Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 29, 1903, Image 1

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    , . . " . . ' , " " . " . ' " " , ' . . , . . " , , v. . . . , ' ' " ' . ' . . , < " " , , . , , ' - } . . . ' . . . . -.t ; . 'I'I'f ' . " ' : ' 1 ' " ' ' ' ' ' . . . . ' 'if'Y'\ ' . ? " " ' . - , - . n ' ; , . , . , . . . ' . . ' . 'l : ' , ' " . . , ' " ' ' ' - - . . ; . , . . . . . , . " . n . ' " . . " . . . . . - . ' 'T' ' " . . ' . . . . ' " " " . ' 7' ' ' ' , ' " . ' " _ " " , " _ , , _ , . _ . ; : . _ . . " . ' ' . ? , ' : ' . . . , r
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L\JtBt1aU \
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t:6lt\t.o .
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. - ES'l'AB1-41SHED 1882. 'l'HE OFFICIAl" PAPEI aIi' CUS'l'.ER COUN'I'Y. T"ARGES'l' CIRCUT-4A'l'ION aii' ANY PAP.ER IN 'l'HE COUN'1'Y.
- - - -
- -
D o. "
'f' 8"4D.
Did ) 'ou c\'cr sct' a novice trv
: ' iil J
to hol a wHtchmukcr's glllss
his eye ? Ill' lIIakcs had out of .
; . it , which , only sen'C9 to cxcmp.
lyf > the old a age-"cver ) ' mnn
to his own trade. " One illl- :
portunt branch of 111) ' business I
J IS watch making , watch repairing -
ing and kindn'l , work. Imllke
a spccialt ) . of it and do it wen
J because I o. I charge more
for wl\tch wbrk than some-I
charge less than others. I
charge what first.class watch ,
\Tork is worth-you can't fIord
lo po ) " moe , 0'
l' . . .
! : , /Jil ! , , , I
\ . . \ . I
; ' . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . .
' . . _ ,
[ ,
: (
, I
I Tablets
, I
; , . ;
. , 'j
, -AND-
" , , \
" ' . . . .
School Supplies ,
I -AT--
! ; , .
; I J. G. Haebe.rl ;
i ,
1 , _ _ _ . _ _ n _ _ , _ _ _ -
\1 \
1/ ( / I > : ErIsmr :
. j
! ' R B MULLINS I M. 0 ,
I" . M ke 131 > l'clllll ) ' 01 Crown 111111 IIrIIlgWonk. .
. : P.sC8 rC8801111hlc. .
, . , .
All work guar/lllt.\
( "IIIlII d o 11I0 bl'oro ulnJ. : I\IKewllr ! .
, Olllco-in " ' 0111'11I0w IIIIIIllIlIk / lIulll\lIl \ [ : .
Dokcn Bow I NebrnBk:1. :
W ANTUD-Men to learn babcr
II" " trade. Practical coursc givcn by
frce work , cxpprt instructions.
jv 1.1 lcctures , etc. ' 1'ools prcsented ,
wages Saturdays , board prO\'idec1
I and cataloue ( inailell free. Moll -
l : er Barber Collegc , Omaha , Neb.
ii - I ha\ 'eti -jt-of pure ulood
, BufT Plymout 1-rock coc1cerels for
sale--from winners.
, - - prize
32-34 CHO. O. 'V A'rm s. '
1 i
t , , FOR SAI , ] OI { 'l'RADF-'Town :
: J lots and a few fh'e acre lots in
' ' this city , for cattle , horses or farm
. . 'f' I 'I ' land.-Allen Revner.
J't ' I FOR SALH.-Om' of thc ucst } {
" . sections in the county.
I" A. ' 1' . SltVIIOL'l' .
I \
t ( , Watches cleaned at Ed.
j . McComas' for $1.00. All
work guaranteed.
- - - - - - - - -
' f , ;
j' , ! ' - ' : -
"r " Saturda.r January Ii , 2 p. m. ,
! : \Ir. Province west of town listed
1)o ) ( ) acrc at S1000 , with me for
1)\ \ sale , at - + p. 111. samc clay J sold
' '
I I' I the farm to Elgin Beal. 'Monday
, . . the 2th inst. 1 sold tIl ( ' follow-
. .
. . . I , ing properties : Commercial
, ' .1 Hotel to C. II. Kennedy , SeJ.
'i ulock 5 , E. Heyncrs Add : to J ud
( Morton , lots i and hlock 4 J ewctt
Add. to R. W. Buckner , lots 11J
1 I and 20 block A.V. . G3.ndY'f
Add. , to E. E. 'Vimmer , the Sea.
t uolt tract , 75 acre south oj
" Brokcn Bow to I o'I' . . Walker ,
Broken Bow.
1 - _ _ _
I : : : : : : ; : : JI
- .
District court adjourncd last
Saturday aftcrnoon.
S. K. Warrick ma e a unsiness
trip to Omaha last 'l'hursday.
n. II. Conrad is visiting in the
east rn part of the state with his
J. R Lang f J-4itchficl , was
a , db''isitor the tin of thc
week : 'l'his ol ice acknowlcdge
a fricr dly call.
'l'11C county u ard com'cncd in
adjourned session 'l'ucsday morning -
ing , adjourning' in thc. 'c\'cning
till the 3rd of March.
The memuers of the county
uoardimprO\'ed their rccess last
week ' Ii attcuding lhe state mcet-
ing of the association at Omaha.
James Coslier aild C. H. ] l gland - -
land have formed a partnership
to , do painting , decorating , etc.
Sed Bleir n < lvertisement in this
Supreme Comt Judgc , S. A.
Holcomu , was a city visitor Monday -
day and Tuesday. He came up
from Lincoln to attend the Kirk-
patrick reception Monday night.
'fhe Chicago health depal.t-
ment has made the discovery
that the addition of a smail
quantity of grape juice to drinking -
ing water kills the germs of
typhoid fe\'er and other serious
'rhe "Other People' Money"
drcw a large crowd at. the opera
house Saturday night. The
opera chairs and seats bq of
thm ( were all taken. Those in
attendance report the play above
the average.
The populist state central committee -
mittee has decided 'that ' it will
' .have no more to ' < 10 with fusion
with the clemocrats but will' conduct -
duct its campaigns independcnt
and alone. 'l'his IS another Instance -
stance of locking the barn door
after thc horse has been stolen.
A. 1 . Danly , the American
Sunda ) : School Missionary called
last Ii'nclay. He reports a series
of meetings held in December , at
M l11dale , and also a'ery good
series just closed eight miles
southwest of Oconto , at the Johnson -
son school house. He , with 'V.
H. Kimuerly , thc state superintendent -
tendent , went to New Helena on
Chestcr A. Long' of Kansas ,
who is now serving his third
term in congrcss and who bccame
notcd for twice defeating' Jerry
Simpson , ( Socldess Jcrry , ) fori
congress wa ! . hoilOrcd last week I
by being' elcctell to the United
States Senate from Kansas. As
he ha a sistcr li\'ing hcre , Mrs.
D. R Whitc , and several other
relati vcs , his success was watched
with interest in this vicinity.
He is yet . comparath'cly . a ' younn'
man , havl11g been born 111 18r.O.
'l'here arc large numbers of
farmen , who sti1l belie\'e the
cornstalk trouhle is the result of
over-eating , and sudden change
of fced. It would cost \'ery little
to sow 50 cents worth of turnip
seed mixed with rape seed auout
the time of laying the corn by
and these willma1ce green feed
among thc stalkR ti1l1atc in tl ) ( '
wintcr , and prc\'ent , no douut , '
mosl , if not all , the cornstalk
trouble. A corn field sown with
these will produce nearly double
the feed , and it also will enrich
the ground rather than injure it.
Many farmers whose cattle have
I had access to such thing's , have
not been troubled with the cornstalk -
stalk disease , and it would u ( ' a
very simple and profitable ex peri-
I ment to makc , where cornstallcs
form such a profitable part of
winter feed.--Sargent Leader.
. - . -v- _ _ -
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1'\ \ lY '
t ( il..PUBLIC SALE. 'lml !
i . . . . . .
( . . : M At Grand Island , Neb. , Jan. 31 , " ;
f I
, l'xhibit. Come and 1
c 100 Duroc Jersey Hogs on
i : talce your choicl' . Frc'e acconlluoc1ations at the Pal- 1J :
, \:1" : : mcr House. and frec transportation to and from the . :
c herd , which is two mile cast of Grand Island , Neh. ' :
cc , . .
c : VV.B : : : . C > " 1.TS : . . :
] KJu " ' 'IR.'I ' ! ' ' . ' \ ' . \ . ' ' ' .l''J ' . ' ' 1.wOC' ; ; ' .J < . .t'il'iX. 't .
. . . . . . . . .
Neils Silnonsoll of Lomax , was I
. . .
a Cl t151 tor 'r ltl S ( I a ) ' . '
Otto Witthuhn of Etna , wa ! ; a
friend1\ ' caller at this ofiice Sat-I ,
urda ) ' . I
Hogs havc hcen selling at I
$ fJ.10 and S6,15 on the Brolcen
Dow marlcet this wcclc.
Hal'1'Y Kellcnbarger of Merna ,
left last 'l'hursday morning' ' on a
\'isit to Iowa , where he expects
to he gonc six or eight wceks.
' 1'he C. W. B. M. will hold aU
opcn se ! > ion Sunday , February
8 , at the Christian church. 'I'hc
program will appeal' ncxt week.
Ilomc madc candy and calce
will ue for sale at the New gng-
land supper gh'cn uy thc Ladics
Librar\ ' Association atunla"
c\'cning in the I ealt ) ' hlock. - !
J. D. Heun : and a. E. Cad well ,
who attended the meeting of the
Farmers Co-Operative Association -
tion m delegates from Custer
count ) ' at I-4incoln.last 'l'lmr.sday ,
returned home li'rulay mornmg.
'l'he Custer Count ) ' Horticultural -
tural Society will hold a district
mceting- Anslcy , Fehruary 1H ,
afternoon and e\'ening. Program
will appear next wcek.'Vn.rIH
A farwell reception wag given
I" , . E. Kirkpatrick at the M. E.
church Monday uight under the
auspices of the Epworth League
and the program carri11 out as
pUblished last week in thc RH-
G. O. Wendell , formerlv of this
cit ) " now of Elgin , Illil1 is , has
ucen visiting in the city the past
week with rclativcs and renewing
old acquaintances. Mr. Wendell
has a host of friends in this
vicinity. It is his first visit herc
in hvelve years.
Rev. Gco. P. 'rrites spent
'fuesday and \Vec1nesda ) ' at Kear-
ne ) ' in attendance at the Kearney -
ney District Epworth League
Assembly Board of Control. He
informs liS that the Assembly
will ue held this year at Cal1a-
way , June 4 to 14.
Adrcn C. Bass of Anselmo , was
a city visitor Monday and made
this office a frienc1ly can.Vhile
in the city hc secured the necessary -
sary papers from Judge Armour
to unite in marriage with Bessie
Taylor of Ansclmo , ' 1'he ucst
wishes of the RUI'ULICAN are cx-
tended to Mr. Bass anc1' ' his intended -
tended bride.
It is reported that the Burlington -
ington will uuilc1 a new line from
Lincoln to 'l'amora. 'I'his line
will be built to do away with the
two heavy hills uetween Lincoln
and Seward. The line contemplated -
plated will run three miles south
of Seward and will cause that
town to he 01T the line of the
Burlington road.-A1liance Grip.
'l'hcre is an elTort being madc
to incorporate the Broken Bow
Business College. In casc the
plan work the husincss management -
ment witI b ( ' in the hands of a
uoard of trustees. 'l'he proposition -
tion is to capitalize it for tIlOOQO
in shares of $50 each. 'l'he plan
is a good one and should succced
If thc purchase pricc is reason-
a ole.
A puulic meeting was heM in
Alliance 'L'uesday of last week ,
to organi.e : for the purposc of
securing a state normal school
for that citv. Fourteen countics
were repres l1ted at the meeting.
A committee waH elected to go t(1
T-4incoln to secure thc Hchool ,
con isting of Prof. W. U. Bart : ' . ,
G. W. Clark , C. C. Smith , F. M.
Dorrington , A. S. Rced and' ! ' .
J. O'Kecf. We notice of the
numher of county superinten.
dcnts present at thc mceting wa
Miss Alice Wi11cinson of KimhaU
count v , who was formerly 01
Brolc'11 Bow. Superintenden
of six other counticH were prcscnt. .
'I'he chidcen show at Linloltl ;
la t week was not the least of lh (
I lea' : > t of the numuer aUrac ,
, tions hcld there. 'flu
auditorium was completeh
fitled wi th COOpfi of the fines' '
fowels the state affords. It wa !
our privilege , iu compan ) ' witI
Walt George , 1. A. Hencau , G
W. Apple and R. R. Purcell 0
this ot ) ' , to see thh. . grand ex
hiLit. How W ( ' wished that Gco
Waterl' , Oeo. Papincau , AtIel
I Heyner or Mrs. France Moore , 0
: somc of the other man ) ' chickel
: i fanciers of thc county could Imvi
witnessed the show. It includel
everr domestic fowel fron
. . . > . . . , ' 06 . , . . . . .
i thc Mammoth Dr ns turlccy to
I the fan tail pigcon.
I am requcsted to announce :
that a Farmcrs Institute will bc
I held in Broken Bow , Februar ) '
25 and 2 ( , . Professors from thc
cxperiment . station at 14incoln
will be in attendancc. If farm-
crs and stoclunen will write me
suggesting topics for discussion ,
I wilt submit them to the speakers -
ers from Lincoln , who will prc-
pare spceches accordingly. And
lct mc suggesl that we farmers
and stockmcn know lcss about
our uusiness than any other business -
[ ness mCI1 do about theirs. If
you can.dispro\'c it , try it at the
auove ltIShtutc.-Wn.r.IS CAD.
WHI.I. .
A 2'ang of Q telegraph linc-
men havc commenced stringing
a copper wirc uetwecn 14incoln
and Alliance says the State Jour-
nal. 'l'he work is very rapid and
the men can put up twenty-ti\'e
milcH of wire every day. 'l'hey
have one of the ucst outfits for
that work in use on an } ' railroad ,
and the line placing is done rap-
idly. 'l'his gang of scventecn
men travcl in a special train of
, their OWI1 , madc up of four cars.
One is a sleepcr fifty feet in
length well furnished and leept
clean as a palace car. Another
is a dincr where good food is put
up by a cook tal < cn from a rcgu-
lar dining car. Then there is a
lavatory and wardrobe car and I\ .
tool car. B. & 1\L men who havc
inspected the cars sa } ' it 15 the
Jinest working outJit lhe ) ' have
cver secn out for workmcl1. . - Alliance -
liance Grip.
The reception tendered to D.
E. ' 1'hompson at the State Capitol -
tel : Thursday I11ght was attended -
tended by futIy 12,000 people.
'l'he attendance was from every
part of the state. 'l'he capitol
building was artisticall ' decorated -
ed for the occassion. 'I he exterior -
or was strung with electric gloues
of light from the cornice to the
'tower presenting a gram ! illumi-
nation. 'l'he interior of the
building , espccially the senatc
and representath'e halls and ro.
tunda were most artistical1.r dcc-
oratcd with incamlescent strings
of lig'hts , Hags , hunting , ferus
and fJowcrs. In both the east
and wcst wings of the capitol
was a largc design of claJsecJ } ,
hands auovc which was inscrlbcd
the United States of America
and uelow Brazil. The receiving
party , Mr. and Mrs. 'fhompson
with their assistance Gov. Mickey
and wife , Ex-Governor Savage
and wife and others were stationed -
ed in the rotunda dn the sccond
floor where the ) ' greeted their
guests with a hearty hand shalce
as they passed by. ' 1'he press
uecame so great betwecn 8 and
10 o'clock that once one entered
the throng there was no turning
back. In thc main it was a good
humored crowduut a fcw becamc
very impaticnt , but their only
alternative was to he carried
along with the surging mass and
denounce themselves for being
such fools. Music in both wings
of the capital was provided wherc
thc giddy paRsed their time in
walt : ' . . It was midnight uefore
the entirc crowd had left the
building. 'l'hose in attcndanct :
from the county that we sa\ , >
were : Ii' . H. Young and wife , J ,
A. Armour and wife , W. A
George and wife. I. A. Henca\
and wifc , Joe Molyneux anI
wife , Alvin Daily and wife , Mrs
Alpha Morgan , Misses Pear
I Jewett , MatHIe l"arrel1 , Messn
S. T-4. Cannon , A. n. Copsey , G
W. Apple , , g H. Purcel1 , JcS !
Wilson , Ii" 14. Manning am
Ah'in Bnrk.
. .
- - - -
'I'he 1-4adies r4ibrarj' Associa
tion will scn'c a New gnglal1l
Chicke nPie Supper in the John
, Knerr room of the Realty ulock
Saturday , January 31 , from 5 t ,
I 9:30 : p. m. Admission , 25 cents
. onl'l U4at.v.
Died , on the e\'ening of Jail
22 , 1903 , Hazel , little daughter a
John and Sarilda Dodd , agcd :
years 5 months and 22 days. Sh
1 was taken somc two months ag
with rheumatism and during a ]
those weary weeks her sulTerinl
- was too great to altow her to la
. down in bcd , sh ( ' jURt slept anI
rested siting up in a rockin
chair. At the time of her deaf
her fathcr was sick in ued to
and Dr. Penning-ton was attem"
ing them uotIl. He was there i
the morning , H1I in the tn-enin
. . , . . , - ' . . . . . .
she had cutenlJuite a SUPPC1' of
bccf tea and crackers , as the Dr.
had told her she must to get well.
A fcw momcnts later hcr mother
noticed somcthing unusual. In
lifting her in hcr arms said ,
"Hazel , Darling what a ils you. "
"I hurt so here mamma" hc suid
lifting her little wl1itc hand to
her heart. Those wel'C her last
words , shc nC\'cr breathed again ;
rheumatism of the heart nc\'er
claimcd a fairer Hewer or one
ucttcr 10vcl } . She leaves parents
4 hrothers and 5 sisters and a
host of friends to mourn hcr lo s.
Her rcml1ns wcre 1 a id tcnderl \ '
aWIl ) ' in the Kopp Ccmetcry. -
A prccious one from U5 hn gone ,
A voice we 10\'cll is stillcd ; ,
A plnce is vacant in 0\11' hOllle.
Which ncvcr can he fillcl ! .
God ill IIi ! ! Wi5clolll hils re.called ,
'l'he one lIis , love hns givell ;
And though the holy ( slulllhcrs tlOW ,
'I'he soul is safe in heavcn.
- l1ItR. . A. OIUi1- : .
Church "crvICc" .
RcR. . Bellis win COllllnCnCC II rc\.ival
effort at the hrick hui1lillg ( 011 the 1I0rth
s lle of tOWII lIext SllIlIla ) ' . The puhlic
is conlialh' . in\.itcll to nltcwl these
meetin s. R. 1I1U.1.1Pnslor. \ .
- - - -
I Sl. Johll's H\isl'opal \ service Suudll ) '
} februllry 1st. ' 1 hc fourth Sunday aftcr
thc EpiPIIlU ! ) ' . Mornillg praycr , lIoly
C0l11111Ull10n ntlll scrmon 11 n. 111. Hvcn-
ing prayer nlld SCrll1011 70 = : p. III. , SUI-
clny School to n. III. The puhhc IS
conllnlly illvitcd. W. H. X mtn\ , .
:0.1. It. CII tJltCII.
I'rellchill lIIol1lin and e\'elling Sun-
. We propose bcgilling re\'i\'l11I11eet-
ing Pcbntary H with 1Il1uol(1 ( 10' . Snylcs
as Evangelist. Morning I suhject 'alou
pre-revival lines , "Are theSi : us\ Right ? "
l'ct II Sallluel 5:24. : We hopcito' ' hnvc
J. n. Carns D.O. occupy thepulpil : Sun-
dny ni ht. OHO.,1' . 'l'ltl'1'H .
Sunday 10 o'clock a. III. Sundny
school. . 11 o'clock , sermon hy pastor.I I
'rhcme. "Elcments of 'l'ruc Grcatness. "
Text , Gcncsis 41 : < 10. At 6 o'clock p. III.
wil1 occur the re ulnr 1I10nthly mceting
of the Union Young Peoples Society ,
composed of the' different YO\1n Pcoples
Rocieties of the city. 'I'he topic o [ the
evenin . "Self Mastery or Slavery , " win
he lcd h ) ' Mr. A Johnson. 7 p. m. or
immediately following thc VO\1n Peoplcs
service , scrmon by pastor , Thcll1e , "rhe
Sublime Chllriot of the I.onI. " Text
Psalm 10. , :3. : 'l'his is the first of II series
i to hi ! Ilclivered on Sunl111Y evcnin s , on
thc subjcct , "God in Nuture. " You lire
in\'ited to hear tltts and the fo11owin
disconrses , on this' intcrcstin IInll illl-
portant suhject. W. It ; Pgnn\ ' .
n.\I''rrS1' ClllJIlCII.
On Snnday Fehrunry 1St. The Bihle
school wil1 study at the regular hour , 10
a. m. Divine worship nt 11 n. 11'fhe
pastor preaches ; : lCml0n wi11 he concern ,
1I1 " 'the Revelation of TCl11ptation. "
The Ordinance of the Lonl's Supper wt11
be celebratcd aftcr the 1I10rtlill I1cr\'ice.
Junior D. Y. 1' . l' . nt3 p. m. Scnior n.
Y. P. U. nt 6:30 : p. m. This wi11 he ro11
ca11 ni ht , also the elcction of new
, mcmbcrs. Thc next lecture in thc
Christian Culture Coursc is giveu hy the
pastor at the openin1 of the hour. 7:30 :
p. m. is the tune spccia11y' sct
upnrt for thc prescntation of the Son of
God as the Raviour nnl fdcnll of you.
Topic of sermoll " 'I'he 1\11111 With Out
ReliJ.Tjon. Wedncsll1Y ( 7:30 : p. m. . Prayer
meetings thnt have powcr with GOII nnd
hclp for ench soul thcre. Thursdnr : ? p.
11\ . the I.IIlies ! Aill Rodcty melts : In the
prayer rool11 of the church.
1'1t1iV'rIUtlAN \ CIWRCII.
The scrviccs at the Pre5btcrillll church
wi11 bc dcvoted Ilurin the entire da ) ' to
, the ohservance of Christiall Endeavor
" day. There wi1l he n sUllrise pmyer
lIIeeting lit H u. cOllductCl1 hy Miss
Rallie Whhiteheul. At II n. m. the
, pastor wi11 preach a spec lIl ser1l\0n to
, thc society hasc(1 ( on St. Mathcw 13:31-32. :
In the cvening thc society wi1l remler the
, fo11owin program :
I.-Anthem hy Choir.
2.-Respousivc Scripturc RelLlin ( .
4.-Prayer hy 1'lIstor.
5.-S010 , selectell1\1r. John l.ewis.
( , . -Address , Origin un II object of the
. gociety hy Frcll Ski11man.
7-Hymn hy society.
H.-Address , Rclntion oethe Society Ie
the church , hy Mad e Kay.
9.-Anthcm hy Choir.
lo.-Rccitation. 5er.lectedi\lnbel Funk
II.-Alldress , IIl1s the Soclet ) ' fulfi11el
ils Mission , hy Sadie Whitehcad.
12.-Closing remurks hy Pustll' .
J -H'mll. .
14.-JCIICllictioll. !
'I'lle public is lonlin11y : illvitcel to these
, service's.
J"n"lu t lCellort for 'I'oc'uy ,
JIIAINWtllll1L " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 :
U.IOT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : . ! :
II/illl , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,21
J1e ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 1
lIoIl4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111
Blccu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.oOa . ( }
CnWN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f2.5' 2.7
1lIlalt n , perl > 011l111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oo\ <
'fllrkeY8 , . .er Iiounll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0
Ulltter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . \
I1'lg' , prr.lf7dll . . . . . . . . . . . , .1
bll "KI. , ANJO\ld- :
Poll.toell. ( lerILl , llul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J
IIlIlulIIjr \ hu hol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Hav o1'r 1011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 > . (1
HlmwoI.or r.wt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
! iu ! : . . , . UrlllluJaled. per cwt , . . . , ' 5. fJr'.1
' 1'0 CtllUt " COI.n IN UNit UA ' "
Takl > Lualh' . Urolllo Quillin'l'ableI8. . N
drUllIl tAI rl'lUIIII Ib" mOllolY It It ra\l \ to I' U II'
Le. \ \ , UrO\'II'1i dll1"lur IH.IIII . .ach bet , .
- . - _ . . . , . . . .
. mm ' U [
E ;
: itm&mmr. : : : & .
J. C. Mo re , abstracting. 2U
- - - - - -
Pepgiu Gum , two packages for
a uickel \Vilkins' Pharmacy.
_ . . -
li'oR SAr.n-Pure brcd D roc
Jere ) . Males. G. E. CADWItLL ,
22tf BrokenlBow , Neb. : .
li'or Cannon Cit ) . Pea coal for
shack burners go to Dierlcs r4um , '
hcl' & Coal Co. 25tC
_ . _
- - - -
J. H. Co ner and C. H. England -
land ha vc opcncd a paint hop
tirst dOo'l' cast of Day's st re ,
whel'c thc } are prepared to. do all
leinds of carriage and &lgl } pajnt- .
ing. . . 336 :
Ii'm . 'Iaq 'e' black J
marc , 8 year old weigl1t ' bo.ut
1300 Illso , mule colt.
A' . , ' 1' . SlWUOL'l' .
Watch main springs'75c . at !
Ed. McComns . , ' f .j
Farms for mlc'ar.d lands for I
rent. Now iR the tinie to get a
farm 'cheap , as the cheap farms
arc all goin , and prices are advancing -
vancing rap1Clly.-J. G. Brenizer.
- - . . _ H _ . _ _ _ _ . .
Li'OR SAJ.H-A : farm near
Georgetown , consisf1ff of 160
acrcs. A gOOlllocabon. Inquire i
of Mrs. li'annie T-4. Stuclcey , Ans-
ley. Nebraska. 24 tf
All kinds of Jewelry repairIng -
Ing at r.o.asonable prices , and
, work gtl ranteed at Ed. Mc.
Comas' , Roy Thompson
watch maker.
Poultr ) ' wanted.
31-32 J. C. BOWltN. "
'Vest Union , Nebraska-Yes , 4 ,
wc will pay a part cash for butter -
ter and eggs. RUFUS G. CARR.
Dierks lumber & Coal Co.
handlcs the Cannon City Pea i
coal for slade uurners. 25tf ,
If you , intend to build call at _ i ,
Dierks Lumber Co. and get priCC ! . -
,' oils of a1l1dnds at
Wilkin's drug storc.
Fan SAJ.r200 tons good hay
and canc , stalt. ; , range and
water.--'C. B. 'L'uOM ) SON. 30tf
- -
Your watch or Clock can
be repaired at once at Ed.
McComas' .
Ii'oH SALH OR 'rRADF.-For :
young cattle , a fresh milch cow.
Enquire at this office. 29 tf
li'ol SALH--Within next
< : - - the
few days 18 to 25 finc healthy
pigs that will weigh abont 125
pounds. Ii'or particulars ca1l on '
or phone J ames Boggs , El ton ,
Stamp Photo's at Bangs'
Studio. 29-tf
FOR SArI : - A fresh milch cow.
21) tf J. G. BIU\NIZUR.
- -
Balance staffs$1.76c ;
plvet staffs , $1.00 ; at
Ed. McComas. ' ;
'l'he Hnl'UnrICAN aud Inter
Ocean , 1.50. .
NO'1'ICIt.-All prices heretofore
, gh'en on land in 111) ' charge are
01T. If ) 'OU wan llantl can on or
'address : A. ' 1' . SnvnoLT.
v.r AN'rmA hand to husk corn.
32-33 JOliN WlUILING.
T-405'1'-Dccember 7 , in Broken
Bow , hlack curly muff. Ii'inder
please . leavc at this o ce. 32-33
- -
All watch and Jewelry repairing -
pairing neatly and promptly
done at Ed. McComas' .
- - - - -
Monc ) ' loancd on unproved
fllrms. J AI\IUS LUDWICB ,
7 18 tf . Broken Bow , Neu.
- - - - - - - - - -
Ii'OR SAI.u-li'ive acres f land
in good st\tc : of cultivation adjoining -
joining Broken Bow for $200.
Inquin : at this office. 3-21 tf
cubators. A. D. BANGS.
A Dimc Museum , under the
auspices of the Ladies Guide , will
show in Brolcen Bow , Febuaf.1th ,
afternoon and c\'ening , in the
south-east corner of the Realty
hlock. A finc exhibiton of living
suujects and wax figures of ccle-
hratcd personagcs. 'fhere will 1
he on sale home made uread , cakes .
and pies. Also a refreshment . .j
taule where a good lutich can be "
purchased. 33-34
. . . - . . . ' - ---'t , - " , - -