Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 12, 1903, Image 2

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    ' , " , - ; ; . , " "t' < , , , . - . , r , , . . . . _
" " J < . , n " . ; " ' " , 'p , _ " " " "T ,
' <
. -
Guster County Hcpublican
, 11 , AblBlIltltllY , 1 D1'rOit , t l'IJIII.ISlllJ
. - - - - . . . . . -
- . . . . . , . "
, Love II1n " ' 11I1Ih ! III holt , hilt po 11-
tlclnns do 1I0t ,
' 1'ho Cool nlld JJ10lllh dl'ono ! ! Is 1101
nocesllllrl1 ' cOllfillcll 10 1IIIIIdl'IIIICll ! ! ,
. .
- - - -
: ' ' ' ll lll-
Ercry 11I1111 hll ! ' hli'1 pnl'lIl.'lIll1l' - '
cBpocllIlI ' II CI 1'1' he ! ; elll III Ihl' I'holl'
mnlle cluss ,
r _ " '
VOIlIi'lIelu ' : Isn't I he Ih'lIt deht 110elHII'
I thnt hns fotlnel the wuy oC Ihe IrIlIlR-
"I'essol' hn I'll.
\ -
: A Nl'w YOI'I , mnn wIth a hl'oll'n neck
f hnR Inhol'lted H ,000,000 , SOIllO 111'01,10 ,
r hn0 hOl'rlhlo lI1C ) ' , _
f 'l'horo IIIny ho sOllie thhlHH II'Ollllln
, . , , doeR 1I0t Imow , hill IW IIIUII PIIII 11'11
her whll t the ' n re ,
' P'lllce ! Cupld'tI filII 11111110 Iii , Iollnh K
' Knlnnlnnolo , Wc clln'l hlulllc Ihllt
: mnn ror not wllntlng to cllllg 10 hIs
t tllIo ,
Ff : An , onstonl IIIIIW1' SIl 'S Lnltc gl'lo Ir ;
" ' growt"lIg Hhllllowel' , 'J'hcre lire ellollgh
. , wrecks roposlll ! ; on lis bottolll to IIC'
i i" CO\lut tor thIs ,
\ , A ah.lcngo prollchor hus ronelcl1IlIell
, the " on't W01't'Y IIhllosophy , " If 'Oll
* , - hayo no tl'OlIhlo ot YOllr OWII h1ll'l' ' otll
' nudJOITOW II little ,
rnXl orcr Ponry IIllvllllS COIISlllllpi h'os
10 IIlCull n sOllson lu Ihe IIl'ctlc cll'elo ,
Co tllluly 1I0body CIIII UCCIISO l\Ir.l'clIl'Y
ot glvlug the consllmpllvcs hol 1111' .
A IWlIIctlc In POIIHhlwllIsle ! WitS 1'0'
stored to SlIlIlty hy hlut'llI ! UII ol'ches'
tt'll , It lIIual hll\'o heoll Ille 1I111 'III of
Rome olher orcllcstt'l tlllll ! IIulle 111m
I 1111 II e ,
A nroolcl 'li mUll , nl'tll' Ihe Ileal 11 of
hlR secolld wlrc , hils jllst 01l0 llItl'k
luul 11I111't'IOIl tile fh'III , fl'01ll wholll 110
WII9 dh'Ol'COII , SOlllellllllH ! l'XIJI'I'II'IH'es
1.llIllccs the hellrt t'OW fOllllol' ,
'l'ho dlanlll ) ( Ilt'IlIlCC of the Illtle loc ,
which Is II1'clllcled h ' the sclelllltlc
gOlltlcmclI , w1l1 110 fl Wllr with a
Il1rgc 1)l'centaJo of the IIIHcomfot'l , 1I0t
to Sll ' 11118et' ' , wllh which the cOIIIIIl' '
movcs Ils COI'Iel'oll. .
A l'enlls ' \'nnhl 1 tloslllluslct' ha ; : ; rc.
cel\'ed II I'CllllcSt to fUl'ward r OO lIIar-
rlngeahlo 'oulIg W01llell to Hellitlo nud
'l'IICOIIIII ; to beeomo Iho wl\'es of Inl
1IInnr ullxlollS IIl1d desll'llhlo 'Ollllr ;
l11en , As It Is 1I0t slleeilled whel hl't'
they nre to ho Bellt by re lstOl'ell let.
tm' OJ' nr ; lI COIHI clllss mfltlel' , the tlost-
master Is IlIlclllr ; 110 IIctlon ,
0110 of the New 1'0\1 ; : pUlJel'S calls
nttolltloll to the deellllc In 1)Q1)\Jlllrll ) ' of
the al11 ; : hll t , 'l'hct'O wus II 111110 when
' the oldm' citizens of Ih'oss ' lastcs wt'O
" ( IIl\'arlabI ' tlcclWtI wllh Iho shlll ' slo\'I'-
IIlpe , Bllt that dny 1 lIs IJUssed allli silk
hats hn0 h'eollllJ 60 l'al'e Ihllt the '
IIttrllct Slwcllli IIttCllllolI whell 6eOll III
I1l1hllc , BxCelJt\oll \ IB II1l1de , hOWO\'I\ ' ,
III the CIISO or the chellp 1101lllclllllH ,
'l'hey wOllltl fOI'Ceit 1111'oslJect If the '
ol11ltletl the hIgh hut ,
- - - - - -
Iell wllo Ollll1lo ' ehl1l1 IlIhol' , liS
wel1 nR 1II1'n who , \tHlolent \ lit hOlll' ,
IIV ( ! upon tlw Clll'lIll1gS of thp\t' \ chll-
Ilren , shou1l1 bo slIIllhm with Il\Ihllt
contlomllotloll , Ulldel' the 0111 I'IHIIIIIJ
thc siu0 dClllcl'-tho IIIlln who , III 01' .
del' to 111 II I\ ! ! money , sOIJum11'11 fill hl'I'
1111I1 lIIolhl'l'S : tIHI chlltlt'cn-wus so'hl I.
I ' OSlrlll'lwll. ; 'l'h'I'o Is uo slI1ulI 1'1'11 ,
11011 why 11I11 who trulllc IIIlICit' \ OWII
chlldl'cn'R Ih'l's Ulld III the 1I\'I's of 01 h.
CI' lIIell'R l'hlllh'l'n Rhoultl eSClllIC slml.
In I' 1I\IIIIshn\l'nl. \ .
- - - - - -
- - - - - - -
01l10 dll ' we shull IIl'olluhl ' hu0 t (
lI ht for this l\lonl'ol ! lIoch'hll' , 'I'hl
eoul1t1' ' Is Ill'ncllcally UlI/lIIllIIOI1S 01
thl ! Imhjoct UIIII Is lII'I ' to t'l'lIIuhl 1i0
tlesllllo till ! IlIIhocill' , eOl'l'lIlJl 111111 1'\'O
ll1t1ollul' ' Ill'olwusltleH or thl' outl
Alllel'lclIl1S , 'Vo 1\1'0 cOllslth'I'lul-t 0111
OWI1 hlll'I'CIiIIi IUIII sllfel ' , uot theil's , I
Iii II well uccelliclI Ill'luclplo of 1IIII't'IIu
Illw thllt e\'ery IIUtlOII has n Ilet'fl'l'
I'I ht to IIl-ht : a/nlllst / : n thl'eull'l1l'lI 111111
or. Wc l'oulcl 1I0t sullllllt to thl' I'
la1l1ll-lhl11l'IIt 01' It hOltlle PIIIIJIt'I' Ilt Oil
\'cr ' dool' .
111 his IIII'-SIl : O Pl'csltlcllt Hoe l'\'ol
IlIIts the Htlllllp of hCllrl ' UIJIIl'O'ul 01
the rurul free lIell\'el'Y s 'stelll , UIIII h
[ 'CCS 11I01'0 1t1 It thlln the ShlllJle dell''el
IIIIt of 11I1111 lHuttel' 10 the roll.s 011 th
fnrm , It III 0110 or n host or lIIodl'I'1
thll1gR thu t 1I1' { ' Ulllldllg life n WU ' fl'OI
I'lIlcs 1II01'e Jlhmsllllt nllll atlrnctlvc
tUld SOIllC Ila ' , It 18 lJOlle\'ell , thc Ol
I > tonll1low of 'OI1I1I11I011 ullli waul ( !
( rom brond ncros to crowded cltlos wi
he chocled , 'l'hcro 1l1'0 IIOt CIIOIIlh & 111
cossrul fnl'IIII'I'S-IJ1'o I'CRSIY ! ' , wltll
It wake , model'l1 tlllel's ot the soli , 1101
l'l\U there bo whell the SOliS nre III
wllllnlt to tallow III th.l ! footstcpt ! < :
thclr tnthors ? 'l'heso b " \ ern'I ! t'
dtmnont , IlIxurlell , bottoI' clothtnt ; , th
lIolRO Ullll hllstlo ot n busy worill. I
oed ' Installces these '
A mllJl 'Olllli
tII'I'H at the rnl'lII SWIlIJ pure Ioltl C (
111'0lpClce : tor dlHcollteut. They 0\1'
1II111e less money Hum couhl bo WI'CS
l'll tl'Oro the sollu t hol11o , , 'rho ' pretl
' 0 < ' 1IUSO dollnrIn U crowd , The ' rb
IlI'allil nnd llIorllls , 'l'hl'l'O nro temllt :
1101111 III n ( ! 1tr thnt the tnI'm dwclle :
" "OW nolhlllg ot nllY nre blessed :
' 1a'lr Icnorullco , 'l'lwrc nro lIttle tOWI
, h : ! t hn'C heon nlmost Bwopt ot the
" 'I' IIII'lL whlll' nt the [ II ow are Ht'a
1\1111 , olll tellow8 who uc(1 the ho
, t Ollfo , ulIll mOl1ru lWCIlUBO at the cl
'IIII.1tIl'NK . thnt hns hecomo epll10ml
" " " " , l1"o c' . .
, - - - - ,
'I'I. ! . ' I'nllutllllloll or IIWI'I'allll'o"IIC'I'Il ) '
I. . III Ihl' fJlI , Wo HI'O Mull \I I lI rll'lIl.
I lII'n I 1111 11011 , 111111 WIRO 11I011 IIKIIlt'l ! I hll 1
wc luU t 1'1'11I11 I n RtlCh , A 1I 'lhlll tha 1
IIt\'I'IIt1011 IIII1IIIOW ht\\1'I1'1I11 ' do
I'CII'IICO , \ \ \
10 11I111w 11 ( ( ' 011 thc farllls 11I11\0 \ unruc'
II'I ! 10 Ihc ' ( , UII rollu will 111I1' II
' t1w fnllJt.c'OICIII'O or thl'
hou'III/ot : / 011 fnllJt.c \ \
1111 11011. CIII'UJI t lellholllS , 1IIt'uI rl'IW
lIIulI tlell\'I'I'r IIlIel IIIIl'l'lIl'hll1l IIlt'ocl
I'IIlh'oulti : Ill' ; ) 11111 t111 IIw ( nrJllfi III
tOllch with thl' Il'st of ell > ' Ilfl' 111111 the
I'CHlllt 1'1111 olll ' hI' 00l1.
_ n , _ _ _ . _ . , "
- - - - - - - - - -
It I > > tlw I'IIRINlt I hlll III thp WOI'III h
II "lIl1hOlI ' , " . \ 11 t hit l I" III'CCHII\'Y !
Is 10 do lIolhlll , 01' 10 Iw IlIw Ihc ho '
who , whl'lI IltwtllllHlCll IJ ' hi ! ' ! flllhl' IIti
10 why hI' 1IfIIII'CHI lIcll his llO-IltlolI : ns
clct'l. III 1101101'1' , 1'1'1'111'11 ' : ' ' 'I'ho wOl'I ,
Willi 1011 IlItI'Il ; I IIIIt loold II fOl' somo.
thlll CIIHY , " LOllI ; : olll fOl' n " ol't
HIIIII" " " VOII'l el IIJI III tlte 1II01'1I111
IIntll 'Oll fc'llIlw It. IJolI'1 go to WOl'I ,
1I11t11 > ,011 III'C ohll l'el toJOII't \ Imt ,
'otll'Hell' Ollt 10 IIIl'el l'1IlIgl'lIIl'IIII ; : ! ,
r-l'\'l'l' 11I11111 If 'Oll IIII-IS : II 11'1I111 , 0It
OIlIlI'O hl1lf all 110111' III\ \ ! ' III > ' 11 lit. WOI'I\ .
Il' 'Oll 111'0 II t 8chool , Iloll't ll'OlIlIlc
n IWlIl PI'I'PIII'III 'Ollt' Il'ssolls. "Ct'l II"
WhI'IIO\'II' 'Oll 1:1111. ehl'n t II S oftI'll lit : !
1)I ) Hlhll' , 111111 gollho IH'sl of 'Ollt' tenl'l' (
( ) l' WIWIII'\'I'I' YOII 1-1'1' 11 CIIIU\'I' \ , IInl1
'IIII1' IJ\'O I'IW III Ihe Ill'sll'(1 (1I1'I'I'Loli ( !
will ho 1II--IIIt''I ) . If 'Oll HI'C III rolll' I' .
1\1'\'t' \ 11I11111 IIhol\l \ U Hl'llOlItl' hll' ' : Ihn
1II1t11l thlll III to slldl' Ihl'ough , YOII
Pltll I'lIIlIlor II tlltOI' ulllll' closl ! of cllch
tl'I'1II 111111 " 1't'l1l11" ( ot' Iho cxltlllillalloll.
1111\ ' ( ' "II gooll 1I1tH' , " It 11I1 IWI' I' holhel'
Itholll I'l'slIlIs : 1111' > ' will Iltkl' ( 'al'l' of
Ihelllsl'h'l'1' , 1)0 1I0t ll' ' III tlo thlllS
11M wnll liS 'Oll 1'1111 ; III1Y Wit > ' will tlo ,
II' ' ( ) II 111'1' slIwlllg II hOIlI'I110 \ 1I0t ( 'X ,
( ' \01ll'sl'lf ; 10 8ltW Il sll'lllhIf ; : \ ' ( ) II
Hta rl 10 111111.0 a Hlecl 01' II hllola'as ! ' , III\-
( ! t' 1II1IHIlthollt 1'I1Illcllll ( H ; 01' , If ' ( ) II
110 , IlIIt II 10g1'IhI' 1111 'hoW , Half Ilflll ! ! ,
hotclwll worl , Is jill'll Ihl' thll1 for
"II oh0l1l I'll , "
- - - - . - - _ - . - - .
- - - - - - -
\\'hl'lt . ' hils 1101 hl'ell '
\ Dr , } .II\'I'I17. I'll
1Ie(1 ! ( 1II'lfeHHlolIlIlI ' hlH 1111I0 SI'I'IIIS to
hit \1) IWCIl occlII'll'cI ' wll h SlIlJll1ltllll 10
SIlUI' ' Shlllsi Illlel'\'lew 1\1111 \ hltllllllClH ,
t [ Is JlI'OfI'SHlllnlll IcI'\'lcls : ! IIl'C 1101' 1'01'11I ctl
with 11I1hltllJIIHII1 ! hel'OIle ; his hel\t't It
III hlB WOI' ! < , lie 'Hllhlllils 10 Ihe slIap
sholH wllh lite IIIlIIost OOhllIllOl' \ ,
lIIwwl o 10 the 11I1t't'\'lew , wllli'h he
I'l'cogllll' ns 1111 A IIICt'lell1l III'acllc ! ' Ie
whlt'h hI' Is 1I0W fllll ' 1I'CIISlolllcll.
to IIw 1IIIIIlflll'IH , tllHl III luwlhl't' slot'r
UI'HIl ' IIII ! C\'I' of 11'1I\'III HaIIlIllOl' ( ! 1'01
l'hlllIllll'hln : ! ' lIw tI 01' I 01' III 1111 IlItl't"
'II'1'IIIIHI'IwII IIl11t Iw '
\ \ \ ! Willi hca\'tIIs
wetl' ' of lIw halllllll'ls he hl\(1 to II'
Ihn'e wll h theil' clldll' ; ; ! ! \'IIt'loly 01
foolls , Bolli ! ; n 11I1111 of slllllllt IIIRlol
110 ilkI'll IIln III , SIIIIJlh' , soll\ \ COOl ) . "Dc
lIot Ihllll. , " Hnltl he , "tlillt 11111I IIlsl'lIsl.
hlo 10 I he 1'11 t ! ; tJ(1 ( ) will which 'Olll
Illllsll'ltleH" BlltIO IIIl1clJ
hoslltllllir ( " ! -IO I
I'atlll ! Wh ' , It hl : wOII\ct'fllll \ 1\ \ II
lxll'uOI'\IIIUI' \ ' ! " Ulll1l1esllollllhl ' Amet' . .
1.l\lIs nl'o 100 milch gl\'ell 10 ( ) allll
So al'l ! Jt'ltoll-l : ! , o 111'0 nl'01'1'117. \ "
OWII 1'011111 1' 'IIII'II , 1'01' liS 10 1'lItllI 11111 ] ,
IIt'llIlcllu \ ( ; 1'1'1111\11 1o\llIll't'7. Is 111'0
halll\lIl'l \ , 1\1111 1II0st AlIIl'l'lellllH whe
I-Jholllli I t' ' to IB'I'JI 1IJ1 wllh ' 1'01110111 <
HIII'I'I\ls fol' alty II'U lh 111' tlllle would
1'1111 as l'h ' 'sll'lll WI'I'ckH11 Iho 1I01'Ih
1'1'11 1111 1I0IIs II 1'0 gl'l'lI t I'U ICl's lis COlli
pllt'l'll with Ihl ! 1.1\1111 UllIl othel' sOlllh
I'I'U lIallollH , 1Is \ II1tI'II ' thl' s\ll'\'IYIL
01' SII\'III'I' ! ' , IJ\I'II : ' IIII' uJfcct or < ' 11 ,
1111111' . 'I'lli' OotlH 111111 Vlllllll1ls WPI'I
hll 1' 1'II11'I'S HlIII t hI' . \II lo' aXIIIII
hul'tlly 1111'1'1'101' 10 thl'lII , ll1ch lit.
1II'IIIIs , I\I'I't' 1111 , 1IJ1011 the InlllyllllIll
ell IJ\ : I'll r , ] )1' , LOl'l'ItZ 1I111 ' lIol hc 1
fait' SIH'I'IIIII'II ol' (1l't'IIIUII 1IlIlIll'lIlntl\'l'
nPHH. 1'1)I'hlllI-l ( , hu\'llI ; : 1Uol'e lilt I
lIIull' 1Il'I111nllllnlll'O wllh Ihl' II II IIIU I
1I0dy Ihull 1II0HI 1)'I'fOn ! , III' nl11lt'eelnll'j
1111' hll'SHl'lllIeHS of Illalll , sllIIlIll. ' IIYlng
1111. Itl'ullllol III' tll'lIll'tI tllIIl 111111III ;
0\11' 1'I'I\II1s 111'1' UIU'gllllll1l1l1 ; IlInl , I\S I
1'1111' , WI ! I'al 11)0 1II11ch 111100 \ oftell
I 111111 I hll I 1J1lI' l'hlef WII ' ot' eXlI'cs-IIII' ) ! '
0\11' hosplt IIIII ' III , 111 \'Ishl ' fOPIIIII :
0\11' fl'll'llIll-I. 11 II' 1101 1\10111' I hI' 111I hll I
11111111111'1 whll'h WI' ; :1\\ : IIw IlIslIlI
gl1l < ; hl'll lIl'sl , whlt'h ! wlIIl'lIlIIeS hi
) wl'oslll'H willi SUI'I'OSHfllllr , 1If ! 1111
1'1'IItI'I' HIIIt' ' 11I111 ' '
! , 01ll1'1 lIul's11111111' '
I ( 'I'ssfllllr , 1111 ,1111 , Ihl' 01'111111 ) ) lIlw Horh
, 'I'hl' )11'I\'a ) II' lIa 11 If II 1'1 H 1-:0 011 1\1\1' \ I II
hl'ool ; , "I'OI'I''I' . " ol'ltI ( ' \II III ! I 111I \ '
I Itn I'I't'rcshllll'ltls 1IJ101t I'\'I'I' ' OI'I'/h.11I1' ;
\lIl1lsll'I'S ! ! I 10clhl'l' ; : 10 IlIsel1l1s 1111'1
10 It'al un'alt's allll I'lt'lIll-htwlt ' III'opel"
10 I'al. " 'OIl1l'II'S I'llIhs IIll'el 10 IIsI ! !
10 1IHIlII'I' 1111011 SO III I' 111I111I1'1 II lit 0
IIlIltllICJt'IlIltt : Huh.ll'l'1. : tIlll 11'11 IIIl1st 11
slIllIl11 Hl't'\'I'I\ \ . 'I'he '
pometl 1I1\(1 : \ hlt'l\ \
I'11a ' , th ( ' Wl'tllllltg Iht ' , the 1'111111tl \ \
I'llI'll II111s1 ha1' II s 1IIII'olll'Iu te111'11I
11I111 the holltla\'c ; ; call1lol he 111t111 1
, l'll'hl'lllt'll wlthollt ' ,
1'1'I'hllll tlll't'I ! Is 110 wn ' of l'l'tot'lIIll1
I' ( JIll' I'allll hllhll , hilt , all the SlIlIIl" 11
) ) t' , ! .Ol'lIIZ ! SII\'II ; , "It Is wonlll'rCIII ! 1
Is ( 'xt I'aCl1'c1htll' : ' ! "
. .
- - - - - -
Onl ) ' n MIIUIH' or'I'IIII1' ,
Nl'llesl SIIIpicH II'1Is Ihhi IItOl' ' of
fl'll'lI(1 who \ \ ' \ 18'Ct' ' fOl II 1 ot lIel
RI10l'Is 111\11 lIosscssed llno lInll' of 1' ( '
11'I8h ! lettel'Olle IIlght he'Isltcll
fnshlollllille lIl11hlllllcslobllshnwlI :
tultlllg Iho 110/:8 / with hlll1 , lIe 1'1
1I0WII to 1'lIjo ' the Ii II IJJlOI' , wholl II
111'0111'10101' , who WIIS nlso [ ontl of shoo
' 1'1.I'tl
IlIg , I'cmn :
" ' 1'hose 11I'1''et' ' IIlIe anllllllls , I'll
Blnnl" n1'O thl' ) ' hl'olm ? "
" 11CI\0.118 , 110 , " was the l'cSIlOlIH
"they hll'cn't hl'l'lI In hl't'l ) Ih'u lit I
utes , "
Uti ) ' III : ( 'lIlIIlIlIlIn "I'illllH'r ,
, Pallor lIIulIlInelllrel'H 1Il'1 ! hll 'llIg \
I1l11he1' Inlltls III Nl'wfolllllllnull , Cnll
tin , nR Cnl' nl : ! Ln1lr/lllor , IIlHI whel'e\ "
tllIIUOl' cnn ho f01ll1l1 to COl1\'Ol't III
ImllJ tor IIfileNllnlIII { , 0110 of tJ
Intest Ilut'chusCR wus lI ' a Wlseolls
hll 'er who hOllght lIooono nCl'es
! JI\'lIeu UmbcI' In NowfOllllllllllld , whe
nil e : < tollslvo 1I11101' 1I111l wlll UO oreele
I P . _ _
ty Orten 11 Hhoelllnkcr's fIrst rcsort
Ie , I hili ! t\st ,
. . . . .L.
The bOllr wnR 00 IIA : , wlll'r" Iho IIInn ?
'fill' 11111'1111 IIRIII ) . . 1I1111111erlug roe ,
AIIII 1111 till' WII ) ' or ' , 'urll
HI ! ellllll ! Illto t hI' ) " ' 111' ' ' , ' .
0111' fJn tnrnl rnlllnill. I nrtb IJp rnmOj
AM 0110 Ihul RIIII1"11 to hi. . . nnmal ,
or IIl'cnllll'lI how hlleh hi" , 'hurge ,
1II1 work how rnlr IIlId lArge-
' ] ' 0 "et Ihr "lone' " hn'lt III tbr1111 '
Ll.'lIt t 1m tI h'l Ill'll h/lllll' "ho1l1l1 rllll ,
Ami 111'1(1'1' ( rrolll 1I1f'II 11'pllrt ,
JlulH' Alltl IhtllIllIlko \ hrllrt ,
\\1. ' 10011'11 011 101m : " 'TI" hI' , " wo 8n111j
"COIIII' 1'1'011'1111' ' ' ' ' nllll II II Ill' I'll 1111'11 , "
'I'hl' IIhl'lhl'I'11 wIlli111 1l''I'
'I'he 1101'111 , 11'111 rolll the flhrel' ' , "
1lIl-ollhllI' ; , ) 'I'K'I't : 'Iwns thl' III10n ,
I'rl'sn/llllj. / ( I hI' IIlIlIIorlnl flrc II 1' ,
lIrlll' hllltl , ' or 1I1'lIrs
\\'ht flellioth III' tile slllrs ,
, \
Nor 11'011111 III' Inlil' tll ! ! JlRst holween '
Ills 1IIIIIIIs , willi''ulor rI tnhlets cll\n ! ,
11111111I1111111111 : J.Il'nlnl' ! ! ' ! \\'lIlt
' 1'111 II ! ! slnnll lit IIII' IlIle ;
ot III' 11'011111 " 1'1111I11 10 11111' 1111I1111 lIend c I' '
'I'llI' IIlI'rll ) IU1II'1'11I lit the Iellll ! , ' '
TIIIIO'II 1111/0:111) / : ' \'lnlllll' , 'liP ,
AIIiI 111'1111 ; 1111 hOlloI' 1111 ,
II IIl1ttl'r lit Ihl' 1IIIIIIIors 110111
1111111' hl' , 1111' IlIsl ) ' ! Ions ot ulIl ,
' 1'111' 1I1I1Ij.hty ( "OIlIJIII'I'orH
Hl'l (0 r\\'u I'll 10 lhelrl'lIrs ;
ot hili thplr hillfl' , thl'lr I'nJL'"lIlrle ' ,
Thl'll' ; ' :0111 , Ihelr 1101' ) ' , Will ! lIot his :
111111I101) " ho "lilliI' 10 kl.'l'll
TIll' 1I0l'ks , Iu (0111 Ihl ! shel'p.
'I'hl' 111'11 1'011I1'11 1101 wlthollt thr mnn :
'I'h. , I'rewlt'llt ' hOIlI' ! ! IIncI'lIl1lng 1'1\11 ,
AliI ! III' ' Iht11) ' or tl'lIl'l !
lit' 1'1I1I1t' Inlo Ihl. ' ) 'OIlI'I ,
0111' I'nstornl ' 1'lIlltlllll , RklllcI1 to crook
The ! l1HlIr 111111 the' 1'1'11111111 ' ; hook ,
'I'ho flIIlllllt' , 1 < 111(11) ' 1111111 ,
) , llIcullllIwrleulI. .
- ew York Inllel'olldellt ' ,
' : ' + 01' + ' ; " : " : " : " : " : " ; " : " : " : " : " : " ; " : " : " : " : " : " : " 1--1' :
I unt Selina's ' Valentine i
' : - + + - : "H"H"1"lo + + + ' 1- + : ' + ' ; ' + - : - ' 1'i -
- - - -
IIOlrnllll'lI ! whistle was clenr
VfHliJ ] ' flhrill thllt 11I01'111111 ; , Ihe Hlh of
1"I''rl\ul' ' ' ' , IIlIelHI he liftell the
Imockel' 011lIlIt HI'lilla'1i IIl1rl'nreell I
toor Iho I'OIiIlt ! I.'chol'll thrulI-h ! : the hOlloe
II II el rOllelH'l1 the 1'1I1'1i IIf the Ii U II' IIHI ' , I
who hlllitll ' Ihl'cw IIslde tIle hml'lh she' '
\\1I1i I\KIIII- : 111111 , Hhllldll- ! : till ! IllIst ft'olll
hel' 11I1Ig' Irllll , II P 1'1111 , oJlI'II11 ! the dool'
, \\'lth Il Illellll\lIt : \ Sill III' ,
1'he I'lIIile.lIl1lshl'll , hO\\'e\'I'I' , 1111I1 Il
look of ' ( ' ! ! ' tllol ; lliol pllll'e ilK she " 'ali
livl'lI ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'pure
; II 1111'11' sqlllll'e 1'11\1'10(11' ( ,
\l'hill' , IIl1el tipII'ith dullll ' Ilillk I'ibholls
,11111 ' 11I1Iilll little how8 , whhh : e\'ell hm'
lIimhll. ' 1i1lI'1'1'I ; 1'0111111 It h:1I'I1 : III IIlIlie ; hut i
111111' 11I1t\ , il \\'IIS sllreml out Oil Iho I
tllbln lil'fol'l' hl'I' , II11 h ! II tI II 1' , 1111 Ince 111111 ,
1I0Wl'I'S IIl1tl sntill hOWK , with two I\lIgols '
, bOlll'illg Ill' U 1I11of lo\.c , I
Anllt Hellllll'li fllce \ \ ' 1114I / bllhl ' , III'
dee , she 11111110 1llclme ( tlttill ) ; Ihel'o hy
Iho olel th'eRilio ' 'III lolvo this '
tl' > : lo : lH 'S'
ICI'Y11111 / \1'111'11 IHllhllCIIIIIO : 1\1111 wheu
! -.ho wl.'lIl 10 fl.'ell hl'r chlclu'lls11111 / 110 I
, ( to\'CI' , hi ! ! ' only COIIIIJllllioIlS , h ( ! wa : ! slill
/I / ldnj. ( IWI'Rl'lf 0\1'1' allli 0\1'1' :
I "Who III 1111 th\ ! wide worlll call Cill'O
I'lIolI/.lh / fOl' 1110 10 ! : ellli mo Klich 11 mes ,
SIlO of love , "
, . \lIl1l S..III1I1'S life hllel h1'1I 11 ( Iulot oue :
hl'l' 1II0lhl'r 111111 IiiI'll while sIll ! was U
eh 1111 , 11I111 , wit h the help of all flIt ! II III'S e ,
! > he hllll hl'l'lI hOlUClwopel' fOL' hel' futlwr
I , 111(1 ( 0111' hl'othm' , olell.'r Ihull herselC , 111111
whl'1I Ihls IlI'other IIIl11'riCII Rhe wall AUllt
Sellllll , 1I0t olll ' 10 hili ehlldr ( > lI , hut 10
thl'lr little Cl'iI'I(11IHI ( / \\1,11 , fo\ ' hl'SUllI '
I\ntlll'l' lIIalle hel' 1\ fll'ol'itel'ith them
1111 , 'YlwlheL' ( IItllI'I' t1ll'II slIP \l'IIR left
with Ihe collllgo mill little grmlel11I111
I ollollgh 1II01ll'Y 10 Ii\'o COlllfOl'tllhl ' III 1\
( IuletI'II ' .
Bllt , Iholl > : h ao 't'UI'S of ngl' , she hnrI
1\1'\'er \ ] 1:111 : a 10\1'1' , so 1I0W liS hl'l' 11I11111
I'all O"CI' the gl'lIt1l'lIIell Wholll she Imow
lilw COIIIII Ihlnk of 110 0111' whu'oulll
S'IIII hl'I' 11 vnll'lItilll' , Stili thl'l'e was the
BaYI\'i11I' IIIIStlllll\'I ; , Ihe tOWII whl'l'o ' Kho
1\\1.11 \ , 111111 flllce anlll : she WI'lIt Ihl'ollgh
hl'l' liKI of aCllllnllltallcell ,
' ' 'l'hl'l'e's Heal'OIl IIn 'os-hllt he III 1'0
olel alld II'J : ' it 1'1111'1 hI' hI' , . \1It1 Cm'los
1:1'0\\11 : , hI. ' : . ; ltl-l III thl. ' 111.\\ ' nt m ' ri h t ,
hilt Ill' 11'1 I'I'IIII ' tflO 11001' 10 thllll. : of
tllldllg II wife , "
' , SUlIII''II ' , . \ IIUt Sl'lIl1n fl'lt Ihnt
It 1II1.'II/It thai. ( , Iw wh ' shollhl ouo ! > ellll
o l'ostl\ vlIlI'lIt1l1o 10 1111 0111 lIIalel ?
OIlCI : : . ; hl' Ihouht ; of asldllJ. : thl' post.
. Illall , 111111 thl.'l1 IlIulhl'tl ' lit Ihe illell , As
If he wllulel Imow , I II' waK II hllClwlol'
of IIIhlllll' IIgl' , II II tl 1'1111I01' snill thlll ' 1,0
hllli 110 HldllJ. : fill' 1IIIlil's' sol'il't ' , 1I\\11Ig' 10
KOIIIO I'X pl'I'll'lIl'e hl'fOl'1' c mlllj. ( to nuys-
I \"HIt , .
, \lIl1t Sl'lilla Iholl-ht ! : thnt his IIInUIII'I'
, I hOl'o out thIs stall'lIIl'ut , as he hllll 11111110
; fl'frll'lllls 1111I1 sel.'l\1l'11 \ 1I0t to cllI'e (01'
I hI' chccl'flll "Good 1II111'1I111J. : " which she
I 1-:11 : n' hllll whl'l1l''l'r hI. ' s1oPP1'11 n t hel
(1001' ( ,
It lIIust ho cOllfl'lI-l't : ! thnt'hl'l ) the
uext SUlltlll ' CIIIIH' , AUllt I'lillll WUS 111\ .
IIsllllll ' clI\"l'nl of hel' elrl.'ss , She II'I/'O
IIPI' IlI'W hlucl. : 1'11I. , 11I111 hl'I' WllVY ht'owl\
huh''US 1I1'1It1 ' eoil'II ht'lIl"ath till' 141111111
\"I'h'l'l hOllllel , which she hllli fl'l'RhenelI
\ Ip'ith a IIl'WIntlll bow , fill' she fl'It
HUI'I' thnt hCI'"alellthw fl'lt'lIlll'lIlIhl he
lit chlll'ch thnt IIll1rnllll : , nlltl liS Nhr , I'll'
tl'l'l.'lI the ( 'ulur t'OI' ; III hl'r fllit , fncl' , (01'
Hho ft ! lhnl the de/woll hnd 1 > 1'01,1'11 '
IIO\I Idltb' Ihall Isnll , us sil Cll10
np Iho I'I'I.'I11. : , I" HI'II'I had tak-
I'll her hallt ! II Jrlotll Ilel 'Sqnl\e " 'nt.
I.IIS , hel' fathel"l 011 Ct'it'It , hlli II'
' ( ' ,
(111'1'1 or 111' honlh
. \-I ! shll'elt hae ! . to her clulel hOle
' If U hrhhlI' flltllro
sil wIIIll'lc : ( were
II sll fil her , sOlllothll1 ; helIc1'1 the
: ; . ' lot 1'01' '
1111111sIhlt , hlil 1111 hl.'l IIJI
' 11111 IHISSI , 111111 lt h'lIllh , ' 1Iadn
' ' ' ' Ih ( ' ' of ' \'al.
10lhlll101'1' : 1'1'01 tellll'r hll''al.
1'1tle , she 11echll'II Ihnt ( lthll' ho 11,1 , not
\Ish 10 he I.OWI , or hUll lnt the COlI
Ule 10 t'lrrr the 111lr ( urtlu'r , 140 Iho
ltle tolt'll WIIS 1111 aWI ' , Ihe ( i' 1'0"
11111'1' oC onlt HIIII'H If (
010 lIar n ho ' cmll 1'11111111 10 hl'I'
, Ioo wlh a IIISSIjI' , which 11'111 :
"I al'Iry sick : \l'i 'on CIII 10 IIII ?
YonI 10111 I ni ,101 : 101 ,
" "
"lll'nl. 10111 IIS\'lll' ,
Ycs , AUllt Hllln wonll j.I , ! Il II'US
nlwurs ronl ) ' to 1111 Ihe 6n lerl Il't
I whell she t'lt'red Iho 1'001'hcrl , Iohll
II Iooro In ' , thl' IISI CIIIO qllkir 10'
n wlrl her , tcllJ hl' that ho hlli 1101
10llg 10 \\'e , nll 6ho Ihollht Iho 8110
when Nhc taw whut n \ ' the ( OVCI'
hnl mnlo of the OICO 8lrollJ. : 1111\1
Perhas It WIS hIs cOIslllltoll Ihlt
brought hll throlJ.h , or 1 IU ) ' hl\11
been Aunt cheerful Cnco '
1111 jtl'
tc WlYS , ( or John Moore 111 10t Ile ,
Ilthough It wnR 111) week ! boCoro h
could trn\el his rOllllls agall , Ilel dil
h Ini thnt tlno Aunt Se1nn lellrm'l ho\
'ueb he bnd cared ( blr , nnl that II
, ' .
, .
. .
. . .
. . .
ln l I BnUAnY 12 , 1800 ,
I Let 19 hnvc fnlth thnt rlht mnlto' mhht , nli In thnt faih lot 1H tlnre to
dn OUI' duty nH0 111crHlall I , "
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
\\118 he who hnd sent the \nlcltile , hop ,
III the ' wonlt ! , III some
1t1' 111ssaJe
wn ' , hell him to glil hl'r 10\0 , for i
wns 10t trnc , the rllort ( which the Jot
sips of BI 'I\lle hall bl'ollht IIJIIIIS\ \
hilll , hit n 1'1'(11 IIltlro .
10re ( ; ( whle.
hlli 111110 hil "ICI hllrl'relt to these
who wOlld Iw to hlve Ilell his f\lells ,
Alllt SI'IIII 1001 101111 thllt he WIS n
lohle , tlle-hearl'I 111 , olleI11 cOlhl
' hl.'r whole ' , all
I'llst wih , 10\1' 1\1 lfe
whel he IslcII :
" ' ; Hhlrl' Iho hOle I hl\'o '
'Vi01 mnll'
. '
' the of ' slw !
I'ellly wih 'Ol't lit
lot Il'fuse ' , hut a lte lalcr wOllt fuil.t-
I ' illio the chlch which thc ehihlrln
hnll fh'II wih I \\'l'r8 , flI when flhe ! nw
Ihl HWll't hlos ollls nll,1 rCIz't ! thnt ni
Ihls hilt ! IJcU Inno for hel' , tea'S or h11-
phle ! ! fll'll , her e "es nll she thotht :
ml. "low Iho ( I i is lfe n nnl \ 11 chnllJI'11 , - ( or .
ChUI'uctcrfticH ! If thc Greut Etllcl.
utnr " Told In ,
) 1" lurlJrllh
'I'he flllllar cuhln of ' ehid.
houll couhl 10' ' llrOporl " he tet'lIld a
callJ , fO' IlIslenl of boillJ lalo of I UII ,
IIIS Imilt of Illes , was nhout fOllrteclI
Cect SIllrO 111 hllll 110 1001
In 'ollth he was UI nrllelt nll'ocale
of tempcrllce , nld leln'I'ct dlscou os
Eo thl. ' ' ' of
on ( rtwlty nlimlls nll :
I WI' , le lkel stum"sllenldl ; mich
the hn to wlehl
I more thal ax hal lO
oftel ,
Amol ! the frst situatons ho ohtnil'll
of O Ollt for
aftel com II ! I 11111 . stlldng
hllself WIS lS a lat.hont hlml to XU\
01'11.118 , 'I'ho sla\'o Il1ctioll IIItne , s'
el thL'r ! hol'c the ripa fl'ult of nfel' 'fnl ,
I Is ! lhl thlt thell allll thl'l' , In In ' ,
l a1 the Irul Ilnllst s1\'l' ' 1 ! l'lell
h is soul ,
' ' , . ' , sallow , ' '
1'111 lalll. : Inl'k 111 s1htl
! toOlil1 ( hI. ' \IS In 1\lnrnICe , blllI : a
I luseullr U flll .1 lt n , His d\'css ill
those tU 'H WIS 11 tllllctllcor ! hide , ( 'olt ,
tromws Ild mocclsllIS , 'Ihe IUXI'of
' ' ' of fllr wonl , II ' ,
nlll 'II
; jII'II'IIS ,
wih tlt juice oC Ihe Imll'lut or whitl. '
wlllllt , WIS jUit 1,11 ; ntoptl'l ill hl :
leiJ.hhol'hoOll , : ull Iilloll was IOt I
' 10 tak thl' III ,
( el'lIll ! 11111 plellco
Lhloll hll'I'I' ' 1111' aetuul 1'ch'101
pf\wlltioll , his nl t ; OIIS , nt tw l e of
] 0 , 11'1'1' II Ildilla , to \\011111 11111
H 1111 DorsIII ! \\'IS ofell tllkell from
sl'hool 10 w rk O\ ' hire out. _ \ 11 he
wellt lIJ.alll to Alldrew C\'lwrorll's school ,
nllli lt I j Il' saw the Inst of his school
111 's Ullh'l' I mau 1111111 RWIII ' , All
thl' ho ohtnilell nferwIll1
. his OWII ' , "
throlJ.h I'Xertiols "glIuelloll
Ih'fl'cti\'o" \\'IS his 0\11 deflitoll gln1
to the complol' of the Dlelolll ' of Cun'
JI'CIS , nltholh , It \\'IS 10t n IJlelsI11
thollt to him
Blln Tnlslll In a eOllull ' 811'II'stj. '
Uuus ill tlw cxtllme , ! lleoll blle\d 11'
slilernntllnl ( lol'tellts nl his lfo , 11'1
In ' ' fntul to e\'ol' ' '
( Il cnlsllel'(1 lul'l
Il'isl' , 11111 lS I t 11 Ill olt , wel hI
Illht lie hl\l 11111 ' l'ulms which II
cOI-i : l'l'tl f orl'cnsts of COl II ! e\'llli
' leleglnl 10 hili wlfo II
olre SI'lllI ; 1
" ' ' ' " '
tnl.1 I'I ' 1'11(1'1" pIstol , lS he hnd hI'
n hnd ' ' n hOlt him. . \ 1111'11'
It'l'll ; 001 .
111 \lctol'll's of , I 1-
IJreSI . tllctol'll's Antetll ,
' , ' , '
f'ceshot.o GI'I\Shl' mil VlckslllJ 11
jnst lIeforo his nSIUIS :
tllatol 11111(1 , 11 1 010
- - . 'JO . ! - : In II ) n II - H , -
I 101'11 r-eetlollclgh laked me If b
I . COl It be I ' \'nllllll "
" . "
\ 'on -
\nt tolt hil-
"l'hot there WI8 too much ostoge du
t Ion him , " (
_ .
- - -
- -
I [ ' _ . . _ _ ,
I " .r > , "
'l'he I'alid ( Ill'c : ' of the housl III , \ : ;
illtoll It I which . \hl'ahl Linlolll dle i
nlu'lctint plblip ntentlon , ulII it is proh
ahlu that ! olwthinj. ( wlX be dOle to Ill'e
sel've It , I contaills Ihe Oldl'onl ; col
leetlol oC Llncolll relc , all1 untl l'e
' was III the ' ' of
CII'I' 1Jlvlte tel
celt ans
vho chlll'gerl a 1111 ndnl\sioll 1ee t ,
\ ' ' , Xow it Is the of
\'isiol'l II ( : le II so
eiet ' , hntothillg has hecI l0lle to ( re
' ' \ ' or ' the the
SI'I'\1 t'plir wnls 01 ltelloI
' '
'I'he honso is ' ' ' Iho
Ih'ect nel'oss stle
frolll the slto of 1"OI'lls " 'l'heater , wher
1.lnolll WIS shot ,
1 lclt18h J'lnt to Inoclliutc Him wit ]
' ,
thc 'JUllltC
' 'hl" 1111111I1 fol' an nlllilollnl hod
) ; 111d 1101ltl the " 'hil' HUllse I'cals I
l/cillnt of the civi \\'ar wllhil the 1111
or ' of lun ' t'HJlonts , Dllin ; the exell
III pl.'l'lud or 'U ' ( ' fl'al'S WI.'I'C cntcl
, g1''lIt
I taillctl rm' tll ! lIfet ' oC the Prl'Illcn
I ' ' ' ' taln 10
11111'vll' pl'lantoll was ; IIISII
i hiH IIP':1nl IH'olcctioll ,
Olle lollilg tlre nllearlll nt Ih
" 'hiI' 1I0IIH' I WUII I , closlr \\1'1
Il'lnlllllg 1111 illll'llate illtel'vle\ wi
II' , ' . . \ '
Lllle'oll. 1'll'Oachill1 ' : leSSIIIII
Pel'kllls , who J11111 the 11001 of l
Lilloll's IH' 'al' .lt'I'IIII visiol 1111
hl'l' ' ' ' n l'd '
Imowl 1'l'tll'st 111 (1LI l'arllcst
thllt h ( ' ' to '
HII 1111III'11 a ! JI'sollal illil :
\ \ ' , Thl' ; ' " ' ' ,
I \ doorllI'I" , ordlrll Wl'I' 1111
11'1111' ) strit , :111 : llldillj. ( hII clollllPI (
i al il rill , Hhl flalr rOlllprollsl'l1 h
hl'l' ' ' to the '
I rOlflilJ III'SKII' COlrtl'OI
; hil fl'l 1'llllo 'I" 'Ialdll ; hil to 0 ]
I sllp , thl'I'II'1 IlId ' tool. hol h his hUle !
III hl'l'H ' ' ' ' ' sil
I nlll tllll'rl 1'lhhl'l thl'l lS
I'xtracell Ill'olise thut 11 wOlllll i III 11I1
llatl'J ' Iclvlr hc1' n'lll'st 10 thl' Pres
Illt , le\'ldlls \ as Ilmost O\'II'COI ( ' b "
N'ullm' olioI' thut ' to ' /
, ( IIpplnrl'l 1'1/
" I 11 I fl'ol his ( 'OIIJllulI , 111 ha8111Id j
I . gLt 111 or hw wiholt l'I'lntlJ. : a SCPII' ,
' he ' this thn
" :0 sool'r hlli aCl'ollllKhpl
. i Il cOIIIll'1 to Ol' or tl hOlsl.'hold t
, , I'll'l.t pl'ollcmI upon hll whie In ( 'O
\ ' . visito
\'Irsnliol wih tll 1lIIllo.'tulate
. \ hHldan who wns Ilrl-llt : II\'omlltl '
( , ) 1
\'illl',1 trllth ' '
tl 111 instllll'll II sl'nre
fOt' ' , It It'arnet ! th
tl' WOlllt111 was :
sll' hatl l1j\'l'n rnll ( ' Iwa ' II II cal'la ;
n/ll ul t ra(1' wns lost , 1l.'rlns was hi
' ' ' ' ' to his
1IJlliall'l ol'lt'I'd II retul hOI
, 1111 uwalt Ill'\'l'lopll'IIII
Within the usnal perloll ho wus til\
1 wih 111' of Ihe worlt CIISI'S oC vIr !
1'll slalpox 01 1'1'01'11 , nnd ror wel'l
In ' nt Ihl' lint of dlllh , Upon his I"
CO\'I' " Iho CnihCul IliSlnJ.l"r , WhOSl' 1
to 11ut ' \ ' ' the '
\otioll 10lhtesi 11\1'1 lfl' I
the Irl'slll'lIt , was npolntel hr lr. 11
( oln to II IJrlnnl'lIt posltor 01 Ihe elel
I ' thl' " 'nr ' ,
) cll forl1' o DI'pnri11nt whi
) olcI' hl' his cOltilUl'1 to hold up to lint
) hl'llJ til rols 011 , oC tl 10st efcient cerl.s <
I )11 I 01' the lcopl.
'he hlrlhlla ' ot Abrahnl Lincoln m
\\11 recnll the princpiIs which be rei
l'I'SI'nlell , fOl' whi1 he Inhorl'd 1 (
! nol
which II ( 'IIII'e.1 n mnrl 'r's lentl
' 1hlrl Ii no 101' ( IJOIJlor fgure In AlI
lean blstor ' thnn that ot . \hraho/ 1.11
coIn , le was IrI'llnellt ) ' n man ,
the IJoille , St'un Cl'om the PCOpll' , I
ul wn 's rl'lnlll'll olle ot Ihl'm , It'n nl
mlroll Glot'O Wlshlnglon , but It WI
un ullirn tlou 1111 lell wlh I we , ' 11
loplo both lo\'ct Int re\'l'rell I.lneol
o Presltent ! or rul slJlter , bo WIS to snn
plain Amcrlcnu ctlzel , In wbom hOI
esty wus In Instnct , 1111 whoso potrlo
o Ism was I10rt ot his Trl , -
A , Duna ,
- - . I
" -
- - - , -
, -
Thc Cnludlnl Soll\'r In AfrlcR Hx.
hlllcll OIC lrtr Trol" ,
To South .Ht'(11 ( Orl't Brlnln Blnt
TOlmy At\.IIH \ , A u1tllu forwl'll(1 .
1'OIII ' CornllIlt ! ! tUti Cnlrla dls.
lUtl'hcll , lohllY Conucl ; : , Itlch hnl
hen Hall rUI'lllI the Icrls of the
fightlJ Ill 'lal 1'llsed h ' the ( mlJIt'o
11)1 nolhll sa1I'IIse hus come our
\I ' , , Yo arc , ' ' ( ' ' ' , not In sel\rch
or 11I1'11 Is , ' wIsh to
COl1 to \e
( l'aw am' III\hlloUH 11 I I Ilt Oi ! ; . ' 1hut
( , IIUlu ; 111 Is ( ul ' ull tltl It11 Is
' ( m' U \ ' ' ' / . : Cnnndlull. In
sulcll'11 I'I'I'I:0
' ' , ' ' the
other how ,
IlInl'lel' how'I' Illt lulwl ,
( n Iho WUI' hIohlll ' Clllucl ; : u11 oth
er mcnt 11'10.,1 , Is stl I suhJect of ( om-
A Ilor ' of Ihe WI''llen h ' nn
. \uslrlal , COIJol'aldIIH , gins the
1lllrlSsoll ( of II 11111 ill the rllls , ' 'he
\'let. , who slwnl.s highly of the \01'1 ,
oC Ihe AulrlllluH , COllcptler ; thnt Iho
( ' 1111'0 IJ'Olhl'I't ' I wo 1.lIds or sollllers
thutel'e 1'\(11 Iltel' , 'rho hest , II his
jUII ll'lIt , wI'rc Ihl' Canudlnl , UIHI
1I0xt cllmc the ( W Zenhulh'l'i. Of the
Clllnllnls Mr , Atullls ! pl'lIl.s II this
wise : " ' 1111 tM'hll 1 < 101' 1001 f ( "
roclty , lulct 'I 1 1 I CSS' a \1 gllleI R
' \'el'lIculwr " of Ih ( ' 101I'S Ihelsl1\'es
-ull ' pml' hU11 ; : - '
thel' cleI-rol l'ec
thcm ( IImOUI 111 flHenltng where\cr
they wenL" Al 11 l\sl'l\lol of the
" , 'el'Icul'lry" oC tie ClladlaIs , n1 tn ,
cltlont In which ' ' the ' '
thl h'ullled t\ll'k
7arIS , or , lohulIlIl.'shm.g Illrc , by
. udolltllg the Boer Iuclcs , Is cted ,
' 'ho Cllllldialls hell I ! Iron IIosltol
011 the c oC rll c which thc 7
et I tls
wore tl'rlllg to CnlJturetor n desu-
tory ellgngeI1It the Cllludlnns ro'se
111 osleltatously I'etrcd , 'I'he ' S110 (
I ell IIsl a Inl In the rlde ! , thl'OIII
which the Boers could see thom In ( ul
relreut , hul 11111 ro\'er of the hi 111' '
ret\lel to thoh' 011 POSltlOIS , where
they Ilentr a\nl < Ihe pursulllg
Boers. I wns 10t ofen thnl the coun"
tr1II01 of sllllJI' ' . Dcwetcre caughl
by slch U I'ISC , sa .s thc ' 1Otlto : lal
IIml gmplre , hit we are IlfO'lcd thnt
(11 ( this IlIslllnee Is was elltrel : succc s"
ful 'rhe ' IIlh'am'cd IIntO lt : O
-Il'ls the Canadians OIJlld a dl'ndly
nlld en'cct\'e II'C , Iwtolehldl the Slp"
' ' with Ill'aIOS5
pospdilors lell'l'll Ill'a\
allli ill hl\O ( Thlls thl'1'1'1 In the
\el'II\'llal of the \ 'clll111U'II )
hy the CanadIans , for whom , lS tlY
hn\1' sulJl"lllllntl ' testlpIl , the ) ' ae ,
IlIlrctl a \hoicsollle dread ,
- - -
AICI'ClnH ! Havc 1 ncrclscll Cnst 0
Trlvel il Oricnt ,
"Whcl'c\'c' ' h1t'e tl \lld
II the Orient they SCCIII to ha0 ex ,
cried a h\1 : 1IIIIollce o\'cr the lat1'1 S
ill the Wluf 1lsII IH'lces , " said ; 1'
Hofd , he '
as boal'lclI the dongkulg
: Ial\ just ' ' to 11'1 saln fOl' al
FllIncisco , "Uo to Indin , HIII1"1 "
10IIglwlIg Iunllt amI , llIJlanese (1111'S
Ulld YOI wi fnd lult tle Amll'j , II
ha'e 1111'1 t hlngs tOIr-hl'\ ' " , "
I' , 1 a t.1 II returning to t. 1,11'
IfcI' I ' ( 'lIt' in the Ol'lont , Ils. IP
cOlplalnt Is Ihe III. , lIe1 In " ' ! jdl ;
D Ame'lcall tOl11ts hll'c causlll PI , " , S
to Seal 11.\\1111. ; Tlc flllllt with . \111"1" "
la liS Is that whe1c\e1 thc ' go I hi ' . " :1 : I
tempt 10 "Hhooc" Ind thell' hll , I ut
' fuIn cxcess of ( ' ' , ' ' .
'tl\pilg bln'fs ! 'i.
{ d his illcrelscd o\'en thut hanl If
tl\elll . I' I'OIH IS wnllIly , I. . .t
eXl'eld II tip of olo-telth of' ' :
II In cafes aud OtIPIJlaces of S"I'\ , " "
Oi Ihe othll hltlIn11Iclns tp , 11'
, t1t'ol ' Olt 01' al II'OP01'101 to th..t
or thlll 1 t'lcel\'oll \'holl 111 Aml'l\ : , I
goes Into U eafl' 1111 his hllllllotII. lu
, ; 0 ' j ; cpnls IIIml'I'leall mOII. ' " , hi'
tcls the waieI' to Iwpp the Ila 1g' ot
II Ilolal' , IPll111 folowlllg In Ihp > 11,0
of thcse Ix\1 alt Ilste's Ulia flY
out to tholOI'I'OW Ihat thl' '
tllll \ ! IIt
IIn ' 1'1111 ' wll 01' ptt 1 ( with 1'.1' '
' .
'lhl' I'lcl.sha l'unnel'S I'\'CII hanlHle
tll ' tllI' mlllli thnt whclI 11 AIIII'I'l .
} ' 1111Ig thl'l he lIIuftlw II"t.
cd , 'h ( ' ' mise thp 11'c1's ( a 11 tlH'1I
, ' . csppc lps as1'1. . II Iallia 11
e'ol'lll'os , Ilstll\ll of hlllg Ihl' ( I "I'
'ulols jlhlls of the oltl p\lsh : dal , s.
ll0 1I0W h'collle hlllIJeHll'lIt llle. ,
ald If Ihe ' fl'l'l Ihat thl ' w1 not lll
1011 I ha I tl I'l'gula tlol fare , 1111 , "
10 1I(1'I'pl I IlslwngII' on til' :1"\0
I t thl'\ ' ' " ' (
Ju thl'1' ; 1 { 1 agl'(1
"To SI ' Iha t 011' h n II A 11I1'1" " 1 n , "
"alII II' , Hofol , acol',111 to Ih ( ' 1"11'
' ' ' ' , "Is ,
Illu ' 1I'l'I'lsl'1 to nllll' " I hl t
'Ol 11'0 to sill 11 nlld be 1'011",1 , 11
hl'oad ta 'J ht 'I'ho sel'vll' \ ' .pl.
which \e Isel 10 Imow In th < t h"lt
a1H 10t so now II thl' 1'160 of AUI"I ; '
' , ' ' tl'U'CIOI'S , hOWI'\
( 'lIS gm'olJl'fn ' \ I" ' ,
e8l1I1 : fl'ol lhil cOl11ltol of 1\1'1:11 : .
1111 thc ' 110 11cutl'II wih lS nl':1 : " .
" liS ' ' ' ,
"lllt 10rll'l'I
- -
. \1 In 11H grc ,
"nl , thosholtlt ! the ClstOlS 01
cor , SIIJlclolfI ! ' , " \h ' 111' yol holll
Ilg 'Ol' hallll.f'lhll'f to 'olr fll(1"
" ' , ,
'horo' a of ' ' ' "
: Ill ehlll'l' II I " >
IIllWerlll thl 1Ol1111I 1011'Ist ,
"Ah ! r01el n slhsllllCO In til' . , \
Yol'l ho\'e to la ' duly 011 It , "
" ' ( uon In : [ llciuc ,
Icllcile ns n profelon for WODII
Is constuntl ' 110\1111 In '
Ilopulnrly I'
[ OIOI WOIIII nohohllI ledlal
' ' ! In Great ' '
Il'w'oef , I1'Unin Inlhe1 Ill'e
thnn iOO
. 1'(11 ( I 1) ' ' 1'Ih ,
lall.1 -Whle meat or dark 1
10nnler-I Iloesl't matcl : Im 1'"lul
. ' . . ,
ilIJ-ew YO'I. ' 111. ;
I a l1n has to ho at worl ; : at 7 , IIl
\ , not slll ' Iho ' '
\Hstl blnhl I'\'enln/ L
hofore IntoI' thnn oao : , I ho Is uol
( hl ti S , the ' 111 relllullI tll 10 , A
Sl't of mlt'lolrlll / the hOlr for the
a1II\1 nnd IIIplrt10 of Slosts would
mllke le ensll'r tal' the mln who
worl.s next lay ,
When 1 lnn quis smoking , nnd sac'
to chewIng. he Is not much ot a her