Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 19, 1903, Image 3

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I ; . , m - . . . . . m . . * , , W _ < M " 1 * , * . .I ! : 1114. , , . : t' ! . ! .t" : ; : - " :1" . : "i' " 1' .
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, ' 1
Jury Secured to Pass on the Lillie Murder. Review -
view of Charges Against Wife. .
, . \
Extended Presentation by County Attorney of
What He Expects to Prove.
I , * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . * .
! : oox < : ooxiX : ooxiX : ooxX '
o. s. OA ULISLE , farmer
JO EPII IIlUn R , farnier .
GEORGE HUBnER , farmer :
JOlIN ADEN , farmer .
I JOlIN W. WIN'I'ImS , farmer
W r. J. JOI1NON : : ; , farmer. .
BYRON. H. BEAVER , farmer .
JOlIN W. .rnO IPSON , farmer : .
WILLIS H. BIR'l'II , farmer :
A M I O. POOL , farmer .
JAMES L. DEWEY , farmer
1OOXX m > GXi : : GXOOooxooJ0ooxx ) : : : > : ooxG)1Ii !
David Ulty , Neb , Fob. 14.-After
1lJree : days' wurk and the examination -
tion of the re ular panel of twenty- .
four jurors aud ] 07 talesmen , a tota1
Df 131 , a jury was secured this mornIng -
, Ing to try the case of the state of Nebraska -
braska against Mrs. Lena 1\1. Lillie ,
char ed with murdering her hns.
band. Harvey I.JI 111 e , on the morning
'Ot Ootober 24 , ID02. All the jury-
I men arc tarmers and representatl\ '
cltizons. A 11 were talesmen.
Mrs. Lillie was accompanied by her
father , mother , her sisters , Mrs.
Grant and Mrs. Greslnger. and Sam
Ll1l1e , brotber of the nllrdered man.
bIrs. LIllie seems In a cheerful 1110 Id
tbls IUornln and from appearan ces
Is well prepare fur the trYing or ea,1
which Is Just commencln .
I north : ' ! 1Ile dour leadln Into th&
room occupied by Miss DaVsan / and
1\IIss Ficke had no duor leadln Into
the hull , but they must go throu h
the rooll1 ocoupled by l na and Muy
Lillie. 'rho door from the hall I n to
the room occpuled hy May and Edna
was u1ways upen until this particular
night , when. tllr some reuson , which
hns not been explained. It WIIS shut ,
On the evenln or October 2:1 : , Mr.
and Mrs. Lillie hud culled on 1\11' .
I lI1lu's mother and the famIly id
not retlro until a late hour.
liOn the ruornln of October 24 ,
between and G o'cloclc , the girls
\Vere awakcned by some nulse. 'rho
guls heard a second shut and thre ! I
was deathly sllenoe In the house. In
two or chree minutes Mrs , Lillie
opened the door and cried , "oh , oh ,
oh , ' and stld : to the Irls , 'Get up ,
Harvey Is shot. ' A t this time the
moon was shining and It wus etting
llght In the room. The girls , ono of
them , 1I hted a lamp. ' 1'hey wont In
to see : -lr. Lllllo and then they 1111
went down stairs. Mrs. r lIl1e went
to the telepbone an she tulq the
girls to run for help.
"Mr. Hail was the Ilrst ono to arrive -
rive at the hOIl"e , . lIe I sleed Mrs.
LlllH' \ \ hat had happened and Fihe
said Harvey was shot. Mr. Hall and
Mrs. Llllie then went upstarts La the
room where Mr Lillie was. Mr. IIall
then went out and gave the alarm
and Mrs. Lillie a aln went to the
- -
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17 ; .
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. . ,
. , . . . . ; ; , 21
. . ,
m _ ( II
WIn " 'I BED I
' - - -
' 2-Thc Lillie bedroom.
I ) : 3-Slde of bed where Lillie lay , lying
' \I on his back.
} 1 4-S1do of bed where Mrs. Ll11te lay.
1.1 t'l' n Inches from bed to wnll.
I o-.rwenty-two InciteR trom bOll to
'WaU ' , this II' where Mrs , Llllto says Rho
dropped behln bed when burg1nr
' ; ; ! rolntcd l1n at hor.
' 1-Polnt where MrR. Llllio told
11' r ' Sill/rUT West , on the mornlrlll at the
V murder , that the hurg\ltr \ Rtoud.
8-11olnt where 11rR , TI1\1o \ told the
coronor's ' jury the IIrFit tlme she lest- , )
lIed the Imralar Btood ,
I O-Poillt , where lI's. r.\1\lo . \ \ tolcl the
tl coroner's Jury tl1o I'oeunetlmo ' \ she tet ; .
I ) tilled , the bur ll1r stood.
10Closet. .
U -Sll1aU bed In room not occuplod.
f :
GO\lDW \ Attoruey 1. . "IUl8. . III IUllklll
atl\tomont of the casu Lo the JIIIY ,
Ii I
I i l\ld In pnrtl
"On the 2ad UIIY lit October , IUa : . ! ,
there WIIS 111 III ! I n the Lillie hUIII"
Mr. ntH1 Mrs , Lllllo , theil' dllllghlol' ,
Mqy TlUo \ , n uleooMlss Dawsolllllltl
MI ! j l lule. au the 1l101'nlll Clf 011 ,
, loner \t \ ! , ! \Jr. \ IIml Mrs , } .JIIIIQ UII' !
plod the SU\lthel\l\t \ parL of the bott.
1'0011I , ' 1'he helle1 ( If the hell WII
l\llQut ten luel\e fl'um the wlll1 ,
Mrs. f1\1l1e \ Iept Oil thullst \ "Ille uf
tllO beQ un Mr..4111I0 \ un the west
, 'de of the \JoQ \ , 'fho hedroum UlJlHI.
pi cdJy \ thtl girls waR aOI' ' UP IIII\ \ !
Wont Frce Trl1nslwrtl\tJon ,
Wlhlnt \ on , leb. 1 I. . , . . . Dr. U. J ,
f3orellou ! ! , IumoolI1oolleC ! / \ ut thu
urthern l\o\llull \ \ eneral relief hus ,
pltaln ohQlnu.ln of the nutlonul
'lnlnpd cel\trnl \ relief ass'lclatio/\ \
Ute Uelted tates , 1\lrlved hero to.
rll\Y \ to OOQsuit wllh Senators Bnrrows
find i\hUH of M Ichlqan and Nelslln
' (1f M'nu ' ota re 8rdlol ; relict for the
rnrnlQo s rlc\eu \ J ( lildtnl ! of Flnlunc1.
lcUlarlY tbo se urln of ocean
U pllr \P' \ poft qQg fgf Uw r\ln ! \ and nOl\r \ ,
-IIead of stairway.
18-Door 1eadln Into room ocoupled
by Edna and Mav'Lillle ,
10-Room occupied by Edna. a.nd
May Lllllo.
20-Door leadin Into room oooupled
by1I"s : Dawson and MlsR Ploko.
21 - Room occupied by Miss Da.wson
n.nd Miss Ficke.
It If ! three hundred feet trom where
the bullet went through window to
baril , where a bul\ot \ was tound. ' 1'ho
bullet so far as they can toU iR the
Immo t1 0 I\nrl kUH1 found In r n IQ'R
head I\nd was found Imhoric1cc1 In the
barn I\buut two feet from thl' uround
Lillie was shot In 1610 rhht side of
the head , I\UUU t ono.llllH wn.y between
the temple IlI1 ! the eu , I\nd about ono
Illoh nbo'o'ho \ oontu ) ' of the car ,
' -
\\'holl ' Dr. HleW1I1 t 111'11'oel hll IIlId
II's r.llllo wel1t UII atlllla , IIlId IIfttlr
I ho Ilultllr ! hull luo ( < ell at the wOllnd
III fr. Idllle's ' IImld , MIS , r lIl1u alllt ) :
1\\111 110 diu , duutor : will hu clln. '
" . \ \ ; tllli > tlnlu Mr ! , T I\IIQ \ upoIIQI1
tht.Jurolll \ \ c1lawer IIIICI til\h1 \ ; ' fy
'IHlUlot bool ( IQ unel Iholt ! WII ! ! ovtlr
! i'jUO : III It. ' Hltu M10n urnelIIfUIlIlr1 (
111111 pllloc1 ! 1111 fr , 14111101" trouaola
IIlIcI exallllnocl thom , 11allemnlll1
'ruch1l1wlI arrived In II Rhnft tlmQ 111111
In tel1ll1111 \ \ \ what hllel 11I\PI10/\eel / \ ,
.ihu lIall1 ! ! wondoro If they ! 1nd boell
rohhed. nnrlaqnln wOllt La " ' 10 hurellll
und exal1lll1el ( tllo drllwer 11\Ill11111\In \ \
aalcl her I1nul\othlll } Wllil IIJII\J { \ nl\ll \
there was $ :100 : In It ,
Injured y " U II\ \ .
lIulJlho1l1tNeb" 1"011 , H. = Q. M ,
Sl1ol\O. 1\ prtlullIlCr\t r1H 1\1 \ or \I \ vlll
so\'eral miles lIorth\\est pf this olt.y
had a lIa..ow . . escape frOln 11'lul n
rleath a day or two n\O \ , whllo work.
III about the luHYl1rd. : 110 was nt.
taclwc1 trom tllO rear hy II ,10rloy ! hull
anll knocked down , fulllnl ( on hIli
face with the 1\f\lmnl \ OQ el\vorll1lt \ tQ
crush hllll. \Ulfhter who \Viti
nelH at hl1nd snntolletl 1m 1cluQ \ IIml
oall1g hravely La the n soue pfer \ \
tuther , and IUInage , tQ ( tuve gtf tile
IUfLJrlnteJ QIt \ ,
- -
Fremollt Rallroalf Man Meets Death Throurb
Acdlfellt-Serlous Fire at Dartley.
Fremont , Neb. , li' 'b , -Swan S.
i3ens.'lI , a ed ubout torty , a section
hund In the employ of the .i ! reU1ont
ral1mad , was Instantly killed at : OIi
Friday IIIIHnlll under the whec1s ot
: J lrehht : I ar III tile loon I vnrds. nls
death was 1\ pure accident , resulting
'rom ' his fill lure to hear the rInging
nC the bell on the 10CGU1otl ve or see
the car I\Pproachln . I
Hcmnll was at work clean1rJIt trozfm
\\'uter out , of a switch nt the time he
wali killed .An en lne that wus do-
lug liOl11e swltchlug worle Illcloked"
tour curs t'J\varr1 him at a slow rate
Ojf liperc\ \ . , John Stratton. an engine
furewan , who WIIS helping l the
"orlc. W'IS han lng on the side at the
cur ncarest Hensun and Yllled to him
twice to got out of till ! way , hut the
latter did not hear hlw and 10bt his
11 'I ' ! In conslquence.
When picked up by Stratton and u
IHalceman aCter the wheels pas.ged
ovcr him. ever\ , spark of l1fo had ned
! rom Benson's bed ) ' . lIe had been
sho\'ed and rolled for a tull car's
l nuth , nner which the IIrst set of
wheels had rnn over \.JIm \ and stopped
about six feet beyond. Ills lert leg
was se\'ered above the anlc1e and his
Ihht : helow the hip. Ills lert leg
wus also broleen near the hip joint ,
aDd hIs chest was crushed In In a
feal fnl maDnnr. 'l'here were .1 tew
seratohes and LJrlllses about the head.
' .rhe body had fallell I1cruss the truck :
with tile tcet projecting over the
rails and the head under the car.
Henson had been buardlng t Soren
Nellsen's hute1 on ' .rhlrd street Ln-
tween .i ! ' I1nd : Main. lie oamo 'hero
last Aprll and has been \Vorlcln with
the section gang in the li'relllont
yards ever slnco. 11e has nu rela-
tive" living here. His wito Is dead
and he has four ohlldren , the o1dest
beln twelve years of age , and the
youngest two twins , ngecl six. 'l'wo
ot the ohll ren arc at the orphans'
home In lIu1drege. 'I'he otllers , it Is
understood , arc living with Saun ors
county , veop1e.
A t the curnner's Inq nest I twas
shown that the en lne 1..1011 had been
rung , but that Benson had his 110.111
mu1lled up Sl ) that he prubably did not
bear It. 'l'he jury reached a verdict ot
death by uccidenta' : ' weans , aud exonerated -
onerated the rallroad company and
Us employes from all blume.
Fire nt Bnrtlcy.
Hartley , Neb. , Feb. 13.-Four busl.
ness huildinRs were totally deslroyed
by lire In this city Friday morning at
2 o'clock.and anuther so budly oharred
as tu render it praotlcally valueless.
Tbe fire originated In .r. W . Short's
contectionery store and quickly spread
to 1\Ir. Short'slour / and feed sture.
A. J.Cmwtord's grocery store and D.
R. lrlltChiH'S real esta te ol1lce.
' ! 1Ile cl tlzens uf the town turned
ant t.nlllasse : and worlced'allantly In
saving the conlents of FletchCl's real
estate omeo and a p Irt of Cr Jmmel' . ;
guuds untll the 1110 compelled them
tu desist In their elforts. The wind
wus hlowlng a gale rruUl the north at
the time nnd tor a tew minutes It
was thought that the n lJ\lngs \ livery
barn would lie burned , but by heroic
elTort the hro was prevented trum
spreadlll to the < : .djolnln buildings.
No Insurance was carried on any at
the bulldln s and t1C ! 10ss will aggre-
Ilte $3,000. A. J. Orummer held Insurance -
surance or $800 upon hii : stock of
oorls. It I i probable that some at
the burned buildings wJl : be replaced
with new struotures soon.
- - -
Trouble Among the Gypsies.
Beatrlco , Neb. , Ireb. -.rhere 1&
trouble at a serious nature In the
carnp of gypsies who have heen wintering -
tering In Beatrloe. Monday night ,
it Is alleged , GIlead Reyn01ds , the
boy husband at Myrt1e Heynuldsran
away with blR sister-In-law , a girl
named Nora Stanley. It Is said that
these warm b100ded people love with
an Intensity that Is It source of wonder -
der and that the abandoned wlte ,
while nursing the I1Icmcry of WflHl
done her , has concel'I'd a deep haLred
for the runaway couple. However
this Ulay be , l's. [ Heynolr1s Is olTer-
Ing n reward of $ fiO fur their appre.
hension , anrt ha'i sent out postlll
cards descrl hi oj. ! thelll , ' 1'he peop10
came here from Lawrence , Kas.
l > Jes In Loft of a nrn.
Ohil'ago. Feb , lJ.-Iletuslnl. : ! to he
talcon to II whorl' proper tare :
oould be gIVID ! her.Mrs Marla Street-
er. wlte of Uaptul n Geor e WeHlng-
ton Strceler , of , Dlstru't IIf Latce
) I1chlgan" tume , died In the 10fL at
a harn tonhht ,
Death was the result or Interna1
injuries sustained In a street cur al\-
cldeot several months ago. The
woman was the milieipal of : muny
battles In the cII1tested ground on
the north slrte Jalce show and was
we.1 1000wn a lid fellrert hy the poll co
on accnnrlt of her energetic lIItlonll :
In behalf at her husband.
The liossncl < J\1urdrr Case.
Des ) tolues , Io\\'a , Fel ) . tI.-'l'ht :
taking of trstlmonv In the rtossal'lc
murder rase COl1lll1enced at Wlnterset
Friday , A ! ter the eXllmlnatlon ot
thlrtv-lI'ejUl'orit.velve wore secured
last night. 'l'hls forenrOIl was consumed -
sumed in the presentation of anw ,
ments. 'l'he dorendant Is able 10 appear -
pear In the court rllom , though she
shows evl ence at broken health rlue
to cunllnement In the penltentlar ,
( ollowln her first conv'ctlun.
- : "
. . . .
Couosel ror Coal Compaay Says L alfers 1m ,
pose 00 " 'en-Slife of the NOli.
Ualoalsts Prcseotelf.
Philadelphia , .i'eb. ! 11.-.rhe unlte
mine workers of A merloa a ! nn or
ganlzatlon was severely Rcored today
I by counsel before the anLhruolte CU1I1
cOlUmlsslon. 'l'ho lion-union mon
throu h their attorney , Juhu 1' .
I Lenahan , presented theIr side ot the
I contruversy and demanded cunslder-
atiol at the hands of the cOlllllllssiun ,
I claiming the legul right to earn n
IIvellhoud as the'y ruhht : select without -
out the consent or dictatIOn at the
Durlll the p.resentatlon of Lho casu
Mr. r enahall denounced the union
as a felllenter of crime nlld anarchy.
I 1'h e main feature uf Lhls nrlUlI1ellt
was the claim that the union had nG
legal or moral rl ht to ouerco miners
'illtu ' mombershlp or to Iut'o/-tato / to
: Itselt the authorIty to fix the wales
at mil ) ! ! workers.
I Jall1us S. ' 1'orry. cuunsei tor the
, Delaware & Hudson companyclaimed
that the question of recugnitlon at
tiJe union was not an Issue uoforo Lho
cuiumlsslon , uut ho devoted consld-
I eruble time to the cunslderatlun ot
: that demand. lIe asserted that vlu ,
lence and Intlmldatlun were agencies
seleoted lor the promution ot the purposes -
poses of the mine \Vorlcrs. . Hegard-
I \1g the dema nd for all el llj hOllr
I working clay l'tt r. Torrey snld the ev-
Idenoe showed tI1at tor varIous rea.
: sons the brealwrs did nut IIverage
mure than eight hours 1day , so that
. the physical elfects oC 1uIIg hours were
uot rei t.
I Major Everett Warren. counel ; for
the IIlIIsldo Ooal anl1 Iron company
and tht1 l'ellnsylvallHl Uoal cumpany.
Ilns'\l rcd tllo demands of the minors
in cletallaull declared the soclallstlo
theurles uf the un 1011 , or some of Its
, leaders to lie responslb1e for ullreason.
I able c1alms. lIe said amen
things :
I ' ' 'fhe real parties to this suhmlsslotJ
I rre the employes of the several com.
pan les on the one side , or certal n 01
I thorn , and their 0111 players uu the
oWer' . 'nlOY who are seelclng tu bu-
I come parties and IntrurJln themselves -
selves upon the commission. absolutely -
ly without warrant by the terms
thereof , are the united mine workerI'
iOf Amcrlca. "
I Major Warrell assorted that the
oompaules had proven acoldents fur
the most part to ue the results ot
the mlncrs' carelessness , and that
, the occupation of II ruiller Is clJm-
, , paratl vely heaithy. In closing he
said :
I "Throughout Lho iscusslun as to
the rates of wageR no matter how It
I may be preseented , it Is absolutely
I necessary ta bear In mind that the
annual enrnlngs uf Lhe mlno workers
arc limited by the men themselves.
I al11 perrectly willing tha t you should
take Illto cunsiderutlllll all the evl-
dOllcrs , Ifere on the other side I1S to
the elTorts made tu equullze t.he dls-
trillutlon of cars , aud after all Ihis
, It romal11s clearly estallllshed before
yuu that. sillce the advent of the
I union , the ( 'a riling capacity of the
contraot mlncr , > has beell limite. and
! Insteld uf the union helng an ad venture -
turo to him It has worked to his ad.
I dlsach'antagc In restr Ictl ng his car n-
iug capacity.
I "I do not charge this upon the
, great bo y of the mine workers themselves -
, selves , 'fhey do not understand why
Is done. The } ' arc nut familiar
wi th the soclallstl ( } theories of some
I of the 1euJers : ot the orga1lizatlon.
\\'hate\'er \ may he the UltH'O ! nn the
I part of the union , the cvlrellce ) Is
I overl\'llIJlmln that the reslllt
\ IS arc-
: strlctlon on the pllrt of the InrluR-
, trlus ( , milloI' . IImltlllg the amount of
'worl ' < , and tile consl'quenagl's \ ,
shrlvol1lll his powers anti rccluclnJ , :
I hllll to the dCIltlevel ! I'f his lazy a 11I1.
ludlll'erellL assHlate. ! This cannel .
, ho 1..11111 tcd OU t frum tile recora. Jt
, aprars 'n the lestlmuny of o"erv COlli.
P Inv and e\'ery elllp10ycr of 'abor ' In
I tlw I'l'l : 1011.
I " oclallsll1 propose ! ) to establish an
crlwllty } umong tllo unequal mOl. . hy
rerJtwll1g the III to the deud level 01
till" pl1ssll.Jle l11ajorl ty. Instoat ! III
al1nwin every 11110 to determlno frr ,
. 11111Jscif what Irc WillitS to do , It Is
.1 to hI' done for 111m , Tllat Is rJllthlnl !
huL sla "ery. Wllat IR the theory 01
the ulliuu If It Is not this ? 1 dll 1101
I dispute the rig ht of lIIen to organ.
Ize , and [ hold IIU brlof against or.
a nlzcll Illl.JOr ,
Fire In Cailln of New York.
San 11'raucl co , Feb.l1.-Flre urolc
out last nlLht ! on the .leshlp Ne"
York which Is lylll In the stlew :
under orros to sllil for lIondur ; s ,
'L'ho lire was In the cabin of 'Pay ,
master BaH , and Is uellf'\'ot1 to 1111V (
orll-lnllted : from a lI hter1 olgarette
dropped Into It uasket of paper.
Uunsldemblo dallla e was done tr
the cabin , but the sailing at tne fleel
today was not delafed.
- . . . . - . - - . ' . : : - . ' ' . '
- -
l1el1lorlal Exercises on Wreck of Datllesblp-
PAY Tribute / Ihe Dellif.
l1vl\ua , li"eb. 17.-Four hUlldrod
A mericalls Sunda ) ' utel'lluulI obsel'\ ' .
d the Jlfth allniversary of the tIo.
tructloll of the IlIlne , pl'oceetIllIg to
whel'l' Lhe llIllIe IIUW lies wlLh n lIu
tlrupl'd with cn'po alld wreath
I\'hlllh WIIS hllng 011 t.he wl'eek liS a
tll'lhute to Ihose who 10st. their lIyes
In till' dlsll5tel' . Hepl'esl'lItl\tlws ot
the Ouball'ctel'lnsl IIssucllltlon touk.
pal't III Ull' eCl'pmony and IJrought
I hl' Ihll'st uC all t.lll1101'1I1 . oiferlllls.
'I'he exercises Wl'I'e IlIIl'ely lIIemOl'I'-
ai , refel'l'lIces eacllilltl'd ! to revive
: mlmosltles helng IIvolded. ' 1'he
Unl ted SLa I es le 1I tlon was 1101. rep.
I'esellt cd , l1l1lstl1r llull'es holdllll : {
thut any pos..lhility of stilTing 111' the
rel'lIngs { IC thl' Spallish l'usldl'lIts hy
pllhlll' exercises cUlUlUelUomtlye ot 11' Incident In the wal' UlIlht to
bl' avoided. 'I'he Cuban gOYLU'nlUlmL
ol1\clals \ Ihmlly dcl'lded not t.o att lHIlI ,
b'lt/1I gon'I'nlUl\nll IILlIIll'h m'colllpmled :
till' prucesslon 1.0 thl' wl'el' ! " Ullited
States COllsul Hllhh l' , \'Isl' COllllsul
Spl'ln el' alld sOllie l'epl'l'Sl'lIta\.lns \ 01'
I h1'lIlteti : 'Hatl's al'IIIY wel e IIrl sunt , .
A lTllltl'd SlaLl's IIUIU'tel'mastl.'r's
1Ill11ll'hl'd UIl' way 1.0 thl'VI'l'cl. . , 1'01-
l wed hy two small stl'amel'S IOlIll'li :
with Amel'lcans. 11I111 IIIlmPl'OUS lit LIl'
l'mfls. All ahont the harhOl' AIIIlH'I- and ( lllhan 11I1 s Wl'I' ( ' lIylnJt aL. .
half masl , . 'I'he stmlns "I' Lhe dl'nll
march playel1 hy t.hl' hanll of Ute
LTnltl'd : 'Hatl's III'tllll'I' ' 1'0I1)S lIoated
ill'l'OSS t.he watel' as I he III'ocesslon
IIHll1e Its way 10 the Ialill' , . .Jftel'
l'oll1p1 tln thl' lIel'OI'aUon of thl' 1'01'-
lorn roek. t.he . boals cltlslcJ''d ! aroullt1
Uw Inal'tl'I'lilastel"s } lanneh , t he a WII-
In dl'ck of which was nLlIl1.ed as II
' ' . . . \1'1 ' ' ' ' ' ' '
platl'll'm.1'1 el' a 1)I'ayel' oll'l'I'l'd np
by the HlW. iI' . Ic PIll'l'son , Genl'm1
Nunez Uw ' ' ' oC lIaana ' ' .
, O\'el'llIIl' \ana 1)I'o\ I
IIIl'e , who Is also 1)I''sllll'nt of t.he .
( 'nhm : vl'tl'lans' asso'lnLion. spolI' In
, Spanish 10 thl' en't l't that \.I1l' \ . Cuhan
\pterans woultll\L'\'I'l ' ,
\ \ \ pel'mll such an
ol'l'aslun t.o . pas. . wlthollt. tl'sUl'yln
t1ll'ft' . I'l' :1I'I1 : COI' tlll'se whom UIO
( 'uuans wel'e 1)I'OUlI I u regal'd as com-
I l'IIest Conant dell \'ured Uw me-
mOI'lal alldl'ess , Ile paid a trlllllte to
the vll'llms , hut. . l'omml'llIll'd I Ite mu
tua1 resped now I'xlstlng helwel'lI
thosl' whu Cor a 1tl'II'I' pel'lod fou ht
l'aclt othel' , and In his rC'l'l"'IIICe ! t.o .
Ute late Adllllmi ampson t.he . speak-
l'I' > speelallj' the
( eulogized Spanish
admlml Cervera.
OUtel' speakers lIr el1 t.1w . cooperation -
tion of Cuhans , Spanl:1l'l1s : and Amer-
\cans \ in wOl'klllg uut Cuba's destiny.
Police Tnl < e lilm In Tow.
Grand Jslallt1 , Neb. Feh. ] 7.-With
his pocket full uf maps aile ! his head
full of rallroad extensions , coal mine
de\'eluplllents ancl 1301' colonies , a
strallger-gl vlllg his name as lcLane ,
and clalmln to hall 1'1'011I Vrlend ,
lIIade a canvass amollg real estat.e
mon and 11':1I1111 : lIIerchllllls 111'j'1111 : { to
Int.erest . them : In : hls dreams. 1Ie
ulfered shares of sLock In the company
to t.he . amount. . 01' $ ! oOOO to S , N.
W01bach ane ! nthlr ! leac1In citizens ,
olTered to malw tlte COI'lIIel' the presl.
dellt anti lIemy l\iltclwll secretary If
they should talw : sul1lclell t stock i
propused to Immigrate :10,000 : Boers
to this section of Nl.'hmslm and scat- . themall alon to Wyomlll anl1
Ilnally eslabllsh It democratic 1'0 I'll I of
overnlllell t ancl set the Boers free.
lIe went Into It second 11:11111 : SLOI'O ,
bUllght It sui L oC clothes tried Lhem
on and walked out without aLLenl1-
Ing tlte usual fUl'lnality of payln for
thom and then the pulice took him
In. It Is helleved that he Is only
telllporal'lly Lhus , from some speclai
cause. lie was IIl'sL Iven Lwo hours
to leave the city , hut I'CaPIIl'al'cd alld
was Iwldto await wor Cl'om sUfJIsee ) !
Killed by 1111 , Insane 1\1nn.
) \cCool" \ Neh" Feh. 17.-Itolwrt G
Iltchell , whu lI\'ed on a fal'm ahont
ten mlles sonthwest uf this clLy , was
Instantly 1llIed hy his hl'Ollll'r-ln-Iaw ,
1 t1 LI ncnln , tunr1ay ; mol'll III-\ ! \ , . LI n-
I colli was subject , t.o . IlLs. from which
lie had hC1'1I sllll'el'ill/ / . { sl'\'t'rl'lj' all
1ast week. This del'anl.wtl hilll and
, till' mlll.tll'l' was the prohahle out-
)11t1'11I'1I ' '
was flll'lnorly a BUl'lIl1lton
, I'n/lllCl'I' / 1'1111111111 { Ollt of leCool , . LIII
; l'olll Is IIOW III UIP Ittlllls : 01' llw slwrllr
of IIlLelwock county , at Culhertson.
Culhl'l'tson , Neb. . Feh. 17.-'I'lto
I kill In01' / Holwl'l , )1lt.cllI'll . hy his
. hrollwr'-In-Iaw EcI Lincoln
, - - , , was the
I'esliit uf a qwuTel helween tlte two
men , who ha0 Imd tl'ouble hefol'e. '
i Lillcoin who Is Sllbjl'ct to IIts , was Ins
sane with angel' , apploac11l'(1 his rlc-
tllIIlIlIObsel'\'ed , alld el'llshell his skllil
with a plt'co uf Iron. lie will hl tal-
. n to UIO Lincoln asyllllll.
Cuts IUs Wlfc's I1clul Ofr.
lIamlltoll , 0. , Feb. n.-Salllul'l
I\l'l'll'r , a tc'alllstll' ! , a l'd fOI'ly , Vlday
r kilt.c ! ( his wife , a l'11 tllll.ty In a
I most shol'killmannel' / { allill ht'll 1I'Ied
to com III 1 t. suicide. Ill' was eOllsld.
. ercl ! Illsanely jea10lls. 'l'ltis 11I01'111111 ,
! aftel' a quarrel , III ! 1.lJh'C ( Ills wife
wlLh a hammer IIlId clIL IWI' IWI1I1 elf
with a saw. Ile thell eut his t.hroat.
) JI Is c1au h tel' ga0 the alarm and
; Keeler was remo\'ed to t.ho lIosll ) tal ,
where It Is thou ht he wlil recoyer.
- - , . .
. . . . . . . .
N brasla l otes
'rho State lress assoclnllon's nn-
) uul meeting was holt.ll\t JJasLlnRs
lUit ! wceK.
Mrs. Margaret Jane Oarpenter died
it her hUl110 .In Hula on Hllturday
\\'ening. \ She WIIS the wito of UeUIlO
IV Carpenter Ilnd WIIS 53 VOII'S ot a e.
' 1 he county commissioners at Na.
bluslm UHy appulnted O. II. Bush
county clerk tlUll the \aOIlDCY caused
oy the dellth or 11. U. ounll.
Dr. A. D. Uoot or ( jrete , dlod qultl )
iUddeuly. 11e Willi putlin. . : on hllf'
! lhoc'l ' at ; the tlmo and tell ocr drad.
it Is thought thnt deatb WIS dult
to IIpoploxy.
James U. Elliott ussumod tbe duttel
at pOlltmastcr at West lolnt. A. L.
ICrouse , the rctlrlng p'stmaster , lett
Ills ol1lco witb al1 bl8 accounts In
! lrst class shupo.
' .rho Breemor hotel bas bauged
hands. Joe .i'lemhIR ! , prosperous
Cllrmer , hus nw\'od to tuwn Ilnd taken
OhllllO of the hotel. Mrs. E. Ir.
ruylur , who hils rnn the hotel tor
the lu t three ) 'ollrs leuves tor Boston.
'l'he A rllnlZton l'elephono com pnny
has bought lots IInd wll1 creot n no\ !
hlllhllng ut Ar1hwton. Lnr"er QUIll' ' .
ters have ! .Jcen mude necessary on nc.
count of the completion ot the now
1In es.
' 1'ho orectlon ot a Yaunl ( Men's
OhrlRtlan ns oelntton building to cost
$20OUO or $ :10,000 : wus c1ioussed by the
provisIonal oomll1lteo at Bentrlco
which mot wi th Seoretary Dalley 01
the I1"SOchltion.
W. S Jones hai > sold out hIs Interests -
ests In Lhe , Jones \ : ; Cnmpbell enernl
store lInll at ' 1'I'cumseh and will go
Into the rJLnohlnJ ; business In leelMI
ollllnty , where ho nlJd his tath'r ! own
10,000 ncres of ground.
' 1'0 ' three elevators at Yutan nl'a
stufTed with corn which cannot be
moved hocallso of the 1nck at railway
cars. 1.'lIrmers . are prevnted from
801l1llg the lHI-tO : qualltltlos ot oorn
that they have on hund.
Oharles n. Malsbury of Onrluans ,
after u desperate strulmle with a mad
d.llg , narruw1y e caped without bolnG \
blttcn 110 was oblll-ted to Iclll Bomo I
valuable stock that "er2 bitten by
the auimal.
' 1'110 Wour1man 0101'10 met at Itre-
mont. 'l'he business at the csslon
was to se1ect state headquarters for
I\nother ) 'car , nnd elect dele ates ta
the natlullal convent-Inn - In 1\I1IwaukclI
uext .1 uno. Oumlm wl1l get the hondo
quurters ngaln. !
Mr and l\rs John 'l'umu. living
six miles south ot Dorchester , are
the vuren s uf trl plets , three glrlf ! ,
I\nd all I1vln. . : . ' 1'ho ' ! 'umlls have
been lIIarried tur a numuer at years
and hu vo several ether children , born
! l11I ly , however. sume ut whom are '
uimost ruwn. t
Otto L. Gluson , a tormer resident
at JlelUlIJllI furd , mot au aucidentaJ .
death by JIJlsunlnJt nellr llJaoktoot.
Iju. , recont1y. Mr. Gibson ate a
raisin stew cooleed In II ulvanlzed
iron I < ettlo SOIUO uf the . : :
had worn ulr , leaving the .Iron ex-
Ol1lclals ut the Ar ( o Starch works
at cbraslm Ulty Itavo receIved notice -
tico trom the Uentral Labor union
that It wlli demand a raise of 2
oents per hour for oommon laborers
after Maroh 1. 'l'hls c1ass ( ) f employee -
ployee ! ! uow receive 15 cents per hour.
'J'ho plant 18 owned by the Starch
trust and has been open but n abort
time. ,
' .rwo men who were arrested ohar ed
with stealing 11 pair of shoes , sumo
Sl < lrts IInd a bult at cloth trom IIan-
SOli & Bernhard's store at Shelton ,
klclced II hole In the calaboose ruot
and esoaped. 'l'hey hud snlaked the
HODds whlle the clerks were busy In
the storo. Olle at thorn had pleaded
"uUty and the otll r IIUt guilty be- .
toro JustIce MILcheli.
John Kenna entered a saloon uti
Schuyler alld pulllllg a revolver. shot
alld killed hlmselt In the presence era
a number of lIIell. A letter tound on
his person explained that he had tuk-
en his life on uceoullt of IInanclal reverses -
verses , Ill" obligations wereso smdl
however , that Ills friends are Inollnod
to hell eve that he was temporarilY'
I nsano.
Osuar Snglum at Oeresco. Neb. .
whllo I1rl "llIg aoross tIle railroad track
III a tHIL ! y at that place. had his vehicle -
hicle smashed : Iuto spllnters by an
Ellchorn passell or train. .1'ho team
escaped IIlJlnjlUe l , but S"Rlum was
rendoredllllcunsoluus hy the taH. Ho
\Vas talcell t ) Lincoln to St. Imza.
both' " hospital , where It was t.und \
that his rlgllt leR was broken U1111\'O
the kllee.
Last week Samuel Lichty sold his
f.1l'I1I of IGO acres , three miles northwest -
west at Falls 01 ty tor $ .10.000. ' 1'hll !
Is fald Lo ho the IIrst time In th
1lstory ot Hlchnrdson oounty that Il
Quarter scetlon bruu ht $100 per
ncre. Good , well improved trICtS fit
forty and ehhtyacres have been sclI-
Ing ut , that /I / ure. but ! \Ir. Lichty tL ! : .
the Urst to get that price for a Quay-
ter sectlfln Ii'runels Rtlllnp of Ob !
townshl jl. Is the purchlJser. , .