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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1903)
- - - - - - - - . - - - - 1h r i r f9SD ihi rl HOWARD _ . _ _ _ _ I . oM > i' < S > , .N' < S > 'N ) < S > > i > < $ > * ' - - - - . . . . , . . , . - CIIAI'Tgll -ICOIIlIIlIlCII,1 1 "AIIII In Ihillk ! 'I'lli' 1I1111/ / : 'nll I\'l'rt' ' ' Int ot liI's-pritltpll 11t , I brjlllill IIII' 1\11'1 n to 1\11'111'\11 \ hOIlI''I1 IIII'll , It WII'l tn ( ' : I rr.\ ' ' Wl'lIt tn th , ' 1\1111 \ , thl'l stuff 10 II\ \ ( ' 'nll WeU , Ihl' slnr ' will kl'l'p-.1t will 111'1'1" " All , ) \11'11 \ l'irl'lIll1r wOlIllI lIot hll\'I' ' ' YOII , hilt thl'Sl' 1II'01lh' 1I1't ) su rlt'h 1101\ ' thcy 1'11111I tc hllllllrl'll'I 111111 tholllllllllls ot dollllrs Oil Htlllllllll. ! I 0\\ ' 101l will It be 1111111 dllllH'r Is rl'I\lly ? " "I 1':111 : hu1' It relllly III lirtel'lI 1IIIIIIItes . nt IlIoSt-IIIII 'h ( ! Iwoller. " , "There's 1111 hllrr ' , chillI. I'll hI' bllrk BOOII-I'III 1111111 ; over to , Jnck's , " 'I'h , ' Irollwnr\I'r \ IlIIt hl'l hn 1 on uIIII lert the h01HIC , III' IIIllst talk 10 " 01111' khlllrlll slllrlt--lnl'l ; ,1011l' WIIS till' IIIUII , 'J'hl' IrOIlI\'OrIH'r's 1IIIIIIhll'r1111 ; III thl' nct of fr ' 11I1 ; poilltnl's whl'lI 11 1I'IItll' 1'1111 011 the door sllIrtlt'd 111'1' , HIll ! Ill'Ctly 1IIII1Ied the IIto\'e 1111 1111111'1' thl' 111111 t,1 IIl'e\'ellt the IlotutoclI frolll hllrlllll ; ; III hl'l' ahsl'lIce , uIIII opl'lIl'll ' the duor , As IIhe ollcllId It u lIeI'll hhlsh IIIl1l1tlcd her face , 'rhe'Isltor WIIS A rllllll' IIIY- hcrry , lie lirtl'lI his hilt , IHIWI'II , ' ; ; ; ; . ! 111'1' pardoll , Inokl'd IIISI'Olll'l'rll'll , tJlI'lI 5alll : "l'oslIlhly I hu'C lIIudl' ' 1011I1' lIIistllI' : , Miss Athertoll , " lIe glllllced lip lit the IIl11l1her , hlllhlllg tllrlotull ' , 1I1111 Athertoll WIIS fllllt'wlt. ! ted , She wus 1I0tl'd IIIII/III ! : hm' rrlclIlIII lor ull\'uys doillc the riJht thlll ; ; , "It ynll will tell lIIe whllt IIl1l11ber 'ell : 'e loolcill ; ; fur , sir , IIIlIj'he I 1'1111 he or sOllie lIer\'lce to 'on , " .o\rthnr Inj'hl'rr ' thollht , III ! hnll lIe\'er heard n'olce ns 1II11111cui 11'1 Ihe iron , worla'r' ! ! Ilun hter 110S91' iicd , " \\'hj' , there Is sotlle nlllllll'll IIIlstnla' , I dare aaj' , 1 was looldllg for Nlllllhel' : . ! : . ! , " "This Is : . ! 2 , Pray cOllie III , " He llItered ! , amI she closcd tht ) door , while Iuyblrry ! IH'11th1c1'1l a lIoclwthuol ; , tel ; : trolll It n ' 11111111 cllllplll ; ; frolll a lIews- paI'r , 111111 sulll : "I dnre SIIY the prill tel' IIIlIlle a 1I118tal.e , 13ut It Bl1j'R : . ! 2 , " "I hllve no Ilollbt H Is rlcbt , Whnt III it 1" 110 hlllldoll the elhIIII ( to her , "Please be seateel , I'\'e 110 Ilunbt this is my tal1wr's IItl\'lrtlselllllIt ! ! , 110 hus beell \'elltlolls ' ' , " worklllC Oil \ mUIlj' j'cllrs 'j'hen she halHIl't1 hllll hllck the clllplllg , which he cnrefnllj' replaccd ill his poclwt. book , The 1'111111111" " ; rellll : I " ' 1'0 OUllltllllsts-A Iractlcal Ironwllrlt. cr , olle who pOS eSSI'R a tllir IwowlellI' ; ; ' or mechllnlcs , hll\'lnl ; IH'I'feetet ! 1111 111\11" tlon whIch will nccolllpllsh In fnlll' hOllrs the worlt which 1I0W CtlllSnllles frol1l thlr. tj'-six to fortJ'-ellht hOllrs , IleslreR to Ilelll with sOllie olle whose rlSOllrCes ! , or lxpe. ! rleuce , or hOtIl , will Ilrove worth a halt- Interl'lIt In Illtrotlllclll ; ; the hlel1 , Alllh'lss ! , or eull at lIl11hl'r 2 : ! - street , " " ) ly futher will be In III fifteeu or twen- tJ" 1I1111ntell ut lI1ost , " Rllid Irclle , Muyberry ! ! 1I'IIected the truth , lIe hut ! called nt their dinner hour , lIe rose , r l cc his hat , 111111 IlncI'd his halld on tIle kllob ot the door , snj"IIIS : "I hnd uo Illen It was yonI' rllther , I1ss AtllCrton , Plellse tl'lI hllll I lIIa ' cull later In the Ilny , 01'-1 cun see him III the mill , " 'here WIIS II IWIIIIII or voices on the strel't , A8 ArthnrIlIyberry ! ollelleel the door , stili looklll at the Irollwol'lwl"s dallghter IIllmh'IlIgIJ'-he conld 1I0t remOVe bls l'j'CS trolll her-Irelle startell , 'l'lll ! lonllest'olce WIIR her fn tlll'r's , 11 e waB erj' all ry , 'l'hl' other \'olcl ! WIIS , tllat ot II strnll er , It vus e\'lllellt lr , Iu 'herry recolnh. , cd her tather'H voice , He thunlht he recogllized the \'olce that pnzzled Irenc , lIe cOllld uot stell Ollt , 1101' cOlIlII he ' act lI\1on \ his first 11II1)\Ilse \ IInd close the , door ugllln , Cor that wUlllt ! sll1lply bo all admlsslo)1 that he hlld llcard ull that wus ) ald 011 the street , lie begull to sllealt or the slllhlcn death ot the mallucer ot Stur Mill , whell the , 'olees on the street rose 10llder IIlltl sharl' ) cr , Atherton's , 'olce was loudest , "If you c\'er IlIslnuate-lt 'ou ever hint nt that aguin-lls sure as there Is'u 1I0u\'en abuve us- " "Hahl You threaten 11I1'1" : "Yo\ ! infernal scoulldrel ! YOII--J'OI1- villain I Go away , beCore I am teJl\pted to do 80lllethlncl" The listeners heard a slleerllll ; IIIII/h / , The strllnco voice 111Iswerellill II 101\ ' tone , tllon , suddenly and without wlII'IIIIl ; ; , the Ironworker pushed Ills door wiele o III ! II anll contronted his Ilauchter alld llIj'berrr with a Ilale tace , and hunds treJl\hllll ! ; like one alilicted with a 1)lIlsj , , - OIIAP'r H y , 'hQ Ironworlcer stnred frolll olle 10 the other , then with a mhhty effort relIilwd ! selt.control , "You find lIIe In a teUller ) , Ir , llIj" berry-It 'ou knew ; but I WOII't tnll ; about It , Is It anj'Ullnj ; IJt1rtlcular 'OII want to see lIIe ahout 'j" la 'berrJ' , reclI\lln \ the clrCUJl\stIUlC ( IInerwurd , relllemhered Athel'toll did 1101 aslt him to sit dOWlI , "I called In relation to an IlIh'I'I'I\SI" \ IIIent , but I did 1I0t drenm It was 'OI1l'S , ' "Yes , ; ) 'es , " sulel Atherton , lIe WIUI Ullr dod , " 13ut rcallr , lr , MuyberrJ' , I I'Un'1 tulk business just 1I0w-l must cool olT , ] -wo can tlllk It o\'er lit the ml\l \ , Sorr' tblllg8 haYe 11111)jelletthis \ wa-but II" , lIot my elohl ! ; , It's 1I1111Iat- " Here the jut\IIII'r \ chl'ckl'd hllllselt 11111 bit his 1111 , " lr , 11I 'borrJ' IIIlcht SIOj ! IInd IlIkl I1ll1ner wiUI us , Cather , It Is IIhllOIl Teady , " "Yon an' wl'l me-nolle lIIor. ' I\'elcollle to sllcll ilK we havI' , " SlIld Atlll'rtoll , "I'll not us IIIllI Cul ot thl' ! ; ! ! thllls : as 'III daujhter , h' . 11I'berrJ' , We I\'oultl hi 111l'ased to ha \ ' ( , " ( \I1I' \ co III Iia II ' , " "Not 1I0W , " sllid l\IayberrJ' , "You11 ' )11' , Athel'toll " cxcllse me to'daj' , , Ma 'berr ) ' bowell and withdrew , Wh.1 the dool' closed UlOIl hIm , Athertoll bll down suddelllj' , "You ore 110t we-II , " Bllid hIs dllllctel ! wiUI concern , "It is 1I0thlllg , " Bald her Cathor ; hut IIh ' \VanderI'd nOlle the 11'1\8 , His toue , hi manlier was strollgl' , Insteod nt hall Ing his hat UII ctlt'erll ' , ulld spealtlll lightly ot the IIffalrs of the house , Athel ton sut mood II ) ' , tossln his hilt Oil chnlr Ileal' hllll , "Dlrlll I' I' III really , tether , " sold 111 dll\l \ htl'rI mlllllle III tel' , Alhel"lolI I'ose , Ill1ssl'll a hllnd over hi tace , silhl'll : hea\'II-Irene had ne\'l , $ $ $ - - . . . . . - - - hl'lIrt ! hllll sigh IIl'torl'--nllll Slit II\WII , lie I hl'llIrll HI' ! elullghll'r , thl'lI Iwlpl'tl hilllselt , Bllt hI' did IIl1t 1'lItllllll'h , AIIII prI'H"IIt1y III' IJI' ! l1I to talk 111 a tfllW hl'l dlltlhtlr : ! hilt ! IWllr11 hllll hllllllI' ; III hut rllre ! ) ' , I'X' l'l'llt whl'lI ' 1011I1' or hlH fl'lIow'lIIoltlers 1'111111' III for UII hnur fir tWfl. "I slllllHISI' Halll GUllllllitt will he mllll' Ull'r , 111111 thell therl11 he trollhle , 'fhe \\'II ' thlllgs 111'1' 1'111111111" " ; 1I0W , II worltllllln hllllll't IIIlIeh I'hllllce , It III' dlll'CH to lIay his s01l1 Is his 01\11 , he hlurll ! or It. Alld If he stalltls III } for his rlKhtff they III/ill. n e to get rId of hllll sOllie WII ) ' , It's IIl1t hlll'll Ii 11111 III ; UII eXClIse , , Gllpltnl rull's till' du ' , " " III 'hl' thhlllI will tnke II turll tor the 111'1 h'r , 111I1111 , " Hlrlll I rene , Kill 111 II ; ; , , "I Jlllile thlll ' thl' ' S mllj'-I h011e may , hilt It 1101I'l look like It , 1'11I too poor to trJ' III ' IIWIl Idl'UII , IInd becllilse I dOIl't Itllllclle tn sOllie tellow who would lOh IIII' of IIlj' 111'11111 I\'ork , I'm out III the cold -111111 IIkl'l ' to Iw , " I "It IIIII ' III' , I 1' , llIyherry will help ) ' 011 Ii 1111 II wnj' to trJ' 'ollr In\'elltloll , " " 11I 'be , " , \ t hl'l'toll InolWl1 u t hl'r sbllrply , he WIIS II 11111111 tj' ! 1I111lI11Sclollil ! ot hlff scrll- till ) ' , .lIe WIIS golllg to IIlleule , Whl'lI a lIht 1'11011 \ the 11001' IIttrllcted his lit- telltlllll , "Cnllle III , " Aff II IlIre ; , helbunt mllll elltered , A herton exclllllllell : "Ah , , llIcld .JIISt the mun 1 want to see , " "I WIIS Ollt wlwn 'IIU callie over , " 11It1 ! ! thl''Isltor , "Sit IloWII , , ll1ck , " 'rhe'Isltor settled hllllselt comfortably h ) ' till' ' firpplncl' , It WIIR IIIl'relj' II lIIat- tl'r IIf hublt , III' IIIlght ha\'e Rllt ollt of oorl , thl' wI'lIther WIIH 140 fille , "AII'thillg IIlW ! , , IIICk ? " " 'l'hc ' du ! ! Uj' us how GUlllmltt wl1l he 11\1'1' liS , " " , \h ! " "lIol\'ever , It ulll't jllst fjl'ttled , " " : o\o , , ? " 'hilt IcelllS ! to he III thc wuy , ' 1I0W' , " 0 I 1'11I not sure , 'l'heJ' do lIa ) ' as how Gllllllllitt hus sOllielrlme \ new Idru , " A therton , who was standillg , wbePled urolllld sllildellly IIpOIl hearlllg thl , "GUllllllltt jnt II II IIlclI-1I IH'Ime IIlel\ ! " , T ael , , I UIII'S' 1'\'I'S twlnllell , 11 e eOIlt1 ! sCllrcl'lj' ' ' hlff ' " \ ' SOIl\lthlll lIresel'hlff j1'U\\t , \ ! WIIS'l'IIII1 ; ; UIIIII hlm-SOllll'thlll he WIIS lI'j'llIg to IH'el1 dOWII , bllt It would 1I0t Iw 1'l1I ! 1'1'1111 ell , "YI'H-HuIII'1I got nil Idell-a IIl'IInll II'W o Ill' , I do 1I0tlll\Y 'tWlls his OWII'llIlt's to hllllh'r IIIIJ' 11I1111 hu vlnc a new Idea- ISII't It II ells ' to cnrrJ' horrowell idelll ! , 1111 'till to cun ) ' 'ollr OWII ? " ' 1'he 1I1Jdlller drl'w a deep brellth , IIlclel'll UII II dllllr , pillutl'd It in front ot his 1Ieh. ! : bor , 111111 sut dOWlI , 'l'hell he sllid III a /111111'11 tUlle : " , I licIt , what's In this ? YOII've hell I'll somethllll ; , 'l'ell lIIe 1111 abont It , " "GIve II tellow time , Dan , , DolI't Lome lit meIIw \ II hpllse ofire. " "COIIII'-Ollt "ith It , ,1 lick. " "Why , theil , Ule ' do sa ) ' Gummltt has fOUlld II lIew process , " "Whnt Is thlll Idell ? Is It anythlllgIIe \ mille , , TIICI ; ? " " ' ' ' 1.11 , now , It YOIl cOllie at me thllt WIIJ' , " , Jllck bljIII1 , hnt his frh'IIlI Illter- 1'lIllted hllll , "COIIIO , , J IIcle ; 'OU Imow-cver 'bodj' Imows-SIIIII Unlllmitt IIII mllll who hils Ollj' ! his dog edlless 11I111 his 1'10110 1II01lth to rccollllllcllll hllll , I dOll't dellY he III II , L good worlmlun-bllt he Is 1I0t 1111 good as IlIIlt a dozell 'ou IOIOW , AIIII hc IIC\'l'l' , 'ol'lgllIlIlI'd all Idell III his life , So , It 11 III IIl1j'thllll ; like mj' Ideu- " "It Is , " 'I A thertoll lellned bnclt , IIUlI loked at hili visitor stelll\llJ' \ , I " " 'ho told 'on this ? " , " ) "ell-It's cOllie to tile two or three Waj"ff , DIIII , But there's 110 doubt at It , It It Isn't 'ol1r illeu , It's mlght , 1I1ch It , " Athertoll rose alld puced the 11001' , 'l'hen be stol)11CiI In frollt ot his guest , " , Jaclt , do J'OIl Imow whet I'll do It Slim IItelll lilY hn"elltloll ? " "GI\'e hllll II IIcklllg-a l'llht dowlI good une , He'd dl'scr\'e It , " "I'll do worse thllll that , I'll show him IIp-ulld whoe\'cr bacles hllll , It thel'e's IIl1j' III w III the IUlld , " "AJ' , there's Illellt ' at law , hilt wherc's 'our justice ? It he has Rllllle olle at hlff bllCI , with II 10111 ; IHlrse-l'1I" What \\11 'Oll do thell ? " . \thel'toll'lI auwer : ; WOI ! shllrp and flulcl. , "It I con't get justice , IInd Sum Gum , milt steals lilY plUIIS , I'll dl'lIl with hllll IIIYSelt , I dOll't thllll ; 11l1llite ! \ to Coree lIIe to thut-hllt let 1I11 ' or thelll tr ' to rob lIIe , 111111 theJ' will nlld It'll cost them more thllll UII ! ' will like to luy , " "I jn t thonlht I'd gi\'e "OU warlll , , ; ; , " "I'll 1I0t foret 11 , , IIICI. , " I "I hellr so 11I11I1) ' stories IIbo"t Ileo\lle \ tl'aling IllItellts-alld wl're alwaj's relld- , IlIg III10llt IIIrl'IIIgI'IIIellt8 , But It's time ellullgh to worrj' whell 'oll're lIure he's Iut : ) 'our 11I\'I'IIt1oll , " "No , " Hahl Atli'r. 11 with ellergy , "Now , Is the tillie , " 'l'hl' ' Slit 100ldllA at l'1ch other Ilul.1t : ' u tl'W IIIll1utl'S , whl'lI , TIICk slllhlrlll ' sllld : " ' 1'ell 'Oll Whllt , Dlln , 'l'hcrl"R II lIIan cOllhl maj'hl' 111'11) j'Oll , Whj' lIillll't ou thluk or him IOllc IIO ? lIe Imol\"l1 1111 thl' 01\111'1'-111111 tlll' ' sar he hll'l a pilI' of IIInlll'j' ' , tnn , " "All ! thlll'lUlj' lIIall-IIoIIWlloll ) ' who i' has , or 1':111 : cOlltrol , II ! : nod dC1I1 or 1II01l1' ' , " " ) 'I'S , It will lilliI'II 1:0011l8h hit , I Nc1. . Oil , ThlH 11I1111 call 1\1'111 'UII III C\'Irj' ! WII ' with o\\IIl'rj ; , s'cllI : : as ht' Is Ileallll ; ; with tl\l'lII O\'lr ' elaj' , 111111 Jwu\\'s thl' IIISlllc utilI l' nlltshh ! or the \ \ 'hu1111111111'11'1 \ ' , ' ' " " 'ho Is 'ollr lIIall'/ " " , IIIC'\OIl ! l : 1'11111 , " " , Jllel.soll CI'I- : , " Thl' ' 1111111111'1' halt I'ose ; his tllel' Irl'W lilli , , ; his I' 'll Wl'l'l' lixl'll 011 his \"billir's III II stlll'l' thlltlllllrlll' I'll his 11l'1hhor ! , whll III hi'l tlll'lI 111111'11 lit , \t ll'I'tnll. 'l'hl'lI he I'alh'd ont loudl ' : "lIo ! thl'I' , coml ! Ill're 1IIIIcl ; , " Irl'lIethertoll 51)1'1111 ; ; 10 the elor 111 s III1S\\'I'r to the cnll , As she 1'lIll'rCll th 1'0011I , big , Jilek Il1\t Ollt his hllllllll : he WII jlltlt III tlllw to Ilre\'I'lIt the IlIullller CI'IIII1 talllllg torward , "Whut has hnlpelled ? What Is It ? " Irelll ! oskl'Ii flulcklJ" os she knelt helild her hther , "I don't kllOW , miss , more thRII J'OIi do , We were tlllklllC. whell all ot Ollce hI chokl'd , aud that'll 1111 I know about It - I ItI 1IIIIhty IItrallA'I' . 10llur Cuther' Iw\'er hlld 1111 fllilltlll Rlll'IIH , hllil he" " Irl'lIe Hhonk her helld , "III'lIt let JIIe Iwlll 'Oll Pllt hlJII to hed , " "It'll 1I0lllethlllA' tel'rlllh 1t III Ww dl'ath -oh I call It he hI ! III IIJ'IIIK ? " I relle wn ! ! hellidc hl'rlll'lt with h'rror ulld grief , Hhe I 1'elt hlR pulsI' : IIIII' lIfteel his heud ; sht ) IllIt I II hlllill o\'er hpr fllllll'r'lI hellrt , "HUll , 1'1111 fur u doetor , for hea\'cI\'s salel' ' ! " , Jllck , Jo11I'1I IU\'e 1\(11' ( a sln le hllckward CIIlIlCI' , tlu'n rail for till' IllIctor , OIlAl"l'lm VI. When UII ! doctor IIrrh'ed , Dun Atherton WIIS wlllklll 1111 ullcI dowlI his house In a lille tellltllr , "I alii vl'ry IIIl1ch obliged to YOII , , Tnck , " he sllitl to hlff fl'llow-worker and lIehh. : . bor II ! ! thut hllllvhllllll looked ollell.mollth. cd lit hllll , "but'l'l1l1y I alii as wel1 I1S lver ! I wall , " 'I'he doctor , n YOlIlIg IIractitloner , IlOOk- cd utA thertllll nil rrowlr , thell n t 1IIs dlllllhter , who IIIH'edlly bent a rell'eat to I1notlllr ! 1'01111I , thl'lI at , Jollell , "It 1I0eH 1I0t look as It IIIj" scrvlces were nl'l'dell , " "Xo , the ' ure not. Bllt j'ollr tlllle III worlh IHlIIl'thllll ; , O ! yes , hilt 'IIII IIIl1st , " slllcI , \ therton , liS he forced II bill III tll the j'lIlIn 1II1111'ff hlllld , "I'd rllther IU ) ' to he well thlln sick IIIIJ' tlllle , " I lIe slloke so c1werlly thllt , Incl. , TOII\ \ ? . lookell 11I111'1' IIl1d 1II0re amlll'll ut hllll , "I f I IWl'd II doctor , he slIre I shllll't foret ; j'OU , I'ltlwr , I ueSR It was II liter or hllll estioll , III' sOll1ethlllJ. ; , I ha'I ! hl.l1I ! II IIttll' IIUt ot sortll , " "Nil dOllul thllt's It , " lIalll the doctor , filllllll hi' IIIl1st SlIj' sOlllethlll ; ; , "At 1111 O\'l'lIt , IIwre lInes lIot see III to be IIlIj' . thhl ; ; wrllllg wllh j'OIl 1I0W , " The Iloctllr retirl'll slIellllj' , two dollars richer thu II WIIl'II he ellllll' , Theil , loneH , who wns tlllzzierl cJteeedlllJ.tlj' . went home , wllllllerln ; ; ut till' IItrlllle ; thlll he had wltlleSSL'fl. DIIII Athertoll , 111'sllle hill Illlllhter's : wishes , wellt ollt , , ; a 'iIlC he ml ht 1I0t re- tllrll 1I11t11 e\"enillg , lIis dllllhter : pOlldl'r- ed 0\1'1' his stl'ulI e 1II111'SH ; the ! ! lIdllell selzllre 11111) ) swift rel'o\'erj' were 1111111'- cOlllltllhlt" Ielllltillle Dan A thertoll mndl' hl'WOj' to the ollice of II mill uWller who hllll the rl'lllItulion ot II pllhlic"slIirlte , eliteI" Ilrlsill ; ; , IIberul mall , 'l'he I\uhllel' \ had worked III his 11I11I , blit hl1d lIever 1111- dressed a word to the mill OW lieI' III his life , lIe fOlllld sOllie dimculty In Cel tlll1 : uc- cess to the OWller , It WIIS olll ' whell three or fOllr ylsltor ! ! were bu\\'ell out of the milt OWllI'r'1I ollice that A thertoll wns IIdmlttl'll. Ir' , Chllhh ( oolled lit him shllrlllj' liS he awaltI'll hili CllllIlIIUlllclitiOll , " I ) ' naml' Is Athl'rton , sir , I wol'lcell In 'lIlIr lIIill fOllr 'I'lIrs II O. " " \\1'11 , Ir , Ather'toll'j" "I I'll II I'd 10 sl'e rOil on II matter of , bllSllll'ss , Abollt a lIew process , " " 11 II III ph ! A lie\\ ' process , eh'j Sit dOl\'n , I lilld I'\'c Iot-j'es , jllst tell 11I111- IItl'lI to Sllare. It j'OU clln Ive lI1e all Iclt'a at j'Our proceSR , or whllt j'OIl IlI'OpOllC to 110 , III thut tlllle- " "No , I will 1I0t take lip j'our tllIlI'(1' : ( , Chnbb , I call't ' " Idea IIr gl\'e ) "OU 1111 II thillg' It's tlllcn lIIe l'lht ; or tl'n ' j'ears to stlldy ollt , III tell IIIlnutes , I thought 'ou might be Interl.'sted III It-that J'OIl wOIIIII at lellst listen to a plan IIlat will Ilollhie j'O\ll' IlI'esl'lIt capo city wlthollt I coslln ; ; j'OIl lilliCh , It It worl1I lit oil ; but I I'll not bother rOil , IIII' , Good 1111) ' , sir , " I And the IlIlIltller toulld hllllsetr stondlnc ! on tbe slclewulk , cursln the lrde ! at the 11I111 OWller , elasRlng blm with all tbe spoiled CIl\lltllllsts \ , while Ir , Chllbh was wonderill ; ; , aH he said to himself : "Wbut the world wall coming to , whell 0 work , IlIgman-a 1'011I11I011 worltlnCllllln-da\'I'd tulk to II 11I1111 lIIe hllll In thllt st 'le ! " Atherton WIIS standillg Irresollltelj' be. fore lr , Ohubb'R ollice , whell he e3piecl Arthur Iaj'herr ' ntllrouchiIlC. Ills fil'st IlIIpnlse WIIS to turll his hend usidl' , ' 1'hell he chlclell hllllselt 1'01' all nllcratefllJ , nurrow-lIIlnded tellow , lIe owed hlH dallghter's lite to thlR 'O\III ; ; lIIau , " 'hj' should he IIvold him ? lore especially sillce layhCl'rr had clllled to Ii'e hllll III answer to his IIcI\'ertiselllent , IIe tnrlled , IIlId when , j'01ll1J. ; IIIJ'berr ' cUllle obreast ot hllll salll : " " 'e lIIeet aculll , " "Yes , 1111I1 at u lIlIIe thllt jnst IIUItS lIIe , It it snits j'OU , I 1' , Athertoll , " "Oh , IIlIr lIlIIe suits lIIe , " "I kllow II plllce , a flulet plllce , where we CIIII tllik bnslness without Illterrllp , linn , Or , It j'OIl Irerlr ! It-us I do-there Is ' ' Illliet restuul'llnt ' hel'e II'er lieuI' , where we CUll ; ; et sOllie oysters , " "I'll tl1le the o 'stl'rs , " IIl1ld Athel'toll , "Oollle , " sahl till' l\Idlller's new-round trlellll , aR he led the wa ' , " ' 1'hat Ohuhb hllll gl\'ell lIIe I1nch II bacl.- set , " lIald Athertoll , IIlIlrll ' , "tlillt a lIIun clln , . ; et II hur alll or lIIe 1I0W , " "I don't uRk allJ' more than I would be willill to I\'e , " slIld Iuyberl'Y , "It I j'onr idell Is worth money , I will trj' to : et It out or It tor "OU and nle IIncl I1Ij' backer , " Arthnr laj'berl'Y gnilled the puddler to II relltaurnllt near lit haud , orderl'd OJ'S- tel's tor two , lind , pUII IIH ; Illto II box , [ ellt- I'd hllllselt , ISlIj'illg : "Now I :111I prclll1l'l'd to 1I11tell to 'OU , I 1' , Athertoll , " 'l'he IHllhller heall III a low to Ill' , Gild Vl'rj' SOOIl the I'yes or his Ii lt'nl'r SllIr' kled , As Athertoll dlseribl'd ! his Illalls , Iuj'berry strllcl\ the tllhle with hi : ! cand. "YI111 hll\'l' 'k ' It Ir " \ strll < , , Atlll'rtoll ! "I'1h ? You see It'i" " 8ee It ! " 'h ) ' , I see It liS plulll as I srI' j'OU , " " 1'11I 1I0t a vislollllr ' , am I ? " " . \ \'iliiollarr ! YOII IIl'e elllillentlr IH'IIC- tlclIl , " ' 1'hl' j'ounJ. ; mali's I'sthllate of tht ) l\Id. Illell IIl1dl'rwI'lIt 11 sUllllell ehallll' , lIel'e was n lIIan ot I'xtr'lIorlllllar ' IIhllltr-a rongh 11IIIIIIolld ultcrl ' ' ' 1J\1'l'loolH'II , "But tI'll 11I1' , " Iw slIltl to tl\O IHlllllh'r" "wl\Ore Ilill "Oll IIcllulro SlIt'h IlIfol'lIIa- tlon ? " " \\1'1 , hy u llIg lilY 1 'I'S , IIlId rl'lI.II -mostl " thlllldll ' . . ) Ollt thlllthat's " ! thlll/ : IIZ. 11111 lIIost ot liS , Atlll'rtnll's ' tOile 111111 mllllller WIIS Ihnt of a lIIh'st 11I/\ lut he WIIS ( 'ollfidl'ut or his IH1\'II'-I'ollllh'lIt 11111 (1,1 f.11 n II I , IIJ'herry thoulht ; , " 11 thnt Ihls lan 1' , , _ Iluirl's Is I'tuclltloll to sl lue "Ynu thllll ; Iy hl'll Is ull , IIht , I'h ' " IrIhl'rtou , I wOlI't saj' ju t ni I thllll ; uf I lilI\ ' , 1 Iiow It wi work , allil It wi lake 11'1 or whll\'or gOI' " In with liS , llh , " I Atllrtu"1 . ' 'es spllrkled , ' 1'hl'l was ; i thl' lrt IHsit\'e I'lIlollrugcl\nt hI hnd 1'1'1'1'1\111 , I "I 1 : plalll as day to 11' , " Rahl III " bcrrJ' , I Ie WIIR Iuldllg rnphlly , 01111 III II , t011 thnt lonll bc u\'cl'hcnrd , whl'lI . the IHldller lald : "Not loull-tbl're Is ' ' 10 sOUl'bod ) II Ihl' , nex t box Iu'herry I\'us surprised , Il IlIclllet , 111 cor , ' 1'hen he Illll , In 11 low tone : . , , "nn 'Ol think thl hrllrd ? " " ' 1'11I Iurl' ot It "They did hl'ar 10t sulcent tf lotM Cerl' with your IIIIIS , havI' thcy ? " "It Ih'PllIds Oi whu II next US , I thll " ore III the 11'011 II' IIteel husiles- "I Iwe , " sllid 11j''errr , "I would lke I to ' ' ' ( ' to who ' 10ow-1 11111'el'J' 'lrlols leaIll " III lIext U' , "AIII I al dlterlilled I wi IOOW , since It hUH gOlle so tar , Let liS si IIlent , and wal IIl1t thl'1 go out , 'l'hey Slt looklll at each otlr , all lstening tor the OCClllllllt ot tie box next them to depart , Ireselllb' thc ' hoard the occllpnllt movhu : 0 chair , Blt he dhl not lellve his box , Atherton , wearyllll ot wllltng , mude a moveluent to SluyhprrJ' , rore Rlld stepped to the door of the box , Iayherry rOlle 1150 ; he was passing out afer Atherton , when the door oC thl' stall lied them wall opened Ulldelenb' , ald Mr , 01'11111 contronted then Atherton odv ncod to hl\ ' " Ir he In. tenlled slleultlC , but he chungId i"is mlnll sUddllIly , alld tllrlled alllde , "Good JIY , Ir , Gripp , " slld luyberrJ In hlR cheery , off-hand waJ' , "Good dllY , :11' , llIyberry , " t'o b continued , ' JUDGE STORY'S MONEY , Not 0001 n l ew MUCK from Home , ' 10111 le : lule I I11Hct In 18G ,10sllh QUIIC ' , then n youug 1/1 but recenty gl'/Iluated / fl'01 Ult \'lrll , wns Invle1 ! b ' , Iudgl " ' , a nWIUr of the SlIprlnl hench , to nc- COIIIWY hll to WnshlnJton. ,1mge ) ' ' of the ' ' nt StO' wns one gl'ent 1II\I'S , n vel'lol when con\'crsnton wns can sildet n sort of second profession , In "FI/I'C8 of the 1nst" I" Qulle ' gl"es ni IlIcldellt of thc jourey fwU Boston to Washlllgton , which wna mndl h ' stn ! ( cOlch , 'he Il'st night of 0\ jO\'le ' WIS Spllt It Ashford , In Connoctcut , whm'o wc n1t\ Illte In tl In'enlng ; 111 here thl ! lthm' of widcat cur- rl'ne ' , ns It was IIftel'W/'d ellcll , was fOl'cel 11111 our Itelton , 'l'he hlH of local hlnls woull not cl'euln tl IJ'j'OIHI the town II which tl " Wlre ! ISSUl.'l1 amI whel , hllge ' ' , who had Icglectld ! to vro\lle himself with V"II'd Stntes nltes , of- flred tw 1111or II Sllel hi In pn ' - mellt for his sUI'per ' , the 1111 stnl'ed nt It ns If It hlld heen the WIIIHI ot the I mIlns or the shel money of the South Sca Islnnders , " 'I'hls Is not good , " snll the host , "and I thlll ; 'ou 1USt Imow It. "I Imow It Is good retorted the judgc , tesl ' , "AmI I'l tcl , 'ou , how I know It I Ilde It myself ! ' 'j'hls rl'ply , at which thc landlord COUlll mlke nothing , uliess It werl the cOlfesslon at a forger , did not mend mltel's ; IInd I was fortullate that I hnd Il'ovlded m 'sllt wih sOle nuton. nllotes , whleh cnded thc dUlculr : , 'l'he lxplnluton WIIS that , Tudge Stor ' , us II'eslent at a Sllem bunl. , Ind signed the bl 'l'ho Sni of the Sea , Houghl ' spelklng , If 'ou tlle the sal Olt ot tie sca wlter 'ou delJh'e It ot a thirteth of Its weIght , On thut llsls onc.thlrteth of the entire wllght ! of 11 the sea watel' In tie world Is sal lnd , lS sal and wlter are Ibout the Slme In hulk , we In ' estmate also that , b ' bul" one-thirteth ot the . huge mass of the ocenn Is pure salt Whut docs this brng us to ? 'rlll\ng the 130,00,000 odd squm'c mies of the f'e oceans to n verge II mile aud 1 half deep , we ha ye In thcm alone : . ! OOOOOOOO cubic mies of salt wutlr , A thl'tlth ! of this should gl\'e us the buil at tw Sll contained In the " 'Tent wlters of the globe , Hounding the lgures , we get something - thing lte iOOOOOO cubic mle3 at SII I It were talln ; : out and spreud o\'er thl . s\tlce at the six cQntnents the would be conrell wih is snow o powder - der to u depth at oyer two hundred teet 'o put It Ilother way , It ul the earth wel'e sll wute' ttere would be enough sul II It to mnl ; two globes ot sold sllt ver ' lte smllller than our moon , A GI lltlu llotcoritc , Prof , Ienrj' A , " 'urd has IInnouneod the dlsco"e' ' at II gl'elt meteorite In Westlt'n . ) llxlco , 'he stone weighs fft tOis ; It Is thll'teen feet one Inch II Il.'ngth 11111 la ' burled by the terrifc fOI'cl of Its own mOlentum neurh' twent ' teet In the eurth , Smul portons ot the meteorIte wel'e bl'oken ol ; tw rcmnlnller was left Intnet fOl' the tm ( ' being , 'l'he cost ot trlsllrtng the stone to the sea const , sevcnty-olle mies , would 1m'e been more thnn rOOOO , A Horizoltal 'l'I'CC , At Shltted , lenr ) Intzen , an Aus , triln holllln ' l'ISOI' luch patronIzed bj' the \Iellllese , there Is n tree which has the most slnjulnr characteristc ot growlllg horlzontnlj' o\'er the lodge of n decl ) holow , 'j'he tree Is nbout tCI j'elrs old , Ind t wo 'e's since , lS the resul of n laldl111 , It fel Into Is II'es. ent Iwslton , wlh Is brl\chcs UIH\'I'ds nnddownWlllH , nnll so his gl'own evcr since , 10worlnJ IIld 1'lnng just as I thl posltol wele Ilt\ll , " ' ' ' " ) I'llft nimal ! , A 1 I'ollch Ilthol'lj' lstmntes ! the IIJI\'I' of hOl'lls II the wlwll lt H , . 100,00 IIHI the IIllber of Jlles 11111 ISSIS lt 1,1UOOO : ! , Deslltc the Ino\ls : of tl IltoUohle , thlle IH 11IISI11 ' dPIllHI ' dm1'1 nllJllH 111 thl' IH'lcl1 are hl h , . G 1'l'Clla 111'1 1"(1),1 a I ll , < : I'eelllu3 110lulltll , h ' the l'eCllt cellSIS , Is toIj ; ! 1 j 1'1. ' lell , ! SUO ' ' WOIOI , 1'11 1101111 tl I Ilcl'else ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , 'J'hN'e ' IIholt ole 111Il1'od 'III'Ij I : Islnl ' t went ' to t WCltj.t ye fll 111 ' ' ' ' , Ih'ownll Icchll'ltS eleh 'el' 'l'hl I "CI'IIO mal PI "R his 1IIIh'I' ' ' ' } ' , If hI' hi \'l' JhloSOIhlcll sees tll 1 : mlJhbol' . Is IIssessed III tl Slle (10' IIOI'tOI. Attcr I 1'el ' ruce tor 1 hljlluut Jln ' al heires marl'll a run'lluwl nobleman , . , , . . . . . . " . - . I ' , ( . II I , I , , 1 I " - . . " . " I \ , f Words of Washington. I h h h h hhh & & A " " : : ' ' : : " " . . . I \ { ' , " , , - . ' IH' thl' ' ' , ' ' ' ' I'cssort of , 'hl. bnttIi11 houll IIRt IIHOI'I'I thl 1l'I'ull'l' natons 'llle Is II IttIIIIIIIII'I'IS H' ' 110JI'lss10I 1101 ' thl extrcle of lullchy to tw Ixtt'Il ot t "I'III ' , 111 Il'hlll'Y IHWII' II 'most Ilsl ' establshed the ' 01' ' ' ' to ' ' , " Oi l'I11S Ihl'I't" I hUH'1 Il'lUtOISlIl'SS Til lnsls of ll' P 111 Ial H 'stlIR Is tll 11 lt of thl people to Inlw IInd t alll' thlh' cOIStitUtollS ot JO\"II'11111 Blt 11' lonlttullol which ut IIY tllw lxlsts ! , ti IhnlJ111 h ' 11 IXIIIIt a 11 lutlntlc ICt of tl whole ' , Is ' ' ' , ! ) l'ople Snll'ell ollgltlW UpOI al Is thl' ' \ ' , allll ' ' uot ' , of - I ImOIJ 1'\'ls 1I'I'hlPl til' Si I 1 18t democrltcnl JOV- ' ' , Ihat the . ' ' ' ' , this l'I'llllts Iopll. mlst teel ll'fol'l t1 enu Sle 'Vhel hlp Ileus , tl' 11'l 1I0lseil to Ictlol ; helcc I Is thn1 thmw Idlds of go\'erument h II'C so slow , t , aud Obsen"l ' Joel fllh nud jlstcc tOWI1d 11 ultons , ald culh'lte pence' hl'101j nIt FII ' apllsed of the 1IIll'IICe whleh sOlll lelrulllg hns ou rclglon Ind , Innnl'S , ou govelnnHnt , Ihlt ' , 1111 IIW , I shll enl ' Illent m ' wnnt ot ahltes to malw It stl moll l'xtln l\e , I1I1 ' wl\l \ OIlttc'lh ! ! 1'ntll' fOlee , In ole Instanccs , than rlgol ; It Is , thlll'fol'l 1j tl'st wlHh to hu \ my wholl cOllluct IlstlJllshld bj It I hl\'l ! Ih'l'111 ' Inthlatld to 'on tw dll CI' or plltes In the Stlte ; let mo uow tilI mOl'e ( 'Ollll'lhllI h'ullw , , nllll WIIU YOI In tl 10lt sollmD malneI I/nll t the bllfuJ (111,18 o the tlllt of PUl't ' , ; nerl ' , II ! ) rlpO'tol fS tl HI 11(11 of I /o\el'llent JIVl ! ! fOl'ce to plblc ) , It Is be , OIlllon Isscutal thlt Illhle oplnlol houll enlghtened Hltnlltol ! Is Celtllll ' jUlt , 1111 OI\tIIS IlClSSIII ! ! ) ' , cycn wherl ut- tlIHll1 ! wltl thc se"el'est 11lIallR ! ; but wlln till' \ ' ' 1\'ls whih In IJ Ind lust resul fl'OI It excelll ! thosc Iltcldll to be rlll'CSBed ! , prudence und 1101c ' reluh'e thl tit shoull hI / , 'ollet ! . Ofl the dlslJOsltols nlll habis whleh 1I'III to poltcal pl'ospe1t , re- lglonn 101'tlt ' lre hllllpclsn bll suPtOrt8 , In vuln would tllt milD clnll tll 'lbute of pltrlotsm who s1oull Ilbor to subvert thosl plllrs ot hUlll hlpplless , these frmest prOl18 or the dutes at men Ind cltlzels , , TRIBUTES TO WASHINGTON , l lteellnlAtecton Shown the Pnthcr ( f III COlltr , ' , "lor upon our sol-of ) lIrl'lIts IIlso bul UOII it-lIe\'er for n momellt hl \ ' - ill hlll sl ht of the old world-Illltru t- I'd Iccordlug to the modes of his time , IlIlj' III the surc , 1)lalll , but wholes'lIIe ) el'lIIelltl' ' knowledge which ll' illstl. ttlols IH'o\'lde for the chlhlrl1I ! of thl ! Ileoillerowllg U ) helle 11th 1\1 II'I0' tl'uted b ' the ellille 1III1elces of Alllericun sucictj'-I \'hll ; frum Illfalle\ , ' to lIIullhood IIld 1 l IIlIIidst uur eXuII- 1111 ; , blt 10t luxllrlou ! clvlzutioll-IIU" takill ! ill 111' Irelt destiny of lahll' , ( , ur III cllltest wih 111'eciaimed Iatl'l ulld ullevizell lIIal-lur nlOIl ' of glorJ' , the \ \ I' If IIdeplllellce-onr ! I'eut'Ictory of ) elce , the fl'lIIatoll of the Ulliol , alld the esta blshlllellt of the cOllstltn- till-Iw is IInrs , Is ul , ul 0111' OWI'ashiltul 'ril foregoln ! WIIS wrlttell bJ' Daniel Wl'lstel' III I'egnl'd to the 11'ather of Ils " , the ' of whose COllltrJ" 111111\'ersary hlth , ueeasloll thllt III freshl ' I 111 ever relCIII- ! el'el hj' Amerlcall hearts , "le WIS the lil't ml1 of thl time III which ho I'iW , " Wl'lte ! llflS Choate , "Ils lelOr ) ' Is ll'st ulld lIIost slcred In our lovlud ! : ' " , the Illst of .n'I" hereaflr , ti droll fl'eeze III the Illst ' 110011 shal Alel'llall ! , lnlt , his II a II shlll be a sel of IHWC\ ' ' Illtl mlht , 'l'h"ro Is ono el"sollal , oue ; ) valt fllct ' which 110 11I111 can sha\ with hllll , the ' ' I was dlllJ' Lenlltj' fnll matchless glorj' of his twlrlll ! nlil lfe , hich elahled hllll to creatc his cllultrr , 111 lt the Sllllle tI1e seclre ni 1\1)'lu ; , " ' the whole ' \"e 111 rell'll frull Amel'i- " lnllle ! , UIHloubtedly ' "II ) IIlre Wel'l ol'a \ allt wise allll good lIIel befm'es III ' II evel'r'lolollj' , Bnt the . \mcl'ical ,11101 , as I 1I11tII1 , I 110 10t reckoll to .1/ / \1' \111 heforl ! liil , IInd the lil'st lo\'e f Ihnt YOIII America was \Vashlll tel , l'hl' ll'st'm'd Hhe Ised WIIS his 1111" " , Illr 1'l'llstrllIth Iole It , I Is Htil ! ' , be : II II'OHI ! acliatlon I wl tl1 1.1"1 : as ( If 1II' I'Xllil'll ! ; life , Ahollt 111 11'011111 him we 1'11 111 no disselltiellt , , . ' 'ol'talt 111 tissntlstell IIIIllls , 11 'lilll:1 1I'Ijlllll'e II hils , 110 1tI't ' , 10 , 'I'I't'll 110 of nltics , : \ of toglIIl ) , II' " ' ' "hlil nssall hllll , Yes , whlu thl ' ! 11'1 uf Imlll' ; rows darkllt 111 rn I' " lhlst , thl 1II11II1r ' of Washlntu\ shal ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . \ ' ' allll ' .1'1'1 I'\'I' \Iwl'lcal 1'11I cwe' ' ' ' ' ' , \ ' ' ' , l'\'t'I' - \Ilrll'all hl'l'l I shal 1 1- ! 1111 thnt 1I'I11I1nl Hl'e , that Ilhllll' 1IIIIl' of ) all'lollllII , thnt dc\'otl'd In\'e of ' ' ' his worlls have " - l'"II1I' whlh 1011I- 1111111'11 , which his eXamlle hils cOllse- l'I'aled , " 'I'hc HIO ' of GI'ore 'YIIshlllgtoll'S lfl Is all oltl 01 hit the salelt facts 1\1 hlal' I'ell'a t II : : , 10 was horll at \ \th'II ' , \ \ ' I'stlllorelalll ( 'Ollt " , Vir- ! ula , Flh , : . ! : . ! , 1 ia : . ! , 1\111 frolll la : to 7:1 : al what Is IOW IOIII Yll 011 , ald \ \ 1111 he WIS i 'I'li's ell he wus tal.el [ " 111 I'Htatn 011 the lap\lahalllloel. \ , III- 10t oJO Il 1"I'llllrl'Ihllrc , 'l'he futh- " 1' was Ol of Ihe Ilrosll'rOlii plullter of \ ' ' ; , ahle tl Ilvo his chidren what " . \latllll the tlmll cOlld afford , 'l'he , ' "I h'neher of I ; I'O'/t ) Is l'elllted to ha\'o , . ' 11 a cOI\'lct , wholll his flltbor houjht lcr thl 1)JOSI'1 \\'oshlncton's \'hlolll , ! ; 1'1111'11 bl'forl ! hI ! WIIS 1 Ils I : tllt hrllllltenrl'er 111 u Boldler Ind I 11lnll hlll Ivell to his tor ) ' Baie of , . 10t Inten'stllC pllCO : , "I wall Htrallge , " wrote 'l'hackerny , 'Ihllt III a In\'II n forest of Pellnsylva. Ihl a "OlnJ. ; Ylrsllil otcer should fre 11 . J shot , and wakell up II Will' thllt was ta lust for Ilxt , j' lll'S , which WIIS to covoi his OWI cOlntry IIlId pass III to to cost Frallce her Amcrlenn colonIes urOllB to seyer ollrs fl'OI us IInd crellte th ( relt Wlstel'lI re\ublc ; to rnge o\'er th III world when I'xtill/lllshed ill \ " / tl 10W\ IIlId , of ul the III Tltd8 ellgnged III llt \'nst , to ' , COlltlst Ila\'e the prize ) f the greatelt ftle with hll who struck th4 Il'st hlow , " . \1 to tle exteel II lid IIlTectoll In whl'h the lIale 1I1It ! chllructer of " 'lIsh , ill1tull WI'l'e held Olll ! CUIIIot do hettcr UIIII flllote Llfa 'ele , who \\'I'ote from Frunce as folows : " 'Vel'l j'OI hit slIch a lall ns .11111111 Cuesar , 01' thl ! Kin ; ; of Irllsslll , I Ihould allllost he sorr ' for j'OU at the enll of Ihe ; ; leut tra ed ' where J'ou lire such II \urt , Blt , with IJ' dear IIctn ! , I lit the hlessill of rljoice s II pellco wh n 0111' 1I0bie emll ha\'e heell sCcured , He lIIelllher 011' Vnler Forge tmes ; and , 11'011I a recollectioll of past dUlIgers IInd lahorll , we 11111 he Ktl more plcllled ot 011 present cOJfol'tllble sltllnloll , I CRn , 1I0t hit el\'Y the hnp\llllel8 \ of my 1l'IInd , ch Iltlrel , whel lleJ" wi be IIbolt cele hratllg alld worshlpill your nnme , TQ ha\'e nf their \ olle IIlIeestors 1110llg you I sohlerl to klulhe hnll the oed fol tllle to he the frield of 'ollr hea' , wl ho the etl'ltl hunor III whleh thej' shat " gIOI' ) ' , 'l'he poet Shele ' , IIbnarll all America/ bhlp , drlllklllg to the hellih of / "lIshlni tOil 111 the proslIl'rity of the AmerIca cOllllonwealh , rClllnrkell : "As II warrl')1 111 KtllteslllUI he was rlghteols III ni II Ild , ulllke an who Irell hefure or sllIce : hI' lewr IIsed his power hit fi" tle ben efit of his fl'lnw cr'atllrl's , " Ontlu'io'l Hllo AWlkcnin , II tIll 'elrs' tml there wi lot bo old ' , ' ' II Olltl'lo alj' fl'lWood to sel 111 whlll SOIO fa1lers wi hlYI I'nough wool 101' thcl'lr own use , IOB of t h < 1 wi he COllwl < d to bul cOlI II the southel Illt ot' Ollllrio Coun t ' , about IO III' Cllt of tl fal'lel'l : I'l usll eOfl , 1111 UO 1111' eelt of then hn\'e 'I wood 01 their 111Is , In othC 101J-setllcII Ilsll'llts tl condltol I ' ' ' , ' 11'll II'h thl ! III 'Ihl hush Wil tIl 1'll'lr of tIl plOI'l' , 111 his SOII 1111 gl'amljnlls hl'l Iwpt Ull the ( lui a1hou h the 1)lolcl' Is lOl1 Ia 1 , al Ihe hUHh lOll mlsslol , ; 1J0 whlllJd Illto sul The counl' ' 1IIIIs trees , however quie Is110 11'01 Its Icld fol stOYI wooe , 'Ihe stl'eams of tl 11'O'IICI 110 shrlllllvlslhl ' . ald the clluatc Is ' ' , becuuso 111L'rgoll Ihlngl' of tl 11SlPIWalIl'e of the h'eQs wih whlcL IInll'l 1101111 the counh' ' , Jnlr \ \ 'I'lil ! : . rOUl' 'Ihe , yol'l' lit t hi' tllllhollus \ E I "lIelo , cl'ntrl ! " "nllo ! " l'I'pll 1 tle soft \'olce , "Gye Jl )1111UI ) And Slj' , cen tril , he's the lent of this I'm ! Ilt lv In II 1'1 10111 to usk him whlt'l the reason \O llol't ret any stellr t , heat Please tlke your elr a WiY trai ' the 'pbouo whie I 11 talking to hlw. 'lhought nnll deel nre the luSIortl to endlllnl tnll-Skobclot - - -