush
viewed the situation and thought
it would be a good place to get
som thing good to eat , and with
Mrs. Roush enjoyed.a splendid
Mr. Eugene Chesley , one of our
former students came over from
J\'lildale , ) lomlay to visit friends.
He returned Tuesday. He expects -
pects to start to' Buckley , Washington -
ington , where his parents already
reside , about April 1st
Miss Pitta way carried away
the honor of being the best touch
operator in the typewriting class.
The test was taken by blindfolding -
folding the entire class , and giving -
ing them letters to write. 'rhe
entire class did good work.
Miss Amret Hart who has been
attending our schoool for the ;
past few months was forced tc
discontinue on account of ill
health. 'Vishing the school wel :
she returned to her home at Vir.
den , ebraslm , 'Vednesday.
Actual business began Wednes ,
day. Miss Mary Andrews , a1
present. is in charge of the Col.
lege National Bank. Mr. Franl
Heeder is in charge of the Secont
National Col1ege Bank. Mr
Clarence Reeder is in charge 0 :
the 'Vholesale House , and Mr
Leonard Johnson is in charge 0
the Commission House.
:11 A 1I1f.11 1J.
beautiful and unique home wed
ding took place 8 miles south 0
town at the home of Robt. F
Burnett , brother of the bride
'rhe contracting parties werl
l\'lr. Fred C. Hickman and Mis :
l Amy Burnett. The guests werl
received from 10 to 12 o'clock
} 1'ebruary 10th. Promptly a
high noon the contracting partie :
. marched into the parlor wherl
they were met by about twenty
five relati\'es and intimate frientl
. and Rev. ! . P. Kelley of the M
g. Church , of IIillstlale , Iowa , a
' . ofiiciating minister , who is al
r uncle of the bride , who performe
) the cel'tnony in a most impres \ "
I unique manncr which united th
lives and fortunes of two 0
CnsterCounties best young people
, 1'he bride was attired in a dra'
cassimere dress trimmed in whit
silk and white silk appliguc. 'I'
her htellectual attainments sh
has added a renned and pleasini
personali ty. The groom is
young man of sterling qualitie
handsome and manly in his beat
ing and a wide awake industriou
farmer. 'rhe ceremony conclud
- ed amid congratulations au' '
food wishes of hosts of frien s
'rhe happy con pIe with the guest .
t present partoolc of a sumption
e wedding dinner of five c urse
I'rhev are now at. home to' thei
s , man ) ' fricnds on the farm , wher
. : : : k'r . A"I'
. ' " . "
. . . , . . . - I' - - . - . . . . . . .
. . . " \ , " . , . ! ! l11 ! ! ! f6 ! . fl.YI - ! ' 1f ! ! ! fI/ ! ! " " , If.4l.f.o.t/f.o. fII.o. . ill' ! j .
. - ; c : ' " wCWC - ; 'I : - = ' W- : : ; C' : w : ; c- ; w-- : :
\t \ ili ! COOD SPEAKERS
'iti -FOR THE- t'
. . . .
i A - - -
ili - Which will be held in- .
i Broken Bow , Wednesday and Friday m
iti of next week. The following letter from Prof. Burnett , t'
,6i . . of the S.tate Experiment Statiol1at Lincolnexplains itself. f
\ .t. J . I" " .
i6 Dellr Slr't'
iti I find that t UIII able to Bend you the following peakers for \
. . . the day and evening of February 2 , munel ) ' : it'
t Mr. H. W. Ul\mpbell , of Holdrege , NebrllskR , who will speale it'
' ) , ' in the nflernoon nn { ( Soil Oulture and- Crop Production. " 1\1 r. if'
\ ' ! G. A. Marshall , of , Arlington , will speak in the afternoon IIpon any
\ . ! IIortioutura.1 subject you Ulay seleot. In the o\'oning Mr. H. V. it'
\tJ Olmpb1311vllI 8poo.k for bfteen or twenty minutes on { ( Growingt t
iti Trees by Oulth'Rtioll. " Prof. H.V. . Oaldwell , Professor IIf 'f'
\.i . Arnericl\l1 Hintory in the University will delh'or the evening ad. it'
.tj dross using for his ! Hlbject { I The Froniter in American History. " if'
.j . On Thursday 26 , Mr. G. A. Marshall will agllin diacu8tJ Horti. 't'
. . . . oultural topicfl. Dr. Samuel Avery will spenk on { lSorghum '
\II ! Poisoning in Olttlfi. " In the Ilfternooll Mr. S. W. Perin , I'ore- . .
I ! lIIan of the xperiment Station Farm , will iscusI { I Breeding and ( t
dJ Selection of Seeel Oorn. " Ho will bring" with him s mples of t
, Ii seed corn Rnd is anxious to 1111\0 the people of our locality hring" 't'
, ti out a displ y of seeu corn to use In the discussion. Dr. A very it'
' } ' \vill discuss the subject of ( I Rotation of Crops and Suil F'crtility. " i.t\ .
' , J , , . .
. . 1 ' - : ) ' .t.
' ery 1 ru 1 y ours ,
. 'f'
} . A. URNE1'1' .
i- ,
\ IJ 4J'a. . . " " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .t. .
1Ft . " . , . " . , : : : : _ _ = " = : : = : : = : : : - : = i : ' : : : = ; - .
- - -
- '
the groom ha recently secured
and furnished a very pleasant
country' home.
" '
$25.00 to Portland'Thcoma and Seattle. !
$27.40 to San Francisco and Los
$22.50 to Spokane.
$20.00 to Butte and Helena.
Pro > ortionately low rates to hundreds
of ot } ler points , including Big Horn
Dasin , Wyo. , Montana. Idaho , Washing.
ton , Oregon , British Columbia , California ,
EyerI' day February 15 to April 30.
Tounst cars daily to California , personally -
sonally conducted excursion three tiwes
a week.
Tourist cars daily to Senttle.
Inquire of nearest Burlington Route
agent. 34'41
- - -
Palace Barber Shop ,
R. E EA.COOK , Prop.
Flret-c . e tODsorhl work gnarantced.
rest : : ! I e PnbUc fiqllsr" : . Broken HOIV , Neb.
s. 1\1 DGHHIS ,
mnnD.h5l1.1Illllt ! ! ! ! .
Al. 1I1"I1 at work In ollr Hne done promptl )
I1nd In IlUt.c18 8 order ; 3'r'Red Sbop on thr
orner woet 01 the hose houbo.
Hrokcll Bow , ' . - ' Neb"rAska.
I.D. . GLAZE ,
. . . . . . .I > : ; aler In . . . . .
Granite , Foreign /lnd rucrlCJoD Mllrhle. .
Ornament ? ! Work a Specialty.
Hroken Bow. . - Net r8ska.
DH. T f. . . FARN Wlt1'l- ! :
arOmce ln Realty llIeck , Dr. H8 's Old
! Hand.
. CI1'Y MILL ,
E. 11' . MoCLun. . l'rop.
. Uyo Flonr. Buckwheat , Orlham. Feeu. etc.
Physician & Surgeon.
Olllco In rear of the Dank ot Commerco. ! teel.
denee 6th bonse west of the Haptlst church.
Droken Dow. Nebraska.
" . . . . Dealer tu. . . .
Pumva. Wind IIl1l1s. Tanks. (1Ittlng.,01l801'U8 (
&nglnr , eto. , etc.
. . . _ . . h.d " .L. _ . . _
DR. C. I . MUL tN5 ,
Physician SurgeOl1.
2011 Stslrway from wnot tlDd In Realty lJIocki
reftldenco. Srd Wllst M E. ehnrcb. on B D1l' stile
ot 8treet. a' "lIrokell D\v , Nehr ska
JllD'W ' 3R1D. ! ! ! ! Il11 mafW ) ar.
ff l'-9 ys 8 U-9cell 1'8
HoemB Band O. Realty Block. Droken Bow , Neb.
PlanB and Rtlmllte8 00 Rhortnotlco.
j'rokcn How , NebraBka
-ProlJrlotor ot- .
n .tanrant& Lunch Counter. Lnrllu asportmont
of Confpctlonlllice. Clgllr. IInd Tobaccos North
Ide of Public SQullre. Droken Dow. Nebrsshll.
- -
Free Instru 'lons "ow to take and develope e
picture with eYOr1 camera Bold.
FlnI8hn ( tone for amlltnree.
Latest Styles in Photographs.
B8tsb1t bp.c11n 1891.
Broken Bow , NpbraRka.
D. o. HUTTON. Proprietor.
FiratclapsVork. . Rcsr Hoom of Hroken BolY
Btate Bank , Droken Dow. Nebu.eka.
W D : Vj ) ! l3Rm [ J ] ] a
'rwo blocks north of OrsDlt Oentral Hotel. 1'at.
ronage Bollcl'cd. ' PrICl'R re&sousbl" .
D RS. H. . 0. & W. E. l'A I OT ,
Olliee over Uaeberlo'll Drug Blare.
rokCln Dow , . - Nohra."a.
Bargains in Real Estate
Farm land II specIalty. Al1a'rs. corn IIU < 1
glnll C Isnde tor & 81e In Cuoter. Sbermao , Dut-
tulo anI ! Dawson conntles. Prlccs Irom $4.0U
per scru UII. mlllle south 1111I1 I
mUo east ot IIlaeoll. POM oUlce addreu.
I RC8IdencO..4
LIWr ! I . . _ I , . . _ . . . .
uroKCU 1I0W. rteDne. " . J mUBon uny , j'HIDrIlSkO.
- - - -
. _ _ _ _
A ft ftAAAAAnftft AA AftftftAftAAft AAA AA
im TH R Kfi sroi : : l11i . '
e . . .
e ' Will save you money on :
f <
. ! Dry Goods , Clothing , ShoesCapsGloves :
: and Mittens , Ribbons , Lace , All Over :
o Lnce-nblack white and i
- , creum---Glass-
C1 f , yare , Chinn , yare , Letter Files , Bed !
i comforters , Wool Blankets , und N otions
- We have just received a fine line
lS of Embroideries , Laces , Satins , and ;
- CI : Ginghams. Call and see them and I :
l ! get priCf:5 : before buying elsewhere. .
' : c Highest market price paid for eggs. , l.
, ! E. REYNER ' " CO. ' . , I r
: : w . . . _ *