: : ; ; : : ; " ' " " ' ' ' . , , ' ' ' 'PJt ; ; f'l"'W : " " , ) , ' ' " " I" , 1'1- - - - THE IEGISLATURE - - " . trr1Klrlua Earlre the Attention of the Sealle -Other Mearures of More or Less Imwr- taace. t " . , ' I. . V : ' .5T. LOUIS EXPOSITION BILL ' ' . 'i' - . { Work Golnr Forward as Usual aad the Usuel 1 Numter of 81115 latroduced. , 1- . ' - Under suspension ot the rules the senate adopted u resolution olfered hy GIllin ot Dl1w on , 1 ldorsln gov- I erument expenditures for irrigation investigations along the 1latto river in tlJrf'e Stut03 , The resolution Is as follows : Whereas , An investiHation bi'the , inlgatlon Inve tI atlons of the t ; Ill- ( :11 St.ltes department of aHrlclllture has heen plan lied tor the benellt of those usl n wa tm' trom the Pia t te river in three states through whicb the stream 1I0ws , und Whereas , 'l'he said irrigation investigations - vestigations has mudl ! arrangCllJouts fur carryin this work to completion . and : Whereas , We bellevo that the , funds uppropriatpd tor this 1lnd of worl , in former years have been re- I puld to the overnment and to tbe ( lrri D tors of the country many fold , ; thr.refl1re b it ; Hesolved , ' .rhat we respectfully request and urge that when the agricultural - ricultural appropriation bill is under dlscus.ion un the 11001' ot cOlIgrE'ss . . . . the recomllJendations ot tile secrelary " ' - at nrgicultut'o ' and the director ot tile ol1lce ur expeliment stations relative to this investigation be thoroughly indorsed by the honorable represen- tathes ot the state ot Nebraska in I the senate and in the house of repre r sentathesj and be it further , Hesolved , 'l'hat t he secretary of the senate be instructed to address ! forthwith a copy o ( this resolutldn to { each mr.mbor of the Nebraslm delegation - gation in conJ.ress. ( ! 13y II vote ot 23 to 8 tl1e rules were suspended and the resolutions adopt- , cd Howell of Douglas explained his ' I vote by saying that on the previous ; day he h < l d asked tor suspeusion of tne rules and it had been denied him but he de&ircd to vote to extend tills pr\'ilege ! to the sermtor from Dawsun , Lieutenant Governor McGilton presented a telegram from the chieC cleric of the legislature of Arizona asking the Nebraska legislature to adopt a memol ial to congress fa vor- l ing the omnibus statehood bill , 'l'lIe , ' f " messale was recei ved and placed enl l lJIe wit/lOut / action. enate ! .lIe No. 28 , by Junnillg of Thaynr , requiring county treasurers tll place the , amount of delinquent taxes on tax receipts , was reported by the committeE' on re\'enue with the recommendation thlt it he passed. Senate tile No. 30 , by Warner ot Da- 1Ita , rf.qulring county treasurers to deposit pUblic funds in hanls and IIxlng the minimum rate of interest au sUI'h deeposlts at ] per cen twas reported by thu stllndlug committee with the recommeudallons that it IJass , together with au aOienelrueuL chan lng the rate ot interest trolll ] 7i ! to 2 per cent. Sellate IIle No. 2'reJatnJ. ! ! ( to township - ship orJ.unlazllon ( , was also reported with a favorable I'ecommendatlun Ueorge C. Audrews. who failed to ; quality a tJreman , was repllcfd : by : J. D. Darrow on recolIIlIIlHldution ot , I tile cOlllmlttee on empluyes , I ' .rhe followfng bills were Introduced - I duced : S. II' . No. 100 , by Mr. Sioan-'l'o repeal - peal section 5fi81 'Jf the ( 'l'llIIlnal cole ( of the cOluplled statutes , /'elatln to grand juries. S Ii" . No. 102 , by Mr. Brady-To require railroad companies and COlli- 1II0n carriers In the state of NelJras- ka , to erect a 11I1 maintain a side tmcl" or switch , extendluj. : a reasor.- able lenj.th : , the oulol' ed 'c of which ' shall he at least within fuur feet of I W. the outer edJ.e ( of the right of way , to allY elC\'alur III elemtors erected by any firm , corpurath.n : , assoclatluu , person or persl1ns , 1'111 the purpose of Volcano is In EruptIOn HonH1 , , llIn. : ! O-AftE'r a hrlef spoil I of inactivity the \'olcano 5trol11holl I Is again In eruptlun Ureat quantities - ties ot lavlI amI stones arl ! lJelll , thrown up IInd to an iUJlI1onso ells- tanco frolll the oratl'r. , Factories III Canada , ; \Tore lIlIIn Ihll'l ' l'tJat II1l1nufllC- turln COlli (1I1I11e5 ( of tile Unltl1c1 States U"C eslabllshlng I'IIl'torlC's In Uanlld.l. Say the Rumor Is Untrue. Vienna , , TIII 2U - I'IIC lIewsPlpers l1ere deny the rumur elllllnlltin fruUl - Hur.apest ) that tlJe Anhdule Eugene. 0110 ot the second cuuslus of Elllper- : . or Francis Juseph , is about to re nounce his ranl ( In urder to II1l1rry a conteotloner's dau hter. . : Archduke gu eno er.jo's . a lar e ) nCOll1e as the raud lIIaster of the uncleut and noble 'J'uetonic order , ouo of the ohlet ohilgatll1ll1 I r which is collbaoy. . , n. . _ _ I buying , qtorlnK und shlvpinlt raln at uny station within this IItate. Ilnd 11fovldlnj ! tor 11 penllity for tbe , foln. lion thereuf. IS 'I'lIIt nOUBE , A bill will be introduced In the house. . soon by Hepresentatlvo House of Hull ! . I asking tor a $7 , OVO appropriation tur I the Lou Islana purchase exposition. 'rhe list of bills so till' on the roll of the house docs not Inoludo Ilny IUllk- Ing an aproprilltlon , for tills exposi- tion. Bach ovcruor lIIatle a recom. mendatlon that SOIllO attention be paid the lIIutter and Mr. Huuse has IIxed the Slllll III a fI uro which Governor - ernor Savage advlseo. It Is un open qUE'sUon whether the leJ.lsllltllre ( will n ree npon that aUllIunt , but It Is generally recognized that some provision - vision will have to be mllde for the exposition. 'l'he bill will provide for a cOlllmfsslOlot eight llIembers. ono fWIII each cOllgresslonal district and two at htr e. They lire tu servo with , out compellsatlon : urthel' than that thel. . . expenses shall he pllid. Citizens of helby In Poll , county , petitioned the legislature to en'lct laws cOll1pellln railroads to gh'e equal accullllllodations alon their right ot way to ele\'atul' , coal and lumber men. 'l'hey also IIslwd that railroads be compelled to furnish su Itabe ] accom modallons to "h Ipp rs ot stcul. ccol1lpanylng their shlp- , ments , Stan''ln ' : committees reported as tollows : 11. H. No. 48 , relating to schools In ll1etropoll tUII cl tiE's , WIIS recom Ulend. ed for passage as amended. 11 , It. No. 81 , by r oomls , relatln to qualilications of school teache ! s. to pass. II. It. No. ! m , by Gregg , relatlll tu meetl n s ot school boards , to pass. H. It. No. 10 , relatln to electtun of county supervisors , to pass. n. n : No. 101 , relntln tn rate ot taxes In towns , to pass. i II. H. o. 24 , relatln to approvul , ot bonds by t .wn boards , to pass us I , amended. 'l'he tollowlnlt bills have been Introduced - troduced in the house : II. R. No. 1n ! , by Fries-Provides tor Ivlng notice ot application for saloon license. Notice to be lIIed with cJerk of the vllla e or city. II. H. Nu. ] US , by McClav , by re- quest-Provides for election of coun- clhnen at large cities with from 40- 000 to 100,000 Inhabitants. H H. No. lJU ! , hy McOlay-Pro- vldC's for the transfer at funds be- longln to sanitary district IInd the expenditure thereof by municipal authority ot the munlclpalltv within said dIstrict. Helates to expenditure of sanitary funds , H. R. No. 200 , by McUlay , by re- qllest-'l'II provide a tax commlsloner with all powers of assessors under state re\'cnue Jaw 'In c'ltles with 40.- 000 to 100,000 Inhabitants , 11. H. No. Ol , lIy Riggs , by request - quest ot state auditor-An act re- ! lulrlng countyclty ap.d village clerkSj I to malce out , cr.rtlfy and transmit : tel the auditor ot public accounts , a full and cOlllplete. statement of the hond- ed Indebtedness of every descrlptiou , of such county , city 01 vlllage , as shown lIy the records of such county , city or village cler ( s on the : lIst day ofiul'ch : , the : JOth day of , June , the aOth rlay uf epternber and the 31st day of December of each rear. II. n. Nu. 202 by Good-Apprnprl. ' ates money in oormal school library ; fund amounting to $2,83114 \ , fur bnoles tor state nurmal. II. It. No. 203 , by Warner-Pro- \'Ides for I ho nppolntment of corporations - tions as Iccel , ers , asslJ.lIeesuar ( \ - rllans , executors , udlJl I n 1stI' ' atnrs , or other trustees. A pplles to tru3t cor- puratlons having mllre tl1an $2,000 capital. ] I. R. No. 204 , by ' 1'hompson-Tu pruhlblt couotjud essupreme jud . es , clerks , constables , or jallolS acL. Ing as uttrlrneys , 11 , H. No. O , hy Grer.Glvlng county superintendents power ovel' formation ot school dlstr icts. II , H. No. : : ! 07. by Thompson-Pro- vides for damages In forclhle entry suits. II. It o , 208 , hy TI'Uuv--Pro- ] \'Ides for a matron In cuuJlIy , Jails , where there are female prlsollers , II. n , No. : ! OJ , McUlay-Pro- - \'Idcs fur Improvement In conoltlon of IHJIJnty Jails and for Inspectlon , I ussinn A rlcllil ure , The Husslan departlllent of II ' . culture has allotI'd $ :10.000 : to Incre < 1 : > t : the eqwrt : oj' Siherian hutter. Poor Chance. "Bo IIttenti . " advised the tench- er , "n nd you may SOIllC elny le Jlresl. dent oj' the United tates. " " 1'11I aCral.1 IlCJt. " leJllled tile Sllllll't 1)(1"I ; never h'ul nn alllhl- tlon lo Sllllllt II dnel , 01 1\1/1 / a lIear III m ) ' IIte-The t\rgonallt. Schwab In Good l1ealth. Pliler 11I(1 , Sicily , , Jan , 2l1-Ulwl'left M. Schwall gavu an Interview tll the associated press correspnn ( ent tocay ] uboard tbe steam yacht Mar arlta. Mr. chwah appeared to be 10 good health mentnlly and physically , IIsk. cd whether he desired twt : It sIwull1 be ! > tateel , that his health wa& as pel- fect ns It appeared trolll his looks , he rei lied : "Better cable nothing at allas the lUcre I say on the sllhJl'ct the less 1 succeed In COIIVlllrlnl ! . . 1'ltAYEI\ A JUI\V ROOM. - - - nel1emter / Asks for Supreme Guldanct While All Reverratl ) ' Kneel.a Chlca o , JIIII. 23.ICsesslon ot , II'uyer" preleded : the diJlIbernlions C a Jury In .Jutl o Uhetluln's court , which resulted In the nClJulttal CIt Patrl'k Deenan. charged with , the , nunler of John 1..llnc1en. Whell the tweh'e took tholr plnces Iround the tllble , , , 'lIlIalll 11. tJeltz 'm Id : "Uenl1eI11CII , this Is II lUost ( ( ' [ IIIml duty. A hUl1lanllfe hanRs In hl balllnco , uwnltllll ! bllt II word I CrOIll liS to ho Illude Cree or to br. end- I Id. ! 'f'hls Is such u R11emll duty that I nllllost fear to nppronch It. , IInd 1 think that we ollght to nsl , for COliI' . I'ge and ror lI ht. Wln't YOIl gentle- Illen join l1Ie III prayer ? Let. us Imeel here In the jllry chambers and ask 111\'lno Iuldunco In the duty we lire undertal.IrIJ. ( . " ' 1'he twelve men In the jllry cham- 1)(11 drnpPE'd to their knees und lJOwed r.helr heads ns lhe one juror offnrc 1.1 . prayer , In whicil he petltlonod for Hlprellle gllidallce. r.lever 5wlndlln Scheme , New York , .Jall. : . - ! the arrest M a l\1un wllolll the police say i" \\'llIlam \ G I'nrlongan , alle ed scheme to lIeece the public was brollght to 11lllteday. ! : The police say that F\II- lonl. ! has lIeen ndvcrtlslng In New York alld Ph1laelphln ( papCls for "a gentlemnn who would he wlllln ! ! to IIInrrya lady lie has nl1\'el' l\1et and froUl whom he would be expected to ; ecllre a dlvorco ns soon as possible 'IHer ' the marriage. " 'l'he ad\'ertlscment said it was nec- 3SaI'Y , III order to settle nn estatl' , felr the Indy tu marry , und the ac- ( 'epted would recol ve $2.000. As soon as an answer was received 11 circular I\'ollid bo sent In which the applicant was asked to send $1 for a plcturo of the lady. The pollco say the tbousand an- .wers were received , and that Fur- Iln ) also secmed lUoney by nd\'er- tlsln tor IIPl1l1c.llltS for a posl tlon. FurlelllJ. ( had handsolllely furnished nt1lees on Wall street. When arraigned the prisoner gave his nallle as , T. V. S. Scudder. ITe was remanded for forty-eight hOllrs , tiS a sllsplclolls character. InvIte President to Hunt. Washington , Jan. 2-Representa- : ! t I ve M ondell todny presented to tI' e preslclent Mayor Geor o ' 1' . Beck of , Cody , Wyo. , unlversal1y known throll hllut the state , as Governor Beck and J. 11. Peake , of the Cody EnterprIse. Mr. leake , on hehalf of the citizens of Cody extended an Invitation - vitation to Mr. Roosevelt to o to Wyomln during the coming SUIII- mer ter a bl hunu. 'l'he president stilted In reply that It would ho ono of the great pleasures at his lite to have a hunt In Wyomln , ! .Jut that it he did go and accep the Invitation 50 ( ) urtously ( ) E'xtC'nded ho wante to o as a private citizen and not liS the chief executlvo Lau hln ly he sa Id to 1\1 r. Pea Ie. who was former- I Iy fa well knuwII newspaper man of Was"lntJ.on " ( , that he wanted all reporters - I porters rounded np just before he I reaohed the Big Horn Basin , uml I that if Mr. Pealw cnuld assm ! ! the I preslcJent ot II quiet time without . the preseuce of newspaper men he ml ht serlonsly consider the questloll I ot his going to Wyoming durinlt the II I I summer. I Lee Will Probe the Earth. I I Lillcoln , Neb , . Jan. 2J.-It : Is said that .f. K. Lee , the Louisville man I on whoso farm It Is reported a three. toot vein of anthracite has hee. . ! ; found , will crgnnlzo a stock compall to bore tor coal If the leltlslature will not make an appropriation to In"es , / / t1 uto. lIe Is IIrrn In the bellet thaI ( he entlro country there Is uuderlald / with a lIeld ot anthracite , and he wallts to investllta.e. : A promlnont Lincoln feologlst : say t.here Is no anthraclto underlying tll , ( country around Louisville. ' 1'hE' for matlon of the earth dlle" lIotpJlcatE' \ such a minerai , and Iw Is'ery cel I taln that tile Loulsvilin IInd wil / sOlin bo for olten 110 eXJlesse ! doubt that such I ) milleral call tJC found In Nehraslm. Cannot Enter the Port , , Uuayaqull , Jan. 23.-It has heer. decided to close all the pOltS ot thll repULJllc to steamers Crolll i'ian : Fran cisco , owing to the Importation (11 hulwnlc plagne. Vessels which Irfl 8:111 : Frnnc'sco January 20 , IIr afte ; that date , will not be admitted. ' 1 hi buard of health or Guayallull"JalluarJ HJ. Issued all order to cluse the pOri stealllers from Panama or I'xlca [ (1orts. ( hilt the order was reconsider. the folluwn ! day and Il W,1S decldel to cll/se / the port "nly to stE'alllel : from the plaJ.uo ( Infected Mcxlcill p'rts. , \Vreaths On Vhtorla : Tomb. Loudon , Jan , 2:1.-1'ho : second an nlve sary ot the dr.nth of Queen Vlc tOlla WIIS today observed at Wlndsllr Loudon IIncJ elsewhere bv the depos I' ' ILlng of wreaths on stutues creclel to her lIIem ry , nnd hy the roya rIIIIII.r. King Edward. Q'leen Alexandm. he Prince and Prillces , of Wal s aliI . tlWI IlIolllhers of the royal Cllmll . \'UI'O Ilrl'sent lit a service held II ruglllorl' mausoloulII. . . - ' . . . _ - - - " . . -N _ , . . . _ . _ . . . _ . _ _ _ _ U.h _ _ . _ _ _ _ , . DEA TH SENTENEE EXTREMB PENALTY Till ! FATE OP COL AR\'ltUR LYNCII. HE IS GUILTY OFTREASON FORFEITS illS LIFE ny PIGIITING WITII nOEI1S. TilE CRIE \ HAP PIL Y RARE Well Known 115 Irish Lradrr la Ihe House of Commons-Communlc4110n of the Sell trace Predlclrd. London , .Tall. 24.-Col. Arthll1 L'nCI1 , lIIemLJer ot parllalUellt fur Galwl\1. \ has been tuund ulltr 'JU the charge uf hlgll treason and sentenced tu death , When the trial WIIS resumed today I ounsel for the defolls ! ! LJegan SUIII' mlng up. 'l'hcro was lIot IIny attempt - tempt to deny that Colonel Lynoh supported the lIoers but counsel contended - tended that his natul'llllzathlll WIIS In no way prompted by treasollallio Intent - tent and was solely for the IId\'antal-to he wOllld thus secure for journallsllo purposes. Subsequently the detendant actl vc- ly supported the Boer cause In the hellet that he was 11 legally naturalIzed - Ized lIuq h\r. ! Replying for the prosecLJtlon the sollcltOl' general , Sir l dwllrd Carson maintained that Colonel [ .lynch jolne the Boer ulluy as a disrontented Irishman , "thereby cOIllUlittin 11 ( lJO t cowardly and most serious act of treason. " His naturlllzatloncon- ! , tlnued the solicitor generul , was oniy a flf msy pretext. Counsel then proceeded to detail the prIsoner's a1Je ed acts ot udher- enco to his country's enemies. ' 1'he lord chief justice sumllled np very brlel1y. IJe said that H In time ot war II Hrltlsh suhject joined the enemy's numlers , Cor whatever pur- pose. he was guilty of an unlawtul act. Naturalization during wartlmo afforded no excuse whatever for sull- ' cquent acts. 'l'here was abundant l'vldenceho said , ot over tact In aiding - ing the klng's enemv. In delivering sentoncoJustlce Wills Bald the crlllle of hl 1 treason of which the prisoner Iud lIeen fouud guilty was hlpplly ! so rare that it seemed to be allllost an anehronlsm. No cl\'llized community had yet failed to punish se\"erely detection from loyalty whether In the way ot open waltare or secret Intl'l uo In the darkest hours ot Ills country's fortnne when enJ.aged ( I n a deadly stru gle Lynch Joined the ranis of Its fCles and shed the blood of his rnllow subjects , IilhLlIIJ. ! Cor their country , and sought to dethrone 3reat 13lltaln trolU her 11lace alllong the nations , The unly palliation which coul be oll'ered was that It Iwel been the fashion for some years ro trrat IIgl1tly matters of this 1lnd IUd men had been encoula ' . ! d to pJay with sedittoll and toy wllh treason. rhe nation lIad treated with cun- temptous IlIdllfernnce spC'eches ' alld lotS or se'1Ition , but , It was line thln to Iall , scdltlOli and qultc a cJilTerent Ihlng to hear arms III tile runls ot he country's foes. 'rhe jury after ha\'lnJ. ( heen out half HI llUurreturner ! a , vereilot of lIullty , Wlten asked It ho had unyllJllIg tr. my wily he shoultl not be scntenced Lo death. Oolonel Lynch replied : " 'l'lIank you , I will say nothln . " The sentellce of death WIIS passed ) II each uf the four counta In the In- Jlotmen t. 'rhe prlsnner then bowed to the ourt and was removed In custoty. ! Lynch throUl.IIJ.out : ( bore himself .vlth . untaltl'rln composure. lit Nallccd ( lul cteadlly hotween the jail. Irs amI I\ : ! t the hench whcn' his witt wd otlH'r nJatives were seated. Mrs. Lynch hat bee II j.I\'l'n : permlsslou tc we 111'1' lIuslJand. A Ithon h formally scnlenced to h6 1auled , J.'uch's sentence wIll no :1oullt : be cOlll1lluted. Girl Fearfully Bur"cd. Wesl , PIlnt , 1'eo. . , Jail. : : ! , , - : ' Iar } ' Lierman was fear fully hUl'lIoll lere last o\'enlng throngh altelllpt. lug to Ilgllt a IIle wit h ga'iollne. : : hc : lOardo.l : with the falllily of Harry IIoWoll tll 011 thl ! secol(1 Jo"r ! ut' t h HllldlnJ. ( occupied by the UUlllullnlJ : Jounty Delllocrat.'IH'U she IIScU : he asolllle a tearful exploslou oc. mrred. H. n , LOII er alld Herman Hllhlr1 'lishr.d to t1' e n'scue to 1111(1 the rorm ) 1bla7.C allli the Irl III flames. tJ htly IOldln Mrs. lIowarth. who hud at. : elllptell to slIIother tlte 11 [ ( ' . \ \ ' It II ; he connlIell ! otTolts of the tWCl nlClI , : hn wOllleu were separlted IInd the lames wele E'xtlnJ.ulshed. : hut nlll IIItll 1\liss Llel'luan has heou fright. 'ully IIlId perhap fatally LUrlH(1. ! ( \lssourl PlIclllc Train Wrecked Wichita , l\a5. . , Ian. 2,1-'I'IJU lls , ouri Pacilic pass\n er train lel.\'lnj1 , \'Ichlla at { IO ; ; last nl ht for Kansas Jlty was wrr.clced at 2 o'cluck thll nOrlllng while entering the ) 'I\d al lItes Uenter. A coal tral [ ) which had taken thE ilclln was too long and une ' ar had ) een left on the main track. ' 1'1) ) ( mglneer and Jlrelllun are dea i and Lt dawn were stili Iylllg under thol' ml-Ine. ; - - - - - IIANGED TO LIMU OF THEE. . - - - - - Uakaown Mftn found Dead Near Norfolk , Neb. -WIre lastrad of a nope. , Nortolk , Noh. . .Jan. 2j.-1'ho body ot un ulllwoWII man" allparontly ubout I1tty yeara old , with ray hair , 'uml whlsl\Ors , WIIS dlsco\'crc1.l 1\I1In- , dllY llIornlng hllnHln by a wire tQ the 1I111b of II tl'ce at Sllrlll blllnch , lllOut two 11I1101'1 ' north or the < 'It ) ' . ' 1'ho 11I1111VIIS comfllrlllhiv dlossed , wearlnl. : II 1I1ue U\'ercollt IInd about 'thirty dollllrs was fOllnd In OIlOot his pockets. 'j'lte LJndy'IIS Iliken to th roullls Ilf Sessions & Hell , where It nwalts hlentilicatlon , It Is sup- pused the 11I111I cOlllmltted silicide. , r . L. W.'oun n Suicide. Wllsun\'lIle , Neh. . .Jlln. 2j.-1\II's. 1..1 , W. Youllg. wife of ex-Sonator YOllnl. : , commit ted sulolde Monday' bY tllkh , clIl'lIulio IIchl. The IIcld 'was talwn In I ho rOrellOUII , whllo nil IIIclllbers ut.tIC \ tlllllily wore ILWIlY ; : Irom hOllle. She WIIS fOllml lit IIbout' noon IInCIJIISoIOll9 IIml death followOlI IItl : o'lucl : < . Decell"ed IIIlIde 1111 UII- sueccessfulattllnpt ! to I olllmit sui- 'chlo ' about two years ago ! .J ) ' taltln ! : rou h on ruts , . - - - - - - Two Men Saw Out of Jail. 1\lltclwll. \ K D. , .1nn. 27-A Jail doll\'cry took place In this city Mon. ' day ulJ.hllllJl ( ( a very 11IIportllnt prisoner - oner lIIacle his escllpe. , fnel. Snlly aliI ( Fred Baer , the two Inmates , were released - leased frolll the prison IInd no trllce , of thelll can be found , 'l'hey wore : nsslsted by ohtsld partlesnho sawel1 ItlJn lock from an outside door thut 'Is ' rarely used , allll then sawed their way Into the jail , At 4:10 : : In the afternoon t.he clopllt.y sherllf sa w Sully I n the ja II corridor anll when the dell1\ty \ returned at j o'clock the jail \\'IIS olllply IInd nn In- vcstl a lion revealed tha t the prisoners - oners had J.one. ( ' 1'l'lephcno messagl's ; \\ero sent In all dlrectlolls to Inter. ; cept the Cu 1 t'es \ , Sully Is the rhlted ca Wo rnstlor who hns operatr.d Oil the Sioux reser- \'atlon , we t llf OhalllbE'rlaln , for a \lumber IIf years and In that tlmo has l1Iade WIY wllh hl.llldreds of cat- tle. He has , llwi'g : heen able to escape - cape the IH1lcers , or has stood In with thelll to the extent of ha"lng escaped arres\ \ . . Last summl'r Sully was arrested at Verdlrgrle. Neh" where he had drlv- co IL lar e uUlIIllI.'r of catllo and had s ) ] d them to Omaha dealers , lIe WIIS brought ha t , to LYlllan county and later plac d I n the 1\11 tohell jail for sate leeepln , It Is lIello\'ed that the plan for tllo dell \'ery had lIeen In operat.Jon . fur severnl days ann thJ , tac thlt SherifI' Brouks died Satlllday afteruoon gal 0 Sully's trlcnds II ohanco tn work all the vetter , It was not n dlmcult Imatter to saw throu h the Iron bars hat held thclII canll\'cs. - - - ' - - - Capture of a Coni TraIn , neS Moines. [ a. , fan. 27-1'he to\VTi of Stratforrl , 100 miles north ( Ir here , ha\'lng It pflpulatlon ot nearly 2,000 , Is Ireath' wl'ou ht , lip as the result or I the arrest of lIIorn than thirty persons - sons who helrl up a train. and seized nearly twenty cars ot coal. But little - tlo cOlli has becn shipped to Strattord for lIIany weeks a nd a severe fUl'1 .fallline nre"allcd , Yesterday a NOI thwestern trol ht ' : trnln ot lt1uCI : ] ! coal cars passing' [ ( h th ' , wn 9topped for waler. 'l'he tra 11:1' : ) no sooner I'a 100 to a stop thai , lhe news spread IIko wild lire. Soon u mob of IiOO people with wagons , hatlets and coal scuttles were al the trads , a car ot coal was broken 011en and people were helpIng - Ing tlH'mselves. Of the train of twenty I'ars but a few tons remaIned whp.n I I laid WIIS over. 'l'jle rII'rmd : ! company at once notified - tified thr. sherllf , who Immediately left Websll'l' Ulty for Htratforri. lie made het Wl'en thlrly and torty IIr- rests , hl h state ot exoltement pre"alls , The amount ot coal taken was not lIIuch per person , but as a whole Is ilIt1lclent to last the town for ! iomr.t 11IIr. . Much t I 'ILlle Is IlIolod for wh'n .the arrest.IHI pel sons ale IJrou ht to trial. 1111 , IWI\'c\'er.ha\'e h en gIant- , cd Imll perulill ! ! tile time ot tr Inl , 'willch Is sel , f"r " the next term Of the 'lIstrlct court. On Trail of Bank Robbers. St , LOllis. Jau. 27-11111 Andersor. ot HlIIlolph , and Pank , Lowls , the supposed Union , Mo. , tmnlc rohblrs ! and murderers of Deteotl\'e Uharles U. ScllUmachor , arc stili at large II rewlw ] uf $ IHOO has been offered for thel r a nest , Sherllt' Bruch ot Franldln county has heen In/'orllle.l / : that two men an- swel Jng the de'icrlptlon ot the CII/I- / : t.lves , one of thclII wounded , WOIO seen al Beaufort. - - - - - - l yt1n IS A ICd to 1 = llht. Hul Hprl , , s. IIrk. . , Jan , 2j.-Tom- lilY Bran , the champlou mhhllu wCllght tnday mcel ved a teleg I'll 1/1 / from .Jllek lierman , manager ot the Fort I'rlr. ; athletic clllh lit HlllTalo /lsklnJ / , ! him It ho would lI ht Fltz- slmmCJn5 there tor a purse ot twent- Ih'o thousaud dollars , HY/ln / replied that he would If Io'ltzsllilmons would train dowlI tQ ihe mlddlewclLht limit , \ - - , . , , . - " ' -k. _ , . . . . . _ _ _ . . _ - - . - . ; _ F - - - - - - Nebraska Notes . 't'he llItc Voluntllry Firem n" co\'eu tlOlI was held Ilt Oretc. , A. J. ] fllle , formerly ml1ror ot De- . ntrlce , Is dead nt Dnbuque. Mrs. Bttll non las WIIS found dead In bed lit BuperlIJr. It Is reported that a United State. IlrlllY rocrultln stllIon : Is soon to ve ( 'stnhllshed lit lIelltrlce ulld that it lIIay LJecomo II prolllanent thillg. A lIIeetlnK will be held lit mIls , Jllnullry7 : ! , to conBlder Il proposition tor the orectloll or a 10,0000 tJUII 11 eJ ( lubllo lI1in elovlltor. 1'he A'oca cillupany with a capltnl of $50 WIIS Incol pOl'llted this w/ek ! LJ ) Asaph .1. " 'l1eeler and 1i".J. IJrown. 'J'he cOlllpany will IIIlInufnoture I'emedy to CIUO cllncer. .Tosoph lol1or. wIto was tried 10 dstrict court lIt Nelson ohllrged aa procurer to arson thwugh Joseph 1ohIISOU \ , was acqulttod ut tbe crime by the jury. HeA. . W. Heury , at Lincoln , thQ evan ellst , Is couduotlng rcvlvnl lIIeetln s In Wymoro Ilt the Ohrlst- Ian church. 'l'he ) ' will cuntJr\uQ. feIn /In / IndeUulto porlod. ' 1'ho genel'lll store at Ll1n"don Dralw II Udall L1ur ned. 'l ho bulldlnR und store IIro a total loss. 'l'hoy were VlIllICd ut $10,000. 1'1:0 : Uro orIginated - ed frolll II { ailing IlIlIIp. Whllo feeoln" a corn thresher at IIulllholt .tho lIIuchlne throw out" coli hitting lIollry Lutz In the eye , knuclln\t \ hllll from the teeding buara and lIearly 1Il1ndln" him. ' Congressman Burkett hUB uomlnnl. , cd 1\Irs. A. D. Beomor ns postmistress - tress of LanclL' ter , wh leh is the pun- Ituntillry. lrR. Davis , the wHe or lhe Cormer wllrdclI , has reslRned. 'l'he bill introduced hy Howell ot DOIIHlas , provldlllg tllat the city or Olllahll he enuhled to IIcqulre und opera to tile wuterworls plaut , WIIS 11assed hy the sellate. 'rho menllura recel ved thlr ty-three vot.es. 'l'ho Argo starch tactory rcsumee ) operatlons , at Ncbraslm Ulty nnd Will continuo J.rlndln ( Iorn : lit the ruto or 20,000 hUthcls per Ilay. llosltl vo us IUll1nco Is gh'ell that the plant Is to , ru n con tlnuously a nd the cllpaci ty I D- erellsed In II short tl mo. Ex- tate Senator L. II. Woods' Ond rosldencc on his far'lJndjoIDlng Vio' : lot , wus completely destroyed by Ore ! Jntalllng u loss of $11,000. which wa paltly insured. ' .rhls WIIB ono ot th l DICIest and UlOSt beautltul places 10 the cuuuty. Sui t fOl' damages WIIS brought In' the Beatrho : dlstrlot court in tb& 'HUll of $10,000 ror broach ot promlB& by Miss Oarrle 1\1 Busmusscn ot Lan. caster COUllt } ' u ulllst II. 0 , Mont- omerf. BoLh parties arc weU known In Ueatrlco. I A. M , Walker , u rural mall carrier , who dell I'ers un a loute in the vlcln. . Ity ot Cedar Blulfs , has bought ar\ lIutOlllu llo , which he will use in hIs worJi : . He oaicuilltes that be can' muke II trip In throe hours \vith onlYi tile expense 01' one gallon ot Rasollnc. Now ho drives a team or horscs and It takes nearly an entire day to g uver the route. ' .rhc show 'It the State Poultry as- 50l'la tlon J ) t r 1 nculn , is pronounoed the best or Its 1lnd ever Riven In Nebraska. Exhibits wer ! ) dlsplaycd trJm live states. 1'he egl { and dressed IlOultry department Is II I cw feature 'dnd is a success. .rho dlgplay ot In. . . Iubators : aud hroodcrs was cstensiVIJ : : 'HId the pet stock cshibit : : , wIth ita pigeons , rabbits , Belgian hares and' ulnea pigs was II great. attraction. A ndrew Carnegie baR ofJ'ercd SlOOoo tor a olty lit/rary / at Kearney , it tbo council , by a I esolutlon ot the people , will pu lip not less than Sl.0 a year for the library's Buppcrt nnd furnish a site. 'l'he olfer has been acceptec ( by the olunull , which has "rced to the condl tlons and returned thanks for the gift. A commir.tee . Is now se lectlng the site. A t a sppclal elect.ion . held at Nortb Bend , a propo 1tIn to establish and maintain a ml1nklpal IilhtinJ : plant I\'as cal'l'led by an ovorwhelmlnJ { ma- lor Hy. there bel ng only twenty-on& \Ites ( agllinst It out or II total of 180. 'rhe kl [ ) ( J ot II ht to be use ha not. hcen decided on , but the cold gaff system seems to bo somewhat ta- \lred. Burgars ] alned an entrance to the fit'lre ot Marcus Foraukel at A1IJanc\ ) IInd sturted to rob the storo. They J.ot ( in o\'er the transom of tbe front duoI' . A olork who was sleoplng in the rear WIIS awukenotl IInd began shooting. ' 1'he robbers were frl ht- eued a way. Uno at them jumped through a plute class wlndo. . . . fn his Imste to escape. H.lt. 1'a rksa member or the whole. . . sale firm uf Hirsch , Wlckwiro & Park lit IJremont. has 110t hecn seen "Ince Decelll bel' :10 : , and hIS friends fear that he has met with toul lay. JIo wellt to r lncoln , wbere ho registered at the r llIcoln and sent his bag al { " and samples to the botel. lie has not been seen since , although tha hal.valo . ! Is stili there At the tlm elt his disappearance be had a Jar sum ut m'mey 0/\ his person. lIe has u Cllml110 Cblr.nun - - _ . - - . . . . - - . - , . - '