'P' ' ' ' ' . . " , y. , , . . . " : , , ---1" . . ' . . . . --'r'lO # . . . , . , r" " ' ' , " " , , " " " " ' " , ' . , " " ' " " " ; , . . . . . . . . . . . - - ' " , , - " - , . ' . " " ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; < ' ' " ' 7' ' " " 1 r1.r'l" " ' 'iI ' " " ' ' 1' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 711 ' / ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ! " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' . . . ' 1It" " " , t't.JJ\P , \ " ' " ' ' - - ! . ' ' < 0 , ' ' . I/'I'1'l''f ' \ - . ' ' ' ' > . . r' , , , , ' , . ' ! ' . . ' . , . < MW"'I"I' ' . , 't LBlato lllet LlbrnrJl\l1 . 2 r , . " , . . . . . . ; r " { . ; ' . . I , , . ' , , . , - - , . . . . t . \ " ' . . . USTER OUNTY' . EPUBLICAN.Ij : Ij . ES'l'ABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER Ol" " CUSTt R COl1N'l'Y. fu\RGgS'r CIHCULATION OF ANY.PAPER IN TIlE COUN'l'Y. : . , .1 . . . , : . - - - ' I' I ' VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER CO _ NTY , NEBRASKA , , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 19 , 1903 , "EIGHT PAGES. NO. 361 i . I - . . . . . . . , . . .W"W ' ' - ' i " , \ 1 . f t - ' ' - , Get Married -f . . In My Rings. , , Wedding rings Ilrc lucky i . rings , and thc bridc who hl\s enc of my rings on her finger , t i is wedded to a reliable man. be. I cause he came to 11 rdiable store , bought a reliable ring. at. I a reliable price-straws which ! indicate that he will make Il re. " liable husband. Wedding and ! ! engagemcnt rings madc to ort - , t dcr , . if you desire sOlllcthing . . , specIal. I J IAPd r.s\J J . \ . I I . ; J ff/h. ! : . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . I ! . . ----4 - - - - - - - - - - - t School Books , \ . , Tablets , . I -AlUI- \ I ; School Supplies , i , H --A'r- ) I 'j ' , . , , . . _ _ . . , " \ J. a : Haeberle's : r " I 1 ; , - p---- --4. 11'- . . - - - - - - ' - 'i ' \ r--I : : > E1'T'rIS-r R B MULI INS I M 0 : 1Rke a tlcClulty : ! or Crown uud IJlldgu W rk , , I' Ices reR80nb blo - I Ail work UAfllnlt'l1ll ! ( ' , .11 end See mo b 'oro g Ing ol ewher.\ . Offico-In U OKAn lJowjuII.'U / : nk Uulldlue , \ Dloken lIow , NtlJrM : 1\ - The Commercial HoteLplUI c. II. KENNEDY , Prop. Newly rcfitted and furnished. The best of accomlllodatiouJ.Iodern in all respects. No dark rooms. Good salll- pIe roollls. Flee hack to aud f.-om dcpot. D.-oleu Dow , Nebraska. ! . . - . . . - - - , ' - M011ey . loaned 011 Improve farms. J A"Il S I4EDWICH , 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Neb. 'l'he latest style hats of the season for melt or boys at Snyder Bros. If you want a bargain call and see them. 35 tf . - .W _ . , _ , _ I : : : : : ; : : : : : : : - 1. A. Reneauvent to Ansley Friday morning on busines1. ! And y Somers ofterua , made . thi ! ; otiice a friendly . call - rester- day. UlYsis Owens and wife of Oconto , were in the city Friday and Saturday visiting. 'l'he Ansley Brick Co. has ordered - dered a new press that will ha\'c capacity of 15,000 to 20,000 brick per da ) . . Sunday night Wa l the coldest of the winter. 'rhe thermometer - eter registered twenty degrees below zero. HeBellis reports two conversions - versions and six seemrs at the Church of God meetings and the interest good. Geo. Willing" and daughter , Mabel , went to Lincoln Monday morning. Miss Mabel will remain - main a few days visiting. Mr. and Mrs. H. ' 1' . CoITn an of Mason City , came up Mondav night to visit with the family f the editor of the REPUDLICAN for a week. 'l'he Chronicle.Citlzen states , that Profs. Zahn of Ansley , ami Barr of Mason City , will conduct a six weeks summel' school in Ansley the coming season. J. 1\1. Kimberling is building quite I1n addition to hh house in the southeast part of town. When completed it will be nearly double its present size with modern - ern improvements. Dnw-Welchat Berwvn , li'ebr- uary 9 , bab.r of Mr. nd Mrs. MorieVelch. . Funeral sen'ice were conducted on the 11th , by l ev. Bellis and the remallls laid to rest in the J anesville cem- etery. Geo. B. Cortelyou , private secretary - retary of Presidcnt McKinley and President Roosevelt , has been appointed by the president as I secretary of the Department of I Commerce , and thus becomes a member of the cabinet. C. M. Shinn and wife left this morning for Portland , Oregon. They will stop at ijutte , Mont. , but do not expect to locate there. 'l'heir objective point is Victoria , B. C. , where they will locate if their plans materiali e. General Custer Lodge No. 23 , . Knights of Pythias , meets every ' Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. . \Vednesday evening li'ebruary 25 , work in Ranl < s of Page and Es- i quire. All Knights are commanded - i manded to be present. P. II. MUNK , C. C. Herman KI mp of Hest , Idndly remembered this ot1 ce 'l'uesday while in the city. Mr. Klump shipped part of a car of cattle to the Omaha marl < ets the first of the week with one of his neighbors - bors , that he had fed this winter. i Mr. Klump is one of Custer' ' county's young farmers who is taking the right counm to succeed by raising his cattle and feeding them for the market on tlH' pro' ducts of his own lahor. - - - - - . . . - - . . . . " ' -"t > ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' - ' . " . ' . , , . , , " . . . . . . , . " ' .v" ' " - ,1'l'1J'I't' . - > U,1. ' ' ' ' N''JW1 1" ' \J'- ' ' : ' ' ' " , ( ; z.t. " , lI . . . ! , < . t "Y.v . . < < , . ; . ; t < wrh.I..t" h" " . . . , . , ; ; . , & .c > . " " " .r'h..t.f.t ' , , , , , _ , , , : . , , . . , . . , . . . , . . " ; , . " , , , , ( JU6t Received " , t m . . : " . ' . ' ' ' < & i" , { ; . . .SQUIRES BROS. . . , a : ar load of thc hest buggies e\'cr ! lronght to ; , Cn.ter county. We stand ready to. , . , . , . , . . . . . . . Duplicate the Price of Any Dealer : in Custcr COlUltj' . or the state of Nebraslea for that h matter. on the same grade of buggies. 'We have not wasted our energies in seeing how cheap a buggy we coulc1 buy , hut rather have made every l' ! Tort to < ; ecure t h ( ' " , , " . . . . . . . . . ' . " " " . . ' BEST BUGey FOR THE MONEY IIVe have a 1ullline 01 'rop Buggies , Spring 'Wag- ! ons and Road Wagons now in stock. and another car on the road. Give us a call. . m We mc yours tor bltsines . , I : SOUIRES BROS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ' .i1.o ! ! ! " j BroJsen : J3ow , N'ebraakp. ' . 'I I q ! ( : ' ! m I A4- : & : < : & . \ ! : ii : : r ! a 1 i. . . , , . " . ' . - " ' ; . . ' . . - ' . - - , . , . . . . . , . . . . . . - - - . " ' . - - - - - - - . - - - - . . - Alpha Morgan wus a J..incoln visitor'ruesday. F. H. Young wcnt to Chic go tbe first of the week. H. B. Andrews of Anselmo , was a city \'isitor Monda ) ' . Dr. Hanna of. Ansley , w : ( a county seat \'i9itor Monday ud 'l"'uesday. Si.t : and one la1'f ; acres of laud of the Dan I.ew s statc j 9t west of the city , sold Monda ) ' for .t86 an acrc to C.V. . Willis. Miss Navy Pierson came up from 14incoln the first of last week to help Judge Gutterson in gctting hi ! ' law husines po t d up. up.Miss Miss Annie M. Eaton of 'l'roy , Ohio , will read the HHPUDI.ICAN in the future , through the cour- tise of her friend , Ner Hartley , of this city. Revival 1l1e tings were commenced - menced Sunday in the M. E. church. Evangclist Iarold F. Sayles is . ! ssisting the pastor , l ev. 'I'ri tes. Nelson 'l'rue and wife of Georgetown , were \'isiting in the city yesterday with th family of Joseph Pignian. 'rhey returned home today. The 11'0urth Aunnual Militarv hall to he given by Co. M. First Nebraslm IS announccd for Friday - day evening li'ehrnary o , at , the Opera Honse. 'l'he Eighth Annual Musque- rade ball given by the Broken . Bow Hook and Ladder Co. in the. Opera Honse last . Friday was quite a success. . 'l'he boys of the Broken Bow I high school will pl y the Sar"l fent school a game of basket ball ! on the afternoon of the 28th in I this city . and have a debate , at nigh 1. 'rhe relatives and friends of E. J. Pittaway pleasantly snr- prised him last Satmday night , the occa5ioll of his birthday. Tbe surprise was complete and a good time is reP..Q.r ! l 1Jy those present. Minister Bowen bas successfully - fully 'negotiated ' , terms of agree . ment between Venezvela. and the allied powers of En'rope aria. the. blocleade was raised' the first of the week. Another war . has. been averted. John Davidson was given a birthday party .Friday evening of last week bj' a number bf his young friends. We were not apprised - prised of the details of the occasion - sion , but understand , that a very 'pleasant time was.enjoyed by a11 , W. F. Waygood of Arvada , Wyoming , who has been in the employ of the B. & M. for several - al years is in the city visiting with old acquaintances. He has been transfered to Hazard where he will take charge of a section. 'rhe fire department was calleel out yesterday aft rnoon to put out a fire at the h0111c of Dr. C. L. l\'fullins. 'l'he lire 'originated in some straw under the water tank where a fire was built to thaw out the pipcs. But little 11amage was donc. Prof. Hawthorne , who has becn associated with Dr. C. 14. Mullins I in the Brol\Cn Bow Hospital for the past year has re- 8ign d and accepted a position in the Asylum for thc insane at Lincoln. Mr. Hawthorne left 'l'ucsday , hut informs liS that he will be back to Broken Bow to . . . -fst in the summer school. I rtlulay I'urt ) . . ! \I rs. D. M. Amsbcrry was givcn a surprise party 'l'uc ! > dav eveningby a number of reluth'e " an friends in honor of her fiftieth birthday. 'l'hc surJ-lrisc wa not com plett : , tiS she had suspicion that something out of the ordinary was being planned , o wben hrr guests made the 1' ' appearance about C ) 'o'c1oc1c she at once comprehended the situation. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by all and especial1\ ' the hOtess . wbo greatly app'reciat d. their friendship as mamfested by their presence as well as by the material tokens she received as mementos . of the bonds 01 fraternity which plays so important part in making this life worth the Ii\'ing. Rev. S. P.Iorris ! , spolcesman for the guests presented her with a finc eight day parlor clock with ap' proprinte remarles. Besides I number of small.articles prescnt. hy a number , she was the reo cipient of an clegant side board , which was presented by hCt - - - - - - - - - ; ; - ; family. l efreJlltl1cnts ! were sCrvc l 01lJisting ! of oysters fruit , ai1(1 cake. Near midnight they h dc. their hostess good night W1sh1l1g her Ulany more happy blrtlulays in tbe future. . \ . - - . . 'afWCrti lUliututc. . . - - - - 1"\ " Farmers Institute will be h61d in this cit'Vednesday and 'l'hursday of n xt week , contirm- ing throug-h Wcdnesda.y afternoon - noon and e\'cning. 'l'hursday rn rning anal afternoon. 'l'here are to be four or tive spealccrs of st e reputation and a profitable thue is assured. lIon. Ii' . 1\1. Cttrri < > will give a puper on cattle raising in Custer county. , J. E. Sarg-ent , tackinK of slnall grain. II is au expert. Other local sp1akers ha\'e been requested to pr pare papers on dairying and hog. raising. E\'ery one that cuu shduld attend. ! - Ano\hor l'Iuocor Ounc. \ . . . - t\ 19 IS WIt 1 regret we 1 earn 0 f the death of Mrs. Mary J. Miller , lat , of Sumers\'illc , Oregon , who died at her home on J unnary 30 , of 1reart failure. She was oue of the early settlers of Dry Valley and tbe wife of Stillman Miller. She h d eaten a hearty supper and sat down rcad'-when to ' - shc ' clutched at hcr heart and said 'ljq I" and fell over in hcr hns- baltd's lap dead. She was 62 years old and apparently in good hcath ) , She was a sister of the Worle ) ' Brothers near Comstock. , ' { hc' RItPum.lcAN cxtends thc sympathy of the fricnds to the bret lcrs in their great bereave- ment. : 1\ho Water Works Suitt. 'l'h City water works were sold hen : yesterday by order of Circncit Court of thc Unitel ! States on p titiou of the bond .holders. Ii. H. Young the receiver - ceiver and representative of the Young Estate , owner of $23,000 oj th bon4s bid the plant t1 for ' $ [ , ; : ) (10. This puts t1lt property in a.shape that will enable. the city to get a. definite propositior ; for the plant. IIOUHF.H w N t I D. Luther Mil1 rofCambria , lown , 'who bought a car load of borses here a few wecks ago haa returned - ed to Broken Bow with the view 'of buying another'car load or twofer for the eastern market. Horses that will weight J200 pounds and up from 4 to 9 year old are want- ed. He will heat 'Ward's barn in thi9 city Saturday , Feb. 21. . . . Cllurc:1I . . .rTtcc. : : . . UPISCOP.U. cntmCIr. Service Sunday , . Pebrnary 22 , Qui - quagesima Sund Y. Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning \ > rayer , J.itany and sermon - mon , II u. III : : lwening prayer and scr- mon 7:30 : p. m. The puhllc it > cordially invitt'jJ. W. H. XANPlUtS , Rector. 1'llIiSIlV'1'UlIAN cmmell. Services next Sahhath moruln al II II. III. Subjecl. " 'fhe Soul Ne lectc . " In the evenlll the lien'ice at 730 : p. m. will he II MOlarl praise service. Mozart Gloria will he rendered hy the choir. Prof. Garlieh will playa violin solo. Y. 1' . S. C. It ut 6:30 : p. m. Subject , "Au nvenin with Home 1\1issloIl9. " I.c1lller , l\Iiss } t l 1\lc Smith. The puhlll' i cor- IlillUy ill\ 11 to these service. II. 11. CIIUHCIl. I'lIblic l'rcnchill II a. 111. 111111 7 :30 : p. III. RU1l1II1Y School 10 II. 111. Junior 3 p. 111. VJun Pcoples ML'etlllJ { 6:30 : p. III. Oil Jlriliay Ireh. 27th. Rev. Dr. nriver of York , will deliver his ralllOU ! ! lectun : , " 1\1ountalll Peak ! ! of the cast. " A de. scription of the III nller , CustOIll nlld COUlltries adjacelll to the l\Icditcriaueflll with a : 'tlodcrn view of places of historic vnlue. Dr. Driver has the faculty of re. produl' nl { the facinuting Scenes in a Hcries of bcalltlfll1 word pictures which makes It a rim : treat to hear hilll. Do not 1IIis. . it. W. JI. I'I IUt\ ' . :11. : ! t. CUUHCH , 8pcl' IIl t'1It'etingH continue with ill' crealng Interest at the 1\1. E. church. Rev , Sayles is drawing good crowds by hi8 qUiet forcible } Haclicul prc&cntation of the wore ! . 011 SlIllIlay afternooll al 3.w o'clock ht : will address a l\Ien' uIIcting Ills subject Leing " 'fhe Other FeUow. " It IJ ! hoped that the : male por' tion of Ihe coltlr luuity will avail them , sc1ves of this opportunity to hear him , I The usual Sunday ser.1ces. Sen'ice ! will continue during next week. Pra'ci meeting in the church each afternoon ai 2 :30. : If the weather IS inclement YO\J , need not hesitate to come as the churc11 is a1\\'a9 warm and comfortable. Com and hring someone with you. Gno , P. 'I'RITtS. paslor. , APTIS'1' CHUIlCH , : . Iu II , III. The session of thl : Biblt school. till uttractivc hour spent in in tcresting shilly of God's word. I I u. m I Divine worship , ! { hy the pastor . sermon , " II UIl Tillll Success with I . , Modern MessaKe. " 3 p : m. 'fhe Juniol B. V. I ) . U. under the dnection of Mra . I Arl1lbcrry. 6:30 : . III. The Senior n. Y 1' , L' . Devotionll 11. time. 'foplc , " ' 1'111 - - - ' , . : Per Sa1e. i 1 \ ' As long as the' . preseut stock lasts I will 1J1alce these I .j priccs on l oatl Wagons , Buggies :111(1 Sl\rrey , vi1. : I Ij . j ] No. 19 Road , Wagon . . . . . . $25.00 ! I 1 r No. 20 Top Buggy . . . . . . $35.00 \ I' No. 34 Top Buggy , With $45 00 ! . Leather QuarterTop. : . I No. 42 Top Leather Buggy , With Quarter Top. 00 ! ! No. 38 Spring Two Wagon Seated , oM $46 00 1 No. 138 Spring Wagon , < t75 ! 00 tl , With Leather Top ' + ' . - No. 139 Two Seated Carriage < tSO ! 00 I Trimmed With Leather II These prices my competilor could well investigate - gate , for they are lower than Jobber ! > Prices. I also have.a bargain in It Second-Hand Six Hole Shel1er. If ) ) .p JIa\'c ) ' 011 ovcrhauled your ( arm machinery' ( If not du so and hrinlf me a liit ! of what Y011 want ill thl' way of relam all(1 r will i get thenl fol' y011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I C. S. MARTIN Alt. . . , Mfg. ! . AN D DEALER IN .A.nti--rr-u.s-t : c.Oc ; > d.S. JJI I ' ? 2a . reF lU- - . OUR WAetC : . . I -A. NJ- ' CLoCt < REPAIRING : Make Money for You II I . . . . - - - - - - - Wu OlhcrII I ClIalllu Chqrlt" Wlllrlll' cleaUIII\ . . . . . . . . . . . $ \.Ull $ I 51. } Walch Mliin 8pln . . . . . . , I 00 Watch n..alloo . 8Inlf. . . . . . ! 7r. .W Walch' laell ( Upon FRee ) . . . 5 .0\0 Watch OIau ( Hulltlug 0 , , _ , , ) .15 2r. I 8.DIlY ( Jlock c10RlloII . . . . . . . .75 . .no l.Ua , CloG" clcanell . . . . . . . ,110 75 rlckl'.l ; AIRrm Clock. . . . . . . .40 50 .Towelry Cleanell E'rf 0 of Ching. . . . . - - - : : : : : = = . - - ED. McCOMAS , IIIUJ'UN no\V , N1'1I I 2apd r rla JJUrp0ge of Power.II I.cader , Miss Lottie Silllmo. 7 :30 : p. UI. the cvcning1 gospel hour , a season of good singing lei by the B rracl1 Orchestra , special music by n Doy' Choir of twentr.voices. . H thorough- Jy gospel ! Jermon , ltO topic , "Getting Square. " Wednesday 7:30 : p , In , 'fhe Church privilege time , wlHn prayer , Waisc and 60n is wont to be ma e. rbursday 2 p. m. The Ladies-Aid Socict ) ' meets at the Church , the ) ' IIIC planning : iOmething very good for tlw 28th. Saturd Y 7 :30 : p. tIl. thl : Pa tor leaches the Dible schoollessuu to the telchcr ( lit the Church , the hour Includes II round- table. Jtlnrket ucport for 'rOaDy. UIIAIN- Wholit . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . It , lIallo , . . . . 'II. . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . ' " . . . . . . . . . , 5 11.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . : l5 Ityu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Corn. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ! 5 I.lvy. 8TOJI- 1I01l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1o. (1 ( Htolr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1J.SO .UO Cows. . . , . . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5J r1 2.75 l'ouunr- lbloIUm : dJuf Iluolld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I , Turkey. . Icr 1'"un'I. ' . . . . . . . .I. . . . . . . .OM l'IIOllUCK- IIntler. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Rgl'd\'rl1o ) n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 l\11 rItLI..u "Ous- 1'01111001. per 111181101. . . . " . . . . . . . . . , . 25 Unlon8IIur Imlbel. . . . . , " . . . . . . . . ,7 U..I"'rtou. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tJ.lJO HLraw.lor owL. . , . . . . , . . . . . . ' .15 Hng"r , Ur llulatod.Jercwt. \ . . . . . t5.AI ( ? /i.7 / ( " ' 0 CUU . . cOI.n IN ONI n.V 'rllko LUbUVO IIrolllo Qullllll ! ! 'l'lIblotH. All IlrUKll l _ f' 'unilibuIIoney H II rallK In Illru : , . U. . . . . . . Urn'.q .1/n / turo 111011 j'ach box. : ! Se. - . , . - - - " - - - - - - - - - Z X * m , ffi , ' I BUSINESS POINTERS. K J : : trliroi : : \ : 1r 1 : ; c < < ! & 2\WJ.i \ _ _ W" . _ J. C. Moorc , abstracting. 211 A : ( runll lror " , .Ie - - - ix l11ilcl' > onlh'cast of Broken Bow. Will give POssssion this : pri n g' . l or price and tcrms call on Jud Kay , south side of square : , ' Broken Bow , N b. 36-37 SubJcribf ! : for theCusterCounty Hepublican. FOH SALU OR 'l'nADE-l : or : young cattle , a fresh milch cow. gnqnire at this office. 21) tf S. D. Butcher ha heen down in bed with pneumonia for three . weeks and is still unable to sit up ; bnt requests us to say ' , any : , one that iH in a hurry for 'a Pio- I necr History will be supplied b.y r mail , postage paid , on receipt of : price , 52.50. County papers pIt'ase COP ) ' . . ' - - ' " IICIU'CHcntuh'c lltccl. An energetic honcst person , eithcr sex , whose time is 110t all occupied can get into a permanent - ent , profitablp wholesale busi- ness. No canva9si11g or solict- ing , and practically no capital rcquired. Please mention this paper and write at once enclosing - ing stamp for full particulars. ' Address : 1\1. P. H. Co. , Santa , , Cruz , California. 36-37 _ . 1- - Snyde ; B . ; : "have a large line 'J : of trunks of all sizes. Prices J i reasonable. 35 tf J . . ; I FOIt SAI.E Ol { TnADu-ToWl1 I lots and a few five acre lots in - this city , for cattle , horses or farm .1 land.-Allcn Hayner. A rne line of boys clothing of : grades an-d , quality to suit at i : Snyder BroH. 35 tf I : WANTItD.--Cattle to winter , . 1 plentj' of corn hay and watcr. Prices rigbt. Jns'sn GANDV , 36 tf Broleen Bow , Neb. We have just received our new i line of spring wall Paper. All , . ' 1903 patterns. Call and see thcm ' \ at Wilkin'i ! drug store. 35 tf i West Union , Nebraska-Yes , ) we will pay a part cash for butter - ' ter and cgbrs. RUl'us G. CAlm. 4 , Dierles Lumber & Coal Co. j handlcs the Canuon City Pel ! . coal for slack burners. 25tf \ If you inteuc1 to build caB at 1 Dierks T4umher Co. and get prices. t J. H. Cosner and C. H. England - ' 1 land have opened a paint dhop ' first door east of Day's storc , where the } ' are prcpareH to do all J kind1 ! of l'arriagc and slgn paint- ! i ng. 33-3 ( , . l or Cannon City Pea coal for' , slacle burners go to DiercH ] Lumber - ber & Coal Co. 25tf 'j Stamp Photo's at Bangs' Studio. 29-tf Suyder Bros. ha'e enlarged . ; their stocle of men's clothing and for quality and priCl'S the } ' ( : all : not he excelled. 35 tf F'arms for sale ar.d lands for renl. Now i' ; thc time to get a ' farm cheap , as the cheap farm ' an ! all going , aud prices are ad- I. l in a idly - - . G. reI1izer i . = _ _ ( i'01 { HAI.1t-A : farm near ; ' . Georgetown , consi5ting- 160 acres. A good location , Inquire of Mrs. 'Fannie L.Stuckey / , Ans- ley. Nebraska. 24 tf For Peters shoes , the best on' the marleet go to Snyder Bros. 35 if FOR SAI.Jt.-'l'wo black Spanish - ish J aclcs. One coming three ycar ol the other comiug fonr. 'rhe ) ' wIll be suld at a bargain. Call on Joe : : : ; lcelton or Dr. Shoe maker. 'l'hcse J aclts can be seen - I at the residence of Dr. A. H. Shoemaker in the south part of town. 35-3 ( )