. . . - . . oc\\r \ L\\tll. t\-U ( te.\Q . \l\I\ . , . , . " AA USTER OUNTY' EPUBLICAN. " r - ES'I'ABI.Ismm 1882. TIlE OFFICIAL PAPER 01' CUSTER COUN'I'Y. I.ARGI < : ST CUtCULATION 01' ANY PAPEI IN THE COUNTY. . . . - : VOL. XXI. BROKEN BQWJ CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 12 , 19031..EIGHT PAGESI N0135. , { ' . . _ _ _ _ .1 I . : or Later the excellent \'alUl in ollr goods must bccome .pparent to you : and when something ill the line of t Wlltche . Jcwa'J ! , Holil Dntl S\ln \ r Novclth'l ! , l tc , is required you will come here at once to make the purchase. Therc's more than average ca\\t'j more than a\'erugequal. J Ity ; more than u'cmge'ulue in tbese goods. Prices cOllldnot be 10" ' ' ' , J - - - - School Books. Tablets . ' . . : -.A.ND- 'II I 'IJ J I School Supplies , r , -AT- \ . J , G. Haeberle's : f 'I ' . t i" , " . , I jI I j Jr - 'J . I IErIS : r I ! , \7 \ ! t. ! JI ; } g.o , J " . . , . , , , . , : ; . w. " . . . 1 > .lccs' , c880n&hlo. All work g\1&rlllltPI111 ( 'all ODI18IDO b fore / : , Iu el "wllerj. . Ollleo-in Uolwn UOIV Ult" Hauk Bulh\lng. I \ BlOken now , Nel.lrU8t.1I. ; 1'hc Summel' School. I \ In response to a rcquest for a statement of thc rclation betwecn ' . the county superintcndcnt's ofiice and the smnmcr school usually , : held at Brokcn Bow , pcrmit mc \ to sta te thc following : 'L'hcre is I , . } tQ legal relation bet ween the two and there never has becn. As a proof of this it may be stat- I ' ed that all the omcial reccipts I and expcnditures of this officc ' 1 are subject to rcvicw by the pub- " 1 lic or itsagcnts. No such revicw , . so far os I know , has ever been II \ tal < en of anything pertaing to , Ii the summcr scl.001. The school I , has never rccievcd public moncJ nor returncd any revenue to the I \ public. It ss scperatc and rlis. tinct from thc teachcrs' institute , . \ , authorizcd by law and supportcd . by law. Having therefore nc t" lcgal connection with thc school. . "appointmcnt" of instructors ! beyond m ) ' Juriscdiction. Thi ! , r' dcbatable prerogative has no' " been.ex . rcisc'd hy me. this yea : 1 and 1 t wIll not bc used 111 the fu' ' I' ture. My connection with tI14 I enterprisc will be simply to lenc : ; it the courtesy due from this ofiici to a well managed pr'ate imti t u tion. In full 11ment of thc law for ; teachers' institute , therc will b ncarly four weels' : summer insti tute 'by thc hest talcnt in th , ( state. 'rhe enrollment to t1ti will cost one dollar while appli canls for ccrtificatcs will b chargr.d th usual fee of one do : lar besides thc enrollment fee. J. G.V. . Lewis , Co. Supt. . : Uurlut atclurt 'ur 'ruuu , . , - I OIlAIN- OIlAINWheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ liar I.r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIat8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H ) 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . I.n II STOOh.- 11011 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 HlccrA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 ( i1 . CIW , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # 1.51 cC ; 2 "otll.TII\- I'hlok np. p"r 110'111\ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( It TurkeY8. Jlcr 111100' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'ILO ) U.r- lIuUcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Egg. , r r r1o .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NI CIIL' : .UUtOU8- I'otlltoell , per bu.hcl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Onlon . per lIo.bot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uav. JIt'r ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Htrl\w. plr cwt. . . . . . . . " . . . J. . . ! ! olCllr , Oranuliled , p"r CWl. . . . 'S.W ( ! ; t. . il : : : : : ; : : : : : : :1 : i\1iss X. Snyder \'isited i nslmo ovcr Sunda. ) ' : . A. i . Humphrey went to 14in- coln on + 1 l\londa ) ' . . J. A. Farrell madc : i. business' triv to 14itchfield i\londay. Fa tJ \ ogs sold on the Broleen Bow market l st Saturda\ . ' for , _ fJ. . , . : ) ' N. H. Predmore of West Union , made thil ofiice a friendly call l\Ionday. Mrs. M. J. Johnson of Anscl- mo , is visiting in the city with her parents Mr. 'and Mrs. J. J. Snydcr. G. W. and g. R. Purccll went to Hastings Monday to attend thc mccting of thc State . Prcss AssociatIon - ' sociatIon : , . . ' Mr : and Mrs. Chas. Chandler of Merna.Neb. , were on No. 44 l'uesday morning enroute to Ansley for a fcw days \'isit. 'rhe Eighth Annul'l Masquc- rade Ball of the Broken How Hook and. Lader Co. is announccd for the night : of Fchruary 13. J. J. 'L'oolcy , who has been at homc the past wcek , rcturned to f4incoln Monday morning , to be prcsent at th rc.convcning of thc legislature Monday. II.T. . Georgc of Gcorgetown , has sold his hog ranch to George True and has moved to the .cit ) ' where he will make his homc with his daughter , Mrs.V. . A. George. - ' 1' . C. H. BayerhotTer went to 14incoln 'l'uesd ay morning as delegate to the 11'armers Co-oper- ativc convention that met Tuesday - day to formulate plans for a Coi i operati vc systcm. I J. lIt Cosncr and C. II. Eng-- ; Iayd have opcned a paint shop first door east of Day's store , whcre they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and slgu paint- ing. 33-36 Rev. Hodgcs , who is assisting Rcv. Bcllis informs us that thc Church of God people ha\'e mo\- cd their meetings to the Wooe\- \ man Hall in order to get nearcr the ccnter of population. Den Runyan of Oconto , wai > a friendly caller at this ofiice Mon- day. Dcn has recently bought a farm on the Wood Rivcr Valley within two and a half miles of Lomax , which he will mo\'e onto this spring. W al t Georgc has traded somc of his surplus land in 140up township - ship for a stock of goods at Friend. S. F. Clayton , who has been in thc emplo ) : of Harry Day wcnt to Fricnd Monday to take charge of the store. Ruemont Pigman , who has heen worldng in this office for I the past yca.r , evenings and I Saturdays , has sectlred a position , with Harry Day in the storc. Ruemon t is an exccption all ) ' brigh t boy and strictly honest and we arc pleased to notc his promot ion. ) Lorin , the \'ounger son of Ye , Scribe , who h s hepn absent fron : the city the past two years ex. perimenting in the , 'arid scem in life , most of the time in Wash. ington lnd Wyoming arrivee homc last Saturday morning , He has accepted a position on tIll RUPUBLICAN stalT as reportcr solicitor , collector , etc. C. II. Kenncd ) ' , sincc purchas ing the Commercial Hotel ha ! e planned a number of changes it the huilding for thl' accommoda tion of the public. He will ad < twclve more sleeping rooms fo the accomodation of commercia e tra\'elers , 'l'he building will b hcated throughout and model' : i1l1prm'emcnts will 1) ( ' mad through the entire building ' ( 'he stairway will he rcmodeici and enlarged. An alldition for 411 laundry room will he huilt sout of thc'ldtchcn. For the accon : : n mod at ion of his . commcrci : : to customcrs a conul1oehous sampl room will be put in along'with th is other improvcments , Wh . , these changes and impro\'cment ( ) are complctcd , at which the cat 15 penters arc now at work tl1 . Ir. Commercial will be one of tll . , , ' hest arrangedl most con\'eniet . .110 and comfortable . hotels 111 Centr : : i IS I Nebraska. I E. MosIe ) ' of Elton , wa5 a city visitor'l'uesday. I Aaron Pool of Anselmo , was a city \'i itor Saturday. 1.i' . M. Rublee was an east hound passcnger Monday. Dr. R. C. 'l'albot went to Ansle ) ' 'l'ucsday morning . on No. . ! 't , , } i'rcd Hinl1e is again confined to hi's hed from a ight stroket. of paralysis 'I'ucsday night. Henry Coble of Berwyn , was in the city 'l'uesdaj' with a load of hogs for which he rece'ed S6.W. : J. S. Kirkpatrick , one of th Supremc Court Commissioners - sioners was a ci ty visitor Monda v night. lIe returned to f4incoli1 on 44 ' .I'l1esday. Mrs. Ceo. Purcell was called to Crctc , 1\1onday on receipt of the ncwsof the death of her. . brother Dr.r oot. Mr. Purcell wcnt dow11 t Crete , i\Ionc1ay . to attcnd the funeral. 'L'he con\'ent 'on of farmers to organizc a state co-operative shipping association that convened - vened in JAncol n yesterday. is still in scssion. It was decided at thc meeting > 'estenlay to effect a state orgatmmtion. 'l'he organization - ganization will bc completed ted - d aj' . Rollin R Gordon. who is a son of Reuben Gordon , one of the earl , } ' settlers of the \'icinity of Merna , secured license of J uclge Armour 'l'uesday to marry Miss Gertrude M. Ridcnour , of Merna. 'l'he intended bridc is the daugh- tcr of J. N. Ridenour. a prominent - ent citizcn of Merna. 1" . M. Currie is advcrtising a eneral clean-up sale at his place in Sargcnt , Feb. 21st. He offers a large line of farming implements - ments , harness , horses and cattle. 'l'his w 11 be the last sale of the season , and wi1l bc an excellent opportunity for those desiring to hu ) ' second hand imJlements for 'their spring work. A change of the weather ye terday morning brought with it a urr ) ' of snow that lasted for several hours Thc temperature of thc atmosphere was most to waun for it and it mclted nearly as fast as it fcll. This morning the wind has shifted to the north and the thcrmometer has run down to 14 above zcro and a light snow is fa11ing. Subscribers of stock on the Busincss Collcg-e met the latter part of last weck and appointed a committee to make inventory of the property offcred by Prof. Roush. Thc committee has made the investigation and will pre. sent a flattering report at the meeting to be called the first of next weck. 'l'he i ncorporatioll of this colleg-e should be eITectee1 if at all possible with good busi. ncss princi pIes. Some Sneak thcir en tcred G , W. Apple's place of business last 'I'hursday night through a win. dow and stoIc a $45,00 saddle , Sunday some bo's were pla'in near thc railroad turn tablc , enl ohservcd a ycllow object under neath thc tablc that he though was a dog. Informing his com 1 panions thcy proceeded to thro\ ' snow balls at it. 'l'he clog fail ing to g-et a mo\'c on it they pro . ' ceeded to investigate t.he'causl when thcy discovered the saddle . 'l'hey reported their find ane werc libcrally rewarded b ' l\Ir . Apple. As yet sufiicient e\'lc1cncl can not be secured to fastcn till theft on anyone , but circUt1 stanccs give causc for stron 1 suspicion. Nothillg has g'cn us 1\101' \ pleasure than the promotion 0 Earl Shaw to hook-keepcr of th Dierks Lumber Co. of Brolce ilow. 'rherc is a lesson in i for e\'cry youug man.Vc ha\1 watched the cour ! ; { ' of garl Sha1 ; . with intrest , snuply Iwcause h II g-n'w up to his position b ) ' hi a own attention to husilless all h maintaining a clean and hOllo ! 1abll' character. Other ) 'oun 11 men with far better opportun e tics ha\'e fallen h hilld him sin e ply bec.a lsl' they wasted tht' 01 n portUtulles and neglectcel to 1. s useful. l ar1 wil11ea\'e Sarget ' . with thc hest wishes of his man Ie friends , and we ha\'c no deut Ie hut he will finel other promotiot1 1t awaiting- him at the genero\1 :11 : I hands 01 the Dicrks Lumber 1 Coal Co.-Sargcnt.Leader. OJ . RBPORT OF THE CONDITION I OJ'Tllt : Custer National Bank , Brokeu 1I0w"lu tbo state of NClIruka , at tbe CIMO of l.Iu9hC86 , I.'ebruan' , I'1I.IJ : IU 60UItC\g : bu"ul allli Dlscouuts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I ) 416 il . S. Doud to Secure ClrcuIMlon. . . . 1. (0) 00 l'rcmlumsou US. Uouds. . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! moo lIauldUIl house , { urnlturcuud tlxtun : . . J 000 00 Dllu frolll Nallonal Itaks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 561 66 IIl1u froUi State Hauks aud lIaukcrs. . 470 17 lIuu from 3pprovcd rescrvo aQ'Kllt. . . . . i66 41) Clireks nud othCR cub ItcIII8. . . . . . . . . . 1.17 40 I Note. or otber Nallou31Itnukll. . . . . . . I IQO 1'(1 I'racllounl pal'or currenc ) ' , nlekol , ! IInd CCIIIM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i : I61 t.AWJlUL MOXl > \ ' UIIRlllt\'IUN UANK , : ; . 00- _ I Spccle. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IZI : ( .0 - 1L'd : I.flflll.tendcr notes . . . . . . . . I OlJ 00 I'lIt ; ( ] lI. S. cerUficnte fur lIohi , Il" posited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 62 OJ 4.7i7.W HeJIDlp-tlou jo'lIn < l with U. S. 'l'rea. . . IIrer5 \ \ler \ Cl'lIt of drcIIItUon ) . . . . . . I 250 ( XI - - 'rota I. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1H' ) 575 I ) IIILITIltS : ( ; 3\1l1al &lock paid In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25 IOJ W SurJllu' ! fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ( I ( ( ) 10 till 1hIed profit. . , leqll ' 1(1'0'1 ] ' and tnlle. . ptld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS7' ' 51 NatlUll3111ank notes mllstlludhltr. . . . 2S 000 00 nll to St3te Itank' ! nllli UankcrR. . . . . : I 479zJ : l"th'ldllal deposits lou\Jj..c _ to clIet'k. n ' 154 : zJ Vemand certillciltes of deJoslt. . . . . . . 2 270 SO - - "ot31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . ! I ) 5..5-4'1 TATI ; o ' Nl > DkAIiKA. ( . . . . . CounUYCUSTIIK. . \ " I , U. 1.0MAX , Caslilu of the abovl'.nanll'd lIauk , do solelllllly swear that IlIl' a\Jove MtutU' meut Is tru tu tilt'Je ! ! t of III ) ' kllowlclhre 31111 1..lIef. U. I.OMAX , CaRliler. . ' Subscrlb'd and swurn to bdon. mo tills lUlh daIf 1.'eb } ' . . lCJtJ3. 10 : . C. UOUIIH. ( lIlAl. ) Notllry 1'1I\Jllc. . PRANK 11. YJUNO , COKK1-.CT- . \\I..t. { CLARA A.'OUNCI . , } Dln'ctorh. ALI'IIA MOKI1.\N , . . . . - : - - - - - - - - - Frank Stephens of the Crete Nur1cries ! was in the city'l'ueR- . day. FOH SAJ.I Ol { ' ( 'HADH-li'or : young cattle , a frcsl milch cow. ] nquire at this o ce. 21) tf , J.V. . Clay had a load of hogs on thc market Saturday for which he rece'ed $6.25 per hundred. , Mrs. V.C. 'L'albot who has bcen I visiting in the city a few da's returncd to the ranch at ilL..w'n yestda.y morning. POUND-A lair of steel spec- ' tacIes. The owner can have 'I them by calling at this ofi ce and paying for this notice. . . . Judge Sullivan appearcd as at- to.rney in his first case Tue.sday 4eCo e Judge .Armour , sinc r - suming thc' pr'tice of law. Judg Gutterson went to Loup City thelfirst of the week to hold his first tet'lu of district court as Judge of twelfth Judicial district. Mrs. J. A : Armour entertained the members of the Baptist Ladies Aid Society'at her homc W cdncsda'y a ternoon. A very ' pleasant tIme 15 rcportcd , The trial of the case of Mrs. Lillie of Da\'id City , who is charged with murdering her husband Hancy Lillie. on the morning of October 24 , 1902 , was commenccd at David Ciry , Tues- day. It is thought most of thc , . wcek will bc occupied in Recur- ing a jury. . . Church Hervlcclt. I F,1'lSCOI'AJ , CUURCU. I Sl. John's Episcopal sen'ice Sundu ) Jfebruary t5. "ScxIIgesill1a Sunday , ! tlliliay school to a. m. l\tornin pra 'Q1 Utanyal1l1 scrmon Ita. UI , H\'cn" . prayer IInd scrmon 7:30 : p. m. ' 1'111 public is cordially im'ited. W. II. XhNnURs , Rector , : II. 1 . C II IJRCII. lIcginin Sunday m : will hold spccin mcetings. Evangelist Saylcs of Chic gc _ will he here on that day. Morninl t service at I I o'eIoc und each cvcninl thcreafter at i :3u. : Our desire in thesl - mcetiugs is to mukc our comultll1it ) hctter. We invite ullto join in Ul1 _ dTorl. el\o. 1' . ' 1'Rn.s : , I'IstOI' . - - t. . n , CIIJIlCII. . Preaching Sunday At 11 u. m. and i:3 : p. m.lorning ! topic , "The Only FaUll dution. " ' 1'he e\'enin scrmon will h along thc linc of special work in whic' wc arc now engaged. Sunday school fi 10 a. 111. Junior 3 p. tn , Senior 6:30 : I 111. 'rhe spccial Ulcetings arc still t progress , with the intcrcst IInd attcndnl cc on the increase. Comc and enjo the ! > c IIIt'clings 111111 hcll' others tll cnJo Ihe'1I1. W. F. PlUme \ ' . e If C1l1US'f IIUltCIJ. C Scrviccs as usual next Sunday. SUI n day school lit0 \ a. III. Devotioll21 cxe t dscs lit 1 I a. III. followcd h } ' au addrcl hy C. W. Ileal. l\nc1cavor \ JIIcctiu 1 & ' 30 1' . III. 111111 at 7 :30 : p. JII. a lcclttrl "Ubligations 01''olln ) ; Mcn to Socit'l undthe church" Ly Jamcs Whitehcuc Allllu' cor ittlly invitce ) to IIttetlll thc ! St'I'\'i'c speciully the YOlllIl lIIell at 7 : ; ' . III. Mr. WhitchclIII is II IO icill fore I' lIe spcaker 1IU11 ) 'Oll.ill bt. well entc tllincd. 1\1 uSic ! in e'\'l'ning llY : 'tlci l'hnir. IIA1"flti'I' CIIUItCU. , C lIihlt' school III t"ct I ! for stud } ' at 10 a. II 1 t 'fhe IIttcl\l1ance will surprisc you. I ) vinc worship It U. III. Pustor prcuchl ) ' on "The Orchard of Truth. " Junior ] > t Y. P. lJ lit 31. ] m. Senior 11. \ ' . 1' . I IS scr.'ice at 6:30 : p. III. "he Christian CLI IS I tun : Iecturc by thc pastor opcnf th " , mceting. TIlt : GosJ.lcl hour nt 7:3 : & , Hcre goo lively sinlmg. aidel1 by t1 ! llaraca OrchefJtm. ulakec the time on , E-arnJ..ers : : . . . . - - - - - - - - I have made arral1gcl\lcnts \ with-.the Geo. W. Brown Manufacturing Co. t.o handle their goods for the coming - ing s ason. 'rhis is the samC'.line. . . - . . of goods I handled last ) 'car. In handling goods direct from the factor - . tor ) ' 1 can sell j'ou at' almost the samc pricc 111) ' com pcti tors' buy from tlw johhing houses. . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . Walking Listers ' . - $23.00 . Riding Listers - - - $35.00 a-Section Harrow $13.50 - - - $ . Tongueless Cultivator - $13.50 Tongue Cultivator - $14.60 r am also agent for thc l r\\'a ) ' :1tHl : Badger f4isting Cult \'ator. . , . . . . . . I C. S. , MARTIN , Mfg. At. And Dealer in .A.J. : 1i--.JIr-us"t : : Glroods. IIItI I.- . c ea I - - . OUR WAer.'C'H : . , ; $ ! t.m , -ANU- CLOCK REPAIRING Make Money for You _ . - - - - - \VO Oilicu Gbar ! : . . . ClI\rKII Walchct'l clollllull . . . . . . . . . . .SI.UI : H.SO Watc'hMaI1l8prlll . . . . . . . .75 1.00 Watch lIalanco toU. . . . . . I 7r. .Sll Watch "Ia eUtenl"dce ) . . . : :5 .40 \\oateb 01.(1II1ntlnj ( ; CARO ) .15. . . .2r. II.OIIYClockchIJncd. ! . . . . . . , i5 I.CO 1.Uar CloaICtlrane.1 : . . . . . . . . .W is Nlekl Alalm Cluck. . . . . . . . .010 50 .Jewolry CI..ncrll'rfo of Ohar ! : , ' . - . . . . - - = - - - ED. MoCOMAS , JlII.OKJJN 110'Nltll . r-.Jf p , .J ; . . .r r.i - - - -r-- Peculiar pleasurc , then u brief simple scrmon. prescnting Jesus Christ. Topic for this scrvicc "Somcthing that Cannot bc DORed. " Wednesday 70 : p. tit. 'fhl : 1\l1c1 Wick limc for pray r. pmi6c utld song. 'l'hurrrlay ; 2 p. 111. I.adics Aid Society meets at the church. Saturday 7:30 : p. m. 'reachcrs study the Bihle IIchoot I.esson nnder thc direction of the I pastor , at thc Church. DIIU ) . HALJ'U , the youngm.t son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J4. Burk of this city at Westervi11c , 'I'uesda ) ' . , 'l'hc eleceascd would have Ieen thrce years old next July. ' ( 'he , cause of death was Scarlct fever. ; 1\1rs. Burl < wcnt to Westervi1le Friday and in the e\'ening the li HIe boy was taleen down with the fever and after a brief illness died Tuesday. The only chance to have bcen exposed waH on the train as the wcnt to Anslcy 'l'hursc1a ) ' , where .there was a lady with a sick child. If the diseasc was contractcd thcn , i l took eITect in less than fort- eight hours. 'l'hc remains were brought to the cit ) ' and hllt'ried o in the Brol < en Bow Ccmctery Iyesterday. . 'l'he RHl'UJIJICAN ex. c tends to the bcreaved parents the ht I sincere . s'mf lth ) ' of the com- I.mUlllty. . II - I : Amw , A t the homc of her 5011 ; . . fonr miles north cast of the city , Wedncsday , F lm\ary \ 11 at 1 o'clock , 1\1 rs. Nancy Agel' , Age : 73 ycars. 'l'he deceascd cam ( hcre from Hunting county , In. ( liania , seven years ago and hm made her home with her son A. I. Houth. She was taken with , I St'vcn' pain of the stomach , 'rues. day which resulted in her c1 at1 yesterday. Rh ; leaves a son a 1111 thrce grand dllhlren here and .1 . sister in Filmorl' COUllt ) ' to IIlOlIrJI her dl'ath. 'l'he fllt1l ral service will be cotlllllcleel from tIll' resi. dlnct' of her son tomorrow Fri. da ) ' ) aften.lOoll at 2 u\lm:1\ : : " 11\ , l ev. 1\1orns. ' ( 'he sympathy 01 ' the communit\ . : extended' t ( the relat'cs. in thcir hereavc. men t. - - - - - - - - 'I'U CtJIU ' " COI.n IN uNit II" ' " T8ktt I.auth'u 111011I0 Qolnlue 'l'al.llole. AI druH llt. rr fuod tbo 100111 > ) If It rall to CUrt' It. \ \ . ( ] roye'g .c Dllurr . . 011 "ell box. . mmm mm m J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf - - - Snydcr Bros. have a large line of trunks of all si7.es. Prices reasonahle. 35 tf 11'ol { SAJ.I OR 'l'RADTToWtt lots ilnd il few fi'c acre lots in this city. for cattlc , horGcs or farm landAllcn Reyncr. Poultry wanted. 31-32 .J. C. llOWltN. Suhscribe for thcCuster County . Hepu hlica n. o _ . _ _ A linc linc of boys clothing' .of grades and ql1al ty to , .mit at Snyder Bros. 35 tf Wc have just reccivc our new line of spring wall papcr. AU 1903 r.attcrns. Call and see thcm at Willein's drug store. 35 tC \VcH't. ' Union , Nebraska-Yes , we will pay a part cash for but- tcr and eggs. RUFUS G. CARR. Dicrks 14umber & Coal Co. handles the Cannon City Pea coal for slack burncrs. 25tf If you intcnd to build call at Dicrks Lumber Co. and get prices. 11'01' Cannon Cit ) ' Pca coal for slack burncrs go to Dierks Lum- bcr & Coal Co. 25tf Stamp Photo's at Bangs' Studio. 29-tf , - - Suyder Bros. have enlarged thei"\\ tock of men's clothing and for quality and prices they can not be excelled. 35 tf . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - li'arms for salc ar.d lands for ren t. Now is the time to get , t farm cheap , as the chcap farUl are all goin , and prices are advancing - vancing rapiellj'-J. G. Brenizer. l oH SI\I.u-A : farm near Georgetown , consisting of 160 acres. A gooc1location. Inqnire of Mrs. Fannic (4. ( Stuckey , A.ns- I Icy. Nehraska. 24 tf I'or Petcr : ; shoes , the best 011 the market go to Snydcr Bros. 5 tf - - - ' ( 'he Hl'UlILICAN an Inter Ocean , 1.50. - - - - - - - - - Money loaned on uuproved farms , J Al'tJltS LUDWICIl , : ? H t ! o.ken Bow , Ncb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ I SAII\-'l'wo black Span- I ish J acles. Onc coming thrc ycar old the other coming four. ; ( 'hcy will bc sold at a bargain. Call on Joc Skelton or Dr. Shoe- maker. ' ( 'hcse J a ks can be seeu at thc residcnce of Dr. A. H. Shoemakcr in the south part of . town. 35.36 'l'he latest style hats of the season for men or bOjs : at Snyder II . I Bros. If you want a bargain call and see them. 35 tf .