Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 19, 1903, Image 5

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} 'Jgu I'l' : ' fJ'IfJll I hi' Inl "I' ( ale ( } "UlIlI 'I'l'e
CUIIIUlI..lnu Bl'p"'I.
l The preliminar ; report of the
income and expenditures of rail-
t wa.ys in the United States for the
year ending June 30 , 1902 , has
just been issued bj' the interstate
commerce commission. The
mileagc represented in this report -
port , which .is compiled from the
returns of ( ,63 operating roads , is
195,385.53 miles , or about 98 per
cent oi the total.
From the summary of earnings
from operation it is seen that the
gross earnings on 195,385.53
miles were S1,711 , 754,200. For
the year ending June 30 , 1901 ,
the gross earnings on 195,561.92
miles wer 51,588,526,037 , indicating -
cating a probable increase during -
ing the year 1902 of about
Passenger earnings amounted
to $472,429 , lJ5 , or 27.60 per cent
of the total gross earning" ; and
freight S1,200S84(103 of 70.16
per cent of the total. 'rhe av'cr-
age of gross earnings per mile
was $8,761 , which was" $638
greater than the average for the
previous year.
' 1'he aggregate of operating
expenses for the year was 51,106-
137,405 n expenditure of' 55Cl61
per mile as compared with the
previous year. ' 1'he raito of
operaring- expenses to earnings
64.63 per cent is a trifle smaller
than it was for 1901.
The net earning's of the railways -
ways covered by this r < 'port were
$605,616,795 , an increase over the
previol1s 'year of $51,396,421.
- -
n pportunities
in the South
No portion of the United States
has made greater progress in the
last year or two than the South.
Northern and forcign capital is
rapidly invading that scction ,
finding profitahle investment in
the various industries and , factories -
tories that arc being rapidly developed -
veloped and built. The grcat
influx of settlers is creating" an
increased demand for lands of
all kinds and prices arc gradually -
ally advancing , as thcy will for
years to come. 'Vork is > lcnti-
ful and poverh' practical l y un-
known. Alab'ama is. supplying
coal and iron to all the world.
More mOlley can he made and
with les ! ! labor in the raising of
5malliruits and bcrries aud in
truck patching on the Gulf
Coast than in nny other state in
the Union. Strawbcrries from
Alabama rcach northern mark.
ets beforc those from the states
in the southeast. Cattle can be
raised with great profit , there
hcing millions of acres of cheap
, ) . . . , range lands. If your arc tlter-
ested in the south and its resources -
sources Rnd dc'si-e information
on an ) ' su ject , IUldress
G. A. PARK ,
General IndustrIal and Immigration -
migration Agent ,
Lunls\'II1" . \ ; llsll\'lI1tj It It
ct\\JI \ "II.II' : , l " . _
. .
Net earnings per mile were $3,100
which exceeds net 'turnings per
mi1e for th 'pre\'i' us' ) 'ear bj"
'l'he " reeeh'
operatillg" railways "
ed SS2,7H,41J2 from sourceg not
directl ) ' connccted with operation
such as im'estments in stocks
and bonds of railwa ) ' and othcr
corporations , and from miscellan.
eous sourccs. This amount , com-
uined with the nct earnings stated -
ed , makes a total of $688,331,287 ,
beillg the sum at thc disposal of
the raihva's for corporate ex.
penditur < 's and surplus.
The didendg declared during
the year amounted to $160,685-
959. 'rhe dividcnds of corresponding -
pending roads for the prcvious
veal' were $120,851 2 % , from
which it appears that the , returns
to the stockholders were nearly
$30.000,000 greater than thc ycar
I-O-IJ. . , , . , , , I. ' C'UI tltCoUUoiI
Prof. L. E Porter , Dramatlo Leader
and Impersonator , of York. Nebraska -
braska , at the U. B. Churoh ,
FrIday Evonlng February
20th 1903.
Prof. Porter has a finc reputation -
tion as an enterta111er. He was
with Rollin W. Bond's Company
of specialists in their recent tOlir
of thc state , and his work has
receivcd high commendation.
He will render some of his best
selections , and will also give an
exhibition of decorated club
swinging. ' 1'0 all people who
love good entertainment this
will be a treat. Mr. Ralph Par-
lette , lecturer , sa's , "I have
heard Mr. Porter 111 b th humer-
us and dramatic interpreation.
I am free to sa ) I think I have
heard some good Readers , but
not until I heard Porter did I
realize the passibilities of pant-
omimc work. Indeed I consider
Porter the best Pantomimist I
l1a vc ever seen. "
35-37 \V. F. PERRY.
Unlttll "uunCOPICN tloclcty
Convention of the Union Young
.P'eoples Society to be held at the
Presbyterian. church March H ,
1903. Meeting 'all'(1'ay. Program -
gram as follows :
1I11 rhe I'rnyer me..tlng ' . . . . . : . . . .7:3Oto : 8:30. :
Lo'1 ! Uy lthe. Gertlo Orr.
DcvoUonaSelvlcel' IInd Buplncs Senloll..2 o 3
Led hy Itum h Hyer801l.
"Iwcinmll.le. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'ren Intnuu IIlId11'8" by. . . . . . . . . . . .thv. llI'tJer.
" , 'n mlnllt. . . . undre s i. , . . . . . . . . . . Hev X811(11)/8. (
\'cn \ mlloll'p , 'ddres ! ! by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rcv Morr"
pl'rlpl In pic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\011 \ m\J'UI \ 8 ud.lreps by. . . . . ' . . . . . . . nev. " 'rltep.
'r. n ml' IItl'K Hddrt-8p bv. . . . . . . . . . . . nev.l'erry.
" ( 'ton mlnut..p Rddr"8. by. . . . . . . . . . . . . K' v. AllIson
, " ' DIRellpsiolll'y 1111. . . . . . . . 4:00 : to 4:3IJ : p m
, 'lopllJg .ong by an. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ucvotlollllllervlce8 . . . . . . . . . . . .6:80 : to 7:30 p.lD.
Uy H A , Watle.
SDpclnl mlll'lc. . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\dllrl'S8 Chrlst1 < ln lrellowshlp. . . . . . .n Lomax.
\dclr. PI' . . . . . Growtb IIml plolreu of tbe Young
1'1" pies ( 'hrl.l1a mOTCm..Dt..F A. : ; klllll1aD
AltdlMP. .1'erl'l' " 01 n"l.elllll llcrlycd from b loug-
IIIU to IIYnung Poople8 Socloty. . . . .Pr r. DavIe.
Qppplalmu-tc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Addrv6e How Is II Clmroh bcucJlled by Itl
YII'lO ; : PooJllep Boolely . . . . . . . . . . . J. W Le\\I- .
Address. 1'08.lbLltle8 of the Uliioll. . A , I' . Johsoll
\.Inslng song by 11 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .
A spccial invitation is extended -
ed to all Young People of the
county and city.
J.O'V II. " 'l'1 " 'VEHT.
$25.00 to l'ortlalltl , 'J'acomaand Scattle.
$27.40 to Stln Jfrancisco and Los
AII eles. . .
$ Spokanc.
$20.00 to Butte alltl Helena.
Proportionately low rates to hundreds
of other points , illCludillg Dig Horn
asinVo. . , Montana. Idaho , Washington -
ton , Oregon , IIritish Columbia , California , !
etc. '
Byerr day Fehruary 15 to April 30. '
Tourist cars daily to Calif01'1lia , per-
sOllally conductcd excursion three times
a wee : .
'l'ourist cars daily to Seattlc.
Inquire of neare3t Burlington Route
agcnt. 34-41
. 'fhnt ( } hnreh 'frlnl
\Ve have been unable to get
the full particulars of the Lodi
church trial , and do not care to
advertise the affait any more than
it has already been advertised ,
- - - - - - - - -
, Norlh Side of 'l'rack.
'ORI Rt All bonr
u"en flRY snd III/hl / ,
Fillo I' .Indica Ulld clgar8.
'IInci Duroo , Tortoy lings bred and s ld. I'.t blood
'orthelrcluss. Addrers , G. K. O.\DWKIL.
lIrokeli Do\V , Nebralkll
- - -
Alwavs have the best quality of
Lumber nd ntlll'r buildlfg , oa-
teria's ' at 'tho IJowHllt PI iocli.
'Phone o 10.
C. ! { . JUDKINS , .Manager.
. . , .
" . ' I
although we will say that it was
aired in Justice Beckwith's court
011 Monday , before a jury ! and
that after'remaillingout ail night ,
that body failed to agree , and it
will have to be aired again. It
appears that the E\'angelical
church of that placc brought suit
ag-ail1st Oscar Goal' , ex-treaSl\rer
of the League to recovcr S24,15
which was ill the League trcas-
ur ) ' , and which it appears the
church and League both claim.
Notwithstaru1 ng the fact that
the costs of the case will be man\ '
times more than the amount i .
volved , it is a poor example for a
church to enter into a l w suit.-
Callaway Queen.
The above indicate that th
parties interested in this suit
have forgottcn or willfully disregarded -
regarded the advice given by St.
Paul ta the Corinthian brethern.
In the 6th chapter of 1st Corinthians -
thians , 1st verse , says :
"Dare any of you having a
matter against another" go to
law ? " ' " * *
The 7th verse , says :
"Now , therefore , there IS utterly -
terly a fault among you , because
ye go to law one with another ,
why do ye not rather tale wrong ?
Why do ye not suffer yourselves
to be defrauded 7"
Personally , we know nothing
01 the case except as quoted
above , but let who may be wrong
in the matter , from Christian
point of view going to law over
the matter is not justifiable. A
continuation of wrong can not
make it right and the best thing
the parties of the controversy
can do J'et is to get together and
compromise the matter without
further litigation.
IIClldlllK , . . .Ucr . .c. . . . 1'111' " One _
11..1f I-rice.
Your choice of the followill combina.
tions for one year for $1.00. These com-
billations include the best farm papers
published , 1\1)(1 thc WJUtKI.V WORID-
IIItRAI.D which giveR you the latest news
every Tuesday und Frirll\Y.
No. I , Weekly World.Herald , '
larm allll Home ,
American Swineherd ,
American PouUry Journal.
NO.2 , Weekly World-Herald ,
Orallge Judd Farmer.
. NO.3 , Weekly World-Herald ,
Prairie Farmer and
Prairic larmer Home Magizine.
An ) ' onu of the r.ombinations for $1.00.
Address all orders to WItItKIN WORLD.
Herald , Omaha , Nebraska. 34-37
OOOl1'l1n ) ' lU. Attelltlon
On Friday night February 20 ,
The Fourth Annual Mil itary
B ll of the Company will be
g'lVen at Groat's Opera House.
Evesy soldier is not only expected -
ed to be present , but is respectfully -
fully asled to be present in ful1
uniform , presenting as nice an
appearance as possible. The invitation -
vitation for each soldieris retained -
ed by the Commanding ofiicer of
the c.ompany and will be delivered -
ed to the member in p rson. Let
it be the aim of each to make
this ball a success. The Company -
pany is ordered to report at the
Armory on Saturday night February -
uary 14th at 7:30 : p. m. for drill
and to do all business t1mt may
come before it. By order of
N. ' 1' . GADD , 1st Serg't.
Meet to Org III1.e.
On Februar ) ' 21 , 1:30 : p. 111. at
the Court House in Broken Bow.
Those interested in the cooperative -
tive shipping of grain and live
stock will meet to perfect an
organi1.ation. Farmers , landowners -
owners and merchants should be
present. Its a hread and' butter
question and husiness all the way
' 1' . C. H. BA YURIIOltltER.
otlco or Slwcllil Electloll.
' 1'0 the mumbers of the Custer
C < ; > unty Agricultural Society and
LIve Stock Exchange. 'rhere
will be a meeting at he Court
House in Broken Bow , Neb. ,
11'ehruary 25th , 1903 , for the purpose -
pose of electing a President and
Secretan' . . 'rl101\tAS } 1'INIIN ,
E. C. HOUSH , Secretary.
LuaUvlI Dromo-QullllllPTublet carrl a cold
In OliO d/l ) . No curu. No PAY Pllc . 2i Ctouh
Chns. l'ellll He.Allflollltcd
T4ast evcning' the board of puh-
lands and buildings announced
the re"appointment of Charles
Penn to be commandant of the
Millford soldiers' home. Mr.
, Penn has been in charge of the
home for the past two years and
had practically no opposition for
the place. He has given general
satisfaction during his term of
office through his areful management -
ment of the affairs of the ins-
titution. - '
The committee from the house
. . . . .
Improved and unimproved fann lands.
The poor man'f' last chance to se urc 1\
home. Lands 901d on ens ) ' tenll1 of
Bro\cn \ now , - - - NebrM\t\ \ .
. . . . " ' '
: : : : :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
on soldicrs' homcs which reccnt-
lj' visited the institution found it
in good sHape , but. will support n
reccomme-ndatioll for repairs and
additions. It is probable that a
new structure will be erected for
the commandant and his family.
Last fall there was some talk of
a scheme to remov the Grand
Island home to Milford. 'rhis
was one of Governor Savage'
pet schemes.-Lincoln Evening
News. .
Notlco for BIds to Complete the LII-
lion Irrlgotlon Ditch.
Gates , Neb. , Feb. 10 , 1903.
Notice is hereby given that-
sealcd bids will be received for a
contract to complete that portion
of the Lillian Irrigation District
Ditch , situated in Custer county ,
according to specifications on file
in the office of the secretary of
said district. Said bids to be received -
ceived until/March / 10th , next , at
noon , at which time all bids will
be opcned and contract let or
bids rejected' 'rIds contract will
call for completion of all unfinished -
ished earth work , waste gates ,
waste ways and Humes. 'rhe
contract price to be paid with
the bonds of said district. By
order of district board.
E. N. BISHOP , Sec'y.
36-38 J. E. ASH , Pres. Pro'rem.
l.cUcr t.IHI.
The following is the clcad
letter list for the week ending
February 17 , 1903 :
Arthur Dar , J. E. Drawbaugh ,
Christ , Drussen , Wm. Smith.
Parties calling for thc above
will please say advertised.
L. H. JV.WF.TT , P. 1\1.
---o < h. . . .
0\ 110fu
. ' . ! ' " '
c 0.//
$ / /
. , f\\C t1tllt
Co' " 0. .
. . .re. AIWI\'JI reliable. .Jadlea uk Drurrlet ror
tU'CI"'IIT'U'H : EN"OLINI ( III ICed and
Oold m talilo boxes , calClt with blue ribbon.
Taln , no olher. Urnaae dIlIlKr"oll. aubaU-
luUon. nnd ImltaUon. . Buyof ) 'our IIrun1et.
or end .1. . . In . tltmp for I'arll..ulnra. Te.U.
monlal. nnd Uel" ' " "or I."U. . . . . . In IIUff.
by I'flurn M.dl. 10.000 'rcstlmonlals. Hold b7
all Drug/I.ts.
8100 Madlaon Nquart. , " . .ILA. , p
: UentioD tt.J. . .p. . . .
U . . . . . I.J I nd ) ffi e. ,
JAMES WDJTEIIEAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /teglner
I . n. yOUNG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Reeolver
All Ildycrll.ements unller tblR hCRd will ho
chllrged tor nt 101'01 rRh . vlz : 5t.00 I" r
for ftret InRerllon , and lOe per equllro ror bacb
RllbpcqllO t III crtion.
A " qollre" tR lon Ilne or fraction thl'reo' .
Notloe of Speolal Eleotlon to Vote
Water Dond. .
Notice 18 hereby Ilvcn to the legal olec-
turs of the city of lIroken Bnw , Nebraska ,
that on 'l'uesday. the arll dn ) ' of March ,
100.1. II. 8peclal oloctlon will ho hold In 8ald
city of Broken Bow for the purpose of
votlnJ ( upon the followlll" proposition vlz :
" 11U1I the city of Broken Bow 188uo
boud8 tu be knownl1s "Wator Bond ! ! " In
the ' 111m of thirteen thousand nlllo hundred -
drod ( f13OOO ) dollarfl , for the purpo o c.f
pnrchtlslng the Brolccn Bow Walor Work8
system , tOINthor with nil crcdltt ! due said
water w rks company for water rOllta :
ulldl r the contract now In force botwocn
tlnld water worl < s corn/Hlny / 11.1111 said city
'l'hlrteen of salet hOllds to be Is uod In the
sum of one tllous ntl ( $1000) ) dollars oaeh ,
ntl 0110 of saId bonds In the SU"I of . .Ino
hundred ( $000 , ) dollars. II of said honds
lllyablo to beltrer aud to hecome dUI ! In
twenty years from the d to of tholr Issuo.
hut payable at IUI ) ' tlrno nfter IIvo years
from thl1lr date Ilt the option of said city ,
fllld bonds to dr w IIvo pcr cent Interest
per Ilnnum , payable nnnnally. 'fho prln'
clpll' and Illtore t of siliel hontls p yable I\t
the IIscllll1loncy of the state of Nebraska
In the cIty of Now York , saId hond ! ! to he
sold or tJtchlln ) ed at not less than for
the purehllso of lIald WftterWorks 8)'stelD i
and shall then 110 levied and collected
each year UpOIl 1111 the Iruble property or
said city II. Ileneral tax to nil rUliount sum.
clent 10 pay the Interest aud prillclpill III
8altl hands ns the Brunu maturo. "
By order of the City Conllcll of tltu City
of Broken How , Nebrnsl < n.
Dated this : SOth day or Jauuary , tlH ) ; ' ! .
Attest :
1.'retllUnne , } omerl.lon It. Pnrcoll.
I City OIork , lh.JII r.
" .
. .
- - .
- , " - .
. Try 1 aylor & Tholnpson's Coffees.
ri1 tmx ! fiJrlml Iii& I1jti19.E
GIi : m
rli Ij See Here ! Do You Know . '
( ] , ) m h the best place ill town to buy :2 :
( ] , ) \ OJ
u Boots , Shoes , Rubber Goods , : : s
= D
t Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Q 'We carr ) ' a fult and complete line of ; .
Teas and CoffeesFloursMealsTobaccos and Cigars , cp
I ,
) ]
Egg Plums . Frosted Creams m
J Gold Drop Plums Ji'ruitccl Honey rs {
Green G agc Plt\1m Koko Crcams
51 d ) Lemon C. Pcaches VI Orange Cookies m
g Sliced Peaches . Mary Ann Cookies rn
r g Sliced AppricotsD Combinatin Barr I
rn d ) Bartlett Pears 0 Dre Hlcn FlI1gers ( D
Muscat Grapes U U Soda Crackers fD
rn String Beans O 'ster Crackers
Corn and Ginger Snaps
L Millce Meat. nCCda IJiscnits
i . . .Honey Syrup Sorghum. I
m , , . . . m 2 : :
1 1 " ' -
S"'VVee-t ; ; ;
; Po"ta,1oes.E ; .
m Pottcd Meats , J4t\nch Ham , Pelted 'l'onguc , Dried m
Beef , Oysters and .
Q ) m Celery. . I-.rj
m : Jried F-r1.1i .
D. Come and have your mcasurc talon for a 'railor
'C i Made Suit. We handle the Royal ' 1'ailoring , made
C by the Royal 'l'ailors , Chicago. You will pay lcss oj a ; :
CO and dress better by buying thesc goods.Ve have
500 of the newcst ilnd latest pattern. .
en m ( ; )
Q ) J p. .
3i : HARRY DAY 1
( ) m L ] 0
: . Broken Bow , Nebraska. 8. .
J en .
. ill ! ! ; Jj ! t'1f1t\.1aR
I-lighest Market Prices for Produce. .
l'unLlC LAND BALI : .
I.lncoln. Nehrll ka , JIIIII/llrV IhIOOI. : J
: "lollcc 's ' berob. glyon IhRt III pllfll/alleO or In-
struellon" Irom Iho l'ommlRslonl'r 01 the Henor"11
L/lIIIIII/\Ie. / . . unller nuthnrhy ve t. II In h'lII ' hy
eeetiol/2lSS. U.B. Hov. alllt. . ilK IIIIIOllllel' by the
act of Congre ! ! ! nuprovod lI'ehruBrr 2'J. ISO ) ; . wo I
will proceed to olTer allhllc "alo 011 th. . 17th
110) " 01 Fobruary. next. at Ihl 'l1\eo , Ih . t'llIolVllI
tract of lal'.I , to wi' : noli o t(1Ctloli 31. 'L'wlI'
11"1' 16 11. : ltanl/o 20 w Auy uutl 1111 IHH8nllM
cIa mlDIt/lll'orloly the IIhove.'II'M.rllo.IIIIII'IR : . ' 11'0
/ ld"d \ to I'lu tholr cllllm81n thl ol1\co 011 Or ho-
fore 11.11I daYIlbove : dcslgllRtoll fnr the COIl1It1CDlW-
. .ont 01 pnlll sale. otberwbo 'heir ' rll/ht8 will he
for foiled. W , A. OllnN. H gl'ler.
3.37-9 : AT.VA l 1IIKNNAUII.lbcoher.
Lincoln , Nohra8kll. I "hrnllry ' ) , 1\11I3.
Nullco I hl'rohy RlyclI that In "Ur llIII1C 01 III-
strl/clloru from thA Comml llonor of Iho OCliernl
Lant ! omco. under /luthorlty vo led III him by
! ! ccllon2-l55. LT. t : ! , Rev , St"t . ' " amenllod It } . Iho ,
.ot of Congreu .Il ; > ruyod Fehrusrv 2 . 18')5 , wn
will proceed to oller at IlUb'ln ' .fe 011 lhe 13 h ,
day of Mllrch. lUX : . lit this o/\lco / , Iho fnllowlulf
tuet of land to wit ; uw .s. . RW ! ' . Hocllon :1.1 : ,
Townphlp 14 , ItRnu 2 ( ) w , Il' . nei ! IInd RW ! ( .
uw 6eollon 4 , townshll' 13. fllIC 20 w. IIIV ) ( .
BO" " ecllon 10 towmhtll 14 raniio : ; :0 : w. Any
alld nil Iler/lOnR cllllmlliit advorfoly lho sho\'o
Ielcrlhed landR ere RllvlMt.d lo 1110 Iholr I'laim ' "
tblR ofl1co on or beroro the dny ahoy" dllRILualell :
tor the commoncen'ent or PIlIt ! BRio. ether .vl u
tbelr rlghtM will ho forfeited
W. A OIllUtS lIell : tur.
35 40-1 ( , AIE 1\IINN ItIt : . lIoeolyor.
United SIate8 I.Rud Olllce. l
North l'latl , Nobr . Jnuuary.W , 1903. f
Nollco h hereby I-Iyou that In Vl/rMURIICe to In.
'Irloello- from tbo Comrnlpsloul'r or the \I , IIOrll' '
Laud Onr.I'.lInder ! nnthorlty veRle I In him II ) '
Bectlon 24SS.1ttvhod Stntulel' . U. S , . II lI'nonll'd
by ct of Co , I1rtenl'prov"ll l ehrUllry 2 ( , . lfiS
\Ve wlllilrocred to oller at IlIIh\lo 1IR10 ullllll'cioea.
II. m. on the 7lh lIay of Mllrch , 11)03. Rt Ihl8 oilico
tbe follo"lng troct or IlInll v" " ' : : w } ( 81'4 II'C' : !
lIun 35. 'rowlItlplb. IIlIrth of 1/1I11.0.1 ! wet , II' d
tot 1 , HoclllI J 'fuwuphll'.16. nor h IIr IIl1l1g 21
WCMt bth 1' , M. All II/BRUIIp claitullll : nllver81y
, h "bovo described .lIl1llllfn uII\'h"11 to 11111 Iholr I
clrtlm'"lIlIr before , th" rillY dUKI uatcII ror Ih. '
commencomant 0' falrl 8nle. olherwl u Ihelr
clllim. wi I be r.rt-Ilt.ll ,
1 > .1t 1I lit thu 1111111 II Hhlt' . I.tlllli Ol1lco. tIIorth
I'ln" , " 'eh. ' , thl. : : O\h IIIlY or JIII'lInrv. I'J03
82.37-10 tiRO.IC , I'IIIINCU , lteglRler.
- - - -
OTICI of I'UlH.l ' I.ANn BAI.I ,
Uro ell lIow "ehr s"lI. Jllllollry 16 , 11)03
Nollce 18 h 'ft bv glyo" tbltt In lurMnallcu IIr I" .
Irl'cllo from the ommlMAlonor nf the O"II'rlil
1.6nl1 orncp. nndor aUlhorlt , r lcll 111 hllll hy
Section 2455 It..v 8lat. 88 oIDCllllo.1 bv Iho RCt
01 Co. . r" . 8111'roV I " 'hr""Y 211 IWIS , we "Ill
procpcr ! 10 } lfor Bt I'U hl1c R ' " II' Iho 'W"lIt' ' .IIUh
dllY nf Fel rnur , . IIPX' . " ' thl" JI\ \ , ' IIII ! fllllowillj ;
trnc' of I"nd. to.wlt : 'fbo III' or Iho s 11 ' or 8'c ,
tlnl1 H. 'I'OWII nIp III orlh 1I1I1I c 2" " . . . .e8t 0' Ihe
IIlh l' M. AI Y IIlId 1111 11'UnnIRhulng "llv. r. th" abnvo dr r.rlb..1 thms ar" IIdvl.UII III IIII'
lholr claims In thlIIro ! on or b fore thn d
ab'lvo II Ilgnolrd ror Iho Cllmmrl CPIIIOI till AII'II
nle. nthorY/IRo thO'f r'ghle ' "III he forrcllctl
3237-11 , 'AIEH ' \ \ IIITf.UFAII : ltellMtcr.
- - - - - - -
Ulllte.18talPM I.alll0111 , 0 l
Hlohu II ow NubrRijka , Jllnnary 20 1901 r
N.'leo I hereby g'vlln ' tbll Frail I' Wol' ' , IIf
Wolworth. NI'brliBkll. hllsllh'olIolleo ! or Int. . , 11'11
to milk. . Qnal pro t b rr > ro ! t"gl.lor bntl ! tccelvcr
It' hiM ollko In Broltou Bow : icbra-kaon TI/I'Mlay
the : Z4Lh day of lr..hruary. 1OJ , 011 III11hor cl/ltl/'o
OI'P'ICdloli " 0.75J7. : for tht ! NO4 ! of Rccllon o
2 . In townsblp II ) ' \I runlo : : : < 1 w 110 IIl1m"8 II
Wllnl'ple8 : \ \ 1111/110 HarltlIt of Tlounll Yollur.
va"r. ; rank O rtty 01 W'llwortb. Nlthr. ; 011ar1el <
CllI'lltn/ln Of Walworth , Nehr. ; l rHnk DOly of
WlIlIvf > flh. Scbfll k .
3Z.37-11 ! JAIi/l1I WIII1&1I1':101i. : I1 glsler
( 'UI/llty Court ( uster Coul1ty. Nebrauku
Tlltllh ln " 011 lIext or KIn of JIIIDOB 0 ,
IIltlc , I1ceell I'd
YO'I srI' h rehy IInll6eti thllt Clanllo E. IInte
of 8111d d , l'euHrl1 hMS 111011 hilt ( It'llt ' 1111 III altl
I.o\llt. : RMklll' tbllt hu or omo nlh 'r ' Multllhle pur
pall IIlay b 1I\IInled \ ! Atlllllnllt'litor or Iho
8tate 01 JlllUl'a II Vulup d l'cuRI'd. ulil thutI
Knllrdlltn Illens hI ! 11I1\10lnled rllr hl 1II1110r
chlltl"/I. ! 8alol rnatlore hIVe bl'UII ' pet ror hc'rln
for } < 'ebruary ; ! th 1013 ut 10 o'elohkll an. ot tllO
Counly l'Ollrt roolll. Inlrokell 110\\ . Neh'II"IIII.
"hllll Dlllnter..a cd par'.les lIIay al'l' nr 111111 bu
bPII,1 J , \/IMOVII ,
3431.1-13 lpEAI.1 COIIl/ty JIIiI/u. /
. .
- - - - -
In 'I'hll COI/IIlY Caul t of CII lor Counly. Nehru kll ,
'ro , ho ( 'redlton alllll1l1lrll or Jobll W. VnrIJcr ,
/'I'Clln'II ,
' ( 'lIko 110 Ice thlt' unlit It"lIl1lf'r , wllohll
11It'1l hcr petition In IIIU ! 'Ol/rt ' II' killllo.t / " , llloe
\lru\JIJIIY \ of ( 'Ptlltu or 8ulol tlecIJII.atl , urter the
Iarmont 01 Ih , flllll1flll , XpCII O RIIII Cu.tlr BII.
rn1nlijlrllllllll. ho I limed u'or nllli 8.t ( , " tll
her : 111-0 thl ! , ho " , hlllllhlr.tor.1 .J ' 1'00 / ur haK
alpo 1\.1 \ hlK I.ctllm . III 'hilt I'Ollft , , "klll ! ; Ib\t
OpOIi Ibo ! ! I'U n : : ulltrt 10 IlIld IoI'm' all Malll
prolorty. thar Ih" UI"to he . .Icerl'u'\ \ 1-0 10'
eo.vent It 1111 hat III' IIf\ tlldlu'I.lnd : for filCh
oth"r rell"r ItM lIIah J".t " 111111 IlIwrll1. 8Itt ,
IDatlns hRVC h"1I1 ct fnr heltln : : lit the COl/lltV
( : ourt room II Broken lIow. : - < ohruKko 01l1l1l1 14th
dlY or hlllrr.h , 1003 Rt III o'clork a. III.llldr fot/r
"e \lublleat\ol/In \ \ thn Llnler COI/t/ty Iopt/IIII.
( / 11111lO"'I'RJler ' I.ubllsbed . lu thl cot/Illy. lit
"bleh limo aUlt plll'c : all larllc8 Ilitcre lud wlll
he helrd cOlleernln Ihe III mo.
DatlJ < ll'ebruary 7 , 1'J03.
35.38-15 lPUL ] J. A. AnMolllt , CountvJull e ,
- - - - - - - -
1.llIcullI , tCllvcr ,
01..1. . , . Ilclc. . . . ,
Chl-lIK"o. untte ,
. . .t . ' . . . . .Cl.h. ' -orUe..I ,
' " 'HIN' ' ' ' ' CII y , Inlt I.nllc : City ,
MI. 1.0111 , . , . A lid MUll I"co
All 1-01..1 , . . ItnHt . . . .ncl "II-olnl.
. . . IIcl l' 'VcMI.
No. -Vu1t1huIUfI 1 oXI'r08p rllllly. Lincoln. Oma.
hn. t. .Josnpn l..nn 4 City. 8t. Louie. Ohl
I en nllnll alJlolal \ "list11101 onth. . . . 807 a.m.
No. -LoOIII OX\lre IIIly. Lincoln. Omlha.
ChlelWo nllllllIIOllltll \ O "lllllll' lmth.IO 50 a.m.
Nil. II-Vrstlht/lo,1 , oXlru 8 111&1Iy. 1I010na , HI.t.
tic. lIuUo , I'nrtlrmll lIt/d 1\11 I'nolRe Oou\
1IIIIuts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .004. . .
No. ' 13-l.ocal . oXlren" d/llly , A III at/e. . IIiC.
Ilitermedllllolnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 8pa
Hloo"ln , dll.lll/l / : ! In.1 rocllt/lnc , chair C/lrR ( eea\ .
free ) 011 Ihrolllh trllln . 'l'lckeil Bold /111I1 bait.
lIgo chuck.,1 toI'Y ' I'olnt In th UnltOll tato"
IIntl Canlllll.
Inrnrmatlon. mille , tlruu 11111101 alld ttcket
eRII on or wrlto tu II. L. Ormsby. Igeut. or J
Frllt/oh , O. 1' . A. , N Obrlt8kll.
I. . Ol/Mllny. AI/ont. / :
- - -
! 'lIuch ror wellt will clueo Bt 8 ) I. m. . except
! It/nlloy when It will ohlPO at IH 15 P m.
! 'fluoh. 01l8t for trllln No. . . ole " " lit 8 a ! II
nn,1 fOI N'J. H clo os lit. r..30 lI.rn. alaI ! for AUIII'
" 1111 "nlutn OIlMt flf GrllouII IsIlIllI1 o.rrlod onraID
No. 44
OCOlitO 1'111 ' or IIYllo 0011 'l'uckorvillo. tllllly except -
cept ' : ! ulldllY eluRnR , lit 7 II In : rIJturnlrlK M"me day
CllllnwtlY vlo , Mc'l\lIley \ d"lly UXOI'Vt ! lunday
eln'uK lit 7. III , retllrnlnll : "limo day.
IlOun,1 VIIIIU1 viII U"wn 1111I1 Ilton 01010 at1 a
rn..Tllellla ) ' . 'l'/lursllay 1111I1 : ; ulunIB18 , roturnlng
alr 0 tlay
811111nor VIB nllrn ey , GIJOrl1oloWIi end Uvtou
arrrlvoa nt 11 30. 'rUe dll7. ' 1I11/r81101 al/d tatnr" !
day rotllrulnK 10B'Celit 1..30 Mill. . < lny.
01110' hOllrM fWIII ! : I.IXII III to 8.00 II tu , Bou.
day from r.:151I : , 'n. ' " fl:4 : I' . III. l..ollhy opes
\V. . k IlflY frnm 'j B , III. lol ! : m. Bunlth' 8:80
a. III , to II 1m. . ( llmorlil tlo \1 \ vllry not open Buu-
.Iay lIIornlm : R hornl..roru. L Il.J waTT , P.M'
. .
- - - - - - -
'rhis ollice for Ileat job work.
J _ .J SN Y [ ) lCH ,
JJ"'Z ' ID"f1rn ! I'\Irl \ rlmJ.ANI : ! OTAnY '
< : , I " l'UIILIC.
1Ir ! . .JIIMtlco ' , I Ih I'UIIl'U lucllIl : ntl lItOIl Ktven
'II collec lunM l'u(1I1 1 1011tnklI. . p.'n lon vnuch. .
31' IICB'Y ) cXl'cnloI , allc.11 ! , kln < ls tlf I KBI plI\lor.
wrlltou UJlle ( . In tbo rpar or 11 tllli : of Commerce.
IlfOkon IlfIIV. Nollrn&kl\ .
1 [
I - - '
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