Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 19, 1903, Image 2

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Custcr County Repnblican I
" I
. M. AMsnRIlIW. RDITon .t. l'UIIt.ISJlltJ
- - - - " -
. . - - ' . . . . -
'T 1 hnrilest womnn TO 111'II"l' IS till'
ono who dOflm't know what Hhl' Wllnla.
H tnkes n clenr WOllllln 10 malH' tlllJ
AtOry of her uchp8 IlI\el 11II111 ! ! Intl'reat.
'l'ho mnn who elOI'lHl't think Iw hnK
the 8mnrteot hllh ' on enrth hllK no
. hnby.
'l'ho mntter of relulutlll the tl'nKts
'would bo IIhn\llIfll'f1 IrNltly ? It nil the
oed truII18 hnel strllwherry mnrkH.
J. Pierpont Mornn ! Is IInlll to hnv ! )
bron very proflclellt In mnthemlllics liS
n sehoolhoy. Anel he hnK been figurln
evcr slnc ( ' .
A womnn ut the hClleI of the grenlfst
J.un fnctorll's In the worlel wl1mnlC \
the tormer reCel'ellces 10 the tllIlill nnel
gentle sex n trille un'nlled for.
' 1'0 hecome rellll ' IJOIlulllr the School
or Domestic Al'l S II nd Sclenccs should
teach how to IlIcorllOru te IHJIsolI wUh
cnndy 80 ns to void the detcctlon.
A. womnn In the Postofilce Depnrt-
ment at WaahlnJlon gnve UI' ' her hus.
bund mther thnn lose her joh. 1Ius ,
bands can be obtnlneel without a civil
service examlnntlon.
'l'nke ono : rounl ; mnn with sevm'al
unnecessnry , expcnslve hnhlts , nnd
one 'oung womnn who Is Inz ' , cnreless
and wnsteful , nnd we hn'e n good rec.
Ille for either continuous povert ' or
speedy lllvorce.
A Kansns jury hnK estnbllshed n
precedent which 'mn ' hnve n hnd ef.
Cect uon brutnl hU ! hlullls. A mnn
who hl1e1 been nrresled for hl'atlllg his
wife was ncCultted on the gl'o\llHl thl1t
the wlCo desel'\'ed the whipping.
Cnrnegle denies the report thnt he
Is golllg to give his little duughlpr n
$ , CiOOOOO houso. I 10 sn 's he doesll't
WUllt the chllel to et n 1I0tlon thnt she
hus " l'eut eXllectlltions. " Stili , It will
ho n wOllder If somehody doelm't ten
her IIbout it.
lt Is esthnnted thut the postnl cnrda .
used In this countr ' d\1rln the pnst
year would fill 1 7 frel hl CUI'R. lt I
would not he sl\l'prlsln If ' ( . 'I'nl of
them got thro\1gh withollt I I l'ea.d
excel > t by the persons to wl1ulII the '
were addressed.
Fl\to docs not seem inclined to re.
spect the Snllc Inw In nussln or In
Itnly. Instelld of provIding mnle heirs
to tha throne of the Czar I1nd of the
King , It hils suppll d Nlcholns with
fonr daughters nnd ne'er n son , nnl1 1'0-
centl . It gnvo 1.0 VIctor Emmnnuel n
flecond daughter , when he wO\1ld hnve
heon delighted with IIn holr whom he
1I11gl1t hnvo cnlled the PrInce of Homo.
Stone , , , 'ood , glllss. brlcle alchulers
hnvo been used for street ll\ve1l10nts ,
nnl1 now they arc oXIJCrhnentlng with
steel In Now Yorle. Two strips of
steel n toot wldo hnve been Inld down
In the mlddlo of n stl'eet , for n distance
. of n mlle , for'the use of henvy trucks ,
nnd the advocntes of this Iclnd of sup.
1 > lomentnry paving believe thnt It will .
be genernll ' ndoptel1 for streets on
which there Is much trnmc , I'he ' I > olnt
to Its successful use In Spaill. where
a twmlle stretch of rOl\d from Yn.
lencln to Grno Is now leept In order for
little moro thnn one.l1ttcenth of the
Cormor expense.
What the Spunlsh nuthorltles helltye
tl > he the ashes of Christopher Cohul1'
bus were deposited In n special IIIUU'
I soleum In Sovllle Inst month. 1'tor !
are the ashes which were rellloycll
I from the cllthedrlll ill Santo nOlJlllIgo
tlud tnken to IInvanll lifter the Spl\lIlsh
I ceded the Islund In l { )5. ) When Cubl1
ceased to bt Spaulsh territory the
ash08 were r.nrrled to Spain. . The poo.
plo ot Baoto Domingo insist that the
l'emaln. ot Oolumbus atlll rest In their
cllthedrnl , and thnt when , In the clh ; : ,
teenth century , the SI1nlurlls removed
the larcophagus , tboy took the one
whlob oootnined the hod ' of the ohlcst
Hon ot the explorer , Thut their clulm
Is , veil toundlod was conclulvelv ! :
Bhown by 1A / , Ober In au acco\1nt o't
his InvesUgnUons Into the suhjeet fOl'
the Columbian IDxposlUon. Aslcle from
the morlta ot the controvers ' , there It !
something tragic 10 the determlnn tlon
of the Spanish In their pl'ogresslvo re ,
treat trom their AmorIcnn elllllro to
carry back wltb thom what the ' lie.
lIeve to be the bed ' of the mUll whe
ollened that emplro to them.
It we are to stertuzo the mouth
pieces of telephones , oycry da ) ' , to Ill
tbo bacteria and prevent IntecUon , ani
ere to .cmb tbo door knobs eYer ' cJn
tor the same reason , why not bo eon
Iistent and go on scrubbing nnd aC1'ub
bing everything with which we com I
In contact ? It these bacteria lnUtit bl
clenned out once a day , why not onci
an hour , or once a mlnuto ? Th\J pes
tlterous things are apt to get In I1n ;
second , Ot COUl'80 , everybo < 1 ' lenow :
that drinking water must bo not enl ;
bol1ed , but dlstll1ed. Wo hayo nil of to ]
enougb been warned that handshall
tng III dangerous and kissing dl'ndl '
All ot which warnlni we hl1YO all dul ;
observed , ot COUl'8C. Now , after ha , '
Ing long and virtuously retrained trol ]
water as Go made it and from th
othcr enUcementa , it Is hard to bo h :
termed by tbe bacteriologists that w
rUlI are In momentary dl1ngor era I
microbes unloas we scrub , Icrub , Bcrul
\ And when we iot used to the Bcrul
\JIII \ . 111111 I ell I'll to louk 11)1011 ) , It liS n
11111 Itrr of ( 'OUrRO In\tcnc1 ! of a hnrelthll ,
III/If / 1I0t the mlcrohcl'I ' atenl nnotllCl
mil t'h UJlOII II ! ! throu h the Bcrnt
hruhllIyhc : we Hhllll hnve tu atr ,
l1I1.e the Honp nlld th'n aterJll/J the
Rtl'rlllzCl' . lIncterlologlRts lire 111M tin.
hll' . 'I'he ' " " \'nr lenow wlll'f ( to "tOIl ,
Hut tlll'lr eh'1II1111111 ! , If fllll ' 1I'CdCll to ,
\ \ oulll Irll0 III ! tlO lime to mnk. . Il 11\ ' .
Illg. It'ollid II ! ' fH'rllh , Rl'ruh with m
1111 the lilliI' , And while RnYlnJ ( 0111"
! ! ( 'h'I'H fl'OIll dl'nth fl'olll I\1I'rnhel ! . we
wOllld llll ! of stnrYllllolI , 'I'ho flll'llIer ,
hlAh'lId of 1lo\\'III , , wOllld pnt In 1111
his tlmn Idllln the mll'rohe ! ! on his
plow hnllelll's ; thl' hllh'her , In\t'atl 01
Idlllll 11I'l'f , wOllld JlO\'l'r cene to SCOIII
his Imlfl' IIl1d cleayer. nnd there n'oulc1
hI' IIolhlll IH'ol1l1crl1 to pnt. Thill Rot'l
CIf thln 1II1l ' v ry ( , IIAlly he cnl'rloll too
fn r. The hIlCtCl'lolo IRt ! ' ! IIIl1l'1t ' len rn to
drnw the lI11e 1101\1 ( ' " , her ( ' , We Rhl\lI
1'10011 ' hl'l'olne IIH rlellculoul'l ' nl' ' ! the old
Snlelllites 111 the dllYs of wltchcrnrt.
Hillce the first of 1)02 { ) nearly 30,000
( ' 1111 I'nnls hll0 11I0\1'11 from t he Unit.
( ' 11 Hlntes over Into Cnnnlln , 'rhe Ca.
nnellanII1IHtr : or the Interior eRti.
mut.s the IUllel IHIIKht In ( 'lInndn h ,
A ItIl'rl'III1K ut about 10,000,000 IIcre ! ! .
'I'hl" Follncl ; ! ! big , nllll 1' n lnnl1 I ! ! stirred
1111 nCl'OI'lIn ( I ' . 'l'he n lIlih gconom'
Ic He\'lew trellts It ns a JI' re qllesllon
'I'he Americanization of Cnnndn nt thl !
rnte Is fen red to be a mntt'r of hilt 0
few 'enrl ! . All of which only IIhlg.
trlltes the English Ignornnce of Cnnn.
dlan conditions. ' 1'en million ncres Ie
n lot or IlIncl. hilt It doc ! ' ! not ! leem AO
much , compared with the 3 , OOOOOO In
l\1nnltobn. the liOOOOOOO Carther west
In ABslnlhola , the GOOOOOOO north 01
ASHlnlholn In Snslcntchowan , and the
nooooOOO west oC both I'IlnlholR ' and
Hnslmtchewl1l1 , In Alherta. lI're arE
: ! OiOOO.OOO ncres Htlll open to settle-
ment. 'l'lu're ' ! Is plenly ot room In UtE
rent Cnnndinn whent Innd ! ! fOl' nil
( 'omors. Of courRe , If the English nnd
Scoteh do not enter upon thl'lie Innds ,
the ( ) \'NIICl't American Is bound to do
HO. ' 1'he Amerlcnn Innel compnny tlm
hns nn option upon , OOOOOO ncrofl In
Ontnrlo. 'he nrtlcle In the English
Economic ne\'low lu ' ! ! strl'ss : upon the
fnct thnt Amerlcnn emlfotl'nntR go Into
Cllnndn thol'OlIghl ' Imblled with the
Monroe doctrine nnd determined to bo ,
come till ! controlling polltlcnl Cunntlty.
'rhIA , of course. Is merI ' nightmare ,
As a muller of fnct. few Ame1'lcnn
farmers of the clas thnt nro going to
Cllnlula Imow or cnro nnythlng nhout
the Monroe doctrine. rhey I1re golnR
theo to build homO'l ! ' , to devlop the
IlInd nnd to mnko mon ( > y , None would
I be so IUnaed ns themsolrl's : to 11'111'11
that Jijn lnnd Is excited In the nppre.
hension thnt they are lolltlcal agl.
tntors-the ' who hl1'0 moro concerD
for tholr crops thnn for all the poll.
tics In the world. It Is not n politico ]
conCuest of Cannda b ' the Amerlcnm
that 1'JnlaI1l1 ' ! needs to CIIr. It IH n
Industrlnl nnd commerclnl conquest.
or C.ourllc 1'hc ' 110 Not HCl1r It , hul
Siumher 'fnlC \ HH Flhht.
An nlllrm clocl , fOl' elenf mutes ill Hie
novel In\'ontlon of EIu Cretzer , n deal
mute In the el\1llo ) ' of the Wushoe
HnHltlllg ! lllInt , who l'eshles at l Birch
sll'eet , sars the Anncondn StIlndllrd
lIolto IIwlllcc lit a l' rtnlll hour hl15
101l heon n prohlem IImong these un
fOl.tllllll te people , nlHl Inh' : , Crezel"1
In\'Cntlon the solution hus be\n fOllllll
Of course , the ordlnl\l' ' ulnrm clocl !
IIlIS been IIsoless1' : . CretxC1' , who II
nn IngenlouA fellow , II ! n wllter IIno
tlunw tender nt the Wnshoe smellnr
lIlt ! wOI'I , necessltntes his rIsing ut nr
eurl ' hOllr In the mornlll , nUll I1H hE
hn ! ! 110 mellns of n wnllCIIIII he hns 101
mllll ' dll ' ! ! of worl , h ' bellI ! ; lute. III
n'corellllgl ' ' set IIbout ! tn'olltlng I1n np
paralus by which he couhl IIlways bl
011 tlmo.
'l'he dl'O\llllng of 11 pillow on thl
/lleeping person II ! the II wal\l1l1ing IIgont
IIUll it Is opomteel so thllt the pllhm
fulls nt the deslrcd time , An ordlnnr3
ulurm clock Is placed In n cigar L03
which Ilts It I'losel ' , It Is then IInlled
to the wulll1t the h\llll of the ) ; I.'d. A
string connects the ehll > per of the ninrul
clocl , with ol'lllnar '
nn spring 1\10l1S1
ll'nl ) fnstellel1. to the tOI ) of the cl l\I
box , Br n H 'st'm of Immll pl1l1e 's nnt
screw eres n pillow Is fnstenel1 to thE
end of U trlll ulIl1 pl1l1eel to the coli.
Ing I1lrectl ' uho\\ the hell. All In eu
10l1s url'UlIlelllent conn cts the othm
IHlll of the strlllg to the mOl1so trl\ll
'l'he clocl , Is S\t , nnd when the 1In l'I1 :
oes off the strln nttIChel1 to the hl.l :
elnlIJCl' springs the mOl1se tmp nl1l1 ro.
lel1 ! > eR th 1)lIIow , which drops 011 thl
\IOrSOIlS sloeplng 111 the bed bel1enth .
"WllPn It does not hit me It hltH mJ
wlfl'1' : . Cretzer wrote 011 n picco 01
I pUlwr , "nlll1 so I lIever miss a dl1 ' nnJ
more. "
l'huUl' " Gallery ot'Stono AJc.
A plcturo gnller ' that dntes from tb
. stone nge has been ' \Henl.thed III n cn" .
I ern lIenr E 'zles , Ii'rance. The plcture
I which nre ul1 of prehistoric anlmnl"
were 1I0t only cut In the rocks , as 11
. uBuull ' the case with fluch relresentn.
. tlons , but were palntol1 In severnl colors -
ors , alld gives some ovldollco of the
I ) nrtlstlc slllll. 'I'hero were eighty 1111 >
tures of which Cort"nlno
I ) , ) represent
. blsons of various kinds. The pigment !
uRed , which are shades ot red nlld
brown , hn vo been toulld , on nllnl 'slt
by 1\1olssun , the omlnent Ji'rellch chem
1st , to bo ochres mixed with minute
trngmellts of trnllspurellt slllcn.
It you ) 'n wn whell out In compan
It Indicates tbat ) 'OU are renlly In suel
demand in BOcIty tbat ) 'OU haven'
been able to get to bOIl betoro mid
IIlght In 11 weole.
It Is the nvcrngo wowan'i waU thl1
) . whell she Is Hlcle she has to ern w
I. around and wait on herself.
. . . . ' . . . t' ' , .
Ancient and Modern Ideas on the Subject.
Time and Disease the Effacing Agents
of Beauty. Vvhat Has Science Done
to Restore the Lily and the Rose ?
Rorrn\l'14 \ rnlh'd hl'lIl1ly n short-II1'I'11
tnnllllI'lllto II ' \ ' JO of nntl1rc ,
'fhclJlj 1111 IL lh'll hlIIiI preJlldlce ,
'fllI'ophrll tl1i : u "II , nt c'hent , Cnnle/llle14 /
a fwlll'IIY ( ilolII. II OIlIlJ I' a glmlol1R
girt IIf IIl1ttll I' , O\'ltl II. fll\'Or of the
gllll ! ! . , \ rlstotlo nllll'mell that ! Jel1l1ty
WII ! ! hl'tlC'r 1 h'llInll the It'tters of recom.
mI'll 01:111 : 1 III In Ihl ! worlel , IInll ) 'I't 1111110
IIf the , " , , , IIl.tll1ll1lfo1hl'll nuthorltlcs hns
I..flll ! ! C\'I'II n ! allit of how heauty 114 tn
be p"rpl'lIl\1I'II " : , 1'1' tlw ravngl's of 1Ijr0 :
ami dl ca " elt'I\IoII. \ ' 1'1 meoon / ' hlellds
the Illy nml the rose Intll the Ilnllol' df
II/-te / , IIII'I1\O ! lIot the filiI' fnce wllh
ClIlllJ'II ! ' ' IIIHIIIII'l1t'II' : ' " : \1111 crhn , )1\ \
the HOlmlllllllt ! with 1I11'lghtly ! IIII.hcs ,
11I01 h , If IIlIt I'II t , rorrllilts tilt' I ! IClrr
of eyes. , I1l1l1l1ps yet henutl rul hy
dl'fnclng the cornllll'xioll , IInll till ! ! the
/en..ltl\'o SIIIII wllh lI ony IInspel1Jwhlc ,
IfllIeh he the ullhl111PY cOlllllllon of
0110 IIf1ll < ted with 1Iht HlcllI hlemlshe. . ,
what mllst he tht ! fel'III1 ! ! 01 those In
whom tortllrlng humors hnn. ! for
) 'ellrs ruu riot , covl'rln : : the fil,11I wllh
Icnles ! nlld Sort'R a 1111 chnr llIg the
hJood with plll ouous clements to
heromo n plrt : of the Rystem until
denth ? It tl : ! \'IIln to nttempt to Jlor-
, ray such " 1Ifcrln ( . Denth In muny
( 'mlls ! mhht he cOIl'lldcrcll n hle1l1'ln : : .
'I'ho hloml 111111 1I11111s scem to be 1m-
IJI. . . natl'eI with n tlC'ryIement which ,
whl'n dhchll r cd through the pOI'CS
IIl'1on the Bllrfnco or the hody. Infillll11'S
IInd hllrn ! ! IIntll , In hIs efforti' ' ! for 1'I'111.r ,
Ihlt pntlent tenrs the BI\l1I wllh hi ! !
nn1l8lUll lIot IIntll the hlood lIows
lIoe1-l slIfficlclit rcllef como to cn.U8e 111m
tu lIeshn.
Thill ! elo complexional dcfl'cts merge
Into tortl1l'll1/-t / dlsense , 111111 plqllcd vnn-
Ity Ivc Jllace to real I > ufforln/-t. / A
little wn.rt 011 the nose or cheetroVtI \ /
to the ulJ-duvollrln IUPIl8 , n IlIltch of
tetter on the palm oC the hl1l11l or on
the limbs BUlhlelily envelops the belly
III Its lIery cmhrace. II. hrlll'e ! 011 the leg
expnnlltl Illto n gnn.wlll ulcel' , which
reaches 0111. It. ! ! fauI,0 the ! : ! ulfcror'l : !
heart In C\'cry pnrox\'sm of pain ,
HlI\II.lllwrnl'lln ' the lIeck multiplies Into
II. dozen , whkh eat nway the vlta\ty : \ ,
grl'at penrl-like scalI's : : I'OW from little
l' h.llko InllIII\IIIt1llons : In MilCh nhlln-
dance nl ! to pass credulity ; nllll so on
lIIay wo eh'plct the snll'urln/-ts / to which
poor human lIuture Is t'uhject , all oC
'whlch 111\'olve grcilt mentnl dl/tress !
hecl1uso of pOl'sonul 1/llIguratlolls.
If there were not nnothl'r I'xternal
dlsea14e IWOWII , I'Clemn nlono wOllld be
sulllclent IlImctloll 011 mnnlelllll , It
pervl1de/ ! all chlses , nnd descendH 1m-
purtlally throllgh J.enorntlon ! ! . Whllo
some 111'0 con/tllntly ! envelopell 111 It.
others hl1ve It cOlllh > ell to "Inall
pn.tches In the enrs , 011 the Hcnlp , Oil
the hrcnst , 1111 the pn I illS uf the 11IIUcls ,
) n the IImh , ctc" hut cverywhere Its
11lllIncll\0 feature Is II. flnall wutol'Y
bllMter , whIch dl8char cs I1n aerlel
I1nld , cn.ll.ln hent , I nl1ammntlon , IItHI
Intense Itching , mng-worm , teller' ,
lIeallell hend , dandruff , helong to this
! 'caly unll Hchlng order of dlsensqs ,
1'80rlasl14 , onr modern leprosy , with
It ! ! muther-of-penrl scale , Hltnuted on
n rClhleneel ha1 > e , which hlemls upun
the rel\1ovnl of the scnle , Is to he
Ilreatled 1111I1 Il\'ohlell , n9 of 0111. 1m-
pcUI.O ( , harher'Hch , cryslpelns , nnll n
Hcore uf 11I11101' dlsorllerli make up In
part the cntnlo/-t11U / of cxternnl dlsenscs .
of the Hklll. 'l'hus far we haye mude
no nllnslon to these nllllcHons which
nro 11I11111 feHlIy IlIIpu rllIcs of the hlood ,
vlz. : swe1\lnl \ , ; of the glunds of the
thront , nlcus 011 t he neck 111111 IImhs ,
tnlllors , nh cesse a , and lIIercnrlal
PUISOIlS , with loss of hall' , hec nsc
the wholt ! list cnn he comprehendcd In
the ono worel Hcro fllia.
It Is In the trent/llent of torturln ,
dlsllgurlng hU/llors a 11I1 alft'cHons of
the sldnlcnlp. . nnd blood , with loss of
h III' , that the Cntlcnrll rcnll'dles have
achieved their gren.te/lt fHlCet'S:4. : OrigInal -
Inal In composition. sclentlllcally compounded -
pounded , ahmlute1y : pure , unchangeublo
In allY cllmllte , ulway S reml ) ' , 1lIlIllIgl'ee-
nhle to the most del Icale I1nd s'n ltIYc ,
they presellt to 'oung und ol ltho mu t
Huccessful curatlyo of model'll thneR ,
' 1'111 ! ! will bo conHlllo cd strong Innl.ungo (
hy those ncquulnted with the chnrlleter
nnd obtlrmcy ! : of bluOllunlll > l\lu hUlllo&"s
hnt It Is jnstlficd by Innumerahle fiUC-
ClJ-SPS ! where al1 the remedies nnd meth-
0111'1 lu , "oguo hll\'o fnlled to curc , aud ,
In mllny cases , to relleyo , evcn.
'I'ho Cn lIenm treutmont Is lit once
Ilreeuble : : , apeed ) ' , cconomlcul. ami
compl'ehtHsIYo. 1Iutho the nfi'ccted
puts frcely with hot watcr IInd Cutl-
cnl'll sonp , to cleanse the sur ace of
ern. , t. , 111111lcales , nnd sort en the
thlcklHl'd ( 'ullele , DI'Y , wlthon thal'li
rubhlll. . nnd uPJ1I ' Cnllcurn OIntment
" ' 11I ACt't'I't the I'lIrll
Harold Godwin will rohulld tl10
\\llIall1 \ , Cullen Bryant hOllse at Has-
yn on the lines ut the .1rlginal struc-
" 11'0. which was burned a few weeks
: \to There will be nu attempt tCl re-
, .w uco the I'xact Interior.
Baslet malllI employs halt II
lIilllon persons III Germany , whore
the wages rnll o from 18 shillings to
ItUunels weekl.\ ' for slellled wurlcors.
- -
Capsicum Vaseline
Put Up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Subltltute tor and Suerlor to MUltart.1or aUJ
b r plasler. and will uotblliler tbe l'IO.t delicate
, .In , Thp patn allllying and ouratlve qualities 01
' .1' , ullele are wend rtul. It wlllitop tbe toolb ,
. .1he at onoe. and relieve beade.cbe auillclatloa.
We recommend It al Ibe belt and safeat external
. . rrte ' rrll"r , ' kno1rn. a'.o as an ulun 1 ram
IJ tJr plllull tn tbe oh lt and ltomaob aDd aU
' 1' l\lDlt1" \ mumlalo and ' 1Uty complatotl ,
A Uhl , ,11I prove what we olalm lor It , au4 U
.111 M found to be tnvaluable In tbe boulllbo\4.
. , . ny vpoJpte . . say . . It 1Ilhe be.t 01 all ) 'our prepa.
, 'lIon. .
Price 15 centa , at all drugghtl , or other dealeft. . ,
, b'leudlng thll amount to u'ln pottalJe ltampl ,
. wlllapnt ! you a tube by IlInll ,
So MUcle .boull1 be aCC4'ptt'd I > y tbe pnbllcs n. .
.s Ibe IRme curlea our label , a. otherwlH it J.I .
, t genuine.
' 7 StAt. St. . New York Clt , .
- .
I -
i i. N. U. NO. 579-8 YORl < , NEE
to a11ny itching , IrrItation , nnd Innam-
mnllon , nllli "ootho und hcul , nnd , latly ,
tnlw Cut1curn Hesolvcnt , to cool and
c1eanllc the blood. ' 1'h15 trl'lItmcnt nf-
forcl In1-llnnt relict , permlt.'J rClit nnd
sle'p ( In the fleverest forms of eczcma
null other Itchln , IlIlrnlng , and IIcnly
lIu morA. and points to II. flpeedy. perma.
ncut. nllli economlcnl cure of torturing ,
dlsllgl\l'ln humors , cczemnll , rashes ,
nnd Infinmmallonl , from Infnncy to
nc , when 1\11 othcr remedies nnd the
hest lhYf lclllnR fnll. 'rho rcmcdles can-
fjlltutln the Cutlcurn B 'Rtem w11l repny
nil Indh'hlnnl &crutlny of their remurk-
n.ble properties.
( 'llIlclII'/I. Sflnp contnlns In II. modified
form the nClIclunl ( propertle ! ! of Cut- !
rlll'lPilltlllent , tile great skin cure nnd
pllrestnnllsweetest of elllo11hmt ! ! , combined -
bined with the most delicate nud re-
Ire1ihln of 110wer odor ! ! . It purifies
unlllnvl orn.tes the poreR of the skin ,
nllllirnparts ncl1\'lty to the 011 glands
nI\l ( tuheR , thus fl1rnllhln nn outlet
for unwholcsome malter , which It re-
tn.llled would cnllso pimples , blnck.
hcads , rllshes , oily , molhy skin , nnd
olher complexlollul cll'lIgnrations ! , as
\\'ellas sClllp IIffectlons lIud Irrltutlon ! : ! ,
failing hiliI' , nnd bllby r slll's , 11 R Jcn.
tlo nnd continuous nctlon on thl . uI'I\1
lubricators of the Rkln kecp ! : ! the Intter
trnnlpnrent , fleet , 11exlble , nml henlthy.
Hcuce Its constant URe , nl ! I 'ed hy nn
occn lonnl nse of Cntlcura Ointment ,
renllxes the [ nlrest complexion , the
Roftet , whltcst hands. nnd the most
luxurltmt , glosBY hnlr within the do.
malu of the most ndvnnced scientific
knO\vlel1 e to snpply ,
CuUcurn. Ointment 18 thc most FUC-
ces ful cxtornal curatlvc $ or torturing ,
dIRn urlnJ ; hllmors of the " , kin aud
IIcllp , Includll\ll 10sR of 111I11' , In proof
of which 1\ single nnolntlng with It ,
precedell hy hot bllth \ \ Ith Cutlcura.
Soup , /lnd / followcd In the fwverer CnSf :
by II fulldo/c ! of Cutlcura Hesolvcnt , III
suntclent to InHlledlate rcUef In
the most distressing forms of Itcblng ,
burning , nUll "cnly humors , permit rct : !
nml siceplnd / point to n SIJl''dy ' cure
when nil other remt dies fnll , It 18 e pc-
cln.lly so In the treatml'nt of Infllnts
ant : children , c1enn lng. Hoothln : : . nnd
healing the most dlstl" s.lng of Infnn-
Wo humprs , IIml presorvillg , purlf'lng ,
null beautifying the skin , scalp , I1nd
hull' .
Cutlcurn OIntmcnt possesses. at the
SRInC time , the chunn of sntlsfJ'lnJ {
the slmplo wn.nts of the tol1ot of all
nges , In cultg : for the "kin , scap ] ,
hull' , allli hl1nds far moro effectually ,
a/-trecably / , unit economically tlllm the
most expensh'o of toilet emolllcnts ,
while free from eycry In redlont of a
doubtful or dangerous cllllrnctcr , Its
" One NIAht Trcntment of thc Hands , "
or " Single Treatmcnt of the Hair. " or
use nfter athletics , c"c11ng , golf , tennis -
nis , rltlillg , sparrillg , or nnylport , ench
In connection with the use of Cutlcura
Soap , Is sufficient e\\Clenco \ of this.
Of nil remedlcs fur the pnrlficatlon
of the blood and c1rculntlng lIulels , nunc
approaches In fOpcclllc m'dlcal notion
Cutlcnrll HC/QI\'cnt. ! It nel1trnllzes : and
resolves I\way ( hence Its name ) scrofu-
Iou ! ! , Inhorltcd , and othel. hnmors in
the hlood , which glYC rlso to swellings
oC the gltulIlpnlns ! In the hOlies , and
torturlrl , dl lIgurlng eruptions of the
'skln and sClllp , wIth lo ! ! of hull' ,
Cutlcurn Hosolvent extends its purifying -
fying 11I11I\'uce by mcnns oC the pores
to the ! ! ul"fllcO of the skin , aUnyhlJ ;
irrltntlon , Inflammntlon , Itcb'ng , nnd
hlll'nlll , nud 600thlllJ ; uud heall11g ,
lIenco Its SUCCl'8S In the trelltment oC
dlatresslng hUlllors of the skin , scalp ,
n.nd hlood , with loss of 1mlr , which filII
to he Ill'rmlineutly curell hy external
remedies alone.
' 1'he ral1det teRtlmonlal tbnt cnn
be offered Cutlcurn remedies Is 'thclr
worlli. wide aule , due to the personal
recomlllendatlons of these who havc
usml thl'III , It Is dlllIcult to renllze tbo
mlhty : J.rowth of the bushles ! : ! done
lItHler this nume. From n smull beJ.II1'
nlllg In the simplest form , ngnlnst prl'j-
udlco 111111 opp > sltlon , ugulnst monied
hO/lts , collt\tless rlvnii ! , und trnde In-
dlfi'urencc , Cnticurn remedies ba\'e be.
como the greatest curatl\'clI of their
time , nud , In fact , of 1111 time , for nowhere -
where lu the history of 111C1I1c1ne Is
to he found nnotlwr nppronchlng them
In popnlarlty and sale. In evpry cllmo
nnd wllh eycry people they luwe met
with the /I a 11I0 reeeptiun. The coufines
of the enrth tllC ouly IImh a to their
growth. 'rhey have conqnercd the
To the test of popular judgment all
thlngH mundane mllst finully come ,
' 1'he ch'lIlcd wor1ll has rcmlered It : !
\'enllct In favor of Cutlcurn.
\ \ III Unlltl Hlslorlo Slnlt tllr" .
'J hu treasurcr or the United States
says thc'o nHlY be some purll In the
inllow at gold bllt It will be hard to
con \1 nco any sl nglc I ndl yidual that
it can COIllO his way in tuo huge
To 8m\ll 1\tJKKtnllnrll'lI 10 l'hIIJJ'ptn II.1
Episcopal laymen , incltldln J.
l'iorpont Morgan and Senator lIanna ,
m ,
M dc 1bbt .or ) 'tllow for ll kiI\d )
of Wtt IVOIk On $ le evt/'ffll1 / < re.
Look for the 5 0 ( the fll. ! M
the I\&Jnt TOWER on the buttoN.
. . . . , . . . . . ,
"wit "MH'U U"
" .10 enu. . . . . . . . " . . . . . , . . .
7.r cO 7. . . . the
.I&Dh,4 ror roll. '
0\111'1' AI. . , . the bo.II. . . . . .tol. , . . rr. . - .
J.J. n. UnlrOr.Ii D , .rbleloe.oI , AI.OI
"Aprop08 of the recent denth ot
'j homl\S Nnst , the cartoonlst , " snld the
Doctol' , "I am remlndcd thnt I ha"o
at hml ! Nllst' ! ! double'page picture rep.
l'ell'nUn : the grief of the nntlon over
the denth of Lincoln. It was 11 mng.
nlficont emhlnmatlc picture , pullllshed
without title or lIne of explanation.
III the center wns the coffin , marked
'Lincoln , ' Ilnd hendlng o"er It the IIg.
111'0 of Colllmhia. ' 1'0 the right , In the
III > pel' cor'ner , WIIS the IIgur ( ) of n Hol.
dler , with hend bowed IlUll face hllif
hldd ( > n , 1111(1 In the left corner the IIg.
lire of un nrl1ol1cer \ who hnd thrown
himself down In utter desplllr ,
"I kept the picture heCflUSfJ of that
olllcer's IIgllro , 'l'he dropping or the
nrms , the drooping hend , Ilnd nen'e.
less body , eXllresHed so trul ' my OWII
feelln when Ihenrd of Lincoln's denth
thnt It seemed to me Nnst hnd put himself -
self In the solll1er's pll1cl' , nnd I IIIl'e the
plcturo now , ns w\1 \ ns the ones thnt
cnmo later , emblematic of the \'Ictor '
won b ' the nrm ' nnd nnvy and the
dawn of pence. It Is a mlstnke to Bn '
thnt Nnst'nlted until his Inter yenrs '
to give his Idea of Lee's surrender.
He gave It nt the lime of the surren- !
lIeI' , Ii I i
"In his doublepago picture 'llIessed i
Are the Pel1cemaleers , ' he drew on one' '
side Christ's entr ' Into Jerusalem on
l'ulm SUllda ' Ilnd on th ( ) other the
surrender of Lee. In the Intter Grnnt
domlnn tl'd the scene , und stllndlng In
the center of the picture seemed taller
thnn 1.00 und the more statel ' figure.
I Iwow thl1t : Knst clung tl.'nnclousl ' to
this Iden , e\'en when tnlklng to Con.
foderl1te ol1\cers \ , nnd tllllt In his large
[ minting he followed the lines marketl
out In the cartoon of April , 18Q : ; ,
'lllessedre the Pencemnkers. ' "
"I hn'e 0110 of : Knst's plcturl's , " said
the Sergennt , "a little one Imbllshed
enrly In IS :5 : , when I..lncoln wns lit
City Point. 'rhe President Is seated
on n stump , with his long legs stretched -
ed out to their cun length and support.
Ing 11 drum , on which the President Is
writing n note to Stl1nton , sn 'lng : 'All
seems well with us. ' Under the l > lc-
ture , vas the line 'From Our 'Uegulnr
Corrspondent. ' The picture wns the
more tlmel ' because nt that time the
'Vnr Department wns publishing for
the Informl1t1on of the people the Pres.
Ident's brIef notes from the front. The
cHrtoon was Yer ' sa tlsfylng to the
bo 's In the nrmr , for just' then thln s
were Indocl1 going \'r ' weU with us ,
"NaRt neyer made n war SCl.'ne ns an '
other artist would hn ye mllde It , nnd
he nhYa 's wnntNI to be first with an
Idea. Severnl times he wus fretted
becnuso the slow worl. ou Harper's
Wee\d \ ' mnde It I1ppear that some of
Ills cl1rtoons , pre 1nred days betorp ,
were not unlike these Ilppenrln nhout
the snme tlmo In the dnllr newspupers.
In lSi : ! he prepnred a cl1rtoon In which
IIornce Greele ' was representpd ns goIng -
Ing down Into n pit crowdell with the
Dl'1UOC1'atlc Issues he had opposed Hnd
lenl1ers he hl1d abuse . On the da '
thnt the cartoon wns published , D.
H , Locl\C , publlsl1t'el In the ' 1'oledo
Blnde n Nl1sb ' lettcr plllhornting the
snmc Idou.
" ' " ' ' down
"NaRh toole GI"'l'ley among
the ghosts of his 0111 polltlcnl nllllla-
tlons Hnd deBcI'lhed In his wn ' the
scene which Nnst 1)lcturcd. ) 'I'here
were two greatl . ellstlll'hed men thut
c1nnst , fenrlng that the puhllc
would jum ) > to the conclusion that he
hnd stolen hi ! ! Idea fl'fm Nash ' nnl1
the Inttor fl'lll'ln thl1t Xnst I1ml the
public wou1l1 hl'lIe\'l' he had bOl'rowel1
bls Idea from the cartoonist. A comparison -
parison of notes nnd dates , howcyer ,
showed tbe two men had been worlc-
Ing on the Idea for two weeles , I1Ull
thnt the suggestion came to each about
the sume time. But HS Nash ' wns
wont to remul'l" lIeltlll'r one of them
could pro\'o It to the satlsfHctlon of the
public. "
"I wus present , " said the Colonel ,
"nt the l1)tlng In ISiO , nt which Gen.
eral 1'homns I. . Crlttel1l11'n of our old
corps presentetl to ! \u ! > t , In the nnme
Df S , OO Hrm ' nllll lIa11 olllcel's , as
testlmonlul of their rl'gard , n 10\'lng
cup shl1ped lIIee a cuntoen. At thl1t
meeting It was clenr thl1t not a few
Confederntl's hud a IIIdng fOl' : Knst ,
one of Iosb "s lI\en sa 'ln to me thHt
nst's pictures of rebel guerrlllns were
the renl bo 's , nnel the ' forga Ye him
bls blttorness because of the fine
wlrlt he put Into lI\en and hm'ses. "
"That reminds mo , " sl1ld the CliP'
taln , "of I1n unusual experience with
some of [ osb "s men. I wus In hos.
ItHI In Wnshlngton .1ul ' , ISt3- . , when
Jubal Ear1 ' made his rl1ld on the cnp.
Itnl and n little luter I started to re.
turn to m ' command In the Shenan.
: louh yalley , Wlll'n we reach ell the
wd or the rallroud frollIInrpel"s reI"
ry to Winchester wo hud to tl1l\O'l\m.
bull1nces IInd hOl'ses to reacH the front.
twas u 1Itt10 slow In lelwlnt ; the cnr
11\11 as there was uo 1'0011for mo In
the nmbulanco mrsetr nnd comrade.
tnuch ngalnst our will , took hOI'sos nnd
rode off ,
" ' 1'hl ! ! sll\'ell us , because Iosb "s
. tnen raided ( \ ' line that night and
' ' In the nmbuluuco was .
t\'er ) ml1n re.
orted kl1lpd. This led to retnllntlon
III Sheridan's part , who shot some of
. \Iosby's \ men , nml Mosby 111 turl1 shot
IOWO ot SherIdan's men held fl8 prla-
. t
oners. Arter the wnr , I met the Cnp- I
bill who In 0110 CHse cnrrletl out
Mosh"s orl1ers to han IIrtcen prls ,
onerll , He told Ine that on his 1\'n ' to.
the scene oC execution ono oC the prl '
ollcrs np ) > enled to him lIeclluso of some
m 'stlc tic. which he dIdn't explnln ,
IIl1d unothl'r , a mere ho ' , hecl1us ( ) ho
WIIS the enl ' son of n widowed mother , I
his fnther hnYlng lIpen Idlled earlier-
In the Will' .
"In the ( 'ourse of the mnrch the CII ) > '
tnlrl met other sCunels of Iosb "s men
with ) > rISOIll'I'A , IInd prl\'utel ' effected
an l'XChlllle. ; letting his Mnsonlc 4
' frlond Hllll IIII' ho ' go forwnrd to the
'I ordlnar ' COl'tunes oC wnr nml tl\klng y
the \lIIOffelldlll substitutes to certn\1'Q \ , .
denth. M ' COllfedl'rnte Cnptnln at.
wa 's Insisted thnt the I\mbulnnce WIIB
fired upon by Mosll "s men becuuso
the drh'er would 110t hnlt when or-
derl'd to , nnd nt the urglll vf the o
Insldo tried to escnpo , lIe didn't dl'-
femI th ( ) retnllntor ' mensures , hut
thought his unnuthorlzell exchange of I
prisoners right. " - Chlcngo Int'r-
Not Thnt JilncJ : of 11 Stnff.
"Dill 'ou l'\'pr hear , " : Hiked 0111' or
"Bln'I , , In'l\'s' ' 1111'11. "how Gelll'ral L- .
gun onl'e met his match hNe In !
Chicago' , It was just before the ( 'up. :
ture of Ha\'IUlnnh , and General Lo ult I
nlld three memhl'rs of hls stnff wl'nt
down to the rnllroal1 station to take the
trnln for the Enst on his wny to rejoin
his cOlI\mnnd.
" 'l'he Genernl , wnllllng n little nbend
of his stnff officers , stal.ted to enter n
cur. but wns stopped b ' nn Irish nt-
" 'You'U not he goln' In th re , ' said
the Irishman to the General.
- -
f . I
" 'Ami why not 7" suld Genernl Logan -
gan ,
" 'Becnuso thnt's a leddles' car Ilm1
no man'U be goln' In there wldout n
ledd ' . There's wnn seat left In the
nlxt cllr there 'ou kin bl1\'C ef 'o
wunt It. '
" 'Yes , I see ther.e's one sent ncant ,
but where will I put m ) ' stnfn"
" 'Bother 'ere stnrr , ' unswered the
Irlshmnn , 'go 'ou Ilnd tulw the sent
IUlIl stlcle ) 'ere stuff out ? f he windy. ' ' '
-Ohlcl1go 'rrlhune ,
A HCUlltrknhlc Incldcnt.
"Then the wnr brolt { ! out n 'oun ! ;
man naUled Hoberts , 11'In ! ; In Dodge-
vme , 'Vis. , joined n compuny com-
mllt1l1ed 1 > ' Cnptnln ' 1'holl1ns Allen ,
which I1fterward Ineorporntetl In the
SecOJld 'Vlsconsln Volunteers , nnd was
present lit the hattlo of Bull nun.
'rhe Intelligence came to 'oung Hob.
erts' fl\lnll ' thnt he was slain Ullon the
mnttIellehl , IHld his bed ' left to be
hmled b ' the victorious enemy. 'rhls
news nellrl ' lelllecl his affectionate
mother , and she nnd nll the tnmll '
wellt Into mourning Cor the pntrlotlc
'outh. Four long months the fnmlly
lumentcd the dend. Whl1t then could
depict their unspealcnble nstonlshment
when , six months after the bl1ttle , tbe
'oung mnn enterel1 the door of his
home , henrty and well.
Hrlefl ' told , his story WI1S this :
lIe had been left se\'ercl ' woundec
with ml\n ' others on the bl1ttlofleld.
Arter the fight wns o\'er nnd his
friends retrel1ted , n Confederate so-
( lieI' , supposln noberts dend , began
to 1'Ifie his pockets. 'l'he Yunkee re-
\'I\'ed , and ohjected to this whera-
upon the man returned the nt'tlele he
hnd tl1leen nnd gn\'e hlll1 n drink. Then
he hl\ll the wounded foe cnrrled to n
hospital , where he wns cared for un.
tII completely restored to henltb , nf-
tel' which he was sent to Libby Prison.
lIe hud tried to et II letter to his
mother , 1 > ut , rltbout success. 'When ,
nt length , he wns exchanged he made
his wn ' to Dodgcrllle without delay ,
where for many n dl1 ' he wus looleed
on ns ono who hnd risen Crom the dend ,
1'hcre' the nuh.
"Tlsoman-IIere's an nccouut of nn.
other hunter lost In the woods , E\-
{ \r ' hunter sbould
carry n pocleot com-
DumleY-Why , how would that help
Wlsemllu-Help him to get out , of
course , 'l'he needle of the COmpl\S5 aIwa -
wa 's points to the nortb-
Dumley-Ahl but 6UPPOSO he wanted
to go to the cast , south or we5t7-
Catholic Stnm1ard and Timos.
'l'eletrnph Edltor--IIere's
fl dlspat@h
nbout a thief thnt brollo Into n house
Inst night and ( , tolo an acordlon'ahletl
nt $100 , Better henc1 It "Strl\ngo
Stor ' "
Xlght Bdltor-No , bead It "Two
Strnnge Storles"-11rst , Utat any I\C-
cordlon was e\'er valued at $100 ; aud , .
second , thl\t an 'body on enrth would J-
cver wuut 'to steal It.-Chicago Trlb-
uue ,
'l'errence , the dramll U.t , ' ' 'us & Ill. f"8.