Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 19, 1903, Image 7

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    . .
I . ,
, ' .
" , , , , . , '
- - -
CURED BY PE = RU = NAe Is a Catarrhal Tonic Es-
pccially AdalJtcd to thc Dc-
cllning Powcrs of Old Age.
Tile Oldest Man In Amerlcn Attributes
Ills long life and Oood lIeallh
Mr. Isaac Brock , of Id.rnllan counh. .
( Texas , haR IIltnhll'd Ih ! ' f'at no of 11 > 1
real's. He II ! nil : II'dellt frlelul IIf Pc. ,
rUlla IIUlI ! ! 111'nks of It ill the folluwlng
tcrllls. Ir. Brock SII\'R :
"AftN' a 1111111 ha ! ! in'd In thp. world
88 101l as 1 ha\'c hI' OIl lt to have
fOllnd Ullt a Ireal IIInll ' Ihills b ' ex-
perience. I Ihlllk 1 hnn > 110lle 110.
"Ono of the thlll ! ! I hn'e fOI1lHI Ollt
10 m ' entire sntls- I
" f n ( ' I Ion Is the
proper relllrd ' for
" PE.RU.NA fOR nihllelllR dlle Iii-
rl'ctl ' to the . .f-
ALL CA TARRIIAL fp'IR of the cli.
. DISEASES. " lIIalp.
"For 1.J 'enrs I
hn\'I' wlthlliood H.c
chmgoahlc clllllaic of the Ullited ftlliell. : !
During III ' 101l life I hll\'e kllown a
, great mnll ' remrclles for COIIhs , , colds ,
caturh ; nlld dlarrhoen. I had ahvlI 's
IIIPPuRed thec ! IIITectlolls to lx , dfTI'I'Cllt !
dlsralleR. I'or Ihe InRt tI'n or lifteell
years I havp hern rel1dlll Dr : Hartman's
I boolts alld h:1\'c lellrllr(1 from them one
thlll ! : III Pllrtlclllnr : ' 1'hnt thcse IIITec.
tlonll lire thl' ! HIIIIC and thllt tlll'Y lire
lIroperl ' cnlled cntllrrh.
"As for Dr , Hnrtman's remedy , Je-
runn. I hn"e foulld it to he the hest , If !
not the only , rl'lIahle rmnrdy for tlll'e ! I
affections. It Ilas been my standby
for many yenrs , nnd / attribute my. . .
fOod het1ltJl nnd my extreme old nge
to this remed ) ' .
"It cxnctl ' meets all my " .
mcnts. I have come to rely IIpon t al'l
most elltirel ' for the nIanr liHlc thln s' '
for whl11 I nced nWI1irine. I hnlle\'u It
to be esperinlly'nlnllhll' to old people ,
olthnll h I hll\'l' no dOllht It Is .hlt : : ! as
good for the rOlln-Isnllc , Brock.
A New Man ut 79.
Mlljor I rnnk O' llIhone ' , West Sidc ,
llannibnl , Mo. , write :
. "I nm professlollllll ' a newspnpll' correspondent -
respondent , 1I0W i ! ) 'enr8 old. I haye
watched tll ( ' II'owill IOWer of thl ! Pc.
rnna plllnt from its ineh1ienc ' ill the little -
tle 101 : ( 'lIblll , throll h its .crlldntlons of
8I1CCl'I'S liP to its prNIpnt CSlllblillhmellt
In COllllllhllS , Ohio. IInd I conclude that
merit hl'ill H its fill ) I'l'wllrd.
"VII tn II few 'cllrs 111:0 I fclt no need
to test its IIl1'dlcinlll potellc ' , hut IlItel '
whell III ' ! < 'slem nl'eded it , \ ' ' l'erllllll .
rele\'l'd ) me of mllny cntarr wi trollhll's.
80nll' two 'ellrR IISO I weighed 210
pOllndll , bnt fl'1I IIWIQ' down to 1G8
pOllllds , RlIII hl'idl' ! ! ! 10Rs of flesh I WIIS
Illbjl'ct to stomach troll hies , lH1i l'stlon ,
loss of npl1Ctit ( ' , Insol11uln , IIIht , SWCllts ,
aud a forehodill' ' ; of getting my l'ntlre
I 'st'm Ollt uf order. During ! ) ome
months I 1I\'e 1'l'runn a fnlr trllll , nnd' it
reju\'Cnatl'd m ' wholc systolll. I feel
thllnkflll therefor , for nlthollgh iD rears
old I fl'PoI like II 'oung lllnn.-\1l1jor
Frllnk O''lnhonl'Y.
In old age the lllllC01H1 membranes become -
come thlckenrd nnd pnrtlr lose their
fUllrtlon. i
'his leads to pllrtllli loss of hell ring ,
1mI'll Rnd taste , liS well liS digcMti\'e
Pcrlllla eOI'rl'cts 1111 this by Its speclfi ( '
Since three men } ) ave hanged
themsel ns In G i tbet lane , IIalesolV-
\\'orcestershlre , England , It lws
been decided to change the lIame of
1f .
the t1wroughfare ,
Sena .or Proctor , of Veilnont , Is
president of the IIrsL manufacturing
corporation in New England to erect
a ! lno bul1dlrlg near tbe works for
the educational and moral belleUt of
the employes.
r Opl'rlltloll 011 nIl tbo mucous membrnnes
of t he bOll ' .
Onl' bottll' will eOIl\'lnce all 'olll ! . Oneo
used allli I'erlllia hecoml's n IifelollJ ;
stnllll.11\ ' with 0111 alld 'Ollnl : ,
Ir. Hnlllllel fnllnders : ! of BI .tht'dnll' ,
Io. , writeR : " I ' dlMense wns cntlll'rh
of Ihl' l\I'ethra \ alld hladllt'r. I got 1hot. .
tic of IIml bl'gan tnldnK It , 1111I1
In a few da 'sl I WIIS rello\'d and cOllld
sh'ep 1111(1 rest nil nlht , , I think thnt
1'I'.rll'lI11 Is a'uilla hie rel1led ' . I hill !
tried other \'l'r ' hlghl ' reCUIllIl1C1l1led
lI1ellrllll'lI ! , hilt the ' did lIIe no Juod.
I ' Ilh 'slclan told 1111' that I < 'U II III 1I0t
l'xpecl to he clU'ed of IIIr trollhle , ag I
Willi gettlrl ! : to he an old lIIan ( i 'el1rs ) ,
I foci \'er ' thnnkflll for whnt Pe-runll
hns done for me. "
In a Inter letter ; 'Ir , Sallnders Ia's : I
"I am stili of the SIlIl1C mind with rl'jo1rll
to YOllr medicine. " . Co
y- z - " ' , , , . , ,
c9er elNJJa-e er. "In June , 190I lost m ) ' sense 01
_ . hearing entlrcl ) ' . AI ) ' Irear/ng Irnd
been somenIratmp.'llrcd for seJ'cr11
) 'cnrs , but 1I0t so much affectcd but tllat / could Irold cOlwcrse with my
friends ; but /n Junc , 1901 , my sensc of hcar/nK left mc so tlrat / could Irear
110 sound whateJ'cr. / wns also troubled with sct'crc rlrcumatlc pains III
mylmbs. . / commenccd tnk/ng Perunn , and IlOW my hcar lgs restored as
good ns It wns prior to . .Iune901. . lUy rheumatic pains lire all KOnc. / callnot
spcak too Irlghly of Pcruna , and IJOW when 88 ) 'cars old call sny It Irns ill-
J'/gornted mJ' WllOlc system. / cannot but think , denr Doctor , that ) 'OU must
fcel J'cry thankful to the nil 10J'/ng Fathcr tlrnt you Il.'n'c beelJ permlttcd
o / / ) 'ou ! ' 1fJbe such a bless/ng ns ) 'OUrave bccn to suffer/Ilg
IlUmnnllCJ' . J. N. I.larkcr.
MrR. I" . E. Little , 'l'olona , III. , writes :
"I Clln recommend l'erllnll ns a good
111 e i cine for
A TRAVELER chronic cntnl'l'h of
the IItomllch lIull I i
AT SEVENTY-ONE howels. I h n y e !
been troubled Sl'- !
YEARS Of AOE Yerel ' with it for
oyer n 'I'nr , "nd
IlISU a 0011111. uw m ' cough Is all gone ,
und 1111 the dlstrellslng s 'mlltoms of ( 'n-
tnrrh of the stomach nnd howols ha\'o
dlslIIll1earell. I will recommend It to all
as a rare remed ' , I am so well I 11m con.
tel1l111ating n trip to Yellow Stone Pari.
this comlug "casou. lIow is that for one
i1 ) 'oars 01,1 'j"
In n Intel' letter she says : "I am only
, In washing line lace , starch should
ne\'er be used. Jf I tis tu ho sti lIened
sllghtlya spollnnful of sugar dlssol\'ed
In a cup of water will serve the pur-
'One of the village churches In
Malta was struck by IIghtnhll' rr-
cently , owln It : Is believed locall 10
the bells not beln rung during tIJC
storm as a prayer for safety from tbo
clemen ts ,
t'fIWN .
. .
Medicine Never Healed a Wound $
Nature performs the healing prooess and medicine can only assist -
sist her In doing her work in healin wounds and throwing off
diseases. Ine-tenths of the diseases of man and beast have their
ori ln In some form of germs and if allowed to run .md multiply
form complications. Tile reason that Liquid Koal prevents all
erms dleasr.s and cures them , unless fermentation and inllamma-
Lion have too far developed , Is that It contains every antiseptic
. and gClmlclda known ta science. All germ lseases such as IOJ" !
cholera , swine I1h1Hue , corn stalk dlseasestubercolosls , blackle and
numerous others can b" prevented by Ivlng Liquid Koalln drinking -
ing watHr , hecause they arc germ diseases and no Iorm can live
wh re Liquid Koal reaches It. Liquid Koalls unalrected by the
astrlc juices of the stomach , pas es through the intestines and
from there Into the circulation , permeatln the whole system and
still retains all its Hermlclal properties. Diluted with water , In
the proportion of one to one hundred , it makes the best lice killer
Price of Liquid Koal delivered at your station Is as fol1ows :
ONE QUART CAN - $1.00 TEN GAL. KEG , $2.50 PeR GAL
ONE GALLON - - 3.00 I 25 GAL-1-2 BBL. . $2.25 GAL I
I ' .
> - , DECEMBER 21,1000.
We , the 11I(1 ( rRlgnp' RtoCI. : ralscrs or Madison COUllty , r\cbrn-ka. TIsln from
100 to 200 hca < 1 of hOls cRch ye 11' have , after II fllir alllII11\1urttnl \ trial uf I.IIJllhl Konl
m&nufllcture' ] by the Natio11" ) Medical Comp'\11) ' , of Shelllon , Iowa , lUll ] York , Nebraska -
braska , r011nlIt to ho the Uest J > lslnrOClallt , li\rm Dcstroyer nlul Appetizer tha has
b en our pl'Jasllre 10 use , aUI ] we joilltly thlllk thtH" IUnn is 8tl\nl1ll11 : in his own
lt ht who doe. not Ir ) ' It , When their agent cnlls 11'0 udvlse nny stook ralsor to
buy and u'o I.lqulri Koal.
Cha , LodKe , Norfolk. Nebr. Thomas ] > . Wn e , Hnltto Cr el. : . Nebr.
J , E , Mollltosh , Emerick , Nebr , Wm. Hawkins. Ie'dow Ora\'e. Nobr ,
Y. T. lIoman , Emerlok , Nebr. Jo' , 1' . lIuman , Newman Gruve , Nebr ,
DEC [ IIIF.R , 1902.
We the unlersl ] ned stock raisers and fumers IIallly testify to the merits of
I.Iqnld Koal manllfaotllred hy the NatlollKI Medl al Co" or holdon , Iowa , Bnd
York , Nebra.ka , Wo have usec ! Ihls product Ivlth mtlf'lng bUCCCSS Bnd acvlse all
to Klve It a trial. It II.houtd be on enr ) ' rarm In Nebra k\ .
Rutus Feary , lice , NellI' Chrts. hchaU , 8taplehurst , Nehr.
J , n. Fel\ry , Bce , Nebr , F' . C. Ie'cr , Slaplchnr8t , No hr.
Oco. Mlltli Beo. Nebr , Gen. nlll ! ; lIer er , Beward , N'br ,
Wm. l'Jugnaupt , Ilaplehursl , Nebr. J , Hlntbergcr ! , Br. , Oermuntown , NebI'
If your dealer does not keep it write tiS direct ,
A e book on the Diseases of Animals mailed free upon np-
plloation to the National Medical Company , York , Nebr. , and
Sheldon , Iowa ,
NatIonal Cattle and Sheep Dip is the best and cheapest Vip for
killing off Ticks and Lice and the treatment or . ' { IUlHO , Texas Itch
and Scab in Sheep , It forms a perfect emulsion with water and li !
harmless to the membranes of the eye.
II your dealer docs not keep it wrlto us direct. Information
sent treo.
f\A1I&.tuVN\IWJ " .w. . . , . . . .a
t l\\ . ' : : : : . '
\ ' \ \ ' . . . . HIli ' , ' " ' "t ) ,
Strong and Vigorous at the Age or
RcJ. . N , Parler , of Utica , N. Y. ,
too thauldlll to 'Oll for 'our klnll nd\'lru
nnd fol' Ihe good henlth thn t I IIln rn.
jo 'in1 , ; wholl ' frulII Ihe ulle of 'ollr Pc.
rllUII. lInn' been Ollt lu the Yellow
tone Xntional l'nrk . nnci mlln ' oth < , r
plllcl's of the " .est , IIlId shllil nll\'II 's
thank 'ou { or 'our generositIrs : ,
I" . Eo Llttla.
If 'ou do not derive IIrOlll11L I1nl1 slItlt ,
fnctor ' results from the lIse of Pel'unl1 ,
write at 0111'0 to Dl' . Ilnrtmnn , 1\'lng n
full Btlltelll nt of ) 'Ollr cnse , and he will
he plenscc } to give 'ou his "aluable : HI.
"Ice grntis.
Addrcss Dr. IInrtmllu , Prflitleut of
The Unrtnult1 Sanitarium , COlumhlls ,
nathlll the Brill : . . .
Young mother ! ! naturnll ' feel anxiolls
ahollt the bllb : 's bllth. It is hpst te
begin at six weeks to lJUt the little cne
In thc watrr , first fuldlng II suft towel
in the hottom of the hn"1. ! VSt' enl '
I vur ' SUIIP. I\S mnnr of the highlr coJ ,
ored and lIerfunwd HOll11S lire \"CQ' Injuri.
ous to the tl'llfl'l' ! skin of IIn infant ,
I < JLEANOR H. pAltKgn.
now Tht'H" " ' 11 lilt' II 1.0\0 En..h Olhor.
Pearl-Did you hear allout the awful -
ful fright Geor e got on his wedellllg
day ?
: Maude-Yes , 1 was there ; I saw
her.-Urooklyn Eagle.
Ullnllr tll Suero Iliry J.IIII/ : , .
Former Secretary of the Navy John
D. Lon ! ! , descended frolu Mary Chil-
ton , has been m:1ile : t1 member ot the
1\ayllower desoendants.
GREEN 25 tri15'
RApF '
per.TON .
Ore\test ! Cheupest Food
on EutthforSheep , Swine ,
WI11 " " . . .orth UOO 10 yon to read . . .bal
8&1..r' , caI&l0'7a .wul rape ,
BIllion Dollar Grpn
. . .111 make yon rlcb : U toOl
ot bar and Iou or pULur. per acre , .0
aho brolOu. P. . . . , . ! ! 1"1I. . ) ( " < &Ionl
. . .1. . . . , tor arid , 1.01 . ' 011. , 6.1 bu. . ' ' ' ' '
; : . a tI : , , : , jidsrO' : 'i : :
Green Focder 1' < 1 a.r. .
Forthls N ti nd 100.
. . . . " , all LIe.Lalo , aD,1 10 I'ann S..d
No..ll1e. , tulIT worth lID to lela 'LarL
Buy . ) 'our J10011s lit
U'llOloslIlo l > rlce.1.
Our cutaloluo will bo sent
t.Ion receipt of 15 cents. 'I'bls I1mount
does not even PIlY the postnlle. but It I
sumclent to show us thut ) 'ou are aotln ! :
In good tallh. BeUer bend for It now ,
Your nellbbol'1i trade wllh us-whY not
) 'olll1lso ,
/ / t@
The house that tells the truth.
Oraln Growing. Mixed farml" !
Inore wb"at II "rown In " ' , , " \era
Oanada In a f" " Ibort lUonU. . , Ie
becauI" ' " "otallon llro. . . . In pro.
10 ( rllon to the luaU"bt. 'j'bor. .
fore p'uncl. I'or hll.blI. a. fall
IIILaadar" IIJGO " " tboEaJt ,
rea under crup In " ' . .trrn Caood. . , 100\1 \ ,
1,1IlUIlU ! lIern ,
Yield. , 11101/-11 'I'III/Il , 'l'i bu.
Free lIom".I..I. or 160 Arr. . J''nllr..I ' , the enl ,
cbario h.hHI 110 for on'rl. Abun.I.llelt ot wotor aaO
. cllI' . " h..lldll'lI nlatorllli. 110 < > < 1.1" . . . . for 1"IIUro
led .B1.tortlololl. " I..melent rain rail ! < lId lIelhnol.
11.lnll 1111 R"ure , ' , , " < 1 . . .I"'Iualll lo"o"n of ilrolllh ,
Hind to Ihe lollowlnl : lor 811 Allnl 1111.1 olhor Ilt.rl\-
lure , IIlId allo for
cettttleale ! lhlnil 1011 r"dllrod
frall/ht alld pRllOaF.r. taleo , .Ie. . ole" ' 11'0 ' HU\r.r >
aleudent ot Imm . ' "tloli. n"OWII , Canllda. Dr tc
WJV.llonaett , E I New Yerk Lire Uld" , . Owab. .
Nob. . thlt nulhvrlzod Caulldlan Oo.eroweat Aseal.
WJitbtaoka LIJ
, ,
' " '
" .lth Corlt1111. : .
A ooll oltl-fnshlonl'll 111I81'1.t to ! IN'\'C
lrt'r n 11I1I'snll' te\\ ' Is II bllll'll IlIdllln
Il\llltllll . If III/Hlt. l'l ht , wlll'lI 11I1l'lI
from the ( I\II it \\111 1111 1\ ' ( ) I' nllli 111'
jl'Il ' .II1\C.
'j'lw olll Wllr tlilil IIIIS lIe\'e ! ' lIl'l'lI hn.
I1t'o\ell 1111011 wns lu III'III II 1)11111'1 ) ( If
mill. to boll III II II lI'on pul , 111111 I hl'lI
10 1\(111 to It IIhollt 0111' :11111 olll'hllH
( , lIllflll nnel ' 1'1I11111111,11 1111'111 , holtl
: Ihe lI1enl hl h III thl' Iprt 11111111111111
811rlllkllll slowl ' . ! ! lIrI'llI l'nSllllltl ) '
lI1ennwhlle with Ihl' I'I hl hllllll. \\111'11
this hns thlclH'lll'll 11I111 I'ooh'tl II lilliI'
t\\'o h'IIAt1OnfIlIA of IIII'I' ; : , I hl'l'l"1)1I11 ) I'
IN's of n l'II11 of 1110111881' ' > 111111 hall' II
tenslloouflll of 1I11 WI'I'e sth'l'l'll III
111111 th ( ' II1lxl\ll'I' wns ( 'ntell ! ! lI1ooth
'l'Ill' Il\lIhlln \ 41ih ! , whll'h In olt ! IIII '
WII ! ! uf stOlIl'WlIl'l' 11111 111111 Iinl'llI III
the lOll , WIIS t hl'lI I hOl'oll hl ' 1'l'IISI'II
the bllIlN' IHIIII't'II 111 11I111 11 lIlIlIl.t of
colli 11111I. tlll'npII In IlIsl. . Afll'I' thl
nl1llitlon bllt little sllrl'llI'ns 11 0 Ill'
nnll the baltpr shell 111 he nhollt liS Ihlll
ns n 111111cnle hlllll'I' . IInle fOIl01' 1I\'c
hOIl\'s III sloStl'lIll ' ' ' '
\ II \ \ , on'n , 1't'lIWIII
hl'l'ln t ha t I hl' Hlo\\lI' I h ( ' O\ln I he
11\0l'e llelll'iolls I he 1I\IIIIIIn . fel'\'o : !
with cl'enm Ol' fl1\lce. ;
' 1'hese arc ! l0 orten lilli'll In the 'oll ;
while the white Is IIncoolwt ! Ihat II
worll as to the I'I ht wa ' to fl' ' l'
mn ' uot be nmlss , IIltholl h nlllll '
hOIllewl\'cs lI1a ' hl ah'"uII ' InHII'lIc\'Il. \
'I'he I'I'I1S011 wh ' fl'il'tl e t ! al'e 130 I'nl'e.
Ir sat\faclOl' \ ! ' It ! hel'allse Ihe h < ' 1I1 of
t he ( In II at ho.Hol1l'ools t helll wh lie
the 1011 Is 8111I I'll \ \ " 'I'hl' ' 111 II Hl al.
wn 'R be Crletl In fat l'lIollgh to huslc
thel1l ; tilt thl' IlI\n a 11I11(1 IIIHI wllh a
slloon 110Ul' the hollln fill O\'el' each
l' III till'll , till tllI ' hll\'e a'hite
Rllrfnce lIIw ) lol1chetll' s , 'I'hl' ' sholll
not bo In Iho 11111I U\'l'l' IIl1'ce 11I11111tlR ,
111111 the bnstln IH' ln liS I'oon liS tlll'Y
f , ' : l ! sllllletl Into It. 'I'hl' 111111 Iflill fat
of cOllrse must be " ( lI' ' hot. III thl !
wn ' the fnt cools till ! tlUI'fllce nnll
the ' arc I1Il1ch enslcl' to 11ft'ltllOlIl
lJl'ellldn .
Abont 81111111CI.
It Is oftell ) losslble to hll ' n ooll
slon e at sllies If the ( lul'chIlSCI' will
ho COli tent with one I'll tile I' tllll'k III col
or , ns these , C\'l'1I If oIHI III tcxhll'e ,
wlllue\'er fctch n hl h 11I'lce. Alwllr !
n\'oltl the IIghl , Inrlllgl ' 'el1o\\
slQlI es , whIch ha'c hl'ln bleaelwtl b '
sulphu'olls lIehl , 11\1(1 ( III'e thoroll hly
roUell III conseqllence. If 'ou wo1l111
111'010ng the life of a HIJOII e a\ll ( kl'e
It In a wholesoll1e conliltlon - 11111113
p ple wOllltl he S\Il'IH'lsed 10 lean
how 1'I\I'e thIs Is-al\\'lIrH I'IIISO It 011' '
III n gooll sUIIIIIr of cold \\'Iltm' nftel
uslll with " 011(1. ( If thl' sllon e he
cOllies lit 1111 1'ea8r 01' 811111 ' , nllo\\
It to 80111. III slIlt unll'Illl'I' , IInel onci
a 1I10nth wlIsh It III 11'eu I , solllllOl :
of Oomly's tllIllI , whleh will tllOl'ouh ; :
I ' tllslnfect IIml clelln"e t hl' SIHJII ( I.
Olll-Time IIlItter-Scolch ,
' 1'0 lhree ot' III'o\\'n ' !
eU\ls \ \ \ slIgHI' IU
I hl'eeq Ull rIel's of II cup of'lIlel' , II
tabh'slloonful of bllllel' . II sellnt SI1It ,
s\loonful \ of sOlll1 , IInd II tllhll'SllOoufla'
of "anlllll l'xll'lll't. Let It IHJII 111I It
will hal'tll'n whl'n 11I'01111eli fl'OIll I hc
slloon Into II gluss of11 It'I' , I hl'lI IInIll
III thhl shelts 11110 hllttll'lli hlll.ln .
tlUIIS. As it cools 111111'1 , It 011' II )
8lIl1t''S'lth } n kllife 111111/1'11 III WlIll'1
10 kee\l \ It f'Om StiCIlIl ; : , IIa "e rlllll
squllres of hutten'I1 11l1per. IIlItl whelJ
pel'fectl . coltl wrap Ihc ( lleees of cnn
llr In thelll.
To KecJI I.cmoll.jllicc HClllly for UIIC ,
Squeeze out the julco III the USUII.
1I111111ler , st1'lIhl f1'ee 1'1'0111 ) lulI ( nn
111ps , atI white IlowQI'ed ( } sugllr It
thc ( lrolJorlioll of olle lIOUll11 to Il 111111
of Iha julco ; 81h' It until thc 8l1gfll' h
qnlte IlIssol" ll , then Ilut It 11\\11.\ ' III i
Ivcr ' small holtlcs. Put n tenspoonflll ,
of Rnu1 ! oil In the tel ( lIuII cUl'le 11
close. " 'hen wlIllted fOI' use , tlll { ( : OUI
the cork cal'efulI ' lIud tlilte up the 01 , ,
with n bit of cotton-wool. ' 1'0 Use tOI
lemolll1 e , ndd one Inl'.te ; InhleflloorcuJ ; ,
to n gill of water.
Hlnil' fill' JloIIH''i'ell. .
Apllles , IUc tomaloes , CIIU be morE
qulcld ' HlIlI ensll ' lJeeled b ' pourhli
bolllllg wllter o\'er them 111111 nllowlni
them to stlllld III the wnter five miD
Furllltm'e hru8hes III'C 1111 essentln :
lIl.tlcle of n hou8ehold outfit. A . 'ofl
clothe8 bl'UHh II : ! the hest fOI' sJk : 01
plush flll'nitnre , n8 It docs not fmy th (
fllbl'le IIIw Il whisk broom.
It coffee Is sl1111ed 011 IInell the stal"l
enn be remond b ' HOIII.IIIIthe ' 1'1
In clenr cold wlltm' , 10 which n Ilttll
lIorax hns been nlll1ert , flr trielVI
hours ,
Onohalf of nn e will clenr the cot
fee for n fnm\l \ ' of JI\'e or six ns wel
as a wbole eg . Dent Ihe e IInd n
nn eCunl Cullnt1tr : of wntm' . lIx tblj
with the nll10unt of cofeee required fr-
one menl and pour the boiling W8 . . I
o\'er It.
In these dn 'R when hal'dwooll 1100/1
nl'e In such general USe broom bUgl
form nn Imporlnllt neeeRso-y of
housewIfo's closet. II en \ , . ClllltOl
IInnnel Is mORl sultahle tor th' . < 'n , 01
nn - ol IInnnel gnrments cnll tl ell
ployed to mnke Ihem , especlnlly thE
eiderdown \'nrlety. 'l'he ' "bould b ,
sewed dO\\11 on the sides , thl' top IJem
lIIed und a tnpe sewed equl\lJ ' on om
8lde. It 8hould be lon ellollgh 10 gc
IIl'ound the hllul1le of the broom sov'
.rnl times ,
. f
, ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
As hallies IIrc IICclIltulliel1 LU ! IU , '
ItI . they IIro Ullt tlbturbC1 ! by the
rorklll uf n ship , IIlId therefore UC"l1 !
become sCllslek.
II hns been dellnltol ) ' doclclec1 hy
the Uusslnn mliltal ) ' IIUth'Hltlcs tu
do Il\VII ) ' with the lance In the Hus.
sian IIrmy.
Girls In I'll pun , or New Gllillca , IIn
Island In the 1'1101111' , hnvc IIttio
chnnce to elope , 'Tholr dnds fncc :
the III to slee ( , III a lit lie llOu e on the
topllloSt hranches of II tnlltree ; t.hen
tllo iadder Is rcmo\'ncl , antI the slumber -
ber of the parents Is not disturbed
with fenn of nn elopement ,
} 'rofessor lIneckcr , In nn address to
the Minnesota dnlrYlllon , tllstedthnt
the two essential nnd'Itnl 1101ll1s
In the dnlry cow are a Inr e middle
and light Cunrtels. } lIa\'lnJ ; secured
the deep-bJd led spare cow , there Is
no ohJectlon to the fnllcy rolnts. Iro-
ided they do not In1erfero with the
two mentioned ,
Blul 11111'1 .
- - - - - . . . . < 11. . .
IIIIU IIne"s m'c
fOlllul III t\'l'I' ' house.
hulel. A bad hlk \ hI
n blll'l. t hlll'H hlllle ,
wI'a I. ( II' IIchinl108t :
hlll'ln l'Ill' 11:1 : 1111'1 ' .OIlJU
fl'olll I.hhll' ' ' dlJl'l\lI\e. : \
II1l'IItS 1IIId shell III he
IH'OIll\ltl \ . 1I1Ielllll'II to.
I HI'III'h till ) enllSl'
, uf h1lcl1II'hl' In' I'e.
lll'\'llI thl ! 1lihw 'H
, IIIIlI ( 'lIrlll their Ills.
) ) OIlIl'S Khhll' ' Pill : ' !
IIl'e fur thl ! 1.llll1e 'H
olll ' nllli l'\II'l' thl !
111I1I l'I'1I III' 1II'I1I1I' '
. . . . .1 1.1".1,1. . . . .11" . . . . .
- r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . , , , . . . . . " . . -
dl'l'S ' , fWIII ( ' 011I11I011
IIIIInl1l11l1lti01l to ) ) I'OI1-1 : ' , Dlllhctes ,
Brl ht'H dlSI'III1I' .
CIIII ( ' No. . : ! . W. 11. lIalll'
mer , wIII.InowlI ! hulllll'I' , 1'1-1hlilll ! : ; lit
l : ! N. lIhule IIII'l'pt , WIIRhlll lulI C , il. .
Ohio. IIII 'S : "I 11111 IIIII 10 IlIellll' e a
I'Cllwtl ' which II0HHl'HI'H ! "uch IlIesllllm-
hie'IIlul' n-1 : I > onll's Ihhle ' 1'1Ihl. : 'I'hl' '
l'\II'ed l1Ie of IlIlIn 11I1111111011 of the IIhlll ,
del' whit'h hnll t'll1I1'11 ! 11:1' IIIl1ch 111II1I1r.
nllce alld nllxll'lhl'clluse of IIIl'I'e. .
lIUCllc ' 1111(1 st'\'pi'I\ \ ' of Ihl' 1I1Inl'l.A. I
hil\'I' 1I11\'I l'd olhl'l's 10 tnlte lion II'S
Khhlt' . l'llIs HlIlI I lnow I hl' ' will 1I0l
bt' disall\lolllll'd \ ' III till' I'HUItH. "
A I.'lnm 'I'HL\I. of thl ! ! 1''lIt ( 1-11- '
ne ' l1Ielllellle whleh11'1'11 1I' . II II 111 1IIl'1'
will hl' l1Ialied Oil alllllit'1I1IolI to allY
tlnrt of thl' Vllitell tlllps. Alhh'f'IIM :
1'ostm'llIhl1l'lI , Co. . Buff1l10 , X. Y. Ful'
8111e nil ' lsls ' \ C O '
hr dl'llg , IH'\ce cOlIls } IeI'
I.IIKt IIf R I'll III III A ( : rnw.
\\111111111 11111 of IIl1neslllle ] , 1)a. . Is
the Illst survh'or of the 1I0W COlllmo-
dore :5tocl : < tnn's frlga te C"II res ,
which raised the IIrst United Statt s
Ilag over Call Cornia In 18 HI ,
1I'l\'u 11 nit " 'II r I'll rlflllll , " .
' 1'he three UnltN ! tates s'nators ,
now Fcrvl nL ! thel l' termR , who hll vo
heen secretlllies of war IIrC' Messrs ,
Prootor of Vellllolt , Eklns ] ofest
VirLlnlll ! , IInd AI er of 1\Iichll-l1n. :
" 'OII1Ierfll ! YeiliH ( If " 'hcnt t-
tl'llCtllI ' ) 'IIOIIHIIIIIIH.
Unlll the IlIsl lI\'e 01'ilx / ' ( ! nI'S hul
llille 1I1Ielltioll WIIM I\'en to Ihnt'In t
ul'ca of gl'lllll'IH'udIlCIIl 11IIul I 'III
lIorth of the .Hllh IInl'IIIII'I , 1IIul (1IIIIIe. (
dllJtel ' IIdJollliJlg the 1I00'lhel'll ! JOIIII'
tIal'les of lillllosolll IIlId ) ) nlwtll ,
'l'hc CIIIIIlIi:1I11 : t helllsel'es \'ilI'\ )
IIWllre of lhl' wpalth lhlllln ' Ihe'e , ut
1)'lul ; ulln ble to full.\ ' ( ( ! ( ' ' It , lhlJ '
111'e IIHwd ! the . \llIpl'I'III1M ! 10 11 8S 1.1 t
Ihl'1II ' III COII\'t'I'tillg thl ! Inlul 1'1'0111 Its
\'h'llII slllie 10 olle tllllt will 1111':1'1 , ) '
fmlllilolllelll the 1-:1'1I111 : ' ( ( ' ; .II'CII
or the XOI'lh AII1erlc1l11 cUllliJll'lIt. A 11I1
lhe I'esllollse hns bpplI IlJOHl IIhl'l'lIl.
DIII'IIII ; the 'cllr mOl , 1I11\\'lIl'ls of
20,000 from the UIlItI'II Htllll'R weilL
O\'Ct' to Cnllndn , ht'llIJ. ( huluced to , , ; ct-
tle thcl'o h ' the l'eIJOI'ls lhlll I'enchell
lhem of tile flIICCeHH : of the e who hnd
preceded thelll dlll'lnl ; the IH'l\'h1ilH
'enl'fI. : 'J'hls : ! OOOO WIIS I IICI''II IHI : ! ( 10
30,000 durlll Ihe 'e I' .IIIO : ! , IInd It Is
fllll ' eXI1Ccled thn t there will lie full '
UooO durlll the 11I'e8ent ' ( 'nl' . 'l'he
wOI'I , of the IInmlJI'a tlon brallch of the ,
Canndilln go\'ernll1ent IR not nolIelng
dlt'ected lowllrl18 gl\'llIl ; Infol'llin tlOII IS I
to the nd\'lIlItll cS or settlemellt 111
Cnnnlln liS It Is to extelHllllg 1111 1I1\'ltll'
tlon to the Amerlcnn to follow tbose
who hn \ ' JOIIC.
. rl'hoso who hll\'e chnr e of the worl ;
point with conshlernhle prille to the
success of those who hn vo h'un I\1III1C' \
cd to tlllw IIlh'lIlIlagc of the olTer ( ; f
IUO acrcs or In lid free III Cllnnda , nnd
hu\'c no CII1I81' to hpslllllo III I'onlilm
Ing the In\'ltllllon. ; 'Ilan ' of those hi'
, tereRtetl HIIY there IIro no lIIore fl'C (
homeslelllls to e hnd In CIIIIII 1111 , hul
the writer hns most posltl\'e nssurl\I1 \ !
from the Callndlnll Go\'el'llll1ent th,11
there nre tholllllllllis : of Huch home
stends to he hnd. 111111 III Olin of the dIN
trlcts 1I0W 1)'lnl ; opclled UII flllly 111
I good ns the best , IInd It Is 11I'ohllhl ' tlll
'rho C nlldllin Go\'ernment hns l'S
tnhli8hed IIgcncll's lit ft. : ! 1'11111 , lInn.
Omllhn , Neh. , Knnslls CIt ' , 1\10. , Chi
cngo , III. , IIUIlIlUlIl'olls , Ind. , llIwllll
keo , Wls" WI1USIIII , WIs. , Detroit , SIII1I
Ste. Mnrle nllli MnrqueUu , Mlt'h" 'J'o
ledo , Ohio , Wllt' , H. D. , GI'IIH :
Forks , N. D. , IIntl UI'ent I.'ulls , Iolt.
and the suggestion Is IIIlIde thll t lJ ' 1111
dres/ilng nn ' oC these , who IIrc the nil
I thorlzet ! agents of the Go\'crnnH'nt , I
will be to the IH1\'lIntnge of the rl'11(1I'I'
who will ho glvcn the fllllet 111111 11I08
Iluthentlc Informntion regnrdhlJ. ( th. ' ro
suits or mixed fll 1'11I I IIJ. ( , 1111 11'.1'1 UI- (
mnehln ! ; nnd grnln rlllIIIj. : : , 1111\1 \ allol
, supply Informntloll ns to fn'lg-ht 11111
IJnSsenger rates , etc.
- , - - - - . _ , - - .
: \ , \ . \ \ , CUll' .111' LJ\tltC lltct : . .
Hlllh'dll' , lIl1n. , I ( 'h. III.-Mr. E , 0.
lh'\11t'1i \ of this 1IIIII'l' f'lnll'I ! fl llal\1I1
( ! XIll'I'lt'l\co \ whll'll will hlrf'nd wllb In.
tpl'I'sl h ' 1111 t hose who 111'e \ Il slmllln
lI'ouhl ! ) ,
It 1IIIIH'IIrK Ihl1t Int , vlnter M'llt'li'IIS 1'1w < < 1 with II Inmeneflll
111111 HorUIlt'SH III hl-1 : hnl'l. whIch grew
wOI'se IIlul \\(11\1' [ till lit IIIRt It hecnme
\r ' hnd IIlul II1nlln It'I'r ' IIllIIl'ult Cor
hllll to ! : l'lllhollt lit 1111 ,
Attl'r n time he hllrll or n new rem-
C(1 ' fOI' hnckru'he whll'h Home or hili
frll'nlls 111111 11l'1 hhnrll snlll 11I\(1 \ ttt'ed
thl'ln 1I11l1 he IIph'l'mhw(1 to tr ' It , ' 1'ho
1111 lIIe of t hI' rl'n1'II ' III } ) od < < l's Kl no1
Pills nllll Ir , O ll'lll'lI hllH IJroven thnt
It Is n ! Hlre cnrl' . I Ie sn 's :
"I us'd two bOXl'S of DodtI's Inlne1
Pills IIc4'orllln to directions 11\1(1 ( m1
11I1I1l' hnrl. wnll cnllruly cuI''l1 n'cl Lam
nil O. K. lI nln , Dodtl's KIthllJ ' PIIII1
lire ns good liS I'ellrl'sente . "
l'hl9 rC'mc41 ' Is'l'r ' 11011\llnr here
01111 hns01'1'1'11 S0ll10 renllll'lnhle cures
of IInclmchc 11\1(1 \ Jldne ' 1'rouble ,
Germony nnnunlly sends to this
country 1:10,000 : callnry birds , 5,000 t'J
l.'rnnce , :1,000 : to l nJlnnd. aud : ! .OOO
to Bllssln ,
It Is nnnouncod here thnt Emperor
\\'lIl1nm of Germany will rench HOllie
Aprlli : ! [ on a'Islt to the ltllllllu
court. Tile czar of Bussla w1J ] visit
the court Mn ' 11.
A II Amerlcnu syndloate hns presented -
sented a pruposnl to lJnlht the Ohllo
section of the r II 11 road ncross the
Aneles lit a cost ot $7.000.0001 pnyn lo
In li per ccnt bOjds ,
Some IIh 'slulnns HI Franco asserb
thllt bnlloonlll Is a cure for con-
sumption. rho pallont hIlS to malco
nsconts at stnte Inter\'nls , Increaslll
or t1ecleaslll thu IIltltudo in accordance -
dance with his condition.
A monl ! the artloles com prisl n fl
bride's outfit In the Japanese Ishllld
tlf Oshima Is a big tub of drinlclnl-f
water. Water is very "UlUCO in the
Isla lid , nnd e\'N ) ' prndent. bride tries
to ha\'e a supply on hand ,
' 1'ho hetter clnss of Japanese tnke a
warm bnth e"ery day.
Mr . " 1I till'H l'IIlIrlle ! IIlIlIr mnl. : ( ' lorch'
11'11)8 liSlur \ moru.
A Frollch ph'sl)1o 1st IIIIS dIscover-
cd thnt nearly 1111 crlmlnal5 have
largo cars ,
No tWIIIIe to Im'pafl' 'IlIlck ' hrl'nkfnsts II YIIII
1111\ ' " Mr . AII tllI'S fll 111 UIIS l'IIIICIIe ! ; 1101lr.
HCIIII ) ' I. . II 11lI1l11ellt ,
Smol < olcss powder thrcws oIT a faint
hnze which is clenrly dlscerulble
throu h'Iulet r.lasses. :
MI , . WIII.luw' . ( ) OTIlIin flYHUP tvr rhlhlren
I.rlhlll\l , 0011 < liS tI" , 111111I. , "till" ' " hlOnlDIIlIoD
allay. la\lI \ , cure. wlllli . ullle , 2 u I > ollle.
' 1'he ! lrst Issue of medals to British
hoops wns In 10 la by Charles I.
PI'fl'clI ! ' sl1l1llle IInll Rhnlly IJerteet
Is tl.\'l'lng wllh PU'L'NA\I : ) ; ADgIJ SS
Dn s.
l\IlllI ) ' Rohool Ohlllrenrc ! Siokly.
r ot her U ro "s Sweet I'owder ! ! for
Chilth'I'II , IIRl'd byIother : Grn ' , n IIIlr c
III l'ltlllh'I'II' ! ! Homc , New 1'01'1 ; , Brenk up
Colds In , I hOllrll cnro Constll1atlon ,
1"\'eri hll ( ' ! I , I1eIHinche , Stolllnch 'L'I'o\1.
illeR , 'l'l'l'thlll nllurd'r ! ! , IIIU\'C nlld rej-
IIlntl' the 1I0ll'eis nntl I > l'lItroVurmR. .
folll : ! IJ ' 1111 drllItR ! or hy 11\1111 \ , ( jc.
nlll"ll' IIInill'lI 1'HI < JI1. Address Allell S.
Ohllstl'd , Le Ho ' , N. Y.
A \\'u ! > hlng1un reporter , in describIng -
Ing tllo dccllrntlulls of ono ut the
White Hcuse mOIllS , pleasaotly sLated
that It waH "u nlghtmaro In yellow
and blue. " 'l'o get even wllh him
for this rude comment , IIn IItt'JUdant
) ' .rrnn.I1UyCu , . " , nonIY urlll'nt'II".I\H ,
fiTS IIr.t d"v' . II. " nt' ' IIr. IW' . . . . . u..t N . . .e II. \ .
Haror , fJ < > lId f.r PIIII : : t'l.II"rh,1 ' holt : " Mlt L..U. . . .
. "t. It. ! t , li1.l1LIII. . . V3L " , . a. . J'/JltlldPlIJhl. / . J. . . .
11f'llaf ( ! for sIIITI'I''r ! ! CrulII III1nl ! cnturrh
whu are IIlctl : to 1111 IIlulllhwr ill spraylll ! :
! lie dlsenscd uWlllllrlllll'M. Allthl'iJenllnr
1\1111 ! ! oothlll Ilrolll'rtll'l : ! oC l'realll Bal11l
01'1' rotahwd In the IIl'W 1II'I'llnrtltlon. It
does nut tlr ' UII the secrl'tJoIIs. Price , In-
CilldlillfltH'n : 'III tube. ii , l'tS. At drur- ;
1ltM' UI' g ) ) . BrutU \\'urren ' ' eet ,
ow Yurl ; , 11Iull It ,
i $329 ( J61AS
. jDDqHOE5 3
'f '
I UN lor. MAD
W. L. D.wolJlI makc. amI 8ell , .
mora " 'on' " GoorYofJOVolt ( I/and-
Bowed Procos ) S"008 illsn any O ' ' ' 8r
! mnufnaiuI'oJO 1n " 10 world.
$25,000 REWARD
will he v'.1 < 1 to anyone who
can lIl.provo thIs otnt.ment.
Because . J. . 110llgllls
Is the lorgest lIIanllCllrturar
ho cun II ' cheaper un
hi , shoes I1t 1\
ewer co t thl\n ether con-
rem , . wllli'h enahlt'll hllll
. to soli l1oes Cor : l1ull
, 1tJ.OO : ( . III every
\VII ) ' to t I:1S0 sold elso-
. whoru Cur S I anl , $ 'i.00. ,
W. J , . nou Ia. ' $30 : ; ' ! 1
t . I1n,1 $ : lshoe1l1rowom hy tllousaruls ot men who
ha\'o l.lColI paylng$1 all,1 $ , uol hellevlngthey
I cUIII,1 : . ; ot a tir 4t-class shoo tor S3.M or 5 : ' . { 0 ,
J luIIIS / cOllvlnce,1 them thnL the Btyle , fit.
IIwl wenr uf his 83.M I\ud $3,00 sboos Is juas
us gOOL' . . Give tlwlII trial and save money.
Nutl. " III"rrIIlC IWJ "alts : 'iI , OU , HII , l
l III lI.nlt. . . . . ' { I ( ) 'J Salps : ISIiO .JllI"'OOO
A iIIllI \.HO'I"'U.70 ' In l-'ollr l'tars.
t Worth $0.00 Compared with Other . . . .akos.
The besl Imported and American leathe" , Heill' ,
, Patnt Calf , Enamel , Box Calf , Call , Vlel Kid , Coronll
Calf , : wd Natfonal Kangaroo. Fat Color Ellelrf"
) rlautlon < The wenulne have W. 1. . DOUOLAIS
I U . nam. . and Vrice IIlnmJlfOlI on bottOIU.
. 'thu , . 1 , , , " ' ' ' ' / . ( ' , tor/rIO , 1/1 / , , , . t''al9Jfrt' .
" ' . J. . UUUU /i2. , IUrOtJU..l'ON , H8 _
I As J1l iles test the horse ,
so years test n rcnledy.
rIexicatl f1ustal1ge Lirlimellt '
: Buy has been curing everything that i
.it a good , honest penetrating liniment
now. cnn cure for the past 60 years.