Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 22, 1903, Image 5

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    , .
I < < ( ; 1 : 4V 1& ,
Super\'isors Proceedings. : :
: 'mm : r.I : f : : ! i1 * m * mz , ft
I w c . . ) I IIIIII or TilE lIOARn. . . . J
: , ,1 " . " . . " " ' " , , , , , " 1 , . . . " . . . . Db' . . , I !
IHO , \ \ ' . < 111 R WAI.T.I.\llIlIn. \ . : !
< : ( ' nI ' [ 'IIOIII'E. Broken DO-'i , . . . . . " . a , '
AI.\'IN [ ) II.Mllhurn . , . . 4 '
JAI . ' . . . ' fl
) IIr.NII\'ullIwuy.
I J. W. CIJ UY , Oconlo. . , . . ' . It II .
41 . OOT1LRIIUluJI.Mn.flIIClly. . . . . It ; I )
. " " 'Gw . .wIitl' Vy : : : .l"i1 : VV ; : ; . ' V ! t _ : _ _ : i _ : _ _ mJR _ ! _ : _ ) I
J ImUIl ry 13 , I UO:3. : I
Y 111 aocordullcH with the provisions I
f the btl\tUto of' I ho Oounty Bourd I
of Supor\'hmrs of UIIHtor county mot
in rl"lgultu Hes9oll 1\1. tlI ! oourt house :
in Brokoll Bow : wd 1\1. \ ) o'olook n. 1\1 , i
were called 10 order hy tlll { 1lerk. .
'rhere were p'resent , Supervisors ,
0 , H. Thorpe , G. Hiser , George W.
. GrtIlJlWllt ! , John \V. C'nley. Alvin
1 ' . : . Da ly , .1. 'I' . Arthur and .1. n. Me'
. ; . ' \ GUIre.
, , I. On motion regull\fly made nnd ! HJC'
, . . ended , super\'isor Oonley was olectetl ,
, ; , , , temporary cbairman.
; " " "
. " 'I'he chairman ItppointelBupf.rvi \ ) .
" , , ' or8 Daily und Greenwalt as a com' , .
, , ' , ' mittee on crcdtjntinb.
{ : . ' The committee on crcdintialH . reo
/ : ported 118 folro\\'s : :
, 'W ' $ . Mr. Chllirn1l1ll , WB your cbn1nlitteo , i
: , : respeotfully report. thlltvo have'
: ; : ; ' examined the cel'.tilicl\tes of eleotion
' . " " " ' alid bonds on file /lIId find thllt G. ' 11,1 '
, - . , 'l'horpe , of Supervisor Di8trict No.3 ,
' G. Hiser , Distriot No.7 , ,1. II , Mc. '
Guire , diatrict No. ( j Rnd J. 'l' . '
Arthur , distriot No. I. were duly
elected anli hll0 filml their proper
bon cis whioh hll\'e heen ILccopted.
i 'I'bey are therefore entitled t sents
I in this honornble body.
Ah'in Daily ,
' : , . ; ' Geo. W. Greenwalt.
( .Mo\'ed uncl carried the report of.
. " ' 'h the oommittoo hI : ) acceptel\ \ ' .
< Moved anll carriell that the temporary -
. . . porary organizlLtion be' m'ado per-
" ' . - 1II11110nt.
Moved und carried thllt the. order
of husiness as ndoptl'Cl l:1st J'ear ho
adopted f r Ihis ytllr. : . -
MO'tHlnd \ curried to udjourn until -
til 1:30 : p. m. in order'to gh'o the
chairman time to make lip the rew
ulur permnnont ( , olllJ. itle ! ; .
Board mot lit 1 : ao p. ' 11I.
I The chairman aonounced the
! cOlllmittees for the } 'car ns follows ;
I ] herehy respectfully 11000l1llCO the
\ appointment of the following com-
I . miUeeB for the yenr HJOB :
Ah'in Daily.
} t'inance 0011I. J G. II. 'l'horpo ,
.1. W. Conluy.
G. II. Thorpe ,
Olaims Com. J , J. ' 1' . Arthur ,
Geo. W. Greeowalt.
. OfliC lll Bonds .J. T. A rthllr ,
r rOlld8and ronll { G. Hiser , ' -
oluims COlli , .1. II. Mc < illire.
ErroneOIlSUI1I\ \ { . Hil'tlr.
, . / . II. McGuire
, . Dolin q II en t ,
Tax COlli. ( , r ; ' 1' . Arthnr.
Poor Farm , .J. W. Conley ,
I Court Houre , J G. H. Thorpe ,
: .Jnil Sup. Com. AI\'in Daily.
Bridge Il 1\ \ < 1 Geo.T. . Greenwlllt
Bridge Claims { Ah'in Datly ,
: Committee. G. n. Thorpe.
I ' . .r. 11. McGuire ,
Com Gee , . Gretlnwalt
. Judiciary { .W.
I. . G , HIser.
Respectfully submitted ,
[ : : '
, . ' .Tohn W ; Con.ley ,
I : Chattman.
I ' It wns moved by Daily and Rec
i aDded by McGuire that the claim 0
J.J , F. . i < : irkpatrick for ei hty.fivl
dollars and\'el1 cents(8 ( .27
which was rescinded bv this boarl
on .January , , b allowed.
Voting A'e : Art 1I1r ; McGuire
'l'horpe , Hiser and Dai y.
Voting Nay : Greeuwllltnnd Con Ie :
Motion mo\'ed tlnd ( ) l rried to 'ud . '
journ to fiOO : a. m. tomorrow.
.January 14 , HIO : : !
Board met Ilt n 11. III. with al
members preseot. ,
linuteB of v sterdl\Y read I1111L ar
. -
loved Lv Greenwalt IHd } fleconc
' od by Arthllr that the Ouster Count
, t' Boacoll and the CUBter County Cmu
be and hereby lire designated as tl :
official pllpers ( Custor county I1n
order that all honrcl prooc dings , ( )
fioil11 nuticeR nllli dlllinquout ( l1X Ii
to be publbllOd in both of sai
papers ol1oh ono to rceive olle ha
the loglll rate fOl' fllloh publication
Motion Ol1rriol\ \ '
I rrooerous 1\1111 delinll'lOnt It
committee roport'ujlO9 olaim c.1 1.
Ben nu Cor taxol : or Broken Bo
. .
AhHtrnot 00. pnld.lutdot protest.
\Vo ) 'our committee report that
we have examined the record oE tho.
a8sessment oE the Broken Bow Abstract -
stract Co. for the past three years
nud fintl the faots set Earth in this
affidavit correpondvith the record
and recommolld that there he roe
funded the sum of , $44U > > , and the
the olerk instructed to certify thia
aotion to thll county troa8urer I\t
once. G. lIiller ,
, J.H.l\1oGniro ,
.J. ' 1' . Arthur ,
Report or committee Ilcceptecl and
. ' fovelll\ncl carri d to 1l,1jonrn , 1U1'
til 1 : :30 : p. m.
Boarlt lIIoL I\t 1:30 p. III. with ull
member prosent.
Poor fl\rm , coi.\rt house and jail
committee reported a fo\1owing \ :
\Vo J'OUI' committee rccoinUlend
that the oluims of ChuB. Gadd Eor
: il. ; O IInd N. K Armstronp' Cor $18.50
be nllowOI\ \ that Ihe 'proposition.
. ( ! f.\\ ' . 1I. Oshorne , .Jr , us janitor Cor
( 'ourt house nt ( \ . sainI' ' ) ' uf trO ; per
mouth IUld of , John Pernio aB super.
intendent of poor Cnrm nt u AI1In.n' of
$1200 pOI' Joar , be ucceptod' /Ul ,
thn.t contr .Cts ho made with ench for
till ! pmsent. year. . . .J.V. . Conlo ) '
O. II. Thorpe ' ,
Ah'in 1
Daily :
M.e\'ed IInd carried to accept I\nd
: Hlol't report or'oommitte \ . , - '
Chairmun appointed the following
committees to chetk ! "I ) the COtllll } "
omces :
Clerk of Distriot" Court's l1ico-
Supervisors D > 111y und 'I'horpo. '
Sheriff's ollico--SII ' Hiser
- - pe.r\'isor8
and Arthur.
C "nty' , rudge's ollie8u perviH'
ors Grecnwult 11I\d--J\loGliro. \ ! . .
} i'illaneo committee rnporliHnH \
follows : - .
, , , \Ve your finance oommittee' .
ommend that t le followint { estilllates
UO lIlade itS thn prohahle expenses
Cor the ) 'ear 1 { ) Oa :
SnllroC oounty omcars. . . . . : ( ; GOOO
District llOurt oxpens s. . . . . . l OOO
, Stlltion ery nnd other supplies. . OOO
1iBcelll\neolls expenses. . , . . . .1000
A riclliturni societ ) ' . . . . . . , . 7CO
. Tel1chora institute . . . . . . . . . . OO
fosuranceflln . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
, ROl\d fun . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 5000
. ridlo fnnd . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 10000
. SolrU rs' roliut' rlln 1 , . ' , ' . . . . . 700
Alvin Duily ,
G. fl. 'I'horpo.
.T. W. Conley.
lo\'ed and cltrried to Icept and
I ndopt report of the committee.
lfo"ed'nnd carried (0 ad.i urll
uhjact to the C'a\1 ! \ 01 the ohnirtllllll.
. - :
, Tlltlllary Hi , HJ03.
Pursu nt to Ijournment. . thl' honrd
met lit HHO : ut oall of chairman.
' 1ii1lltes of' yeMterdayread unel up'
! \loved IHid oarried thut the action
of this hoard.taken. . . pn , r I\n II ary 2d ,
wherein the olaim of L. K Kirkpat.
rick for $2 O , third quarters salary ,
wus alloweel for $ ( ) nnel $200 rejected -
jected , he rocousidoroll.
Gmenwalt presented the following
resolution Ilnll mO\'ld its f1 option :
\VllmmA , A hill hal ! been intro.
dUCf'd in the legiHlllture , known as
House nell No. H , the intent I.1d
pUrpfSe of which is to pre\'ent the
bringin into this Htate children
- whioh are likely to become a public
oharge. ThereCoro be it
fiHSOI.ED , That this board son
greetin to the reproBe1tati VA\ 01
this county' in both branches of the
legislutur urging them to.IISB . theh
jnfhJence in favor oC said bill.
Daily seconded the motion ant
upon vote it was IInanimollsly adopted
od ,
Mo\'od aud cnrriod unanimousl )
_ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ . or.r .
It IHII't the IIll1terlo'
- -
tll"t "nett Ilitn 'V.aur
. .ep. . rc. d wntcll Ulnt
r HuttM In 0. IICrt ct
Jnh. It Is the IQOW JtOW
lllllt 1l0\JH t l1u bUlino R , IUY : l.JulI lur
011huy \ tl1H line klnda or materIal
'Ihnt I \ ( U 10 rllr'I1 , ' ; huL Akill
i Ihmo \ t vallltJltlu ID"l.uril\l thnt
, lIn b. ) UBld In watch repnlrln '
nud the hUlIller onn't bllY It , {
8011 m ' Akl1l for whnt It IB worlh
II . aud It will 008t you hog ! thllo
bun JIIII1 ; . I\t lower prlclIR.
1 < ' . W. II A Y gS ,
lX .fewel r I\ml OpttOilll1.
\ Wcst aide of oqunro.
'W '
. _ - .
. :
THE . . ,
AlwllVR h vo tllil . "CRt Il'lality ' 0
, ,
" /Hi
, PhOt1tNo. . 'lO ,
C. It .JUDIINS , Manager.
- ,
tbe claim of L , .E , Kirkpatriok o (
* 250 , third quarters salnr ) ' , Rnd also
enl ! Eor $250 , fourlh quarters BRlary
be allowed ,
Moved I1tHl cRrried to 11Ijollrn
sllhjnot to call of .chairmnn.
, Tanuary 10 , HI013.
The cbnirman called thn hoareto. \ .
gother I\t 1 : n p. III.
Alllllemhhrll were pre8ent.
Miuutos or yesterday read and
It Jlpro\'otl.
Road committee roportOlI HS fol.
lows on petition of.J. II. Catron nud
others for rOlul in ' 1' . - . 11. - .
\Vo yOllr oommittee recolllmend
tlmt. the petition ho grantol\ \ onel ro'
monstrllllcn bo rejeotod.
\Vo rocolllmond that the petition
bo rejected. Alvin Daily ,
G. IIisor.
Move nnd ollrrio that t.he minor.
ity report /iCcepted amI I\doJlted. ,
ErroneollIInd delinquent. tax
committee 'reporteel 119 fullow ! ! on.
claim of , r. B , Bl\kor for reCund of
diBLrict tux puid under protest. :
We yonI' committee recommend
Lhat Ihe cillilll bn allowed and the
treasurer ordered to refund the tax
of $20.7U. Also that the treasurer
be and hereby 'is instructed to refund I
all thc distriot tax thut has been paid
[ nod to cancel the district tax that has
not boon paid in lIohool ltistrict No.
] 74 for lhB JonI' 1 n02.
.1. II. McGuire ,
, G. IIiscr ,
J. ' 1' . Arthur.
Iovecl Ilncl ClLrriecl to accept ! lnd
adopt the report of' the cOlllmiHeo.
MO\'OlI I\nll curried to adjourn
suhjeot'to call of ohttirlllln. !
- - - - - - - - - - - -
1'm'llIcrll 1\1111 \
. At' the omce 'of the county
supprintel1l1cnt the mectlng of
the Farmers Cooperative mo\'c-
mcnt was called to ordcr Monday
aftcrnoon by ' 1' . C. H. Hayer-
hoffcr. On 1l1ontion of J. D.
Ream a temporar ) ' organir.ation
was cffccted hy elcct1l1g' ' 1' . C. H.
llaycrholl'cr , Chairman anll f4. A.
Wclls , Secrctary. 'l'hc qucstion
of elccting dclcgates to the convention -
vention to he held in I incoln on
the 22 was discussclt hy Messrs.
BaycrhofTer and Heam. It hcing
deemed ach'isablc to h.\ve the
vicinity reprcscntcd at thc mcet-
i ng. On motion it was dccided
to elcct delcgates. 'l'he following -
ing persons were electcd : 14. A.
\Yclls , J. D. Rcam , John Recsc ,
' 1' . C. H. llayerholTer , C. U.
Wtllis and G , g , Cadwell. On
motion the chair : tppoiuted a
committee of three on investiga-
tion. Hc appointed J , D. Ream ,
, R. A. Watts and G. E. Cadwell.
The meeting adjourned to meet
at the COUi.t houscSaturdayJan.
31at 1:30 : p. m. to hear . , report . of
. dclcgates , thc COIllI111ttCC and to ,
consi cr thc advisability of
cfTcctiug a pcrmancnt organiza-
I tion.
I Water Works MeeUng.
I -
The watcr works mceting at
thc Court Housc Monday night
was largely attcndcd and more
than ordinary intcrcst was mani-
fe ! tctl in the qucstion of city
owncrship. Thc mceting cffect-
I cd an organir.a t lm by electing
1\1ayor Purccll , Chairman and J.
g , Adamson , Secrctary. After
r discussing thc various phascs of
Jhe question for an hour and a
half a vote was takcn instructing
the city council to call a special
election to'otc bonds to either
bUj' thc prcscnt plant or build a
new onc. 'l'he vote was unani-
- - - - - - -
! : ! 1
. 'Y ' r W I O .
. . . .rlb r Oul ) ' 5ceca " yaar
M CALJ.S : I I .
A I. . . . , ! teA.II/ul color.o1 pl. " " I. " "
. . . . . . . , , . . . . ,
.hlono o1.o..makn. ( "onolll. I. " Y
. . , . . . . , . , , . .
.ok l > ou. .ld bn" h. " un 01. ) ute
. . . . . , . . . . . ,
"to.lo'o1.1 01 10011 'I. ' cOH
. . . . , . . ,
Lao1y , .nn : iolld lor 111m.
StlIsll , Rollable , SIIuph. .
dale , Ecollom..1 a..d AI > IolulOl1
Pcrlil < ; t'YIlUai l'apu Patterlli ,
. M !
I An SU"'S ' AU."td H4 rcrfontlons show
tilt 1v. 1G1i . . . S."tDlIllftea.
Only I. . allo1 IS ceou uch-non. loIeb" I
, .k hr Ih. _ . $014 In nully nllY Iy
. . . . . . . .
l .D. or y moll /10m
11.115.1\7 \ Welt , 31st SI. , NfW YOlK. . '
- - u- ' - -
, .
F01 { SAI.Jtl'c acres of lau
in good statc of cultivation ad.
joining Brolcn Bow for $200.
Inquire at this oflice. 3-27 tf
- - " - - - - - - -
U. S. I..nnd . Offico.
JA tES WUIT.KIIKAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .It lt.ter
10' . II. yOUNG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ttecel'er
- - - -
, \11 od'erll rm"h Ululer tbl. hOlll1 "III bo
charge(1 for IIll.v 1 r le , vIII 11.00 r , r IQuue
for I1r11llo'lIlllon , anlt f ) c per Iquore for ellcb
'ob tllnoJt In erSion.
"aquare" Ie llln IInee or fracllon LhorfOf.
- .
Lincoln , NeIJrI.lJa , JanUlrY 1& , 100:1 : ,
"ollce I , lIerllh. IIIen lhlt In PUtlUIUCO of la-
ehueUonl from the L'ommiulullor of the Gnllrral
Laml UnlclIIulor IIutbmh ) ' ve.tllll'llI hllll b ) '
loetlon 215S , U.S. 1I0t' . tlLIIl. , h , the
Icl of Cnnllro81 IIIIIIrOvtHI Fl'braarv 2'J , 895 , IVO
will proc\ol1 10 olTer Il llnhllC 'alo ou tho' nlh
dllY of Februllry , noSl , thl. "lI1cn , 11111 t.\l \ wlng
hlcl of IILlli to Wll : nei ! @o ! < ( : : IocUoll3 , TO"II'
111I11 Ib n , IlnutI.zo w. AllY aOllllll1 Ilclenn.
cIa mloJotadvonoly tbo nb." ao
advh.d 10 ! ! Ie clllime III tbl. olUco 011 or bo-
rore IIItI day aboe .llI8ll1l1atetl ror UIO commence.
meet of .ald IIlh" olhorwllo IlIelr rhtht will bo
fOrrelted , W. A. OIlIlJlN. : n.gbler ,
J : ! 37-9 AL\'A I ElCJNAnJl , Heecher.
Uolted Stllee Llml OWCI' , l
: SoHh l'lall. ollr , . Jouunry : ' ' 0 , 1'103 f
Notlco Is 1I0r'lIy rlon LhM 11I1'ur.ualice III III'
.lrucUo' " frow tllo ComlUlulllul'r of the ( I. oeral
Llllld OlUco. under anthorlly v" rOtl In blul lIy
Seclloa . .ltnleod Hlaluteet.U , H" u " .ncUlled
by Act of COI.llrU4 pprov lI 'ebrollr ) :10. : IN < j5
we will I' roc red tll ollor at Ilublio sale at Wo'oloc. .
a , In. ull lbu 7tll.lay of March , I < jOJ , at Ihle ol1lco
Lbo rollowlolf traclllr IlInd , Iz : " "J. ' lIe " Hec.
tlon3S. TO\VII tll' Ib , lIorth or lIaUIlOl1 wept , an.1
I.ot I , Hectloll 2. ruwllehlp 16. norlh ot I1ango 21 ,
wut lith 1' . 111. All IUHsolie cllllmll1L : aLlvurely
dId ahove do.crlbed Innd aru alhlsed 10 1111' Iholr
clalnl8 011 or bororo , Iho .IIIY do hnalcd ror lho
commcllcemont or eald ealo , ulher'IVllle Ibolr
elllluu will be ror lIted.
D ted III tbu Unltell Stal , ' Lolld Ollleo. nrlb
I'I.tI , Neb. , thIs 'Olh lI"y 01 Ja1uar"103
32.3710 Ulto. K , FRHNCU. Itegleter.
! \OTtc 0 [ . ' I'UULlO I.ANII SALK.
Urokenllow. Nebrllilla , Jllnul1ryI6. 1'103.
NoUce Ie bereby 111.011 Lbal In purlllanco or III'
elrocllonl froIU lbo CnmUlllIslolier oC the Gencral
l.anl1 Oroe. . , nnder aulborlt , , . . .Ied In blm by
Scctlon 2 55 , Itev. ! HIae omenlletl h , the act
of Coolnll : alpro'I'.I1o'ehrnary 26. IS < j5 , wu will
proeeM to . > tlor at public .1110 on tbo lWI'lIlyOUb
day oC Pelrnar ) nlXl. at thle om o the Collowlll
lract or laud. to.wll : 'rho ne ! . ( oC the .o of Sec.
tlon H. TOWll8111p HI lIorlb , ltulIKe 20 west of the
Mh 1' . M. Any and all clalmlnK IIdvH'
eely 1110 above Ilelerlb..1 . .nd are advl.'d0 1110
Ibelr clallnl In thl otllco 011 or lIeforo the dlV
IhoVII d ll"nated ror lho commencemcnt of IIIIId
IIIle. otborwlll tholr rlglrlaflllbo rorfelted
3' : 37-11 J..ul . " WUITlIlEA : 1I II h'r.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
i'l.InLto LAND BALlt ,
IIrokeli Uow. Nehruka I
Notku III bernll ) ahelilbuL In Iurllllane" , of In. I
etrllctluna fro III lllo IOllllllhplollor : of the Henoral
Lmd unte\ ! under Authority vuted III hlul by
octloo 2155. U M. Ho , . , . 81. l , . UM alllelHlL'1I hy Lho
Irt of CongrlJe8 .pprood l'ebflilry .2" " , IR'J5. we
wllllrOcee.1 10 olTer at , 8"le 011 . be 7th ( lay
of . 'I'bru ry 1'XJ3 IIl'xl , nl I \ II. < , mco , tllo rollowlllll
tractor lallli. to wit : Nw ( .o ( Hectlon 311.
TOlVllehlp Ii r < , ItIlU o 2 W. Auy alill all \ler- \
eoull ch.hnlDI { Idvor ply Iho abo.e do. crib cd
lalllla lire advleod to 1110 tholr cialuI8 lu tbl
oUlce on or berore lbo Ila , uboo lIe.IRusted for
tbe comllloncomcllt of eattt .nle. other" Iso their
rlgh18 will be forfeite(1.
JAHJt8 WUITICIIICAU , lto hl4lr ,
2\1 \ , :11-4 : lrllANK n. YOUfU , Uocolver.
- - - -
1'1'11I10 ; 1.ANlIlIALI : .
IIroken 1I0lf , NohrABka
Nolhe II lIerellY Ilveli11111 In l'urellnlloe of lu.
AtrllrllonB rromlho COlllllllulollor or the ( Jelloral
Laml Onlco , olldor lIulhorlly 'OBted In him by
Section 2 55. u. H. lIev . Stet. , All umonr1ed hy tllO
lot or Conlr088 : . "llIovo.1 l < 'ehruarYl2tJ , 18U5 , WII
will prOte.1 to oll..r IlL IlulJllo ' 1I1e UII tbe 71b
dllyof 1o'ehrllrry 1'10.1. IIl'xI. at thle n"co. , the
followlcg trllot or lallli. lo WII : N o Section
27 , 'I'owlI hl\l20 \ N III1I1RO 21 wAil ) alld all
' , clahlllllltIver ely tbo alloo 1I08cribed
IIl1d are ad llIelllu IIll' tbolr clomK In thle omco
011 or betor , the lIay Ibou doelKnlltetl ror tbo
con : mcnccrnenl ot ahl eale , othorwlle their
rlRhlK will bo rorf'ltod
JUIE ! ! Wm'ulllt.a.n. Hog lAter.
: ! , ) .3t-5 l'ttANK II , YOUJIIJ. Itecetver.
Uulled tlale Laml0nlce. l
tlroken 1I0w. Nebralkll , Decembcr 17. 1')02 , f
Nolloo Ie horcby lf'OU IIll\t \ foliowlnlt 1111I11'
od eeltl r bae nlellIoUco or h' ' " IlIlelilloli 10 mak"
1I11111IroOr In &IIP1JOrl of hlB claim No. 1015. alii
tbllt 8l1hlI'roof w JIbe uudo beforc rCl:18tcr ! ! .lId
recehl'r. It IIro"eli now. Npbr , , kA. on Jnlluary
2/ , . t903'Iz ' : CII ItI.I S I" . } l'OS'l'Ir.It.
lJo" , Nebru"a , tor lho HoS ! nol ( BOCtlolllJ , w\\i \
IIWol ! S e\loIl24. 'row'oahlp Iii N. , IIlnl : . : /1 / " .
He lIameB tbe tullowlnK wltnonou 10 Iro'e hi.
contlnuou" relldonco 01)(10llId cultivation or 1.1(1 (
lantl. ,12 : : Merrllt W. Oorlloll , ot M..rull. Nebr ,
Wlillalo Urandonhurrr. of Merlli. Nob. Oillrouce
A. Hwlck. of IIroknllllow , NOli , . Yuuk Thom.ou
of Urokellllow. ob. , Jjll1I W""fllftUU ,
27 3ItK IIce1ot6r.
United ! ilale LuuIO lco. l
Ihukou How. Neh.Decembor 2'J , I'/U : . f
Notice 18 hereby ! ; Iven lhaL tllll foliowiUll lIamed
10Uler bl8 I1lt'd DOtiCO or hll Intontloll lo ! Dlkll
I1nallroot In 8npport or hlH cillm , No. 2473 aud
thal IlIld proof will bn IUllllo bororo reul8lor lIed
receiver , al Hroklill now , Noh. UP FebruArY 9
1'103 , .Iz ; AII1'URII A. lIWlOIC : , IIrokon ! low ,
Neb. tor lilo ecj ( Hecllon II , 'rem nAhl(1 IK N. ,
ltanfe 21. weel , 110 MUIOI Lbo following wit.
IIOBees to"OYO hla eonllnllolls rel..lcncn . UI'OIi
IIl1d oull \"OYO \ of .nld IIl1ul TIq : Iloorgo
'femplar , 01 Uroken 1J0w , N \VllllulII Albrhht
of lIIerna , Nor" Je8 e Albrlfbl of 1\Iorua. Neb ,
James 1I0ll'mllP or Nell' IIl1lenl , eb.
: : \1'304-1 \ Ju. . : . . WIllTEIIUU. UOllleler.
NOTIC ! ! : 'J'O NON.mSIDKN'l'URJI' : NI > AN'I' .
To ! frB. H. U. Smlthl wboHe IIrllL IIUti rlill
n6100 IH to tile Jllailltilf IIlIknowlI , onll who IH lho
wlfo of Jl D. flm. Ih , "ill t.nke notleo , thlll on lbe
25th day of Octollcr , 11.11)1. ) Jamee Lodwh'h , IlllIlu-
Utf herelu , I1le.1 hie I'ollllon ' Iu the DllllrlcL courl
of.Cuater count , . Nullr. Hka , sgaln8t you hn lead.
ell wltll 0lher8. tbo ohJccl a"d IlraVllr. or wbleh I
to rorecloec a corllliu lIIrlgng Ill'Crt Ixecute.l ! hy
B.urord It , Idollllnl , LIIlIl&n Mell hOlaj lId IInd
wlro0 uullin tavor of lbo Hllkola Loan oml
'rruRt On . wbereby. thnv eOl1veyed Iho " " ( ol
Secllon 27. 'rown8hlp 15 , 1I0rin or ran go 23 , well
of lilo Blxth principII lIIolllllan.ln Nebra kll , tfi
81Cnre ! Iho paYlllont or 0110 certalll drllt rul 06\1111'
1Iorld. IInd lho Inloreet thell'oo ; uld b01ll1 holu
dal ll 011 Iho 121h dllY of A01:1I8l. H/lII , ror lIlI' '
en III or $250 IKlllue an.1layallio un lbll Jet day e I
Au" URt , IR'H. 'rbore la now dnll on 8alI , nolo 1I111
; . IInd fur tU08 Ilain the following 01ll9
10'W l : : , wllh Intore.t lhoreon line 00 tne
18t day of Anguli , Ij'J ! , ilL Iho r..t. . . of 10 per celli
pur 1111111111I 11/111 olle Intert ! t 1I0lo In tbll Rum 01
.S 75wllb lutorcilihorcnn .Ulto ralo or 10 I.orcl'r' ' '
IlI'rannnm.tlOm till' IHL Ilay or AnKultlRUland lilt
rollowllll : eum I'ahl ror huoe : on paid property , III
roHnwa ; Paid April 21. , IS'/5 , $ H . ' .1" . 1IIIId Marcl
14 , 1& % , 85.87. 1'111(1 ' ( Fohruary 15 , IK'H. $ I'J.'IR.11111
Murch 12 , 1K\.5. ! $ b ' 17. aht Mercn 110 , 180' ) , 7.i2
pllid Ootobor 3 , I'/OU tbW , wllb IUlerOllt un nbcl
of . .Id leYer.1 ! umlll'lIld Cor tar08 : aforesatd , a
tbi ! rale of 10 I'er ' cent ller IIcnum , rrom Lbo t over
al dllles or pllyment there'Q , Tbe pl.luWI prllr. .
ror decrou Ihallho dorou.lllnl bu rO'lulr 1I 10 { J
Ihe Bum A or tlt.t 811hl plomleel ua eolet 10 1IIt1 f :
tbo al1101lll' f01l1111 10 ho dllO ,
\'ou are requlrod III allRwer sold Lotiliou 1111 01
buWre the \Jth \ day or I'ebrullry 1'100.
l1alu1lhl. 31Pl day of lI cemllcr , 190'\
) ,32-J JAmK : I.U\HI'ICII , IlatlllUf
, ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
eO'l 'rItuC'IJVR S H\'lUg.
lu 1110 HI lrlcl COllrt or Cueter County ," /
Johlill. Orlltllh , 1'11101111.
" 1
( 'hrl"lIlIln Anlcr on , I\t ai , l1efonll.ol.
Cbrl8Una Auderooo , Ilerelllte , , ' , will lake 1I0UO
I hul on tlJlJ tblh day elr Janu"r . loJ. : .Joilli II
Orlllllllll16d hll pOlllloll lu IIw hlltrlct Coull u
nUlLor coont ) ' 'r. ' hraslcll , Ilfalllel laid defcu
lIule tbe nbJ8ft Ind l'rAYl'r of wtdch Ire lolforoclo.
. . curlalll loorlltaj ( x eUleiI hy II.fd.lIl ,
Ohrl tllla Am.lerooll.11 d"r mllnt , 'rhe Nehrll'k ,
1tIortllago alill TruiL V" . , alld 1188'CIIOd ' alill , Ie
I. verlHl to plalnUlt , n"uu Ihc Houth It'eHl qurao
of Hectlotll2. Tnwlllllh' 1:1 : , norlb ul Hallgo '
WI'.t of 6thI. . III , III ( . 'usler ( 'oDulr. Nehra'k ,
! I.ld morlgalo II\en ! : to hfuro Ho PIlYIfIOlIl (
a [ urlaln promlasory I\lIte \ Ilalo > d March \4 \ ! , 1&9 ,
for tile tum nt tJO : ? (0 lIull tlue 8nd ( laY81110 0
JUliunrylet. IQOI.IIIII rourtwen Inlrrcet nOl6' I
the um of SlO. O eacb or ecn "lIto with prloel
pal nOlo. tll" IIr t of wltl'h r ll dOD July I ' 1 , lb 1
allll.IlIo tllllluJ. : dUll eVery Ix \ onlh Ihero r .01
'Cbat Ihero I 110.suu 11\1011 uld nole. 10lureE
lIole ! ! , 1II0rla(1I ( anll luxo 1111\11 \ r. . . Ilroleci pia I
UIJH tiecurll ) tt. " .UIII 01 ilAl IO for which HUI
IOtClllOr ; wltb IIILnrll1l hem tbll dalll It 111 I"
cellt Jollr nnnum , plalnllft I/rlya for. dOlllOO U. .
Ildl'odanh bu relolrell ( to 1' " lbe 8Ilne or I ha
iIIld Jlremlaee mllY be Ifold to IIIU f , 1bo IWOl1l
funnd duo and tor lucll olher alld furtller rlJlI f I
mav be JU8t Ind Cllulhllio.
Ypu lire rellolrlltJClIUIIOr lld petlltoll UII (
lIororo tbo 2n.1 dlY ot Ma-ch , 1'10:1 : ,
DlleJ Jlllurlr11U. 190.1.
, JouN II OIll"ITII.I'lllullll.
, 3 . .3S U , HUloM U UIII"N , Attorney.
- - - -
- - - : : . '
. . . . . -z.
. Try J aylor & Thon1pson's Coffees.
J5li1.5liB"clm ! qr .
qrt& ,
See Here ! Do You Know
r _
w W&
wHARRY DA Y'S- ; '
J 15 the hc t place in town to buy m
& : m. . . D ry G eec 1 s an dN' . . . c t
Boots , Shoes , Rubber GoodS , m &
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
We carr ) ' a full anll complcte linc of W ( D
lti Teas ami CoffeesFlon rs , MealsTobaccos and Cigars , tp
: = >
[ ' Egg Plums li'rostell Creams
I Gold Drop Plums Fruitcil Honc ) " [
J GTccn Gage Plums Koko Creams m
Lemon C. Pcaches rJ'J Orange Cookies
m Sliced Pcaches t Mar ) ' Aun Cooldcs .
dJ Sliccd Appricots t ; Combination Barr ] J
t J t : : ) Bartlett Pears 0 Dresdcn li'ingers [ ]
Muscat Grapes U U Soda Crackers f
1 String Beans O 'ster Cracl < crs
rn Corn and Glt1ger Snaps r I '
l ] l Mince Meat. Uuceda Biscuits
. . .Honey , Syrup , Sorghum. . . 2 : : . ;
- "
S-vvee"t '
en : J : = > > o1atoes lr S' ' .
Potted Meats , 1-4unch Halll , Potted 'l'ongl1e , Dried ;
Q ) Bec f , Oysters and Celery. m - ,
( I ) . . l t-rj
- .
. . . . . . , r1e d T"W . . . : r"1.l..1 - , . . .S. [ : : : ' . .
D. . . Comc amI h'c your measure tal < ctl for a 'l'uilor l J i
'C Made Suit. Wc hatlille the l oyal 'l'ailoring , tIIad rJ , ; , .
C [ hy t he l oyal 'I'ailors , Ch icag-o. Y Ol\ will pay les ! ; l 0 "I
( 'Q 1 ] and dnsH bettcr hy buying these goodH. We have ,
en W 500 of thc newest and late t pattcrns. ( ) '
Q ) [ 'f
D. rnl Bl'Okcn Bow , Nchmska. i 0
! FI ' @ . ! ! JWc ! lJwm ! ! i'1 Effi1.5i'1.'mEji'l '
Highest Market Prices for Produce , .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
III ' [ 'he UlKtrlct OOllrL of Oll8tl.r COUKtV , Nuh.
IOIVIL tWill au II 'I'ru t CUlUpnll ) ' , 1'1 11IILIIf \ , 1
Ullrloll ' " oL al UorcllIllIlIl. .
' 1'0 1118hOI'I" hOI'Il. Mllrlbll 0\ 111111111\11' \ , n.llliol
lIeeuall. Clorn M. loellllll .11I1 Mllrv 1 , Ioolny , I
1I0n'ro ldellt IICrOIllIIlUI : YOII alU"oh \ or vall
will tllkll "ollcII Ihnl 011 Ih. . blth , IllY III No , .
11102 , the IIIW. I.oall aUtt 'l'rllMl COlllll1l1lY , 1.llIhl' .
1111 , lIIed Itlllll'tllIon III the IH I rlet CUllrL or \
OIlIlICI cOUllty , NebrnllKa , a IIIII t )011 IIl11lullrh or
VOII. tOloLhcr with olber IleflJUlIantR. lho ohject
and vrbyor or whlcb .ald l'elillolilLre to toreclOHII
a cortlill morllOle : oxoculed Ioy lhn lIefoUtI'mtK ,
lIarto(1 DI.b"IllIo(1 MllTlba A. UI hol'l' 10 tile
pIllluLlII n\lon IhoIOuth IInlf of lilo 1I0rlh woet
quarlor , AIHI the nor.b . half of the 1I0ulh wr L
"nartur. or ScHon 3. TO\vllehh' H , range 21 ,
IltuullJ In Cn lcr eoullty , Nclmuka. wblch morl.
gage waH tfOlI : to seCllre the 11I'IIIOllt or oue
promlo&ory note .llIlell Joly t. IH'I , for Iho SOlO
or $400,11110 .mIIIAI'"I1I11 ' on lhe Ilr t IIAY or Jill ) ,
1M 'C" 'I'bllt IIll1ru Ie now tluo IInI ulillahl 111'011 '
nl. . 1I0to IInd 1II0rtlla e the 1111I11 of t nj lOjolllOr
\fllh 'ho Illten'al Woroolllll thn fIIlo or 10 tlor
conl per annnlll from tllo Qrlll IllY or .IlIlv. IH9M ,
flr ( which IInm an.t IlitAre l the IIIal1l1lll' l'rIlY"
fur a dlcrtle or foreCJn8uro IIl1d sale of aul(1 ( re.1
0118tO. YOII aUlt oaeb of you flrO rO'llIlred 10
IIn.wer lalrt IleUUoli on or heforo MouLl.r. Ihe
IIUI da ) of February 1'103 ,
Dalod alllrokl'lI flow. Nt'h. . lhlll 3t1th Ilay or
DeCPlllhor , I'M2. ' low I.nAII o ! TUIJH1' ( : u.
29 a2 ny c. I. . OWTTltlleON , It. . Ally.
NO'l'ICE ' [ ' 0 NON 1t1t81OEN'rS JJ FI NUAN1'S ,
10 lbll DI8trlct Court ot Ou tor I' OUlIl , . Nehra ltn ,
WllllalU II , ! ! wlntoll , loin.Swlnoll / hi.
wlrsOharloll A , 1\1'lIrhlp , Mrlltcnrldt. ! . .
hili wire. U J , RV11l8. V. I'ros't. E lal" 0 r Jno
II , Clark , deccaeotl , A. II , Clark. A(1mlx. of Iho
IJHlllto or Jno , II. OIarlc. del't'1I80d. Hatl ) I\Icllrlllo
al tI ( : rrlo A. Ullllon I x. of o.lnto or Oha8 A.
Mc.llrldo IIeceU8cd. A 11I011 II 11 1)IIIrK. . II , Olarll ,
Hlrry Mcllrhle. II1rs--OI'LfI [ hh wllo. Carrlo A.
Dllllnlln IIl1d - IHl1mun , 'hor hll8huIII. , In-
ren.llmts . , IIlICh IIlId III or YOII wllllllko IIOUCO Ihllt
nil Iho - day or Jon/l"rl' . A. D. I'OJ. I , lwIIIII C ,
I'fllllschllhll , plalllUII' horelll , IIIc(1 hili Iletltlon
hL the DIRlrlcl court IIf I'mler cII/lnty. Nu1111L8kll ,
allf\lnll , , "eh and All of Kalil tIOrell.lllllt. , 'l'ho
DoJecllllld Ilrayor of which I. III foreclose IL cor
tllln morlgs/o / uecutl'.1 bv Alhert J. Ou.1I11 10
, Jno. It. Cllllk UpOIl nil or .ccllUII twelll ) 111110.
lownHhlp thlrl.o/lliorth or ralIWClily \ : Ihreo
, We ! ! hlh ( I. III. In CU81er rllullty , Nehralkn , to
Rocurn Ibl' paytnelll , r II cerliin l.roUl1unry lIole
dlltell AlIgll.llo , IKSflll1 Iho lIum of $21J7b. duo an < l
Ila'lIhle AUIUsl ! Jth , ISOIJ ; with IlIlllresl nt Ihll
I fllo 0' ee.enler Ionl : from lhu .Iato thereor ,
'l'holll. Clark I\tlmlx. of ttlo IIKtalo or JIIO. R
Clark tleeen cll. tor vAlllablo cou ldorntlon. 80111
6ntl 8181/lietl / en hi IIC1 0 lIud lIIorlllIgo III Lhlll
, 1IIIIInlllt , whu III 1I0W lhe oWllor .n.1 . holder
lhereol. 1I1HI lhlll lhern I 1I0W , hll > UpOIi Kalil
lIolo and nlOrll/l'o ' lha 811UI or HIJIKI r. . with 111'
liJro"lllt 1110 rule or 10 IIt'rrelit froUl Jllnurrv 1'/ .
1'103. I'lalntllt IlraYIl r'lf" decree Uillt tlerelld.
all 1bo rl'llulrml toloy the "Alno nr lhll 8111,1' , '
11111I111"01 In" bo lolollo Aall.ry Iho IItno/llil ( III" .
Haiti r > ttllion ! 11leo IIlIele Ihlll " cerlAln dee(1
/Iven / by Amelia n , Ulllrk , wlllIw , , lo c.hll : , A.
Mcllrlde waK rrlU.llllolIl , IInll wllho/ll eunBlJucII'
tlonl1ntl pJulntlll IIrllY8 ror ell/lcellllUOII of .alol
deeo Hlld Iho removal or 1111'Inud oCCII.IOIItl
IIIC1rt'hy / ' ' ' " tlUII to lIhllDl , I
YO/l ant cllch or YOII are fIUlre,1 Lo alilWOr
Kohl pctllioll 011 or horol" the 211d ( Ia ) ' IIr IIIrch ,
100J ,
Dd le.1 JallullrY 71h , D. 1'iIJ ,
II \ . 0 1''ANflOIltNII1' 1'IIIIUWt.
11 \ A III > , } ,
A1Ieet.0 1' . OIlIJ.JI..rk ntllirlcl conrt.
teE'LJ :10-31-7 :
County Courl C/I tor Counly , Nebraekn.
' 1'0 Lho holn alill npxt IIf kin or Juhll W.'a.allcr ,
.leeeall..1 .
YOU lite heleh ) lIIIt1tle,1 , thal IttUe It "urller.
widow IIr 6f\Illlteelised. hOIl Uled'hor Ilotlllon In
fald CODrl. I18khlt : lllat J J. 'I'ooley mn ) 1 > 11 JIll.
I.nlnhlll IlIlmllllHlrnlor of lhe 08talu or . 'ohu W ,
V"rner Ilcceasell. Sliid lIIalhr bOM bl'On lIet for
, . h lIrlnK tor Jauuar ) 31st. 1'103 at III o'clock a m
lit Ihe fOIlIlI ) ' CO/lrt 110001 III IIroken lIulY ,
N ( brallcll , whelllll1ll1t roBletl partlCIi lIIay al'
I'l"&r " Ilid ho hl'lIrll. 11111\1(1 tbu 3r < l Ilay of Jllllullry
1'/03 J A. AIIIun.
30 3'-6 ( eISALI Counly Ju < llo.
Anyone 8endlnlf R Iketeh " 11 < 1 dl'lICrlr.uon lIlY
quicKlY "Icertaln our ol'lulon trcl ! " lethor au
Inventloll II probabl , PIIIIIUIIAblo. COlornuulc/
lIon'atrl "lycoIIUdoIlUal , HANDBOOK I.Il1l'alellla
8011treu. . Ollien jlMlOY tor . . .eurlnR palrnIK.
I'alents tllKun tllroui/h MUIIII I" " " CO , r clve
Il'ttl llIoflct , "It twul chlArlio. In t 10
Stl ntifit JlItI I'lcan.
A handsomcl , IIluatrllllld "JOekl , . I"ruost elr.
culallon of 11I1' oelellllUo JOUflU . 'l'oroll. tJ "
M : N r &tC 3 li D : : : ; 'INewdrU
" , auth ( flllc.I' \YalblullUn. : . J. .
. ( .
" ,
. ; ; .
Per Cent. Ceuuis-
50 siou 011 Salcs of Our SEEDS
Write for pi\1'ticulars amI send
for cataloguc.
Springficld , - - - - - Ohio.
- . . . . . .
Edltorlnlly FonrtooQ
Conslst ntly Ropublloan
Ncws CrO/1l nil of the world-Wcll
writteu , original storic.'l-Anwers
to queries-Articlcs on BelllUl ,
the ! lome , Ncw boo\.s , nl1l1 on
Work ahout thc fnnu at II I gnrdcn.
The Weekly
Inter Ocean
Is a memhcr of the Associn.tcc1
I'ress , Ihe only Wcstern Ncwspaper
receivillg the entire tclcgraphic
lIews Hen'ice of Ihe New York SUII
anll spec ll1 cable of the New Vork
Worltl-tlaily reporLc ; from over
2.000 special corrcspowlents
throughout the country.
Suhscrihe for the RF.I'UmIcAN
nnll tlie Weekly Inler Oce n enc
year , hoth papers for $1.50. .
1.lncullI , nellver ,
OIl"'U. Ilelell. . ,
Clllcnsco. lIuUe ,
Ht. .JOHCP" . 1-0rtlluuJ ,
IIIUIH. : . . . CU O Hn"Lake ClttY ,
Ht. Loul" , And Hllln F'rnnclacu
A.11 . 'olntH nUNt And AU I-olnta
. \.nll Hnntll.Vettt. .
No. 111Ve lIhulnd ulreu dally , Ltnc lu , OWl'
ha , WI. . 'o elH' Ialllal City. It. : I.ouill Obt ,
clIKo AIIII all polQtoaet I1l1d lonlh. . . . 8 O. &ow.
No. 4j-I.oclLl expren dally , Lincoln. Omahl ,
ChlCllIIO IInd all pOlou ell8t and 80utb.10 50 a.m.
Nu , I-V" tlbnlod oxprceH daU ) ' . 1IUlOQI , HDtit.
tic. II 0 Ile , l'ortll dJnll J l I'acll1e Cou'
polnt > l. . . . . , . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .6WIUJl
Nu. : I'Iocal exprea dally , AUlanc" anlt
IlItJOrllledlateJOlllt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 pua
! : ! lcol'ln , dll.lng and reclining cbalrClUs ( eelSI
true ) olllhroulh tralnll. 'l'lCke8 80111 and blli'
Rage chockelt to IIUJ point III Ib United lltat"l
alltt Gellld" .
IlIforulltlolI , DlIII'I , 11100 tablet led &loke'
call un or wrltu to U , L. Ormaby. IgUOt , or J
I < 'rllllcl'l. U I' . A. , Oml\hv N brll.llka.
h. ! I. . ( Jaweuy. Al'unt. :
- - - - - - -
I'OUC" ror west will clole at 8 p. m" oxee ! . ) '
SnnulIY when it will elope It OIL6 p m.
Ponth. oll8L for train No. 4Z 01088s at 8 a m
aod tOI Nil , 'U clu8es lit , 0.30 a.m. Mall for An8le ,
anil pollll cRat uf Orllud lelund ourled on trlln
, NO,16.
Oconlo ,111 of Itrno nc(1 TuckervlUe , dally ox-
I C ! ! ! > t undlY clole8. lit 7 II IU : ruturolllg lIal11e dlY
Call1lwllY111 , Mc'lClnley dllll , excup' ! lunday
I cl'e ! Ill ; . . III , r..turnlog SRme dllY.
1l0uud Vallo ) ' vi" Ureen and Elton ololc a 7 a
In.Tucoday , ' 1'lIl1l11dlY anlllordaJI. ! . rOlnnslo2
e&l 0 tlay.
Humollr vIa Ourn oy. GoorRcLOwn Ind UP\oIl
arrrlVOIi lit 11,30. 'rneeda 'llJoredlly aud ! lltnr-
day ruturllllilelfo / , lit 11,30 IIIm day.
O ln hourA trOlu MOO" In to 8.00 I' w. Snn-
day. frolll c.UtJ I' , III. tu 0:41) : p. m , l..ubby open
wel'dllYs \ rrom 'i a. w. to II ) . m. 8unJa" 8:11cJ :
a. III LIII \ II , III. UUllural del I Yllr ) ' 1I0L oven Sun.
tlay 1I1I1f,11I1 : a. hurClI"r"rll. L. 1l.J..T't , 1',111'